THE OMAHA BEE : SUNDAY , FEBBUATIY 27 > 1803V BENEFITS OF WOMEN'S ' CLUBS Po trfnl Influence Exerted for the Betterment of Womankind , RELAXATION FROM DAILY ROUTINE The ttmtit Pur Oulii clili ( lie KnnltN lft rlopiniTit of Cliilin Do 'Jilt' } t nilcrlnlii- no Mm'lit \iiiunlnK IV-iiturcM. Dr. Johnson defined a club as "an assembly of. Rood fcllon * meeting under corlftln cnndlllons. " Prom his phraseology It la evident that the gallant doctor novef even Imagined the possibility ot such n combina tion of women. How lie would have bom ntnarcd could ho have looked foiwarJ 100 jcars or mote ! A club , -nlclilcd ( by the gentle hand of Ionian , may bo a powerful weapon of offcnuo and defense , writes Jean Ncal in the St. I-ouls Globe-Democrat , fiho may lay about with It In an aggressive manner and shatter established social contentions and smash cherished Ideals ; or she may wisely use It merely as a new means whereby to Btrcngthon nnd defend herself against the as saults ot the world and the Impositions ot Btreiigor men. 'Hut under certain or uncertain conditions , the now woman will "asiemble. " "Women's clubs have sprung up only within comparatively few jiars , but nov all over the country their name Is legion. It < watt like thi > cue of ( hit flrsf rabbit brought Into Australia , which Island Is now overtun with the bobtallcd pests , except that In this Instance the woman's club Is not a ptst , Blru. JulK Ward Howe , I believe , Is re sponsible for this similar dissemination of clubs from Mie first asoclatlon which she [ founded in Hoston tweiitj-llvo jcars ago. vAnd just at present there seems to bo an epidemic of clubs among the women of America. Perhaps somu scientist will jet discover the 'bacillus ' of the club mania , just as In Atlanta they are now looking for the Idas microbe , and threatening Its auulhlla- tlon. tlon.Of Of course jou belong to a club. This Is no longer the nutation , for. in fact. It goes nlthout sajlng. Cre might na well be dead jiowailavH no not belong to iomo club The present ciuorj Is To how manj clubs < * o jou belong ? Tor she is regarded aa the best woman who is on the lists of the great. .st number of clukn and who holds olllct In circles of wldist diverging i'ltercota. I knew of ono vvuniun who had a rccoid of pay'ng dues In. twenty-live different clubs , but that was beveral jiarn ago , and doubt- leu" ) there are now others who cast her far lei the shade. For the lost two jeaia the mania lies broken out with redoublrd furor In every remote com r of the nation , and there la now hardl > an army pojt 01 n mlniig village which has not Its advanced band of solf-culturlsts and social enllghtm- ors. I have not heard thu latest bulletin from the Klondike , but I have no doubt that there la alreadj a band ot "Daughters of the Tick Ax" form g there. A LOVER OP CLUtS. ) I mjBclf am very unfaahlcaablo I boaat of membership In but three clubs , though thej are t > plcal , and I must ccjifesti that I do not sco how an ) mortal woman of average strength ot mind and ph > aluo | can dcvoto herself to more. Ono of these three Is a largo patriotic society , whose meetings are usually held upon dates of natltnal 1m- liortance. Wo celebrated Washington's birth day Tuesday. These increasingly popular patriotic oig.inlzations are often criticised for spending so much time In , genealogies and tracing of family descents , riid arc ac cused of bo'cigof no practical advantage to the members ot the society at large. Hut they lo Indeed sUnd for something more than the potty snobbery of birth and family tradi tion. They etnnd for the recording of all lilstoilo data , however slight , which may go to make up a whole ot vast value to the lutuc-o historian and antlquirlan. rrhoy Bland for the prcacrvntlon ot old landmarks and places ot historic association ; for the observance of historic dates and mcmorlaln to patriotic men ; for the Inculcation of the spirit of patriotism ! In the children who are to be our next generation of citizens and to carry on the history of tlio nation. I must speak this word for the patriotic so- clutloa , though these are not the great , tjpl- cal woman's clubs that have thu ivldcstJu- Uucnce. My second club la a private and personal nflnlr ot eight ex-collego girls , all seriously affected with the literary measles , which in several cas s struck In and developed alarm ing sjmptoms ot Inciirnblcness The Scrib blers meet at my den oveiy fortnight , and oaeh maid Is pledged to read aloud some tale of her own devising , for the unbiased Judgment and critical comments of the circle Ah , but > ou should hem same of the astounding Inventions and experimental revelations which emanate from the brains ot these very modern maidens' Hut , after nil , this Is not tlio typical lln do aioclo wo man's club which Is now supplying thu comlo papem with a now and much needed subject tor cartoons. In place ot the long-abuaed anothcrlIaw and the omnivorous goat This club Is too modest In Its methods and too concrete In Its alms for a typical wo man's club ; though I assure you It does not appropriate the smallest third ot my tlmo devoted to the three. IMy third clue Is ono ot the general class of solf-culturo associations ; n band of bright AS omen who meet every other week to wrllo and discuss papers upon topics of the day , ethical , literary and political , and wmi listen every alternate week to como vvell- Icnown lecturer or public speaker. It ro- < wlroj much tlmo to keep In touch with the rather scattered selection of topics , and to ( keep abreast of the unusually bright wo men who discuss them ; anil the result Is a ntlmulua and a valuable Incitement to study , rrhls club Is , I think , a good specimen of thu common or garden variety which Is at jirescnt springing up llko the national flower over all the country , doing Incalculable good to the women thereof SIGN OK WOMAN'S AWAKENING. The first woman's club was contemporary with the now Interest In the higher educa tion ofvomen. \ . It was a sign of woman's awakening deslro for self-Improvement , for intellectual equality with man , tor a social broadening of Ideas and resources. Since then women hava become emancipated from certain absurd conventionalities which * > rf-v vito4 t"t.'r ! ' adopting the learned pro fessions or business careers ot their own { And a grow \femlnlno restlessness has finally resulted In that modern , inuch- ubuscd word Incarnation , the now woman I doubt If thn now woman , In the popular sense , as Illustrated In Llfo and the nows- jinpers and on the contomporor ) ntago. rwlly does exist. Hut thu nun woman In tlio lest senno the renewed , made-over , over joung modern woman surely has como to etnj. And she Is first of all a club woman. Now , the expression , "club woman. " de flates a very different creature from the brother phrase , "club man " It bears no derogatory significance. Hut long usage of itho latter term , long- experience ot Us bear crs , has freighted It with disapproval and disparagement , not incompatible , however , < vvlth a'curtain ' distinction , Quo Instinctively thinks of a club man as a rich ) oung fellow about town , a rathur fast swe > ll , a man of the world The comlo papers , whlcl are responsible for deeper Impressions ni ! moro lasting prejudices than they sepm aware , have so continually pictured tile club man reeling homo to a scolding wlfu ivvlth Homo absurd and Incoherent excuse or Ills lips , that this also has liucomo a pan of the vision evoked by thu phrase O , couue , all men belonging to clubs arc not of this typo , Abaurdl No ono In so foolish or purltanto as to bellovo that because a man supports several clubs ho must be a hot or a gambler. Doubtless It Is as valuable for a man to to a member of a good club of congenial and Inspiring as sociates as for a woman to enjoy thu game JiilvIlcEO. Hut a club man , a man Ideutllled . with ami alwajs to be found at one or another of the typical men's clubs , vvhlcn are usually purely social or epicurean , w It ) jio object ot Improvement or mental ant moral advantage , the fashionable habitue of the faalilonaulo clubs , Is not au admirable creation. Nobody has any such Idea ot the clul woman. Evou the cartoonists who dollgh ID caricaturing pa , who Is rocking the babj ( jvlill * tua at tiur club descants ou Drowuluj or Ib n even these sarcastic alarmists lm pate to the attending female no wors * crlrn * nan thta , or faddish enthusiasm , or unparlia mentary etiquette. DUTDftDNT FROM MEN'S CLUB9. The woman's club ta very different In purpose - pose and Ideal from the man's. It Is seldom > urely social women have enough of society n Its ordinary garb without Inventing la Is name new taxes upon their tlmo. Their club usually hac a dignified and plausible purpose at least for charily , for self-lm- irovement , for social reform , or some local nd Individual Interest , like my own modest Scribblers ' " The vast majority ot large woman's clubs throughout the country are usually bands of earnest , enthusiastic vvo- ncn , who have discovered that the stimulus of co-operation Is the chief Incentive to the pursuit of any object. Any ono can study at homo by herself. Out how long will she keeping It up , faithfully , nlthout some thing to make necessary the application and sacrifice and concentration T Probably three- ourths ot the women stud ) Ing or working n women's clubs today have never been to college ; but they have seen that the chief value of college work In gained by the girls vvoiklng together , and thus they seek to at tain In a measure the same result It Is the spirit of the university extension Idea , thu value of homo study In co-operation with others , the stimulus ot a group ot minds focused upon a common object. This direct Improvement of herself , this broadening of her understanding and sup plementing of her academic knowledge Is not the greatest benefit of the woman's clubs. There Is also the relaxation from her dally routine of society and household cares , a stepping nsldo from the rut Into which there s danger of her life's running under the old order of things. Our grandmothers had no clubs. No ; but perhaps they would have Ived longer and happier If they had. Surely : ho moro resources a woman has within iierself when ago makes action Impossible the happier will her old ago bo , the raoro full of Interest. Moreover , variety and change and the friction of bright Intellects scop a woman joung and fresh and good looking no light consideration to any ono. The average woman of today Is far younger and healthier and fairer than her grand- mothei woe at her age. GOOD INFLUENCES. The good Influences of the club extends to the homo Hfo also. A man Inn his dally business , In which ho meets other men upon a common level of Interest Ho , goes among them and Is stimulated by contact with men of equal and superior Intelligence , all upon their mettle lest they bo taken. at a disadvantage. This wan what women needed when they formed tbo woman's clubs. In ordinary cocicty there in little stimulus , llttlo overllow ot Ideas , llttlo Interchange of Intelligence Hut at her club her mind Is nlred and acted upon by friction with others , keen to make the most of thenibelv eo , and shu returns home , flesh and animated , llko her husband , or father , or brother , ready to react again with her Intellect upon his , to the pi oil t and pleasure ot both. Many club women are bachelor maids , re sponsible to no one but themselves , with no heavy homo duties or binding tics ot fam ily. To such the club Is a welcome diversion nnd Interest from the wearisome loutlno of society without an object. It Is a prolltablo investment ot tlmo which would otherwise bo frivolously lost. Hut the mat ion does not neglect her homo nnd famllj for her club. That Is , I bellovo that the woman who does Is an alwajs possible but rcnnrKable excep tion , dragged Into prominence by carping critics Eveiy woman's club that I ever heard ot Is so arranged that the hours ot 'meeting como at n time least likely to In terfere with household affairs , with the eulsino or the nursery , never at times when the men ot the family would miss the at tentions ot the-lr mlnlsteriug angel. Who ever heard of a woman's club meeting at night ? No ; that privilege rests with the men still , Ihg chief fault of women's clubs Is the lack of serene calmness and dignity ot method. It Is stilt to new a thing for women to venture forth from homo on their own responsibility , It seems so daring , so pre sumptuous , so delightfully Independent , that they have almost lost their heads and are a llttlo Intoxicated iby the novel experience. Thu Inevitable tendency of women to mag nify the Importance of everything personal to themselves , their unquenchable enthusi asm nnd lack of humor which makes them tnko themselves and everything else too se riously , tends to make the modern club woman flaunt her new dignities and self- importance somewhat ridiculously In thee o > es ot men , whose clubs have been estab lished and taken for granted for centuries Wo may say that we don't care -what men thing about our doings I3ut wo ought to care. Wo are only half the world , after all , wo women , and the opinion of the other halt in worth considering. OND OP THE FAULTS. One fault of the woman's clue li that It usually tries to do too much. Seeing the whole wide world of laro open for her to choose , the club -\voman wants to grasp It all at once ; she Is not content to accom plish Uttlo toy llttlo sjstcmatlcally , building up year by year on a solid foundation. Scl- euce , ethics , politics , literature , art , econom ics these are a few of the subjects wh/ch / she feels dbllged to Include In her jeai's program for weekly meetings of ono hour each ; when each of these requires a life time of special study ; nnd ono branch of ono ot them furnishes sufficient food for the average lirtellect In a jear of Satur days. J have known a club giavely to de- cldo the Alaskan boundary question after forty-five minutes f argument on ono side alone ; devote the next meeting to the con sideration of "Sudermann's Realism" ( seven- eighths of them don't rend German ) , and the folios-Ing week discuss the sweating sys tem , summed up from hearsay and maga zine articles. Yet even such desultory wrk / as this Is far better than no work at all Hut when the possibilities of a vvoman'b club are fully realized , and when the womin herself has exhausted the pleasant novelty of meroiy trying her newfound wings , she will settle down to a better directed and moro level flight. The earnest striving of the woman's clubs for parliamentary correctness of proceed ings Is often laughable or would bo It the dreadful seriousness of the occasion , the absolute lack of humor shown , did not pre clude the enjoyment of even a surreptitious smile. It Is a strange thing that women at other times so quiet. Inoffensive and digni fied ahoulifcbo affected by the rules of Cush- Ing's Manual as the Lnill la by scarlet rags. Graclousncss , politeness , self-re straint. friendship , even , go by the board when a discussion Involving the minute In consequences of parliamentary usage is In question. Some few women there are capa ble of mastering tlio technicalities of this science If science It bo ; but to most It seems a dead language. It they could only learn to appreciate better thu relative value of things , they would waste lent tlmo and pcaco ot mind over what Is , after all , of secondary Importance to any serious busi ness whluh they may have on hand. Hut , oh ! they are so serious about it , and , oh ! they make such a muddle of "by-laws" and "articles" and "resolutions. " Mr. Melvll Dewey , secretary of the Uni versity of Now York , ea > s there Is one thing , the hoodoo of every club Into which It Is Introduced. This dangerous element Is no other thing than food , Yrs ; ho as serts that no sooner does a club woman yield to her hospitable Instinct and mal.o refreshment of any kind a feature of the club meetings than the death-knell of en deavor and result Is sounded for that club. For , once Introduced , grown familiar with its face , wo II ret endure , then pit ) , then embrace or devour , rather. And once pro- vldod by ono member , no succeeding hcstcss Is going to have her hcepltallt ) Impeached by falluro to bo as provident. Thus the spirit of hospitable emulation , a feminine weak ness , Is Introduced , and the serpent enters Eden. Since hearing this , I have resolutely re slated the temptation even to make tea for thu Scribblers when they meet hero In my den. Hut , alas ! At our last meeting oiu of the maids fortified our spirits for listen- lug to her very harrowing ghost story by the distribution of certain globules ot gum my jujube. Do > ou suppose that this Is the death-warrant of our octagonal meetings ? 1 should be desolate to believe so And yet , If ' .Mr. Dewey Is right , 1 fear that nothing can savu us. Avert the omcnt Arnlcn atilv . The best salvo In the world tor Cuts , Hrulics , Sores , Ulcers , Salt Rbeum , Tevcr Bores , Totter , Chapped Hands , Chllblalus , Corns and all Skin Eruptions , cod positively cures I'llcs ir no [ My required. It is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. 1'rlco 23 cenU per box. for alia by Kubq & Co , LEAVES FROM EARLY HISTORY J , Sterling Morton's ' Recollections of a Financial Debate afc Omaha in 1855. CHEAP MONEY AND WILDCAT BANKS 1'Ionecr ro * < ninMer Jonpn nnrt JndRe llrndforiL DUciinn tlic ( lueMlcm In the l'iu > r lloiiie of the 'crrltorlitt Council. The building waa ot poorly burned brick and Its dimensions vvcro about forty-eight Icct by twenty-four feet and two stories In height."it stood on * lie prairie which had been staked out on the west bank ot the Missouri river , opposite Council iBIuffa , la. , and christened "Omaha City , " aud In the winter of 1853 It vvas occupied by the legis lative assembly of the Territory ot Nebraska and dignified as the capltol , It stood about two blocks northwest from where the pres ent Union Pacific railroad headquarters are located. Thlo primitive temple of lawmaking ing had been planned and constructed dur ing the summer and autumn ot 1854 by the Nebraska & Iowa Terry Co , ot which Dr. Emos Low was the president. It had been regarded by the larger stockholders nrd chief manipulators ot that organization for city bulldlug and fortune malting as a sort of hive where the first swarm ot law-givers might collect and distill the honey ot op portunity In behalf ot tbo proprietors of I'rnlrle townsltes nnd prairie plowmen all along the Nebraska bank ofthe - 'MUsourl. ' The territorial council , vhlch was parallel aad equivalent to the state senate , was metaphorically , and likewise literally , the upper house of the territorial legislative as sembly , for It held Us sessions In the second end story of the dlmlnutlvo capltol. The hall of the council was about twenty-tour feet by sixteen feet , and eight feet of Its length was cut off by a railing and devoted to the standing use ot the general public ns a lobby. The thirteen members ot the coun cil occupied the remainder. Joseph L Sharp , aged CO > cars , and a native ot Ten nessee , was the presiding olllcer ot this pioneer body ot legislators. Tradition had It that Sharp Hrst served ns a law-giver In the state assembly ot Illinois , ami sub- scqucntb In the legislature of Iowa , whence liu had naturally enoiign drifted over Into Richardson countj , Nebraska , for the pur- liopso of temporarily noting as a leading lawmaker In the new teriltory. SHAIU' IN NAME AND FEATURES. In person Colonel Sharp was tall , slnewj , straight , lean and lank Ho had a largo and well-shaped head and an expression of alertness end vigilance waa alwa > s present In his features. In earlier Hfo Colonel Sharp had been a profound sufferer from an attack of smallpox. The disease had extinguished the light and vision of one e > e , had twisted his nose a little awry , skewed up his mouth at ono corner and deeply Indented his face all over with pox marks from point of the chin to top of the forehead. And jet , with all his un mitigated homeliness , Colonel Sharp , In con versation , In social lite and with his educa tional acquirements even on the rostrum , as a speaker , was one of the most attractive and entertaining of men Ills knowledge of paillanientarj tactics was , co-cxtcnslvc with Jeflcrson'a Manual and all other standard rules and regulations for the government and orderly direction of deliberative bodies His colleagues In the council were : II. Hradford , II. P. Bennett and C. H. Coles ot Nebraska City ; Richard Brown ot Nemaha county , Dr. M. H. Clark ot Fontanelle , Dodge county ; Benjamin It. Folsom of Tekamah ; T. G. Goodwell , A. D. Jones , S. n Itogers and Oregon D. Richardson ( a former lieutenant governor of Michigan ) of Oniaha ; Lafayette Nuokolls of 1'lattsmouth ; J. C. Mitchell of Florence. Lafajetto Nuckolls , Samuel E. Rogers , Presiding Oin- cer Sharp and Richard Brown were the only members ot that body who were bom In southern states. All the others were natives ot Maine , Now York , Vermont , Connecticut aud Pennsjlvanla. THE PARAMOUNT QUESTION. Trom tlmo to tlmo It Is Intended to give sketches of Individual members of this pioneer body , and also to shadow forth trom memory some of the dlscusilons in which It Indulged. And , as the money question Is at present paramount In this and all other states of the American union , It may not bo uninteresting to re1- call a debate carried on iby some of those frontier financiers in the council at Its second end session , during the -winter of 1833-C , relative to money , banking nnd financiering generally. The Immediate subject ot dis cussion was the propriety ot eharterlng several banks of issue In the territory These ibanks were to utter their promises to pay gold to the holders ot their notes on demand , but the charters purposely and shrewdly avoided all penalties for Individual stockholders except such as could not > bo enforced. Those possible profits of this sys tem of ibanklng. which wore regarded with the most favorable and acquisitive cje , seemed to tie concealed In the ability to Is sue the greatest number of promlses-to-pay and In redeeming the fewest. Then as now , It was declared with great apparent wisdom that the poor , plain people ot Nebtaska were toeing ground into the earth because of the "money power. " That ildeous hobgoblin was constantly lying awake nights devising means of making all ts subjects too poor to ever pay an > thing which they might owe to It. The rates or ntercst In the territory were extortionate ip to 3 and 5 per cent a month and the advance advocates ot "moro money and cheaper money" In that early day ( just as lo their prototypes In the year 1898) ) declared Jiat to make discounts easy for all sorts of > eoplo money must be plentler. Then , as low , these fallacious flnanUcrs asserted that uoney could and should bo made so plentl- 'ul ' that men having no credit -with money scarce would have great credit with money abundant. The most aggressive promoter of the new flat banking scheme by which everyone In the territory was to bo made rich vvas Judge Allen A. Bradford of Otoo county. Ho was about CO years of age , short of stature and very broad of girth. iHo had a fat , double-chin and was ot a generally roily- poly make-up. In short , he looked like some cherub escaped In Infancy from celestial domains aifd grown up In a very un systematic and Intensely porcine part of the earth Ills head was not remarkable for size or symmetry and lie had a most surprls- hg voice. From out of such n tremendous chest , from such a powerful pair of lungs , ono expected to hear tones of strength vibrant with virility Hut Bradford's voice was the very antithesis of what ono looked for. H was squeaky , shrill , querulous , feeble , wiry and exasperating WILDCAT HANKING , Against the banking scheme and all the vagaries of making cheap monoj no man took a moro prominent or useful part than Hon A. D. Jones of Omaha. He denounced all attempts at making something out of nothing Ho ridiculed the possibility of promoting prosperity In the territory by means of an Irredeemable , wildcat banking eurrenc ) Every argument in favm of honest currency , honest finance and the Inviolability of existing contracts was forcefully , Intel- llgontly and efficiently set forth bj Mr Jones He denounced the proposed banks as rascally and rotten Ho proclaimed that no man who loved truth , honesty and fair-dealing could support the measure before the council Ho declared that ho preferred to die a poor man rather than to be enriched by support ing such legislation , and In closing his remarks said that hU highest ambition -was after he should have passed away from the turmoils ot this life to have for an epitaph upon his tombstone the simple encomium "Hero lies an honest man " BRADFORD'S ELOQUENT BLAST , Immediately upca the cloo ng of Mr. Jonos' speech Hradford struggllngly waddled to hla foot , SecurVg the attention of the chair , ho said la a squealing , squeaking sort of a wall ( referring to Mr , Joncj oa "the gentle man from Park Wild" ) : "Mr. Preildcnt The distinguished member ot this honorable council who h a juat cat down declares that ha U an honest man , and , Air. President , I don't BUPPOIO he'd toll a He about a matter of so little con.iu- tjuence In a tien country ; but It lio'o as good 1414-16-18 & Co Douglas St. Just a few hints to give you an idea of the many trade inducers we are showing the early spring buyers Carpets Oriental Dagdad Curtains Fringed atjop Alexander Smith Sons' Tapestry Brussels A corduroy or velour covered CflllCll nnd bottom n. decided novelty and In nil the now and popular 2Mn ( vvltlc-0 foot long fringed nil shown for lltst tlmo a pair , , , . . < > . 65c and 75c around full xprlng cdgo A full Til ft Couch made in good conlu- Same Bagdad Curtains Only plain. The all wool 2-ply Ingrains are still roy or velour best stuol springs sprlnjr 075 edge nicely fringed great value at JAn top and bottom ti pall1. , . soiling nt Coc , 55c aud An extra bargain in a CoilCll made in Tcporc India Drapes A real oriental Thrcivplyat DUo. extra quality corduroy full slzo tufted JT > 25 novelty 30 Inches wide 8 yards long- A few patterns of Axmlnstcr bought audfringcdat ttm each diapu novelty by itself much below price will bo sold at much l Full si'/.o Rokoko frame nicely tufted cncli . ' value wo cnuld't soil these Axmlnjtcrs and llnlshod \olour extra qualityolour 1ROO in our regular lines for less than 81. 2,1) aillstio IcP very paltorn or$1.3o long as these last at . i. . . Java Curtains In a great variety Q > 00 Also a complete line of finer Conches of patterns and colors each made of special coverings IftSO Hfl ranging in prices from IU UJJ Bagdad Tapestry Couch Covers Now this Many of these coverings are our own seasontho Hrst tlmo shown In Otua- season- ever importations and cannot bo duplicated olse- litt 08 inches wide 111 yards long whcro. nothing like them over bhowu A new shipment of wool Smyrna rugs hoforo lotnurknble f51) ) made in Philadelphia no kind of a nig will Our special is a full Turkish uphol- values at \vc-ir as we'll c.scopt the Tuikish these ate lu stoicd Couch-all moss and hair filling o\tia the largo toom. sizes aud vvu'vo marked the largo si/o quarter btnved oak or mahog Rope Portieres For single doors con- prices lower than good Smyrna rugs have over any value Hnish i tm initbt frame too to it appreciate the sidcicd good \alne nt $3. 5 been sold at bcfoio this week only 0x9. . $12.50 0x10. . $20.00 7AxlU ( . . $20.00 9x12. . $24.00 Heavy French Tapestry Curtains in Louis XV styles all thr now shades n pair A full weight ' 10-pound Mattress -nil Aii Extra Quality Tapestry In empire , curled hair in No. 1 ticking full bl/o a special gtcon , Pom pel ion led , oriental blue * AVo've more of those opaque JJxG foot iniido up lot that are above I'J'SO ' heavy valaneo fungo at top 7 oxtia values I ' 'b toady to hang at the awfully and bottom low price of A J'nll siy.e extension foot Iron Bed brass head and foot rail bi ass DcnimcttS Light weight art denims trimmed throughout ncnv uit pattei us choicest , colot inga All Brass Tulic Beds- the liu gest assortment over full bl/O show n in Omaha A few of the 20 inch more ex 07C Green enamel fine swell foot 550 tension i ods at extension bi.iss tiinuncd bjd Down Sofa Pillows 3c Full si'/.o white enamel Ued Another lot of the 20-inch si/.e at. biabs t-inuned 250 Traveling Men's wimples of fine drapery Dressers suitable for iron beds samples of silk < uiul tatin Damask heavy A few of the pample pieces left over polid onk swell front tolid brass han tapestiy , hiiitablw for bofii pillows aud from our < iilo lust week all huvo boon put to dles ยง 12.50 wash stands to match upholatci inches tquaid in < r i in crape value size 27 gether on the fourth floor and the prices have 85.50. fjom 82.50 to $7 per been mudc so low that it's useless to quote them yaid these ' again will simply say they are all odd piece1- , Antique finish 2-piece suit dresser samples at 73c , ( He , 50c. 3oc and price s at from i to i former prices many of tao and vvaahstand ono full car load to beheld mobt desirable pieces yet remain. hold nt for the two pieces and honest as he sajs he Is , ho needn't talk about tombstones. IIo Is not of the kind of folks that dlu'Tcud me burled anu have mciiiimiiits ptijt ijp to them here on the earth. He's too good and too honest for itliat. He's so vlrtuoua ind pious that I think lie's liable to bo translated any time , like Elijah nnd thtyn other fello.vs . vvl-o wont up by chariots of fire , lumber wagons and all kincle of vehicles to glorj nnd the aires ! The gentleman from I'aik Wild , Mr. Prer.l- dent , Is liable to be o.atclieJ from our midst at any moment by some cherubim or sera phim sent especially after him on account of hla honesty nnd jnnkcd straight up to the pearly gates of Paradise , when Peter will ew'cig ' the doors wide open and Jerk him right In and give him a scat amriig the saved saints of heaven where ho can foievei sing the glories of hla owr. honesty nnd eternally dwell among the redeemed In Para dise. And , Mr. President , -with my feelings of recpect and regard for Mr. Jcats , I czn but sny with the profoundest emotion that I wish he was there now ! " The foregoing Is very nearly -verbatim the reply of IJradford to Jonra , but no mar. can portray the portly , short and stubbed figuto of Hradford. No i > wer of delineation can depict his gesture with a lead pencil In his right liEinl violently and spitefully tapping a piece of white paper held between the thumb and forefinger of the left hand. No phonograph , with all its perfection of repro duction of the Inflection , ! and Intonations of the human voice , could represent justly and completely the peculiarly btrldrmt tcuos of Hradford , which were a t ort of cross or h > brldlzatlon of the squeal of a pig or the quack of a duck , delivered In a shrieking soprano as the peroration of his staccato eloquence. In 1SGO Judge Bradford moved Into the territory ot Colorado Ho Im-rpftlately became - came a central figure In its pol.tlre. He represented tbac territory in conguw. IIo served Colorado also ns chief justlso of Its supreme court , and , finally , some jcars since , "passed over the rango" Into the mjs- terics bojotid. His antagonist in that early monetary debate , Hon. A. D. Jones , Is ttlll with us , full of years and honors , tespscted nnd beloved by all vho know him J. STERLING MORTON. Arbor Lodge , February 22. CO.N.M III VMTIUS. Mr. Gladstone ! Is ono of the greatest oppo nents of divorce fn the nngl111 speaking world , Ho believes that marriage Is a con tract for Hfo. It Is expected that the emperor of Austria will soon announce ofilclally the betrothal of the Archduchess IJIlzaborh. daughter of the late Archduke Rudolf , with the joung king of Spain , who was born In ISSfi , and \a \ , therefore , In his 12th yi < ar. The archduchess is three years older. Miss Nelllo I. Tavlcr nnd Paul D Qulggs of Pargo were engaged on1 Nelllo was out of town for a fuw dajs They exchanged the following telegrams ami thoughtless ! ) signed them by their Inltlalslfliily "Dear Nelllo : Como homo to me Pap. Q. " "Hear Paul : Am coming , my love "TV. I. T , " Mlfis Charlotte Cranb , who was recently snubbed by the Charleston society women. Is In Missouri and Ifriilay sent the following telegium "Roy Sallls , Tort Worth , Tex. At last , jfs Now are you happy' " And pio- sumably lto > Is , for , llko Mr. rinchliiK , ac cording to Miss Crane , id has pioposed bin en times . Laura A Daly of tircenup , 111 , and Ed- waid Cromctto vvero nurrled at that place a fen ilavs ago. They.had novcr met until the gloom en mo to claim Ida bilde. Miss Daly was cmplojed'as'correspondent ' ' for a rr-lijjlous publication , and her work attracted Mr. Crometto's attrition. This led to a courtship b > letter and an engagement to mat ry. > Ignatius Donnelly vfts married In Min neapolis last Tucsdaj ( o Marlon Ollvo Hansen - sen , a young woman of Scandinavian birth and 22 jcaru of age 'Mr. ' Donnelly evinced a dcslro to put as much fientlment Into hli wedding as posrlblo , aim his nurrlago II- cenao was taken out on St. Valentino H day , with the wedding sot for the an.ilversary of the birth , of "Washington. Thu wedding waa an elaborate function , over 100 Invitations being Issued , besldeu a general Invitation through the newspapers to any ono who had been overlooked ' .Mr. and Mrs Donnelly left Tuesday evening for an extended east ern trip. They will re-eldo at Nlnlnger , Minn , where Mr Donnelly wrote all of his i lltcrar ) productions , and where three jeura > ago lie begged his constituents not to uend I him back to the legislature , a ho was grow ing HO old that hi ] ugejulncia vvas Impaired , and ho could not bear and understand what vvas being done. CARP TO WRITE FOR THE BEE Famous Correspondent on His Way to South America , A TWENTY-FiVE-THOUSAND-MILE J3URNEY Si-rlcs of ] Jc'irrliU | ' 7i'H TH li } Thin I'onulnrVillcr mill " \\Vll KIHM > II Lecturer Soon to He < ; i\ou < o HcnilurN of The lice. WIthlti the next few weeks The Ueo will begin the publication of the most remarkable scrlcfl of letters ever published In n no\vo- paper. This series will describe the South American continent as It Is In 1S9S. It will bo the result of a tour which will cost thousands' ' of dollars and which will fiiclud" travels of moro than 25,000 in lira for up-to- date Information. The tour vvas begun by Mr. Trank O. Car penter when he sailed from New York the other day for the Isthmus of Panama. lie has already landed nt Colcn cm ] is now In vestigating the condltlcm of the Panama canal , upon which ( something llko 2,000 men are now working. Crossing the Isthmus , Mr. Carpenter will travel down along the Pacific coast of South America to the lot- \om \ ot our hemisphere to the Strait of Magel lan , stopping at the various ports acid mak ing extensive expeditions Into the Interior. Ho will stop for a whllo In Ecuador , will travel extensively on the plateau of Dollvla nnd will make hla way by mule and fatage through some of the wildest parts of the AndCrf. Howill visit Lake Tltlcaca , the highest lake In the world which is navignted by steam , nnd will report en the husucta conditions of Peru and Dollvla end the chances for American investments there. An Interesting part of his tour will bo a Journey from the toiw of the Andes through the wild wilds of Bolivia dowti Into Chill , crossing the great ralnlcaj zctio , and spending rome tlmo In tlio nltrato fields which have nindo eo many men rich. He will visit the gold regions of Bolivia , Chill and Peru , which are enld to far sur pass the Klondike In rlchnccs , rnd from the southern part of Chill will mnko h'a way on down to the bottom of thu contlapnt , where are other wonderful gold fields. After extensive travels In Chill and Pata gonia" , Including a Journey Into the Andc , * mouritaliia to drscrlbo the work now bujig done on the Trtasandcan road , Mr. Carpenter will sail for Terra del Puego , and will there vlblt a country Inhabited by bavages , Home of whom llvo 'n hoka In the ground , nncj will thui make his way up the Atlantic coatit of Patagonia and on 'nto ' that wondo ful countrj , the Argentine Republic. In the Argentine he wtll viait llio vvhrat fields which compcto so greatly with our farmers , will Investigate , the cotton Indiw to , which Is rapidly gnnv'ng , and vvll | travel for thoujaiids of ml Ira over thin land , which U as large as all of the United States east of the Mississippi river After describing the capital of niiem/ / ? Ares , which Is almost as large as Phila delphia , Mr Cm pouter will make an cx- peditlun of ( something llko 2 000 miles on the Rio do La Plata and Parana rivers , rid ing far up Into Parngua ) and visiting Itij capital. Ho will nleo travel uxUialvuly III Urugna ) aud bouthern Brazil. In Hrodl ho will vis.t the great coffea region of the world , will make a trip In thu diamond nilncu , epcnd some time at Rio Janeiro , cad among other expeditions , wlj | travel moro than 2,000 miles on the Amazon river , exploring some of tlio wildest aii ( | least IIIOYUI parts of our homlL'phcre , OOOD THINQS IN STOIU3. Mr Carpenter's newspaper expedition It taken at the cxpci so of The Iloo and BOIIIL. of tbo other leading newspapers of ( lip United State * , who wish to glvo to tliQlf. readers a plain , practical , common-tenqp description of what Is going on In Souh | America , Ho liaw Instructions to Invcalf- gate the rcfcourcfn of the various coueitrlcq to describe In detail vvhnt Americana afp doing there and to look up the i > o > ilbllltl ( , ? In the dlffunat countries for American trau | ] and American manufactured Ho la Inapt a commUslocer forJau American pooplu jo describe for th m Just the thlnga they vv-i't to Kciow about this comparatively unknown continent. He will also describe how the people of the various countries act an 1 jive , how our sister republics mani-go their bualnecs and the other curious features or life above nnd below the equator. There are few travelers who start out on such an expedition so well equipped for good work as does Mr. Carpontrr He will 'iave w Ith him during the most of his Journeys ex cellent photographers and his le'iers will h < > accompanied by Illiibtrattoiib and photo graphs made upon the ground His oxtc'iMvo tiavels covering nearly every part of the world and his long residence nt Washington invo given him a wide acquaintance and he < vill also have the assistance of our dlplo mats nnd consuls In carrying out his plans He Is well equipped with Ictteis from the State department at Washington , with In troductions from the chief of the Iturcaii of American Republics , and In connection with faimlng mattcis ho goes 1)j thu appointment of Secretary Wilson as a honoiary commh- sloncr of the Department of Agriculture This expedition cannot but be of enormous value to our readers. It will bring forth Information that cannot bo found In the libraries , which vvlll bo full of suggcstloni and Information for the business men and at the simo time < bo interesting to nil. It Is , In fact , the exploration of a comparatively unknown land by a trained observer and a well equipped newspaper man. Speaking of our business Interests abroad , the tour vvas planned because It is l > ? llevcd that South America Is destined to bo ono of the thief news center. ? for the pcoplo of the United States. The day Is past when America can rely upon her homo trade to feed her factories Prom now on , our busi ness is to cover the world Wo are already reaching out toward Huropo. England trembles 'when she views the increase of American products Into her home markets. Our machinery Is now 'being ' Introduced Into most every city of Uurope and wo nro making heavy shipments to Asia. South America naturally belongs to us , and our trade t litre Is steadily Increasing It Is nothing to what It will bo and Mr. Car- I'uuicr uciicvcs umi no is in ino auvance guard of a movement which will result In opening the greatest Held for commerce and money making that the United States nas jet had. He nays that wo are Junt on the edge of another era In our national life , the com mercial era , and that wo are to look , not at home , but to the world , for our trade , rhtro mo today ncores of inir ueoplu who. are scattered over South America Some have concessions for gold and silver mines. Others are making fortunes by raising couVo and others have vast rubber Interests on the \mazon There ara a half dozen different onccbslons which havoibeen rccuntlj granted o America to build railroads on the I'uclllc coast of South America , and It Is an Ameri can who la hulldlng the gap which remains In the great railroad across the continent from the Pacific In Chili to the Atlantic at DucnoH Ayrcs There nro American colonlei , In South America engaged In agriculture nnd stock raising , anil thert > are American trad' qrs on the upper Amazon whoso business Is with the wild Indians of those regions iMr Carpenter will tell Just what our pcoplo are doing In these different countries nnd 7/111 show what chances there- are In the different countries for American muscle , brains and capital. Aside from the business Interests , Mr Carpenter's letters will bo of groU vnluo to all Ho has long been known an one of " 11 most careful and nccurnto of correspondent1 ! IIo li'ia the pov er of dchcrlptlon whMi ttansports his renders to the i.cencs ho ( In scribes. The ) teem to ho tiavollng will him , and In this respect his letters are o great vlauo to chlldicn an well as Kro.w people , us they will glvo a goographlia Knowledge of the countries ami puojilo whlcl can bo found nowhere clso PERSONALITY OK THi : WRITER. It la unnecessary however , for iw to ES > inythlng to our readerti us to the work o Mr. I'runk Carpenter Ho has long heoi Vnown au ono of the best of travel corrc1 rfponduntu. IIo seems to l.avo an Instinct , \hlch tilln him whttro trouble U going to break out nuxt , ) > o tl'at ho may got there In Umo to tell the t.torj It vias this huLlnct that sent him lo Russia at thu tlmo of thu famine- , and this ir.udo him take hla tour of 25.COO mllm tlitougli China , Jju.ui and Korea Just beforetho great war between China nnd Jap'ti II arrived In Itimila nt the eamu tlmo wlih I'ralerlvk Remington and Poiiltnoy IHgi'low , who , It will bo rornomljored , ro- inilfod but llvo c1a ) In the lard ot the ciu * then left In despair Mr Carpenter jooialuc-d tlireo months anil traveled moro than S.OOO miles In the fnmlno dim lets , flv- Ing n wonderful plrjtino of Russln and the Russians , , which was Illustrated hj photo graphs nude cspechlly for the rzar , but duplicated bv thn Russian ofilrhls for Air. Carpcntui In his Asiatic t ur Mfaicti - tor pave the best information that was fur- nlshol from the far east jt that tl'nc HU Interview n with U Hung Clung Cotat Ito of Jap in mil the king of .Flam were cf the srcaUrtt vnluo ontl Interest In Ills present tourMr fnrppnti'r Oil iks ho will bo us close to thi news as he i In Iis9l He will have lliti ? ! vl-wg wl'h thn = ! iD.itcst of tinpreslletlls of thn Snu'h American ie ; iblcs. ! who , thrnitli ; him will tell us vl .jt thc > > think of the Mi moo do - trine , the dpstlny of Hie two continent i mil throinli him will aid In brm lrs the t' HP I States Into a dojor touch with thn countries over which they i ulo. There are fp\v hotter Intel vlcvrirs nirong tlio journalists of todav thnn Mr Cirpou'er. ' During lib tilp around the woild eight join ago ho Interv lowed the Icvullng monarch ! an 1 Htatcrtmen of the various countries Ho has a wonderful power of gvttlng at people and of o'lcltliiK Information fiom them upon mutters of public and pei onal Interest. Ho had n long conversation with the Ulo khodlvo nf E > pt just before his death Ho chattel In his palace at Athens with King George of Greece , BIW the Bultan nt Con stantinople and Interviewed rajihs nndi 1113- ImraJaliH galore When ho vvas In Mexico President Diaz give him a full page Inter view on the things irost of Int real be tween us and our sister republic , mid vv'ion ' ho was In Ru&ila ho had Mlk.s with the lead ing Russian statesmen , and on hlj wny there seemed an Intel view with Prlnco Dls- marck at KrledrlcliHruhe. llio first of Mr. Carpenter's South Ameri can letters will liu published on ono of the Sundays of March and thu series will run through the Sunday H of the following year , ono letter being found In each of our Sun- diy Isoiica during that time. West Virginia Is now producing moro hlgli- grade petroleum than any other Htate In tha union. One's physical feelings , like the faitlififl ncttcr , Bcaich nnd point out plainly the fact of disease or litnlth If a nun i is not feeling well nnd vigorous If lie n losing flesh and vitality , if lie it listless , nervous , sleepless , he ccrtmnly it not well. The down liill road from health to mcl.iic'is is smooth nnd declines rnjnclly. At the first intimation of diseasethu VVRQ | man tnl.cs u pure , himplc vegetables tonic. It puts Ills digestion into good ac tive order nnd that puts thereht nf hit body in order Ihc medicine thnt will do this it a medicine Hint is ifood lo take in any trouble of thu blood , the digestion , or thu respiration , no matter liovv serious it jnay have become. The medicine to tal.c is Dr. Pierce1 * Golden Medical Discovery. It is n remark able remedy. It cures diseases in a per fectly natural way , without the use o ! strong drugs It cnrcn by helping Nature- . It has n peculiar tome effect on thu lining membranes of thu Htomach and bowels. Iy ! putting these membranes into healthy condition , btlmulatinif the secretion of thu vatioiis digestive juice * and furnishing to the blood the proper purifying properties , it teaches out over tne whole- body and drivei discise.Kcrius before it into the usual rxcictory channels. It builds up film muscular flesh , males the skin and , the eyes bright. Dr. I'lercc'tf Golden Medical Discovery has been found wonderfully efficacious in the tleatmenl of elin diseases tczcma , tetter , erysipelas , salt rheum from com. won pimples or blotctics to the worst case of eciofulo.