* -7- THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE. ESTABLLSILED JUNE 10 , 1871. OMAHA , SUNDAY MORNING- , FEBRUARY 27 , 1 SOS-TWENTY PAGES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. THAT CHINESE LOAN Bonn Burpriaj Oansodby England Dotting Half of It CZAR'S BULLDOZING TACTICS DO NOT WIN Rmsia Trius to Oompol China to Favor Germany , ENGLAND GETS A QUIET TIP FROM PEKIN Ealhbnry Then Triea Hia Hand at the Negotiations , PUTS UP A BIG BLUFF AND IT GDES Cllnilm Down nnil the Amount IK Kiillllllj DUIileil III 11 IT n l.oiuliiii nnil llerlln llnitkliiK HOIIHCH. t , U9S by T'rciw Puhlltlilnp Company ) LONDON , Feb. 2C. . ( New York World CM- Wegram Special Tele-gram ) That German capltsl should have submitted to England taking $8,000,000 of the $16,000,000 of the new Chinese loan came aa complete hiirprlsu to the governments of both countries. Lord Salisbury had from the beginning of the present lean negotiations sought to cncour- ngo English bankers to advance the money required by China , going even so far us to offer asiumnccB that the British government mould be rcpponn'lilc for the fulfillment of nny promUes made In connection with the loan by China. This would have been all that WBB necessary had not the news of this negotiation been betrayed' ' to a London paper , and thus to the Russian foreign office. At ' commenced to once the crnr's representative liully the weak Chinese government , declar ing thnt If China dared to accept an English loan guaranteed by thai government , llus-3'a would henceforth bo to China an enemy nt her gates. This made the tsung 11 > amcn tremble , and long cipher dispatches ticked Into the Chlncpo embassy nt London , Haying In substance that though China sorolv noetic 1 the money , yet such wio her dread ot Rus sia that nhe could not accept the offered money unless England at the same time offered to shield her In case of Russian ag gression. ADVICD ON THE SIDE. The Chinese ambassador In London has no discretion allowed him by his government ; In fact , China regards nil her diplomatic ngcnt as useful only Irpofar as they hand In the- respective foreign office letters sent to them from Pekln. In this case the Chi nese ambassador was empowered to eay to Lord Salisbury : J'Dcar .Mandarin Salisbury : I cannot take your money because the Russians are bully ing my emperor. Let mo whisper this In your ear. Do jou , too , go and bully my emperor ; then my emperor will say to RUB- Bla that he must make the loan In England because John Hull Is so strong. " At this point , however , SalUbuiy shrank back from the eamo ganeroua motives that made O'adat-'ne hind back the Transvaal to the Doeis He declined to compeio with Russia In any ouch manner and Insisted that the position of England and China must re main based uocti moan prestige and not upon bribery by violence. Meanwhile , however , what the govcrntnenls and their diplomatic agents had failed IP. doing wa being quietly accomplished by private enterprises In ( lie shape ot the lloug Kong and Shanginl bank , which In China count amta respect like the Hank of England The ) tnlled In the soivlcca of thu man of nil others most familiar with the Internal economy of the county , and he It was who dlrcovcred that there were other BOUTCM of revenue he-sides the maritime customs that could bo made piollluble In the- way of guarantee for the sixteen millions. This gentleman I am not at liberty to designate meteclrcclv at piCBcnt , but ho will soon ap pear buforn the public as a public benefactor. GERMANY ACQUIESCES When all the details were ariangpd between this English bank and the Chinese govern ment so that RtiBsla could have no excuse tot Interfering openly , then and not till then was a cnblrgiam s-ent to the Dcutsch Ontasl- ntlscho bank offering IU Gerunn colleague tlio option of taking one-half their answer to bo " $ m" or " io" wl'hlu twentfouc hours. This was not dona for fear there should not be inonnv enough In England , but from an understamV'ug ' between theno tvvc corporations dating back to the tlmo of a previous lean floated Jointly , at which time It wps agreed that henceforth each should help the other In this m.umer. Whim the pab'o offer reached Herlln , a spe cial L.ih'iu't meeting was Immediately held and thru and there It was decided to accept , that IH to Hjy. the Get man part of the loan has been made with the consent and pre- BUinnbly with thu encouragement of the kaiser's tovprnme'iit , How far England hat ) committed hprsolf lu the matter dors not jet appear , but my private opinion IB that whatever cautious ness Lord Sal ) > buiy may have shown , and he Is a cautious man , English public sentiment will never allow that the German govern- input should be able to furnish bettor guaranties In the far east than that of the quern. RUSSIANS SINT : TO J\IL. Last week two Hiifulan subjects weio sen tenced to English prisons for having pub lished a pica for the killing of the czar. Far bo It from mo to advocate murder In the abs'ract ' , but I have known several Nlhlllnts in my life and I have usually found that they compared favorably with those who pro- mi mo to sit In judgment upon them. In 1S52 , when Europe In general was being ruled much as Russia Is today , the great Italian patriot , Mazzlnl , wrote these lines t the German revolutionary exile , Huge ; "Against this unexampled universal display of brutal force there ls only one appeal left the appeal to rational force against savage violence , the sword In ono hand , the gospel of liberty In the other. " Mazzlnl wrote In England and all the world honors him for saving that which today has sent two Rus ' V sian patriots to jail Last week I saw Carl Peters on the street looking ten > ears older than before his trial. He gave his country an African em pire and a few months ago was the pet ot German court society. Ho arsurcd inn that be was the victim of a conspiracy organized lu the colonial department , British reverses In India and South Africa have not freshened too laurels of the reg ulars , least of nil has It a Wed to tbo credit of generalship or war office management , Now , however. West Africa Is to be man- seed In matters military by Colonel Lugard , goes out At the licad of force * mainly of his own selection and on a mission of the highest Importance to European commerce and the white man's prestige. We should have some ono In the wake of his expedition to report upon the opportunities offered for American trade , especially regarding new openings for agricultural Implements , canned provisions and Yankee notions generally. LITTLB DANGER OF WAR. I do not believe In a war between France and England at thla time. England has Oono so much backing down latterly and has so many discouraging wars on hand that Franco thinks It a good time to play a game of bluff. But for my personal confidence In Colonel Lugard I should have misgivings about the coming campaign on the Nljcr. Thu French know well that Lugard Is sent to fight and that he known how. Besides , the DrejfiiB case has ended in victory for the government and Parts wants her coming exposition to be a success , so why tall ; ot war ? Americans arc the chief sufferers by the recent Transvaal law compelling all mining engine-era to pass examinations In this I trace the finger of the Germans and Hol landers , who can pass examinations to any extent , yet would not bo trusted with a tionkey engine. When I was In Johannes burg nine-tenths of the mines were man aged by Americans because they knew their business , although under the new regulation they will be ousted. Judge Kotzc has taken a bold stand In the Transvaal , defying President Kruger and his medieval government at a moment when the elections appear to make inch defiance most darhig. Shortly after the Jameson raid I had several talks with the chief justice and ho then clearly foretold th'e mischief that must ensue If the executive were allowed to dominate the Judicial branch of the gov ernment. Judge Kot/e warmly appreciates the supreme court feature of the American constitution and he does his duty as n patriot in sacrificing official emoluments to the preservation of constitutional safeguards. Our admiration for Krugcr as a "gra-.id old cowboy1' and patriarch must not blind us to the fact that he represents a rotten sys tem of administration akin to vhat prevailed in Texas when the Lone Star claimed admis sion to the American union. BLACKS ARE ORGANIZING. The African blacks art- organizing their people at home and also In the West Indies and North America. At least this was told mo by a London philanthropist who Is a leading spirit In the Aborigines Protection fccciety , which spends much time and money In assisting native races to secure their lights Last week on enthusiastic meeting ot Africans and white philanthropists was held lu London , of which the future of this meeting was foreseen so clearly that one speaker , a ncgio , declared that now that Europe was degenerating eo rapidly it could bo but a matter of time whew from Darkest Africa would come the Christianity and civlllzatlton that would be then required In order to prevent the white race from sinking out of sight. I had a talk with the leading African In this movement , but could gather nothing more practical < han that U was an excellent scheme for giving sentimental humanitarians an easy ineanD of spending their surplus money. It will at least provide work for several young bUicks who will Jrnw pay as fecretarlcs , mission aries and the likes CAMPAIGN 0'F ' EXCLUSION. The German government organs , more par ticularly the so-called agrarians , blindly carry on a campaign of exclusion against Importations of all kinds fro.n America , notablv food. The government experts pc- ) tcnd to have proved that American fruit U a menace to the fatherland , but experts not In government pay ridicule the tactics of the government c" a mere cloik for a pro tectionist measure For Instance , Paul Snrnncr , an authority , has just concluded a scries of three serious articles , In which he derronatrates that whatever tl.e German government maj prove against the I'an Jose Insect may with at least equal force be adduced against Insects of European , It not Gorman , origin which have been a serious Injury to American fruit. The expert re- pott concludes by advising Germans to de sist from futile attempts to stamp out this vermin at the custom house , and Instead to follow the excellent example set by Amvrlca , namely , to study the subject at experimental stations and then tilstrlbuto the Information among the people Interested , that the mis chief may in time abate , If not cntliely dis appear. I fear , however , that these who are making the present crusade against Amor- lean products are animated less by thirst for scientific knowledge than by the < leslro for protection at the expense of the people. POULTNEY HIGBLOW. ASS VSSIV FAILS OP HIS AMI. I'liNiieeeHNfiil Uliileninr on life of Ivlni ; ( ATHENS , Feb. 20 An unsuccessful at tempt was made today to assassinate King George of Greece The king wis returning horn Ifjalerum at ! > o'clock In the nvenlng In a landau , accom panied by the Princess Maria , when two men , who wcro hidden In a ditch alongside the road , opened fire with guna upon the occupants of the carriage. The first shot misled , but the second wounded a footman In the arm. Thu coachman whipped up his horses and the roval party daffic.1 away nt a gallop. The miscreants fired seven more allots after them , tuna of which took effect , and thn king and the princess returned to thu palace unhurt. The king statea that ono of the asflasalms wan dreesed In gray clothes , and his majesty declares that he could easllv Identify him When the second tnot whizzed past the carriage the king rcso and stood In treat of his daughter In order to chlcld her. Ono of the horses was slightly wounded. Ono of the aebollants knelt In the middle of the road and aimed straight at the king , who noticed that the man's hind was rhaK- Ing , The Uiot ml&sed and the king had a clear view of this man , who , his majesty saya , was barely 0 years old , Ho continued to fire after the carriage ) until It was out of range. His companion did not leave the ditch. Aa soon as the news became known all the leading politicians hastened to the palace to cxprecs their congratulations over the csipe ot King George and Prlncees Maria. The action of tils majesty In shielding the prlnceba at the risk ot his own life' has aroused great enthusiasm. SIOII IT \MVMU DUUIMKS UOIIIC Aiitliiirltlm I'riiiuUo Ilollcf it nil Molt SALAMANCA , Spain , Feb. 26 , A crowd of ab3ut 3,000 workmen , accompanied by groups of women carry Ing flags , paraded the streetn today shouting for work and bread. Many houses were stoned and the railroad station vva t'tormed and considerable wheat was stolen , Thc > authorities promised to And work for the unemployed , end as this dis patch was icnt thcx were restoring order. SYMPATHY FOR ZOLA Eminent Literary Men Talk of Their Brother Author , APPLAUD HIM FOR HIS MANLY COURSE Regret that He Was Not Qivan a Fair , Open Tr'al , SHAKES FOUNDATIONS CF THE REPUBLIC Saddest Blow Evar Inflicted on Justice in France. MILITARY DE PJTISM RULES THZ PEOPLE \Vlllliini T. Stnul ThlnUN ImiirlMOii- iiii-lit Will Kimlilf.oln to MnKc HIM Next IliioU the Itfvt He MIIHViltteli. . ( Cop > rlKht , US' , by l'rc ii I'ubllflilngCompany ) LONDON , Feb. 26 ( New York World Ca blegram Special Telegram. ) I have been favored by some ot England's incot rcpro- scntutlvo author. ' with their vlovvs on Zola's action and sentence , especially as they bear on the question of the Interposlt'on ' of men ef letters In affairs of state. They fol ow "I honor Zo'a and I think that every lit erary man ought to honor him for the manly , patriotic courage which he has shown In his recent action. I have no meins of forming any opinion as to the giiilt or Inccencc of Drcjfus , but I know that Zoia only de manded a fair , open trial for an accused man , In t'cflance ol nil the clamor of perverted public opinion. I honor the great writer who comes out from the quietude of his study to stand up at any risk for a great public principle. The sentence of the Paris court has sent him to a prison. The whole literary world Indeed the whole civilize ! world decrees to him the palm of victory In his prison. JUSTIN M'CAKTIIY. " "I regard the action of Zola with acdont admiration and cerpcct and deplete the sen tence pronounced as the caddebt blow ever suffered by justice In Fiance. "EDWIN ARNOLD. " rnAiis FOR FRANCE. "For love of Fiacce , whose guest I am , I deeply regret the sentence of ZoM. I hope that this great , chivalrous natlca will jet leant that her best national defense Is to oee that the vety foundation of Justice and cltl- punttilp are not sapncd In her midst. I am ready to Join any cxprcsilon of sjmpathy with Zo'a. Whj nliould not Kapllsh cud American mtei of Icttcra lave the honor of defraying some , at leant , of the expenses of his trial ? I will gladly subscribe to my ut- mcst ability. HKNRY ARTHUR JONGS " "Zola's action springs manifestly from deep feeling and Inncst conviction and every lover of the frank aod open administration of Justice must sjmpathlzc with him dceplj Hut the Intel position In public affairs of men of letters or of artl Is of en > order Is not to be advocated. As a rule they do best to light only with the proper weapons of their craft. "ARTHUR W. PINERO " "My opinion Is very simple. It is that Zola did well to srcak up for the man who Is now proved bejond question to have been tried and condemned in n manner which , ac cording to nngllsh or American Ideas of Justice , was Illegal. How far the Trench regard the trill as illegal Isa different mat ter. The Innocence cf Dre > fus haa not bean established ; only the injustice of his trial Let UB remember tint for men of letters test st p forward and speak out manfu'.ly In the cause of Justice Is to fulfill the hignest func tion o' their calling. Let us remember Lowell In the CD's ; IJjron In Greece ; Southty In the French revolution and many other Instances AH for the sentence , I think It Is Ir.iquUous. If Zola has committed a breach of livv the manner , motive and character of the man should have been remembered and taken Into account. If these opinions of an humble man of letters who Is no polltlclsn are C'f ' least consequence you urc welcome to them. "WALTDR BKSANT. " DESISRVINO OF CONGRATULATION. "Zola deserves our congratulation Eng land our condolences and , the French repub lic our silence. 'De mortuus n'l ' nisi bonum' and the French republic has virtually per ished. The trial , conviction cod sentence * rf Zola prove that Franco Is no longer under the regime of law. She Is subject to mili tary despotism , masked by republican fouc This revelation Is a source of uneasiness to her neighbors , especially England. The military Junta knows too well the Impossi bility of attacking Germany before the French army Is furnished with quick-firing guns. If , therefore , thej have to create a diversion they will bo surely tempted to try It on at the expense of England In West Africa. The situation U dangerous and any moment might become alarming. u\a for Zola , the world will bo the gainer by his Incarceration , having mvsolf enjoyed the privilege of Imprisonment under conditions which permit study I congratulate Zola and lib millions of Tenders over a period of enforced seclusion which will enable him to make his next Look thu best ho l.us over written. W. T. STEAD" "With sympathy for Zola , I hold that our present course should be to wait. "GEORGEMnRUDITII. . " iuiuvis : ins C.YIJM : is JUST. /.oil ! ThluKx. I'm HIM- Will Vet Srcnnil llrpi'iit ItH Krriir. ( CVipyrlslit , U9S , by 1'repu I'ulillslilnR Company ) PARIS , Fob , 20 , ( Now York World Ca- blcgram Special Telegram , ) The stone which the builders rejected becomes the chief cornerstone of that edifice. Zola jeered at , spurned at , hated , Insulted , de spised. Is the man who In solitary greatness redeems France In the eyes of her foreign well-wishers. Today France Is seized with a fit of her old distemper love of militarism , complicated by the cruel , debasing passion of anti-Semitism. When I saw Zola In his Parla residence today , bo was calm and sub dued , but of unabated courage In the des perate struggle on which ho baa risked everything , "If I consulted my own Interest , " ho said , "I bt-g you to allow mo to say nothing , as I have not seen a single French reporter and whatever I say will bo misrepresented and used against me. nut the French na tion 1 enlightened and Just at heart , and my trust In It U as strong as over. I know they will eventually recognize ( he Innocence ot Dreyfus and my singleness of purpose. To explain the crlils would bo a long story , going over the history of the last thirty years and even history Itself will not ac count for everything. There are racial peculiarities the love ot glory for example bound up with the anny to bo taken Into consideration In reviewing ijhat has hap pened. Nor doea It belong 'to ' mo In the thick of the fray and under sentence ot Imprisonment to sit aS'crltl ' on my sen tence. The French pcoplo 4re not them selves at this juncturc mid this Is all the more reason why lovcrs ot liberty and Jus tice like mvself shouTd not feel faint hearted. For my part Ifjxra n | > t dismayed In the least , though- profoundly Impressed by the lamentablenesD of th"fe present sltuAtlon. I cannot say morr- except to thank my friends In America. " EMILY CRAW-FORD. IM'HlllinU' WITH 31MK. UKliYKtS. Ulfc nf the Cotulrmiiril Olltecr I.IIJB Her Ili-nrt Hare. ( CopjrlRht , 1SS8 , by l'rcsIhibllclitng Company. PARIS , Feb. 20. ( New York World Ca blegram Special Telegrntn. ) I wns re ceived by Mmc. Dreyfus at her father's house today , She bears traces on her beautiful Madonna-llKf face of the recent heavy anx ieties. Mmc. Dreyfus willingly spoke for the World readers , saying : "I may tell vou now that I have not seen my husband's handwriting tor a year and a half. I get only copies ot his letters from the minister for the colonies. He la not allowed to write to me about the state ot his health or his treatment In prison. He speaks ot nothing but his rehabilitation be fore he dies. That thought absorbs him even moro than the thought of me and our chll- dicn The last copy of a letter of his which I received was week before last. It was all about his rehabilitation and I cannot ray whc.hcr he knows what Has been going on horo. , i "The result ot the Zola trial IB a stain on the republic , but I still hope even against hope that It will be wiped awaj. I havi , not told any Journalist before , but I never met and.never saw M. Zola until we ex changed looks when I was at thu bar of the Palalso Justice. He Is a hero , exalted above his fellows by hlu sublime unsclllshneE and love of truth. "We must now await the result of his ap peal befoie taking any further step. If the secret document had been produced wo must have succeeded , but the government , whether In favor of revision or not , was afraid to produce It lest It Incur thereuy defeat at the general elections approaching. "I have received hundreds of letters , warm , personal letters , frcm all parts of the United S.tates since the publication of my flibt Interview. I now at-k jou to convej my heartfelt thanks for these , as I cau- not. " 1IVV13 ( iHUVT PMTH iV-M'KIMjKV. i Pr.-HH Thi ill. * HiAMU U'ltli- Mtnnil ( lie .IltiKorx. ( Cepjrlrht , 1'SS. liy tliof olntul rrc-- " ) LONDON , Fcb 20 Sensational dispatches , purporting to icport alarmist utterances of President McKlnley , Secretary Long and other ofllclola , are beginning to affect public opinion on this side of the Atlantic and to treato the imprcbslon. tl-at possibly there may be truth In the reports that the loss of the Maine was not due to an accident , as at first believed. Although war with Spain Is believed improbable , the , Inclination Is to consider the reports of trcnble n Cubaras ' exaggerated. ' > The Statist plnts out that this la a grave mistake , "as apart frcm sjptlment the ma terial loaies inflicted upon Americans by the anaichy In Cuba must not bo belittled. " The Statist believes , however , that President Mc Klnley "Is strong enough to icalst the plea sure , " and congratulates him upon the "firm and statesmanlike qualities which the 1m- nioJtatii rcsporulbllllie.1 of his position have developed , " ted upon th honorable and noble rlnclplco vlilch ho emunpiited at Philadel phia when he quoted Wasnlngtan. "At tlu- simo time , " continues the Statist , "we realize that the president cannot afford ic quarrel with hlo supporters If the latler picas war. " The Saturday Review ; Is of the opinion that the affair Is gravely threatfulng , an , ! com ments upon the sllc-neo of , the court of In quiry Into the Ios3 of tJicf Maine as being "om'noLs. " as In the 'rervous anxiety of President McKlnley and hto inla'dteru to avcld n rupture with Spain , tney would have hantfoed to publl'h anything that would help stop the moutrs ot Senators Mason and Alien , who , with the atatstance of certain newspapers , are yenllng for tastunt war In the best jingo atjle. " Proceeding , the Saturday Review rcmarkir "Secretary Sherman having been silenced by the fihnplo process of not olloAlng him to know anything , the executive has lately kept the Bccrcta admirably , hut It Is shrewdly suspected that the pacific position of Pres ident McKlnley la laigely owing to the re ports of his naval advisers to the effect that America la not In any position to go into war with Spain without assurance of Im mediate success. The Spanish fleet Is not to bo despised , and South American lepubllcs have not dlpla > ed any love for their north ern neighbor But all thla will not prevent the Jlngops forplug the president's hand , If a scrap of evidence Implicating the Cuban authorities becomes public , " The Spectator Is cprtaln that the United States government , ' whether moved by In formation from Europe , or being only de sirous for peace Is anxious for peace " Still , aside from the Maine , the Spectator thinks that the harrowing' consular reports from Cuba may so lire the Americans that they will Insist upon thejrKQV eminent ending such miseries wHhln'yvmerlean waters , The Spectator thcn roceetls to repeat the reported war preparation * In the United States , and concludes' : "But grave persons everywhere * In the ijnlon nro waiting for evidence , and am not ? Incjlned for war un less the honor and fiollcy of the country really require It.1 f Advices from Madrid show- that while the revolutionary organs such as El Pals , are shrieking denunciations arul threats , the re sponsible newspapers have adopted a con- dilatory attitude. For Instance , El Liberal , In a leading article , made a sympathetic reference to Washington's birthday , and ex pressed approval of President McKlnley's speech at Philadelphia , considering It to bo "a rebuff for those seeking to embroil the United States and Spain , " oud expressing the hope "that the president's action will be In accord with his words. " In conclusion El Liberal eeje : "Time will tell , but for the present we ought to cry a truce to suspicious and animosities In honor of the memory of the great man , who , In addition to layliij the foundation for the liberty of his people , contributed as few others have doneto the redeeming and dig nifying of human conscience. " The ministers declare that the peailmlstlc views of the Spanish prtai are only the echoes of the sensational statements made by certain Amerlctn newspapers. I'uMfnliitcM Hull for > \iiii-rlvii. LIVERPOOL , Feb. 201. Sixty young Irish women , all of whom are postulates for thu order of St. Joseph , at St. LouU , Mo. , have embarked on boarvl tbo lied Star line steamer Pennlaud for Philadelphia. They are M- by &UUr Mtry PuL DANGER IN IIAVAM Volunteers May Rise and Massacre the Americans. LIABLE TO INSTIGATE BLOODY RIOTS Blanco Realizas the Danger but if Helpless. VOLUNTEERS COME FROM LOWER CLASSES Ignorant , Bigoted and Utterly Devoid ci Responsibility. THIRTY THOUSAND OF THEM , ALL TCLD Illnnen IN AhuiiliifelPnnerlenN to Hc- xtrntii r Control Them Oorillnl Hut roil for 1 ? er > thine thnt U'liiierlonn. ( Copjright. IfOS. b > - Press I'nbllsliltiK Company ) HAVANA ( Via Key- West , .Kla. . ) , Fob. 2fi ( New York World Cablegram Special Tele gram. ) An unnatural quiet prevails , but this does not In anyway deceitc the Amer icans as to the danger of the situation , nor tlio Intelligent residents cf the city , nor arc Spanish olllclals blind to the possibilities. The great danger Is from tlio volunteers , who are recruited from the worst elements of the population. The statement printed In tlio-Amcrican newspapers that this body of military Is composed of the omplojos of merchants and that their officers are Junior partners and sons of merchants Is ngt true. The assumption Is that the merchants , from si eer self-interest , would not permit an outbreak of \oluntccrs. . Instigating riots and probably the Killing of Americans. As there arc sali to be 30,000olunteers It Is c/bvlotis that most of them cannot be en gaged In mercantile pursuits , which would be ruined by war with the United States. The file of voluntceis Is recruited among the laboring classes , dray drivers , laborers and the like , the most Ignoiant and bigoted class of imon on the earth. They are abso lutely without reasoning power and firm in the belief that Spain lias only to declare war on the United States to find the Amer icans cringing and suing for peace. They hate the Americans , despise our go\crnment anJ on c\ery opportunity Insult the citizens of the United States now here. They are only waiting for an opportunity and a word from their leaders to begin an attack on tha American consulate and an Indiscriminate warfare on all who may look to General Lee for protection. BLANCO KNOWS THD DAMGDR. General Blanco knows the danger. He would prevent an atta-K If ho could , but he Is powerless , and his commands would not be obeyed by Ills soldiers , They sym pathize with the volunteers and could not be Induced to fire on people of their own blood. They , too , believe that they could bring < ldc United States to terms in a war. The only foices that could bo depended on to protect foreigners In case of riot are thaje of the navy and the local police. TUe men of the na\y will obey their officers. They have Knocked around the world enough to know tht they will have a strong foe to compete with z > nd ate not nearly co ignorant as the ordinary land people. Their officers are fine men and hate trained their crews to such a degree of efficiency tl at their orders will bo obeyed. The local police Is in efficient body , but rmall In numbers. The policemen would do wtiat they > could , but that Is little cnoupli. Immediately after the .Maine disaster the population of Havana was quite more decent than befrco In the ticatmcnt of Americans When the Dache and the Mangrove catered the harbor the people looked on In aotonlsl- ment. They said"The Maine Is gone coo there is what Is left of the great Amcrlcar fleet wo have heard no much about. " Ridicule or tlio United States is again rampant a'ld Insults again prevail. They , pt ! upcn the ground when Americans go by. It socina aa If the administration at Washing ton has made a ml&tako In not ordering PCV- eral of the war fleet to cruise Insight of Moro castle. This action might have In- ceored the Spanish government , but it would have hid a salutary effect on tUo population of Havana. SIGH FOR WEYLER. The people here sigh for the return of Weyler and say Blanco is an old woman. Admiration of Weyler Is so strong that the name of Oblspo street has been changed to Weyler. Much uneasiness is manifested at the news that the American fleet at Key West Is being augmented by tihlps that lm\o been at other pcrta. It In known hero that the Texas , the Nashville , the Marblehead , the .Mont gomery and the Detroit are cither In Key Wet > t port or on the way there The Brook lyn Is supposed to be duo there soon. The pica Is beginning to bo quietly expressed by Spanish olllclals that this looks BUS- ptclnus. When It Is explained to them that the arrangements wcro made before the Malno disaster they ask why It was that for four years prevloutly the United States had not found It necessary to send a fleet to cruise In tlioio waters and why It was that until the Maine came here no American war vessel had been In Havana harbor. They all icallzo the possibility of war with the United States. Havana can make no defense against en attack. It has only one modern battery of any strength. The BUHD are mounted on or dinary seacoast carriages In an exposed position. The rapid lire guns of the modern cruiser or other war ship could drive tha men from the land battery an coon as they got within range. It la raid that there Is not enough ammunition available to servo their batlcry through one action , Then , too , the Spaniards have no expert gunncra nor artillerymen , Modern war ships are built for hard knocks and It la not likely that the Havana battery could disable any ono of our Ehlps before It could get Its small caliber rapid fire battery at work , acsumlng that not a shot hud been fired from Its rifles. The American navy gunners are the beet marksmen. Ono ship could stand oft tit sea and reduce this ono battery. It U almost Idle to discuss tbo possibility o ! such action , for If Admiral Slcard were to demand surrender , Havana probably would capitulate Immediately , or he could , If ho desired , establish a blockade of the port and starve the city Into subjection In a week No provlulons ha\o been accumulated and nonu are to bo bad except as are brought In fay whops , Mantuuzau , the only other port on the north coast of Cuba which amounts to much , could easily bo captured. With the downfall of Ha\ana the Island would soon be under subjection without more lighting. The uewg from Madrid U jvatciica witb THE BEE BULLETIN ! . Wcnthfr KorcfA t for NVbraskn Generally Fair ; Northerly Winds V&Sf 1. Knct * About tlio Chinese Iionti , My in | in thy Ktprrmoil for Zoln. Pnngrr of Ittot In lluvtum. DC Lome tlrovrs Vrry HrUlrcnc , 8. aicKlnlry i : < | iml to thn KiiterKrnrjr. 3 Nrlmtnkn'A MorlRnfje llcronl. Hurtle } .Jurj Still Hung Up. AfTrtlrs lit South Onmlm. 4 , In Onmlm'n Soilnl Vortrx. 0. Jfrw llnlii'ii ri > clly ( Depot I'lnna. KiiilomriiiriiW iirnjor Moor on. Jury CouvlyifQjAinl Kmtnnr. 0. Council ItlijStefful Mutters. 7 , lotvii I.rBl/RiJjfil'roccoilliiBH. / \ VrnurujfJi' \ < 5jPbilmlulo Comilpteil. | 8 Wnlrr liyKt fiito KxnnMtlon Miilim. 10. In tlio DuH Vof Wniimn. 11 , Coninicr BOJnU rinnnclnl Non . 13. Killtorla Bn Coiniiirnt. in. l iiiirn'it Cluhn I.e.u cJ J KprNcl > rinlii'H ICurly History. 14 , In the DF / of Anuisriiirntfl. Mu < lri B Br\r of the Week. 10. "In the Ciilri . " Two of New York's "riiimt. " 17 , Kmcntlnln of Urmimtlo Surer * ! . > QUOIT Me s BC by Telephone. 18. "iil : > n , " by Ulilcr lliiRR.ird. tt > . With tha U hficlmcu. "O. HportlnK Kevlow of the Work. feverish Interest. The sailing of six torpedo boils from Cadiz brings encouragement to Spinlnrdy here nud the other preparations by Spain for possible war cause wild exul tation. PROCTOR ARRIVES. Scna'tor ' Rcdlk-ld Proctor , ox-secretary of war , arrived on thp Mc-amer Tim this mornIng - Ing , accompanied by Colonel Parker of Washington , He denies thtt his visit has any connection with the situation and fctvs ho probably will return north nc\t Tuesday. Ho called on General Lee today When the decision of the naval court of Inquiry Is made public trouble with the population here may follow at anj moment. General Leo has not expressed himself on the situation , but no body acquainted with him doubts that when the tlmo comes ho will acquit himself as becomes a soldier of experience and a dip lomat of ability. The bearing of Captain Slgsbee wins the admiration of everybody. Chaplain Chtil- wlck has won the love of everybody who has " como In contact vvlth him. Ills labors ate without cessation. He lies comforted the wounded , burled the dead and attended to the painful duty of Identifying the almost unrccognlrible bodies as they came to the i'urface. All this without seemingly an hour's rest. No man with less of physical strength and the Impulse of holy duty be hind him could have stood the strain. Ho la entitled to the love and honor of tha cntlro American people. General Blanco has ordered 1,700 Spanish troops from the Interior to reinforce the strong body of military already In Havana. This IB done In anticipation of an attempt by sympathizers with General Weyler to at tack Americans. AVBYLERITES ARE ACTIVE. The Weylcrltcs are preparing to make a defiant anti-American demonstration when the battleship Vlzcaya arrives. It is counted upon as an efficient defender of this city In case It Is threatened with capture by the Uiiltcd States squadron now cruising oft Tortugas much to the discomfort of the Spaniards T'ie ' Vl/caya was expected hero today Streets and storen wcro gradually decorated In token of a hearty welcome to it It was not known hero that It did not leave New York until yesterday afternoon The crew of the wrecking steamer Right i\Tin has built a platform on the wreck of the Maine and was working vigorously today at saving the bodies of the dead. Only ono body was found with the head on and oven that could not be recognized. I have spent the most of the day along side the Malnn studying the wreck. The naval court of Inquiry expects to leave to night for Key Weht. Seaman Holzcr of New York died today noon In San Ambrosia hospital. La Lucha prints an open letter which the correspondents of American newspapers sent to the press censor , Senor Mendcz , heartily thanking him for his valuable co-operation In sending out by cable their dispatches regarding the disaster to the Maine. The letter was signed by the correspondents of all the ncwspapcrx represented hero and of the Press association. SYLVESTER SCOVEL. v ApritiiuM : > s NO TIUMHIM : . tinI'orlfN null VMV Klee- llnii'4 Oeenr Mm eh7. . ( C'opyrlsht. U98 , by | nf I'lilillrlilnir fonipnny ) MADRID. Fob 20 ( Now York Cablegram Special Telegram ) The goveinmcnt now appieheiids no Immediate complications In Spain's relations with the United Staler Cocscquently , It hati decided to dlrsolvo the Sranlsh Corlcs ( paillanient ) by royal do- crco In the Madrid Guzvtto on Sunday. That will fix Jie date ot thu general elections In Spain and the West Indies on Sunday , March 27 and the meeting of thu new Cortes on Monday , April 25. I liavo the most trustworthy groin Is for stating that the Stanlsh government Is bent upon pushing military opcra'lons and the unolllclal negotiations of the autonomist executive committee -with the Insurgent chiefs as vigorously an pc slho ! before May 1 , In order to bo In a position to otsert that the now plan of eoknlal , home rule has made mifllclcnt progress to justify the exper.ailon of the early pacification of Ciuw nr.d to Justify President McKlnley In making Iho contemplated treaty of commerce with Hpaln , Cuba , Porta Rico and the Philippine Inlands Both governments are determined , It la said , to conduct treaty negotiations with great rapidity , as tlioy agree In conslderlrg such a treaty as the bcot means to strengthen the hands of President McKlnley In hie ef forts to avert war , oj well as to utrongthcn the position of the Spanish government and the new autonomist reglmo In Cuba. In fac' , both governments are perfectly aware , It Is declared , how difficult the situation would becoino If all thin nero not accom plished before May 1 , when the tulny nnd unhealthy season begins' In Cuba , bcfexo thu progress of events idould then Indicate un Indefinite prolongatlcn of the Cuban war ARTHUR E. HOUflinON , Simulant Oil l iiiniiin > UuUi'M Animer. COU'MIH'S. O. , Full , 20.-Standard Oil company today filed In the biiprvmo court UH answer to u ult brought to break the trust in Onto. It Klveu the list of certifi cate holders , but declines to name the profit from the Uiut , OE LOME SNIFFS WAR Author of the Oaualijvs Letter Assumes a Fighting Attitude , WANTS TO WHIP UNCLS SAM INSTANTLY Says the Sooner the Crisis Arrives the 'Better for Spain , AMERICAN NAVY NOT PREPARED FOR WAR Spain Cannot Longer , Ho Say * , Stave Off Hostilities. DECLINES TO TALK TO NEWSPAPER MEN ShlllM IlliiiNi'If lti In Uln Hold l London nnil Nnrnt-N IllnVrnth . \KlllllMt tillUllltfll V .Stnti-N. ( CopilRhl , I"1) ) , h > l'ni i < Putilljlilnc Company ) LONDON. Feb. 2C ( Now York World Ca blegram Special TVluKrntn. ) Seior Diifiuy do Lome la consumed with hatreJ of thr > United States The whole burden of Ills con- ersatlcll , thcaovlio ha\e talked with him eay , la that It IH utterlj usclesM for the Spanish Kcuemment to tiy longer to stave off war with America , and that the sooner war comes the brttet for Spain , owing to the unpicpared condition of the American na\y. I called this morning nt Hrown'a hotel , Albcrmarle strtcti to liiti-nlew Scnor Dupuy do Lome , but was Informed that Spilo'a former minister to the United States re- sohed to receive no ncwnpapcr men I left n note asking Senor do Lome If , In the In terest of peace anl geol rc'atlccis betwoeit the United States end his couitry , ho would say whether , to his knowledge , Havana har bor nns mined In the neighborhood of the .Maine's anchorage , or not. No reply waa vouchsafe ! to thltj Inquliy. Calling later In the evening I was iiDtllled that "Senior do Lome has DO Information on. that point and would give none If ho had It. " The correspondent sent n message to Seiior do Lome asking wh.it were "tlio Infamous lies of the New York press , " of which ho complained In an Interview at Liverpool. The answer came that "Soior do Lome will make no further Matement of any kind to any American newspaper jcporter. " It Is expected In diplomatic circles hero , I hear , thnt Senor dc Lome will ally himself with the Weyler party on his return to Spain Ho had not called upon the Spanish ambassador to EnglanJ up to fi o'clock this evening , but It was said ho was to dln with him tonight. SYMPATHY FOR UNCIJS SAM. The nngllsh press and public are so deeply preoccupied with their own complications , particularly thobu with Trance , that little attention has been given to the threatening America-Spanish crisis. The Indifference to It was also due In some measure to the per sistency with which Mr. Smallcy and other correspondents for the London newspapers minimize the gravity of the situation , which they represent as being solely the cicatlon of the sensational press. Hut even the Times Lorrcbjiomlenl- compelled to admit now that the accident theory nfi regards tha Maine has been severely shaken. Among the representative politicians of the House of Commons the seriousness of the outlook Is recognized , but though they admit that If the dcbtructlon of the Maine IB not proved to be accidental the United Slates will have Intolerable provocation , they dicllno to say anything which would tend to embroil the two couutiU's. At the Kumo time sympathy hero Is altogcthei with the United States , as Spain's enormities In Cuba have demon strated Its utter unfltncbH to govern any colony. IMinSS COMMD.NT. The Dally Telegriph fairly oxprenscs Hnglloh public feeling when It says"Doubt less if It could be shown that Spain so Jap forgot itn Interest and KB tradltloim to say nothing of the rudimentary laws of human ity , a.s to aid , abet or connive at an act In volving the blacktHt trcathcry and the foul est crimes , hoBtllltlio would be Inevltablo and Imminent , for the dcllburato destruction of the Malno would In Itself constitute an act of war of the most treacherous and un justifiable character. Hut tbo more hldcoim the Infamy suggmtcd , tlio lens probability la there that It could have born oven connlvol at and the moro cogent muit bo tha proof ad duced In order to hi Ing homo guilt. Cer tainly no unbiased person In iuropa will for a moment admit that any Spanlwh statesman or otllclal agent could luvo thus wantonly and cruelly net at naught the lawx of hos pitality , the dictates of Inn unity and the most powerful promptings of patriotic and personal self iiiteicst. " Admiral Dn La Camann , the naval attache- to tlio Spanish cmbiHsy huro , hafl made within thu last foitnlght another tour ot the gicat nngllHh and Siotch shipbuilding- centers. The admiral was at Xowcastlc-on- Tyno two days this week. He had a lonir conference with the dlreiloni of the Arm strong iibwlck works and the Yarrow Ship building company , both of which firms have ( .overal war ships of varlouu klmln on the stocks Hut all of tliCBu shlpy are spoken for by other countries and milcw Spain can buy from thcsu countries it IJBH no chance of getting any additional bhlps huro within clghtecr. montlia. AKHICAN AKKAIHS. While upon the kubject of dreat Ilrltoln'ti foreign affaire. I may jy that I huvo n > - celvtd the most authoritative Information from o confidential source that after reachIng - Ing Khartoum tbo Anglo-Hgyptlan force late to go straight through to Uganda , and that tlila dfto twelve months hence will eo Fatodu a Hiltlsh pest , end thu whole of the White Nile valley a safe route for UrltloU commerceA now cot of negotiations , or rather suggestions for negotiations , by Kng- lend , U non being considered at Drutfielu and Herlln for that famous atrip of territory connecting Uganda with South Africa , which. Lord Itoaeberry so fclgnally failed to secure. The Improved elate of the Anglo-German relations are believed to bode well for thli enterprise. Parliament has now fairly got Its work before It and there IH a very generally good disposition toward Loth of the chief meas ure * tlio Irish loial government and the army reform blllo. The former will get mauled somewhat In confrnlttee , but not enough to disfigure It. Tht uppi-al * of tbo militant Orangemen to thu h'lsli landlords to fight the bll | tooth and nail are meeting with ouly tha tlundirwt tuccttd , which lit largely owing to tbo civilizing effect * ot Horace Plunkctt'e luduatrial projjaguxla. oad