8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : * SUNDAY , FEBRUAKY 20. 1808. HALTED BY A POINT OF LAV Progress of tie Case Before Jndga Powel is Blocked. ATTORNEYS IN BARTLEY SUIT ARGUINI of flic Kncl of ( lie l.nn cimlnr County Cnnc III IS-I- < lriu-p IlrliiKR Dill n Ciinlr vcmr. The argumentative stage acorns to hav been reached In the trial of the suit agalns the bondsmen of ex-State Treasurer Hartley Thor" are several Important questions of lav Involved In the ease , but all of these hav been put In the background while the fact and evidence were being placed In posscssloi of the Jury. The law points , however , nr < being prcspod forward now In the course o the presentation of the defense by the bonds men. men.Tho entire morning session was spent li further arguing the question , the detenu having Its Inning. Attorney E. E. Drown who Is one of the defending bondsmen , an B we red the arguments made by the state1 ! attorney. Ho quoted a dozen different au thorltlcs to support the position taken b ; the defendants In attempting to Introduci In evidence the Lancaster county case. Tin attorney admitted that If the $335,000 MIC : for there was not Included In the ( unoun of the present case that It would not bi competent or proper to admit the pleadings Hut ho Instated that the evidence ehowc-c that the $ .135,000 was Included In the secom term shortage. He based this statement ot the testimony of State Treasurer 'Mescrvo Baying that In bis demand upon Hartley Me- nerve had demanded an accounting for. UK < wo terms. Attorney E. M. Hartlctt followed Attor ney Drown In a brief argument In whlcl lie further dilated upon the latter's argu nient. The remainder of the morning nett- ulon was occupied by Atorney Genera Smyth In answering. Ho maintained par ticularly that the attorney general has m power to waive the rights of the state bj any admlralon , and quoted authorities tc support him. At noon a recess was taken until Mon day morning , Juilgu Powell reserving hi ; decision until then. The Young Men's Hebrew Benevolent as Boclatlon entertainment and dance , whlc ! \\as to bo held at old Metropolitan hall , lit ! and Dodge , Sunday , Feb. 20 , ' 98 , will be belt at nt-w Metropolitan hall , 23d and Harnej 18. , Feb. 20 , ' 88. Dnyllulit Train ( o Beginning Monday , February 7 , the Northwestern - western line will place In ecrvlco a dayllghl train to Chicago , leaving Omaha 7 a. m. Council I3luffs 7:25 : a. m. . and arriving Chicago cage 8:15 : p. m. , making connections with evening trains for oil points east. Dining caw serve all meals. The afternoon limited trains at 4:43 : and C:4r : ) p. m. . arriving Chicago next morning nt 7.15 and 0:30 : a. m. . respectively , still re main lii service. City ticket office 1401 Farr.am st. G. P. WEST. C. I' , and T. A. J. A. KUHN , Geeieral Agent. Trot. Windsor will lecture tonight am Monday to men only at Crclghton hall 01 subjects of the greatest Importance. The lecture Is free. The original pen and Ink sketches o "Petronllla , the Slater , " Km in a Homai Thayer'a new book are on exhibition a "Whltinore's Art store for the next few days They are by the well known artist , Mr. Rem ington Lane of New York. Gordon & Dllworth will continue thcli beautiful displays of table delicacies , olives etc. , at the- Millard hn-tel until Wednesday evening. Connoisseurs of Omaha Invited. She \VniilN Her Trinilf. T..OII Etta Clurlte , a small colored woman who ban been employed for some time past by Henry Coombs , who lives near Twenty- ilfth nnd Ijoavcnworth streets , had a war rant Issued for the arrest of her cinployn on a clarge of larceny as bailee. She al leges that slip left the employ of Coombs n few days ago and when she returned for her trunk lie refused to deliver It. ll.VI.K IIATICS SOUTH. Vln 1'ort Arthur lloiilo. The Kansas City , Pltteburg & . Gulf railroad ( vlll sell round trip tickets any date , at one faro ( plus .2) ) to all points on Its line , south of Gentry , Ark. For rates , advertising matter and all Information mation , call at "Port Arthur Houto" ofllco , No. 141T. Parnnm street , (1'axton ( Hotel Block ) or write , Harry B. Moores , Passenger nnd Ticket Agent , Omaha , Neb. A guaranteed cure for catarrh. Dr. Goo Loy , Chinese physician , 13th and Douglas. Blank books. Have them made by A. I. Hoot , printer and binder. 1009 Howard , Mystic Tour will suit you , too. TIIH O. At > T. J. . AXII UMIl.VSH It It. Kor All I > OII H ICiiM ( mill South. Leaves Omaha dally'at 4i : : ! p. m. , arrives St. Louis 7:16 : a. m. , connecting In Union Station with all lines. For rates , sleeping car space nnd all Information call at ofllce No. 1415 Fnrnam street. ( Paxton Hotel lllock ) or write Harry E. Moores , Ticket Agent , Omaha Neb. A. I. Uoot , artistic hook-binder. ICO ! ) Howard rimruri' Amiliixt n DUK ( Hvm-i- . Joseph nickey , nil Dorcas street , lins been arrested for keeping a vicious dog. The warrant was sworn out by Mllcci lleg- eriy , who alleged that the entire neighbor hood was In terror of Dlckey'ti dog. Sovcrul months ago Olclcy and hU dog were com plained of by Hegerty. nut the mutter was Mettled out of court by clmlnlnj ; the dog. Ilegerly snye that IIB hl son was passing the IIOUBO where the dog holds forth the eanlno uttered a viciousgrowl , nnd Jumping over the fence bereft his HOII of t.io. majjr portion of bis troupers. In addition to this the dog lilt a large slleci out of tbf boy's leg. Fearful Hint If thu dog evep fell vic tim to the rubles fiat bis son by some mys terious spell would follow suit. | u accord ance with the old tradition , Ht'gerty t\f. \ inandml the llfo of the dog , Shortly before noon thu on nine , n very docllo uml bund- ponte setter was tied ui > In t"iu Jail olllce IJy order of the court It will be killed. It Has Never Been Late. Two weeks ago today , the Durlincrton Rnuto placed in Borvieo a now Chleago- Denver train , leaving Chicago at 10 a , in. , Oinulm at 11:55 : p. in. and duo in Denver at 1:30 : p , ' m. next day. ThUnow train , ummn an the "Donvor Special" , litiB never yol fulled to roach both Omaha uml Dunvor KXACTLY on time. The must roniurkublo thing in that tills record hurt liucn made in the dead of wlntor when wind and snow and ice comblno to mukufubt tlmo anything but easy , ticket Office , J. U. HCYNOUD5. P . A r Illltr OMrnmlrr'n .Surprlnp. An the exposition ecaaon draws nigh hut > drcio of Omaha people are bcR'unlng t ( think nerlouslf of tillable placre at whlcl to entertain their numerous visit ng friends We will have , of course , clubs , theaters summer gardeni ) and minor attractions bj tbo ecorc , but the ono place de < sired above all others Is the cozj nook In which to chat and enjoy onc'a cast after the turmoil and exc'temcnt of cxpcol < tlon days. For thta purpoee we hlow ol no place better equipped than the now rcoort Just opened by Hilly Ostrander al 312 South Fifteenth street , whore liquid re- frrahments will be served In style , as only our popular nilly , late ot the 1'nxton cafe knows how to serve a style , by the way , unsurpassed In the wcsten country. Cnc scarcely steps Inside before being In spired by the superb splendor of the Interior , Its wonderful screen catching the eye al once a marvel of solid mahogany over btoc boards of Tennessee marbcl let with 361 plcceo of beveled , frcetcd and mirrored art K' < I S ; and tlie bar presents a front no Ices unique , Its full length n rich red , nolld mi- hoRany. The buffet Is arrayed ! o orw glitter of crystal , and these , with satin-finished wall paper blending In most plosslnjt har mony , complete an ensemble of luxury un equalled west of Chicago an artletlc suc cess due largely to the exquisite tint and thorough workmanship displayed by th Urunswlck-Dalko Callcnder company , wh fitted up the equipment. A.VMVKH-S.UIV OP FvTHIAMSM I.ornl 'Mi-niliiTN ' Observe ( lie Order * \ntnl Day In. KIMInp : KiiNliliin. Yesterday was the thirty-fourth annlver sary of the founding of the order of th KnlghU of I'ytlilna and In honor and ccle bratlou of the day the Pythian Veteran as soclatlon of Nebraska held Its first annua dinner last night. 0 The association Is of an exclusive char actcr , only I'ythlans who have been member of the order for at least twenty years being admitted to membership. It was organ Izud late last fall and consequently the mem bershlp roll Is ao yet not very large. A present some twenty-five have joined am about half of these were present at the din ncr last night , an even dozen being scatcc about the boards. They were : John Q Gem , George H. Cragcr , Ir. O. S. Wood John J. Monell , E. E , French , J. F. Falrllc Mel H. Hoerner , Ed H. Haymaker , Will L Scls > m , J. M. MaoFarland , J. T. Dalley am Harry M. Uoydston of Nebraska City , grand chancellor of Nebraska. The dinner was quite elaborate. The humorons menu card which gave the coursci would have puzzled the reader to declphc just what was eaten. At the conclusion o the feast and when cigars were lighted the following toasts were responded to , the toast master being John J. Monell : " .After Dlnnc Talk , " John Q. Gosa ; "Nebraska No. 1 The Mother of Western Lodges , " Colonc George II. Crager ; "A Banquet Without Wine or Women. " Dr. O. S , Wood ; "Fraternal So cletles , " D. H. Wheeler ; " \Vcro Damon and Pythias 'Goldbugs' or 'Ulmetalllsts ? ' " J. S Shropshire ; "The Subordinate Lodge The .Mainstay of the Order , " Harry M. Doydston "I Want to lie a Veteran and with the Veterans orans Stand , " Will L. Seism. A very enjoyable entertainment was glvci last night In Myrtle hall under the auspices of Nebraska lodge. No. 1 , Knights of Pythias The principal portion of the program wac taken up by Prof. Hcno , a member of the lodge. Ho gave a very entertaining exhibi tion of magic and presided over nn Interest ing a performance of trained dogs. Captali Davis of the Department of the Platte also gave a number of selections upon the grupb- ophone and .Master John Jacobs rendered a couple of dialect recitations which met with considerable applause. The entertainment was attended by n good crowd. \VHI1STI511 KOIAVKS * L'MFOHMS New Coiiiiiiiny CcttliiKr Into l.liufoi The members of the Webster Zouaves have been able to ralso a uniform fund and at present bavc In their possession au amount exceeding ? 300. . Three . prominent uniform manufacturers have been written to for sam pleri and they are expected by the beginning nf the present week. The company will com prise thirty-five members , rank and file , wllh four onicera. Tile officers are-as follows : 0. W. Sues , captain ; P. Seward , first lieuten ant ; F. C. Shellhart , aecond lieutenant ; and It. E. Herdman , third lieutenant. The first cornrany to officially recognize the Webster Zouaves were the officers and members of compctiy G. Second regiment , Nebraska Na tional guards , known as the Omcha Guards , who liave Invited the zan.ivea and their lady frlonds to attend Jfielr monthly competitive drills. Captain Dpffry , commanding the Ncely Zouaves of Memphis , Tenn. , present champions of the United Statcw , has written Informing the members tiat ! he expecta to bo ! n Omaha this sunrn : r with bis company and famous Zouave land. Giptaln Forbca of the O'llcago Zouaves also expressed the hope of belnc ; able to be here during tbo ex position , while Cusll Letchtmem of the Hale Zouaves of Kansas City hao volunteered lib services as far as -islble. i . The unirorm most In favor at present ccmprlsea dark blue bloomers , a blue Jacket , with taoty yellow trlnniilng , and white vest , a red zouave raoh. a red fez and white leggings , The new Mercer hotel , under the man agement of Dick Smith , ta gaining In popu larity dally. Table unexcelled. Special rates to regular boirdcrs : 02 rooonis with bath. Mystic flour , made of best northern wheat. r.uimrr irwiuu A MOTOH TIIAIX. Dr. Holers Kneel > il Down hy a Trol ley C'nr anil Ilnilly llrulNfil. Dr. 0. C. Hogers was run Into by an elec tric car a few mlnuteo after noen nt the corner of Thirteenth and Davenport streets , Dr. Rogers gives the following account of the accident : "I am taking a special courue at Crelgliten Medical college. I was cam- Ing from St. Joseph's hcapital to my room at 310 North Fifteenth street. When I got off the ear I rtarte-d to cress the other truck and did not know there wa ? n car coming. The car was upon mo before I knew It. 1 threw out my htnCn and they kept mo from being drawn under the car and broke the force of the blow. The cut on my hosd I * not very painful , but my leg 'a ' badly bruised , and wlipre the car hit me on the side I have terrible , pains. " Mr. nogem IIPS a great gesh In hli fore head. Just above the right eye , an4 It * Is feared that he has cuit&lned serloiu Internal Injuries. fiilon Cnriifiili-i-N , Alli-nlliin. Our regular meeting fcr Tuesday , Feb. 22 , Is postponed to Wednesday. Feb. 23 , for this week only. F. L. CUNNINGHAM , Sec. Mystlv flour , guaranteed absolutely best. I.OC'AI. IIUHVITIKS. Sheriff McDonald went to Lincoln font night , taking with him Minnie Parr , nd- ludgcd Inrcine. J ouls and August Wolf , who havelnun idling Jumping Jocks worked by Invisible black Ifirt-ads have been airested for pcd- illlng without a licence. The cases of Kitty Oweiu , Joe Hogcra , Ad- din Frasser and others , which was set for trial In pollco court yesterday , hca been postponed until Friday nt 2 o'clock. Contractor McCloud of Minneapolis , who Is to do tbn finishing work on the upper etorlcB of thu new federal building , was In Omaha yesterday. Ho will return and coiuunco the work In two weeks , The caao of Edward Peteruon and Charles Nordenberg , charged with operating nickel- In-the-slot machine * as gambling device ! * , set for hearing In police court yctterduy , was continued until next Wednentlay at 2 o'clock. Dsputy Sheriff Morgan of Glenwood , la. , with a couple of detectives , succeeded In placing under arrest Frank Sudly and Elmer Johnson , wlm are wanted In that city for an. faulting an old man and very eerlously In juring htm , The sheriff and his prisoners left for homo this morning , Thcro will be a literary entertainment glvea at Plymouth Congregational churc'j , Ivountzo Placu , on _ Monday evening under the dlrcctlou of Mrs , W. N , Dorward , The following , asiiUU-d by Mrs. C * . M. Sherrill , vowlljt , and Mauler Elmer Vmited , the Jiy soprano , will Ukc part. Mlasca Houston , 3e-frUt , Hcrvvy , Ilcnedlct , Atwood , .DorwarJ uid McadAmca Patrick. Cox , Crowley , Le , Benedict. lUyldsou and Coon of the depart ment of oratory ol Omaha Woman' * club. DEFENSE TARES ITS INNINC Begins Its ( hwinjr in Eo'jalf of Angus' ' Eostnor. PRATTS CONTRADICT STATE'S ' WITNESSES Knthrr unit Son Toll Another Story ni the KvcntM Mint Iiiiiiirillnely I''ullc Tvocl tli < * SlinotltiK nt In the case of the State against Angus Kastr.cr , the prosecution has rested and thi defense 1ms Introduced the testimony of Iti prlnclpn' ' witness , E. I ) . Pratt , sr. , an olt resident of Omaha and a man who lives tw < doors from the saloon. At the preliminary examination of thi Kaslnrrs , held In police court , Pratt was i witness for the state and his name was en dorsal on the Information to the dlstrlci court , but he was not called. The defense however , regarded him as an Important wit- noes and put him on the stand , bringing out what Is considered valuable evidence for thi prisoner. In his testimony Mr. Pratt has contradicted the 'evidence of a number of witnesses foi the stain and has also given evidence relative to what Officer Glover stated a few minute ; after the shooting occurcd. TIio morning session ot Judge Slabaugh's court convened at the usual hour , but nl 11:30 : o'clock , ho adjourned until Mondaj morning cautioning the jurors against dis cussing the Issues Involved In the case undei consideration. He also dented the request that the jurors be taken to the scene of the homicide , cbntcndlng that the plats , diagrams and photographs of the territory In the vicinity of Thirtieth and Spauldlng streets contained all the Information that could bo gathered by a visit to the premises , HUMMING FOR THE DEFENSE. Ezra Hemming , an ex-chief of detccUvcs , waa called by the defense ted asked. "A few days after the arrest of the Kaslncrs , and when Detective Hudson came to yon with the statement that he had a clew , did you not say to him , 'There Is no use running after a street car after you have got aboard ; the Kastnera arc the men we want , and we want to get the evidence against them ? ' " The county attorney objected to the wit- new answering and the objection was nus- talned , but not until after Hemming had said that he had made no ouch statement. E. D. Pratt , Jr. , again went cu the stand. The county attotncy objected to Attorney Ritchie conducting the examination , saying that when the witness WES on the stand be fore he wad questioned by Attorney Kcl- kentiey for the defense. Attorney Ritchie said that he did not dt lro to quibble over such 211 Immaterial matter , and the- further examination of the wltneso was conducted by Attorney Kel- ker.ciey. The witness said that ho saw a man be tween him and the engine house when he went out In the field where Officer Glover wca ly'ng. This man was some distance away , but was within the range of light that came from the engine house. SENIOR PHATT'S STORY. E. D. Pratt , sr. , testified to residing at 2319 Spauldlng street , two deere from the NoUon saloon. He said that be wna ac quainted with the surrounding premises and the location of the buildings around the corner of Thirtieth and Spauld'ng streets. On the night of the shooting of the two officera the witness stated that he wan at home. That night he retired at about 10:30 : o'clock. At about 3 o'clock the following morning he was aroused from his slumbein by the report of guns. Getting out of bed , he ran to the doer on the east side of the house and looked out. The night was very dark and It was raining , Just n light rain. Witness could see nothing. After that wlt- iiois again went to the door and beard a man cry out , "God , I'm ahot. " Going back Into the room of the house , witness called hlo son , E. D. Pratt , Jr. , who dressed ancl"went out to the man who was shot. Witness then dressed and went out doors , going to where Glover was lying. When witness reached Glover that officer told him that he had been shot , but by whom ho could not say. "I naked him If he could not give rae some description of tne parties who did the shoot- ins. " "What did he say ? " asked Attorney Ritchie. "Ho said that It was so dark that be could not see the men or distinguish their forms or clothes. " Standing over Glover , witness tald that he could sec the outline of his form , but could not dlrccrn his features. "What Is the condition of your eyesight , Mr. Pratt ? " "Very good , " answered the witness. Wltn-ss said that he , his son , E. D. Pratt , | r. , Mr. Clark and Mr. Fox carried Glover to Iho engine house. "Did you eeo Donald Rllcy at the point where Glover was lying ? " "No , sir ; there were no persons there jut my son Clark , Fox nnd myself. " Riley had testified heretofore that ho was > ne of the first men to go to Glover after ho shooting. TOO DARK TO SEE. When Clark came up to where witness vas standing , the witness could not see ilm until ho reached his side. This , witless - less said , was duo to the fact that the ileht was so dark. From the point where Glover was lying witness could not ECO the front of the snglno house , at the corner of Thirtieth and 3pauldlng streets , nor could he see the : ghts In the front of the building. Wlt- ICHSCS for the state had testified that from vhcro Glover was lying after ho was shot hey could look Into the front of the engine louse In question. Going Into Nelson's saloon with several ithcr parties , after leaving the engine house , vltness saw three beer glasses standing on ho top of the counter. All of the glasses lad the appearance of having been used. iVItncEscs for the state bad testified that hero was but one beer glass upon the coun- or. Referring to a conversation with Nelson , vhllu In the saloon on the morning of the diootlng , witness said that a tout one-half if a keg of beer had been taken. The llghia on the corner of Thirtieth and ipauldtng streets could not have been icon from where Olover was lying owing 6 the Irtorvcnlng buildings. Cress-examined , Mr. Pratt again detailed ho occurrences attending the shooting of Mllcers Tledcman and Glover. The tcstl- nony was substantially a repetition of that ; lvon on direct. When witness first reached Jlovor , he. Glover , appeared much frightened ind his talk seemed to be Incoherent. Witness denied that on one occasion he aid to a man named Warrlck : "Glover was u such a condition and suffering from paine o D.-at I could hardly niflko him under- land. " Ho also denied having said to IHem- ulng about a week before the preliminary paring , "I did not notice the condition of he bar of the saloon on the morning of ho sliontlng. " Ho nlao denied having said a Hemming. "Nelson told me that there wag ut one beer glass en the bar arid that the : astuers were the parties who committed ho crime. " Asked If he had any Interest In Iho case , knees replied : "Only In the Interest of tiftlce , " On re-drect | examination the witness said hut In police court ho was subpoenaed by lie mate , UvrrriilvN IIu Uriiuirrrr. The contending factions In the Douglas lounty Agricultural society lined 'up before udgo Scott , where the old olllceru won tbo rat legal round. At tbo December meeting of tbo Douglau iounty Agricultural society O. J. 'Ickard and his associates were succeeded iy G , It. Williams and his associate * . The Id olllcers charge that Williams and bis fol- jwers were Illegally elected. Then the mat er went Into court and now Judge Scott boa verruled the demurrer ot Williams to the otltlon and given the defendants seven daya [ i which to answer. Ileforo the adjournment of court all of the artles expressed a desire for an early and pcedy trial. Judge Scott considered the natter and fiald that he would advance the cso In order to allow it to iio tried at thld crin of court. Another Suit AKulint CJriiblr , The Arlington Chemical company baa sucJ ' . 0. arable &ud M. L. Parrotte to an actlou I to recover the sum not (2,690 , alleged to bo I due on a draft presented and aot paid. Thn plaintiff asks thatji P rrottc be r < wi-alneil ! from designing on. cancelling A judgment which ho secured axnlnst dtoble a few days plnco. Arguments on the applkatlon for a permanent Injunction will bo made before Judge Fawcett -FMiruary 26 ftl 10 o'clock In the morning ol-thnt day , \otra from tliv Court" . George E. Stoltosiha * secured an Injunction that restrains O'Moll & Gilbert from bringing suit and attaching hie salary due from the firm for which he now works. H , Q. Candec and John 13. Smith have asked to bo allowed to Intervene In o suit brought by M. U Parrotto against 1 \ C. Grn- ble. They also ask that the Judgment ren dered In favor of Parrotto be set ocldc. Arraigned In criminal court before Judge Slnbaugh. the following parties pleaded not guilty : Savannah Reed , grand larceny ; Naomi emi Alpherson and James Benson , burglary. Frank E. Moores has appealed from the findings of tbo county commissioners , wherein fees aggregating $4,693 wore disal lowed. Moorfn claims that the fees were earned white ho wna clerk of the district nnd that ho has a legal clnlm-agalnst the county for the full amount. MIMTAUY MKCOHI ) . CnrcL-r of rJrinTiilIiiiiIliiKtoii In The Army and Navy Journal has this com plimentary notice of General M. I. Ludlng- ton , well known In Omaha , recently made quartermaster general of the United States army : "As has bean anticipated , the president sent this week to the senate the appointment mentof Colonel Marshall I. Ludlngton , as sistant quartermaster general , U. S. A. , the senior of his grade , to succeed Brigadier General George II. Weeks , quartermaster general , \\tio was retired for ago on Feb ruary 3. "The military record of General Ludlngton Is , cs we have heretofore stated , of the very host , and personally ho Is one of the most courteous and kindly gentlemen In the army. Ho was born at Smttlifleld. Somefset county , Pa , , on July 4 , 1S39 , so that his lease of the position will expire on the glorious Fourth of 1003. In October , 1S01 , ho received the ap pointment of captain and assistant quarter master of volunteers. In August , 1SCI , he , then a major , \vas chief quartermaster of the Second army corps , and a few months later attained the grade of colonel , nnd was de tailed chief quartermaster of the Department of Washington. His duties were arduous and responsible , and were at all times per formed with fidelity and energy. Ho was present In maay cngagemerts , Including the Chanccllorsvlllo and Gettysburg campaigns , the Wilderness , Spottsylvanla Court House and campaign In front of Petersburg. He held the position of chief quartermaster , Department of Washington , until July , 1SR7 , having la the meantime , Janucry 18 , 1867 , been appointed major and quartermaster In the regular establishment. In October , 1867. he was assigned to duty at Santa Fe , and from that time forward las : held Important positions cs chief nnd depot quartermaster , in every section of the country , hia last po sition , wblcfi ho HOW relinquishes , being chief qunrtcrmostcr of the Department nf thr East. Ho holds four brevets , major , lieuten ant colonel , colonel and brigadier general , for his services during the war. " ' duties which "Tho Impor'ant and onerous he now goes to Washington to enter upon are by eio means unknown to him , for he was on duty In the quartermaster general's office from 1S70 to 1S75 , again for a rcw months In 1S83 and , again as principal as sistant from July , 1S90 , to December , 1804. The appointment U a , most excellent one In every respect , and we beg to offer our hearty congratulatlccs. " Most successful Chinese physician In America , Dr. Gee Loy , cor. 13th and Douglas. HKV GIVIW TO UKl'MMKHS. Triivrlltif ; Mvn Kiitrrtiiliieil at the Coinnierelnl-CIuli. Lai't night the Commercial'club was'the ' sccno of an enjoyable 'reception ' given hy the Traveling Men's Transmlsslsslppl club. More than fifty traveling men , together with their wives and sweethearts , were present to hear the speech of welcome tendered to them by President Daum of the Commercial club. He bestowed high praise upon the traveling men and emphasized the Important part they plaj In the succesy or failure of the wholesaler. Mr. Strceter , president of the Traveling Mi-n's Transmls lsi-lppl club , responded. O. C. Holmes , secretary nf the Manufacturers' ' association , made a short address and intro duced J. F. Hummel of Grand Irland , a traveling man , whom Mr. Holmes recom mended as a man who could make a speech. Mr. Hummers subject was "A DrummerV Grip , " nnd he treated it In an effective man. ner. ner.After the speaking , the evening was given over to dancing and card playing , and the visiting mem'bers left with only words of praise for the plcarant time afforded them 'by ' the Omaha travelers. Don't EJinoj- others By your coughing , and risk your life by neglecting a cold. One Min ute Cough Cure cures coughs , colds , croup grippe nd all throat and lung troubles. For Whipping u XViitt'linuin. Dennis Henley WHS arraigned In polloe court yesterday on n charge of assault nnd buttery preferred by Pat Roach , a watchman for the Missouri Piu-ltlc. Ranch testified that one evening last wecU he warned n crowd of small boys to keep off of some freight cars which were being Hblftcd from ono portion of the yard to the other. A smull brother of Hriiley'o refused to comply nnd Roach wis obliged to pull him from n car nnd escort him by the ear to tno limits of the yard. At thin juncture. the older brother appenrcd on the scene and without asking any questions knocked the wntchmnn down ami kicked him In the fnce. Ile.-iley Is a bmwny young hlnckHinlti nnd the face of his adversary after ho hud fin ished looked like an underdone hamburger steak. After henrlnp the evidence In the cnso Judge Gordon lined Healcy ? l"i and costs. Knc Mr * . IVIrth. Mrs. Minnie Wlrtb , proprietress of a beer garden nt Tenth nnd Harnoy streets , who wns arrested for selling liquor to a minor. wits fined (25 nnd oosts In Judge Gordon's court yesterday. The complaln-int In tbo cafe was Mrs. Arthur Campbell , sister of Charles A. Antlll , to whom It la alleged the Intoxicants were sold. Antlll visited tbo garden December 12 , and while drink ing bosr at a table , accidentally dropped a silver dollar upon tbn Moor. IJefore ho could regain it a stranger sitting at the same table pli'Ued It up and tried to escape. Trouble followed , and Antlll was arrested and lined } , ' > and c.QBts for lib ) part In the iiffnlr. The case lias been appealed by Mrs. Wlrth. _ liinli < > i ' .MIIUpuiiKli In Tin vn. Bishop Frank. Mlllspiugh , Episcopal bishop of Kansuu , IB In the city , ami will preach nt Trinity , cathedral both morning and evening. At 4 o'clock tliU afternoon the blBlvp will preach at the Church of St. Philip- the Uftican. Tomorrow evtnlng Bishop and Mrs. Mltlspaugh will be ten dered a reception ati the Onrdner Memorial parish house. Tho- affair will bo In charge of the dean nndi the vestry of Trinity cathedral. The hour < will ba from 8 to 9. iinuiliiLoMCK n ! , ( ) . U It. HaBsett , a/switchman employed by the Union Paclllci-'compuny In the Union de-pot yards , was bnoaked down by a flying car and very Jierloiisly. Injured , The wheels passed over his left ) leg , crushing the bone nnd leaving the > .mnmber . hanging to the trunk by mere tthrtds of llcsh. He was picked up by his comrades and taken In the company's ambulance to St. Joseph's hos pital. It wns found , necessary to amputate tne Injured member.Hassett will survive. Co u nly Com in In * I one TH. The meeting1 of the county commissioners called for yesterday has bc-en postponed until February 28 , at which time the committee will report upon thu proposition of turning- an additional 5,000 of the proceeds of the exposition bond * over to the exposition an- t-oclatlon. A resolution looking to this end was Introduced at thu last meeting of the boa rj and wns referred. It la understood that moat of thu commissioners favor the proposition. 1 1 IKl l < in n ii Curler HI-II-OHIM ! , Lot Carter , the hackmnn who was accused a few nights ago of robbing a farmer from Avoca , In. , named James Myers , has been discharged from custody , as there Is noth ing to show that any such act had been com mitted. In the evidence adduced It was dem onstrated that Myers had possessed but Jl Instead of (45 ns ha had asserted , and It was further uhown where he had spent thu greater poni u ( it In dissipation. FRENCH IS IN A CELL NOW Held to Answer to Two Very Eerlons Charges. SEQUEL TO A SPREE IN DECEMBER llnlnril tlir Money by Cnftlilnp : Drnftn Which ICvcnlnallj- Prove to lie WurlliU-KH nntl In XCMV CniiKlit. D. E. French wns arrested last night on n charge of obtaining meiiey under false pre tense * . It Is possible that a charge of forgery may1 bo lodged agalnat him. French claims to be an ngrat for a certain mrrccry firm of Fremont. Neb. , of which B. E , Fields Is treasurer. Last December French came to Omaha and after picking up some con genial companions started In to round up the town. He had a llttlo money and ths ! amount was quickly dtcatpatcd. Ho there upon signed a sight draft upon the firm which ho pretended to represent , on a form which he asserted had been made out by the treasurer of the company. The draft , which was for $15 , was cashed by W. F. Garrlty , a saloon keeper at N'lnth and Caji- Itol avenue. In due course of time the draft came back from Fremont protested. French , however , had disappeared. Previous to leaving the city , however , French cached another draft for a similar amount with Nick Yager , a restaurant keeper at Twelfth and Farnam streets. This draft was also dishonored. An endeavor was made by the local police to locate French at that time , but It failed. Yesterday Garrlty chanced to aeo him In a store and he hurried to police headquarters and bad the necessary papers Issued for bis arrest. French , when arraigned , pleaded not guilty to the charge preferred and a hearing In the case was set for Monday nt 2 o'clock. The prisoner asserts that the matter will be made right within a few days and that he bad itmied the drafts while under the In fluence of liquor , when he was not respon sible for his actions. Ho. was unable to secure bend and wus locked up to await further hearing. Mystic flour , sold everywhere ; suits all. Micn.vii , i.MriiiiK.vs IMVACU riiLMcn. \VliolcNiile Itnlil Mil < li ; 1 > y I'olluo mid Mnny 'ArrpNti'il. ' A wholesale raid was made on the resort of 'Michael ' Mullen , Sixteenth and Davenport streets , last night and twenty-three people wdro arrested , thirteen of them belug women. Tbo arrest was made under orders from the chief of police , who considered that the place was being run contrary to the order of the Board of Fire and Police com missioners. The proprietor was charged with selling liquor without a license and with running a disorderly house , and bis bonds vero fixed at J500. The others were charged with being inmates of a disorderly house. Mullen said he had opened his garden yes terday afternoon , but had sold no liquor erIn In any other way disobeyed the order of the board. There was no program except music and ho said that no disorderly conduct had been allowed in tbo place. ClcjIlllllHT ( IlC Sl < l < MVIllUH. - The snow that thawed this forenoon made the crosswalks once more nearly Impassable and the Board of Public Works has a small gang of men at work clearing off the cross ings In the down town district. This Is all the relief that the council appropriation will idmlt , but tbo board Is making arrangements Tor a thorough cleaning up as soon as the [ rest Is out of the ground. M'KXS ULACKKKKT HKSUIIVATIO.V. It IN All .Mlin-nil I.iuul mill a ( irt-iit HiiMli IH I0\i 'eli'il. ST. PAUL , Minn. , Feb. 19. A special from vallspel , 'Mont , , says It Is announced from that the ceded portion of the Blaokfcet reservation along the eastern slope of the Rockies will be opened for occupation and exploration under the provisions of the mining laws of the United States about Feb ruary 25. This was formerly the largest Indian reservation in the country. By a recent order of President McKlnley the portion of the ceded strip that was In the Helena laud district has been transferred to the public domain , and all applications for patent must be .filed at the newly established Kall- spel agency. It has 'been determined by the commis sioner of the general land office that pro visions of the act will be strictly followil and simply filing of approved plan of survey In the Kallspcl land office will determine the date of the opening of the reservation. There will -bo no public notlco given In advance of date of the opening. It Is well understood -that there Is a valu able mineral belt In this ceded strip and a good sized Klondike rush In that section may be expected. 'Rich ' copper , silver and gold prospects have been noticed for some time , and the only reason that miners have not gcno in 'before this was on account of govern ment restrictions. This range Is the same on which Helena , the state capital , and a famous gold camp. Is located , and also IHitte , the greatest cop per camp In the world. I'HIISU.VAI. I'AltACilArilS , iBert Ford of Chicago Is at the 'Mercer ' , Ixyd Scruggs of ' ! . Louis Is at the Mll- lard. lard.O O , Reynolds of Tcrro Haute Is a Mercer L'i'icst. E. C.Mex of New York Is stopping at the Mlllanl , J. T. Adams of Dubuquc Is registered at the Mlllanl. W. H. Babcock left last nlg'it on a short western trip. George AV. Hall of Ord , Neb. , Is registered at the Mercer , Mr. and Mrs , W. H. Watson of St. Louis la at the Millard , J. C. Von De Water ofNew - York Is regis tered at the Millard. M. C. Keith a cattle raiser of North Platte Is stopping at a local hotel. 0 , IHozerson , a cattleman of 'Buffalo ' , Wyo. , arrived In Omaha yesterday. J. W. King , a railroad aian of St. Louis , la In 'tho city on a visit with friends. L. Welsh and John Gllligan of Now York are traveling mon stopping at the Barker. Charles M. Tolcott cf tno Pullman com pany Is spending a few weeks In Tampa , Fla. H , M. Iloydston , a prominent resident of Nebraska City , Is registered at the Millard. Bert Brown and William 'M. ' Jennings of Chicago are spending Sunday at the Barker. Judgp Howard of Papllllon spent yester day In the city and left last night for DCS Molnes. II , Willlard and wife of Nashville , Tcnn. . liavo taken permanent quarters at the 'Bar ker. ker.L. L. A. Bell of Chicago , general western agent of the Plant Railway uiul Hotel sys tem , Is at the Millard. Mrs. Ingram , J. J. Sherlock and J , P. Johnson of Kearney areIn the city on a short visit with friends , The Carsello Sisters , vaudevilles at Iho Crclghtnn theater this week , are- making their headquarters at the 'Barker. Thomas IH. Thorpe , traveling passenger agent fcr the Pennsylvania Central , with headquarters In Chicago , Is'at the Millard. 'Nobraskans at the hotels : C. 0. Murphy , Wood Lake ; A. F. Lamb , 'Rocltford ' ; II , II. Vincent , Stuart ; J. P. Gibbon. Kearney ; AV. E. Norton , Qresliatn ; Gcorgo P. Garrison , Chadron ; W. M. Butler , Weeping Water ; Charles A. Crab , Lincoln ; Mrs. Ingram , Kearnty ; II. M. Boydaton , Nebraska City ; Mrs. G. WHmott. Gothcnborg ; W. G , Gregg , Nebraska City ; II , T. Ward , Tccumsch ; A. II , Noble , Hamburg. DIKII , nOUNDS-Ellzabeth Cordelia , aged 23 yearn , ( laughter of J , J. Hounds , 4333 Franklin street , February 19 , 1&9S. Funeral notlco later , Selling Out the 99 Cent Store. \ Everything in this immense stock to bo closed out nt once. Only eight days in our present quarters. We're willing to take any sacrifice'rather than move the stock it's a great opportunity to get reliable mer chandise at a fraction of its value GENT DISOOUNT tomorrow on everything in the store Don't wait un til too late to get these bargains All of our Fancy Goods 20 per cent discount All of our Pocket Books 20 per cent discount All of our China 20 per cent discount- All of our Glassware 20 per cent discount All of our Lamps 20 per cent discount All of our Toys 20 per cent discount All of our Kitchen Goods 20 per cent discount The 99 Cent Store , 1319 Faruam St. Where it Belongs A bottle of clrgant Kicyiitlnn I'Otiis Crfnm be longs on your ilrci'sor. And before you rttlrc npply It thoriiRiily to Miur lumilx uml lips ind when you are rlceplnB the plecp of the rlchteous Hint's tic : time the Knypttan Ixitus Crcnm il. > 'S Ito work nicorilliiK to Hoj-le , It sells for only 10 cents u battle. t'lminlierlHlu'H Cough Cure IOC Miulnmr Ynle's lliilr Tonic We Mmlnnie Ynle'n Frultlcura t > Sc Mmlnitie Yule's Iwi Freoldti Mo C'nrtcrs Lvcr Pills ISO 1'oml Lily Cream 19o Scott's Kimilflon CTc I'lnaud'H I vim ik' Qulnlnr 2So a 1 CCc Stinirt's Dyi-iKMiela Tablets 23o Pyramid Pile Curt ; SOo lllrney ( ! cm Ottatrh Powder Ko Duffy Malt Whlhkoy f-Oc \Vnrner'n Snfe euro FO' Hood's Sumirmrllla Clc William's Pink 1'llls 3T.c Mnltlnu 1'rciiurntlons 7r 3 ruiiioli ! Juniper Jl.OO 1'lerco'H Favorite Prescription C''c 1'e-ru-nn. 7Go S .f. S 70c Hontetter'H Hitters Tld Ulcctrlc Hitters -IClo Sj-rup of Figs 32o Malted Mlllc 3Sc , Tf.0 nnd $3.0 ' Bugle Ilrnml Condensed Mill : lile Vine Kolnfr.i 75o COT 1 > RICE DRUtiOIST , lOth auil Clilcairu SI * . HAYDEET BROS. Selling Good SIMM Cheap The barpalns for tomorrow are In every box of Hhoes In this hou.se. Nothing .short of gulHK b.irefooted will save you tic money that we can In coed footwear not the chenp shoddy floods but shoes made by the beat factories In this country Ladles' Rubbers 25c Ladles' Pine $2. 3 Luce Shoes' Ladles' Pine $3.M ffi JO Luce Shoes qJ .HtO MlHscH1 Kino Sl.r-0 Qfir < * Kid Button Shoes -OC Misses' Uice Shoes Fine $2.00 Jpi. RiC = Child's Pine $1.0 > ) 65c liiitton Sboes Infunts' Fine GOe f\r < Moecuslns * S JU Men's $1.75 $1.25 . I > : ice Shoes Men's Luce Fine Shoes J2.50 Calf $1 98 Hoys' Lace $1.50 Shoes $1.20 Youth's J1.3T. Lace Shoes SELLING GOOD SHOES CHEAP. NOTHING MAKES A WOMAN smile so pleasantly as a hot fire without smoke or soot will do this every time. VICTOR WIMTIv , Telephone 127. 16(15 I'AHNA.M Wo are still hoadqu irlera for Mineral Wntern of all kinds and uro pn pared to name the lowest prices on all kinds of Wa ters when taken In dozen or cano qunntles. \Ve ( juoto below fome ni-t prices on ( Min eral Waters when taken In FULL CASES nnd BOTTLES RETW.S'KP to our store. Ozonato Llthla , quarts , per bottle Ho Ilnro-Llthla , quarts , per hottlu Ho \Vutikvnhii. Hyeelii. quarto , per bottle . . lOo Colf.tx Water , quarts , per l ottli > lOo Horo-Llthla , pints , per bottle 9e Itemember the prices named nre the prlcea per bottle when taken In full i-ase quanti ties nnd HOTTLKS Iliyri'KNKU TO Uf ) , Wrlto for cntalouge. Sherman &l8cConnell Drug Go 1513 DODGE ST. MIDDLE OP BLOCK , OMAHA , NI3H , "Tin : 'I' nil u l < > Deliver Via the UNION PACIFIC. Leaves Omuba at 11:55 : p. m. ONLY TUAIN OMAHA TO DENVBR having buffet , smoking and library care. Sleeper on wratbound train will ho open to traveling public at 9 p , m. , nnd persons bound for Colorado poijils need pot wait until train learea at midnight before retiring - tiring , Kor full Information call at city ticket ofllco , No. 1302 Karnara ttrcct. Ic ; & Swoboda. norlm * . ; : il F&rnam Si 'Phono ' 1E01. PulniK , cut llowuia and floral designs A. D. T , Co. ; meisonneri furnlsbtd ; bag- gagg delivered , 1302 Douglas m. Tel , 177. Everything That Goes Into The for Is the sninius in thobost $ f > or 50 shoo material , woi-kmnnslilp , finish , stvlu ' in fnotis tlu- , ; imo slice in nil thinys'oxcont , in price , which is Thrco llfty SJ.60. It is the only line wo curry Regent 83.5U shoo for mon ; i store full to select from no marked down job lot , but mi up-to-auto shoo , sold during the whole yeur for FIFTY no more , no lens. CALF , KANGAKOO. CORDOVAN PATENT LEATHER , ENAMEL , VICI 1C D AND TANS. All the latest styles and toes. Wo arc hero to stay. Como in nnil look don't ncod to buy if you don't wish. REGENT : HOE GO , 205 S. 15th Street. Karbach Block , Omaha. BILLIARD MATCH Between Hurry Symes. champion of Ne braska , and William O'Toole , champion of Minnesota , at Murray Hotel lllllard Par lors , for a purse , of $100. KCO points COO each night M Inch balk line. Monday and Tues day evenings , l Yb. 21 nnd 22 , commencing at 8 o'clock. Mr. O'Too'e ' will give an exhibi tion of fancy llngir shots at tliu close of each game. All lovers of billiards Invited. Is to keep on hand at rea sonable prices all Tools needed by the artisan whether it be Carpenter , Machinist , Moulder , Bricklayer or Electrician. Our prices are right. Our tools are right. Jas. Morton & Son Go. 1511 Hedge St. 10 TO 1 YOU'LL LIK ! OUR FIVE CENT JERSEY , for tlio rutiwin that HH tlio bctit flvo cent CiL'iir Hold in the city. But Hhouldn't you like it , wo'vo all other loading brands both fi mid 10 centers , and no matter what kind ol a cigar you like wo'll iileaBo you. If wo Jmvon't ( rot In utcek wo'll rrdor it. Wo muko a specialty of box trade. Paxton Block iigar Store. IGthaiul FAUNAM. JACOIt JAHKAMMC , I'ropr. o-o-oo-o \ oo-oo-o-o Wednesday February 23rd. At the dental iarlor of the New York Dental Co. teeth will bo ex tracted Free Without Pain Ilrlng thu nd with you sure an It entltloB you to have your troublesome - some teeth out without coat , \VollllfKllll ) I ) II. 1U. ( O ! p. 111 , New York Dental Co. , 1)11. ) OUiMMF.lt. Met , I6lh nnd Douglas Sis. Over Curt- wrlfht'a Shoe Store. i Kunrtiiyj , 9 to 1 p , ni , Lidy attend- dant. Q-O-OO OO-OO-OO-OO