10 THE OMAHA DAILY 111313 : RATUIIDAY , I BRUAIIY 20. 181)8. ) SPECIAL TCES tN fur Ihcur column * rtlll lie tiilioH iindl 1U tii. fur the fMritltiK nnil until H p. in. lor tin. iiiortilnir. niul Snmlnr ml 1 1 1 n n ) < UtTi , by rcMiiii-nlliiir a num- lii-rlc , rim hn o nn or ml- o n iiuiiilirrc'il Jotter In onrr iif Thp lice. AnimiTu < > nililrc'sjuei' \rtll bo dcllvori-il on prcHcntntlon at the I'ln-rk onlr. llnlcii , I l-'o n oril flrat Inner-Hun If n - opil thrriMi'tur. > otlilnic tul < en for ICKK 111 u n I5c for tin- first Inner * tliin. ThemmUcrtlftciiipnlH iiiuxt lie run voii \v vM'iisri i ATIO > . \VANTii > , A POSITION AS COLLECTOR 1XR reliable Ilrm , user 10 jears experience , speak nnd write English and Ocrimn. bent of city referfiKTH Address U 81 , lice A il0'S _ _ WANTED , "POSITION AS BOOKKEEPER Oil clerk , : icnrs' expirlcnce , No 1 bank refer ences J. M rtausor , 10J South 13th St. " WANTED , TO TRAVEL FOR SOME WHOLE- unlu house or manufacturer , Address U 63 , jlte A M2SO ! i * A YOUNG MAN WANTS WORK FOP. HIS board anil lodging. Address II 1 , lire WANTHD , A 1OS1T1ON AH CLERK IN A reliable inmlntfi house. over ten yenrn expert- on < ; u In accounts ; speak ntnl write English nnd Oermnn Address II 3 , Bee. A 311 26' _ MAi.n IIKI.P. CANVASSERS TO TAKE ORDERS ; NEW LINE of work , no henvy Roods to corn , 'alary or commtiil slon. C , r Adams Co. . 524 So. 16th St. 11 415 SALESMAN POIl C10AUS. JIM A MONTH AND expensed , old firm. experience unnecessary. In ducements to customers C. C. lllihop A Co. , Bt. Lou I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ AGENTS AN1J I1HANCII MANAGERS. SALARY nnd commission Hunter Tailoring S. Shirt Co. Clnclnlmtl.0 B-M493-Aprll 16 * _ WANTO rBAniT.i : MAKERS TO WORK ON hlg'i grnde stock ( addles , must In' llrst claim tmrlmnlis lilshest wnges und steady work Dodfon , rixlur , llrockmnnn. Co , Minneapolis , Minn - _ mmfllNMENT POSITIONS : DON'T PREPARE for tlio mllwiu mill or other civil sirvlce o\- nmlnitlon wltlioiit seeing our Illustritod oita- logui ot Infi rrnnllon , sent fretCnUimnHn Conespondenco College , WaMllnstr > .n'n , , . , WESTIiHN GRAMOPHONE CO , COUNCIL lllnffn , In , wants Nebraska representatives , rvll.ible , en < o , tle men , to make : " > weekly. No peddlim ; Write riulck B-M2fS Mi2 uiH8\tETf wuNTEF KiNo's : "SILVER POL- lsh saves time nnd I il > or , Kind 10 centH for sample niul terms King Oiemlcnt Cn , Nine. tpenth and Pnrrlsh , Philadelphia , Pi WANTii7rTHTj NAMK AND AODIll S Ol' men and Blrls who lime worked In Je < lr > fiirtorlei anil understand either hard soldering Ktono J > ettliip , poll hlnR , pre s work or hand ctiRT < i\lnR , plensp slxe experience , kind of work familiar with and last pi ice ot empo ! > ment \V 1' Main Co , Iowa , Ctt > , la 11 M301 27 { r.uJrb\irN ON"ciaTHs7"toi ) i'iu MONTH nnd exiitnsiH pnll , > eirlj ( ontr.ict to huitllng men Uallcy llroH , Phllailelphli. l'i iiiiN no M\UN n\uniu : Tii\m : , tA\v will teen rniilre appii-ntlces to per\c three > < -ai i In "hups or three months In schools , our dlplimis the enl > ones rercKiilsred by the state , 2101 nun niipht list eor , po ltloiiH or l v < i- tlons guni.uitted , catalogue mailed free Mrler Kjflcm limber Schools , Clilciso or " t I/oula \v 100 oiui.s rou AI.FJ KINDS or wonu , s TO J7odc , l"nmdlan OffiC" , 13.3 UotiKlas C 111 \VANir.n , APPLICANTS TOll TIIAININO school fir nurses Anpls itV C A hospital , Ninth and Mxth a\eime , Couni.ll 13luTsC ( C i-ift-28. \VANicoM PITINT C.IIIL , rou OINIUAI. : houpework , must ha\a refirenocs , K03d WIIKCS. Mrs U S. Hall , 2110 Tainani C 274-2o WANT in , INIHOITICOMAN ; 10 TIIAVIII. on silar > to Ket agents for superior line of trrxid Corset S. Shlit Works , Ann Arhnr , Mich. C c.nNnnAn nocsinvoitK , j co per wiek for competent Blrl , no olliels need oppiy.ow niiimi t ist c si32i rou C ' N I-OTTAOIIH ALL-OVHR city , J3 to $73 Fidelity , 1st floor N. Y. Utr U MIDI ioi'Hi : WAi.r.vcfi. IIUOWN DUJCK. ICTH nnd DouRlas D 4W : I-1ST. M'CACUi : , JSTIl AND PODOn HOIJS1M , n.ATS. QARVIN J1HOS. , 101J FAH'N j. H sunnwooD , 423 N. y. urci J > 431 _ iiousns IN AM * PAHTS or THI : CITY. 7iT O. F Davl Compiny , 1503 Tarnam n 433 iiousns. BKNKWA . co. , IM N , ISTII ST D lf 130 8-IIOOM HOUSn NHWLY PAINTITD AND PApered - pered , 2014 N. 29thAve. . JI2. Fidelity Trust Co. D-M 1 70 HOU.HK4 , d lOItnS. DIJMIS. PAXTON Ul D 4)3 rort IIHNT. NINI : IIOOM IIOITSB , cn.v- \enlent. modern , homelike , beat residence dig- trlrf fmr minutes' wnlk fiom poitotllce : luiri * If desired. Inquire EM N Y Life Imlldlnir D M517 NP.W fOTTAOi : , MONTHLY PAYMENTS C04 Hci > nid ( { . D-M551 IN nt\3T OMAHA-snVRHAL HUNDlinn ncren of land , Biiltnlile for Harden nnd fnrm pmpOFCS Al o deernl plensnnt cottnBe > , with rlty wnter nnd convenient to car line Inquire nt riMderiee of L R milieu , 21st St mid Loctiit Ave , Hast Omalm D 787 AX PLKOIANT MODRUN O-IIOOM imiCIC dvM-UIn ? COS Homli ! Sth , | 10 An eleirxiit molern s-room brick iluolllnij 1011 Pnrk Avi > , 13 Apply \V H Melkli. 1st Knt llmik bldi ; D - NIWAI ' ii > C'lINTHAL STIIAM ItHAT bent rondltlnnF , 1-room lint. Tlinnl 121 N . 2S KOU m\TriniMsnnn noons. roil HI-NT , NHWLY rilRNIbllRD 11OOMS , ren onuble prices 24J1 Dodge. H M5SO ROOMS , 1510 HOWARD ST E M9I3 1N T'RIVATE FAMILY. WITH OR WITHOUT bom ! 10U Dodte E-1J3 23' jdOmTllN SOUTIT HOOMS , " J 00 WEEK AND "l ! 51t Kt 19IJI E-.M234-2S' FOR RENT. TWO FUHNIhllEI ) ROOMS , ONE Boutl * front ! Bteam hint , 2J30 Fnrnnm St. E-275 23' HOOMS. 2 0 HAHNEY STREET : iO-MJ LMtDi : FKONT ALI'OVi : HOO.M , PHIVATR family. tntt > rcncoiuible , will not ralto ilurlntr ii po llliiii 013 N 23d fit 13-310 Ml' Y FI'ftNIHIini ) IIOOM ALL MODHItN convfulfiices , 2101 Fnrnnm 1J-M331 27 * IN PIUVXTI5 F\MILY , WITH Oil WITHOUT bonril 11 > DHle ( | i-MM2 : Mf > H003IS AND no van. THI : MKIUHAM. FinsT-ci Asa FAMILY no- tel , IStli and Hodiio 8t . F 458 HANDSOMH PAUIXJIIB nN BUI rB , SMALLCU rooina , good board. The Hose , 200 IIarne > . F M97S LAHCIF. SOUTH IIOOM , WrrH lOA"lfi ] > . 02 CUM F M21 2S ULKOANT FHONT HOOMS , blUAM HBATUD , llrft i'lif ) I'Oiird. 1Z09 Cupltolnve. K-271.2S * FOUTHL'NT. 1 > * UHNISHEU HOOMS WITH GOOD board , 2W Duugla * . F M302 J3 _ l-lTnABANT HPOM. 118 N. tClh at. F-M329 tS HOOMS. ALL lo t part of clt > ; with or without board , IIOHiird. K-M3M M4 I IIQIJ FHONT HOOM. WITH board ! reforeiic * , VMN. IStli. F-M314 K < FHHNMIinDJ IlOOM8 WITH I1OAHD K Douslai F M317 roil ni { > Tu.M < 'i'itMsuin ' HOOMS , ( UNFUHNISlIEU CHAMHEHS VOH HOUSE- keephur , "jinn nnd vvlfv , aitr In kltchfii : ettel lnU , w > lr pipe 319 N Kill , O-IM UNt'"UHNISHKI ) sbt'TII HOOM SUITAHLt ] torHH \ \ \ liouwlaeiihu.clui t . SI 15 HowurJ Q-MJ.M M4 roll IIKM'-STOIIKS AMI KoruK.VT > tN TIIHDKB : On IflfKe corner room , 2d ( liror , vrltu vault nnJ rihnln omee , water , tt One InrBo front rnom , M noor , divided Into tvro roonm by partition , nnler , etc. One Urge corner room , 2d door , with vnult. water etc On * Iront room , divided br nirtltlon , 3J floor. Ono corner room , with vnult. 31 flour. On inriro room. 3d noor with partition dividing It Into one large room nnd two smaller private roomn , water , etc. Two lar p ground ! leer room * , fronting 17th St. , with vnult. Several urn-ill room on 4th floor , with vaulti. All thtfe rooms are heated with M im. electrlo Il ht , supplied with nrsl-cl s Jnnltor service" Elevatori run day nnd nil nlRht ; building Klrlclly flrcnronf Apply to .Superintendent , Hoom 101 r"e bulldine ! - Fen itRNT nnsi < HOOM t f onoiiNn nnicc , Dee building , wnlet steam hcnt , electric light and Janitor service. Apply to Superin tendent , Ilee building. 1 7 IIRNT , ONR-STOHY FnAMR WAHE- hou , Ilurllngton trnckngc , F. ! . Ix < otnl , 10th ntvt Varnnm Kin I M067 28 ron IIHNT THR 4-sroiiY imicK mm.niNO at fl Farn m St. This bulldlnc h n nreprool cenrnt Imsement ! wnter o , " . all floors ; gan , He , Apply nt the omco of The nee I 810 Ar.nvrs WANTED. AGENTS TO SDLL OUH. QHRAT Cuba book ; nil about Cuba , Spiln nnd wnr ; frrent fxcltcment : every on buys It , one agent paid S ? In one tiny , another made $13 In one hour ; nearly COO page" , magnificent lllu tra- llon , photogra | > lii , etc ; low price ; wo Bunr- nnteo the most liberal terms ! freight paid , 20 dnyV credit ; outfit free ; send C Z-cent stamps to pny pontnBC. The Itlble House , 321 Dearborn 8t , ChlCHRO. J-M245 27 * AOHNT8 MAK1NO $40 TO " > A WEEK. Greatest ngenls' seller ever Invented Iloth cnnvn lnif nn Kencrnl agent * needed Full particulars by mail Monroe Mfg. Co , X 18 , Ln Crosse. Wla. J M327 27 AOHNTS , IJITHEH snx , IX > H unoccupied territory , steady Income niwiml , ptcis'int nnd prolltnldn business , no peddling , don't miss this opportunity ; write tmHv Household Med. Co , Austin , III. J M3I8 M WAM'Un TO UHNT. WANTED. IJY MAY 1 , IIV A DRSIIIA1ILU tenant , n modern 8 to 10-room houic , with some ground Han com pnrk nelghboHiood pre ferred. Other lodtlons considered Address , stntlng location and rentnl , H C , Ilee K-M316 Ml * STOKAOU. PACirtC STO11AOE AND WAREHOUSE TO , M8-S10 Jones , genernl storage nnd forwarding. M-460 OM. VAN & STOHACIi : . IJllii FAHN'M. TEL 1K9 M 461 WAXTKU TO IIUY. I WISH TO PUHCHASE THE LETTERS K. W. O from Soda Mint glim stnte your prltu , either singly or for nil E 49. le N 40i Ml ron i ? VLn ruifN i ruiin. SECTIND-IIAND STEEL HOTEL HANCJFM OF iill kinds , cheap 1207 Fnrnnm O-MD14 M12 KOH S VL13IIOIISi : < 4 , WUiO-NS I3TC. FAIIM HOUSES FOH SALE APPLY PACIFIC Express Co , Omihn , Neb P M2S4 JI2 KOll S VLU IISCCLLAM OIJS. FINE WHITE SAWDUST FOH FLOOHS. ETC , cmree for Ice , nt J3 OD i.ei cord Tel 4)8 ' . ' 01 Pouglns. . j 4hJ HOUSE CLIPPING MACHINES , KNIVES AND repair ? , nil standard m I | < LI , on hnnd , Blind ing rnzurs , shears , clhipers , prompt service A. L Undelnnd. Q-M87C CIliciCEN HOO AND LAWN FENCES. ALL wire , la Lest Wire Worl.s , 14th nnd 1'nrney Q -SSU PUHE PLYMOUIH HOCK EGGS FOIl SET- tliB1' , We , roosters , $1 " 0. 8JJ North 2Gth ron SALE. nOAiiniNa HOUSE AND SAloon - loon , No 1 location , dolnc gooil business , lck- nesH cnuse for.EClllng. Address U. Bee olllce , So Oman i. Q SI2M27 ixirT'H or"7iurpALO HOHNS , POLISHED. Adrc H O. H Norrls , Judllli , Mont. Mont.QM210 MS * SEED SWEET POTATOES. Jl 50 PEH DHL Theodore Wllllanu , 57th nnd Military Ave , Omalin , Ntb Q M2S5 Mn > 7 * ClyllllVOYAM'S. DH. A. WHEELER , PALMIST AND VSTHOI , oger , room 9. Crclghton blk S M1M Ml' MASSVC3H , 11 VTIIS , KTC. MADAME SMITH , IIS N. 15TH ST , STEAM and nlcohol b-itlis TM231 27' MME BRISSON OF PAHIS. CHIROPODIST , medicated baths and massage 107 N 12th St. T 537 Ml' BEE I1UILDING SANITARIUM , SCIENTIFIC massage , . Suedlnh movements , electric treat ment nnd medical baths , gradinted masseuse for Indies Dr C W. Milmqulsl , MKI , rooms 109-110 Bee Uulldlnff. T M8S3 MU L\URA ELLISON. CROUNSE HLOCIf. 119 IGth , room 13 , upstnlrs ; bath nnd rnisnnge T-M22C 1C MME AMES , MASSAGE AND IJATHS Howard street. T M232 27 * MH3 DR. LEON. ELECTRIC MASSAGE HATH pirlors ; restful und cur.itlve. 417 S nth , np- stnlrs T-M233 27' 1M3HSOXAI , . VIAVI FOR UTERINE THOUHLES. 34B-8 DEE 3JIdg ; physician consultation or health l > mk frt-o U 1ST CLOTHES CLEANED , TRESSED AND HE- paired , day or night ; dress suits for hlr" Pnntorlum , N , K Cor. 14th nnd Farnnm Tel 863. U 4 < li A > fY PERSON IN DOUGLAS WASHINGTON or Snrpy counties who has any claim nirtilntt me will please call nt Weir's place , nenr South Omaha , where I cin bo found until Mnrch 1 , IMS JoluKnth. . U 5 < r I'ebiS * MARRIED PEOPLE , SECURE THE ONLY UN- objectlonnldfl method to nvold excessive pn- rentnge , COc. L Ilcrrler. president Institute of Iluman Culture , Minneapolis , Minn U MJ37 MchS * IN ORDER TO INTHODCCE OUR NEW HAllT dtvsser , SIlss Hlamht Cnthcart nnd her per- fcot method we will give a free niashngo with everv face ntenm for the next two v\feUs \t F. M Schndell S. Co. U MCS31Ich5 IADIES li\VE YOUR HAIH DRESSED IIP- fore goliiir downtown nt the ImlrdiessliiK pnrlorn of Mine O P.une , 2TI3 Lenvtnwjrih Ht tel JFM nrtlatlc manicuring , sui > crlluom hnlr nnd fnclal blemlalies removed with elec tricity : strictly private , U M799 Mil * PRIVATE HOME FOR L\DIES HEFOREND during confinement , bibles adopted nnd cared for 1136 N 17th U M223 20 * A YOt'NO LADY OF REFIN'ED ApT > E\rN nnce nnd good ejlurntlon to learn one of the piost desirable tr.uleii for ladles , an extraordl- nniy ( rood opportunlt ) for the right person Address II 2. care Heo U MIOfl 27' WiH PHARLTON , SEVD ADDRESS OH PALL nt olllcp for very Important Informntlon for your consideration Jackson , HlgKlna & Co , South Omuhn. U M3W MOM91 TO LOAX Iintl , I3STATI3. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW HATES THE O. F , Davl Co , 1505 Fnrnam St. Vt' 4C6 LOAN ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY property. W. Farnuni Smith S. Co , 1:20 Fnr-m. W-4C8 M ONRV TO I/AN ON IMPHOVED OMAHA real eitntc , Drennnn-Lovo Co. , 219 S , 16th , W-470 CPKHCENT MONEY ON NDU. RTfiM ? " * OMA ha property. W. II MelKIc , 1st Nat'l Hank Hide. W-M474 6 PER CENT CITY AND FARM LOANS. Gnrvln Bros. . 1813 Farnam St. W-MW7 ANTHONY LOAN R. THURT CO , 315 N. Y. L ; lutck money at low rat for choice faim lands In Iowa , northern Missouri , eastern Nebraska W 407 614 PEH CENT MONEY. BEMIS , PAXTON Hlk W-469 MONEY I OANED ON IMPI1OVED HEAL ES- tat In Omaha , Council Hluffn . South Omaha. I'usey & Thomas , 603 First Nat'l Bank , Omaha. W-I7J WANTED. CHOICE FARM AND CITY LOANS , H. C. Peters & Co. , U. 8. Nat'l Bank Bid ? . W 473 AT IvOW HATES O NKAItMS ft IMPROVED city property , H. A. WnK'rlteld , 515 ut N'l Hk. W-753 MS 5M LOAN WANTED. 03 IIRE. AY-35S. HOO.OOOOO SPECIAL FUND TO LOAN ON flrrt-clasn Improved Omaha property , or fur building purposes Fidelity Trust company. W-47I FINANCIAL. LIFB INSUHANCIt POLICIES XlOUflHT KOH cash Hlclurd Htrxfeld , 171 LoSalle HI. . Chi- ca < o 601 F2S' MONEY LOANED ON LIFE INSURANCB POU tele * or liouelit , L. 1' Van Nornun , Mlnne- Mian. -U77T Uchlt * .MOMJV TO LOAVClf.\TTii.9. 110 TO 110.000 TO IXJAN"ON HOUSEHOLD FUHNITURE AND PIANOS. IIOnSKS. WAGONS AND CARRIAGES , WAREIIOl'SE HErEIPTfl , ETC. nt lonc-t rates In Omnlia , South Omahn nnd Council Illurts. Nn removal of gools , stilctly confidential , jou cnn pny the loan oft at any time or In any amounts OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO , THE OLDEST. LARGEST AND O VlNCOH- POHATED LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. . X-475 rou I\OH FOR EXCHANGE. 311 ACRES OF FINE LAND. clear , for Omnhn property 160 ncrcs , clear , nnd cash , for bou c nnd lot In Omnlm , Hnvo several small fruit fatnis In Mls'mirl clear of Incuinbrance , to trade tor Omnlm SO acres cicnr for \ncnnt lot In Omnhn A fine modern nine-room hou'e , nl o nice live- room cottage within short nnlklne distance ot poMolIlcp Wnnt Nebraska land nnd little cash We can get jou an > kind of a trade Cnll or write tne Fidelity Trust Co , llrst tloor , N. Y. Life Z M330 27' GOOD DIIFO STORE 40 M1LC3 8 W KANSAS City , will cxchnnge for clenr property or fnrm matching nny amount I2.WO to $3.000 $ p. M. , Mt. Hope , Kansas. 55 M319 27' uusixnss TO GET IN OR OUT OF BUSINESS GO TO J. J , Gibsoru 614 First Nnt'l Hank. Y 476 CASH GROCERY BUSINESS. HiaTiARGAlN cash or part trade , must tie sold this week. Apply nt once , G 07 Ilee. Y-254-2G' MOST LIBERAL PROPOSITION TO GET INTO cafe , clenn manufacturing buslne-s , protlts large , business established , only { 3,000 needed , O C4 , Hec. Y M2SI M2 FOR SALE. SEVERAL FURNISHED 11OA11D- Ing nnd rooming houses nnd hotels , also les- tnurnnt ? , clgnr and fruit stores , news nnd other business stands , It > ou desire to sell > our business list with me C. C. Shlmcr. with Our- % in Hros , 1613 Fnrnam St , Y M303 27 'LOT ' AND STORM HU1LD1NG IN LESTER , L > on county. Iowa , for fnrm Innd C. L Ringer , 832 So. 23d St . Omnlia. Y-M328 ZS LIVE STOCK COMMISSION FIRM. SOUTH OniiliH , vvuntH man with large cnpltnl for pitt- ncr , business thoroughly established , refer ences llptt-clnss. Hex 443 , Omaha. Y M322 s.\Lniuvi , KOUNTZE PLACE UAROAINS , J2.SOO. It 7tO TO J8.EOO. J. J. Gibson , 514 First Nat. Hank Bids. „ . , HE-47S J22500 FOR 3-STOHY BRICK HUILUING , 41 . 'eel fiontage , near 14th nnd Douglas Sts J2EOO for In-.provcd property on Cumins street , near 25th street. J. N. Frenzer , Opp P.O. HE 'S3 HOUSES , LOTS , FARMS. LANDS IXANS. ) also fire Insurance Hemls. Pnnton blkT , nn-4 Cft 14 PEfl CENT GHOSS INVESTMENT , 2-STOHY brick business building , price $3,500. Address K 1. Dee nE 484 7-n MODEIIN rOTTACin. EAST THONT. choice location 302 N 40th : cheip : easy terms. nn SOO-MH FOLLOWING DESinAIILE PnOPrUTV BUSI- nei lot corner. rO\l'0 ft . In So Omnlm , pi\ed nuilne- " ) lot , rOxlSO feet , Impro\cd , South Omaha , street imeil Tract (24 lots ) , icth St Tract CO lot * ) 30tn St , Tor particulars npply 1012 Tarmm St HE-1CI NEW , 5IODEISN S-TIOOM COTTAfli : LAKl.E lot , fWO cash , balince to suit. Address O V. , lice ISE-M1' ' ) ! CHOICE OP EIGHT LOTS IN SAUNDEKS A. Illmeluuuirs nddltlnn nt J100. hnlf i.ish t o Mocks from pixed street nnd motor , on crude. A. P TuKcy , City hall RE-MI IS 7-IIOOM HOUSE TO MOVE OFP W H Gate' ) CIS N Y Life Phono. 12"H 9 UK 241 ! 0 SIlOllTirVMl AMI TYIMJU'IMTI'NO. AT OMAHA BUS. COLLEGE , 16TH & . DOUGLAS 1S7 13OYLES' SCHOOL THE ONLY ONE IN Oimhn nlem court repoi tcrs nrc tencheia , 403-407 Hee Bldff ! S ! > HELLE riNLljy 812 N Y LITE T01 MU A C. VAN SANT'S FfHOOL OP BHOUTIIXD nnd typewrltlns. 717 N. V Life offrrs the fol- lonliiB ndvontipesIndlvldinl Instructions by fttpcrlcnccd teachers and rklllful stenosraphers , up-to-dntn methods ; litest teNthooks : touch s > s. tern of typcnrltlni ; If prefcned , premluma thnt keep up nn Interest , mrtlclpitlon In nctual work , for \\hleh students receUe cash pay ments. In some cases amounting to more thim tuition ; money refunded for unexplred time. If students arc not sitlsfled. free trill week. Interested parties Invited tolslt the school nnd see Its facilities methods , work of Its students nnd class of students In attendance. OMAHA SHORTHAND COLLEGE ItOYD'S theater M100 M24 LOST. IX1ST. SEALSKIN MUrP ; REWARD Ml 1ST Nitlrmil IHnk Lost 111 27' roun. . rOlTND , TWO STRAY HOUSES ; OWNER CAN hae same by Identify IIIR property P. O . Johnson , Penny farm , Douila ; county , l'ound-312 27 PAWMIHOKnilS. II. MAROWHj ; LOANS MONEY , 418 N. ICTH. 4S ? WANTED TO WANTED TO BORROW JI.BOO. 3 TO 5 YEARS , on choice Inside , well rented property nt 7 per cent semi-annual ; no commission. Address r 17. Bee M64 ! rAcicnn. M. S WALKIN. 2111 CUMING. TP.U 1331. 492 nl'OSITIOPJIONTAOKS FOIl IIU\T , GROUND LEASES PRONTING CXPOSITION. Uemlii , Paiton Blk. 973 WE SOLICIT AND ri'RNISH POSITIONS FOR Stenounphers free. The Smith-Premier Type writer Co Telephone. 1284 491 rjMI'I.OVMIJNT OITICR. CITY EMPLOYMENT BUUEAU , 1117 TARNAM street. Rooms 2 nnd 3. Tel , HO ) 400 TVI'KWHITBHS. TYPEWRITERS IK > H RENT 4.00 PER MONTH , The Smlth-Prlmler Typewriter Co. , K23 Fur- nnm St. . telephone. 12SI H9 IIOTIOLS FOH UK > T. BUILDINO SUITABLE FOR HOTEL. 30 rooms nnd large moru ro-im , mitral locution Bnrnls. Paxton BIk. Xo M \ici\c. DRESSMAKING , FAMILIES. 2304 DAVENPOHT KLOMIICi : WANTED , TWO OR MORI ) LADIES TO POOL SIOX ) to send mnn of 33 to Klondike Addre n O i 7 , Ilee ir-it'l ' K' STOCICIIOLUKHS' MRISTIKG. NOTICB TO STOCKHOLDBUS , Notice la hereby given tbiit the annual meotlng of the ntockholders of The Uce Publishing c.ompanyiwlll bo held at the com pany's olllco , corner Seventeenth nnd F.ir- nam streefs , In the city of Omahn , Neb. , on Monday. Match 7. 1898 , ot J o'clock p. m ! By order of the president. G , D. TCBCHUCK. Secretnry. BTOCKHOL-nnRS' MCETING. Notice Is hereby given that the regular uitiual meeting of the stockholders of tlio South Platte Land company will be held at tlio olllce of said company in Lincoln , \obrnBla , nt 11 o'clock a , m. , on the first Wednesday In March , U08. being tlio second lay of the month , , IJy order of the Board of Directors R. O. PHIL-MI'S , Secretary. Lincoln. Kob. . Jan 31 , 1539. JJlUJOlm _ XOTICU TO COXTRACTOUS. NOTICC TO CONTHACTOnS. Sealed bids for the construction of the Transportation and Agricultural Implement Building on the Exposition grounds , will 10 received until 11 a. rn. Tuesday , March 'Plans and specifications can be seen nt the department olllce , corner IMh and Spen cer BtreetB , or setn nlll be furnished bid ders at cost. R P. KimCENDAM * M r. Qrds. and Hlds , Dept. , Tranimlsslsslppt and Intornatlonul Kxpo- sltlon. l > 'eb. -M&KtoMl U'-t ' t.novt , r.Mrnn sr\'iii OKMHIUC. . \ , Dlstrlrl of Ni-lmtikn , I5y virtue of authority vested In mo by law. It H hereby ordered thnt a special term of the t'nlteil States district court for the district of Nebraska lie bold at Omnhn In the slid district of Nebraska ( that belnc a place where , according to law n regular term of < mld "ourt Is held ) , nt the t'nltcd Stutcs coin I loom In said Omaha , at 11 o'clock n m. , on Monday , the Uth day of March. A. I ) . 1S9S , for the transaction of such bti'lne ns mn > then be brought be fore Raid court , nnd notlco of the holding of such special term be nnd the same hereby Is Riven. Dated this Uth dnv of relmmry , A. D 1S93. A\M. II. MU.NOEH. United States District JudRO Feb24d5t irvtrun ST.vriis or . ' .iii.iii-iiti ; rimiit , niHtrict > i * U L.y , * j * . Ily virtue of nHtbsrlty vested In me by law , It Is hereby ordered thnt n spechl term of the United StitttM circuit court for the district of N'ebrnslfii1 to held nt Omnhn , In the said district qtKfbrnRkn ? ( that belnc a place where ncctfrrilnR to law n rcstilnr term of said couq } ; Inheld ) , nt the United States court room In said Omab.i nt H o'clock n. m. , on Mattdny. the 14th day of Mnrch. A D. IS'JSA tttr tha trnnsnctlon of alien business * imV then be brought be fore snld court ; nntri notlco of the holdlnc of such ppeclnl term DeTtnd the stmo hereby Is given. . Dated this Dili Vmy of Fobrunry , A. D. 1S9S. WAIrt'BK II SANDORN. Unltedrstntea Circuit Jndpe. \OTICK9. FOR DULI.S-U. s INDIAN Service , Pine Uldgo Agency. Pine UldRo S. D. , Fobnlnry 11. 1SDS. Scaled pro pos-xls , Indorsed "Proposals for Bulls" nnd addressed to the undersigned nt 1'lnu Illdpe , Shannon county , S. D. , will be re ceived nt thH nRcncy until 1 o'clock p in. of Saturday , March Uth. lists , for fuinlshln ? nnd dclUerlng .it this nBeney not later than Mny 1 , 1SDS , one hundred OOO ) bulls , full blooda , eligible to registry : Polled Angus or Hereford preferred ; not less than two nor more than four years oW ! free from b'em- I'hcs Btialght nnd smooth ; to weigh not less than 1 000 pounds each and to average not lens than 1,100 pounds Bidders will state clearlv In their bids the proposed prlco of each animal , All anltmls offered for delivery under nnv contiart will be sub ject to n rigid Inspection. The right Is re- porved to reject nnv and nil bids , or any part of nnv bid. If deemed , for the beat In- tetests of the government. Certified Checks Each bid must be accompanied by n certi fied check or drift upon some Untied States depository or sohont national bink In the vicinity ot the icsldr-nce of the bidder , made parable to the order of the Commissioner of I ml Inn Affairs for at least fl\e per cent of the amount of the proposil. which checker or draft > w 111 be fo felted to the United States In c i o any bidder or b'dders receiv ing an award sh.ill fall to promptly execute a contract with good and sudlclent sureties , otherwise to be returned to tlio bidder. I3Idd accompanied by cash In lieu of a certified clu-ck will not be considered For any ad dltlonal Inform itlon apply to Major W. H Clap-p , Acting U S. Indian Agent. ( Should bo read DAI1..Y by all Interested as changes may occur at any tlmo. ) Foreign mnlls for the week ending February 26 , IStb , will close (1'HOMPTLY In all cases ) at the gcncial post olllco as fol lows : PARCELS POST MAILS close ono hour eat Her than closing tlma shown below. Trimstlniilii - Mnlls. SATURDAY-At a. m. for GHEAT BRITAIN , IRELAND. BELGIUM , NETH ERLANDS. AUSTRIA nnd NORWAY ( Bergen ) , per s s Campinln , via Queens- town tlcttcis for othei parts of. Europe must be directed "per Campania" ) , at 5 .0 u. in. for GERMANY. DENMARK. Stt EDEN - DEN , NORWAY ( Chi Istlnnln ) and RUS SIA , p ° r a s r. Bismarck * . \ la Hambuig ( lettprs for other parts of Ruiope. via Cheibourg nnd Soutaamptan , must be di rected "per F. Blsm.nck" ) , at 7 a m lot PRANCE. SWITZERLAND ITALY , SPAIN. PORTUGAL. TURKEY , EGYPT anil BRITISH INDIA , per s s. La C'bam- * . \Ia Havie ; nt 8 a. m. for NETH ERLANDS dlrtft per s s. Amsterdam. Via Rotterdam ( Ictteis must ) > e directed "per Anisterartra"f"St ) 8 a m for GENOA , per s s Ems ( letu-ts miibt be directed "per Ems" ) ; at JO a. m. for SCOTLAND dliect , per s. s. rurnessl i , \Ia Glasgow ( letters must -directed "per rnrnossla" ) . PRINTED MATTER , .ETC. Germ-in iteTiners sailing on Tuesdass take Prrnted Matter , etc. for Germany , and hpeclallj Addressed Printed Matter , etc . for other parts of Eurrpe Amer ican and 'White St.ir Meamers on Wedne < 'da > s. German steamers on ThursJa > s , und Cunatd , Ficnch and German steimers un Soturdajs take Printed Mattel etc . fpr nil countries tor which they are advertised to cany inaii. After the closing or tie | Supplementary TransAtlantic - Atlantic Malls named above , additional supple mentary malls are , opcneu un the piers of the American E.iiIlsi | , French and German steam ers , and remain anen Intli wlh'n Ten Minutes of the hour ot sailing or steamer. HuilH for boiitliimiil Central Anierlcn , IVcHt Inillen , Etc. TJ , , , , SATURDAY At 2-30 a . m. for BRAZIL and LA PLATA COUNTRIES Rio Janeiro , per s. s Amalll , from Philadel phia ( letters for North Btazll must bn di rected "per Amalfi" ) ; nt 10 n. m ( supple mentary 10.0 : n. m. ) for TORTUNK ISLAND , JEREMIK. JAMAICA , SAVA- NILI-iA and GREYTOWN , per s. a. Alone ( letters for Costa Rica must bo directed "nor Alene" ) ; at lO : ) a rrt. for CAM- PECHE , CHIAPAS TABASCO and YU CATAN , per s s Sogunrnnoa ( letters for other pat ts of Mexico and for Culn must be directed "per Segunranca" ) ; at 11 a. m. for NEWFOUNDLAND , per s s Portia ; at 80 : ! p. in. for NEWFOUNDLAND , per steamer fiom North Sydney. SUNDAY-At " 7 P m. for NASSAU , N. P , , per s. s. Miami , from Miami , Fla. Malls for Newfoundland , by rail to Halifax nnd thence by steamer , close nt this oilier dully nt S 10 n m Mills for Miqiicion Dy rail to Hos- ton nnd the ice by tc.imer , close at this office dally nt 8'TO p m Mnlls for Cuna close nt tills otllcc dally nt 7 W n. m 'rr forwarding by stearnds sa'.Unif ( Monncys anil Thursdays ) from Port Tnmpn , F'a ' Mnlls foi Mexico City , nverlind unless specially ndilressed foi despatch by steamer. < .lose nt this odlce dnlly nt ! 30 u m nnd 2'30 p. in. "Ileglsterca mull closes ut 6 00 p. m. previous dny. TriuiK-PRl'lllc MnilN. MnllB for China nnd Japan ( Bpeclnlly nd- drcssed only ) , per H s Kmprcsa of China ( from Vnncouvei ) close here dally up to February * 21st nt 6 30 p. m. Malls for the Society Islands , per ahlp Galileo ( from San Fianclsco ) , close hete dnlly up to Febru ary 22d at C.30 p m MnllH fet China und Japan , per * . i City of Peking ( from Snn Franclbco ) , close h < > ro dally up to Feb ruary 2 : > th at 0 30 p m. Malls for Aus tralia ( except West Australia ) , New Zea land , Hawaii and FIJI Islands , per s. s Aorangl ( from Vancouver ) , close here dally nfter February IStli nnd up to March 3d at G:30 : p. m. Malls foi Hawaii , per s. R. Australia ( fiom Snn Fianclsco ) , close hero dally up to March nth nt OsTO. Malls for China nnd Jnpan , per s. s. Tacoma ( from Tn- coma ) , close here dally up to Mnrch "Ctli at 0.30 p. m. MnllH for Australia ( except these for West Australln ) , which nro for- wnrdod via Ktirope , New Zealand , Hawaii , FIJI and Samoan Islands , per s s. Moanit ( from San Francisco ) , close hero dally up to March * * 18th nt 7 00 n , m. , II n in , und 0:30 : p. m. ( or on nrrlvnl nt Now York of s. s. Campania with British malls for Australia ) , Trnns-Pacino malls arn forwnrded to port ot Bull ing dally nid the schedule of closing Is ar ranged on the presumption of their uninter rupted overland transit. Heglstered mall closes at 8 p m. previous day , CORNELIUS VAN COTT , Postmaster , Postolllco , New York , N. Y. , February IS , IfSS , It VILROADS. UNION I'ACIFIC-"THE OVER. Und Houte" General Oflke , N E , Corner Ninth nnd rarnnm Strewn i City Ticket Olllce. no : Fanmm btreet. Telephone Sit. Depot. Tenth and Maeon tatrecU , Telcphono 128.Leave. Leave. Arrive. "The Overland Limited" for Denver , bait Lake. western points . . . . , ; SoO ; am < ; 45 pm The Colorado Special ; for Denver and' nil Colorado point * . < . . ' 11. 03 pin 7.00 am Fait raall train far Salt Like , IMoltlo coast and all western point * . iiiU' 4u : pm 7:00 : am Lincoln , Ileatrlcu and Btromtburtr Exprem . . 0:00 : pm ! , : pm Fremont , Culumtaui. Norfolk , ( Irand Is land and Kearneyi. . , , I.M [ > t * Grand UUnd Exiirrfs , , " 3 po pir "IMC pm Dally. Ially > xrept Sundar. Council Illuir * . Local Leuv i. 4i1 : a. m.j CaO : a. m. ; 7:10 a m , . iW , a. m , , ia:3o : a. in ; 8:15 : I > . in. ; 4.1S p. m . , * * p , m . 1:20 : p , m.s M i p. m. Ari'iVa t M jt. m , , l..Q a. m. : * : V1 d m . 11-30 a m . 3-19 p. In. , 5,40 p m , .S > p. ni. , I.l3 p , m , , 10 li p , ra. It V1LHI S. MIS OI'UI PACiriC HMLUOAt ) Clrncrnl OlFIces nnd Ticket OiUro Merchants N'ntlonnl Hank Ilulldlni ; 1124 Fnrnnm Street Teltphone 101 Hepot , Fltleentli nd Webster Streets. Telephone US1. Ix > ave. Arrlvo. Kansas and Nebraska I.lmlud 3 OJpm 12.53 pm Krtnsvs city nnd St. 1-oiiln Impress -S.JOrm f 00 rim Local " 4-30 pm 9:43 : nm Dally. Daily except Sunday. rilEMONT. tn.KHOHN AND Missouri Valley Hnllwa > Gen. eral Olllces. United States Nn- tlonnl Hark Building , South- nest Corner Tv\olfth nnd Fnr- f- - ; winam Streets Ticket Olllce , 1401 Farnnm Street. Telephone t61 Depot. Fif teenth and Webster Streets. Telephone 14M. . , Leave Arrive. Black Hills DeadwooJ nnd Hot Springs . . . 3.00 pm 8.00 pm Wyomlns. Caspar nnd Douylns . . " S.COpm Bi'X ) pm Hastings. York. David City , Superior Gerevn , Exeter nnd Sewnrd . . 3.00pm 8-00 pm Norfolk , West Point nnd Fremont 7M : nm " 10:23am : Lincoln , Wnhoo nnd Fremnnt 7/0 nm " 10.2& nm Fremont Local , 7:50 nm Dally. Dally except Sunday Sunday jnly. Dnlly except Saturday. * Dilly except MomlEj , CHICAGO A NOHTHWE3THRN Hnllwny-Clty Ticket Oincc , 1401 F rnam Street. Telephone 661. Depot , Tenth nnd Ma-on Streets. Telephone 123. 123.Arrlvo Chlcuso Ppe- 7.00 nm 11J3 : rm Mlssourl Valley , Sioux Cit , St i CHICV.GO. ST PAUL MINNE- npolls S. Omnhn Hallway- General Offlccs , Nebraska 111. vision Fifteenth nnd Webster Streets City Ticket Olllce , - < = 1401 Farnnm Street. Telephone t > 01 Depot , Fifteenth nnd Webster Streets Tel ephone HoS. ' ' Arrhe. SIoUx City Accommodn. S iO air. S 29 pm Sioux City Accommodn. 9.M nm 8.10 pm Hlnlr. Emerson Sioux City , Ponca , Hartlng- ton and Hloomfleld. . . 1:00 : pm "II-55 nm Sioux City. Manttuto , St. Pinl Minneapolis . . . * * r > 5 > pm S 20 nm Emerson Pisxenger . . ' 3 10 pm 8:43 : nm Dalls "Dally except Sunday , * - - Sunday only * This train stops nt stations Florence to Soith Hlnlr , Inclusive , Sundays only ; on week days , South Blair only. jSIOUX CITY .t PACIFIC RAIU road General Olllces , United States Nnttnnil Hink Uulld- lii * . b W Corner Twelfth and Firnnm Streets Ticket Olllce , , . , , 1401 Farnnm Street , lekphone n Depot , loth nndebster sis. 'lek-phono 4"i Leave. Arrive. Sioux City , Mnnknto. St. P-iul , Mlnnapulls. ; pin 8 20 am CHICAGO nOCK ISLAND S. Pacinu Ilallroad "Tlie Great Rock Islind Houte" City Ticket Olllce , 1323 Tarnam Street. Telephone 423. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone 1 S. Loa\ . Arrhe. Chicago and St. Pnul Vestlbuled Express . . ' 4:3) : pm 1:43 : pm Lincoln. Colorado Sp'KS , 1'uueblo , Uenxer and west * 1'55 pm 4 23 pin Chtcngo. Des Molnes & UocU Island * i 00 pm S:15 : nm Atlantlo Express , for Des Molnes and east ern points . . . . 7'0 nm 8'50 pm Lincoln , Palrbury and Belle\lllo 5 : < > pm 10.40 am Dally Dally exceot Sunday. OMAHA & ST. LOUIS RAILROAD PORT I -Oinalin , Kansas City & East ARTHUR ern Railroad "The Port Arthur Houte" TIckqt Office , 1415 Farnnm Street. Telephone , 322. Depot Tenth and Mason Streets. Tcle- phone 12S Lsave. Arrhe St I.ouls Cnnnon nail Express 4:35 : pm 11:30 : nm Quliuy Express BMO ntr 9.30 pm ' - Dtl'y WAI1ASH nVH.nOAD TICKET otHn ! 41"i rurinni btreot Tell- phone 522. Dipot , Tenth and oii Slreets. Telepono 128. I ive. Arrive St. Liuls "Cannon Ball" Expre 4.30pm ' 11:30 : nm Dilly. CHICAGO MILWAUKEE & ST Paul llnlluuy City Ticket Olllce. iy > 4 r rnam httett Telephone 2 4 Depot , Tenth nnd Mnson Streets. Telephone - phone 113. 113.I I en\e. Arrhe , Chicago Limited Ex . . . S'i3 pm * 8 03 nm Omaha and Chicago Ex ' 11.00 um LEO pm Dally. I NUU5 Slll'ii l > 0 VI.V With III HIM i\triif iiKiinci-H Hi- HUM a 1'i-n Million \ < T.-N L.-ft. The Idea that Undo Sam Is at present n landless old fellow lia generally taken pos session of the people throughout the coun try. This , however. Is a great mistake Ho still baa land enough , rays tin ) St. Louis Star , to give each ono of his 73,000,000 children a nice llttlo homestead of el ht acres each and still have a lanch of over 10,000,000 acres left. I i other words , your dear old undo still owns something over 600,000,000 acres , distributed as follow a throughout tint various states and terri tories : Alabama , 533,339 acres ; Arizona , 54,400- 211 acres ; Arkansas , 3.922.01.2 acres ; Cali fornia , 43,841,044 acrea ; Colorado , 4,037,201 acres ; Florida , l,797CCi acres ; Idaho , 45- 9G2.S55 acres ) Kansas' , 1.046.CS9 acres ; Lou- iqlana. 845,020 acres ; Michigan , D'2,431 acres ; Minnesota , 0,240,049 acres ; Missis sippi. 41,441,220 acres ; Missouri. 497,761 acres ; Montana , 71,432,917 acres ; Nebraska , 10,009,353 acres ; Nevada , 01,578,580 acres ; New Mexico , DC,983,017 acres ; North Dakota , 21,355,293 acres. Okalahoma , 8,105,233 acred , Oregon , 35,892,318 acres ; South Dakota , 13- 250,718 acres ? Utah. 44,207.270 acres ; Wash ington , 17,958,536 acrea ; Wisconsin , 454,107 acres ; Wyoming , 49,341,588 acres , und Alaska , 369,629,600 acres About one-half this vast amount of land lie ? , It will bo seen. In Alaska , and It Is very certain that this will never be avail able for homestead purpose ? , but for min ing purposes Usalue in gold coin may prove to bo even gr.eater than though it were arable , Ttie larger part of tlio bal ance lies in fertile anil productive states , and IH all subject to homestead laws. Tlioso who want homes should avail them- noUes of tliu more than liberal homestead laws of the United State ? . This la the placet for the surplus labor. Children and ddults tortured by burns , ucaIde , lujurloi. eczema or skin dlstxucs muy lecuro Inetant relief by using DeWltt'a Witch Hazel Eai\o. U If the isreat Pile remedy. BITS OF FEMININE GOSSIP. * * * * - There nai n tlnio when \\omcn tllil Imvo a pocket Then o\en thit liixuiy tllsnp- penrcd , mid In Its plaae came the "tucked In" handkerchief and the piusc cnrrleil In the hand along with some other horrors of general Incomenlonco that women might tell n tale ofM concerning , Ilut now these weary hours are past , si > s a writer In the New York Herald A dress I saw the other day had twenty pockets twenty facclnatlng , coveted , darling , cojly hidden pockets Not hidden so deeply that they could not bo found , but disposed about In such a manner that no one could call that dre w a freak or point the finger of scorn at the reckless wearer. The twenty pock ets were all thbrc , and they were nil Use ful and some were men ornamental , and all wcro necessary , nnd , above nnd bcjond It all exultant thought they oiitnuni- ibcncd the m.iscullnp ones. When I saw that dress I couldn't believe jard of pearls that a brldo wore on lier neck not long ago when she became a wife. A bit of sentiment about this comparatively new Jenel-weirlng of brides Is that only the ornamentfl that arc gl\en by the Immediate family or the groom shall bo thus honored. About twenty years ago a young Vhlli- delphh woman , the duighter of a phjsi- clan nnd n favorlto In oxcluiUo soclity , startled her friends by appearing nt onu of the hunt club meets riding her horao astride. She was a skillful horsewoman nnd she defended her Innovation by sajlng that the could got more speed out of her mount with more safety for herself nt the Jumps by riding man-fashion than was posslblo with the regulation side-saddle. Neverthe less , the women looked at her frownlngly ind her father openly expressed his dlsplen- urc. Even the men < lld not regard her with favor , and she. felt und looked decidedly un comfortable. Hut after n few minutes , durIng - i Ing which she seemed about to cry , she 4L' 3 e ( t ! f 1i 1 i SHIKT WAIST AND PLAIN SKIRT C03TUA1U PROM HARPER'S BAZAR A new sliltt waist Is made with a pointed joke and sllRhtly Moused In from. The back h clc&cly fltUd with a yol < o top , similar In form to that ot the front. A touch of novel t ) la given sometimes to this style of waist by making the yokes double , v.lth a contrasting space between the In o , which , when carefully stitched , produces a very pretty effect. Tlu > fronts admit also of many variations , depcndliiR upon the kind ot material used. The front , as wall as the sleeve , often has a bias cut. It may bo made also with bias or pointed tucks or pleats. The wool skirt Is a practical model fur every day wear , with a Width at the foot of three and threo-ciunrter jards. It has flvo Roros. and may be pltutcd or gathered In "the back , as preferred The proper cut of this shirt waist and ski it can bo obtained from the cut pattcrru furnished by Harper's Dazar , where it appears. The same model Is also suitable for crash , duck ot ll'ien. Quantity of material for skirt , five and a quarter yards forty- two Inches wide , or six nnd a half jards , thlrly-sli inches wide. For shht waist- cotton nmicilil , three and a quarter yardn ; wash silk , four and a half yards. my eycfi It was too good to bo true. There were three pieces to It a skirt , a vest and a jacket ( or coat. ) Thete were pockets to the front , pockets at the iback , pockets at the right and pock ets nt tlio left. The rest had hlx of the twenty ono In the waist line , on each side , and two breast pockets , while In the "Interlining" were two more that a man said were the thing for holding rtecks and valuable papers the business woman is sure to have. * TliO skirt had alx pockets out of that list , which makes tvvclvo so far , and they were disposed of In the following way : The skirt was short and simple , fashioned like a golf , bicycle or rain eklrt , and had the two side pockets sometimes to bo found in that Institution. There were , moreover , two moio just bolovv the coat rim fob pockets , men call them whllo at the back , In the same relative position as these two , were two "hip pockets , " which were the pride and delight of that young woman's bout. Key , chain , ring and kt'js Jingled aggres sively from one , whllo the other held a handkerchief , "Thcpo pockets nro going to keep mo going , " the patlstled wearer and Inventor exclaimed ; and well they might , for they were there to put ths "reticule" to slinme , tlio "cldo satchel" out of a jcto entirely , and tlio whole ixiraphcninlla of the woman wlio keeps a car waiting whllo she hunts for change wns done away with No won der that little woman tossed her hands Into these ama/lng depths and rattled ths loose change with unholy glee1 Tlicio were eight morn of these potKots In thn treat. Two breast pockets , two aide packets , ono In each eleevu and two In thu coat tails completed the list. In a talk to the Vassar alumnae at their annual reunion recently Prof. Morse Stephens of Cornell laid great stress on the gospel of obedience as preached by Kipling Kipling believes thoroughly In obedience. Anybody who lus ever read about the training of iMovvgll In the jungle sees that as plain as the nose on the face In a mirror. Obedience and discipline are mighty comfortable things. They are especially so when It comes to children , and are the keynote of the hap piness In a largo family. According to the Philadelphia Ledger discipline for child and man allko U the wecret of happiness , It re cently said- "None can doubt that the wrtll-bred , prop erly disciplined child U happier than the rough llttlf boor , the embodiment of el- dullness and rudeness The boy need lint bo a prig , nor the girl an uulomatlc doll ; let tliom bo as natural a possible , but let the naturalness be that of the little lady and gentleman , and not of a being with the In stincts of a savage , "An American lady wilting from Drussels says that though 'hotel ' children' liavo long been a terror to her , she has been ( julto captivated 'by the conduct of the KngllHh children In her Ilnmcls hotel , 'Her ' windows open on a gallery In which a number of children belonging to Hngllsh families play dally What especially thai ma her Js that the children carry their good breeding Into their play , and , though they shout and romp , they do not ralao their voters to the screech- Ins point , nor do they atop before her windows dews , They Imvo been properly taught by piccept and example , to bn ronsldenite of the rights of others and , being properly taught , obedience follona as a matter of course. " It Is noticeable at many of the emart wed dings of the season that the brldo no longer denies hcrdulf the wearing of any jovvelti , uavs the Now York Poit. It used to lie a ort of unwritten but carefully adhercd-to law that a maiden on her wedding day should have no ornaments save those of bur blooming youth and tlio typical dowers ot her state. This , however , liao been gradually changed , and bride * appear more and inoru often with superb gemi. It wag literally a i braced herself up , her cheeks flushed and her eyes spaikled. "I'll show you , " aho exclaimed , "that I can lead you all the way over the course when riding In thU f is'ilon " She was mounted on a line thor oughbred , and as her weight was not much over 120 pounds , she certainly had some rea son to feel confident. The run was across country and there were several stiff jumps. She was In the lead over every obstacle and the others were beaten > by over a quarter of a mile. She had carried her point , but In dcferenco to her father's wishes resumed the feminine manner of riding afterward. Now a young woman has appeared riding astride In Moston and the whole town la tiylng to llml out who she Is. "My reclpo to women for keeping young In looks and feeling , " says a women In the New York Sum "Is , first , not to ropresi genuine feeling , especially the feelings of a pure affection , conlidenco In one's friends nnd admiration for thorn , and last of nil the feeling of belief In ono'o eelf. If you bulleve thoroughly in youifiolf you'll bo- llovo In others , and that's a great pieaervor of jouth. Next , I should advlso-womun not to worry about thlnss that cannot bu helped. 'Ino past Is God'n. It Is not to ba considered except na a guide. In three months a smart women can train hoiaelf mentally not to worrj about tilings that \v 01 lying rannot help. Last of all , w onion who wL'h to lu < i > smooth aklns , bright eyca , nnd Ingenuous ways should llvo lomanccs U ils very cosy foi a woman , oJ | 01 > ouns , married or single , to live n , romance. Now , a men can't llvo u lomanco unlMs there l > i a petticoat In sight , but , bless mo , thoao women inn live the meat beautiful romances If there Uui't a man In n thousand mllr.-j , and It's good for them , Wlion the dny'n work or plcaauia has been hard and Irving and dlsappolnt'ng to a woman she oughtn't to bit dnnu and think It nil over , for > ahi ceitaln as eho does she fastens an extra wilnklo or n now line Lot her lie down on her couch. cci- ! > her eyes nnd llvo u little romance , and | f there Is n good , trtm man In It all the bettor for her. " mil/ No wonder the American girl who gdi' out to service Is as nearly nxtlnct as tint buffalo , observes Helen AVattcrson Moody In Scrlbner's. The Amcrlwn girl has the disadvantage of brains. She sees things cleaily , directly , without referent o to tra ir.tlnn or twaddle { 5ho knows that domes- tin beivlco , although the best paid , Is the most undesirable work she tun undertake becaiiie It brings with It liono of tlin human rewards that ore bettor than money. Not one of thu considerations which linpol girls to cheese the shop work romes In to make her work dignified and In conform ty with the laws of human nature. As thliu-s are now. If I vvcro a working girl , as I am an American , I would never go out to serv ice ; nnver , never ! And neither would you , If you were to tell the honest truth. In the array of winter dvcss and wrap trimming * exhibited nro some of thn must elaborate and elegant decorations that havii ever betn shown In tills city. Never were such novel and artistic designs Itrjiortcd and nothing In the way of garniture ever ( lulto compared with these last new wondpri In rlt'.mess of quality , BumpluouE effect , cracp. novelty and beauty of dealgn. They ro shaped to llll every posslblo requirement of tlio eown , to outline or simulate any sort of bodice or skirt effect now In vogue , from panel to puff , from neck-band to skirt-hem. fm ° 'iedi ' fnii Be'mlllCl ( Karnltures ad Inflnltum still hold the place of honor busldo eleg-int laces nnd tblffon draperies on drtaa toilets ami r.owns of ceremony of the season. are , anitloui5 to do io good In till * and can think ol nj | INIU"I ! , , r „ , . . . ' ! tlia" ) ) comnifiiiJIriB Ono Mlnuto i Cough Cure as a prevmitatlye of pneu monia , consumption and other uirlouu ( tin * trouble , that follow neclcctcd coldl