o THE OMAHA DAILY MEt "TUESDAY , FEBRUARY 22 , 1808. upon cntorlnK this room. " Thi ! ? la nn tin- usual thins far this country , 'V/hcro ono vall Into the theater with his hat on. The Spanlnh rod cros ยง dMcrvm pralso for hav Inc assisted on that tcrrlblo Tntfldny night Jl sent etrotchors to the Muchlrea for th Iratnc.llalo transport of the wounded to th hospital. GIVES HAVANA A' SCAttn. After the oaltlo odlco closed last nigh n dull oxploalon was heard In thli city am thcro was Rrcat excitement for a few mo ments. It being carnival tlmo the atrect were thronRCd , the thoatern filled nnd nl the clubi had dances. Everybody started fo the viler front. The sound scomecl to com from the bay. On passlns ft police station I siw a wounded man helnc carried from n carriage. Hn wna Oanzalcn Jorln , who had ft hole In his left Itneo 'from a piece of roof tllo which had been burled by the pxploilon of a small petard on the top o a. small building adjolnltiR the Irljoa the alor. The wotim'cd people wcro In the bal cony of the theater watching UIP carnlva ball end wcro ntruck by flyliiR pieces com ing through an open window. About halt a dozen were Injured. The explosion probably \\as a case of private revongo. There Is much hatred between the various" dance places In carnival time. Many of the most curious stories arc float ing about. Ono man flays ho was sleeping In one of the Maine's boats , ho doesn't know on which side of the ship , when ho felt an nwful chock nnd found hlmscl aboard the burning ship. SYLVESTUIl SCOVEL. LEE IIEAHD KllOM. WASHINGTON. Feb. 21. Several reports came by tcleg apb to the State and Navy de partments to'l.iy from Havana. All of the naval tclcgmms , howovor. bore date of yes ttrday , while that from Gcnwal Leeto the Rtato department was sent late last night though marked this morning. These mcs Lagos do not throw any light on the cause o the disinter and In fact the olllccrs In the Navy department Imvc about resigned them selves to Ifio belief that nothing definite 01 ibis point can bo known for scve al days to come. Their reason for till * belief Is tha the operations of the divers upon the wrcel of the Maine nro being confined at the \ve.s cut to the recovery of the bodies or the dixii fitlll cntaiiigled In the wreck and the recover } of valuables , neither of which can bo neg lected , while the other branch of Uie wo k iMinely , the Investigation of the cause of tha disaster , tnny be more properly left to the conduct of the court of Inquiry. General Lee's dtiratcli was ns follows : HAVANA , Keli. 21. 9:40 : n. in. Great neeil of dlvont to pot effects and Indies from the \vr c-U. Two nre now employed , but twelve or lUleiMi coilhl l > u used. One hunilrod an 1 f on j-three Ixnlleg hnvo been bin led. Very few weio found tmlny , but ever IPO lire sup- pored to bo conlltifil In the ship. The sallow now in the two Spanish hospitals mimbor oh vcn. Visited thf-m yestcrilsiy. All will rrrivcr except two. They arc comfortable and well cared for. LI2E. Acting Secretary Day made the following answer Immediately to his cablegram : DEPAUT.MENT OP STATE. WASHING TON. l-Vli. 21. Hnvo culled intention of Na\y dcpiutmeiit to your request for divers. Same will be complied with. WUCCKINC. DIVEHS NEEDED. The department boilovos that the scarcity of tllvcra complained of by General Leo probably lias nlieady been overcome by the orrlval or the nncho with a force of divers from the North Atlantic squadron at Tor- tiiRiii nnd with necessary apparatus. A dta- jiauu of last night from Captain Slgsbce " \vas as follows : NUie more bodlci : burled yesterday ; only two of which were Identified William liiindos nnd M. Harris. Another dispatch was as follows : Vlslteil hospital today. Men very much plp'ised to sec mo. Kochler nnd Iloltzor arc v-'ry 'aw. ' I have hopo.if Itoltxpr. Kochler Ins a llft.UIng chance only. Number ot bodies found nnd burled tod.iy. No Investl- Kix-lon of SOUP of explosion. Need wrecking tUvu&tor thnt , l.uo Bent to Guncral Blanco rotating to expected coming of wrecked ves- UP n. Jl. Is uo'ders.tood here that toy "the zone c. the e-cploai'oii" In his dispatch. Captain Slgsbec moans that part of the wreck for- wfiiil ' .ho main mnst that suffered directly. The reference to the Lee dispatch to Hlaiico tmic'its the formal notification to the Spanish authorities there of the coming of the Ameri can wrecking vcHsels to Havana. Under nr-linary circumstances there might bo some | UeEtIon of the right of a foreign wrecking vepsGl to operate In the harbor of Havana , jircs'.imlng that the Spanish law la Identical with our own. Hut In the case of a vessel llle the Maine the ruk- would not apply , .though the notlco Is conveyed to Captain General Ulanco na a matter of courtesy ana . -jroveat pnsslblo delays through the Intor- fcronco of some unlnstructcil subordinate In 'tho customs Hervlco at Havana. Captain Slgsbeo's last , sent yesterday was ns follows : Will send two wounded from hospital by the Ilachitomorrow. . These are two rooom- mendcd to ( to to Tortugas" . DurnPtte ( cap- t.ln of the Unoho ) would report to admiral. The Navy department has Informed Admiral Itowo at Key West of these facts , coivniunlca-ted by Captain Slgsheo. It IIMVI" ! entirely to the admiral's discretion the nuzlBiiinont of the wounded arriving from Havana to Tortugas Instead of Key West. CONTRACT WITH WUECKEHS HEADY. Captain Lomloy , the Judge advocate gen eral of the Navy department , with Captain Ilradford , chler of Equipment bureau and Commodore Hlchborn. chief constructor , wcro In consultation for omo tlmo with Secretary Long , reporting to him the plans they had formed for the wrecking of the Maine. Captain Lemloy suggested some further changes In the details of the con tracts which are now bohiij drawn with the wiccJUng compinlcu nnd It Is expected that within n few hours after congrros shall have er.ii.tcil and the president shall hnvo ulgncd the re-canary bill , making an appropriation for the work , the contracts will bo tigncd. The Incoming mall at the Navy depart ment brought ft most Interesting contribu tion to the IICWD of the day in the shape of nn excellent photograph of the wrecked Mnliid as It now lies In Havana harbor. This vH3 forwarded to the secretary of the navy by Lloulumint Hood , lately attached to the Maine. It la n view from the port side and In general features reasmbloj the last nows- papcI'UU of the wreck. Secretary Long too'.t It to the \Vhlto House and gave It to the pr Jdent who wao much Interested In the details ns ahovvn on the photograph , TJio Navy department hpa not yet detor- m'oetl definitely which of our war whips thalt replace the Tulna in Havana harbor , all- though It has determined that as a maUor of policy another ship muet bo sent there. The cSoco ! may bo the Montgomery , now oil its way from San Domingo to Key Wcot , ami the Naihvllle , guciboat , now at Oalvixnon participating In the MardI Gran festivities , 11 tha latter terminate tonic tlmo this week , ns Is oxpcctcd , It la sal'l the Nashville probably will b selected for tbo trip , as the Mont gomery Is Juec returning from a crnlsa in the Wc.it Indltii , In-lutllng two ports of Cuba , and has been on patrol duty alto. The State department , In view of the pubIs - Is ttio tlmo wlicn you should tnko a Spring iluiliclno to purify joinblood , glvo you good appetite , sound sleep , steady nerves mid perfect digestion. That scrofulous tnlnt , that skin trou ble , that liver dif- ficultythatbilous ! toudoncy , tlmt tired fceliny , nro nil cured by llood'e Surstipurillu. Civo this mcdldno u fair trial and you will realize its positive merit. It is not xvlmt wo say , but what the people who tire cured say , which prove tlmt America' * 'Greatest Modi- I Si Co. , Lowell , Jlasi. Hnn/l'fi cure Llver Hl > to / Plllc : en3y I1UUU & fillb tektww o' He denial by Captain Sobral of the authen ticity nf Intcrvlens credited to him In news , rapew Jtiil the further fact that ho had prc- \lously terminated his offlclal connection with the Spanish legation here , has decided to Ignore the matter. What threatened to be another Interna tional Incident growing out of certain alleged utterances by Lieutenant Commander Sobral has bcon dismissed summarily , aa shown by the- following xtatempnt given out at the depnrtnuut of State : "Tho Department of Stnte learns from the Spanish ch.irRn d'affaires thnt Lieutenant Commander Sobrnl , to whom unfavorable ulternncM respecting the discipline of the t'nltod States navy had been recently at tributed In a ncTOMtaiprr Interview , was re lieved of his functions in * naval nttncho to the Spanish legation In the United States seine time ngo. bis successor. Lieutenant Commander Don Samon Cnrranzn y Regurn , having been appointed on the 21th of Jan uary last In his capacity , " Secretary Long today denied a report that he had ntlvhcd certain I'hlladolphlans not to send further relief supplies to Cuba , add ing that on the contrary ho wished them to send all the supplies they could afford to. SENDS KIVI3 DIVERS. Admiral .Sicanl telegraphed from Key West this afternoon that 'ho had sent tlvo divers to Captain Slgsbep and nskcd If that was sufficient. Tha acting chief of the navlga tlon bureau , Captain Dickens , at once dt rooted the admiral to put himself In com munlcntlon with Captain Slgsbeo and lean his needs at first hands. The business of the Navy department In getting back to Its normal condition , as Is ovldencod by the fact that an order has been Issued to discontinue the special telegraph service established with Key West and here after the olllco at thnt place will close a 10 o'clock at night as formerly. Commander Porsytho. the commandant at Key West , has also asked permission of the department to stop his dally bulletins , and this has boon granted with the understand Ing that 1io will rpport any deaths that may occur among the sufferers In the hoapltn thrre. Today ho reported that they are al getting along nicely. The exchange' of offlclal condolences stll continues. Today Secretary Long sent a to- ! egram as follows to Captain Knlatc , com mantling olllccr of the Spanish cruiser Vlz- cnyi : I Imvo the honor to acknowledge the re ceipt of your telegram of condolence for the IO--M of the Mulno , nnd to thank you for the expression or sympathy. A .similar response was made to a cable gram from Vlco Admiral Spann , at Vienna expressive of sympathy for the terrible dis aster to the Maine. OXI.V M.VKTKKVMill Uojiiui-tinciit INNIION n Stiiii-iiiiMil of tin. .Unlne Sur > Ivor * . WASHINGTON , Fob. 21. Commander Hawley of the bureau of navigation , Navj department , has prepared the following comprehensive statement In regard to the survivor * of the battleship Maine , to which Is added a list of the men recovered from tllo wreck who subsequently died In hos pitals. It shows as follows : UNINJURfiD : A wo , Flrsanlon. ltnu < tch , Frank. Hullock. C. H. Topi > ! n , Daniel. Harris , Wcstmore. Tin-pin , John II. KushKla.KntsusabiiroWillis , Alonzo. Larson. I'o.ler. Anthony. W. Lnnnhnii. Michael. Galpln. Charles P. Morlnlero. L-wls. l.utz , Joseph. Molxlllc. Thoina.i. .McKnw Kdnard. Mlkcl.scn. Potor. Meolian' .Michael. Ucden , Jlirtlu , Unlloek and Anthcuy are with Captain Slgsbe-2 at Havana. The remainder are at Key West. WOUNDHD : Anderson , Osltar , slightly. Allen , James W. , serloug , but may recover. Hcrgmnn , Clint los. 'lightly. Kloomrr. John II. . favomble. Cronin. n.inipl , favorable. Calilll , Franclf. D. . Improving , but grave. Christiansen , Carl A. . Eoilous. D.ivld. George. tllRhtly. Dressier , Gustuv J. , serlous'y. Durckln Thomas J. , slightly. Foley , Patrick J. . rerlously. Flynn , Michael , slluhtly. Fox , George , s-orlously. Gartrell , W. iM. , .slightly. llalbers. A'frcd , . = llshtly. IT.im , Ambro-e , r.llshtly. II-rlert , John , slightly. Hwnoss , Afrt ! < l U. . favorable. Hoftrou , John , fnvonible. Holzpr , Frederic very grave. Hutching ! * , Uobert , Kcrlously. Johnson , Alfied. sllKhtly. Kane. Joseph H. . sllght'y. Koebler , George "W. , very Riavo. I ohnmn , Charlp-i A. , slightly. Load , John II. . slightly. McGann , Ilnrry , llsbtly. McNair , Wllllim. , slightly. Slack , Thomns , favorable. M.tttlson , William , seriously. MjttiGii , 12-lward , slightly. P.uicl ; . John H. , bllghtly. I'llc-hi -Charleu , favorable. Uichnrda. Walter K. , slightly. Han , Arthur , sightly. Howe , J.imo ; < , favorable. Schwartz , George. HliKhtly. Shea , Jeremiah , favorable. Thompson , T. G. , slightly. Thompson , William H. , slightly. Tackle , Hurry , sllKhtly. Wlll'inns , J-imcs slightly. Williams. Henry , slightly. Wilbur , Itonjamln H. . favorable. Waters , Thomas J. , favoiablo. Wobcr , Martin V. . favorable. White , John K. , favorable. Colfce , John , favorable. , Ciarinnnd , C. V. , ullghtiy. Loftus. Paul , convalescent. Mcnuvltt. William , slightly. Gulnos.A , William , favorable. Cahlll , Keffron , Holzor , KoobUr , Maclt , Mattlscu , Shea , Watens , Weber and Lofut no at Havana ; the ronntndor at Key Wear. nil ; 1 In hospitals at Havana : RrlcU'on , Andrew V. Hulland , Alfred N. i Ji-ftsoii , Harry. Smith , Carl A. SOUK MMKMIS HIH I.VTH11VIKW. HIIJ-H I lie HriiorfiT I'nt Olijcrtliiiinlilv i\iri'.s | IiiiiH lii HiH lloiitli. NEW YORK , Fob. 21. Today a representa tive of the Associated , I'icas called on Lieu tenant Commander L. G. Sobral , naval at- taoho to the Spanish legation at Washington , now In this city , and during an Interview hcl.l In the Spanish language , asked If the reported Interview held with him had Leon accurately stated. Lieutenant Commander Sobral , who un- dordtands a llttlo Engll-'h , xald ho had bcon nileundcrutaod , hence misquoted. Ho said .liat the construction placed on ha ! remark lad led to ( in erroneous deduction , that ho had not made any unkind or lurtih remarks about the otllccrn of the Maine. The reporter In speaking to him quoted the opinion said to have been given by an olllccr In the navy of Great Urltaln redacting on the discipline In the American navy. Lieutenant Commander Sobral ventured the remarks that accidents happen on chips , and thnt perhaps the sentinel on duty Imd become - como cnrolco-s. Ho also said ho was not aware that ho was being Interviewed. Ho had no unkind leellng toward the American navy , and ho iail many frlonda among the naval olllcera and In the government at Washington , Ho cgrottod the whole circumstance. When asked If hla ofllclal connection with .ho Spanish legation had ceased ho said It tad not , and that ho was as formerly the inval attache of that legation In Washing ton. : i I\TI3 VISITS TIIH XAVV Y.\III ) . rommujiilrr of ( lu > Vlzcnyn CallM nn Hln llrunicr Wiirrlni'M. NRW YOHK , Feb. 21. Captain Kulato and our of his ofllccr were biought to the city oday from the VIzcaya by Lieutenant J , A. Dougherty , U. S , N. , on the government ug Narkeeta , On arrival at the Spanish onmilate Captnln Kulato was received by Consul General Daldasaiio. Hovoral promt- lent Spanish residents of this city were In- rpdured to Captain Kulato and after a brief cceptlon the captain , tha consul general nd their attendants crossed over the Irooldyn bridge to the navy yard. A large rowd was outside the Spanish consulate , but thi-ro was no demonstration. At the navy yonl Captain Eulato paid hla respects o Admiral IImice , the commandant , and v i received with the usual honors , The crcmonlrs were brief and the Spanish party eon rnturmid to the consulate. Cuptaln Eulate alia visited Governor's tslfciid And paid his respects to General Mor- Itt , U. S. A. , auil afterward the party rove to the city hall , where a cell naa lade upon Mayor Van Wyck. During tl-o receptloa at the navy yard Captalu Kulato expressed to Admiral 11 unco hl deep sympathy with the navy and people of the fillip- , ! States over the loss of the Maine and the bravo men who went down with It , Captain Bulftto raid that bo would Ilko to attend the rpeclat requiem ma'fn to bo oslebratcd for the Maine's dead at St. Patrick's cathedral tomorrow , Admiral Ilunce appreciated the sentiment expressed , but Mid that as It wag a denominational re ligious ceremony ho could not extend to Captain Kulatc an official Invitation. Cap tain Kulnto mlJ that during the Vlzcayi's stay In this port Its flag would be at half mast as n token ot respect to the "Maine's dead. Iloth on the arrival and departure of Captain Kulato a comiany of marines pre sented anna. From the Spanish consulate Captain Eu- late returned to hla chip. The social courtesies which the govern ment Intended to cxtcnl to the oulcera of the VIzcaya have bcon nbandcciod on ac count of the Ma'ilo matter. As a result , the stay of the VIzcaya at Now York will prob ably bo shortened nnd It will salt on Thurs day nett. The ahlp will proceed direct to Ilavtaa , not stopping at Charleston or other ports , as had been sugEc.ned during the earlier preparations. The VIzcaya will not coal at New York , according to the undontand'iig hero , nor will It bo necessary for It to take coal before reaching Havana. This determination glvca relief to the authorities here , as the taking on of coal la tlmo of public excitement In attended with fore or loss rUk , the coal affording an opportunity to extremists for the eecrotlcn ot explosives , despite the ut most precaution that may bo taken , PUT FOUTIFICATIO.VS IX SII.VIM2. Activity DNplnyoil In thnt II ran oh of Mllliir > - Servlff. NKW YOUK , Fob. 21. The World says : Nearly 100 telegraphic dispatches have been sent during the past twenty-four hours from Governor's Island , the army headquarters of the Department of tbo East , to various points of fortification along the seaboard from Uast- port. Me. , to Galvoiton , Tex. All of thejo fortifications In which guns nnd mortars have boon mounted arc In control of General Wes ley Morrltt , commander of the Department of the Ucst. General Merrltt spent very llttlo of the day nt.iho Island , his staff ot- tcndlng to the unusual amount of tele graphic correspondence. During his absence Colonel Darber , ad- JutMit ncnoral of the Department ot the IJast. was ki charge. Colonel Barber refused to Discuss the rexsons of the activity along the scabcard , except to say that everything now being done was merely the execution of a coast defense progiam outlined several months ago. Proposes n Monument. WASHINGTON , Fob. 21. Representative Cumlngs of New York today Introduced In the house the following resolution : Kppolvod , That the sum of $100,000 be and the same Is hereby appropriated out of any money In t"io treasury not otherwise appropriated , under the direction of the secretary of the navy , for the erection of a monument nt Fort Lafiyctte , New York harbor , in honor of the odlccrs , sailors and marines of the United States war vessel Maine , \\lio lost their lives In the harbor of Havana on the night of Tuesday , Feb ruary 15 , I ) S. ISInr AVIinrf nt Monterey Ip trnyc l. MONTEREY. Mex. , Fob. 21. The new wharf at Tamplco. constructed by the Central railroad , under government su pervision , was totally destroyed by lire Sun day. The fire started In a box car on the east end of the wharf and quickly spread to the sheds. The cause of the fire Is unknown. The Ward line steamer Yumurl wan along side the wharf and turned the first stream on the fire , but without avail , and to escape the flames It had to steam up the river. A. S. Robinson , the engineer In charge of the construction , while lighting the flames , was Injured by falling timbers adn will probably die. The construction of the wharf was com menced in July , 1S9G , and it was considered to bo one of the finest on this continent. Ita length was 2,575 foot , and all Is burned. The custom house under construction nnd nearly completed was damaged to the extent of about $ SOOOCO. The total loss on wharf , custom house nnd merchandise Is nearly ? 2,000,000 , fully Insured. Hotel In DestroyiMl. PRESCOTT , Ariz. , Feb. 21. A dlsaatrouj flro occurred hero about midnight , resulting In the total destruction of the Johnson hoU'7e , a hotel owned by MUs Christine John son. The house contained between twenty and thirty guests , nnd the flro made such headway before being discovered that they lost nearly everything , and tnany had hair breadth escapes. No fatalities occurred , but : i number of persons were aeriously Injured. Dr. D. P. Kayncr was seriously burned about the head , fcot and back. Doctors have expressed amall hopcu of his recovery. Charles Perkins Jumped from the second story and sustained Injuries of the spine. S. H. Garrett , a stcnogiapher. Jumped from the third otory and wa'j also Injured In the aplne and otherwise bruised , Annie Pierson , a cham'bermaid ' , discovered tho' flro and remained In the third ulory awakening guests till the flames hud closed every avenue of escape by the stairways , and she was compelled to crawl through a win dow to the mansard roof , where she was rescued badly burned. HOIINIFiiml HI I n i ? Kir in lluriieil Out. ST. LOUIS , Fob. 21. The largo establish ment of the Nledrlnghaus House Furnishing company , of which Charles NcldrlnBhnus Is provident , was partially destroyed by flro today , resulting In a loss of more than $30.- 300 to the stock and building. Fully Insured. The Btock carried by the firm was valued at $110,000. Xe VNiniier | I'lniit l > munne < l. DHADWOOD , S. D. , Feb. 21. ( Special tele gram. ) Flro lost night in the building oc cupied by the Dally Independent destroyed the upper part of the structure and did con siderable damage to tbo newspaper plant. The loss Is about $2.GOO. DIATII IUH.I , . Mrx Helen Iliiiniuonil , DETROIT , Fob. 21. Helen Hammond , widow of George H. Hammond , founder of Hammond , Iiul. , the pioneer in shipping froi'h meats In refrigerator cars , Is dead , Mrs. Hammond V.QS of a very charitable illy , poaltlon and gave largely of her great wealth to private and public beneficiaries , It Is said that the success of her husband In his great cntcrprlu-es was partly duo to her fore- night and daring In business matters. Sbo loaves seven children. Murltz Urliacli. SIDNEY , Neb , , Fob , 21. ( Special Tele- grn'm. ) The funeral of Morltz Urbach oc curred hero this afternoon from MB late res idence , and was largely attended , The Ma sonic fraternity conducted the ccromonlcs and Worshipful Brother James J , Mclntosh delivered a eulogy upon the life of the de ceased. The remains were ohlpped to Omaha for interment. Mr . Annie T. Cleveland. CLEVELAND , O. , Fob. 21. The funeral of Mrs. Annlo T. Cleveland , who died on Saturday after a lingering Illness , took place at the family residence on llolton avenue to day. Mrs. 'Cleveland ' was the wife of Rev. W , N. Cleveland , brother of the ex-president. The family removed to this city several years ago from Watertown , N. Y. Several ; rown children mourn their mother's death. 13. 31 , Cheney. GOTHENBURG , Neb. . Fch. 21. ( Special. ) The funeral ecrvlcea of E. M. Cheney wore onducted at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. icorgo Hack , by Rev. 'Ghlttendon of Lextng- on , Nt < b. , yesterday afternoon at 5 o'clock , ilr. Cheney was ono of the leading attorneys n this city , coming bore about ono year ago ram Colorado. Charted LONDON , Feb. 21. Charles Kmorr Moore , lfth carl of Mount Caahpl , is dead. Hu was born In 1820. Ovnrproduclliui of Oil , LOS ANQELDS , Col. . Feb. 21 , It In stated hat the. overproduction of oil In the Lou Angeles oil Holds at the present tlmo In i early COO barrel * a. day. Til U ex Silver tu Kiiroui * . NEW YORK , Feb. 21-The steamship .aim , isalllni ; for Kurcoe tomonow , will uke out KJ.uOO ounces of ullver. INDIAN CONGRESS IS A CO VH Present Indications Toint to Success o : .ti.io project. * ' " AMENDMENIuViYERY LIKELY TO PAS II the Good JIiuinKrnient Thiin I'll IN Coiitliiiicil the llcil- lVni Ccrtnliily An- Hcmhle nt Oinnlin. WASHINGTON , Feb. 21. ( Special Tclo gram. ) There Is o. growing belief thn Omaha will get $15,000 for the Indian congress gross If the present diplomatic conduct o legislation looking to Its adoption by ttic com mlttco of conference on the Indian approp 1 atloii bill Is maintained , The whole manage inent in the campaign thus tar has been without a mistake and If anything Ilko the present flnosso 1s shown there will bo no difficulty In keeping the amount of $45,000 on the appropriation bill as U came from tbo senate. A. S. Tlbbotts of Lincoln presented to the supreme court today a motion for a writ oi cortlorarl in the case of Buckstaff & Utt against Russell & Co. , a suit growing out of 'tho management and close of the paper mill In which plaintiffs had large Interests The supreme court some tlmo ngo remanded the ease back to the court below for cer tain modifications , but the circuit court re fused to comply with the order , hence the motion today. The case of Daniel Dull nni others against John E. UlackniAii , argued some tlmo ago by Iowa and Nebraska law yers , W. S. Struwn appearing for Ulackman , was today afllrmod with coats. It came ui from the Iowa supreme court. On motion of Senator Thurston Warren Swltzler of Omaha was admitted to practice in the supreme court , Randolph McNItt. ono of the republican wheel horses of Webster county , residing at Red Cloud , Is in Washington cnrouto to Now York. Ho speaks enthusiastically of the state's prospects , believing that the ex position is going to greatly help the com monwealth. McNItt , while here , will take up the matter of postmasters In his county with ox-Congrcbsman Andrews , who , with Senator Thurston , will proceed to lop off a few more heads. Mercer today Introduced bills for the re lief of S. J. Oliver of Omaha for back pen sion , and also for the relief of Henry T. Clarke , $ t > ,500 being for rent and purchase of a building at Fort Crook. Senator Allen Introduced a bill to remove the charge of desertion from the name of August Rlchter. CHANGES IN BANKS. The comptroller of the currency has boon advised of the following changes In officers of northwestern national banks : Nebraska First National of Crete , C. W. Weckbach , assistant cashier Merchants' National of Omaha , ' 13. B. Wood , vice presi dent , In placet offS. E. Rogers ; L. Drake , cashier , in plado of B. H. Wood , and F. T. Hamilton , assistant cashier , in place of L. Drake ; First 'National of Aurora , T. R. Work assistant cashier : /First / National ot Beaver City , no vice president. Iowa Citizens' iNatlonal of Des Molneo , Gcorgo Cooper , assistant cashier ; First Na tional of Storm Lake , Truman T. Harker , awlstant cashier ; 'Lemars National , Lemurs , Frank Koob , cashier , In place of J. D. Simp son , no assls-taut"1' ! ! ! place of Frank Koob ; Centcrvillo National bank , Centcrvlllc , Guy G. Gllcrlst. asslstrtnt cashier ; First National of Boone , EiE. Ilug'hos ' , vice president In place of J. lit , Hotmail , , deceased ; no second vice president. i. South Dakotar First National of Canton , M. A. Hansell , assistant cashier. Tno comptrolleriOf the currency was noti fied that Itecelvfr-J. W. Foster ot the Cheyenne - onno , Wyo. , National bank has mysteriously disappeared and his Whereabouts are un known to Cheyenne 'bank ' ofMc.'als. ' The comptroller said today that so far ns Mr. Fester's relations with his office are con cerned everything Is in good order , and no Ices IB entailed to the government by his disappearance. The supervising architect today awarded the contract for the erection and completion of the South Omaha public building , except the heating apparatus , to Charles W. Gin- deleo company ot Chicago at $63,000. Six hundred dollars additional Is allowed the flnn for construction of a roof balustrade on the building. Indian Commissioner Joncp leaves for Chicago cage tomorrow to let contracts for the supply of horses and agricultural Implements to the Sioux Indians of South Dakota. for the Army. WASHINGTON , Feb. 21. ( Special Tele gram. ) A board ot officers , with Captain William J. Wnkoman , assistant surgeon , as president , has been detailed' to moot at Fort Huachuca , Ariz. , for mental and physical examination of candidates for the military academy. A board of officers , with Colcnel Lowb M. Carpenter , Fifth cavalry , as president. has been detailed to meet nt Fort Sam Houston , Tex. , for examination of officers for promotion. First Lieutenant Frank L Dodda , Ninth Infantry , has been ordered before - fore the board for examination. First Lleutci-.r.nt William C. Neary , Fourth Infantry , Is relieved from duty at the Urci- voielly of South Dakota , Vormllllon , and will Join hlfl company. First Lieutenant James M. Arrasmlth , Second lufcatry , has been detailed as pro fessor of military science and tactics at Doa'ne college , Crete , Nob. , rollov'ug Flr.it Lieutenant Charles B. Hardln , Eighteenth infantry , who will Join his company. Leaves ot Abicnct Major Henry S. Kll- bouroe , surgeon , two months ; Captain Aimer Pickering , Seccad Infantry , extended ono month ; Lieutenant Colonel William D , Wol- vorton , deputy surgeon general , four months. r ( iolf Slides to WASHINGTON , Fob. 21. If ever there scorned to bo a case of carrying coals to Newcastle. It would scorn to bo the attempt to muko golf btlcks In the United States and sell them In England. Yet that Is Just what Is being done. At the pretty village of Hey Lake , a suburb of Liverpool , there are golf links that are famous as being the oldest and among the best In England , the game bolng brought there by the Scotch , who have settled in largo numbers in the locality. Al'"J'iJl | J OXU TIIIXO. A rhllohoi'liiT'ii'Statement thnt Ilniipl- IIVHN IH till' One Ohjeet In J.lfe , Did you ovcj , tliJnk of It. that happiness , the pursuit thereof , atuimueut to , and pos session of happiness Is the ono great pro vadlng and animating- motive of humanity. Every act . .hasor It Immediate or far away object , happiness. This Is the goal , alike cf the clpiid ift play , the burglar at his nefarious occupation , or the business man striving for gain. The statement will bear careful thought unl then coined flio thought that unices wo keep health , \yu cannot secure happiness , no matter how much > money wo- earn or what position of prominence wo attain to. When ono stufa upon tha springy sod and Into the warm sunlight of an early day in June , whllfi the soft teaa'ug breeze strokes the cheek , the birds chatter to tell how happy they are and all through ones being silently courses a sturdy Indescribable sense of per fect bounding health and nervous poise , the value of that health Is better appreciated when ono rcalUes that without health all tht'so fascinations of Mother Nature would appear cold and flat. I'eaco and happiness are worth more than much gold. The true road ( o what wo all strive for , happiness. Is to first seek and hold fast to health. If dally alls affect you try to change dlot rather than drugging. No drugs ou earth will bring health unless the cause of tbo disorder U removed. Try leaving off coffee for ten days to a month , It In an unsuspected enemy to largo num bers of people. Postum Coffee Ins not only the flavor and color m > greatly liked , but has about 80 per cent of the exact food elements needed by nature to rebuild brains an ! nerve centers In vurious parts ot the body , It to sold at croccrk-K , I > 'or ft number of years Rolf sticks mul othcl paraphernalia of the Rnmo made at Hoj Lnko have bfpn exported 1o the Dnltw States. Quite recently , however. Rolf stlcR : nmJo In the United Stntcs have bonn sen ! to nngUnd nnd their arrival has arousci a srent deal of comment. Within a few weeks ono Englishman resident Iu Amerlct haa Biiccee < le < l In disposing of 8,000 goll sticks nmilo In the United States to thi larpont Oonlora not only In England , but In Scotland as wall. ' S.ixotii\i8 , Think SiiccpHM In Sure Tor \iillonnl Kiltieiitlotinl Infill tu 1 1 on. WASHINGTON , Feb. 21. In reply to nti inquiry into the present status neil prospoctc of the national university enterprise , ox- Governor John Wesley Hoyt , chairman ol the natloml committee , says good progress seems to bo making In nil quarters unlesd It bo In the ocnato. There opposition hnj occurred of ecclesiastical origin In commit tee nnd this , In connection with the other clrcurrotances. has simply delayed action. Nevertheless , the friends of the measure am co&fldcnt of early and favorable roaults. Mrimvhlle the work of the national com * tnltteo , sa > s Mr Hoyt , nas been vigorous and fruitful of good to thn cauan In tnany wajs ; la the addition ot many dlstlngulsaod names to Its already formidable IL't ot mem bers , Including these ot eminent Btatcsnieti and of some sixty college and university presidents , bosldra the great number already enlisted among them the heads ot the Uni versity of Virginia and ot n dozen or moro Iciotltutlons of the religious denomination for a time supposed to bo against the national movement , but now known to bo , for the most part , In sympathy with It In the awak ening < 5t deeper Interest among men and women of leading 'nfluenco throughout the country , as well 04 among public Journals la all sections ; ncid , finally , In the enlistment ot a number ot patriotic men and women of fortune , some of whom are seriously consid ering the offer In advance of endowment ot departments , professorships , lectureships aad fellowships In the coming university. The most notable ot the many aids actually rendered to the National univer sity committee In tbo recent past nro these : The voluntary gift ot $1,500 by Mrs. Phoebe A. Hearst ot California and District of Columbia , for the salary of the chair man's secretary during the year Just passed. The support accorded by the George Washington Memorial association , under the lead ot Mrs. Ellen A. Richardson , Mrs. Phoebe A , Hearst. Mrs. Calvin S. Brlco of Ohio and other distiugulscd women of the country an association which has among Its officers the presidents of the National Council of Women , the World's Woman's Christian Temperance union , the General Federation of Woman's Clubs , the national university committee of the Daughters of the American Revolution , the Columbian Daughters of America , the General So ciety of the United States Daughters of 177C-1S12 , the Domes of the Revolution , the Ladles of the Grand Army of the Republic , the King's Daughters and perhaps yet other national organizations ; president Charles A. Boll of the American Security and Trust company , Washington , acting as treasurer. The Immediate object of this George Wash- ngton Memorial association is the raising of $250,000 for the first national university , .ho building to 'bo erected on the site se- cctcd by Washington himself and reserved 'or university purposes In the pending bill. To this end , and for the further support of the national university cause , It has formed state and congressional district committees of influential women In nearly every ouo of the states , all of which are preparing for special contributions , iu small amounts , on Washington's birthday .and until the whole amount Is raised. It Is bolloved by Mr. loyt that they will succeed and that ere , ho final date , December , 1899 , congress will tavo done Its part also. T'ie offer la Just now made by General J. B. Hmtli'rson , L.L. D. , ! ate United States sen ator from Missouri and now of 'this city to ) o one of 100 to pay into the treasury of ho university $1,000 each when congress shall have done as much. Ills object Is to encourage the crcatloa of a special fund of $100,000 for some important chair In the university , and there Is no objection ou ils part to the taking ot any number of such shares by any ouo contributor , while > reforrlng , In the Interest of the cause of ho university , that the distribution should > e as wide as the country itself. The national committee assumes that this example of General Henderson will bo iromptly followed by liberal friends of the enterprise , and that the Institution , when once established by congress , will , as Wash- ngton believed , become so popular as a center for patriotic gifts fcr the most part as to relieve congress of demands of govern ment appropriations. IUPOHTS THE SUMIHY civn , im.,1. , . of the lieiiiirfmeiit.H 3In- tprlnlljSenlvil Down. WASHINGTON , Feb. 21. The appropria tions committee of the house baa agreed upon the sundry civil appropriation bill and It will bo reported to the house today. It ap propriates $14,719,893. bolng $13,231 , nil less than the regular and supplemental estimates and $8,801,800 less than the appropriations or the current llscal year. TOo bill carried 225,000 for the Deep Wato ways commission , 10 estimate having been submitted by the iVar department , but only $100,000 for the Paris exposition , for which $499,000 was ocommended ; $420QOO for enlargement of nlllta'y forts ( $2.000,000 recommended ) ; $13- J10.C13 for rlvo- and harbor woi'k ( $18,093- 107 recommended ) , the chief Items being us ollows : Humboldt bay , California , $100- 100 ; Savannah , $150,000 ; Cumberland nountl , Georgia and Florida , $150,000 ; Buffalo , N. Y. , 489.71U ; Dclawaco bay. $800,000. Wyawa bays , $150.000 ; Sa'blne Pass , Tex. , $400,000 ; Dulutb , Minn. , $770,138 ; Oakland , Cal. , $138,000 ; San Pedro , Cal. , $100,000 ( with irovlso making construction of the harbor n accordance with plan of board appolntcdl by presldont ) ; locks and dams , Allegheny river. $300,000 ; Monongahcln , $450,000 ; Cum- > erland river above Nashville , $250,000 ; Kon- ucky rlvor , $104,000 ; Falls of Ohio at Louis'- ' Ille. $1C7,2CO ; dams No. , 3 , 4 and r , be- wccn Davis Island dam and dam No. G. $5 ! > 3.000 : Chicago rlvor , J100,000 ; Illinois and Mississippi canal , $1-I27,740 ; waterway from Koweonaw hay to Lake Superior , $150,000 ; MLislssslppl river from mouth of Ohio to St. Louis , 5073,33 ; ! ; from mouth ot Missouri river to St. Paul , $ S2GGGG ; from 1icad of pauses to mouth of Ohio , $1,938,333 ; for protecting hank nt CarruthorHvlllo , Mo. , $100,000 ; Mis- Bourl river from mouth to Sioux City , $300- 000 , ( $30,000 of which la to protect ban KB at St. Joseph and $10,000 at mouth of Little Blue ) . The appropriations for public buildings , In cluding marine hospitals and - sta tions , aggregate $3,132,800 ( recommended $3- 115,272) ) .1 reduction of $1,191,894 from the currant law , Tlioy Include ) llolso City , Idaho ( completing building ) , $32,332 ; continuing poatofllco at Duffalo , N , Y. , under present limit of cost. $100,000 ; rental of quarters at Chicago , $18,815 ; continuing building at Chicago , $1.000.000 ; completing building at Clieyetino , $88,853 ; completing mint building at Denver , Col. , $200,000 ; completing Immi gration station , Ellis Island , $100,000 ; con tinuing building at San Francisco , $500,000 ; $250,000 for general repairs to public build ings , An Increase of $25,000 Is made to the general appropriation for coast survey work on account of the work to bo made In Alaska , An appropriation of $50,000 \ made for com pleting the coast survey stcamor for service In Alaska and Aleutian Wanda , aud $30,000 for outfit , ei * mill Heeelver Nnnieil for Vnl- eiilliKi Inml Olllec , WASHINGTON , Feb. 21. The president today sent these nominations to the senate : State To ho consuls : Edward James Falrbank , Vermont , at Bagdad Turkey ; William W. Cobbs of Virginia , ut Colon. Colombia. James Robert Spurgcon of Ken tucky , to be secretary of the legation at Monrovia , Liberia , Justice William B. Rogerx of Montana , to bo attorney of tbo United States , district of Montana. Interior To be receivers of public moneys : Herman Scmldt of Missouri , at Boonvlllo. Mo. ; George A. Ramsay ot Mis souri , at Springfield , Mo , ; Albert L. Towlo ot Nebraska , at Valentine , Neb. ; Thomas < Moi- grove of Washington , at Walla Walla , Wash. To bo regUtors of land offices : George Stcelo of MUaourl , at Carrolltou , Mo. ; Martin V , Gideon of "Missouri , at Springfield , Mo. ; Jamea Pettljohn of Nobrttka , at V lcotln , Neb. I'oatmatters Iowa , Jamc * A. Cun ningham. Washington ! William II. Ar- buckle , Vllllsca ; Daniel T. Uower , Traor ; J , D. McVay , Lnko City , Kansas , George * W. . Doty , BurlltiKamo ; John W. Keonnn , Ljndon Charles K. Hall , Russell ; William L. Cham , bcrs , Stockton. Missouri , Thomas S , Kelly , Moborly. .SI.r.MllKIl OilUHTS TOO I.OXO , Supreme- Court I'll * * on Tltl t Viiliinlile 1.mid. WASHINGTON , Fob. 21.-Oustlco Urowr handed down the opinion ot the supreme court of the United States today In the COK of Elizabeth Wntzcl nnd others against the Minnesota Railway and Transfer company. . Involving tltlo to ICO acres of land within the limits ot the city of St. Paul. The land In controversy was located upon a land war rant tainted In 1847 to Mrs. Wotzel and mlnoi children ns tbo widow and holrs of A man named Rcmsen , who had served In the Mexi can war , This warrant was sold to a man named Taylor , who located the land. It ap pears , however , that when Mr ? . Wetzel , then Mrs. Rcmsen , made the sale ot the warrant she did not have the consent of an orphan's court to dispose of the Interest of her chil dren. It appearing , however , that the title of present ownoro had not boon attacked until forty years after the transfer was made , the court held that It was now too late to attack It. Justice Brown said that when the transfer was first made the land Involved was not worth to exceed $200 , but that now , being covered with buildings and other Improvements , It was valued nt not Ices than $1,000,000. The purchasers from Taylor had bought under his patent from the government and tdo court thought that under all the circumstances nud especially bccanso of the laches of the hclra , the tltlo should not be disturbed. The case Vias appealed from the cl cult court ot up- peals for the eighth circuit. The decision of that court was against Mrs. Wotzol and tin opinion was affirmed by today's decision. In tdo case of William Grlco t\nd othocs , under Indictment In Texas for violating the anti-trust law of that state , the United States supreme court today held that the federal circuit court had Interfered In grant ing a writ of habeas corpus when no proper exigency acosu Tor ouch Interferences , there fore reversed the decision , remanding the prisoners to the custody of the state officials. The court did not enter upon the merits of the anti-trust law. DAUCIITKHS OF 'I'll 13 ItHVOM'TIO.V. Seventh Coiiirr.- of the Society In .Se.s.sloii. "WASHINGTON. Fob. 21. The seventh continental congress of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolu tion began hero today nt the Grand opera house. Of the 800 accredited delegates near ly all wcro present. American flags formed the chief decoratlcm ot the body of the house , whllo the stage was decorated with potted plants and In the roar was a largo portrait of General Washington. Mrs. Adlal Stevenson - onson , the president general , called the con ference to order. After the entire audience sang "America" 'Mrs. Charles Stikoly , the chaplain general , offered the Invocation and Mrs. Stevenson followed In her address of welcome to the delegates. She felicitated the congress on Its numerical growth and development during the four years of her Incumbency of the olllco of president gen eral , a d also spoke of the Juvenile society of the Daughters which had been formed during that tlmo and bespoke for It the fos tering care of the parent organization. The response to this address was made by lira. J. Harvey Mathes , the state regent for Ten nessee. The singing of "Tho Star Spangled Banner" and the reading of the official no. tlccs nnd invitations to the congress con cluded the work of the morning session. A pathetic incident of the session was' the offering and unanimous adoption of a reso lution of condolence for the families of the officers and men of the Maine , destroyed In Havana harbor last week. It was offered by Mrs. Jonulo D. Garrison and a copy will bo sent to the secretary of the navy. PASSISS 'A SOUTH IinVAll CI.AIII. Sectional Feeling- Shows Itnelf In the Debate. WASHINGTON. Fob. 21. This was pri vate 'bill day In the house , 'but ' llttlo w accomplished , owing to the fact that most of the tlmo was consumed In the passage of private pension 'bills ' coming ever from the Friday night session throe weeks ago. The feature of the day was the spirited contest over the bill to pay Nowberry col lege , a Lutheran Institution In South Carolina lina , $15,000 for damages iby federal troops. It was finally pasred. On motion of Mr. Bailey , the democratic lender , the house voted 58 to 35 to observe Washington's lilrthday by adjourning ever tomorrow , but Mr. Dlngloy raised the point of no quorum , and before further action could bo taken the house recessed under the rule until 8 o'clock. The republicans do- slro to go ahead with the sundry civil ap propriation bill tomorrow. WAXTS Till : ( MICEY .ACT AIIEMIEU. Irrigation DeleU'i'lon ' Intei'vlewN ConnrcNNinrn \VnMliInnton. . WASHINGTON. Fob. 21. A delegation ap pointed at the Lincoln , Neb , , Irrigation con ference Isst autumn had a hrarlng today before the house committee * on Irrigation of arid lands. The party Included State Engi neer F. J. MIII.-i of Bolso , Idaho ; E. S. Not- tloton of Denver , Colo. , and Colonel 11 , B. Maxon of Reno , Nov. They wanted the Carey act amended to provide for hotter contiacts between the states and parties un dertaking Irrigation projects and for the sus pension for six months of the operations of the Carey act to allow state , ; 'to perfect their surveys and perform the conditions re quired by the act. Mcanwhllo no entry on these lands la to bo permitted and In the event of < i failure of the states to comply within that period the lands are to revert to the United States. CiihtiniiH HeeelptN Are Ine WASHINGTON. Fob. 21. Secretary Oago pointed with a good deal of Interest today to the fact that the customs receipts for the fiscal year have at least overtaken the receipts for the same period of the preceding fiscal year. The total receipts KO far this fiscal year today reached $ SSOS9,59I , whllo for the fiamo period of the lait fiscal year the receipts wore $83,080,005. Secretary Gage POOS In thcso receipts , with the In come from other sources , an early cessation of the government deflelt. AVI1I Xot Invi-Nlluiife Seiliilla Hunk. WASHINGTON. Feb. 21. The house com mittee on banking and currency has made an adveiso report on the Ooonoy resolution calling on the committee to Investigate all the clicumstcinccs connected with the fall- urn of the FlrKt National bank of Sedalla , Mo. The commltteo says nil the facts called for In the resolution are mattom of record In the olllco of tha comptroller of the treas ury , and IU paesago also would form a dan gerous precedent , leading to vexatious and embarrassing rules. Private lllll Day 111 the lloiixe. WASHINGTON , Fob. 21. Under the ar rangement made last week whllo the bank ruptcy bill was being debated , today In the house was given up to the consideration of private bills. Some pt-nslon bills favorably acted upon at a FrUaj night ic lon three weeks ago remained to bo passed before the bills on the calendar were taken up , Will Prevent Oiiliim Aultntlon. WASHINGTON , Feb. 21. U was stated today that it will 'bo tbo policy of the house leaders to prevent as far as possible any agitation of matters relating to Cuba or the Malno disaster In the Immediate future. Pending the result ot tint ofllclal Investiga tion they < bollevo It Iu wUo and the part of good public policy to maintain alienee. f'annilliiiiM Ar Jloxtlle. WASHINGTON. Fob. 21. Representative Lc-wlH of Washington , who has Just returned from Ottawa , says bo found a feeling of In- teuso hostility toward the United Btatos , especially on account of the pasnage of the Puyno-Kryo bill , which In deilgned to pre vent British vessel * from abating In the Alaukan carrying trade. Oolil Mi-ilnl for Mfe Hnver. WASHINGTON , Fob. 21. The Department of Stole was awarded a gold life saving medal to Will lam 3cTleld $ , a British MUUAO. IP. . recognition ot his heroic services In effexstlnR the rescue , 'December ' 2 , 1S97 , of nn American , citizen , a passenger on hoard the Nicaragua ! ! schooner Dolphin , on the coast of ( Mexico. Dividend * for IttNitlt etit ItnnU.i. WASHINGTON , Fob. 21. The comptroller ot the currency has declared dividends Iti fnvor of the creditors of Insolvent banks ns follows : Ton per cent. First National bank of Dldy , N. M.j IB per cent , Union National bank of Denver. Hnlly Treimiiry Stntenimt. WASHINGTON , Feb. 21. ToJay'a state ment ot the condition of the treasury shows : Available cash balance , $223.148,969 ; gold ro- scrvo. $1C7.0I1,415. UIJMOVI : MISS AViiiAin > ' .s ur.M ms. Siieelnt Cur IN 'IVtulrred for ( lip l'o of the 'Futility. ' NEW YORK. Fob. 21. The body of Mlas FAtnces B. Wlllard was removed from the homo of her nloco , Mrs. Woodward M. Bald win , on Clinton Place , at 8 o'clock toirlght. It was taken to the- Grand Central citation , where It was placed Iu the observation room of n private coach attached to the 0:30 : Chicago cage express. The car was specially tendered by the Now York Central road to the Wom en's Christian Temperances Union. On the arrival ot the train at Rochester the coach will bo detached for Churchvlllo , N. Y. , the birthplace of Miss Wlllard , where services will bo hold In the Methodist church which MM ! Wlllard used to attend In her childhood. After the services the body will bo taken to Rochester and thence to Chicago , where It will arrive Wednesday morning. On arrival at Chicago the remains will betaken taken to Wlllard Hull , In the Chicago Women's temple , to remain from 10 to 2 , with son-Ices nt noon. Late In the afternoon the body will bo taken to Evanston , 111. , for Interment. Among thcfio who accompanied the re mains nro Mrs. Lllllo Stevens , vice presi dent , and Mrs. IJakcr , treasurer , of the Women's Christian Temperance union ; Miss Frances Barnes. Miss Carrie Hoffman , Mrs. Catherine Stevens. .Mrs. Anna J. Bailey , Mrs. Gullck and Miss Annie Gordon. Many flowers and messages of sympathy were received today at the hotel by the friends of Miss Wlllard and there wcro also many callers. Among the flowers wcro roses from Miss Cornelia Dow , daughter of Nenl Dow. A letter of condolence came from Mr. and Mrs. John D. Rockefeller and Colonel George W. Bain of Kentucky , and John G. Woolcy of Chicago called , bearing expressions of regret from friends In the temperance move ment. The CoiniiiKVniimn. . who goes to the club whllo her husband tends the baby , as well s the good old- fashioned woiran who looks aftrr her homo , will both at limes got run down In hralth. They will be troubled with loss of appetite , headache ? , sleeplessness , fainting or dizzy spells. The most wonderful remedy for these , f women Is Electric mtters. Thousands of rf suffficrs from Lame Back and Weak Kid neys rise up and call It blessed. U IH the medicine for women. Female complaints und nervous troubles of all kinds are soon re lieved by the use of Electric Blttori. Doll- cato women should keep this remedy on hand 'o ' build up the system. Only 50c per Dottle. Kuhu k Co. \ViiHliliit7toii I'nrty. A Washington party wls given by Mon- damln lodge , No. Ill , Fraternal Union of America , last night. In the musical and literary program , which preceded the dancliipr , the fo'lowhiff took pirt : Misses Mnhcl and Maud Houston , Ktliol Henderson , Luclle > Younjr. Lena Hoc' : nnd Messrs. John Ilpiidertun. Oliver , ( Miller , Goodnow and Wolcott. The dance program was In eh.irsu of an orchestra composes ! of lodge mi'inbi-rs. The executive committee < nsis made up of Dr. A. K. Mark , J. W. Doran , G. L. Barton and Miss l.ucllo Young- . \il.liiiii-ns to Jitrt lii .New York. SAVANNAH , Gn. , Fob. 21. The Carter court-martial adjourned at 1:30 : o'clock this afternoon to meet next Monday In New York city. I twill return to Suv.uiimh euriy In March. From Baby in the . . Chair & to grnadma in Hio rocker Grain-O V in goo 1 for the vviiolo family. It is 2 , the loiig-dosircd substitute for cofy fun. Never upsets Uio nerves or V injures the digestion. Made from 3C jm'o gr.iino it is n food iu itself , ifi 1 Iiw the t do nnd nppenranco of the bmt colfeo ut \ the prico. It is n V Ijonuiiio mid hcicntiflo nrtiulo nnd ii S como to Btny. It makoH for health V mid slrength. Ask your grocer for Jr Graiu-O. 15 nud 25c. & TiyQran ! = O ! | Insist IlintyoiirKrorcr gives you OHAIX-O Tj Accept noImUa.lnn. V DUFFY'S PURE Mil WHISKEY ALL DRUGGISTS. Mother * : Mol Her * ! ! .Mol tiers ! ! : Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothlntr Syrup linn been ttac.l for over W yoara by millions of mothers for their children whllo teething with ncifpct mic- cesp. It iMjotncs the chllJ , notions the films , nllnyn nil pain , cuics wlnil colic uiul la the bent remedy for Dlnrrhoeu. Bold liy druggists In every Jiurt of the world. lie sure nn < l uel : for "Mr . WlnHlow'B Boothlng Byruu" unj tnlio no other Mini. : * > rrntu u bottle. A..MIISK.1IK.VTS , l > GS I 1'AXTON & HUItOKSS , - ' W3 , | Manajen. Tel. 1919. TOM HI IT AT Hiir. . SPECIAL IJAUOAIN DAY MATIN'KD WI3DNKSDAY. The t'onieily 1'vcnt , In Du Houclict's Funniest Comedy , rrlcea : Lower Kloor. Jl.OO ; Liii loony. " 5o and J,0c. , Mntlnce IjQwor Kloor , MB ; Dulaoiiy , 25o. TVm flnmcrhtrm ' " * me ui eigmon Munngcril. T0 | . IM1. o , D. WOOUWAUD , AMU KMINT imiucrou ' TODAY , UllB. TO. VI CUT , HiOO. WOODWARD STOCK COMPANY , I'rtiientlng MOTHER AND SON. TJnirmliiy. . . . . .TOO UIUCII TO.M1'ICI.V Hi > ucla1tlc : Jolmstono Dennett , Ueorice W. Ix > llt ! , Uolierty'a Trcncli 1'ooUlen , Cuiccllu Sis- ( ttrfli 1848 FEB. 22 , 1898 THIS ISYK.VI.VU , WASHINGTON HALL , IHIIi mill llnriiiTN SIH , cn.vvn WA.simoToy OKMIIIHATION unit 51)1 h lilrlh < lu > - of 'OAK I , A. J A CO II- SO.V , hoiiornry member of A'orileu , tJlimlnir Soelely. TleUeU fJeiitleineii , 1511 I.iulleM , BOo. PHOOHMCoiieer , 1'nlrlollu ml- ilre He from prominent Niinucr mill urn nil liull , IIOTICI..S , --v. THE MILLARD 13th anil DongliiH StH. , Onmlia. CENTKAIA.Y LOCATED. _ A3initiOAV AMI iinoi'i3A.v I I < AN. _ J. K , MAHICKJ , A ; SO.V , Prop * , HOTEL BARKER COB. 13TH AND JONES ST. , OMAHA. It ATK3.ei.no AND 1JU.OO I > Ult DAY , ii ctrlo cer * direct to expoiltlon eround FRANK UAUKKR. Co.hlir. . . . . . BA.U UAUUAN. C54 f CUi * .