Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 26, 1898, Image 1

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Wrecking of the Maine Wai Probably
Intentional ,
Naval Oourt of Inquiry Said to Bo
Considered Certain that Forward Magazine
is Intact ,
Till * , with HieAwwlHtnnoe of the Sa-
lulliiK 1'ouilcr , It in IH-llcvcd
by Many , HcNtroycil ( Ito
, t IlattU-xlilju. _ ,
( CopjrlRbt. UOS , by I'rcpi Publishing Company. )
HAVANA , Feb. 25. ( New York World Ca-
' Wcg.'am Special Tclcgram.J-Tho naval
court of Inquiry Is completely mitteilcd now
by the evidence of divers In regard to the
origin ot the explosion which destroyed the
iMalnc. The divers went down into the wrrx
tliID morning again nnd got evidence to con
firm the suspicions aroused by the findings
of yesterday. The court may not leave for
Key. .West for a day or two , as It has found
many moro witnesses to examine.
'Hitherto ' the navy divers have been at
work for the purposes of the Investigation.
From now on the wrecking steamer Right
Arm will proceed vigorously with Its task.
Its divers were busy 'today down forward.
It Is expected that all the remaining bodies
will bo recovered within three days. Lieuten
ant Commander Walnwright has charge ot
} tha work. Gunner Charles Morgan , the war
rant officer of the Cruiser Newark , probably
' f will directly overlook the divers. Chief Gun
ner's Mate Olson of the battleship Iowa Is
doing splendid work. The officers eay they
uovcr have Been a better diver than ho.
Poor Holzcr was the man who , dying in
horrlblo agony , fcald to Captain Slgsbee :
"Captain , I am lorry I can't shako hands
with you. " His hands were swathed in band
ages. "I am ( .orry you'velost your1 ehlp and
your comrades. " Ho ought to have a menu
Yesterday's disclosures of the divers pro\e
finally a full International fact , that the
Jlalno was blown up February 15 by an
outside explosion , probably , of a largo tor
pedo. The board of investigation has ceased
Investigating .tho remains of the forward
magczlno. The members are satisfied that
it did not explode. From the first glance
everything haa pointed that way. It Is
known now that the divers ) found under the
flooring of the big forward starboard maga
zine twenty-live tons of powder Intact , while
the sides were not completely destroyed. It
* * ] la an absolute Impossibility that a part of
its 180 powder-filled cylinders should not
have exploded. And it la Just as awfully
true that no explosives aboard the ship
could , unaided , nave so mangled and blown
away and broken In two the- battleship
Maine. Something else must have done it.
Naval experts say a big torpedo placed
under the port side of the bottom Just next
to the reserve magazine would easily have
caused the observed damage , If it wcro as
sisted by the 2,000 pounds of tbo quick
burning saluting powder known to have
been in the reserve magazine. It is not
likely that mines exist Infldo the closed
Havana barboj , nor likely that , If known
to the government , a mine would bo placed
In the position most seldom occupied by a
ship anchored to 'tho buoy as is tbo Maine's
position. It is most likely that if such a
mine had been built it would have been
badly out of order , like most Spanish naval
affairs , If , indeed , it had over contained ex
plosives for which the Spanish government
nald ,
As was cabled , one of the Maine's bottom
plates has been blown from left to right
and upwards. Originally It was under water
on the port side about opposite the forward
turret. It now protrudes four feet out of
water , fifteen feet Insldo the proper line of
contour of the vessel , ns is shown by the
undamaged rear two-thirds. The Maine's
bottom plates wcro painted , I am informed ,
with McGulnnes' green antl-foullng paint.
This plate ls thus painted on its port side.
On its other bide it Is plastered with the
cement only used In the Malno on the inside
of the bottom plates , The cement Is gath
ered thick In the comers of the angle irons
on the starboard side of the plate.
This would bo sufficient proof even with
out the divers' magazine discovery , or the
ten-Inch shells thrown toward the starboard
side ; or the main deck being doubled back
to starboard nnd port ; or the living men
who slept near the big magazine ; or the
dead bodies near it mangled ; or the for
ward funnel thrown to right and rear ; or
Itio cniicnt burled aboard the Washington ;
or any other of the many proofs already
I : abled. Anyone was Indicative ; all together
ire stunningly convincing ,
The forward magazine did not explode ,
which alone ot all the explosives placed
( board could do the damage. Acid a tor
pedo or a mliiB under the port sldo of the
Maine's bottom did explode , as IB shown by
half a dozen witnesses who testify to hear
ing a double report , And that , with the as-
nUtance of the saluting powder , blew up the
Malno and killed Its crew. Who did it ?
WOUK or Tin : iio.vnn OF INQUIIIV.
Slumber * I'ut In lluollu-r Day T
HAVANA , Feb. 25. The wreck ot the
Maine Is slowly but surely sinking Into the
tnud. Before the wreck could be raised It
would bo ncccnary to move the guns and
deck debris. For lack ot practical appll-
cnccs nothing In this line has been accom
' plished , Ail'do from the officers' cabin the
! salvage thus far hat been pitiably small.
The cloudy weather rendered the work ot
H 6f the dlvcn today difficult. Ltttlo was done.
It U hoped that 'u number ot bollcs will be
recovered ID the forward batches.
The court of inquiry tat longer than usual
today , the six divers being examined moro
ia detail than heretofore. The tlmo of departure -
parturo ofthe Mangrove with the court for
Key West has not been determined. Captain
Campion Bald It Mas doubtful whether his
Yceiel would tall tomorrow , that all de
pended on the developments ot the testimony ,
Vbe SpanUh cruder Alfonso XII bai been
( owed to a bouy further within the harbor
, which it c i
reeled hero tomorrow or next day from the
north ,
At the afternoon session the examination
ot divers was continued. A civilian whceo
testimony Is said to bo of some Importance
wftfl examined , The name of the wltnencs
and nil particular * are withheld.
Late today the paymaster's safe with $22-
600 nnd his papers wao tnken frcm the wreck.
Beyond this no statement is made as to the
value and nature of the contents.
The omplalnt is still made that tlio elec
tric lamp Is of llttlo use to the divers.
So far as reports made public go the work
men on the tug Right Arm , with the assist
ance ot the naval divers , arc laboring hard
to recover the bodies under the hatch which
led lo the flro room platforms. Shoring with
timbers was necessary and the divers had to
wait for the lumber today. It Is hoped the
bodies will bo taken out tomorrow.
The Havana papers print long extracts
from tha American dallies , but of course only
delayed news. The Americans arc anxiously
awaiting the arrival of tomorrow's mall.
Consul General Leo says ho has received
no news ot Importance from the State de
partment nor has ho been notified to expect
the arrival of any ono of prominence.
At G o'clock this evening , when this dis
patch is sent , Holzcr Is still sleeping under
the lnfluefice of an opiate. Ha Is no worse
than ho was this morning , but is very low.
Including him thcro wcro six wounded left
here , and all are reasonably certain of re
covery except him. Some difficulty will
arise in removing them to the United States ,
for all have been exposed to contagious
fevers and the quarantine laws forbid their
being taken direct to Key West. These
regulations wcro disregarded in the case of
the first lot of wounded taken there on the
Olivette the day utter the explosion , but only
because ot thu cxtrcnio exigencies ot the
CuiiHiiIar AKOIIC YzuiiKn Iti-liiriiH to
( iiiaril Illn Kiitnlly.
KEY WEST , Fla. , Feb. 23. On the
etcamcr Mascotte , from Tampa for Havana ,
this evening were Captain Everett and John
Hagcrty , divers of the Merrltt & Chapman
Wrecking company , who are going to work
on the Maine. They take with them tvvo
assistants and a largo quantity of wrecking
Carlos Yznaga , United States consular
agent at Trinidad do Cuba , is also a pas
senger. Ho left two months ago on a three
months' visit , but la now hurrying homo to
protect his wife and children at Trinidad ,
as ho fears the Spaniards there will pro
voke a riot. After consultation with Consul
General Leo Mr. Yznaga will dccldo whether
to take his family from Cuba.
The Mascotto replaced the steamer Oli
vette , while the latter is laid up tempo
rarily for repairs. Out of the seventy pas
sengers from Tampa only about a dozen
went on to Havana. Traffic Is all the other
way now.
Senator Proctor Is among the Mascotto's
passengers. Bcforo sailing he was shown a
dispatch published hero saying that there
is considerable excitement at Havana over
his expected visit. Ho read it , laughed , and
said : "Absurd. "
In reply to a request for a detailed state
ment regarding his visit Senator Proctor
said :
"It's all simple nnd straight as day. I've
been to Havana several times before , and
have many friends there. I've been fishing
several days in Florida with Colonel Parker ,
a business man ot Washington and a friend
of mine , and wo have decided to go over to
Havana. To tell the truth , we are just going
o\cr there to eeo what's going on , to be
where the excitement Is. Doesn't everybody
want to go there ? Don't you ? There Is not
a bit of political significance about It. I
may stay In Havana a day or a week. I
havn't the remotest Idea how long. "
Commander Clifford II. West , chief of
Admiral SIcard'B staff , also sailed on the
Muscottc. When asked the purpose of his
visit to Havana ho replied : "I cannot say
anything for publication. "
TliliikM novrrimiciit .Simula Go
Slow All out Provoking AVnr.
TOPEKA , Feb. 25. AVIlllam J. Bryan , who
was the principal speaker at the banquet
of the democratic club In this city last night
was Interviewed by a State Journal re
porter today concerning the Maine affair :
"In my opinion , wo should bo slow to act
In the Malno affair , especially under the
trying circumstances which confront us , " ho
said. "Another fact which in my mind Im
pels us to exorcise discretion is that the
official Investigation of the explosion is now
being made , The United States cannot af
ford to be lee hasty in this matter. Inter
national questions are Involved and it
would bo a sad compliment to our govern
ment wcro we to openly and maliciously
bring about strained relations by our anxiety
to locate the responsibility of the Maine dis
aster. Nothing should be done until the in
vestigation Is concluded. "
Thin In Snlil to Ii CiiNloiiinry lit TlilH
Tlnip of the Your.
TRENTON , N. J. , Feb. 25. Men have been
put to work replacing the sea batteries at
Sea Girt In orJcr for service. At the quarter ,
master's ollro It was denied , however , that
this has any significance , as this work Is
usual at this tlmo of year. Captain Arm
strong , chief clerk of thla department , says
that no orders have bccu received asking the
National Guard bo put In readiness for
military service , The circular of the Navy
department In asking for an Inspection of
vessels which might bo of use In case ot
war , has been received by the adjutant gen
eral's olllce. Adjutant General Stryker 'H
In Washington. In tils office It is wld his
Washington trip Is purely a personal one ,
end is in no way connected with military
No CiirHc'hxncnn Coulil Have Ciumeil
the ICxiiIONlou ,
NEW YORK , Feb. 25 , A dispatch to the
Tribune from Havana eays ; Captain Samp
son's naval board haa been able to gain tbo
fullest Information showing that an accident
through lack ot discipline was Impossible ,
ThU brancti of the Inquiry brings out thai
the officers and crew of the Malno were
under the strictest discipline , because , al
though on the surface the visit of the Malno
was friendly , Captain .Slgibco had taken
proper precaution against hostile action.
While the divers' examinations show that
eonio of the smaller magazines may have
exploded , the fact that the main ten-Uich
magazine was not exploded Beeuie to bavo
been ( oncluilvely established.
H-iorU | Malnu Itvllrf Mill ,
WASHINGTON , Fob. 23. The houne com-
mlttrc 0.1 naval affairs today agreed on the
Jloxelle Maine relief bll ) , reporting It favor-
* ly | | to "
Qivca No Heed to the Many Sensational
Bnmors from Havanai
Cabinet ( Mooting1 lit IJovotcil in < 1ic
Maine IllKnntvr , lint \ Conelii lm >
IK Itonclioit Oilier Than ( lint
Alrcmly Announced ,
WASHINGTON , Fob. 25. In epltc of the
stress that came from unofficial sources In
Havana as to sensational developments In
connection with the work of the divers In
the Maine's hull , the administration re
mains firm In Its statement that thcro Is
no creditable- evidence ono way or the other
as to the cause of the disaster , and holds to
Its purpose to await the conclusion of the
Investigation now making by the court of
Inquiry. This position wae emphasized at
today's cabinet meeting. People who looked
for some startling announcement were dis
appointed , as the members , without ret-cr
vatlon , frankly admitted that the subject of
the loss of the Maine had 'been discussed , but
said the government had received no Information
mation from Havana slnco yesterday ami
had no Intentions of changing Its policy until
thcro was something of substance to war
rant It.
The Spanish legation was equally In the
dark as to any of the discoveries reported
from sources that are not cited , as was shown
by the message from Captain General
Secretary Long has been under heavy and
almost constant strain ever slnco he was
awakened in the middle of the night n week
ago last Tuesday by the news of the loss
of the iMalnc , and now that matters are , at
least for the tlmo being , In a quieter state ,
ho has withdrawn from the Navy depart
ment and gene away for a few days' rest ,
leaving Assistant Secretary Roosevelt to
manage the department.
The latter has been thoroughly advised at
every step of the secretary's policy of treat
ment of the Maine affair , so that there Is not
likely to be any change ia that respect caused
by the temporary assumption of the duties
of secretary by Mr. Roosevelt. Just before
the department closed he had word of the
sailing of the cruiser Montgomery from
Tampa for Key West. Up to that tlmo the
vessel had been given no orders , so that the
date of its departure for Havana , If It Is to
go at all , Is conjectured. The ehlp went to
Tamp. instead of Key West on Us return
from Son Domingo In order to facilitate the
speedy return to his duties in Washington
of Captain Crowlnshlcld , the chief ot the
navigation , bureau , who saved a full day by
the movement.
The Castine , the second of the United
State : ) war ships on the south Atlantic sta
tion , arrived today at Barbadoes , where It
joined the Cincinnati. It may ibe that the
Castlno will go to Martinique to be docked ,
as It is In need of cleaning after its tropical
Slnco so much depends upon the report of
the court of Inquiry , It may be interesting to
note that so far Secretary Long himself does
not know when to expect this Important
document , up to this time having heard
nothing from any of the members on this
point. Ho rather expected that the court ,
which has complete power to work on Its
own lines , would wind up Ito work at Ha.
vana bcforo leaving , so as to avoid the
necessity for a return trip.
Undoubtedly there Is a quieter
feeling manifested at the Navy de
partment over the Maine affair as
tlmo passes. This Is the tenth day since the
war ship was destroyed , but the officers
are willing to wait In patience until the
facts relating to the explosion are fully de
veloped. There are fully on their guard
ag&lnst the acceptance of unauthorized state
ments of the conditions at Havana and the
dally developments , being aware of the
efficiency of the precautions adopted by the
court of Inquiry to prevent the premature
disclosure of the proceedings. Therefore the
published siatement that tno explosion has
been demonstrated to bo of exterior origin
by the discovery of the upheaved double
bottom of the Malno did not cause much of
a stir because the officials could not con-
celvo that the alert members of the court
of Inquiry and their assistants In Havana
had overlooked a fact so Important as this ,
nothwltht'tandlng It must hove been perfectly
apparent for the past week to any ono who
came near the wreck In case It Is true.
Captain Cronlnshleld turned up at the
Navy department today and took the helm
In the Bureau of Navigation , relieving Cap
tain Dickens , who haa distinguished himself
and earned the thanks of tbo secretary for
the untiring vigilance with which ho has
managed all of the Malno matters that have
fallen upon the Navigation bureau , and of
the newspaper men for the patlenco and
frankness with which ho has met their many
Captain Cronlnshlold's absence has been
mode the basis for the conjecture that he
has been on secret service for the Navy de
partment la Cuba , and color was kut to this
Impression by the fact ( hat It was not pos
sible until a late hour yesterday to secure
from any of the officials a statement of the
nature of his buslnres In the south , for It
was known that bo had arrived In Tampa cci
the Montgomery from the West Indies. The
officer himself was not very communicative
as to the details of his trip , but ho did eay
that he had been In Domingo. Ho had gene
there on the Brooklyn with his eon when the
ship started for St. Thomas. While In San
Domingo he received news of the disaster
to the Maine , and took advantage of the op
portunity presented by the appearance In San
Domingo of the cruiser Montgomery to make
his way back to the United States an > 4 ( a
There was no word from either Captain
Slgsbco or Consul General Leo this morning
at the Navy or State departments. The mon
itor Terror 1s lying In Hampton Roads , and
It ia said at the Navy department that It
has no orders as yet. The Impression Is that
It will remain In that place , which Is one of
great strategic value In case of need , at
Icaat until the monitor Puritan Is ready to
take Its place. The Puritan Is almost twice
as big an the Terror , being a C,000-ton vessel ,
very little less than the Malno In size. It
carries twelve-Inch suns In Its turrets
against ten-Inch guns for the Terror , and Is
altogether tbo most formidable double-tur
ret ed monitor In the world In smooth water.
This qualification does not mean that U la
unable to keep the sea , but only that from
Us great breadth and light draft It U BO
Kiuiccptlble to ( bo wave motion that It la
difficult to do good work with. . Its guns In.
seaway. It Is now having now furnaces fitto *
to Its boilers at the Norfolk navy yard , the
crowns of the furnaces having come down
some tlmo ago , owing to the tact that the
boilers are the same that wcro built for I
when it was originally laid down many years
ago. It Is said at the Nary department thai
It will be ready for service about the 4th o
next month.
Captain Slgsbec asked yesterday whether
ho should endeavor to eave the old materla
in the superstructure of'tho Maine , which
from thopictures appears to be heaped over
the boiler spaces. Ho hai bctn told to let
this go , as It Id valuable only as old Iron
which would not pay to bring back to the
A delegation from the Naval .Mllltla asso
ciation of the United States wan at the Navy
department today. The visit from the mem
bers , however , was not in response to an }
request Bent out by tho. department , as rep
resented , but was preliminary .to a visit to
the capltol , where they tro to bo given a
hearing by the Barber bill committee to
Increase the appropriation for boats deslgnei
for the mllltla. The delegation consisted
of Lieutenant Blount of Baltimore , Com
mander E. G. Buckland or the Connecticut
mllltla , Commander Isaac E. Emerson of the
Maryland mllltla , Captain J. W. Miller , com
manding the Now York mllltta and presi
dent of the association ; Lieutenant Ralpl
Fuller of Cleveland , 0. , nnd Captain H. L
Satcrlee , on the staff of the governor of Now
While at the Navy department the delega
tion had a pleasant Interview with Assist
ant Secretary Uoccevclt , who has genera
supervision of the naval mllltla of the conn
try , and with whom the provisions of the
bill wcro discussed. The measure , however
had'not been formally referred to the Nov >
department by congress , and the officials con
Sbquondy have not given their opinion re
garding Its provisions. The boats provldci
for In the bill are to bo of about 150 tor.o
displacement , lo have a speed of not less
than .twenty-five knots and are to
cott , Including armament , not ex
ceeding $2,500,000. Six of the boats
the bill provides , are to be built
on the Pacific coast. When completed they
are to bo stationed at the principal ports a' '
which naval militia organizations exist am
to bo manned by skeleton Crews from the
United States naval csUbllah'ment ready for
the full complement of oflc6rs ! and men to
bo filled out from the mllltla when driller
or other occasion requires. The delegation
also desires to urge on concuss greater lib
erality In appropriations for the naval ml
lltla , so that it may bo furnished with uni
forms , etc.
At the Spanish legation a dispatch was
received from General Blenco referring to
commercial questions , and mentioning In
cidentally that no change * of any kind has
occurred In affairs at Havana. . General
Blanco's latter statement Is believed at the
department to refer to the lack of definite
and trustworthy news penuing the. .private
Inquiries now being prosec.uXeft by tho-Amcrl-
can authorities. In view dJ'-Hlils attitude of
those whoso official position/gives them the
best opportunity for full Information , Scnor
du Bosc and his associates do not credit the
reports of discoveries tending to prove the
cause of the Maine disaster.
The commercial negotiations have been
lost sight of during recent events , but the
authorities at Havana are hopeful that these
may bo expedited at an early day. The
Cuban commissioner , who has been named
to treat on the matter , probably will come
to Washington bcforo long , although some
delay of necessity will occur , on account
of the moro pressing questions which have
ccmo up ot late.
.SUIrmlMli Line of Torpedoes May lie
IMnoeil AcroKH tlie Cliniiiiel.
NEW YORK , Fob. 25.r-The Brooklyn Eagle
today said : "At Wllleta pnlnt precaution Is
being taken to make the Ka'St river entrance
to Now York Invulnerable , A so-called skir
mish line of torpedoes la projected across the
channel to Fort Schuyler , The torpedoes
will bo anchored so clcse together that It
may bo made Impossible for a hostile ves
sel to cross t-ho line without being blown
up. The torpedoes will 'be connected with
electric wires , and to make doubly sure
that their plans cannot Tjo frustrated the
engineers have arranged to have batteries
located nt each end of the line so that In
case an apparatus was used by the enemy to
sever the connecting wires and break the
circuit the 'torpedoes could 'still ' bo exploded
from either end. The channel is already pio-
tected from the Wllleta Point shore to the
center of the channel by two groups of sub
marine mines. Each group consists of twen
ty-two torpedoes , the forty-four together
containing 120 pounds of giant powder ,
"At Fort Schuyler , dlrcptly opposite WI1-
lets Point , considerable engineering work has
been done. A torpedo magazine ami experi
menting gallery was recently completed. It
Is considered the strongest magazine on any
United States fortification. "
Trip for nxplolllnir llitf Oninliu Kx-
ItONllloit , VI > out ISnilcil.
MEMPHIS , Feb. 2S. ( Special Telegram. )
Tbo pilgrimage of the delegation of western
business men practically terminated today.
Its conclusion was marked by several fea
tures of unusual interest. The tourists were
tendered a reception at the Merchants Ex
change. President W. F , Bfodlo welcomed
them in a most cordial manner. The Hon.
W. 0 , Graves , ex-president o { the exchange ,
made a few felicitous remarks , eliciting from
Messrs. Cornish and Rev. 8. Wright Butler
fitting replies. Taking the trolley cars In
t'cnt of thu custom houso' tbo party wcro
piloted out to the beautiful club house of
the Montgomery Park Jockey club. Hero an
elegant lunch was served followed by the
presentation on behalf or the delegation
through the Hon. H. R. Corbett ot valuable
and appropriate presents to Chairman
Green , Mr. Cornish , Rev , Butler and Mr.
Hardy , the press representative of the expo
sition. The people of Memphis are In hearty
sympathy with the idea of a grand exposition
of western and southern Industries and In
At Baton Rouge tbo delegation were met
at the depot by a committee of citizens ,
beaded by Mayor * Wax and forming a line
marched through'tbe principal streets to the
muslo of an excellent band , dining at the
Marer House , whence they marched to tbo
pavilion ot the State university where Pres
ident Boyd expressed the pleasure of the
people of tbo capital city in receiving the
gueuta who had come to exploit the great
northwest and ita magnificent exposition.
Throughout tbo journey the delegation has
received Just auch kindly treatment and the
great object for which It was organliedi has
Deea universally endorsed. The party leave * tonight for Kansas City , arriving at
May 1 ia the Date Unless Existing
Conditions Change.
Omnlia'n UnMllnnr ConicrrNKtiinii Hoc *
SIIIIHJixiil IliiNtlliiK In llrlialf
of tlie InU-rOMlN ol thu <
Gale City.
WASHINGTON , Feb. 25. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Omaha's new Indian supply dcpo
will be opened by May 1 If 'cccidltlona ' ns a
present existing do not materially change
Secretary Bliss has sent with his favorable
endorsement to Commissioner ot Indian Af
fairs Jones , resolutions and the tender o
building rent free by the city council o
Omaha , as provided In the act creating a
supply depot at that city. As a result o
this tender , Congressman Mercer today had
a long Interview with Commissioner Jonc
relative to the manner in which the depo
was to bo opened and what was required on
the part of the government to Install the
same. Tbo whole subject ot the supply
depot was gene over , but the rather ctartllng
information was conveyed to Mercer that thu
department was out of money ovco to ken
up supply depots nt New York and Chicago
and that a deficiency was about to bo creatci
on account of the rather parsimonious man
ner In which congress had treated this
branch of the government. In the event tha
a deficiency exists it will bo necessary to
ask for an additional appropriated to Hit
general deficiency 'bill , which the conunls
Bloncr has now under consideration.
Secretary Bliss" recommendation that the
depot bo established as contemplated by the
act , went far toward bracing up Commis
sloncr Jones , and ho finally said ho woulc
scratch about among the various funds to
fl > nd sufficient money to open the depot be
fore fho opening of the Omaha Exposition
Mercer then suggested that as Jones con
templated going to Chicago within a fort
night , ho extend his trip to Omaha , nice
the business people nnd after examining the
building selected for warehouse purposes fie
could better know Just what was needed
This suggestion met with favor.
The commissioner further said that when
ever possible ho would open bids In Omaha
although New York elands In the way of
very much accomplishment along these lines
and. that It may bo as well known by mer
chants of Omaha intending to become bid
ders for supplies that they base tfjelr bids
on delivery at Omaba , from which Indians
will be supplied. In this way freight be
tween New York and Cbltago and Chicago
and 'the'Missouri river'will bo absorbed
which will give the merchants ot the Gate
City a decided advantage over bidders to
the eastward of Omaha. For this reason the
Nebraska delegation voted In favor of the
supply depot at the Missouri river. All bids
must bo accompanied by samples of goods
to bo delivered , and , therefore , great care
must bo exercised In the selection o ;
samples , as government experts , rass on all
It Is understood that Senator Carter ol
Montana Is in receipt of letters from con
stituents of his objecting to bids being based
on delivery at Chicago and New York and
especially are objections made by firms In
terested In breadstuffs. Of course this was a
gentle hint to Senator Gaiter to attempt the
establishment of the Indian depot at Helena ,
Ibut the Indian office believes that with
Omaha equipped with a warehouse the
whole country can bo thoroughly supplied
without any additional depot. It was sug
gested at the Indian office to Senator Carter
that ho have Ma constituents bid on supplies
for delivery at Omaha , which would lessen
the haul by COO miles at least. It Is the be
lief of those In charge of supply stations
that Omaha is admirably situated to roach
a larger number of Indians and at a lees
cost to the government than any other Bta-
tlon ) In the country and that whenever pos
sible , bidders will be asked to deliver at
Omaha ,
Chairman Sherman of the Indian affairs
committee , who is now In the south , expects
to join the committee at Baltimore next
Tuesday nnd accompany the delegation to
Carlisle , Pa. , on an Investigation of that
school. This will probably Interfere with the
reporting of the Indian , bill to the house "be "
fore Friday or Saturday of next week , and
postpones that much longer action on the
Indian congress amendment.
The senate committee on Indian affairs
will take up for consideration at its next
meeting the bill introduced by Senator Allen
providing for the establishment of wagon and
cattle trails over Jndlan reservations. It is
expected that an adverse report will bo made
by the committee.
Indian Commissioner Jones has returned
from Chicago. The commissioner has
awarded the contract for supplying stir
ring plows at fG.CO apiece to the Sioux In
dians of South Dakota to Fuller & Johnson ,
MadUon , WIs. ; also a contract to Bradley &
Co. of Chicago to furnish the Sioux with
breaking plows and harrows at $5.90 aplti'o.
The commissioner will visit Chicago March
9 , when the contracts for furnishing wagons ,
horecs and rattle to the Sioux will bo let.
The removal of the United States land of
fice from Rapid City to Dead woo J will soon
bo decided by Commissioner Herrmann ,
probably next week , and It la though his
decision will bo against removal ,
The secretary of tbo interior today af
firmed the decision of tbo land commissioner
In the case of Leslie D , Rucker against
Thomas Qrlmsby , Involving lands in the All- !
anco ( Neb. ) land district.
Senator Thurston , during the early part
of the first betslon of the present congress ,
Introduced a bill providing that the ju
dicial districts ot the United States bo di
vided into eleven districts Instead ot nlnu ,
as at present , the change occurring In dls-
rlcts west of the Mississippi river , as
there ecems to bo great and precalng no-
comity for this relief. Ho today sent let-
era to forty senators representing the
states Included In the Eighth and Ninth cir
cuits > lo meet In conference in the room of
he committee on territories next WeJncs-
day at 10:30 : o'clock to agree , 1C powlblo ,
upon some bill that will relieve the present
overcrowdt-d condition of the dockets In
those circuits. Thuraton'u bill contemplates
making the Eighth circuit comprise the
states of Missouri , Arkansas and Kanea * ;
ho Ninth , California , Oregon , Nevada and
Washington ; the Tenth , Minnesota , Iowa ,
Nebraska , North. Dakota and South Dakota ;
ho Eleventh , Colorado , Wyoming , Utah ,
Montana , and Idaho ,
Weather forecast for
ThrcatcnlnR ! Wnrmcr , Southerly Winds
1 , Throrlr * About tlio Mnltio Wreck.
AilmlnUtrntlnii Not Srnrril liy Alnrmlittft
Supply Depot to Open Slny 1 ,
HpMiMi Srcurltlm Tnko n Tuiiiblr.
S. rnlntrr * on the Indemnity ( Jui'Stlou.
Attack nn Sundry Chll 11111.
Monry for Missions.
3 , N
Tommy Uyan tV Tight ,
IMItnrUl Hint
Kxtrn Fnrrn
limit I.
( ] pnornl Xc\\ < i Further Wont.
Iturllcy Cimo with the .lury
i\lli'iiro Iourrd fuse.
HltH of ( Jomlp.
rinnnclitl News.
"Tho Kyi ) of ( loci. "
1'eiiiiicrnturt' at Oitinhiu
Hour , Dole. Hour ,
n 11. in . -O ] p. in. . . . . . -I
( I ID. in . 18 - ' p , in II
7 n , in . 1H : t p , in . \ -
8 n. in . IS .1 ii. in .
i > n. in . 1:1 n p , in. ' . . . .
10 n. in . UO II p , in .
11 II. ill . -II 7 | i , HI -
1U in 8 in -
I ) p. in . II
I'a tal Ilivsnltx of uu KarlKIrc nt
CHARLESTON , S. < ? . , Feb. 20. Nine lives
wcro lost in a fearful flro which raged for a
short whlla In Church street this morning.
At 2:10 : a policeman on duty noticed big
sparks flying from the tenement house at
No. ICO Church street. The officer found
that a blaze was Issuing from one ot the
windows on the first floor. The doors wcro
broken open and the family on that floor
were rushed out without any damage. Some
body yelled that a family of women were
sleeping on the third floor. The police
rushed upstairs and when they reached the
top story the life saving work was stopped
by the flames , which seemed to bo playing
over the entire building. Screams from the
dying women were heard and Officer Bagbj
rushed In and pulleJ - out thrco charred
bodies. The quick work of the fire depart
ment checked the fire and It was soon under
control , but not until nine lives on the
third floor bad been lost. The dead arc :
JvATIBKNICKMEYEll , 1C years old.
.LILLTE-KNICYMEYER , 3 years old.
A BABY of Mrs. Knlckmeyer , 1 month old.
Taken llensiircw to Ho HoiirvNoiilc'il at
\\\v \ K iioMltion.
MITCHELL , S. D. , Feb. 25. ( Special Tele
gram. ) The entire committee appointed by
Governor Leo for tbo east half of South Da
kota , which will assume charge of South
Dakota's productions at the the Omaha expo
sition , was unable to bo present at the
mcctlag held hero last night nnd today
Messrs. S. W. Narregang , Aberdeen ; Hans
Murphy , Elk Point , and Hugh Smith , How
ard , wcro the only ones hero. The commit
tee passed a rcrolutlon that South Dakota
should have an exhibit at the Omaha expo
sition and from that standpoint several Idcan
were evolved aa to the best plan for raising
the money to defray the expenses. The fol
lowing plan was adopted as ono likely to
become the most popular in all parts this
sldo of the river :
The commissioners of each county arc to
bo requested to appropriate al sum of money
equal to 20 cents for each voter in the county
according to the election of 1S9C , which would
mean nn appropriation of about { 300 for
Davidson county.
The committee perfected an organization
for this part of the stntu with' the following
officers : Governor A. E. Lee , president ; S.
W. Narregang of Aberdeen , vice president ;
Hans Murphy of Elk Point , secretary ; C. A.
Jowctt of Sioux Falls , treasurer. The com-
mlttco figures that it will require at least
? IQ,000 to pay the expenses of the exhibit.
About COO square feet of ground has been
donated l > y the exposition company free of
charge , but It will be Insufficient for the
state's exhibit and additional space will cost
about $1,200 ,
It lu the Intention of the committee to
Visit as many counties aa possible and or-
ganlzo a local board therein , which will look
after the money matters and tbo exhibits.
Resolutions wcra also passed outlining the
duties of secretary and treasurer aa to the
receipt and expenditure of money.
Messrs. Naricgang , Murphy and Hugh
Smith met with a goodly number of busi
ness men this morning to look over the prop-
oi'ltlun of Davidson county coming Into line.
Mr , Narregang explained the object and thu
ilan on which the committee expected to
car y on 1t work. A local organization wan
'orn\od \ with aha following officers : Frank
Wcllcr , president ; Louis Bcekwlth , vice
president ; J. K. Smith , secretary , and N , L.
liavlson , treasurer ,
\VII.I. OAliL ITV 11,1 , .1111) TKIII'M ; .
U'oinrn Alipi'iil for KimilH to Com-
IilcliUu ; Sli-iu'tuiT.
CHICAGO , Feb. 25. At a meeting of Itio
Woman'n Temple trustees in tills city today
resolutions wcro a clop red appealing to the
general public of the country for assistance
n raising the debt which hangs over the
' Christian Temperance Union bulld
og , The trustees resolved that when they
bad secured for the National Woman's Chris-
Ian Temperance union the capital /stock of
ho temple the building uliould be recbrls-
encd "Wlllard Temple , " as a monument to
MUs Frances U , Wlllard.
71 HI resolutions ask the newspapers of the
country to present the appeal to their read
ers through tlio columns of the papers , to
ecclve and acknowledge subscriptions for the
und to frco the temple from debt , the fund
o be paid to the treasurer of the board of
ample trustee * , G. I ) , Shaw , president ot
ho Araurlcin Trust and Savings bank , Chi-
Major Dirk I'ajx llu > Hill.
COLUMHt'S. O. . Feb. 25.-Tho Ohio senate
irlbcry Investigating committee met today
and t'xdmlnud Manager Hofa of the local
elfphono company with regard to callu
nadc nn'l nnuwiTcd In connection with
Innna headquarters In the Nell house when
id wan u. Candida to for UnitedHlitcn ; xi'iin-
or. The only new development wus ( lint
Major Dick settled tlio telephone bill. Not
ven ntunca of conversatlnnulUU by
phone wera itcured. . ,
Madrid Newspapers Take Dark View of
Situation. j
Securities Dcolino nnd Rates of Exchange
Co Skyward ,
Produced by Alatm'st RntnoH Concerning
Maine Investigation ,
American iMIiilntvr TnlliH of IN-m-r nut )
1'rvilli'tN it Hearty \Velenine foe /
. I'olo n ( Hit- American j.-
- 0 , Capital. -
( Copyright , 1SSS. by 1'rcw Piiullnlilng Company. )
MADRID , Fob. 25. ( Now York WorUi
Cablegram Special Telegram. ) The pessi
mistic campaign of the leading Madrid pa
pers has produced considerable alarm In the
Rtock markets , causing the cash salca to
overpower the cfforta of the syndicates to
keep up quotations for account. All securi
ties declined today and. . the rates of ex
change wore the highest on record. Cuban ,
bonds are chiefly depressed , the scare being
attributed to the alarmist rumors concern
ing the results of the Maine disaster Investi
gation. Other financial cauocs which
had their effect wore the displeasure )
of the French bankers and capital
ists bccaiiBo Premier Sagasta's cabi
net has refused to give assistance to the
railroad companies In which French capita ! ,
Is largely Invested and because the Spanish ,
cabinet prefers to ralso mccicy In Spain for
Its Ciibm war expenditure rather than accept
the hard terms of the foreign money lenders.
All the Madrid papers comment upon the
banquet at the American legation. In honor
of Sctior Uernabo , the new minister to the
United States , end the significant words of
Minister Woodfcrd when ho proposed the
health of the king and queen regent of
Spain. Ho alluded appropriately to Seuor
Bernabo. predicting an excellent official and
social welcome In Washington en account of
his personal merit * and of the rccollectlonu
of his father , Admiral Polo , who wao minis
ter In 1S73.Voodford concluded by heartily
wishing for peace , "always peace , " between
the two countries.
The latest telegrams from Havana report
that the American Investigators have found
the wreck of the Malno In such a Htato uu
to make It almost Impossible to advance a.
decisive opinion as to the cause of the dis
Vl/onyn OoiiipIrli-N UN Krlomlly Vlxlt
n ( ( .Viidon'H
NRW YORK , Feb. 25. The Spanish cruiser
Vlzcaya , after spending a week In thin port
on a friendly visit to the United States , getup
up anchor at 1:40 : o'clock this afternoon and
started to sea. Its destination Is Havana.
There were no ceremonies or accidents of
any kind connected with the vessel's depart
ure. The fires under the boilers w ro lighted
at daybreak and by 9 o'clock the big vessel
was clear of everything and waiting the
pleasure of Its commander to give the word
.0 EO.
At 1:19 : o'clock Captain Kulato mounted the
flying bridge with the pilot and gave the
word to hoist the anchor. Few spectators
Hero on the neighboring wharves at the
time. The bit anchor had hardly been
cleared from the mud before the vessel got
under way , and by the tlmo It was catted
the Vlzcaya had stretched for the narrows.
The naval tug Nina and the police boat
Patrol accompanied the ship as far as Fort
Wadsworth , when they saluted and went
about. The loud and deep steam whistle of
ho Vlzcaya gave them thrco long blasts the
narlno farewell , Forts Tompklns and Wads-
vorth soon wcro left astern and the ship
entered the torturous main , at times at full
speed , then at half speed , again stopping.
" "Hot Lockman took no chance. Ho keenly
felt his responsibility.
When the vessel left Us nnrhorngo Its
flags were at half mast for the Malno , and
n guard of the marine Infantry was drawn
ip In double flies aft. It was In full servlco
inlform. Once well outside the Hook , moro
han a marine league from the shore , the
lags were hoisted home , but the guard stood
eady. Officers In uniform paced the dock ,
Four miles outside the Hook the pilot boat
Iroppcd away from the Spanish vessel , and
after an exchange of salutes had been
vhlstled It started for Now Yoik , Then tlio
Vlzcaya got under way , It rounded Hie Hook
aklng a southerly course , For a tlmo Its
yellow funnels wcro visible , then they became -
came lost to view. Later a mcro pencil of
smoke on the horizon was seen , and It wa
adlos Vlzcaya.
The report that the Vlzcaya will stop at
a southern port Is Inaccurate. It will pro
ceed to Havana and expects to reach then *
n Tuesday next. From Havana It may pro-
ecd to Spain.
minis si'.u.v TO .sritnci : FIRST.
.IliiKO 1'rcnM In ThlH Country Slim Up
LONDON , Feb. 2C. According to a opeclul
llspatch from Madrid , reports received there
rcfii the United States to the effect that public *
opinion In the latter country IB becoming :
nero excited owing to the Impression that
ho loss of the Malno la not duo to an ao-
Idcnt , ore "rcstlrrlng popular feeling hero
In Madrid ) and the conviction la { hcreasIiiK
n inlulclcrla' circles that the worst mutt bo
expected , " Continuing , the special dispatch
eayc : "Tho government has no choice If
he United States adopts a threatening at-
Itude , for the prospect of war Is popular
with all parties , and the moro excitable news-
apcrs are already urging the government to
ako measure ! ) to make Spain strike the Orel
nd decisive blow , "
InllrniiilerN Deny Wiir I'rrinrntlon .
NORFOLK , Va. , Fob. 25 , The rumor that
lie government in securing from railway
ompanles estimates of their capacity for
loving troops and munitions of war between
tlantlc and gulf ports and the Interior la
niclally denied by Vice President St. John
f the Seaboard Air Line , whoso road IB
irntloncd In thu reports , Mr , St. John laid
today ( hat he U Ignorant of any such move
on the part of thu War department , and am
to contracts for moving troops , ha had ue r *
f tuiiiu * v *