t t o TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE : .PUTDAY , PEimUARY 18 , 1808. Omaha MS-'tiS. is too Good to Keep. Never had so much of store interest crowded into February days Every aisle ushers one to newness brightness to real and gen uine economy in the supplying of personal and family needs The store is as bright as a May day Details of these and other interest ing trade announcements follow , Ladies' House Wrappers pur now dark calico wrappord for IIOUHO wear arc now hero Yon will find our selection of palloniB very neat and pretty. All our wrappers ore cut with liberal fullness. Oxford blue calico wrappers 3V6 yards x wide ) , price $1.00 each. Indigo blue cal'co wrappers , very full nntl well made , price ? 1 00 each niack i ml whlto calico "part colors" wrappero. full , well made , price ? ! 00 each. Very hfi.dsomo trltmne.1 wrappers at S1.21 each. I'rclty styllthrnppera. . Irlmmpd with excellent vliltc ctibroldcry , 51.CO each. Veilings New Brocaded Veils in all black , mark with colored odRos , black with white dots , white with black dots , all while and cream. Vell'npa by the jard In plain and dotted , black , whlto and colon ) . Illusion \elllnR , all colors Chiffon M-IHiiR * . black and cream. Sewing Silk Veilings , nil colom. Grenadine veiling , all colors Iy > ok at tbo shirred Liberty Silks , phlltd Chiffons and embroidered Moussollne de Polo. New blnck Drew N'cUs. Wash Goods To get choice styles in wash goods is the aim of most every lady. This Is the > reason that we are Ir/tn of wanh Bondi Ions before the time they can bo worn. Cholco styles of Ginghams at 12c. 30-ln wldueph > r ginghams at ICc per jard. S2-ln wldo due zephyr ginghams at 18c per yard. 32-ln. wldo fine corded novelty glnghama at 0c per yaid. Men's Furnishings Largo line oi' col ored leeks and "bow lies , regular 50c quality , .now , 25c each. Odd line of men's unllned kid gloves , reduced to 7r c Former prices $1.00 aud $1 SO a pair. Lndies' Ladies can tell Underskirts a good under skirt when they nee them. Wo have the kind you have been looking for , wide flouncco , not a shadow of scantiness even In the cheap onea Kino black oatem underskirts , very full , stripped ruffle , price 11.00 oach. Excellent quality of black sateen under skirts , with eleven rows of corda round the flotnce , price 1.23. Tlnor sateona at $1 50 , ? I.G3 , $2.25 , $3.00. All wool black moreen underaklrla at 3.00. J3.SO. $375. $1.00. All wool black moreen underskirts with taffeta silk runic , prlcu $4.50. McCalPs Bazar We arc agents Patterns for these cele brated patterns. They are absolutely perfect IHtlng- and the designs are original and strictly up to dale. You now have the opportunity to pur chase the 1 > tst rottcrn made at lOc and 15c each why pay more Sub scriptions taken for McCall's Magazine anil publications. Bleached Sheetings This suninier friends will be with you more than ever you will hco the necessity of a well filled linen closet these hints should be sullicient. 12-Inch wide at SVfcc. lOc , 12V4c per yard. 15Inchvldo at 9V4c , lie , He per yard. CO-lnch wide at lOc , 12 ic , 15o per jard. C4-lncd wide at lie , lue , lGV c per > ard. S-4 wldo at IGc , ISc 20c per yard. 0-1 wide at IC'/ic , 20c , 22V4c per jard. 30-1 wide it ISc , 22 .0 , 23c per jard. UNIILIACHIO sumrnxas. 12 Inches wldo at 8'c , 9e , lie per yard. 43 Inches vide at Olfcc , lOc , 12'/4c per } d. DO Inches wide at 12V&C , He rcr yard. 54 Inches wldo at UV4c , 13c per yard. 8-1 wldo at 13e , 15c , 19c per yard. 3-4 wldo at 15c , 18c , 20c per yard.j , . 10-4 wide at 17c , 20c , 22c per jctcd. Swiss curtain material In largo variety of patterns and prices at lOc , 12'Sc ' , 15c , 17c , 18o , 20c , 25c , 30c , 40c and COc per jard. Just In The latest styles of French Flannels. Plaids In beautiful colorings. Imported Galatea cloth the genuine has no equal for wear and washing ; price , 3Sc per jard. Cotton covert suitings for skirts and suits new colorings at 12Vjc per jard. Odd Cloths and Napkins It is a very common occurrence when ladiea at tend a special sale of fine linens such as wo com menced yesterday that we are taxed to the utmost to wait on them , as well as we like to , For the benefit of the ladles who were unable to be waited on In our store yestcrdaj' . Wo beg to flay that we bavo still some of the best odd table cloths and napkins manufaclurcd by John S. Brown & Sons unsaid. CLOTHS 2lfe yards wide by 3'S long , was 116.00 , closing out price $9.70. 2V6 yards wldo by VJ. long was $11.00 , closing out price , $6 50. 2' j-ards wide by 3 long was $12.50 , clos ing out price , $8.00. 2& yards wide by 3 long was $8,00 , clos ing out price , $1.85. 2 > yards wide by 3V4 long waa $23.00 , closing out price , $12.15 2 yard wldo by 3 long , wns $8.00 , clos ing out price , ? 4.SO. U yards wldo by 2 % long was $4.50 , , closing out price , $2 50. 2 j-ards wldo by 3 long was ? 5 00. clos ing out price , $3.00 , NAPKINS. % napkins was $8.50 , closing out price , $ - . 00. % napktps was $20.00 , closing out price , $12.95. ft napkins was $12.00 , closing out price , $ S.50. % napkins was $6.00 , , closing out price , $3.76. % napkins was $7.50 , , closing out price , $500. % napkins was $7.50 , , closing out price , $4.75. Ribbons 2fC per yard. They were manufac tured to sell at 50c yard. c All silk ribbons , pretty colorings. In Scotch plaids , stripes and plain moires. Just 25 pieces In nil price 23c per yard. n < hn pjrson against whom Ihe penalty H di-noiiiired Is tj t.mt extent descriptive of the offonio. The iillesitlon thit the de fendant wni us auditor oh need with the collection , receipts , oafekteplntr , - tiansfcr and ( .IsbuiHcmciit of thu public mom j Is not an allegation of fact , admitted by the plea of Rlilltj , but It Is .nn allegation of law nnd open to examination us such. We llieicforo address ourselves 'to ' the ex amination of that ( iiientlon. Unle.su the au ditor , IIH Biii'h olllcer , wan chnijrod In one of tin' manners specified , the Information fullti to stiitei nn offense by fulllni ; to show that the defrmlam was within the class to whom tlio statute applies , LETri MOOIIE OUT , Attention Is called to the fact Hint In 1S73 the lav ; relating to Insurance companies and the fcea required to be. paid by Ihem , being eectleci 32 , chapter xlll. Compiled Statutes , nnd that It was under thltj acctlcci that the moncjs had bcn paid. That In * 1S75 thu pnscnt constitution of the state vvc-nt Into effect , which inodlflod the statute nad icqiilred the fees to be paid Into the state Ueasury In advance of the service will la effect prohibiting the receipt thereof by the olllcor performing the aervlce. At tention Is called to nectkn 21 , cf the. tumu article of the constltuttem , where the ofilcoia of executing departments arcrequlied to 'keep un account of nil moncjfl iccelvcd or 'dhburncd by them. The opinion then gora on to say. The executive nlllcers may be nnd hnvo been-at tlmm entrusted with money by \lrun > of leilHlntlvo appioprlmlonH , and UH < o tluin Diction require * an account and irpoil of Hiiuli mniu'ys. lint It IH Jald the ncitlon lefeis Hpt'clally to fees for ucrv- Icea pel formed Tiue , but It appllm not only lo Iho nxrcutlve ollletrs provided by thu futlcle of thi ! ronntltutlon wo nro eon- nldnrliiK. Imt applies alBo to olllcers of all imhlliliustltutloiui of the suite , vvheieas ( ei'tlon 21 Is limited to the executive olll- rciH nanud In the flint iiectlon of the ar ticle It H only they who arc prohibited from leeching fees foi services performed The li'KlNlntuic may In ltn wisdom peiinlt olllc'i-rrt of other Hlatc Institutions 'to re- I'olve fi-eu. Until IbSl the unlverHlty had ltn own treasurer who icenlvi'd matricula tion and other fees. Now wo have a bureau r-lmrKud with the Inspection of oil and Kiia- ollno and the Inspeotorn In that bureau iccplvi' the f 'es Ilxcd for the oorvlcen pei- fcrmed hy them. Tlio provision In seutlan 21 with rtfeioneo to fees manifestly tofera to fees rcuclvi'd by Ihoso otllccrHlthln tlip tiope of section 21 , and not within the problbllton of eeci'lon 24. CONSTUUINO TH13 STATUTE. Attention IH called to thn fact that under the old constitution of the Htato the ex- irutlvn olllforH worn allowed tffn UH jmrt of thi'lr foinpensatlon , that llils Hj'slem was open to tibiuc , and tli.it Hi'cllon 21 of artlulu v of lite pu'Hfiit constitution sought ( o cor- i eel It by Rivlnvr nil thu fees to the state. Tlui.s the executive olllcert ) other than ti ! in-iiHiiror vveit prohlbu | > d from iccclvliiK any fees nt all and HIP fees wi'm reciulreil to lie paid In udvnneu Into the fitiito truax > Hi y , In only ono of the two ways can con struction contended by tlie Htatn ba sup- porti'd. Ono of thoHO demandti 'that ' we Hhould nrgli'ct altogether Iho lequlrument that the foci ) Hhall tin paid In advance ; tlio other IH to nvmimc. that It WIIH the In- teittlon of the constitution to require nn fxocutlvo otllcer , when n service Is do- imindcd of him , to exact pajment of tlio fco. then act the rolt of nu-HseiiKt-r by uarryliiK the inoney to the ti * > aMiri r , then ruturn to his own olllco nnd perform the HervlccTlio former constrno-llon would \loUto the letter of the coiiHtltutlon ; the latter Is too absurd to be entitled to seil- OUH I'liialiliTiitlon. W urn iiHkcd In elTeot not to give a eti.ilncd uonstruetlon to a statute In older Cure ull HUT Illi. hlltuus. neat , headache , aour tom- Fills ftclj , Indigestion , constipa tion. Tliejr ac | eailly , with' BolU bjr ll drunilltl. U C nU. Uk to render It In harinonj- with the constitu tion , but to give .1 strained construction to the constltuilon In older to prevent Its vvoiklm ; a ii'peal or amendment of an antecedent vvMch happened to be In con flict vvl'h Iho letter and policy of the con stltuilon Itself. The- question Is merelj' one of an implied amendment of a statute and the purpose of the Inqulrj' Is Hlmplj1 to ascertain the Intention of the constitu tion. We hive no hesitation In holding that the Intention Is cleailj- evidenced bj- prohibiting the exectillvo olllcers from re- celvliiK Ihe fees p lynble for their otllul.il ao'.s and to rcqulie the persons pijlnw such fees to pay them Into the treasury. NOT ACCEPTED AS AUTHORITY. The opinion considers at considerable length the points Involved In Stale against Wnlllclis and State against Leldkte , closing under this head with : Wo must decline to accept either case an uuthoilly for Iho proposllion that this couit has established a law Imposing on tne auditor a duty fn conlllct vvilh Ihe conKlllullon. Thai where an olllcer iccelves money which ho Is not bj- law uuthorlred to recclvu , sueh money Is not received by him In his official capacity , and that any duty which ho may owu of paying the inoiiej * Is only that which tests upon any di'btor or b illee , la established by many cases. A number of authorlllcs are quoled lin suppoit of thla pioposltlon , special attention being called lo Ohio ca'ses , where the con- stltutional provision Is the oanio as In Ne braska. The court holds that the principle of estoppel cannot bo applied la a case of this kind. JUDGE SULLIVAN DISSENTS. Judge Sullivan dl onta from Iho findings of the court , bin opinion being : I do not concur In the conclusion of the majority and jjlvo hero the reasons for my cll si > nt , Tbo constitution of 1S75 not onlj' repeals that pan of section 32 of Iho Insurance liu.v v.hlch aulhorlzcd Iho audilor to approprlitu to his own thn use the fees therein upecl- llcd , but repealed as wall tw miiuh of thu section as authorized him to receive such fees for unv purpoHe. These fees were , bv the provisions of the constltulloM , requliuU to ho paid Into the trcnsurji ot the slate In advance of the rendition of the service which the Htatutn nude It thu auditor's duty to ipcrform , The nionej' then. It must bo con ceded , watt received lAlthout authority of law. Dollar eo received , Is the defendant Utility of embezzlement under Hectlon 21 of the Criminal Code , by reason of having eonvertud It to hl'l own u o ? Itesolvcd Into Its elements the proposition Is this : (1. ( ) Did Iho money belong lo the nlato ? (2. ( ) DOCH the defuiulant fall within the class of persons aKulnst whom the penalties of the Hfctlon are denounced ? It U ixittlod by a long line of decisions In other states that taxes or other publto rove- nue.s collected hy an olllcer autlui ; under color of an unconstitutional law or void or dinances belong not to himself , hut to the municipal or political corporation whoso commlmlon he heart ) . Chandler against State , 1 Leu 200 : Village of Oleon .iKaliiHt Klnir , llfi N , Y. 3VS ; S.van . against the State. 4S Tux. . 10 : LMorrlson against the State. 47 Tex.S3 : Wattt-ra uRulnvt .State. 1 Olll 2o2 ; C'ommonuealth agaliiHt C'lty of Philadel phia. XI Pa. SI. W : Mlddlnton against State , 120 Ind. iGti ; Mayoi' airalnat Hurrlson , : iO N. J , 73. HOW IT A1''FIXTB ! MOOHI3. Hero the defendant , acting- under the color of tint statute , originally valid , hut repealed In part * by Implication on the adoption of the present conflltiitlon , collected fVoa due the ktnto for olllclul tn-rvlees rendered by him ax auditor of public accounts. And now , after havliiK rendered service ! to the Insurance companies us the nirent of the utatu 11 ml uftrr having' Atniuned to net for the Htate In collcctlns' the feeu duo for uch Cervices , ho cannot bo heard to deny that the. fees so collected ami received belong team am ) are the property of the utiite , The ap plication of the doctrine of Odtoppel to the faclH In this caxa luu mudo the inoney In question the money of the Btale : and U must be so regarded whether Its title be drawn In question In a civil or In u criminal cane. The law doe * not lequlro us to hold today i In u criminal notion that It Is not the state's I money and tomorrow In a civil action that I It Is , In the rabo of State against Bpaul-1 dint ; , SI Jvuns. 3 , It wus hold that where u i city clllcer , pursuant to a custom ot loutf I standing , but without any olher color of rlBht , collected fees due to the city for serv ices remlorc-d by him , such fees belonged to the city and that by their appropriation to his own vse ho was cullty of cmbpzz'cmont. Hut was the defendant one of the per sons against whom section 121 of the Crim inal Code Is directed ? Whatever may be tha lule in otner Jurisdictions , the ques tion is no longer an open oneIn this state. It hiH been effectually set at rest bj'the ' decision In the case of State nsalnst LcldUte , 12 Neb. , 171. The laiiRUagc of the section , "any olllcer or other person charged with the collection , receipt , nafe- kcepliiK , transfer or disbursement of public money , " etc. . Is unquestionably descriptive of Iho persons who may be punished under Its provisions and Is therefore descriptive of the offeiiHO. It It of course true that the defendant was not charged by any valid law with the collection or receipt of the moneys hero In question , but having col lected nnd received them under toloi of his olllco It became his duty lo safely keep them and Innsfer1 them to the treasury of Ihe state And this was not , as Intimated In Ihe case of San Luis Oblspo County nfalnst Karnuin ct nl , 41 Pac. Rop.H ! > , a duty duo from him as a pi hate citizen , but ono ailslnc out oi nnd resulting from his olllelal Htntlon. Upon tills point tie Leldkto case It direct authoilty ; for , by the Judgment of this coutt , a peromi > 'ory writ of mandamus was awarded ngnlnst Leldkto to compel him to pay to the state treasurer fee.s collected bj' him us auditor nniler the piovlsloim of section 22 , afore said. The vvrk could not have Issued against him us u mere pi Unto debtor of the Htato ; It could have Issued only to co- el ce the performance of an ofllclal dutj' . Thatcher asr.ilnst AdnniH. 13 Neb. , 4S3 ; Laf- llu against State , W Neb , , GIG. Sl'PPORTIOD HY SOUND REASON. I am not piepaied to say that I Hhould agios to the nilc oHtuhllHhed by the Leldkto case , were the question now presented for Iho Hist time. Hut thejltclslon IIIIH Htood unchallenged for nearly twen y j'earn ; It . may bo contrary lo Iho weight of aulhor- I Ity , but It hat ) the mipport of soind reason - ! son , nnd , to any the least. It Is not BO werl- I OUH an Impediment In the way of Justice aa to cull for a judicial repeil The prin ciple upon which It rests IIIIH the sanction of very eminent antnorlty. It Is precisely the same pilnclplo which controlled the de cision In the casu of State against * Spnld- Ing , mipru. In that casu i'ho conviction was not Hustalncd because Spildlng was aKent Of the cltj' to collect license money. ! . In truth he wan not , and could not have been nuch agent ; an exclusive agency for that purpose was , bj- ordinance , vested In tiio city treasurer Hut , having1 hjan assump tion of authority obtained Urn inonoy which ho cmhezilcd , he WUH estopped from denylng < that fiueli nsHUinptlon was false. Trom the opinion written by Hrewer , J. , now of the uuprcmn court of the United States , I qurito as follows : "Wo do not atllim that the city was concluded hy the defendant ants , nor , Indeed , that any ono Is estopped but himself. * Hut wo hold that when one assumes to act an agent for another he may not , when chal lenged for those acts , deny his agency ; that ho Is estopped not merely IIH agalnat blH assumed' ' principal , hut also against the state , that ono who Is agent enough to receive inoney Is agent enough to bo pun ished for embezzling It. An agency de- facto and actual even though not a legal employment , Is sulllclcnt. The language of thu statute la ; 'If any legiil olllcer , agent , clerk or servant of any corporation , or any person emplojed In such capacity/ he. ( the defendant ) voluntarily assumed full charge of this mui'tcr. Including the receipt of the money and the Issuing of the li cense. The money vvaa paid to him be cause of his olllco and to Induce hla olll elal action , and ho may not nay Unit It vvau not received hy virtue of his employment or olllce , or that Its receipt was not one of the proscribed legal duties of tuich of fice. Ho maj' not enter Into the cm. ployment and then deny Its terma or ro- apont.lblllUi-3. He Is estopped from saying that this money which ho embezzled Is not the money of the cltjV AS APPLIDD TO MOORE. It la no moro true , as n legal proposition , lhat Spalrtlng vv&a the agent of the city , or , In the language of the Kansas statute , "em ployed In that1 capacity" than It la that the defendant In thla case was "charged with the collection , receipt , safekeeping , trans fer or disbursement of Ihe public money. " NovurthelesH. he mas convicted and the con viction sustained because the law did not permit hlmDrol ! > i < > rt the truth and rely em It n .a dofcivj * > , ) 80 It peemn to me lhat the defendant , 'ttfiiore , having obtilned the money in que tlon for the ulate by the' ex ertion of hli ofTlclal authority , should not bf i > crmlttc mcrdony ) that he hold U In his olllrlil capacity The roimrks of Mr. Ulsbop In hM wor ! on. criminal law are perllncnt here. The aulh'r > : "In reason , when ever n man. rLilmi to he a servant \vhlle getting Into hl < L pcsesslon the property to btf embezzlMtilhould be held ( o he such on his trliUior t'mlH-zz cmcnt. This propo sition Is not ranOc-nlthoul considering what mnjbo said Aft'ilnst ' It. And a. nittiral ob jection to It k thit , when a statute create' ) nn offense , which by Its words miy he com- milled only hjn.a "servanlnnj' exlenslon of in TenaltfM'to one who 11 not , hut only claims to tin such , violates the Bound rule of statutory Inlerprclatlon wherebj' the words , taken nvalnit dc-fcndants , must be consirued plrlctlj * But why nhould not the rule of estoppel. knan throughout the en tire civil department of our Jurisprudence , npply equally In the criminal caso7 If It Is ap.illed here then It H ttei ! thn qticfltlon : for when n man ha < received a thing of anolhcr under claim of nKcticy , he cinnot turn around and siy : 'Sir , 1 wa your agent In taking It , hut a deceiver and n scoundrel , ' when , thercafler , the principal , the man under these circumstances to account , he Is estopped to deny the agency he profe sed why also If : ho Ig.thon Indicted for not acc - c untlng should he not he equally estopped on his trial upon Ihe Indictment ? ' ! . The rule thus stated has been rccoxnlzcd and approved In State nijnlrvn Spildlng supra , State airalnn O'Hrlen. 91 Tcnn. , 71) , nnd People - plo against Royco. 37 I'ac. Re p . G.10. It his also received recent recognition from this court. IN THE > 'DDRASKA COURT. In the case of Hartley ntjalnst Stato. 73 N W. U. , 7U. the contention of the defendant that the depository act Is unconstitutional Is answered In the- following language : "It Is urged that the court erred In assuming In the tenth , eleventh and fifteenth para graph ! ) of the charge of the validity of the depository law An elaborate argument Is made In the brlpfa against the valldltv of that piece of IcRl'latlon on grounds other than those heretofore considered hj' this court. We must bo o\cused from entering- Mp'n a discussion of the subject at this time , as the defendant Is In no position now lo assert that the public inouevs of the state were not rightfully on dcpolt In the Om-iha. National hank. He recognized the validity of the stalulo by placing the moneys of the fiUto In said bank and It would In deed bo n reproach upon the law to per mit him to as all depository law In a I rn3erution for the embezzlement of the public funds so deposited by him. It vvis the money of the state that wont Into the bank and Itivas likewise , the monev of the stnto that pild the check , < > nether the bank was a liwful state dcpo-ltory or not. " From these citation * It appears that the Leldkte case does not stand solitary and alone The principle on v.hlch It was de cided Is not n pernicious one , to naj- the least , and It should , In my Judgment , he ad hered to. The defendant , hy his j > 'ea of guilty , his confessed that ho received the money emherzled as auditor of public ac counts and I do not think AC should elthei - - Imp'lci'lon ' overturn dreclljor ! hj- necessary turn one of our own decisions In order to hold that his confess'on was false. Attaches of the various executive ofilce cf the state were interviewed tonlsht In re gard to the decision and all expressed them selves as pleased with the ruling rcgardlm the qmstlon of the receipt of fees , as It no only lays down the lule for them for thi future , but also relieves them of the burdci of receiving monev tot the payment of otll cial scrv'ces. ' unrtiih TO DISMISS "TIIIJ MMMU , Case Iinoblnp IllxulmrKC of Pollci Officers to He Trli-d. LINCOLN , , , Feb. 17. ( Special Telesiam ) - The supreme coyrt this morning overrule ! the motion of Attorney McCoy to dliimia the appeal In the Shoup police case McCoj had asked to have the appeal dismissed foi the rcaron ithat the recent levy made bj the Omaha1 council provides sufficient rev enue to maintain' the entire police force , am that there lo new no good reason for thi dismissal of Shoup nnd tha other policemen jlVIIIIIIII'M Clul ) . AS1U\XI ! > . > "eb. , Feb. 17. ( Speclal.- ) The Woman's clilb ot Ashland met In regulai session at the residence of Mrs William C Srotl , Jr. , \YcdijJe3ilay afternoon. Roll call was responded to wllh quotations from Oar- He. An Interesting parllamenlary drill was led by Mrs. John Krelglesteln , after whlcl Mrs. Ray Brush read a paper on "Currcal Events. " Mrs. Scott , the leader , dlscussci the works ot Barrio and Mrs H. II. ShcJd gave a sketch of his Ilfo. The follow i'l papers , discussing chnraclers in J. M. Uar- rjo's books , were read. "Lltllo Minister , ' by MJ-S. Maria Scott ; "When a Man's Sin gle , " by Mrs. Joseph B. LaChappolle ; "Sketches of Jess , " by Mrs. A. D. Fuller "Tarmas Haggnrt , " by Mrs. Hugo A. Wig- gcnhorn. Arrangements were made lo havr Mrs. Hello M. Stoulenborough of Platts- mouth , president of the Nebraska Federation of Woman'b clubs , and Mrs. McDough of Omaha , address the club on next Thursday uvcnlnc. Mrs. Stoutonborough will speak on "The T\vo American Women. " Tl'lllljllT NotC'S. SCHUYLER. Neb. , Feb. 17. ( Speclal.- ) The going out of the Platte rive.1 bridge wco found this morning to bs moio cerlous than was reporleJ last cilght , two upaM of the higher built part having gone out In addltl'ii to the jiccton of the low part that was wro kcd late yeslerday afternoon , thus making the damage so extensive that it will bo irany weskd bofoie U will be possible for Iho public lo again use It. Last night seventeen members of the Order of the Eastern Star went from hero to Columbus to pay the brothctn end sisters of that chapter a visit and put upon thalr chapter room floor the work of a team fiere that is eald to he very elilclent in whit Is known ai > "floral work. " The party came homo an a local frclshl that left Columbiih at 3 o'clock this mcrnlng. Last night , nt Odd Fellowfl' hall , the Odd Fellows and women of the Rebekah degree held a reception In hcnor of Mr. and Mrs Fcark Schiador , who have been icsldents of Schujlor ulnco the spring of 1SS6 , but expect : o go furiber west to.engage In buslnci'ii. Court nt Iliirtliuvloii. HARTI.N'GTON , Neb. , Fob. 17.-Speelal ( Tolesram ) JudRO Evans Is holding an ad journed term of the dls'irlct ' court here for the purpose of trying Iho case of 0uon ! against Partlllus , known as Iho Luclicrcu church case. About ono year ago Ihe church split up lulo facllons and theOlnon parllcn ootalued from the county Judge an order of Injunction prohibiting Rev. . Partlllus and congregation from worshiping In Iho church. Nearly all Iho members are present and Hon. James I Wclo of Yanklon Is aetlnc as lulcrprote.4 for the court. Some months 050 Olson , on complaint of ono of the factlorii , was font lo jail for refuting lo answer questions for deposition * In this case. About thirty witnesses will bo e\amlned , among whom Is Rev. Tvedl , who for over a quar ter of a century was pastor of the church , Will lie ' ' "if ICxpoilHiin STOCKVILfjE ; , ; Neb , Feb. 17-(3peclal.- ( ) Senator L. M flraham will prepare Frontle.- county's exhibit lor the TranamlsslEslppI Ex- posltlcii. Ho Iva appointed at a meeting of the directors 'of ' the Frontier County Agri cultural soclefy held hero yojterday. Con- uldeial malerlal MB been gathered by the eocltty for tUltf purpose and the work will nOW 1JO YlKOrouuljr ima-iuit , i * iu uuuiiiy uuill- miMlonera were present at the meeting of the board an 1 .qxprrased themselves heartily In i'\vor of thn movement and pledged thu support of t e Bounty In abstetlng to cover thu necessary , cxjiciiae , most of which will bo ratoed by aii llimU C'l DAVID ClTYNoh. , , Feb. 17. ( Special. ) The appolnlment of Hon. George H. Colton to the olllco of national bank examiner has caused several chaugea In Ibe olllcera of the Central Nebraska National bank , of which ho was rambler , to be made. At a meeting of the directors Mel E. Ilaucc was advanced Irom asiiitant cashier to cashier and Dworak , the preueot deputy county clerk , was chcuen assistant cashier. Mr. Bauer has been In the employ of the bank for the last eight years and la well fitted to carry out the policy of the , directory. lU'llI KMtlltU Sllll'N. FALLS CITY. Neb. , Fob 17. ( Speclal.- ) The following plecei of real estate were sold to the highest bidder by Sheriff Tinker , Wediieiday , from the west door ot the court house to satiety mortgages : The National hotel building went to Its former owcer , W. R. Sapp , for J1.800 : the Tanner store building on Stctio street to Charles Heine- man , for J 1,050 ; the Ruogger dwelling house. to the Flrat National bunk for 1950 ; and the L. P. Huttcn dwelling boitfo to A , J , Fuls- kcn , for | 6C8. HAUNTS THE SUPREME COURT Estate of Foxworthy Against the Oity of Hastings is Persistent , PRESENTED ON APPEAL THE FIFTH TIME Pcraonnl DnninKc Stilt "XVlileh InvoUct the Vnllillt- the. In r t'nilor ' \\lilcli A tin in n' County Cnii- Itnl l Ineoriinrntcd. LINCOLN , reb. 17. ( Special. ) The brief of Joseph II , Webster , administrator or the estate of J. H. Foxworlhy , was flleil today In the case of a claim ngalnit the city of Haatlnga for personal damages received from slipping on a defective sidewalk. The caie was originally tried In Kearney county on n change of venue from Adams county , the city winning Ttc case aa appealed In volves the constitutionality of the ado of 1881 , 1SS3 and 1SS7 relating to the orgaala- tlon and govermnenl of cltlca of the second class. The case has gone through the various turns ti law In the way of petition's and motions , the brief filed toJay open ag with the statement that "the case Is here n fifth time. " In the rejection of the claim the city of Hastings relied on a provision that claims for damages must be filed within alx months of the time when the alleged damage was sustained. The claimant ? hold that the act Incorporating the city xvea not \alld. and that legislation requiring the re jection of clalnu when not filed within six months Is of "a vlcloiw character so un- varvlagly condemned , that argument and cltatlcn of precedent eeems superfluous " The printed brief o > H. B. Lee Herdman In his contempt of court ewe vvrs filed In the supreme court this afternoon. Lind CcmmlPsloner Wclfo went to Grand Island today to Investigate the cost and ad visability of putting In a passenger elevator at the Soldier : : ' ho.no The amount appro priated b > the legislature for the now ele vator was J300 , and the mcmbozy of the Beard of Public Lands and UuIIdlnw think that r will take at least double that amount to bi-ild n auluble elevator. Warden Lnldlgh of the state penllenthry has wrl.tc.i a leuer to the go\ernor certify ing ' .hat Frank Mjcrs , who wns sent up from Way no county for burglary , iv suffer ing from tuberculosis of the lungs and has but little longer 'to 11.-e. He sayj tnat Mjers ! . ' In the prluon hc.ipUal and Is un able to perform any labjp , and a commuta lion of his sentence Is rccoinml > nded. Th rommutatlon has been gianted , reducing th term irom three years down lo ten months and Mjeri , has been released. The Sister cl r'lisrltv have jprced to Like caie of him The Farmeia' Co-operatho company o North Bend filed articles of Ineoiporatloi today. The business of the company will b tro handling of grain. Implements and othe nerchanJise. The capital atock Is ? S,000 , and the Incorporates are John Bminucl , Davli Scott , Jr , S W. Young and Hobert Graham George Corcoran , stenographer In the ofllc of the attorncj general. Is attending dUtrlc court at Kearney. The Beatrice Creamery company , whlcl 1 i LS in many of the town of southeast Nebraska , and which Is now c tabllshlng at Lincoln the largest plant li Nebraska as the central point for Us bud ness , filed articles of Incorporation with th" Isectctary of btnto yesterday. 'Ihe capita stock of the company lb $100,000 , and the In corporators arc Geoigo 1J. H'sKell , A. M Priest. W. W Bosworth. W. W. Marple George Johnson , 1 ! S Johnson and Morrl.3 Friend. The creamery now being built heie will ha\e a dally capacity of 20,000 pound , of butter , and will be supplied by about 10 ( separator fotatlons located within a radius o 100 miles of Lincoln. The company already has forty creameries aud station * ) in opeia- tlon. Attorney H. II. Blodgett , who -was dst ( - ! t > \er a jiar ago tor immorality am unprofessional conduct , recently made appll cation for reinstatement. The Judges of the district court appolnlcd J. It. Webster , G. 13 Hlbner , Ucscoo Pound , H. II. WlUon. J M. Stowirt , W M. AIornlnK and J. T. Bhhop as a commission to Inquire Into the mcrith of the application. The commission has re ported that Mr. Blodgett nhould be compelled to wait awhile longer before being reinstated The Lincoln diocese of the Catholic chuich composed of priests of the South Platte tci- il ory , mot In Ljcrtim hall this afternoon It vas the flrat meeting of the diocese since ISO I and the attendance today was larger than c\cr In the hlstoij * of the diocese. About fifty priests wore present from dlf- leient rarts of the South Platte territory. Important legislation was exacted at the meeting touching the relations of the pastor to his congregation In financial matters. Heretofore it has been the cratom of the dlo- ceso to hold all congregations responsible for the household debts contracted by the partcia Henceforth , under the ner rules adopted , the pastor alone cam be held re sponsible for his domestic or household ex penses. A committee of five cleigymen was appointed to adjust the matter of taxation of the different parishes The subject of In suring church properly was considered. The rules of the diocese provide lhat all church pioocity ehall be Insured. The icpresenta- tUes of the different parishes wcic- In structed lo see that this was done. All In- Eihancc will bo placed through the firm of C \V. 'Martin ' & 1 Co. of Omaha. The contract ! < | ulte an Important one. I Tlio election of ofilccrs i caul ted In the se lection ot the follow ing. Consultcrs , leathers Kearney , Plattsmoutli : Klein , Bralnard ; Freeman , Wymore ; Boll , Cicte Synodal ex- nmlrcrs , Fathers Leonard , Lincoln ; Crow , Kilond ; Dumphy , Donlphan ; Hovara , Phum ; Klein , Brukiard. Priest's relief fund com mittee' . Fathers Fieeman , AVymoro ; McUuu- ald , Hayes , Center ; Blx , Falls City. Curia for disciplinary causes , A. Petrash , auditor , Hebron : F. Cullcn , procurator , Flscalln , Yolk ; Father Bradley , secretary. Curia for matrimonial causes , T. J , Nugent , moJera- tor ; Hev. T. X Hobora , dcfenaor Vlncull ; Ilev. M. M. Mukl , notary. Tiiisi : no MMINT i > niiu.is. : IlriiiIIIfiiiH | Obji'ct < i > Him for In- illnnKint pr.NDKH , Neb. . Feb. 17. ( Special Tele gram. ) \ ccnfcrenco of more- than fifty of the leading republicans of Burl , Cumlng , Dakota and Thurston counties met hero to day to protest against tlio nppolntmcnt of \V. R. Peebles to be agent of the Omaha and Wlnnebago Indians In this county. An organization was effected and tha following rrsolullona were adopted by an almost unanimous vote , after which the mooting ad- lourned. Whereas , The condition of political affairs In the state of Nebraska , and particularly In ; lii section of tbo stale , demands that the republicans who have the welfare of the patty at heart , counsel together earnestly For the welfare and best Interests of the party In order to bring about the restoration to power and position of the party , and Whereas , Certain surface Indications point lo tlio appointment of a number ot In dividuals to office who are wholly unaccept able and highly obnoxious to the rank and file of the republican party , therefore be It Resolved , By a number of representative wen king republicans of Hurt , Cumlng , Da.- tola and Thuraton counties , In convention assembled , In the city of Pendor , Nub. , pur- Huant to a call of the chairmen of the re- mbllpan county central committee of their respective counties , that whllo wo recognize and allow a certain amount of latitude and freedom In the appointment of officials by persons high In the ranks and counsels of ho party , we * respectfully Insist that the wishes and desires of tha loyal republicans clearly and plainly expressed who have stored long and earnestly for thu upbuild- ng of tbo party , xhould bo respected and allotted , Resolved , That It Is the eenso of Ibis con vention that persons whom political history IBS clearly shown to be disturbing elements and u positive detriment to the party should n no wise or manner bu reccgnUcd In the appointments to office , Hosolved , 'By ' the republicans here as sembled , that we bollevu the appointment of , V. U. Peebles to the office of Indian agent of the Omaha and Wlnnebago agency would je Ill-advised , a fruitful nourco of discord and that such action would result In the urther disintegration of the party. Ueiolvod , Tbat a copy of these resolution * bo forwarded to Senator Thuruton , that bis Attention bo specially directed thereto nml > thit wo urw all hopeful , lojal republicans to tnko nuch steps as will lead to the accom plishment of the .purpose * herein sought. I'nritirr * ' Institute ill Arllnufnn. ARLINGTON. Nob. , Feb. 17. ( Special. ) The sixth annual meeting ot the Washing ton County Farmers' Institute wts called to order < it 1 30 p m. today for the presi dent , Isaac McGinn. An address ot wel come was delivered by J , C. Hlackburn and the response by Isaac McCann. < A lecture * folio A cd by Prof. K. W. Card ot the State university on "Spraying for the Codling Moth , " followed by a lengthy discussion. L. P. Ludden lectured on "Chickens on the Farm. " followed by a > hort discussion. II. D. Kelly of Fremont gave short talk on chickens , followed bj * a paper on "Manage * ment ot Poultry for Profit. " by William Overman of Arlington. Charles Grau of liennlngton reid an Intorcotlng paper on "Farmers' Institutes and How to Conduct Them. " Rev. W. D. Stambaugh of Craig pave a "Itottcw on the Poultry Question. " The evening program opened with music. O. A Wolcott of Elk City read a very In teresting paper on "Tho Boy and Girl on the Farm , " which was fully discussed. The Arlington orchestra entertained the aud ience with a selection of mulc. which was followed by o paper by .Mrs. Thomas Fln- ncll of Arlington on "Amusements and Their Influenced , " which was \cry entertain ing and was fully discussed Miss IMnn Batson of ( Arlington gave a recitation on "Tho Bloomer Girl , " followed by a paper by Kdijar Reynolds of Arlington on "The Chim ney Corner Graduates. " O. Colby closed the evening entertainment with an address on "Can Wo Afford to Kill Our Birds ? " which was thoroughly discussed. lluttrr County I'nriurr ' Initllttitr. DAVID CITY. Neb. , Feb. 17. ( Special. ) The Farmers' Institute of Butler county com menced hero jestcrdajAt the business meeting Hon. M. C Delanoj * was elected president and 11. J. I3\an. < i secretary. TUe exercises commenced by nn addrcea by L. D. Stlllson , followed by a paper on swine by S Vdtidcrkolk. which was followed by a general dlacusMnn of the entire subject , In cluding breeding , cause , rt'oventatlvc and cure of the \aiiotis diseases that swine are Htibject to , fattening and marketing. A free lunch nt noon was aer\ed by the BuUncss Men's nssocUMon of Ia\ld Cltj' , The o\cu- In ; s-sslcn was taken up by the dlscusson of tlie bee Industry and considerable Interest was shown In this branch of farm economy. CDIII-I at St. I'anl. ST. PAUL , Neb. , Feb. 17. ( Special ) The adjourned term of district court of Howard county Is again In session. Judge Kendall on the bench. The firs ! jury trial was the long pending case of Schlytern against Wcrter- welt , Recehcr of Citizens National Bank. Grand Island. The cnsc was decided In fa\or of Mr. Schhtern. Tomorrow will bo called the , case of the State of Nebraska against Otis Anselen f r breaking Into and robbing 1'oeln's bank of about $1,300. Anselen was caught hi Kansas City about two months ago. Attorneys Prince of Grand Island and Wall of Sioux City have boon assigned by tbo court to defend the prisoner. Snlls VpruliiKt Crulitc. KCAKNI3Y. Neb. , Feb. 17. ( Special. ) The Chemical National bank of New York has brought suit In this county against James P Johnson of this city and Francis C Grable to recover $12,000 and protest fees. The petition recites that on the 6th day of Januarj189S , Grable nndc and do- ll\ered to plaintiff his bill of exchange for the above amount on J. P. Johnson , pajable to William J. Qulnlau , Jr. , nt twenty dajs' eight. On the llth of January the draft was accepted by Johnson , but when It became duo payment was refused and the draft pro- lesled. Mllcldc , WEST POINT , Neb. , Feb. 17 ( Special. ) Miss Mary Bazala of Lincoln township la this county became mentally deranged and committed sulcldo j-esterday by throwing herself Inlo a well on her father's farm , where she was discovered by members of the family after life had become extinct. riiOM TIM : ninc. I'lrrctWIIKS Coini > le < - IhcDlmiHtrr ( Hie rrriirli 1.1 HIT. TI7NEUIFFD. Canaly Islands. Feb. 17. M Mupoze , the only surviving passenger of the Compagnie Gencrale Transatlanllqitc Btcamcr Flachal , bound from Marseilles for Colon , that was wrecked at Anaga Point , this island , early jestcrdaj- morning duiing a thick foe. sajs : "When the Flachal grounded Us engineers lot off steam and thereby prevented the boilers from bursting The passengers , under charge of Hie doclor and the second oinccr v.cro snut up iti tile- deck house under the bridge. "The captain ordered the boats out , but Iho vessel Irok a heavy list to port and L'ireo of the port 'bonts ' were carried away Ijy a heavj sea directly after they were liunchc'J. An attempt was then made to launch * he stnrboaid lifeboat and after working steadily from 2 until 9 in. the morn ing It succeeded. "Those on board Immedlalolj' made a desperate rush. Fifty Jumped Into the sea In an endeavor to reach the boat , but only six teen succeeded , and it wo of these were washed out The boat was full of water and t was impossible to use the oars. After half an hour the steamer Susu arrived and picked up the fourteen In the boat. "There were still about forty people on .ho vreck , but when the Susu returned from Santa Cm/ not a soul was to bo seen , and the sea was washing completely over the wreck. The captain and olllccrs did their jest , but culm ; to the mountainous seas It was Impcsslblo to attempt to save Iho women and children. All were obliged lo limp for their liven. The captain was In ied when the veisel struck , and the second officer was In charge. " ui. ON uovitn vvn MISAIMTMinn. : Only Kl on flute Wri > i'l < iiKi > Hi-iiinliiH of C'lni'ii Nrvnilii. NANAIMO , Fob. 17 A special from Ju- ncau , Alaska , dated February 12 , confirms the news of the loss of Iho Clara Nevada , and > iajs : The causa of the disaster was doubtltvv ) the explosion of tha boilers. Of the fifty people on board , none are bclluvcd lo have been saved. The wreckage was dis covered by T. A. Marquolt , customs inspec tor at JiiBcau , who ordered the Hustler lethe the scene , In Lynn cmal. where a burning vesze ! had been seen. Wreckage beaurig ho ciamo of the Ill-fated vcf ol wax found , Hit there vra * nothing to show the Identity of any of the passengers. The Clara Nevada was a tramp steamer , and as It was plying between United Slates torts it did not file ltd passenger list slth tha customs officers , Tliosu whom U lad aboard had been hurriedly picked up at ikagway , being attracted by the cut which t made In ratco , It U thought that It car ried about twenty passengers , of whom two or tlueo were women. Ho/oral wore bound or juneau anil tno balance for Seattle , 'rank Whitney of Cripple Creek , Cole , was mown to bo one of tlio unfortunates. Ho nil been writing for his wife to Join him at Skagway , and becoming Impatient boarded ho Nevada at the last minute. Ills wife arrived at Skagway only a few hours after ils departure and followed him south on the losallu , expecting to meet him In Seattle. \1 Noyia of Juncau la also supoecd to have > oen on the Clara Nevada , This In all that rt known of tlia victims. MIOSKOUTIO.V IS OUT OV MOM5V. \plirnlft for KuiiilH ( u Continue ( Ho Trial lAwrnliiNt MirrlfT Murtlii. WILKCSBARRB. Pa. , Fob , 17. The proso- utlng commltleo In the Lattliner nhootlng ase made an appeal today for fund * with rhlth to continue the projocutlng of Sheriff lartln and hla deputies , The money donated uit after tha strike for this purpose haa all > fcn expended. Anglornatz , ono of today's witnesses , said hat when the ehootlng began ho dropped o the ground. "I lay mill until the shooting stopped , uit after the big volley was fired I nuw a wounded striker near mo trying to get to Is feet and a deputy ran over and pumped even I shots Into hla back , killing him. " Other witnesses tettlfled taht they wore hot la the 'back ' while runulug from the cputlei. LEXINGTON IS ON THE BOOM Coming to tha Front in Great Shnpa Just at Present. NUMEROUSIMPROVtMENTS CONTEMPLATED 1'nlil Off In Coiintjllltr IrrlKiitlnn on Ilntul , nnil l'ro | iorltj- In Ijircrp ChtinUii. LEXINGTON. Neb. Tob. 17.-(5poclal ( ) Lexington and Dawson county slart In Iho jcar wllh bright prospcela. During the "dry years" the farmers of the counrr vero golns steadily In debt. The 1897 wheat crop was of sufficient value to pay all debts. The county records show a reduction ot the mortgage Indebtedness of over $60,000 , and the reduction of other Indebtedness Is Illustrated by the statement of a merchant that on August 1. 1S97. ho licld $12,800 In accounts , notrs , etc. , and only $3,500 January 1 , 1S9S. The banks of the county show de posits of $223000 , equivalent to $12 per capita , and all banks , with ono exception , decline to pay Interest on deposits The building Improvements of Lexington amount to $50,000 for the last jear , Including ono school building and two churches , while- double the amount will ibo expended the oomlnt ? season. > \ork has been commenced on a creamery. A complete telephone line , with connections with Ions distance lines and towns west , has been established. The. enterprise of greatest Importance Is being established by Mr Heff- ncr , by means of a ten-mile canal and a 200-acre lake. An eight-foot drop will bo obtained and electric power will be generated - orated sufficient to run all machinery In the city and all the new plants that desire to locate here. .Mr. Heltner has secured the contract to pump the. city water and run the electric light plant He Is also ron- slrucllng a $20,000 IrrlKallon ditch on the south aide of the Platte river Negotiations are on foot to secure n hemp mill , and a number of farmers will try raising hemp under Irrigation. Some of the results ob tained hy farmers on Irrigated lands the past season are phenomenal , one farmer selling JbOO worth of onions from two acres There Is a great demand for Irrigated land and land values have Increased fully 23 per cent throughout the county Lexington has a Commercial club , w 1th large1 , elegantly furnished quarters , and nothing looking to the welfare of town or countj will escape their atlontlon. This organization has taken up 'tlio matter of nn exhibit at the Transmlsslsslppl Exposition and propose to make It second to ncno. A -hi n ml : Nom. ASHU\ND , Neb. . Feb. 17. ( Special ) The Armour Ice plant Is putting on extra men In order to galhcr Ihe crop before the mild weather comes on. Sheriff W. I ) . Farrls of Wahoo has been hero setlllng up the affairs of W. P. Snell , who failed Tuesday. Itev. W. B Culllss Is In Harlan. la. , this v eek giving a course of gospel revival meet ings in the First Baptist church ot that place. Ollll r < 'lllM\N' IlC FALLS CITY. Neb. , Feb. 17. ( Special ) Tuesday evening Ihe Odd Fellows of thla city held their annual reception. The pro gram consisted of n sketch of the order In this city , music , refreshments and dancing. The order Is quite prosperous , own'ng Its hall , togelher wllh some other real eatalo , aid having an enthusiastic membership , Small lid ) llailly 'Hurt. ' SHELBY , Neb. , Fob. 17. ( Special. ) Llltlo Franklo Currlo Is in a critical condition. The lad clolirs that several of the larger bovs ran him down and then kicked him and hit him with ears of corn. He was carried rn a cot jesterJay by four men from a board'ug houoe to his home. I , n rue < ; inHn Initiated. PLATTSMOUTH. Neb. , Feb. 17. ( Special. ) At the regular meeting of the Plattsmoulh chapter of the Ancient Order of United Workmen last evening 109 candidates were admitted. It Is believed that this Is the largest inltlallon ever held In this state. lIoi'lic-nliiTKiT IN A GRAND ISU\ND , Neb. , Fob. 17. ( Speflal ) The Juiy In the case of the Stale of Ne braska against E. C. Hockcnborger arrived at a verdict at 5 o'clock this morning nfler being out eleven hours. The Jurors acquit the defendant. ( JliiiiiKTi * of Ilaxt * . MALMO , Neb. , Feb. 17. ( Special. ) Rev. Bergqulst , who has fcr Iho past Iwo years been In charge of the Lutheran church at Malmo , will go lo Scandla , Kan. , next week and take charge of tbo chuich nt that place. Want a lli-Hcr Hall. MALMO , Neb. , Feb. 17. ( Special. ) Thcro will bo an cnlcrlalnmcnt given In the Malmo hall on February 26 , the proceeds to aid In fuccilitilng material for belter and moro commodloi's ' hall accommodiilons. OIV fur ( InKlondike. . FAIRBURY. Neb. , Fob. 17. ( Special. ) Charles T. Wyatt , late depuly sheriff , and A. H. Fisher lefl yeslcrday for Iho Klon dike. Several oilier parties are preparing to malco the trip soon. ClilliI'H Hand IInriii > d. OSCEOLA , Neb. , Feb. 17. ( Special. ) The lltllo daughlcr of Poslmaster II. II. Camp bell was playing near the slovo yeaterday morning and had her hand qullo badly buined. Mmldy llonilN , MALMO , Neb. , Fob. 17. ( Special. ) The roads In this part of the state are unusually muddy. A.MIJSIMI\T.S. : I'AXION ft HUHONS3 , Mnnaccr * Tul. 1U19. TOMUUT Spec-Ill Ijarnuln mntlneo riatunlty , MM. .IAMI-.S O-MIII , . Gristo Now ncurltiK Its 4,000 performance by Mr. O'Neill I'lldliy . , The Dead Heart 4.lu > * n BV V w * WW N Played liy Henry Irilni ; over 200 limes In London Saturday popular \\urviHltir \ > lilce ) miiUiiun WllgjIlilUb Mr O'.N'flll'H xrtntPtt trlumiih In tnigudy. Tour illrcctcd by Win r , Cuiinoi , I'rlcfn I wcr J'lnor II 00 Hal 75o onj Wo. Mullnte I jtttr I'loor 50o. Hal. J5c. I'AXTON , llunnuera. Tel.W \ ) . ENOIN'O BUNIMY , I'HU 20 MullncnV < ldiio ilii } ' . Thu OUIIICMIJvoiil , Mr. Willie Collier. In Du Souehot's Funniest Comedy , Till : JIA.V KHOVI M THP rnKniTON I Paxton < V Hurroai lub VmhliilllUil I Slgrs. To ) . 1631. O. D. Woodward , Amusement Director , woonu'Aiin "STOCK com * IN v . . . , TO.M < ; HT. . . . BLACK PLA& . HII.M AV . Ml'riliilM > hON Siiecliildc'H Jomj ( tuliitctlu mill lieu IIAH.NKV , HOTIOI.S. HOTEL BARKER COR. 13TH AND JONES ST. , OMAHA. JIATUN ljlj.r 0 AM ) If .OO IM2R DAY , Uloctrlo curs direct to exposition ground * . I'ltANJC IIAKKKU , Cu llllT . . SAM 13AUMAN. Chief Clerk. THE MILLARD" 13th tinii DoiiKhiH Sts. , Omalitu CKNTItALUY IX3CATBD. AHliUIOA.V AM ) KUJtOl'IM.V I'J.AN . J. 12. UAUKUL fc UO.V , 1'rov * .