Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 26, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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Washington Officials Prepare fjr a Oall or
Bpiin ,
OIotK' ) IlrriiliiiK'iiKO' fur tin * Mnlno Il -
UNtcr Mlicht lie Dcclilcil lipon
l AliTt JinL'oiMll.llIO
of U'nr.
WASHINGTON , Tcb. 25 There h rcison
to bcllevo that nome of the olHclaln ot the
administration have been looking up the sub-
jcct of Indemnities , so as to lay the founda
tion of a case , In tbo event It ahould ho do-
clilcil to roBert to that method of settlomeilt
for the Maine explosion.
There are a largo number of precedents
which will aid the authorities In fihaplng
their action In this direction when the facts
are full } established. While none of the
cases show the fearful less of life sustained
toy the Maine explosion , yet they Include
many Instances In which the United States
had adopted energetic measures to secure
redress for the killing of American citizens
In foreign countries In a general way Iheso
methods of rodieds lime Included demands
for Indemnity , proclamation excluding the
war whlia of the offending nation , from our
harbors , display of force , nonlntcrcourse ,
withdrawal of our minister , reprisal rcul
blockade1. Some of these steps border \ery
cloacly on war although they arc regarded
as the movements just preliminary to actual
hostilities , an I 0/3 amounting to a threat
that force will follow If icparatlon. Is not
The COPO of thu Waterw'lch Is considered
to be the moit analogous to that of the
Maine , should It bo established that the
Elaine disaster was not the result of acci
dent. The Watorvvlch was a lulled States
bhlp engaged In 1835 lit surveying thu cu
lt.nice to ono of the rlveis of Paraguay.
"Without warning , and bj orders of 1'rcsldeut
Lopez of Paraijuaj , a foico of troops opuneJ
lire on \\utorwlcb , killing the mau at
tlio helm and won ding othcia
Intel PC feeling waa aroused In the ; United
State' when the facts became Known The
president reported the facts to congrej and
in his message asked authority to make a
demonstration of force which would insure
tmltablu redress In rcsponuf to this cou-
grc s authorized him to 'oae fauch force na
Is nccessarj ' to oecure ninplo icparatlon
Accordingj ! , an armed tcet ! was hastily as
sembled on a baalo whleh was regarded as
lenuirltablu for those days Ihu expedition
included nineteen armed ships , twentj-IHu
hcii\y guns and 2,500 Bailers and mailneu
Accompanying this formidable outllt weio
Chilian plenipotentiaries propaicd to make
the demands of the govpiiiment and then
enforce them by calling on thu armed ships
Thu expedition made a formidable show
ing In South American waters and Picsl-
dent Lope/'s government was awed lito
ton plcto subjection bj Its presence , rho
American commissioners and naval oDIcois
wuro received ut Ascenalon with much
honor and every reparation within the
power of the republic was given This in
cluded iin abject apology , a twccplng dis
avowal and $10,000 for the sufferers from
the outrage. As the republic was willing to
grant full rcpaiation the naval expedition
did not exert the force It wan prepared to
USD In case a refusal had been offered
When the facts of the expedition were re
ported to the American congiess the presi
dent stated that the dispatch of this formid
able naval lleet had had a salutary Inllu-
unco throughout the world and had con-
Mneed foreign nations that the United
States v.ould protect the llvoy of Its citizens
with all the force at Its command.
The case of the llrlng on the United States
ship Chesapeake by the British ship Leop
ard Is another ca e affordlni. ' a precedent
as to thu government's mode of action The
Chesapeiko wus proceeding to sea when It
was hulled by the commander of the Leop-
aid with a demand tiut lliitlsh descrtcri' ,
tald to bo In the hold of thu Chesapeake , be
tnirendered. The American commander ic-
iuscd to complj , whereupon the Leopard
llrat Ilrcd a shot across the bow of the
Ohcsipeako and followed this with two
hioadsldes The American commander wai
bovercly wounded , three sailors were killed
outright and many \\ero wounded Dulng
unprepared foi action , It being a time of
pca"e , the American comminder hauled
down his colors ami surrendered
Tromendoui excitement pievalled In the
United States over the outrage President
Jfadl"ou speedily issued a proclamation ex
cluding fiom Amoiicin ports all Ilrltlsh war
Khlis | lie also caused energetic piotests
and doiiands to bo prevented at LonJon
The Ililtlsh authorities promptly disavowed
the action , iccallcd the admiral uudu whom
the outrage- had been perpetrated , and
without request tendered Indemnity t > ulllclent
to support the wives and families of all those
who had been killed and wounded
In a latoi' case the American ship ! I'ronio-
thus was fired upon In the harbor of Grey-
to\vn The ship had declined to pay exces
sive port charges Imposed by the king of the
Jlcwiiulto country , then controlling the coun
try under a Brltlth pi electorate. The king
called on the British war ship Express to
tiuijtaln. bin demands , and the Express
liiomptly ent a bioadslde Into the I'rome-
thus. Thoio were no peuons killed , but th ?
United States mndo n pnmpt demand for
icpatatloii. The llrltlsh goveinment gave
this In the fullest manner and without qucu-
tlon , disavowing the act and condolining
the ollleer of the Evpiess.
lM"pbjs of foicoeio resorted to by the
United Stales In JS3J against Japan , ami In
1MJS against Juvu. In thu case of Jap in ,
American sallora had been i > evcicly handled
In Japanese poits , and the native courts
failed to glvo adequate icdrefH A naval cf-
pcdlthn was sent lo Japanct > waters , and
this had tlm effect of oocurlng the fullest
apology and also an agicement by which
every protection was guaranteed to American
citizens and piopcity In Japan.
In the ease of Ja\a the secretary of the
navy sent a laigo naval force to the waters
of Java to demand that the imtlvo trial
courts should glvo the fullest protection to
Americans The expedition wai , successful
In Its purpose and all the assurances desire 1
iwero ghen
In 1S1G seven Americans were killed and
about sixty were wounded while they were
( being detained In the Ilrltlsh prison at Dart
moor. This was brought on by a clamor for
latlona , which was resisted by the prison
guild , The United States demanded an ex
planation and suitable icparatlon and the
British government compiled by an Indem
nity for the support of the families of those
killed and wounded ,
There are quite n number of recent cases.
Is ( ho eunson for now Ilfo in imttiro ,
now vigor li\ our physical systems.
Ae the fresh snp entries lifo into the
trees , e < > our blood should glvo us
renewed strength nntl vigor. In
its impure state it cannot do this ,
nnd the aid of Hood's Saibaparlllo.
Is iniptnutlvoly needed.
It will piulfy , vitalise mid enrich tlio
blood , mid with this solid , con cot
foundation , it will build up good
health , create a good appctito , ( ono
your stomach and digestive oigans ,
strengthen your nerves mid over
come or prevent thnt tiled feoling.
Thin has been the experience of thou
sands. It will bo yours if you take
A mo r Ion's
cine. Sold by all drugglsU. l.
Pllfc < " " ° I- ' * " " 111 e < uy to
rlllS take , easy to operate ico.
fie latest being thnt of the German occup-v
tlon of Klao Chati for the outrages com
milled by Chinese on German missionaries
In that case the Gorman government flO'
quire 1 as Indemnity a largo portion o
Ohlncfo territory , as well as ono of the mos
valuable strategic ports of China.
Tlio principle of money Indemnity for thi
killing of foreigners has been recognized It
ovcral recent cases In the United States
Ono of tlitaons the killing of Italians a
New Orleans toy n mob. In that case , whIU
the United States did not admit tlio re
fponslblllty of the federal government foi
the act of a mob , jet Indemnity was paid oil !
of the federal treasury as a matter of International -
national comity and equity. Similar actlor
was taken In Indemnifying China for Its
subjects killed at Hock Spring
In the case of the Vlrglnlus a large moncj
Indemnity was paid Demands by the United
States are now pending against Turkey foi
the burn Inn of American mlsslonarlps'prop
erty In Turkey during the Armenian out
break. Thcro arc many Individual clalm
agaln.U Upaln , Including the Itulz case ami
that of lr Dclgado , n.o * pending.
President iHuchanan''adopted ' the procedure
of rcixrlsil la 1S59. This Is a measure just
short of war. Mexico was charged at that
tlmo with assenting to spoliation along the
United States border. President IluchanaTi
asked congress for authority to send a mlll-
lary force to secure Indemnity , as diplo
matic negotiations had failed to bring re
dress from Mexico. This course was adopted
by congress , and the preparations for the
military reprisal boon brought about a satis
factory adjustment.
Nonlntercourse with Oreat Britain wag
ono ef tbo measures adopted In 1809 , by what
Is known AH the nonlnterconiso act , as a
menus of stopping associations which up to
that time had Involved many complications
and hnracsmcnts. Httbargos have also
been resorted to ns a measure of offense
against foreign nations , cbort of war , the
purpose being to prevent the shipping of
supplies needed by the offending nation.
uns'iooic 'riilS L o VI.IMJ srTIO.NS ,
It I * Snlil ( lie fiiiv miiipnt Him Con-
trnctrit for o ( ItmufItli-x.
PITT9DURO , Pn. . Fcb 2" Thp Post to
morrow will say tint It was
learned today In Pltt'sbnrg through
an rfflcor of ono of the largest coal corpora
tion doing business In this district that the
Navy department had closed contracts with
the Incorporated firm of Gaatner , Curoan &
Hullltt of Philadelphia for the delivery at
Key West Sand Keys , Dry Tortugas Savin-
nah , Charleston awl Portress Monroe of 230-
000 tons ot Pocahontas ccal and with the
Ilhodrs & Uoldlor Coil company of Cleveland
for the delivery of 50,000 tons of the Goshcn
coal of that company.
The stipulations of the contracts Just
placed are that the coal so ordered shall bo
delivered at the designated coaling stations
os soon as It Is possible to do so , and thut
the utnicst secrecy bo observed about the
In cairjlng out these contracts the rail
roads pl.iy a mcst prominent pirt , and for
the purpose of moving overthing as cxpcdl-
tlwlj as po'slblo , President M i : Ingalla of
the ChesipeaKc & Ohio railroad , Receiver
Oscar G.Murray of the Baltimore & Ohio
lallroad and General lanagcr L P. Loreo
of the Pcnnsjlvanlu lallroad went to Wash
ington last week and consulted with Sec-
ictury Long of the Navy and Assistant Sec
retary George D. Jlclklojohn of the War
dcpaitmcnt'i on the matter Conti icts and
all airangemonts for the rapid handling and
shipping of the coal were made , nnd the
government , It Is unilcrutood , la to iiaj a
bonus to both the coal nilnora and tbo lull
loads If the 300,000 tons were delivered
within a spec-lncd tlmo.
THI : i\isTi\cn or MI\KS.
'it'lior lilt Ili > N < > Considers Tliln
an Insult ( o Simlii.
WASHINGTON , Keb. 25 In view of the
report that the harbor of Havana contained
a sjstcni of submarine mines' statement
arou-nd which has centered the chief public
Inteicst In connection with the battleahlp
Malno , Senoi du Bosc , Spinteh charge d'af
faires at Wash ngton , makes this statement ,
Vvlilch coming fiom such authority , may bo
considered na aci olllclal denial :
I wish to state on my own olllclil knowl-
cdKO thnt no mlno exists inside or otit-
iklo of Havana harboi , nor Is there any
submarine defense of any Kind Too report
Is uo ibsolutelj false and ildlctilous that
It could only luivo oilglmitt'd In the minds
of those peibona anxious to oxcltc the angry
PIHSOIH | of both nations for their own mlb-
< i ible ends I consider thr > consideration
of such a thing in Insult to Spain.
noiis c\NNor .M > \ \ m :
Tlioir Itlirlrcl In Culm Unit Hoiniilii
'riioro P\c ! VOIUN.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 23 'Iho friends of
the vlctlim of Itio Malno disaster have dis
covered that they cannot luvo their bodies
brought to this country in cases where the >
have already been interred This Is duo
to the fact thit the Spanish las forbid the
exhumation of corpses until the expiration
of the period ot live years after burial The
prohibition had its origin In the fear of
Infection from contagious diseases. Some
applications have already been made to hive
bodies brought to the United States by pil-
vato Individuals and they have encountered
this obstacle Whether an effort will be
made to have It removed Is not apparent.
Or t-iit i\i'icniMi ( In Mi'-vlco
CITY OI1 MEXICO , Teb. 23 Intense o\-
rltoment provniH hero over the piobabllitj
jf n iiiptuie between the United States and
3i > iln. in case of a war the police would
liava theli hands full In picvontlng col
lisions , aa there are many Spanish nnd
iVmcilcan residents here , &omo of whom are
likely to pick a quirrol
TIII ; I.VM < 'N for
BOSTON , rcb 2" The wrecking tus
Jndei write- left for New York and Havana
onlglit Diver Michael Sullivan left on the
ug The tug also took out two powerful
v recking pumps and tno boilers.
I'icjiir oviu SDMI : KKIJI : TICKETS
Vllui IIn > itooiJ MioolN tin * MniuiKt'r of
ST LOUIS , Feb. 25 A fpwlal to the Ilc-
lubllo from I.ongvlevv , Tex , says A des-
icrato shooting occurred last night between
Mba Hcwood , the manager of tbo Iloy-
, vood Opera company , and 1 * T. Pegucs , the
jpcra hoiieo manager at this place Both
ire seriously If not fatally wounded.
The dlllleulty occurred over free tlcketa
'or Mr Pcgues' family. Hewood was
struck twice by Pcgucs. Hey wood shot
i'ogues four times Pegues wys he re-
iclvcd the four wounds before IIP shot at
leyvvood Ho emptied his pistol , after fol-
owing Hey wood Into the street , ono shot
paislng through ! ley wood's right lung.
Peguet ) walked seveial yards before as
sistance came It was found that hlu
clothes were on llro Ho/wood walked two
blocks before ho fell and then talked In a
JostliiK manner 10 those who supported him
l.rvy on tli IIiiji'H Ilciiiu-Kti'jiil.
FIU3.MONT. O. , Teb 25. The Iiamu8te.ul
of the late i'X-1'roslilent It. B. Hayea , known
us Spiegel Grove , was levied upon by the
county sheriff to satisfy a judgment oh.
tnIued in common plcnx court for (3,000
( lamugea nwaidfil Mia , Addlu M. Smith of
this city. Mis Bmltii VVIIH tlven a judgment
for Injuries ricelvul In a iimuwny i-jused
b > n dog owned by tie Hajes rstnto. The
cost amount to Jl.Oly.
WnriuMlvii ) ' from .Sniuly HooU.
NKW YOIUv. Feb. 2o-Tho captain of
the stcjnier Strathay , which Is lying In the
lower bay awaiting ordor.f , left hln vessel
In n small boat thin forenoon , to go to the
telegraph ojllco ut Bandy HooV , but was
not allow nl to liuiil. iindei olderu nf Colonel
I.udlovv , commandant there , prohibit Ing
an > onn landlnir nt Sindy Hook without his
written permission.
Mot I'liimlK of OIMMIII VrXNt-lii , Ki1l , - > .
At Movlllo-Sallcd-Kthloplu. for New-
At Liverpool Arrived Britannic , from
New York.
At New York Arrived Hremerhaven , fiom
At Kaples-Salled-Kalaer Wilhelm II , for
New York.
At Hamburg Arrived Palatln , from Now
At Huttordnm Arrived Spaarndam , from
At LoDUon Arrived MIwlMippl , fro Now
York. \
.fSS' KS'5fnt , nr I in
Sundry Oivil Bill Gomes in for Several
Bitter Attacks ,
Cnnrnc of thp DilinUt.on ps tin * Ii *
l > -Nioii that 'I lionVIII lie > o
lllicr unit llnrlior Hill
ut Thin Scxnlun.
WASHINGTON , Fob. 25 A long and
somewhat exciting debate over the question
of river and harbor appropriations was pre
cipitated In the house today during the con
sideration of the sundry civil aproprlatlon
bill. U was practically agreed by all those
who participated that there would be bo no
river ci d harbor hill at th'fi ' session ot con
gress , and this led Mr. Moody ( rep , Mass )
to attack the contract Items carried In the
sundry civil bill. Ho selected no appropria
tion of $15,000 for Hockland , Mo. , and his
remarks In denunciation of what he termed
favoritism approached the sensational.
Mr. Dlngloy denied that ho ever suggested
the appropriation to the committee on ap
propriations , or to any member of the com-
It was Intimated that there was a plan to
defeat all the provisions of the bill , so as
to force the river nnd harbor bill , but this
was not berne out by the vote on the amend
ment on which the debate rested.
Mr. Uerry ( dem , Ky. ) succeeded In se
curing Iho adoption of an amendment In
creasing the appropriation for the Kentucky
river from $150,000 to $350,000.
Only four pages ot the bill were disposed
of today.
The senate amendments to the army ap
propriation bill were agreed to without de-
Quite a dpbato developed on a motion
to strlko out the appropriation of $133,000 for
work at Oakland , Cal. , Its opponents alleging
that no contr.iPt had jet been made for the
work and assorting that a river and harbor
bill was to be suppressed and n favored few-
given appropriations In the sundry civil bill.
Mr. Moore ( rep. , Mass ) made a sensational
attack upon a provision In the sundry bill of
$100,000 for Rockland , Me. , harbor , which Is In
Mr nlngle > 's district. He nattl ho was willIng -
Ing to submit lo economy and to high lead
ership , hut for one ho lebelled against the
leadership ihal gave an appropriation to
Uockland , Me , an Insignificant poit tha *
could bo burled In Boston haiTior.
Mr Grcsvenor ( rep , O ) , attacked the np-
pioprlallon and declared if the house al
lowed Iheso river and bailer ilcms lo go
Into the sundry civil bill there would/be no
river and harbor bill Ho was amazed , he
said , at the action of the appropriations com
mittee , and Insisted that all the members
should bo on an equality.
Mr Cannon replied to the attack , declar
ing that eomo of the most vicious river and
harbor Items ever reported came from the
commltloe when ho ( Gosvenor ) was a mem
ber of It. Ho said that from 23 to 3T per
cent of the money appropriated by a bill he
helped to report had been worse than thrown
aw ay.
Mr. Dlngloy answered the personal attack
made upon him. Tha Rockland Improvement
ho said was not simply an Improvement. It
Included provision for a brcalcwater and a
harbor of refuge Just such another as was
being built at Sandy Hay In Mr. Moodi's dis
trict , and on whlcn $30,000 had been spent.
Ho Indignantly icpudlated the Intimation
that he had over suggested or Intimated that
this appropriation should be made In this
bill. Ho presumed It had been made on the
recommendations of the corps of engineers ,
In the public Interest.
Mr. Catchlngs ( dem , Mies ) , defended the
action of the appropriations commltlee.
The Oakland harbor appropriallon re
mained In the bill by a vote of IIS to 1C
When Ihe Hem appropilatlng $400,000 for
San Pedro , Cal. , was reached Ihere waa some
debate , In the course of which Mr. Cooper
( rep , WIs ) review c-J the whole history ot
the ptotracled contest between San I'edro
and Santa Monica , characterizing it as Iho
most astounding cl apter In our legislative
hiitoiy. If there was rnj thing H the- bill
that ought to pass , he said1 , It waj this. The
llein ppsaed without amendment.
Vn ursuccessful effort was made to secure
consideration of the bill passed by the senate
for two additional regiments of artlllerj but
on objection of Mi. Cox ( dem. , Tex ) it went
An amendment approprlatVig $130 000 for
Yaquiua Ray , Ore. , was pending when the
ho we , at 5 o'clock , recccvscd until S o'clock ,
the evening session being devoted to piivate
pension bills.
irn ; iiieno\ orricnus.
Vice I'rcsldoiifM < ; > 'ii < M'il of Itinuli * < T (
ofin i Iriiii Ilt'v olulliiit.
WASHINGTON , Teb 25. There was a
feellrg of satisfaction and relief among the
Daughters of the American Revolution today
that the exciting scenes of election were over
Mr. ? Rose lirackett , the first vice president
general , presided , the audience tanu
"America , " Mm. Stakloy , the chaplain gen
eral , offered prayer and Mrs. C. W. Krcsi ol
Lockhnven , I'a rendeicd the "Star Spangled
Hai'icr" Mrs Maiy V. Cabcll was elected
honoiary vice- president general and Mrs.
Stevenson , the retiring president genera' ' ,
was elected honccarj president general.
The result of the counting of the ballots
cust for vlco presidents general , which was
not completed until 3 o'clock this morning ,
chows the following to have been elected to
hat ofllce. Mrs. R. A. Alger , Michigan ;
Mra Sperry , Connecticut ; Mro. John M
Thurston , Nebias'wi ' ; Mrs. Toplln , Dlslrlct of
Columbia ; Mis. Mark Hanna , Ohio ; Mrs
Shlppen , New Jersey ; Mrs , Krjo , Malno ;
.Mrs. Jcwett , Illinois ; Mrs. Howard , Virginia ;
Dr. Anita McGao District of Columbia ; Mrs
Colton , Callfotnla ; Miss Temple- , Tennessee ,
MM Fall banks , Indiana ; Mlsa Fcraythe , New
York ; Mrs Abncr Hooper , Dlslrlct of Colum-
Ua ; Mis O'Neill , District of Columbia ; Miss
Brfinlng , DIetrlct of Columbia ; Mr.s. Goodloo ,
District of Columbia ; Mrs. Main , District of
Columbia , aiitl Mrs. Angus Cameron , I'enn-
Mis. Wai north read the report of the com
mltteo on the Nallonal university , the pro
posed founding ot which was suggested by
Geo-.go Washington , and considerable time
was consumed In a discussion of Its recom
OpIIIMU'llfH tl IllHtlllllHHloil ( ll tlltt
'MMIIltl * IllHO nil IllIllllMr.
WASHINGTON , Fob , 25 Hon. Henry W.
Corbntt'j ilsht to a seat from Oregon was
under dlscurslcn In the nenatc four hours of
today. Senator Spooner concluded the spe2''h
vvhlc'i ' he began jestcrdoy Ir favor of Mr.
Corbett , and was followed by Mr. Teller.
Mr. Teller spoke In support of the resolu
tion presented by a majority of the committee
too , and duclarcd his Intention to stand In
this case by the declaim reached by the
daiate In the Mantle case In 1S93 ,
Mr. Alien maintained that In view of pre
cedents , which ho cited , the fact waj estab
lished that after the legislature had been In
session and had failed to elect the governor
had no right to appoint.
Mr. Turney of Washington followed In an
nxkaded and carefully prepared speech In
favor of seating Mr , Corbett.
Mr Turley of Tennessee , a member of the
committee on privileged and elections , eald
the views ho held would compel him to sup
port the majority agaliut seating Mr. Cor
A bill permitting the building of a darn
between Coon Jtapldo and theuoith limits
of Minneapolis across the MttsUalppI river
was passed.
Early In the srsaloa an attempt was made
to get up the Alaskan bill , but It failed.
At 515 ; p. m. the senate went Into execu
tive eefolon , and at 5:25 : adjourned.
tiiiNii > mlN I onir " 'I Mior L Haul ,
WASHINGTON. Keb. 25. The Intertato
Commerce commission today Issued an order
relieving the United Slates lines by suspendIng -
Ing the long and short haul clauseof the act
upon patoenger traffic between all points on
their lines where they are in competition
with the Canadian Pacific railroad nnd Ita
connections , but prohibited the United Statea
from cburelcf lower rate * than from
tlmo to tlmo.arr .mado by the Canadian Pa
cific railway , * cWratelr or with Its connec
tions ,
i' won. i > s ifsis oF " . \IITIIMHY
Alt lint One nr-Iliiiinr Coiiiinltlco Sup
port tin- Hill ,
WASHINGTON , rcb 25. There naa only
"ono vote In thp house committee on military
affairs today 'agalnat favorably reporting the
scnato bill prbv'idlng ' for two additional
regiments of artillery. It was delivered by
Mr. Cox ( dem. , Tenn. ) . There was an
Informal discussion of the necessity of
these two additional regiments to man the
coast defenses of the country , and some gen
eral opposition was expressed by Mr. Cox
to Increasing the army. He contended that
In the event of war the volunteers could man
these guns Ho also expressed the opinion
that reporting this bill , which has been be
fore congress for several years , at this
particular time might bo misunderstood by
the country. Ho thought It might be con
strued as a direct action by congress In
preparation for war. On the other hand It
was contended by these who declared that
they did not 'believe ' that war was Imminent
that refusal to report the bill might also bo
misconstrued. The sentiment In the com
mittee , however , was overwhelmingly for
the two additional regiments to properly
man guns which are 'being- ' erected along the
\IMHilntincutH lij tlio I'rcxlilcitt.
WASHINGTON , Keb. 25 The- president
toJay sent the follow ng nominations to the
Charlea J. Haubort , to be marshal of the
United States for eastern district of New
York ; John Grant , marshal eastern dlslrlct
of Texas
War Coleiie-1 Henry C. Corbln. to be adju-
tent general with rank of brigadier general.
Treasurj To bo collectors of customs1
Moseu Dillon , for the district of Paso del
Norte , Tex. ; James J. Hayncs , dlolrlct of
Cot pus Christ ! , Tex ,
John A. Cotter of Texas * supervising Inspector
specter of steam v easels for the Tenlh dls
lrlct ; Webster Flanagan , collector of Internal
revenue for the Third district of Toxaa.
State Jamea H. Mllner of Indiana , consul
at Calais , France
Interior Isaac W. Garrett , receiver or pub
lic monejs , Holde , Idaho.
Postmasters Illinois , W. n Hull , Pcorla ; , William M. O'Lcary , Dallas ; Robert
T. Campbell , El Paso ; George G. Clifford ,
San Amtonio.
ItriM'Ipl * from 1'tiliIIo I.iiuili.
WASHINGTON , Tcb. 25 Commissioner
Hermann of Iho gereral land office has sent
to Senator Pettlgcow of Soulh Dakota , who
is interested In the free homestead amend
ment to the Indian appropriiticn bill , a
letter giving some statistics concernlnc the
receipts from the sale of public lands dur
ing the ten jears ended Juno 30 last. It
shows that Iho cash sales of such lauds
for tl.o peiljJ refcriod to amounled to $10-
8S7,7b2. In addition to the above $3,453,715
vas received In trust for the Indians from
the sale of lauds ceded by them. The re-
cclnls from fees and commissions paid on
entiles and filings and fiom fees for reduc
ing testimony to writing were $10,123,538.
The expense Incidental to the dlsporal of
public lands during the same peilod amounted
to $0,910,138 (
Complete file DurU nl Colon.
WASHINGTQN , Teb 23 Consular Cleik
Muiphy reports to the State departmenl ,
under date of Colon , February S , the- comple
tion of La J3oji aock , the Pacific terminus , of
the Panama canal. Ho tajs that as the
tides run twcntyjfive feet Ihero the value
of the week is > et to be demonstiated. At
low tide the tboi < ! Is exposed for a mile out
to sea , and as to whether or not vessels
will use thp doi c tlmo will alone prove
The oflicer sa > s that If the work of constructing
structing- the canal were in American hands
It could be completed In the course of a few
years at a moderate cert.
7 . . . , t . - > - _
Gem- nil Corbln IK ConHi'luccl.
WASHINGTON. Keb 25 The senate today
confirmed these nominations :
Colonel H C. Ccrbln , to bo adjutant gen
eral , with rank of brigadier general.
Postmasters , . Iowa J. W. Wlllard , Marlon ;
J. H. McVay , Lake CItj ; J. H. Cunningham ,
Washington ; D T. Bower , Traer ; W n Ai-
buckle , Vllllsca ; J. R Smull , Jr. , Stuart ; W.
D. Leo , Toledo ; J. B. Blake , Avoca.
I'oMtmnstcrM \ ] > pointed.
WASHINGTON , Keb 25. ( Special Tele
gram ) J. A. iMeEachroa was today ap
pointed postmaster at Berlin , Otoo county ,
Neb , vice C H. Eusch , resigned ; also
Stephen T. Carrolan at Bluffton , Wlnne-
shlek county , la
'Inki-ii I juler Y < 1iHemeiit. .
WASHINGTON , Feb 25. Tue argument of
the Joint Traffic association case was con
cluded in the United States supreme court
today , and the case was taken under ad
rnl I for ii Ilimlc Statement.
WASHINGTON , Fob 25. The comptroller
of the currency has issued a call for n stalo-
mcnt ot the condition of national banks at
the close of business February IS.
Dally TroiiMiiry Statement.
WASHINGTON , Feb. 25 Todaj's slate-
111011 of the condition of the treasury shows :
Available cash balances , $225,401,989 ; gold re
serve , $167,500,770.
riu 12 i > isTi7 nsJOMACUO
Three PernonH Are Injured In KNIMIII-
liiK from the Iliillilliuv.
LOUISVILLE , Ky , Feb. 25 The mam
moth plant of the Louisville branch of the
Ameilcaii Tobacco company at Twenty-fourth
and Main streets , was destroyed by flro to
day , entailing a losa ot over $350,000 , fully
covered by Insurance , It was the mogl dls
astrous conflagration that has visited the
Falls City In yearn. The plant occupied half
a square , and at the tlmo tlm flro broke out
contained an army of employes , wlio rushed
frantically from the building. Many made
Iholr way to the ground by the flro escapes ,
but .several on the upper floors , who had no
means of escape , In their excitement leaped
from the windows , two sustaining probably
fatal Injuries.
The Injured are- '
George Tlssendorf , back Injured and Revere
Injuries about head and chest ; will pinbably
William Somplo , skull fractured ; will prob
ably die ,
John Packham , both logs broken ,
The flamescaln.ed rapid headway , and the
flro department ( vv'as hindered to a great degree -
greo by the lapk of water. Falling walld
added to tha danger of tiio work , and tbo
escape ot oiib Of j the firemen was all but
miraculous. Afc ( a hard fight , lasting four
hours , the flameswere ) finally conquered.
Reports to tno ctreci mat many persons
had been killed and Injured spread rapidly
throughout tue < ! Hy , and great excitement
prevailed. Flist bstlmate.s of the loss over
shot the mark , ranging from $1,000,000 to
$2,000,000. ' '
W. IJ , Duke , president of the American
Totwcco company , witnessed the destruction
of his property. Ho said that It would be
at once rebuilt. The origin ot the flro la
unknown , Fourteen hundred men , women
and children are 'thrown out of employment.
Hum niifl StoeU lliimeil.
FREMONT , .N b. , Fob. 25. ( Special ) A
barn on the premises of J , Rexroth , three
miles eouthrast of this city , was burned
about inlftilght last night and Its entire con
tents destroyed. Thirteen head of cows , six
calves , eighteen head of other cattle and
twelve- horses were burned , also a largo
amount of farm Implements. A corn crib
adjoining the barn wan saved with consider
able dlmculty. The origin of the flro Is un
known. The loui will bo upward of $5,000 ;
partially Insured ,
Farm llouxe IIuriiN ,
WINSIDB , Neb. , Feb. 25. ( Special. ) The
home of J. W. Overman , three-quarters of a
inllo north of hero , burned with all the
contents thla afternoon.
Aiiro1'lniiM for n Now Ilrlilree.
ST. LOUIS , Feb. 25 The plans and loca
tion for the thlid bridge over ( ho MtmslBulppI
were approved by the committee of
government engineers , who made a report
to the War department at Washington to
this effect today. The location will touch
the foot of Mullanphy street on the west
Bide , and the eastern approach win be closu
to tint Uast St. Loula water works.
Problem of Raising it Discussed by Student
MtivIt of tlic Menii for fnrrjIiiHT On
the Work Uoen > < > t Come
from Vie n of W
CLEVELAND Fob 23 "Tho Mency Proh-
tcm In Christian Missions"was discussed at
the morning session of the Student Volun
teer convention today. Chairman Mott pre
sided nnd dcvotknal cxcrcbca were con
ducted by Bishop Hargrcavo of Nashville ,
Tenn. , end president ot the Epworth league
board of the MolhodUt Episcopal Church
South. The first speaker was Bishop Nlndo
of Detroit. Ho said the present tendency
was to decry the money making spirit In
men Instead he would have such a talent
encouraged and , rightly guided , It may prove
a great power to reclaim the world. Btahop
Nlndo mid If the statistics of the wealth In
the hands of profecsed Chrlstltiis were
known they would startle the world. Most
of the wealth of the world Is In the hands
of Christians. Referring to the small gifts
of the sclf-snerlflclng people , the speaker
said : "Many of the charitable works ot this
country are can led on by associated pov
erty. "
Rev. A. F. Schaufllor , D. D. , vice president
of the New York City Missionary Tract so
ciety , was the next speaker.
The who in in says "Money nnswcrcth all
things. " Thla Is true. Money Is a won
drous fling. In a true sense money Is jour-
self stored up for tuturc use. A boy earns
$10 per week ; when ho Is paid nna suits the
money In his pocket ho poekets a week's
worlh of himself. Where ho shall lo : e
tlili stored belt Is n serious question
Ono m in loses hlm'elf In pictures nnd
pivs SlOiKW for one cinvass Another nnn
loses himself , ns repieccnled In hi" inom > > ,
nnd lo a hosplt il iNes to bless m.inklnd.
Another lets his stoied povvoi go abroad ,
and the mlsslomiv church l < the icsult.
Still unojlier sets his power loose In liotous
HvIiiK , and lo , ho u = es hlmsilf to commit
bulclde. All this shows what a mjsterlous
and mighty force money is It Is ( .Imply a
device for Storing > our own eneig > and los
ing It ngnln anywhere In the vvoild.
"Tho Value of Prajer In Raising Money"
was the subject of Rev. C H. Mahlo's ad
dress He Is home secretarj of the Ameri
can Baptist Missionary union. Mr. Mable
said : "Tho problem ia now to produce
spontaneity of giving ; the transition of the
power hi the pocket to spliltual ends. "
Donald M. Thornton , the fratcinal dele
gate fi oin England , spoke on the church mls-
eloraiy unions of Great Britain He be
lieved In the faith policy. Miss M.iblo L
Loach , a nilsslonaiy to Cejlon , thought all
people able to pay their way should not ask
the mission for support In foreign fields
Mr RoTjert Wilder of the advisory board
spoke on the "Student Securing hla Own
Support. " The financial conditions now con
fronting the mlsblonarj boards make It
utterly impossible to send out all the cap-able
workeio ready to go Mr. F. S. Brockman , a
joung college student volunteer who has done
much active work , especially In the houth ,
made a remarkably eloquent appeal to the
sludents to raise money b > individual of-
Three meetings were held In the afternoon ,
largo audiences being present at each. At
the Gray's armory "Evangelistic Missions"
was ono subject under discuss/Ion. Robert E
Spear presided , and addresses were delivered
b > S. M. Playford , a. s.tudent evangelist ; S
M. Slcmmer of Arabia , S M. Mcllvaln of
Japan. Rev. A. D Hallo of Japan , and Rev.
A. D , Bunker of Burmah.
At Association hall A. H. Hall presided ,
and educational missions were discussed bj
the following speakers : Dr. J. C R Ewlng ,
president of the Forman Christian college ,
Lahore , India ; Prof. M. N. Wyckofl ot Japan ;
Miss Abblo B. Child , secretary of the
Woman's Board of Home Missions of the
Congregational church ; Rev. . Mr. Law son ,
missionary of the American board to India ;
Rev. William Wallace of Mc ice , Miss Mil
ton of Afghanistan , Rev. William Reid of
China , Miss Emily Wheeler of Turkey. Dr.
J < H , Oldham of Singapore , India , and Rob
ert E. Wilder of India.
At the Euclid Avenue Baptist church tbo
following speakers made addresses : Rev.
Luca , Rev. Malcom of China , Dr. II. D
Ojmpbell ot the Lower Congo , Rev. Dr.
George Doncot of Now York , and Dr. Grace
Klmball of Vasar.
'This ' evening the Gra > 's aimory was not
largo enough to accommodate the crowd and
an overflow meeting was/ held In the Young
Men's Christian association building. The
flrot speaker of the evening at the armory
was Robert E. Speer. His address waa on'
the line of the effect the volunteer move
ment had on these who participated In it
and on foreign mission , work.
At the meeting in the Young Men's Chris
tian association building speeches were
made by F. S. Brockman and Robert Wilder ,
travel Ing secretaries of the Student volun
After Mr. Speer's addicss In the armory
the question of providing money to support
the movement for the next four years was
taken up. Mr. Mott spoke eloquently on the
glorious opportunity of giving to the Lord ,
and written pledges were asked for. These
weio forthcoming at once to the extent of
$7,203 pel'j car. More will bo pledged before
the convention closes. The olllclals of the
volunteers say they ought to have ? 1C,000 a
Bishop Dudley of Kentucky made the clos
ing address of the evening , urging tlio Im
portance ot foreign missionary work.
rilI2NCH IJM2H bIClll'1211 VT M2 \ ,
Dutch Steamer IteportN HIIA IIIK 1'JiNXeil
the I.a l > liiimiafne. |
NEW YORK , Feb. 25. The Dutch tank
steamer Brenierhaven , which arrived hero
this afternoon fiom Antwerp , reports that on
February 19 , In latitude 13 , longitude II , It
passed a steamer apparently a Frenchman.
It was almost stopped and was heading
northeast. It had four masts and two fun
nels. Regulation lights were burning , hut
no signals were displayed.
Mr. Bocaude , the Now York agent of the
French line , said the description of the
sloamor sighted by Captain Nlnnes fitted
that of the La Champagne precisely , Ho was
ot the opinion from the fact that no signal
for afcfilstanco was shown , that whatever
breakdown was sustained by It , was not
ot a serious character , possibly ono ot the
cylinders had broken , necessitating slow
speed , Mr , Docando explained that the on-
glnea of La Champagne- , which is a slnglo
screw steamer , were triple expansion , with
three cylinders working on the same shaft ,
BO if even two cylinders gave out there would
still be ono to drive tbo vessel along. Ho
believed the steamer would ibo In port In a
couplu of daja.
.STATIJ I'linsmTH A wn\ic CASH.
I'l-oiIiieeK I.lttlu i\lilence In the l'ro -
eeulloii of the I.jnrlierH.
CROSS PLAINS , Ind , , Feb. 25. Court was
delated this morning on account of witnesses
coming In slowly In the Hughes lynching
case. Several witnesses have been examined
but no new evidence has been bccured , The
etato Is very alow In getting In ila evidence
The Indications are that the sidle has about
finished Ita case. In all probability the ex
amination will continue over Sunday with
out atopplng to give the attorneys a chance
to attend church. The little village Is
crowded with witnesses and spectators anx
iously awaiting the result. Opinions are al
most unanimous that the state hag failed In
Us effort , und the prisoner should bo ac
Yesterday afternoon Defective Page of
Indianapolis and an officer from the Plain-
Held reform school for boys started back to
Indianapolis with Charles Kelly , whoso tes
timony has caused a sensation ,
ItiillrniHl AV1II I'rotcet Him.
SPRINGFIELD , III. , Feb. 25. The dele ,
gatca attending the state convention ot
miners are very much exercised over state
ments made to the joint conference of
minors und operators by Operator Fred
Lukln of the Chlcago-Vlrden Coal company
nt Vliden. Mr. Lukln la flehtliiK hard
agaliiBt a Joint scale and In the heat ot
puudton gald that the Chicago & Alton road
had ansurvU liltn a rate to Chicago that
would bo low enough for him to sell hi
coal there , no matter vvlmt the prlco he hai
to pay for mining. The Joint conference o
miners nnd operators nro working diligentJ !
on n scale. They have agreed on ono mot
price , 1'atia ntto cents , 3 cents hlghei thai
adopted by the miners' convention on Tliurs
day ,
' * XNS
"Tho Vltglnla legislature has ust passet
n bill , " said I-ould T. Harvey of Klchmom
at the Mlllard last night , "chartering th
town of Ilosslyn , opposite Georgetown , long
known ni a gambling placo. As the bill vva
about to pass Into the hamU of the govcrno
Alexandria men discovered , that It inul
Ilossljn a sort of free state , and now al
Alexandria Is up In anna against the incaf.
nro. It seems to have been a long- > earned
for opportunity of the defunct race tiaoi
nnd other gamblers to open thcro ( orV > h
Ington a great American < Monte Carlo , 'llio
Wll namca the oillccrs for the first four jcars
Including tlio town council , nnd makes the
mayor supreme In Issuing liquor licenses
issuing warrants and the like , and removes
from the sheriff the powx r to make arrests
in the corporation limits The men who nro
protesting against the bill claim that even
ono of three officers arc noted gamblers sa\o
one , and that the- } have received a letter
from htm in which he states that tlm use ot'
his uamo waa without his consent , "
"It lias been the dream ot the citrons ol
Helena for jeMrs , " said John I ) McGuIre of
Dutte , Mont. , last evening , "to hive the Mia-
flourl river near that city dammed , that the
Immense capability of such a largo body of
water , something over 2,000,000 cubic feet
dally , might bo harnessed and put to use ,
principally In generating electricity and fui-
nishlng water to numerous establishments.
This dream has now been realized. About a
3car ago a s > mllcat * of capital3ts ! secured
permission from congress to dam the rl\or
at Canjwi Terry , and work was begun at
onco. Last Saturday the dam was Hooded
and next week will bo Initilled what Is ? ald
by exports to bo , with the slcglo exception
of the Niagara Tails plant , the most complete
as well ns the largest electrical plant In the
country. Tower will bo luinl'ihad for two
of Montana's ' largest concentrators , tlio Hast
Helena smelter and the local street car and
lighting plants , and that will take only one-
fourth of the power. While the dam was beIng -
Ing Hooded It necr-ssirlly left the river bottom
below dry , and SIM oral miners got out their
gold pins and began actl\c operations In the
tlver bed. In the thirty-six hours that It
was dr. } some of them panned out as high
as $100 There Is now a movement on foot
to dredge the ilvei bottom for gold. "
"Harle Cliff , on Washington Heights In
New Yoik City , the headquarters of Gen-
cial Washington during a part of Ills cam
paign on Manhattan Island during the war
of the ievolution , Is to he mo\cd from Its foumiation to a point 200 feet nearer
the Harlem rher bluffs , " said Mlle T. Cleg-
iwr ot Brooklii last night. "The bluff over
looks the valley of the Harlem The mansion
stands on the original foundation laid In
17fiS , In the center of a plot of thirty-five
building lots facing Ono Handled and Six
tieth btTeet , ind extending to Itio edges of
the blulT. The extension of an avenue will
dhldo the piopcrtj which Is the ciuso foi
the icmoval of the house which the piesonl
owner , General Carle , Intends to prcsci\c
on account ot Its great historic Inteicst a'ld
associations. "
"The Hrlthh mvy estimates are duly
planned for presentation to Parliament in
March at this tlmo of Iho > car , " said Her
bert It. Wllcox of New Yoik , agent in the
Unllcd States for a Liverpool company , last
night. ' "Hie English Naval league has al
ready published Its views as to the ship
building program for the coming fiscal > ear.
and urges the laying down of alx. battleships
and a largo number of cruisers This ques
tion ns to tne number of naval ciulsers re
quired for the protection ot British com
merce in war has never been thrashed out
to the satisfaction of the public. The num
ber of vessels of all tjpcs below the clas.i
of baUleshlp and above that of torpedo boat
dcstiojer Is 104 , and It may ho m imed tint
most of Uiese might bo utilized for com
merce protection In this total I Include
the cruisers building and projected , and also
.1 large nutnbec which are dpUlent In speed
and protection on account of their ago If
war came tomorrow England might ho able
to send afloat ICO ciulsers , of which some-
would bo the bo/st lei Europe , and others of
slight value and very limited ccal capacity.
Kroni these a certain number would have to
bo deducted to act with the battle squadions ,
and It Is possible that others would bo re
quired for the purpose of convoy. It seems
doubtful , therefore , If England would have
a lumdred cruisers to spaic for the trade
routes. "
"Two gamut and headless forms , wrapped
In shawls of shimmering white , a o ntalklng
about the premises of a farmnr near the
village of Cochran , Ind. , " hald W. M. Little
of Indianapolis yesterday afternoon , "and In
consequence the people In that vicinity are
veiy much perturbed. The most conseratlvo
of them are willing to take oath tint they
have viewed the nocturnal parade and seei
genuine ghosts.
"That there Is 'Eomellilng' In the collar ol
the humble farm house thcro Is no doubt ,
and it Is a very curious 'something.1 It
conies from the outer collar and moves towanl
the house In a circle. Hero It Is joined by
another 'something. ' The house where th
manifestations are seen nlgl tly Is surrounded
by cleared land and the stalking of these un-
c inny objects begins every night exactly at
10 o'clock. While they are abroad the
sound of a flute , playing a sweetly pathetic
air , Is heard. The eound la not close lo
hand , but seems to ba dulled by the inter
veiling walls , as though the music was pro
ceeding from un adjoining room. The air
can easily bo distinguished and continues
for several hours. It Is the same through
out."A curious feature Is that the music pro
ceeds to a certain point and then a false note
seems to bo sounded ; the ghostly musician
hesitates and attempt ! ) to strlko the MOiO
two or three times , and , falling , goes back
to the beginning and plays the few bars
over again , Btumbllng at the same point and
repeating the air as before. After the miihleal
demonstration subsides to the ordinary
nightly iiolsr-8 the house becomes perfectly
quiet , and then without waining there Is a
bombaidmont that seems at times as If the
house would fall about the listeners' cars.
There Is not much variation In the program
except that on certain cvenlngB there Is n
hteady sound llko water falling Into a
dipper. After this there IK a sputter and a
crackling , then the walls appear to part anil
ghostly lingers slide up and down the plas
tering. This Is followed by the appearance
on these occasions of the gaunt figures In
white. Nobody has thus far been able to
explain the phenomena and the popular
theory Is In the face of the evidence that
the house U haunted by the ghosts ot per
sons who had been foully murdered In the
dwelling at some previous time , "
"Considering the short supply of wheat In
Europe and the small quantity available In
this country , " said A. U Curtis of Minne
apolis last evening , "prices remain qulto
moderate. This U more especially notice
able as to wheat for shipment In vluw of
fel is prepared
with exceptional -
ional care and
only the choic-
Clest leaves and
bulbs are used ,
all their
strength and
flavor retained.
All tea must pass official
inspection in Japan.
A cup of Japan Tea
"invigorates in the morning
and refreshes fft night , "
the fact that tlif surplus In imld to bo tle < l
up In the hands o ! a combination to control
It for the highest figure to bo obtained. Ot
course the low prices at which other grains
may bo substituted remove any fears of
serious icsults , for rje , corn and other
cereals are plentiful ami cheap the v/orld
over. Kuropo docs not hesitate to face the
situation oven at most with a fewweeks'
supply In store. Still the situation Is leu
duntiatlotiftl than the holders of the supply In
this country would llko to have bollevo.
There Is the now crop In Argentine now
to como Into the market and thp new crop In ,
India soon to follow , with more or less for
silo In various quarters ot the globe The
old crop Is not jet disposed of with us , as
thcro are both winter and spring back In
the hands of the farmers , as well as con
siderable In store. Compirod with late 5ears
the qmntlt.v Is snnll , but compared with
early JC.IM the situation Is tot alarming "
Colonel W , r. Cody ( Buffalo Bill ) arrived
In Omaha last night from his ranch at Nort'i '
Platte and todav ho will meet a colony of
settlers from Kowanee , 111. , which will past
through this city on Ita way to the Big Horn
basin ta Wjomlng , .vhero It will take posses ,
alon of land along the Cody Irrigation ditch
forty miles east of the Yellow stone park.
The colony comprises twenty families and it
will bo followed , until March 7 b > other
Families who have acquired fauns In tliocamo
"Thoso colonists have purchased nt $10 par
aero farms ot 1GO acres each along mj ditch , "
said Colonel Cody last night , "nnd this la
the cheapest Innd In the world , bccaimo n
pcipetual water right goes with every farm
sold , I have 26,000 acres ot land under In I-
gatlon , the water for which comcvi from the
Shcehono river. Of course the land to un
cultivated , but with plenty of water It U
very fertile * and will glow good crops the flrat
season. "
Colonel Cody will bring to the South
Omaha market several hundred head ot cat
tle from his Nebraska rnich today and ho
Is also shipping to New York n number ot
flno horses to be sold. Ho Id alpo organlrlng
his Wild West show hero , which will open
the season nt Madison Square garden In New-
York next month. The colonel will bring
his aggregation to Omaha next September for
a month's tun.
I'l-r.soiiiil I'ltriuirnpliN
O. T. Park of Now York Is nt the Mlllnnl.
, -Georjnj S. Wedgevvood , city , Is at the MilT -
/ '
T , ' ' ' P. Murphy of Helena , Mont. , Is in
ta i > ' .
\ . S. Hurot of Kansas City Is stopping at
the Barker.
E. W. Pilco of New York Is at the Mlllird
for a few do > s.
Leonard Dcnton and A. C. Lordly of New
York are at the Millard.
r E Shonka , Schuyler , nnd J. r. Vlncli ,
1'rcinont , aio loglbtcrcd at the Barker.
J. A. Graham and wlfo of Chicago hive
taken permanent quarters at the Baikci.
. / . C. Dlggs of St. Louis , tcpicscntliiR
largo Iron Interests is rcglsteroJ at the
Thomas E. McKlnnoy ot Hot Springs , S.
} , a prominent merchant of that place , Is
In the city.
3. D. Caiiflcld of Sheridan. Wjo , arrived
In the city with Culonol William F. Cody
and Is stopping at the Millaul.
C. E Gray , Now York ; II. D Swoptlaml ,
Oscar Lawrence and Rlchaid Baxter of Chicago
cage , aio traveling men stopping at the
Mr. J. C. Sclnlover has returned from
Dcnvei and Colorado Springs much Improved
In health and has accepted his old position
with the Oichard & . Wilhelm Carpet com
Miss E. Williams of Topeka , Kan. , and
MK es Klnney and Hackney of Adams , Kan. ,
an hod In Omaha last ovoulng The } are
rough rldoivj and w III Join Colonel W. F.
Cody's Wild West show.
Nebraska people at the hotels : II. B.
Lowiy , Lliinoln ; F A. Patterson. Stockham ;
James Donnelly , Sehuylei' ! James Smith ,
Kcninc } ; Thomas Thornberi ? , Ratter ; 0. E.
liughcs and wlfo , Norlh Platte ; J. E. Young ,
Stuntou , E F. Pontius , Hnrilson ; E. M. Col-
llnd , Ficmont ; II. E. Franklin , Cambildge.
Perhaps tlie
"New Woman "will
be a stronger wo
man than tlie old
onc- Certainly ,
fresh air and the
right exercise vvill
do much for her.
Fresh air is a great
restorative , exercise
a great nerve tonic
if -woman be in
condition to take it.
A healthy \\oiuan
can avoid disease.
Slle P" nvoid Ul °
ex > tfMV\\
tfwf/If/VN seemingly almost
7 /
( ( WmMinevitable "weak
ness" of her sex if
she pursues the
proper hygienic
methods. The
same methods will
not cure her if she
be already sick.
Taken under medical direction , in conr * i
nection with the right medicine , they ' '
will help efiect a cure. No women who
Buffers nt all from so-called ' ' female w eak-
ness" should attempt athletics of any
sort. She should first put herself into ,
possession of strong and liearty health by
taking Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription.
After she is thoroughly well , exercise and
diversion will help to keep her well. The
cure should come fust. Dr. Pitrce's Fa
vorite Prescription is designed and rec
ommended for only the one thing. It
acts directly upon one set of organs. No
matter what is the matter with them , it
will cure it. It will not cure any tiling
else. It is n wholesome tonic , nn invig
orating nervine , or nerve-food as well ns
a healing medicine , and thousands of
perfectly well women have found that by
taking it regularly during Ihe period of
pregnancy , the danger nnd pain of par
turition were much lessened , nnd in
many cases , almost entirely obviated.
In every American household , there should be
a copy of Dr. Tierce's arcot work , "Commou
Sense Medical Adviser. " 1008 panel. Illustrated.
One copy free to any address on receipt of 31 one-
cent stamps to pay for mailing only World's
Dlnpcti&ary Medical Association , DuO lo , N V
Ilie Creijyhtnn lln " " 1 * - IIIH-K < - ,
1J10 VlDl ULUJl jinnaBer . Tel J531
NuiHlii ) "Tilt' JtiiniMifi } "Wife. "
Specialties Jnlmitnno He-unfit , QeorKO W
lAsllv , Uolierty'a Trench Poodles , Cnittlla SU-
ter SpeclultlcB nct week Chaa A OnrOner ,
CMIImbeck'a Hanjo Club , Watson und Wat tern
13th and DoughiH Stn. , Omaha.
J. K , HAIIICUb < & W0.\ ,
HATUS AND 9X00 mil DAY ,
Ultctrlo corn direct to txpoaltlon tiround * .
VIIANK D.UUCEII , Ca.lil r.7. ! .
. . . . . .BAU IJAUMAN , CUlef Clertt.