Jffl EDITORIAL SHEET HE OMAHA UNDAY BEE.PAGES 9 TO 16. ESTABLISHED JTJiNE 10 , 3871. OMAHA , SUNDAY MOUNTINGJTEBIZTJAHY 20 , 1898 TWENTi ! PAGES. E COL * ! JTIV13 GENTS , NEWBUTTEBICKPATTERNS 40c Buttorick Pailcrns 3Qc 85c Butlerick Patterns 25c 30c Butteriek Patterns 20c 25c Builerick Pailcrns Hammering Down the Prices at the Great Traitsmississippi Headquarters , No store in America offers greater advantages to the trading public than the "Great Transmis- sissippi Headquarters. " Un equaled buying facilities and an unlimited army of customers , including a list of over 50,000 mail order patrons , enable us to handle almost incredible quantities of goods and make it necessary to have the most complete assortments. Quick selling means new , fresh , seasonable goods all the time. We are "letting down the prices" on all the vast stocks now in our store. They must be cleaned out at any price and at once. This week's price reductions are the biggest in Omaha's history. More genuine bargains than have ever been offered before. Come early and supply yourselfxat these uii- heard-of low prices. Special Sale On Furniture , Carpets , Wall Paper. Carlojuls of Ihe finest furniiure ever brought to Omaha now .displayed in our immense furniture rooms. You can find anything in Ihe furniiure Ime here at lowest price ? , Fine mattresses at $1.35 , $1.50 and $1.75. ' Iron beds at $2 50 , $ ' 1.25 anil $4.85. dialr.s , canu seat , 75c and ! )5c. ) KocUer.s , $1.25 , $1.50 and $1.75. Suits at $11.50 , S12.50 , $14 and $ H.S5. Couches at $7 , $8.85 and $ ' . ) .75 India stools , all colors $1.85 Pictures in greatest variety of subjects , and frames at all prices. Arriving - Klugant new { ; oods put on snlc daily at lowest prices. All odd lots , short lengths and broken lines arc being closed out of cost. New patterns extra hoiiyy all wool ingrains , 50 c ynrd. I'xtra heavy cotton chain ingrains , 45c yard. Extra heavy cotton union ingmins , Hoc yard. Was never as fine as now. All the novelties in pair and yard goods. We can sell yon a pair of lace curtains for . ' 59c , and in all grades. We name the lowest prices. Iniiphol- stery goods we arc selling : 27-inch valours for 6 ( ) > ; . 27-inch corduroy for 05c 50-inch tapestry for 45c All conic in new colorings. Wall Paper Remnants In all grades put on stile jMoiulay , In bundles with side borJer and ceiling for all s/.c ! J rooms from 50c to S2 a room White blanks at 3Jj , ' ( a and Be ; U-inch borders He ; IS-in borders rtj and 4c. Gilts in all colors and styles , Oc , 7c , Si and IOc , with IS- inch shaded borders. Dark reds , blius , greens an.l browns at 15c , 171c , 20. : , 25c ; IS-inch shaded borders 7c and Sc yard. Room mouldings , H-lnch oak , pine and cherry , 2c font ; 13-Inch fancy colored rtc and ! 3Sc. ; 2-inch fancy colored at 4c and 5c. Paints and Brushes IJest ready mixed paints $1 a gallon. Carriage , blask and vermillion , one half pints 25c ; pints 40j and quarts 75c ; green , scronie , yellow a nil maroon , pints . ' 55c , quarts (55i. ( Wood stains and enamel- ; lowest prices. IJicyclc enam els , in up to date colors , i pint 20 : . Give your old rusty bath tub a new porcelain finish , 1 pint docs the worlc , 40c. Brushes l-inch varnish brushes 5j ; 1 j-h'ch varnish brushes 8c. Oval Sash Tools , 5s , Sc , lOc , toe. White Wash Heads , 15c up. Stylish Millinery. The lateness of ilio season makes it necessary to close out all our trimmed hats cat once. We will put the balance of our stock on special sale at great ly reduced prices. Just received an exquisite assortment of the very newest and most fashionable flowers for spring The opening prices will bo lower than ever. Elegant linen nnd velvet assorted hunches at Very pretty violets nnd foliage , per hunch Fancy feathers and tips at special prices. Black felt trimmed walk Ing huts worth 81.50 at 75c Silk embroidered baby caps , all sizes , at 39c , 50c , V5c and § 1.25 , value 75c to $2.25. Specials in the Cloak Department. Ladies' Jackets , made of boucle , curl astrakhan Imported kortoy r.nd uhovlut , sumo all silk lined , some A QQ braid trimmed , Botno Htran dimmed , your choiceat * 7O Ladies' Kersey Cloth Gapes , trinmcd with braid and fur , 21 Inches long , Q QQ high Morin collar , worth & 8.0U ' . . . . & o Misses' ' Jackets , in plain and fancy cloaking , aL'e.s M , 10 -f QQ " 3 nnd 18 , at. . ' . A. t7O § Dress Skirts , in figured mohair , nlcoly assorted pattern ? , all lined and velveteen bound , at Fine lustre figured lirilliantino Skirts , in new Moral designs , also line plain ciellllari nnd p QQ Borgos , well lini'd and full sweep , nt * J < J Ladies' ' Silk Waists , in blank , colors nnU ohanijcublo otTccts , A AQ now , nobby style * , at " CO Ladies' ' Percale "NVrapjJorH , in dark odors , separate wulst lining , 4-Qp Ladies' Heavy Percale Wrapper ? , Watt can hack , strap at wnUt , inside best of muslin , faced in front , with good collar , yoke , holt , cults and hack strap , ty Kn trimmed with braid , at - " - Ladies' Furiiishiiigs Ladies' Kid Gloves , LADIES' MUSLIN GOWNS , worth f 0u 2-ola9 ! > gloves , la all do- > , eirablo tiliadcs , at. . . . . . ' * LADIES' MUSLIN GOWNS , Ladies' Kid Gloves , lace and embroidery hook and button , trimmed , worth 91.00 , worth 8l.arnt. , . . LA DIES'UMBRELLA DKAWEIJS , Ohildrons' ' Bicycle HOHO , worth 50c , at full gcamlcfcs and double LADIES' CORSET COVERS. hcclund too , at all blzcs , worth 2jc , at , Ladies' ' Full Seamless LADIES' CORSET COVERS. HOSE , in fast black , in all sizes , worth 75o , p Op VI ilitttM * - The Big Silk Invites all lovars of beautiful silks to visit anil inspect the many lines of the most exquisite creations of both foreign and domestic manufacturers. New Silks Arriving1 Daily. WASHABLE SILKS. Monday's Plain Black India Silk. a assortments In both Waslmhlo mill : i line hi'cUs unit btrlpcs , Feast Ilrin quality , all colors , only of special price Monday Bargains. 39G BLACK CHECKS - nonnnd prcttv In red , white , blue and white , brown and white , jjiccn and white , black and white Monday's price . . r LA IDS THAT AKE NKW-comblnntlonS that arc pretty , qual49C Ity that U good crisp talTeta llnl'-li Monday at . . . ; ; FANCY" SILKS In very pietty and neat designs , all the latest 59c colorlim's-and n\orth much more than Monday's asking price. . . . -r CHANGEABLE TAFK15TA In an excellent quality , In most every two-tone effect made , the scarcity of Taffetas Is well kna.ui assortments everywhere are broken and we tirac those desir ing Inffetis to buy at once 100 pieces In. all the good shades on llondnv tit only . . . . . . . . . . . . TAFFETA HHOCADES In now styles and shading and bought to "oil for $1 00-spcclal price ( Monday . STYLISH STRIPE-ln best quality of Taffeta-pretty shaded efQ8C fects-seo them , they are now Monday . . " " , , , . IJUAUTIFUL. PLAIDS all will tell you that Hnydens' plaids are prettiest the brilliant colors cros-'ed by heavy satin bars arc < i eto.ulsltc other stores ask $1 M and $1.03 for them our price only * Afk to t.ee . the new special dress patterns In light bhadlngs att . . $1.73 and . * -per yard-tt.23. $1.00 , DLACK SILKS at Monday's bargain prices 59c PLAIN" H LACK TAFFETA UfSTLU extra good Monday at. . - ' * ' PLAIN1 13LACK SATIN DUCIIKSSE-a world beater nnd a blllc which wo recommend for wear and service fine and perfect special for Monday . . HLACK I'KAU DE POIE-SUIrt or dress sillfr-40 pieces-good quiilltv on eulo-you know how ivell they i\ear , only. . . . . . . . . . . ULACK imOCADG GHO OUAIN Full 2J Inches wide In all de- riffns worth $150 price on Monday . UTOPIA VELVET silk finish In b'.ack , only . Monday \\e place on mile the lui-KCMt assortment ot ne\v iioliliy uv-ln-iliitc Stylish Wool Dress Goods ci or nttpimitiMl liy one IiotiNe in tliln city The finiilltlcH anil Mtjlos are licttrr nml i > rlee nre iniiuli Invn-r than eior before. Over 400 pieces of new stylish all wool and silk and wool novel ties In the new spring styles and color -3S and 40 Inches wide. worth up to 73c per yard our price commencing Monday , only y < l Over ; -iQ pieces of silk nnd wool fancies in the two and three- toned effects fancy checks poplin cords-Armure \ \ eaves and all the late spring designs and colors and are all silk mixed and are worth up to ! > Sc per yard our price commencing Monday. . ' " ' " ' " Our line 'of high grad o"Bifk"a'nd"uo'oi novelties In the TOc line Is composed of every known phade and weaves for spring wear- It Is Impossible for us to describe this line anne have so many f\ to show Thcso goods are being sold ai high as $1.1 > per yard / MJ ? . . . . . . our price commencing [ Monday onlv , yard . vYi" We are showing a very largo line of silks and -nool skirting plnldt a large line of waist pliilJs in wool with - ° atln strlpes-also a latgo variety of covert cloths In nil the new known > , \ eaves and colors for spring wear at 73c , $1.0) and $1.19 per yard-Just M per 01 cent less than others sell the .same quality . bl HoailiiiirlerN for ISIiick Sltriiiu lr 'hM RooilN nil of Uic new Niirlnir HO.MVCN and ileNlKHH In Iiliiek Bonil for tlilH turnon wale at prli'i-s Mlthlii reach of all. 4C Inch Black Silk and wool mixtures rich lustre-dust proof /p. Q _ every yard guaranteed worth $1.4i > per yard commencing Monday * Q , our price only 9Sc yard . \ . . . . _ 50-Inch Ulack all wool figured nnd Ifrocado In large and small rj f\ figures rich lustre does not wi Inkle worth $1.25 yard com- _ , \ mencliiB Monday our price only , yard . 40-Inch all wool fancy weaves In all black , very serviceable and Him every yard guat.intecd In largo nnd small figures beIng - Ing sold at USc ynrd our price commencing Monday , only , yard. . 47-Inch extra heavy Mohair Ulack Serge the OSc quality Mon- dav only , yard . " 38-Inch black all woil French Serge also all colors worth 4oo yard commencing Monday only , ynrd . Cheap Wool Dress Goods Dept Double fold Cashmeres commencing Monday In all colors also black , worth lOc.only. yard . 31-Inch fancy Novelties In the now spring colors worth 2.C yard commencing Monday only , yard . . . : n-lnch fancy figured Novelties In black and nil colors , IOC worth' ' 23c , only . A large variety of fancy weaves , checks , mixtures 3G Inches wide worth 33c yard commencing Monday only , yaid . SB and 40 nil wool mUtures. checks , plaids , fancy weaves also llRiircd black the regular S9c quality commencing- Monday only yard . All cpen mall orders filled nnd money refunded If not Batlsfac- toiy emmplcH bent on application. In ordering bamples please Btato kind , color and quality desired. Grand Special Sale } m m M Made Torchon Laces. Thcso poods arc raanufacttircd by P. K. Wilson , the pruatost makoi- real hand made linen laces In th i world. The lot wo place on biilo arc oxnot copies of the real hund inndo gooda. Tlrst lut only , per yard . 2'o ' rourtli lot only , per ynnl . 10c Srcnnd lot only , uur yard . o I'lfth lot ( inly , per yard . 15o Third lot only , poryurd . 74c These goo IK aio worth up to GOc yd. Grand Thread Sale. 200 yards perfect Muuhlno Thrca 1. 30.1 ynr tls Iclclmnlsnu's Slllc nor snol | only . . . . . , lie ! Thru-ill , p-r Hiio'il . , . lOc I.liiiltiid to to cncli custoinar. lln- ni Throad. 2 H pools . Ic 00 ynrds Mnun Thread , L'idles' Sittoon Holt llobu Sup- | iur spool . fie portots . 10c JEWELRY DEFT , SPECIAL WATCH SALE MONDAY. How is This ! Gent's Genuine Waltlmm Watches ( CO A O In flno Sllvorino cases , actual value $7..r)0 Sale price. . L5O rlO Gent's uold tilled hunting case watch , warranted to wear 20 years with line Waltham nictclo movnuiont ( C-ijrkOR ACTUAL VALUE 820.00. tplU'dS Gont'H gold Illled hunting case watches , warranted to wear 2o years , with tlno 17 jeivoled adjusted movement Elgin t4 . l or Waltham , Actual Value $30.00 , SALE PRICE. . . . | $ I O- no.v's Sllvorino btcm wind nnd got watchos$2'25' Ladles M kt solid gold hunting ea&o watch with ( K.-4 f\ flno El 'ln or Waltham movnmontactual value ? l0. ! rpl Vf. Ladles' and Gent's gold plated hunting cafeo watches Uj * sy QQ with American made movement , regular price 50.00 , kp ijii Roger Bros. 1817 knives and forks , tlrst quality $2-95 for 12 pieces Roger's AA. Soup spoons , 95c lor 0. Roger's Al Tea Spoons.69c for 0. DRUG PRICES Scott's nmuslon ( Tie Duffy's Halt Whiskey fOe 1'alno'u Celery Compound G5o Bhnw's Malt see Lvillii & 1'lnUlmm's Compound. . TOc Warner's Safe , Kidney and Ayer's Hulr Vigor 6so Llvi-r Cure fln SOo Caatorla 22o Carter's 1'llls . , , , I3u Syrup of Figs , 32c Munyon's Hemcdlcs , , , , lie -The reason why you should buy your Piano of ITavdcn Bros. .Because we carry the largebt stock and greatest variety of any hliusc in the west. Because wo handle only reliable makes. 13e- eaUso wo guarantee our ] ilanos. Bccauto sell the Chickering , Steinway and Fischer Pianos. Bt.causo you cannot buy any of the above 3 best in the world anywhere ols > o in Omaha. NEW PIANOS TO KENT. Beautiful Emerson and Voso & Sons Pianos , in fancv cases , at $175 , $185 , S195 and 8205. Wasliable Dress Goods Pine Line of Imported Irish Dimities , yard 25o Newest ElTccts in Scotch Novelty MulIs , yard 25c Unsurpassable assortment of flmj French Organdies , yd , 25c to 'Me Scotch Gincliams in thu correct styles , yard 2Sc Percales , 30-inuh , for bnys' waists , made to our order 12 jc Percales , 30-inch , for men's shirtings , thoroughly reliable cloth and colors , yard 12jc Percales , in shirt waist btvlcs , made to ardor for us , 30-in. wide , yard 12 Jc Ginghams of every description , all the best makes in domestics , all colors and stylesard lc ( ) Prints of every make , color or styles , choice , yard 5c Satebn , in small neat figures ( Simpson's ) lc ) Special Prices for Monday on ' Cochcco Silk Finished C'alicos , yard /Ic Extra heavy German Blues Calico. 113 inch , yard ! ) c Zephyr Gingham , new spring styles , yard 5c Yard widu fast color Percale , light and medium colors , in stripes and plaids , yard 5Sc Can fill mail orders on these when not received later than Wednesday. liargniiis oil Snlc .Monday in our FLANNEL DEPT. whlto wool flannel at , yard loc Fancy woven Blankets for gowns 7-8 wide \\hlto wool flannel , jd 23o and \ \ rappers reduced to , a All wool grey striped or clieck- pair 7fic ed flannel , yard , 15c , 21 Oc and 10-4 Grey Blankets , pair 40e 4Gc jind Coc fancy wool Eider- Have you seen our nc\v comforts Sown reduced to , yard 25c at $1.00 each ? Summer Comforts iJouBlo faced Cotton Eiderdown at { 1.50 each both these comforto yard loc are fast sellers considered the Fancy bordered grey twilled best value ever shown _ by those Hlankots at , pair 7Cc and . . . ' 51.00 who have seen them 31111 rcmnints of SC-lnch ivlilo sea Island /Percale / , all perfect , only , yd Sc Thu InrRest stock of outlnR flannel at , yard , uc , Sc and lOc Cotton Planned. yinJ , 3'c , 5c. Sc and lOc Shaker Flannel , yard , 3 > < .c , Jc , Gc C'ic , Sc and lOc Tlcklnir , yard , EC. 7".c. We , 12'Ac ' , ° 13c and ' . 20J Shirting : , yaid , 5c , G'.ic , Sc , lOcTand IS'.ic Chenille and Tapestry Table Covers. No fining1 stvlp'i. croat vnrloty to select from , all , lzes 23c , 39c 15c , CSc , 73c , We , $1.0D , { 1.23 , $1.33. $1.50 , $1.73 , $ U3 , $2.00 , $2,23 and $2.30 each. White Hed Spreads. Lnrpest nnd beat as-orted stcc' : In the -west 3fle , r,3c , C3c. 70c , 73c , S3c , SOe , PSc , $1 CO , $1.23 and $1.50 each up to the finest Imported .Marseilles at { 3.0 } and JO 50 each. Hnydens' carry the stock and have the assortment , make the lowctt prices or money refunded. Sale on Fine Linens. from the best looms In the world. Cl-inch extra heavy damask COc value at 39c 5S-Inch Scotch Damask 10c- value at 3 ic CS-lnch celebrated blench Civile Damnhlc COa value at 3Sc Gl-lnch German Silver HIenched Dania'k 75c value at . ' Me C9-Inch full bleached double Damask value $1.00 nt C3c Oilontal DamaskH 58 Inches i.\lde guaranteed colors 23c Turkey red Damask miarantecd fast colors 37c .11-Inch Handkerchief Ulncn at lite 36-Inch bleached Uutcher's Linen , yard 21c IS-lnch all linen Crash , yard 7c White ( ioods Department. 40-Inch Apron I/nvn at , yard. 7' e. flc 13c 40-Inch rtlar-k India Linen nt , ynrd 7'ic India Linen at , yard , G'frc , S'/.c , lOc and 3x ; Chpck mid Stripe X.ilnsook atC' ' c , S'.ic and lOc Dotted Curtain Swlsj 12' ' < .c SG-lnch strlpo nnd Lappet curtain Swiss 15c He dqnarters for Sheeting and Muslin J.4 " "tra iii"iv"own ' munlln at 3' . . 4-1 flno soft fln'sh muslin Cc quality at no 4-1 line Cambric Mtulln 12' < .o qunllty nt Sl-3c Pillow case muslin , extra KOO 1 quality fs'ic S-4 heavy unbleached Sheeting lie 9-4 bleached Sheetlntj-20c qua I ty , ilonduy , yard luc Hardware , Stoves , Hotisefumishiiig Dept. Our Special Monday All Day Sale They say prices are going up ours are going down. .Read and be up to date. Hardware. A flnn hand hammered steal hatchet , 27c $1 st > . * ol bqtiaro /Mc ) Sot of ( lauffoi- bits In wood box , and bracu $1.08 H Do Kprnin HIIW ni.i ) The beat 20-in , bntohof saw made SOi ; nodular 50c kitchen saw ' , 27c Him and mortlso locks with knob 1 Sc Howsefurnishitigs. n-footgtoj ) ladder < lo ! ) 'JOo wa h ba.irds ! ) c Nice larfjo clothes basket 'Me 17-inch wood bowl lilc Improved Dover egg bcutoi * 6c Lai'ijd'fffanito covered uhumbor palls 43c Wood llbro iiulls. regular-IQc . ' 2ftc GalvaiH/ed hvn No. S.bollop GOc Stoves , Can boll you a 0 8 Inch hole range , with reservoir , regular 829 , our price . -SI3.H5 2-burncr pasollno stove , Monday S2.HO Firm 6tuc | jjiisoliiio even . * . SI.2 ! ) A full ufap No 8 plain cook stove $7.25 Heating stoves at nearly your own price. China Department. Wo hqvo Jtibt received cat-load of Success Water Filters $3.05 up ISO decorated fruit bowls 2c ( ) Individual beau pots 3jo fiOo ni\t \ and engraved tumblers. 5c 20o fcBtoon cdgo platoj 5c lee and 20o round and bquaro nappies 5cand7c Soapelaps , , 2c Tablp salt collars , 2c Deuorutcd toilet bets $ l.il ( ! I'lnhivhltocups \ ank saucers Ic Mtlk crocks He Muuturd and liorso rndldh pots , 2c HAYDEN BR Making Room for the Biggest Lines of Goods ever brought West , Our Exposition Year Goods already arriv ing. Mail Orders Filled. Selling Cheaper he- cause we are Selling More. The Big Store Prior to our grand Spring Open ing we are hammering down prices. The past two weeks lias demonstrated what letting down the prices will do. II'wo say that we will sell you a $10 Winter Suit or Overcoat for $5.00 , rest assured the Big Store will back it up. This is Avhat A\re are doing with balance of Winter Clothing. We never pack them away. We sell them at these prices : § 6.50 all wool black and blue cheviot suits at $2.98 § 7.50 and $8.50 fine mixed cheviot suits at. . $4.75 $10 and $12.50 fancy cheviot suits at $6.48 $13.50 , $15 and $18 fancy worsted suits at $11.75 $0.50 men's overcoats and storm ulsters at . . $3.95 $10 ulsters and overcoats at $5.00 34 07. . Irish frieze ulsters at $7.50 $15 fine kersey overcoats and ulsters at. . .T$10 00 $2.50 men's pants at 95c and $1,25 $3 Heading Mills pants at $1.75 $2.50 boys' knee pant suits at V. . " . . . $1125 $3.50 boys' knee pant suits at $1.95 The finest boys' vcslee , junior or double breasled suit , choice of any at $2,95. Special Bargains in Gents' .Men's Suspenders , the regular Men's Working Shirts , In dark 25c quality , at 12 ! c colors , at 25o Jlcr.'s Sweaters , In navy blue , Men's Colored liosom Shirts , In reinforced front and back , maroon and groniU , 50o worth 75c and Jl.OJ , at 30o lloys' Sweateis , In navv blue , Men's Percale Shirts , with col maroon and blnck , at GOc lars and cults , laundered , worth $1.25 , at 45o ' Men'o Bow Tics , In all the new Mens' ninck , Tan and Fancy patterns , at lOo Striped Hose , at lOo Notice Our Hat Sale Look in our 10th strcot window. You will notice a difference from other stores' hat displays in the prices , Soft Fedoras In black nnd tan COc and 75c others ask 7Cc , $1 and $1.25 Tedorzs In any style manufactured for $1.00 ; othets get $2.00 for the same hat. Our $1.50 hat Is a winner ; nothing to touch It this sldo of the $3.00 line ot other stores. More Bargains in Groceries Just a few plnln fncts tirnl llgurus on how to save your money Head these pilcos carefully White J'.uls Soup , 10 bars for . 23o White Rusilan Soap , 10 bars for . , , . . . ii'ic Domestic So.ip , 10 bars for . 'j'o Any brand of J-nundiy Soap , 10 bars for . , , , . , aio Wool Soap , larBo size IMTH . , . GO Ivory Soap , per bar , only . : ! yc 3-pound canH Choleu 'Jomutoes . . . , . 7u Bwcct Sugar Corn , only . . . Co Solid Hand Packed Tomato * " . SUe jirly ; HloHboni June Peas , can . r < o New Lima Hums , per ran . . . fiu Hcd Kidney Iloans , per can . . . . 3' , < .c Hoston linked ncun , per c.m . , . . . . . . . ' : ' , _ u Golden Pumpkin , U-pound cuua . i.ju ; ( 3-'pound ' cans Cullfoinla Table Pears . . . l Viu Flour is Down \Ve mill place on Male Monday 1,000 pnrlts of fanry hlsh patent Minnesota seta Floui wai ranted to bo the best Hour on earth , sack . $1.2.1 Pure Food Flour , per sacl ; . ji.Sj Makes thu flncRt white bread you ever looked at thcic Is no lljior health flour on the in a lie t. . I . Yr-ast Foam , Otimun or any braiul , per package . 2o 10 jiouiiil B.iokH Puio Giahani FJciur . , , , , , 1'u lO-pound snckii Pure York Btn'o Hii'kwheat . . . . 2"o 10 iioumls white Navy Deans , Hand I'k-Ucd . , , . MO Hollod Oatmeal for liicakfadt , 10 pounds for . , , , i'io Evaporated Fruits \Vo will sell large fancy yellow Cling Peaches worth 15 cents per pound 'Monday ' . . . . . . . . . . . . b'/Jo ' New C.illfoinla. I'enrlicn , per pound . fi'io New Cullfoinla Pi tines , per pound , 3'ie ' ( Co and , , , , . . . . . . , . , T/io I atRO C.illfoinla Halnln Cured J'uniC'3 . , . M O Ilalains , per pound , SVtC , Do and . ; . 7.o < The Big Cracker Department \Ve have the finest cracker department In the raest ' anylntr a largo iiHsrrtment of fresh cakes nnd fancy p.iel.aBC goods -Iloinc-inber wo mo hcnflciuaiteri * for the eolebrnlcd HATTI.I3 UHI3KIC 8\NITAUIU.\I HHAhTH KOOIJS and Jiavo the only complete line of tlies.0 goods In city .Monday wo will hell Nt < uport Flakes at . > , . . . . . llo Snaps , , , , . 7o llii'inncr's launch . . . . . . Ho Graham fiackpra lOo Shredded Whole Wheat . llo Oatmeal Crackers lee Bodii Crnckeis . . . . . . . . . . Go Fine ( Mixed Cooklca lOo Oyt > ; er Crackers . , . , , Co War Declared in Our Meat Dept. No , 1 Sugar Cured Ham 80 AVcIner Wurst licet German Summer Sausage. 12Ho Cullfoinla Sugar Cured lUm , . Good Salt Poik / > o Freuli Pork Hausagc , per Ib . Pckled TMpe 3l4o 3 pounds Lard . . . . . . . . . . . . . Itu Corned lictf 4o C ( totinds hard . . . . . . 27u Head Cliecbo , iloicgna and Liver 10 pounds Lard . . . . . C2o Sansago Sc At the Transmlsslsiilppl Headquarters. Teas and Coffees Coffees roasted every hour. Fresh roasted Coffee , per lu . .10J o flood ICngllsh DreaUfast Tea , Ib 25o Golden Hantos nnd Hlo Hlcnd Good Giiivpowder Ten. per Ib. . . . 25u \\orth 23c , only . . . , , , . , , . . . . . , . . 15o Uatket I'lrea Japan , worth Java & .Mocha , n delicious drink 25a COc , Monday , Ko Od ! Government Java and Mochn , Try our Ceylon Tea. worth per pound 2Sa $1.00 anywhere , only COo Flno ht'vcr Leaf Japan Tea , Ib , . 23c Butter and Eggs AtTrnusmiamsippi Ileadq'rts Choice Country liutter , 8c , 10C..12UO Creamery Duller . , , , . , . , , iCa Very Heat Country liutter. . . . . . lie Beporntor Creamery , our best . . JSo Dairy Uutter , very flno . . . . . . . . . lie I'/KKH , Ruaranti-vd strictly frcuh 12'X.o ' On our barttuln counter wo will place u Ion of fresh country butter In rollH nixl prints at It u per pound Unclprstiuul this la not a culled lot -but Is Jubt as 'Ae received It from the country ,