R 9' ' THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , FEBKUAttY 10 , 1898. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL llrtct Shows Reactionary Tendency and Olosjs Lower. LEITEfl PREVENTS A BREAK IN WHEAT < orii nml Onti Kuril IJci-llnr I'ml ft Di-pri'sslim , mill I'rov | HUII Uciiinln .llinnt Ln- VlllttlKUll , CinCAOO , Teb. IS-Hverythlng on thf liourd of Tinile Bhovved n icnctloniiy teiul- eiicy todnj anil closetl nt declines. Wheat f It the LlTt-ct of jeiterdiij's liuivy llqulila- tlon. Thin iniil the large Aigcntlnc vshe.it finlpniftita reMttlttil In a decline In May al ! " , < ; nt one time , but heavy ocean frelfihl c iiKiiii ; ii > iits for I elter tanned a rally , May cloful nt n losa of % c from jesterdny t'jrn dtdlnpil % o und oit % c. Provisions tlosed unUmiiKed to ' , tc lowed It VN.ig f\lilent at the Hlnrt In wheat trad- Inp Hint thu short ucnie , so prominent n feature of triulltiK nit weak , had neatly dlei out undo the Inllucnci * of thu heavy sell Ins diirhiK yesterday's session. In nddltlor the mott Importinit of the ea lj news was clearly In fiver of the beais , and a weal nml laver opening was the Inevitable re HUlt. .May , the cloihiR prtco of vshlch jcs tenlij was $1OIH , ns offerpd In goodly ( lti.\ntltlr's at the start todiy at from J1.01V down to Jl ( XT , and so greit W.IH the Belling Iirossurc for a tlmo th.U the price dropp"i tol.02'i , 01 I'C loner than the highest price paid > csterduv. In this decline Argentine news UIIH prominent. Argentine shipments for the \\ck amounted to l.SSS.OOO bu airalnst TUOJi ) bu , the vveik previous nnt ljJW ( ) bu laat year. Cable news was alsc. rithur dlstouraKltiK to holdcis , both l.lver pjol and 1'nilH snowing Mitall dttllnes , an ( much wns made of the fallniu of the Kuio- pean miuketM to follow the advance here jesterdu ) The ehiuacterof the nt-vvs , how ever , soon eh inKcd Mlntitapolly and Uu- iuth rcpoittd rtcelpts of onlj 245 cars agaliiHt S2 cars IIIHI week and 2.M a > car ago Cllltiigo ipeelvcd 207 cars seven of which wore contract. Liverpool Corn Tndr News' table from Hosirlo , Argintlne , ild that continued IUMVJ rains were cloltiK con siderable dam tgo , and market advancing with selleiH scaice This utilised a ccsi i- tlon of Kelllnjr liete , and Htirtcd a buying lit mind , which soon sent thu .May price back to $10 ! ' , , H reacted then to $102 * * but again advanced , petting to { 1 DlVi shortly after 11 o'clock Trade In May bee line quieter than foi a time , but considerable attention was glvi n July Opening 'ifilc lowci at from S'l'/ie to SDc1 , that option broke with miiiiv minor lluctuatlons to SS' c When Maj rallied Julv .ulvanoed also , get ting up to Sa'fcc ' , and trade for some time vva quite active In that delivery. Kiter In the da > nut market became cpilte strong New York and lloston niosbanes rei > oited the tiklnR n ( Height rooms for "M.OOO bu of wheat for export to Liverpool , nil ol which was credited to Lelter Several of the laiKe Hellers of jeateulny , notably C'ndihj , bought quite freelv A genera ! buying movement v\as started by the Letter freight room engagement reports , May au- 'iinclng to $1 01 , and July to SDM.C Then tnc n irKet quieted down again In the list naif hour the continued liquidation In the coarse * gialn pits affected wheat and the market cus d off some At the close .May was bringing $1 011A and July SS c. Tnero wag a large general trade In corn Profession il and elevator Interests were free m'ller-i again The weakness In wheat also Increased IIP disposition to rca'Ue , and dur ing the morning the market nas quite weak. Sonic of jtsterdav's big sellers re instated their lines at the decline und pirt of the loss was recovered later A poor cash demand had a weikenlng Influence Miiy ranged from HO'fcfii Ikto JOiiTW/ < : , and closed } Kc lower at uOV.fiM\c. Market for oats w is only moderately active and en.itlc. The market wns weak at the opening. In sympitby with wheat. Liquidations started at once and pi Ices broke siarply. The break brought In good Imying und a gradual rallv followed , but ic-newed sclllniy e islly broke prices ) again. There was considerable "long" o its otter- Ing all day. May ringed from 27c. to ( % , and closed c lower at 2Cc. There was a fair trade done In provisions with the maikot generally tending toward lower prlcns There was some trading ap parently by paokeis , and a good deal of outwlde profit-taking Prices declined m i- terliilly during the morning , but better sup port developed later and a slight recovery ensued Sympithy with wheat was a lactor throughout At tie close May pork was 12c lower at $1093 , May lard , 2 ! c lower at JT JO and May ribs unchanged at ? 5 2 > Cdtlm.itod receipts for Siturday : Wheat , K > cars ; corn , 550 cars ; oats , 200 cars ; hogs , 17000 head Leading futures ranged as follows : AntclesT ! Ojoi. I lIUli I r.ov. . I"cloaoTvcst y Uheat Feb . 1 08 May , KM < n 1111 1 04M July 8SV , DO Coin- May . July . UK 3l'i J-'M J.IX1 Oat May 27 -7 27M July. . 21 ' .MM lork- May . . 11 12W 10 no 10 o1 ? 11 071 , July . 11 10 11 10 10 us 10 DoS 11 02 I. aril May . 5 20 fi U2 i fi 15 S 20 July . S U7H 0 JO 5 22 < - 5 J7 > . fi 25 Eh'tltlbB May . 5 10 n22 > " fi 21 5 25 July r. .1 0 .17 H , r , jo 8 . ! > fi Ui ! NO. : Cash iiuotnllons we're as follows : I'LOIHI Stfady. vvlnlrr pitents. S4 OJT4 ; straights , $1 30ii4 M. spring specials , $1 33 3.45 , spring patents. $4.COffl4 SO , bil.en $3 303 00. \VIU3AT-No 2 spring , U7C , No 3 spring , 9)8 ) > tfo. No 2 re.1 $1 WVitll 01. tVHN No 2 , 29'ic OA'IS No 2 , 2d' e , f , o b , No 3 white , f. o b , 2iJS9c UYU Nu 2 , l'J'4o JlAlHjEY No J , f o b. 31i18o. ri.\jkHiiu > NO i. $ i 2iin 2s. TIMOTHY hlllJD-i'rlme , $ i 10. I'llOVIhlONH I'oik , mes' , per bill . J10 87'iO 10 90 I/ird per ICO His , $3 10 llicon , short rib l sides ( loose ) $ " > 1T.TJ3 33 Pry salted shoul ders ( lioxed ) , (4 73ij5 CO , short clear fides ( boxed ) , $5 coyc o ) . WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , per snl , HUOAHS Cut loaf , jr 01 , granulated , $351. On the Produce exchange today the butter market was steads , creameries , 13fil5oj dilrles , 115/171" C'lttM' , quiet at SU MT l-gns , fresh , He. DiexjiM poullr > , firm , turkis , SVj'ullc. chick ens , 7V5080 , iluckH , M3W YOU 1C for till' lu ) ii CitMicrnl ClIIIIIIIIMlllll'H. iNn\V 'iOIUC , l\b 18 riXJUll Hecelpts , 18 , . Wi bbls , ev ports , 11 , W bbls , strung and again higher on the ihnlio grades , city mill patents , | j UiO : 90 , clt > mill clears , $ J 4003 CO , Minnesota patents , J5:003W , Minnesota btlteis , } l SJfiJ M , Mlnnexotu tULilghts , Jl COM 175 , v\lnter extras , Jo W > B1 CO , v\lntir low grades , J. 1K)5J ) 00. Itju Hour , tlrm at J.'MtfS.t ! llueknheut ( lour , Bleudy ut Jl 2W\ \ lUlt'IC\VHi\T : rinn at 39c. LOHN MMUKlrm , > ello\\ western , 71c , - No 3 wentern , 6ic. ( . feeding , JO lie- HAHMJY MAI.T-l'Irm. westerrC 52'KW7c \\Hll\T-Ueeelpts , 9.SW hu ; | iot stjiadj , No 3 if ! , Jl Mi , , alloal , ID arrive OIL tloiw opened weak at a p-iitlal % ( Jo decline. folloulng heavy Argentina shipments and 1111- Kutlsfattory cables They declined further on lUliildatlon , but rallied In the1 lust hour on re ported heavy freight room engagements for 1 'ltiThrut and bullUh Argentine crop ncns , h > sed steady at Wi'ju net decline , Maj , Jl OOJi 101 , clocd ut J100 4 rOKN llecelpts , MkW bu , exports , 4TD"0 bu No , . ' , S7HC. Options opened Millet and un- ihanged , but kold on and uen > henenilly v\eak nil day under protpects of larger leeelpu and lliiuldatlons ; closed UOha net lower , May , K 1-WlK V , closes ! at Ai'ie. ' OATb Hetelpls , 32,400 bu , exxirts | , 3),22I hu rput easier : Nu , 2 , JlVjt'Jl c , Options wt-aK und loner , owing to alack demand and vteak > nus In corn , cloee.1 , o net lower , May Ucsed " rni:1)-rirm : bran , 70 77'5c , inldilllns. 73 ® Ji . K i * . C3o. HAVcjulet ; Hhlpping , 3iUUo ; rood to choice. . HOI'S Quiet ! state , common to choice , ISM crop. 4C6oj U90 crop. Tiil'o ' ! 1597 crop , KJflJc ; 1'acllla iou > t , ISM crop , 4i/oc ; 1S96 crop. 1S97 irop. 17tfl9e- , HIDUy 8tcad > : Oaheston , lie ; Texas , dry Jo ; Callfornlii , 17O18C. IwUATlIKH-.Stojds ; hemlock gale. l9Ug WOOI.N uItt , lleiec. S ? Jlc , 'letu , l > UOVISIONS-lleef , firm ; family , Jll Kffll.73 , fxtro ine , Js Wj btef Immi. JJJW&SJO ) ; luckct. J WrlOW Cut mrati. uteaiiy , plckUd Lollies. JiTSeiOO. pickled nhouldern , Jl 75. pickle I haiiK , J7 75flS W Ijir.l , tinner , o tvni steam. } J 40 , rrllned , llrm I'ork , mruns , mem , Jit OOW11 K , horl eb-ar , Jl'ITittl. ' 7S , famlh ! Ill DO TaltoVN , stfiul ) , city , 3 7-lGljSc : countr ) , ovln , btrady , ( trained , common tepee pee ) , J1O314I Turpentine , llrm ; 3i ; oil. prime crude , 1 UJ\ : ; ummer yelliw , tOlfJO'lc ; off mmmer Telloir , Jlfl St f. iHitlrr oil , * Vf ! * UICK-Steadr ; fair to * tr , 4HW5T4C , Japtn , C Q Uc. MOIASSiS Klrm : New Orlonnn , open kettle , gnml tn chole-o , KCTUc MI.TAISeveral i1cpartm nls of the mMn market phoned decided strrngth nnd the gen < eral situation bus aMiimed n mnnf vornbU turn. At the clopa thf Metal exchange cnlb pU Iron warrant * very dull nt J6 V ) bid nnd 16 71 n kcxl ; lake copper , Btrong and higher at til 31 bid nnd Jll M flnkf.1 : tin , quiet but nrm al 1110 bll and J420 n kwl , lead , birely steid ) nt S3 CO bid nnd n S7'S nrkcd The firm Urn lUei the settling price for miners and cmclten calls lend strong at J3 CO IJUTTKH Hecelpts. 2M ! ) pkgs , sleidy , west frn creamery , 11'iiJWc , lllglns , 20c , factory , 1 C'linn K-Ucrelpts , 11.3M plg ( julct ! llsh ! CiJUVic , tnrt skims , 4S6VSc : full rklms ilOH : Herclpti" . 4 * iSS pkc , itatc anil Pcnn sylvanta , 16c , vveitern , IJ'ic OMAHA f ! r : v n if.\T. > i v H ic crs. Conilltlun iif Trnilp nml QuolntlniiH 01 Slnpli * nml 1'u n c > - I'roiliicc. > M ] stock , line. IlUTTKIl Common to fair , OOUc , ' rcpiratoi Tfnmcrj'i W1"- gathered creamery , HRlCc ViAICliolc : ( - fat , fO to 120 Ibs. , quoted1 at Sc large and coarse , 4Cc. IHIISSID : POULTHY cnickons , C37c ; tur keys , S < U10c , gecie , "fiEc. ducks , 7t8c I.IVH lOfl.TllV Chickens , Cc , old roosters , , So : chicks ! , Be i OASIK Small rabbits , per doz , 73c ; large Jl 21 , squirrels , M 60e IMOIXJNS Uve , 75c. dead pigeons not wantei HAY ITplnnil , JS 50 ; midland , J3.UO ; lowland Jl M , rjc stmw J4.SO. color makes the price o lu > ; light hales rell the be t. only top grade bring top prices . Cii > iilV-(3oDil stock , large , 40c , small , JOS noc.ONIONS ONIONS Per hu , Jl lOffl So 1IIIANS Hand-picked navy , per bu , 11.2 l 30 SV\IUT I'OTATOUKansas , 10-pcck Lbls J.'uO CAHIlAan OOCH ! stock , per Ib , IV.c. I'OIATOUS Home giown , M3J5c , vvc ter stcxk , 70c. I'HUITS. A Pl'MN Winter slock , t1.00fl3.00 , Cnllfornl Ilellcllour , boxe , Jl 50 ; Colorado Jonathans boxet , Jl 75 , Oregon , boxen , Jl 25 , OHANIIKKIlins Jpr e > , per bbl , ! 7 001J7 ! 3 Wisconsin Hell and Hugle , J7 D037.70 ; WlsconsI Hell and flurry , JO 00. OIlAI'iri Malagas , JJ OOJiC 00. IHOI'IPAL I'ltUlTS OrtANOL'S-Cullfoinltt navels , J2 7JQ3.tX ) ; fane seedling J2 50 , choice , 12 2i nnMONB California , faney , J3 00 , tholce , J2 75 IIANANAS Choice , large stock , per bunch t. ' OGQ2 2o , medium sl7ed bunches , $1 75j2 00. NUTS Almonds , i > er Ib , largo size , 12Q13C small. He , llru/lls per Ib , 0/noc , HnKlWi unl nuts , per Ib , fancy soft Khcll , lOWlIc , stand arils , bj/3c. tllhcits , per 111 , ICc , pecans , polished medium. CJ c , extra 1 irgc , biiOc , large hlckorj nuts , tl OOftl 10 per bu , small , JlJ'13o pe bu , , eocoanuts , ) > er 100 , J4 00 , peanuts , raw , DU Jfec. roasted , CiiiC'40 ' I'lOS Imported , fancy , 3 crow" , 14-lb , boxc 12c , r > crown , 44-lb. boxe , 145il5c , 2-lb boxes , I M2Jo per box , California , n-lli bnx , $100 , HONHY C.iolco white , 12c , Colorado amber , 1 4jlli- 4jlliKIIAUT Per bbl , J4 00 , half bbl . J2 KO2.D3 MAPM3 8Y11U1' rivo-Riil can , each , Ji 7'i gel cans , pui , per < loz , J12 00 , half-gal , cans JO 25 , quart cans , J3 50 , UATI1S IIullovvLc , CO to 70-lb boxes , Cc , Salr SHc , raid , 9 Ib boxes , OL CIOEIt-Per half bbl , 13 00 , bbl , $3,25. rncbii MEATS. DltUS&GD lliir : : Good native steers , C'sc good forcquarters steers , BV5c , good hlndquarter steers , Mfcr , uestein steers , l > ' , c , fancy helfeis o'iC , good heifers , lie , uood foreituartcrs heifers ue , Kood hindquarters heifers fee , good cous 5TiC , fair cows , S'/iC , cow foiequartcrs , 4',2C ' , co\ hlnihiuuiters 7c I1EE1 * CtTTS Hanglnff tenderloins , 4'ic ' 'I- No 1 , lie , ribs , No 2 , Sc , rlba , No J , CV4 re roundv , 7c , cow rounds , o'ic , cow rounds , Hiank off , 7'ie , cow rounds , shank and rump off , Sc trimmings , 4'2c ' , beef bhanks , 3c. bnlns , pc doz , SJc , sweetbreails , per Ih , 12'ic , sweetbread ( cahes ) , per Ib , 40c , kldneis , per doz , 33c , ox tulls , < MCh , Je1 , livers , pel Ib , 2 < &e. heart' , pe Ib , 2'/ic , tongues , per Ib , 12'ac , calf livers each , 15c , cal\es , whole carcass or bides , DC calf head and feet , scalded , per bet , 75c , tender loins , tresh , 18o , tenderloins , frozen , 16c , bono le-43 btrlps , fresh , lOt , boneles strips , frozen , ic strip loins , freib , Sc , strip loins , frozen , CHc loll1 * , boneless , 9c , lolN , hpencer cuts , 9e , blr Uln buttH , bom less , 9e , Ehouldei clods , boneless Cc , rump butt * , boneless , 3\c , No 1 chucks , Cc No. 2 chucks , 4tj6 , No 3 chucks 4c , boneles chuek" , 4'ie , cow plates , 31ic , steer plates , 4c Hank Eli nit. C'4o , loins No 1. 13e , loins , No 2 10c , lolna , No i. 7' ' c , short loins , iiiilkPt stj le 2u above loln * . short loins , hotel style , 4c above Ijlns , cow loin , ends , Sc ; steer loin , cud * 'Je MlirrON 1'nney lambs , S'.t per Ib ; lamb" "Vic , sbicp , GV4c , market racks , long , kVic ; hole racks , siort , lie , loins , S'-c _ , saddles 'Jo ; legs tit , lamb legs , lOc , breasts and stews , oVse. tongues , ea h , 3c , forequaitcrs , 5c I'OUK iJieose. ' . pigs , 31,0 i , r Ib , dres ed hogs , BViC , tuniltrlolna , 14c , loins , short , $ \c long , C'jC , Hplire rlha , 5o , hum sausigo buttb 5c , Tlo'ton butts , uUc , shoulders , rough , Co shoulders "Untied CV c tHinmlngs , 4Vje , Icn lard , not rendered , 0'4c , heads , cleaned , 4c snouts and ears , 3c , neckbonee , 2c ; fallp bones 2c , cheek meat , S c , neck bines , 'c , pigs tails , 3c , plucks , each , Gc , chitterlings , 5c , hocks 4c , hearts , per doz , 25c , stomaelis , e.ich , 3c tongues , each , 7c , kldnevs , per doz , lOo , brains per doz , 15c , pigs' feet , per doz , 23c , livers each , 3c , hog rlnils , 3c , blade bones , Cc IIIDEb. TAIU\V , ETC. HIDI S No 1 green hldjs , "c. No 2 siocn hldcf , Cc , No 1 baited hides 9c , No 2 gre < n salted hides , 8c , No 1 veal calf , 8 to 12 Iba . lOc. No - ' veal calf , 12 to 13 Iba . Sc HIinKP Pnr.TS rrfr--n salted , each , 15fl73' green "alud Hhearllngs ( shoit vuioled earlj LKlns ) , each , 15c , dr > shearlings ( short v\oolei early -kins ) , No 1 , each , Co , dr > Hint Kansas nnd Nebraska butcher wool pplts , per Ib actua weight , 4-lTiic dry ( lint , Kansas and Nebripl.a murrain wool pelts , per Ib , actual weight , "iff 4c , dry Hint Colorado butcher wool pelts , per Ib u vvnlrht , 4'ffGc. ' dn flint Colorado murmln wool pelts , per Ib , actual weight , 1W4e TA1 UOv , ( liti'VSn. ETC. Tallow , No 1 , 3c tillow , No 2. 2\c. ixiugh Ullow , IVc , white grtase , SVSffJTic ; jellow and brown grease , IVsS 2HcriJHH riJHH H'-ir ( black or brown ) , $3 OOJK5) On ottci , $15 i800 , mink. 13 6rtc , be-aver. Jl Wit 00 skunk Tc , i > e , 50c , musknt , 3c , 5c , 7c raccoon 15WA , , red fox , 2jcHfl 25 , grey fox , 23W30c , ftol ( timber ) , J5i < frt250 , wolf ( prvlrle cojotc ) , lOifTSO- " wildcat , lOflKc , bidijer. D@40c , silver fox , $5000 O73 00. St , I.oiilM flfMicrnl > lnrKfiN. ST IXJUIS , Tcb 18-riXUIl-Advnnclng ) In sjmpnthy with wheat , patents. J4 S505 00 straight * , J445OICO. clears , Jl 005J4 23 ; medium $ J 501t3 75 \ \ HEAT Lnnpr , closing l'c below yesterda } for May and IVtc for Julj , May opened 7Nlo lower , sold up itclowiv > ic , recovered that , hut later declined He , closed with buyers H&'H.e ' above the Imttom , put I6wer : No 2 red. cnbh , In elevator , Oilc , on track 8S4f'i9o , 1'ebruurj , S9o , May , Jl OOW1 OOT8l July , KSViOMV. No 2 nurd , cash , 92c COIIN Futures declined , closing with liujers -at the lowest price of the day and HC below > esterday , spot dull and easy. No 2 cash , 2Sc I'diruarj , 2Sc asked , Maj , 27T4c bid , July , 29Vi < 3ti\c OATri I'lltuies weakened by decline In nil other grains , but un ettlid nnd Irregular ; spot steady No 2 cash , In elevator , Me. on tr.ick , 2"c. JVbruary , a > c. May , 3Cic asked , July , 2lc hid. No 2 white , JSffJS'iC ItYi : Strong nt 4H4C \XSEUO Hlghei at $120 TIMOTHY SKED Prime , $ J gOfl2 83. OOIIN MBALr-Jl f001 6' > 11UAN In dennnd , Hacked east tnck. Clc. HAY I'lrm , prairie , J375&7.73 , tlmoth } , $3 SO 01051) HlrTTI'll Steady , creamery , 1519".c ; dalrj , IX1OS rinn at 12c. MHISIvY Jl U COTTOY TIEH-TOo IlA < UHNn 5'5'iiflc METALS-Ijsntl. quiet nt 3 C2'Jff3 03. Spelter , nrm at J3 85 PItOVIMON.S Pork , lower , standard mess , Job bing. $11 Lard , quiet , primeJ4 SO , choice , $1 Hacon , l xed lots , extra short iclear , $587"fj > G12'4 , rll , $ Oofl S5. shorts , Jii I2'4fiO ' 3714 Hrj salt meats , boxed ahouhlers. $4 75 f5 00 , extra short cleir , JJ50f373 , ribs , ft C2'iQ > 3 87'4 , shorts , IlKCIJIITS-I'loiir , 4,000 bbls , wheat , 17,000 bll , corn , S3 CCO hu , outs , 30 00) bu .SHIPMENTS riour , C.OOO bbls , wheat , 8,000 m , corn , 29.COO bu , oats , 15,000 bu Iliiltliiinrr > liirli > lM. IIAI.TIMOHK. Keb -1'I.OUIl Dull , western supeillni' , $ 'SO'if320 , western extra , $34 110 , wietern famll > , $1 40SI 70 , winter wheat patents , J4 WB5 10 , irpiing wheat pi tents , $3100130 fprlng when straights , $ IWQjOS , receipts , 9.273 bbls , oxiioi IH , none WHEAT limy , spot and month. Jl 01H © $1 01Mareh. . J102'4 , May , Jl OO'tlfl ' 00t steamer. No 1 red , i > 7bfl9TiO , receipts , rs.070 bu , exports M W8 bll. fouthern wheat , h ) sample. 7c4il 0214 , fouthern wheat , on giado , J8c f Jl 03 COUN Uasj , spot and month , 35ff3S&o March 34W3jC , April , STifTS'iUc , steamer mixed 34'4 SlikC , receipts , 150.458 bu . exports. 103,714 bu , houthern whileeoin , 35&3Cc , voutheni jellow , OATB-Rlrong nnd higher ; No 2 white , 31V4O SM , No 2 mixed , Siti/33c , receipts , IS , 22 $ bu , > xpnrts , none ItY 13 Easier , No 2 nearby , D5o ; No 2 \cslern , Wc. receipts , 14,443 bu , exports , HAY null : choice tlmottij , JUSOOUfr ) C1KV1N FltniOIITS Quiet , tales ntcady ; eteom 0 I.lvcniool per bu , 3Vid , March IH'TTHIl Quletf fanc > crtanury , 21c , fanc > inllivt'on. If.ul7o. fancy ladle , 15c , godl ladle , 3KH tor ( uicke , iirllc 13OOS tjuUt ; frrth. He CIintSJI8t "idy ; fancy large. 94 T10o , fancy nexllum , I0yi'j'4c ' ; fancy tmiill , 10'ii/lOHu NtMOrliniiH Market Nl-r\V OHMJVNS. Peb IS HOO PnODtlOTS larely strad > , park , standard met * , $11 I.anl , etlne-d tierce. $1 0 Ol lil , . pure laril , $5 U'ifr S lioxed iiicalu , dry salt shoulders , J5 12 ff G25 , Hides , J5 S7H llacrn , clear rib sides , $ i ) S.7' , Hams , ctiolcc sugar cured , JS 23fi9 75 coFl'in : llrm. ordinary tn fair , TVjfiOc. HICI3 Firm , ordinary to ( rrnxl , SHfTl c FIXJl'U-Kxtra faiuy , $4 C0y4 70 , patents , Jl 80 Ql to COIIN MEALr-l 05O1.70. 1 1 HAN"Ot HAY-Prlme. $15 OOfflJ W. choice. J1IOOO1450 ( IOIIN No S sacked , white , 37Vjc ; inlxeU , 37O Si c , Je-llow. 37e' . OATh No , 3 sacked , 31HOJIP. ICaiiHiiN ( ' | | > - ( irnlii nml Prov Ixlinii , KANSAS CITY , Peb -WHEAT-Slcadv. . ( low ; No. 1 bird , DOc ; No. I. OQDOc , Nu. 3 , Kit Jto ; No. 1 red , Scj Nn. t. ; No. J , 9J4J9JC No 2 fprlnir , 7CMc. No 2 , SW . COHN-W k. Meadf lo ( ic knrcr { Xo. OVTActlve , firm , No S white , ItYR-rirm ; No J , 45ffl c HAY -Firm , active , choice tlmoth } . J9IXXJJOO tholco prairie , J7 Ooff7 23. IlUTTKIl Sleail * to strong , creamery , ISO ISc ; dairy. Uijlo. KaG1 ? Firm , c. HKCKUTS-Wheat , 8 , < M bti.S corn , 5.600 bu 01 If , 9000 bu 8ini'MENT < J Wheat. CO.OM bu ; corn , 43,6 * bu , oats , 3,000 bu \\Vnro CiuiinilKiInn Coniimnj- . OMAHA OITICB. Peb H With cable * U lower nnd the papers claiming that Mr. Lflto had sold S.W.OOO bll of hH May wheat yesterda caused our market to open % c lower than } cs terday's close. Tills weakness was taken ad vantage of and owlsted to a further break touching as low As $1 02 < 4 for May b > the Kite brokers , the selling being to produce nn tm preeslon In accordance with the write-up n abovu mentioned The news , too , was of rather bearish nature However , after this low point had been touched , the market again ni vanccl and worked slow nt short turns , llnnll eloping nt Jl 03H , or Just the opening price fo May wheat , and SSSc for July wheat , or % lower than yeMcrjj > ' clo-e , with nothing doln or without any change In the cash market llecelpts today vvcro 27 cars , principally tprln wheat , with an ettlnmtc for tomorrow of 60 cant The cash dcmandi for corn Is evidently not n good at the edvanre as It has been during th last few diys and the weakness In wheat had U effect In the futures of this cereal , though th opening was practically unchanged from jester day's close , It worked off to 30'sC for May , o "So lesrt than > estcrdaj's closing prices , and 'i for Jul > . Hecelpts ; are 337 cars , with nn estimate of 63 can tomorrow OatH followed the procession , showing fully a ninth weakness ni corn on receipts of but 17 cars , with 200 estlmited for tomorrow. Wo cannot help but continue our last oplnlo of the mnrKct , believing that It has not je rcnx-hcd the high point nnd that all of then tlmrp fetbicks arc certainly profitable bus In groun 1 , nnd a < 4 In the pa t will be healthy fea turei of an advancing market. l.lv e-riKiul Mni'Uff , 1.IVCRPOOU IVb 18 WHKAT-Spot , strong No 1 red northern , spring , 83 2'4d COIIN' Spat , llrm. America 1 'ii'i'l , ne 3 f > id , American mixed , old 3s6'Jd , futures were stoadv , IVbruarj , SsC'id , March , 3 * I'W ' rtXMJll St. Ix > uls fancy winter , llrm nt 5s" ! HOPS' At London , Pacific coast , firm ot i r 9 S 10s PIIOVISION'S Heef , nrm ; extra India MPKS CSi9d , iirime mesa , fifs 9d Pork , llrm , prim miss , fine wratern , fdsSd , medium westnn , 4 > 9d Hams , llrm nt S..s 3d lU cn , 111 n , CumUr land cuts 32s Cd , short r h31s f I , lint elea middles , light , 31s , long dei- mid lies , i M\V If * fid. clear Ullles , 31s short clear bi-ks , i sCl hliouldcm pinmre , 2Cs Cd I.anl , liilni1 wtfliin steady nt 27s I'HEllsn Amc'lcnn , rmeit whlio anJ coloer , stradj at 40s Tt UPHNTINE firm at 2liM i HOSIN Common , steady nt 43 ? d Cincinnati MurUrl. CINCINNATI , Peb IS PI.OUH Plrm , fancj $4 "w l no , family , tl CoijT 93 AMIHVT Hisler , No 2 red , 99c COUN Dull , No. 2 mixed , 3Htc OV.TS Ilaslei No 2 mixed , SSVJc UYi : I'll in. No.-2. Glc I'llOVlsiONt Lnnl , quiet at $3 nulk meats llrm at $ > 25 Itncun , llrm at JO WHlbKY Steady at $1 19. ntrrriJK Dull. Elgin creamery , 2Ic ; Ohio , 1 ( flSc , dairy , lOc. IXKT ? Enolcr at 12c. CHEESE Qulcl. teed to prime Ohio flat , SV4 Till i- ill ) Miirkot. TOI.nnO Peb 18 WHEAT Lower ; No cash , % c ; May , SSHe COIIN Active nnd lower , No 2 mixed , 30'sC O \TS--lJull and eap > , No 2 mixed , 27o IIYI3 Dull and weak ; No 2 cash , Sl'iC. CI/5VinRiED Active and steady , prim cash , J3 15. Grii I n HocclptM nt Prliu'lpnl llnrKi-ts CHICAGO , Peb 18 Uccelpts today : Uheal 27 cars , corn , 2Y7 cars , oats , 175 cars Estl mated car lots Monday : Corn , 530 cars ; oats 200 cars , wheat 78 cars KANSAS CITY , Peb. IS Hcceipts : Wheat Cl cars Pi'orlii MnrUotK. PPORIA , Pel ) 18 CORN Pasler , No 2 , 2DHc OATS Easier , No 2 white , nominal ; No white . " 7c WHISKY Maiket steady at Jl 18. riiiclinintl Ilve Stock. CINCINNATI , Pcli 18 HOGS Active an higher nt f ! 40iT4 15 CATTLE Steady nt $2 23S4 C3 SIIUI5P Strong nt J2 7r ? 4 M I. A M n S S t eadjat J4 00 5 75 Dftrolt MarKi- ( . HETROIT. IVb IS WHEAT No 1 white and No 3 red. OG'Jc , Mnj , 97c rOKN No 2 mixed. iVc O \TS-No 2 white , 31'iC. HYIJ No 2 , G2c Plilliule-liililll l'r < iiliiee. PIIIIjADELiPHIA. Peib. 18 Htm ER Stead } fancy western creamery , 20f20'ic EGOd Plrm , fresh nearby and western , 17c. STOCKS AM ) IJON US. \c-tl\ltj IM Cinilliu-il Hiitlri'l } ton Pen IilllOH NHW YORK , Peb IS The toneof spe-ula tlon v\ns doubtful nnd hesitating In Will strec today an 1 a large preimndernnce of theday' deallnga weic In Sugir nnd the grangers Nearly 00 per cent of the total transactions were11 the'o stocks Coupled with the fact that th total taleof -all stock's showed a marlced dt cieiEu Horn the recent average , the large pro portion absorbed 1y these specialties fanned a blgnlllcant commentary upon the condition to will h the market has fallen After the1 openlnr weakness , due to aympatny with London am some other foielgn exchanges , had been , over c mic. It looked as though the btrength radlitln from thn grangers had prevailed In the- market but the Increasing weakness of bugar , couplei with a fall In the prices of local New lork fpecliltles In the llnal hour , was a decisive fac tor In driving prices below list night's level The radical utterances In the course of the fie bate treelpllated In the senate on the Main disaster also engendered distrust In tha minds of speculators and prompted liquidation llusl ness on the' decline was by far the most anl mated of any during the day. The grangers were largely Inlluenced by the conditions In thu wheat market , but there were also specla causes at work In their behalf. Gossip was rife an to the probable action of the St Paul dl rectors on the dividend rate , the rumors al pointing to nn Increase The absorption of tills block was credited to n powerful Ilnancl il In tel est , which waa bald to be selling out Its holdings of .Sugar at the same time London BUpi > orted bt Paul stock freely rind sold other International stocks here Rock Island seconded the action of the- directors In calling in the debenture and extension bonds , amirlng the stock the benefit of nn enrl ) reduction of fixed charges The Union IMclllc , Uenvei & Gulf Ee- cuiltles were strong on tumors that the reor ganization In probpcct would be.ir easll > 01 Ihem Adams Express was an Instance1 o Btrength selling nt llS'Xj , nn advance of 3'j per ctnt , as ugalrM n sale at par on Tuesday , ex- dlvlilend and ex-100 per cent In bonds , repre senting the distribution of the surplus The bond m irltet held firm except that some of the speculitlve Issues yielded In the late dealings There were very heavy Individual transactions In the Union Paclll4s , tie Texas A ) Paclllo 2ds and Rock Island extension 5s lotal pules , $ I120.'CO United States old 4s , coupons , were "t per cent higher , and the old 4t registered , the new 4s and the 5s 'i per cent lilgher bid , The Evening Post's London financial fable gram sass "The stock maiket here remained dull to Hat today Amerlrans , however , rallied at midday and this being followed by New York tupport , prices clostd llrm at the bebt 1hu selling In the morning was bj weak hulls In the Kalllr crowd nnd altogether the mar ket IHIH had a thorough ! ) healthy nhake out , Canadian iPaclllo and Grand Trunk were flat , 'iho former was steadily sold by New York Argentines were weak on heavy sales frorr Paris Kalllrfl wto down on the London Times' lolltlcal leader Copper shares were easier rho decline In the Herman bonk rate bad no ffect here , It having been anticipated" Following nro the closing quotations of the cadlng stocks on the New York market today dflc. I.IOO Chlrnro , Hutllniton & Quitter. IJ.Wt. t-ako Bhore , 3 533 , t-oulAllfc & NnMivllle , 7C20. JUnhaltnn , ,2IO. Metrot > ollt n , 6.411. New York Central. MM , North Atnftipan. tOOI. Northern Pacific. 3 li. Northern IMf trie preferred , 10,660 , nrwfc I l m . > * > , Hi Paul .m. tTnlon P cm < ? , 1.531. I'nlon TnclfW , Defivtr & O\ilf , 18970. To- Imcco. 4 102 , People's Ga3,5(5 , Consolidate ! Da * . 3370 , General Eleo.lrlo , 3.005 , Sugar , 87,711 : Western Union , S.KJ. : \ 'tr York ' Mnnpy Mnrkrt. JTOW YORK. Pel ) . 1-MONEY ON CALL Nomlntilly. nt lUfilH iwr nt PlllMi : MEnt-ANTlLU PAPHn-Sfrl r > or cent 8TEULINO EXCHANpr.-Stealy. with actual business In bankers' bill * at tl vSKfM IS'S for demand , and tl Witfl S3 for slxtj da > s , polled rate * , $4 81 nnd $4 s : commercial bills , Jl SS'J. ' SILVKll CERTlFICATfcS-W SMHc. 11AU SILVER S3\e MEXICAN DOLLAUS-4SVJO OOVnn.VMHNT HONDS Firm ! new 4s , rep nnd coupon , 1274 , 4s , rcg , 11I\ , coupon , 114. 2i , ' 9J. 101 Closing quotations on bonds were n follows : I1AR SIL.Vin-Qulet nt 25 13-15d per oz MONHV 21,0 per cent Iho rate of discount In the open market for short bills H 2s * per cent ; for three months' bills , 2hi * per cent. Kliiniu-lal rVntcM. OMAHA , rob IS Clearanres , $943,02297 , bal ances. $110 C2J 15. CiriCAOO. IVb IS. Clearlngi" , J17,009,021 , New Vorlv exchange , 75c discount , posteil rates , ? 4 S4 nml ( I SGVt West Chicago , weak on Ilqul.l-Ulon and others firm. Alley L , . CO , Diamond Mutch , 143 , Luke Street 1. 13Vz ; lllscult preferred , S2V4 North CilcaKO. 22 > bid. 223 afked , Struvvlmrc ] , 3J % , West ChlcTEO , OS ST IXt'lb ) IVb IS , Clearings , t4.sr97-il , bal- ant * ! } , JS29U9 , money , 53 per cent , New York exchnnsre' , K-\ discount bid , 23c discount asked MOMIPHIS. 1M > 18 Glearinits J41C,063 , bal- nnce " , $57,132 ; New York exchange , selllnir at $1 DO premium NI3W OllI.nANS , I'eb 18 ClearliiKH , $1CT" 790 , New York exchange , bank , par , commerclil , $ i pei $1 000 discount I'linaDFLI'lllA , IVb 18 ClearlnBi , J15.SCI- 221 : balance- ! . Jl,903'186. IlALTIMOIin. Feb 18 Clearings , $2 C09n03 , balnpcfs. $393.511. 1-OSTON Teh 18 ClearlnRS , $20,412.035 , bal- nnecn. $ J C9ij 219. Ni\V 1O111C , Teb 18 ClenrlnBS , $138,133,399 , bnlincei ? , $0 C70 S7J CINCINNATI , Teh. IS Olenrlnus. $ l,90fi 45J , inonej , 24jfi per cent , Ne-w Yoik exchange , Ktp COo illscount rimiiK-lnl. IX NDON , Teb 18 Amount of bullion withdrawn - drawn from the llnnlc of Unglunil on balance toilaj. 10(100 ( Gold Is quote I nt Iluenoa Ajies todni at 1M 90j at Lisbon , 48 , at Home , 10517 1'\IIIS , Teb 18 Three i r cent renter , 103f 72'sc for the account Prices on the bourse today were weak until the close , w.icn they Krow firmer on reports from the nrilzes court that thn trial of M llmlle Zola U neariliR Its plo e 8pml"i 4s were henvj , Uie disaster to the Maine neighing the market IIIHIM.V , Teb 18 The reduction In the bank rate supported , funds In the local dcpirtnwnt of the Iwurse today International securities were dull and Amu-leans were easier on I > ondon advices. Hunk ot ( irriiiini } Slulcim-nt. IlUnLIN. rob 18 The wepl < l > ftntement of the Imperial nnnk of ( lern'any uhons the fol lowing changes compared with the previous account. Cash In bind , lncrejn < > , 23,160,000 marks , treasury note * , Increase , l,5l > 0,000 murks , other fcciirltles , de > rrnpe , 22 7COCO ) murks , notes In cir culation , decrease , 43,640,000 marks The Imperial Hank nt Qermany has iwluced Us rate of dls. count from 4 to J per cent i > \ in erica ii Sci'iirltli'M 111 London. LONDON , IVb 18 The market foi Ameilcnn swurltlert ojMned weak In rewponse to th ( < le- ollno In New York je'steidu , rcmnlncd dull' nnd Inactive annltlnK thn receipts of New Yoik openIng - Ing prices and nuotfnl In neoordnnrp th ivwllh Closed steady with a light item ml Nr.W YORK. I'eb - -COITHIJ-Optlons opened nteady at gooil prices , to 5 points decline ruled faltlj active within a n irrow ran0re of lluctuallons until near the clote , vhen a tlirft ( ally took pliice on active covering , local tradeis worn principal fellers anl foreign repreentitlv prlnclpnl buyers , hwltohlni ; nus n feature of transactions , foreign neup uas summed up as unfavorable , dored ( Inn at ft net advance of Off 10 points , fales , 3S ' 00 bags , Including March nt $5 C5B5 73 hpot coffie. Hid , quiet Mild , steady , Cordova 7Vi)15V > c. nnr lioutyj delherl s f n in the 1'nlled Htaten 12 07 baits , Inrludlng 10 2i"i basn from Now \ork , New York stock todnj , 637.CIO bags , nulled States stork , 752772 hogs , lloat for tie 1'nlted Hlateii , 1Jj.fJ : UII.H , total vlilble for the United SUtes IJTT.OOt bugs , ngalnst 730,027 hugil last tear nnd 470.133 bags In 1&94 SANTOH 1VI > 18-C7Orrii > Qulct ! g d nvfrugo .Santos 8,600 rels. ree-elpt * , 12.000 bags. slrck. S75CCO tag * IIAMIIimi ! 1'ch 18 COrni-Opened nt un- tlmnged prices at .30 11. m net unchanged , balel. l. 0 bags , HID 1)13 JAN1MHO Keb 18 COITKn-Qulet. No 7. Hlo , 8.173 n > ls , exchinte , C ll-lf < l. re- calpli ? 8iCO bags , clearel for the United Htnter , 12 ( X tmgs , cleurel for Hurope , 5,0)0 IKIES , block. 29/.000 / liaga HAViu : reii is cx rKnu-cio ed lower , sales , 8,000 bags Wool I10STON , IVb 18-WOOI The following are hi > quotations for leartlnj descriptions Ohio and I'ennnlvanlu HfPcea , X nnd above 7O2SO , XX. 29c , XX nnd al > o\e , 3i)831c ) , delaine , Ofj31o , No 1 combing , JOiJ31c , No 2 combine , I'4l3lc illchlRinlsconkln , etc X Mluiliaii , 21o , No l Michigan combing , 29o , No 1 Illinois roinblr * 29o , No 2 Michigan combing , 2Sfi2lV' , > fo Z Illinois ccmhlng , 2Sff29c , X New York s'cw llampiihlro and Vermont , . " 7c , delaine Michigan , 27D Unwashed medium Kentucky anil ndlani . " . Ken- quarter-hloo.1 combing , 2".o - ncky and Indian * three-elghthi blood comli'nc , 3 34c , Mluourl qunrtpr-blcMxl combing , 22f23c ! , i' ' ourl Ihree-elRhtlu blood combing , 83itc , braid combing , Sic Uako and Georgia , -3aJc Texai Woolr Spring medium ( tnvhe monlhs ) , C018c , * prlng medium , ecoureJ , 41ff 5c. * prln nellum ( ilx to eight months ) , niTHc , scoured 3fl43c Tenllory Wools Montana line meJUm n 1 One ICOlSc scoured , 430 , rtaple , tOt33c 'tali , WomlnB etc line medium nnd rlne , 15 t7c ! , scourcj 4S5fOfl , Maple , 52ff3Jo Auntra. Ian nfouri'd hauls combing nuperflne , 70ti72c , 'ombtnc , K ad G3CS cnniblng , u\erate , C.'JJ G5 ( * . Queenidanl crmblng crr hT IXJt'IH. IVb 18vo > L Weaker , mejlum 4ffS > ' . llKht fine , 12i < EMoj ! heavy fine , 71,0 31ic. tub washed , ! 2030c. OMAHA LIVE STOCK. MARKET Trading at thj Local Yartla Fairly Activ Through the Day , MODERATE RECEIPTS AND LIMITED DEMAND Cattle OfTcrliiKN llnrilljJriulc Gonil but Dcnlrnlitr .Stud Sells Stcnilr II OK * Onln n 4oi > il IIlK Mcke-t. SOUTH OMAHA , Pel ) . 18-Uccelpts to the days Indicated were : Cattle. HORB Sheep. Horses 1'ebrunry IS i , < vji 6 , < i43 M03 rebrunry 17 . . . . 3,230 7 , < > 2i > 7,534 rebrunry 1 20,12 G.vx ) C.C46 February 14 2,437 2.7W 4,813 1'obruary ' 12. . . . . . . S31 39Jt5 SIS February 11 1,520 3.SJS 1,411 robnmry 10 1,401 5.2 * ! rcbruury 0 2,740 0977 MIO 1'cbruary S 3.S75 CGU 3,971 . . . . Tebrimry 7 1,703 2.SCO CtSSO 20 February & , . . . . . . . 791 5,622 2352 | . . . . February 4 1,393 G.3G2 2,531 21 February 3 1,919 4,211 ti.iKS 1 February 2 3182 6,112 4,330 33 February 1 2,373 7,3o9 3,937 M The oillclal number of cnra of stock brought In today by each road \vas : Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. C. . M , .t St. 1 . ny 3 Missouri 1'aclllc Ily. 1 G Union 1'acIIIo System H IT 1G r. , n & M. v. n. u in 21 C. , St. P. , M & O Ily lr 7 11. & M. H. H. U 23 23 6 c. , H. & Q. ny B s 1C. C. & St. J 2 C. . H. 1. & P. Ky. , E G 1 C , , K. I. & 1' . Ily. , AV . . Total receipts S3 93 2J The disposition of the day's receipts was at rations , cacb buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated : lluycrs. Cattle.Hogs Sheep Omiihi Packing Co 1 743 SI3 The G. H. Hammond Co. 137 992 Swift and. Company 403 1,851 SC9 The Cudilhy IMckltiR Co. 579 1,753 I' . D Armour , Chicago 477 H , Becker and Deg.m . . . . 42 Vnnsanl & Co 47 J. U C.uey 117 \V. I Stephens > Huston . < Co 2ti Krebbs & Co til Livingston & Schaler S II. H million 23 Hammond , from K. C 423 . . . . Chicago 1' . Co , Xeb. City . . 1,491 Other buyers 230 1 S13 Lett ovei- 3,433 Totals 1,831 7,039 5,943 Receipts vveie only moderate today , 1S3 cars nil told So fat this week , compared with last , there has been a palm of nearly 2,000 cattle , 7,000 hogs nnd 5,000 sheep. CATTLC Hecelpts were a few hundred smaller than on yesterday , but several hun dred larger than on last FUday. There were only a few choice cattle on sale , most of the offerings hardly giadlng "good. " BliCr STIVERS The demand , as on Thursday , wns practically confined to the local dressed beef men , as shippers and exporters were doing nothing. Local pack ers were a little more nnxlous for the cattle than on jestetday , and the really desira ble becve-f sold nt fully Htc.idy prices Com mon stuff was slow and for some of the warmed-up stuff the feeder buyers were better bidders than the killers. It was u slow , but about steady market , and most everything useful was disposed of by noon BUTCHERS' STOCK The market was just about steady at the recant decline ot 20c to 23c. Supplies wore not very large , but buyers were not wanting the stuff bad enough to spring the market any. There were about fifteen loads on sale , and they were nil picked up In good season. Calves wore scarce and llrm , nnd bulls , oxen and stags sold at steady prices STOCKDRS AND rUCDDRS Yard trad ers were tolerably active buyers of the com paratively limited offerings today , and at fully steady prices , as a rule. Good , light stock was strong , and some of the warmed- up stuff shipped In for beef sold na feeders. Prices shot ved no particular change , and the volume ot business was rather sin ill. Rep resentative sales : NATIVHS 11BI2P STKHItS No Av 1'r. No Av. Pr. No. Av Pr. 20 . . .1.131 J3 73 .K..1123 13 95 IU . 1407 $ i M .10C6 4 15 i'i . . .1127 1 15 lOO 1200 3 1715 L. .1170 I 33 47. , ll7 4 33 7S 1242 3 CO 1. . . 13SO 3 K IB ,1C07 3 83 20 li > 7 1 D ) 1. . .1170 4 O ) 12. . % l 4 00 4. 1217 2 C5 1 . . .1070 3 CO 23 . .1281 4 00 f. 9. . .13.M 4 3i ) 30. , 921 4 43 4 ! lCC7 4 71 S . . 7V ) 3 30 32 l.)3 ) J CS 20 1253 3 93 23 13J2 40 IS . 1301 4 10 ri . 1130 4 10 2 HIT 420 3 . . .11S6 123 30 . . .1335 443 31 . . .1497 I CO COWS 1. . . . S70 20) I. . . . SSO 2 M 1 . . . 7CO 2 K 2. . , 93'i 2 50 1 . . . 810 2 40 1 . . 1V ( , ) 2 W 1 . . 102) ) 2 61 3. . USe ' 7r 3. . . . 97G 283 1 . 11SO 2 81 1 . "CO 1 0) ) 3 . . 115) 3 OJ 2..1303 32) 2 . . 1070 3 20 5 . . 1112 120 5 1102 3 20 1 . 12SO 1 43 1 1181) * " 3 2 1020 3 DO 7. . 117 2 G3 2. ; 02"i 275 1 . .12C ) 3 Oi ) 4. . . . 812 3 00 1 S10 1 5" 1 . . .HSO 3 30 15. . . . 8j6 3 33 1. . . 1000 3 | il 5 HSi. 34) 3 . . . 870 300 1. . . 1070 315 1 . . 112i ) 2 91) ) 12 . . l.iJ ) 3 15 1 . . SSO 3 73 1 10 0 3 Oi ) 4 . . 102) 2 f\ \ 2 . . . 74" 1 75 2 . SU ) i 2" 2 . . 875 2 40 1 . . . 9O 2 CO 1 . . 1010 2 10 1 . .lOfiO 2 'ft 1..1200 2 EO 3 .1001 2 CO 4 1217 2 1 . 6&1 2 73 21 . 629 2 SO C . .IOC" 3 CO 1. . 10"0 1 01 2 1040 3 00 1 . OfrO 1 0) ) 1 . . 970 3 " 0 1 . 1000 3 W 1. . . 770 3 lr 3 . 1113 3 15 12 . 1110 1 1" 1 IHO 3 15 2 . .U33 3 15 1 .1070 3 13 1. . 1170 3 13 1 . . 690 3 25 1 . , 83) 3 2Ti 1 . 1180 3 21 7 . mi 1 23 H . 9 ° 2 3 S ) 4 1247 3 33 1 . 1240 3 15 1 12W 3 M 14 . .913 34) ) 1 1090 340 G 10)S 3 10 1 .11M ) 3 43 1 1440 3 SO 1 . 1330 3 50 3 .11SG 3 55 1..1190 3 C3 1 1120 3 1. . . . VA 2 M 1 . . . ) 3 M 1 . . . 6V ) 3 IX ) 2 . . . C30 3 ft ) 23 . . . SOI 3 55 1 . . . 780 3 7) ) 4 . . 735 3 5) 1 . . . 0304 W 1 . 15) 3 50 8 . . 835 3 50 5 . . . 9'6 3 33 17. . 1178 1 fO 1 6iO 3 21 18. . . 930 3 2 > 1. . CSO 3 40 2 1"21 14" 1. . . . 9 0 355 3. . . . 343 305 1 141) 4 00 CAi.vrs 1 . 1C ) 3 2ri 1. . . . 3fO 4 riO I . . . 100 5 BO 1 J30 fi 50 1 . 140 00) 1 . 120 C 00 2. . 235 500 2. 1C3 fl 2Z 1 . . . 100 600 DULLS 1 . . f20 240 2 . .14C3 2 M 1 . 117" 275 1 I3SO 2 S ) 18 1403 3 10 1 . ,1400 3 10 1 1390 330 1. . . 16CO 320 1 , , , WO SCO 2 83) 3 M 1 . ,1040 3 C ) 1 . . S90 3 25 1 170) 3 30 2 . .1723 34) 1 . . . ISO J BO 1 1840 3 70 1. . 17V ) 3 70 1 . 1C30 3 15 4. 1043 2 SO 1 1700 SCO 4..1293 315 1 17 < J ) 32" 1 . ISM 3 2" 1. . I3CO 3 25 1 150) 3 25 3. . . 14C ! 3 23 1 , 1100 3 10 1 1310 3 35 4 . . 1C32 3 43 1 . . .10SO 3 50 1 . 14CO 3 f- 1 ISM 3 CO STOcicnus AND rinDniB 1 . . COO 3 23 4 . . 6(2 3 35 1 , , , COO 4 00 15 1070 4 CV ) 8 . . 975 4 00 2. . S35 4 05 2 3S' . 4 30 2 . . . 430 4 35 13 . 710 3 SO 21 10U 3 90 C . . M)3 ) 4 2J 10 . SCO 4 40 4 473 4 CO 1C . 031 4 W f,1 11CJ 4 03 19 1141 410 1 .100 375 20 9J7 3 0 9 . 957 3 90 3 . , 1203 3 90 2 973 4 00 1 314 4 00 11 . , 910 4 10 S3 889 4 15 1 7W 4 _ > 3 3 . . 4.3 4 C5 HOOS There was a fairly liberal supply hero for u I"rliln > , the receipts , 91 loads , 0,42) ) bead , being 2,500 heavlei than a week ago and the Inorenee so far this week over last helnrf o\cr 7,000 head. The quality of the offerings was Just utoiU the fiimo as recently With generally ftivorihle reports from other markets and n lively chipping demand In ad dition to the usual good enquiry from local pack- era the trnde opened nut ncthe and prices ruled 2V4ftS ; , moEtls Sc , higher than > esterday 1 ho proportion of butcher and light weights being large these grades did not advance to much as the heavier hogs , and sold largily at $387 up to $3 3 Heavy and mixed hogs secured Iho full 5c advance felling at $380 to $390 , but largel > at J S35f3 K7 > 4 .Shippers were lively buyers , taking nearly 2,000 hogx , BO that lovil bujers had to hustle to fill orient making a good , brlrk trade throughout i\erjthliig Fold In gd season , the bulk of th Piles mowing up at 13 301 87'/4 ' , as against It 80M (5 > esterday an 1 $3 7.'u3 ' SO on last Friday , Iteprcfcntntlvu sales : No Av hh I'r No Av Sh 1'r 2 ? . . S44 . $3 80 31 . . .407 120 $1 S/4 71 2S9 . 3 85 42 . . . 321 4) 3 83 61 . W . 3 81 13 . . " > < ! 3 85 B . 307 ICO 3 8. ' . 45 . . . 383 1 S5 CO . 2C1 . . 3 85 51 . . . 2S1 41 3 K5 57 . . . 233 40 385 C1 . . . 273 W 3 S3 C9 . . S71 W 3 S3 63 . . . 228 . . J tS 71 2C2 . . t 83 21 2Vi 3 55 CS . 2.31 . 3 S3 M 311 40 3 85 53 . . 23J 40 383 C. . . . . 311 M 1 S5 79 . . 224 . 1 M 5 . . .201 SO 3 85 Cl . Z7 > 130 1 S3 73 . . ? 73 \I 1 C3 fl 2M ICO 3 8'i 31 231 381 M . .SOI 800 3 8 > 49 . . .208 3 3 Cl . . Ml 40 3 SS 50 . . . . 250 3 13 C ) . .3-11 fO 3 K f.2 21 $ 210 .1 S3 7) . ? 50 SO 3 83 71 207 W 381 51 299 3 ST. 28 . , .2 > .9 SOO 385 73 . 240 . 3 87V4 CO . . 201 . 1 * 7V 07 . . . JGJ SO 3 87V , C9 Ki 123 a S7V , 52 3W 120 3 871 , C4 . . . . 23S . . 3 8-14 71 . 210 . . 3 87'i 79 . 2r2 3 87 % 73. 216 . . 38714 OS . . .211 M 3 S7 > i 70 . . 30) ) 84 3 S7'4 70 . . 260 . 3 8'/i 59 217 SO 387V , M . . . 218 . 3 P7V , 1 . . ftl . 387'r,2 309 1M 3 871J 17 219 . . . 3 8714 71 223 49 S S7V4 ' & , is ? . . . 3 87Va CO r.3 . . . 3 1714 * M 33 . 3 S7"4 " 0 . . MO . 3 fTf. C9 253 . 3 87 < 4 49 . , .311 . 3 871 73 2J1 40 3 8714 14 . . . 2i ? . . . 3 87 81 m ICO 3 87V > 47 3H . 387 CO 237 80 3 fc7 > 4 7) . . . .254 ICO 3 87 61 SC3 fO 8 S7W 81 210 EO 3 87' ' 69 ZS2 M 3 fc7Vj 73 203 4) 3 8T 54 2V > SO 3 6714 78 189 129 3 871 59 . , ,310 M 3 S7H 17 21C . , 3 87 < 7 248 3 M CO , . . .2JS . . . 3 W 51 Z19 Sr ) 3 'M 63 190 . 3 90 f,1 201 3 ! 78 . 219 40 3 M Cl 30 ! 40 3 ! 73 . . . .220 40 3 90 U 208 40 3 W (9 2C1 . . . 3 M 7 tt 40 W M . . . . . . . } , SM 7 > 34T . . . a M 37. . . . N . J 0 U . ! . . . JVM 73 511 . .i 390 71 51 . . . 1W (0 240 80 3 78 . . . . . . .Sli 40 t W ftS itt . . . 3 N 141 . . . 3KH S3 . . . . M2 . 392H to . . 14 , . 395 Jll . . 1 Ok > 7 171 . 315 OHDS vNO nNO ! 1 . . 19) 3 M S . Ill . . . S J 10 . . SI . .1 40 1 . . .JOO 3 5 1 W . . . J 40 J , , . , . Ill . . . 3 li 1 S l . . . 70 4 . . . . J03 . . . 3 4 341 . . . 1 73 . . W3 . 3 M J 37" . 3 73 9 . . . Jll . . 8 < 3 S 303 . a 73 t . ! 2t ) 3 S7 > S 4 355 . . . JW 7. . . . til , 3 ST'i 7 372 ICO 3 124 . . . 263 . 3 S7Vi S 340 . . 3 " 5 SHEEP The supply wiui mcxlcrnlc , ( he Ronernl demand good , both from local and out lde bur- e , and trnde ruled tolernlily nctl\p nt itcidj to strong prlevs. Ilcprescntntlve sales' No Av Pr. 3)2 ) Mock Iambi . . . . . r.O $1 65 263 Mexican lambs , v 4n R slock enfs & > 315 249 ! > tcwk CflM "I 3 H 10 cull lambs 10 SM 230 ncMern cwca 91 4 ( X ) 210 stock lamlit W 4 M US western owe * M 1 ) 207 western loniln , . 75 B 10 tt western lainbs . . . . . C7 B 10 ciiiovco 1.1 vi : b roc ic MVHKIT. Gooil Co nc1 rill Do in nml for I low , nml Prison Vristronu. . CHICAGO. IVb. IS Prices for cnttlo tod\j showed no pirtUultr change , there being ni Rnd.1 n general demand in la ii'inllj'ltn "d on Trldny. There v\n"i a senrcltj of choice fat beovoi nnd most of tfie ofTcrltifn iwlj well unilT $3. Sales were at an exlicmo range of $3 Wfd CO for the i > ooret to UIP best beef ulcer * tbo greater part crossing the si-ale nt $4 Wtf3 W Stockcra nnd feeders sold nt * 3 soft ) CO Calxisj brought $0 S3C 73 for best grades , others eolllli ! ! at $1 .IHJi ; 00 There was an nctl\c Kdirral demand for hogs nnd prlcci were strong nt an n\erinc alvapco of Be Hogs sold nil the vvny from M "rt for 0"in mon llghtwclghtB up to $113 for pilnv | ICA\ > Bhlpplng lots , the bulk of the Ings goliik f"i S ) CO ffI 10hllo pigs sold Inrge-lj nt 51 i.off.1 T3 Uoih local imckcrs and shippers bought freely Trndo In sheen nnd inmlvi was fnlilj txt e nl recent quotations I.niuVw noli ] al SI MICI " > 1 for row- Inferior . ochs up to $5 CO lor puinu IV < > - rado fed lambs , not many going below $5 Sipop Hold at $2 C0if3 M foi Inferior Inls up to (4 b ) for strictly choice fed , westcins selling nt $1 CHMTJ 10 llecelpts : Cattle , 3,000 he-id , hogs , SI'.OWbond , sheep , 7,000 hend , SI. l.oiilM Ilvo Slook. ST. IXDUIS , Tcb 18 C.VlTI.i : llecclpts. 1100 head , of whl'h 70 > head me Tcxuns shipments , 1,700 head market steady In sliong , fair tn fincy natlva shipping nnd ixpoit stiexs , $4 253 | 13 , bulk of wiles , $4 rMiC 10 , dtrsft'il beef and butcher steers , $ J.l" > iJ4 90 , bulk of rnlcs , $1 00r 4 70. steer * under 1 WO lb , Jl 23TT4 M bulk of sale > l , $3 TOB4 23 , stoekeis nnd feeders , tl 30j ) 4 M | hull : of tale's , ! J "i044 | 00 , cows and heifers , $ J HiJ4 ) 50 , Texns and Indian teers , $ ,1 2i1f4 10 , bulk ol Miles , $3.Mill 20 , cons nnd hclferx , $275 < ? 3 25 HOQ1 ? Hecelpl , 8 f00 bond , shipments , 4 W ) heail , miiket strong nnd 5c lilKhei , jotlifri" . $ l')0 4j/4 / 05 , packers , $1 i3ff3 ( 9j , butchers , $4 ooifl 13 SHiii' HeeelptK. 1 100 head , shipments , none , market dull , hut strong , native muttons , $1 WfO 4 CO , Inmlw , $500g&75 , 'lexat muttons , J4 ewtp 4 25. Hnst Ilnllnlo Live Sdiolc HAiST UlUTALO. N Y Teh IS O VT1 1.E Prime to extra choice llnl hed cxpoit steeri' , $5 IHfS 33 , g od to choice fnt shipping steers , Jl fiOff4 S3 , cholco to smooth fnt heifers , $1 33/ / ) 4 fn fair to good mixed bntchets stotk. $3 60y > 4 CO goo-1 fat cows , $3 < W34C common old cows , $2 10fS.3 HOGS Yorkers , good to ch ilce , $4 15S'4 ' 40. roughs , common to choice , $3 303 73 , pigs , com mon to choice , $1 lOifl 20 li\MHS Choice to extra , J3 S035 50 , culls to common , $4 73S5 00 SlIUIU' Cholee to selected wctheis , $4108310 , tulls to common , $3 251T3 90 uiiioIlN I , It i * Slne lfc. INDIAN vrOI-IS , Poll IS ( 'ATTWTlfCplpt 1.1W bend , shipments , fiOO he id mnrket s'm , lowei , g ( > Kl to prime SICHIH $48" , , fair to me/llum steers , $4 3-ff4 ) ! 75 , common to good H'O l\- crs. $3 OflitS 75 HOC.S Hcce'vts , 5 VX ) head , hlpmenls , 2 Od ) head ; imrket active steadj , all S'Md , good to choice medium and henvj , $1 10ilf4 15 mixed ind heavy , ? IOOJfllO , good to choice lls'itrt , $4 0Vfl > 4 IS common lights , $1 WH ( X > SliniJP Receipts , light , shipments , none , no quotable clmngo In m\rket , rnns l $2 23 for common sheep to $1 75 foi common to medium lambt ; Vorlc I.lxp Stoplc , NEW YOIUC , 1'eb 18 UEEYKS-necelpts , 3 - 960 head ; slovnnd barely eteid > ; European ci- bles quote American steers at lieil'ic , dre sed wclphts , refrlgeiator beef , 9g9'4c per 11) , no exports - ports toda > . CAI.VI.S Hecelpts 35 head , active nnd stronger on light supplies , all sold , veils , $ ( ootjl 7" > HIIUHP AND I.AMHS Hecelpts. 4S1 hful , on sale15V4 cars , or 1000 head , sheep , steiub , limbs , slow and eisler ; nbont 1 COO bond unsold , sheep $4 00ff3 00 , lambs , II Mjji ! 20 HOC1S Ilooelpts , 2.C49 head , higher at $4 400 4.CO. Knnxnx Cllj Llvo Stn'-U lliirlci-t. KANSAS CITY , Pel ) -CATTLE Itr-celpts. 4 000 head , best grades steady , others weak and j3 65 , native Fleers , $3 40f3 20. native cows nnd helferf , $2CXM5415 ? , stackers nnd fee lets , $2 73ff 5 23 bulls $2 504 00 HOOS Hecelpts 170 0 hcnd mnrket "trong , bulk of sales , S3 0T3 ) > hcav les , $3 SOtJI 03 , pickcry. $1 73W3 93 , mixed , $1 7 fi4 00 llnht , $3 CO jJ ) SO. Yorkers , $3 7 03 W. pigs , } 3 13f3 70 blinni' Hecelpts , 2000 held , nnrkct firm , limlu , f3 805 40. muttons , $1 l5Qi | 23 Stock In Hecoril of lecelpts of the Htock nt the four principal niaiKetH for I'ebruirj 18. Cittle Hogs Sheep Omaha . 1 (1420 1 9H Chlcnito . w 1001 2 < 1000 7000 Kansas City . 4000 17.000 2 010 bt Louis . 130) 8CW 1,100 Totals . 10,193 53020 12 CCI * MV Yfirlt llrj Clooils Mnrl.ot , NEW YORK , Teb 18 In HIP dry guoils mar ket today reports fiom roa. ) sie m ( " > tell of nc- tlv * bujlng at second hands In manv sections i > f the country Husen are also prwent In larger niimbcn than In the beginning of the week It sectn.1 the print p son bids fair to be n good one , In pplto of the f ict that It Is Into In nppn- InC Til" market fo- cotton gnods Is very fln-i , nnd somewhit more actlvo than It v\a enr"er In the year WooU n goods show a well PUS talneil Interest the l i > lng chit Ily In wonfd goods anil nlmllai lines , and In the more * staple or dress goois Deing fairly nctlnIn Imported ffbrlcs silks , dress good" , plain and In mixtures , and In rlblwns , knit goods , liner and othoi linethen. . * has b"pn u well sustam-u liuslnoss transaotcd latelv VVhe'n the ndveive oondltlonH lire taken Into canslderitlon the wliowlng In some depirtmonls Is a remarkable one In cotton goods the demand has been will sustnlncd Print cloths are Urm nnd quiet Oil Hiirl > lN. OIL CITY , Pn , I'.b -Credit balances CSc , ccrtincatex , opened with palea of cash nt 77'4C , closed nt 7fc bid for cash , sales during the ilny & 000 bbls regular dcllveo oil nt 77".c C 000 hbls ca h oil at 77c 17,000 hbls carh oil nt 771c ; total Kiles , 38 ( O ) hbls , Khlpments , SI r > Sl bills runs , S3 913 bhls I OIIAIII.ESTOV , I'eb IS OII.S-Turpenline , maiket ( Irm at 32c , i < ale ° , none Itosln , firm , sales , none unchanged | SAVANNAH , Peb 18 OILS Turpentine ( Irm | at 3213c sales , 183 hbls , lecelpts , 137 bills Itosln , firm and unchanged , sales , none , rel l celpts , 2 CW bbls Cnllfiiriilii Drli-il NEW 'iOHK. I'eb 18 CAWPOUNIA DIUEI > riil'nS Steady , evaporated apples , common , 5 6i > * ie , prime wire trn > , S'4c wnod dried , prime , BI C choice 8c , funcy , fifty , , prunes , ' "US'1 , apricots , Hojil , nSTTd" : Moor Park , , unpccled , Ci9c , peeled , Vtif2Qc H. E , PENNEY & CO. , 11O Board of Trade Bldg. , Omaha , Neb i GRAIN , PROVISIONS , STOCKS' ' Draoch Olflce 103S N Si 'wJacolc. N < > b I II I oin COI.O > Y in Members Chicago Hoard of'Ir.ulii slnco Grain , Provision ) anJ N. Y. Slocis Orders Gush nnd Tuturo Delivery Solicit Ollllllia O 111 uo , H.llllli 1 , N , Y , I.lfi- . . . . 'I'lllino 1)01. . . . PLOYI1 J. \MIMJI1M , . JAMES E- BOYD & GO , , Telephone 103 ! ) . Omnlia , COMMISSION , GRAIN , 1'KOVISION'S ami STOCKS BOARD OP TIJADH. Dire-t wire" to Chicago and New York. ConeiponcUnti ; John A. Warren A Co. J. L. BOYD 6f CO. i Stocks , Grains and Prevision i 1416 Farnam Street , Basunjnt. I C. C. CHIU8TIE. K , J. BTIIRET. President. Vlco President. | Christie-Street Commission Cos , CuiiICiil , lf5Ol.O ( ( ) ( ) . Fully Paid. STOCICU , CHAIN AMI PUOVI.SIO.NS , H. H.Rider Rider Author of "Bho , " "King Solomon's Mines , " Etc. , Etc. , Has Completed Another Story Entitled The liero of Iho s > tory Is u son of King Solomon on mi ex pedition to tlio Golden Oylilr of the Illble. ARorrmnco of Pro-Historic Africa , Daringly Imneinativo nud Full of Thrilling Action. This story bepui publication lu THE As a Serial , In Ten Instalments , I Fcbumry 13. I ( With Illustiiillons. ) In this etory Mr. Haggard ranltea a now demonstration ot hla won derful power In tuo Held of pure romance. Ho once moro boldly lifts the curtain that hldco the fate of nations dead and burltd In the ngos of which no record remains , except In tbe silent rulco ot tholr cities. Zlmboe , an Inland trading city that flourished lr the hc rt of Africa 3,000 years ago , and peopled by the Phosnlclana , to Iho aceno of the story. To this city cornea Pr'nco Azlcl , a grandson of King Solomon , accompanied by Isaacliar , a priest of lerael , end Metem , a 'Phoenician trader , who brings a caravan of merchandise In Ellssa , daughter of Snkon , king of Zlmboe , the prince meets his fate King Ithobal , lord of many legions of Baigo warriors , la al ready a suitor for her baad. He Giles ID true barbarian fashion , seeks to carry her off by force , and 'a ' foiled In the attempt by Prince Ariel. The story unfolds Itaelf around the feud between the Prlnco of Israel and tbo savage King Itho bal. Ellflsa bj2 Khra her heart to Azlcl , and loatha the barbarian monarch. lEsachar , the priest , la determined that no prince of the house of David shall wed a heathen maiden , whoso people worcblp B-ial. As a result of his Intrlguea , Cllasa Is elected the high prlcstesa of Oanl. This nxeB an Impaesablo religious gulf botvveen her and Azlel. Their passlonato love Beclia to eurmount all barriers. Mcaatlrao , Ithobil " draws Ills hugo army of savages nrotir.il the fated city , and demand Ing nilsoa In marriage , prepares to destroy it If ho Ls refused. How HllGsa vlo'atrs her oith oa hlqli priestess and propareo to Ily with Azlel ; how they are both discovered and threatened with death by the prl Blfi of Daal ; how , to eave each other , eho , by her right an the high prlestees of llaal , names him her husband , whlla ho renounces his faith and offers Incense to Daal ; how Ithobal's horde of savages storms the walls of the city , ecd both Ariel and Ells fail into lib power ; and how , at laat , Azlel en- captfl with his life by nilEca'a feigned aubralnslon to Ithobal , she In turn escaping Ithobal by killing herself , IH all told In Mr IMggard'a moft fascinating inaroer. The awful coremonlcs In the tern- plo of Baal , the weird rites In the sacred jrrovcu of Zlmboe , and the barbaroua battle Bcerea of that far- off time , are dcficrlbfd with all the author's marvelous neolth of Imag inative resource. It Is a story that will atiro'.y ' rank as one of the great works of fiction of 1698. Ill the Watch for It ! $ fc Read It !