Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 24, 1898, Page 11, Image 11

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    * * * * * * * * v If "i ff * " ' t Tf * .
OAT ATF A DATLV * l\K R : TmTHSDAV 1M. 1898. 11
Wheat is Heavy and nt the Oloso Shows
Declines ,
Tlirrc Are > u SlM'clnl I'eiitnrcn In
tliL- Oilier ( Jrnlnti nr lit l'r \l-
the Dnj llelnif
CtllCAQO , Tcb 23 Wheat wns heavy itll
day nnd at the clusb showed declines of n c
In thu May otitlon and I'/sO In July. The
inurkct wnn nffecteO principally by the de
cline In the Kngtlsh markets. The disposi
tion arnonvhent trnelera to leave that
market for the coarser pr.iln pltfl caused a
decided dec-reuse In the volume of wheat
t null UK. Corn was heavy and declined Uc.
Oats were llrm after early uealsncss nnd
closed n nhudc higher. l'roIslona were Ir
regular , pork declining 17 He. while l.ird and
ribs did not change much.
All the Mrmnoas which characterized
Monday's uheat market had apparen'ly dc-
Bcrlcd the pit at the opening of trading to
day. The Blurting price for Mny ranged all
the way fiom JlOj'/i down to $ t 03V as com.
Tared with Mondnj' closing prlco of $1.0J'vi ( ,
white July , In whlui the most trading was
done throughout the session , opened nt
from fllHc to SlWc , fx decline of vi'rjlc. .May
touched $1.05 before It was sulllclently sup
ported to "jilng about a recovery Commla-
hlon houses wuro the best sel'era nt the
opening , htokers for I.cltcr being credited
with some of the offrilngs of May. The
opening ueaknc"a ) duo appatently to the
decline ut Liverpool. That m.irket was
fiom Tie to lUu , lower , and I > ondon also
chovvcd weakness. News which followed ,
though of a mixed character , favored the
bulls as u whole und for a time the market
took on Home appearance ot strength.
Covtrlng by shorts started In .1 moderate
way shortly after the opening nnd prices
gradually worked luck , Alny advancing to
fl.UC and July to O-l'fec ' Indian adxlcei re
ported tnu crop prospects In the central
provinces were favoiaule , but this was
counteracted by private cablegrams from
Aigervtlne , reducing the estimates on the
cxpoi table wheat surplus of that country to
2ltXX)000 ) bu Additional Htrength was lent
lo July by moderate support from the
belter Interests Trading at no time , how
ever , was very heavy In either option. The
fear of l.Ldter'S Influence ovei the market
was shown by many traders leaving tie
wheat pit for the coarser gialn markets
Noithwewt receipts were not \er > heavy ,
Minneapolis anil Uuluth reporting 3TO cars ,
against 2JO cars last week and 1UO cms a
jcar ape Chicago receipts were 7J cars , of
which .i7 cars were of contract gride. Kx-
poit deal antes from Atlantic ports were
W3COO bu , the figures In most Instances
being for two days After the reactions
noted July sagged back to OlVfcp and May to
$1 OWc on rcillrliis by room traders Uuy-
ing was started Inter on tno Dradstreot's
visible supply report , vvhlcl showed a de
crease of ! < 5 , 00 bu This was a surpilse , as
the > trade hud btcn ltd to e\p ° ct a he ivy
Increase , and good prlcts for a time pot
back neatly to their fanner level Later In
the daj , however , thp market became quite
weak on furthci declines In English mar
kets Lelthpr brokets had memtlmp stopped
btijlng July and prices tumbled i.ipldly.
Julv got down to 'Jlc and -May to $1 03 , but
roictcd ngaln befoie tde clost on covering ,
May closing at $1 00 and July at ! U\c.
Corn was moderately active The opening
weiltness of wheat c iu = ed a rush to sell at
Hie start chlellj by room tradeis and
prices de-Hlntd simply A rallj followed
on covering and on the heavy exports , but
prices dttllncd again Inter , the maiket being
uisy at the tlose A featuie was the num-
btr of ti.ulers In the corn pit who usual ! }
op * rate In vvieat. M iy ranged fiom 30"c to
LO'jC ' and tlostdo lower at JCB8u
Oats were active and unsettled The fea
ture was the revlvil of the export demind ,
which acted us a sliong support to the marK -
K t Oppnliis prices were lower In b > m-
pithy with wheat and corn IMIces ad
vanced at once gn elevator and professional
bu > lng. At the top there was moderate
realizing and prlcts slowly dei lined. 'I he
tlo-o VVTS steady. Mnj iatiB d from 27c to
tdV.c and closed n sh ide higher at 20 % ®
1'iovKlons wore fairly active and lueg-
u' ' 11 Tno weak hog mirket stalled the
maiket at geneial di dines , pork bunt ? es
pecially v. enk on stop loss orders At InHale -
Hale figures there w as good miscellaneous
billing and laid and libs became fairly
ttrong 1'oik , however , was weak through
out I'nckers were the best buyers Atthe
c'ose Ma > pork wis IT'/fec lower at $10 S2U ,
Miy lard Gc lik ; aer at 3 30 and May ribs
unchanged nt J"2j
Hstlmatcd receipts Taursd iy : Wheat. 110
cars , toin , CCO cms ; oats , 4u > cars , hogs , 30-
tOO head
Kstlmated rc elpts Tuesday. Wheat , 37
cirs , cam , 390 ; oils , 2V ) ; hess 20000 _
ArllclcB.I Uuii. ; fTllTh. I CloHe. I Mon'y.
Pob 1 01 1 DO 101 1 no 1 07
1 Oll'i ' 1 05 1 Oi. l OOH
July 0.- , 1)1 ) . ' !
' ( HI n
Miy . son , 30t
, W .H4 32H
.May. . . . ' 04 27
July. . .
I rk-
Mnj. . . 10 75 10 1 > 0 10 7S 10 8JI , 11 00
July 10 Oj 10 US ID HI ) 10 aj 11 00
Mny 0 20 fi 211 C .10 5 2f >
Jill } . n .10 40 fi 30 0 H7H 5 JJM
M iy . r 1 5 D in r. us 6 25
' r > ' 's 0 13 C JO fi 3JX ,
> H
No 2.
Cash iiuolallonB were ns follows :
ri.OlIU rinn , winter patent * . $1 SOffl 90 ,
etrilgilH , $1 10 < iH 0 , spring specials , $5.4'W3.50 ' ,
b iKern. 53 1i.ffJ.liO. . . .
v.\lli\T No 2 ppring , nominal , No. 3 spring.
OlJiOSe , fanc > , $101 , No 2 red , $1049106
COHN-No 2 , 23s 5jJB11 t
OATS No 2 , 2CSc , fob , No. 2 while , SOlic ,
o - wbllc 28'4iJiliC. '
HYINo i. 60c
] | \UMr-21 TfS9o. f. o b
1 l/v\ Siii-No : : 1 , Jl 23U.5T1 28
TIMOIIIY rtii'l : > I'rlmt * . t."lJi' < i2 ij
I'ltOVISIONS-irork. me > K. pti bbl . $1075 ®
10 > 0 I rd , per 10) lb , $1 22'i15 ' | 2" , hhort libs ,
Fldea ( loote ) . 13 13ifj 40 Dr > mltcil shoulders
( brxetl ) } 475S3CO | Sboit. clear si les ( boxed ) ,
} " > 451(5 ( 5" > , T '
II1SKY Distillers' llnUlied good . per eal .
HUUAHS Cul loaf , $6 01 ; granulated , $3 51.
On tie ITiluce exclianto today Hie buller
niuikrtflH llrm , creameries , 13fl 'se ' , dairies ,
lUfll' Chrffci- , quiet , k { Si c KKK" , flesh , llo
1 > rcsted poiillu , Him , turlu'ja , Stlllc , chickens
nnd duckr , dlfc
NKWoiuc { inMn.iii aimicirr.
UuiitntliiiiM for tinliny OH Ooiii-rnl
Ni\V : YOllK , IVh 23 PLOUIl Hccelpls , 37Pjl
bills export , 33.SOS bbl , muderatcly uctl\e ,
llrm and a Hindu hlK'hei on cholcu grades , cltv
mill pilents , rcJO W , cllj mill clear , J5 40tf
Z CO , .Mlnmwitu patenls , 13 35HTI 6U , MlnneJl i
bakcm' , 1 1 WH1 W , Intoi Htialghtii , ( IWO475 ,
wittier e < Unis , 70Jf4 10 , wlnler low Kiiules , Ji W
( (3i4 ( lt > c Hour , dull. J2kOu\i:5 lluikuheat
Hour , rluid ) , ll.2 : l 00
IIIICKU'IIIJAT I'lrm. :9f3D < , JC
COllNMi\I < blead ) , > elluu utstern. Tic.
U 1 1 iiu't. No 2 xvtstein. &S o
II.VIliiY-ririn. ( feeding. 40'Jc
ll\KI.v ; MAI/1 * Klriu. vusiern , 52H C7c.
WIIK.M1 Klinf , iccelpts , 74tW bu . exports ,
M3.773 bu ; Miol , CUB ) ; No 1 rut ) , tl OS ? * , f o. b ,
HlloJl tu iiiihe , upllona opened vteak at tUlHa
decline under bcarlxh cables and more peaceful
political uutloi/k abroad , and i-xiejit for u mid-
ila > tpuit uas tiregular and \\eak all day , clos.
lit ? lll4i' net lower The only bull factors
\\iru lair clearings , a Jecreasu In llradslreel'a
vvcrld'n vinlhlc and clique fcupport Ma > , tl 01SO
1 OJ , cloted II 02S.
ltN-ltecelpt , H,5JJ bu , exports , SO.SC3 bu ,
i-iiiit i UK ) , No 2 , JI'.o , options opened easier at
lie decline und n depreafcd further by larger
receipts and cables Hea\ > clearances und a
fair export demand had lltlla erf eel The close
utu i4 ( ? o net lower , Ma > , WUU3J 11-lflc , closed
OATS-Hecelpls , 19I.1CO bu . experts , 107.JS4 bu.j
rput , dull , No. I , 32r , options quiet , but fairly
ncuty un export demand at I'Mtaeo. cloflng un-
chaiiKed , Ma > cloiel ut 3 > ) > c
riii : : > Klini : l > ran TOUiI' c , mldailni ; , 75O
17UH > e. ttc.
IIY Dull , shipping , WliJJo ; good to choice ,
u ; oo
llOl'd-rirm : stale , common to choice. 1593
crop 4HCc. 1894 crop. 7ffSo ; 197 crop , n 13c ;
I'ailllo i-ount. 1891 crop , 4SCo , Ik90 crop , tfilOo :
97 irc , 17Ul c.
Sleadj. California , 171ifmic.
inil blwdyj hemlock ole. lJ1in2ic )
WUOI < - Quiet ; llwce , J4UJK , Texai , 1JV , ®
I'UOVIBIONS-Ufff. tlrmj family , 111 ! 3OU 13.
rxtiu mess , 1800000 , beef hams. ttlWaatO :
paikc't , HOWUllu ) Cut inrats. tlrm , iilrUrd
LellloH , 16 OOUT W. pleKled shoulders , J4 TV
plot. led hams 7 7SOH.W I ird , llrm. vvettern
klvamed , Iii\r56 ; , ixtlnctl , 1 ork. tlrm.
m . Ill 0"t ll U , rfiort clear. | 1 1J tS ! S , fan-.lh.
ttl W Tlluw , qulft. clly , 5 c , cpunlry. JU
* * c
OlU'i-.O ttonwtd alt. t'csdy ; prime crude.
prinw yclUiw. aVjo. HO.IO. study , comiuvin to
, l4Ol. . Turj > cntln. , yulct at
nirn 55t * d > ' , f lr to extra , 4HSS'ic , Jnpin. E
New Orlcann , op n kettle.
C'Xnt to rhnlii. _ . . . .
MKTALS-PIg Iron warrant" , dull , with IS M
bid and t 70 Rskeil Iwike copper , nrm , til J > bid
nnd til V ) Diked Tin , nulel , til04 bid and til 10
naked Speller , nrm , tl 10 hid tnl tl V ) asked
l fRd , barely stead ) , 3 7714 bid nnd 13 H nfked
The firm lhal fixes Ihe sottllng prices for minors
nnd smellers In Ihe vvesl mnk's fie price of lend
r. 42S pki ; " . nrm , western
cieamer > , 14BZOnislnn , 20r faetorj. ll llc
ciiiisi : iiccciptii , me pkr ( . quiet ,
ber , S'ic. light * klms , GO Uc. part ; klniii ,
full rklmn. 2ffRo
KOOH It'cclpto , 15,214 pkgs ; utate nnd I'enn-
yl\anla , iSc , western ISc
OMAHA iiMiivi. > r\iucrTs.
Cnnilllliin of Trnilo it ml ( luntntliiiifi nn
Mnplc nml lnni * > I'rdilitcc.
nans Good tock. upline.
Hl'TTKH Vommon to fair , MJllcj separator
creamery , 20c , gnthered creamery , ISfilCc
VIA : | < Cholcr fat , 50 to 120 Ibl , quoted at So ,
large nnd coaric , 4fc
DIinsSI D I'DUI/TUY-Chlckcns , C Sc ! tur
n-in Ji , Kfcir. JSiSe , ducks , 7080
I.tVK I Ot'I.TnY Chickens , Cc , old roosters ,
3c , ducks , Cc
OAMi : Small rabbit * , per clot , 75c : large ,
tl So , jqulrrcls , COflOOc.
l'IOiONS ll\t. Tie , dead pigeons not wanlcd
) IOHpl nd , m,0. inldlnnd. K"0. lowland ,
tl CO , rye ulrnw , tl 50 , color makes the price on
ha > , light bales cell the bent , only top grades
bring top prices
CHMinV ( looil slock , large , 40e ; small , 23030C
ONIONH-1'cr bu . tl 1081.23
IICANS Hand-plckrd navy , per bu , tl 23H1 30
SVVIIT roTATOis-ICanfa : , 10-pe k bbls ,
OAltllAai-flooil stock , per Ib . l'4c
POTA Tons Homo grown , SOtfloc ; western
Block , 70c.
Al'l'I.US Winter stock , J3 OOTT3 10 ; California
Ilcllelleur , IIOXPR , tl to Colorado Jonathans ,
hoxei , tl 75 , Oregon , boxes , tl 23
CUANlliuniiS Jertejp , per bbl. . t7COr723.
WHconiln Hell and llugle , t7 5097.73 ; Wisconsin
Hell and Cherry. tG < X > .
ailAI'ns-MahiKas. t'OOfJCCO
OIlANOi : ' ! California nnxels , t27300 , fancy
seedlings , t2 50 choice , t2 25
hKMONH Cillfnrnla , fancj , $ CO , choice , t2 75
HANANAS Choke , large stock , per bunch , t .OO
O2o , incilldtim 8led hunches , tl 73IT2 0) ) .
NUTS Almond ? , per Ib , , large size , 1213o ,
small lie , Hrazlls , per Ib , 9810c , Kngllsh wal
nuts' , per | b. fancy soft shell , lOlillo , standards ,
Sil1" , filberts , per Ib. , 10o , pecans , polished ,
medium , C5i7c , oxtrn largo , KJi'ic , large hickory
nuts ! , tl OOfll 10 per bu , small , tl 25fl 3. . par bu ,
cocoanut- , per 10 , tlOO , peanuts. M.W. 6O3V4C ,
loasled , GflGi c
PIOS Imporled , fanci , 3-crown , H-lb , boxes ,
12c , 5-cronn , 41-11) boxes , Uifloc , 2-Ib boxes , 22
C210 per box , Callfornbi , U-lb. box tl M
1IOMIY Cholco wilte , 12c , Colorado amber , 10
KHAUT-Per bbl . f4 00 , half bbl , f2 2132 35
MAl'LK SYIIUP rive-gal can , each , t2 75 ,
Kil " cans , pure , per iloz , t200 , half-gal cuns ,
S02 , > , ipiirl cans , t3 50
DATis Hallowce , CO lo 70-lb boxes , Cc , Salr ,
5VjC , Tard , 9-lb boxes , 9c.
CIDiil Per half bbl . 13 00 , hbl , t5 25
rilKbll MUATS.
DHII'sSlID Iiir Good nitlve steers , C\o ,
good fonquaitern slecrs , o'c , good hlndquarlors
steers SVfec , western stocrs. ( i'lc. fancy hclfvrs.
' * c , good heifers , 6c , good forequirlera heifers ,
5c good hindquarters heifers , ao , good rows ,
5J4c , fair cows , 5Hc , cow loroquirtcrs , 4ijC , co\\
Hiir : CUTS 'Hanging tenderloins. 4140 ; ribs-
No 1 , lie , ribs , No 2 , f > c , libs. No 3 flHC , No
i. tiTJc , rounds No 1 , 7V4c , rounds. No 2 Glc ,
rounds , No 1 , C'4c , trimmings , 4140 ; beef .shanks ,
3c. bialns. per do ? , 3"c ; sweetbreads , per Ib ,
12'jC sweetbreads ( cjlvof ) , per Ib , 40r , Uldnejs ,
per doz. , 33c , ox tails , cich 1c , Il\erJ , Per Ib . 2'tc ' ,
heal In , per Ib 2 c. tongues , per Ib He , cnlf
Ihcrs each , 3 > c , cilves , whole rircoss or side" .
9c , calf hold and feet , pcihlod , pel ot , TJP
tenderloins , fresh , ISc , tenderloins , frozen , 15c ,
boneless strips , fresh , lOc , boneless slrlps , froon
9c , strip lilns , fresh , "c , strip loins , frozen , CVjc ,
rolls , boneless Me , rolls , spencer cuts , 9c , sir
loin bulls , boneless , 9o , shoulder clods , bom less ,
Cijc , lump bulls boneless , B\e , No 1 chucks , 5o
No 2 chucks , 4V4C , No 3 ohucks , 4c , bonelc ° s
chucks , 4' c , cow plates , 3'Jc , steer pl.itos , 4c
( link steak , O'tc , loins No 1 13V.C , loins , No 2
lOi c loins , No ) , Si c , short loins , market
stile , 2e nl > o\e loins , short loins , hotel Rtsle , 4c
al \c loins , cow loin , ends , 8c , sleet loin , ends ,
MUTTON rancy lambs , 9c per Ib : lambs ,
EC nbeep , "c. market racKs , long , Uc , hotel
rocks , whort , lie , loins 9c , siddles , 8VaC , lo H ,
Sc , limb logs , 8'ic , breasts and stews , 3"i ,
longue onrh , 3c , forequarters , 5lic
POIllv Di-essed pigs , 6Vsc per Ib ; drospod
hogs , 5'iC ' , tencierlolns , 15c , loins , short , fc ,
long Ccpare ribs , He , him saiirfitgo liutts ,
r 4C , Iloston bulls , 5ic , fchoulders , rough , 5c ,
sbouldeis , skinned 5V4c , trimmings , 4Hc , leaf
lard , not rendered , 5Vic , heads cleaned , 4o
snouts and ran , 3r ; n"Ckbonos , 2o- cheek mont
c , nerk Ixinos , 2c ; pigs' lalls 3c , plucks , oocli
"ic , chltti rllng4 * , 5c , hocks 4c hearts , per doz ,
2"o , stoinnohs , eich , 3c , tongues , each , 7c ; kld-
nojs , per dolOc , brains , per doz , lie ; plg '
foot per dnz , 30o , liters , each , 3c , hog rinds ,
3c , blade Iwnos , EC.
HIDKS No 1 green hides. 7c , No 2 green
hlil's , Cc No 1 Halted hides. 9c ; No J green
balled hides. So , No 1 veal calf , 8 to 12 Ibs , ! 0"
No S voj.1 calf. 12 to 1" > Ibs So.
SIHip ; T > IL.TS Oreen willed , each , la lc ,
green silled shearings ( short wooled earli
kins ) , oieh , loc , dr.v Bluarlngs ( short v > oole > l
oirly skins ) , No 1 each , 5u , dr > ' Hint Kansis
and Nebraska bulchcr wool pells , per jb , nclual
weight , 4ific dii ( lint , Kansns and Nebraska
murrain wool pelts , per Ib , actual weight , "I ?
lc. dry flint Colorado butcher wool pelts , per Ib ,
actual weight , 455c , drj Hint Colorado murrain
wool pells , per Ib , actual wight , 3f4c
TALLOW , GHIlASn HTC Tallow , No I. So-
tallow. No 2 23c. rough tallow. IVjc , whlto
grease , 2'i52VJc ; jellow and brovvn greiso , lug
rUHS Hear ( black or brown ) , t500B2000 ;
otter , tl 50tS 00 ; mink , 15flf.0o benvor tl 00C ( 0 > ) ,
skunk , ISc , 25c , ROe , miiskrat. 3c , 5c , 7c , incconn.
15Orflo , red fox. 25ctl 25 , eray fax , 2"fl30c. wolf
( tlml > ei ) J. > c S250. wolf ( prairie co > ole ) , lf 50c
wildcat , 10Q250 , badger , 5R40c , silver fox , t50 00
IP73 0) ) .
S . Ijnnln ftpiiprill JlnrkrtH ,
ST. LOUIS , reb. 23 PLOUH AiUnncIng In
sympalhy with wheat , patenls , Jl Si8f > 00 ,
Rtralghts , tl 45ff4 W , clears , | ) 01S'4 23 ; medium.
WIIKAT IjO er. closing lc for May and 1140
for July l > elo\v Mondij , Ma > opened lc lower ,
declined % o more , advanced H4o and late de.
cllned l" c , closing weak , wltb tillers c above
thi > bottom Spot , l > wer t ell , No i rod ca h ,
Dictator , II 00 , track , 99V4r Ttl 00 , februaiy , tl CO
May tl 01'8 upKed , Iul > , SGV.c , No 2 liard , cash ,
93ft Sllc
COIIN ruturos sympathize ! wlfi wheat , ! < > .
cllnlng and closing with FPllurs 'ifj-'ScI ' for May
nnd 1-lCa for Tulv below Mondij Si t , dull ,
No 2 cisli 2"ic [ Tebruary , SSc ; Mai , 2 VilH'2S1io.
July 21' < , fi2'IHc.
OA'l S t-'ntures , dull , IMIHJ and lower , with
cash feeling belter , but pllcen unchanged. No
2 cash etetalor , 2C'4c ; traelt. 2c , IVbruary.
stujo , Ma > . 25Tio bid , July , 21'lc ' ; No. 2 white ,
2S > io
IlYlJ-Stcail } . 43140
KI.VXSi : HD-Steady. $120
TIMOTHY HKRU I'rlme. } 2 10Jf3 00
HHAN-rirm , sacked track , thli side , foe
IIA\ Active , flrong for choice timothy ,
prairie. Si , COS'S 50 , tlniolh } , fGDOliJ.W
11UTTI3H nrm , treamerj , 15&20C. dairy ,
ioas Sleady , 1240
WHISKY Stcadl. 11 20
COTTON Tins 70c ,
HAiaiNl-5'4QCc '
MKTAI..S UsHil. lawer. tJ M , seller" Speller ,
lew er 13 to0 3 82Vi
1'IIOVISIONM I'ork , lower ; standard mess ,
jobbing , tlO ! > Ti I.ird. higher , prime steam ,
| 500 choice , f 15 Hacon , boxed lots , < xlra
short clear. 15 S7ii0 < ! 121j , rlh , tC OOSC 23 , thorts ,
t 12V3flC17'4 ' Dry salt mcatn ( boxed ) , bhoulders ,
tl 755 | 00 extra short clear , S3 MJjj 7 ; , rlbj ,
t1C4S5 ' 87'4 ' , siorts J3 73 0 ) .
Itl.CnilTS riour. 0.000 bbls ; wheat , 28,000
bu . coin 137.WO bu , . oals , 48 , { " bu
SIllPMnNTS I'lour S.OOO bbU , wheat , 63,000
bu , coin , 132,000 bu ; oat' , 24,0"0 bu
Woare ( 'IIIIIIIIMHIIII | CDlilpuiiy.
OMAHA OlrnCIJ. 1'eb S3 The rest of a day
In the market did tut gain an ) strength In
prices , ulneo cables came l'd lower this mornIng -
Ing , cauElng the opening here lo bo al from
tl 05i to tl " 6i for May wheat and ZWjO to 30o
for Mm corn and 26V > c for May oats , which were
practical ! ) the low prices foi the day , jet th
market closed nt 2o lower , or tl.Ofi for cash
wheat , the same price prct ailing for May and
Plhc for July , Hhowlng u dwllne fjr this laat
namot month of lUc , and Indicates where the
greater portion of the trade Is and alas where
the hear sentiment In Inning the greatest effect ,
w.ilcli , too , decides vthera the clique's greatest
strength Is They have to hold the May option
up until the biltnrr nf that largo line of wheat
Is dUpOfrPd of and It U now going without any
premium ovci the option.
Corn lost \a during the session , while oats
maintained 1U former price The closing of our
market was In accord with all other markets ,
bpanlsh affairs and the perfect new crop con-
dltlons on the basin of the present prices are
musing material Increase In the bearing senti
ment on wheat , > 'e' . * obove mentioned , the
clique l rontrolltnt ; the nearby months and
the cash supply.
Oonrse grains nnd provisions ore supported
with a vci > good mulct tune and vtlth a contln-
uuncn of the present Indications ( or the coming
crop tve bellete the ualo of deftrreci months
would be profitable.
Privileges on July wheat were : 1'uU , 90Uc
and calls , 93c Hereafter the curb and privi
leges will bo quoted In th ? July month
lliiltliuori ;
IIAI.TIMOIU * . Tt-b. 23 rijOUIl Active , west-
cm fiiperllne , t2 M > ff3.M. vtenlern extra , $3.43O
4.10 ; wentcrn family , tl. < 0414,70 ; wlnler wheat
patent * , II.KfiS.lO ; rprlnt ; wheat patents. .lOJp
G M ; rprlni ; wheat strulKht , ll.Wij .OJi lecelpts ,
iei5 bbu , xporu , cw bbii
WHCAT Dull und lower ; pot und month.
tl(8 ( 4 il.Wi : M > . tl02i G10J ; utOJmer No 2 ,
9SHQfS * . reoclpu , 64Jb9 bu. ; export * , none ;
Block. 3.S03.J43 bu , ; southern wheat , b > san < ] > le ,
tfecfrtl W
CORN Dull am ) easy ; rpot and month , JifJ
84Vo , rteamer mixed , StUpM'iU , rewlpt * . 165 537
bu , cxporlt , 229.4M ! bu , southern corn , > 4nO
K\c. touthtm yellow , : iUff3-'Vlc.
OATSKlrm : No. 8 white. Me n-llern. No t
mUed. S2VeHJoj rccclpu , 5S.6S5 bu.j exports ,
HY12-Ca ler : No. 3 nearby , 5 Hcs No. J west-
trn. 67bo. r elpt . 19.SW bu ; exports , none ,
ir.AY 8lou.dyi ciiolce tlmothr. tl ! 50JJ13 00
OUA1N FHCiailTtttciidyj lUnwnj slows
* l * m to Jrarpvo\ ( \ r , bu . Hd ; American ,
IMS Uven * l ' < "V * ! < V * ! " < uarltr , U 4V4d
UUTTUil-itrm ; fancy creauury ,
ImlUtlon , 17 1tc f/inry / ladle , ISc gr > o < l Isdle ,
IJBHc , store packed , lOWOc
HCK ] > < UulM , frp h , 16c
( "HtJBSB Steady , funcy New York , 6. large ,
4fllc , fancy New York 37. medium ,
fancy New Yoik , 23 , omsll. lOUWlO'ic
DO = ? TO.V. Teh Z3 WOOL Following Arc the
quotations for leading descriptions
Ohio nnd l' ' < nns > lvanVa tlo < f ! , X and above ,
27f2Sc , JvX , 2o X\ and abov * . 3i > f31c , delAlpo ,
* Hf3tc , No 1 combing , Wile , No 2 comlilqif ,
MIMle Ml. hlcnnK \ niirln , etc MIc-hlKa-u ,
! 4r , No 1 Miohlicnn , Sft No 1 Illinois combing
fe. No 2 Michigan combine , 2SQ29c , No 2 Illi
nois combing 2 < CT2i < , New \ ork , New Hamp
shire and \ertnint 58 < l2IiNo 1 New \ork ,
New Hnrnp lilio nndermont. . 27c , delaine
Michigan 2Sr t nwaihed medium , Ken
luck > ami Indiana quarter-blood combing , 25c
Kentucky nnl Indiana Ihre'i-flghths blool combIng -
Ing , 23Seie , Missouri quarter-blood combing , 2lc
lake nnd Ueorgln , S3tJS4o Texas wools , spring
medium , twelve months , IfiifISc , scoured , 4Hf
4"o , spring fine , twelve * months , 1SRI9C , scoured ,
We Territory Wools Montana flno medium nnd
line , ICJJISc scoured 47RMe ftnple , MiG3o
t'lah , VA'jomlnir etc , fln/i medium anil fine , 15
O17P , poourod , 448c , staple , tOfl52c Australian ,
scoured basis combing , superfine 70fJ72c , cconb-
Ins. C3JCSe , combing , average , C2jf03c
Liverpool Mnrki-t.
LIVUH1-OOL. IVb 2.1 WH DAT Spot. No. 1
reil northern spring , dull , fs 24d
IX > HN Spot nrm , Ameriom mlxoJ , new. 's
W. American mlxnl , old , 3s6'id , fulurcs , flrni ,
IVbmiiM , 3s Cijd March , 3-s 4d
I'LOUH St l > ul fancy winter , 10s.
HOIS Al I ndon. Pneinc want , nnn , 4 inptf
5 us
llppf. nrm ! extra India moia ,
6. > 39d , prime mvESs M I'crk , nrm. prim'
mcnJ , nm- western , Ms 3d , line medium , 4fa M
Hams , Bhort cut. II to 16 Ibs , dull , 31s Cd
Dioon , BI raily , 3 )0.1 . rtiort ribs , ai kl , loni
clear middles , light. 31s , long clear middle" ,
he-ivy , 301 Cd short clear hacks. 2i Cd ; clear
tell'en 31s Shoulders , llrm , Ms Cd Lanl , prime
western steady 27a
t'liniJSIJ American , nnest white nnd colored
steady , 4s
TAMXW I'rlmn city , nrm , 19s
OH J ( \ttt > ise < Nl Ilvei | eel rellned , nrm , Ks
9d Turpentine spirits , lltin , SUi 9d Hosln , com
mon , stead } , 4s 3d
IlriiilMtrrvt'ii A'lxllilo Sd
NIJW YOllK , Tcb 23 Special rable nnd tele
graphic dlfpitches to Hradstreet' " , c erlng the
principal points of accumulation , Indlcjto the
following changes In available supplies last Sat-
urdai as compirod with tne preceding Saturda )
WH1IAT t'nlled Slales nnd CanatJH , cast of
the Hocky mountains , decrease , lli"i"oO hu ,
nlliMit for and In Uuropc , Increire , fcOO.OOO bu .
world's supiplj , net decrease , 303.0)0 ) bu
COUN United States and Canada , cist of Ihe
llockles , Increase , 63 , COO bu
OATS I'nlted Slales and Canida , cost of Ihe
Ilcykles , decrease 1,1"0,0 * ) bu
Among the more Importanl reducllons teporled
to Ih-ndstrect's and not given in the olllclal
weekly vlfltlc puppl ) stalcment v\as fie de-
criasa of 2950 < )0 ) bu at New Orle ins , io.'X bu
nt Oalvcston lOO.OM bu nt northwestern Interior
pletators and 392,000 bu at Manllobi and northwestern -
western Ontario "torago i > olnts
KIIIIMIS Cl < > ( i m I a nml Pro % | NOIIM ,
lower , falrlj actlto. No 1 bird , 91c , No 2. b8'4
( & 91c , No 3 , E3as8'4c , No 1 red , 9 ! } W * , No. 2 ,
> 3Ii ) , < ! , N' ° 3- 81cr > ' ° - sPrlng. S3SISSC , No. 3 ,
COHN ' ® ' lower , weak. No 2 mixed , 20I40
OATS-rirm rather slow ; No 2 while , 26V4c
HYIJ firm. No 2 , 47c
HAY Weak , choice llniolhy , $ S 50Jf9 00 , choice
prilrle , t7 00.
ntlTTUH rholce , nrm , creamery , ISfflSc ,
liT. He
lions Slcadi , fresh , llijc
UIJCIJIITS 1'or iwo da\s Wheat , 111,000 bu ,
corn , 17.800 bu , onls , 25,0i bu
S1IIPM17N1Sheat , 42,0 Im ; corn , 17,500
bu , oats , l.Wi bu.
New Orlt'iliiN lllirkol.
Hareli sti-ady I'ork , standard mess , $11 12 Ixird ,
intlnoJ tierce , $4 OOS4.12'4. punlint. . Jr 12H5J
r < 23. Doxed meits dry silt shoulders. $5.1214
Ci'i 23. sides , to S7' Hacon , cleir rib sides ,
JO rjn. Hams , choice sugar cured , 18.23579.7" , .
COlTni : rirm , Hlo , ordlmrj to fair , 7U9c
niCIJ rinn , ordlmry to good , SSffl'iC , grain
and feel stuffs Ilrmer
ri.OUU Uxtra fancy , tl.COl.70 , patents , tl.90
© 4 U' >
COllNMKAt tl C501 70
HAY Prime. t2 ! OOJJ13 50 , choice , t4 OOfflt 50
(1ORN No 2 vvhltcsicked , SSc , mixed , 37&C ,
jcllon , SSc
OATa No 2 , sacked , S3c
Clne-iiiiintl inrUvt.
CINCINNATI. Teh 23 I'LOIHl 1'ilrly active ,
fancy , tt.tSifl 03 , family , $1 SOfil.10.
WH HAT Qulft , No 2 red. $1
COKN rirmer. No 2 mixed. 32c.
OATS Dull , No 2 mixed , 29c.
UYU rirm. No 2. 53c
1'ItiOVISIONS l.ird , Ilrmer nt fi 13. Bulk
mcits , nun nt $ " 2" . Ilicon , firm at to
WHISKY Dull at tl 20
JlUTrnil Dull , nigln creamery , 2t'/4e ; Ohio ,
13W1SC. dairy , lOSllc
MTCJAn-rirm : hard refined. $ t.22 < r5 97.
IXiOS nrm at 12V4C
CHUnSE Quiet and steady ; good to prim"
Ohio Hat , 8V4fi9e
Criilu ItfOfliitN nt I'rlm-lpnl
MINNnAI'OL.13 , IVb 23 Kecelpts : Wheat.
two daiH , 322 cars
ST LOUIS , Teh 23 Ilecelpts ; Wheat. 38 cars
CHICAGO , Teh 21 Itecelpts todaj : Wheat , 72
cirs , corn , 418 cars oils , 2CC cirs Ustlmated
tomorrow : Wheat , 110 cars , corn , COO cars ; oats ,
40) cars
KANSAS CITY , Peb 23 Hecelpts : Wheat ,
two daiH. 190 cars
DITL.UTH , Teb 23 Hecelpts : Wheat , 4 ? rars
California Dried FrultH.
rilUITS Apples ( Irm , other fruits steady.
IJvaporated apples , common 37't4C per Ib ; prime
wire tray , 84c , wood dried , prime S'4c , choice ,
SMffSc , fanci , 9'4JflOc Prunes SSStApiicots , , 51il < Ae , Moor Park , Oifllc. Peaches , un-
pceled , 6ff7c" , peeled , 12J20c
Tolfilo Vlai'Ui-l.
TOLnDO , Teb 23 WIIIJT Lower , active ;
No 3 red , cash , II 09. Mai. tl 00 < A
COHN Actlte , steady , No 3 mixed , 3lo.
OATS Steady , No 2 mixed 27c
HYlJ-Flrm. No 2 mixed. 41'4e '
PLOVUUSISIJD Hasy , prime cash and March ,
t4 12-4 -
Detroit MnrUot.
DirrnOIT. Mich , Feb 21 WHI3AT No. 1
white. 97c. No 2 red , SSc , May ,
aOHN No 2 mixed , 33c
OATS-No 2 white , 32'ic '
HYD-No 2 , 52'4c
I'KORIA. reb -COHN-rirm. . Imctive ; No.
2. 30c
OATS rirm , No 2 while , 28 c.
WHISKY Market Hlead > ; high proof spirits.
tl 19
I'lilliulollililn I'roiluoc
rniij\DnivPiiiA. ivi > 23 UUTTUI
fanci weflern cieamers , 20'ic '
EOQS Steady ; fresh nearby and weslern , ICc
San rranrlNoo AVlii-nt Mnrlcet.
SAN rilANCISCO , Tcb 23 WHHAT Decom-
lH > r. $1.32 ? , May. $1 42
H \IIUJY Weak , December , 92e , May , $1 OOS
\iiNtrnlIn'M n .
ADir-\fDH , South Australia , Teh 2-1 The
exportable suiidus of the wheat Held Is esti
mated at 13.0 < tons
I III' rilllllll < [ | | C-MI > II.
NK\V YOUIC. 1'n'i 2J Todiy's further di-cllno
In storks iindoubtcilly i-ellected n condlllon nf
rc .il apprehension In the mlruls of holdeis of RO-
curlllos as lo the duo'opnionls In the Cuban
fliicstlon CommlFslou house orders to 5ll we o
In laigo volume- even at Ihe opening , nml tl OHO
soon swept away the over Momlav's
level vnMch had IHOII "laborntcly arnngod by
thu use of tha cable to eatabll&li a hlv'ier
raiwj of prlcea In I ondon over Iho holldi )
Thrro was professional buying hero nt llio op n-
Int , * , < i iltnoil ; by the B.IIHO end , but not ( ven the
llrst quotations worn up tu the Ixuidon parlt )
On'nn wer < > speedily wlp l out In Iho Hlump
which followed thu nl Lnd" > iiiiioit of the piifm-
slonal attompl lo bUHtaln prices The unrover-
Ing of margins and selling orders to flop Ioseti
brouiAt n tloral of stocks on the mar col Sugar
led Ihe break with n decllnn of over i point ?
aftea rise of li point , and lluctunted feverishly
all day , Hosing near the lowest nt un exiiomo
decline of over 3 points The local iu > claltlFH
wer < ] also centers of weiikncrs , MelropolllHii
Street Ila'lway ' losing 7 points und Manhattan
about 3 Great Nortlu-rn preferred droiip-d oft 7
polnlt ) The weaKnesM of the morning wna In
kplto of large bu > lng In this market for l/omlmi
account IXImiles of the volume of this bni-
Ini ; nm aa high u CO.0)0 ) shares nf Ktoclm 'Hi-
Ivondon matket and Iho continental nxclmnges
ahowo4 an Improved tone on ulte subsidence i.f
tlw apprehension reganllng the Wrtt Afrlin
slluallon , hut there waa a e'gnlflcant dacllne In
London and Pnrla In Uie Spanish 4s , the closing
prlca In London showing a loss of V , us com-
purpdIUi Monday's closing The weakmss Ir
the Blocks which ere the favorites In Ihe I < on-
don bujlni ; was defended until later In th dav.
but they ultimately mjocumbed , alonK with thn
rest of the list In fact Iho weakness of lluis *
stocks In the afternoon after the mislalnlng
furcii of Iho London butlnc had t en vvllhdmwn
contributed to the final break In thti nnM ot
The day'n net losses exceeded 2 i lnts In ona \
few of the standard storkH , but worn over 3
points In xorno of the sp ° claltlex Tlio outlnok
in Iho mone ) mirket Is not such as to encourage
speculation Call IOBJIM were made at Z per c"nt
today Currency umllnues to movf lo the In-
Irrlo.'i anil Ihe euhlrcumirv hnd a credit balanro
In the clearing house tn day of tl,172,72 > J , icllort-
Ing the withdrawn ! of another 10 prr cunt on the
< eoveminent payments from the Union Pacific ;
Foreign rxchangcd were weakened enl > ullghtly
In Iho face of Iv > ndon builng of s'oi k Tha'cx- '
ohank'e on Paris was moro marki-d , ThbCllp
veloptnent offers eonio c'orroborntlon of the re ,
port that a portion ot tha money which Is io'nk- ' I )
from IMrU lo Ijindon on account of ( ho < IIs- !
turbtsl condlllon of affairs In Uw Frem hfapllnl I i
In coin- Into American nccnrllles HianJurd pill
Iliiuldal'nii certltlcacoa ar nal dealt In cm the
tixchanKO , bul on the oulilde markel today they
oia ul S70. n * agalnal $ W llefore Ihe rorenl 1
PP.- cent dividend distribution the clock sold nt
lionils were weak In sympithy with ttocks.
rnweially In the KiiooulallvciMiue There v ere
heavy dealing * In Union Pacirtc to Total Halm ,
tl 11I.OOO Government bonds nere deo1 ledly
we.iK I'nltwl Blnl new 4 . reKlatered ilo-
otlned U : i'nitf-1 Slalen new 4s , couiwn , H unif
old tH. rrfflMwt ! > nd lh 2n V. bid ' *
Tt" livtulng 1'okt'a LonJou fluutclol cabli
sijs1 The stock market * opened firm but later
b'cnmn flat , not on political newo , but owlnjr to
the position of the nciount nl wtllemenl.
; i > rs owing1 clients nre nol meellng the ! "
rations ns m'ght l > c , and > me nre closing
out their obllunllnns
Tollowlng nre the closlnu quolatlons of fie
lending locks on Ihe New York markel today *
Atchlson . . . . . II\unTlin Com Co JO
dopM 2S St P V. Om m
HilllnioroA Ohio Ul do iiftl 14H
Canada Pacific HU St P M..VM .mi
Ctnidisoiunurn 41) ) so Pncino in
ronlrallMclllc. So Killn.i } * < 1
rhcft A.Ohio . . . 21 ilo pfd 2SJJ
ChlcncoA Alton ior pfd.V Pieino
O. . II AQ . . DuH Union P icltlo
r .v K i U. P. t ) AO
c r c A SL L 11 Wnbmh 7
da pfd 8 do pfd I"1 *
1M v Hudson . Wheel A L K . , 2 ,
Di-1 L. A W . . 150 Wheel AL _ K pfd 1'L
Den ft IlloO . . . . '
do pfd . . . . Ainerl < * n\i \ Kx 1 1
Krln mmvl . . . . 14J Unlta-d smtos K * 42
KrlulRtpM . .113
H. Wnviin 170 A. ColjD 1 ! )
OrvntNorthpriipfd 151) ) . 70)t
Hockln ? Vnllov . 170'I
llllnolsC.'ntril ' " -'I * f J .
Lalto Krl A W . .
do pfd . , . 70 118 l ) .118
Luku Shorn . . . 10J oo\Mo'i ( Jan . . . nm
Loittnv Illo A Nash fin UoiiH , inn , . . . . . . ,1H4
Manhattan L. . . . . Conii.O.lhlo Co 175
Mot St Hv . . . Cole V * Iron . . . . 21
MichlRin Coftlril dq 70
Minn Ac SI. L . . . . . . 33
Mo P.iclllo . . .
MobllnAOhlo .12
Mo K. A T . . . IDS
Mo.K. A T pfd . . . . NnU'T.hY ' Oil
Chi.Ind AL . . . Orfiroiillm ) ) . Co
dopM PicltlcMall .
N.J. Conlril IMI iltn in I'll
N.Y. Chi. A St. L AT
do 1st pfd iilfir , , , , .125
clo'.M pfd 111).Pfd. Ill
Norfolk V Woslorj IB ' . C Cvilon . . . , 20H
No. Amor Co IBOM U , hr Loalhcr
So Pielflc do litd. . Olti
do pfd U. d Uubbcr . . 175-1
Ontario A. W . . . . do pfd fill
Otc. H. AN.iv . . . Wrsturn Union . . 8 .
Ore Shorl Lino. . 2S' ' { Northvvestcm . 12'JM
PittHburg lOUhi do pfd 174
Held 111 ? It ) . , Hlo Oriiulo West ' . ' .
Hook Island . . . . . 87 do nfd . . . . . . .17
S LAS File 0 Chlcnco-GnMt W 10H
ilo Islpfd . . . . Ci5 S L A S W 4H
St. Paul IIJH do prd OM
do pfd 1411 Heading 1st pfd . . . 45H
Total sales of stocks todai , 527 2W shatcs , In
cluding : Alchlson , 3'HO , Alclilsiin preferred , 10-
"CO , C'anada Sotilhern , 5,105 , C'hcsapiake , V Ohio ,
C,4l.i , Chicago , llurllnglon X. tjulnt } , 27119 ,
Ixjulsvlllei S. Nashville , 13rlO , Manhatlan. ffilBl ,
Metrcpilllun , S.Cifl , Hcridlng pteferretl 0,030 , Mis
souri Paclllc , 8,370 , New Jersej Central , 5 CSO ,
New York Centril , 1S.020 , Northern Pnclllc , 9 520 ,
Northern Paclllo ptefened , 31 729 , Holding , 3.9.M ,
Hock Island 10.W4 , hi Paul , 4I/G , .Soulhern
prcferr < Al , 3175 , Union Pacinc , 14.&OH.abaslj
preferred , 3 2',0 , Tobicco0,4)1 , Chlntgo Oreal
Western , 3,4fX ) , Piople's Gas , C.3CO Consolidated
Oat , 1,114 ; Clenoml Eleclrlc , 3,417 Pullman , 3.03- . ,
Sugar , 72,033 , AVestprn Union , 11,720
The coniniltlee on Ihe slork llsl of Ihe Now
York Stock e-xchange has listed these securities :
Twin City Hupld Trinsll compani , t373,000 addi
tional 7 ptr cent cumulative preferred stock ,
making total amouni listed tl.712100 , Atchlson ,
Topekn & Sinta l"e Hallroad comgiani , t3,442,000
aiWItliinal general 4s , making loltil amount llsled
1113 4C.e < ) , Chicago A. Northwestern Hallroid
compiny , t4X ( ,000 Kcneril 3149
Now York Mom > > llnrkol.
Nomln.illv. l'4Tfl ( > i poi cent
PHIMi : MnilCANTILi : PAI'nil 3JFI fer cent
STIIHLINO nXCHANGi : Mciih. with nctiml
buslnoss In bankers' bills at tl S514 for demind
nnd SI S3PI Mit for slvty ila > s , posted rites ,
$181 ami tl CV. | commprclal bills , 51 S2 ,
KILVr.H CnilTiriCVlIIS 53I45T5CV4C
11 Ml SILVIIH 5''tc
OOVintNMnNT UONDS rirm , new 4s , n > g
and coupon , l.7'i , H , reg , 11214. coupon. Ill ,
2s , reg , 100 , f > s. reg and coupon , 113'4 ' , Paclllc
Cs of ' 99 , 104
Closing quotations on bonds were as follows :
U 3 now4s rcsr l'Jii'f-27 N. J. O 3s ,
U S now Is con 117 ! > < N C 'JS 128
U S , 4s ! ! „ ' . , , ; 1J' < t' < N. C 4S 101
U.S tH.eotip. . .lllciV , No Picinc Ists . .118W
U b 'Js re ; . DJl No Piulllo 'la illVj
U.S 53 ro ? . . . .11 No 1'ieltlo 4n . . . IM1V1
U.S os , coup . .II N. Y. O Aht L 4s 10111
. N AW U3 123
Ala .class A . N W. Consols . . . .14J ! <
All. class H 1U7 N W. l > eb 59 118
Ala.Kiss C 10(1 ( Ore Niv Ists 114
Al.i Currency - 100 Ore Nav. 4s . . . . SHIM
AIchiRon4s IHH O S ij Ij8 t r. . . . 1J4
Alchlson aalIB . . fll ) O S L s t. r. . . .10. !
CinainiSo'nds . 110 O linn tHts , t r. .110
CAN. P. t. r. Oa. . 8" < H O Imp 5s t. r . . . OU
r.A O . - , . . . . llfll < Plulllcba of'07 . .104
C.II. tD 44s. . lOtH He idln ; Is H4
U All. R. lats . .HID il.O Wu3t lals . . . . S.1 ! *
D AH G is IHVii St , L AI M Oan > 8JW
nist'iVnn. lats . . .107 bl L AS F Gsn 13 118
KrliiGo.i.43 7JV < i P Consols . . . 14J
V W A.D 1 t i. 71 SI P. C t P Ists . 12'J
'jci , Moo. f > - > . . . 1UJ SI P. C A P. "is . . . .Hb5i
B if . s A. tis . . .109 Southern By. 5s. . . . 'JJ
O H A3 A Jds .105 HAT Us 00
H..VT.Cent 3s .HO Tonn now sot Is . . tL
II AT O eon 03 .100 Tex Pac L G. IstUOOHi
Iowa C lats. . . . Tex Pao It ? . 2ds . ,11
K P. Con. t r U. P lats 1B7K
K P. lain t r 1 Hl < U. P D. AG Ists. GllVi
L.l.Nou Oon.4a . . .10. W.ib 1M.SS 103C ,
L.&N.Unl 4S. . . . H9 Watt 2ils 71)
Missouri Us . 11)0 .
M K. A T. ' 'la . . . ( U V.i Centuries 7JH
M. K. AT. 48. . . . HS Va doforrjJ 4
N. Y C Ibis . .117H
Huston Stoelc ( ViiotntloiiH.
I1OSTON" , Teb 23-Call loans. 2Q3 per cent ;
time loans , 2'sffi4 ' per cen . Closing jirlcts for
stocks , bonds nnd mlnlne jjhilres :
A.T.Ad F . . . . I Hi I vYlJlp'd. pfd. . 1H
American Husrar. . " En. Elos In. 105
Am Sugar era . . . 11 Hi Goit , lijles ptd. . . . 91) )
Unv SLUu O39. . . . \H \ Atchlaon Dfd . - 7 ? <
Bell Tolephone. . . 2SS MclilHhn . . . . 1)0 )
BoHtonA Alb.lnv. 'J-'t N.Bns .Us . 11.1
UoBtonA .Maine , . 11)5 ) CiiU rll Klcc Ca. . 100
IlOBton A M. pfd . . lltDi Allouo7.Mlnln.rC ; > 100IK
C. 11. A. Q 03 AUanUo . 30
FllohDurk' Ilo fbn A Montani 173W
( lencral Klactno. . 40 ( , -MM
Illinois Stool . . OalilmotA . . 627
N. Y.i N.E Cotitemllal .
Old Colony Knnklui
O S ij § Oacoola 10
ban Dlezo Onlnov t. 111
Union PnclQa Tanmranic
WOHI Knu iol Wolvetliios
West Bud ptd. . . . IloHlon L f > 8
W. Kleu 02K Pnrroti
Hail I'rnile-lHCi ) Vlliilii - CluotntlniiH.
SAN rilANCIHCX ) , IVh 23 The olllclal clMlns
quotations on mlnlnp stocks today \\cro as fol-
lous :
Alia IdJulli l
AlnhiCon IdU 30
U Koniiicky Con . 2
Iloluhor .Mexicm . 31
lleBlA Qolohor. . . . Occidental Con. . . . ICO
Uulllon o Ophlr. . 49
Caledonia an Overman . 0
Challenge Con V7M I'otosi . 1H
Chollar. M Sarura . US
Conlklonco 70 bcorpion. . . . n
Ton , Cat. A Vi. . . . BH hlorra Nnradi , . . . 07
ron , Imporl il. . . . Sliver Hill . II
Crown Point II Union Con . Df5
Dxclioqiior UlahCon . 10
YnIlowJnoltot .
H11 o ANorc ros 3 , . 115 Stindant . 135 _
Silver bafs7 53i' o , Mexican dollras , 4 < > VtOt1e ;
drafts , sight , 20c drafts , telegraph , Hia.
t vn 1 orlf VIliilncv
NIJW YOHK , Tcb 23 The following nre the
closing mining quotations :
Chollar . . . . . (0 ( Outirio
Croun 1'olnt. , . . . l-l Ounir. DO
Con Cal A Va . . HT I'lvinoitn 8
Doadwoou . . . . . 70 Ciulcknllvtfr 100
( ionldi. Cnrrv. . . . 'Jl Oillcltsllvor oM 201
Halui.\oniro33. . ICO R5
llonii'snico . . . , 3700 Siindinl 100
IronSltver 40 Union Con . .
Mexican uo Yellow Jaokui 20
I.oiiiliiu htorlc ( liiolulloiiH.
IX > NOON , Dec 23 I p m Closing- :
Connols. m'v. 112 11-111 N V Cnntru .
ConaolH. acct . , .ll'-'H I'cmiHylvann. SOWN 1'actlic. . . H1H HiMclln ; ! ( ) !
Hrlu HH Mnx ( , en , new la. , 07H
Krlu2ndH UDl AtchiHun IIIK
111. Cuniral 10514 I , A & 7H
MpMcanorrtinarv . 'JJU fir.uid Trunk 8H
SM'.uil comiiion. . . OilH
11AP. Sllvnil-2 , a i > cr ounce
MONCY 2ii024 per cent Tlio rate of din-
count In the open for bhort hills , 2 ? ,
pc ; cent , tha rate of discount In Ihf ojicn mar-
liet for Ihruo months' h'lla ' , JJ per cent
Flniiiii'liil > i.e > x ,
OMAHA , IVh 33. Clearlngu , > 9 l,731.90 ! hal-
unci-B. J10J.19I 77
fHKJAOO , Tib 23-Clearings , $21.228,651 , New
Yoik PXinance1 , Ma discount , posted Kites , it SI
nml > t WH HtocKs v > eak vvlih Wall elree-t Pome
rcacllcn on Ktx l nupport Inter Alley I , Ifl'i ,
Diamond Maleh. 111. l.-ilt > btivct I. . l-"i , IlUcnlt
ini i" , Norlli ( lilcaKo , 227 ilbktj , btravv-
boaii ! . WH West ClilciiKO , M
SV. IXUIS reh 23 CIrarInK * . IS.COS.Sll , bal >
iincitd , J70j 87ii , niimc-y , HfiS per cent , New York
oxctuiliKf , COo discount lild , 40c discount asked
N W OllI.UANh. Teh , 23 ClearlnKS. K.431. .
068 , Nu\v York pxchnnuc , b-jnk , par , commercial ,
per Jl.OW dhtcount
M13MI'IIIH , IVb 23 ClearlnKi. JIM , 370 ; bal-
anneti , J1M.C13 , New York cxchancu jielllng at
f 1 & 0 premium
rHll.Alii.l'HIA. : I'cb 23 , Clearinns , 1I,5CO-
2 ; lulanroti. Jl.71H.33l
DAI.TIMOltr ; , Teb 2:1 CcarhiB | , J3.807.431 ;
balances , SI27.W2
NKVf "iUHK I'eb. 23-Cleorlngs. } 193.33S,713 ;
balancetf J3,773C5J
I'.OSION. 1'eli 23 Clearings. TJl.OSi.ISO , lial-
JUlCfg. K.liJ.SOl '
CINCINNATI , IVb 23 VIcvirinES , K.K2V .
money. ilillC per cent , NeYpiK cxcliange. 3f
COo dlBcomit f ,
KnrHirii Kliuinolnl.
I NDON , Keb 23 OoU ( a'quoted at Ilutnoa
A > re todiy nl 167 W )
I'AHIS , reb Z3 Tlirco per cent rentes , 103f
77Via for the account , i-xchant < - on I ndcn , 2of
24 > o for checks I'rlccn < rit inn ami buslneu
UB uctlvu on the bourse toJjiy uiitll Ihe liut
hour , when they becamti quiet and steady
IlenU-u and Italian securll v.fio ( trong on
covering purchatet Spanldi 4s utarti'd firm , re-
lapie. ) und clored v\rak. . . . _
IIHIIUN , Feb -Inteynjtlonal fccnrllles
vveru Urm on the bourse fixito , owlni ; to en-
courak'liiK I ndon advlcen and the cvneluelon of
thu Uhlneta loan
. . . _ _ _ -J it ,
AiiifrliMin hi'ourllli' * In I.omlon ,
1/1NDON. Ft'b M The riSaritct for Anierlcnn
cccurlttea after a firm cpraltiK.Haii ijulelwith n
ilerllnliiK tendency Thu 11)1) ) clique oprrale < t
tewidlly at llrnt , but were unulile tu ulth > Uiul
tin btar attack Thp ( l ( , 'n tuna wan ntalraiul
tha duinaiul generally lUht India U'lls ceuwoli
er allotted today at UZ27-3M ,
Another Liberal Run Finds the Local Bns'-
neai Unsettled ,
Cnniiiinn Sliorlfcil Stuff Very Slim ninl
liiMirr llouM Vunlii I.use n
Mi'ki'l , selling : Pnlrlj-
SOUTH OMAHA. I'ob. -Receipt * ( or
thecluvs I mil cat od were :
Cattle. Hogs Sheep. Hor's.
Pobrtmry 23 3.S31 S.402 5,0. ; 42
Kcliruiirj 22 3 7S3 9.IM 7.P29 . . . .
February 21 1.59S 2,373 3.220
Feliruary 19 30J 3.S3I 1.459
February IS l.SJS G.S43 B.402
February 17 2,2'U 7,926 7,554 . . . .
February 1G 2,652 CSW G 64G 3
February 14 2,437 2.73U 4,813 >
February 12 S."l 39 < Vi 3(8 ( . . . .
February 11 1,520 3.S53 1,411
February 10 1,405 6200 1,932 2
February 9 2,743 6,977 6,410 . . . .
February 8 3,875 6,044 3,971 . . . .
February 7 1.769 2.S69 G.bSO 2i.
The olllclal number ot cars of stock
broUKht In today by each road was :
Cuttle. Hog * . Sheep. HVfl.
C. . M. . St. P. Il > 2
O. & St. 1 > . Uy 3
Missouri Pacific Uy. . . . 1 2
Union Pacific System. 43 29 10
C. & NV Uy D 2 . . . .
P. , U. & M. V. 11. U. 44 27 1 1
S C & 1' . Uy 5 1
C , St. P , M. it O. Uy 3D 9 1
H. I'M ' ; At. U. U. U. . . . 35 3J 3 1
C. , H & Q. U ) 4 4
C , U. 1 A. P. Uy. , e. . 3 3
C , U. I & P. Uj. , VV. . . . 1 . .
Total locelpts . . . 1CJ 120 2.J 3
The disposition of the day's receipts was
as follows , each bujcr puichasing the num
ber of head Indicated :
nuvers. Cuttle. HOB * ? . Sheep
Omaha Packing Co 01 1,437 . . . . .
O. 11. Hammond Co 1GJ 1M1 9 { >
Swift and Company S40 1.7M ) 13d
Cud.xhy PncklHB Co 1,371 2,511 414
P D. Aimour , Chicago 1,274 ,
Vniisant X , Co 21
J. L , Caiey 37
Iobmin .1 Rothschilds. . 2G2
Huston & Co 45
Krebbs \ . Co C' )
UvltiKston & Shalcr. . . . ICO
H Hamilton 9
L , F. Husz 1
North P. A. P. Co 216
Chlcngo P. & P. Co 9U
Meyers Kit
Other buyers 197 US'J
Left over 331) ) 600 . . . .
Totals I7C : , 9,038 ' , ' )
Receipts today were not quite as larse ns
on yesterdiv. but did not fall much shoit.
There were'310 cars In all. an Increase ao
far this week o\er last of about 300 cattle ,
l.GOO IIOKSml 1,000 bheep
CATTM : The supply was fully as large
as on vestenlo and 1,200 laiger than a week
. iffo For such a luge inn the proportion of
deMioblo , or oven "pretty Rood" cittle nns
\ery small There were ome thirty odd
loids of cows and heifers here and quite a
sprinkling of btocKers and feeders
Hecf Steers There as a good Inquiry
from shipping and export bujers , but there
were very few cattle hero thitouA \ bull
them. The few that were here , how ever ,
sold at not fai ftom sternly prices On the
ordinary run of shoit-fed and halt-fat stock
the trade was dull. Buyer * were all more
or less Indifferent and bcnilsh and bids
and sales were anywhere from weak to oJT
lOc lo.ver than v Cbtenlny. Trade was dull
and dragging all morning , and nt noon
there were a good many cattle still un-
S °
mltchers' Stock Some thirty loids of cons
and heifers weie on the market ted ly , a
tolerably liberal supply. The demand from
all sources \\as pietty good , but the buj-
ers all hud very beiilsh news , and sales
men had to shade prices CrjflOc In order to
work off theh holdings Veal calves were
scarce and Urm ind bulls , oxen and stags
s'eady to a. tlnde easier.
Stackers and Feeders-Offerings of this
description were i.ither limited There was
a very fair demind. particularly from vnid
tradeis , and values wcie genet ally about
steady. Some warmed up stceis that were
Bhlpped In for beef sold to the feeder bu > eib
ut better piices than the killers would pay.
A % eiy fair volume of business was done ,
iwlth no very materi il clnnge In values one
way or the othei. Uepresentative sales.
NATl\i- >
Tuesday , but considerably heavle-r thin on . .
Wtdnckdoy. * The quality of Ihe offerings vns
ve-ry good aa n rule , and them were not in my
rough heavy hogs on the market
With liberal supplies heru und very bearish
rpeorlft from other polntu the situation vum
rather unfavorable for eellerx , and tluy had to
submit to another 5c drop In prices
Local patkera did most of the buying There
WBJI no oaslern demand , but Nebraska City IO'IK
nearly l.WO hogs , which gr < tly helped the market
fur heavy hogs , und eomo 400 pounderx sold up
to S3 85
Tha range of price * was narrow. 1 or fair to
good hogs of nil weights thu leading lUnro
today \\u.i 13 60 , njr.ilnst J3 65 > es < itrd < iy 1'a'r
tu choice light nnd bun her loads Hold at t3 W uji
to | 3 S3. and common hogs wild an low ns 13 Cu
All Hold In very gt l XC.IKOII , thu market closing
aliout like. It 'vpencd
The lilir'lxnk of the trading today was at JS SO ,
a-i nsHlnul 1365 jeslerday. On la l Wednesday
most of Ihe h > g told at 13 i ) 33 'JO Ileprescniatl' . e
No Av Sh IT No. Av fill Pr.
69 13 J . . , J3 52 3..I W P 80
16 331'160/3 70 18 . 2M SW
11 411 W 3 72Vj 51 . . .ZJO . * ? '
41 310 121) 3 75 CJ 251 12) 3 M
41 1W 3 TO 74 V * * fcO 3 S1
20 2SI 40 3 73 74 SM 40 3 W
SI 19U SO 3 75 K H31'X 3 SO
) , . 2.12 IW 3 75 43 Krt W 3 V )
43 . . . . . 3 73 C , . 237 . . . 3 M
S ! 354 SO S 75 . , , . , . 253 . S bO
. Vli 160 ITi C3 , , .S5J . . . 380
CC. . . . . KA . . J 75 M . . , , . 2vM . . . 4 61
II T. 0 . . 7114 67 ! 8V4 40 S TO
10 : „ . . . 3 77JJ MM * JS 1W s"
fl SI * ) .177H W . 51 120 3 < )
57 . 190 . 3 77'i 78 . . . W . * )
HI . . Sll Sft ) 377Vi M . . . 2S7 . d
97 1SJ . . 377i 47. . . tfS 160 J vl
12 . . ui . . . s 7714 57 y > so s < ti
10 SI , . 377V > . . . 2M 3 < iO
' 2 . . C.5J < JO 1 77'i " 4 . . . * > W 3 " * >
12 . . t . . S77H 61. . JJB 120 3 * )
W . . . OT W 377li 74 S . . S )
72 . .aw ? Si ) 3 ) 61 . , Jtt . . . 3 V )
12 . . . . 5Dl . . 3 V ) ( f > . . . 26 . , S SO
11 . . . 117 . . 3 < 0 47 . . HI S ) 1 0
M. . . . V ! SO a * ) 41 SM 4) SM
JS ! 8 1W 3 * ) 77 874 120 3 W
W 21 . . . 8 it > M JIJ .310
47 271 1M 3 ) 41 . . . Wt 3 fO
11 24S . . . 3 M C7 SI2 SO 310
26 . . . .3V . . 3 * > ( ) R ) . . . . 357 . 3 > ! )
73 W . 3 Si ) (11 ( 216 160 3V' )
) l 2S 160 S SO " 2. . . . 31 4) ) 3 f ? )
78 . . , .av. 40 3 JO 67 SSti so 3 0
33 . . . 21 . . . 3M 55 W . . . 8 * >
.1 . . . .311 . . . 3 M ) C9. . . . 117 . . S S2
11 Ml . . 3 SO 4) , 27i . . 3S2'i
( W . . . 174 . . . 3 10 fl - ' < > 40 3 S2'i '
16 3 7 SO .I * ) 66. . . , S7J . . . 3 S3'i
i ; a- , . , . no ) W ft > i W 3 S2H
74 . 2.V , 40 ISO 87. . . . en W 12'4 (
14 ItO . . . 3 SO 77 22' . 40 1 S2U
6S IOC . . . S M ) M . . . 219 3 sjii
m . . . . aw . . 3 9) ) fii . . . : i > . . . i " 2H
is an so 3 so 67. : is . . . s * m
74 . 25,1 80 1 SO 7' . 210 . . . 3 S2't
336 ft ) 1 10 63 . . . . . 241 . . . 1 S2U ,
, . .3M 40 3 SO 66 ill . . . 1 V ! ' *
_ 24S S ) 3W 70. 2M . . . 3 S2'4
62 231 . . 110 SS i. . . . 207 . . . 1 2 > ,
67 SM , . 3 SO D. . . . 2IS . . . 3 R2H
71 271 . . . 3 M IS . . . . . ' 16 . . . J M't
II . . . . 217 19) 1 V ) 66..1 239 . . . 3 12j
IS 241 . . . 3 Si ) f > 213 . . . 3 $ >
73. . . 216 . . . 3 SO 61 211 . . . 3ST.
( Hi 242 SI 3 M 77 . . . .211 . . . J V.
63 2iX ! SO 1 0 SI 236 . . . 3 SI
47. . . . 314 . . . 380 71 240 . 3 SI
69 211 . . . 3 tO 10 411 40 311
M . . . 170 40 3 SO 71 2iS . 3 S3
VI. . . .321 . . . 310 SO . . . . . .TO SO 315
61 ) HO 3 W 60 21,7 . . . 1 M
6S 231 SO 3s" ) 64 21 < i . . . 3 8. .
73 311 . . . 1 0 79 111 160 1 SI
71. . . 221 . .ISO S4 . . . , , . 212 . . . 3 SI
11 " > . , 38O 75 213 . . . 3 fS
H 271 160 3 V ) 74 2C6 . . . 1 Ml ,
31) ) 2v1 . . . 3 SO 78 . . . .240 . , 1 S7'fe
ft ! Kll ire 1 > ) 73 230 . . . 3 SP
27 2S5 4il 3 SO
. . .ISO . . . 2 SO 4 3)1 . . . 17"
. . .411 . . . 365 4 Ill . . . 1 72 < i
. . .331 . . . .1 70 6 1)3 ) . . . 3 SO
. .3 > 0 . . . 370 7 220 . . . 1 JO
2 131 . . . 370 12 21" . . . 310
4 . . . 312 . . . 3 70 7 201 . . . 3 S >
1 . . . . 3fl ! . . . 1 70 4 Ml . . . 1 R )
1. , 280 . . . 370 ' 1 44) . . . S S )
2 . . . I3H . . . 170 3 27t- . - . ' ' "
4 . . . . 2H ) . . . 170 r , . . . . , . . 2Vi . . . IM )
1 411 . . . 370 7 247 . . . 1 M )
1 . 2 > 0 . . . 370 6 I'M . . . 1 SI
2 W . . . 170 6 2V. . . . 1(0 (
1 r,1) . . . 370 1 110 . . . 3 SO
I . i. 146 . . 370 S 2.1S . . 1 11
,1 . . . 11) SO 1 " 2'5 9 K2 . . . 110
4 . . . . Ill . . 1 72V4 6 at . . . 3 SI
3 . . . to. ) . . . 171 r > 216 . . . 1 sn
4 . . 3I . . 171 7 210 . . ISO
4 . . i13 . 1 71 6 22S . 1 SO
4 IS ) . . . 3 71 . . . .211 . . . 3 S )
SHI'ttl' Tint BUpply vvns fnlrlv lll"inl and tin-
nunlltv wni vor > decent ns a rule 'IhTo was n
good impilr > from all daises of hu\crs nnd the
rrnrket luli'd active nl Ju t nlioiit Klondv pr'cen '
for nil gtmh'i Heprestntatlve Baku :
2i < ) slock ewes J" M 71
117 vveslPtn i-wca HI 3 J1) )
273 stock limbs 57 4 50
99 Minlcm limbs M 511
104 Mexican limbs il J IB
1S7 Mexican Hmlw ' > '
414 wt > teni wc'tbers 101 I JJ
210 western PVVCH J'1' ' 3 SO
1S2 weittrn wethers 11 ; 4 1.
1129 western HlocU lambs . . . . Cj I SO
CIIIOVGO i/Tvn yrocic M\HKIT.
lluji-rs f Cnltlo ninl How * Terre
nnvt u tin' I'rlro * .
CHICAGO , I'cb 23 llujcrs took ndvnntnge of
the large supplj of cattle toda > to force1 n fui-
Iher average decline of lOc , Ihe few htrlcth
cholrp catllv showing' no change Sales of bi-of
hteers were on a basin of from J3 73 lo { 4 for Un
poorest lo from f5 40 to tl fO for extra choice
beeves , vcrj few cattle being good enough to
bring $ "i 25 nnd the bulk crossing the tcales nt
fiom $1 21 lo J3 I'd I westerns told verj badlj ,
belnir dlscrlmlmteil against by exporters nnd
fed Texas nl o hold at Ion prices Slackers fllul
feeders old nl a VIM > wideinnge P > or stock
cnltlo going as low ns W 35. while a few ported
light Mockers went ns high us J4 65 fanners
buhl chlellj nt fniii t2 40 to J2 SO and fut cows
nnd helfcis bioiiRht good nvetvige' pilci-s CnlMs
were carcc and good ones soil us high ns } G , B
llujvas of hogs had no dllllcults In forcing n
further reduction of Be Hogs sold nil Ihe wio
from ! 3 ( ' , for Ihc pooiMt ill ) to J4 10 foi prime
lots , the greater part going for from $1 to $4 05
nnd pigs fcold largely nt from f3 CO to $3 SO Tor
the llrst time this week eastern shippers were
good busers
There ) was an excellent demand for sheep nnd
l.unbs nnd sales were made at tliadj prices
Slaep "old nl from 53 'f > to $1 M foi Infeilor to
goot fat droves ahoin sheep fetching from $16) )
lo $3 110 'Vearlings brought from J4 60 to $ t 90
.mil lambs sold nt from J4 rO to Si 65 Inr com
tnon to choice Hocks , shorn lambs telling nt
J4 50. Feeding lambs arc wanted at fl 2 > to ship
IW elpls C.ittlc , 17,500 head ; hogs , 40,030 head ,
sheep , 19,000 bead
Louisville1,1n - Stork.
celpls , 3 5 head , market steady to llrm. prices
unchanged Quotations follow1' trn uood ex
port steers , 1,150 Ibs nnd up. t4 bOi4 70 , light
Fhlpplng steer" , 1,200 to 1,350 HH , H 25ff4 60
cholco butchur steers J4 2ifi4 ro , fair to goo 1
butcher steers , $3 WI4 00 , common to medium
butcher steers , f3 00T3 CO , choice butcher helfeis
t3 iXJiN 00 , fair to good butcher bclfeis , $3 21O
Z 10 connion to medium butcher hulfcrs , 12 75
03 16 , cholco butcher cows f3 6001 73 , fair tn
geol bulchi-r cows , J2 71P3 25 ; common butcher
cows , 12 TOW 63 , oannirs , Jl 7i2.23 , choice feed
rrs } 4 0084 25 , medium lo good feeders , $ . ! 30j
4.CO common feelers M 005X3,2.1. bulls , good to
extra , J3 C05J3 RO , bulls , common to nvtillnm , J2 21
5f300 , thin , rough Fleers , pool cows and scnln-
wngrt , } 1 25 2 25. cholci ) calves , t5 23ST5 CO , com
mon cnlvc * . Jl Mfll 00
UOG1 HIM elpts , 2 ( KM head , market r > c higher ,
besl henvs hogs , } 4 05 , medium $393 , light ship
pers Jl Will Sri , pics $2 7033 ro
SHEP.P AND L\MIS Hecelpts , 146 head , mni-
kct hUodj on choice grades , dull on common
unchanged , good to extra shipping sheep } 3 CO
03 75 , fnlr lo good sheep 004f,125 common
to medium. 2 0 52 CO. extri shipping lambs
J4 754i" > < n ) fnlr to goo-1 lambs. $1 2oi4 ,5 , , best
butchers' , $1 0004.W , fnlr to good butchers' , S3 60
ffl 00.
St. I.OIllH I.IVO StOf'k.
ST IXUIS , Teh 23 CATTL.I3 HccelplK , 7,4'0
head , shipments , 800 head ; market Elendj apd
plow , fnlr to fancy native shipping and export
ulcers , Jl 30fl3 33 ; bulk of sales , J4 M95 10
dre-jsod beef and butcher eteers , J4 40 4 SO , bulk
of sales J4 4004 75 , steers tinder 1,0 < )0 ) pounds ,
$375 I33. bulk of sales , $40513420 , etockcrs and
feeders , $3 254 60 , bulk of sales , J3 S0f4 31. cows
and heifers , J200f4Z5. bulk of cows , J2.COS4 15
Texas mid Indian steers , $3 Qi > < G4 25. bulk of
sale * J365J7420 ; cows and heifers , J24'S32- ' >
HOJneeelplH. ( . 17,700 head , shlpmcnls , 410' ' market lOo lower , yorUers , $3753D5 , pjck
ers , J3 WS4 CO , butchers' , } 40fllO | )
SHI3IM' Hncelpls. 2,200 head , milprmntB , none ,
market stronB , native multons , JIOWISO , iambs ,
J50005 50 , no Tex.ins
InillaiiniHiIlN l.lvr Storlc.
celpts , l.COD head , shipment * . , WO head , market
for steera dull , but bulchor cnttlo hold nti u' <
good lo prime steers , Mfci 52. > . fair l'i medium
steers , Jl 5004 73 , common to food Mocker * , 1309
HOGS Heoelpln , Bf , ) head , shipments , t M , )
head , market onli moderately actlvo al n dor-linn
of 2"4J5c nil sold , good to cholcn medium nnd
heavy , J4 "SWI 1-V4 , "ilt'-d , Jl OOS'103 , common
IlKlvtB J3 95M4 01 . . .
SIII7EP HccclplB , 350 heid ; shlpmcnlH fair
market rather dull , lambs , I0f15c lower good tn
clx > lee lambM. J4 5H } ' > 35 , common to medium
Iambi , r375Sil75 , KO < J < 1 to cholco nhiep , II SWC
> ew York I.lvc .Stuck.
NEW VOHIC , JM ) 23 IJHiViS-llccelpts. :
1327 bead , steers , Jl.OOflS 25 ; bulls , J3 255J3 M ,
cows J2 OOS8 M ) fables weak , live entile10VW
Hesheep. . 8V4W11" . dressid weight , rrifrlgeratnr
beef , BViisTic Slilpim nts today , 4,628 quarters
of beef , tomorrow , C54 cattle . . , .
CAIjVlSl Hecelpts. 070 head ; veals , It 0)QO ) 00 ,
yearling * , $2 &i (3.U"/-i (
SHPUP ANI > IjAMIlS IlecelptB , 3,031 head ,
lit > , fair lo good , $1 2084.70 ; no prime heio ,
lambs. J5 2506 05 , one cur exlra , JO I2'i '
Htxis-Hecelpts ; 11.433 head ; weak al 14 30 ®
4.50 , choice pigs , $4 CO.
KIIIINIIN City * Stink Miirkrt.
KANSAS CITY. Teh. -CATTI-H-lli celpls.
6000 head , hem gradea steady , others weuk to
100 lower. Texas steers , J3 30(4 81 , Texas cows ,
12 35O4 00 , native uleers , J3 7585 20 , native cows
nnd heifers , 12 25R1 25. mockers mid feeders , 13 23
85 00 , bull ! , 2 W < 83 75
HOQS Hecelpts , 17,000 head , market steady tote
to lower , bulk of sales. J37083M , heavles. $3 SO
CT400. packers. J370tf3.95. mixed. $36.10395.
lights , J3 ma i5 , Yorkers , 13 Off3 65 , plus. J3.W
' KHISKP-Hecelpts , 3,000 head , market nrm.
lambs , Jl Wi < 5 45j muttons , J3 5004 25
JCiiKl IliilYalo Mve Stock
fllon : cbolca flnlthed export Bteim. > 5 05&5 25 ;
mod to choice fat shipping , M W l 75 , choice
to smooth fut helfirn , II 33B4 VI , fair to mixed
butcher stock , $3 30 (3 90 , cows , 13 5083 DO ; com
mon cows , $2 $ 1033 f9
HOOS Yorkers , ( .ood to choice , II 171404 20 ,
roughn , common to choice , $3 6SQ3 89 , pigs , com
mon to cholcu , $1 0004 15 ,
IAlllIS-C1iolce to extra , } 5.7025.76 ; culU to
oominon. M OMC 40
BHUKl' Choice lo selectee ] wethen , $4 6004 70 ;
cullu to common , $3 2503 50
( 'liii'linxitl I.Hit htnok.
4 10 ,
CA'l'TI.Ifileady at i.50e4.75.
falinh'l'-.Stc-ady at $2.75 4.65.
IMMU8 Steadx "t $4. ( Jg5.75 ,
Htonk In SlKlit.
Itecord of receipts of live stock at the four
principal itwrkeU for Tebruary 23 :
Cattle Hogs , Blieep
Omaha 3,831 8,32 6.D27
Chicago 17,500 40,000 19,000
Kansas City C.OOO 17,000 3,000
Ht Jxml , . . . .J,400 J7JM 2iOO
Totals , . , . , l m 7',02 > 29,227
Oil MurketM.
OII < CITV , I'm. Feb M Credit bjUtict * . 70oj
certificate * opened wlUi 7to bid for cauli and the
tlr l pule * wro l 7 lo. Uurlnir tbi d y the
< r u followi C li dtllvtry , 15.WO
tdd t 7 \c 5 < 1 Mild nl 77f. 110X1 W > tn nt
'Hi' . * .0\X \ ) t > bl < t 7SV.C , 190V lint * , nt 7 i ll.tai )
bM' nl hVt , ( X ) bhl * . nl H\p. H'XM bids nt
S9c , refnilir delivers , .r bbN t TSo 3 , < XM bid *
nt sov , 2i ) 00 < ibl , Ht sic S.X ( M.l nt 5 ! . .
tolnl s < np | ca h nnd remilir 13" ftW bbl l"owd
snles of reguHr nl * 2c bid Shlpmenls. I.d I S
bids , rnn . 1 ! > V64 < bbln
CUAllliKl\.V. f. O , IVli JJOH t Tut | Mi
tine. Urm. tit sale * , none llo'ln , ' linn , un-
thnnced , sales , nnthlnir
SVVANNMI ( In , Veb M-OllxS-SpIrlls of
turpenllnp nrm lie bid sales. Ill bbl . receipts
for l o di > s. 471 WiK Ho ln firm , snles , l,6 < 9
bids , receipts , tno dn > ! > , STO4 bbls , A. II , ( * , 1) ,
$1 90 , U tt 21. 1' , ( I 27'i. (1. $1 ISPI 40. H , $1 60 ,
I , tl 65 , K $173 , M , Jl SO , N , $190 , W O. $20' .
\ VV. . ISK
\VIl.MlkilTOV N P . IVli 23OllSplrlU
inrpentlne , llrm 32lifl3tllosln. . nrm , $1 M J
1 35 I'rude turpentine , llrm , $1608 ! 00. Tur ,
steady , 95c
V-T York lr > CnniN llnrkrt.
N13W YOHK , 1'eb 23The outlook In the drr
goods market Is hrlRlit tolas The operalom In
llrst hnn.1 nnd jobbing mailtol nre kept busy
looking after \lsllliiK bnjeri who nre now htrn
In large num ) > ers Mnll imlers In nil lines were
inporttM excellent The das ns one < Mlcnlale. |
lo ! > - < ellir < In the hi st of humor , nnd In I ho
main It did so The price- situation In nil lines
of lotion , pnrtlnilnrls In staples. In n Mronff
on < - In both brown nd blfncluM Kixvls nellers
nre adhering qullo strlclls to the advanced prices
recentlj made I'cncesslons nro enl > inndo to
old customers , or wher * gx > da wore Piniken for
sov-rral Mass ngo Wide sheetings nre ulnrng ,
with n demiind rtlll somewhat limited Itleneheit
goo\ls am strong nnd In more nctlve demand
Ihnn herelofi > n > , Ih ? stores tm > lng niiltc freely
In some quarters Coarw colored giwils are llrm.
with n less marked denund noticed than In other
divisions of the > market 1'rlnt clolhs nn > re.
ported ijttlct i\lins : * re on nn umbnivwd Imsl *
of 23-16c Trlnls art- aillviIn nearls nil Krmli\s.
There la no Us'cnlng of the jiopulnrltj- sins-
NIIUYO11K. . IMi 23-xon'ii-Oplloni :
opened steads nt MHO iwlnts decline under dis
appointing c.ibli-s folbmlng bolldns nnd nlwetim
, t ( Hlo nnd Sinlns ndvlcerScaltness lncr'aseil
by ninths of KHt | bu\eis hea\S American
\lslblo nnd plvdlcllons of furtHiiT large llln nnd
Santos shliunentM Cloved slendv , w'lh pi Ices Ml
II ( Mint i Hi I lowr film 17a > 0 big" Includlni ;
Mnrch , $1 1' ) Spot coffee. Hlo quiet. No 7 In-
\olee CUc , No 7 joldiliu. 6o Mllil , stends :
Coldovn ' 'idfU'te. R bs lee bags Snvanlll'i.
p t , 2iio bags ( Vntrnl Ameilcan , p t ,
U Tib :3-lMlTii-Openrd : : > i pfg.
lowtr. at 2 ' 0 p in , 14 to i pfg net lower ;
nnle , 20 , 000 b igs
IIAVlti : 1V1 > 23 - ( MlTIIICloed t f lower
to i4f higher , siles , 17K lug-
StiKiir MnrUrtt.
NK\V OUI.IJANS 1V1. -Wt'OAH-Open ket
tle , quiet , 2'HII ' 11 16c , n nlrlfiiinil strong gran-
nLitrd. 4 Il-16jf4\c , whites. 4'tiifI 7-lfc > elli s ,
4'i5r4c ' ( seiMtid" , 2Sf)3 ll-lfic Molasses , strong ;
centrifugal & { il4o
Ni\V YOllK IVb 23-St'OAIl-Haw. stinngj
fair refining. 3 ll-16c centrifugal , 95 test , 4 3 IW :
rellned , llrm , crustuil , 5)ic , powdered , r , ' c , grun
nlated , 6 ? c
1 nM n ? onnnnn pc1 ITP Ptc11 ! *
( Continued fiom Ninth I'ago )
Governor Ilolcomb , that ho had not goao
to mitmncn ox-ncputy Attorney Qeuaral
The wl'nossrfl asKcd whether honi
with Janitor Orltnell In the capltol hiilld-
Ing when Mnret asked If the nlloinej gen-
oral's olllco was open and jas ghen tn un
derstand that Summers was there An ob-
jeclloiii to the question wno suatakied , JtnlQo
Powell holding that Maret's testimony had
been Immaterial. The objection was sus
tained and the witness was excused without
giving anj evidence.
Ex-Deputy State Treasurer llartlolt wiw
recalled by the defense to testify that Hart
ley had on hand In actual cosh $15,000 at
tlie end of his eeccsid term.
The defense announced that It had hut
one moro witiwsa In stir-rebuttal and that ho
uouId not bo In tlic cltj until this moining.
A recess was therefore taken.
.Indue ( iorilon I.KIeiiN ( o ( In- Ton II-
IIIIIIM VuiiliiKl ( I'rnprlelorN ,
Another effort was nude In police comt
jcsterday to supprosfl the nlckel-ln-the
slot machine. It Is in the form of the trial
of the cases against Ci'arlos Nordenherg ,
saloon keeper at 312 South Fifteenth street ,
and Kdnard 1'eterson , vvho keeps a naloon at
the corner of riftecnth and Harno } streets.
The complaining witness against both do-
cndants was James Olson , who caused the ar
rests on warrants Issued by the county at
torney nt the Instance of Attorney Cochran ,
alleging a state offense. The Information
was diawn under section 221 , of the criminal
code of NcbiasKa , entitled "Lotteries , "
\\hlUt \ Is aa follow a
If any person shill open , set on foot , ciny
on , piomote , mike , or ilriw , publicly , any
lottery 01 scheme of chincc , of any descrip
tion of whatsoever name style or title , the
same may be di-tet mined 01 known ; or if any
person bhall by Mich wais and means ex
pose 01 bet to nalo any house or houses ,
lands or real estate , or any goods 01 chut-
Uls , cahh or written evidences of debt , or
ccitllleate-i of rlilms , or inythlng or ihliigs
of value whatsoever , every person BO offc'iid-
ing shall be lined In nitv sum not exceeJInj
f5W , at the discretion of the court.
The prosecution was conducted by As
sistant County Atoiney Winters and Ilrjce
Craw foul Is conducting the defense , In which
It la set up that the devices In question , he-
Ing mechanical vo-iders of merchandise , do
not come within the pale nf the law govern
ing lotteries and gambling. The nlckel-iu-
thc-slot machines which the pollco confis
cate ! | , i the places of the defendants at the
time of their arrest arc In court as uvidcnce ,
and a greater pirt of the day was given" up
lo the testimony of Olson , who tcstlllcd to
having had played the machines on numerous
occasions for cigars. Some times ho won ,
but moro frequently ho lost , although for
every timn that he plajrd a machine he nag
entitled to something , if not a cigar then
a cigarette ,
The prosecution Introduced three other
witnesses beaidtn Olson and then rested Ito
caso. Iteti announced by the defense that
It would present no evidence , admitting a
.3 tale ot facts , whereupon both a I Jen instcd.
It was agreed bctweun tlio court and the
lawyers tlut aiguments should he mihmlltoil
at 1 o'clock today and tlio whole question
will be upon the legal Interpretation of the
ecctlon of the code under which tlil.i action
was begun ,
riinrueil ivllli .Slenlliii ;
David H Watcon , jr. . of SC7 South Thirty-
third street Is n 'prisoner ut tlio city Jill ,
chaiged with burglary , Paptaln Ilnze and
Detectives Donahnn and Dunn roused him
out of bed at h's ' homo this morning about
1 9) ) o'elork and took him Into custody The
complaining wltmm In thu case lyV II.
Channel of 1302 Leivenivvorlh struet , who al
leges that on the night of February 10 Wat
son broUo Into his bun and stolu a set of
double harness , The preliminary hearing1
will bo held In police court.
Watson was arraigned In police court ami
waived preliminary hearing. Ills bond for
appearance before the grand jury was fixed
nt 11,000 and being nnnblo to furnluh It ho
committed to jail ,
OM > COMI.VV IIUII.DIM ; , ciiiu.vno.
Membnra Chicago Hoard of Trade vlnco 1S62.
Grain , Provisions anJ N. Y. Slocks
Orders Cash and Future Delivery Solicited.
Oiiiiiliu Oltlue , Itoiini 1 , .V. Y. Mfc Illilc ,
. . . . 'I'll u n i1)111. . . . ,
FLOYD J. OAMl'llKM , . iliiniiurer.
JA iES E- BOYD & CO , ,
Telephone 1)1) ( ) ; ) . Oninlut , Nub
110 A III ) OP TlfADIi.
Dlro-t wires to Chicago and New York.
Correnpondenta : John A Warren & Co.
H. H. PENNEY & CO. ,
11O Board of Trade Bldg. , Omaha , Neb
Branch Olllro. 1038 N St , Lincoln. Neb.
I'rculdent. Vice 1'rcildent
Ctifisiie-Stfeet Commission Cos
Cuiilllll , ( U-0,000.00 , Fully I'll 111.
Jii Iluiird of Truelo llullilluu ,