THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATU11DAY , FEBlUJAllY 1 < ) , 1803. EUROPE NEEDS OUR CEREALS Exports of Wlmt and Oorn Continue Unusually Heavy , THIS DEMAND NATURALLY RAISES PRICES ofVnjf In Orlnln niln- IIIK niMrlctn AililN ( o ( lie Other IJ lilriH'i'H nf mi Iniiirur- HllHllll-HH. NM3W YOIIK , Feb. 18. II. OJ Dun & Co.'e Weekly Hovlow of Trade will say tomor row : The dreadful disaster to the Mnlno , mucli IB It IIIIH affected 1 | licnrtB , hns not much nffected hualnpM. Only In the stock mnrket , wnpro there WIIH Holllng Wednesday by spec ulators on thin margins , but In no other Bpi'ciilntlvo mnrket , vms an effect felt , nor In general business. An ntlvnnco of 10 per rent I'll wages by some Oogoblc mines Is cxpectrd to be gcnornl throughout the lake rcsloii , oxceptlns the Mesnliu district , ami prices of ere from the other ranges this year have been advanced 15 per cent , with nn allotment of fi.WW.OOO tons out of Cur- iii'Klo's minus , which betokens an output much the. largest ever known. Whom linH risen 3 % per cent , nnd exports continue so hoivy that ft material advance is natural. Atlantic uxports In three weeks have been 8.416,819 bushels. Hour included , ( iKiilnst Cr/itTl ! ) bushels last year , and 1'a- clllu cxpprts hnvo been 2I7GC32 bushels , nKiilnst 1.4.7I.7W ! hist yenr. Blleli Hhlpments , with heavy oimiiKementH for the future , In unite of II , 130,8.11 bushelB of corn exported , OK-'ilnst 13,507,211 bushclri In the name weul < year , are conc'luslvo proof of the uiRoncy of forclan need.s. Wheat receipts hold up well , though not exi-cedliiR last year's ns much as o.xportii. In three weeks 7,77olCO bushelH , iiKiilnstISSI,710 bushels last year. Tlio bottom fact Is the world needs wheiit , which this country can supply , for ulnut Hlx months to come. Cotton IUIM hr-ld good for spot , although n little lower for options , prospects ol ilecrpuso In the next yield beliiff the main support. The Iron output on February 1 , with reports of stocks on hand not held by the great steel companies , Indicates a consumption of at least 3.COO tons pur week Rrenter In January than In the previous maximum nllulncd In November. ISM. The production l at pres ent greater tnan consumption , stocks bav ins Increased 9,010 Ions weekly In January outside fho steel companies , whose nturks presumably ileeream-d. Some weakness In ] ) lg Iron would iiiilitriilly result , but while Krey forgo has docllned rfit 1'lttsbiirtf ta ? s.M , with southern Iron offered at Chicago concessions , no changeH appear In products. Though new business has boon somewhat disappointing , the works arc mainly supplied for months ahead. In the building of steel cars , In black sheets ] for tinning , In roils , wire and wire mills. Increased demand and heavy business nppcar , though bar and pipe are weaker anil structural orders seasonably slow. Jllno metals have advanced , tin to ll.SO cents on considerable consuming demand , copper to HVi c nts for lake on heavy ex ports , and lend to 3.80 , and spelter to1.20 cents on speculation , but failure to or ganize the tin pool causes weakness , Ameri can selling at $1 and lower at the west. The manufactured production is restricted 1)y strikes , and name trades are a s.inde dearer. The recent opening of higher grade Woolens at advanced prices meets less de mand than was expected , with less activity In lower grades and unexpectedly numerous cancellations In light welg-htH Indicating larger buying than consumption has yet warranted. Failures for the week have been 295 In the TTnlted States , against . /B last year and 33 In Canada , against 3S lust year. nKT's msviisw OK TIIADE. X'livoinliHI'VnluiTN nominate the ( IciK-rnl IliiNlncsN Situation. .NEW YORK , Feb. 18. Olradstreet's to- mprrow will say : Favoriible fealures dominate the general buslnefri Bltuatlon as a whole , and few c-ominerqlnl conditions presented themselves which c. n bo regarded its disturbing. Chief umoiig Uiose factorH which ninUo for con tinued or growing strength In commercial lines may be mentioned the renewed tend ency toward advances In quotations of all staple articles , and the steadlnesM of prices In other lines where Increases are not at the moment importable. Perhaps second In the list ot auspicious fealures Is Ihe continuance of market ac tivity In nearly all brinches of the iron and steel trade , moro particularly In the central west , where it Is authoritatively re ported over 00 per cent of the pig Iron furnaces are In blast. The failure of the southern furnace men to roach a price agreement Is of course a. depressing fcaluro , In that particular sec tion , which finds u balancing factor In the intuntlori to advance prices reported from besseiner ore producers. The "Volume of distributive trade shows nn increase , notably In dry goods and ; groceries , also many widely separated points , HO ns to warrant the conclusion that spring trade Is receiving a perceptible Impetus. At the west. Iron and slcol mills nro reported gen erally busily employed , nnd unwilling to take orders for early delivery. At Chicago : ; o. X steel rails have been sold in the last week. . - The bicycle trade Is reported starting up well nt tlio west , but Is still slow at the cast , due to New England mill strikes. The strength of sugar , cotton and iron favors the southern trade , which Is being helped by the groiyJiiK foreign trade in cot ton goods. The activity In Alaskan shipments keeps vessels busy on the 1'aclllc coast nnd freight rates are llrm , California , crop prospects ro not encoiirnpliig ns a whole. lluslness failures continue ta decrease , ag gregating 2ffi ) for the week , against 273 last week , 'X > In 1S37 , 25C In IS'JG , 297 In 1S93 and Sill In U9I. Of the total number of concerns falling , 31 per Punt had a capital not ex ceeding Jj.OoO , and 93 per cent had a capital below $20.liOO. As above Intlinntcil the price situation Is one ot locnl strength. Compared with a week HKO. not ono article of staple USQ is reported lower , although nome grades of wool would hnvo to bo Hhaded If sales were made. This was owing to the absence of manufacturers from the market during the last few weeks. 1'rlces of nearly all kinds of grain , but notably wheat , corn and Hour. and of most metals , nnd particularly steel billets , copper , lead and tin , have advanced. Tint agreement by the bessemer ore pro ducers wll | jirobnlily result In an advance in the coining season's output. Corral exports lend to Increase. Exports ofyheat ( Hour Included ) for the week In creasing 3,9.12,711 bushels , ns against 3llfl,000 bushels last week , 2,120.000 bushels In 1897 , 3,14'J.OOO bushels In IM'ii ' and l.SOS.W ) bushels in 1NI3. Tlio bulk'of this Increase over last week Is chargeable to largo Hour exports. Indian corn exports for the week nro also larger , relltu-tlng the turning of attention lo- ward the lower priced cereal * . In a total amounting to r > ,0 , " > 6,000 bushels , ns compared with 4.50S.COO bushels last week , -1,011.000 'bushels In this week a year aso , 2O5,000 ! bushels In U'jG anil OU.COO bushels In ISM. 'IU5VIWV ' CU. ' TTl7i STOCIC MAU1C12T. ( o Ilir 'Mnlnu ' I'lim-tllcx ' .S lntlvu Ventured , NEW YOUIC , Feb. 18. Dradstreet's finan cial review tomorrow will say : Speculation was altogether dominated this week by unsettling Intlucncos duo to the disaster to the Maine at Havana. At thn beginning of the week there was n decided disposition In the market to recover from thu depressing effects of the Da Lomo in cident , but this was , of course , completely cheeked by the unexpected news whlcli awaited the "street" on Wednesday morn ing , Fears that the explosion would not pravo to bo an accident , and the long threat- "iuvigorates in the morning and refreshes at night. " Every pound of tea shipped from Japan is critically in spected by the Japanese officials and pronounced pure and of high quality. All good grocers spll Japan Tea. cned crisis In our relations with Spain was nt .hand , caused heavy liquidation ot lorn stocks nnd Ix-nr operators had already flol ( the market vigorously , producing sh.xri though not excessive declines throughout the list. On Thursday London cnmo with higher prices for American stocks , nnd was n liberal purchaser here , our own market responding , although the absence of defi nite news about the cau o of the Maine's destruction gave nn opportunity 16 sensa tion montfcrs to circulate many disturbing nnd exagseratcd stories. The market was affected by t.ils nnd the prices were very Irregular , though before the close on Thurs day a fair degree of slrenglh rcappearec' nnd the lines the shorts put out In the two preceding days wore extensively covered. The features of the mnrket were the ex treme nervousness and the decreased sup port from the pools nnd large operators , though the extreme declines were In many cases arrested by buying by large Interests which could not bo described as short cov ering. The liquidation of long holdings was ex tensive nnd public buying of course was al most entirely checked , In fact conservative commission houses , ns a rule , advised cau tion nnd waiting until the situation regard ing Spain was clearer. There were a number of Important de velopments In the railroad situation , bat the market appeared to disregard them for the tlmo being. W1SHICI.Y GMCAIllNf ! 1IOIJ.HK TOTALS. nf HiiNliirftN TrnnxiicdoiiN liy ( Iir AfticM'Inlpil Iliinkx. YORK , Feb. IS.-Tho following table , compiled by Uradstrcet's , shows the bank clearings at eighty-seven cities for the week ended" February 1C , iwlth the per centage of Increase anil decrease , as com pared with the corresponding week last year : TlionnnnilN I'ourliiK : Into Talj'n. SEATTLE , Fob. IS. U W. Xestollo , who hns nrrlvci ] here from Talya , Alaska , on tlio steamer Queen , fays : "For the past month men have been pourlnfr Into Talya by thousands. There Is a congestion of freight nlons the trail anil at Talya. The Chllkoot Hallroad & Transport Company rail road Is completed , but hna been unable to run for several days bcratisp men are un able to llvo on the summit of the pass. The chaotic condition of thlnfrs cannot be con ceived by the o who have not seen It. " Amonpr the Queen's paFaensers were : Thomas O'Hrlen. James MeNelll , Stewart Merries. Robert Lowry nnd George JlcCluro , ( who le.ft Dawson City January 1. O'llrlen Is4 wild to have brought out &O.COO In drafts and dust. Don't annoy others by your coughing , au ] risk your Ilfo by neglecting i cold. One Mln- ute Cough Cure cures coughs , colds , croup , grlppo and all throat 'and lung troublea. IMJHSO.VAIi I'AHAUHAIMIS. 'M ' , E. Oetler of Ord la a Mercer guest. C. P. Way of David City la at tlio Mercer. John Zellcr of Moreo Bluffs Is at tlio Mer cer. cer.L. L. fM. Uusscll of AVymoro Is a guest at the Darker. Albert Nelson nf Kansas City la regis tered at the Uarker. Mrs. May C. Firestone pf Denver Is a guest at tlio Mercer. CM , Hoblreau of Paris , France , Is regis tered at the Mlllard. L. W. O'Drlan of Cleveland , O. , Js regis tered at tlio IMIIIard. Frank A. Sparks Is registered at the Mer cer from Philadelphia. 'Mr. ' and Mrs. It. iA. Wells of Chicago are stopping at the Mlllard. H. C. HiiKscll , ox-stato land commissioner of Lincoln , U In the city. A. H. Jones nnd W. C. Lindsay of St. Louis are at tbo Mlllard. ' D , J. Sinclair , United States postal Inspector specter , Is stopping at the Mlllard , John Wlshcrt , a well known stockman of ClarlcHon , IH In the city on business. F. L , Joy , auditor of tbo Elkliorn , residing at Fremont , Is In tlio city on business. W. H. Jones , western pasucnger agent for the "Henderson Route , " Is at tlio Mlllard. Mrs , 'Mabel ' Sommcrs ot Terra Haute , Ind. , and 'Mrs. ' C. 'Miller ' of Fremont are registered at the Darker. W. H. Cundey , traveling passenger ngcnt Tor the Ulo Grande , U in the city on a short business visit. William Fennessy , manager of Jerome's "A Jay In Now York" company , Is stopping at the Darker , Judge Klncald of O'Neill , well known throughout the state , is In tbo city on a visit with friends. Ncbrnskann at tha hotels ; D , J. Sinclair , Lincoln ; W. II. Dearnoy , riattsmouth ; K , L. Joy , Fremont ; John A. Wluherd , Clarkeon ; John S. Jaskaneack , Wlnalde ; K , S , Thomp son , Tekamab ; 1C. L. M. Kennedy , Geneva ; J. H. Hitch. Geneva ; R. H. Hill , Edgar ; J. L. Miner. North I'latte ; J. L. Cissoll , Lin coln ; l > . F. Armstrong. Kim Creek ; John Hodson. 14 D. Chester , Wayne ; Phillip Sul- Ivan , E. 3. Thompson , Tekamab ; Lovl Handy , Dloomtleld ; L. D. Woodruff , Lin coln ; A. C. Fuller , Norfolk ; Ira Thomas , Oakland , II. 0. Russell , Lincoln ; n. Craft , Norfolk ; C. A. Cllno , II. J. Piper , nradnhawj W , A. Clarke , Pierce ; Nallian Gerney , Plaits. mouth ; II. C , McDonald , Fremont ; M. D. Welsh , Lincoln ; , H , M. Puffer , Valley : ' C , E. Uaynson , LoomU ; Leonard Under , L'oorala ; 9. E. Moore , Lincoln ; J. V. Wallace. Oretna ; W. N. ScbaM , Exeter ; W. J , Allen , Schuyler ; 3. F. Nelion , Stromsburg ; John Swanaon , Holurego ; E. J. Asltuls , Oakland ; O. II. lluntlngton , Lincoln ; 8. E. Terry , Franklin ; George Hwsel , Fremont. LAWLESS ELEMENT LULES Governor Brady of Alaska Asks for Mora Troops to Keep Order , SAYS THUGS NOW RULE THE TERRITORY United Stntcff Mnrnlml * nnil Their Arc Shot Ilowii and Uic Murderer * Arc Ac nilttc < I. WASHINGTON , Feb. IS. Secretary Dllss la In receipt of a letter from Governor John O. Brady of Alaska , wider date of February 3 , descriptive of tho. lawless condition of affairs at Skagway and Talya. It was re ferred to at the cabinet meeting today when Alaskan affairs were under discussion and was considered sufficient Justification by the members for the dispatch of the additional military force already authorized to bo sent to Alaskan territory. The following Is n copy of the letter : News from Skagway by the steamboat now In port Is serious. Tno United States deputy marshal has been shot dead In the discharge of his duty. Another man was killed nt the same tlmo nt the same place. Recently the steamers have been carrying great lists or passengers , many of whom nre gamblers , thugs and lewd women from the worst quarters of the cities from the coast. They have taken In the situation ( it Sfcag- wny nnd Tiiiyn , nnd appear to have com bined to carry things with a hls"h hand. The best people nt these places nre power less , because they have no municipal form of government. The United States marshal Is powerless because lie can appoint only n. few deputies , ami when they undertake to uct tney nre singled out ns targets by this rufllanly clement. One of this class was tried in the United States district court last December for the killing of United States Deputy Marshal Watt In January , 15 > 'fl7 , und was acquitted by thu jury In the fuce of positive testimony. In fact , these Inlluences seem to be joined hand In hand ami will surely go unpunished unless the govern ment takes Immediate action and provides the necessary force at Skagway , Talya and other points. Congress should grnnt Immediate relief so that both naval nnd military olllcers can act when requested by the civil authorities. The United Stales marshal sdiould have a patrol vessel at his command with neces sary accommodations for clg'ht or ten dep uties nnd a proper attendant. I do not see how ho performs his duties as executive oflicor of the court unless be has such moans of locomotion always entirely at his own command. At the present time a large and Important mining : property Is bold by n number of miners nt Llerner's bay. This property was recently placed In the hands of a receiver by the court , but to date the receiver has not come Into possession. In this Instance there Is much to be said In favor of the miners' action nnd their self-control , but It Is of such a nature that violence may bo the result. The marshal has nj means of reaching that point with a sulllclent force to carry out the Instructions of the court. Judge Johnson leaves by this boat to settle this affair amicably. If possible. Two weeks ago , or n little more , a gang of men commanded Captain Patterson of the steamship Alkl to discharge the natives who were handling the freight on Uc wharf. They attacked these natives and beat them cruelly In the face of the United Stales marshal. The captain was obliged to com promise with them by paying tnem 50 cents per hour for work on the wharf , but ho In sisted that the natives should work on the vessel. I am sorry to report that the court house at Juncau has been burned to the ground. So far the winter has been remarkable for mildness , and this tends to bring the crowds sooner than they were expected. iron IIICVCM : MAICKKS. Klro CaiisoH T.oss to Firm nf I'nrtner.i 'Koriiicil ' In a I'fiiltoiitlni-y. ' 'SIOUX FALLS , S. D. , Feb. IS. ( Special. ) Among the business houses burned out In the flro In Chicago which occurred there several days ngptlmt of Mcsher & Taylor , manufacturers of bicycles , appears. The Press says the firm Is none other than the famous "mllllca dollar team , " which for merly was the attraction at the feJeul prison hrre. It asserts that Masher , the Nebraska hank wrecker , and Taj lor. South Dakota's ctar embezzler , formed the part nership at the time they were Inmates of the penitentiary in this city. Doth were employed In the engine room , and devoted their attention principally to pushing wheelbarrows filled with nshcs Their close familiarity with wheels gave them the Idea that the bicycle busKrss ought to pay , and they then ana there de cided to invest their hard earned cash in that branch of trade ns soon as they Ind regained their liberty. The plan was carried out and the two met In Chicago and brought out the necessary capital from its hiding place and It was not long before a sign bearing the Inscription "Moslier & Taylor , Manufacturers of Bicycles , " In broad-shouldered letters was hung out and the firm started In to do business. The firm apparently was successful , auJ the "million dollar team" sold wheels until the winter season set In. The fire burn-vl them out several days ago and their future movements will bo watched with interest. IXTKHHSTKH IX SirOAII IIK1STS. Huron Peoiilc Will Continue Thole HURON. S. D. , Feb. IS. ( Special. ) A number of fanners In this locality will ex periment In the cultivation ot sugar 'beets the coming season , the work to ibo done by direction of Prof. Shepard of the State Agricultural college. Jn the event that the rcsultp are as satisfactory aa those of last reason steps will 'be taken for the eri- tiibllchment of a 'boot sugar factory hero. Prof. Shepard Is of the opinion that sugar beets can bo grown to good profit hero and ho Is urging farmers to devote a small tract of land to them the coming season with a view to convincing the public that the crop can bo made equally as profitable au dairying , and the two can bo easily handled together. At Clark on the 23d lust. , a meeting In the Interest of Irrigation , dairying and sugar beet culture will ibo held. Among the ppeakors Hated to address the gathering aio Irrigation Commissioner Cochranc , Presi dent Heston nnd Prof. Burnett of the State Agricultural college , who with Prof. Shep ard of the aamo Institution nro doing much for the enlightenment of farmers and others on agricultural and farm subjects , . IIoInirM He-Ill for YANKTON , S. D , , Feb. 18. ( Special Tele gram. ) R. A. Holmes , the man suspected of having exploded the Tyndall poitofflco eafo about two weeks ago and who secured nearly $ SOO therefrom , was brought hero to day from Omaha , where ho was recently ar rested , charged with the robbery. Holmes was taken before United States Commis sioner E. White of thl3 city for hbarlng , but was remanded to the custody of the deputy United States marshal until tomorrow , when ; ho examination will take place. IliinUrrH Will MM ltn. . Kluht. AHBRDKBN , S..D. , Feb. 18. ( Special Tel egram. ) At a recent meeting of 'bankers ' hold In this city It was decided to test the legality of the action of the State Equaliz ing Board In raiding the assessed vnluo ot bank stocks. In some capos this ralso was over 100 per cent. It Is presumed a decision of the fiuprcmo court will bo obtained be fore the taxes on bank stocks will bo paid. StruuU It Itli'h. CHEYENNE , Wyo. , Fob. 18. ( Special. ) A party of Cheyenne men have struck It rich in the Eldora district , Colorado , They are Albert White , Dr. Buchanan , Dr. Rohr- jaugh , D. U. Cowhide and Isaac Grcentreo , Several months ago they secured an aban doned stiver mine near Caribou , H had been shafted to a depth of fifty feet. The shafting was continued and ore struck which ias been running from I DO to $350 a ton In gold. The mine baa been a paying propo sition from the start and It la believed the owners will make a fortune , Cnll for Confi-rt-iu-e Held Up , POCOTELLO , Idaho , Feb. 18. ( Special. ) The executive committee ot the silver re publican elate committee met here and after 'ully considering the call Issued by Chair man Patrle for a conference of silver repub- Icans at Bolao on February 28 , and for a meeting of tbe state committee at the iiamo place on March 1 , It was decided to suspend the call until such llfita as the matter car bo discussed by thoJiull committee. JAl'AXKSH COMJjXV roil OIHXICO .Surplus Population ) of the * Itciiliu to 'Kind llomrn. SAN FRANCISCO.1IS. . ( Special. ) H , Kawamura and NV-Kobayashl , agents ol Count Knomotto , tliaivcalthy Japanese land owner and ex-inlnls"tDr"of agriculture , have arrived hero on the-fiteomer Gaelic enroute to Mexico. Througha ( treaty stipulation 'be ' tween Mexico and Jauan last year Count Knomotto purchased 100,000 acres of land from the Mexican government for the pur pose of colonizing It with Japanese Immi grants , The land will ho devoted to the culture of coffeo. It lfs ! on the western coast of 'Mexico ' , adjacent to the Guatemala frontier. Thirty-six families from Japan have been located on the land , and the present visit of Messrs. Kawamura and Kobayashl to the Knomotto concession Is to make arrange ments for the settlement on It In the near future of 200 more families. Mr. Kobayashl , who Is one of the execu tive officers of the Japanese Emigration so ciety , In talking about the Enomotto colony project In 'Mexico ' , said lost nlRht : "Wo have a surplus population In Japan , Count Enomotto believes ho can place ! ( Mexico on gcod coffee land a great many ot our deserving poor families. That is the reason why ho obtained 100,000 acres of land from the 'Mexican ' government last year. When our 'Mexican ' colony prospers It will bring about a transpacific ) trade between the mother country and the colony by the port of Acapulco. Within four or live years n railroad will glvo our colony connection with Acapulco. When that Is accomplished we expect Slchlro Asano's steamship line to glvo the colony a service to Japan by the way of this port. Mr. Asano Is having steam ers 'built In England to establish n steamer service between San Francisco nnd the Orient , beginning next October. The Jap anese Emigration society has established prosperous colonies In Queensland , New Caledonia nnd the 'FIJI Islands. It Is In hearty accord with Count Knomotto to make his Mexican colony a 'big success. " I'ocliot of Purr Culil. nUTTE , Mont. , Feb. IS. ( Special. ) The finding of alir est pure gold In a alato for mation almost In the heart of the little camp of Diamond City , although the find Is ad mitted to be only a pocket , would hr.\o been sulllclent to create a stampede In old times A. W. Schrlcber , postmrster , storekeeper and practicaiiy owner of Diamond Clly , wus In Helena n few days ago nnd 'told of the finding ot nuggets of gold In the formation by a miner t Hired L. C. McCann , w'lo ' hm a prospect about a mile from tlio city and several fuer higher in altitude th. n thu camp. SOIULnmo ago McCann , whl'e ' workIng - Ing In a desultory wiy In a shaft ho bad sunk on his claim , encountered some rich lock. One ploir of gold he took out weighed three-quarters ot an ounce ) and was worth $13. Several other chunks ot rock wo'o liken out from viHch ho cxtl acted pure scold. A few 'days eco ho took out flvo ouncea > : i nni1 day. The for.imllon doiv not encourage the bllof that I no find Is a mine , but Indicates rather that It is a pocket. HiiyliKV IliirroH for AliiNkn. ALBUQUERQUE ; N. M. . Feu. is. ( Spe cial. ) It Is predicted fftat at least ten car- load.i of burros will bo' ' shipped out of New Mexico for the Alaskan gold fields on the opening of spring.It IB IcarneJ that Steve Naughton. otherwise known as "Gunnysack Rlley , " has made a. trip to the village of Isletu for a syndicate of Seattle gentlemen for the purpose of cbuyjng up all Ihe spare imrros of that village .from the Pueblo In dians. "Gunnyjinckt I iley" Is a character , but ho is popular qmong the Indians. Yes terday C. T. Drowni a tveryman of Socorro , linught a carload of , lurro3 | from Eutlmlo Montoya and will shlprthem to Alaska. 4 , , , Kn.lli-oiiil 'Kullil.liiff ; In Now Mexico. SANTA FE , N. M..Kcb , lS.--Spectal.- ( ) ' It Is announced fromHHo-.well . that Chief Engineer S. R. Ballard of the Pecos Valley road left there day bcfrro yesterday with a corps of engineers to crcss-soitlon the route for the eMeiiii'on between that point and Washbtirn , Tex. Construction of the new Ine will begin April 1 at both Waghburn and iloswcll. Ol'l'KOIl \ MVH Xotl'N. It Is estimated that 30.000.0CO feet of lumber were cut In Union county last year and about 3-,000,000 feet cf railroad ties. A carload of broomhandlcn was shipped south from the factory at Coquille Itat Wednesday and another carload will bo uent out Eocn. The bowling fever has struck Milton and [ hat town will soon have a line alley. The tracks , phio , balls , etc. , have been ordered from eastern factories. In Jackson county warrants to the amount of $2,890.14 , Including Interest , were re deemed during January. During the simc tlmo warrants to the amount of $2,210.33 were Issued. An addition to the woolen mills In Union will soon bo built nnd a large boiler put In. The mills are now running on full tlmo on blankets of a superfine quality and have orders ahead. The Leader is to be the name of a repub lican sound money papir that will uoon bo ftarted In Moro , Sherman county. A. plant lies been purelmfleil , and It Is said the bud- ness men of Moro nrp behind the venture. A mile of wire netting purchased by the farmpra of the Klamath Falls neighborhood Is to Jjo used for rabbit drives. The wire will bo placed In a V-sbipe , with a slaughter pen nt the bead. lly the aid of a few whlppers-ln , the bunnies will be expected to Peck into the trap llko' sheep Into the [ daughter pen. S. T. St. George Carny of London , who has been spending the last six months In the Klamath lake country , with his headquar ters nt Klnmath Falls , limiting and enjoying the sport which that favored section offers , made a second attempt thh winter to reach Crater lake and succeeded , returning to Klamath Falls last Friday. He has taken several photographs ot thn lake. Mr. Carey was accompanied on his trip by Howard Cunningham. With the rapid approach of spring comes greater activity to the business life of Ilunt- Ingtnn. Not for a number of years , says the IIuntliiBton Herald , has thorn been such promise of prosperity , Men and capital are hero , examining , Investigating , necking In vestment In thp rich and varied resources In and surrounding our town mineral , agri culture , stockralslng. .real estate and com- me'c'.al poEalbllltlc Tjyca , and railway pos sibilities , as well , 1 JM ; , > l o i : I un m'\civji .No I CM. Excellent gold qiiarM assaying $123 to the ton , has been encountered near Rochester , Madison county , at''aaepth ; of only eighteen feet. ' ; * ' ' All the raining dlstrl.c'ts ' tributary to Clancy nro blng worked , .B/jy'cral mines In each district pro.luctlng ci'r.e . , some of which will run well in gold. , ' A nleco of the lata. Jacob Redding of Llv- InRston has Instituted n suit for Ihe estate , valued at ? 40,000. j fftio property was bequeathed - queathod to a son of Bedding's partner. Tbe new concentrnlor , a couple of miles east of Helena , covers about 21,000 square feet of ground surface- The building Is near- Im ; completion nndr Hid machinery Is being delivered on the pfohilncs. A woman hlack as ttar produced a mar- rlago certificate In n < Unite court Saturday , showing shi > was the wlfo of John Gannon , white , and saved him from prosecution on the charge of being her secretary. F. M. Dennis , who recently died at Bil lings , was one of the first , miners that came to Alder gulch , ho having arrived at Vir ginia City In the first stampede. He was noted n * an Indian lighter and had many narrow escapes from the redskins. Bert Shorey , the Lake ba ln wool grower , says tbo winter thus far has been the best for stock of all kinds since the memorable open -winter of 1S85-SC. Ho reports the rangoa In his section entirely free from snow and says tbo sheep are In splendid condition , A new company Is being formed to operate a dredga on Indian creek , nnar Townsend , The company has 300 acres of ground on Indian creek , and It Is estimated that there are 1,000 acres there that will pay from $10 to $20 per day to a man with ordinary placer mining , while with the dredge four men could handle 1,000 square yards of ground per day , which should produce $1 per square yard In gold. ROSE HILL WINS TROPHY Domes Ont Ahead in Whist Contest nt Dos Moincs. OMAHA T AM TAKES THE THIRD PLACE IMnycrj * front the Onle City COIHO Through with Two I'olntn I.CNH Tlinu tlic Loader * . DE3 MOIXK3 , Feb. IS. ( Special Telo- Krnm. ) The tournament of tlio Central Whist nssoclatlcti closed tills evening , the HOBO Hill team of Sioux City winning tlio HlcharJs trophy , with DCS Molnes second. DCS Molnra has for a long scries of con tests held the trophy. Hose Hill defeated lca .Moltics by half a match. Kansas City , the tall-end club of yesterday , aurprlsed all by winning eight nnd one-half matches , tlclng Hose Hill on today's playing. Among the features tit the play was the defeat of the first DCS 'Molnes ' team by the ( Pastlmo team of DCS Jlolnes , which defeat cost Dee Moincs the trophy , but proved at least that no games were being thrown. The teams taking part were : ISoso Hill Mann , Preston , Hall , Hammer. Uea Molnes Harbach , Matthews , Conrad lind Whitney. Den Molnus. Pastime Wnlrlth , Knowlton , Dlokmnn und Cope. Ijltiroln llainmoml , Webster , Smith nnd Altketi. Slauxj Fulls , Commercial Richards , Gates , linker nnd llaughton. Sioux Falls , U.ilotn Hear. C. E. Mckln- nuy. D. li. McKlnncy and Sldwull. Soux City Wlilst , Clicss nnd Checker Shull , dough , I-iohr nnd Stromberg. Slouxi City , Hnwkeye Thompson , lllch , Ford nnd Humphrey. Council muffs Shea , Mayne , Itarslow ; nnd ISverett , Conturvllle Drake , Valentine , Pcelman and Clark. Charllon Kirk , Oppcnhclmcr , Ueem and Manning. Kansas City Anderson , Mnrtln , Hamilton und Ynnkton Pcemlllcr , Johnson , Sylllaasen and Day. Omaha Heed , Ulendorff , lllnchart und Scrlbncr. The complete score on the Richards trophy was : Matches : 1st. 'Jnd , 3rd. Total. HosoHIll SJfc S SVi W DCS Moincs S 10 7 ! < . 23VS Omaha lOVi W7 21 Commercial S SVi GVi 21 Ynnkton CVi I ! \ ' L'O Pnstlmo 7 7 0 20 Ctmrlton 4Vi 7 7'/j 10 Council Hlulfs ( > 7 fi 1 ! ) Dakota 7 fi fi'/j ' 3S > { . Lincoln fi Vj fi 17 > i Whist , Chess & C. fi r , fiV-i 1G'4 ' Kansas City IV 31 $ SVi 1G1 < , Hawkeye IViI'j 7V4 IG',4 The association held Its business session In the afternoon and elected olllcera as follows : President , II. J. llarlcy , Lincoln ; vlco presi dent , J. J. Shea , Council IJlufTs ; secretary and treasurer , George S. Hall , Sioux City ; executive committee , II. J. Harley , J. J. Shea , George S. Hall , B. L. llichards of Rock Hnplds , H. W. Hums of Yankton , J. H. Gable of Denlson , W. , . \ . Hewlett of Cunsas City , C. F. lilendorff of Omaha. The nldsummer meeting will be held at Manhat tan Ueach hotel. Lake Okobojl , August G and C. The annual mcelng will bo at Omaha "cbruary 10 and 11 , IS'JO. IIAXMIV SL' fiK3TS HOMK CHAXfiKS. ForwnrilM 1 < Pri'Nlilfiit YomifX Mliinr- Ity 'Ki | iort ofUnion Committee. I3ALTIMORK , Feb. IS. President Hanlon cf the Baltimore base ball club has for warded to President Youmj a draft of the minority report of the Vules committee , which he proposes to lay before the comlns National league meeting' , with a request that copies be sent to every president In the circuit. The report will deal with three of the changes proposed by Chairman Hart. President Ilnnlon proposes that the pres ent rule bo continued allowing an umpire to remove a player from the game or ; grounds at the llrst Indication of obnoxious kicking , the player to be at liberty to re sume his function ? at the beginning- tha lext game. An added clause- makes It com pulsory upon the umpire to make and for ward to Pros'dont ' Young an allld ivlt If a player uses or Indecent language , mil gives pci.ver to President Young to collect evidence nnd suspend the offender for .such time as ho may deem proper , .Mr. Hanlon believes that the umpire should not bo allowed the power of Indullnlte hiispen- slon. slon.Tho report will also provide that a stolen > aso be allowed a player whenever he makes a manifest attempt to take an ad vanced position and Is successful , no mat ter what follows on the part of the batter.- It further alleges that basts on balls , wild pitches and "hit by pitcher" shcuM figure In earned runs agalnij ; the pitcher allow ing them. VI'III.KTICS 7\T Si .VHSHALI.TIMV.V. Duliiiiliir Trnin TnkoM Klrsl I'lnuc In ( lie Contest. MAHSHALI/rOWN , In. , Feb. 18. ( Special Telegram. ) In the State Young Men's Christian npsoclatlon athletic contest this afternoon the Dubunuc team won with 1,222 paints , Drake university of Dei Molnes 1.221 points , Cedar Ilupids 1,200 jiolntn , DPS M-ineo 1,102 points and Sioux City 1.100 p-lntn. Theie were live events twelve- l-onnil shot put , lliree Jumps , ropa climbing potato race. The scores In each event were : Shot Put Cedar Il.iplds , 201 ; Drake , 218 ; Dubumip , IIS ; DCS Molnes , 15'J ; Sioux City , 1ST. Three Jumps Cedar Hnplds , 227 ; Drake , 271 ; Dubuque , 20 < j ; DCS Molnes , i.'G ; Sioux City , 221. Hope Climbing Cedar Uaplds , 2G ; Drake , MS ; Dubuque , I20 ! ; DeH Molnes , 312 ; Sioux City , 20S. Potato Tluce Cedar Rapids , 213 ; Drake , 270 ; Dubuiiue , VM ; Dos Mollies , 2X3 ; Sioux City , 213. Tnreo contests In each team. Sullivan of Dubuiius won the first In dividual prize , with -134 points ; Hamilton of Drake , second , with IH points ; Drunner of Cedar Kaplds , third , with 412 points. AtlilfllcM nt V. M C. A. Saturday night will be athlfrto night nt the Youns Men's Christian association. Five events will bo contested. They are as follows : Fifteen-yard dash ; putting Hlxtecn- pound tihot ; standing broad jump ; running big i jump , and relay sweet potatoo rueo between live teams of four men oneh picked from the different basket ball teams. Following this will bo n practice gnmo of basket ball between thu tegular team and u picked team. This regular team Is preparing for a game with the Lincoln Young Men's Christian association team , Wlilon will be played hero next Tuesday. The Lincoln team Is the strongest team In the state , having defeated the University of Nebraska team twice. The local men are slightly the worse for wear , because of the number of nceldontH occurring In the game ut Council muffs last Wednesday , when the local men defeated Council lilufftt by a score of 25 to , Stlllson has d lame hand , Cortelyou a severe cut on the forearm nnd Captain Iledlleld Is laid up with a bruised hip. These accidents were duo to the steam radiators xvhlrh arc very promi nent on the Council Hluffs Hour. Thosf men arc expected to round Into form foi next Tuesday , however. Tlernry Wln n I'ool Hit PC. There was an Interesting foal race ni South Omnha yesterday afternoon , In which H6bcrt Tlerney of Wnrumn , la. , defeated the "Mountain Kid" In a close and ex citing finish. Tlerney has Just como to town from a tour through the Ulack Hills , whert has Jias run n number of races during the last seven months. He Is s.ild to hnvo a record of ten seconds llat for the 1 < M yards. No time was caught In yesterday's race , which was over n course of fifty yards nnd for a purse of KO. It was the llrst race Tlerney had run In this vicinity slnco List spring nt Sioux City , la. KlTort 1oji > t > uri * Von iltr Alir'N llclpnic PtTTSnUHG , Feb. 11. Another effort was made today In the United States court to secure * the release ; of Chris Von der Abe on a writ of habeas corpus. Judge Uulllngton granted an order on Sheriff Lowry nnd Jailor McKeeser requiring them to produce Vender der Ahp In court next Wednesday and show cnuso why ho should not be released from custody. Meanwhile Von der Abe. must re main In jail. Dr. null's Cough I3yrup Is sold everywhere , and -always cures coughs and colds. CA\AIIIA > I'ACtFlO CUTS IliATKS. n lloiiiliolifll In tinMlilxt ot Ilx American Coniiotltor.M , CHICAGO. Feb. 18. Tlio Canadian Pa cific road exploded a bomb among Its Amer ican competitors 'today 'by announcing a wholesale reduction of rates. Tlicso cuts affect business In two directions. In the first place ' ( ho rates from all New .Kngland points to Minneapolis nnd St. Paul are slaughtered ; and again , all Now Kngland points and points In the state of New Yorlf have had one.blanket rate applied , so far as nil business to North Pacific coast points Is concerned. Thcso transcontinental rates have been cut almost In two. The present rates from the Atlantic Eeaboard tr > the North Pacific coast nro $7P.33 llrst class and SG7.10 EOoml class. Tomorrow the Canadian Pacific will make these rates from all points In New Hngland and New York ? 40 llrst clnss and $30 second class. .MINNEAPOLIS , Feb. IS. The Soo-Paclilc has announced ns effective February 23 a late from Mlnncupolta and St. Paul to Pnget sound points of $15 llrst class , $10 second clafs and to Portland $3 higher. A rate of $2. > llrst class to Pugct sound points was announced early in the day to meet the reduction of the Northern Pacific and Great Nccthorn road * from $10 , but \\Cicn It waa learned that the latter roads were to put the rate Into effect tomorrow , the See line promptly cut the new late In hair and announces that It will continue to meet any further reductions. RUliF ItOAU PtJSIIIOS HXTKXSIOXS. Only T\v 'iily-Tw Mllen lluttvi'un- Omiilia anil Port Arllmr. KANSAS CITY , Feb. IS. The Kansas City , Pittsbtirg & Gulf railway la pushing Us ex tensions to Omaha and Fort Smith. Addi tional tcam.5 and work tralnn were put on the track-laying on the northern connecting railroad , the Port Arthur Route's line north of the Missouri river , today. Only twenty-two miles of track remain to be laid before con nection Is made between Kansas City and Qulncy and Omaha , thus giving Quiucy an 1 Omaha direct connection with the gulf. Tills will bo accomplished , It l.s said , by about March 5. ' .II 1.1.11Division Is Sold. 3ALINA , Kan. , Feb. 18. The government lien on the middle division of the Kansas Pacific railroad in Kansas was Hold this morning In this city. The road was bought by Alvln W. Krech and Wlnslow S. Pierce , representing the reorganization committee for $3,300,000. There was no competition ut the sale. Mr. Krccli was the only bidder. " \V. D. Cornish acted-as auctioneer. ItnllronilN .Votes mill I'erNininls. Judge William K. Kelley , general solicitor of the Union Pacific , left for Now York last evening to confer with the directors of the reorganized company. Graeral Passenger Agent Knlskern of the Chicago & Northwestern parsed through Omaha last cvcring enroute from Chicago to Denver on the new "Denver Special. " Thp Burlington Is said to be figuring on the construction of a grain elevator oa Us terminal property , south of the Kansas City Stock yards. It will have a capacity of at least 500,000 bushole. The gross earnings of the Baltimore ft Ohli > railroad for the month of January , 1S98 , Increased $ G7,000 , The total gross In crease for the sovui mcnths ending January SI , 1S9S , Is $ C1SOG3. The total net in riJp.o for the tjamc period Is $730,421. The largest locomotives In the world have just been made for the Great Northern rail way. The iiyllndew of tlirso twelve-wheeled monsters nrn 21x31 Inches , making the stroke the longest ever used hi locomotive practice. The boiler Is S7V4 inches largest diameter and 78 Inches smallest diameter , and the working pressure 223 pounds absolute cr 210 pounds above atmosphere. The lire box Is 121 Iiichui long , 40'/4 Inched wide and has 37i ( tubes of 2Vi inchc.3 diameter , and 13 feet 10 % Inches long , making the total heating surface 3,280 square feet. The Karsns City. PHtsburg & Gulf Rail road company has listed on the New York Stock ExchEMRo $2,122.000 additional llrdt mortgage thirty-year ! > s , iESued at $25,000 per mile 'n payment for 53 7-23 mlle of rofid purchased from the Knnuns City , Fort Smith & Southern Railway company , which hai been merged Into the Kansas City , Pitts- burg & Gulf Rallroid company , fiald 53 7-2i ! miles running from Joplln , Mo. , to Sulphur Springs , Ark. , and In payment of 81. C inllf.i of additional completed road , bo'i-.g Uiiicil for double track and yard and terminal track. This mulcts the total amount ot first Cs listed to date , $21,828,000. There has alno been listed , $030,000 additional capital stock , making total amount listed to date , $23- 000,000. Children and adults tortured by bnrnu , scalds , tajiirlco , eczema or skin diseases may secure Instant relief by using DoWltt's Witch Hazel Salve. It Is tlio great I'lln remedy. l-M UK HKOOJU ) . Mont MiirKi'l UiiriiM. NEBRASKA CITY , Fob. 18. ( Special Telegram. ) The meat market of R , A. Dock wao destroyed by flro early this morning. The lese on the building Is absut $1,000 , fully covered by Insurance. Loss on stock nnd flxturcii , $1.800 , with $1,200 Insurance. The hardware took of J , J. Card well In an adjoining ImlldliiB was damaged to the extent - tent of $ COO , but la fully Insured. The origin of the flro ia unknown , lic > tH n .Si'iirc. PITTSnURB , Feb. 18. Flro broke out In the National Wall Paper company's building , a nine-story wiructuro on I'enn nvcnuo , near Ninth street , about 1:30 : p. m. Valuable property waa threatened nnd the entire flro department ot thn city was CJllbd out. The flames were confined to 0110 building and are now under control , Lous on building nnd stock , $125,000. A L1TTLESTODY of our Cook Book will suggest many delicate dishes to be made with LIEIJIG COMPANY'S EX TRACT the genuine "blue sig nature brand. " Send a postal for tlila Cool : Book , free to every house keeper , to I.lcblg Co. , I > . O. Dor SIIS , Ifeiv York. IpctracKBeef ' < f * . ! < If you tlo not get Whisky of the proper Age and Purity.tfSix Years Old , 100 I'ure , " is the Govcnnneiifs Guarantee on every bottle of Dottlcd byV. . A. f.AINtS S CO. , frnnVforf , Ky. The Government Internal Kevonuo Officers nt the distilleries Inspect tlio contents of every bottle. In buying bemire mire the Internal Ucvcnuo Stamp over tha Cork nnd Capsule li not broken nnd that It the nnmoY. . A. GUMS & CO. 0V It ft > ' ( iCt'trninent Guarantee that VfS with Ihif ALL DEALERS SELL IT DR. E. C. WEST'S NERVE AND. BRAIN TREATMENT t THE ORIGINAL ? ALL OTHERS IMITATIONS , IsDoldundor positive Written C3 tin ran tee , bynnthoriitciil iigoMta only , to euro Weak Memory , Dizziness , \VnUofulncB8 , Fit ? , Hysteria , OiticK- IISM , Ninht IAISSIS , Kvil Droamn. Jjncli of Conll- donen , Kurvunctiesa , Litoaltude , nil Drninti , louth- till Urroro , or Excessive UKO of Tobacco , Upturn , or Liquor , which lends to Misery , Consumption , Insanity nnd Denth. At otoro or by mnil , SI u box ; six for S5 ; with vrrillttii nnnrniitco to oaeh parson. At atoro or by lanil. kE3TRcd Label Special. | Extra Strength. ' For linpotonoy , Jjoso . , 1'owor , Lost Alnnhood , Btorility or Ilnrrnmio a.l. ] - ? n box ; Bis lor S5 , withal , - . _ _ ' _ ' , AtutoroVfi ; , - , . - , fe&FORfcorbymull. AFTtH Myori Dillon Drtuv Co , S. K. Corner ( ! > iiiul I'nmuiii StK. , Oiiiiilin , Noli. FOR l.VTKHX VI.M ) KXTKIIN VI , I'SH. fl HUB AM ) IMUSVIiVrS Colds , ConuliN , Sore Throat , liillllcir..ll , Jlroix-hHlN , I'lii'liinoiiln , Stvolllnur ol' tlio .loliit.i , Imuling" , Illlllllllltlllt lollH. 1UII3UMAT1S.M , M01H.1l.lilV , 1I10A1) . ACIIIO , TOOTH.vr-HH , ANTII.IIA , im < ' - Ficii.T ; JIHIOATIIIM ; . liailirnys' ttvnily Hi-llol' IN a Surr Curi ; for llvorjI'nlii , MiirnliiM , IlrulNOn , 1'allKi In ( hi * ttnrU , ClirHl or l.lmliN. It wnx ( InI'lrHt anil IN tlie Oiilj- 1'AIX IllO.MI DV That Instantly plops the most rxcruclalliiK I'nlns , allayn Inllammullon. and cures coiiKcllan . uhcthcr ot t.lo l.uiiKs , Klunuu-h , liotveU or oticr | glands or orttans , by oiuapplication. . A half to u leaMJ ! lunful In half u tumbler nf water will In u few minutes uiru Cramis | , HpaHins , Hour Slomach. Ilearlbuin , * i'crvoueiiesHf SlcepleHsiH'sH , Hick Headache , Ulonhoca , Dyhun- lery , Colle , I'Matuleney ami ui : Internal p.llns. ' 1 hero IH not a icmodhil nKcnt 111 Ihevnrlrl that will cure fever and niue and. all other mitlnrlous. billions and other fe\Lrs , aided by HAD WAY'S riI.I.S , BO quickly n.i HADWAY'H IllIADY IIMUMF. COo a bottle fold by ' Itadway & Co. , New York City , C3 Kim St. OMAHA MEDICAL ANI ) Sisraical ARE OLD SPECIALISTS In the treatment of all Chronic , Nervous and Private Diseases. anil nil WHAKNnaSBS nnd r Catarrli , nil Dlseateaor thu None , Tnroat , Ch l. Btoinach , Llvcr , lllooil , Hkln cind Kidney Dis uses , Lost Manhood. Hyitiocelu , VorlcocelD , Oonorrhea , Qlcete , S > lilillla. Strlcturp , 1'lles , Fls- uln nnd Kcctal Ulcers DInbelea Hrlfflit's Ul - ata cured. Cnll on or addrcrs with stamp foi 'rco Doolc nnd New Melhodn. Trriilini'lit by Mull , Coiiniiltndoii frc-o , Onialia Medical and Surgical Institute Itoom 8. H7'fc ' North icth St. , Oinahu , Neb. © ® d to Eat a g To Bccnro host results by fho nrpllnHon of en 8 cilernnl toinody ( n tlio treatim-iit of OniiQlm * < ' lil , \Vlmolui | ) Couffhi TMrurlpynnd ntharchrst 8A trout > Ioft , bomrpiin-l n t Ili'iinon' * PIiiMtur. c.irefiilly nvoldlnf ; IniitatintM Hiitl nut'utltinfonj with \vlilcli tlio iimrlirt in jlunelctt. Ronrnm * * I'laz * A tor promptly r ! iov < ami ctirortudiO' * und p.itnaof y drcciiption , Jl'minniitmin , bciatfta : JjUin- ins. oc. J'r" * , I * " * . li ) > IllaU far imimturit IrrlUtlcLi or utccrEL ( cf munuui iitcnibranai. PfttnU * ! , uuil iint uatrlD * fc'tnt r polionuui. Rolil ElrncfflcfOff or * nt ia plain Trrap rb by olpreli , brepulil , fctf l.fW , or 3 botUw , 12.70. Ultcala MRI oa Dlouiuntl Hrnnd * .111) OnlJtnulnr . n-lliMe , LADica ik id for C'A/cAicr / i'nalUk / > Ji- , J Hranil la He < l anj r/V'M uirttttlo with MMO ribbon , Tw" _ Jnootbi-r * Jltfun ttungtrovi tultttu * ftt&ntanj imitation . AI PrtifcliiiiOrKBi * * for j'trtlouUri , fit I woo Ul i ID ! for i.iitllt v * ' < filefrp. by relora Slttll. 1O.UUO Tntlnio& > /'a tr , Jdold bj U'UcU ru iif" . tWi * a"l IIIIAUA. , 4.i * Ill Pictures Part XX Now Ready For Distribution. Jrlntf 10 cents to The Ueo ollioo , either in Oinului op Council lllulTs. iluilcil to any uddress ou rucoliit of JO cuts in oolu.