US THIS OMAHA DAILY" ME : T'tJjSSDAY , FEBRUARY U2 , 1808. 11 COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Wheat is Nervous and Unsettled with Wldo Fluctuations. TODAY'S HOLIDAY HAS SCMZ INFLUENCi ! \ofn ItlisfiiiKllnir 'I'llIN Mn > mul .lul ) Win-ill door Illulierlillc Out * mill Corn Are Kncli CHICAGO , Peb. 21. Wheat was nervous end unsettled today nnd IlucHiutlorm cov ered a wide ratiKC. Nous as n rule wns bcnrlih , but tomorrow Is a holiday and I he pervading Lcltcr Influence made shorts nnxlous to cover. May closed at ? ic ail- anccl July He higher. Corn and oats were heavy on free liquidations and closed iiulut nnd ? Bo lofrer. ProvlHlons show some Ir regular clinnso In clonltiR price- * . H looked nt the opening In ivhea > t ns though 'Ihero won to bo another wild day In the pit. May was bid for at the com mencement all the way from $1.0(5 ( to lt.07',4. ' tha higher of the figures being an advance of l'/4o ' over Sn-tiirady's closing price. Most of the bidding wns al $1.00 anil llho prlco nultlcd ( hero for a moment. Then It rose rapidly to $ l.07'4. ' declined a cent and Harked back more slowly to $1.07. July \\tit affected also , though not showing mich inpld or violent fluctuations. July opened ft froni 92o to lie , or Ho lower to % c hfchur than Situnlny's closing l/i.ure / < T. nnd advanced during the llrst bulge in May to 9.1c , falling by a reaction to 92'4 and a nubse < | uent t.tlly to a3'c. ' ! 1 ho break In New York stocks and the war talk In the morning papers undoubtedly had A good leal of Intltiencv on nbortH , whoso anxiety I o cover was responsible for Pie nervous- nc'HS thu niiiiket dlsplayeil. Some bullish Htrength was also Imparted by the Htcndy filling off of northwest ictelp's , Minneapo lis and Dulutli reported 3.X ) uirx , against XII last week. Ljst week's receipts , how ever , \MTP foi I wo days. Chicago received 70 oars ) , Ct of which were of conduct grade. World's Hblpmi-ntH were heavy nt 7,371WO bushels , but tnls wan offset by another large Increase In Mvtrpaol 'slocks , about COiUOO ) bushels. The Keller representatives claim they did nothing with I odny'a mar ket. Thu crowd belloxod that a good portion tion of rthe buylnpwhlch was done on every soft Npnt , was fet his credit , and this * belief added to the general norvous- nesH. There was also n general disposition to oven up on Hhoil lines as much as p sl- blo In view of tomorrow's holiday. Wheat on ocean passage show oil nn Increase for the week of 2,120,000 bushels. Till1 * provoked 1'vely ' selling from si-altered longs. Up to midday the market showed a series of fluctuations more or loss violent , May being bid < ip at one time to $1.08 , but dropping nj , . once to $1 07V4. July acted heavier and did not get n > any time nbovu 91Vic. The visi ble figures wena distinct disappointment to the bulls. They showed a decrease of but 301,000 bushels nnd but for the heavy deiTcnso nt Chicago , ow Ing no the Loiter ; - .shipments tin re would probably have been L. nn Increase. Free selling of July and May both followed this announcement. July de clined to 91Hc and May to $1 OB Toward the close a sudden bulge In the New Yotk tnnrknt and the good oxpoiU business from Atlantic poits , fi7JoOO bushels , Injected some Htiength Into the dropping in irket , and , i slow rally followed. At the close May was bringing $1 00 % and July 92c. There was heavy sellingof corn from every direction. The market stai'tcd strong and higher In sympathy with wheat , but heavy liquidation started nt once and prices soon lost the early advance. Heavy local receipts , a visible Increase ot 1,33T,000 bushels , also encouraged shott selling. Country offerings were small and cables firm. May ranged from 31c 'to 30c nnd closed ! 4c lower at 30o. Oats wns tmnllar to that of corn In Us notion. The start was strong with wheat , but the market soon yielded to general selling and lack of supjroi't and acted weik the rest of the day. The visible decreased CGO.OOO bushels , but this apparently had no effect. May ranged from 'J7HC to aHic , and closed % c lower n't 2i ( 4C. Provisions were fnlily active and Irreg- ulir. Opening strength with grain and a firm hog market was followed by general mnivll * declines on .selling by packers and holding of 'inall lots. Aflter that prices did not change much. L.ird war/supported more than pork or ribs and closed steady. May pork closed 2V4c lower ut $11.00 ; May lard , 2V o higher at $5 25 , and May ribs , 2 > , Ac lower at $5 25 Estimated receipts Tuesday : Wheat , 37 cars ; CDIII , 330 ; oai's , 250 ; hops , 20,000. Articles. | Open. | llijli. I Lo rTcioao. I Sity. \ \ brut Fob . 1 07 May . . 1 HH i on i OHJJ iii July. . . UJMUJ IM't uijj UJ } , Tom Mny. . . i11 * * July. . , il.'lft J2WH Sopt. . it 4 JJh Gam- May. . . 27Hi July. . . ail a ixj 1 ork May. 11 11 ! H u IHJ. 10 05 u eon 11 ( I'-'h , July. . . II 10 11 1C 10 US n ou 11 , Lurd May . n 23 r U2 > . 5 2.1 C 22X July. . . ,0 .IJh 5 .13 c jo 0 lit ) Sh'tHlbs May . . fi . ! . ! > fi 23 5 27hi July . n in g .I'-'Ki r r No , 2 Cuah iiuotntlons were ns follows : rijOUK rinnvlnler pltentn. II SOUTLW ; stralK.itH. > l JUWI ( .0 , uprlllf spechilx , JJ.-luil'o.W , - ' WIILV.T No . 9l T9lc ; No. 3 spring , nominal ; No 2 rid. llO'ftlOuS COHN No. 2. 29' iti"i'4e OATS No. 2 , 2tc. . No. 2 white , f. n. h , K\I ; Nn 2 , Me. ll.\KLiY-23 : [ 3V. fob Tl jiioi H Y "hiKD Pi Inn$2 UV tr2 01 PItOVlSIONS Polk , mess , per bbl. $101Vf II ( M Lard , per 1W Ibs. $3 17W > M Short rll * Bldei ( lotwe ) . $3 1 W > 40 Irj paired shoulders ( iKixed ) , fl 7JffO 00 Short clear tddcrt ( boxed ) , } 5 ,0 © 3 80. WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , per ea ] , SUOAHH Cut Ifwf. $6.01 : Branulatod , | 3B1. LemllnK futures rntiBcil as follows : On the Piodiiie exchange today the butler mar ket was llrm , creaineilei , PKJUc , ( I nits , llfl 17i- . Cheese , ipilit , SS/Hc. iggs : , llrm , fu h , 148. 148.MW MW VOHIC < ; I.MH.VL : : ( luoliiloiiN ( for tin * l > ny ou ( CoiiiiiioilItleH , NIIW YOHK. 1VI > 21. rLOUIl-Itecelpt . 21,223 bbln ; exports , } ,4GI bbls ; moderately ac-tlve , llrm nnd a shade higher on choice grades , cltv mill patents , } 3 ccjjs 90 , city mill clear , 13 40O KM , Mlniu-nola patenls , $323iff3SO ; JllnneNiCi bukera' , $4 40CI6) winter utralghlH. : winter extras , $1 70rfl 10 , winter low prodes. $390 ( JMOJ. Jtjn Hour dull , } 'tifi'3 15 Iluckwbeut llour , ttead ) ; II . ' 34jl 30 , Ht'CK\VHIX\T- , 39flJl4c CilliNSIlJAl Shady , > rllovr western , 71c IlYi : Quiet , No 2 westini , ! > Vi < : llAULUY-Piim. feeding , 401JC. HMILUY MALT-rirm ; western. 5314007. _ WHIIAT-Hi-celpts , 60,873 bu , exports. SJ.02. ' bu , , spot , rUady : No 2 li-.l , | l 09H , f n h afloat to artIve Options opened firm at WilViC udvancu en war rumors and tuic-ttur nuive of Mu > ulurU The bulge Invited telling , how ever , which , wllli IK-n l h vviekly blaHmlcH , jiroduc-ed 11 midday icuctlon. followed at Iho ildi by a uhurp rally mi covering The market was finally steady at WWlo net udvancu , No. 3 red , .May , II OiiMn.03 * ; , cloiml I1.D3U COUN ItecelptH. 1 J 3iM bu , exMit | * . 47.U3 bu . tlxit , easy. No. 7 , 37 c Optloiu firmer at He ndvumx ) in bid weather wel , but declined under n lllK-nil vislLle iuppl > liu-reu-iu und loeal in- Kiailliii- . cloning i.frtto net decline ; Ma ) , SS\i/ SO'U' . ( Icritd 3'i'ic , OATH HectlptB , HS.SfO bu ; export * , 127,420 bu ; > pot , quIit , No S , 3in Opt limn ijulet and a hhudu e.iler wllh corn , closing lie net lower , Mil- closed 304c. l'13ni > l-'lrm , t'ran , 70W77Ho ; mlddllnir , 73O ' ' HA'Y bteud > , tprlng , 33fflio ; good to choice. COii'Oc. HOPS rirm ; state , common to choice , 1S93 crop. 4Cf6o ; Ik9i ! crop , 709c ; 1897 crop , 17019o- Puulllo coust , U93 crop , 4iita ! , It'JO crop , DiilOo- 1W7 crop. KfflPc. HIDIJrf-Steady ; Callfornlii , 17HO18 c LUATIinK Steady ; hemlock sole , WJfiUc. \S'OOIi-ulet ; lleece , JIU3IO ; Texan. JJV4O PIlOVISIONrt-Heef. nrm ; family , 111 23ffll 73 ; extr.i me * * , 18 OOfiS.W ; beef hum , 1:1 WiuM 00 : packet , $ : uOOtfUi > . Cut meats , linn ;,1 btdlli'H , JOOOif'OI. pkkle < l Khouldern , $173 , pickled ham * $7.73Q ,00 , I urd , tlrm ; western Hteaim-d. 54Sfi347Vi , ivllneil , steady lojrk. rtrm. me * * . $11 Oivnil 23. rliort clear , $10 73U12 25 ; famllv ! $ H.tO. Tallow , quiet ; city , 3\c ; country , 3) ) , OILS O ttonxcj oil. a'Md ) ; prime crude , 2 prime > dlovv , ii'nv ' lloiln , iileudy , common lu ( M.xl , II 4Ktl ( 43. Turpenllne , nulel nt 3l J3Hi < - lUCH- adyj fair to extra , 4.Cf3T.fl ; Japan , C 3i4 < ! MOI ABSI J-Hleady ; New Orleani , open kettle , pn.i.1 in cliiiki * ZlilIMi- , MirTAIA-I'll ? Iron wurrantarry dull. 50 C 70. iJike impper , llnii ; 111 Soail W. Tin , ta l.-r ; 111 0)014 l H-lter. | llrm. II 15f > 4 2 > . Lead , cajkT , 13 T7SiC3 tfc'fc. The llrm that nxe tin > rtthnif price for mlnT nnil * mHrrr tn th - v.rl mnltta Ihr prlrc of lend II 00 ll'TTHIl-ItwfflpfT , * .r < 1 pkin . mirket dlronuj r tern crramer ) , ll'iUSOc , Kluln.i. PJc , fnctory , - - , CSS pks : market quiet , llk'M i-kltn , Oflr ' * c. part tklmi , tf/iHc / , full . RtlOUHerelpto. . 4.J7S pknf , matkct ftrnng : alato and .Pennsylvania , ISc , wentern , 15'ic OMVHV IMILVI , SIAHKHTS. CnnilltliMi of Trnili * anil < ltioiillfiiin ( on Slnplr- nil I'nnrj I'roilnci- . nocis nowi ftock. lie IlUTTHIl Common to fair. 8fllle ; feparator crenmcn , 20e , Rathtred creamery. ISBIte ViAtCholc : fat , 80 to 120 Ib * . , quoled nt So , lirso and coir e , 4/c. / lUiSSii ) l'OtiTnr-Chlckens , KS7c ; turkey - key , SCIceeje. ; . 7CSc ; duckn , 78So. 1.1 VH 1 OULTIlY-Chlckcns , Cc , old rooslcri > . 3c , ducks , Co. OAME Small rablilK per Uoz , 75c ; large , II ? > , fqnlrreln , 60flO > c. 1'IOIXJNS I.lve. 7Bc , dend plceoni nol vvnnted IIAY-l'phnd , JtW , midland , 13 fX ) ; lowland , J.V ) , r > e tlraw , 14 CO , color tnnkc the price on hay ; llnhl t.nlen . cell the best , only top uratles bring top prlct-1 VIOITPAIH.IS. : CtJLntlY Hood aliwk , law , 4W ; small , 23C3)c. fN10NS-l'er bu , II 10 l 23. Ili.VN.S-llnnd. picked tmvy , per bu , 11.2 11.30 SWKCT 1'OTATOlK-Knniias , 10-puclt bbls. , . c'AHHAOr.-nood atock , per ll > . . l'4c. roTATOnS Hemp grown , W 53c ; wealcrn Mock , TOc. " ' ruuiTS. Al'PI.KS Winter stock. 13 0083 EO ; fillfornla Ilcllrlleur. boxen , | 1 r,0 , Colorado Jonathan * , boxen , II 73 ; Ore-son , boxe % tl 2i. UIIANtlCHUins Jerfeyn , per Mil . } 7.00 7 25 ; WlEcon ln Hell anil lliiRle , I7IOS773 ; Wl consln Hell nnd Cherry , lU . atlAl'IMnlnKnn. . llOOflfiOO. TIIOPICAI. PIIUITS OUANani-CnllfornH nnvels , ! 27.Vff300 ; fancy BerdllnK- - 50 , choice , 122 * I.KMONS-Oillfnrnli. fanes , 1300 ; choice , 1273 I1ANANAS Choice , lar e stock , per bunch , I-.OO 32.23 ; mcdldum slzid bundles , SI 73l2 W. NUTS Almond * , per ll > . liirue iibe , 12if13c ; small , lie , llrazllv , per II ) , DHluc , KiiKllKh wal- nuix , per Hi , fane ) soft shell , lOinic , Btnndnrdi * , 8IJ o , Illbertx , per ll > , lOc , pi-call" , | iDll < heil , medium , 6R7c , extra lirse , SWDc , larRc- hickory nutII ooyi 10 per bu , cm-ill , II 231 33 per bu , coronmit * . per IX ) , | 0" ) ; peanuts , raw , S03'io ; roa tcd , ( VfJCVjC. KUIS Imported , fancy , 1-crown , 14-th. boxct. 12c. u-crown , 4l-lli lie < e . lln..c , 2-lb boxe , 22 4)230 per box , California , 10-lb box , 1100 I ION12V Choice Willie , 12c , Colorado nn > l > cr , 10 iic. > KllAtT Per hbl , Jl 00 , half bid , 52 2302 3" MAiPL.1 : HY11UP rive Knl can. each. 1273 ; ctl. ciinn , pure , per doz , | 12 W ; Inlt-Bal cam. I' ' * 23 , quart calm , $3 M. IATiS-Ilallowee : , CO to 70-lb boxes. Go ; Salr , 5'4c. rani , 9-lb boxes , DC. C1DKII Per half hbl , $300 ; bbl. , 1323. rUHHII MKATS DIll ! JiD lliir : aoml native stiors. Cie Knoil forequarlera steer , GHc , ROCK ! hlndquarti-rs Bteert , ftlie. western Hlvi6'ic : fnnej hclfo-s S'/ic ; BIK > I helfi-rs. fie , Rood forv < piarten < helfer- < OF , Kfod hlnilitinrtcra hclfen , 8c. pied rows rOjc ; fair cov\s. T.'tc , cow lorequarleis , 4'4c , co\\ hlnd > inarter < . 7'4c ' IIUKP CUTS HnnglnR tenderloins. 4t-c , T\\v \ \ No 1 , lie , rlbi , No 2 , So , ribs. No 3 , > 4c. No 2 , G c ; roundNo 1. 7lic , round * ' . No 2 G c round" , No 3 , 6He ; trlmmlnB ? , 44e , beef shunks , 3c ; brnlniwr \ doz , tic , v\eetbreads , per Hi , 12'4c : sweclbreadH ( calve ) , ptr Hi , 4)t , kldnejK , per doz. , 33c ; ox tails , each 1c ; llvera , per Ib , 2&C lienrtH , per Ih , 2VS < - , tonpiles per Ib , lie , rnl livers each , S3o , calves. % vhojp cnrcass or Bides 9c. cnlCa head nnd feel , pcTlded , per s l , Tjr tenderlolnii. freth , ISc. tenderloin- ! , frozen , 13e , boneless strip1 ? , fresh , lOc ; IxMielo-w strips , fn > 7en 9c , strip liln" , fresh , Sc , slrlp loins , frozen , C'ic , rolM , boneless , 9o , rolls , spencer cuts , 9c , sir loin tiuttH , Imneless , ( > o , shoulder elods , Ixim less GVtc , rump butts , boneless 5 4c ; No 1 chucks , un No 2 chucks , 4'4o , No. 3 ohucl < , 4c ; bone'ess ( bucks , 4'ic , cow plates. 3'ic , Bteer plnti L. Ic llanlc steak , CUf. loins. No 1 , 13Hc , loins , No 2 lOVrc ; lolnNo 3. SHc ; short loins , mnrke Ht > li ? , 2o alwve loins ; short loins , hotel nt > lc , 4 nlove loins ; cow loin , ends , 8c ; steer loin , ends 9c MUTTON rancy lambs , 9e per Ib ; lambs , So ; sheep , 7c , mnrkct racks , lonffi Ic , lioti racks , short , lie ; loins , 9c , s-iddlcs. SViO , IPRS S'ic ' : lamb leRS , Sifec ; breasts nnd stews , 3ViC tomrue each , 3e ; forwiunrlers , r 4c POIIIC Drmseil plRs , B'4c ' per Ib ; dmsFoi hotr , 5'4c ' ; tenderloins , 13c ; loins , short , fc lon , Cc , ppnrc ribs. Be ; ham sausage l > utts Wo , Iloston butts , 5Vic ; ahoulders , rouRh , Do shnuldera. tklnnetl. 5'jo. IrlmmlnKS. 44C , lei lard , not rendered , 5Vjc ; heads , cleanedIc snouts nnd ears , 3c ; necklmnes , 2c ; cheek meal fc ; neck Iwnes , 2c ; pips' tails , 3c , plucks , each Bo ; chltlcrllnr ( > . 8c : hocks. 4o , hearls , per doz 25c ; slomacfli } * . each , 3cl ton rueM , each. 7c ; kid nej- * , per dor , lOc ; brains , jxr doz , IV : ; PKH ! feet , per doz , 30o ; livers , each , 3c ; bos rinds 3c. blade Iwnes. Re. mnns , TAI.LOW , iTf. llinilS No 1 trreea hides , 7c ; No 2 Rreen hlden. Gc : No 1 salle < l hides , Ic , No 2 frreei mlteil hides. . So , No 1 veal calf , 8 to 12 Ibs , ! 0c No 3 veal cilf. 12 to 13 lbs _ Sc SIIHKP Pin.TS Green salted , cncb , 13973c Breen silted Hhenrlnus ( short pooled enr ! > fiklns ) . each , lie ; dry shenrlnRs ( short vvoolei early frklns ) , No. 1 each , 5c , drj Hint Kansa- and Nihr.iska butcher wool pelt , per Ib , nc'ui welsht. J'fTic ; dry Hint , Kansas nnd Nebrnnk murrain wool pells , per Ib , actual vvelKht , 3 { ? 4c , dry Hint Colorado butcher wool pelts , per Ib actual tvplrhr , IWic. ilrv Hint Colorado murrah wool pelts , per Hi , actual vvlRht , 3flc TAU.XW , OIinASi : m'C Tallovv. No 1 , .V lallovv No 2. 2 > iC , rouRh lallovv , 1'Jc , Hi. UP Breasc' , 21if2 > c , ) ellovv nnd brown crease , 1'jQ 2'ic.runs runs Hear ( black or brown ) , t3 00ff20 00. olter. SllOfiSOO ; mini. . IMffiOo. lieiv r. II Dofffl Ml Fkunk , 13e. 23c , 50c , muakril , 3c , 5c , 7c. raccoon llft&Oc : i-ed fox , 23cTl 23 ; may fet , 21i",0c. wolf ( timber ) , 23cWJ W , wolf ( prilrle cojole ) , Icj/iOc- wildcat , ICOiJc , IndKc-r , SfilOc ; sllvei fox , { 30 00 073 0) ) . \Vcnro ( 'oiniiilNsloii Cn OMAHA OrriC-R , Tel ) 21 Wh nt opened ven strnnt ! today nt from Ic to 2c hlRher for Mn > and Via higher for July , with cables i > hlRher. 11 Ices chopped around during the session IK- I'vetn 1100 a l 11.08 on bonrMi xtatlstl'-il nev nnd small trade , with aery nervous fepllr- iimons shorts , vvhloh n.sslKtcil in cnuslntf m Irrcirulnr action , and a hard market to road With lecelpts of olslity cars toilay nnd nn estltnato for but thirty-seven cars tomorrow , am tin dc-crraao In the visible tupply f 2ftl O10 bu nnd ln-iivv liquidation In other maikets , the prices closed wllh aery fair tone nt II ( M3t fn Slay , or ? 4c advance , nnd PiSiC , or lie ml vnno' , for July The corn maiket wan ver > slroiiK this mo--n Inn , nnd opened HO beltei than Saturday nUlit a close , with G93 cars for n-celpts , or n llttli mom than VOIH eMImaled , nnd JJ ) esllimtid fir lomorniw" The ptreiiKth was maintained nm looked very much like nn upward lurn mill Dhn vlslbli' supplj statement came out , whirl showed 1.333,000 bu Incnase , KlvinK us now Jl.OOf.COO bu In the visible nupplj which In nearly nil hljrh an It bin been This had a vi ry UllInK ilfect on the market , which will of stti Illy until near the close , when It tmichcc rftithen ndvanceil lo nnd closed at 30'e for May , or Uo under Riitunl ij's close , nnd 3-'Hc for July , or 'no under Saturday Oatti wereIII Rood demand nnd open * d ai < ? plronRer , but later sold down under the In- tlui-nco of corn to 2oJc for May and 24'ic ' for July , with a deereaso In the visible siipplv of G5i ) OOJ hit and 2.V ) cars estimated for tomnruiw or WfdneHd.iy , the next session Thh aitk'-i In tha market Is u little dlfferen than ban been recently , slnco with n 34C ad- \ancii In wh ttl , corn declined , as nln > did na's Had trn advance or even Palurdnv's pilc IIPHH maintained In corn nnd . nnd the caul demand In thesn cereals as well as In whea1 conllnueil good , WP would have fell llkp Rlvlii an opinion , but with thin action , and all tu ! element I surrounding the tmde taklni ; a Illt'c ' dlffeient shape , ami wheat well up , with thp cllquu In control , without any session tnmnr- lov/ . and nillonal conditions In the Inlnncp. we must confers It n hiird mirket lo read , or rather tin ) dlfposllloi of the heavier manipulators ban1 t'iuess at .St. LoiiN ( ii-neral iMurUHH. ST LOUIS. IV-b -FLOUH-AdvnncIng In sympalhy nllh wheal ; patents , | 1.83-5 ( 00- n'tWTa'r ' " 4J ® < - ° " ! o' ' . H.OOW4.23 , medium , WHWAT-Clowd higher , > ! 4f ( > e for May and ' " ' o for July above Saturday ; May opened fto . .T , went off Jic. advanced Ic. declined ma > and ck > Fixl with buyers ' R4c above the bottom ( Spot , higher on call ; No 2 red , cash , elevator II. track , I10IW1.0HJ , IVbruiry , $1 , May. II OJ'.ei 03 , Juh S8'fC | ( > SUc COKN laitures lecllneil most of the day , clos- 1m : with fellers of May nnd buterx of July yc IH-IOW Saliirday Srxit , lower ; No 2 , cash and KehruTy. c ; May. 2so : Julj. 29 ? c OATri Kiiture * ch pd liregular Spot , steady : No. S. cash , S6o , truck , 2iH4Wfco | , 1'ebruary , ICe , May , 27c ntked July , 2IV4e ; No. 2 while , 2Sc UYIJ-Lower at 49dc bid PLA.VriKiii-Oulet nt | l 20. TIMOTHY SIii-Prlme , $2.83. IIHAN l y ; narked , eatl track , GOe. HAY firm ; prairie , li.75j7.73j timothy , 13 DO C'10.50 JIOTTKn Steady ; creamery , llfflQlSc ; dairy , 8 15c. ians-IlRher ! nt 12Uc. W1IIH1CYT-I1.20. C-OTTONTI US-70c. MI7TAIS-I id , dull nt 13 GOCT3 C2V , . Speller , hlKher nt 13 3 PROVISIONS Pork , steady ; standard mess , jobbing , III Ij-.inl , hlKher : prlmo sleam , II iI'i choice. 13 OIS. ILicon ( boxed lots ) , extra short clear. 15 87liOVJ.12 i ! rll , G.OWi 23 , shorts , | C 12i @i ; 37 ' 4 Dry fait meats ( boxed ) , thoulderv , | l 73 fiS.OO ; extra short clear. ! 3. ! > OSu,75 ; ribs , I3.G2U O3.87H : horU. 15 75 < ! CO. UlXa-JIITS Hour. 7 , < XO libli ; wheat , 15,000 bu : corn , 131.00J tiu. i oat * , 53. 000 bu SHIl'MIJNTS-riour , 4.0oo bbl * . wheat , 73,000 bu ; corn , 191,000 bu , ; oatu , : c,000 bu Iliiltlinorc .Jlnrki't , IIAITIMOIIK , reb , : i.-KI/UII-Artlve ; weat- crn superfine , 12 kOSTJ 20 ; western exlm , 13 iSif 414 ; vveitern family , l44Ki470 ( ; winter wheat patentM , II t3r3 10 ; uprltik' wheat patents , J ! 100 530 : H'llni ; wheat btmlRht , 14.900303 , ircelptv , 15 833 libln ; exiiorK , none. WHKAT-Dull : f | > ot und month. II 03l4 l 03 % , Muy , l'3'in 3v , eleamer. No. 5 red , 9\tG9t < " , recelptu , 29,699 bu : export * , none ; roulhern vvlunt by tnmple Well M. 01 ; southern win -at on trade. O cftll 01 , COItN-'lHill , Hit und month , I'UUSi c ; rpnt and month mixed , 3IK034Hci receipt * , 13G , . Hsl bu , export * , 201,363 bu ; southern white corn , 3H y3 c , mutlienillow corn , 3U4I < JCc OATH-KIrm : No i white , SHiMSSc ; No 1 mixed , 35HW3) ' ; receipt * , I4.O3 bu , ; exiwrt * . HYi-Ka > ler , No. > nearby , 66b o , No. t western , (74K7ic ; r clrt i 7J.M1 bn r 17,142 bu. H vr-Stntdr , choice timothy. ItJ 50C13 W. OilAIN ritBKHlTS-Stfady , demand slow ; stfam lo Liverpool , per bu 3V1. Amerlcin , 3\j , Liverpool for ordori , per quarter , 3s 4'fl-l. March Ht'TTKIlQuiet ; fancy ilalrr. Mo ! fancy Imi tation. 16tU ? < ; . stnre packed , 12fllc. UQQQulet , freh , 15c. CHKBSK-Stcad ) . fancy New York , hrice , 5t10c , fancy New York medium , 10U10HC , smill , Wnul UOSTON , I'eb -WOOtr-Tho following are th > > quotations for trading descriptions : Ohio ami l'cnn > ) hanla fleece * , X and. nbovp , 27 2So ; XX. c , XX and nborc , 30tf31c ; delaine , S'gSle. ' Ni > 1 comblnn. 30 31c , No 2 combing , SOflsiP. Michigan , Ulsconsin , elc X Michigan , I4c ; No \ Mlchlcnn cfmriilnir , 2 c. No 1 Illlno's combing , yies No 2 Michigan comblnu , ZS 29c. No 3 Ililnlofl combine , 2 < fl29c : .V New York. Nmv Hampshire nnd Vermont , 57c , Aelalne , Michigan , 27c. Vnn.njhed medium Kentucky and Indiana quarter-bloo.1 combing , 23c , Kentucky nnd Indiana three-elKhtha bloixl combing , Mir 2lc ; Missouri quarlcr-blold combing , 2S043c , Mis souri IhrvcelKhths blood combing , 23 I2lc , braid comblnR. 21c Iwikc nnd OeorRla , MUCtc. Texas Wools Sprlne medium ( Ivvelvc months ) , ICtJISe ; slirlng medium , scout 1 , 4MJ41o ; spring medium ( fix to el Kht months ) . 131 ! Uc ; scoured , 42t/(3c. ( Tcrrllory Wools Montana , tine mihlliim nnd line , ICClSc ; rcoured. 45fluOc , slaple , BOfiiVtc , Vlah. Wyoming , elcHna medium and Hne , 15fn7c , scoured , 4SW. rtaple , H23fi3c Auslrallan scoured basis combing , superfine. 70(3720. ( comb ing , Rood , WfifiScj combing , average , G2QG3C , Queensland combing , fi3c. ST I.OUIS. Teh 21. WOTIx-Weaker ; medium. HV4H-20C , light line , 12'4lGl4e ' ; hcnvj Hnc , 7\4W 13 < ic , tub washed , 22fJ30c. Il > priiiiul MVP.UPOOU Keb. 21 WHIiAT-Spot. No. 1 Clillfornla , llrm at Ss Vi-1. COUN Spot , Hrm ; American mixed , new , 3s Go ; American mixed , rid , 3s B' d ; fulurcs , tlrm , bruarv , 3s 6.1 ; March , 3s M. rijOL'Il 81 1/nils fancy wlnlcr , 10s. HOI'S At London , Pacific coast , nrm , XI 13s { ? > 5s PUOVISIONS-Heef. Hrm ; extra India mes , Ka 9d , prime mess , Ms 9d Pork , nrm , prime mess , nnu vveslein , 31s 3d , fine meillum , 4 .s 9d. Hums , short cut. II to 16 Ibs , dull , 31s 6d liaccn , steady , 32s 6d , short ribs , 31s Od ; long clear middles , Unlit , 3U , long clear mldle , hpavy , 3lM Cd , short clear backs , 23s 6d ; cl ir iM-llles , 31s Shoulders , Hrm , 2Cs Gd Ixird , prim- western , steady , 27s CH1M33U Amctlcan , llnest white and coloicd , steady , 4s TAI.UW Prime city , nrm. lls OlUS-C'ollonseed. Liverpool rellned. nrm , 13s Od Turpenllne spirits , llrm , 24s 9d Kosln , com mon , stead ) , 4s 3d Clnclniiiitl lilirUi-t. CINCINNATI , fib 21ri onu-falrly active ; famy , II Iijf4 CO , fnlnlb , $380(7419 WIII1AT Quiet , No 2 red. OSffJI W. COHN rinn. No 3 mixed. 3lSc OATS Dull , No. 2 mixed , ISV-OTiiKc. HYIJ-Kirm. No 2. B2c PHOVISIONS Lard , llrm , $3 W Hulk meals , llrm , 1323 I' icon , sleadj , JC.OJ. WHISKY Finn , II 2i ) . HUTTiil-lull , nigln creamery. 21c ; Ohio. 13 llSc. dairy. 10o erOAIl rinn , lunl refined , II12&397 llfiOS rirm , 12' ' .c CHiiS4K Quiet , steady ; good to prime- Ohio Hat M ( 'l < v ( ! riil n anil Ir < > \ | HIIIIN. KANSAS CITY. Pel ) 21. WHIJAT A > xiilt steadj . No 1 haul , 9lc , No. 2 Mflfllc , No. 3 8SV4S9 ; No I red , -Birfc ; No 2 l3R-)3 : > ; No. 3 No S spring1 , io Sic , No. 3 , He COHN Slow and iiluul sleady ; No 2 mlted , May , 37O27lsC OATS Slow , bill nun : No. 2 white , 2Cc. UYIi-riim : No 2 , 4Cc. HAY .Steady , choice timothy JS.BOOS.Wj cholj" prairie. I7.0) ItUTTIJlc Steady nnd unehan d ; creamerv , IVSISc , dairy. 12tdlc LOOS Steady to strong nt llHc. HiciiPTS : Wlieat , 137.W ) bu , corn , 18,700 bu , oats , 19.0 < X ) bu SHIPXinNIS Wheat , 37.SCO bu ; corn , 21,400 bu. , oats , 4,00) bu. ( iratn -i-i-litH n < I'rliu-lpiil llnrkctB , CHIU\GO. Tcb. 21 llccelplH loday. "VVhcal , 7i. cats , corn , 033 cars , oats , 1W cars. IMImati-d carlots tomorrow : Wheat , 37 cnrs ; corn , . ' > 0 cars , oats , 2T0 cars MINNnAlXILIS , I'eb 21 Hecelpts : Wheat , : G5 cars ST LOUIS , I'eb. 21. Itc-celpls : Wheat , 20 cars KANSAS CITY , Feb. 21 llccelpts : Wheat , 261 cora. Vlnllilo Rralii .Supply. NFJW YOUK , Teb 21. The slalemcnt of the vlslblo supply of Rialn In store and afloat Sat urday , rebruary 19 , as compiled by Ihe New York Produce exchange , Is a follows : WIIBAT 33.412,000 bu . decro.ise , 2i)2,0 ) bu. COUN ro.BW.000 bu . Increase. 1.338.000 bu. OATS 13.3G2.000 bu , dccieaee , G31.000 bu. IlYH 3 C34iX bu BAHLUr 2,314,00) bu ; decrease , 334,000 bu. Toledo Market. j , TOLnno. Peb 21 WUHAT Higher and nrm ; No 2. cnsh , JICO'J , May. $1.01 ? COUN Steady nnd active ; No. 2 mixed , 31c. OATS Dull ; No 2 mixed , 27c. UYlJ-llasler : No. 2. cash. Sic CLOVUHSEED Active , prime , cosh nnd March , Detroit llurUft. nnTUOIT , Mich , IVb 21 WHUAT No. 1 vvlilte. OSi.c ; No 2 red 9)c , Mij , 9J'/.c. ' CORN No. 2 mixed , 3"c OATS No. 2 wlllte , KTic. HYE-No. 2 , 52'4c. San Prniie-IscMi Wheat Market. SAN PUANCISCO. Teb 21 WHEAT Steady ; December. J1.33 , . May , II 4H' , . HAHLiYi-Qutet. Maj , 11 03 No session to morrow ; legal holiday. I'lillailelpliln 1'rnilnec. PHILADIUiPHIA. Tcb. 21 IIUTTllU Btcadyj fancy western crennurj , 205T20l/ic ; fancy west ern prlnlH , 22c HOGS Sleady ; wcslern , 13c. I'eiirln IfarUetn. PHOUfA , Teb 21 COUN rinn nnd higher ; No 2. 30c OATS rirm nnd Inactive : No. 2 white , 2SUc. WHISKY Steady n | II 19 STUCICS AM ) IIO.VDS. of .Securities Tvllh Xo \ileiiiiale -iniinil. . NI3W YOUK , IVb 21 Todoj'o heivy decline In the stock m irket was made without another actual new development In the situation , but wai rather to be attributed to a combination of Impressions which have been the underlying force In speculation for a week or more. To- day'a mirkct demonstrated for one thing that last vviek'B ilecllno > would have been much heavier on the developments In the Cuban ques- llon had It not been for the support of povvei- ful Interests who desired nn opportunity lo realize The entire absence of support ttxlaj gave color lo the supposition that those Inter- cfcta had completed their liquidation and were Indifferent to the course of the market The motives assigned for the selling' bad less ap parent basis In fact than were furnUhcd b > the developments of the Inn week So fur n the > turmd on the Cuban question they dealt with speculations on possible future evuils and ou th abslruw paint * of Internallonal law , wllhout any com Inclnu authority to back tnem Appre hensions growing out of the rate war for pas-cn- gtr business belvveen the Canadian Puclllc ami our awn transconllnenlnl linen had a more sub- Btuntlal basis , though u soothing suggestion waa offered that the prollls and dividends were not largel ) dependent upon passenger business an > - how There seemed to bo no realizingscnso tliat this suggeMlon was Inconsistent wltli the largo advance : ! which hud been forced In the price of securities nn hopes nf Klondike Iralllo The great rnowitorm In the west was also n factor of real Importance , both by reason ot the Inter- rupllcn lu railroad tralllo and the possible damage - ago to crops Whatever the real motive , II wan Lejoml dltpulo that there were large offerings of securities for which there was no adequate demand nml selling orders lo stop losses were uncovered on the descending scale. Declines weru so great that prices that looked atlracllve un bargains were reached In many casea nnd buying Ihufl Invited steadied prices and worked rome notable recoveries , This process wns re peated several times during- the day und Ihe market closed with one of the rallies In full force , thus leaving- the net diclinoa decidedly smaller than the extreme declines duilng the day In the cares of Sugar > uu ! Metropolitan Slreet railway Ihla recovery was between 3 and 3 points and Third Avenue made uti extraor dinary rally of 12 points In the final dealings after an earlier loss of 8 points. Tha local and Industrial specialties were the severest ruffer- cru by Ihe early decline and Ilia grangers also vvcro noluble affected by reason of the storm Nc-vv York Central reflected u marked liquida tion of iccent speculative bujlng Manhattan wan ono of the c'llef sufferers and nfler n fall of 4 % rallied H4 Mclropolltun Slreet railway wan 7 polnls off at the lowest A fealure of the day wan the marking up of call local * to Hi per cent In accordance with tin- reduction In the surplus renerve The local market paid no ut- ttntlon to the tinner tone on foreign exchange duo to the vubsldence uf appre.iennlon over Iho West African situation , whlth was regarded with such acute mlfglvlngs on the local ex change on Saturday Ixmdon was a buyer on balances In the Ntw York market today . The cour/o of the bond market was In accord with flx'Ua In both decline * and rallies , The loss nt on time was from 1 to 3 per cent In many leading bonds. Total nates , 11,100,000 United States 4s of 1907 und 1923 were U lower bid The Livening Port's London financial cable gram sayr : The stock markets here opened Hat todaj on politics A recovery at mldda > was followed by a further sharp full , mainly on bear cperuttomi und New York sales of Americans Parlii IxnuJit uteadlly throughout the day , In cluding Americans , but this wag powerless to support the market Unless there ohoulj be a sharp rally tomorrow morning big differences am to b met , notuUy In Grand Trunk and American * , by weak operators. At the same time there have alro U'IMI commitments In the last few ria > 8 New York'a heavy Helling to night , occurring on the eve of the settlement hero and the holiday In the United States , de flected the market and caused a gloomy feeling Grand Trunk nnd. Canadian Pacific are 3 points lower than last teltlement Mine * are dull The eetllement In ( hat market U feature- lets Dold It In fair demand ut 77s SV1 , but the demand U now can lined to South Amrel a There IH good reason to believe that but for Ibis Imr gold might tr to the Hank of England rrfiich exchange has been eailer , but clotcd llrm ut lait week'a high rale of 2S 27. It U ex pected that renumptlon of purchases of tl cki atro by Trench capital will Indue * a furtacr Total sales of slocks loday , fi71 2i shares , In- Ending : Alchlion profptred , 10.718 , Chesipcake i Ohio , 3,150 , Chicago , lliirllngtui & : ( Juliu-j , 3S.- STii , loulivlllc- Nashville , 13MM. Manhattan , 31,230 , Metropolitan , 9.7M , Heading fireferred , S.l'.O , MlMourl Pacific. 11.801 , Missouri , Kansas . < j 'Icxas preferred , 3f21 , NewJersnj Central , 3tifl ; New York Cenlrnl 22,300. Northern P.iclll" , 11.7CO ; Northern Pacific prcfernsl , 24,210. Heading. 3,210 , Hock Island , 19OH , SI Paul , 3 , ro , Southern preferred. 5,400 , Tnlon PacillP , ll.safi. Wnliath preferred , 3 , " > 70 , Tobacco , 13,344 Clilcugo Oreat Western. 3.3SI , People's as , 11,810 : Sugar. 9.- 73i ) , TenneHffe Coal nnd Iron , 3,603 , leather pre ferred , r > ,2) > 0 , Wcslcrn Union , 9,120 \e \ orlt M iuMinltet. . NUW YOUK. Fell 21 MONEY ON CALL Nomlnnllj m per cent PItlMi : MIIUCANTII.i : PAI > iil : 301 per cent. STiilLINO : IlXrilANdi : Market steudj. with actual biiflniHB In bankeis' bills nt $4 'i for demand nnd $4 f3ii4 SI'i for slxt > dajs , po ted rates , II S4 and J4 Wi , commertlnl bills , J4 S2i/2. 11AII S1I.V12II iw'sc' MEXICAN DOLLMIS 4V < C OOVnilNMlINT ItONUS-MnrKei weak ; new 4s. retsnnd coupon , UPi , 4s , ng , 112 i , coupon. lllVi. 2s , ICO , iis , rep. und coupon , HJ'ii Pacific > of ' 9" , 101 Closing quotations on bonds were ns follows : Klmmeliil .NoteM. OMAHA. 1'eb. -Clearings , ID03.937.42 ; bal ances. I74.54S 33. CHICAGO. I'eb 21. Clearing * . 117,317,599. New lork exchange , 50o discount ; posted rated , II SI ( ff4 8C'S Stocks were weak early with Wall street , but reacted later on strong support. Alley I * 5JV4 , Diamond Mutch. H7T ; I iko Street L. lJU ; lllsctilt preferred , 81 % , North Chlcugo , 222 bid , 2i1 askeil , Slravvboard , 31& , West Chicago , lta\V YOUK , Feb 21-Cleorlngs , | S,237,327 , balances , ! 5,62-S37 ) DOS-I10N. IVb 21-Clearlpgs , 113.001,120 , bul- ances , II.423.GK ' ST LOUIS , Teb. -i-Clearlngs , 15,7 2,470 , bal ances , $718,910. Money , 53 per cenl New York exchange. tjOj discount hid , 4 < ) o discount asked. NIJW OHLUANS , Keb -Clearings , $1,208- CGI New York exchange , bmk , par ; commer cial , II per tl.COO discount. PHILADELPHIA. lib. Jl-Clearings , 19,378- 411 , balance * , | I,928COti llALTUIOHi : , IVb 21. Clearings , $2,033,1131 , balances , | . ' 89,130 , 1'urelirii ] < 'liiiiiii-liil. IX3NDON , IVb SI Ooll | quotf-il at lluenoj Ayres today ct 107.90 ; at Lisbon , 48V4 , at Home , 103 15. PAIUH , IV-b Ul Ttuee per cent rentes , 103f 75o for tha account Ilxchange on I/ondon , 25f 27o for che-ckR lluglner * on the bourte today opcnc-d heavy , but boon bfcaine firmer and re mained fit until Ihe dost * of the market UI7UL1N , I'eb 21 Per ( he settlement dn the bourse today money wa * plentiful ut 3 per cent , but prices were weak on Ihe comments of tlin PnglUh newspapers regarding the sltuallon In \Ve t Africa They closed firmer , however , on reassuring advice * American and Canadian Pa cific tecurltle.i were rial. American Sfuiirltlt-x In Lomlnii , IX > NDON , I'eb 21 The market for American tecurltlea lluctunled somewhat after a steady oiKnliu ; , then declined on bulls unloading. I iter the flatter American * began tumbling on tbo street on New York ( elllntf. > Voi-lc Dry ConiU llnrK-et , NIJW YORK , Ib 21 Halny weather nnd the effect of tomorrovv'a holiday tended tn make lo- ( Uy'it market u , nulet one In dry good * There WKH nu verj * marke < l attwnpt lo boom the mar ket and bu > er * were few It I * probible llmt the re-al beginning of the week' * trading will bo on Wedne iUy The price tone for cotton * re main * linn Slight advance * have been an nounced In the New York mill * In wide sheet ing * and some other line * The demand I * Mill retrained. Converters mill figure quite promi nently In the market and are more liberal In their bids Print clotlm remain fairly active on all old good * . 1'rlnU are fairly acthe at utrong price * . OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Week Starts with Light Bun and Brisk Business , EULLISH FEELING IN BZEF STEERS Prices from n ( n K ) Crntn nn < I Trnilliin Vctl o nt the ii'c lloK Also In Guild Coiiilltlon , SOUTH OMAHA , IVb. Sl.-Itccclpts for the clays Indlcatc-cl were : Cattle. HOKS. Sheep. Hor's. February 21 1.593 2,375 3,2s < : . . . . February 19 Wi 3.011 1,459 February IS G.M3 f..402 February 17 2,29. ) 7,9:1) ) 7,534 . . . . February 10 2,652 C.S'K ) G 648 S February 14 2.417 2.7SI 4M3 February 12 S51 3,9'W 3IS . . . . February 11 1,5:0 3.S5S 1,411 February 10 1,405 6,205 1.912 2 February D 2.749 C.977 6,410 February S 3.S75 6,044 3,971 . . . . February 7 1.7G9 2.SC9 CVM ) 2f. February G 791 5.622 2,352 February 4 1,395 6G2 2,554 24 February 3 1,999 4,219 G..tCS 1 February 2 31S2 G.112 4.33H 33 The omcltl number of cars of stock brought In today by each road wns : Cuttle. Hogs. Sheep. O & St. I , , lly 1 Union 1'nclflc System 17 7 S C. it N. W. lly 1 P. K. & M. V. U. 11 21 10 4 S. C. .t P. lly 2 1 C. . St. P. , M. A : O.'lly 17 4 H. fc M. U. U. U 10 10 1 C. , H. & Q. lly 1 C. , U. I. & V. lly. , cnij 3 Total recclr'.s ' " 1 31 10 The disposition of thu day's receipts wns us follows , each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated : Iluyors. Cnttle. Hog * . Sheep Oni.inu Packing Co 2J 272 llw 0 H. Hammond Co 2S1 311 Svvlfl nnd Compiny 371 313 1.SI1 Cudahy Packing Co 4J1 b31 Wl U. Hooker nnd Degnn. . . . 73 J. L. Carey 19 ! ' Lobman & llolhschllds. . 3b Livingston . Schuler 14 . . . Mi-jor 10J . . . : Hint 69.1 Other bujers 65 17 Left o\er u Total 1.BS7 2.175 3.224 llccelpts loiliy were 121 c-irs , hardly nn average Monday's run. Supplies of nil kinds ot stock were consldeiably smaller than a week ago. CATTI-iD The supply fell about NX ) short of Inst .Mondxj's arrivals. In quality the offoilngs were not very deslr.iblo as u rule. There wote very few strictly good fat beeves und u rnft of half-fulled and snort- fed slock. lleef Sleers On account of the rather bullish tone lo leports fiom other markets nil classes of buyets were out early after supplies. As they found only a small nr- ra > of desirable rattle on sale competition was lively and the offerings were quickly picked up at prices : > e to 1'Jc higher than last week's closing tiuotallons. Tno under tone to Ihe irade wns very strong , und by the middle of the forenoon practically e\ei > thing had changed hands. Hutchcts' Stock There w-etc about twenty loads of cows < ind heifers on the maiket but toe demand was somewhat bet ter than toward the close of last week und nil decent offerings sold fully a dime higher than on Saturday. SDHIC very nice heifers brought $3.90 and $400. Veal calves were soaice and flrm und beeves , oxen and slugs sold nt full steady last week's closing quotu- Sloc'kers and Feeders Wlfi less than a dozen loads of this description on sale the trade wns naturally very limited. There was a good line of buyers and trade ruled reasonably brisk nt fully steady prices. The volume of business , however , was not very large. Representative sales : NATJVKS. nr.rr sTuinis. No Av. Pr. No. Av. t'r. No. fiv. Pr. 1 , . .1110 ? 3 2" . 1..11SO J3 S ) 11. . . .103S ? 4 01 21 . 9-rJ I 00 9. . . 11M 14. 61. . .1192 415 IS ISO" 4 2. ) 21 . . .11174 25 4 . .1197 4 11 19. . ill 4 r I..10M 373 1..12703FO 7 .1018 JO ) 1 . . .13.-0 40) 13..1223 415 19 . . .1310 I 3' ' ) 18. . .1313 4 TO 3 ] . . .120 } 4 4) ) 13 mi 4 Gl ) O..11fi5 100 17 . . .1135 40. 35 . . 1CM 4 10 1..13-.0 4 10 18 . . 1112 4 10 S2 . .1011 4 H M. . 1209 I ) IS 1310 1 S3 21 . . .1I3 13) 19 . 1211 I 33 41 . KU 4 Oj cow ; 1 . ! ( ) -2 M 2. . . . Kill ZKi 13 . . .1110 281 2. . . lOM 3 0- ) 3. .10" 2 0" " ) 1 . IHO 3 19 S . .1030 3 11 2 . .110) .1 < 0 11 . 090 3 17..114S 330 2. . . S60 J 31 1 . .9W 250 " . "S3 2 73 4. . .907 2 7' 1 . .1110 290 13. . .1001 20- ) 1. . .103) JIM 1 . . .1010 3 111 1 . . .11SO 30) 1 . .1IGO 100 1 . . .1020 110 ! i . . .10IS 1 10 3) . . SC 3 10 1 . .1070 3 21 " 1 .1)73 3 S 37. . . % "i 3 2'i 4 . .1107 3 ? 0 1. . . . 93) ) 325 C. .1001 333 5. . .IMS .553 2 . . . 721 2 M 1 .910 2 C1 2. . . ! . . ! ) 2 ( M 1 . . . 9SO 37- 1 . .1010 293 C . . .1116 .13) 12. . 1013 J 15 1 . .1210 3 5) li . . . 9J3 .1 6) COWS ANU HliKEKS. : 44..1118 370 17 . 1114 30) 20 . 1.88 J 10 1. . . . ICO 3 SO . - > ir 4 3 a ) 1 . . 320 SCO 1. . . . 4 .190 2. . . .121)3 ) 300 1. . . . Ci ) 100 40. . . .1037 400 1. . . . 820 3 0) 1. . 11 W 3 23 . . . . 7Sfi 3 30 2. . .1050 3 43 71. 1003 I U ) 1. . . . 290 3 50 3 . . 143 4 CO 2. . . . 200 6 00 1. . . 9i ) 5 00 2 . 173 6 00 . 1 .1070 371 1 I'1331 ' ) 3..11Ca 3.15 1 ICC ) 310 2 . .120) 311 1..1I70 3. ) , 1. . . 1350 340 1 15',0 310 1..830 370' 4. . . .13:7 283 3 . .1C13 J 8" 1..2030 .110 1. . ir.0 320 1 .1210 320 1..9JO 321 " 1075 3 30 1. 1320 3 35 2 , H20 5 41 1. . lr,1i ) 340 1 8SO J 40 1. . . . 810 305 1 . 1-SO 3 C3 1 . 1CI ) 3 40 hTAOS 1 1220 371 1 . .1010 .171 G I'lO 2 C'i STOCICUUS AND rmDiits 1 701 275 1 . 450 123 4i. . . . 9"7 370 12 . . . 930 4 CO 18. . W 4 11 2 . . 7W 3 Gl S . . Ml 1 S5 10 ftO 4 20 2 . . C33 4 40 18 . . 809 4 10 18 . 937 4 T 1IOOH llccelpts were SOO or 400 smaller tlnn nn lust Monday , but tlu * quality of the off i > i Inns aa fully up to last week's \ery excellent a % erase Conditions were mostly In the tollers' faor nnd they were generally able to sit about a nlfkcl moro for their holdings than on Sutunluy ChlaiBO nnd other nurkcta Imd , moderale receipts and reported Htn > nKcr mnrKota , anil loenl Fales- men were all pritt } strong In their \\e\\f. pi > that the mo\ement was not particular ! ) brli-k J'lolce Unlit nnd hutchei weights told up to thu \en i money , $1 00 , nnd touKh puckers went np low as $3 ! Weight wiis not much of n consideration with bti > er , lm oer , nnd most of the fnlr to good ht > ss of nil weights eolil at The maiket closed somewhat weaker than It openel Fellers ere compelled to rhnde their asklni ; iirlces nnd nbout 2V4e of the > nil- Mince wns lost , althouBh a 45001 ! enrly ilcnranco Tmdl'ng toilay wan mostly nt tt,92t { M 97V4 , SB ngiilnst $3 90QJ l" Salurduy nnd 13 ! > 0 < 33b3 on last Monda > HepresentatUe Fales : No. Av , h. I'r No Av Hi 1'r , 10 . 277 . . . fl 9) 17 . 2-4 . . . J3 90 12. . . . VC . . 390 B1 . 3M . 390 C2 . . . . 184 IfiO 390 21 . 161 40 3 12V C'i ' 21,7 240 3 fliVi ' . - ' R . . 3 ? 2 132. . . 2M . . 3 92V * 70 . 277 ) 3 ( iJ 17 2 > 0 80 3 92V4 M . . . . 3M ICO 392V , 70 . . . Sll . 3 SI Hi . 210 . 1 . > - > S4 . 113 80 395 70 . 211 ICO 393 71 . 2(1 ( . . . 391 IB . S'4 . . . S 91 til . 241 SO 381 73 . Z7H . .393 C2 . 247 . . . 395 f.2 . 2W SO 393 50 . 3S1 . . . 393 65 . 271 . . 3 Vi 51 . . . 207 40 393 84 . 221 40 391 12 . . .211 . . . 3 97'i 51 . 3J1 . . 1 97'4 93 , . . .219 . . . 397" " M . 21 . . . 39715 70 . 2iJ . 3971,4 C5 . 532 . . . 100 Cl. . 210 . . . 4 CO Slinnf1 Supplies wcr filr , hut the quality of the offerings WHK nothing extra lion killers and shippers were good liu > er and the tr3 < le ruled acthe. with nlcex steady to stron ? for all Kraden i\er : > tiling sold In good season. Iti'pri'sentatUfl rales : No APr 181 western ewes . 91 3 80 200 western ewes . 112 390 419 western wethers . 7. . . 103 4 15 411 western wethers . 11. 4 20 187 nerlern wethers . Ill 4 25 8 Mexican wethers . 118 4 25 187 Mexican wethers . Ill 45) 41 natlMearllnits . k5 473 1C1 western uelhers . 11C 4 10 37 ! wcMern wethers . 127 4 11 3M western wether * . 117 4 15 593 western lambs . C3 4 U St. 1,0 IIIM I.IVISIlMk ST. i/i"IB roii 21 CATTM : ueceipu. 2.sro liead , shipments , GOO head , market Klroru ; for natUcH , 'icxuim tead > , fair to choice natho slilpplne and export steers , f 120R5 35 , bull , of B.i-liii. 1(409315 , ilresned beef nnd butchir tlttri , II10O490 , bulk o ( 8.iU > 9 , tl2)i(7J. sierra under 1.000 pounds , 1 rl l "i. bull : of sales , JJ 90fl4 n f lookers nnd feeders. 3 25O4 U ) . bulk of sales , 13 80 19423 , cown nml heifers , II 730) ) 21 , bulk of I-OWM , 120)0335 ) ; TiutaH and Indian steers , t100 tr > wltli cspeclnlly line and hea > y cattle , 1150. bulk of sales. 13.7004 1 $ , cows and heifers , 12 WQ 323 HOGS HecelptH. 9,000 head , HMpments , 3,300 iwi.l , market 5H10c lilKlur , > orkeru. SI Wffl.11 , piu-kern. II 03ft4 15 , butrhers' tl 1034 25 HHIII3I' Hecelpla , 700 head shipments , none , narkut , stronu ; natlui muttons , \\Wj\'t \ \ > , nnibJ , ( JOOIjG.TS , no ' 1'exans recelxed , IniIliiiiiipoIlM dive .Stock , IKDIAN'AfOMS , Jnd , 1'eb 21 - -CATTWJ- - ralpts , Hirlit , shipments , none ; market , stctdy ; K oil to prime steers , II8.VU5Z3 , fidr to meillum Htfrru , (4 Wit7J | common to K < xxl stockem , } 3 09 HOflH Itccelpts , J.frW head , shipments , MO lead ; market ocllre , 5Jr7Ho hlvber , K' > 1 to c'lolce inicllum and heavy , II Iiif4 ' i'j , mixed and honrr , H.I54Jt la ; common to choice lUhta , K l' It Tlpt9 , llphl. uhlpraent * . none , mirke-t. quiet , priest rnnKol from Htl for IMID- mon lircp to HOOC5.W for po l to cltok-c Umbs. citio.vco MVI : STOCK Mviucnr. Drninnil for ( ' 111110 Ktcrritu Stiiil | ) mill I'rlrrn < ! Up. CHICAGO. tYb 31 A m.ill supply of rattle today mnJo tuyi-rs nnxlous to r > urrhi e nnj trade was brisk , price * ruling stronger from the slnrt. with sales on nn a > orn re IV hlRhcr than nt the close ot last week. All kinds of cattle fold bolter , rales being on a bntls of from J3 ° 0 to tl M for poor to medium Rmduo of dressed beef steers , fivm 14 75 to IS for Rood to choice Milp- plnK caltU ( itul from 13 ! j to IS M for rtrletly prime well Hnl hed I'CK-\CS There nns the utual scarcity i > f rcallj choice caltle. nn.1 the bulk i > f the offerings cros'ol tlm scales nt frttn 11,40 to 13,10 , exporter * being \ery KOCK ! buyers nrouml from $10 ! to K IS Stickers nnd feeders fold nt from 13.5 to | t.l Texas ntltlc were In small supply end sold belter , prices r.inuli'tf from M 70 to 14.70 niUpH flld nt from 14 2o tn 18 75 There wan n rcRUlnr fcrnmMe curly In the tiny to secure the be t consignment of hogs. urceiltiKS being much rmillcr tliaii usunl , Later on biuera withdrew nnd the advnnco wn largely lo t llogv xold nt mi extreme range of from to II S7H , Irtrgely nt from II 10 to II W , with Into Mle * largely nt from II M to It 15. There wns a good dimnnd for sheep nnd lnml nnd price * were im&tly stendy fabecp were wnntcxl nt from > 3 CO to 13.W ) for the poorest up to from II.CO lo 14 60 for cholco fed westerns , snlei being Inrgcly nt from 14 upward. Year lings sold for from II SO to 15 and lamln nt frwn II to II.W for Inferior up lo 15.CO fur prlma Unlit ncliht llorks , not mnny going under 13 llcnvy exiwrt sheep were salable nt from 14 31 to 14.40 , llcct-lpts : Cnttle , 11,500 dead ; hog * . 3.CW ) head , sheep , 2l > ,0ihead. . I.Uf Sliu-k. IXJL'IMVlI.l.K. Ky. . Teb 21 - ( -iVTTf.i- : ) - celpta. 1.I1J head , market steady to tlrm. price * unchanged Quolnthm * follow : Kxlrn gi'M * ! ex port steen. 1,330 ixmmls nud up , II 5004 70 , light shipping Ktcors , 1.2vHl lo 1.3.VI poumls. ft 2XT11" . olwleo bulcher steer * . 14 2.XT4 CO , fnlr lo gi xl butcher stix r , IISOWICO , common to medium butcher HtevrR , | 3 0001 50 , cholcu butcher belf r < IJ GlfPI 0) , fnlr lo MUM ! bttttCicr heifers , 13 = 3S { 3 6) . common to medium butchel heifers , ! 2 .j G , ' , 13 , choice bulcher COWB , 13 COifS 73 , fair to gixxl butcher cows , t275iT325 , common butcher con8. I23W2C5 cnnncrs , II73H223. eluilo- feed crrt. | 4i Jfl2J. nitilluni to good fc > MerH , ! 15I1 © 100 , common feeder * , } 300f3.25 , bullgn il In cxlra , ti WiiS SO , Inills. common to medium. ? 2 2fi fJOO. thin , rough ulcers , poor row * nnd srtlli- wags , I12'5r223 , cholco raHes , | 3 23B5.W. com mon cnhes , HOOffSOO HOOS Hecolpts , 9fi33 held , market .V hleh'r , b .tt he ivy hogs , II 10 ; medium. IIOOSM05 , light shippersW " ( Mil 90 , pigs , } J 75U3 05 Klliii' : : ANU I.AMHS llecilpt * . 74 head , mar ket steudj on choice grades , dull on common unchanged , good to extra shlpp'ng sheep. W JO fv' 73 , fnlr to goinl sluip , | J UXf3 25. commnn to mtillum , $ iv ( > Ii2uO. ixtrn shipping lamba. II 7" gi ( W , fnlr ti > gixid Inmlw , SI - > ftt 73 , bi-t-t butclienf , 14 OS5J4 60 , fair to good butchers' , 11 50 ® 4 00 ' IIIM : ( Ilnllalo MVISloilc HAST llUKrAIKch -CATTUU 1'nt 'hip ping steers. (1 MKI. & " > . smooth steers , 14 H"'iTI 40 , coarser ami rough , | 3 40if4 25. light , ll.20yl.25. cholco to fat heifers. | l 255(1 50. ml-ied butibers' slock. W.40IT3.90. fat cows , Jl.r.03.90. . IIOQS Clnod to choice jorUers. 14 35 ; light yotkcrs. I4.30ipl.33 , mlxtd packtrs' grades , | 4 32 Sf4 35 , medium nnd hci\y lings , J1.31 , roughs , li.MiifJ.'iO , stags. 12 IOOT.23 ; pigs , | 3 IMT4.21 SHUii' ANU I.AMIIS Nnttvo lamba. choice lo extra , } 1.70T5 | 7.1. fair to kood , 15 oO5.C5 , > ear- lings. r-WWo'-'J , native thup , choice lo se lected nisthti * . J4. ! > ir3.00 ; inKed slutp , $1 Cu ® 4.73 , culls , 13.2503.90. \o\v York lilvc Sloc-k. N13W YOUIC. Teb 21 IinnVHS-Hecelpts. 1.211 held nctlxe and higher , RteeiII URj 10. oven , U 7304 13. cfms , } 2 20HJ.'K ) Cables ipiote : I.l\o cnltle. lOliWlld. drejsed weight , sheep , aVi.Jj'lld. refrigerator beef , SViflOd pci pound OAIiVnS Ilecelpls , 1.41S head nmrkcl higher , % enl ! ! . 11 33IT4 75 , gtasfcrs , | 3 COiffl M Sltni' ! ' ANU I.AM1IS Hecelpts , IS.fSl liend , sheep , firm , lambs , lower , sheep , JSHOffl'O , lamb ! > . 15 ISlftS " 0 , extra , } l > 00 HOCJS Hecelnts Icr Iwo dn > F , 11,370 head , llrni nt II 30fl 55 KIIIIHIIM CH > I.l StiieK Mnrkot. KANSAS CITY , Keb -CATTkn Receipts. 4,000 head ; murkel stronger , lexns steers , 43 Wfl1 400 , Texas cows , $260inS5 , nnthe steers , } 3 DOW 3.20 , natho cows nnd heifers , II 5001 15 , stockcrs nnd fenders , J3 50if4 < W , bulls , 13 0084.20 I1OOH Receipts , 7.0CO head , market stiong to lOo higher , hulk of sales. | 3 804J4 10 , henvy , 13.83 JT4 20 , puckers. 13 75ff4 15 , mixed , I3.73AJ4 12V4 , lights. 53 S5@4 00 , Yorkers , 13 93O4 00 ; pigs , | 3 40 O3 71. SItinr necelpts. S.COO head ; market strong and active ; lambs , | 3 0083.50 , muttons , Jl 0081 45. Cincinnati MMStock. . CINCINNATI , Teb. 21. IIOCIS Actltc , hlcher ; . CATTM3 Strong , hluhcr ; 12 COSH 73. Slinill' Steiulr ; K73WI61. I AMIIS Steady , IIOOi(173 ( Modi : In Re > rd of recelptH of live stock at Iho four pilnclpal imrkels for IVbnmry 21 C.ittle. IIous. Hheep Omnhi . 1.15S 23H 1.J2I CllUngo . 11,55i ) 2 ,01) ) ICnn-ns City . 400) 7,000 3,000 St. Louis . 2S ) 9,000 ? ; 0 TotaU . 19.WS 41.373 25,920 ColU'i NKW YORK , rob 21. COITHi : Options opened slcndy. nt unchnnml prices to G polntn decline Impnned slUhtl } on local and Uuropcun bu lng , foreign new tot } conflicting to be im portant factoi , liberal llia tllin lecetpts about offset by Unlteil States wniehouse deliveries , spoculitlon ciecl .d by posslh'e Heilous palltl cut complications , ileellned near Hie close undei bear hammering , closed barel > steady , with prlcea un hanged to 10 points net lower , talcs , 2iC.0 ! ( bags , Including Mnrch , J3C3"f71 | Spot coffee , Illo , quIit , No 7 Involve , C'4c ; No 7 Job bing , C)4c , mild , fti.ul > , Cordova , THfiU'/JiC ' , s > tlc , 1,1'JO bags Guatemala and JV ) bags llnra- catbo on private terms lotal warehouse dellv- erlPT from United States. 11,970 bigs. Including 10.ECO bugs from New York. New Ynk stick today , 610.584 lugs , fnll-'d Stales , 738.5S3 bigs , nllont for the United Stales. 420,000 bag-- , totilUlble for the United d--tates , 1,118,533 bngM , ninlnst 701,03J bags last sear nud 45" , OG1 bags In 1190 h \NTOS , Peb 21 rorrni : firm : good aver- ngo H.intot , 8,500 rcls , receipts , 11,00) bags , block. f45.0PO Ings IIAMIII un , rei > 21 corrin opened Vj pfg , lowfl at 2.30 p m , 11 to 14 pfB lower , tale" , lb.100 bigs mo nn JANIIIIO , reb 21 corni : Opened linn ; No 7 Rl'i. S.173 rel , exchange. C 21-E21 , receipts. 12,000 bags , clcind for the United State ? , 13.COO bags cleared for IJur pe , 7fft ) lings , stock , 27&.OCO bags HAVIli : , Teb 21 COITi : ! : Sales. 2,000 bags. Oil lllll-ICflM OIF. CITY , IVb 21 Credit balances , CSc , cer- llllcati-s were rtc.uly. cprnrd nl 7CHo bid for oash with talcs , clced at TI > HO bid for both cish and regular delivery Siles duilug the il.y Cash , 3,00) bbls nt 7C < io 1000 lib's nt 7 ' 4c. 7.00 bbla at "Cijc , 18,000 bbls t 7MC , regul ir , 4,101 bbl ? nt 77e , tolal Halns , 4 ? 0)1 bb's ; shipments , I 1130 5 bblK urns , 'ci,223 bbl * . C'HAIU < I34TON , Tub 21 OILS Tun > enllne , firm at C.'c , rales , none. Rosin , linn and unchanged - j changed , snles , none i SAVANNAH , On. . Kch -OILS Spirits of turrentlnc , firm nt 31c , fc.iles , 120 bbl , reirlji. , j IOJ bbls lloiili ] llrm , sales , 238 bbls , rcrelpm , ' 1.73 bbls , A II C' U , II 20. i : , tl II. P , I II 27'-i ' , O . II .15 , U . II 0' ' , I , 11 G5 , K , SI 75 , M , II M. N . Jl 93.V O . 12V \S' , U 2"i. \VJMIIMcnON , N C , Teb 21Oil S Splrlls 1 of turpertlne , llrm nt r2V4f(33c Hum , llrm st ? 1.20fil 23 Crude turpentine nothing dulng , prices unclnnged Tar , steady ul 9jc H. E. PENNEY & CO. , 11O Board of Trade Bldp. , Omaha , Neb GRAIN , PROVISIONS , STOCKS Dranch Offlco 1038 N Si Lincola. Noh oi.h COI.OVY IIIMI.UI.X : , cuiu.ino , Memhers Chlcngo Hoard of Trade slnco HCi Grain , Provisions anJ N. Y. Stoclis Orders Cash nnd Future Delivery Solicit , d Omiiliil OIlUcHoiini I , .V. Y. Mf < - . , . . 'I'lionn 1)111 . . . . KI.OYU J. CA.1irHKI,7 , . Jlniunrcr , E BOVD & GO , , Telephone 1039. Ointilui , NJ'I COMMISSION , GKAIN , IMtOVISIONS and STOCKS IIOAII ) OF THAI ) ! ! . Direct wires to Chlcauo and New York. Correspondents : John A. Warren A Co. C. C. CIIIUHTIi : . K. J. STItnilT , I'rctlJent. Vice 1'reildcnt Clifislie-Street Conimission Cos STOCKS , GUAIV AMI I'HO VISIO.VS. Ill llouril of Trinlu Iliillillmr. J. L. BOYD & CO. St octal Bfaios and Pfovision 1416 Farnam Street , Uaseiiient. A New Serial H. H.Rider Rider Haggard , Author of "Sho , " "King Solomon's Mines , " Etc. , Etc. , Has Completed Another Story Entitled "ELISSA" The hero of the story IB a Brand- son of King Solomon on an ex pedition to the Golden Ophlr of the niblo. A Romance of Pro-Historic Africa , Daringly Imaginative and Tull of Thrilling : Action. This story boian publicntlou in THE SUNDAY As n Scrlnl , In Ten Instalment * ) , I February 13. ( With Illiistintlous. ) In this story Mr. Hnggird makoa a Jiovv demonstration of his won derful power In the field of pure romance. Ho once moro boldly lifts the curtain that hldca the fate of nations dead and burled In the ages of which no record remains , except In the allont ruins of their cities. Zlmboo , en Inland trading olty that nourished In the heart of Africa 3,000 years ago , and pioplofl , by the Phoenicians , la the econo of the story. To this city cornea Pr'oco Azlel , a grandson of King Solomon , accompanied by Isaachar , a priest of Israel , and Metcm , Phoenician trader , \\ho brings A caravin of n rchanejlso. In Ellesa , daughter of Sakon , king of Zlmboe , the prince meets bla fate. King Ithobal , lord of many leglmis of ai\-ago warriors , la al ready a suitor for her hand. Ho sues lei true barbarian fashion , seeks to carry her oft by force , nnd ! a foiled In the attempt by Prlaco Azlel. .The story unfolds Itself around the feud between the Prince of Israel and tbo aavago King Itho bal. Kllssa lias elvm her heart to Azlel , and loatha the barbarian monarch le-ncchar , the priest , IH determined that no prince of tbo house of David shall wed a heathen maiden , whose people worship Baal. As a result ot his Intrigues , Ellsaa Is elected the high priestess of Eaal. This fixes an Impassable religious gulf between her and Azlel. Their passionate iovo sccla to surmount all barriers. Meantime. IthoUtl draws his hugo army of savages around the fated city , and demand ing Ellsca In marriage , prepares to destroy It It ho Is refused , How nilssa violates her oith us high prlcsluBS and prepares to fly with Azlel ; how they nro both discovered and threatened with death by the priests of Ilaal ; how , to save each other , she , by her right ao the high priestess of Baal , names him her husband , \vhllo ho renounces hio faith and offers incense to Baal ; how Itliobal's horde of savages storms the walla of the city , and both Azlel and Elleeu fall Into hla power ; and how , at last , Azlel ca- capis with his llfo by Clicaa'a feigned submission to Ithobal , shn In turn escaping Ithobal by Icllllng herself , Is all told in Mr. ILiggard's meat fonclnatlng manner , The awful ceremonies In the tera- plo of Haal , the weird rlUa In the sacred grovta of Zlmboe , and the barbarous battle scares ot that far- off tlmo , are described with all the author's mmolous wealth of Imag- Inatlvo resource. It is a story that will uuroly rank aa ono of the great worltu of flctlon of 1808. Ill the 0- Sunday Wntcd for It ! Read It !