Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 27, 1898, Editorial Sheet, Page 12, Image 12

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K. nOSUWATKtt. IMItoi.
minis OF
Dally nee ( Without Hunclny ) , Ono Ycnr . U M
Bally Hive and Sunday , Ono Year . 3 M
Hli. Month * . -I < "
Thru ) Months . 2" !
Humlay Hoe. One Yt r . 2
RAturday Il e. One Year . 1 * ?
Weekly Den , Ono Y ir . < . * *
Omnhn : Th HOP llulldlng. . . , . .
Hotitli Omnha : Hlnficr Illk. , Cor. N nnd 31th S ! -
Cmitifll Illurti : 10 1'onrl Hlrc-M.
Cli..n.o Olllcc. VZ Chamber of Commerce.
New York : Temple Couit.
Wellington : Ml Fourteenth Street.
All communlcttloni relntlnif to ni > T nnd Jllo.
rial matter should \ > o addressed : To the i.dl'.iif.
All biidlneSB lr > tler and rcmltUncos rhould he
addrMied In The Ue ! I'uMlnhlM Cominn ? .
Omaha. Dinftn. clieck * , ciprm nnrl pucinnt-e
money ord"tt ! to bo mnde pajable to the ordnr of
the compnnv. . . „ . , .
TUB nnn puuMsitmo COMPANY.
HUto of Ncbrnskn. Douglne coutl.t , "v , .
1 . S0.9M
t . 21.0K
J . 20.M7
4 . 20.747
t . 20.711
B . 20.CS ! )
.7 . M.M4
5 . 21.0M
9 . J1.M-
jo . lo.-zi
11 . 10,574
12 . 21,193
11 . 20.M9
K . tn.W >
If , . 21.Uf
H . ,51,010
Total . CI7.J35 '
returned and unsold copies
Net tnlnl s.iles
Net dally nvcrnRo .
oKouon a TX.SCIIUCK.
Sworn lo lioforo mp mi'l imliscrlncu in >
r-mencc this 1st day of February. IS33.
( Seal. ) N. P. FKIU
Notary Public.
. Unfortunately tlio obligations of
wealth arc not nearly K < > i-nfoi-fiblu as
the obligations of poverty.
What has Ix-coim * of the man who pro-
dieted that /uln's conviction would be
lite HlKiiul for another French revolu
tion ?
The Klondike boom may o to the doss
as soon as the jias es are open , but just
: it present the tlojjs are Kolnj ; to Klon
dike in n > at numbers.
must bo n very bad town.
A Montana mini has just returned home
from the Alaska metropolis and reported
that he was afraid to remain there.
Kveiv IhntiKh Sam Jones is a preacher
his eandldaey for nomination for the
office of governor of Georgia can hardly
be called another case of trying to mix
politics and religion.
"Krom the day our line was unfurled
until the present hour no stain of a just
obligation violated lias yet tarnished the
American name. This must and will be
< is true In the future as It has been in
the past. " President MeKinley.
Kx-fiovornor Holes has plenty of demo
cratic company In his conviction that
the Chicago platform was a. huge blunder
niul that 1(5 to 1 free silver coinage Is a
false Issue which ths party must aban
don if it is to hope for future success.
That prosperity is in sight at last Is
evidenced by the fact that .r. 15. Kitchen
has contributed $1,000 to the exposition
fund. Kor tills exhibition of public spirit
Mr. Kitchen Is entitled to a , good-sized
credit mark on the exposition ledger.
The competition for the postofllces is
Just as shun ) asever , notwithstanding
IIIU ll'Ul'llL UVUIllrt 111 IJIU numil CMIUtuiH
that holding down postolllce is more
dangerous for some people than holding
down a powder magazine on a man-of-
I'.y waiting for a republican adminis
tration Uncle Sam protlted to the extent
of about ? UO,000,000 on the sale of the
'Pac'llle railroads , and yet there are per
sons who blame President McKlnley be
cause the auction prices did not rule
The HUCCOS.H of the late ex-President
Uarrios of Giwitemahi In accumulating a
fortune of ? 1 ,000,000 during his live
yearn of presidency of the little ivpublle
indicates that the .stature of a nation is
no criterion by which its officials maybe
bo judged.
Before the four .states of Hrnzll that
are reported to be ready for secession go
further with their venture It would be
well If they would sand to South Carolina
lina or some other good southern state
of the union for expert utlvlco oil1 seees-
slou movements.
It was a happy thought of the trustees
of the Woman's temple In Chicago to
call the temple WHIard temple In honor
of the late president of the Women's
Christian Temperance union , who had
boon largely instrumental in its inception
and construction.
.lust llfty ye-nivj ago the United States
brought to a close u war which wan
fought out without a declaration of war
on either side. The combatants simply
declared that a state of war existed and
went to lighting. Hut such n conlllct Is
not likely to bo precipitated In 3SU8.
The American trunk lines have ob
tained 'the ' consent of the Interstate
Commerce commission to meet the com
petition of the Canadian Pacinc In the
matter of through rates. This is kind
of the commission , but somewhat hu
miliating to tlio railroad managers.
The weekly trade review of the mer
cantile agency nays that the volumeof
business has biv.ii larger this February
than for the same month of any previous
year. The popocratlc press may yet
have to give up the excuse that pros
perity is only Illusive and temporary.
Great Hrltalu and France continue to.
fptorrcl over their respective "spheres of
Intluence" In Africa , but there Is not
much danger of their actually coming to
war. The questions raised nro too
trivial for war , and , besides , these two
nations ) know how to divide up a new
country without resort to arms. They
have done It before.
To possess onp'H soul with patience In
the face of the most exasperating clr-
iMimstanef'S is always a mewl trying or-
deal. For that triison the courageous
patriotism of the president In with
standing the pressure for precipitous
action over the Maine disaster must
when fully understood , command th ? 1111-
vldeil approval of the nation. That the
president's caution Is duo to an nppic-
clatlon of the gravity of tiio sittiatioi
and n realization of the frightful consequences
quences of Ill-advised haste Is mnnlfes
to all.
If good reasons are wanted for this at
tittide of Mr. McKlnley , the statemen
made In the senate last week by Sena to
Thurston , which Is said to be regardet
as authoritatively voicing the views o
the administration , gives them will
forceful clearness , Speaking of tin ,
duty of the senate pending the report o
the naval burntl of Inquiry. Senator
Thurston sni.l :
Wlillo that Investigation Is proceeding wo
ought to be silent In the srnnto and out o
the senate. Calmness , coolncas , patlcnco
are necessary on our part. They are es
peclally necessary for the safe antl peace
fill anil successful prosecution of the Inquiry
In the harbor of Havana. It Is of the ut
most Importance to the American people
that the Inquiry there shall be concluded
peacefully , fully and satisfactorily. If our
strained relations wcro to como to a crisis
before that Inquiry Is completed , before the
result Is definitely known , before \vo are able
to satisfy the world as to what caused that
terrible disaster , It would bo most unfor
Wo otlRht to have pattcnco while the In
vestigation ROCS on.'o ought to put nalile
ovcry possible cause for friction. We ought
to wait au a brave , powerful people. Wo
ought to wait , not In fear , but In hope ; In
hope that sonic peaceful and satlsfactorj
conclusion will conic. Wo must wait untl
wo know whether or not. In addition to our
great Interests In the Island of Cuba , In ad
dition to our profound sympathy for those
who have been outraged and starved ani
murdered , there exists another reason for
determined action on the part of the United
What is pertinent advice for the sen
ate Is also pertinent advice for the house
nnd is not impertinent advice for the
whole American people. It is always
well fora nation , as for an Individual , to
bu on the safe side and to avoid mis
takes. Xo step fraught with serious
consequences should be taken until the
true facts are known.
< ; / ' r.ixK.f.
There was one notable address on
Washington's birthday which has not re
ceived the attention It merits. Ex-Pres
ident Harrison spoke in Chicago , his
subject being the obligations of wealth ,
the address referring mainly to the ex
tent with which IHPII of wealth escape
taxation , particularly as to personal
property. He stated that for years the
prevalent opinion has been that the
great bulk of the personal property of
the states , especially of the class denom
inated securities , has escaped taxation- ,
the great fortunes In this country , with
a. few exceptions , being tints Invested.
The evil , ha said , seems to have been
progressing , until In some of our great
centers of population and wealth these
forms of personal property seem to have
been almost eliminated from the tax list.
General Ilarrlsoiv declared that taxes
are a debt of the highest obligation "and
no casuist can draw a sound moral dis
tinction between the man who hides his
property or makes a false return in order
to escape the payment of his debt to the
stat ( | surd the man who conceals his prop
erty from his private1 creditors , " and he
urged that it should be no'more difficult
to follow the defaulter in the one .case
than in the other. General Harrison
said that we must inaugurate and nt
once a system that shall equalize 'ax '
burdens and the men of wealth in our
great communities should lead the move
ment , lie did not believe that It Is Im
possible so to stir1 the consciences of the
people , so to stimulate the independ
ence and courage of our assessors and
of our courts and prosecutors as to se
cure a fairly general enforcement of the
personal property tax. Returns and as
sessments , he declared , must be honest.
"If there are inequalities in the law they
must be remedied by legislation and not
by the usurpation of the Individual. "
The evil to which General Harrison
thus called attention is general aud in
some portions of the country llagrant.
A prominent lawyer of New York said
recently at u public gathering that It was
appalling to know how willingly men
who professed to be of honorable con
duct and good morals perjured them
selves upon the witness stiind or In mak
ing affidavits relative to their personal
property. Such a state of things cer
tainly challenges the serious considera
tion of all good citizens.
When , u few years ago , nn American
traveler told of the Inhuman treatment
of prisoners witnessed by him on n
Journey through Siberia his countrymen
were aroused to an effort to reach the
Russian autocrats with pleas for reformer
or abolition of the prison and exile sys
tem for political suspects. Hut unheed
ing ears have recently heard the sanu >
traveler's statement that he has seen
worse sights In the convict camps of the
southern states than he ever witnessed
In Siberia. While the truthfulness of
George Kennan's descriptions on these
convict camps Is not denied , the only
excuse or explanation offered Is that
they are under the solo control of prison
labor contractors1 ami that neither the
states nor the general government is
responsible for their horrors.
This explanation cannot IK offered for
a certain United States prison In the
Indian Territory more recently described
by Frederick II. Wines , the well known
prison expert. This Musi-ogee prison con
sists of a stockade of rotten planks en
closing a few wooden buildings , the room
used as a common prison being about
forty feet square , having neither ventlla-
tlon , sewerage nor water supply , where
prisoners associate in Idleness by day
mil by night , "a heterogeneous mass of
convicted and unconvlcted felons and
misdemeanants , whiles , Indians and
negroes of all ages , with no attempt at
classification or .separation. " Into this
tlack ) hole as many as 150 prisoners arc
confined at ouu time uiid whan they He
down on the vermin-Infested lloor their
bodies completely carpet It. Ci'rtalnly
If on suspected of evil Is not a criminal
when ho is sent to this prison he Is soon
deprived of whatever sense of honor h
may have had.
If the facts In regard to these prisot
cruelties should IH < presented to us In a
dramatic nnd striking manner ns wer
the facts In regard to the Slberiai
prison horrors It Is probable the Amerl
can people would bo moved to demant
Immediate reform , or It may bo tha
apathy prevails because It Is possible t <
shock each generation only once will
stories of prison crtieltlfs. lloweve
this may be , It Is Inconsistent with th
pretensions of the American people tha
there should be uuncL'essary cruelty it
their convict camps or that n Unltei
Slates jail should lx > a school of crime
The prison system that does not Include
reformation with punishment is un
worthy nn enlightened people or a
progressive nation.
o ; ; .i ia AOT run s/inw.
A Madrid dispatch of a few days ago
stated that the Idea of the sale of Cuba
Is ridiculed and scouted by nil classes
of Spaniards nnd that a party or guv
eminent that would dare moot the sale
or Independence of the island would In
cur the certain risk of revolution. There
is no doubt that this correctly represents
the universal sentiment in Spain , ye
there are persons in the United States
who urge that this country ought to no
gotlate for the purchase of Cuba. Ono
of these , In a communication to tin ,
Washington Post , snys that "purchase
by the United States at this juncture
would mean honorable peace for Spain
Cuba mid. the Unlrei ? States. " Anothei
advocate of the purchase of Culm writes
to the Philadelphia Press to show that
it would be cheaper for the Cubans to
buy the Island than to achieve Its con
quest by lighting.
How often the plan of releasing Cuba
from Spain by purchase has been
broached we are not prepared to say ,
but the Urst proposition of the kind , so
far as we are aware , was made as long
ago as 3851 , when a conference was held
by the ministers of the United States
accredited at London , Paris nnd Madrid
at which the purchase of Cuba by this
country was considered. These minis
ters IHiehanan , Mason and Soule Is
sued what is known as the Ostcnd
festo , in which It was urged that the
United States should offer to purchase
Cuba. There was at that time a very
strong sentiment In the country , ehielly
In the south , In favor of the acquisition
of Cuba and the proposal of the minis
ters created some stir , but public inter
est in it was not veryprolonged. . Dur
ing the last insurrection there were ad
vocates of purchasing Cuba , but the
plan found little popular support.
Spain will never part with Cuba for
a money consideration , even if the
United States , or the Cubans with the
guarantee of the Uuircd States , were to
offer her a price equal to the Cuban
debt , which it Is stated now exceeds
$300,000,000. But If she could be in
duced to sell the Island , this country
would not be justified in assuming any
responsibility In connection with its pur
chase. To do so would be very likely to
involve us In perplexing complications
and before the debt was paid we might
ourselves become involved in a Cuban
revolution. As to the Cubans there is
no reason to think that they want to
buy tlwlr independence to make a
financial transaction of it. They want
the glory of wresting Cuba from Spain
by force of arms and this they seem con
fident of doing. However , Cuba is not
for sale and Spain would indignantly
resent a proposal from any responsible
source for the purchase of that island.
The order of the Interstate Commerce
commission , suspending the long and
short haul clause of the interstate com
merce act upon passenger traffic be
tween all points on American railroads
where they are in competition with the
Canadian Pacillc road 'and its connec
tions , will be generally approved as
iustilied by the circumstances. It is not
a matter of retaliation , but a measure
of just protection to American lines
against the rate war which the Canadian
. 'nclflo has Inaugurated for transcontl-
lontul passenger traffic , with special ref
erence to inviting the expected heavy
travcUo the Klondike gold ! fields. The
action of the Canadian road would bo
most damaging to American lines with
which it competes If the latter were
compelled to conform to the long and
short haul provision of the law and
therefore the rallef accorded the Ameri
can roads by the order of the commis
sion is entirely proper and Just. There
s a condition Imposed that United
States lines shall not charge lower rates
linn from time to time are made by
he Canadian Pacific , separately or with
ts connections , so that the American
oads cannot Initiate rate cutting.
This matter naturally invites atten-
lon to the whole question of Canadian
allway competition and the advantages
vhich the alien corporations enjoy by
eason of the concessions they receive
from this government and the fact that
hey are not subject , except to a very
United extent , to the law regulating
Vmerlcan railways. The bonding prlv-
lege which the United States gives the
Canadian roads is a concession of great
nine. It has been estimated to bo
vorth $20,000,000 annually to the Ca-
mdlan Pacific , but whether more or less
han tills amount the concession puts n
arg'O sum yearly Into the coffers of that
orporallon which many believe ought to
go to American railroads. This feeling
s intensified by the fact that thoCa- ,
indlan Pacific Is a heavily subsidized
oad , which has received subventions
'rom the Canadian '
government' amount-
ng to more than 00,000,000. Whether
r not ( his latest Instance of the unfair
ompetltlou of the Canadian roads will
cad to action looking to the lessening or
ho removal of the advantage en-
eyed by the foreign corporations
hrough the concessions of this govern-
nent Is problematical , but It would , seem
i safe prediction that sooner or later
hero will have to bo a change from ex-
stlng conditions. The demand for this
has for several jxrnrs been strong uud
It has received n Men tlon In congress ,
hut on tlu > other Iw id IL hns been urged
thnt this conimi | | on Is of great Inv
i ! pnrtnnci1 to thi-Hin tlncors of the north
W-'St and to thef iiifaclurlng Interests
of Now Knglan& in keeping down twins. .
portatlon rates and that the number of
our people who are benefited In this
way Is very much larger * than the num
ber Injured by the competition.
What the Canadian lines will now do ,
with the privilege accorded the Ameri
can lines of meeting their cut rates , Is
an Interesting question. It Is not Im
probable that the rate war already In
augurated will ti Jfuglit to a finish and
that transcontinental travel will become
cheaper than It has ever btvn.
The general forward movement of the
past century has been noteworthy In
that women have had more than an
equal share with the men In all that
adds to freedom and happiness , partly
perhaps because they had further to
como In reaching the standards of the
present time , but In the main for the
reason that their activities have been
but freshly aroused and are keen nnd
vigorous. For this the women them
selves deserve unstinted praise. Clour
headed thinkers , true philosophers , earn
est pleaders , aggressive leaders , all have
been engaged In promoting their ad
vancement. The gains have been not lu
one line , but In-many.
It would be hard to enumerate nil the
ways in which the women of today are
better off than were their grandmothers.
Their legal rights are more equal , if not
superior , to those of men. In Industrial
pursuits all doors are open. The pro
fessions are not barred from women.
Above all else they are doing a grand
work In education , In religion , In phil
anthropy nnd In works of mercy. Their
faculties no longer rust , from disuse nor
are they wasted away In trivialities. The
women of the world , especially the
women of America , have bjcomo a po
tent force for 'tlieU- own uplifting aud
through them the betterment of all.
Tile women who devote themselves to
furthering the political standing of their
sax often claim credit for these gains
as supplemental to what they have ac
complished by way of securing the bal
lot for women. Far from this being the
case , it is plain that the advancement
of women , especially that in the indus
tries and professions , has be2ii wholly
apart from the suffrage movement and
In advance of It in many Instances , and
further , that many avenues for the
activities of women have been kept
closed longer than ftiey would otherwise
have been through' fear of encourage
ment to the suffrage movement. Confu
sion of the two'things ' should be care
fully avoided. We do not know what
would have ) been accomplished by women
if there had been nq suffrage campaigns ,
but much less have the suffrage agita
tors n right to ttfllrtnthat nil the gains
for women have. be n made as a part of
their work.
The work of .inducing American
women to engage in political activity and
giving them opportunity to exercise the
right to vote is not'making encouraging
progress. It would certainly be unjust
to the women to check their progress In
other directions where gains are possible
to the leisurely gait of this one. That
women are not permitting themselves to
bo thus trammeled may 'be known by ob
servation within the range of every one.
It is largely because of this freedom
from restraint that so much has been
done and so much more Is expected in
the coming years.
Interest in the Transmisslsslppi Ex-
> osltlon is Increasing everywhere. Intel
ligent persons who keep abreast of the
tews as chronicled in the dally papers of
the country , are kept constantly In
formed ) of the condition of the enterprise
ind the progress being made with the
preparation of the exhibits which are to
w shown by the various states. The rcg
liar reports of congressional proceedings
ncludo accounts of the stages through
which the Indian congress appropriation
ms .passed. Nearly every one is np
> rlsed of the fact that a new issue of
> ostnge stamps is to bo made in com-
mmioration of the Trnnsmisslsslppl Ex-
) osltion and as soon as the stamps are
) Iaced on sale they will find their way
Illicitly to every town nnd city In the
country. There are doubtless many people
ple who have never heard of the exposl-
lon. Some of them may never hear of
t , but they will belong for the most part
o the same class who nro not yet aware
hat the late war of the rebellion is
A popocratic exchange indulges In bit
er abuse of President McKinley over
vhat it calls the "crowning Infamy" of
he administration permitting the
mrliil of the dead sailors of the Maine
n Spanish soil , declaring that the excuse
offered was that there was no money to
) ay for bringing the bodies home ,
ilven a popocrat should be Just The
ailors were burled immediately b3-
cause it would , I\avo \ been impossible to
mbalm the bodlo * so that they could be
aken to Washington or New York. The
act that It waq , necessary for the
mrials to tuktvplaco In Cuba Is a mat
er of regret iti all Americans , but It
iffords no oxcuw for nn attack on Presl-
lent McKlnley-iand his administration.
A convention , of , the International Kin-
lergarten union held recently in Plilla-
lolphla recalls tho1 fact that only a few
ears ago klnde'rgaVtens were considered
of doubtful value .In many cities of the
'nlteil Stutes. _ ' Today there is no city
f considerable size In which Intelligent
eoplo reside that lias not several private
dndergartens and public kindergartens
s a part of the public school system are
veil established in ninny places. This
hango has been brought about quickly
ml It. Is probable that other changes in
ducatlonal matters will bo made equally
mportant as the science of teaching is
evcloped. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
The new German civil code suits the
adlcal temperance reformers In that It
Isfrnnchlsctj and debars from all the
ghts of citizenship person who through
nmkennuss become unable to support
lielr families or who become public
liarges because of Inebriety. Ordinary
modes of punishment have not prc
vented men from becoming sots , but do.
prlvlng them of the right to vote will
Another fill ted States senator , Sena
tor White of California , has announced
his Intention to retire from the senate
without seeking a re-election because of
business considerations. Hut business
considerations may be depended on to
raise ten candidates to take his place.
Tri'OH U'ltliout Sliaili1.
riillndelplil.i Times.
There la no particular harm In an Ameri
can boaAtlnq of his family tree as long as
there Is nothing shady about It.
Dill Vnt Drcnin nf Tlili ,
Detroit Prce Press.
Little did Washlngtcii's men realize when
they froze and starved In Valley Forgo that
winter that they were laying the foundation
for a twelve-course brnquct.
'An Kiiiliitiutloit Cullril For.
HurMiiRtcn ( In. ) Hawt > ryc.
How does Mr , Hryati explain the Omaha
Exposition ? Explain ? Why , of course , It
needs explanation : for It tells of that pros
perity which .Mr. llryan etlll Insists doesn't
exist. f
Symptom < > f ' .Vntloiuil Temperature.
WAnliltiRton Stnr.
The ccolncss of the marine who gave the
captain Information of the Maine's fate
should bo a reminder to any unfriendly
neighbor of what the American temperament
Is likely to bo In an emergency.
I'liwlilon' * War rvltli .Nature.
Clcvelnnd lender.
Some doctor has discovered that women
who wear low ehoes are In grave danger of
having their feet made flat and unshapely
by the lack of support for their Qiiklca.
That explains , of course , why women of times
and countries In which only sandals were
worn or the feet were left unshod furnished
so many beautiful models for painters and
Snvr Our Stone Port'Mx ( >
Sprlnglleld llcpubllcnn.
Land Commissioner Herman ot Arizona
urges the federal govcirmont to set apart the
petrified forests of that territory as a public
rci'irvatlon. The auggoitlon seems to be an
excellent on3.Vo ought to bo able to pass
alci'JK to the next generation at least our
stone forests. The remainders ot the wooden
onra ore In a fair way not. to outlast this
riilcntto Inter Ocenn.
Emperor William of Germany may bo un-
ainerlcan on the question of the dlvluu right
of kings but ho Is all right when It comes
to trlrla. Thnrn were clirht nrottv iNmerlcan
girls at tbo opera ball In Hcrlln on Wednes
day and the emperor was very much Inter
ested In the group. Germany doesn't know
good fruit when she sees It , but the emperor
Is a man of taste.
A Krli'inl tilcci1. . |
Western Laborer.
Bcciton Maret , Goverror Holcomb's private
secretary , visited ex-SUUo Treasurer Joe
nartley In the comity jail three times last
week. What was his mission ? What la his
game ? How do the reformers of Nebraska
like the Idea of the governor's ofllce being
so intimate with Joe Hartley ? You haven't
turned the rnecals out when you think you
have. Have you ?
Uciiinnil for Aiiu-i'li-aii
St. Ixjuls Ololx'-Democrat.
The American horse cuts quite a figure In
our foreign trade , and the German effort to
discredit It should receive proper attention.
During cloven months of last year the horses
exported from the United States numbered
42,311 , valued at $5,170.380 , an average of
over ? 122 a head. The 5.S74 shipped to Ger
many brought $903,070. Great Britain bought
19,873 , paying for them $2,7-12,349. No com
plaint about their quality or condition has
como from British purchasers. Amcrlcaus
ilnd no fault with German tariffs , but there
Is a just feeling of Indignation against a
deceitful disparagement of our products , the
purpose of which is to Injure their standing
In all markets.
Jinllulnl View of ililterntiirc.
New York Sun.
There are arrangements for helping the
Industrious struggler with books. In In
diana there are book clubs In which cer-
taln members are paid to read aa many books
as they can and to furnish summaries to
members of loss leisure. In Hartford , Tona-
waada , Lansing and some other places there
are public condensers who for a small fee
boll down a now hook to a. couple of type
written pages. Perhaps the easiest way of
breaking through the foreat of literature Is
mat roiiowcu succeEsiujiy uy juugc
K. Mangles of Council Bluffs. When you
ask him If ho has read the latest so-and-so
ho replies with great dignity , "Sir , I never
read a new book. I beltevo In the sanction
of time. " When you ask him about some
standard work ho replies with equal dig
nity , ' "Sir , I never read anything but mod
ern books. It Is the duty of every man to
feel the pulse of his own generation. "
Indianapolis News : In case there should
be a war with any power It Is .not improbable
that the government would bo forced , for Us
protection , to icstrain or even to suppress
mmy : of t'jfi.iu Irdccect newspapers , as In the
civil war oome of the Indecent papers were
fliipprevised , but In the meantime the matter
U in the ( lands of the American people. If
they desire decency In thcli Journalism they
can have It by declining to bo fed on
sensations. At a tltno Hko the present it
behooves every good citizen to bo conserva
tive. If the time conies when we have to
fight wo will do tbo best that Is in us ; there
Is no sense , or honesty , or decency In brag
ging about what wo are going to do or what
wo can do.
Springfield ( Maffi. ) Republ'can : So long au
the Bale of newspapers depends upon giving
the public stir-Ing news , the manufacture of
Information of that character will not fall ,
and if it decs , the maker ot head llL'es will ,
In perfectly cold blood , supply any lack.
Meanwhile It Is quite In order to ask of the
great American public at least the Intelli
gent and thoughtful portion of It whether
It Is not about time tor it to "tumble ) " to
the games of the exploiters of wars and
rumors of war who do It In order to catch
the money of the people ? Hero Is a bunco
scheme on eo large a scale that the enterprise
of Heed , who tcok in credulous farmers who
stand In need of guardianship , sinks by coni-
parlscci Inio utter Insignificance , Where
Hpr-d got a low thousands of dollars these
fakirs of war news "sell a million copies , "
and parade thirfact llko an order of merit.
New York Tribune : It may bo well to
hoar In mind that tluse next few days , wh'io '
the taqurat la In rfogrcss , will bo a regular
haymaking tl.noor the Inventor of sensa
tions. Every hour will bo fruitful of "faked"
reports llko those that abounded last week.
Every scrap of real news tfbout the Inquest
that does ccciio out will bo subject to dis
tortion and inJslntfrpri'talion. The tales of
torpedo holes < ml councils of war nnd calling
cut of militia and all the rest of the fakir's
stock In trade will be revamped with added
lurldnecs , Somo.lnjudlcloun HOUS | may bo
deceived thereby. No ono will be iio o
memory la three days long. The truth will
bo known In time , and In ample time for
whatever purpose Is to l > o served by It , and
It will not bo hastened ono Instant for all
the hullabaloo tlat may bo raised In liedlam.
l'hll\43lp'iia Times : If ( lore Is cauno for
wi" the eovcrnu ctit will not shrink from de
claring It. If there Is not cause for war , the
government will not fihrlnk from admitting It ,
icgardleis of the lloodtldo of sensational
falsehood that comes from the putrid foun
tain of yellow-Ud journalism. The people
do not want to bo deceived , and If they
would not bo deceived about our relations
with Spain they should resolutely spurn the
yellow-kid journals of the country which
aeek success and profit by pandering to
anarchy. The netvapapcra which present the
truth for the cake of the truth are well
known In every community , and Itiey should
be carefully studied by all ciuhfics and con
ditions as they point the way to national
nafoty. Above all , let ovcry decent citizen ,
atid especially tvcry business man , resent
the yellow-kid journalism ft todny that cooks
only to Inflame and dleturb when all solf-
rrspectliiK Journals and citizens should seek
to tranquillize aud maintain the majesty of
Nature Is hsrd to deceive.
( Meanness ts Idleness In business.
Forbidden flowers have a sweet odor.
Wherever there Is enry there Is ignor
Trials arc 'tho ' up-grade lessons of cdu
Deception U a viper that bites back and
The true prophet is seldom a prophet to
his own people.
Learn to bo contented and you will know
how to bo rich.
Most people feed the body too much and
the mind too little.
If stolen dollars would burn there would
be some hot pockets.
Kaclng tomorrow's 'trials Is turning your
back on today's dutle ? .
Discouraging a good man Is the devil's
way of spiking his best gun.
The stars ot God's promises slilno more
brightly In the night of grief.
Whatever conies from the heart has a
voice that speaks to the heart.
Some men malic their Intentions of being
better an excuse for not being so.
lOrcry good law Is a public confession that
society is not as good as It should be.
Philadelphia Tress : Over all the land this
address , sober , . temperate1 , restrained and
wise , will have its Influence. It will calm
excitement , assuage anger and stay popular
passion. It assures a calm , Olgnllkd and na
tional policy. It will convince the country
and assure the nation that the ancient seat
ot Washington Is today filled by a man
guided by his precepts , obedient to his spirit
nnd anxious and desirous not for the cheap
rewards of personal ambition , but for a
sedulous compliance with the great principles
and policy laid down by the llrst of presi
dents and the greatest of Americans.
[ Boston Globff : Those who expected any
significant "deliverance" as to the ad
ministration's future policy regarding Cuba
and Spain will .find . themselves disappointed.
The president does not even so much as
refer to the Spanish situation directly. In
his words of praise for Washington's advlco
ns to the country's relations .with . foreign
lands , 'Mr. ' OktcKlnley simply rcmraks : "IMe
has emphasized the necessity , at all times ,
for the exercise of sober and dispassionate
Judgment. " It Is by Inference , therefore , nnd
not by argument that the nation's chief
socks to justify the "waiting policy" which
his administration has pursued , not only in
reference to the ( Maine's wreck , but to not
a few matters of Importance concerning
Washington Post : This Is the plea of the
patriot the strong , calm , wise nnd loyal
patriot against the Incendiary teachings of
passion and Ignorance and folly. It is the
protest of our chosen president against the
inlsclilevous and wicked madness of the
hour a madness which would plunge us Into
moral and material calamity.Mr. ' . McKinley ,
at the close of the iilnc-tccntli century , ad
vocates the lofty precepts of Justice , In
tegrity nnd trtio courage which George
Washington enunciated at the end of the
eighteenth. A hundred years of experience
has only served to Illustrate their wisdom
and emphasize their nobility. The principles
in which the magnificent republic was
cradled are the same principles which will
adorn and exalt Its glorious maturity. They
are Immortal. We commend Mr. MclClnley's
address to the attentive porsual of the Ameri
can-people. It comes at a time when such
words of wisdom nnd patriotism from so
Illustrious a &ourco are sorely needed.
Prof. Gllbschln of Saddle Creek philoso
phically observes that people who shoot off
their mouths arc rarely at the front when
real shooting begins.
Dr. Mary Walker's farioun pension ease hs
been decided against her. It has been pend
ing many years and was for an increase of
pension from $8.50 to $50 per month.
No ofllclal declaration bns been Icsucd
agaicst Spain by Uoclo Sam , nevertheless
what resembles a ctato of war obtains be
tween one of the states and the Spanish
colo'iiies. Missouri Is shipping mules t Cuba.
An Illinois man paid $1,322.60 to ttio tax
colector of his-county and frankly confessed
that ho shirked taxes to that amount during
the last ten years. Such an awakening of
conscience Is worthy of commendation and
widespread emulation.
Charles A. Dana's Ts'ew York residence was
sold recently for the. estate. The residence ,
which was situated on LMadlson avenue and
Sixtieth street , was one of the most per
fectly arranged In the city , aud Mr. Dana
devoted most of the year 1SS3 to personally
supervising Its construction.
Mr. Gladstone has found music a great
ruu i uunng me sunenng or tuo last lew
weeks. Miss Gcraldiuo Llddell Is , it ap
pear. , the performer who charms his
neuralgia. She Is an exquisite musician
and has a way of 'playing ' long drawn-out
chords which has a peculiarly soothing
Coinr.el Ibbetson , who died recently In Lon
don , gained world-wldo fame forty-four yeara
ago by his elopement wllti Lady Adele
Villlers , daughter of Lord Jersey , and their
marriage was the last of any mete at the
Mmous Gretna Gren.
George 'D. ' Tillman Is a candidate for gov
ernor of South Carolina. iHo Is an ex-mem
ber of congress , 70 years old and a brother
to Pitchfork , to whom bo has not spoken
since the senator , In order to repay W. J.
Talbot for 710111103 ] services , bnckod him and
defeated his brother's re-election. George
D. Tillman Is a man of great ability and dif
ferent In every way from the present
Captain Slgsbpo was born In Albany , N ,
Y. , and educated at the Albany academy ,
having lieen appointed by iKrastus Corning
to the United States Naval academy , from
which ho was graduated In 18C3. JIo was
Immediately detailed to active servlco as
ensign on the Metacomet , which took part
In the naval operations that ended In the
capture of Mobile , "Captain SIgsbee , " says
the Albany 'Evening ' Journal , "Is well re
membered In the chronicles of naval service
for Mi work on the coast survey. lie is
one of the bravest and most discreet onlcers
in the navy. He Is a man who Is known to
bo what Is called 'remarkably level-headed,1
and those who knew him best will bo the
last to believe that such carelessness as an
explosion aboard ship would Indlcato could
occur on any vessel under his command. "
Chicago Post : The Ind'anapoll * minister
who prcochj.l tignlnal n dljplay of jnnclry nt
iluirch IMS probably thought better of It by
this time. Jf he had displayed hla jewclrjr
nt church It wouldn't have bcon nt hl.i resi
dence when burglar * called to get If.
Chlc.iRo Tlmcs-H - ld : A Knnws minister
Is delivering a scries of lectures m "How to
Get to Hell. " Thpro ought to be a flu *
chinro for some cnterprlding fellow to pick
tip nn honest penny or two after the lecture
by srlllng ox-Senator Pcffer'a book , "Tho
Way Out. "
Buffalo Express : The differences between
the Homan Catholic bishops of Quebec < ind
the liberal elcmc-nt of ttic church over the
expression of political views have brought
out n rebuke of BMhop Librecquo from tha
Vatican. This bishop Is the ono who p'.ac"d
a newspaper called the Solell under the bu.
The owner of the public-alien appealed tha
case to Homo , with the lesult that he Im.i
been mmUtlned In his Independent courae.
The bliliop , however , refuses to submit to
the discipline and IMA tendered his rexlgn/i-
tlon. The action of the Vatican must ulti
mately have u moat calutnry effect upon the
politics of Quebec , where the bishops havn
yet to learn the time Is passing when
voters will unbuilt to church dlctatlui In
civil matttts.
Springfield ( Macs. ) IleptiMlcan : The
fion who ptmyei ! In the United States nenato
that wo mlftlit bo "quick to rrvient liwults"
las found an excellent disciple In the chap
lain of the Illinois house of representatives ,
who thus opened the proceedings ot Trlday
last : "While darkness has como to iiHtiy
hundreds of homes in our Inud. we rejolco
that the spirit of patriotism has been arouscM
here and elsewhere , ready to avenge the
wrong and maintain the honor nf tCio nation.
If wrr must come may It be pushed to a suc
cessful Ufltie , and It It be Thy will that i
barbarous , bloodthirsty nation shall be wiped
from the map of the world wo will sub
missively say : 'Great and marvelous are
Thy works , Lord God Almighty ; Just and true
are Thy ways , Thou King of flints. Amen. "
He exhibits itn eagcintss to wipe out a people
In blood , which overleaivs the llttlu matter
of proved guilt or Justlllablo cause. And yet
as a profeised apostle of the Prince of Peaeo
ho Is not without compeers In the tacred
luniic.vne IDVI.S.
Puck : Ilrnwn Jones strikes mo ns n man
who Is nfrald to think for himself.
Smith Why doesn't lie get married ?
Detroit Free Press : "Mrs. 1)11 m9 , how Is
It that you know everything- about Mrs.
Sims ? "
"O , my hired girl worked for her thrco
years. "
Chicago Tribune : "She lackfi tact. She
scolds her husband when liu comes homo
late at iilplit. "
"Dear , dear ! Now , I avoid all that by
not letting my husband go out at all , lu
the evening. "
Harlem Life : Edith I suppose you were
ut tno wedding ?
Helen Oh , yes.
Edith How did the bride appear ?
Helen Triumphant , of course. | ISA.
Judpe : Mrs. Hymen Hid you notice tha
gentleman who just got off the car ? Miss
\nksluis The brunette man In a brown suit
ind derby , wearing a polk.a-dot scurf ami
opal pin , chrysanthemum , patent leathers.
tan gloves , and sinoklnir a clxarctto ? I
lldn't observe him closely. Did lie speak to
us ?
Brooklyn Life : "I just overheard you
saying , Mr. Gray , that my daughter's face
would make u man climb thu fence. "
" 1 meant If he were on the other side of
the fence. "
Detroit Journal : "A woman cnn made rt
mountain out of a molehill , ' remarked the
observer of men and things , "but it doesn't
by 4iny means follow that slio can make
a hero out of a husband. "
Cincinnati Enquirer ; lie To hear yon
women talk ono would 1)0 led to believe that
nn Ingenious woman could make a wholu
suit of clothes from a Imlrpln.
She Not nowadays. It might have been
done beforu the fall.
Chicago News : Mr. Peck Before we wora
married you called mo your king ,
Mrs. Peck 1 know It. but I always did
have more or less trouble In distinguishing
the kings from the Jucks.
Leslie's Weekly : Mrs. Newlywed Tleforo
we were married you said thut my slightest
wish should bo your law.
Mr. Nowlywcd Exactly , my love ; but you
have so many vigorous nnd wnll-duvclopeil
wishes Hint I run ns yet unable to decide aa
It ) which Is the slightest.
Cop nnd Gown. .
"My daughter , " nnd his face was stern ,
"Vou must set this mutter right ;
\\nat time did the sophomore louvo
Who sent In his card last night ? "
"Ills work was pressing- , father dear ,
And his love for It was great ;
Ho took his leave ami wont away
Before a quarter of eight. "
Then n twinkle came to her bright blue
And her dimple deeper jjrow.
" 'TIs surely no sin to tell him that , ,
Kor a quarter of eight Is two , "
Mnrparet Newell Goodman ,
"Then , read from the treasured volurno
The poom-of thy choice ; "
So ran the Inscription , graven ,
I rose as 'twcro u voice
That Issued the written mandate.
And from the shelv'd height
Took straight to my heart the poem
Loved best "Lead , Kindly Light. "
The night Is dark ; lend thou me on !
And stnilKhtway round me hath
A light been shed , and angel forms
Iluve hovered o'er my path ,
To load mo safe , by moor and fen ;
Kor here , so far from home ,
My pride had led mo wandering
Amid th' encircling gloom.
I , too , onre loved to cliooso my way ,
Hut now , through blinding tenra ,
The path Is dark : "Loail thou mo on ! "
"lleinember not past yearal"
"Keep thou my fetit , " since my pride.
With gloom and night , Is gone ;
And may loved tingel faces smllo
The while "Thous leadst mo on. "
Kmlly Dickinson In The Independent.
Knme is a bee.
It has u Hong
It hiH ; u sting
Ah , too , It hat ) n wing1.
It is just so with cheap clothing of
the kind that a good many people buy
with the notion that they are getting
bargains. It never lives to bz old.
The moral of this proposition is obvious. Buy good cloth
ing , not necessarily expensive garments.
In even our lower-priced suits and overcoats , the materials
are the best that can be had for the money , but the cut and fit
and workmanship are as good as in the clothing in which the
more expensive materials are used.
We want every garment that goes out of this store to be a
credit to the name of