Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 24, 1898, Page 7, Image 7

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It *
Matter Heard by South Dakota's Supreme
Judicial Body.
Iliinil rilril ! > \ > rrftrr Connlilcrn-
WrntmlliiKTi IH Siitiiutllcil In
I < 1 lili-iicp _ liiNiirnnvc Ccmi-
] iiin > ' Autliorlt } llutokuil.
1 PIRRIIR , S D. , Tcb. 23 ( Special Tele-
rnm ) The I oe-Ktpp muddle came up In
the supreme court today uuJ the forenoon
FCMloii was dcvoteJ by the attorneys to n
play for position , the main object of the
contention being the Immediate po c fen of
the olllco. The nlwwer was filed to the coin-
lilnlnt , alleslns among other things that the
governor was attempting to remove without
authority and that ho had pretended to ap-
jiolnt Thomas H. Ayrea to the position and
that ho Is not qualified to hold the position ,
not being a qualified elector of the state on
the ground of having be n at ono time con
victed of a felony In the United States court ,
the conviction having been upon publishing
In hl.s paper an advertisement of u gift en-
terprho Which was held to boa violation of
the anti-lottery law. The contention of the
attorneys for the plaintiff was that the
present milt is not ono In which title can
bo tinted , tint the only Issue IB possession
and aflor that Is settled tltlu can bo settled
bj any one.
i\Hcr the noon recc " the court denied
inotlrii 'o dismiss and announced us a ru
f procedure that-It would consider t'
following pha of the question First
conceded that the governor Issued a
order of remove ! , second did ho tiivu pov.c
to Issue such nn order ; third conceded tha
ho Issued a commission to the plaintiff
( fourth did ho have the power tu Issue sue
After another recces to glvo the utter
lici > s jn opportunity to agree upcti facts ar
tholr failure to agree court decided to adml
the answer of the defense and denied th
demurrer of plaintiff and heard evidence o
both sides The bond filed by Ayres wo
objected to on the ground that It was no
approved by the attorney general atid con
tallied other defects The objection was siia
tallied , but the objection was afterward
withdrawn and the bond admitted In cvl
donee. Arguments will bo presented by th
attorneys tomoirow.
'through the insurance department Com
inlsaloner Klpp today revoked the mtU'orlt
of the Llojd Plato Glass Inburaucc cOMpan
In this state They sent In a dru't for fee
and after It was endorsed to the state treaii
iirer b > Klpp sent It bi-k to the treasure
under Instiactions from Ajrea , thu new up
polntcD On hia action their certificate wo
iifiici.vns LOOT im.oons yroitr
tSreui'c Alioul ririci'ii Illliuli cil Dili
Illl H W III til Of ClHIlll.
AnRUDRRN , S D , Peb U3 ( Special Tele
Krad ) Ttio ntore of the Groton Mcrcantll
company wns lobbed last night and fret
$1,000 to $1COO worth of goods taken , con
nhting of silks , velvets and dcess goods N
clews at thlu time State Senator Klnchey I
proprietor of the atoio
Vevv Soil 111 Mnl.oln Corjinral Ions.
PJiiUin , S n , Fob S3 ( Special ) Article
of Incorporation have been filed for the Inter
stale Telephone compiny at Slou'C Falls , wit ]
a capital of $10,000.000 ; Incoiporators , C. 0
IJalley , J II Voorhecs and J W. Carter
The Midland company , for dcalliiB In llvo
wtock and land at Midland , Nowlln counly
with a capital of $30,000 ; Incorporalors
JIary L Howes , Allison Howes , sr , Horac
Howes The Union Lumber company , a
Irene- , Clay county , with a capital of $50
000 ; Incorporators , Harry L. Call , n. II
Downing , Hmory White The Star Creamery
company. In Hutehlnson county , with a capl
tal of $3,000 , IncoipoiatortJ , William Kabelse
inann , M. J Schllngen , John H Weber
I'rank SCollnpfennlnB nnd John Klnlenbach
The Dolhol .MethodlHt Uplscopal church o
lion Ilotnmo counly ; Irtislceo , Samuel W
Itlchvvooil , Charles C Chenhall , SIis Kat
Kymor , Charleu N. McCollum and Wlllan
H Smith. The 1'plphany Creamery com
juny , at nplpbiiny , Hanson county , with a
capital of $ .1,000 , Peter Klcuschcn , president
"William Kioeser , secretary.
A license has been Issued by the secro
tnry of alalo lo the Vienna Stale bink , a
Vienna , Clark counly , wllh a capital o
$ . " ,000 ; Inearporators , R A Syverson , S. T
, Vnn Slialck , S P Selborson.
lit Huron.
HURON , S D. , Fob 23 ( Special ) Uanks
ofllcea , , schools and public buildings were
clsed bore yesterday In honor of the blrtl
of Oeorgo Washington. Jn Iho evening Tttr
ner Ho30 company jjavo n nueciuerado bal
nml Iho CoiiKregatlonallsts gcivo a Washing
ton nipper , followed by a pi ogram of literary
nnd musical numbers" Flags vvcro dln-
pliyed durliiK the day from civicorsanla
tlon homes , public buildings and many prl-
vito lesldoncea
Tno Wcatern nildgo company of Chlcigo
lias been awarded the contrict for pulling
an Iran brldgH across the Jim river , nbou
fotiitccn miles north of this city , tbo vvorl
to bo timlerlakcn at once
Past Supreme Master Workman T.ilte anc
Hon. II C. Scralons will speak In Ihlti
clly under direction of the Ancient Order
of United Wol Union organlrallon on the
evening of March 1.
I'l'i-pni IIIKT for llen\j HiislneKn.
niJNVIJU , Fob 23 Great preixiiallons are
tielng made nt the Denver stock yards for i
largo nittlo business In the spring In order
to attract shipments tlio charges for hay
and corn , fed to catllo In the yards , htiva
bc-i-n lediKcd fin as to correspond with Ihe
Jllnsonci ilvcr inirkcts Hereafter the charge
for hay will be 0 cents pvr 100 pounds. In-
Etcuil of $1 as hoictofore , ncul foi corn $1 25
JUT 100 pounds , Instead ot $2
( liilil In HIP UlHNimrl lliir. .
IHMNA , Mont. , Fob 23 ( Special )
jrontana.1 has something of o Klondike * of he
nwn If HID story told by some miners a
French bar , In the Missouri river , Is lo bo
credited. They say that when the river
went "dry" n few- dais ago ns the result o
the completion , of the dam ut Canyon Ferry
they panned out quite a lot of gold from the
Baud In the river at French bar. In all BOV-
oial hundred dollaia in thu yellow meta
van taken out before tlio wolcr comnipiicec
i mining ogaln The richness of the bar
etui ( led the oldest of the old timers , Sevcra
requirements arc
perfectly met In
Wool Soap.
'I here may be
more expensive
soaps , but noil' )
better. / / ft at.
solutey ( t > un. For
the bath It Is
pleasant , sooth-
IIIL' and delight
There's only
one soap that
won't ' shrink
woolens , You
MyMama Min "lust choose between -
U oU tween no soap
pnm that went $ S and J1 were Mki > n oul
The rlche-sl pan wus $1" 30 They claim that
If the river had remalnnl dry about throe ?
days they would have laken out enough to
RO to the Klonllke on The discovery of the
richness of Ihe tar at Frrnch Is liable lo re
sult In A largo compitiy being formed to
dredge the rher In the spring.
"Melon ( iriMx-rn I
HOOKY FORD , Cole , Fob 23. ( Special )
The melon aasoclatlono of the valley met at
llocky Ford for the purpose of perfecting a
general organization , but without success.
At a merllng of the Hocky Ford Melon
Growers' association last Thursday the di
rectors were Instructed to consent to no
proposition that would deprive It ot Its
present management , but to work In perfect
barmcny If possible with other aesoclaltons
They were also Instructed lo claim the right ,
by reason of Its larger membership and
acreage and longer experience in the bus-
Incsfl , to name the price of cantaloupes In
the western market during the ensuing
season This was rejected by the other as
sociations , who Insisted on Incorporating nil
associations Into a general one under a new
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i
Per nn Onjx i\lillilt.
LOU ! , Ulah. Feb. 23 ( Special ) Prof.
Cctlcrstrom IB working hard to got out a
good collection of onyx for the Omaha ex
position As soon as the frost gets out of
Ihc ground ho will begin quarrying. Ilo
mode n Hying trip to Salt Lake last week to
confer with parties there In regard lo the
erection of a largo windmill to furnish the
motive power to saw and polish the stone.
There is little doubt but what the professor
will make up an exhibit that will bo second
to none at Omaha next summer.
Honors n Iteiinl'lllon.
OHRYRNNB. Wyo , Fob. 21 imperial Tel-
cgram ) Governor Illchardt today honored
a rcciulsltlon made by the governor of Iowa
for Peter Qitlnn , now In cu&toJv at New
castle , this stale Qlllnti wa Indicted In
Iho district court of Monroe coitntv , Iowa on
the charge of selling flro to the county Jill
at Foster Monroe county , la , In IS'it ' )
Deputy Sheriff John Donor will Inko Qulnn
hack to Iowa for trial.
\ \iiotlioi- lull Meet SiiKiir Plietorv.
ST GiORGI3. Utah , Fob 21 ( Special )
Now York capitalists are In correspondence
with some leading citizens of St. George with
a cw to establishing a beet sugar factory
hero The mild climate and long seasons In
this region render It especially adaptable to
the beet sugar Industry and there are 300,000
acres of available land In this -vicinity.
AOllllllU Nl'MM > llll'H.
The artesian well at Itivvllns has reached
a depth of 711 foot and will bo continued to
1,000 feet.
The owners of the Golden Ragle mine In
Iho Grand Rncampmcnt have let a contract
for COO feet of tunnel lo bo driven at once
John Fisher was fro7on to death about
fourteen miles south of llawllns H Is sup-
pcscd ho was stunned by falling from his
horse and frozen before ho could recover.
Judge Cialg of Uawllna on his return from
Chicago reported that a largo number of per
sons will \lslt Wyoming this year to Investl-
gale Iho mineral and oilier resources of the
The Carbon County Wool Growers' asso
ciation will prosecute all who attempt to
skin sheep found clcid upon the ranges as a
result of the recent storms and appropriale
Iho pells to their own use.
County Treasurer Daniel S Swan ot Chey-
cnno bclzcd ono of the cars of the C. I ) ,
Havens Tianspoitalion company on account
ot ti\es which the county alleges is duo from
the company for the year 1890 , amounting to
about $10.
There Is rejoicing In Wyoming over the
news of the passage of the bill donating
50.000 acres of the public land to the Wyo
ming Solldlers' and Sailors' home. The income -
como from this land added to the present
Income will make the homo eclf-supportlng
A recent meeting of stork-men on Otter
creek , Illg Horn county , called to devise
means of protecllon against the ravages of
gray wolves on llvo stock , a tax of D cents
per head on nil llvo stock was levied and tlin
oum ot $200 cash raised. This sura will bo
expended In bounties of $15 on full-grown
wolves and $7 50 for puppies.
The Wind Ulvei range of mountalnq cov
ering nci area of tw only-five mile * , b'y 12i
miles , arc covered with the heaviest fall of
snow known In the memory of the oldest In
habitants of the Lander valley. The snow
Is six feet deep and In some of the gulches
forty feet deep This heavy snowfall la
balled with delight by the farmers and stock
men of Fremont county , as It Insures an
abundant supply of water for the bhecp and
cattle , as well as for the Irrigation ditches
of the fanners.
U\M NoteH.
Mountain Olty Is moving for a board of
The mountains near Clks are full of deer ,
says the Argonaut.
Western Nevada papers are upl'utliii ; the'
question of terminal frolghl rues u lluno
Pine \flllcy young men avoid fbo muddy
roads by making use of the handcar when
they co calling
Hov. M. S. rtlddlo of Rll'o a'jout March 1
will elart a weikly papei at Lovelc-'ic to ho
i-nllt-d Uio Loidcr.
The Carson Appeal says the Wubuski
Manplor will .start up again ne-ct month and
run as a weekly during the campsln. ;
David Kay , a large cattle dealer of Ogdcn ,
Is In Hcno purchising eitllo for that tnai-
kct. Ilo succeeded In buying 2 HOC head.
The Alpine Lnnd anJ Water company 's
negotiating with parties In San Francisc-o
lo etcct u sugar beet factory In Douglas
Rlko Is In a filr way to lead Iho other
counties of the state In population. On tbo
hauls of the school census HlKo Is now third ,
being ranked only by Wnahoa and Storey.
The Hnrcka Sentinel says no local mall
contraelors have been Induced lo take mall
contracts off the hands of the sucrcssTul
eastern bidders. "L t thtfsj eastern specu
lators como out and stocic tholr roulecj and
linnago them themselves for u whllo under
: ho lates they have agreed on , the rentilt will
bo a well de-served lesson lo them. "
Wo are anxious to do a llttto good In this
world and can think of no pleanantcr or bet
ter way to do It than by commending Ono
Minute Cough Cure as a prevantallvo of pneu
monia , consumption and other serious lung
troubles that follow neglected colds.
I'rm iHloim llnrluil liy nil iilnnelie ,
TACO.MA , Feb. 23. T o VMjtks ago an
nvnUnche came thundering down the moun
tain elopes and at the south end of Lake
licnnott nn Immense mans of snow nnd lee
was deposited on the trail nnd 200 tons of
supplies we-ro burled many feel , Their own-
CTH had HUcked them up together In what
scorned to bo n sheltered epol , while they
were vvblpsavvlng lumber for boat-bnlldlng
Now they have left only the whlpsaws
und nre trying to dig out their outllts So
far us can be learned no ono was Injured
by the avalanche , though people not far
nv\ay had a narrow encupe. This news
was brought clown by John
of ruyallup. Wash. , who has just arrived
here from Almka.
Dane-it at J.uliur Temple- .
The Young Ladles' Hebrew Kndonvor so
ciety gave Its firm social dance In the rooms
of the I abor Temple last nlKht. The soci
ety was organized about two months ago
'or benevolent work by u few Hebrew
women and lias grown to tin organization
of nbout thirty members Hofreahmcnts
v re set veil In the Internilsslonn of the pro.
gram Those In charge of the affair were
Misses Anna Harwich , Jennie nnd Anna
\roiiHon. L'ltlo Woloflhlnsky. Tony Allen ,
Annlo Ollllnskl Fannie Waxenborg , Jtono
Mlndcn and Miss Lena Kablnoiltz ,
U'orU of TIile\i' .
James model ) , who lives In Fast Omaha ,
reported yesterday tlmt bomo ono had
iroken Into his house during his absence for
be day and 'had stolen ull the property In
Ighl , Amongthu missing articles were a
'old vvnich und chain , a Colt's revolver and
7 In money.
A. J. Montgomery of 2219 Cass street also
talus tlmt bomu unknown person obtained
an entrance Into his house und conducted
n examination of the contents , which
netted him # ,
Work of Irrigation in Montana to Watfr au
C'linnln lU'Kiiti or Iti { "ntitciiiiilnlliiii ( u
t'n.lrr CnltlMitliin I.IOI- (
OOO Vcrc U cirk Dune fur
Settler * Cl
LIVJNCISTGON. Mont , , Teb. 23 ( Special )
Steps ha\o been taken bore that will In-
\olvo an expenditure of about JS.000,000 and
the reclamation of 1,000,000 acres of arid
lands , every acre of which ir.ust , under the
agreement , bo settled by farmers In tracts
of not to rxreod 560 acres an 1 prooably aver
aging < far less. Under the provisions of the
C < iroy act , appropriating without charge
1,000,000 acres of govcrnmont land to states
that will Improve that land by dltclicn for
Irrigation , woik begins next month on a
$200,000 ditch near thla city. It will follow
what Is known as the second bench of the
Yellowstone and will extend twenty-five
miles. A total of 2S,000 acres will bo laid
under the water , of which 12,000 belong to
tbo Northern Pacific load , the rest to the
government and Individuals. The canal will
bo fifty miles long and will bo a very largo
affair , txvunt } feet vvldo at the bottom nod
deep enough to furnish pluit > of water at all
times for the Irrigation of the 28,000 aero
of now \aliiclcsa land. With thlg
started the stito is to commence or other ,
near Ulg Timber , In Sweet Grass countv ,
where another $200,000 Is to be spent and o
caml foity-fno miles long , to cany lit.OOO
mlnir'r In-h's of w itir , will be constructed
It will Irrlgato 25,000 acres , also on ono of
the Yellowstone licninc * , and of land ns ilc.h
as any In the state.
Ilosldc.s these two enterprises others are
planned to make use of the ontlro 1,000,000
a'sres ' granted by the general government ,
an average estimated cost per QCIO of $8
The funda for tCils nugnlflcent lmptovomen |
which is expected to add 10,000 farmers anc
their families to the population of the btati1
will be derived from the sale of Inlgatlon
bonds that arc to bo a first lien on the
woiks consttccted and the lands under then
and are also to bo guaranteed by the state
Ilonds for the first canal will bo negotiate *
by the successful contractors , who anticipate
no trouble In disposing of them The North-
em Pacific load will pay In cash for the
Irrigation work touching lands belonging
to It
Tliero are no engineering flinipultles in
cither caral so far planned , except a tunne
1,800 feet long In No 1 and great siphons
under two small rivers In No 2 Canal No
3 will probibly bo In Ctister county , and No
4 In the fruit region in the northwestern
pirt of the state Another has for Its fleli :
the Dlttot Hoot \alley , than which mo more
fertile area ll ° .s outdoors Still another , niu
the most important of all contemplates laj-
Ing the entire Sun Uivcr valley , frcni the
foothills of the main ItocUies to Great Palls
under the water , at a cost of about $2,000 000 ,
reclaiming 256.000 acres of rich land On this
great piopooitlon tlio Arid Land commission
will a'ct ' cccly In the spiing.
It is not the object of the etato to make
any profit out of these lands The grounJ
imviuK iiuuii Kituii uy iuc Ki'iiurui Kuvevu-
mcnt , the state charges up only the octual
cost of the Irrigation work , plus 20 per cent
acid sells the lands at this price This will
nako an average price fop these lands ol
about $12 per aero , which Is very high foi
nntrarcovcd lands In the fai west But for
th'a ' $12 per aero ( fie settler gets not only
land , but a perpetual right to as much water
is ho con use , and w Ithout further expense
of any kind , and he has the watei delivered
at bis door the mompnt ho takes possession
Nowhere In the world are Irrigated lands ,
suitable for the laieing of all crops of a torn-
pcrato climate , to be had for any such price
ca $12 an acre
The conditions for successful agriculture
aro'nOt so favorablq anjwhcrc , even in the
west and hlgh-prlcod lands In eastern states
are not to be thought of In comparlhon. Auj
fruits that will grow In Michigan will flour
ish In Montana , whoso winters nro shorter
m ii .incaiKuii s or unio B All vegetables
and grains of a temperate clime flourish ,
and there can bo no crop failure from
drought witty an ample supply of water and
a perfect Bjstem of dellvoiy Three crop ,
per year of alfalfa can bo rained , and stock
can bo ranged flee nine months- the jear
on the uplands nbovo the water benches
A big object lesson In Irrigation , perhaps
the nloat Important so far In the United
Slates , Is now toeing completed by the gen.
oral government at Crow Greek Indian rrn-
crv'atlon , In eastern Montana , south of tl Is
city , vvhero the tide of the Dig Hoin Is being
diverted for the use of the Indians A ditch
forty-ftvo miles long skirting the valley and
Inclosing about 200.000 acres , Is now nearly
completed It Is costing nbout $100 000 This
canal Is the ninth on the reservation , all the
others being less Impoitant , but covering
about 100 miles of ditches A tenth , to re
claim 140,000 acres more , Is jet to bo built
With Us completion every individual In ( he
Crow nation , man , woman ami child , will
have more than fifty acres of Irrigated land
and each family will ibo an independent
community When the work for which con-
giess makes appropriations Is done , the
lands will * be allotted In severally to the
Crows , and the reservation It Is believed
will become ono oftho garden spots of the
world All the work on these Crow canals
except superintendence , masonry , and steel
gates Is being done by Indian labor , each
man getting $1 CO per day 'I ho government ,
In view of Its woik for these Indians , hen
almost suspended the Issuance of rations to
them , and will do so entirely ns soon as the
canals arc completed and the > lands allotted
> riioiiN < vFi7\v TTTn SMM
> i ) > \ ; \ns.
runrrnl of INM Ullhu-.l \ \ m „ llt.ltl
TlilN Morning.
CHICAGO. Tob. 23 The remains of Mies
fran cs R Wlllard , the late president of the
World's Women's Christian Temperance
union , lay lu stateat Wlllard hall In the
Women's Temple from noon null G o'clock
this ovenlifg. Thousands of people reviewed
the remains during that time At fi 30 the
cuelcot was escorted to "Hest Cottage"
Rvrnston , Miss Wlllard's home Students at
the Northwestern university acted as a guard
of honor a id as pall bearers
Tomorrow mfirning at 9 o'oclock private
services will be held at Real Cottage The
bed ) will be taken to the First MothodUt
church of Rvaiuton , where the last tribute
will bo paid to the dead temperance leader
The Interment will take place at Koso Hill
J \\OMA > KIM.S Iliu Cllll.l ) .
Started Out to Kxferinliiiile ( lie Ru.
( Ira Kjiiull } .
ST. PAUL. Pcb. 23
A Cherokee , la. , spe
cial to the Dispatch says A chocking trag
edy was reported today from Cleghorn , a
small town about ten miles west of here
Mrs Elizabeth Wilcox , a widow 48 years of
age , shot and killed her 6-j ear-old son ,
Irving. Insanity was undoubtedly the
cause of the crime , as the woman was an
Inmate of a hospital at Independence from
July. 1836 , to July , 1807. It Is tald ahe has
labored under the delusion that fcomo one
would eventually defraud them of their
property and that the children would be
better off dead than alive Last night nho
tried to exterminate the vvholo family and
succeeded In taking ono life before other
members of the family could restrain her
She Is the mother of eight children
I'liBteil Klontliiu : AVr
NIJW YORK , Feb. 23The Press says
Thure U n possibility tlmt the bark Agate ,
which Balled from this port last week ,
bound to the Yukon river , may lmo been
vvieckttd. The Asa to carried forty meli
who were toliif to the Klondike to
their fortunes. In ajfilf Inn to Pic orew of
Mxtffn men. Th ' * Jnnmshlp KlnKslnnd
which nrrlvod hero > istcnla > from South
Atnrrloin ports neo itercd bad u , .hfi
Twent ) miles soufTi-ixiiithenil of llnrne-
Kit the Klngsland t H In with n quantity
of wreckage TherV VVere nnrtof deckhouses -
houses , portions of o J.llnRs. unite painted
woodwork , nnd n bnoj * In addition to rusks
and boxes of mrrchauiH'e rnptaln Scott
of the Klngsland sa > s the vvreki e ex
tended for i dlstjxncq jof fortj miles No
nt tempt was made til pick Up nny portion
of It. .
\eu from MmlrllV mill W < ililn t < iin
U in i lex Olllelnl * .
NRW YOIIK , Peb 23 A dispatch to the
Tribune from Havana sajs , The outlook In
Ouba does not grow more promising The
exact statement lf > that the government
officials were never so much disturbed as to
day This la pirtly due to Information from
Washington and Madrid
The fltatement that divers have pene
trated the forward part of the Milne and
found nothing In the magazines there to
Indicate an explosion spoms to bo verified
Attention Is alee given to testimony re-
Kardln ? vibration under water before the
Maine went to pieces Rvldcncc as to this
fact Is emphatic How far It Justifies the
belief that the explosion came from under
neath the ship , experts may be left to de
termine The i otnt has not jet been reached
where a definite opinion can bo formed re
garding submarine mines Outside evidence
has been brought forward regarding the con
struction of euch a Sstcm , out It has not
been sifted Spanish ofllclals were sur
prised at the firmness with which the
Washington administration declined to admit
them to shart In the Investigation.
StoreH mill AiMillnnees HeliiK Himlieil
to lliiMinii
N'nw YORK , Fob 21 There was unusual
activity about the Merrltt-Chnpmin wreckIng -
Ing station at Stapleton , S I , today. Stores
wore being taken aboard of the big wrecking
tug I. J Merrltt and the baigo iiaggerty
Until are going to Havana to aid In raising
the Maine The Merrill Is Iho biggest wreck
ing tug In this countrj It Is expected that
the vessels will get ulidoi waj late this after
noon The State Islind wreckers will be Is
charge of Captain Frederick P Sharpe. an
expert Olver , and It Is likely that Captain
Wlnflold 1 Stooker will go along Captain
I Chtttenden. an expert diver and the nnn
v ho Ins charge of blowing up all wrecks
that cannot be saved , may possibly gs to
FOI mini Hair of Mlllne Coiii | > leteb
Di-sti'in eil.
W \SIII\GTON , Peb 23 Secretary Long
this afternoon received the following lele-
gram from Admiral Slcard
KRY WRST Tel ) 23 lllght Arm arrived
at Havana this morning Cnptaln Mngee
seams to be nn experienced man who will
bo able to KVO ! good advlct Captain Simp
son wires me condition of wreck Is such
n'l lo renulle most powerful impllunces the
government can secure Court recommends
conn act with best equipped wrecking com
pany to remove matc-iinl nnd lift ship with
out diiiij Forward b ill c-ompletcly de-
stiojed , ufter h ilfi uppaiently Intnet except
in mlnoi matteis S1CA11U.
Siisjionil Trials to NeOrlciuis. .
NRW OULRANS , Fob 22 New Orleans
shippers ate advisud ( dat no more Cromwell
line steamers will sail for this port from
New York until further orders from Wash
ington The affair Is a complete m > sterj
The United States cruiser Macblohead , which
is hero for Maidl Grfls , It Is reported , baa
oidcrs. to bo icad to move at a moment's
NDW YORK , Feb. 23 Rllery S Allen ,
general agent of the Cromwell line of steam
ers , sajs that If shippers In New Orleans
have been advised that no more of the com-
panj's vessels would sail to that port from
New York until fuithor orders from Wash
ington , such ndvlco was unauthorised. "If
a move of this Kind has been taken or Is
contemplated , " oaid Mr Allen , "I would
know of It , and I would Issue the order. I
have not given any injunctions of this na
ture , directly OP Indlrcctlj , nor has the
"Moro than this , I have not had , bccm or
heard any communication from or with the
authorities at Washington concerning thli
or any other matter Our steamer Creole
will snlo on Saturday for New Orleans and
the Hudson on March 5. This la accoiding
to schedule. "
Agent Aleck Harris of the Cromwell line ,
when shown the dispatch stating that no
moro Cromwell ships would sail for this city ,
said there was absolutely no foundation foi
the stoiy
PM.IIT UiAlNbl' ' < OVI It VLI * T\IUH ( .
llrDoimmiKerH Pile u I tent ivlth
tin * < . < > \ eriior of luilliiiiii.
INDIANAPOLIS , Fob 23 A piotcst
against coiivlc.t labor In competllion againsl
fieo labor was made to Governor Mount to
day by ofllceis of the Intel national Hrootn-
niaKci's' union , now In session In this city.
The governor was asked to Investigate a
icport that the convict labor law had been
ovnded at Michigan Clly by convcitlng u
blejclo contract Into a chain-making con-
It is pioposed to call a mealing of em
ployers and employes In business alfectcil by
pr on competition. Agltallon io now active
In Ohio. Kentucky , Michigan , Illinois , In
diana and Pennsylvania Ihe delegates will
onJeavor to talho funds for cdtabllohlng a
I'll ) HespeelN lo Miss \\lllnril.
CHICAGO , Fob 23The lemalns of Miss
Princes R Willard , lite president of the
Woild's Worn ill's ClillslHn Tcmpointue
union , arrived in Chicago from Nmv Voile
today and were convoyed to Will ml lii'l ' , In
ilia Woni in's Olulsll in Timpuance Union
ti inplc iwheio tluy lay In htate Thous mils
of people passed t'lrousli the beiutlftil ball
: o take u Inut look nt tlu > fnce of Iho Kieii
tempeiincn ic-Tdcr The body will ln > ton-
\ujeil to Rvunston , .Mlus Wilhiid's foimer
: iomu , this evening. The Intc-iment will take
place tomorrow
r cnllull of I'jllllieit ( iooilN Hen ,
CHICAGO. Fob 2J The fourteenth un-
uial nicctlng of the Wcstoin PackoiH of
Canned OoodH associiitlon begun heic today.
Delesates woio present from Indl inn , JIls-
Hourl , Ohio Iowa , .Minnesota , Mlrhlgnn , New
York and Mnrylund One of the principal
nattcrH to be dHpiiusril | the rcjiort of the
executive commlttlo on the adoption of n
uniform scale of prills by the fanners ami
in effort in limit the manufacture of cer
tain products
lilt'ii'i * ( Meiillie.
NP.W YOniC. I b -The French liner
Li Chnmplaln , which nailed from Havre
February 1nnd < itj due here on Sunday ,
: iad not been slKlited up to 11 o'clock thlu
'ore-noon No anxiety Is however , felt foi
its Rdfuty aji It Is R'ltnnrlt ve-isel and ihi-
very heavy wcstcily > rnle vvbteli are known
to h.ivu bi-en pruvulll'iK ' ; on thu Atlantic
would have dilayul H , Tht All in liner Pe
ruvian from GliiiKou vvlildi passed Bandy
Hook ut 1030 u mwas as much overdue
as Iho French Bleamcr
TryQrain = 0 !
Ask you Grocer to ilny to nhovv you
n imtltagoof CillAIX-0 , the now food
ill ink tliat takes the place of coffee ,
Tlio children may drink it without
injury ns well in the adult. All who
try It , like it. OHAW-O has tlmt
lioh Beiil brovni of Moqhi or Jnvu ,
but it is nwdo from jniro grain * , nnd
tlio inoBtdelicutu HtomuoU re'ceives it
without distress. | thojiricuof loffev ,
lo euntH nnd 20 ccuU pur ] > acKiige.
Bold by nil trocoM.
Tastes like Coffee
Looks like Coffee
Innet that your grocer git eg you OIIAIN-O
Accept no Imitation.
n rp i n n i PI * in iiMip/Mfi i
Eighteen of Twonty-Ono on Board Lcs
Their Lives ,
> f tlip < 'r > Vri > HP OIUM ! fron
u I'li'Oi' of U'rcpktiKi * ft T llo-
, IIIK Vilrlft for T\\i
r iur lliiurn.
. Atais . Teb 23 Th
IJrltlih ship Asia struck on Great Groum
shoal , off Xantucket , during the Rale Monda
and went to pieces.
Only three of those on board
rollonliiR li n list of those lost ;
MllS. 1)KIN. .
ALrilUl ) OI.DllUUY. I
The IUR ilary T , Captain n\ans , has ar
rl\ed htro , bringing news that thrct * mei
of the crow of the Asia were loscucd yestur
day bi the crew of thu itlnndKcrclilct llwht
ship The men were taken from a pleco o
wreckage , on which they had been lloitlnt ,
for twentfour hours , and were Kreatl > ex
haustcU It Is reported tbnt the bndj of th
captain's daughter is nt Woodsholl , haUni ,
been recovered with that of a man , sup
posed to ha\o been the mate of the \essel
The three men who were icsetird wer
taken to Illjaiinls todiy bj the United State :
steamer Azalea , whiro they told the btoi > o
the wreck
TV 1,1C 111 I'llMMI VIvlMJ TIME A 11 VV
ScMfii Iliinilri-il Dcli'Kiiti'i tf/cinl OIL
Toiit'Kn I'om cnllnn.
TOI'EKA , Teb 23 The majorlt } of < leH
gates to the buttci makers' con\cntlon ha\c
arrhed and the meeting Is now on In fill
force. 'U ILli the possible exception of tht
great deep watei harbor coiucntlon of n few
jears ago , this mooting Is the largest am
the most Important that has o\or been lieli
hero. The greatest feaure of the week was
tlin big paiade late jestcidij afternoon. Il
pieaented an Imposing appearance as li
nuiched tip Kansas avenue It was header
by Marshall's band of slxtj pieces Tiillj 700
delegates marched The Iowa delcgitlon was
awarded the first prUo for the ibest appeal-
'Inj delegitlon. Minnesota delegation sociued
bcroml prl7e The butter boards of Xow
York , Hoston , Philadelphia and Chicago each
rccei\cd honorable mention foi line appeat-
ance The Kansas do cgatlon did not compete
for lionois
Tieasurer Nissloj's report shows the or
ganization to be in good financial condition ,
there being a balance on hand of o\er $1,000
Today is Buttei makers' dij and a program
of special Interest to dim mis Is being gl\en
The papers read are as follows "Maintain
ing a Haimonious Co-operation Uctwten
Duttermakci and Patrons , " by il. W As > hbj ,
Ila/clton , la , ' State Aid for Dairying , "
Major Henry R Ahord Washington , D 0 ;
"Tho Use of Gasoline Engines as Power foi
Creameries and Skimming Stationn , " Chailes
Harding. Norfolk , Neb.
Tonight at 7 30 will occur the musical en
tertainment an aimed by the musical com
mittee of the Commercial club of 'lopcka.
KOKTI M : si'HNT IN 'r\\ii\ i : MONTHS
llolio llcrrj itutiN TlirmiKli 'I lioiiHinnlH
In a Short Time.
When James 13 Derrj died of alcoholism
down at Puduiah , K > , last month , the an
nouncement wno telegiaphfd to the nona-
papcis all o\er the country , caja the Now
York Herald Most of thcac dispatches e\l-
dentlj found their way Into ilie waste
The faet James R Ilerij had died of
alcoholism was of little Interest to the pub
lic. Who was James 1Ilerrj , anjhow'
That Is what the gentlemen who handled
llio telegraphic dispatched asked And fail
ing to disco\er hK identlt > , the brief item
found a resting place in ob curitj
And ) ct the storof James K Herrj'fi
career and personality is In innnj respects u
most remarkable one Throughout the west
ho was known as the "millionaire tramp"
Ho Inherited tlr > 000 from hi * fathot'ci csta'o ' ,
and the transition from the typical hobo tea
a man of comparatho.affluence ga\o rlso to
the wildest stories of ills piodlgalil ) . Man )
of them were true
Tor thlity jeais Htrry had been a tramp ,
mlgiating southward with the birds in the
fall and tramping back In the spring De
spite the fact that ho came of a mast ex
cellent family , his long association with the
Knights of the road hud blunted what finer
instincts ho may ha\o ever possessed , and
toward the end ho dlfTeiul In ciowUo from
his tramp companions Ho wus dlrt > , lazy ,
nnUcmpt a t > plcalagabond
His father was Dr Ileny , a physician and
n. prominent resident of Glo\ersvillo , X Y.
Ilia mother woo a charming woman , n ladj
bj birth and education Ilerry was one of
four children. As a boy ho was hcadsticaB- .
aelf-wllled He chafed undei the hoiro re
straint. Ho wanted to go out in the gieat
w 01 Id , to HUD the nights , to malm a name foi
hlni'elf So , nftei ono particularly stormy
Intel\io\v with Ilia father , ho ion away from
Llttlo b > llttlo be drifted downward In the
fotlul scale Henccr communlratcd wfth
Ills relatUcH 'Ihey thought him dead , liy
degree * lid became u full-fledged tiamp
I/i8t spilng , In respoiibo to some Im
pulse , ho ilpoliltil to rutuin to Gloversvllle
Ho learned that his father and mother were
Irath dead and tl.-U u share of the cbtate ,
amounting to $ ! , ' < ,000 , was awaiting hi ?
pleasure Ilo had little difficult ) In estab
lishing his Idcntll ) aim a clittk for the
amnunt due him was turned o\n by the
Hu was well known Iti thcno towns and
1 o detei mined to ictnrn and bin prise the na
tives. So ono morning last May a tpeohl
car over the Jacksonville Southoaatcrn
rolled Into the depot at Mount Vernon and
from It stepped "Hungry Jim. " Ho was at
tired In a check suit of the hind affected by
song and cUnco men , and was covered with
diamond * Ho way accompanied by aalct
Ho went to the best hotel In the place and
reglMored as "James R Hciry , the million
aire tramp " The- name stuck to him until
ho died last 'Monday ' , and the brief eaioei
which followed his nowly.acquired wealth
amply bore out the sobriquet
It so'ju became noised about that "Hungry
Jim" hail turned up with money to burn
The most fabulous tales of his wealth win *
bruited about , and ho took particular pains
to nurture them. Ho gave the impression
that unlimited millions were at Ills com
mand A modern Monte C'rLjto , transformed
from rags to untold wealth , ho at onto
Jumped Into popular favor and cnjojed to
Its fullest extent the hero worship lavished
upon him by thoio who hud formerly re
garded him with disfavor
Ono of his first acts on arriving In Mount
Vernon WMS to hunt up a'barttnder ' wlu had
nnco loaned him $2 A lover of the spectaui
lar ho liail decided upon a course of act on
vhltli should Lompletcl ) duzilu the Inhabl
tants He ( hose a time when the bar room
was full Entering with a swagger ho ( I
bowed his way through the croAil and or
dered champagne for overjbody. The bill
o mo to { 50
Going ilo'.sn Into his pocket , he produced a
roll of large denominations , and succeeded In
finding a fifty Till8 he threw over the bar
' Don't know me , do jou. Jack' " ho caro-
lesaly ashed the bar'rndcr
C'an t saj that I do " was the reply
Well I in Hungry Jim now James K
Ik'rry the millionaire tramp You loaned
mo ti cum when I uas hard up Do you re
The il-aprnacr of drinks could sranoly bo-
Hevu hit c'KB He gjgpcd and gurgled , and
theu gave vi-ni to hU uurprUo In plr
turesquo frofanlty , IH-rr ) again proluccd
Ills roll and peeling off $3,000 , gave It to
the HsU'Dlulled bartender , ' 'That * ( or re-
Cloir skin roses and dimples , mny nit li
jours If you will do what Is needed to get
'Tin not hard Only to follow norno lmpl
rules of health , niid to help hinlth with
Mme. Ynle's
Beauty Specialties.
Wi < have bought a larse stock of the <
and are melllcig them for a time at cut price *
to jtovo vvhat _ _ _
\\o have to offer In all departments'
Inco wo commenced selling Mine Yale's beauty upeclaltles In a special department wo
have been crowded with ladles who nro beautiful nnd who wish to preserve thai bcMiuty
ladles vvbcso beauty for a tlmp y under an ocllwe | , nnd who wish to nmke the ocllpso
pass away under Mme Ynle's Instructions
How to be beautiful rnd remain beautiful to rlpp old ape IB truthtuly told In .Mmo.
Yale's great book , "Woman's Wisdom , " free lo all who ask for It.
Call ami get It. Ont ndvlco ns lo what you need from our .s-iloflladles , wha will wait
on you moro satlsfictorlly than male clerks. Scivo money and buy now at our opcclal
prices. 9 " *
crnn VERY BEST TIJB WOULD I'liooucns.
Her. Our
Price. Trlcf.
Mme. Talc's Ilnlr Tonic restores the linlr nnd stops It from fulling nut Jl 00 t .
Mine Inle's Ilnlr Cleanser , far nlmmpoolnR 100 .03
Mme Yule's Prultenri ( for Pcmnli * Weakness ) , 1ft ) C1
Mme Ynle's J-n Prprkln for fri'i kles U < > '
Mme Ynle's bkln Pnoil ( small , for wrinkles ) , IV )
Mme Ynle's Fkln Pooil clnrKO .ICO
Mine Ynle's llust PiHiil ( Mnull , for developing Neck , Unit mil Aims ) 1 60 1.19
Mine Ynle's llnst Pool ( liirne ) . . . . . 3 > 2 1
Mme Ynlo's Complexion Pant I'mvcler , three similes pink , white brunette w > 31
Mm Yale's I'umplcxlnn Soup Ji IS
Mme Ynle's roniplexlon lllcaeh ( for Moth 1'ntchea nnd I.lver Spots ) 1IX ) 1 iJn
Mine Yale s Complexion Cream ( for softenltiK nnl riflnlnir tbf bkln ) 10 * n
Mme Yale's l" > elnfli Grower ( promoting K'owth of the llyclirows nml Luhes . . . . . 1M 01
Mme Vales hj-ecUl Uotlon (1'lmple ( Cure ) 109 CO
Mme Yule's Special Ointment ( Hluck Head Cure ) 10)
Mine Ynle's lllnoil Tonic ( purlf > lni ; ( hi- Diced ) 100
Mme Ynlo's Hnnl Whltener ( nnkei linmM toft , dellcnto nnd whlto 1 M
Mine bale's Pllxlr cf llesuty ( Skin Tonic ) I 11 rt
Mme \n\e \ a Mnglcal Kmct ( for SoftenltiKntor ) 1 . ' 0 1 19
Mme Yale t Hrent cott . CO ) 3 11
Mme Ynlc's Orcnt Scott ( smnll ) 1 W ci
MiniYnln s ) n < k Hoen Ix ivrs ( Liquid Itont-c ) 1 0- )
Mine v.nlc's Jack Itoee HitJs ( Mp bahe ) I 01 *
Mme nlcH Kncn I'nnmelhltiinnd pink 1 >
Mine \nles 15jeliro\v I'i'nrlls I" <
Mme Yite'H PertllUer ( for Constlpntlon ) . , . 1 "
Mnu nK M Molinnj | M nrt i\termlnalor ClntRO ) 3 CX )
Mine nlc Mole utnlnrt llxtermlmtor ( smill ) 1 00
Mme Ynle's IclnVhltener 1W
Mine iilo'H Skin Hennir I'10
Mmn A nlo H Cninplixl n llrusll 1 00
Mme Yale s Antiseptic . . 1" '
Mme Yale s Dlgtstlve Tablets ( for InJlKestlotl , etc , large size ) ICO
Mine Snlr-B Hlri' IUp 1nl > lpts ( for ItiillK'-stlon , etc. , unnll site ) ' I
Mir- \nl.-f fompl"xlotTililets ( lurgi > slzo ) , 1 01
Mme "i ale s Coiniilfxlnn 'lablctd ( pnull Rlzc ) . . . < ro
Mme " \nli s IVrtlllr.r T il lets ( liiRo sl7c ) 1 ( V )
Mme YaleH PrrtlllKir Tablets ( iai > , e rite } . . . . 50
Wo will present evorv la INilllnir "it our il me ilipniiinmt "Itli Minn Ynlo's tw < H l.n'lf ' j
Inoks enilllol Vnnn n Ulslnn mil Hoik ti U mix 1 h. > < nt iln tulvlm mm A'i\u' \
\ule on the subj its of ll-iltli nnd Itcnitv Hint latin t li fibl ilm 1 fi Mil i n > other s inn.
Dept. Neb.
n fellow when he's down , " rc-
niiikeil llerrj
The icelplent of this unheard of genorosltv
fteeled nn" his white apron on the spot and
did not show up for work for three weeks
As Uerr > was leaving the saloon a boot
black struck n match to 1 ght his cigur
which Ind gone out , and molvcd a crisp
lollar 1)111 foi his pilns And thus it went
during his staj In Mount Vernon A tiamp
tipped his hit to Ueirj ono diy , and so Im-
inssed was lie that lie give the hobo a $ >
)111 This became noised about , and inside
of twenty-four Ciours lulf the town wab re-
mnvlng Its 1iat to Hie inlll'onalre ' Irani ] )
Ho gave a baby a $10 bill because he
fancied it had smiled at him Five dollars
foi a sl-a\o was not an unusual thing
U this rate it was natural to "iippose that
$13000 would not last long nnd when IJcrry
drifted i'lto Pnducah nbout two wc'cko .IKO
It was once more In the gtilso of "Ilungty
Jim , " although the sobriquet of "tbo mil
lionaire tramp" still clung to him as a hol
low mockery. Ho was penniless , lagged and
MltltllM IllllllS
Washington Star Mr Felix Mahoney lolls
of ono hotel In Now England , I believe it
wa ° , i. which ho stayed not long ago In
every mom was a placard , and on II this
"Gues's will plea ° p not bntbo on Sunday
nlcht , as the hot v.ater Is needed for Ihc
wash Monday morning"
i HI : inirM utitir.
NSTRIIMKNTS placed on lecoul Wedncs-
dny , Fcbi v Jl
C r I-tirc , incl wife to M II. Hruln-
ard n'6 of lot S , block DC , South
Oniilin . . $ JS"0
I P Monow nnd wife to S J Ilotll-
weli , lot 10 block 31 , KountZ" Place . 9,000
Seiepta Dlllrnnco et al to II J.
StinlRht , put of HO" , MP"J O-lo-n . 1
A M HIII livvald to Adolf Jieiuik , lot
3 , block 10S South Oman I . 375
\ P Campcn and wife to 1'elcr Hurst
et nl , lots I und . " > , liloilc I , Oiiinliu
View . l.COD
Martin Dunlmni nnd wlfo to Adalndo
BicKPlt , lots bS and S > 9 , Fnlrmont
1'lacf 2,000
faeob Newman ot nl to Klin New mill ,
lot II , block 1 , H iker Place , mid lotH
S nnd II block ( i , Allirlfjnt'B Annex . 1
Westerfk'ld lion company to llsiiiil ton
Lackey , lot 11 , Allsbouil A\emrn
Place extension . . .00
Al T llovvin nnd liiihlmnd lo F O.
Hull put of lots 7 nnd S , block 100 ,
Omahii l.OfO
Jo eph Uoxcn nncl wife to 1.,1/vle New-
mill , lot 1- block II" ) South Omnlm. COO
South Om ilia Lund compiny to C OHJG i
Pobezyk , n'/a of lot 10 , block 20 , Houth
Omiba 3S5
' . 'toi Smith nml wlfo to John Smith ,
lut fi , block I , Lnke'H .uld . . . .
M II Lewis nnd himbnnd to ( ' F.
Luce , lot f > lilock 90 Sotitii Omnlm .
Al II Huxforil lo S , L Hotbwoll B 28
hi t of lol I. block 15 , Shiill's 2d udil .
J 11 Moffutt tliisli'O. to A. 8 Vin
cent iiinllv ' 6 of lot" 'i ' 2 and 3 , block
1 , ricvelnnd J'lueo
C II Kountzo el al to Feidlnunil
Ilauimnn et al , part of lota .1 and G ,
block , 17 , Kountre S. H'H udd
II 13 Joy ct al lo I2m inuc'l Johnaon ,
vvVj of lot 10 , block 7 , 1'jrker's ndd . OS3
fhiillf to lt W. I'fllni' , lint of lot 17 ,
Okiliomn add 1,000
Sheriff to U II Abbott , pirt of lots 2S ,
2J and Z ) , Mi Candllsh 1 loco 1,310
Total amount of ttaiisf rs $2 < UG !
MiiM-nii-nlH ol Oi'iimrKHcls. . Ti'li 1 ! . !
At Now York S illed Ncvvoik , foi
Sonllmmpton , Mnjeslkfoi Mvc-ipool Ar-
ilvril Vic torli , fioii London , Amaiaidam
fiom Hatleidnin , Nooidhind , from Ant-
vv orp.
At Queciistown Salleil f'nlalonla , fr
At Liverpool Anlvetl Sjlvnnla , from
At Antweip-S illcd PrleBland , fet Now
At Movllle Airlved Ancnoilu , fiuin New
At Uromcn Al livid Dresden from Hal-
Union , StiittKiirl fiom Vi w Yolk
AtUcnoi Aiilvtd from Now
At Southampton-Anlvt I Si 1'anl , from
N1 w 1 oik
is far ahead of any blood remedy on the
market , lor It dotrf K > much nion * . Hi' ,
fcldus romovlngfinpnrltluii , and toning up
the run-dovYii bjBtcmi , Hriirn nny blood
illsc 10. it matters not bowtiecp seated or
iibdtliuto , which other boualled blood
rc-medk'H fall toreich It li a real blood
rcinucly for rual blood dlseaaca
IIr Aia Smith , o ( Oncncattlo , Ind ,
tvrltui"I hadnuchabidcaeuof Sciatic
Ithennmiim that I bccamo absolutely
litlplesj tinablo t'takoiny fooiliirbandlu
loyielf in any w\ > I tool ; many ) ial nt
ir.edlclnm , but tlioy did not teach my
troublu Ono dozun bottle * of H. B n
cured mo uoundau'l ' vvull , amllnow MClgS
JIO. "
Books on blood and kln cll pa e mailed fteo
bj BwU ( Bpeolflo Company , Atl uU , Qft ,
11 } Pill lOlMNllIK I.OOIIM Illllll- lit till * I'OI-
liM\lnK Nolii'iiiKn Pni'lni IfN.
OMMIV TP.NTM ) lllllllinit CO.
( bticcc'--ors Omaha Tent nnil AwnlnK Co )
Manuf uturcis tents uvvnlnns J bb ra laUlts1 nnl
hcnts Al ickliunHliim. 'icnts for lent. 1311 Pur-
nuin St. , Oniulm
Carload thlpnienti tmdc In our onn refrl-
trntnr c ir < Mile Itlblun i.iiu i.xpott v'lenn i
n.xport anil 1'anillj Uxpoit ikllund to nil pa ta
oC the city
fi. P. ii'iMrin.
ovc.i.i : coiiMrnVH ( KS.
Arnnufactuicr c.f OnUnnlzccl Iron Coinl'-i's O I-
vnlil/c.l Iron tlollsht 'fin Itrn nnlIlls
Jloollncscnt foi Klnneu H Miel < "LIIIK. | |
10S-10 it Noith iiL\ultll : ttreot.
Wholcsalo r'rncktr Mnnnfai ttinrs ,
TWIN ciim H
ir.ui PHI nn m st
I55'Infr ntul rlcanlnir of Rnrments nnl to < lt f
cverj ilefcirliitlon C'lcinlnjf ot line fciirinints
EJI. rlally
S. P. ( Jll.llN. .
Plotir Mcnl. IVi-il , Ilran 1013 r 17 Nnrlb 1 th
Pticct. Onnln , Neb C l : lllnclc Hanak-ir
iclfiiliniio D'l. '
nivih A cour.ji.i , iaovoitivy. .
Iron nnil Hi JINN Pnnmlei M.
Mnnur.irliitol : ! nnil JrulKis cf Mnclnnriy r. iu
ciul itpnlilnt , u tiitLliiliy jjijj i0j ( ) , , , , a , 3
Jatkxrn Htiiel Uninln Neb
Mnnufnciiiieri oil priuesfl rniv linn 1 nl k | .
tlo boikil llneicl oil oil pi cms K nun I n , tl ,
cnkcn , ( .rcund ami ttitcntil llucrni f , i tr r-
11. fi , Hut : * .
Jlnmifaoturcr Liunien rmjchra Mallro en J b.
ber of Spring UeiJs nnl Fcuthcm. 1 07 MI n. la
MI vii - . iip.nnnc ro.
Slunnfacturcia < , ( \ \ \ r.rnUu \ \ Jliiltrem n 1 M H
S'lcholoa Plrsci Onnlin
Mfgrj Clollilnir I'ants Slilitn. Oien'ln. '
.i. ii. ivis. :
MMII\SKI : sunn
IIxclusUn custom ehlit tnllori
\\IMI\NS \i\irvu : 10 ,
Manufacturer * of Vlmnar I'lckfc * f'nt uro.
Miulurdi , CMeri nnl VVorcotcri-lilrii KIIULC
\\ACJON3 A.S'U CAltllIAai-
1 ui i.i.i \ > i r'TTjippnir. *
For n ( nod vcliol | of nny dcmrip ,
tluu , fur rcp.ilnllim or nibbir llrex on now < r ul (
whttln the. best ; ilj.o U S'tli an 1 l utrnw.n ) )
IMM tmoM ) < : ( o
limp ninlluni priced nnl tony turn g ,
Any tlilnu > ou wunt. ( ce m I fun ] or ne IKnil.
quart' H f'lubbir | tlnu ariantfd Mil unj
llurni ) oppuhiin Cuuit HouK'
\ .1.
I Illl ) . Illl DoilKe.
Pull llmil Currl km IluirBle I'liooion * I ny
Curie \\hctU rubL r tiled 'Jim bent U tlm
CltlAU MAHl PACT'HKn ( .
IHM. : < v co. ; eiit facto y In ( lie ur > i LrudiDK ) roltri
it Oinuba Kjli a > ( 'lit Lincoln mid ht Ju.-pi !
riunuiH u - I.C.O.U I'M Kunmm Kuctt
U lllgO for uuuttar *
IrriUlloiJi or ulct/nlloul
f uiuouui mtuiti D f ,
r lal n , ( ill nol itrltt
ffDt If pOKOOOUl
flclil by MrncvUta. I
tat la pl la wi.pp ,
//Wr..If / / ! $ < . . * *