TUB OMAHA DAILY JJEIC : ifljLTN D A Y , FEBRUARY 30 , 1898. I CURRENT NEWS OF INTEREST" FROM IOWA. I COUNCIL BLUFFS- JIl.MMl M Try Mooro's stock food. Dr Hoc. dniitHt. Merrlam block. KKS two doz . 25c. Dartcl & Mlllor. Photos Platlno or Arl .lo. Shorrailen. Klnnc. KIro Insur.ince , Haldwln block. IX- Drown , dentist , room 301 , Merrlam blk. .Tames Meyers of Avoca called In the city jrstcrday. A T Kox of Oakland vlKltcJ In the city yesterday. E J , Young of Atlantic called In the city Yesterday T U. Trlssel of DCS Molnea called on the city yesterday. C. H. Stlmoon of Red Oak uaa n guest In the city yesterday. t H Atwmd of ORilcn was In the city on bu.ilni-ss yesterday. John Schoentgcn went to St. Louis lust cvonlnz on business. Grocer John Olson Is the happy father of twin slrs. ! teccntly born. W II. I.yddell of Taylor was In the city yosteiday visiting friends. John and Anna Slnnct of Avoca were shop- pliiK In the city yesterday. C. C. V.'oodrnm of Thurman was In the city on biislncfft yesterday. J. N Harrison of Charter Oak was in the clton business yesterday. M C. Foster of Anthon was among the Kucsts In the city yesterday. S , It , Plnchem of Mnlvorn waa a business visitor In the city yesterday. It Hverctt Karnham of Tahor college was a guest In the elty yesterday. Will Manilla of Kxlrn was In the city ycstcrdaj calling on friends. Henry Pchoenlg of Olcnwood was a bus- liicai visitor in the city yesterday. Jatucs N Cnaady. Jr. , returned yesterday from a business trip through Iowa. W C Swartz of Silver City transiicte.il bus ness In Council Illuffs yesterday. GeorgeKudlo received a telegram that called him to the Ulack Hills last evening. J K. HalloiiKi-r of Moulton , la. . ! s visit- Ins his brother , 11. A. Dallengcr , 721 Willow avenue. r II. Hill of the Kinpkle-Shugarl com pany Is making a business trip through Ne braska. Samuel Wellur has cone to Loveland to organl/o a lodge of the Fraternal Union of America iMr. and Mw. Milton Scott and FOII of Lin coln , Neb. , are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. IJ. A. llliser. Mrs J S. Strain has gone to Shcnandoah to attend her aged mother , who fell and was sorlounly Injured a few days ago. M K llobrer has retuined from Missouri , where ho visited his brother , S. I ) . Rohrer , who Is now treasurer of Livingston county. Don't you think It must bo a pretty good laundry that can please so many hundreds of ci'iitomers ? Well that's the "Eagle , " 724 Hroadway. Superintendent Itothcrt of the Iowa School for the Deaf has returned from Des Molncs , v , hero ho went KI business connected with thu Institution. A telegram has been received from the War deijartment by the friends of young Mc.Mamis announcing his death at the hos pital In Havana. Ilov T F. Thick-stun will preach at the residence of Mr. McCreary of Avenue A , be tween Twenty-sixth and Twenty-seventh streets , this evening. The oane of the Council llluffa Savings fcank agnlnst N. W. Williams was given to the Jwy yesterday forcr.oon , but up to the last report last night no vordlct had been reached. D. W. Otis has returned from DCS Molncs , whoto ho attended the meeting of the state league of the Iowa Domestic Building and Loan association. He was elected one of the state legislative committee. Mrs. Macrae. Jr , and Treynor have re turned from Crcston , where they attended a meeting of the Southwestern Iowa Medical poclety. The society will hold Its next mid summer meeting In this oily. The Degree team of Council camp , No. 14 , Woodmen of the World , Is giving a series of danced to raise funds to purchase uniforms for the team. The second of the series will bo given on next Tuesday evening. Council niuffs lodge , No. 79 , Fraternal Union of America , will give a free entertain ment on Tuesday evening , March 1 , In Mar cus hall. The program will consist of epccchcs , recitations and music , Instrumental And vocal. The next social of Palm Grove , No. 11 , Woodmen of the Wcrld , will bo held next Tuesday evening at the homo of Mrs. Hoon on Washington avenue near Ilenton street Instead of at the homo of MTS. Hitchcock , s was previously announced. A gas Jet wan left partially open In one of the rooms of the Kiel hotel on Friday night and the occupant of the room was partially overcome by the escaping gas. The danger was discovered by the clerk and the party awakened In tlmo to save any serious trouble. No use talking nonsense In any adver- tlsi-ment. State only plain facts and be ready to substantiate them. Send us your now shirts for one year. If they arc not In condition to wear at the end of that period \vo will replace them by new ones , exactly as they were when new. The reliable II luff City laundry. ( We're easy on clothes. ) Mrs. Frank Krucger , who has been con fined to her home. 151 Vine street , by Ill ness , eluded the vigilance of her friends on Friday night and while suffering temporary aberration wandered out of thn house and on to the street. She was missed In u few minutes and an earnest search was Insti tuted , but she was not found until she had gone many blocks from her home and was in the vicinity of the Merrlam block on Main street. The newest comedy and musical success , "A Jay In New York , " will appear at Do- liany'ti theater tonight. It is highly en dorsed by the leading critics as a huge laugh maker. The musical numbers are new and the play throughout Is very funny. The feature of the performance will bo the animated music sheet , Introducing tho' entire company singing "Mamie Hetlly. " The play is a leading comedy success and should ho greeted by n crowded house. The Knoxall council , Hoyal Arcanum , of South Omahn has extended an Invitation to thu Fidelity council of this city to attend a ball and banquet to bo given by that lodge. on next Tucwday evening and Fidelity coun cil has accepted the Invitation. The I'lo- iieer and Union 1'aclfla lolgrs of Omaha will also attend. Music- will bo furnished by the ( Fort Crook band and the banquet will bo torved In thu council hull , which Is one of the largest halls in the \\est. A large number from the local councils will attend and u special car has been tecureUtor this purpose. _ C. 11. Vluva Co. , It-male remedy : consulta tion free. Cilice hours , 9 to 1 ! ind 2 to 3. Health Look furnished. 3C-32T-3S Merrlam block. _ N. Y. Plumbing company. Tel. 2CO. Jo'sey Cream Hour the best bread maker , at Ilirtcl & Miller's , 100 Broadway. r Ili'nl ICnlalc TrniiMforx. The following transfers lire reported from the till" and loun olllee of J. W. Squire , 101 1'eurl street : Kllen M. Krlnulo nml husband to John 1 > . Wnlkcr , lota 10 and 11 , blk 19 , KVUII'B 2d lirldte add. , w , d . JCW IVter Kgnn Jr. , nnd wife to John Ho.ine. lot 2 nml wtst two feet IX 1 , blk 8S , Ncolii , ( i. c. d . , . . . . . , . . . 1 Slvnry H. Oberholtzer iiml wife to Ports mouth Savings bank , blks 11 nnd 12 , 3rd mid. , q. c. U . , 1 Throe trannfer . total . , . , . . . JCOJ Marriage licenses were Issued yesterday da follows : Nunio nnd AildrvrB. Age. Olio C , OtHviii I'ottuwattamlu county . . . 1 Currlo C. 1'oters , rottawiittamle county. * j Joseph SchwurKer , Council liluffa . . . . . . . . 25 Antotil ICrainurlchi Council Uluffa 2 . * , \t'-"W.affrrtif + \ - CURSE FOLLOWS CRANDALLS Fath r and Three Ohildrsn Afflicted with Terrible Insanity. SAD STORY OF A STRICKEN FAMILY NO Tal - . One . \flrr Another lit llc of 'AH Hint MiMllcnl Trrntinviit or Ailvluu Can Do for Them. A raving maniac created excitement at the transfer depot yesterday morning when the Union Paclflc-Northwcstcrn train arrived here from the west. Ho was a passenger in charge of two keepers , but escaping their .vigilance ho rushed from the sleeping car and started on a wild run through the rail road yards In the direction of the river. The attendants followed the madman and finally overtook and carried htm back to the train. He will be confined In a private asylum for the Incurable Insane at Chicago , and thereby hangs a story of the mental downfall of a whole family , the chapters of which are drawing to a close with the passIng - Ing of this Individual. Moro than a quarter of a century ago Charles Wiley Crandall was , a prosperous young merchant In Elkhart , Ind. About this tlmo he was married to a very popular so ciety belle of Louisville , Ky. , and removed to Logan , Utah , with his bride , where he I settled. The result of the union was three children , the eldest of whom , a daughter , grew ui > to be an unusually lovely girl. Both [ of the sons gave promise of robust man hood during their earlier years , but In the young boy first developed the malady which has since caused so much grief and havoc In the family. The Crandalls had lived In Cogan about eight years when Mrs. Crandall died. About this time the younger boy developed symp toms of a frequent lapse of memory and nervous troubles. He was sent to a retreat In Salt Lake City for treatment , hut his condition grow worse , so that he finally lost h'.a reason and died. About two > ears later Crandall's surviving sou fell a victim. One day he complained of a bursting headache and the next mornIng - Ing his mind had been totally dethroned. Ho was sent by his father to the asylum for the Insane at Mount Pleasant , la. The death of this child caused Crandall to go d stracted with grief. He took the body back j to Logan , where It was Interred In the little cemetery there beside the remains of the I boy's mother and brother. i Crandall was prosperous as a business man. his Interests having been extended from those of a mere country merchant to productive Investments In valuable mining properties. He had sent his daughter to a boarding school in Salt Lake City and there Is where she was stricken. Every possible care aim attention that the medical profes sion and money lavishly spent could pro vide availed nothing. Before she could bo returned to her homo ehe was hopelessly Insane. Crandall refused to permit her to I he taken to an asylum and cared for her at home. She declined llko her brothers and i died an Imbecile. Another grave was dug I In the lot In the cemetery at Logan and j thorc the remains were laid at rest. | This additional affliction to Crandall i caused him to lese all Interest In the com- I munlty where ho had resided for so many years , and winding up his business he set tled his small fortune safely and became a wanderer. Several weeks ago ho arrived In Denver , where he finally began to de velop symptoms of Insanity. He was placed under the charge of a celebrated alienist , but his case was pronounced hopeless from the beginning. A week ago it was deter mined to confine him In some retreat , and as his fortune was found to be ample to pro vide a private Institution for him It was de termined to send him to Chicago. The at tendants who had the man In charge said that ho was now hopelessly Insane and that hla disease had taken a violent turn which was a fatal Indication. icon TII 13 MIMOIUAI : , SKHVICKS. rroiHiniticniN for ( lie Siirclnl lIvcrdsi'N at flullromluny Church. A la'go number of men and women spent all of yesterday afternoon decorating the In terior of the Broadway Methodist church for the memorial services th.it will bo held there this evening In memory of the gallant rallors who perished with the battleship Maine. The work was completed , and the church will today present an unusual sight. The decorations will Indicate the national calamity that has befallen the people as well as the personal bereavement suffered by a number of citizens of Council Bluffs. Abundance - dance of black and white drapery has been tastefully disposed around the altar and on the walls of the church. Back of the altar the walls are covered with two immense American Hags. Flowers and growing plants will ulbo be placed around the altar. The exercises will follow no set program , but will bo appropriate for the occasion. A number of short speeches will be made , eu logizing the bravery of the men who perished und pointing out the duty of all citizens In the present crkils. Special music will be pro vided by the choir. An especial Invitation has been extended to oil of the ifrlends and relatives of the young men who lost their lives 'In the Ha- \unu harbor to bo present. The fame in vitation has been extended to all of the local military societies. A distinctive feature of the memorial serv ices will be the exercises set apart for the commemoration of the life and work of MUw Frances E. Wlllard , whoso ( loath Is also a rational calamity. All of the members of the Woman's Christian Temperance nnlon In the city will ta'te part In these services , and brief eulogies of the life and character of Miss Wlllard and her wcrk for the uplifting of mankind will bo delivered by local speak ers , The sen Ices wll begin at 7:30. : Photos , two for lOc , six for 25c. Popular Price gallery , 541 B'd'y. Open Sundays. Photo buttons , latest out. A fine lot of fresh smelts. Special price , 10 oentf per pound , Sullivan , 343 Bway. IIOJM AlHMINI'tl Of Mtl'llllllK. In 4h police court yesterday morning joung Chesney , the colored boy commonly known as "Snowball , " asked for further tlmo to dlepove the accusation that ho had stolen a bucket of coal from a local yard , Ho was given until Monday to prepare his evidence , The six boys , charged with breaking Into loaded grain cars belonging to the Union Pa cific and Indicting damage to the cars , were sentenced to fifteen daya each In the city Jail. They were Jake and Nate Bctficrs , Lars Hanson , Walter Hanson , Jame.s Hutch- IIM arid Hanr Sorrenson. To nviko the pun ishment in.-To easily recollected the sentence provided that the diet of thu boys should be composed chletly of bread and water. You rin find lake trout , bans and a select lot of fish for frying at Sullivan's. Tel. , 101. New York counts , extra belect and stand ard oysters received dally , Sullivan , 343 Bway.i tel. , 1C1. Hcatli of ( irorwri ( "nnnlinj , George Cunning , father of Chief of Police Canning , dieJ yesterday afternoon at his ( lomo on Cunning street after an Illness of two months , at the rlpo old ago of SO yearo. Mr. Canning wax one of Council Bluffs' pioneers neers , coming lui'o with the great rush to the California gold fields In 1849. wlita tuo town was still known as KaiicEVllle. During all of the years that have Intervened he ban been a useful and active cltliwi , enduring all of the hardships of frontier life , and In later years enjoying all of tbo comforts of a comfortable home. Ho was born in Berk shire , England , and la IS 10vaa united la marriage to Mls Mary A. Westall. Nine yeArs later bo came directly from Ills home In England to this city. Eleven children were born to them , nine of whom are still Jiving. Of the sons , Edward , Walter and William are living here , Frank resides In Omaha , Albert la In the Klondike country and George Is a resident of Salt Lako. The daughters living ore Mrs. C. W. Rain and Mrs. J. J. Selgcll , who lives here , and Mrs , J , W. Jenkins , whoso homo U In Omaha , On August 4 , 1S9C , Mrs. Canning died. The loss of his wife has borne heavily upon the aged tiusband and he has been anxious to RO. The funeral will be held from the residence on Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The body will bo burled In Walnut Hill cemetery. SOCIAL BVlV.VTS OF l7.\ST WHISK. DIckctiN I'nrty 1'rovpn 11 ClrciU SIICOI-KH nml CnltoVnllc AnoUu-r. The Dickens party-given Thursday evenIng - Ing for the Art department of the Woman's club was a great success from every point of view. The Idea of n Dickens entertainment originated In the minds of a few of the lead ing members of the Woman's club. It was regarded with favor by the whole club , and gradually one club after another fell under the magic spell of Dlckcna , until at last the whole city was encircled by a chain of thought to which the keyword , or charm- word , woo Pickwick. The hall was artis tically furnished nnd decorated with oldtlmo furniture and draperies , nnd with the cos tumes , some of which had lain away In lavender and dried rose leaves for more than a century. H would have required no stretch of Imagination to have believed that one was curroundcd by their great grandmothers and ancient uncles and aunts. Mr. George S. Wright , ns master of ceremonies , cairlcd the part of an old-style English gentleman ns It " . " Introduced "to the manner born. Ho the characters In Dickens' books to the spec tators In the order In which they were writ ten. In a great many Ini'tanccs the Intro duction was entirely unnecessary to people at all familiar with Dickens. Among the most Interesting scenes from the 'hooVa ' wore "Mrs. Jarley's Wax Works , " In which many local hits were made that were decidedly good. "Ben Bolt , " sung by Ida-Wles Sey- bert , as "Trlliby , " was wonderfully awect and affecting. "Salry Gamps' Tea Party" came In for Its share of laughter and conv ment. Deserving of special mention was the Inimitable manner In which the trial scene was taken off. The best legal talent of the city participated in flowing gowns and snowy wigs "a la Johnny Bull , " to the Im mense amusement of all present. The everyday citizen had a glimpse of real couit llfo In the peculiarly witty manner In which Hon. Smith McPhor , on Instructed the Jury. Hon. John N. Baldwin completely hypnotized the jury In bU magnificent plea for hla client , Mrs. Bardell , and Charles M. Harlc , for Pick wick , was excruciatingly funny. The Boat club's cake walk and costume ball on 'Monday ' evening was one of the most strikingly original and unique events that has occurred In society circles during the scar.on. It afforded entertainment and amuse ment for nearly 200 of the society set. The contest for the cake was no mere perfunc tory effort on the part of those who took part , hut it was a genuine and enthusiastic attempt of each couple to win the prize. The cake was a most gorgeous affair , and well worth the struggle made to acquire Its ownership. The costumes of the guests ranged from gowns wrought of tissue paper and loud calico to the richest silks and satins. The Judges were II. L. Cummlngs , B. W. Hart and J. T. Oliver. Graces of per- Fen , richness of attire and originality of evolutions all counted as the contestants filed before the judges , who had a great deal of difficulty before they finally decided that Henry Gleason had won the prize. Mr. and 5lrs. II. E. Montgomery enter tained Informally a number of their friends on Tuesday evening. The affair was oneof the usual quiet elegance that marks all of Mrs. Montgomery's social functions. The Wednesday Night Dancing club has given Its last party of the season. The club has beer moat successful In all of Its parties during the winter , nnd there were many re grets expressed when it was finally decided to clotfo the season with Wednesday nlght'i event. Mr. iRay Bl\by , Miss Troutman and Miss Gilbert attended the bachelors' party at Glonwncd. The affair was the social event of the week In Glenwood. Miss Lalng of Chicago Is the guest of her sister , Mrs. H. L. Cummlngs , on First avenue. W. H. Thomas entertained at high five on Friday evening. One of the pleasantest social events of the week was the dancing party given on Fri day evening In Royal Arcanum hall by Ir and Mrs. E. C. Shepherd , Miss Gleason and Mr. Harrison Gleason. About 150 guests were present and the event was one of the moat enjoyable of the season. The color scheme of the decorations was pink , nnd pink carnations were in abundance on all sides. The chandeliers were decorated with pink tissue , and the bower , where the Ices were served , was beautifully dressed In smllax with stately palms at the sides. The refreshments were served on the buffet order. Excellent music buoyed the dancers. The following assisted In receiving : Misses Oliver , 'May ' Tulleys , Gertrude Bennett ; Messrs. Guy Shepherd nnd Fred Empkle. Quito a number of guests were present from Omaha. The minstrel show given by the Knights of Black Cork Minstrels of Omaha , under the auspices of the Unity guild of Grace Episcopal church , was an Important event among society people last week and the largo hall used for the entertainment waf well filled. The first part of the evening was given to the minstrels and the latter part was employed In dancing. The evening was most pleasantly spent. Mrs. M. Keating of Portland. Ore. . Is visiting her daughters , Mrs. George Hughes and Mies Jennie Keating. Miss Grace Messmoro has gone to Boone , where she will spend a couple of weeks visit ing friends. 'Mrs. C. W. Foster of Avenue G left Wednesday for a visit with her daughter , Mrs. Dr. Graham of Earllng , la. Mr. and Mrs , E. L. Cannon of Minnesota ere the guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Fcrrlng of 1205 Fifth avenue. Mrs. S. L. Gable of Denlson Is In the city visiting her son , Attorney George Gable. Mr. and Mis. George It. Hazard and Miss Allle. Hazard left on Tuesday evening for the south. Mrs. C. P. Shepard of 710 Perrln avenue has gone to Denver for a visit of several months. Mrs. F. M. Gault has returned to her homo In Chicago after a pleasant visit with friends In tills city. iMIss Nelllo Beebo returned Monday even ing from Sioux City , where she has been visiting friends for the last week. Miss Maud Knight of Fremont Is a guest of her sister , Mrs. G. N. Bowcn. Mlta Ireland of Nebraska City came here yesterday to attend the Dickens party last evening. She will ho the guest of Miss Cor- inno Albright until Sunday. A. E. Jones and Mrs. Gertrude Gould of this city were united In marriage Monday evening at the residence of the latter , 830 Mynuter street. News from W. E. Altchlson , who has been and is still uorloudy 111 In Madison , WIs. , Is that he Is slowly getting better. Miss Addle Dobsan of Couth Omaha Is the guest of Mrs , Perry Mlkesell at COS South First street , Mrs. Rohrer of Philadelphia was tho-guest of Mrs. Rothert at the Institute for the Deaf Wednesday and Thursday. 'Mr ' ? . F. W. Houghton , who has been 111 during the last neck , is able to bo up once more. Mrs. Reuben Wllmtth of River Falls , WIs. . Is In the city visiting hep relatives , Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Tostevln of Park avenue. Miss Annlf Flynn of iNeala , who has been spending a week at the homo cf 'Mr. and Mrs. William Unthank of Hazel atreet , left ftr her home on Thursday evening. Mrs. O. Ewall has returned from an ex tended visit at Astoria. III. 'Mrs. George Rew and daughter were In the city yesterday visiting friends. Tbo Danebo society gave a masquerade Mra. John Mullln and 'Mrs. Frank Ooad of Omaha spent Wednesday In town , the guests of their parents , Mr. and Mrs. Martin Hughes. Mie. W. S. Dlmmock U In Chicago visiting with Mr. and Mrs. K. R , Green. Mlea Kate Pendleton la making an ex tended vkilt In Denver , ball Thursday night at Its hall , at the corner of Main street and 'Broadway ' , which was largely attended. The costumes were m ny and varied , Anfpn Jensen And Miss MlkktJ M. Shack carrying off the prizes for the best costumes. The jirlzcs were two silk umbrellas. John Petcrsoa acted as floor manager. V1 1 'I ' Mrs. Rink of 813 Avenue E end her daugh. tor , Miss Emma , returned last week from Chicago. . . Mrs. F. H. PadeliV Bay City , Mich. , Is In the city visiting htVbrother. J. Holman. She will go to Seattle In about a week. Auction 3 p. m."f:3d : p. m. . at Hart's Jewelry store , 4 Pearl.st. Watches , clocks , Jewelry nnd silverware at your own prices. T. L. M'CANN , Auctioneer. Remember wo have Spanish mackerel and red snapper for Sunday's dinner. Sullivan's flsh market. ins IXJUXUTIO.X WAS M3unnn. City Attorney Him n llnmh with iv Country .liiNtluv. A temporary writ of Injunction was Issued from the district court yesterday restrain ing J. H. Larlson , a tenant , and Charles B. Bradley , a justice of the peace In Silver Creek township , from Interfering with the Omaha National bank's possession of a farm In that township. The -bank recently ac quired title to the land by sheriffs deed nnfl on 'January 1 leased It to Daniel McKlnzle. At that tlmo Larlson was In possession on n leaj-o from J. W. Squire , but despite this fact McKcnzle assumed the control and management of the farm. Larlson brought on action before the Justice of the peace to oust the now tenant , and the case was to bo tried before the country Justice yesterday afternoon. W. C. Hendrlcks , the attorney for the bank , made a long , cold trip Into the country. Anticipating nn unfavorable ruling by the Justice he sued out the In junction and 'took along a deputy sheriff to servo It. When the case was called the at torney found that there was not a scratch of a record made up , no written petition having boon filed In accordance with the statute. Ho rend the law to the court and moved that the case bo dismissed on this ground. The court remained In dumb silence for ten minutes and when the at torney became restless and finally asked for a ruling , the jus'tlce took his feet oft the teacher's desk In the country school house where the trial was being held before a room full of people and remarked , "Ob , It's a roolln' you want , Is It ? What kind of a roolln' ? " "I want to know whether or not you are going to sustain my motion and dismiss this case , " cried the attorney , testily. "You bet I ain't , " responded the court. The attorney for the bank then called on the olllcct : to serve the Injunction and left the court to struggle along with the case In the best manner ho could. The attorney for the bank announced that ho would bring an action for damages against thu justice and Larlson for Interfering with the property rights of. the 'bank. ' A nut ton All Da > ' . To close out the auction sale will run from 11 a. m. to 5 p. in. today. Come everyone ; goods at your own price. Positively the last day. Souvenirs to' all who make a pur chase. ' ' A. A. HART. Attend the Martha Washington social at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mueller , 722 Wil low avenue , Tuesday evening , February 22. Program and refreshments. For rent , furnlshqd room Grand hotel an nex ; heat , gas ; first , floor. Hoffmayr's fancy patent flour makes the best and most bread , , Ask your grocer for It. Council IlIutTH , Cliuri-hoH. Following are the notlce-a of religious scrv- iceo to be held in the city today : . Christian Science , ' Room 403 Sapp BuildIng - Ing Subject of mornlrig leEson , "The Twelve Sent Faith td Heal. " Service begins nt 10:45 : a. m. Expedience meetln.5 Friday evening. The parlor Is open oa public read- lag rcom and dlspecsary from 2 { p 5 pr , m. on week days. Congregational Church , Corner'of ' Sixth Street and Seventh Avenue Preaching at 10:30 : a. m. rnd 7:30 : p. m. by the pastor , Rev. J. W. Wlls-cn. Morning aubject , "Ltm- itatlors of DIv'ne Power to Save ; " evening subject , "Silent Influence. " The quartet will sing at the evening service. Elder T. W. Wll.laroe will deliver nn ap propriate memorial address at the Latter Day Saints' church at 7:30 : thU evening , commemorative of our national disaster. Subject , "Why Our Nation Mourns. " Second Presbyterian Church , Frrnk and Harmony Streets Preaching morning and evening by the pastor. Rev. Alex Litherland. Morning subject , "Mercy Triumphant ; " evening subject , "Temptatiora. " Adjourned congregational meeting following prayer meeting on Wednesday evening. St. Paul's Episcopal Church , Rev. L. P. McDonald , Rector Holy commralcn. 8 a. m. ; Sunday e > chool , 10 a. m. ; morning serv ice and sermon , 11 a. m. ; evening service and sermon , 7:30 : p. m. Morning subject , "Moral Courage ; " evening subject , "Tho Fifth Com mandment. " Sunday echool at All Saints' church at 3 p. m. St. John's English Lutheran church cud Sabbath school will have a foreign mlfolon- ary service at 10:30 : a. m. - Particular refer ence will bo made to the death of Rev. D. A. Day , D. D. , the noted missionary to Africa , who lately died while on hia wal ; to th's country. Owing to the memorial services held at the Broadway church there will be no evening worship. Broadway Methodist Church Morning service conducted by the pastor. Rev. J. H. Senseney ; subject , "Paul's Prayer for the Church at Phlllppl. " Class meeting and Sunday school at 12 m. ; Junior league at 4 p. m. ; Epworth league , 6.30. In the nvcn- Ing a memorial service will ho held In memory of the disaster In Cuba and the death of Mias Frances Wlllard. Adrcsscs will bo made by several speakers. Fifth Avenue Methodist Church Preach ing by the pastor , Rev. G. P. Frey. Morn'ng subject , "Tho Church , the Homo end Child hood ; " evening subject , "The Ninety ind Nine and the One. " Svnday school , 12 m. ; Junior league , 3 p. m. ; Epworth league , 0:30 : p. m. First Presbyterian Church Preaching by the pastor at 10:30 : a. m. and 7:30 : p. m. Morning subject , "The Twelve Apcstles ; " evening subject , "Tho Maine Oleaster. " Other services ns usual. The only place In the city where you can get Covalt's flno doughnuts , cookies and cakes and extra good home-mado bread Is at the White House Grocery , 345 Broadway. Dr. Heller , ostcopatlj , Bcno block. I' " | | N lo 1'iijr1 for HIM Mi'iil. A colored man ( Jlvlnrf the name of Fred Jones entered ' .tie ) } ' ' of J. W. Bell on Broadway ear the , p stolfico last evening and ordered a meamTio | | waiter was somewhat - what suspicious ofg.fMjjappearance nnd ac tions of the men a&d , flflked him If ho hod the money to pay fpf , tiq | meal. On being in formed that he had. - thalter set up the food and when Jones hadfjiten , it , ho walked out with the remark theMje io money and could not pay for the mfal.io Being asked to ex plain his conduct b < J ) all | " 'at ' ho made hlo living In this way. jJpftett called at the police station for lodging qnd.-Hlien the affair at the restaurant was reported , ho was locked up i the Jail nnd chargeil"with obtaining bjard under false pretense. There are three lllllu'tilings wnlca rte moro work than any othtr/hr ) / , < > e little things cre ated they are the ant , , the bee and DeWltt'e Little Eaily Rtecrs , tire list being the famous little plllh for Btomachi and liver trouble * . IOTTII Uiniorlli I.fiiKiin AMxc-nihly. COLFAX , la. , Feb. 19. ( Special. ) The Iowa Epworth league 'assembly , representing 100,000 young Methodists , will meet here Juno 22 to July 4 , The program , Just made up , Is the best ever prepared for this event. Special excursions will bo run for pcoplo who want to hear Dr. Robert Mclntyre , Dr. Matt S. Hughea. Dr. John W , Oe Motte , Dr , W. A. Quaylo. Bishop McCabe nnd Chaplain Jcaiu Cole. The management la preparing for a inoiiater attendonco. lotvii V. M. C , .A. . MARSHALLTOWN , la. , Feb. 19. ( Special Telegram. ) The state Young Mcn'a Chris tian association convention today adopted strong resolutions of sympathy over the death of Ml s Frances B. Willord , and de manded the suppression of tbo saloon and of Sunday work and travel. Indlauola and Dubuque - buquo wade bids for the nest convention. ROW ABOUT ADJOURNMENT Iowa Lawmakers Dot Themselves All Tangled Up. BOTHERED BY WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY Hollilur CIUINC * Sonic Unrortntiity nn to WlifMi ( lie Slinll Come Timvtlirr Attain. DES MOINES , Feb. 10. ( Special Tele gram. ) The prospect I ? that very little legis lative business will bo done till next Wcdnes. day. The house adjourned till Wednesday afternoon , and had not a quorum this morn ing. After adjournment It was found that adjournment for more than three days was not legal and It was arranged that those members who may bo In town Monday shall meet ngaln anil adjourn till Wednesday to legalize the performance. The senate will hold a session Monday .morning It It can get a quorum. > The dllllculty results from the fact that Tuesday will bo Washington's birth day , which IB a legal holiday In Iowa. The house met without a quorum this morning and spent Us time deciding to what date to adjourn. Finally a motion carried to nd- Journ till 1 o'clock Wednesday. The point of order was made that the constitution for- bailo any house adjourning more than three days without concurrence of the other , but despite this , the house carried the motion to adjourn. It was then found that the con stitution docs contain such a provision , and a scnsutlonal story waa started that the action of the bouse had dissolved that htdy , nnd It would have to 'bo called together by the governor. Examination , however , del - l - < . 'lobd [ that this wan untrue ; that the nit- jnurnmcnt was simply Illegal , and that a minority of members could meet In the In terim and compel attendance of abticntce5 and do business legally whenever It secured a quorum. In the sennto the Hoard of Control people ple recovered their wind and Garat moved the reconsideration of the motion , carried yesterday , fixing the Hoard of Control bill for a special order for March 3. He wanted early consideration of It. The chair held that the motion to reconsider was In order , and It will bo taken up Monday , when n test will bo had on the strength of the two ldcs , Hurst't1 bill to reduce the compensation of attorneys defending criminals at stuto ex pense was recommitted. The house bill to allow pharmacists to change their place of business , In case of expiration of lease or destruction of building , without getting now permit ? , parsed. The < ? enate finally ad journed till Monday morning at 10:30. : SOLDIERS' HOME AFFAIR. Another chapter In the Ratckln Soldiers' home affair developed at a meeting of the trustees for the homo In this city Thursday for the purpose principally of appearing be fore the appropriations committee In behalf of the home. At that time a resolution to discharge C. B. McCIure , engineer nt the Institution , was adopted and Colonel C. C. Horton , commandant , left Immediately and discharged him yesterday. , At the January meeting of the board charges were filed against McCIure that he had been circulat ing reports to the effect that the women at the home , both Inmates and employes , had been criminally Intimate with old soldier Inmates and also trustees and officers. These charges were not Investigated until the meeting this month. On Friday the execu tive committee , Messrs. Raymond , Blrchard and Morton , held a meeting at Marshalltown , at which seven witnesses testified that Mc CIure had been spreading such reports forever over a year. McCIure was brought Into the presence of these witnesses and when given an oportunlty to tell his side of the case , said that In charging these things about the women he had repeated what he had been told by ex-Commandant Ratekln. The evi dence went to show that the charges were false and further that McClure had not been making any of these charges since Colonel Horton had been commandant. There was a minor charge against McCIure of incom- petency as engineer , nnd alee that he had employed dissolute persons In his depart ment. 1 for Uic Civil St-rvlcc. SHELL ROCK , la. , Feb. 13. ( Special. ) By the arrest and confining of Charles Jones , alias "Crazy Horse , " in the insane asylum at Independence , the matter of the many In cendiary fires at this place has been cleared up. Jones made a full confession to Mayor Mclntyre , elating he had been responsible for the many recent fires In this neighbor hood , Including the one which destroyed the public school building with its contents. In each case kerosene had been employed. The motive of the maniac was n peculiar one. For some time he has been Buffering under the Insane delusion that he desired to take the civil service examination and secure a government position. In some way he be came possessed of the belief that a term of yearj In the penitentiary was essential , and In order to become possw-acd of this Im portant requisite he had turned Incendiary. ClilirKfd itltli Hi MARSHALLTOWN , la. , Feb. 19. ( Special. ) A negro , who gives his name as Tom Reed , Is under nrreat here and the ofllcem bellevo they have cue of the men who broke Into a Jewelry store some nights ago at Van Meter. It Is known he attempted to sell jewelry In Colfax. _ IiMtn nml Iliiu | > r MaiiiifiiHurc. Council Bluffs Nonpareil : The democratic platform declared for a manufacturing bill. The democratic caucus declared against It. Tlio only democratic consistency consists In being Inconsistent. Davenport Republican : There Is nn end of nil dlacusulon a'bout ' another manufactur ing bill. The democratic caucus of the ntatQ legislature decided against uch a measure by a vote of 20 to 12. The liquor question Is not In politics. Keokuk Gate City : The democratic legis lative caucus wasn't oven willing to counte nance n bill permitting Iowa vlncyardlsts , fruit growers and farmers to manufacture their surpluu grapeo and berrlta Into wlno lest some of the heterogenous elements now compoelng the party In the state mightn't llko It. Shades of departed democratic lead ers , has It come to this ? Burlington I'awkoye : The Woverly Dem ocrat Interprets Governor Shaw's statement that ho will not sign a manufacturing bill as meaning "that Iowa will go on with the good work of helplnf ] to make Milwaukee rich as well a famous , " Wo quote the foregoing from the Clinton Age. As Governor Shaw never niado the remark attributed to him , II will be only fair for the two papers to correct their misinformation , DCS Molncs Capital : Twelve democratic members of the Iowa house of representa tives a few ilayn ago voted for woman mif- fragu and since that tlmu the democrats of the legislature In caucus decided that the liquor question was a dead Issue In Iowa , Wo never expected to live to ceo ithls day , hut wo have. Probably two years from now the democratic party will bo resolving that the "talcon must go" and that the party "will take no backward atop , " Then our beloved J. Ullen can come home to her own true love and bo a democrat. And think of It , too , Horace Boles has gone back on It ! to 1 , In the language of the excited politician with whU'kera , "Whither are we drifting1 SALOON AND LUNCH ROOM "Only the Ucst" Wines , nnd ClKurs nerved to our ctihto. iners. Oyaters and Short Orders nt modem to prices. Open duy and night. 4I8 Broadway A ii.\nrunor. srnnioAi. OIM-JII VTIO.N Kor HIP Cure of I'llr * . Is not only Intensely painful , dangerous to lifennd very expensive , but In the llqht of modern medlr.il research and since the discovery of the Pyramid Pile Cure A sur gical operation Is wholly unnecessary. If you have any doubt on the point kindly read the following letters from people who know- that our claims regarding the merits of the * Pyramid Pllo Cure are borne out by the farts. From N. A. Stall. Rldgo Iload , Niagara Co. , N , Y. : I received your Pyramid I'llo Cure and tested It last night. It did me moro good than anything I have ever found yet , and remebcr this was the result of one night's treatment only. From Pcnn W. Arnclt. Dategvlllc. Ark. : Gentlemen Your Pyramid Pile Cure has done mo so much good In so short a time that my son-in-law , Captain T. J. Klein , efFort Fort Smith , Ark. , has written mo lor your address , as ho wishes to try It also. From A. 13. Townsend , Bcnvlllo , Ind. : I have been so much benefited by the Pyramid Pile Cure that 1 enclose $1 for which please- send a package which I wish to give tea a friend of mine who suffers very much from piles. From John H. Wright , Clinton , DoWItt Co. , 111. : I am so well pleased with the Pyramid Pllo Cure that I think It but right to drop you a few Hues to Inform you Its effects have been all that I could ask or w Ish. From P. A. Bruton , Llano , Tex. : Gentle men The Pyramid Pllo Cure has done so much good for mo that I will say for the benefit of others that after using only two dajs I am belter than I have been for months. The Pyramid Pile Cure Is prepared by The Pyramid Drug Co. of Marshall , Mich. , and It Is truly a wonderful remedy for all forms of piles. So great has been the number of testimonial letters received by them from all parts of the country that they have decided to publish each week a number of such let ters. ters.All All druggists recommend the Pyramid Pile Cure , as they know from what their custom ers say that no remedy gives such general satisfaction. Your Health Is moie beneficial than your wealth , but you can get a combination of both by I buying your meats whore you can get i them fresh and wholesome and ns cheap ns nt any place In cither of the Trans- mlsslsslppl cities. Lcttvo your orders nt Scanlan's ' Cash Meat Market 22 ( Hrondway. Fine line of fresh flsh on Fridays. SCHEDULE EXPRESS Runs between Council Bluffs and Omaha. Now In effect. For prompt delivery , call on Win. Welch. BluflfM 'phone , 12S ; Onmlia 'phono , ISO. nATKS I..OW. For carriage or express wagon , call at No. 8 North Main street or above telephones. De Haven's Drug Store IM ( lie illuc'ito iiurclin.se jour Spring ; MMllflnr ' lllooil I'urllliTN ' \ iiintl iicj- A Satisfactory Laundry Wo arc not talking nonsense. " We will duplicate any offer made by any other laundry , in regard to being easy on goods. Wo guarantee goods , laundered by us to last longer by our process than by any other. Wo call these plain facts. Evans Laundry S. F. Henry , Proprietor Drive Wells Pumps mid windmills the Myers Pump U thn best I hnmllo It Pump repairing Jono promptly Satisfaction guaranteed , D. Leysliam , 122 Main Sstreel , Council Whiffs. 1 < MItM I.OtVS KllllJ l\SllltA\Ulj _ M IUTY IIO.VDS I..U.-MI UHU-N. All surety bomls executed at my olllee. .1 \ > . > . \.v\nv , .nt. , line Mni u sin-pi , n > iiiifii SPECIAL NOTICES COUNCIL BLUFFS WANTS- * /\/V > rfWWWWrwwwVS < N < IWULiMNUd. KUDU1 , . ' .Vtt.ll ANO UAUUi.V : lands fur enla ur rent. Uay & llcua , u Pearl ttrc t. roit SAi.ij A i iiuiv.'i : rAiisi OF ro ACIIIH In Wnync CDimty , NYI > . , r , miles wen of ounty teat ; nil under cultivation no wnrto or Inferior land , fnlr hnprov cniontE , abundance of wntor , CO acres of tnme meadow ; BC.iool house on land. Terms , J27.50 ; icr ncro , Iiart cash , balance on lime. Addrcai II. Ouren , SOJ Fourth Miii't. C'liincll llluiTs , In , or O. Lawton , I.IUiiK Sprlntr. la. SAI.U. 40-Acm : IMIMIOVII : > KAUM IN- Mills Co , Io a , SO neip-i In cultivation. Iml- mice In timber and imsturp ; a burijiiln If MII ! , HOOII. Addiess X 12 , Dee Olllee , Council ItlunV , IOWM. 550 WILL ntty A noon srx-itoo.M nousu nnd full lot. iia > ment en > y. Ilout.es for pnlc ; J..O do\\n nnd til ) per month. [ Johnston & Kcrr , 041 Ilroadway. | ACHKS OF ri.vn LAND IN towns-hip , Rood terms : 20 aerei under cultlxn tlun ; some fruit : G IICH-H of p.iMtm1 ; 2',4 miles from city limit * ; spli'ii lid chance for home with small cnpltnl. Addiess Josc | > h i\'nn ? , liostolllce , Counrll llltnTs. WANTKD , TO KXTHANOK A THIIHIM'.OOM hon e for a tUe-rmini house and | > ny each dif ference. Johnston & Ki-ir. e'ouncli llluiTs. to iMi'itovin iovIAHSI. . ii.wo : two CASH , lulance $100 per jcnr 12-1 acics hlit'ily Im- prcncd , J5CO cash down , Imlnm-e } 200 per > cnr. 1-nrnp list of farms and fruit fnnns for ta\t. \ Johnston & Kerr Instructions. All.ln Huptcr , ttujto 338 Hrondwny. German method ot Dresden Conservatory. Tonight , Sunday , Feb. 20 WILLIAM JEROME'S HERALD SQUARE COMEDIANS PRESENTING THE NEWEST LAUGHING SUCCESS Company of artists indurting the aMIS Maude Nugent , the girl who wrote "Sweet lioKG O'Gracly. New Songs , New Jokes and New Dances and Up-to-Date ' Prices 75c , 50c , 35c and 25c SEATS NOW ARE ON SALE. Two and a Half Cents a Roll That's what a beautiful gold pattern Avail paper will cost you if you buy of us. If you intend to paper your rooms , paint yoiir houpe , either exterior or interior , consult ' us first you will make money by doing so , and have your job done in an artistic manner. Miller's Wall Paper Store , 108 South Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS. YOU CAN GET THBM NOW at $1.50 each. 'Hie Cosmopolitan Incandescent Burner has no equal , It < civjs 6-1 candle pow er at half the cost for < { as used by the common burner. We put them up complete for one fifty , Mantels for Welsbach and all kinds of burners at reduced prices , Heating , Plumbing and Lighting 2 ° 2 Main203 , Pearl Streo Council Bluffs , Iowa.