THE OMAHA T > A1LV HB13 : SATURDAY , FEBRUARY 2J ( , 185)8. ) 11 COIIIIERCIAL AND FINANCIAL \Vheat Shows Stronger , bat Closes at a Decline Again , THERE IS LACK OF INFLUENTIAL SUPPORF Otln-r MnrliMx Kollotr U'lirnt Cli elj'i Ciirn nuil I'rm iHloiiN ICncli Ii < - c-llnhu ; , U'lill.Ollicrn He- main IIi CIltCAOO , Feb. M. The Improved tone of Wntl Btrcet wns rcllccted by whcnt for a lltne today nnd substantial advances over yesterday's closing prices were recorded , Weakness at Liverpool nnd lark of Influen tial support brushed tills aside later , and caused cloning declines of ' .W&c lit July nnd He in May. AH the other markets followed , 'closely the course of wheat , being Btrong early nnd wrnk Inter. Corn declined % c , outs closed practically tmctinnKcdi nml provision * declined 2Vto for lard nnd ribs , but 1714 for provisions. The operilnp tone In wheat was somewhat Irregular. Muy wns quite weak , opening Wi-Xc lower nt from J1.0JV4 to $1.0:1 : , nnd clllng tfown Inside of n minute or so to $1.02H , tlip rallying tjulckly to $ l.03V4. July wns by llo means steady , though not dis playing the weakness that the earlier de livery did. July opened a shade lower at Ht ! > io. wh re It hcHltatt-d for a short time , then slowly advanced to ! M4CThoueh news wns of A. mixed charneter , that having n bearish Undoncy was apparently Klven the most uttuntlon at the start. Liverpool wad fonslderably lower , thotigti not enough to cause much frush selling here. Northwest receipts were 2 7 cars , agamst 213 last week nnd 19) ) a year ngo. CMk-ago receipts iimounted to 76 cars , of whlt-li S were con tract. The most Important bearish news wns the Argentine shipments , which nmounted last week to l.lui.OOo Im. , which Is fur from bearing out the statements that the exportable surplus of nut country would exceed 24fMWO bil. After the Hrat minute or so of trading , however , this sort of news was lost sight of. Tne much more conn- dent tone of Wall street and the prospects of delay In decisive notion over the Mnlno disaster Induced many sellers of yesterday to turn hut-cm und this demand exerted a favorable Inlluenee on prices Immediately. Kenr of a buying Hurry which might punls.i Hhorts also caused hedging by the/ more conservative bears. July developed , ' more strength than did May and more trailing was done In that delivery throughout. The Letter party probably accumulated l.fiOO.K ) ) liu. of July wheat yesterday's selling furor , nnd that amount of bidding for thgt option during the morning developed the fact that the market was oversold. U testified In n gradual advance In July to SlHuc , May meanwhile getting to $1.0.Vc. ! A long period of dullness followed , realizing by smnHer Bc.ilpcrs causing reactions to $1.01 and ! K/iC. ) tended down- After noon prices gradually -ward. The crowd had apparently got cov- \ red on July and the market developed ' bearlshncss. At SOe for July Letter brokers gave the market some support , but the price.dipped to Hl'le before the buying had any affect. As soon as this support was withdrawn the market dropped at once and In the last half hour's trading became very weak. A sharp break In California wheat nt Liverpool , 2'/.d. was talked of n good deal , and helped to start selling again. As no Influential support was forthcoming , the decline was rapid. July llnally got down to HHlc , and closed at Sl'/4 ! < fSD-KtC. May closed Corn early was nrm. The market de veloped a strong lone on active buying , many of je&terdiy' : sellers buying back their lines , and prices during the morning . - . T ' sireiigta Hnowed n substantial a'Uunc.T 'e of wheat was the principal Inlluenee.V hen wheat turned weak , corn followed rapidly , short selling being quite heavy Into In the session. Heavy export engagements were inlluentlul In the early firmness. Muy ranged from 30'4o to 2'jyic , and closed % c lower nt " ' .r"Kc. Market foroats wns aetlvoand strong early. Strength In wheat and corn caused good buying by shorts and some lelnstatlng of lines sold , out yesterday. The later decline In other grain markets WHS followed nt once by oats , nil the advance being lost. May ranged from 2RVje to Me , and closed unchanged at znv&u. In provisions there was the same dispo sition to cover sHitf sold yesterday as In grain. Market started easy as a result of lower hog prices , but good general buying , In which packers were prominent , soon brought about a good rally. This was main tained for some time , but the late decline In grain markets was followed by provi sions. 1'ork was especially weak near the close. May pork , closed liic lower at $10.M ; Jlay lard , i'/ic ' lower nt $5.20 and May ribs 2V4o lower nt $5.12'i. ' Kstlmnted receipts for Saturday : Wheat , 10D cars ; corn , 023 cars ; oats. 320 cars ; hogs , 18,000 head. Trading future * ranged ns follows : Artlclca. . | Open. HUIi. I Low. Tcioae. i Yi-Bt'y. MM nit- i om : May. ' . ' . - i oil * 1 OL' v 1 O\li : \ 11:14 : July . . BSI ' ( Mill UOM 8'JU HUIj Corn- Miiy . . . 20)1 . .Inly. . . : ll MH nl Si'irt. . . 3'JH Muy. . . 20 ' . ' (1 ( July. . . i.M MM a lork May. . . 10 11 'I 11) 75 in sn in Hit July. . . III tl''h 10 75 ID : is ID 17l } Lurd May. . . fi 20 fi - ' ( ) 5 S2H July. . . c : in ; io a aul > th'lltlbR May. . . s in fi HO 51 ! v 1U * c ifr July. . . n un fl 'J5 n L'I ) ' . ' 0 S i'fc ! Nu. 2. Cuili quotation * were as follows : rUl7R CJulcl ; winter piitvntii , $ I.SC'iTI.)0 ! ) ; utralijliti ! . Jl.2UKI.SO ; Mrrluu nl'teUiln , S3.IUff5.Mi bakern. 3.M < i73. ' . " ) . \VllKAT-Nu. 2 spring. Olff'JJc ; Nir. 3 spring. Olp ; N.I. 2 ri-d. > 1.02Hfl.0.1'4. CORN No. 2. 2SHK2Syc. OATS Nn. 2. 25u , f. o. b. ; No. 3 while. 27Vj RYi : N < > . 2 WViC. ; ( < SHIOIW Nn. i' llaxseeii , SI 2J91.27. Prime tlnt"thy M't.'d. t2.9."r. PROVlSIONS-Mess pnik. per lihl. , SI9. IStflJ W > . I.arrl , per l' liu. . S.1.15W3.1Ui. Klinit linn fides ( linuse ) , Jj.Ki/J.S5. lr.Knltoil RhuuIiliTi ( boxcil ) , tl 7.1ST3.0I ) ; shurt elenr BldeH ( Imxi'd ) . t"r.3i'i/3..V ( ) . \VMISKY-llailIli.'r > liulshvl Kooda , per cat. . * 18Ui'A ( 113-Ciit lonf. Sd.Ol ! granulnteil , 15.61. On the Produce exchange toilay the bulfr mnrket was llrm ; citnmerlen. lW19'ac ; thlrlce , Ili/I7c. Cheque , quiet. MlS'te. ' Kg s. llrm ; frislt. lie. Preiuwt poultry , llrm ; turkeys , f llc , ilickeni ! : nnd ducks , 7fv'Sc. M'\V .iiVOHK ISHXnil.lI. < luiiliii < inH for tin * lny on ( 'eiuTiil ! ( 'iriiinioiIltli'H. NKW YltK ) , feb , 2.1.FI.Ol'ltHecelpt , 2l.tSJ libU , ) expoiU IS , 77 ! libl * , shade c.isli-r ; city mUl imtotvl" . > 5 , 3ffl.n ! cliy mill clear , 13.40 ( ij.COi Minnesota pMents , l,1.3iM5.53 ; Minnesota bakers' , ll.40iJI.CO. winter straights , JI.CMfl 7J ; winter uxtniK , tJ.70QI.lU , winter Inw grades , 12.90 W.W. H'e ) Hour , dull , Ji.70yj.2J. lluckwhcat llDUf , nearly ; JlJ.l.JO. | 1IIVKWI1 HAT Finn ; 390391(0. COUNMKAU-Sleady ; yellow westt-rn. Tic. 11YK Qiilfl : No. S western. Me. llAULKf Finn ; feeding , l t41c. llAItl.KY MAl.T-FIrm : we tem. O'JiitfCJe WlII3AT-nei' . lpt , 01.371 bu. ; exports , 27.MI m , S ; > ot , eany ; No. 5 reil , Jl.Cf.fc f. n. b. nlloat. Option * opened rimy ut i'j/'io decline , Intluenced try foreign kelllng and lower viMrr , but ex- vrrl'iiceil rapid rccoNery rrn liglit irffcrlnKn and rrnUtrlng cuvrrlni ; ) iteadlncss ruled until near the close ; when n brar uttack , aided by disap pointing speculatlte suppprl , cuiired a sharp iir.'iiW , tin' market leaving on wttik at * ; < Mi < ' net ilet'llnr : Nif. 3 red , February , closed nt 11.03 ; May. l Mr * 1.0li doted at f9te. \tN | Itrv'rlptv , 8C.(17(1 ( ( bu. ! exports. 117,374 bu. Hptit. oanys No. 2 , SiSVic OpUun * opened i-aiy , ullh wliciM at lie dtcllnf. rxllliil on lilg clear' IHICC , but followed the late break In wheat nnd dote weak at ' , 'te net decline ; May , 34HiKX' ; cloml ut Jine. * OATSr-IUeelplf , * S.fOO bu. : exports , M.lCfi bu. Si > ot. r > kr ; No. J. 31e Options , quiet , but falily eteaUy , rlcilng unchuimed ; May cloned at bran , iOti'71'Sc ; mMdllnir , 7i IIAY-Dillli ihlpliluir. S"lfl55ci KIH.H ! to choice , ' 1IOPK Firm : lntf , common to choice , ikM crop. < ! * < * ! JW 'Top. 7iHe ; 1W crop. URlSc ; Pncino ro.i l , 1SJ3 crop , UJSc , 1 crop , SUIOc : 1S97 ircii , 17UI80. HlllHa-Bteudy ; rallfornln. 17V4WWi . WOOIrluleti IKece. JtaSle ; Te\a , IS'.ifl1 ' IJUc. I.BATIIKU-Klrmi hemlock sole. :9V R20c. PIlttVIHIDNH- ef. llrm ; family , tll.ttim.7S ; rxtrn ni"H. 18 Oufif.M ; b ff hum * . JS.Wfj 83.00 : liaikfl. tID.COiill.'il. ' Cut nienls , eteady : pickled tMllteii. JJ.sIVvfil.W ; pickled rbouldem. JI.73 ; pUsluI liair.H , t7.7iHS.tA > . Lord , nbout steady ; western stenmed. t .43. re/lnnl. / qu'rl ' Pnrk. llrin ; rnfin. fl .7.'O't rc ; inert < - e r. tlO.TStf tS3 : family , JM.W. Tallow , "iulftj clly , ! , country , JiJ Oll.r1 lion ed ell. eady ; jrrlaia crude. W,4o ; ni'lme vt-IUiw. ! 3c Itotln. | e dy ; coramou to iortl. ll.4'ffl , . .Tunifntlne. quiet nMaav c , IIUTTRll Jlecclptp , X.781 Lk .i nrm , * t le. ilnlry , H9r < - : Unte , rrmtnrry , tn-nmory , IISWZ1) ? . Ivlnltn. SHMViC , fi > "tory. 11 f/H ? . fMKtMR nerripl * . sso i > kwi. : mmilri s rtem l r. RV , October. SH > ' . llfht klm . OWt ic , pir sklmx , 4 * t'ir ; full k'm . if Jc. HllUit HecrlptK , jt.l ! < t > kdi. ; firm ; stnte ni Pmin yvnnla , laBlsUc ; WMtern , 13c ; Douthern 11014V. HK'B-FIrm ; fiilr to extra , tStrS'ic ; Jarnn. 5 Firm ; New Orleans , o | * n kettle , gni.i in chirei | > . 'fttfTir. MBTAI.S Pk Iron warrants , very dull , with tfi.13 Mil nnd . nirked ; lake cupper , strong nt fll.e2WIII.73 ; tin. nrm nt tll.10lMI.20 ; spelter. tinrhntitred at 11.10 4.30 ; IcaJ. dull at IJ.T5H S.S414. The firm fixing the settling price for mlntrti and smelters quotes lend at 13. GO. OMAHA iTjjxmt.Ui , MAitKirrs. Cotiilliloii ttl Trail ! nnil ( Inolntlotin on Slniilt * nnil Kiincy I'roilnco. KOnS-Ooo.1 stock , lUMIHc. TllITTKtl Common to fair , 9Qllc ; separator erpamcry , 20c ; gathered creamery , ISjJISc. VKAJ/-Cliolcc fat. W to 120 Ibs. , quoted nt 5 'jc ; largo nnd coarse , Cftic IIlis.SKl ) POI'LTllY-Chlckeni ! . CSr7c ; tur keys , ! 10c ; Reese , 7B8c ; ducks. 7fSC. I.1VK I Oin.TUY-Chlckens , 6 ; old roosters , 3c ; ducks , Co. OAMB-Mmall rabbits , per doi. , 7 : ; large , tl.23 ; squirrels , COflCOc , PIOIiONH Mve. 7k ( ; ; dead pUeonil not wanted. " VtTpUnd , KM ; midland , IJ.ffl ; lowland. 11.50 ; rye straw , tl.M ; color makes the price on hay ; light bales fell the best ; only top grades bring top prices.VHdKTAllLK3. VHdKTAllLK3. CBM5HY flood stock. Inr/re. / 40c ; small , 2330c. ONIONS-Per bu. . tl.10jji.23 , HbANR Hand-picked navy , p r bu. . 11.2301.10. 8WKKT POTATOKS-Kansaa , 10-peck bbls. . C-'AIIIlAOK-nood stock , per In. . 1'Je. POTATOKa-Ilomc grown , W333cj Colorado stock , 70e. FIIU1T3. APPI.KS-Wlnter stock , tl.00 3.50 ; California llcllrlleur , boxes , | 1.50 ; Colorado Jonathans , boxen , $1.73 : Oregon , boxes. $1.23. CltANIIKIlltinsVlaeonsln llell nnd llugle , t7.uDK7.71 ; Wisconsin llell nnd Cherry. JCOO. aliiKiis , | 3.00nG.M. TllOPICAtj FItUtTS. Callfornla navels , t2.7383.00 ; fancy seedlings , $2.30choice , JZ.23. I.I'.MONSlirornla. : . fnnty , $3.00 ; choice. $2.73. HAN ANA.S Choice , l.irse stock , per bunch. K.OO { f2.2j ; medldtim sized bunches , $1.7382.00. . NyTS Almonilii , per Ib. . large size. 12J13o ; small , nc ; iJrnzll.i , per Ib. . Sffloc ; Kngllsh wal nuts. per Ib. , fancy soft shell , lOflllc ; standards. 8ffi > o ; niberts , ptr n , , 10o ; | , ecanii , polished. medluin , CW7c ; extrn largr < , Mft9c : large hickory nut. " , tl.cOfn.lo pef bu. ; snull , $1.23B1.35 per bu. ; cocoanuts , per l-'O , $1.00 ; peanuts , raw , 5S3'.io ; I'onsteil , 115761,40. .nl''I'H Imiiorted. fancy. 3-crown , 14-lb. boxes , lOc ; C-crown , 4Mb. baxes , 13c ; 2-lb. boxes , 22 Sf23o per box ; California , 10-lb. box. tl.OD. HO.NKY Cholco Willie , 12c ; Colorado amber. 10 Inlc. KHAl'T Per bid. , $3.50 ; half bbl. , $2.23. MAPUS SYIll'l'-Flve-gnl. can. , each , $2.7o ; If-1' , ' ' " "s , pure , per doz. , $12.0i ) ; half-gal , cans , t .J.r ; tiiart | c.ins , $3.W. DATKS-IInllowec , 60 to 70-lb. boxes , Salr , uc ; Fnid , 3-lb. boxes. , On. C1OI3U Per half bbl. . $3.00 ; bbl. , $3.00. FHKSH MUATS. nilESSRn nUKF-Uood native steers , C\r ; good foreiinartera steera , Slic ; Kooj hlndquarteis steers , S' c : western steers. Ciic ; fancy belfers , ' c ; good helfeis , Co ; good forequartcrs heifers , .jc ; good blndiiuarteiii heifers , oo , good oows , .i > ; c ; fnlr cows. 5'ic ; cow lorequartcrs , 4V5c ; cow lilnd < iuarterK. 7',5e. ' IIKKICUTSIIanglng tsnderlalns. 4'ic ; ribs , No. 1 , lie ; rlb.i , No. 2 , Sc ; ribs. No. 3 , cUc ; No. - ' . 610 ; lounds. No. 1 , 7Viu ; round s , No. 2 CHc ; roundi , No. 3 , CUc ; trimmings , 4 > , ic , ; beef ahanks , ie ; brains , per doz. , 35c ; sweetbreads , per Ib. , 12'jc ; sweetbieads ( calve ? ) , per Ib. , 40c ; kidneys , per doz. , 3.1e ; ox tails , each.'Sc ; livers , per Ib. , 2V40 ; lenrls , per Ib. , 2'.3i' : tongues , per Ib. , lie ; calf llvera each , 3.1c ; vnlves , . whole carcass or Fides , 9e ; calf heail nnd feet , scalded , per set. Too ; tenderloins , fresh. 18o ; tenderloins , frozen , 13c ; boneless strips , fresh , lOc ; boneless strips , frozen , ire. ; strip loins , fresh , Rc ; strip loins , frozen , GVfcc : rolls , boneless , 9e ; rolls , spencer cuts , 9o ; sir loin butts , boneless , Oc ; shoulder clods , bonelena , C'4c ; rump butts , Iwneless , 5ic ; No. 1 chucks , 5c ; No. 2 chueks , 41 c ; No. a ohuskz , ie ; b"r.eps ! chucks. | Uc ; cow plates , Sljc ; Bteer plater , 4c ; stcnk , C'.io ; loins , No. 1 , 13Hc ; loins , No. 2 , I0'ic ; Inlni , No. 3 , SWo ; short loins , market ityle. 2c nlwvp loins ; short loins , hotel style , 4c altrive lolna ; cow loin , ends , 8c ; slecr loin , tnds , 9' . ' . MUTTON Fancy lambs , 9e per Ib. ; Iambs , Sc ; sheep , 7e ; mnrket racks , long , 9c ; hotel rncl , short , lie ; lolni , Jc ; saddles , 8'4c ; legs , S'ie ; inmb legs. S'.ici breasts and stews , 3V < c ; tongues , encb , 3c ; foreqiiovters , 5Hc. POniC Dressed pigs , Slc per Ib , ; dressed hog . CVic ; temlerlolns , I3c ; loins , short , Co ; lontf , Co ; i-paie ilbs. Be ; ham sausage butts , 5e ; Iloston butts , H'lc ; shoulders , rough , EC ; shouldprs , rklnned. SUc ; trimmings. 4Wc ; leaf Inrd , not rendered , 5Uc ; heads , cleaned , 4c ; snoiitfl nnd cnrs , 3c ; neckbonea , 2c ; cheek meat , 'c ; neck Imnes , 2c ; plgV tnlls , 3c ; plucks , each , "c ; chlllerllngs , fie ; hocks , 4c : hearts , per doz. , 23c ; stomaohs , each , 3c ; tongues , eacli. 7c ; kid neys , per doz. , lOc ; brnlns , per doz. , 15c ; pigs' feet , per dnz. , 30e ; livers , each , 3c ; hog rinds , c ; blade bones , Sc. HIDES. TAI..LOW. ICTC , HIDKS No. 1 green hides , 7V4c ; No. 2 green hides , 6"4c ; No. 1 salted hides , 9c ; No 2 green salted hides , Sc ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 to 12 Ibs. , 20c ; No. 2 veal calf. 12 to 13 Ibs. . 8c. SIIKKP PHI/TS-Oreen salted , each , lVS > 75c : green salted shearings ( short wooled early skins ) , each , 13c ; dry shearings ( short wooled early Kklns ) . No , 1 each , 5cr dry Hint ICanias and NtbniKkn butcher wool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight , 44f.1c : dry Hint , Kansas and Nebraska murrain wool pells , per Ib , , nctual weight , 31 ? In ; dry ( lint Colorado butcher wool pelts , per Ib , , nctual weight , 4t.1c ; dry Hint Colorado murrain wool pelts , per Ib. . actual w lght , 3 lc. TAM.OW , OUEASn , FTC. Tallow , No. 1. 35i > Sliej tullirw' . No. 2 , 3c ; rough tnllow. U6c ; wihlte grease , 2'iSf2riC ; yellow and brown grease , 1V4 ® s Heir ( black or brown ) , $3.003:0.00 ; liter. > SS.OO ; mink. JJiffMc ; beaver. SLO-ICC Oi ) ; KkiinK , I3o. 2.1e , SOe ; , 3c. Be , 7e : raccoon , 13iTiOc : red fox , 25c@tl.23 ; gray fox , 23EOc ; wolf Ulmber ) , 25ciff$2.M ; wolf fptnlrle coyote ) . ICffJOc ; wildcat , 10ff23c ; badger. 5i40c ; silver fox , $50.00 SI. IoiilN fJflM-rni ST. UII'IS , Feb. 2r > . FI.OUIl-I.ower , ndvanc- Ing In sympnlhy with v/heat ; patents. $ I.S1C5 00 ; strnlwhts. $4.45 4.0) ) ; clenrs , $4.0004.23 ; medl'Jm. $3.5ilfii.73. : WIIKAT r.owei' , closing l"c. for May and W So for July below yesterday. May opened same iiii asked nt yesterday's close , but never got more than I4c above that and later broke sharply unt'l ' % a below the lop. closing with buyers nt thn Ixutoin. July openeil lin lower , advanced lie. declined le nnd cbved'nt the twtlom. Hpot. lower ; No. 2 nil cash , oleviitor. 97Hc ; track. 97S7' ! > Sc ; IVhrunry. 06 > le ; Mny. OSSic ; July , &l 0 ! Sl > c ; No. a hard cash , 'JllifllcfiB tN Fuluics lluetu.ited wrtTiln n good range nnil cliwcil Ftendr tu a shade higher thnn yester day. Simt , steady ; No. 2 cash , 27He ; I'Vbruary , 27--Sie : Mav. 27iifi27-ir ) ; July , "Slic. OATS I.'u lines llrm but . , unchanged. Ppot. un changed ; No. 2 cash , elevator , 27e ; Irarlc , 27Vzc : February , 2fi le ; May , 2Cc ; July , 231ic ; No. 2 whllo , JS % 23e. UYIJ-steady , 49',4c. ' SUKDS Fl.ixseed , nomlml. $1.19'S. ' Tltnotliy need , prime , 2nf30c. .r- . . . IIIIAN ( Julel , elemly ; snckerl , east track , ( We. IIA\ Choice timothy strong and prairie weak : ir.ihle. ; timothy. 17 Mft1" . I'UTTEIl Steady ; creamery , 13ff2Je ; dnlrSft KOOH lyjwer. IP.ic. WHISK V-tl.W. COTTO.NTIIW-70C. - . METALS-Lead , dull , $3.CO , sellers. Spelter. steady , $3. ! > 'l. ' , PUOVIHION-pork. steady ; standard mesa , Jobli HI * , $1(1.73. ( I.ard , belter ; prlniB s'eam , 5"- choice , t3.l2' . Ilacoii , extia short clear iboxed lots ) , ta.73 .00 ; rllm. ffi.iXMTO.23 ; shoils , W.12i.i , H.37V ) . Dry wilt meals ( Ixixed shoulders ) , $1 73 J l.i > ; e\im short tlenr. f5.37itf3.C2h ! ; ribs , $ j.5cv j.,3 ; shorts. ' . . . - , 3.0DO bids. ; wheat. 15,00. ) bu. : corn , TT.frTr ) bu. ; onls , 20,0i)0 bu HHIPMKST.S-Flour , a.COO bbls. ; wheat. 7.01i > bu. j corn , 82,000 bu. ; onle , ! lmo bu. Iliiltlinorr Inrl.-i't. IIAI.TIMOHI' : , Feb. S.SO ; | irlng wheat elr.ilBhts , Jl.90VJ.d3 ; r'eceipts 7,713 bbls. ; exports , 1I9 | bbls. grade , OCrfifl.OVH- COHN Kncy ; unit find month. 33Ti.fT.1lc : KtfHincr mixed , 83j33'4c ; recelpte , 1G7.2J7 bu ; exportu , 20S.IIS bu , ; southern whllo nnd yellow corn , 33' , i4Vje OATH Stonily : No. 2 while we > tern. 3l-f3J5- ! Nn 2 mixed. 32sfj33c ! ; 'recelidn , II , SOO bu ; ex ports , pone. KVK Hauler ; No. 2 nearby , 35le ; No 2 west ern , sr. ic ; reCflptK , IS.SSS liu. : i' piirtif , 42.S3U bu HAY-fJulet ; choice llmnlhy , $ IJ W7/13.HO. rjRAIX FKHKlllTrt-Hlrndy. wllli better- feelIng - Ing : sieam In Uveimnl | , per liuuhvl , $1.90 April ; Cork for nnler * per ( junrler , It M. IH'TTIill-l'Inn ; fancy riemnery. tflKc [ ; fancy Imitation , liftlle ; fancy ladle , I5e ; good ladle. U iK' ) ; store parked. IfiiDr.'c. KOdp-Otilet : flesh. I5e. CIIUKSlJ-Hteady ; faney New York , C. laiKf. O iOllc ! fancy New Ynik. 37. medium , fmicy New York , 2.1 , small. , mcar cured , cOFl'VlB'-lllo , ordinary lo fair. 7m f , HICK- Firm : onllniry lo good. "iV4lc. I'l/JVIl-irilrn fancy , t4.C5G4.73' patents , fl.W f/O/Tr. IIIIAN-72C. IIAY-Prlme , fli.WOII.Mi choice , IH.001JH bO , COUN--N . > , J MCked. wlilte mlxfd and Jellow , Sf437Hc. , OATS No. J s.icked wr ( frn , j5c. ! I.lvrrpool JInrUct. UYKRI'OOU Kli , S3. WHHAT-Spot , No 1 red noithetn ti'ilng. dull at ft 2ljd. CMIINypil. . linn ; American mixed , new. s tl. American mixed , old. 9' C'l'l ; futures llrm * February , 3 * e\4d : March. > 4Hd. FlXlt'll-at. I jiiln lan y winter , 10 < , HOl'8At I inijon , Paclllr coart , nrm at 4 ' ' ' * tf Gi a ' WaVISH > NS-ll f.11niipj extra India m , mess. S5 ! > J. Pork , firm , m , fine western , . 3d ; fine medium. 4Ss M. Hnm" , short cut , 11 to in lt , dull t Mo < M. Itucon , stenily t Its frl ; thort rll > , 31 M : lonn dear middles. light 31s ; long clear middles , heavy , 30 8d ; fhrnt elear buck * . M ; clear belie ! - lie * Jl . .Shoulder * , llrm at 2ta M. Lord , jnluic e tern. rtraily at 2T . CHKI-Hi-iAmrlcnn , nnest white nnd colored , H idy nt 4s. TA IAJOW Prime city , flrm nt 19 . OH.S-Cottonseed. Lhfrpool rellned. nrm nt Hi W. Turpentine spirits , tltm at 21 * 9J. Rosin , common , steady nt 4 3d. loii Comiinnj' . OMAHA OFFICE. Ftlj. 2S. Contrary to J-e - terday's opening our market wns unchanged this morning , with cnble * a penny tower , nfter which It worker ! n little higher cm buylmr by the hort Intertst , who were Influenced by the lack of con tinued senMtlonul war newn. Other Indications Inlnted to the fact thnt the market had been moderately oversold. However this strength was hut temporary , nnd the market later sold off and closed nt yestcr lay's prices , which decline wns affected by n strong bear raid , e peclnlly In the July option. Closing Indications were of n nerv- 0111 nnd weaker nature. All of these freaks of the bears wtre stimulated by different llcht news , suoh as better weather In Argentine nnd thn manufacturing of contract grade wheat by the elevators In Chicago , with the continued un damaged prospect for a largo crop , while the clique practically stayed out of the market , which did not assist any In Its ptrengthi As Mated before , we believe the market has been on n great strain nnj thnt n setback Is natural , which will encourage short sellers to overdo the matter , when a sharp upturn will b * profltabln lo the buyers at the decline. Corn showed a little strength during the ses sion on rsiwrt of good clearances nnd 'a few sales for export , nnd with lighter acceptances from country points and Inter closed Ho lower limn yesterday. Oats were very steady nnd fluctuated but little , closing at yesterday's prices. KniiNns Clt > - ( irnln mill 1'rovlnloiin. KAN8AH CITY. Feb. 25. WHKAT-vMmUl steady , slow ; No. 1 hard , 90o ; No. 2 , SSWSl''jCi ' No. 3. 8GW17C ; No. 1 red , 9139.10 : No. 2 , 93ft lo No. 3 , ttfittc ; No. 2 spring , 83ffB7c ; No. 3. S5c. CORN llather slow , nbout stendy : No. 2 mixed OATS Fairly active , nbout steady ; No. 2 white HYK-FIrm ; No. 2 , 47o. HAY Wenk. on heavy receipts ; choice timothy f3.rioQ9.00 ; choloe prairie , $7.00. ni'TTKR I'lrtnj creamery. IGBISc ; dairy , 128 14c , lions ? tendv : 1lc. RKCniPTW Whtnl , 71,200 bu. ; corn , 101,30) bu. oats , IC.ooil bu. SHll'MBNTfl-Whcal , 3S.400 bu. : corn , 29,900 bu. ; oats , 9.0)0 bu. Cliiolniintl Mnrki-t. CINCINNATI , Feb. 23.-FLOt R-Kftlrly active fancy , JI.45ffl.CO ; family , tJ.COWI.10. WIIBAT K.isler : No. 2 red. 'JSc. COIt.V K.isler ; No. 2 mixed , 31 > .Jc. OATS Quiet ; No. 2 mixed , 2Sc , HYK Stenrly ; No. 2 , 52c. jti ( ( PROVISIONS I.anl , steady nt J3.03. Uulk meats , easy nt $5.13. Ilacon , steady at $ S. WHISKY-Qulet nl tl.ZO. . , / 1UTTTER Dull ; Klsin creamery , 21VJCJ Ohio 13 Iic ! ; dairy. 10 llc. . . KaOS Quiet at I2c. StJOAR Steady ; hnnl reflned , tl.22flj)7. ; ! ) CHKHSK-FIrm and higher ; good to prime Ohio ( irnln llvi'clpts nt Pi'liu'lpnl .IIiirkctH ST. LOUIS. Feb. 23. Receipts : Wheat , 19 cars MINNEAPOLIS , Feb. 25. Receipts : Wheat 230 cars. CHICAGO , Feb. 25 Receipts today : Wheat CO cnrs ; corn , 0.12 enr ? : it : , 3C7 cars. Hstl mnteil tomorrow : Wheat , 2 < X ) cars ; corn , 26. cars ; onts. 30) cars. DL'LUTH , Feb. 25. Receipts : Wheat , 37 cars Toli-ilo .llarlii-t. TOI.-KDO , Fel > . 2.1. WHKAT May , OSc. CORN Active ; No. 2 mixed , 30Vic. OATS Dull nnd easy ; No. 2 mixed , 27c. UYB Dull : No. 2 cnsh , 23V4c. CI/V12RSBKD Lower ; prime cash , March nnd April , $3.03. OIL North Lima , 43c ; south Lima and Indl nna , 4lc. PiMirin Mtit'fci'tM. PEORIA , Feb , 25.-COHN Tlasy , lower ; No. 2 Sc. OATS Steady ; No. 2 white , 2S',5c. WHISKY No Quotation. Sun Frnni'lxcir AVIiont SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 25.WH HAT Steady December. $1.29',5 ; May , tl.SO'Ji. IIAIILEY Steady ; December , S7c ; Hay , 97r. I'hllnili'lirlilll Prnrlilcp. PHILADELPHIA , Feb. 25.-JlL'TTER Steady faney western creamery , 20'c. KGOS Firm ; fresh nearby and western , 15c. STOCKS AM ) UO.VDS. SIKTriilnjs ; nt tho- Money Ilnfe C IIMC Iiiiinrtii < Uiii of drill. NF3\V YORK , Feb. 23. There was a sharp re covery In the prices of Flocks today , In which the engagement of gold for Import was the pre dominant Inlluenee. Thn course of the exchange market yesterday foreshadowed the early im- portatlon of gold , which la the direct outcome of the stiffening In the rates for call money. The amount of sterling exchange held In New York H variously estimated at from ? t'.fOi,0')0 ' ) ' ) upward. A large port of it has been used as collateral for loans and Die largo liquidation of loans has released a quantity of this exchange and brought It upon the market. In other words , the rise In money rates makes It more profitable to bring hnme funds which have been left abroad on ac count of the higher rate hllherlo prevailing there. The Import movement of gold is likely to continue unless there should be a sharp ad vance In the money market In I/omlun nnd PurlK. Thn calling In of this country's gold .credits abroad Is likely to put a stop for the present to foreign buying of securities , which has been large of lale , nnd which continued hard today. The market opened today by the raiding of n few specialties , notably Metropoli tan Street railway and Manhaltan , but they were unable to wipe out the gains shown In sympathy with London. Trading was nervous dotting ihe first hour , but after that the up ward tendency became fairly setlled and contin ued throughout the day , with slight occasional reactions. A distinguishing feature of business was thn large number of small lota of stocks changing hands , tellectlng a large Investment demand , which was Invited by the low prices aflcr yesterd.iy'8 slump. The large short Interest created In the recent dcullne was a material fnclor In today's inlly , the bears having evl- rlenlly placed stop loss orders , which wett * un covered ns the rise progressed. Large corpora tion InlcnMts were credited with continued ab sorption of stocks today. The day's highest level of prices was not fully maintained , but not gains generally were from 1 to 2 per cent. Great Northern preferred gained 0 per cent on renewed rumors of u valuable distribution to be made lo stockholders. The effort being inn da to I adjust rate differences on western nnd transcon tinental lines was n f.uoiable factor In the mar ket. Call money loaned at 3 per cent , but later becamu easier In response to gold engagement ! " . Rales were firmer In both the money and com mercial paper markets. There Is a continued laigii movement of currency to the Interior to meet an expanding demand for money there. With regard to assertions that this movement of money Is designed to strengthen bank reserves ngalnst possible contingencies , It i-huuld be bnnie In mind that banks are allowed to keep a part of their reserve In New York City banks , which nro deslgnatxl as deposllorlus , ThehO ilt'ponltn ' still llcurn In the legnl reserves of tin- Interior banks as much as UioiiKh ihey were In their own vaults , There was a sharp repqvwry In bonds today 111 sympathy with flocks. Tolal Hales , f2.Ci | > .nniJ. United States 4s , coupon , dt cllned 1V4 pel" cm ! ; United Stales 4s , registered I per cent , and the old 4s , rfKlsti cd , and the 61 ' / per rent hid , The livening Post's London financial cablegram cays : There was ( n Irregular tendency In lin stock market here today. The activity was en- llrely centered In Americans and Ihe buying hero wti'i considerable mid It la fell that 'f ' the pidliicnl situation Improves the iu.ulet/ hern Is likely to become belter , an the recent slump pave Just the opportunity desired by many In lay In ilocks. Prleen cloned near the best. There Is no change In Spanish securities , n | . though the Paris hours. ' was Hat nnd mines wcie heavily H > > ld from there. Following are the closing quotations nf the leading tock on the New York market today ; Tirtnl iMlm of * tocku tcduv. 4 < 7COO < hare , in. : ludink' : Ati'hlion , 4,749 ; AtcbUun iirtf-rivd ' , \V . rhrsnumk.- ( MiIn , S.1C5 ; Chlcatro. HurlliiK. : . .n ft ejulnc ) SI.H.W : l ul vlll & Nashville. 12.- i7 > , Munlu-iltnn. ID.350 : Mtiropolltun..718 ; Read- HK prrfcrrrd. 8.SJ3 : JII url IVclllc. ,6C2 , New k'vrk fiiiitrnl , 15.7JO , North Am Tloan , l.UO ; Ni-rthrrn Pacific , S.TM : Norlbrrn P.i"'n , pr < < - f. rrj. . i < nn. id i-u isinnd. iiwo , si P.vil. . - ) f- , ? t. Pnul * Omnln , I.RRfl : H ithcrn preftrrod , C.7IH ) : Vnlon Pncinp , U.178 ; Tolmcni , II , W ; P i- o'n ! i , S > . ( Wn ; ( J"ni > ril KIiK-trtc , 4,97 ; StiRnf , l,90 ; T nnffce I'oat & Iron , 3,80) , Wctt < > m Union , io.Wi' . XIMV Yurie Monry NfiW YORK. tVh. 2S.-MOXUY ON I'AI.l- NnmlnAtlr , S'kifS | rpr rent. PRIMK MCRCANTIM : PAPRR-SOI i > cr cmi. STHRMNO nXCHANaK-t'nJcttlPil. wit nrtual hu ln n In Mnkors' Mils nt II.SI'ittMl ' for dcmnnd mid ll.S2t4 < Z4.S2H for n'xtv dnM < wtiMl rnte . II Mff4.834. nd JI.85UffI.S6 ; con morcln ! hills. tl.iiini.SlH. SH.Vnil t'KHTIFIt'ATKS 53H93614C. 11AR SlI.Viil-55tic. : JIKXK'AN lOM.ARS-4r'ic. UAR. S ILVDR Uncertain ! it'2ld per oilnce. SIONI5Y 2WIS % per cent. The rate of .lid- count In the hpen market for inrt bills Is 2 % per cent ; three months' bllli , ' 21 per cent. Kliiaiicliil .Votes. ' ' ' OMAHA. Feb. 23.-CIearlnfsSS7,013.01 ; ; bal ances. S122.5I3.75. ' ' CHICAGO , Feb. S5. CIearlriks517.011,203 ; New York exchange , 90o discount ; p'jated ' rates , $1.31 and J4.sr4. Stocks active and stronger , follow ing Wall street. Cona'derable..Investment buying of nisrult nnd West Chicago : , Alley I , . 01 ; Diamond Match , 137 ; Lake Street' L , 12V4. lllscult preferred , TSli ; North Chlc.ieo , 220 ; Strawljoan' , 23 ; Wesl Chicago. 3SH. ; , ST. LOUIS. Feb. 23. Clearing : 14,212,102 ; Inl- ances , T7S0.242 ; money , BBS pfr 'tent ' ; Nv York exchange , { I discount bid , 75cj asked. NKW ORLKANS. Feb. 2.1/ ! ClearingSl. . < ! < fi.- 413 ; New York exchange , bank trhr ; commercial , per 11.000 discount. ' ' MKMPHIS. Feb. 23. Clearings. J372.987 : Iral- ancen , JHOMO ; New York-lxchring ( selling ot Jl.W premium. lir ) NBW YORK. Feb. 25. Clearings , $168,3 < ; 9,12- ; balance-f , $9,1101,260. 1IOSTON. Feb. 23.-CIearlni8 , $ ICR23,03I ; bal ances , ji..rA"r.i7. tlALTIMORH. Feb. 25. Clearings , } 2,73I,8S2 ; balance : ' , J42S. 177. PHILADHLPIirA , Feb. S3. Clearings , 010. balance * . 12.16,1,743. CINCINNATI , Feb. 23. New York exchange , 7oc dlreount. Money , 2liOC per cent. Clearings. $2,122,930. LONDON , Feb. 2" . Gold Is quoted at IJuonoa Ayres toilay at 1CS.70 , Spanish 4s were quoted t today at 6911 , unchanged from yesterday. PARIK. Feb. 23. Three per cent rentes. 103f 02'ie for the account , On the bourse today Span- l hIn closed nl ft ) , a decline of 1-1C from yes- lerd.iy'n closing price. In consequence of the government's majority In the Chamber of Deputies yesterday business opened butter today , but cloyed heavy. Spanish 4s were ug'talcd by ndversn nimon ) In regard to the examination , of Ihn wreck of the Maine. HI2RLIN , Feb. 23. On the liourse loday busi ness was tlrm and quiet , and American bccurltlCH .found u 'betler markel. A in ! I 'H li Srcnrltii'H In I.onilon , LONDON , Feb. 23. The market for Ameilmn fnrrurlllci * after n nrm opening wajt quiet and d"- rlliivil , but recovered toward the close nn n more huvrj'ant feeling. > T1io close was linn nnd the de mand fair. Wool ROSTO'N , Feb. \VOOI-Folowlng ! are the quotations for leading descriptions : Ohln and Pennsylvania lleeces , X and nbove , 27ST2SO ; XX , 22c ; XX and nhme , 303lo ; delaine , 30fi3lcj No. 1 combing , 30j31c ; Nn. 2 combing , SflflSle. Michigan , Wisconsin , etc. Michigan , 24c ; No. 1 Michigan , 2Hc ; No. 1 Illinois combing , 25e ; No. 2 Michigan combing , 28 J29o : No. 2 Illi nois combing , SSfirJe ; New York , New Ilamp- shlro nnd Vermont , 23 j24e ; No , ) New York , New Hampshire and Vermont , 27c ; delaine Michigan , 28c. Unwnihed medium , Ken- lucky and Indiana quarter-blood combing , 25c ; Kentucky and Indiana throo-eluluhs blood comb. Ing , 23j24c : Missouri quarler-bnod | combing , 2lc ; lake nnd Georgia , 23j2lc. Texas wools , spring medium , twelve months , IC flSe ; scoured , 43a > 45c ; spring line , twelve months , Uff19e ; scoured , f.0e. Tcrrllorr Wools Montana.line medium and line , ICijjJSo ; scoured , 47O50c : staple , 52S3c. Utah , Wyoming , etc. , fln medium and line , 15 Mli' ; scoured , lifi'tSo ; staple , & 032c , Australian , scoured basis combing , superfine , 70f72c ; cumb- Ing , G5JGSc ; combing , average , C2j3c. ( ! \IMV Vorlc iiry ConilH .Miirkrt. NKW YORK , Feb. 23. Activity In jobbing dry goods centers continued today. There wan a fresh Installment of buyem In town and mall orders continued lo thaw orders en the part of IhoBu who ivrre unable tn vUlt the markets. Jobbers nut of town alia reported heavy trading. The effects have been flight In the primary market as yet , but agents and commission men believe there ) will be an Improvement at un early date. Them was some slight Improvement In the demand for brown goods reported. Wide goods are on n llrm basl , advances being quoted In nearly all lines. Illoached cottons are strong and subject to H heavy wull distributed demand. Denlma In liMh clg'.it und nlne-oui ; e weights are fairly active. Oilier Ilpcp of colored blupie goods fihow no change from iVevfoQs dullness. Print clothtt are aealn quoted on u basis of 2 3-IGc for extras , The demfiniH for these goods Is not heavy , although mnnufurturera are not anxHuil til tell In all quarters nt tliU price. In prints there U continued rptifldencc , IIIili * mill I.i-iiIII < Mni-U'i'l , CHICAOO , Feb. 23.-The , iShnn > and Review tomorrow will eay : . 'Tierii | have been . inodfrnlH nates of packer hides , and the market hxK I eld well thin week connldoilng ; the quality of ihf hides. There U a gor'Inquiry ! and the pnikfri" seem a shade stron rr In their vlewn. A selected car nf alt No. I nnv | | fleer hlden mid et lie , and a block t > f D.OO Texa * Heer hldr wan moved at 1'Ki ' for the thre ( welKhU. Colorado - j rado steer hides of light avrrnge brought Iri c. It will be fc < m that three rl llona wrre tliuu told at an ndvanca from the b t sales. Lenlher neeinii firm and harners , fklrtlnb' ; md saddlery leathern are tcarce and hlgh.t r Mnrlirtti. NiW OKI.BANA Feb. r.-S\'r \ ! tie. quiet. Sliftl ll-16o ; ct-ntrlfuiidl mronic , gran- ulale < t. 4 ll-l6 Uif : wlillen. ' ' 4UfH c ; yellow * . - cenlrlfunal. NHW YOItlC. Feb. K.-SI'flA'll-llaw. i-trong ; fair refining. 3 ll-ICo ; rrntrlfucol. X. tot.ICc ; retlned , llrnr ; crujlial , 6 4c ; powdered , 1VC , gran ulated , 8Ho. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Light Run and Potter remand Help the Sellers of Stotrs. GOOD CATTLE SCARCE AND HIGHER Coriifodx Ilrlnur rive to Ten Cent * More 'I'llan on Tlitir.o.dny lloK" n Klve-l'eiit lic it iiptlou SOUTH OMAHA , Teh. CJ.-necclpts for the days Indicated were : Cattle. Hoes. Sheep , Hor's. February 23 1,222 5CH ! ! 4.010 43 Kebrtinry 24 1.GS2 4'X.t 0,713 M February ? J 3.S31 8,402 f.,027 42 February 22 3.783 0,2. > 4 7.I29 February 21 1.B9S 2,373 3,220 February IS 309 3,534 1.459 February IS 1.S9S 6,343 0.402 February 17 2,299 7,926 7,631 . February 16 2,632 6.S30 6.643 February 14 2.437 2,730 4,513 February 12 851 3.998 318 February 11 1.520 3.S3S 1.411 February 10 1.405 6.20S 1,933 February 9 2,749 0,977 5,440 The oftlclnl number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was : Gallic. Hogs. Sheep , ll'r's. C. , SI. & St. 1 . Uy 2 Missouri I'ucIHc Uy. . . 2 2 . . . . Union Pncltlc System. S 20 12 . . F. , E. & SI. V. U. It. . S 27 S. C. .t 1Hy 1 C. . St. ! > . , SI. & O. Uy. 11 4 . & M. II. U. U 13 18 G 2 C. , 1 ! . & Q. Hy 4 K. C , & St. J 1 C. , K. I. & I1. Hy. , 13. . . . 4 Total receipts . . . . 44 S3 17 2 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows , each buyer purchasing the num ber of held Indicated : Httyors. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co I tiM . . . . The O. H. Hammond Co. 1S7 1,401 Swift nnd Company 103 l.SMI l.OSO The Cudahy Parking Co. 31S 1,770 1 P. D. Armour , Chicago Sflij It. Uecker and Dejjnn . . . 142 Vansant & Co. .t. . ' . o J. L. Carey . . . . ' . * . ? fi Lobmnn & Uothsclillds . . 42 Krebbs & Co If ! Livingston & Scb'aler G7 H. Hamilton . .L. > . . . 42 Meyers , . . . . . . > . . . . > . ' . < > . . . . . . . . Other buyer's 227 . . . . 1,715 Leftover 60 BOO Totals 1,233 5.7SO 3.6(53 ( CATTLE Receipts for today were the lightest of any day since Saturday of last week , and higher than a week ago by one- half. The market ns a whole wns decidedly better for the sellers and generally satis- factory. Good cattle of all kinds , how ever , were scarce , the quality on nn average being common. With all kinds of cattle In good demands offerings were taken early and the trade soon came to nn end for the want of more cattle to sell. Hoof Steers The supply of cornfed beeves wns very meager and the quality com mon. The demand , however , was good and the market was a little stronger , In fact , good cattle could safely bo quoted 5010c * higher. At the same time the best cattle here were only good enongn to bring $1.20 , and the most of those on sale had to go at $ : ) .93ST4.10 , so that the sales did not show up very well on paper. Butchers' Stock Good cows and heifers were active sellers and G10c higher. The buyers seemed to want the cattle and they took everything on sale very readily at the advance noted nbove. Stock Cattle A few loads of good feeders were in the yards tills morning and sold readily at $4.G08M.SO. This will give some Idea of the strength of the market. The country demand does not appear to bo on such a very extensive scale , but what cat tle nro wanted are wanted badly enough to keep the maiket very strong. As com pared with yesterday's values , today's were stronger to lOc higher. Representative sales : NATIVES. TtKKV STOKHS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. J'r. No. Av. Pr. 1. . . . 6SO $3 00 I' . . . . SIO J3 63 4..1087 J4 00 1. . . . 930 4 JS 10..US. , 120 1..1IOO 3 7."r 31..10S3 393 8..1013 400 19..12.T. 405 2) ) . . . . 91'7 S 75 3..1210 380 1..1230 390 39 J.,1220 "t-Ol ) 1..M30 4V ) 21. . . .1159 4 CO 1..11C.O 401 8..1227 410 1 070 41" C..127o 4 If , COWS. 1. . . . 010 2 CO 2..123' 323 1..12M 333 2..1003 2 2. ' ) 1..1030 290 fi..8H 310 6..1033 315 1..1340 323 2..1293 3 C3 4. . . . 9C3 3 C3 1. . . . 880 250 1..1034 SCO 1. . . . 190 263 1. . . . SOO 2 CT 1..9SO 273 1..1140 273 1..1042 310 1..1100 3 IS 3..1023 320 1..10fiO 32.1 1. . . . DM 32.1 1..13W 350 1. . . . 040 300 2..13)3 ) 353 12. . . . ! < ! SCO 1..1120 223 24..737 250 0. . . . 783 2 SO 4. . . . 9S3 2 .V ) 2. . . . SS3 2 M 1. . . . 8 0 2 SO 2. . . . 835 2 SO fi..l228 273 1..1040 273 9. , . . 007 273 7..1014 285 1..10JO 290 l.7.12CO 300 2..1200 310 1..1230 3 13 I..1210 3 13 4..112) ) 3 15 1..12CO 315 G..1100 320 2. . . . 965 323 2. . . . 900 325 5. . . . 728 3 C3 11..841 343 23..1023 3 C5 1..970 223 2. . . 983 223 3. . . . 873 300 2..1070 300 1..1200 340 5. . . . 880 310 1..1030 2 ( K ) 2. . . . 935 350 3. . . . Ml ! 290 2..1115 290 0. . . . 945 290 10..llf.O 320 1..1140 330 8. . . . 771 333 4. . . . SU3 3 SO 1. . . . 840 3 CO HKIFEIIS. 3..1000 363 1. . . . 930 323 0..1100 370 I . . . 923 370 1. . . . MO 310 10. . . , 991 3 M 1..1220 350 14. , , , 974 3 SO 1. . . . 810 3 fii 3. , . . 892 3 70 2. . . . f.i3 .1 70 1. . . . 410 2 73 1. . . . 920 300 2.10W 330 39..731 ! .113 2. . . 900 3 45 2. . . . S0 ! 3 73 2. . . . 673 200 1 . 920 3 23 1. . , . DSO 3 SO fi. . . . US 4 M 4..1100 3 i > 0 2..1113 363 C..1030 3 i'l IIUL.I.S. 1. . . . 8M 240 1..1190 233 1..1390 300 1..1410 300 1. . . . C'JO 310 2..13S5 3 11) ) 1..148 * 310 1. . . . MO 315 17..1SC1 .1 Tt . 2..1395 3 23 C..14.VI 320 1..11CO 3 CO 3..1030 323 1. . . . MO 2 f > 0 1..1450 2 JO 2..1373 3 15 1..13IO 3 30 1 springer 3S HO(5K Itecelpts of hogs were larger than yes- crdny by nhout SOO head , but smaller than n week ago by about 1,300 head. The market , i-jwever , wa not entiicly satisfactory to the selling interests owing to the lower lange of values. Yesterday they ( rut on 2(5o. ( but today they took It all off and unother slice of nhout th same thickness , the sales for the day showing i declliu" of very clot-e to f.e. The great hulk of all the hogs changed hands nt three prices , JX73. $3.77tj nnd 3 SO , us ngalnnt > 3.M , J3.R2H and 3.85 yesterday. There was a tprlnkllng of sales it I3.t2'i nnil 13f3 , the fame u there was nt 3.S7'Xj nnd J3.90 yesterday. The avernun of all the cales was 3o lov.vr ban yesterday , 15c lower than on Monday and ® l"o lower than a we'ek ngo , An usual en a lower market , the trade WHII lot very active , sellers being very backward about accepting the lower hlds. Still everything was Bold and weighed up sometime before mid- lay , lleprefcntative salei : ITS . . . 3 StH 7 IM . . . I W ! V tit . . . 3 SIH 6 SIS . . . 3 > flllBttl1 Today' * ( irrltnt * of h vp foil nhnrt o j-pMPrdny' ' murk liv nlninut l.flW hend , ami hnr of th < record niittlp n rk BRO by over ICO ) ho tl Operator * mi the murkel , however , wfro conald fifthly m > re Interested In the hnrnter of 1,10 , r -oli > l ttmn lit the mire question of nunilHT * The market wns nlow nnd weak niul II Lite lforo anything Ilk * n elenrnni'e nni cf feclod. The cniife was unmlMnknhly "loo imicl Inmh. " The receipts were tnnde ui > of tnmha mostly of medium quality , only one lonil o sheep IwMnK teported In the ynrds , nnd thn not good enaiiKh for killer * . The nvelpls fnr several days pnst Imp consisted almost fn llrely of Innihs , while mutton sheep have beei scarce nml the luijers today nil Imil a * ninny latnlii n they coulil use. Still they oviiUmllj ele.ired the yards. lleprrseiitntUe snles ; No. . Av. IT. 295 western ewes f 7 12 75 30 Mexican himhs f6 4 Oil 511 Meilcnn lAinlis M BOO 419 western liimb * G7 li 12 I western wether 1W 4 CO 301 feeder tamlm 81 8 w 533 western lambs 7 * B 20 ciuo.ino MVI : STOCIC MAIIKKT I'rlort for l.niulin Arc \\Ynkrr , Hint StrmiK * > * f 't * Sht'rn CHICAGO , Keli. 25. Prlciki for cattle were sternly , with a fairly ncttvo general demand. Only n few choice entile were offered nml Mies were mostly well below 15. The bulk of the rnttlo cro stil tlio scales nt from J4.1S to 11.90 , I ho poorest steers going nt from J3.70 to It nnd two cars of fancy twerca brouKht tS.W , but few cnttlo were Rood enough to fetch $5. ! . " . Stockers nnd feeders vernged lower , ranging from $3.30 to $ I..V > . Hulls wrre lower , but funning cows Fold Well , few coin * tinder IZ.W. L"al\c were Fcarco , < i few selling for froln I7.12U to J7.25. lluyers of hogs beld back nnd prices averaged from S'.tc to Do lower , hog selling nt nn extreme IIIUKI. of fnmi J3.S2H to J4.07H. chlelly nt from M.97V4 to J4.V ( , whlto iilKR sold mainly nt from J3.r > "r to f3.90. LV snlc wns made of sixty prime SIO-11 > . ho * * nt I.10. There won n fnlrly nctlve gcnernl demand for sheep nnd Inmbs. I-nmbs weakened In price , whllo sheep weld n little higher , Shccv sold at from > 3 to M.f > 0 for the pimrcst up to J4.0 "r for strictly choice Hocks , fed westerns selling mainly ut front 11.10 to JI.W. Yearling * sold nt from JI.7C to $5.10 and Iambs nt from II.M tn chlelly front $5.3 to $5.00 , feeders brlnKlng from W.10 to J5.2S. Hecolpts : Cattle , 3,000 lictul ; hops , 25,000 head ; sheep , 8,000 head. l.milsvlllc Live -Stoclc. I/HTISVII.Un , Ky. , fob. tV-CATTt.K l celpts , S.3CO bead ; maiket steady to llrm ; p ' unohanKed. Quolntlons follow : Kxtrn K < m\ \ ex port Strom. 1.350 Ibs. nnd lip , ; i.50M.70 ; IlKht shlpplm : steers. l.S-K ) to 1,339 Iba. . ) < .23 < i I ft ) ; choice , butclier Bteeni , $ .25f4.riOj Inlr to ,700 , ! butcher ute'oix , ! 3 Mfl'I.A ) ; common to miMlliim liutchcr steers. } 3.00fli3.f > 0 ; choice butclier lii-'forr , r iXrJM.ii ( ) ; fnlr to KI | butcher heifers , } 3.2'Jf l.M ; common to medium butcher heifers , $2.75 ff J In ; choice butcher / cows , $3.501(3.7J ; fair I ) Rood butcher cow , $2.75fW.25 ; cnmmnn buti'lu'r COWH , $2.X 5I2.firij canners , tl.75Jr225 ; nholcc fi'e- ! era , $ I.O > Jfl 25 ; medium to Kood feedets , $ .1 Bop 4.O ) ; common feeder * . $3.0iHf3.25 ; liulls. coed t. ) pxtin , rs.OOWS.SO ; trulls , common to medium , } 2 2J ? T3.l ) ; thin , roiitcb slci-rs , ) ioor co\va and can- wam , $1.25JJ2.25 ; dtnlco calves , $5.25ifi'5.5tf ; oom- mon calv ' . $4. < { f3.0J. HOOS llec lits. | 2.000 bead ; best hpnvy IIOITH. $ l.flo ; medium , $3.95 ; llcht shipment , $3.CJ'03.S3 ' ; DIES , $2.70'o.CCi. SliniU1 AN'I ) I.AJinS-ileco'i.ts , llKbt : maiket steady on cltolci * graded ; dull on common' un- chniiKCd ; jfond to extra Hbipplmr sheep. $1.50 * ? ' 75 ; fnlr to peed sheep , $ .1.o > ) ( r3.rr ; common to tiUMllutn , $2.0)fl2.Wl ) ; extia slilpplt ) Ininlw , $1.75 * ? 5.00 ; fair to Rood lamlM. $ t.25in 75 ; best bulc'ieiT , $ I.OOIf4.CO ; fnlr to BIKW ! butchers , f3.'Wtfl . SI. l.oiilM I.lviStuck. . ST. LOUIS , Teb. 25.-CATTI.H Iterelpts. 7. > ) head ; shipments , SOO head ; market slronit natives nnd Texan * nrm ; fair lir fancv native shlpplns ami enport Hecrs , $ I.SOffi.X' . ; liulk of ale. . $ t.50jr3.W ; dressed beef and duti-hcr Fleers. $ . ( V > rrt.90 : bulk of Bales , $ I.Wifl.SO' ; sleerw un.'er l.OOi ) Ibs. , $3.75 ) .2. ; bulk of sales , S4.0 < ) fi".2a : stockers nnd feeders , $3.0iif4.riO ) : bulk of sales , $ J.50 { ( > 4.40 : cows nnd heifers. $2 25in.25 ; bulk o' cows , f2.S"rff3.n5 ; Texans and Indian steers , $ n.o. ) O4.25 ; bulk of pales , J3.1084.10 ; cows und bolfcrs , 1IOC3S Receipts , 5,10-1 head : shipments , 3,0' ' > 0 hend ; market a shadeto r.c lower : Virik-rs. J3.S3 f3.95 ; packers , JS.BSfM.O'i ; bnlcliern. JI.OVoM.lO. RHI3I3P Receipts. 1,70) hend ; shipments , none ; market steady ; native muttons , $ : t 7. > m.0 ; lambs. Jo.UOifj.W. Vow York Live Stud ; . NHW YORK , Feb. 23. IIBKVKS Receipt * , 2,423 head ; steady , with fair demand ; cows tlrm on light supply ; steers. JI.fM5i5.03 ; oxen nnd stags , J3.10ffll.45 ; bulls , JH.riOJf l.rfl ; cows , K.faff 3.CO ; cables unchanged ; shipments today. 372 cat tle ; toinonow. SCI cattle and 4.051 quarters of beef. CAr.VKS Receipts , 7 ( ! head , mnrket steady ; veals. J4.rjOIfS.00 ; no westerners. SH13BP AND LAMI1S Receipts , 2,725 hend ; six and onci-half cars on sale : market a Irllle easier ; sheep , J4.00fi5.0i ) : lambs. J5.12i.iW6.10. HOGS Receipt ? . 3.391 head ; two cars on sale ; dull and lower nt J4.1C94.40. KIIIINIIN City I.lviStfifk Mm-Url. KANSAS CITY. Feb. ZS.-OATTL.K-R.'Cc.lpts. 2,500 head ; choice shipping cattle m-arce , gi'ii- erally lOc higher ; dressed beef grades hugely $4.30 to JI.90 ; fed Colorados , JI.W ) ; fccdeis uc ° - tlvo. higher , JI.20 to Jd.W ; stockers. quiet , J3.73 tn J3.10 ; cows nnd heifers. Htrnng , J2.50 to J1.81 ; southern receipts , nominal ; market , JOe higher. HOGS Receipts , 14,010 bend ; market uneven , generally Rteadv ; p'ga and lights , 5c lower ; bull : of sales. J1.705f3.05 : he-ivl 'S , JS.S.'ifi'l.lO ; medium , J3.R017I.00 ; lights. J3.45W3.SO ; pKH | , l3.2 ifi3&Z SIIKKP Re-e'pls , 4.1M bend ; marKet Rllvo a-il strong. Ifle higher than n week ago ; millions J3.73i4.50 ; westerns , J3.73ii'4.40 ' : lambs , JI.MSo.CO. ISiml IliifTnIo MVP Slock. BAST lU'KFALO. N. Y. , Feb. 23. CATTLK Slow ; choice flnlFhed export steers , J3 Mjis 25' good to cholco fat shipping. J4.5- > { f4.75 ; choice to smooth fat heifers. J1.33ijf4.50 ; fair to mixed butcher slock. J3.30ff3.90 ; cows , J,1.50ff3.9fl : common - mon cows. J2.10if3.90. HOGS Yorkers , good lo choice. Jl.r4 17 ; roughs , common to choice , J3.l5f3.85 ! ; pigs , com mon to choice , J3.90ff4.05. LAM IIS Choice to extra , J5.fOJf5.95 ; culls to common , J.VOf5.SO. Sheep , cholre to selected wethers , ? 4.85S4. ! < 0 ; culls lo common , J3.23t(3,90. IlllllllllllMlllN IIVC SloC'IC. steers , H.OOJf'5.25 : butchers , J2.Mii70.riOi receipts ! 1.4VI head : shipments , 700 head. HOfJS I'Vrly active. J3.0)S4.1i ) ; receipts , 2.500 liead : shlpmenls , I.OiM head. BIIRKP Maiket nither dull : fa ml * , * injMSc lower ; good In choice Inmbs. J.riOf535 ) ; common to medium Inmbs , J3.7304.73 ; good In choice sheep , J3.S5SJ4.a3. niiK'lnnntl l.lvc 'Sfiiplc. riNCIN'N'ATf , Feb. 23.-IIOOS-Actlvo at $3.40 ( ffl.10. OATTI < i : Steidy at $2.50 4.75 , SllKHP Strong at $2.73fl > l.75. tronR at $ I.OOfl-3.FO. Stock In Slulit. Record of receipts of live stoek nt the four principal markets for Kebnnry 23 ; , Gittle. Heir . Sheep. Omaha 1,223 n.enii 1,010 hlcaKO 3i > lfl 23.001) 8,000 Kansas City 2..VIO 14,000 4 100 St. I-oula 700 D.700 1 700 Totals „ „ . . , 7 , 2 50.300 ll.lji ) COTTO.V MAIIICKT. \ n UKi'ii ii H Ilfinn of Kiivornlili'inii I'rtiiliifi-H Sh-iniKTi'r I'rlccH. NKW YOrtK , Feb. 25. KneoiiraRlnR advices from Liverpool ( his innrnlriK Rave n bullish Hend off to the cotton market , which after openlm ; Mendy nt nn ndvnncp of 2if(4 ( points , further Im proved to ZTi : > points , the upwnril movement beliiR assisted by Indications of continued activ ity nnd llrinncn In nouthern tpot cotton mar. ketfl on lop of continued' heavy clearances I'rl vale caliles | ndlatliiR rleclclerl strenRth arid ac tivity In MusllMi cotton cplimlnK circled also contrlbJled to Iho mor or less confident feellns that obtnlnn. In thn tifteinoan the fcelliiR je- camc Homewhnt eury , however , on account of laic cables atatlHR that the Kndlsh cotton mar- I'.et was bi'lng unfavorably Inlliirnced by wiir- Ilke rumors from this country. The rloco H.-IB very tlrtnly nt n net nilvanee of SfiS points. Spot , dull anil Mcndy ; mlddllnit , ri/u ; net re ceipts , CIS bales ; Krnns. 2,932 biiles ; forwarrlrd. 7C ! balei ; Sapeu , 26 , all i-plnners ; ktock , 2iH. ' 'I. , bftles. Wreklyi Net receipts , 5,3f.O bali'n ; llr Kf , 29.02J bales ; exports to Great llilt.iln. 7,321 bales ; I'rance , l , 72 bale : continent , 3.101 ti.ilcn ; foiwarded , 7,108 bales ; mH' , 311 b.ilea. nil fpltrtieri ) . Tolnl toOny : Net receipts , 26.JSS ba ! > n ; .portc to ( iieat llrltaln , 17,412 bnlei ; tn the con. tlner I , 1,107 li.ilen. Canrolirlaled : Net rxieiptii , 15,0.12 bales ; exports tn Great Ilrllnln , tiOr&0 ! bale * : to Trance , 7,011 ! bales ; to Hie 'nntln tit1 Ki 511 l-nle Total clnce. Hvptrmber 1 : Net re el Ipts , 7,272,150 trjles ; exports to Great Ilrllnln , 2,521,733 lialen ; to I'rance , M.t5l ! ' bales ; to the crntlnent. 2.050.112 lialeu. KK\V OKIAX\N8. Feb. 25.OOTTON' Fulureu steady ; Balex. 27Sft ) bales : February , nominal ; March , $3.Wfr.'i70 ; April. $ J.72ft3.73 ; May , 5.7'.O 5.77 : June , $3.8105.82 ; July , $5,8) 5.f(7 ( : Augui-t. $3.8Cfl'3.S7 ; Hi-ptemlwr. $3.8f/B3.f8 : October. $1.K7r > C.8S ; Nuveinlwr , $3.S7ff5.SS : Uecember. $ ' iWrS.1)- ; : .fnnuary. $5.93 bid. Hpot. linn ; sales. ! ) ,000 bait * ; ordinary. 4 ? o ; Rwxl ordinary , fie ; low mlddllmr , 5S-lCc ; in'ddllitR , 5o ; Rood mldilllmr. Co ; mid- dllnt ; fair. C7-lCc ; receipts ; G.OUO tialer ; steel ; , Cdl.788 bales. LIVHIU'OOU Feb. -I'OTTON-Hpot , falrdi- maud , prices steady ; mlddlliiR , 37-ICd ; milfx of the day wcn > 1 < 1.W ) Ullef. of 'which f-.O iO bales weiu for speciilatlim and ci | > . ) rt and Included ! > .6i lialeH American ; receipts , ao.noo bales , In- eluding 2.4'W Iniles Anu-rlcnn Futuri-x opcndl strndv , with a ROO < ! idenminl , ami clmed steady ; Amorlcnn I. M. C. , 3il01d : Kcbui.iry ir , l March , 3 23-CM , fellero ; March and Apr'l. 3 W-Cfl. sclleni ; April und May , 3 2VCId , nellcm : Mny ntid June , 3 23-Cld. buyer * ! June find July , 3 lil-M.I. buyers ; July and AURUI ) , 3S.i"J | , buyer * ; AuRimt and September. 3 23-r,4d , buyeis ; Beptemlrer nnd Oetolx-r , 3 -ti ; 12.1-fllrl. buyiTu ; October nnd No vember , 3 22-CIQ3 23-Gld. liuytTH ; Noveml'er nnd December , 3 22-CI&3 W-CIJ. buyers , Urlrot Sl Dl-rritOIT , Mich. . Feb. 2S.-WIIKA.T-Ko. 1 whltti , W'io ! No. 2 red , 9Co ; May , ( "OHN-Nci. 2 Milxed.-aJViP. OATO No. 2 white , lie. HYi : No , J , He , MiirKftx NK\V YOIIK , K li. r3. COFKKKpttonii ntta'lv anil unobanKcil , Improved vll litiy on cover n , followlnR Illxrul vaiehnuiu > rlellverlra ami InUU'itlonft i > f psriiuinmt fallfni ; on In Amer ican vl IUe nupply , LluKU * teadyf ( vrnt | Inn-pf tn B point' net higher . Inrluding Mnrcli , JS.I 4J . 0. Sp.n e ffiS' . Itlo , ilull : Nn. 7 Invoice. V : No. 1 Jibing , , r. Mnrnnllid , p. t. ; NX ) hag < Saxanllla. p't" Ti.tal war tnm ! > tlHUertes from Itry I'nlKsl StatM , 1i ( , 72ii ba . Including 1S.W9 Irajts from New York. New York stf > ck today , < * i,279 Ivigw. foiled States stwk. tft.tM lwg : niL-nl for the Unllr.1 Statw , 3i , ( X > t lvig . Total visible for the Unllfil Stnteji. I.1W.CS3 Img" . ngiilnsl 7MK"0 lri s l.i't year nhd 451.174 bugs 111 1RW. SANTOS , Pi-tr. -4.1)FI-'li-llollday. ! . UAMIirttU , Feb.4MFl'Mi : - Opened tin- chnngeil ; nt 3:3il : p. m. , unchangnl to U pfg. lower ; sales , 10i > ) i ) Kigs. IHO niJ JANEIRO. 1VK \1FFiii-lIMt' : il.iv ; iwelpts. S.iXM bag < . HAVRH. Feb. 25.-t\ > FFI.i-neied net tin- changeil to Ut in-t lower ; stiles. S3OM Uigs. Oil .Iturkft * . OIL CITY , Feb. 25.-Credlt balances opcneil at 70i nnd clo ed ill 73c ; cvrtlllrntes strong ; onennl t S3c bid for cash delivery , rlaitM nt We bid Mr cash : sales for the day were as follows : Cash oil , l.OOtf l.bls. nt S3c ; S.COi ) bbls. at Sic ; 4,000 bbls. at S.V ; 1,001) bids , at W. c ; 1,000 bbl nt MHO ; ! > .0 > ) bbls. at So ; 3.000 bbls. at SOVir ; 17H ( lihli , at Wo , l.OiW bbls. nt Sic ; regular oil. t.CKX ) bids , ill F.V , 2,000 bbls. at S.V4C , I.CX'O bbls. t SJHc. Total sule , 63.C < X ) bbls. ; shipments , S7.7SI3 bbls : runs , ! > it,7:9 bbl * . SAVANNAH. On. . Feb. 25.-OIUsl-plrlls of turj > enlne ! , llrm nt 33 > ic ; sales , IM lilrls. ; re > celpts , 3S bbls. Rosin , slcady ; sales , < tS51 bis. ; receipts. I.I.B bbls ; A. . II. . t1. , ll.SO : ! > . , J1.25 ; K. , F. , J1.30 ; U. . J1.4I ; It. . SI ft ) ; 1. . ; K. . J1.73 ; M. , Jl.SO ; N. , JI.W ; W. 11. . J2.M ; W. W. . J2.23 1-IIARI.IWrON , 9. C. , Feb. 25-OII.S-Turpfn- tine , mnrkrt quiet nt 32V. Rosin , llrm nnd un changed ; sales , none , WII.MIXUTON , N. C. . Feb. 25. OILS Splrlls of Ilinirnllne. steady nt Mii'MUtx Rosin , llrm nt Jl. Kfl.25. Crude turpentine , llrm at II.WW 3.00 , Tar , steady nt 9 : > c. Ciillftirnla llrli-il I'riills. NKW YORK. Feb. 25.-CALIFORNIA URIKn FIH11TS Apples , llrm ; other trulls steady. Kvnpornted upples , common , fjf7sic ; pi tine , wlr * ' Irny , S'ic ; wood dried , prime , SHe ; choice , SMM Oi % ; fancj' . 9H 10c. Prunes , 3M'c. Apricots , Royal , fiffiHoj Moor IMrk. niftlc. Peaches , unpeeled - . peeled , SJjS'c ; peeled , 12ifIV. - - , l''nl > rli's MANCMll-JSTUIt. Feb. 25.-nolhs nnd ynrni nrm , with n moderate demnnd. T1IK UHA1.TV .M.VUKKT. INSTKUMKNTS plaoed on fcconl Friday , I'Vbnmry 25 , ISiiS : \VAHKANTY niJHIVS. Alma Xoller nnd InmU'intl to O. 15. KlMlior. invH no'i S-1S-1S J O. 1J. Klslior anil wlfo to Ji-Hxlo Xotlor , mo 2W J. SI. Gordon and \vlf to I : inc Nel son ft ill , lot 5 , block 2 , Missouri Avoinio 1'ark ffrO Willis l.iind Co. to S. lj. Knrr. lot 2 , bloclc 2. Idlfwlld add l.SOi ) S. I < . Karr nnd hitHliiiinl to Willis Land Co. , wVfc lot 10 , block 2 , I'at- rlok'.s add 3C * Christ Uiismiisson and wlfo to S. U. Murnliy , lot 15 , block I , Ilecil'M Third add 75 H. J. lirown to liana TlnitHon , eV4 Di'VJ IiO-15-10 1,200 Ambrose iJrainnialro to O. VV. I.oomls , lot Tr , block 11 , Myers , U. , t T.'s add. . 1.SST South Onmlnt I ind Co. to Catllne UCCHC , lot 7. block US , South Omiiha. HO ) Siimc to Thr.ivas Iloctnr , lot I , block -.17 , South Omiiha 0:0 A. I/ . nnd husband to JIHIIVM ICotirney. jr. . lot 12 , block 2 , Missouri AVCIUIO Park 1,301 QUIT CLAIM DHUDS. Henry Hull and wlfo to 1'nckors' Snv- InpH liatik , lot I. ! , Mock 112 , South Omaha 709 onions. Master In Chancery toV. . H. Holllns , lots , r > und C , block 113. Oundei1 plnco .1,31. Siierlff to 1'iu'lcorn' Savings Hank , lot 10 , block 1 , I'ottcr & CO.'H add fi7.'i Total amount of transfers $ liG72 ! Vlioro are three llttlo things wnlch rte inoro work tlinn < iny other three llttlo thltiBs cro- Atcil they nro the ant , the hoc anil DoXVItt's Little Karly Risers , the last bokiK Iho famous llttlo pllla for stomach anil liver troubles. Comparison is invited Of the Quality And Quantity Of Readable ITews Printed daily In The Bee And in other papers. For the news And all the news Read The Bee. OR. IB TJIK ONLY SPECIALIST WHO TIIKAT8 ALL Private Disease ? UctknH BDllMiordtr of WEN ONLY 5 Yonra Einorienoa II ) Yeutflin Oniulm. Book Kroo. C'onHiiltit * tionProo. Hox7tW , o | Hth nnd Fam m Bt - OMAHA. Mi > . Ohlchutor'l ' Ulumonil Hrand. | I'naluli . ' 'ENNYROYAL PSLLS Orlelnnl anrl Only dcnulnc * ttAFC , ftllTft/N rHlal > la. LADICK Ilk Dru Klit for I'Atfhetttr totqliik Sm < irnJ llraml In llrd n1 I.'M rnn boir * , Kialr ? . ! itlli Mir Million , TilLo Tnuotlrpr , tttfuit dangtroui lubifrfu * liuHJiatt't imlltilloHt. At Dru glitBor nrn In Blimp * Tor parltanliri , ti'illinonUli and "ItFllcf Tor I.nillrm" < l < l r. Ii ; r'-lnrn Slull. lIMIOIITrillrnonUli.C u'ap.r. . llflil1 f'rlllCinvnl ; tJo. M ilt , rii Hijvftnrj EoM L/ all Local Uruilili. I'lllI.AIIA. , Jt'.L. Wo will rion'l roil a trjnl trHiitinent of Iho l-'ruioli ItHiniuly CALTIIOO I'rt't . ( iru < O , l > . Hflit'iriH I filut a h'i : l ( jAi/niomilll H fillDLi'lrnrui. . . mril IVrUilun. , CITItK ! Hnrrinuujrrlii'rt , Vurlciu'tle , lin.l KOTIIItl : l.i l Vleur. It cnsts you iuillilir. ; to try It. Volt J.lQlllCO. C81 J ifr.Atfnl..llrrtlMnnlM ) . TlilH rciniMly liuliic in- Jictcil ; tllrcvtly to tlio HCIlt Uf tllOht ) lllHCIINCH of tlio GuiiltO' Urinary , roil n iron no of illol. Cure In 1 to U . Nnmll plain pack * < r. by mull , Wl.OO. only Uy MytTH Dillon DrilK Co , N , U. Coi'iier Kith mill Furiiuni Sin. , Oniiilui , .Noli. TKMSl'HONK I DM. E. R. PENNEY & CO. , 11O Board of'Trado Bldg. , Omaha , Neb GRAIN , PROV.ISIONS , STOCKS llranch Office , 1038 N 81 Lincoln , N b. O. C. CHH1BTIB. K. J. BTIIKET , I'rcBldent. Vice I'ltildciit. Christie-Street Commission Cos Cllpltlll , 4150,000.00. l.'llll ) Pnlll. STOCKS , IJIIAI.V A .Ml I'lll ) VISIO.VH. 111 llonril < rf Trillin Weare Commission Go 01.n coi.o.vv ; , CHICAGO. MeinbnrB Chlcugo Hoard of Trada plnuo lid , drain , Provisions aiU N , Y. Stocks Orders Custi and Kuturo Delivery Holloltcd , Oimilut oilli'c , itooni it N , V. l.lfi' lililw , . . . . 'I'luiHf 11(11. ( . , , KI.OVI ) J. CAMPHKLL. JliuinK < T , " " JAMES EBO YD & C0 , , 'I'olophono 1031) ) . Oinalia , Neh COMMISSION , Git AIN , I'HOVISIONS anil STOCKS I10AIID U | > TKADU. Ulrfl wireto Chicago and New York. Correspondent ) ! Jolm A. W rr > n U Co.