Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 18, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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Try Moore's stock food.
Dr. Roe , dentist , Merrlam block.
Kgia ; two dnz. , 2Sc. Bartel ft Miller.
J. P. Hera Is In Oakland on business.
Photos Plntlno or Arlsto. Shorradcn.
Klnne , Flro Insurance , Baldwin block.
W J. Jamison la In Red Oak on business.
IV Drown dentist , room 301 , Merrlam blk.
Born , to Mr. nnd Mrs. Lester E. Hart , a
eon.J T Hart of Denver te visiting friends In
the city.
Charles drccn of Lowls called In the city
J C. Stone of dlonwood was In the city
F E Ljman of Rock Island stopped In the
city yesterday.
Jnmcs Babcock of Underwood called In
the city jestcrday.
John M Holmes of Atchlson , Kan. , otoppcd
In the city jeslcrday.
S R Stewart of Jacksonville , la. , called
In the city yesterday.
Fred KIcfmnn of Cumberland , la. , la In
"the city visiting ftlends.
Messrs. C. R. Hannan and J. A. Patten
ro In Chicago on business.
II P Wordmnnseo of Kansas City was a
guest In the city yesterday.
W A. Patton of Crpston was a business
visitor In the city jcstorday.
William Marlender of Wlota , la. , vvae In
the city jeatorday on business.
F 13. Rogers of Maryvllle , Mo. , wao among1
the gucfits In the city jtsturday.
L D. Huffaker , one of Silver Clty'e nicr-
chn ta , Is In the clt > on business.
Mies Oiace Mcmmoro Is making a two
weeks' visit with friends In Boono.
Hx-Postmastcr Flammant of Mlneoli was
among the guests In the city yesterday.
C B Casey , an Implement dealer of Prea-
cott , was In the city on business yesterday.
Httiry Dnnlger IB home on account of In
juries iccelved In a fall in Ottumwa on Tuca-
da > .
Mrs George Row and daughter of Silver
City wcro shopping In Council Bluffs yester
Mr end Mrs L. J. Fcirlng are entertain
ing Mr. and Mrs. E. L Cannon of M'nne-
William Knhl , nn extensive cattle deiler
of Mlneola , was In the city on business yes
terday ,
Mrs C T Moxlcy has gone to San An-
toniti to wait upon her nephew , Roacoe
Mr nnd Mrs W. A. Forney of Cedar
Rapids nro visiting with Mr. and Mrs. W. A.
Fred W Hnnsen , a cattle dealer of Wnl-
nut was In the city looking over the mar
kets yesterday.
Frank Oiircn and George Stevens , cattle
men of Living Springs , were In the city on
business yesterday.
Mrs C. W. Fco cr of Avenue G left yes
terday for Harllng , la , where she will visit
her daughter , Mrs Dr. Graham.
SIlsi Maude Knight of Fremont arrived In
the tlty yesterday and Is the guest of Mrs.
Gtorgo N. Bow en nt the Dohany.
Walter Wllllnms of Dumfrlco stopped In
the tlty yesterday and tiansactcd business
with the cattlemen of South Omaha.
Don't you think It nuirft be a pretty good
laundry that can please KO many hundreds
of customers ? Well that'rf the "Eagle , "
72-1 Broadway.
The Dohany has had very good hous s
so far this week during the engagement of
the Redmond Dramatic company. Tonight
the company will present ono of tlio best
plays In Us repertoire , "A Mountain Girl. "
The 4-ypar-old son of Gus Hels'.er of 407
North First street , while playing with
matches In one of the bedrooms of the
house , set fire to the loco curtains. The par
ents heard the cries of the child and dis
covered the flro In time to extinguish It and
it nnv Insa fitithop than the curtains.
Sunday night William Jerome's big show ,
"A Joy in New York , " will bo the attraction
at Dnhany's theater. The company is com
posed of flrat class artists and the play Is
a pronounced laughing success. Maude
Nugent , the girl who wrote "Sweet Rosle
O'Grady , " will appear In n leading role.
Rev. Mr. Venting will give a Bible rend
ing this afternoon at 3 o'clock ut the First
Baptist church on the subject , "The Ulec-
trlo Light and How to Use It. " His even-
In subject will be , "Two Ways of Looking
at a Man. " Tha ordinance of baptism will
bo administered at the close of the fernioii
Mrs. P. J. Pope , who Is 111 at her homo at
2iS nn I'D street , has received word from
Minneapolis that her mother , Mrs. H M.
Jones of that city , whllo crossing the tracku
of the Great Northern railway , was struck
by u freight trn'n nnd seriously Injured. Ono
arm wns broken and she alto received Inter
nal Injrulea.
A gnmo of basket ball was played AVednee-
day evening at the Armory by the Dpdge
Light Guard tctm of this city and the Young
Men' : ] Chrlstlin association team of Omaha.
The game resulted In a victory for the
Omaha team with a score of 25 to 9. Ar
rangements are being made for another
game In the near future.
Judge Wooleon and wife passed through
the city yesterday en route to their home
In Mount Pleastnt. They were visiting In
Toledo , when they received word of the
death , In Missouri Valley , of Mro James L.
Woolson , wife of Judge Woo son's brother ,
and they went tliero to attend the funeral ,
which was held on Tuesday.
The Apollo club , under the leadership of
Mr. Sutorlus , U gaining quite a reputation
for Itself. Two offers luvo been received for
engag'jmcnts for the summer , ono from Ce
dar Rapids and one for a two weeks' engage
ment at the Des MolnesChautaiuiua. Neither
offer Is accepted yet , as the parents of the
boys are undecided as to the wisdom of such
a atep.
C B. Vlava Co. , female remedy ; consulta
tion free. Olllco hours , 9 to 12 ind 2 to 5.
Health book furnished. 326-327-3 8 Merrlam
N. Y. Plumbing company , Tel. 250.
T , It. Combs has sold his Interest In the
bimluees conducted by the firm of Pooro A
Comt.'H , fid. ! Brcadwny to C. K Poorc , who
will continue the business nnd settle- all ac
counts contracted by the firm ,
i-rliniilcd 011 nit Old ClinrRo.
Deputy United States Mnrshal Relkman
returned from Red Oak yesterday with
James Knshlne , whom bo arrested on a
bench warrant charging violation of tha
federal liquor law P. Ursklno was Indicted
by the fodornl grand Jury In 1890 , but the
ollleera never succeeded In getting near
enough to him to servo the warrant. Ho
was arraigned before United States Com
missioner Wright and cent to the county
jail In default of the usual band required.
Krsklno 13 well connected and has friends
whom ho eays will arrange his bond In a few
A dancing party will bo given next Fri
day evening In the Marcus hall by Ratllff &
Jones , All are Invlteh. Good music.
Dr. Heller , osteopath , lieno block.
Kxlntf TriuiHfiTH ,
The following- transfers are reported from
the title and loan ollleo of J. W. Squire , 101
1'onrl street :
AVilllam r. Hrlghtman to Mary Mc-
Hobert , lot C , block 1 , Stulsman's
First addition , s',4 noH neV4 7-75-43 ,
vv. il . 11,000
Sheriff to Mary H. Cotton , north 23
foot of youth 33 feet lot ! 13 , block IB ,
* Itlddlo'a mibdlvlalon. s. d . 3.4S3
Jlattlo T. Fell and liui-baiid to Mary
1J. Cotton , north 25 feet of south SJft
foot lot U , block IS , lliddle'j subdi
vision , < i c d . , . 1 Thomas C. Hushni'll. lot 12 ,
nnd Kouth 6U feet lot 13 , block IS , llld-
illo'u subdivision , s. d . . . . . . C.91G
I.nuru K. Moore ami husband to Lizzie
A , i ) . Moorman , part lot 33 , Johnson's
wddltlon , w. d . l.SOO
OTUo transfer * , total
Missives from MoManns and Monfort to the
Dear Ones at Homo ,
Mrmlirrn of the Mnltie Creir Who Kept
Ilk Clone- Touch v\llli
UxIrnrtN from Their
Like messages from the dead are the laet
letters which the Council Bluffs relatives of
John McMaius nnd William Monfort , who
were able osamen on the United States bat
tleship .Maine , lost In Havana harbor. The
parents of the latter , Mr. and Mrs. R. T.
Mcofort of 718 Washington avenue , received
the last missive from their son yesterday
morning. It was dated at Havana , February
10. The last letter from McManus came to
Miss Jennie Murphy of 927 Avenue H , his
cousin , and dnughter of John F. Murphy ,
eovernl days ngo. It was written on January
.10 last , nnd Is full of Interest tig Informa-
tlcn regarding the situation nt Havana when
the battleship Malno arrived there.
List Monday night ( January 24) ) we were
maneuvering about sixty miles west of Key
\\est ( wrote the sailor ) when , about 1
p cloclfl In the morning , a torpedo boat
brought a dispatch to the flagship of the
squadron collected there nnd the admiral
Immediately sign-lied | the Maine to pro-
reed at once to Havana. On the way we
cleared the ship for action , had all the guns
and toipcdocs loidcd for action , nml at 7
o clock the next morning the Maine pissed
under the guns of Morn castle , down the
nanovv channel and swinging into < he bay
dropped anchor alongside the Spinlsh flag
ship before Havana and 300 y.iriis from C'n-
b.inas fortress. All this done without
n murmur ; pliers the Spaniarddidn't
know what to think of our "crust "
T.iu liist tiling the Mulno did wns to
salute our consul general vvlMi twenty-one
guns. We then returned salutes with the
admiral of the Spinlsh fleet and-Captain
neutral Blanco While this was going on
the wharves , buildings , windows and hills
became black with Spaniards. Our sMnpor
( C'lljt-jln ' Sltrsbte ) then visited the different
ollle-ils , called on General l.te , whose Im
mediate orders WP are now under. Thcro
were stveial riots before our arrival here ,
but things seem to have quieted down.
Wednesday Leo and his staff and also
some pretty senorltas cime aboard and In
spected the ship. Yesterday Blanco and
stuff did the same. Blanco is a line lookIng -
Ing fellow.
Thursday theie wns he-ivy flg-Hlng In the
hills back of Havana. We bad the glasses
on them , but could discern nothing but
smoke rising In different places. In the
evcnlnp , however , we were told that the
rebels hail been repulsed with heavy loss
including their colonel.
Our position In the bay commands a good
view of the city and surrounding country.
Havana , of course. Is umlei in intlnl law
nnd everything shows the effects of the
war. Today a transport steamer brought
In 300 sick and wounded soldiers from the
The weather here Is of nn Inferior brand
not and sultry In the daytime and cool
and damp at night. Wo are not getting
much to eat. Meat Is 40 cents per paunil
and other things nro In proportion , which
nccounts for our poor living. There are
quite a number of war ships lying here
German , British , Spanish anil our own llt-
tlo boat , which la by far the finest of ithe
Wo seem to have caused quite n sensa
tion since our arrival AH of the papers
In the country nre full of news recnrdlnR
the proceeding. I don't think we shall re-
mnln here long , as we are booked to pre
side with the balance of ithe North At
lantic squadron off Floilda at the New Or
leans Mardl Gras on February 22 , but In
the event of our going there the Maine
will be relieved by home of the smaller
men-of-war. I am anxious to return to the
states and got something good to eat.
McManus reminded his cousin In this let
ter that ho vvns 22 years of age on January
19 , and in a postscript he said that on the
day ho wrote the letter there was to bo n
bull fight In the arcaa at Havana. All
hands wcro going ashore to see the novel
No reference wna made by McManus In his
letter regarding tbo treatment the sailors
of the Malno received at the hands of the
Spaniards while ashore , but In Monfort's
Inst letter to his parents that tailor referred
Indirectly to this queotlro , although In
former communications his relatives re
ceived no Intimation of Ill-treatment. The
letter received yesterday morning was short ,
and In substance It said :
Don't worry about me. There Is no fever
hero yet and won't bo until the rains set In.
We iv 111 be In New Orleans In about two-
weeks The Cubans nro only waiting for
the rain nnd fever to come and help them
kill oft the Spaniards. The Spaniards are a
little more deient now that they sec they
could not get us out of the harbor Spanish
soldiers keep coming to Cuba nnd every t-hlp
takes a load of mounded and sick soldiers
hack to Spain. They all seem to bo mere
There was great grief among the rela-
tl'q of McManus anJ Monfort yesterday.
They passed the hours waiting anxiously
and wearily for some message or word
that would give them hope for the lives of
their loved ones. Many calls were received
from friends and acquaintances , who ex
tended their sympathies to the aflllcted
families and tried by words of cmcourago-
mcnt to comfort them In the hope that the
boys may yet bo safe from Injury or at
lenet not dead. When Miss Murphy learned
from The Bee In the evening no further
tIJIngs of the fate of the young man she
bccama distracted with grief. She said the
suspense was more tortuous than the con-
flunntlon of his death would bo , although
she sincerely trusted that her cousin vvas
spared. McNamus and Monfort enlisted In
.ho navy at the same tlmo for a period of
hreo years and their tlmo of service would
mvo expired in May. They were both ox-
icctod homo about Juno 1.
Monfort's mother was seen at her homo
ast evening. She said that she had received
10 word from n private source regarding the
'ate ' of her son and consequently she knew
milling more than she learned about the
disaster from the newspaper reports. She
lad about given up hope that her eon vvas
among the rescued Bailors.
"Wo have received several letters from
.Vllllam since the arrival of the Malno at
lavana , " said she , "but In none of them
ms ho given any Intimation of danger. In
act , ho wrote little about affairs in Cuba ,
iccmlng to bo moro anxious to wrlto about
ils homo and friends. His lettera wcro
short as a rule and the only ono I have
saved Is the letter I received this morning.
am afraid H is the last ho has written "
Both Monfort and McManus are quite well
( noun In Omaha , where both worked for
soiiio time. Monfort learned part of hla
trade of a plumber In ono of the Omaha
plumbing establishments and McManus
worked for some tlmo in the smelting
works. The latter was at homo on a fur
lough not long ago and whllo hero he pur
chased a building lot In Sunny side on North
Harrison street. In ono of his letters ho
speaks < t bending homo money on next
pay day to pay the taxes on thin lot.
Auction 3 p , m. , 7.30 p. m. , at Hart's
Jewelry store , 4 Pearl st. Watches , clocks ,
Jewelry and silverware at your own prlcce.
T. U M'OANN. Auctioneer.
Ontolu'N bo mo Grnl ii Tlil < - \ CM.
Special Olllccr Vlzrord of the Union Pa-
clflo detective force' ' spent the afternoon hero
yesterday looking Into the charges against
Nato and Jack Bethcra and James Hutchlns ,
three boys who are under arrest for steal
ing grain from Union Pacific cars. Tbo boys
were placed under arrest on the previous
evening , charged with malicious mischief.
They had been ( raring off the cards and
signboards from the nlden of loaded freight
cars , but Investigations yesterday showed
that they had broken Into some of the cam
and carried ftnay a quantity or grata. The
boys -ncro arraigned before Judge McGee
yesterday morning and their cases were con
tinued until the officers could Investigate n
llttlo further Into the charge of grain steal-
Ing. The belief Is that It any quantity of
grain was stolen older men are Implicated.
nit vws Tim KimiiAi , .unions.
Clerk Stcnilninn I'rcpnrrn for the Coin.
Inur Term of Court.
Clerk Stc dman yesterday completed the
work of drawing the names for the grand
and petit juries for the March term of the
federal court. The grand Jurors are ordered
to appear on ( March 2 , and the potlt jurors
on March 17 , Following are the names of
the men chosen :
Grand Jurors : Hamilton Grecr , Shcnan-
doah ; C. M. Coye , Carson ; Henry Strletbcck ,
Keg Creek ; A. W. Green , Clarlnda ; J. W.
Swlshcr , Grant ; Wnrrcn Hough , Crescent ;
Robert Henderson , Creston ; J. G. Lindsay ,
Logon ; J. A. iHyslmm Red Oak ; J. K.
Kwlng , Shannon City ; August Schult , Denl-
sonj J. Hallner , Tabor ; R. L. Johnson , Red
Oak ; John Frank , Atlantic ; W. H. Hnrrlson ,
Shcnandoah ; John Mellncsa , Thayer ; D. J.
Williams , Wales ; J. D. Jones , Clarlnda ;
John Bwlnn. Proscolt ; John Young , Cali
fornia Junction ; R. U Harris , Audubon ; D.
S. Bullock , Harlau ; Bert Cross , iBIanchard ;
Joseph Brnckney , Sidney ; Charles Westrop ,
Elliott ; P. W. Miller , Shannon City ; n. J.
Taylor , Crcston ; ISnmucl Underwood , Keg
Petit Jurors : P. B. Reeves , Hamburg ; M.
K. Campbell , Harlan ; Charles Magic , Sid
ney ; John A. Orth , Clarlnda ; Charles J.
Berdctte , Spaldlng ; J. C. ( Manning , Coon
Rapids ; John Buckman , Hawthorne ; J. E.
Babson , Block ton ; William ill. Cramer , Prescott -
cott ; John Hicks , Breda ; David B. Kirk ,
Afton ; Samuel Shrivcr , Glcnwood ; Frank
HIlIls , Irwln ; J. A. McNclll. Carroll ; John
Doak , Audubon ; G. Blockton , Red Oak ; J.
T. Go ode , Sidney ; Joseph Robinson , ( Mount
Avr ; W. B. Cox , Farragut ; Hugh Gunn , Red
Oak ; II. P. Johnson , Bedford ; James Ander
son , Grlswold ; John Cudgell , Farragut ; John
Mullen , Sclola ; George E. Frey , 'Missouri '
Valley ; AV. W. IHyde , Bedford ; Jonathan
Ho'ton ' , Woodbine ; Eugene Styles , Sidney ;
W. B. Wheeler , Hnrlan ; John Hlmlller , VII-
lUca ; J. F AVall , Mount Ayr ; D. B Good
man , Ilawleyvllle ; Lowls Alkcn , Clarlnda ;
J. 1. Bagnoll , College Springs ; F , G. Bron-
son , Missouri Valley ; Joslah Lltcer , Convvay ;
Cyrus Andrews , Corning ; S. A. Brenster ,
Creston ; Wolf Miller , Yorktown ; J. D. Havv-
IPV Clarlnda ; D. 'H. ' Huston Conway ; Davis
S'rcors , Creston ; T McWllllams , River
Sioux ; J , A. Brock , Arcadia ; G. W. ftlc-
Naught , Gllddcn ; Joseph Matlack , Crescent ;
Alexander Plnkerton , Shamburg ; J. A.
ISnlder , iMndale.
The March term of the court promises to
bo an unusually brief one. The docket Is
much smaller oven than It was a year ngo ,
when the term was a phenomenally short
ono Arcry few * cases of Importance are to
be tried The Whlttlesey case Is the only
ono on the criminal docket that will attract
any nttentlon. Very few filings are shown
by the law and equity dockets , and from all
appearances Judge Woolson TV 111 be chiefly
occupied with the consideration and adjudi
cation of the cases Involving the violation of
the federal revenue laws and a few counter
\VOUKI\G i-o ii TIIU i\i'osirnr\ .
I'rocoHH of Ital.Nlnyr Punils IH
lt\K .Siltlxftu-torllj .
The executlvo committee of the Council
Bluffs Exposition association held its regu
lar meeting last evening. The reports from
the committees on soliciting funds showed
that the business portion of the city had
been quite well canvassed , with the ex
ception of South Main street , and it was
suggesto dibit the work bo extended to
other parts of the city b'sUo the business
portion , as considerable funds could probably
bo secured In this way. None of the commit
tees had entirely finished thalr work and
from the Interest manifested and the
amounts already subscribed the prospect
looks bright for the carrying on of the work
as previously laid out.
The Council Bluffs buttons have not met
with as ready sale as was ut first hoped for ,
but quite a number are being sold. It was
decided to ask the women of the city , who
are nt work In the Interest of the children's
building nnd the wigwam , to assist In sell-
Inc the buttons , as a nortlon of the monev
raised by them goes to the chlldrpn's
building fund and a part to the fund for the
vvlirvvim. The committee en grounds re
ported that the grounds could bo had fren
of charge , provided thut no competitive ex
hibit bo mnde , In which case tile site would
cost $1,000.
A report was circulated yesterday that
the proceeds of the Dickens party given
last evening by the art department of the
Women's club was to benefit the Council
Bluffs Exposition association , but such Is
not the fact. Secretary Judson stated that
ho was dallv lecelvlng quite n number of
names and addresses of persons "wishing to
entertain guests during the exposition
Prof Hlscy stated that In the homes of thi
children that attend the Bloomer school
about 2,000 guests would bp entertained ,
all being frlenJs or relatives in the homes.
The children of this school represent about
one-tenth of the school enrollment of the
city , nnd a conclusion can easily ba drawn
as to the number of families In the city thnt
will entertain company outside of the
strangers that will seek lodging here.
Jury In Smith disc Out ,
It was cxpcctcil that the Board of Edu
cation would know before dark last night
whether or not It would have to pay the
bill of L. C. Smith for the alleged defective
heating and ventilating apparatus In the
High school but the members went to their
suppers without receiving any word from
the Jury. The case was given to the Jury
at 11 o'clock1 yesterday. At the dinner hour
only the preliminary work of getting ready
to consider the verdict had been accom
plished , but the Jurymen seemed to be In
excellent spirits and not considering the
prospects of a long discussion. At supper
ttmo the smiles had left their faces nnd
there were Indications that a good part of
thu night might be passed In the juryroom ,
The auction ralo at No. i Pearl street will
bo resumed Monday at 3 and 7 30 p in ,
and continue until the stock is closed out.
These goods must bo sold regardless of cost ,
as owing to poor health I will not bo nblo
to stand longer close confinement. Sterling
silver bouvenlrs will bo given away ,
Hoffmayr's fancy patent flour makes the
beet and most bread. Ask your grocer for It.
Complain of the CroNlHiiK.
A number of strong complaints have been
lodged at the city building concerning the
condition of the crossings at the corner of
Washington avenue nnd Benton street. The
crossings have been a source of complaint
for many yean , but within the last year
the condition haa grown to bo Intolerable
to the people who have to cross the streets
at that point dally. The crossings were
laid even with the street surface In order to
avoid any interference with the passage of
vehicles and In the course of the years
passed since the work was dona the. planks
have sunk deeper and deeper until now they
are out of sight and lower than any other
portion of the street. The residents are
talking about making these crossings a
political Issue In the contest for alderman
in the First ward this spring. There Is also
a strong sentiment favorable to securing the
paving of there two streets , which are used
as much as Broadway , and are sadly In need
of Improvement.
1'crKlnN Si-ckx Iti-iioiuliiiitlon.
SIOUX CITY. Fcb. 17. ( Special Tele
gram. ) It can bo positively stated that
George D. Perkins la a candidate for < no
republican nomination for congress in the
Eleventh district. Mr. Perkins has made
tula statement to como of his friends. Ho
Is now serving his fourth term In congress.
No other candidate has yet appeared. Ho
was first elected to congress In 1890 , having
defeated J. P , Allison of Sioux City , demo
crat , by about 1,000 votes. In 1892 Mr. Per
kins defeated Daniel Campbell , fUBlonlit , by
about 1,600 votca. In 1894 his majority over
Q. G racier , democrat , was about 9,000 and
in 1890 Mr. Perkins defeated A. Van Wag-
cnon , Xuslonlfit , by nearly 7,000 YQtai.
Hjaly Measure Will "Bo Presented to tbo
i i
\cnrly Ilnlf n Humlrcd 1'ernoim Ilnic
( Alt-cutty lAppllftl for 1'nfiltloiiM
, on the Vr Nioctlc
DD3 MOIN'CS , reb. 17. Special Telo-
gMm ) The Hcnly bill will be presented to
the house and scnato tomorrow. The senate
nnyn nnd monns committee hold n three
hours' session tonight ! , going over the
measure section by section , discussing It In
the most careful detail. The result vvns not
a lino's change from the revised draft by
Healy. On motion of Young of L/ce , demo
crat , It was unanimously \oted to report
tlio iblll for passage. Thirteen of the fifteen
rficmbcrs of the committee \\oro present.
The bill will be presented to the senate to
morrow , o'dcrcd printed and set as a , spe
cial order for some date the latter part of
next \\cck. The simo measure will probibly
bo reported to the house tomorrow morning
by the special committee of seven , where It
will bo reported \\lth an amendment to extend
the powers of the beard to a supervision of
educational Institutions. It Is freely pre
dicted that In two weeks the measure will
bo passed , signed 'by the go\crnor nnd In
force. Opposition , If there Is any. Is still
keeping In the dark.
It Is announced that thirty-six applications
ha\o 'been ' Hied with Governor Shaw , for
places on the Hoard of Control. Among
those whose applications are understood to
bo on file areW. . B. Martin , ex-representa
tive frctn < Adalr county ; L 11. Hajmoml of
Hampton , trustee of the Soldiers' Home ; E.
H. Hunter , H. C. Tcachout ana Griff Johnson
of Dos Molncs , Sam T. Miyne , cx-rcpresonta-
tl\o from Kossuth ; Dr. Ilojt , superlntemlent
of the Insane asjlum at Clarlnda , nno lt Is
understood Dr. F. M. Powell superintendent
of the Institution for feeble-Minded Chil
dren at Olcnttood. The number Is being In
creased dally and delegations are teglnning
to call on the go\ernor In the Interests of
various candidates It Is expected that by
the tlmo the bill Is passed 100 applications
will bo on flic. No present member of the
legislature can bo appointed ; the constitu
tion expressly forbids any legislator accept
ing an ofllco created or of which the emolu
ment has been Increased during the term
for which ho was elected ; If he resigns It
makes no difference ; he U still Ineligible.
A largo delegation of representatives of
the Grand Army of the- Republic , Woman'i ,
Hellof Corps and trustees and officers of the
Soldiers' homo was before the Joint appro-
prlitlons meeting to urge the appropriations
asked by the home A new building , an In
firmary Tor old people , In which husbands and
wives can live together nnd receive the best
of care , Is asked and the organizations are
strenuously urging Jt.
The one topic of Jntercat in the legislature
today was the dlscpsslpn of the blowing up
of the battleship Malno , at Havana. Bulletins
were received at the stqto house In the aftei-
inoon end nttentlon ( o them seriously Inter
fered with business. In the committee rooms
the expression on every hand was that If It
proved that the battleship wcs blown up bj
a torpedo or as the result of any treachery
war was unavoidable. This evening the
rnmoc gained currqncy tlat Governor Shaw
had received a telegram from the president
ofthe United States , asking for an Imme
diate report on tdq condition of the national
guard and Its availability In case of war.
When asked about It Governor Shaw cald
ho had heard the etory and had been asked
several times about It , but that he had thus
far received no such Inquiry from the presi
dent. The guard Is In good condition , nx-
Adjutant General Wright estimates that there
are In Iowa fully 12,000 trained soldiers , who
In the last ten years have received training
In the guard and nearly all of whom would
respond to a call ror troops , no uas care
fully studied the question of availability and
training of these former members of the
guards and declares that Iowa can place In
the field a division of 12,000 to 15,000 trained
soldiers on a few days' notice.
Compensation for attoinejs defending
criminals at state expense was discussed at
length by the scrate. Last winter a law
was raosed allowing the court to fix the fee ,
a maximum of $20 a day being named.
Hurst's bill proposes to cut this to $10 , vvltli
a J100 limit for n trial.
The Emmert bill for cattle Inspection was
recommitted to the committee on public
health for the third time. It la pretty cer
tain to be killed If It breaks out of com
mittee again. Carney's bill to establish fire
departments In occond Iass cities passed.
Druet Introduced a measure to abolish the
circle at the top of the ballot and Mitchell
one to prevent Importation of nursery stock
Into the state afflicted with the San Jose
scale and to eradicate that pest where It
novf exists. Ellison's habitual criminal bill
came out of the committee. McArthur's bill
to provide penalties of $100 to $500 for adul
teration of linseed oil , requiring the state
oil Inspectors to enforce It , passed. Berry
Introduced a resolution that the house ad
journ from Saturday till Wednesday to allow
observance of Washington's birthday as a
After a period of warm discussion the house
recommitted Penny's bill to list nnd tax
mortgages to the committee on Judiciary.
An effort was made to refer It to a special
commlttoo of five , but It met overw helming
defeat , the friends of the measure suspecting
the design of the motion. The bill was orig
inally reported for Indefinite postponement
by the committee on waja and means. The
sentiment In favor of the bill was hardly so
strong as jehtorday , but It still has strong
support. The committee on Judiciary will
doubtlefs return an unfavorable report , bolt
friends of the measure Insist they will bring
It on the floor of the house again regardless
of the committee's action. It Is hard to pre
dict Its fate.
The house Indulged In a heated discussion
over the Hlnkson bill to deduct from per
sonal property Mihjoct to assessment the
amount of Indebtedness. Mr. Hlnkson urged
personal property should bo placed on an
equality with mines and crodits. Chajrman
Potter of tbo ways and means committee
opposed the bill , elating It would cause a re
duction In the rovenuu the state could not
endure. The bill was defeated 48 to 37 , the
democrats voting allhcdt solidly In Its favor.
Potter of Bremer Introduced his manufactur
ing bill again In a new form.
President McKInJey will deliver an ad
dress at Iowa college ! Grlnnell , In Juno ,
on the occasion of the celebration of the
Bcml-contcnnlal of llio' Institution. The college -
lego Is making elaborate preparations for
the celebration of the event and through
the Influence of Iowa senators and congress
men has secured the president's acceptance
of the Invitation to Deliver the chief ad
dress of tbo occasion The exact date baa
not been fixed , tUtVlJl | bo decided to null
the convenience Qf , to ! | president , coming
during commencement week , the Utter part
of the month.
The democratic city , convention was held
this afternoon and n full ticket nominated
on municipal ownership , eight-hour day and
anti-social evil platform. The ticket. For
mayor , J. J. Hartenbotterj city solicitor , E.
13. Rvans ; treasurer , A , iB , McCowan ; au
ditor , C. .M. T. Anderson ; city engineer , U.
N , Moss ; police Judge , TP. K. Kngllsh ; as-
nossor , Harry Heughle ; park commlcsloncr ,
W. J , das too ; market master , L. Spahlgren ;
aldermen at largo , East Des Molnes , Warren
Walker ; Wrat lies Molnes , H , D. Cozens.
The republican primaries will be held Feb
ruary 28 and the city convention March 4.
blntiinry for Jcmii
DAVKNPOIIT , la , Feb. 17. ( Special , )
The state of Iowa having placed at tbo dis
posal of the late secretary of tbo Iowa Sol
diers' and Sallora' Monument commlEslon
the original platter rnodula of figures on the
monument erected by that commluiloo ,
movement has been started hero to secur
a duplicate of the figure of General Crockc
to bo placed In a public park here , Hur
llngton has purchased and set up In a city
park the brcnzc equestrian statue of Genera
Corse , Kcokuk , lias voted to purchase a dti
plicate of the statue of General Curtis am
Council Bluffs has secured the models o
the etntuo of General Dodge. H Is ttrgci
that the statue of General Crocker woitU
bo especially appropriate here , as so many
of the soldiers from th's part of the state
fought under him In the early port of the
DrrNliitt Involve * Vnltinlilc I'rnprrty
CKDAU RAPIDS , la. . Fob 17. ( Spccla
Telegram ) Judge Glberson of the superior
court handed down nn Important decision
today , after having the matter under advise
metit for ninety dajs. In 1808 N B. Brown
deeded to the Chicago & Northwestern rail
way n tract of land for n moncj nnd certain
other considerations , one of which was tha
they should forever maintain a passengc
and freight depot upon the site Two jc rage
ago this company , together with the Burling
ton , Cedar Haplda Northern railway , let
this depot nnd occupied n ndw union dcpo
two blocks south. Harry T , Drown , ono o
the heirs of X. B. Brown , brought sul
against the railway company for the posses
slon of this land cci the ground that It hat
forfeited title to It , because of abandoning
It as a passenger station site. Judge Giber
Boa finds for the defendants. The property
In question Is very valuable.
Initlttttc lit Cln > Center.
CLAY cnNTEU , 'Neb , Tcb. 17. ( Special.
The Tanners' Institute completed Its ses
slon Inst evening. The program of the da
won exceptionally good , the following paper
being read : "Farmers' Problems of To
day , " C. H. Scarle ; "Tho Hog , " S. McKelvIo
"Agriculture , " Hon J. B. Dlnsmoro ; "Th
Poultry Industry , " Mrs Flora Shrojcr. In
the evening Prof. Snjlor of Lincoln enter
tallied those present with an able address
The following officers were elected : Prcsl
dent. G. II. Searlo of Edgar ; vice president
S. H. Hlchardson ; secretary-treasurer , W1I
Ham Ashby of Spring Unncho.
Ueoctv o * I'nlnfiil InJtirloN.
MANNING , la. . Fob. 17. ( Special )
Alex : Young , n pioneer resident of Manning
was painfully Injured by falling down th
cellnrway at his home.
lOlMl HllSllll-PIN > ( M\H Nolf.l.
\\n \ acctyllno gas factory Is contemplate <
In Muscatlnc.
Charles City may soon have two new but
ton factories.
The city council at Northwood has decldoi
to put In a fire alarm system.
Tor the last year Shelby county spent $21 ,
000.73 for now bridges and for the repair o
old ones.
Building Improving already In progress or
Immediately In contemplation at Kcokul
foot up $115,000.
The rock for the foundation of the new
cointy Insane apylum In Pocahontas county
Is being hauled to the site.
The Rhoadcs-Carmcan Carriage companj
will erect a new three-story business buildIng -
Ing In Mnrshalltown in the spring.
The school board of Mason City will cal !
In all outstanding warrants which ore drawIng -
Ing 8 per cent and Issue them again at a
lower rate of Interest.
The assistant state geologist rcnorts that
over 60,000,000 paving brick were manufac
tured In lown the past jear , one-half of this
number being mode In Des Molncs.
When the court house tax Is paid In Mont
gomery county this year the building will
bo paid for by taxpayers , and their predic
tions of bankruptcy have not come true.
A stock company Is being formed In
Charles City to build n line of railroad west
from that city connecting with the Burling
ton , Cedar Unplds & Northern at Itockford
or Marble Hock.
The treasurer of Clajton county sa > s the
taxes paid for January were $1,500 more than
for the same month In 1S97. lie thought
fully two-thirds of the number pavjng did
not take advantage of the semi-annual plan.
They paid In full.
During the month of January County
Treasurer Sprv of AVapollo county , called in
and naid noarlv J24.000 In mitstandlnir hrlilsro
warrants. Outstanding warrants of ail kinds ,
to the amount of $31,207 , were paid duilng
the same length of tlmo.
A new bank at Hurt , la. . Is one of the
financial moves of the near future. Charles
D Smith , at present assistant cashier of the
First National bank of Algona , will be the
cashier , and Joseph W. Wadswoith of the
Kossuth County State bank will bo presi
Itntn I'rcsK foniinc-nt.
Atlantic Telegraph : The board of control
bill will he reported favorably by the com
mittee and It is pretty certain to pass and
become a law. The measure continues to
grow In popularity with the people.
Des Molnes Leader : Now that n demo
cratic caucus has determined against a manu
facturing 1)111 ) It will bo In order for a
specially detailed committee to gather up all
copies of previous platforms and destroj
Ottumwa Courier : According to Trod
White , J , H. Burges.s or Ottumwa Is In Im
mediate danger of "making an everlasting
fool of himself" by daring to think of being
a candidate for congress. This Is really Just
"awful. "
Iowa City nepubllcan : The official
democracy of Iowa , at a caucus In Des Molncs
last night , decided to stand by the sentl-
mcntrf of Its state convention last summer
and abandon Its traditions on the liquor qucs-
tlco through fear of losing the free silver
republicans and populists who affiliated with
that party last fall. Senator Hanck , who
read a mild manufacturing bill to the caucus ,
was turned down.
TO cimis roi.n IN U\K IMY
Take Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets. All
druggists refund the money If It falls to cure.
2jc. The genuine has L I ) . Q. on each tablet.
Co in 111 n n ilrr Cnmllrrrvor Huvo Or-
lIl-rN , 111' Mjlllu Ill'Cllll'xlH.
I never met a Gaudier or read of ono but
what my mind Involuntarily whispers ,
"Gentlemen of the Banks County Guards , "
eays Bill Arp In the Atlanta Constitution.
"Gentlemen of the Banks County Guards ,
you will plcaso to right face. "
It was during the long winter of 18G1-C2 ,
when wo were In winter quarters at Center-
vlllo , Va. , vvo boys used to go down oc
casionally to hear Captain Candler drill his
company. This Captain Candler was the
father of our next governor , and like all the
Candlera , had his own vvajs and methods
Ho was a Chesterfield In manners , a Stone
wall In patriotism and was never : > nown to
use any profane language or to relate a vul
gar anecdote. His politeness was Intuitive
Ho couldn't help It. "Gentlemen of the
Banks County Guards , plcaso givemo your
attention , I hold in my hand an order from
the colonel commanding directing rno to
take you on picket duty to Mason's Hill to
morrow morning at sunrise , and that you
provide two day's rations for that service
I trust that It v , III bo your pleasure to com
ply with that order. "
All his commands wcro pollto requests ,
and even the rudest of his men wcro Im
proved and refined in their manners and
conversation by association with him , Ho
was a patriot , ft soldier and always a gentle
man , The Second Georgia was commanded
by the bravo Colonel Semmea , and some
times whim the regiment was on drill or
dress parade , General Johnston and his staff
would happen thcro Ju t to hear Captain
Candler drill his men "Gentlemen of the
Banks County Guards , you will observe
that the cycB of our great leader are upon
> ou , and I trust you will show your very
best soldierly training while In his pres
ence. Gentlemen of the Banks County
Guards , > ou will pleaeo to shoulder arms ,
right , face ; forward , march" Ho always
uncovered bU head and thanked them when
the drill WSH over.
Don't ' annoy others by your coughing , oad
risk your llfo by neglecting a cold. One Min
ute Cough Cure curte couRhi , coldi , croup ,
grippe and til throat ana lusg trouble * ,
rirrv Ktiiin iv MIMJ n\ii.osio\ .
Tlilrt-Scv on llnillon Alrcnil ) llronulit
tit Hit * Snrfiu'o.
I1EHCHAM. Prussia , Feb. 17. A terrible
explosion of flro damp occurred In the
Vcrelnlgle Carollnengtueck colliery at Ham-
mcrly this morning. Thirty-seven bodies
have been recovered In addition many min
ors have been seriously Injured. It Is be
lieved that fifty persons have perished.
risiiuitMn.N "cAiiilnjiroijr TO SIVA.
TITO Hundred of Them Alton ! on nil
lop Plop.
COPRNHAOnN. Tcb 17. A dispatch re
ceived hero from Helstngfors sa > s that n
flco In Finland broke ndrlft In n etorm nnd
was carried to sea with 200 flfhormon and
several horses
i Cabinet Dlnt-iinncR D
MADRID , Feb. 17. The queen regotit pre
sided nt n cabinet meeting today. The sub-
Jcct chiefly discussed was the loss of the
battleship Maine The minister for foreign
affairs , Scnor Gullon , read a dUpatch on the
subject from Washington nnd the queen
regent expressed sorrow nt the catastrophe
The Spanish war ship Vlzcnja will , It la
Mid , receive Us filial Instructions by aema-
phoro before It enters New York harbor.
There Is much comment hero at the reported
sending of a United States torpedo flotilla
to Havana from Key West.
Humor Without Pouiiilnllmi
BERLIN , Fcb 17. The North German
Gazctto this afternoon 0.1)8 It Is authorized
to Rtnte that the recent report emanating
from Madrid that n number of high Spanish
officers propose to leave their cnrds nt the
German embassy , with n view of thus sett
ting on foot n demonstration against the
United States , Is utterly devoid of founda
CIIEYENNC , Wyo , Feb. 17. ( Special. )
Miss Mary Isabel Draper and Mr. Ashley
Gleason , both of this city , were married at
noon jcsterday nt the residence of the
brldo's mother. Rev. George C. Hnfter of
St. Mark's Episcopal church performed the
ceremony , assisted by Rev. E. fi. Smiley of
the First Congregational church. Those
present wcro : Mr. and Mrs W. L. Gleason , pa
rents of the groom ; Mr. and Mrs. Luke Voor-
hees , Mr. and Mrs C. P. Organ , Mr. and Mrs.
Hurt Gleason , Mrs. W. C. Irvine , Mr. and
Mrs. II. L Anderson , Mr. John Kellcy , Miss
Isibel Snyder , Mrs Draper , mother of the
bride , and Charles nnd Clautle Draper. The
brldo Is a favorite In Chejenno racial cir
cles and the groom holds a responsible po
sition v\lth the Warren Llvo Stock company
ASHUvND. Neb. , Feb. 17. ( Special. )
In the presence of forty Invited guests , at
the residence of the bride's parents In this
city , the ceremony uniting Joseph W. Wed-
dcll and Miss M. Ethel Vance In marriage
was performed last evening by Rev. T. W.
C. Checseman , pastor-elect of the First Con
gregational church of Ashland. The brldo
Is a daughter of Hon. James N. Vance , a
prominent retired farmer living In this city ,
and the groom Is a son of S. S. Weddeli , a
prominent farmer of West Ashland , where
the joung couple will reside.
Ilou < 'ii-Ii mix ,
WAHOO , Neb , Feb. 17. ( Special ) Mr. A.
L Bon en of Lincoln and Miss Jennie Evans
of this city wcro married at the home of
the brldo's sister , Mrs. George F. Frush In
this city , yesterday morning at 7 o'clock ,
Rev. Young of the Episcopal church of this
city officiating Thcro were present only
he Immediate friends.
WEST POINT , Neb , Feb. 17. ( Special )
Mr. Louis Schclbo and Miss Amelia Bcrn-
hardt were uoltod In marriage Thursday
evening at the home of the bride's mother
In this city. Only relatives nnd near fi lends
witnessed the wedding ceremony ,
WEST POINT , Neb , Fcb. 17. ( Special. )
Mr. Gus RInderhagen nnd Miss Minnie
Clausen were married the llth Inst. by
Judge Krake.
WEST POINT , Neb , Tcb 17 ( Special )
Mr. Cuspcr Ellerts and Mlfs Eliza Hartman
wcro married jestirday in this city.
IlnriiH I.iinilM Pour Out at I'I\c
NEW ORLEANS , Teb. 17. Heavy rain ?
during the morning- made the track a sea ol
mud nnd toward the clo o at the afternoon
Itwas sticky. Dorah Wood nnd llimlizza
were the winning favorites Tommy Hums
had five mounth ana limled four winners ,
finishing third In the other. Results-
Tirst race. selling , six furlongs. Carlotta
C won. Meddler second , Nannie Dunn third.
Time- 1C
Second race , selling , 2-jcar-olds , four fur
longs. Pearl Harnes won , Tj rshcna. fcecond ,
Sh1'lorlan third. Time : 0 Cl'J.
Third race , mile nnd .1 quarter : Inflim-
mntor won , Roclovood second , Robert Hon-
ner third. Time : 2.15
Fouith race , handicap , six furlongs :
Dor.ih Wood won , Robln"on second , Direct
third. Time : 1.1716.
Fifth race , Felling , mlle and an eighth :
Necotlah won , Lulu l"ry .second , Nellie third.
Time. 2 00
Sixth race , selling , six. furlongsRnmlizra
vvoji , Wolford becond , Gllray third. Time :
SAN TRANflSCO , I'd ) -Weather clear ,
tinck fast at Oikland today. Itesults :
rirst race , tolling , eleven-sixteenths of a
mlle : DIggs won , Ellmoore. second , 1'lu-
meila third. Time : 106'i.
Second rare , Belling , ono mile : Jlorlna
won , Diiko of York II second , lionlto third.
Time. l.ttt.
Third rate , pursp , liilf mile : Elmldco won ,
The Miller becond , Amoltepeo thlid. Time :
Kolirth race , selling , mlle and ni. eighth :
Collins 'won ' Rcy dd Tierra j-ccond , Paul
Pry third. Time : 1 3I > { .
riftli race , purse , Heven furlongs : Senator
Hlund won , Klashllglit second. Lord Jlar-
inlon third. Time : 1.27y4
Slxtli race , rolling , eleven-sixteenths of n
mile : It Q. Han won. llouard becond ,
Don't Skip Me third. Time : 1 07'/ .
ltiiliif nn tin * ! < <
KLDORA. In. , Keb. 17. ( Special ) -A nne
race ono mlle long has been finished
upon the Ice on the Iowa river hero and
rating 1 being carried on as succet-'fully
and with ns much ? ea\ \ and Inteiest as
though It was midsummer. Horsemen have
had n number of fan laces and the rlvu
has proven a great attraction for hundreds
of t-portH to untcli the fun. The horses are
shar.i bliod and driven hitched to culky
sleighs and some remarkably fast time has
been made.
Iiiint MKlit'H Illlllnril fin inc.
Traverse (150) ( ) nnd Harbor (111) ( ) met In the
billiard tourney ut Koley'a last night , the
form r winning bv nlnp button" Tie scorn
wjn Trnvornc t * ) , llirber , 1(1 ( Thp high
est run ttK \ nnd was made by Travfrno.
The pamo wax a good one and vvns wlt
tifsed by n good crowd
Thcro will lie no gnmri tonight , but to
morrow the tourney will cloop with Iwn
K.tmeo. They will bo between Traverse < 1W >
and Peyton (110) ( ) , ntid bctwron Barber (115) ( )
nnd Perry (12M ( If Traverse wins Peyton
nnd IIP will l > p tied for first pltrp nnd the
deciding game , will bp played In the even
ing. Tlic afternoon gamca commence at 2
' * -J
rimlrmnn Molt IMAIIPK n Iltillrtln Con-
rrrnhiK Itiu-o Mt'ct * .
HAT/ri.MORIJ. Fcb 17-Chilrmnn Mott
of the racing board of the l.oapue of Amer
ican Wheelmen lisucd the following bulle
tin today :
"lilcjclo clubs drslrlng to promote rncs
meets are required to at once mnkc nppllca.
tlon for sanctions It Is Impracticable , 1C
not Impossible , to keep track of thp favor
ite dates of clubs throughout the United
Stales , or to refuse thosp dates or any ,
other that are open to the first responsible
"In the national phamplonshlps pace
makers cnn be used , but they cannot qual
ify for thp finals Pacemakers cnn also bo
usrd In thp final * .
"The suspension of J. II. Dubols , Brock
ton , Mass , expires February LV ; Horbirt
II. Mason , Milwaukee , August is , iw ; . "
Allen Stiirtn tin Iu\ CNKIIOII. |
WASHINGTON. Feb. 17. Senator Allen
Introduced n resolution today Instructing
the senate committee on naval affairs to
Investigate the Mnlne explosion.
The Allen resolution for the Investigation
of the Maine disaster by the senate naval
committee went over under objection until
tomorrow' .
Your Health
Is moro beneficial tban your weilth , but
you can get n combination of both by
buying your meats where you can get
them fresh nnd wholesome and as cheap
ns at any place In cither of the Trans-
mlsslsslppl cities.
Leave your orders at
Scaolao's ' Cash Meat Market
22 ( > Broadway.
Fine line of fresh fish on Fridays.
UcEldtnt AE&lstnnt Scrctiry.
fl YTIO.t U. . SI 1113T1 CO. , \ . Y.
Capltnl nnd suiplus over Ono nml One-Half
Mllliov Dollars
AW bonds executed nt my ofllco
- ! ! Main htrei't Cuiuii'Il III n IT * ,
Runs between Council Bluffs and Omaha.
Now In effect. For prompt delivery , call on
Win. Welch. niufTM 'phone , 12S ; Omaha
'phone , 7W ) . RATttS LOW. For c.irrlago or
cxprebs wagon , cnll nt No. 8 North Main
street or nbovo telephones.
iMatlnco Prlccr 10 and 20 cents
Night Pi lectio , 20 and so cents.
Seats non on Sale.
Tie Ills Show , VMIIInm Jerome's Herald Btiunru
Comedians , prisuulni ; tlio neumt liiuthlnn BUL-
" " '
\\'M. .MCHOMi :
And a Km ml oompnny nf nrllstR , Inclndlnif tlio
fiimouH MAltnrj NlT.IJNr. the Blrl who nrotii
"hncpt Ilo le O Onnly , " New HOURS , new Joltcs ,
new uanceB , c\erylhlnir new and up to date
- , - - . - " " > I'ltUlT. . 'AUil AND QAHUnN
lands for nule or reni. Day & Hess , sa 1'carl
1 9U , ? , AU : A C'loici ' : TAitsr or 400
In Wnjno county. Neli , 6 mllpt went of
founly Bent ; nil under cultivation , no
waste or Inferior land , fair ImpnHunenU ,
abundance of water , CO acreu of time meadow-
bc.iool house nn land Terms , J27 GO mr acre'
p-irt cash. Ijalance on tlmo Address 11 Ourcn
J03 Fourth i-treet , Council muffs , la , or
U Ka\\Fon , LMnt ; Spring , la '
rfIl1IS'V'I3'I4Ar"n" , ' 'I'"OVKn ' I'AIIM IN
Mllln Co , Inw-i , 20 acren In animation. Inl-
nnco In tlmlior and paBtnre ; a li-irculn If Hold
JHO WIM , IHJV A aoon six-itooM nousn
ima full lot , pnsrnuitR inry HOUM-H for Fule :
JSO down nnd 10 per month | John ton & Kirr.
Pit llroadua ) |
toniiBhlp , Rood tcnim , 20 ncrea under < -nItlvu-
tlon , BOIIIB fruit , C acres of pu lure , 214 mllen
from city llmltx , ppicndh ! cliamo foi liomn
with Bmall capital Aildnra Jorcpii llvane.
pOBtolllce , Council HlufiH
Instruction * . Altiln Hueter , itudlo
338 Hioadway. German mithod
of Dresden Conservatory.
at $1.50 each.
The Cosmopolitan Incandescent Burner
has no equal , It gives 64 candle pow
er at half the cost for gas used by the
common burner , '
We put them up complete for one
fifty. Mantels for Welsbach and all
kinds of burners at reduced prices ,
Heating , Plumbing and Lighting.
202 Maln 203 1 > carl strect
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
iwicm roaj ! - : : J J m > . D DLOOD. .
tirourluUlrrttmtnt of TurkUL Cinule !
, lor WOO. Nlt-nl Lo ei , Pay I.OKM , Werre R KruiitloDf cured . by Turkish
Cum. fJU
/ *
. .
urUmlatroul. : Cured
* u perfect rou I
V ull treatment altb
ipiu n
ever were. W * AAka our own inodlclnri
nil rou can relrt > oettlnv veil. Woluue Uo.liOCWimniflolloieMS W.
written traortnle * with full cure , tingle HAHN'8 PHARMACY ,
Nor.lIMLy m C Hume lltli > n < 1 ( ' nxin.OuiHl.