TJIE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SB-TODAY , FEBUTJA'RY 27 , 1808 & IN THE CUIRASS , v" v- The Way Gladstone's fighting Ancestor Tirst Went to the Wars I. ' "When I wa a Uoy. " sftld William Gladstone In ono of his speeches , "I was particularly proud of n certain youthful an cestor of mine , who ran away from homo to fight at the battle of Neville's Cross. The manner In which tie eluded parental vigil- nnce end escaped to the wars dons ns much to his Ingenuity as to hla courage , " ( Speech of Hlght Hon , W. K. Gladstone to luo t . pupllfl , Chcotcr schools , 1SSO. ) Tie ! writer had been at some- pains to dis cover who this particular ancestor was , and has finally succeeded In Identifying him as William Gledstanes ( such was the ancient form of the Gladstone family name ) , who dwelt at Manltowo , on Ifio Scottish borders , whcro his father held lands from the first carl of l > ouglas. No book ban over been published on the former William Gladstone , but through the courtesy of Miss Florence Glatetone and of Sic William Fraser , author of "Tho Douglas Book , " enough family and ' local tradition has been gathered to make plain the story of tills icraarkablo bay. For Will Gladstone was only a boy when In 1316 his father , GlcdsUncs-of Manltowo , wa.1 called upon by ( ten overlord , Earl Doug las , to marsh against the EngllJh. Now little Will wan very anxious to go forth by his rather'a sldo and fight In the Scottish army ; but , ns the boy was of small gl.o and slender stature , the old lalcd of turo would brand him as a coward , and ( so ho argued ) his father , while ho might pardon him for disobedience * In polng to the wars , would never forgive him for crying craven. Drawing hla dagger from his belt , the boy succeeded In cutting a deep gash la the horschldc. Uy this means ho admitted suf ficient air into the Interior of the cuirass to save himself from suffocation , III. When the laird of Mlntowc reached his ovcr-lord'n camp , near Hawlck , ho ordered the horaehlde removed from King David's Aplcndld present. What was the astonish ment of Earl Douglas , the entire army , and of the laird In particular , when there stepped out of the ( j.rtnor a small boy no other In deed than youijg Will Gledatancs. "My lord , " cried Will's father to the Doug las , who stood smiling at this strange aceno , "In thin gracelets brat you behold my own scci. For weeka ho has pestered mo for leave to come to the wars , but I have ever tald him nay. " "And now , " put In the earl , "ho hath cleverly outwitted you and como In eplto of your prohibition. " "nut ho shall Instantly be sent back " "Kay. nay , old friend. You cannot send him back. Surely you forget that this cuirass and all Us contents have Just been presented to mo In the king's name. I claim this lad as I claim the cuirass. Let him be my page and fight by my side. " The Inlrd throw up hla mailed hands In mock despair. "IN THIS OIIACBLESS BHAT YOU BEHOLD MY OWN SON. " Manltowo dcclilcd thnt It was fnr better for him to wait awhile before exposing himself to the English upcnrs. Battle to a knight a eon hi those days meant very much tlm same no a successful entry Into college docs to a. boy In our own timo. So Will Glcdstancs was bitterly disappointed \\Cien his cough , but loving , parent said that It was better for lilni to postpone his entry Into the ranks of VBut little Will , llko-ma illustrious dcscqnd- nnt the ex-prcmlcr of England , was not of the kind that cam easily bo turned aside. In Ills lonely little room , high up in ono of the turrets of Mlntowo Peel , ho set about think ing of Bomo way in which ho could elude hla fp.thor's vigilance and go to the wars In spite of all. Hut for a long time no Idea occurred to him and It seemed as tfjough ho must re main behind after oil , when the Oledstaneu forces marched across the border. ' II. ' Now It happened that King David II of Scotland , desiring to conciliate Earl Douglas , liad commissioned Gledatancs cf Mlntowo to present to that famous warrior a superb cuirass of polished Milanese armor. This gorgeous piece of Iron work arrived at Min- tovo on the day before the Gledstanes troop began Its inarch. Llttlo Will Gledstanes was eager to ex- nmlno this cuirass ; and , during the night preceding the departure of his father , ho crept down the winding stair of the castle HE CREPT DOWN THE WINDING STAIR OF THE CASTLE. end stole on tlptoo Into the armory. There In the moonlight lay the armor. It was an enormous cuirass for the Douglas was a Klaiit lu size ; so largo Indeed that a small boy like Will Gledstanw would have no difficulty In bestowing himself comfortably in Its leather-lined interior. Hearing his father's step on the stairs , Will hastily crawled Into the cuirass to cocapo the parental displeasure. Hardly was ho ensconced In this novel hiding place whou the old laird sounded his 'buglo. and bade his merry men make ready. Warned by a dream , ho had resolved to set out under cover of darknera Instead of waiting until morning. Afraid to stir. Will aicdetunos heard the nien-ot-anns bustling about the armory , and presently a hareo-hldo was wrapped about the culrasj Intended for Karl Douglas , and the king's gift ( with the boy still crouched Inside ) was lifted from Its place and dcpos- UCeil In ono of the wagons which wcro to accompany the forces. Llttlo Will , finding tilmsolf thus trapped , felt intlicr pleased than otherwise. To cry out at that June- BABY'S SKIN In nil the world thcro Is no other treatment o pure , so sweet , ao safe , no tux-edy , for pie. BervtiiK , purifyingami beautifying thogklu , ecalp , uiul hair , and eradicating every lui- tnor , M warm lathi with CITKTIU SOAI- , Biid gcntlo anointings vrlth CiTicuiu ( olnt- mem ) , the ircat eklu euro. . . . QJ"ill AWui Uil Bill , ( v ) l ? nl | llr EVERY HUMOR "Have your way , my lord , " he exclaimed. "Let the young scamp flght the Engllch , since ho came in Douglas' cuirass to do so. " So Will Gledstanes fought at Neville's Cro's after all , and a stout little warrior he proved. "F.VIUK CIIKKV I/AXIS. " The Favorite- Story of HPII Friuikllii In Ills 11 < > > liocxl. It Is related that Benjamin Franklin once had the boy fever to go to sea. This fever was a kind of epidemic among the boys of the time , a disease ot ttie Imagination , as it were. It was largely owing to the stories that were told them Hobkieon Crusoe ami Bailors' yarns. But there was one house in Boston that In itself was a story. It was made of brick and rase over the town , at the North End , In the "Falre Green Lane. " now decaying Chatham street. In It lived Sir William Phlpps , the first provincial governor under the charter which ho himself liad brought from England. Sir "William had been borm poor. In Maine , and had made his great fortune by an adventure on the eca. The story of Slndbad the Sailor was hardly more than a match for his , with Its realities. Ho was one of a family of twenty-six chil dren ; ho had been tau&dt to read and write when nearly grown up ; had come to Boston as on adventurer nnd had found a friend in d comely and sympathetic widow , who helped to educate him and to whom he used to cay : "All In good time we will come to live In the brick house In Falre Green Lane. " This was ono oC the favorite stories of Benjamin Franklin and It was cne of severs ! that so haunted the minds of Boston boys of that day that It caused their pulses to beat and longing for tde sea to eo rise In them that not a few ran away , cc tried to. Let us suppose It to bo a cold winter's night , when the winds are abroad and the clouds fly ovar the moon. Joslah Franklin has played his violin , the family has sung "Martyrs , " the fire Is fulling down and "peo ple are going to meeting , " ns a running of sparks among the foot was called , when such a thing happened In the back of the chim ney. Llttlo Ben's Imagination Is hungry and fie asks for the twice-told tale of Sir Wil liam. He would be another Sir William him self some day. By the dying coals U < nclo Ben tells the stccy. What a story It was ! No wonder that It made an Inexperienced boy want to go to sea , and especially such boys as led an uneventful life in tbo ropewalk erIn In the candle shop. Let us cnuggla down by the fire on this cold cilght In Boston town , beside little Ben aud Jennie , and listen to the story. Uncle Ben. mayhap , shakes his snuffbox and says : "That boy dreamed , dreams In the day time , but ho was an honest man. " Uncle Ben rang thcso words like a bell In his story. "Ho was an honest mac ; but a man In this world must save or bo a slave , and young William's mind went sailing far away from the New England coast , cud a-flalllcig went he. What did ho find ? Wonders ! Listen , and I will tell you. William Phlps or Phlpps went to the Spanish main , and ho began to hear a marvelous story there. The sallora loitering In the ports loved to tell the legend of a certain Spsalsh treasure ship that had gcr.e down In a storm , and they Imagined themselves finding It and becoming rich. The legend seized upon the fancy of William , the Bailer , and entered his dreams , It wan ally a vague fancy at first , but lu the twilight of one burning day a cool Inland of paims appeared , end as It faded away a sailor who Hlood watching It said to him : " 'There Is a sunken reef off this coast somewhere ; wo are steering for It , and I have boon told that It was on that reef tbut the Spanish treasure ship went down. They say that ship had millions of gold on board. I wondcj if anybody will over find her ? " William was an honest nu.n. "It was early evening at sea. The chadows of night fell on the Bahama Islands. The sen and the heavers seemed to mingle. The stare were In the water ; the heavens wcro there. A strccigor on the planet could not have- told which was the sea and which was the iky. The sails were limp. There was a dlcnco round , The ship seemed to inovo through eomo region of space. William Phlpps sat by himself on the deck and dreamed. Many people dream , but It la no UEO to dream unless you do. He seemed to ace her again who had been the good angel of hla life ; ho saw the gabled liouto In the bowery lane , and two faces looking out ot the same window over Boston town. Wil liam was honest. "Ho dreamed that ho himself was the master of a ship. He saw himself In England - - land , In the presence of the king. He was master of an expedition now , In his sea dream , Ho finds the sunken treasure ship. Ho Is made rich by It , and returns to Bos ton and tluda the gibled house In tbo cool green lane by the sea. An honest man was Sir William. Ho wan not Sir William then. Ho returned to Boston with hla dream , William etayoJ In port for a time , and then prepared for a long voyage ; but before ho went away ho obtained a promise from the widow that If she ever married any ono It khould bo himself , There was nothing wrong In that. The ship owners saw that ho had honor , and that they could trust him. Ho was advanced In the service , and tin learned how to command a ehlp. He returned and married the widow , and went again to try and reap the harvest of the ea for her , carrying -with him his dreams. Ho was an honest man. "William Phlppg , the sailor , heard more and more In regard to the sunken treasure chip , and ho went to England and appllcc to the king for ships and men to go In search Ot this mine of gold In the eca. Gold was then the royal want , and King James' heart wan made right glad to hear the bold adventurer's etory. The king put at his command ships and men , and young Wil liam Phlpps now Commander Phlpps went to the white reef In the blue Bahama sea and searched the long sol wall for treasured faithfully , tut In vain. Ho was compelled to return to England as empty-handed as when he went out. Ho heard ot the great admiral , the duke of Albemarlc , and wen Introduced to him by William Penn. The duke heard his story , and furnished him with the means to contlnuo the search for the golden , ship In the coral reef. "Ideals change with realities and will Is way. Commander William bethought him of a new plan of gaining the needed Intelli gence. Might not some very old person know the place where the ship was wrecked ? The thought was light. He found an old Indian on a near Island who remem bered the wreck , and who said ho could pilot him to the very spot whcro the ship hod gene down. Captain William's heait wan light again. With the Indian on board ho drifted to tho.rippling water over the reef. reef."Below "Below was a coral world In n sea as cle-ar as the sky. Out of It flying fish leiped , nnd. through It dolphins swam In pairs , and over It sargasso drifted like shad ows. Captain William looked down. Was It over these placid waters that the storm had made wreckage many years before ? Was It hero that the exultant Spanish sailors had felt the shock that turned Joy to terror , rjnd sent the ship reeling down , wlt/h / the spoils of the Indian caciques , or ot Incarlil temples , or of Andrean treasures ? The old Indian pointed to a sunken , ribbed wall In the clear sea. The hearts of the sailors thrilled cs they stood tlhero under the fiery noonday sky. Down went the divers down. Up 'One came presently with the news , 'Thfe wreck Is there ; wo have found it. ' "Search , " cried Captain William , with a glad wife nnd a gablchouse in Boston town before his eyes. "DownI" Another diver came up bringing a bag. It looked'Tlke a salt 'bag. ' An officer took an axe and sev ered the .bag. The salt flew ; the sailors threw up their hands with a cry out of the bag flew a glittering stream of gold. Captain William reeled , illls visions were now taking solid forms ; they created for him a now world. "Down ! Down ! " ho com manded. "They broke open a bag which was like a crystal sack. It was full ot treasure , and lu Its folds was a goblet of gold. They shouted over the treasure and held up the golden cup to the balmy air. It had .doubt less belonged to the Spanish don. More salt bags of gold. The deck was covered with gold. It is related that rae of the ofllccrs of the ship went mad at the sight. But Captain William did not go maJ as he surveyed the work of the men In the vanishing twilight. Ho had been there In spirit before ; toe had expected some thing , and he was. on Jamlliar ground when ho found It. He had been a prophetic soul. Ho carried homo the treasure to England , and , soul ot lionor that he was , ho delivered every dollar of It to the duke. His name filled England ; and his honesty was a national surprise , though why it should Tiave 'been ' , wo can not say. But didn't I tell you he 'was an honest man ? "The duke was made happy , and began to cast about to bestow upon him a fitting reward. 'What can I do for you ? ' asked his highness. " 'I have a 'wife In Boston town , over the sea. She is a good woman. Her faith In mo made mo all I am. She Is the world to me , for she believed In mo when no cue else did. " " 'You are a fortunate jnan. We will send her the go'blct ' ot gold , and It shall bo called the 'Albemarlo cup. ' The Imagination of C.intaln William Phlpps must have kindled and "glowed lie received ' ' as the 'dead don's cup , ' which In Itself was a fortune. 'Anil to you , for your honor and honesty , shall uu KIVUII ii anipio loriune , ami inero snail bo bestowed upon you the honor of knight hood. You shall bo able to present to your good wife , whose faith has been BO well bestowed , the Albemarlo cup , In the name of the duke of Albemarle and Sir Wil liam Phlpps. ' "Captain William Phlpps returned to Bos ton a baronet , with the Albermarle cup. The widow that ho had won was Lady Phlpps. New England never had a wonder tale like that. The Albermarle cup ! The fomo of It filled 'Boston ' town. There It stood In massive gold. In Lady Phlpps' sim ple pralor , < unong humbler decorations. Hv.'o strange it looked to her as she saw It. T en must have arisen before her the boy from the ilalno woods , ono of twenty-six school denied children ; the ungainly young sailor with his hot temper and scars , the dreamer of golden dreams ; the captain , the fortune finder , the knight. Another link was soon added to this marvelous chain of events. The house of gables In the green lane was offered for sale. Sir William purchased It , and the Alncmarle cup was taken Into It , amid furnishings worthy of a knight and lady. The two looked out of the upper win- low over Boston town. IHo was an honest man. After this many-time repeated decla ration that Sir William was an honest man , LJnclo iflen added : 'A man must get his Ivlng somehow ho must get his living somehow ; either ha must save or bo a slave. ' " TIIRV Allli I'USUKS. Some AVcirilN AVIilc-li YoiiiiKNterH Fire lit the KlilLTH. When young people want to turn the tables on the elders who are always asking thorn questions they can't answer , a little study of the dictionary will arm them with- number of posers capable of bringing down college prce'.dents. A literary man of fame and a master of the English tongue was asked the other day i y a merry girl to spell aad deflno "glffcn ; " ho gave It up on both counts , yet "glffen" Is a proper English word , neither obsolete nor archaic , nor provincial , nor technical. The young girl and her mates had been mak ing a game amccig themselves by giving out to each other for spelling and definition short words that , like "glffon , " could be consid ered a part of the living literary English tongue ; to allow any others was to make the game too hopelessly difficult ; as It was , when any ono was able to show acquaintance with a word en some one else's list she bad greatly distinguished herself. Those are some of the words they Intro duced to each other : Taggle , ergo I , untie , vanltlcd , awn , ballnal , bandog , bezojr , od , mourweo , dollap , mazer , dlpodo , cofman , uncial. I'KATTI.K OF THIS YOUXC.STKHS. 'Bobby ' Aunt Nellie , what became of the swine that had evil spirits cast Into them , In the bible ? Aunt Nellie They plunged head forcmcst Into the sea , Bobby. 'Bobby ' ( triumphantly ) Not a bit of It , Auntie. They wcro made Into deviled ham. Old Nurse 'Well ' , how do you like your now little sister ? iBertle Oh , nursle , ask mamma not to name it a girl name It a boy , so I can have a kid to play with. Lady guest ( to hostess ) Hcally I couldn't rat another hot roll , dear. I don't know how many I'vt > had already ! Freddy ( fitting opposite ) I do ; you've eaten eight ! I've been counting. Teacher What do you know about the early chrlstUna ? Tommy Our girl is ono of 'cm. She gets up In tbo morning and goes to church before breakfast , "O , mamma , do Christiana eat preachers Jusl like , the cannibals do ? " "Why , no , my child , What put that notion Into your head ? " "I heard 'Mrs. Deckon Hay that she wau going to have her minister for lunch. " "What a wonderful painter Hubens was ! " remarked Mr. Jones at the art gallery. "Yea , " assented 'Mrs. ' Jones. "It Is said of him that ho could change a laughing face Into a ead ono by a single .stroke. " "Why , " spoke up little Johnny , In disgust , "my schoolmaster can do that. " "Boys , " said the school teacher , "who can tell mo Oeorgo Washington' ) ) motto ? " Several hands went up. "Phillip Perkuale , you may tell. " "When In doubt tell the truth. " i Mamma Dorothy , do you know who ate my raisins ? Dorothy ( turning over the leaves of her book more rapidly ) 'Mamma , you told mo yesterday come filing ; arj fet ter left unpaid. Isn't that one of them ? llov , Longuecker I wish I could think of some way to make tbo congregation keep their eyei on me during the uermon. Llttlo Tommy Pa , you want to put the clock right behind tbo pulpit. HHB B BB HBMlHffBi HH < 3BBIBBwB BMHBBiBBBPBBBHPI BBBBBBB BBBaHBHl ! BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBKBBHBB88B BBHBBBBBB BBBBB REMOVAL SALE ENDS THIS WEEK 'ALL FORMER EFFORTS AT PRICE CUTTING OUTDONE- Urgentnecessity demands bold action. Never before was such a salable stock of Furni ture , Carpets , Stoves , Crockery , Draperies , House Furnishing Goods , etc. , etc , , offered at such remarkably low prices all seasonable goods. The final opportunity to buy anything in the home furnishing line at these low prices. WE MOVE MARCH 5TH , SURE , to 16th and Farnam Streetsbuilding formerly occu pied by Morse Dry Goods Co. CI LIll - Antique , cane scat . . . 74c CHAIR Wood Seat . 33c Removal Sale Prices , BED Hlir LOUN013- bargain . . 9 60 Removal Sale Prices , Removal Sale Prices. IHON BEDS white enamel 3-P1ECU SUIT JBED ROOM . .1275 BRASS HODS- Dish Pan 12c brass trimmed very pretty Per fool/ 3c 4.45 . , wools . worth J8.50 this PioTins 3c SHAM HOLDERS Price this NOTTINGHAM LACB week 24c Carpets. CURTAINS Q5c Pudding Pans 6c HEYWOOD BABY NOVELTY UVCB CA11RIAGB 4.35 CURTAINS 3,20 Koyal Flour Sifters 9c COMuMODE Removal Sale Prices. 2.85 n ac TAPESTRY Boiling IHg- bargain . * Pins 4c KITCHEN , STAIR CURTAINS 7U TABLES 85c PADS lie TAPESTRY CURTAIN" Potato Mashers 3c CHILD'S I3IIUSSELLS 55c LOOI'S per pair , I9c FOLDING 3.55 STAIR Graters 5c CRIB . HOPE 2.55 INGRAIN 26c PORTIERES . ' CHIFFONIER STAIU Covered Pail 6c C drawers ' HAG CARPET : BAMBOO AND BEAD 5.75 2lc 1.55 Antlriuo > > Per yard . CURTAINS . Bread Pan Gc Antlmio 5.75 DOORMATS 34c TAPESTRY Per ynrd 39c Wash Basin. 7c JIEDICINH CAUINET 97c HASSOCKS nig1 variety 33c DARPERY STUFF- (3c ( CotteoPols 15C ' TOWEL KINGS CARPET SWEEl'ER 1.23 I'cr yard < Each 9c Broom action . CURTAIN POLES 2c Lunch Baskets lOc CENTER TAHLE 80c CHATTING f I8c Per foot Wringers 1.45 Polished Oak BRASS TRIiM'MINGS ' 9c JAPANESE Four fold SCREENS 3,65 LINOLEUM 37c Per set , Coal Hods 16c LEATHEH COUCH 9.70 ALL INGRAIN WOOL 42c Oil Cans 15c SINGL13 LOUNGE 350 TAPESTRY CAIU'ETS URUSSELLS 46c ColEee Mill 20c LADIES' UEED IlOPKEIl 98c VELVET CARPETS i , 70c Package Stove Polish. . . IOC SIDEHOAHD B4.50 AXMINSTKU CAIU'ETS 97c Wash Basin - , . 15c Solid Oak COBBLE mahogany II ROCKBH ilnlsh 2.55 C-4 per FLOOR square OIL yard CLOTH I6c Towel Boilers 8c LIBRARY TABLES 2.65 Removal Sale Prices , Mincing Knife 5c HIGHCHAIRS Scrubbing Brush 8c 92c CHAIRS , lOO-flECEt ENGLISH 7.75 DINNER SET . COAT RACKS 7c Removal Sale Prices. CHINA TEA HALL ( TREE B.50 GUAKANTEED GASOLINE < SET 7.50 Tiie items and prices Solid Oa'.a . STOVE 10-PIECE TOILET FOLDING 12.75 STEEL RANGE SET- 2.75 here quoted only represent BEDS . "Star ISElate" ' LAMP nnd BANQTTI sent small share of BAMBOO 34c G-HOLE , RANGE and 2175 GL013E 2.80 a EASELS RESERVOIR HANGING LAMP and what we are offering this EXTENSION TABLE BASE BURNER 4.60 3.65 9,65 SHAUI3 Oak Guaranteed week never before have KITCHEN1 CUPBOARD 2.65 OVEN For Gasoline. Steve 95c 95c such inducements been \VOVBN WIRE COOIC STOVE 9.60 BRACKET LABIP and 27c 90c made. ! COTS Good baker . Ilellector , complete. . . EASY If you have not the SURE , to 16th and Far cash we will sell you nam Sts. , building for merly occupied fcy the oil easy weekly or Morse Dry Goods Co. monthly payments. TWO OFNEW / YORK'S ' FINEST Splendid Specimens of the Giants Composing the Broadway Squad. BIGGEST POLICEMEN IN THE COUNTRY iMrnNiiremciit of Perfectly 1'ro- cMl KiilKlitx f < lic Club _ A FIIIIIOUN Family of Modern GIiuitH. iThe reorganization of the famous "Broadway squad" has restored one of the spectacles of Now York's chief thoroughfare. In truth the sight afforded by the ninety bluo-coatcd giants who guard the Broadway crossings , from the Battery to Forty-fifth street , Is worth looking at by these who talk about the physical degeneracy of the modern man. The shortest man In the lot stands 0 feet 2 inches In his stockings , and the heavy police chocs and helmets add'a few Inches to this generous natural endowment. They tower above the eddying throng that fills the street all day long like so many blue beacons above a stormy sea. Women , children and the physically Infirm make for them from blocks around , certain that they will be safely piloted through the wilderness of trucks , cabs and cable cars that turns the street Into a very Charybdte during business hours. The two roundsmen In charge of the two sections of the squad arc probably the big gest policemen In the world. Their names OFFICEH GIUHAM. are Archibald Taggart and 'Harry Graham , and they are perhars the best known men In the city-because of their towering stature. Graham was for a long time the patrolman | p charge of { he Twenty-third street cross ing , ono of the busiest corners In the city , whcro he became a familiar figure to thou- canJs who paised his post dally. Taggart has likewise done a long eervlco on Broadway , for ls year * h roblwd Ut cable jut cm of Its victim at the Vesey street crossing lu the down-town district. TALLEST JIAN OP THE FORCE. Graham is the tallest man In the metro politan police foice , standing 6 feet G1 . Inches. Ho Is 38 years old , and when he joined the force In 1SS5 Jio was called the "lightning rod cop , " because he was then so very tall and thin. Ho Is ono of the athletes of the department , and by constant exercise has kept his waist line down , Instead of suc cumbing to the policeman's usual tendency to wear larger and larger -belts. - At present ho weighs 215 pounds , which Is no more than Is proper for a man of so largo a frame. His chest measurement IsI2' Inches , while his waist measures 3VInches. . The Inner seam of his trouser leg is 39' Inches long , and -the outside measurement , from hip to heel. Is fifty and a half Inches. His arm measures twenty-seven and three-fourths inches. Except In the matter of height Taggart Is In every way a larger man than Graham. Ho Is 33 years old and In every measurement except height , which Is six feet five and one- half Inches , has developed , considerably since ho became a policeman ten years ago. His stripped weight has Increased from 24G to 27S pounds , and his dimensions show a cor- icsponiJIng change. It takes forty-seven inches of topa to reach around his chest , a good record even for a big man. His waist measures forty-four inches nnJ his arm thirty inches. Ills hip to heel measurement Is only half an Inch1 Ices than Graham's , but the Insldo of his leg is an inch and a half shorter. He wears a 10V shoe and a ! > U glove , but In comparison with his other di mensions his hands and feet are not largo. NOT IDEALLY PERFECT. "While both thcso men are magnificent specimens of physical development , nclthor of them conforms exactly to the proporllona laid down for the physically perfect man. Graham Is long-waUted and his arms arc rather short for his height , while his Inches would Justify a somewhat greater amount of avoirdupois. Taggart , though morn nearly approximating : the figures quoted by the experts as Ideal , has an Inch or two to spara about tbo waist. Ho also has an un usually long arm and hand , so that when he 4lands with outstretched arms ho spreads nearly eight feet , several Inches more than the reach allowed to the model man. It maybe bo said In passing that perfect men , accordIng - Ing to the Ideal standard , are not numerous. There Is , psrhaps , ono In 100,000. Though the records of the New York police depart ment extend bunk over a good many years and cover the physical examination of thousands of applicants , there Is but one man In all the list whoso measurements correspond In every point to the proportions laid down by the standard authorities us indicating o per fect physique , Ho presented himself fnr ex amination same months ago and has not yet got on the force , Ihough it Is likely that he will bo taken on before long. While the two roundsmen who are New York's chief prldo among the members of the police force are not absolutely perfect In their proportions , their magnificent physiques are such as almost any man would bo glad to own , It has been often said that the police department makes a mistake In trying to isoouro giants for Its service , and that smaller men would bo livelier and inoro effective In thief-taking and the general work tint falls to a policeman. The record * of Ihrae two men do not bear out this assertion , however , Graham Is ono of the ull-around athletes of the department. Ho can sprint 100 yards In eleven seconds and finds no dlf- Icully In clearing a four-foot wall at a hop. Taggirt , being a heavier man , is not BO lively on his fret , "but " he lws an arm and list like the bun hi ess end oC a pile-driver , and It Is suld that ho can put up a pugllstlo argu ment which few men would care to face. During their long terms of service as patrol men neither Taggirt nor Graham over had to report a serious accident at their cross ings , which wcro two of the moat crowded In the city. They were promoted , not for ttit-lr lzo , hut on account of lliclr efficient records on the force. A REMARKABLY TALL FAMILY , Roundsman Taggart comes of a family whcso members are all remarkable- their litlKht. It la doubtful If there Is any other household/ / In the country that can equal trem In this respect , Taggart was born In Newburg , N. Y , , whore his eovcn brothers nnd three slstera fitlll reside. Of three eleven brothers and slaters , the ohortest ono of the girls measures flvo feet nine Inches , while the tallest , who Is aljo the youngest , tower * six feet eleven and one- half Inches. Their aggregate hlght Is sixty- nine feet ; ao that , standing on ono another' * ! shoulders , they would irnxo a very Impos ing American liberty polo. The eight boys of the family weigh something over a ton , Hero Is the family roll call : Height , Ago. Weight. Ft. In , Gcorgo -13 C G William 33 23S G C Andrew 36 250 C 4 Archibald 33 G 5' * Charles 31 G l" .Samuel 23 230 G Nathaniel 25 2SO n n Frank Leslie 21 21S G uy. Kllzabcth c 9 Ai.nlc G 1 Rebecca 5 10 The father of this extraordinary family was Janiea Taggart , a native of Ireland , r OFFICER TAGGART. whoso height was G feet 2 Inches , and wheat at ono time weighed 1)75 ) pounds. The mother , still living , is not ubovo the average height. ALMOST A SEVEN-FOOTER. Tbo giant of the family , Frank L. Taggart , lacks but half an tncti of measuring seven feet. About a year ago ho was Inspired by his brother's success as a policeman to ecck admission to the service. He made u journey to New York for that purpose , U takes a good deal to titartlo the citizens of the metropolis , but young Taggart created a gc < iuno | tiensatlun nnd was followed by an admiring crowd of small boys wherever he wont. The clerks In the civil service bureau wore thrown Into a panic by his appearance and had to get a new set of measuring In struments before they could ascertain his dimensions. Taggart's stature proved a bar rather than an aid to the realization of his ambition , and le was rejected In the physical examination. The department has a rule which provides that the inkilmum weight for a man six feet shall bo 150 pounds and that for every additional Inch In height bo must weigh fifteen pounds more. At that time Taggart tipped the tea lea at just IDS pounds , but In order to be accepted de should have weighed 272 , Ho aalJ that 195 pounds was considered below his usual weight ; that ho hud been a little "off his feed , " and that alter going homo to "llcah up a bit" ho would return and try again. Thus far ho has not reap peared and Is probably still trying to ac cumulate the necessary avoirdupois. Although Taggart and Graham arc the stars of the New York police force In the matter of height , there are a number of men who are orly an Inch below them , and there are 400 men lu the department who rneaxuro over six feet. There will be no difficulty , therefore , In keeping up the average of the Broadway squad or la adding to Its mem bers If necessary. Most New Yorkers are delighted u ( the restoration of the platoon of giant * , for the squad has a famoui history , and baa been a great recruiting ground for high olllcers of the department. Thomas Byrnes was atone ono time the commander of It. Chief Wal ling was from Its ranks. Inspector Wil liams was a Broadway cop before he became a captain In the Tenderloin precinct. Moses Cortrlght , the present deputy chief , whoso height Is six feet two Inches , was the short est man in the squad when ho Joined Its ranks In 1S7G. The Broadway squad wan the especial prlda or Chief Byrcics , and during the time when ho was supreme In Mulberry street it established a remarkable record. It Is said that 'Byrnes ' , In accordance with his cuirtom ot letting habitual law-breakers know what to expect , Informed them that if they attempted to "da any work" In Broadway the town would bo made too hot to hold them thereafter. Accordingly , for several years 'there ' was not a single burg lary within the territory covered by the squad , and Its mom bore got the credit , which they no doubt deserved , of being tho- meat emclent body of police In the city. The men at present In. this service are anxious to emulate Iho record ot their predeces sors , and are doing most effective work. Of the 781 Unlversallst ministers In the annual register seventy are women. Mrs. Balllngt'on Booth says : "Tho world docs not need more sermons It has them by thousands ; It needs tha llvcd-out sermons. " The Indiana. State Board of Health it-com mends Individual chalices In the communion services , Isn't thl3 mixing lip church and state ? The total number of Roman Catholics In India Is reported to bo 1,805,245. The nuiuuar of native Catholic priests is G55 and Uicro are 745 European priests. Dwlght L. Moody has admitted Hint in to. cent years , though his meetings have ITCH as largely attended as over , their results , an shown by statistics as to additions lo rhurch The Chicago Training School for Mission * during Its existence of twelve yearn has tent out ninety-eight foreign niitslrnarlra , 1)35 ) deaconeiMM and seventy home mlisluinrlca and evangelists. The pope has become the owner of one of the P.acat residences In I'arU , after a Ic-ngihy litigation before the tribunal of Limoges. This hotel was bequeathed lo the Vatican by the late Marquis du I'lcssin-Dolirre. The bbhop of Londrn has been presented with a mitre , which he proposraJo wjuar. It Is made of burnished Ivory ami is Tc cntic < ) with the words "Hollaeai to the Lord' " lu Hebrew. Greek , Latin aud Engllili. Dr. Charles L , Thompson , who was elected secretary of the Board of Homo MI&ilotM ol Itio Presbyterian church , has not yet signified his acceptance , and it may bo that Drs. Hob * orts and McMillan may continue lu office until the next assembly , Of the GG2 IVotcstant Episcopal churcliei In ( his country about 11 per cent of tha whole , 385 , are free and open churches , with no rental of pews. The eucharlst Is cele brated once a month In 113 eCiurclics , twlco a month In ninety-eight , once a week In 430 , twleo a wock In forty , three times a week In ten and dally In sixty-five. In 100 churches thcro Is a dally ( nans , 194 churchru have altar lights , 253 u o wafer bread and 423 tha mixed chalice , while In thirty-seven Inccneu Is offered , Rev. James Eclls , pastor of the Presby terian cliurcti of Englewood , N. J. , hns an- nounccd his retirement from his pastorate and from the Presbyterian church , because ho no longer accepts Its doctrines. Mr. Kelln Is a son of I Jr. Hells , who was a professor In Lane temlnary , Cincinnati , O. , some year * ago , It will bo remembered that Dr. Hrnltii , who was tried for heresy by the Prcsbytcrluo church several years ago , was president ol Lane seminary. seminary.mi mmm OHTo To Any Reliable Man. Uarreloui upplUnco Dd one month i reiuodlti ot ion puwvrwlll tia teal on trial , wIlKout any aAvnnet luivrunt , bj lluo iiirernost company in lit * world In Ih * treatment tit mtu emk , troktn. Hit. couraxed Irooi effects of eice , worrr. urcr- work.&c. llappr mnrrl ve ircurud. complete res toration or development of oil rouun eondllloni. Tli * time of Itili&Ur l > Mmllcd. Hi ] l' . O. I ) , aciioroei no c