m I THE OMAHA DAILY HHIS : THURSDAY , inSlWUAKY 21 , 1808. for lii' c column tilll lie ( itUcn until 11 ! m. for Hi mill until 8 i > . > n. ' * ' ' mill Snmlny filllliinn. lir reiini-itlltiK " - nn " clu-pU , cmi lime niiimrr * nil ( IreKMMl In it iiiitnlirrril Seller In cnr < if The Het * . Aiifmor * * o nil < lr 'nnci \ lll bi > ilcllvorcil on iircnentntlitii o HIP check oiil ) . IttiU-n , 1 l-Uc u word flrnl limrrllon Jo a Tuiril ItipriMifliT. .Nolhlnw tnl - for ICN limn a.-.c fur Ihu Urn ! Inner nun. Tln' c iiilvcrtUriiiuntH inunt li run foi WA.Vrnn SITt'ATIO'NS. VVANTIJD , A POSITION AH COLLATOR 1 < O u rellnhlf llrtn , over 10 jearn experience. M > ea and write Knullsh ami Herman , bcit of _ ell reference * Aihlrena (1 61. lit' * A JiO-28 * A"YOFNO MAN OF LAiion nxi'iniiF.Nvi : IN olllcc work , expert MenoKrapher ; well eclucitei wanli permanent position at reasonable salary Adtlress O M. Hep A-2i2-S * WANTJD , I'ostTioN AHuooKKiia'iit : : p clerk. 2 ) oirs' experience. No. I bank refer dices J M Siuner , 1CS South 13th SU _ WANTIID , TO THAVHL FOR 8OM1J WIIOLH- wile lioura or manufaclurer. A'1"a\Sj ' . . . \VAMnnMAin HUM * . GANVA8SUH9 TO TAKKToilDCIlS ; NEW LINE of work ; no heavy Koods to carry ; * "lary or commtnlsulon. C. F , Adann Co. . 624 So. IGth at , U 446 SALESMAN"rbll C1OAHB. f 123 A MONTH AND eipensea , old firm , experience unnecessary. In ducements to customers. C. C. lllshop LO * 8' . Lou la. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ AtlKNTH AND IIRANril MANAOnllS , SALARY and commission. Hunter Tailoring A. Shirt Co. Cincinnati , J3. n-MMS-Aprll 16' . . . . , , . . .N TO LKARN I1ARI1FH , , formerly took t-vo linn- , two months required yearn time i-avcil by constant piactlce. In- tni.tlon nnd lecturci , VVBRBS Snturd.iys , ' mailed fi"e. tools preipnt-Hl , 03 cataloKUo Moler System Uarber Schools , ChlcnKO WANTED. HADDLB MAKHUS TO WORK ON hlch Krado stork siddlei , must In1 llrsl cmes mechanics , lilirhrit vsuses nnd Bteidy work. Dod on , Filler , tlrockinnnn , Co. , Minneapolis , ll-M17l-K Minn _ GOvMTlNMiNT POSITIONS ; DON'T FIlin'Altn for the rallvvay mall or other civil service ex amination without seeing imr Illustrated c-il-i- lomin of Infnrmntlon , sent free Columbian Correspondence ColUge , Washington , r ) y , . w.vNTiD-nxi'iniiNCiD : TOHACCO SALKS- man lo repre ent us In the city of Omaha Slate Invest salary to commence on nnd furnish references from two different p.utles sou have sold tobacco for before Address. Globe To bacco Comp.iny , Detroit , Michigan. II 23S-23 WISTIRN : ORAMOPHONI : co , COUNCIL Illurfj" , la , wants Nebni ka representative- * , relliiMo enortrctlc men , to make } 23 weekly. No peddling Write quick 11 5I20S M22 SALI5SMHN WANTUD 1O HULL 11V SAMI't V. . ! tt vvhnliiiiln nnd retail. Roo.lt . mil on slplit , R.tlarj and rommlmilon Aildrras Centennial Mfi ; Co , 4D"i 8th uve , New York Cltv II M232 SI' . , . Itmnns Ireo paint krani borers , rabbiW n aj } ' , n ilny mire Olobe ( Jlicmlcal Co , ll < omlns ton. Ill 11-M2U1 ii' WANTUD. LHJI'Oll SALHSMAN , MUST 11IJ llrst olasi Hilesman. lth an t.iblVhed tr.u RtnmiK the ilniB and ictall ll < | imr trnilo In N Imsli.i nnd mine well leconiuiondod , lo reur in-it it proinlneiH St 1/jiils uhnletiile house ri'rj no object for the rlRht man Addros wl'h full niitlcuIarH , Wholesale L' < | iiors , Suith M st St LjuK Mo l-M2i ! ) 2 wvNTnn , roLLicTOiis AND SOLICMTOK t > tri\el , all expcrses pihanced and bid con mlsc'in ' , mil VlctoiIn Hotel. CJeo A Turnbul 11-M2S7 2I A -JALISMUN TO ILL CIT.AHS TO DKAT e > , i 1'fiv from $0) to S21D i * r month silii e id o\piiis- . cxiwrlence tinnecessart , pe mivncn * insltlon Tim DC Mora. Clc ir Cu Spr nrffleld O " " "TIJ-- . KINO'S SILVLMl POI Ml vacs tint1 and labor , tend 10 cents fo simple and ttrnn Kins ( "hcinlcil Co , Nine teenth nnd Parrlsh , 1'hll.iilolphl.i , P.i 11 M2S5 2C * iTltOOM MAKnn. WANTUD. (3OOT > 1 > A Write 1 C Itansilcll , Noifolk , Neb II-.M2TS 2" u A.vn : i-'nii VLU iinia' . 1M Olfil.sTcm ALL KINDS Of WOIIK ; K TO 17 week. C'anadlan OfflI3J2 Dousl.is. C IIR ANTIJD lOMPiri3NT OIItL TOIl OlINllUAI ] | 0iife orkood wnses for good cook. Mrs 1'rany Ili'jnnl'ls. ' I'lorenee C 2J3 2J * WANTKD. AI'I'LICANT.S TOR TRAININP Fcnnol f ir nurres Apply nt W C A hospital Ninth and Sixth n\cnue , Council llluffsC2'iGJS. C-2'iG-JS. mL FOH nnNniiAL HOUSRWOIIK. MUST bo Kood laundie s. 1CJI S 32d Ave. C-i57-24 WAN'THD , LADinS TO DO I'ANCY WOIIK at home , straight salur > . Addicts ( . < ! > 9. Hee I C M2M 23 * is Monn L\DIIS 10 DO Nir. : Liwoiiic AT lionie , tall Immediately. Hooms 32 and 13 IS.il ker block I C M2iO 21 WANTIJD , rOMI'UTKNTailir , KOH OUNHHAI houyeuork. must have references , BOX ! wages. Call betetn B and C , 2110 Parimm FOU ui:7.'r.iiousis. liri liEH AI.LOVnii city. $3 to 73 ridellty , 1st door N. Y. Life. HOUSES W.\LL\CE , IlllOWN HLOCIC. 10'IH and Douglas D 4M LIST. M'CAGUE. 1JTH AND DODOE. HOUSES , FLATS. OARV1N HROtf . 1S13 KAR'N n if- * HOUSES J. II SHERWOOD , 123 N. Y. LITE D 131 HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. TflE O , r Divlx Cmnpiny , IMS rnrnam D 433 HOUSES. nnNEWA & CO. , 10 N. IJTH ST D no I-I1OOM HOUSE NEWLY PA1NTKD - AND PA- I'oied. W14 N , 2'i.IiAxe. ' , t2. ! ridellty TrUit Co. D MITft HOUSES. STORIES WEAD , 1CTII S. DOI'OL\S ' D-241 I4 HOI'KES nTOKKS. HE.MIS , \\1ON IlllcT D-433 on RENT. NINE ROOM HOITRE , TON. rnlnt. nifKlnrn. homelike : bent residence dl - trlct few mlnutfs * nn\\ \ \ < from postofllcp. Inn If dealrcd. Inquire 6 < W N Y Life biilldlne D-M317 NEW COTTAOE , MONTHLY PAYMENTS COI lire IlMit. D MSIl IN EAST SEVERAlTmiNlTUEr ) seres of Innd , suitable fnr carden nnd faun purpofen Aluo e eral pleas-int cottnRes. with illy water nnd convenient to car line Inquire t r'-HliJenre nf L S Italnen , 21ft St and Locust A\c , Eist Omaha D 7S7 AN ELEOANT MODERN 9-IIOOM IIRICK itnelllni ; . 50.1 South 2Sth , * 10 An elegant inndern S-room brick dwelling ICO Park Avi > . J33 Apr'W ' Jl Mclkle 1 * Vat Ilink bid ) , ' D 5IPSO FOIl Hi\TFIIHNJSIiiJ | : ROOMS. FOR RENT NI'.WLY TLMtMISHED ROOMS , reasoniblo prices , 2121 DoJue. E &IJSO FlIRNISIIED ROOMS. 1310 IX3UOLVS 81 BM 787 FuitNISHED ROOMS , 15IC HOWARD ST E M943 IN PRIVATE FAMILY. WITH OR WITHOUT Ikiard 1119 Dodge. K-1S3-Z5' iotntRf7 SOUTH ROOMS , 12.00VEEIC AND up 6H N 19th E-M234-ZS' NICKLY I'TntNISHED ROOSISj LAD1C8 ONLY ; 4i South 13lh , upstairs. E-Mil : i > 1'LEAHANT ROOM. ELEGANTLY TURNISHED every contenUncri. beet location , near 11 lull tchool Addreiti O 63 Hee E-253-2) ' . -6ii IMNT : , TWO ruiiNihiiED ROOMS. ONE Bouth fiont ; ( team heat "M Farnam Pt. E-J75-55' 11OOM3 , I3SO IIARNEY hTRKET. E-ti UMl' NIOELY FURNISHKD FOUR.ROOM pas nnd all convenience ! . Apply uintulr * . 424 So. nth St , E-Mt83 2I HOO IH AM ) HOAHI ) . THU UKKRIAM. FIRST-CI SS FAMILY HO. tel , ( ilh and Dodge Sit. F 45 IIANDSOMll I > ARIXRS 15N SUITE. SMALLEU room * , coed board. Tha Rose , too Haniey. F-MD73 JLAROE BOUTH ROOM , WITH UOAKO ! 4I2 ! Cua. V-M211 : ROOMS AM ) IIOAIII ) . ( Continual. ) FfRNISIlKD lOOMa WITH 1JOARI > , MIS DoUKlat ) F-M2 t 24' HANDSOME LAROE TRONT ROOM , WITH , lioird , referenceii 312 N 18lh r-MJC7 2S ELEOANT FRONT ROOMS. STEAM 1IKATRD ; flrot cln boartl 12W Capitol n\e F 271-JS * FOH itn.vr UM'UHMsiinn HOOMS. 1 tNPURNISHED CHAMllEIta FOR HOttSE- keeplnu , man nnd wife , water In kitchen , steel sink , waste pipe 319 N 17th. O 129 FOH itn > T .vrouus A.M ) OFFICHS. roll RENT. IN Till ) HEE IlUtLUlNO : Ona large corner room , 2d floor , with vault and private olllce , water , etc. One larsn front room , 2J door. dnldcJ Into two rooms by pirtltlon , water , etc. One large corner room , 2J iloor , with vault , wnter , etc. One front room , divided by partition , 3d floor. Ona corner room , with \auit. 3d flour. One large room , 3d floor , with partition dividing It Into one large room and two smaller private rooms , water , etc. Two lame ground ! Ioor rooms , fronting 17th St. , with vault. Several small rooms on 4th floor , with vaults. All these rooms are heated with stcnm , electric lights , supplied with first-class janitor service. Elevators run day and all night : building strictly flreprtxif , Apply to Superintendent , Room 104 Lee building. I 1M FOR RENT , DESK ROOM * N OROUND FLOOR nfllce , Hee building , nntci. steam heat , electric light and Janitor service. Apply to Superin tendent. Hee LuMJlnc. I 7 FOR RENT. ONE-STORY FHAME WAR.E- house , Htirllngton tracknge. F. L Loomls , 10th nn,1 Farnam Sts. I M967 23 FOR RENT-THE 4-STORY IlltlCIC HUILDINO nt 910 rnrnam St. Thin building has n fireproof cetn nt basement ; wnteror. all noors ; gas , etc. Apply at th oDlco of The Bee. 1 910 AOHVTS WAvrnn. WANTED , AGENTS TO HULL OUR OtlEAT Cuba book , all about Cuba. Spain and war ; great excitement , every one buvs It , one agent sold S7 In one day , another made } 13 In one hour , nearly MO pages , magnificent Illustra tions , photographs , etc , low price , we guar antee the most liberal terms ; freight paid , 20 dajs1 credit , outfit free , send fl 5-cent Htampa to pay postage. The IJIble House , 324 Dearborn St . Chicago. J-M243 27' WA.VniTO IIK.VT. 12 OR 1I-IIOOM HOUSE , FURNISHnD OR t'N- furnlshed O SO , Uee. K M-243-25" WANTED , FOUR ROOMS FOR LIGHT HOUSE- keeplnir within walking distance , no children. Address O C2. Dee K-M2SI 21' WANTED , TO RHNT DARN1 CENTRALLY LOcated - cated , large enough for 15 horses nnd 7 wagons. Address O C , Uee K M230 25 STOIIAOC. PACIFIC STORAGE AND WAREHOUSE CO. , POS-910 Jones , general storage and forwarding. M 160 OM. VAN & STORAGE. 15HV4 FARN'M. TEL 1559 M-461 WA > TCIJ TO BUY. I WISH TO PURCHASE THE LETTERS K. W. O from Soda Mint cum , state your prlee , cither singly or for nil E 49. Hee N 49" Ml WANTED , TO UtTY SECOND-HAND WAGON suitable for hiullng furniture. Address G U , Hoe. K M293 23 FOIl S VLK FtniXITlJIin. SECOND-HAND STEEL HOTEL RANGES Or all kinds , cheap 1 07 Farnam. O MOM M12 FURNITURE OF WELL FURNISHED HOUSE of 10 rooms , full of roomers nnd boaiders , within 5 minutes' walk of P. O Address G 51 , Hee O M2C023' FOH s VLIiioitsns , wvco.vs , BTO. FARM HORSES FOR SALE. APPLY PACIFIC Express Co , Oiniha , Neb 1' M2S4 M2 FOR SALLI MISCELLAXCOUS. FINE WHITE SAWDUbT FOR FLOORS , ETC. : coarse for Ice , at S3 00 per cord. Tel. 458 901 Douglas. < j 462 HORSE CLIPPING MACHINES. KNIVES AND repairs , all standard makes , on hand ; grindIng - Ing razms , shear * , clippers ; prompt service A. L Undelnnd. Q M870 CHICKEN , HOG AND LAWN FENCES. ALL wire ; Is lest Wire Works , 14th and Harney Q 9S9 PURE PLYMOUTH ROCK EGGS FOR SET- tlrgs , COc ; roosters , 11 00. 93. ! North 2CthQSSS Q-SSS FOR SALE , HOARDING- HOUSE AND SAloon - loon ; No 1 location , doing good business , pick- ness cause for selling. Address U , Uee olflcc. So. Omaha. Q M24I 27 COO PR. OF BUFFALO HORNS , POLISHED. Adics.s G R. Norria , Judith , Mont Q-M245 M3' CHICKEN. HOG AND LAWN FENCES ; ALL wire , H best. Champion Iron Works , 403 S 14th Q-9VJ iSEED SWEET POTATOES. Jt.50 PER RIIL. Theo-loro Williams , 5"th nnd Military Ave , Omiha , Neb Q M2SO May7' ClyUKVOYAVrS. MRS WAONCn. MEDIUM AND CLAIR- vo > ant 1C09 Hurt st. S MIO'K ) 2 ! ' Dll A WHEELER. PALMltaT AND ASTROl , ogtr , room 9 , Crelghton blk S M19S Ml' MASSAGI3 , I1ATIIS , KTC. MADAME SMITH. IIS N 13TH ST , STEAM and alcohol baths T M231 27 * MME. DRISSON OP PAIlis ! CHIROPODIST. medicated baths and massage. 107 N. 12th St. T 637 Ml' BEE HUILDINO SANITARIUM , SCIENTIFIC innpsige , Swedlt.li movementH , electric treat ment nnJ medical buths , graduated inapseUFD for ladles. Dr C. W. Malmqulat , Mgr , looms 109-110 Hee HulldlnC. T M8S3 M12 j \nilA ELLISON. CROUNSE 11LOCK" , 119 Jf lOtli , room 13 , upstairs , bath and mnsxiiKe T M220 20 * MME AMES , MASSAGE AND HATHS , IKM Ho\vnrd street T M232 27 * MRH DR LEON , ELECTRIC MASSAi3E IL\TH p-irlora ; rcatful nnd ruratlve 417 S 11th , np- T M233 27 IIISO\AL. VIAVI FOR UTERINE TROUI1LES. 348-8 HEE Hide , phvslclan consultation or health bonk fn-o L7 1 IIATHS. MASSAOE. MME. I'OST , 319U S. 13TII tl 464 CI/JTHES CLEANED , PISESSED AND Il7. ! paired ; duv or night ; drosn siilta for hlr" 1'antorlum , N C Cor. 14th and Farnnm. Tel ' % 3. U 4i > ANY PERSON IN DOUGLAS WASHINGTON or Snrpy counties who ha any claim ncmlnrt me will iileaaa call at Wulr'p plate , near Bouth Omaha , where I can ba found unlll March ] ' IS9P .Tohr Vnth. U 985 Feb MARRIED PEOPLE , SECURE THE ONLY UN objectionable method to avoid excessive pa. rentnge , We 1 * nfrrter. president Institute of Human Culture , Minneapolis , Minn U Mi"i7 Mch3 N ORDER TO INTRODTCE OITR NEW HAIR , rtresner , Mlns Illnnche Cnthcnrt nnd her per fect method we will give a free massngo with overv * fnee steam for the next two vvielin At P. M Schadell & Co. II MCS3 MchB DIES , HAVE YOUR HAIR ORIJSHED HE- fore going downtown nt the halnlreMlng parlors of Mu.e. O Payne. J3A3 Irfavenwjith si ; tel ISM ; nrllMIc manicuring , suixrflueu ? Inlr nod facial blemlNhes removed vlth eler- trlclty : Jlrlclly private. U M799 Mil * RIVATE HOME FOR LADIES BEFORE AND ilurliie oonflnemfnti babies adopted and cared for. 1130 N 17th , U-M2J3 26' VANTED , TO KNOW THE ADDRFSS OF Mm F , C Church or Mls Sjrnh D Clmirh Addrv-ss J2 l Mason at II M28 2I MOVIJi TO LOA\HiiL ICSTATH. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW RATE'S. THE O. F. Davis Co. . UOS Farnam St. W-4M JOAN ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY property , W. Farnam Smith & Co. , IS20 Far * ! ! ! W 46 $ ilONEY TO IXAN ON IMPROVKD OMAHA reai e tate , Urennun-I vu Co. , : i9 S. 16th. W 470 PER CENT MONEY ON NE . PAItMS & OMU ha prop rty. W. II. MelkU. ut Nat'l Hank HIdt , W-M474 PER CKNT CITY AND FARM LOANfi ! " Oarvln Uroi. , UIJ Farnam St. W M907 -HOM I1W.CO UP. WEAD , ICTH & DOUOLAS. W-S4J FJ4 ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO. SIS N. Y. L. : quick money at Igw ratrt for choice farm landi In Iowa , northern Mliiourl , raitcrn N l > ru ka. PKH O13NT UOttBX. UBMIB. PAXTON Blk. W-4M MO.MJV TO I.O.\.V ltn.\T < I3ST\Ti : . ( Continue * ! ) 1100,00000 .SPECIAL FUND TO t/UN ON first-elm's Improved Omaha property , or for building purposes , ridellty Trust jwmpnny MONEY I/UNED ON IMPHOVnt ) HEAL EState - tate In Omnha , Council muffs & South Omnhi , I'usey & Thomas. WZ First Nat'l Dank , Omaha. WANTHO , CIIOICH FAIIM AND CITY LOANS. H. C. Peters & Co. , U. S Nnfl Bank Illdg W--473 AT LOW UVTKS O NFAHMS & IMI'IIOVRD city property H A Wcsterfleld , 515 l t NM Uk \V-7S3 MS tM LOAN WANTHD C03 HiK. \V S JKINHV TO I.OAN C tlO TO 1 10 , 000 TO LOAN ON HOtlSKHOI.D FtmNITUIli : AND PIANOS , WAOONS AND CAlintAQKS , nousn nncniPTS , ETC. . at lo e."t rates In Omnhfi , South Omnhn and Council IllufTi. No rcmosnl of KooJs ; stilctly conllilentlal , jnu can pay the loan oft at nny time or In any amounts. amounts.OMAHA MOKTOAOK IXAN CO . JOG South 16th St. Tim ot.nnsT , i\noixsT AND ONLY INCOII- I'ORATRD 1/JAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. X-475 STEAM MnnuY-ao-HotJND. cost | 2S60 ; price J850j money In It for exposi tion. Write Tuttle llros , Salt Lake City , Utah. Y M8C4-23 * TO OUT IN OH OUT OF 1IUSINESS GO TO J. J. ail ) o : , . 611 First Nnt'l Uank. Y 476 FIRST-CLASS lllUCK MANUKAfTUniNQ plant for one-half nctual value Aildreit foin- mcrclal National Itank , Fremont , Neb. Y M931 21 FOIl SAliC OH TllADH , A PONTOON IIIIIDOK ncroA.i the Mlvourl ; Imr aln , J , J. Olbeon , 514 1st Nat'l Hank. Y M2I2 SPKCULATOUS , I HAVE POSITIVE Infonnatlon on a stock whlc.1 will make JWO on e\ery J100 Imested within 30 dn > 8. It you want to make money write Immediately. S. Scott , Wall St , N. Y. Y M251 24' CASH OllOCnilY IHtSlNKSS , HIG HAUOAIN cash or part trade , must lie sold this week. Apply nt once , O 57 Hee Y-254-2J * MOST MHURAI. PnOI OSITlON TO OHT INTO nifo , clean manufacturing bualnc"prollta InrKe , business established , only JS.OW tieedoil. O 64 , Ik'C. Y M251 M,2 (1M 1NVIJSTKD 13XAHLUS YOU TO JoilN interprlnu now > | pdlnff | 150 per cent inonth'x * ; no stock or Klondike scheme , safe , pmetl'-nl , succe M Ai1iln" < < i Da\ld Sloanc , 110 St Paul St. , Italtlmore , Md Y M2S * > 21" von sAi < nnisAij ESTATK. KOUNTZI3 PLACE IIAUGAINS , I2.BCO. 3 730 TO JC.500. J. J. Gibson , S14 First Nat. llnnk BldR- HB-473 $22SOO FOIl 3-STOIIY BHICK IIUIL-DINO , 41 feet frontaRC , near 14th anil Douglas Sts J2.MO for Irr.proved property on Cumlnc street , near 23th street. J. N. Frenzer , Opp. P. O. HOUSES. LOTS , FARMS. LANDS. LOANS. also ( Ire Insurance Bemls. Paxton blkRC450 RC-450 14 PER CENT GROSS INVESTMENT , 2-STORY brick business building , price S3,5CO. Address n i , nee. nn 454 " n MODERN COTTAOE , EAST FRONT , choice location. 302 N. 40th : cheap ; easy terms. RE-SM-MH FOLLOWING DESinAHLt ! PROPERTY : nUSI- neis lot corner. 60x150 ft , In So Omaha , pived. nuslncs lot , COx.150 feet , Imnroved , South Omaha , street pived Traet (21 ( lots ) , 36th St. Tract (20 ( lots ) 30th St For particulars apply 1012 Farnam St. Rti-961 NEW , MODERN ! IROOM COTTAGE. LAIE ! ! lot , J300 cash , balance to suit. Address O K , Bee HE M101 CHOICE OF EIGHT LOTS IN SAUNDERS & Hlmebaugh's addition at 1100 , half cnsh , two blocks from paved street and motor : on grade. A. P Tukey , City ha.ll. RE M11S FOR FLORIDA FRUIT OR VEGETAP.T.E lands or winter homes ( perfect climate ) nddreso Florida liist Coast Ily. Co , U3 Denrlwrn s : . , Chicago HE M2SS 21' SHOHTII VXD AXO TVI n\VIlITI\n. AT OMAHA DUS. COI.LEOE , 1CTH & DOUGLAS 4S7 HO Y LES * SCHOOL THE ONLY ONE IN Omahn < vherc court reporters are teachers , 405-407 nee BIdg. 4S 11KLLB F1NLEY. S12 N Y LIFE. 701 Mb A. C. VAN SANT'S FCHOOL OF SHORTHAND and typewriting , 717 N. Y Life , offers the fol lowing advantages' Individual Instructions by experienced teicheia and skillful stenographers : up-to-date methods : latest textbooks ; touch sys tem of typewriting If preferred , premiums that keep up an Interest , participation In actual work , for which students receive cash pay ments. In some cases amounting to more than tuition ; money refunded for unexplred time. If students ere not nitlsflcd : free trill we k. Interested parties Invited to visit the school and see Its facilities methods , work of Its students and class of students In attendance. CS3- MRDICVL. LADIES' CHIPHllSTER'S ENGLISH PENNY ro > nl Pills ( Diamond brand ) are the best Saff rellablp Take no other. Send 4c stamps fo partlculnrrt "Itallef for Lad'es" ' In letter I ) relurn mall At drugglrts. dilchester leal Co. , Philadelphia , Pa. Mention Ft.VAXCIAL. LIFK INSURANCE POLICIES not'GHT KOP cash Rlclnrd Herzfcld. 171 I iSalle St. , riil- cngo. B01 F2S MONEY IAN"ED ON LIFK INSURANCE POL- Icles or bought. L. P Van Norman , Mlnne- nppolls , Minn. M777 Mchl4 * I'AWMIHOKIIHS. II. MAROWITZ LOANS MONEY , 418 N , 16TH. 4S3 AVAXTHD TO ilOIIHOW. WANTED TO RORROW $1.500 , 3 TO 5 YEARS , on choice Inside , well rented property at 7 per ci > -semi-annual ; no commission. Address F 17. nee FUKVITiritR IMCKRI ) . M. S WALK IN. 2111 CUMING. TEL. 1331. 492 .v ritovrAons FOH unsT. GROUND LEASES FRONTING EXPOSITION. llemlo , Paxlon nil ; , _ 373 STnVOGHAPIIKIlS. WE SOLICIT AND Ft'RNISH POSITIONS FOR Stenographers free. The Smith-Premier Typewriter - writer Co Telephone. 1284 CITY EMPIX3YMENT I1UREAU , 1417 FARNAM street. Rooms 2. and 3. Tel , 1404. 45 TVI'KWIUTIflHS. TYPKWRITKRS FOR KENT J4.00 Hfill MONTH , The Hmlth-l'rlmler Typewriter Co , , 1125 Far- nam St. , telephone , 1M IIOTLH.9 FOH UHXT. I1UILDINO SUITABLE FOR HOTKL ; 30 rooms and large store rerun , central locution. Dcmli , I'axion Blk. UGO tnnnss MAICIXO. URUSSMAKINO , FAMILIES 2504 DAVENPORT XOTIOU TO CO.Vl'KACTOHS. rtOTICn TO CONTHACTOHS. Sealed bids for the construction of the South Viaduct acrosH Sherman avenue , con- nortlMK the Exposition Uroulds , will bo re ceived until 11 a. m. Friday , February 23th , Plans and specifications can bo seen at the Department cilices , corner 15th and Spencer Btreota , or set will bo furnished bidders at coat , The right la reserved to reject any or all bids. F. P. KIUKCNDALl' , ilBr. Grds. and llld'jjs. uept. Trausmlssls- alppl and International Kxpo. rl NOTICE TO CONTHACTOnS. Sealed bids for the construction of the Transportation and Agricultural implement Hulldlntc on the Exposition grounds , will bo received until II a. m. Tuesday , March Plans and specifications can be seen at the department oillce. corner 15th and Spen cer streets , or nets will be furnlatuxl bid- dera at coat. F. P. KIJIKKNJUALU Mgr. Orda. and Hhif , Dept. , TransmUalsslppI and International Kxpo- ! tlon- Feb. -MiEtoMl MiEtoMl"I "I > OTICIS. Ken . Service. I'lno uiiiRo Agency. I'lnc S. D. . February 11. 1W Senlcil proc - | > c nN , Indorsed "Propi-saN - for IlullV and addrt'oscd to the nndprslRned nt 1'lni1 nidffe. Shannon county , S. I ) , will be rc- cilveil at thlM agency until 1 o'clock p. m of Si tunny. March 12th , 1833 , for furnishing and delivering at thU rtuency not later than .May 1 , 1S9S. one hundred (100) ( bulls , full bhotH ollKlble to rcplstry , Polled Angus or Hereford preferred ; not less than two nor more than four years old , free from b'em- I'hes stralRht and smooth ; to welph not leas than I.OiM pounds each and lo avcrase not less than 1,10) pounds. Bidders wilt slate clearly In their bids the proposed prlco of each animal. All anlnnlt offered for delivery under any contract will be sub ject to n rlRld Inspection. The rlsht Is re- Fervcd to reject ) .my , and all bids , or any part of anv bld.i tf itfee.mtl for the best In- tero < t9 of the Kovcrrunent. Cortinc < l Checks Each bid must bo'ilccompnnled ' by a certi fied check or < lr.Jft Upon some United States depository or sbh'phr national bank In the vicinity of the ri > sjdppce of the bidder , made piyable to the 'dnk-f of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs , , forj at least Ilvo per cent of the amount ofnth * proposal , which checker or draft -nlll be forfeited to the United Statea In case ai > - > bUlder or bidders receiv ing an nw.ird shall fall to protnptlr execute a contract with eooi'Iand pufflclent suretloa , otherwlso to bo returned to the bidder. Olds nccompinled by .6ahi . | In lieu of a certified chuck will not b considered. For nny ad ditional Informatlonmpply to Major W. H. Clapp , Acting IV So Indian Agent. t.vrrni ) j > Vrns OK AMHUICA , lOv i- DlHtrliSi of Vclirankn. I3y virtue of aijfhorlty vested In me by law. It li hereby ordered that a special term of the United States district court for the district of Nebraska be held at Omaha In the sild district of Nebraska ( that being n place where according to law a regular term of said court Is held ) , at the United States court room In said Omaha , at 11 o'clock a. m. , on Monday , the 14th day of March , A. 13. 1S9S , for the transaction of such business as may then bo brought be fore said court ; and notice of the holding of such special term bo and the same hereby Is given. Dated this 14th ( lav of February , A. D. 189 $ . WM. H MUNGEIt , United States District Judge. FebZldat U.YITU1) STATUS OF AMUIIICV , niKlitli .Iiiillrlnl Circuit , DNtrlet ill M'liriiNku. By virtue of authority vested In me by law , It Is hereby ordered that a spcclil term of the United States circuit court for the district of Nebraska bo held nt Omaha , In the said district of Nebraska ( that being a place where according to law a regular term of said court la held ) , at the United States court room in said Omnhn nt 11 o'clock u. m , , on Monday , the 14th day of March , A. D. 1S93 , for the transaction of such business .is may then be brought be fore said court , and notice of the holding of such special term be and the same hereby Is Rhen. Dated this Oth dnv of February. A. D. 1898. WALTER II. SAXHORN. United States Circuit Jutlpe. STOcicnoi.nnnv STOCKHOLDnnS1 MEETING. Notice It hereby given that thp icgular annual meeting of the stockholders of the South Platte Land company will be held at the olllce of said company In Lincoln , Nebraska , at 11 o'clock a. m , , on the first Wednesday In Match , 1893 , being the second day of the month. , By order of tie Board of Directors. R. O. PHILLIPS , Secretary. Lincoln. Nob. . Jan 31. 1S9S. J31d30tm NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockholders of The Uee Publishing company i 111 be held at the com pany's olllce , corner Seventeenth and F.ir- nam streets. In the city of Omaha , Neb. , on Monday , St.nch 7 , 1SDS , at 1 o'clock p. m. By order of the president. G. B. TZSCHUCK. Secretary. F22dlOtSI&C ( Should be read DAILY by all interested as changes may occur at any tlmu. ) Foreign malls for.tho week ending February 20. 1S9S , will close ( PROMPTLY in , ull cases ) at the ( general post ollice as fol lows : PARCELS POST MAILS close one hour earlier than' closing time shown below. ' ' TrnnN-Atlaiitlc Mulli. i i -r SATURDAY At ,5-fl ) a. m. for GREAT BRITAIN , IRELAND. BELGIUM , NETH ERLANDS , AUSTRIA and NORWAY ( Bergen ) , per s. , s.j Campania , via Queens- town ( letters for pther parts of Europe must be directed "per Campania" ) ; at 5,0 : a. m. for GERMANY , DENMARK. SWE DEN , NORWAY ( Chrlstianta ) and RUS SIA , psr s. s. F ; Bismarck * , \la Hambuig ( letters for other parts of Europe , via Cherbourgand. . ' Southampton , must bo di rected "per F. Bismarck" ) ; at 7 a. m. for FRANCE , SWITZERLAND. ITALY , SPAIN. PORTUGAL , TURKEY. EGYPT and BRITISH INDIA , per s. s. La Cham- pacnc' , via iiu-vrL11 at o ti. m. lor INJI.IH ERLANDS dlrefct , " per s. s. Amsterdam via Rotteidam"lelters must be directe < "per Amsterdam" ) ; at 8 n. m. for GENOA per s. s. Ems ( letters must be dlrectec "per Ems" ) ; at 10 a. m. for SCOTLANI direct , per s. s. Furnessla , via Glasgow ( letters must be directed "per FurnessU" ) PRINTED MATTER , ETC. German Bteamer ; sailing on Tuesday ! ) take Printed Matter , etc. for Oermany , and Specially Addressed 1'rintet Matter , etc , for other part * of Europe. Amcr lean and White Star steamers on Wednesdays , German steamers oil ThursJays , and Cunard , French and Herman steamers un Snturdaja take Printed Mattel , etc. . for all countries tor wlilct they are advertised to curiy mail. After the clojlnp of the Supplementary TransAtlantic - Atlantic Mulls named above , additional supple , mentary mulls aru opened on the piers of the American , n.igllsh , French and German steam ers , and remain open until within Ten Minutes of the hour ot sailing ot steamer. MnllH fur South and Central America , Went Iiullea , Htf. FRIDAY At 1 p. m. for BARBADOS di rect and NORTH BRAZIL , via Para and Manaos , per s. s. Orangonso ; at M7 p. in. for NASSAU , N. P. . per e. a Miami , from Miami. Fla SATURDAY At 2:30 : n. m. for BRAZIL and LA PLATA COUNTRIES , via Rio Janeiro , per B. B. Amalfl , from Philadel phia ( letters for North Brazil must bo di rected "per Amalfl" ) , nt 10 n , in. ( supple mentary 10-W a. m ) for FORTUNE ISLAND , JEREMIE , JAMAICA , 8AVA- NILLA and GREYTOWN , per s s. Aleno ( letters for Costa Rica must be directed "per Alene" ) : at 100 : : ! a m. for CAM- PECHE , CHIAPAS. TABASCO end YU CATAN , per s. H. Seguaranca ( letters for other parts of Mexico and for Cuba must be directed "per Seguaranca" ) ; at 11 a. in. for NEWFOUNDLAND , per B H. Portia ; nt 8:30 : p m for NEWFOUNDLAND , per Bteamer ftom North Sydney. SUNDAY At " 7 p m. for NASSAU , N. P , , per s. s. Miami , from Miami , Fla. Malls for Newfoundland , by rail to Halifax and thetvco by steamer , rlose nt this otfk" dally at 8.3V p m Malls for Mirrueton , by rail to ilos- ton and the ice by ettamcr , cloje at thin olllce dally at B30 ; p. m , Mails for Cuba close at this otllce dally at 7.00 a. in 'T fnrnanlliu by steamer * miling ( Monna/n nnn Thurmlaja ) from Port Tampa , K'a. ' Malls for Mexico Clly , overland unlfs specially addressed fir detpatch by steamer , dore nt this odlce dally at 2:30 : a -m and 2.30 i > . in Ileglsterea mall closes at C.OJ p. m , previous day , TraiiN-Paclllc Mall * . Malls for China and Jnpin ( specially ad dressed only ) , per B. e. Empress of China ( from Vancouver ) close here dally up to February "Zlal at G:30 : p. m. Malls for the Society Islands , per Hhip Galileo ( from San Francisco ) , close here dally up to Febnr- ary 2Jd at 0:30 p. m. Malls for China and Japan , per s , > . City of Peking ( from San Francisco ) , close hero dally up to Feb ruary 2T.th at 6:30 : p , in. Malls for Aus- tralla ( except West Australia ) , Now Zea land , Hawaii and FIJI Islands , per B. s , Aotangl ( from Vancouver ) , close here dally after February " 'ISth and up to March 3d at 0:30 : p m. Malls for Hawaii , per s , B. Australia ( from San Francisco ) , rloaa , here dally up to March Ctli nt 0:30. : Malls for china and Japin , per s. s Tucoina ( from Tacoma - coma ) . cloie here dally up to March Cth at 0:30 : p m MulU for Australia ( except those for West Australia ) , which are for warded via UuropcvNew Zealand. Hawaii , Fiji and Samoan , Islands , per a. a. Moan i ( from San Francbro ) . close hero dally up to March 18th ' t' 7 00 u. in. , a m. and C:3Q : p. m , ( or on arrival ut New York of B. a. Campan ft tylth British mulls for Australia ) . „ Trans-raclfln mails arn lurwarded to port of lull- In * dally and Ihq HbeduU of cluilng U ar ranged on the pruumptlon of their uninter rupted overland rriTD'lt"IteeUltrea wall clotci t A | > m. nrrvloui day , CORNELIUS VAN COTT , Postmantor Postotllcc , Now YbrU , N. Y , , Ft-bruary Jj. It 111110US. . * 'RFMONT. ni.KHORN AND Mlxsourl Valley Railway Oen- eral Olllces , Unllpd Slates Na tional Hank llulldlnir. South. nest Corner Twelfth nnd Far- nnln StrccU Ticket Ofllrf. tn 1401 Farnam Stleot. Telephone Ml Depot. Fif teenth ana Webster Streets Telephone 145 ? . 1 IX""C < Arr'Ve ' > Dl.ck IIIH. . De dwnoj , , . , ani1 'fn' SnrlnRs . . . . 3:00 : pm 5:00 : pm WvpniMK. 0 * pir and I Douglas . i 3.00 " pm I : "o pm HiMlnirw , York Davll , City , Superior Oencva , I Exeter and Sevvnid. . . . J:00 pm " D:00 pm Norfolk , West Point and Fremont 7:50 : nm 10.23'am Lincoln , Wnhoo and ! Fremont 7:30 : nm " 10:25 : am i Fremont Local . . . 7:60 : am 1 'Dally. "Dnlly except Sundiy. " Sunday only Dally except Saturday " " Dilly except Mundpj , CHICAGO & NORTHWESTERN Ralhvaycity Ticket Olllce. 1401 Farnam Street , Telephone 561. Depot , Tenth and Mn on Streets. Telephone 128. Arrive ' ' ' T-0 ° nm 11:13 : rm MTssWn' MTssWn'yniVej - ; sioiYx City. St Paul and Minneapolis t40 ; am ' 10:43 : pm Missouri Valley , sioui ' * 1M * " " J 03 pin Dennlson , Carroll , Wail Luke , from Itroadway , Council IllutTH . . . . . " 9:00 : nm " 8:45 : am Eastern Express , Des Monies Morshnlitown , Cedar Itanldi. Chlcnito ' 10:30 : nm 4 33 pm Atlantlo Flyer , Chicago and East 4:45 : nm 4:33pm : Fast SUII. Chlcaeo to Omahn. 3:10 : pm Missouri Vailey , Sioux City , St Paul Minne apolis Limited . . . , 4:13 : pm "i:50 : am Omnha-Chleatto Special. K 41 pm Sis' ) am Dallv , " Dally excrnt Sunday. CHICAOO. ST. PAUU MINNE- apolls & Omaha Hallway Oencrnl OHlces Nebraska D | . \li-lon , Plfteenth nnd Webster ? ! r.c < . > ! . " - Clty Ticket Olllce. _ 1401 Fnrnnm Street Telephone Ebl D 'epot. ' Fifteenth and Webster Streets , lei- ephono Ieave. Arrhe Stout City Accommod-i. 8:50 : ars 8 20 nm Sioux City Accommoda. 9:50 : am s " 0 nm lllalr. Emerson Sioux City Ponea , HartliiK- ton and Illoomdeld. . . " 1:00 : pm " 11:53 : am Sioux City , Mankuto , St. Paul. Mlnneapnlls . . " " C-5" . pm 8:20 : am Emerson Passenger . . " C:10 : prn s43 ; am Dally " Dally except . . Sunday. Sunday enl > . " 'This train stops at stations Florence to Boith Ttlalr , Inclusive , Sundajs only on week days , South Illair onlj. SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC IIAIU rond-Ocncrnl Olllces , United States National Hank Uulld- Inu. S. W Corner Twelfth and fnrl3 ; " " strccts- Ticket Olllce , fr\ . Depot , 15th M01 Fnrnam Street. Telephone nnd Webster Sts. Telephone 41 aVO Arrlve' < ' Sioux City. Mnnknto. Minnal""ls'GiMpm 8-20 an River Rallroid-"The . . .urimB- Burlington ton Route"-0pneral Olllces. N. JV. Corner Tent'i nnd Farmm Streets Ticket Olllce , 1502 Route I arnam Street. Telephone 230. StVeels. ° n . Telephonaenm.MaS L Arrive. Lincoln. lInstIiiBs nnd McCOOk . , nm Lincoln. Demer. Colorado - rado Otnh , California. Hlock Hills Montana anl Puget Sound . . -35 - pp. 4:0pm : ! Lincoln I cal Si pm . . 7 nm * 7:40 Lincoln Fast Mall. : pin 2 33 " nn "ll.W am Demer. Colorado , Utah. California and I'ucet Sound . .it.-it , Dally. Dally e cpt sLndw CHICAGO , IlUnUNOTON & Burlington Qulncy Rnllroad-"The Hurl InBton Houte"-Tlcket OlHce ] _ 5 ° 2 Fnrnam Street. Telephone Route l fi .eM.Sl.111" . " " I-eive. Arrl\o Chicago Veatibulcd Ex. . 3.03 pm * 7:33 : am Chicago Express ' 9W : am * 4:15 : pm Chicago i St. Louis Ex 7.43 pn > * 7:53 : am Paclllc Junction Local. . " 11.30am BWnm : Fast Mall * 2.50 HurllnKton No pm Dallv. " 11:50 : pm Dally except Sundav. KANSAS CITY. ST. JOSEPH . . . , Coun ? , " , .IJ"Its ! Railroad The llurllngtan Jloute" Ticket Olllce. iM2 Farnam Street , lelephone 230. Depot. Tenth nnd Mason Streets. Telephone 128 Leave. Arrive Kansas City Day Ex. . . 9.03 am ' B:4C : pm Kansas Night Ex. . ' . .City 10.00 pm 0:30 : urn 1 Dally. CHICAGO ROCK ISLAND i Paclllc Railroad "The Great Rock Island Iloute" City Ticket Olllce , 1323 rnrnam Street. Telephone 428. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone KS. MISSOURI PACII'IC RAILROAD General Olllces and Ticket Oillce. Merchants National Han Bulldlnff , 1224 Fainam Stree Telephone 101. Depot , Flfttent nnd Webster Streets. Telephon 1458. . . . . . Leave. Arrive Kansas and Nebraska Llmlud S.Ojpm ' 12.33 pi Kansas City nnd St. Louis Express ' 0.30 pm C.OO nm Nebraska Local " 4W : pm " 0:43 at Dally " Dally except Sunday. OMAHA & ST. LOUIS RAILROAD PORT Omaha. KanfnB City & East ern Railroad "The Port Artau ARTHUR Iloute" Ticket Office. 1415 Farnam ROUTE. Street. Telephone , 322 , Depot Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele phone 128. Leave , Arrive St. Louis Cannon Ball Express 4:3" : . pm ll:30 : am Qulniy Express 5:40 : am * 9.30 pm > Dally UNION r'ACiriC-"THE OVER- Innd Route" General Offices. N E. Corner Ninth and Kanwm Streets. City llcket Olllce. 1302 F.unum Street. Telephone 316. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets Telephone 128. . . ' - " . , , . > , , . > v Leave. Arrive. 'The ' Overland Limited" for Den\er , halt Lake , western points , 8 : 0 am 4:45 : pm The Colorado Special , for Denver and nil Colorado points . . . . ' 11:53 pm ' 7.00am Fast mall train for Salt Like , I'nclfto co3st and all western points 1:3. : ' pm 7:00 : am Lincoln , Heatrlce and Stromsbure Express . . 5:00 : pm " 12:20 : pin Fremont , Columbus , Norfolk , Grand It land ami Kearney . . . 4:35 : pr * Orand Ifland Express " 3.00pm " 12:20 : pm Dally. Daily except Sundnr. Council 1)luffs I-ocul leaves. d:41 : B , m. : C.tO 7:10 : a. m. . 8:40 : a , in. , 10:30 : a. in. ; 2:15 , ; 4:35 p. m , 3:55 : p. m ; 8:20 : p m : l'J.03 > l . Arrives , a.20 a , m. : 7:20 n , m. : i:35 : n. lm ; 11:30 : a. m.i 3,10 p. in. ; 5:40 : p. iri.j C:3o"p : ; 9:03 p , m , , 10:43 : p. in. WABASH RAILROAD TICKET lllce HI" . Furnam Street. Tele- hone 322 Depot. Tenth and Streets. Tclepone 128. Leive. Arrive. St. Louis "Cannon lioll" Urpros * 4:30 : pm ' 11:30 : am CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE & ST. Paul Hallway City Ticket Olllce , \ yFnrnam Stiett Telephone 2SI , Depot , Tenth and Mason fitreeu. Tele phone 128. 128.Leave. . Arrive , Chicago Limited Ex. . . . 5m pm 8:03 am Omaha and Chicago Ex * llCium : ( 1W pm Dally. A CHILD OF TIII ; SIA. ; .MUM LIlllllll hiilllll , 11) Vfiirn Oiil , a Cov i-riiinfiil MarlniOliBirv or , Miss Lillian Small , u pretty 19-year-oM girl , Ih the j'oiinKvst nurlno obnervor In the Bovi'nimont employ Her homo U on tlio outer or oi-can alii" of Cape Cod. tlmt proat arm of land stretchl'itf away K < viwinl from the niiilnhtiul of AIiKHUchu | ctt8 Her low- roofeil Now KnRluml cottuKe HtanilH on a ureut cluy piomontory overlookltiK the At lantlo and only 300 feet from a nearly per pendicular ell ft which ilsc'd 150 feet aliuve the eea. , „ All , th Bliiiis from the ocean anil ulont , ' th const of Boston and northern ports pass within n fpvv mill's of here , nnd Mlaa Hmnll'H duty from wunrlsu to HtiiiBct of each day In to wilc'li throuKh a bl tcloucopo thp e IMBH. Ing nhlS. | inaHe out their HUKH and nam s , nnd then ? every Imlf hour , tck-Kruph thu Information to the C"hatnbc > r of Commcrco ut Hoaton , vvlirre It Is UHIM ! for the benefit of marine InlereBls TuloKraph wires run from her cottaeu directly Into the olDce of the Chamber of Commerce rooms There Iq also a government tuliiihono line ronnectlnc with all the life having Btu- lions alongthw Capo Cod coaul , with a boll , i her slipping room , In on so of a marlno UlzustiT at nls'it , when aho vvouM Immo- illntcly nlro the imrtlctilnrs to thp Ilo ton now pn ) ) rfl. This stntlon I * ? to Uonton what tlto Highlands of Nnvcalnk nrc to Now York. Miss Small tnlktsl very InterostltiKly of her work nnd show oil great prldo In her monstrous telescope , which Is powerful enough to make clear the names of vessels Ilfteen miles nway. " 1 was born nnd ronrotl within * Utht nntl sound of the sea , " she began. "My father for thirty-nine yeirs hns hoen the marine observer at this point , and I was always about with him and 'learned the ropoi' when n mere child. Then , since my return from school , two years aso , I have been his regular assistant , until I know the work thoroughly. My father now often leaves mo In elnrge for months at a time. "Hy mture I nm a child of the sea , and how I love 111 In summer It is beautiful ; In winter It Is grand. Tills Is a storm bound coist nnd there are many ship wrecks. Father and t were on duty nnd working all night when the Drltlsh ship Jason went ashore lu-re In the winter of. 1SH Out of her crew of twenty-eight men only one escaped alive. It was a terrible storm.Ve see ninny of them when the whole ocean Is lashed Into foam and the great waves break furiously against the cliffs. " "I suppose you become familiar with the ships ? " 1 said. "Oh. yes , I know many of them by slsht through seeing them so often. It's llko recognizing a familiar face , " "Don't you ever get lonely ? " was n Kni. "In winter our lite Is quit" lonely,1' Miss Small replied , "nnd we see but few people , but In .summer hundreds of tourists visit hero to look nt the ocean and Highland lighthouse , that great white tower only a yards from the cottage door. It rises 1iO ! feel above sea level. It was built by the United States government In 1797 and rebuilt in 1S57. " From the walk by the signal staff , \vhero wo sat talking , n most beautiful marlno panorama spread out before us. The enttro line ot the c.ipo was clearly outlined , stretching from Harnstablo to llace Point , while the shores of Sandwich nnd Plymouth were easily discerned. The giaceftil bend of the Inner arm of the Old Hay State cut veil along the shoio of tlio bay until It ended In the dwindling point at the entrance of Province town harbor. Winding about Unco Point the great sweep ing curve of the outer heart formed the oilier side of the spit upon which rests the Long Point lighthouse , and along the ocean side lay great stretches of treacherous sandbars , hair covered by the Incoming tide. AHMY HICI.STIR FOU Croat Stnr Urnl , Which FIIIoiI One Vi * aiii > y anil I'roiiioli-il Tell OllloiTN. The Army Register for 1S-S ) IB out , about the usual time of year , and with about all that it ought to contain , says the N'en York Sun. Unlike the Navy Heglstcr , the nimy book Is not distributed freely ; It Is sold for the sum of Xi cent" . This Is because it h-js been made n "public document , " ! i public document , for some unexplained reason , not being so public n < * one that isn't public. An abbreviation of the laws under which the ISeglstor is published enriches the Hist pise of the book , but even It omits to explain this seeming Incongruity of terms. At all events , the .superintendent of public docu ments has charge ot the Army Ueglbter , and won't give It up for le s than money. The book does not differ In ap- pc trance much from Its predecessors , except In having its name and dtto on the back , but this Is a great Improvement , as any one will know who hast collection of the Heirlsteis. Within , the changes are In the details , but there .ire many of them in fact , they are everywhere , even In the artillery. Still , thev must be looked for they are not belt- evident fact.s. Heally. though , the biggest change Is In the artillery , for one of the colonels of that arm has * been piomoted bilgadler gonetal. That soil of event hadn't happened to the aitillery for no one knovv i how many years before. This colonel who has conferred so much unexpected luster on the artillery was CAincl Oraham of the Fifth artillery. His pruinotlon vvaa one item In President Mc- Klnley's great "htnr deal , " which distributed the double stars of a major gencial to four brigadiers , the single star of a brigadier to six colonels and In the end Illled the solitary vacancy that had existed when the deal be gan. As every one of the olllcers had dis tinguished himself during the war. the prog ress of the deal was watched p.vlth Interest even by outsiders , and the general opinion was that the president had done a very nice thing In managing to promote so many men ivvlth so small a capltil to stnit with. This is the w.iv the deal was worked : General Rugcr retired on April 2 , 1&97. The benlor brigadier was General Hiooke , whom every one expected to see ipiomote-d nt once , but the president disappointed expectations nnd picked out lirlgadler General Wheaton , ocoml In rank. Ills commission as in ijor' ' general bore date April 2 the same as that of General Itugei's retirement. The pub'lc had hardlv got over wondering how Gen eral HrooKe liked being ignored when It heard of the retirement o the new mijor general on May S On May 11 Hrigadler General Forhyth was promoted , md In three days ho applied to be retired. His request was gianted and Brigadier General Ullss , the fifth of the brigadiers In seniority , got the major generulcy. He. too. kept It for only a fe-vv days and on May 22 made way for the delayed promotion of the senior brig adier. General Brooke , So , of the six bilg- ndiers on the list when General linger re tired only tivvo are there now. Generals Otis and Coppinger. Hut meanwhile the-president had not for Rotten the brigadiers. Like n good player , I he let his points sink giadually Into tlie . minds of the "peetutois until every one of them could see nnd appreciate them , then he vvpnt on with his part. So on May 1 hu promoted Colonel Shatter of the First In fantry ; then , aftet Generals Whenton , For- syth nnd Ullss had trot out of the way. on May 20 , three colonels vvero promoted nt once 'Mizner of the Tenth cavalry. Graham of the Fifth artillery unil Wade of the Fifth cavalry. General Mizner retired on Juno 7 and on June 2S Colonel Carlton of the Eighth cavalry wis promoted brigadier. He hardly had time to net measuroJ for his uni form before he , too , retired , on June uO. Then the last net of the deal was completed by the promotion of Colonel Meirlum of the Seventh Infantry. He Is now the Junior brigadier , and , because he la in command of the District of Columbia , Is In technical command of AliFka. No general * on the active list died last year , but two active colonels died , an un usually large number. The Heglster Is noteworthy for Us record of the death of Second Lieutenant Michael Moore , the oldest soldier in Hit anny , who had served as olll- cer and man nearly eighty-threw yoirs , thirty of them on the retired list. MOH of the other changes are of Interest chiefly to those "hose altered ml'ltary con dition caused them and so need not bo < Uvelt on hero. It may bo of "contempoJ J raucous human Intel est , " howevei , to give ' the official army rank of the no.v district | attorney of this countv. Some folks Invo called him "to'onelj" In fact , In a largo volume on the army and navy of the i United States , which claims to be published "with Iho approval of Uio War and Navy i departments , " he called himself "colonel. ' liut ho isn't colonel , really ; it Is his Joke to piutend to he , that's all. The Register ha him down in bHck and whlto : "Major judge itdvocatc , IS August , ' 73 , " and on tlio second line bplow are these uonln : "Ilo- tired S December , FSS. " So It N evident that District Attorney Gardiner Id only a major , after all , run KI..VMINOO .AND . TIM : iior > ci.M7 rilOII. rrom Ally sioper. (1) ) "Ah ! How do ? " (2) ( "Excolalorl Now I'm cosy. " * (3) ( "Ha , ha ! Sold again. ' " , O (4) ( "Hero , I say ; that's not fair. " 1.5) ) "Ona ! two ! ' three ! ! ! Go ! " O ( C ) uenoso. "ff A SICATIM ! ii'IMMF : . I'iplii I'uiiLh'a Alinanaclc , "Oh , I nay , they're none for a rope or Bomofhlnu. Awfully eorrr. you know , I can't come any nearer , but I'llutay here and talk to you.V