> ( 2 THE GRATIA DAILY , JFEBKVAKY 27 , 1803. Jfel * < © xi < & < lN < fN < iNs ( ) < gr § > THE DOMAIN OF WOMAN. | i s s rxg s vs sx irNs is v x sx © ! i im \ \ w si'Lnxnoiis or .si'in.vo. Arnnnn'aovoltlrn niltlrr T lth llrlKlitiivwM mill llrniilv. NHW YOIlK , Fob. 21. The fcason for profitable bargain cha.ilng la practically over , and ninny nn otherwise well-balanced feminine brain I * whirling with the prob lem of Kastor hats and gowns. Wo arc promised on the third of April i record- breaking display of spring eplcndors. l/iBt year the flnsh nf colors wan unique and Interesting , but unless all signs fall the Raster parade of 'OS will In color go far ahead of anything wo over believed the hitherto rather cmMcrvatlvo American wo man could lend herself to. Kvory prelimi nary millinery opening so far his not failed to Impress all observcivj with the very obvi ous Influence of the Amlubon society. The smartest toques and bonnets and picture hats flaunt gorgeous bouquets of ribbon In place of glatay-eycd little songsters , aad It U undeniable that the ribbon IP answering just an well as the birds did for effective decoration. The giddiest headpieces from Paris , sent over as models , fairly brittle with bows , In the making of which thcro ban sprung up n smatli art all to Itself. Out of a dozen the feminine fancy Is the big chiffon muff , tt l back. ! or any rich , dark color you please , IMS ample flouncM on cither end , and the chiffon Is painstakingly shirred onto n foun dation and lining of rich , bright satin. Scuio- limes n knot of vlolotn , or ( Kilties , or prlr.i. revsra. in fastened on the outside , and within the muff U perfumed llko sachet. ThU cifirmeral bit of r ettlness was widely used at pre-Lontcn weddings , and Is likely to figure at thoio following Esster week. Along with thcso It Is aa well to speak of what wo may expect In the way of stinahadiM , Thu early arrlvala are as fluffy and downy as iowly-fledged chickens , having garlands of rudlcs festooning them within and with out. The nifties are ns often as not of crimped liberty silk , scalloped to rescmblo rcai petals and artfully tinted along the edges. Silk and gauze sunshades arc not only pierced with appttqucs painted In wreathe ut flowers or groups of fat cupldn , or , moat lovely Indeed , on ono sky-blue dome , was * . long flight of white-breasted , black-coated swallows. They 'Wcro painted large about Ulc bottom of the blue dome , growing smaller and smaller , until they -WLTO only specks up near the ferrule. Hero end there whlto clouds were painted In , and the whole sprea.1 of silk was mounted on a long ir.alacca otlck. Much emphasis l.i of course laid upon the stick and In a batch of expensive parasols evening bodices ofwhich the bertha Is com. posed entirely of close set flowers shaded geraniums or verbenas for example. ILLUSTRATIONS. Hut now to solid gowns. The large drawIng - Ing shows .three spring goods and spring fashions. < No. 1 , nearest the edge of the sketch , wears a summer poplin , a delightful goods , half silk , half wool , and not quite transparent. .Tho skirt and under portion of the waist are delicate gray , treated with gunmetal - metal beads. In an airy , skeleton pattern re peated on the softly full waist on the short 'bolero ' of wisteria purple faille. Under the silk shoulder epaulettes fall double ruffles of cream lace , and llio sleeves are rucked and treated with lace at the wrist. ( .Mignonette green silk warp cashmere Is the material of the second suit cut on a per fect princess pattern and garnished with an applique of heavy whlto lace on the skirt. Lace In a. lighter mesh , but of a pattern nnd color to harmonize with the applique , forms the Tjertlm and the side drapery from the shoulders , which last Is caught In at Inter vals by big cabbage 'bows of peacock blue antique velvet. The third and simplest frock Is a blue and whlto striped French linen garnished with whlto linen embroidered In bluo. This forms the top of the -body and ornaments the L'lcoves ' , while the skirt Is set oft with narrow double-edge quilled rullles of the same. the surroundings.When wo nrrlvo at our destinations , or'W ' i stop , I see thftt over } ono of my chaf'gM' understand whcro the ; are to bo qimttofcsfl , for how Ions nnd a what expense. Ot con re o thla includes the transferring * of Hh/lr baggage , though per sonally that Is . Ujperlntended by the gentle man who accompanies each tour , the 'man Chnpcron" wo may-icall tilm. "Why couldn't te tour be conducted en tlrely by this natt-chaperon ? ' Well , I sup pose tt could , b.ui mot with ( is much crtnfort certainly to soirio Mdlw , as when they have a woman to call on. Then , too , the girls You bavo no locv ; | of the numbers of young girls , fresh from echool , often still In school whom I have chaperoned on my numerous trips. Why , sometimes ono would Imagine mo the bead of n. largo female seminary Of course , these girls < ire serious charges and have to be looked after continually. Uu as a claw they give no more trouble than the grown-up travelers and nmko very charm Ing companions , Hut I am digressing again describing my 'friends ; ' our girl traveler. ! nearly always become 'friends' Instead of my duties. "At the end of a. tour that Is , at the other end every member of the party Is Informed whcro I can bo found during the cnllco stay at what hour I will conduct thorn around the place wo are visiting , pointing out objects o Interest , and at what horn' . ) I Can bo found > i my room In ttio hotel. Now don't under stand , oa many people do , that the whole party te expected to go out sightseeing with me whether they so desireor not , for euch is not the case. They are perfectly free from my persecutions , unless they desire to bo persecuted , and need not see mo from the time- they leave the train until they return. Kven when t > n the train , you know , tourlsta are not compelled call on-inc. They are to use their own pleasure. I am simply a convenience , there to bo called on wticn de sired. JWID'H ' A'N ' > D GROOM PnOTECTO'KS. ' "O , yes , wo have some very amusing ex periences. How could It , bo otherlwso when C011POSITE COSTUMES. aported lints on ono stand seven were arkcd for the predominating tones of yel- iw 'they exhibited , and the other five were lack and white. Yodda and basket straws evall over the lately loved rico and Swlso eaves , and nearly every straw has a satin dish. STHAW NOVELTIES. Perhaps ono of the most conspicuous novel- lea of which we nro destined to nee a great eal later on Is the rice straw , woven with ilk and velvet baby ribbon , nnd it was only o bo expected that plaid straws should make bold f how. They will undoubtedly bo the eaturv of the ocason , and pretty , too , for vlth smart chocked ribbon , bright orna- nenU and bunches of gorse or heather , hey posscsa n style nnd cheerfulness of tolor few women can resist. Next In Importance after the plaid nro .Ionian striped stiaws that are being tcci- .atlvcly offorcd hero , though they do say no lack of ni.tikct for them Is found In Paris , riiuro ; they are to wear loose soft straws In tailor shapes , llio brims sago green or gi'iidai'ino 1/luo / and the crown ccnlso , clear .vi'llow or warm ilahll.r purplo. A now Idea lu the arrangement of trlmmlnga Is to pile everything possible all on one side , or to c'.i- crust tlio crown with whatever In the way of ribbon or flowers lo preferred , atul have the brim qulto plain. In adjusting the head peai' a toque , if worn , la net well back from the face , nnd this effect Is hlghtonod by the uprolllng brim. Tlio small bonnets nro also made to retreat ns far as possible , but any liead covering that boasts the least brim lo dragged far ever the eyes. Small bonnets , It Is good to relate , are henceforth to bo tied on with strings. Nar row ribbons are in use for this purpose now , and the ribbons tlo in qulto a respectable - blo arrangement of loops and ends Just under the chin. Later on the most bocomlnR llttlo wreaths of violets , forgct-mo-nots nnd cowslips , fastened flat on strips of net nro to be adopted as chin straps with gauzy theater bonnets. These last ore scarcely moro than llttlo whiffs of whlto tulle or gauze , sprinkled with black spangles and garnished with a tuft ot roses on one side. nVroatlm ot flowers fastened to the head by a big back comb are adopted with theater 'tollots ' , nnd another now style Is a small conu shaped cap of iiet.'imtlrely covered with what are called sanguine red spangles , and having two tiny odtrldi tips curling up from the front llko the delicate antennae ot an Insect , A UKfG'N OF SPANGLES. Spangles do not eoem to lose In 'the least their pnetlgo as the season goes matching on. Onu dressmaker shows how she Is mak ing up cxpumlvo Scotch ginghams and French linens with spangled skirts and .waists. Of course thcso are not to bo wash suits and of course they are only for women of practically unlimited wardrobe , but the matter Is significant , nevertheless , The French linona mentioned above are linvlng a marked Influence on the early shop pers for tlila goods Is only linen In part , Is regarded at ) of tougher quality than the heat ginghams und U beautifully checked and titrtpcd. In every possible variation ot red and blue. The dressmakers say thcro Is a dis tinct erazo for nuking up all these wash gcods on the bias and embroidery by the thousands of yards Is also consumed for the spring making of cotton materials. The muslins , and they are nearly all In bold primary colors , embroidered In "black qulto fancifully , demand lace In their com position , or it U a popular fancy to edge the countlfas rufllc-s nn skirts aud waUU with narrow black satin ribbon. The color lace that leads Just now Is de scribed best as "age yellow , " This has not a lingo of the butter gold In It , but Is thn soft mellow tint that couu-s to heirlooms long laid away In guarded trunks. Ago yel low U also the new and popular color ot the evening silks and u.ultm , taking the place of cream and ivory whlto. This tint has com * in with the new straight watered Hue called "molro Imperial. " Justice demands an en thusiastic recommendation of the ( bordered foulards which are Just out , and of tbo soft light lovely taffeta chlnnls. With its new found border the foulard costume needs no other trimming , and for cool and beautiful ummer shirt waUts. the taffeta cbluols Is ure to < tkv the palm. LENTEN MUFFS. A bit of attractive frivolity Ui t hn caught such novelties have been noted as n gold tcwmeled handle having a tiny watch sur rounded by brilliants set In the vtcy end. Another gold nnd crystal handle for three Inches up is hollow , and , touching n spring , off lllcs tlio gold o.ip nnd ' the cmply space la filled with smelling salts' . Still n third has a slit In the Ivory shaft , Into which slips a sm.--.ll gold-rimmod lorgnon , fastened to the. handle's end by n gold hinge. The pi-Ice ot these Is commrasiirato with their beautiful material nnd exceeding novelty , but far moro stable and qulto as attractive arc the gaudily striped and checked taffeta and gingham sun shades. Some of thcso , by Uio way , sturdy fellows , with carved wood handles , are so arranged Hint at any tlmo the cotton cover can bo removed , washed and neatly replaced again by whosoever may own ono. An ec centricity lir summer umbrellas la In tbo sbnpo of a golf driver , or brassy , rendered , qulto serviceable on the links by the slmplo scheme of buttoning a close leather cover over the tightly rolled silk and small rlbri , SPRING COLLAIIS. Shirt waist collars would deserve moro exhaustive consideration at the fashion chron iclers' hands did they exhibit any marked variety over those wo were last year. So far , everything rolls this spring nnd a good many cuffs as well as collars have scalloped nnd embroidered edges or are hemstitched. There is a fondness exhibited , by tasteful women , for wearing plain lavender linen cuffs and collars , with nhlrts of lavender nnd whlto stripes , plain blue , with n checked blue nnd black shirt , and so on through the category of colors , A slight diversity over the usual method Is that of passing a bright ribbon twice round a rolling linen collar und tying It In n neat bow behind. In front a pretty pin is caught In the ribbon , but. this has not done away with the string tie of vivid plaid silk or a big cushion ascot niado of the most lively striped satin that la worn llko a cheerful sort of plaster across many feminine chests. Quaint and cool are the little lawn bauds in pa'o yellow , and pink , and tan color , folded narrowly and booking eccretly beneath the chin and very small accordion plaited lawn bows , On the name counter with thcso are whlto Swiss muslin scarfs having their arrowhead row-head ends embroidered In black , or deep yellow , or bright blue ( lowers , this marking Olio of the latest stages of tbo neck scurf. MIXED COSTUMES. A great deal of false prophecy Is being made Just now to the end that mixed coa- ttimco are to no longer bo adopted , espe cially of an evening. A mixed costume , which consists usually of ono serviceable dark silk skirt or a white molro one , worn with a variety of waists , Is bound to bo pop ular so long ns there are women of taste and limited means. it Is all very well for Mrs. Astor to de mand n skirt to match every evening waist she wears , but thU does not really affect the great Uws of fashion , and the shops and dressmakers' show rooms are full of evening boJlccs of the newest design , to bo worn with any skill n wardrobe- may tiupply. A fair example of what Is new In this line Is given this week. The little waist U made ot pale Pluk net , Kecked with dark green velvet dots , and back and front the net Is laid In a series of plaits. Hvery plait has an edging of green velvet baby ribbon , ami the top of the bodice Is linlahca by a broad scarf of mint green velvet , drawn through two narrow , brilliant buckles. ( Mint green velvet epaulettes , edged with net frills , fall out over light net puffings that supply the bhort sleeves , and on the left breast Is fastened a knot of cerise red roses and light garlands of amllax , The thrco strings of big mock pearls , tied under either car with knots of green velvet ribbon , Is ono oftho Inexpensive aud pretty methods of ornamenting the throat so greatly In vogue Just now. The effect now driven for most earnestly in these evening 'bodices ' U daring contrasts of color. Ono pretty little thing of cham pagne-colored chiffon has a girdle ot man darin orange- silk , elbow sleeves of black velvet nnd 'the square dccolletage outlined lu uarrow flutes of chiffon heavily sprayed with silver. another and not expensive dinner waist was of whlto satin , Its pouched front span gled in palo green , Ita close elbow sleeves of turquolio blue velvet and its rounded neck trilled with ecru lace , very fascinating , u ; < o In the group of young people the little boy ; weirs a practical school suit of the tough ; and Inexpensive gray homespun , his norfolk Jacket held In at the walat line by a "belt " o ! heavy dark leather and his big tarn o'shanter cap Is of red wool to match his red dotted madras shirt. i For aj girl ot 11 la the smart striped blue I nnd whlto gingham designed. The skirt Is i laid In broad 'box plaits , as Is the slmplo I waist , plnltcd below the yoke collar of white I embroidery. A whlto wash leather belt com- , pletftj this pretty and simple evening bodlco of dotted not , laid In seven tucks nround the body , finished with baud ot smoked fox fur I over the bust , clasped by two 'brilliant i .buckles nnd knob of rod roses on the loft , foreast , with trails of smllax epaulette sleeves I of fur , edged with not pialtlngs , collar of I thrco pearl strings , caught -by bawa of ruby i red velvet under each car. A glrl'a gown for child of 12 years , striped blue nndwhlto linen gingham. Waist laid In three wide box plaits at backhand front , skirt full gathered , yoke of heavy white embroidery , 'belt of whlto wash leather and collar of whlto silk , hat a wide , soft , burnt basket straw trimmed with big band and bow of roso-colored taffeta ribbon. Hoy's rough gray homespun pult , norfolk Jacket , with pockets set atop of "box " plaits. Holt ot rough suit that buttons behind nnd Is worn with a hat of burnt yellow basket straw , trimmed with a big band and bow of roso-colored taffeta ribbon. Finely checked red and white gingham is the material of the llttlo one's suit , with embroidery , sets off the gay cotton nuit , and beneath the stripes of embroidery running from neck to hem and circling the waist and throat clear bright red ribbon Is run. M. DAVIS. It AII.HOAl ) rilAI'HItO.VS. Uniquenml Hiici-ONNrnl HIIHIM | > NN Cnr- rleil > n liy TlirriiVoiniii. . As railroad chaperons Miss Zerelda Wal lace Ucaty , Mlas Emma C. Hlngbam and Miss Anna B. Brady hold unique positions among women workers. They nro emplayt-d by ono of the largest railroad corporations in Amer ica to accompany tourist parties sent out by this road. Ladles by birth , breeding and education , they are all exceptionally charming and may 1)0 counted. In point of salary and congenial employment , among the successful business women of America. Miss Ileaty , when asked about her duties as a chaperon , laughed and said : " 0. they nro only nominal , at least that Is what I have been told by persona who bear of my frequent trips over the country and the number of agreeable people I meet , llut personally I would say my duties are In- descrlbafalo , first because they are Innumera ble nnd second , because In a great measure they depend on what 'turns up. ' I think you will readily understand that the ( duties on the trip are seldom , If ever , duplicated. Of course wo never make two trips with ex actly the same persons under exactly the tame conditions , "At the beginning of a trip I always go through the formality of Introducing myself to every woman In the party , explain my position and let her clearly understand that It la my pleasure as well as my duty to have her call on mo for any Information or as- slstanco during the trip. Where there are women traveling alone , or eeve-ral together unaccompanied by a man , I make myself especially nice , so they may feel no hesitancy of calling on mo about the most trivial oc currence , "Of course , I often have the same person go with mo on different trips. J say go with mo because they really make their arrange ments that they may go on the trip where I am to bo the chaperon , This happens , I am sure , as often , If not oftencr , to both of the other chaperons , and wo know each other's 'friends' quite well. DUTIES OF THE POSITION. "But to go back to my duties as chaperon : on the train I see that the ladlea have every possible comfort. If I notice persona who elvo evidence of laving traveled llttlo before - fore I find occaiion to ba 'especially nice , ' giving all luformatlco doilred and making them reel , as far a possible , at home wluu I tell you that during the six years I have acted as chaperon I have .been to Florida at least -twenty-five times , to California half as often , and , as for Washington nnd other short trips , it would be impossible for ma to say without consideration and much looking backward. I have certainly seen and known of some very amusing occurrences , but , of course , It would never do for mo to tell you about them. What would -my 'friends' say at seeing themselves written up. "So the only -way to find out would bo to take a trip with me. And I would advise you to select n Florida .trip. . There you1 will see tlio greatest number cf bridal couples. You know wo call oursohes ' .brido and groom pro. lectors , ' nnd on some trips wo certainly have our hands full living up to that title , but never dowe forget our duties In that direct- tlon. Newly married couples arc sacred , and we see that they are novur aunoyed by prac tical Jokes or otherwise. "You nsk It I had any training for the position. No , certainly not. Llko other women , when the necessity arose for me to make my own living , I took the first thing offered. In my case the first thing happened to .lie . librarian In my native town ; then I .had this position offered. 1 took it , am here I am. 1 have a vacation in the summer travel back and forth over the country tin remainder of the year , making myself useful fulto other people. Of course , I make man ; charming acquaintances , and , taken as i whole , my occupation is pleasant. " i iiAitn .MWIIS. Vnliinlilc Collection of flcinft fMvnei ) > > a Itnllroml 'MiiKiintr. ' Mr. James Hill of St. Paul , Minn. , tin president of the Great Northern railroad is an ardent admltur ot beautiful gems For a number of years ho has been stcadll ) adding to the treasures of Sirs. Hill's jowe tex , and seldom visits another city than lib own without carrying away one of Its great' cat treasures. Ills especial fancy Is fo emeralds , and undoubtedly the first collcc lion of 'them lu America is owned by hit wife. wife.Mr. ( Mr. Hill Is an expert Judge of the tc.v turo and value ot gems. A Jeweler onu cnllcd his attention to a sapphire that ap peared to have unusual luster and brllll.xncj of color. It was Mid to bo worth a' grcal price , Aftcrr a careful study of It Mr. Hill laid It down and explained 'to the Jcwelci that the slone was most curiously formed In etratas. The center strata , which was light , gave the luminous appearance to the stone , but from the standpoint of purltj ruined Its intrinsic value. Mrs. Hill Is very quiet In her taste , and dor.s not share her husband's love for these beautiful bits of color. She I'cldom wears any Jewels , but keeps them safely in a large box , whore , she says , "It gives ( Mr. Hill much pleasure ) to look at them , " The railroad president has , no ho says , a box of hU own , In which ho keeps furs , for ho Is also a connoisseur of duo cklns and has collected a good deal ot unusual sable. Last year , when ho was away from home , Mrs. Hill opened the sacred box , and choosing some of the most beautiful eablo skins had them arranged as the lin ing of a great coat totMr. . Hill. On his return home she showed It to him. "But you have denuded my box , " ho cried , "and greatly lessened my treasures. " Mrs. Hill however , Insisted that hla furs had simply been put to their proper use. VrlllN of FiiMliloti. iBlack popples , roses and violets are the prevailing1 blossoms in the new spring hats. A most alluring putt ot lorgnctto chain lias three emeralds sot clear , alternating with double straps of emerald green molro ribbon , each link ot ribbon and Jewels be- ng equal lit length. lUlnclc and whlto effects nro largely In evidence this spring , both , in utility cos- umes nnd headwear , and In elaborate cvcn- ng toilets in which silks , .brocades , nets , aces , chiffon nnd very handsome Jet garnitures are united. It Is a conservative estimate to say that wo-tlilrds of the feminine world wears a > ow under its chin. A dashing llttlo French bow , made in two loops no ends appearing > T taffeta , or chiffon , or tulle that Is ue- : ordlon plaited , is especially stylish. Krcnch mohair retains all Its acquired popularity for certain uses in "tho world of fashion ; and among oilier spring materials are found some novel and pretty varieties In serge , armuro , basket , trellis , nnd whip cord weaves in many stylish patterns , and jlao very handsome colorings. All sorts ot ruffling for trimming summer jowna and evening dresses can bo bought In he shops all ready for use. It comes in Ibcrty gauze , chiffon ana lace nil finished in the cdgo with rows of narrow gathered iatln ribbon , a little ruche of chiffon , n tiny > order of flowers , or frills of narrow lace. Transparent poplins , with a satin sheen upon them , which seems to have imprisoned the sunbeams , arc a rival to a similar stuff with a crinkled weaving , whlcn shows great tenacity of thread and Is admirable for drap ing over satin for wo are com'ng to draped lifsses-and must be prepared for them. The latest effort of Parisian invention la a transparent black-lined fabric , which lu color and appcarauco is. made to represent ; tdtnod glass. It Is perfectly harmonious in coloring and has a lightly woven cloudlike design In black all over It. It will bo nn- ; > loyod for 'bodices ' nnd for fronts of dresses tended with self-colors. A new and rather extraordinary skirt neil el has a tunic back and front of a dif- eront material from the underskirt. If tlio unlo is of lacu and the underskirt of satin , he style is at its best. Another very un usual siurt nas tnreo overlapping sltlrta shaped in handkerchief points , aud made at white glace silk 'mounted ' in cerise silk. Tlio effect Is very striking. The shelves and counters of importing and retail houses are plied with light , beautiful woolens for spring dresses. Both smooth and rough-finished fabrics are shown. There are many changes In weaving and in colois. Tlio newest stuffs are very light in weight , almost like the buntings , etamltips , and can vas goods of the summer , hut they nro line all-wool goods , and therefore much wanner than ono would imagine. Very prim and exceedingly trim will the fashionable girl of ' 08 look In the Lenten costumes being made ready for her use dur ing that devout season. Black and gray fabrics take precedence of other styles made of heather-mixed fabrics stripes , bam , etc. , among the tweeds and cheviots. But whatever the textile , the gown Is bovoro In effect , being made with plain , close , puflless , frllless little sleeves , narrow skirts , and habit bodices very simply trimmed with braid and tailor buttons , Hustling silk linings and underskirts have como to rustle so universally that high-class modistes arc now repudiating them , although SPRING FHOCKS. Boston Store Drug Dept Yale's LADIKS AND GKNTMS- JIKN : It a fiords mo great pleasure to call the attention of the public to the Excelsior Hair Tonic , which is the first and only rem edy known to clieiu- LUXURIANT istry which positive- 1 PnpCCpC ' 1 I ly inrns gray bair \ H back to its original color without dye. It has gone on roc- ord that Mine. Yale wonderful women chemist has made this most valuable of all chemical discoveries. Mine. Yale personally endorses its action and gives the public her solemn guarantee that it has been tested in every conceivable way , and has proved itself to be the ONLY Hair Specific. It TOPS IIAIU FALLING immediately and creates a luxurious growth. Contains no injurious ingredient. Physicians and chemists invited to analyze it. It is not sticky or greasy ; on the con trary it makes the hair soft , youthful , Huffy , and keeps it in curl. For gentlemen and ladies with hair a little gray , streaked gray , entirely gray , and with BALD HEADS , it is specially recommended. Our price G9c , OUR SPECIAL PRICES. TUB VEKY U1JST TJIJ3 WOULD 1'KODUCES. Her. Our I'rlci.I'rluc. . Mmp. Yale's Ilnlr Tonic restores the hair miJ stops It from falling out Jl.OO $ .63 Mme. Yale's Hair Cleanser , for hhnmiiooliiff 1.00 .CD Mine. Yale's Frultrurn ( for Female Weakness ) 1.0 > , C3 Mine. Ynlo'H la Kreckln , for freckles 51.0 < l . ' 9 Mme. Yale'fl Skin Kooil ( small , fur wrinkles ) 1.CO 1.13 Mine. Ynlc's Skin Food ( larpe ) 3.0i > 3.23 Mine. Yule's llust I'ooJ ( Final ] , for developing Neck , Dust ami Arms ) 1.5 l.i : > Mme. Ynlc's Ilust Foo.l ( large ) 3.l 2.23 Mine. Yale's Complexion Face 1'owiler , three shades plnlc , whlto brunette M .33 Mme. Yale's Complexion Snap 21 .15 Mine. Ynli-'n Complexion Illeach ( for Moth Patches nml Liver Spots ) 2.0i > 1.75 Mme. Yale's Complexion Cieam ( for softening nnd refining the Skin ) 1QO .03 Mme. Yale's Kvclasli Grower ( promoting Kiowth of the Kyehrowa nnd Irishes 1,0' ' ) .C3 Mine. Yale's Special Iwitlon (1'lmplc ( Cure ) 1.00 . ( n Mine. Yale's Special Ointment ( Hlnrlc lleail Cure ) 1.00 .03 lime. Yale's lllood Tonic ( purirylng the lllood ) 1.0" ) .03 Mine. Yale's Hand Wltlti'iicr ( makc.i hand soft , clcllcato nml white 1.00 .01 Mme. Yale's Kllxlr of lieauty ( Skin Tonic ) 1.00 .03 Mine. Yale's Magical Secret ( for Softening Water ) 1.50 1.13 Mine. Yale's Great Scott C.O ) 3.03 Mme. Yale's Ureat Scott ( small ) 1.00 .03 Mme. Yale's Jack Hosci Leaves ( l.lfiulj Ilougc ) 1,00 . .C3 Mmo. Yule's .lack nose Ind9 ( Lip Salve ) , 1.00 .01 Mine. Ynlo's Fncp" nnnint'l , whlto and pink l. ! > 0 ,95 Mme. Yale's Kyehrow Ponells-t . 23. , lr Mine. Yiilo'.i Kcrtlllzer ( for Constipation ) " . l.C'J 1.13 Mine. Yulo'R Mole nnd Wart Exterminator ( largo ) 3-M " - - Mme. Yale's Mole and Win t Exterminator ( small ) 1.00 .09 Mine. Yule's I.lly Pkln Wliltcner 1.00 .09 Mme. Yale's Skin Ilellncr 1.00 , C3 Mine. Ynlc's Complexion Ilrui-li 1.00 .0.1 Mine. Yale's Antlxeptla 1.00 . ( a , Mme. Yaln's Dlijpstlvo Tnlilcts ( for ImHKPctlon , etc. , law size ) 1.00 .03 Mme. Yule'tt DlKL > jtlvo Tnl.l.'tK ( for Indigestion , etc. . Email size ) r > 0 ,35 Mine. Yale's Complexion T ihlets ( Ini'Kc sl/.u ) 1.00 . .09 Mine. Yale's Complexion Tahlets ( sin ill .sl7.e ) . > r'1'1 .35 Mme. Yale's Fertilizer Tnhlels ( larRC size ) 1.00 , C9 Mine. Yale's Fertilizer Tablets ( large slzej .CO ,3J BEAUTY SOUVENIRS. Wo will present every lady calling nt our d rtiR deiiartment with Mine. Yale's two sclentlfla hooks , entitled "Woman's \Vlcdom" and "Itoil ; to Ui-auty. " They cuntnln advice from Jinn- . Yalu on the subjects ot Health nnd Hcauly that cannot bo obtained from any other source. Neb. not a few of their most fashionable patrons bavo decidedly refused to rellmiuinh the pos- Ki-sslon of a gown that gently gives evidence ot its luxurious lining as its wourcralka about In-it. The * oft almost IndlHtlngnish- ablc rustle of j Imml.somo silk lining , and the vulgar rattle and swish of a cheip , heavily drcescd ono , nro an different as coiiua lace is from hand-undo point. Something very pretty for summer dresses In the box drcfis pattern of whlto appllquo lawn. This Is preditlncd to talcs the place entirely of the once well loved b'own batiste and the whlto embroidered ! awn. Theap pllquo Is edged nil about with a flno lineof black needlework , and a whlto orpnndie , ( lowered over with palo lavender nnd deep purple Iris blossoms , set in a cieiiraio fiamuHork , is a delectable Right to beauty- loving eyes. Another pretty thing , called Ja'vatmlso ' , Is a cotton ijooJs , toft and line ns the batiste used for French lingerie , striped in satin lines and llowerol llko the teacups and cake plates of our grandmothers , I'Viiilnliic I'rrmiunlM. Mrs. John A. Logan and MM. ficorgo M. Pullman are making an extended tour through Mexico , Mtes Florence Hlgglns has been elected to the tlmlr of oratory In the Northern Indiana College of Law. Miss Martha Culver , who lives near St. Paul , is eald to have killed more wolves thin any woman in the northwest. The heads of Molly Pitcher , Harriet Deechc < - Stowe , Clara Harton and Susan 11. Anthony will bo sculptured oil the grand Btalrwuy of the Albany capltol. The latest novelty In feather boas has six ends , three on each side , and fastens at the neck' with a Jewelled ornament , which lu general Is sot with .rhlncatones. . Counters Eugenie and Ilia KnpuUt , who had such miraculous escapes from , the charity bazaar disaster , have been In Groccoticro they acted as nurses In the Turco-Oreclan war , and are iow about to return to Parli , Mrs. Charlotte Smith , president of the Woman's Hollef League of Now Jersey , urs < ' 3 u tax of $10 a head on bachelorIn thai utato , the money to be used for the support of dependent old maids , The best educated queen In the world Is her majesty of Italy , who. besides her own tongue , speaks Frentti , German , Knglhli und Spanish , and In versed In theology , biology , geology , several other "oloslcs" and botany. The king of SwrdMi has bestowed on the Scandinavian authorcM ) , Clara Tschudi , the medal for art and science , It being the 111 at tlmo that a Scandinavian authoress has re ceived this honor. Clara Tschudi's -works have already been translated Into Gormaa and nro mostly on historical subjects. Mrs. Mary St. Legff Harrison , more widely known by her pen name , "Lucas Malot , " Is a daughter of the late Charl < Klngaloy , nnd was born In 1853. In 187C eho married Mr. Harrison , rector of Clovclly , North Uovon , and the sceiio of much of her best flctlon lira 'round end about that picturesque llttlo village. Mies Mores la Nnvlllo , tbo secretary of the Ladled1 Grand Council of the Prlmrotio League , Ima now given fifteen years of her llfo to political work. 8n boasts that vha has canvassed In every district In London , and she baa spoken at over 2,000 publlo meetings. As a child MUa N'avllla was a great pet of Lord lloacouiflald's and film la ld to po 3M.i llio beat collection of Disraeli icllca lu existence. JJIl'JIJTIUS , ' What wai the subject of ( Brother La tly' sermon yesterday ? " ' 'Heaven Is It a Place or * State , and What Do Its Inhabitants Do1" ' "Good sermon ? " "Deautlful. " "What did ho tell you about heaven ? " "Well , ho said heaven Is something wo know absolutely nothing about. " "And now , .my dear children , " said the teacher , "for what special purpose was Lent designed ? " "iMamtna says , " replied the child of the woman who never refuses an Invitation , r "that Lent was nnido for society folks who wants to catch up on their sleep. " Wo often SDO ojd announcements taken from ancient church accounts , cays the Westminster Gazette. What -will people who live u century or two hence think or the following from the Jilahop 'liurtcm ' church accounts for IS'JT : "To killing worms iu the bust of John Wesley , 10s. " While a meeting of Grand Army men' ' was In progress in Trcmont temple , illoston , u few days ago , a note was received from the pastor , 'Uov. ' Gtorgo C. Lorlmer , stating that smoking must bo prohibited In tin ; corridors , and that unless it ceased , the dnor.i of the tcmplo would ho closed. Tho. language wan emphatic , nnd BOJIIO of the old soldiers seemed to receive the words with astonish ment. The commander requested' the officer of the day to attend to the matter , nnd , llko good soldiers , the order to cease smok ing In the hulls and vrvUltmlco wan at once obeyed 1iy the veterans. 1'rovlnus to his sending In the written request , Dr. Lorlmor trlod to enter the hall In ttpllo of the two sentinels. "This Is my building , " the clergyman was understood tu Bay"and'It It not to ho profaned by tobacco In any form. If you are gditlemcnr , you will stop smok ing. " Ono old soldier , taking his cigar out of his mouth , Bald , "You don't expect a 'battle ' without smoke do " , you , parson ? Gongs on street cars canv1 uorked auto matically toy R now attachment , In which a gear wheel attJchc.nl til the car xlo tiirun a shaft running to the front platform of the car , where It Is connected with a revolving bamtncr lu'sldo the bell , a plunger In the platform puuhlng the gong * in position to b struck by the hammers.