10 THE OMAHA DAILY JHSEfl iTfHTDAT. FEKKTTAIIY 18 , 1808. SPEjjIftl NOTICES AilyrlNtMiitMit' for Ilifsi iMiliimii trill lie ( illicit until I- in " " " ' CMPllllIK mill "Mill S ! ' ' " "lr * " innriiliiK nml Niniiln ) cilllliinfi. AilvrrMsorc , liy ro | n ' Mii | ? ttum lie-red rlii-uk. i-iui liii % < - iuira nil ilrodxrtl ti > muni I'll teller In rur of Tlir HIT.mmrin nil nililreimoi Trill IIP illIllriMl oil | irr eiit U n o the clirc-U mil ) . llntm , 1 lotto n itortl ttrtt Insertion Jo n mini ttuTinftriNiitlihiR tnltci for lci Hum ur c for lln Hi at Inter tlon. 'I Ill-no niUrrdicjnienti iiittut li run ciin \V VVrnilin liATIDNS. lAPANlisijTm NO MAN \T\NTM PfMlTlOV n Jinllor , ( it rtrr t.r dlshwonher A'Mrrai ! ! * > . " WANTJI ( ) , HITI-ATION. AM Kopperi have had K' ncrnt Iniilnriw wlllliiB lo work , rcftrcilciH A'J" " " ' / ? IJtc. A M/w 18 * \ \ \vrit : > M u.n uni.r. ' TAKI : 6umit' : < . M\VI.INI at work , no heavy good * lo carry . talary o rommmlsslGii. ( ' . I * . Ailami Co . CH So IGth S 11-118 tiAl.nSMAN roll CH1AI1H JI2' A MONTH AND exjinudi , old lltm. experience unnecc nry , In lucementH to customers C. C. Itlrhop & ro St. Ix > uln ILL- OViitNMfNT POSITIOVS-DON'T I'lini'AH : : - ] for the pculnlllce or other Uvll rcrvlce cxuml lint Ion without rrcliiR nur IIIii trnntr-d catn loRiic of Infoimnllon Pent free Cjlumtda Correspondence College. AYnsmncton , n L , . AolNTS"ANirTmANCH MANA OKI W. MA I. M n nml cdininl'flnn Hunter Tallorlne * Pl'lr ' Co . Cincinnati , O. I1-M4SS April 1C' WANTKH noon MIN rou CITY AND rqtjN try on the "Oovernnient rhotoninplm o'1 ClltYnt ; romplrte history from liotli nines Ml ? snap nil lemly ; exclusive territory , ROW tcinm hlnunon I'lih Co , CB fifth Ave . Chi cao 11 Ml'dO ' 18 * MOXKY TO mod hustlers ruUon Mfg Co . Ilrnnswlcl Hotrl _ Jlr ! ? " 11- ' WANTnn. A o'ooTfHAu-Nn'W MA1CI5H f KV prnl months' Job C 1 ! Smith , t prlnirilelil j i | j U MDGS 19 WANTIJDT SAMJtMKN' TO SI3LI. CIO \ns TO itrnlers $7ti < M ) IIDI month nml oxl > ins"8 paid The Cons ill luted Cigar Co , Mlnru nnnllM'nn ' ANTlla llonKKKKPKll \VINfl HAI years of practical exporlencc with 1 iw vvholp- o-ilo nml jobbing home. . Malinm' . referenLc and whore cinplojptl Address (1 2J llei- 1 1 l"S4 i" WANT ? : ! ) A rTimTci.xs5 ; ciiAnc-i Inker with pomp cniiltal to net ns foremnn niii t tnko IntPrPKt , llntnt op'nlns In county liuslnesi estnlillHlicil AddrcfM O ! 2 Hi P olllpp WANTIMJ. AT O.Vr-K. At SM.IMMAN , WII.I InR to cHk n i-imd poslt'on ' llli Kx > d | n > , ir ( perm-mint ixwltlon to rlKht pirt > nmill c curlty required 7 ItnniKe blilu II MIOi 18 u ivrin rKM\in HUM' . 100 CIIIILS 1011 ALL KINDS OP WOItK , U 10 17 vveolt Canadian Olfl" " , 15-2 DO\II ; | 11. 11.C ( IS aim. rou nKVKHAi. iiofsi\\oiut TAMIIA of two Ifi" r.uk nxcnuc C 9S7 IS * Foil iinvr iiousns. ci" OTIris AI.I.OVIH city. J3 to J73 Fidelity , 1st noor N. Y Life D M1U1 WAMiVrn , IIIIOWN IJI/JCK iirr nnd DoiiRln D 4M I.AIIOU LIST M'CAQUi : , 1STII AND DODOH Li Ijl iiousns. rr\TS. QAHMK DUOS , icu rAit-N i > r > 2 lioUsiis. a : i sitnnwooD , 423 N. Y. L.IKK D lit iiot'sni IN AM. I'AiiTs ? or Tim CLTY. Tm O. P D vl3 Compnn } , 1503 Tiirnnm D 43" IIOUSKS. linNi\YA .t CO , 10 < ! N. 13TII PT D 4 _ 8 UOOM HOrSK Ni\YL.Y I'AINTIJD AND PA pered. ? M1 N , 25tliAJ12. . Tldellty TruB Co. n 51170 STOHCSYUAD , 10TII IOl'GU\s ) D-241 P2I HOI - 0S.TORKS. . UCMIS. AV nno VVT MooriiN O-TIOOM nnicic d ell'nrf f03 Roiith 2Sth. $20pplj W II Mclklc 1st Nnt'l Ilk 1111 An elo0rnnt modern 8-room brick dnolllup 1041 Pirk A\P } 3 ? D-1IS03 _ " roil iirvr NINH ROOM iionsr , rev \enlcnt Mi'Mlnrn Immpllkn licst rpsldcncp illi triefpn minutes' wnllc fiom poslolllee. l.-ri If desired Inquire f > ! N V Life biilldlnir D M',17 Y rOTTXOC , MG.N'THIA' I'AVMnNT5" fO p mil ? D-M551 nousn , JIODHUN viA pirk ino S 2 th I-M3s3 IN nA T OMAin-snvnnAi. ncres of Inml sultnble for corden nnd fnrnt pnrpofps Also ne\crnl plensant pottnKe- with rlly witpr nnd compnlent to enr line Inquire nt rn | lence nf I , S Ililnos , 21 t St nnd Locust A\e , Hast Omalm D 787 KOII iti\rFiniMsiinn IKKMIS. i-ou nHNr NI\VLY ruitNisunD ROOMS reason iblo prleci 2421 DodBC. n M5S6 itooMs. 2370 n.\n.vnY ST H-M1SO T22 HOO.M.S 2310 uoioi\Hsr iM6787 : - PLRARNTLY rUUNIbHUD ROOM C1I So ZStll St i : SIS90 19 * MOiii : N .soi'Tii ROOMS , | 2no wuric AND up 514 N 19th _ n-MS'321" ROOMS , isio HOWAIIO 1V-M9I3 I.AIlOi : SO PItONT ROOM WITH AI-TOVn liinilorn 23 U llnrnpy st n M942 21 * pi'UNisiirn ROOMS roll MniiT 'eVcipInc walking d'ctitneo fiorn fnlr nnd WM N'o 23d coi Orncp P 9IS 21 * . PI'IlNISIir.D ROOMS POTt LloTlT housekeepliiB. hent nnd gis 121 S 2'lh * HOOMS , 1913 nouci vs n jnoi 22 * HOOMS AMI novun. THI : MniiniAM PIP.PT-CI ASH PAMII.Y HOtel - tel : : ih nnd DodKO Sis p 153 HANDSOM1J PAHIX)11S HV HIJPin HMALLIIR room % 1,001 ! board The Itoso. 20JO IIiirne > P-M 973 _ Tllh AMIANV"HOOMS WITH HOARD. transient 2101 DouKlns. P MS05 SO' \ROl7 KO\1 \ 1 1 ROOM , WITlT'lToTuiT ) 2402 Cn . P-M8S4 19' _ IN pTin'AT \MILY , WITH OH WITHOUT linnrd 1913 DodBP P MSJ7 1S ROOMS wii HOARD 2015 DouKlas P-952 19 * rou HivrsT : mi3s AMI oi'piuns. POR HUNT. IN 1H1J JJKI3 IHHLDI.Na ; One IIUKB corner rouui , 2d lloor , with \ault and pr'Mjtu oflreuler , clc. Onu InrKo fiunt rxnn , 2d lloor. dIUdCil Into two luunm b > partition , water etc , Oiio largo corner room , M Moor , with vault , liter , etc. One front room dhldeil bj partition , 3J door. O-iu coinec room with Miult , 3d Hour , One large room , 3d lloor , % slth parllllnn dividing It Into one IUD.O room mid two tmiallir iirhnlo room * , witter , etc. Two large Krouiul 'loor room § , frontlni ; J7th St. , wlt'inult. . Hinc'rnl mnall roomi on 4th floor , with MiulU All ( liejo raunin are heated with bte.im , electric llclilH. puppllrd with llnt-clata Janitor service llleuilon run ilay and all night , bulldlne btrlilly llrepnv > f Apply 4o buperlntcndint. Room IDt leo bulldlnv. I lit 1X3H HRNT. DINK ROOM N OHOPNI ) PI/JOR oillct * . Hie biilldlne , wutei ileani heal , electric lUht iiiul jinltor nervlce. Apply to Siipuln- temlent. Dee bulldlm ; . 1 197 Vf > HUNT THI3 4-STORY HRICIC HUII.DINO at 911 Pnrnam fl. Tlili Iiullillnn | m n llrcproot 'reinent basement ; water on all lloor ; RUB , etc. Apply at the olllce of The Uee. 1-910 TOR HUNT. OM-J-STOIIY PHAMIJ WARK- lioure , llnrllnKlon IracKage. P , U IxwmU , 101 h anl Prniim htn , I M967 28 tt'ivrun .TO III\T. I V/ILI. PAY 1300) PKU MOHni POR A WPL1 < urrangivl , modern , nine o/ ten > room d houiw near the Haiucom pniK or Knrnarn ttreet iiiviur' pit a no Mibmlt jit once exact location , for uuUKIu Infection duly , AddreM O 26. lice. > K MS > 53 20 VA TP.D. 75 TO 1ZS-HOOM HUII.HINa hotel pun * * * * ; furnlnhv ! or unfurnbdietl ; antner quick , J , J. Ql&ion , III Plret Nat. ixuil Uil . V K.-11WS U S10IHCP PAt'IPIC STOIlAail AND \YAllKlfOim : CO , yit-Vll Joftet , literal itor Ee and forwnMlntc. M-450 OM VAN & STOIIAOK , liUSlM.UN . M. TniT"l M -161 \V\N'I HI ) 'JO 1IUY. i WISH TO runt-HAHi : TUP. MTTTIRS K , W , O from 8c la Mint ( rum , state your price cither ulnitlj or for till IJ 49 Pee N' 4TO Ml WANTED. AT ONCi : , OOOD SKCOND-HAND roll top de k Address O 30 , Hep N MM7 IS * WANTIiD TO littY , S1XX3ND-1IANO 1IK ! room nullfl , nl i rcmnurant nxturen. cheap f cash O 31 , Dec N M99C IV WANTP.D. TO nt'Y aou PAnniAOi : Mnto price , color , welnht , where oin bo n Aitdies O 34 , Hep N-.MICO W rou su.n Pim.Miimn. SKTOND-H ) HlKKt * HOTHI * HANOK * O all kind" , cheap 1 )7 Pnrnani O-MS14 M1J rou < * \ iniioitinsVCONS , inc. POH 8AM ) , SADDLK 1IO1U3H. I/\V IMUCB It Inktn nt once. W H McCord care McC'on llrndj K Co P M8S3 20 S VLMISUilL ! V.MJOIJS. 'INI3 WII1T13 SAWDUHT 1 OH fLOOUS. HTO.I coarse ! for Ice , nt 13 00 | IT cord Tel 4"i8 101 PmiKlas < j 4B5 HOUSK rr.IPPlNa lepalrg , nil etandnrd mukes , on hand , irlnd InB razors. rlitar , ( .llpptis ; prompt fcrvlcc A. I. Undelnnd O.-M870 111(1 HAUtlAINS ivc-- -t Y USKD 1IAIO * innii. i\prctt : nnd otliei plnnos this week Mueller Plnno nnd Orson Co , 214 S IStli Q-MSU1 19 pa HAM : . iJA\Tui cnoh roBl'ter , kltihen lanwe. illnltur loom n blen nnd clmlra Apply to 12 A Trout ninn ixchnngo hotel. South Otnahn. Q Old 21 I IIIPKKN. 11OO AND 1A\\N PiNCi-4. ALI wire. In be t Wire Works , 14th and Hnrne > ( J-989 PITIH3 PLYMOUTH ROCK HOCls POIl SUT a , COe , roostpr" . Jl 00 9Ji North 2Cth CJ-1S3 pou SAI.I : , CASH RIXHSTHR PLKASANT Clgir Stoip , ICtli and DoIm- Q-592 It * CU\IUVOV\ . MRS WAONnn , MIDIUM AND CLAIR vojnnt 10(0 ( Hurt Kt S MIOW 2. vs\n. ; n VTIIS , irrc. MADAMi : .SMITH. 118 NO I5TH ST Sli\-\ nnd nlcohol baths 1 S11 IS * 11RISSON OP PARIS. CHIROPODIST medicated baths and massage 107 N 12th St T 537 Jn * _ _ _ _ _ _ _ linn HUILD1NO KANITARIUM , SCIIINTIPir- mn'wnisp , Swedl li movpincnts , plectrle Hint ment nn 1 medleil b iths priduated nnsseiift. for ladles Dr P \ \ Mnlmqulsi , Msr , looms 1W 110 lleo Iluliaing T MS83 M12 1.\IIRA HLLISON" . CllOIINSK HLOCK , HO N Kill , room 13 , upxtnlrs , bath pn , imssaRe M \inn7 11 * MRS nn LiON : , nLHCTRIC MASSVQi : T1AT1 parlors , restful nnd curalUt 417 S llth up stairs. T 51121 20 MMI3 AMHS MASSAOH AND HAT1I 4 1C211 Howard street T M919 20 IMIJSO\AI , . VIAVI POR UTKRINI5 TROURLnS 54C-8 DK1 llldi ; phjalrlan cxiisuHudon or health book fri-e U 163 HATIIS , MASSAOi : . JIMi : POST. 319 S 13TI U 104 IIANKI > , PIIKSSKO AND iu paired dav or nlKht , dtesa milm for hlr- Pnntorlum , N. n Cor. 14th and Parmm 1\1 5C3. U 4ci PUIVATB JIOAIB POR I.AD1P.S TlBPOIll. AM during conllnement. babies adopted or cire ( for. Mrs. M. J. Ludlow , 2202 Clark St . Oni ilm U 9C4 I ? 19' \NY IHIIISON IN DOITfL\R ! WA HINP TONer or S irpy eountleg who bap any claim nirolnr IIP- will please call nt Weir's plun- , near Snutl Onnin where I can bo found until March 1 1ST Johr. Vath. U tr. Ptb'S * MAnnir.D PHOPLH. sncuur : Tiin ONLY UN objectionable mcthorl to avoid excessive pa rentnBS , We L Herrler , prepldent Institute o Human Culture. Minneapolis , Minn U VJ37 Mch3 IN onnnu TO ivTRODiion OUR NP.W HAIR- dresser. Ml ° 8 lilanche Cathcart , nnd her per feet method ws will B'VO ' n free mas-iaBC1 vvlth everv fare steam for the ne\t two weeki P. M Schndell & . Co TJ MCS1 Mch5 PKIVATB IIOMH POR L\DIPi I1BPOKK AND durhiB conllnement , babies adopted anl rnrei for 113C N 17th U MS03 1S L\DIIS : n\vn lotm itAin rmussni ) ur for" ffolnff Downtown nt Uio hiHidn > < > sini ; parlors of Mme O 1'iyne 2103 ] > nvi > nv/iith st . tcl 1SW artl tlc mnnlPiirlnc KiiixTfliinni hiilr nnd facial lilernlKhea icnvivml vlth pli-o- trlolty strictly private V M79" Mil * TO io\ > _ Hi-vi , nsTvrn. MOVHY TO LOAN AT LOW UATrls T1IH O r Davis Co . 1305 rnrnnm St ' .V--46G IXAN ON IMPROVED UNIMPROVED PITY property. W Purnam Smith & Co 1320 Pnr'm. W 4rs MONP.Y TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA reai estate Ilrennnn-Lovo Co , 213 S Kth W 470 t PHU CPNT MONEY ON NBI1 PARMS & OM \ . la property W. IJ MclKlc 1st Nat'I Ilanlc Hlds W-M174 plR CPXT CITY AND P VRM LOANS Oarvlnllros. 1C13 Parnam St W-M9C7 PROM WOO UP. WE.VD , 1CTII ANTHONY LOAN TRUST CO 3P , N VY L , qtilrlc money nt low rat'- for choice farm lands Jn Iowa , northern Missouri , eastern NebnsUa W-4C7 J10000000 SPBCIAI * PPND TO LOAN ON flrst-elaps Improved Omnha propertj or for bulldlnt ; purposes Pldellty Trust comrnny W 171 MONKY LOANHD ON IMPIIOVBD REAL PS- tnto In Omaha Ponnell Illuffs South Omnhi , 1'usej , < L Thomas 603 Plrtt Nnt'l Bank. Omahi. W 472 * WANTED CHOICE PARM AND PITY LOANS R C Peters S. Co , U S Nnt'i Bank HldB W--473 CV4 PER CENT MONEY 11EMIS. PAXTOV Hilt W 1C9 AT I W H\TBS O NP\HMS K. IMPHOVED city propert > H A Wcttcrfleld. 513 in N'l Ilk W-75" MS MOMY TO i.o \ > $10 TO J10COO TO LOAN ON UOI'SEIIOLD PIIIINITUHK AND PIANOS. HORSES WAOONS AND CARRIAGES , WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS , ETC. nt Imve-t rain In Onrnhn , South Ornnlin and Council Illuffs. No removal of Boods ; slilctlv conlldcnllnl. } oti can pa > tbe loan off at any time or in any amounts OMAHA MORTQAOE IX1AN PO . SW South ICtli St. TUB OLDEST , U\ROPST AND ONLY INPOR. POHATED LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA X 475 IIUSIMSS on WANTED. A ( SOOD PARTNER FOR hOUTII- ern fruit fa-m Alto customira for 100 choice lots ; nlsa several Email Iracta or land near Omaha. Address , J It. Rice , Council n urfs la , Y-9',3 Peli 20 OR SALE , PURNITURE OP 30-HOOM. cUiea boaidlni ; houie , one or tied In clt > , full of baaickro J J Cllbion , S14 Plret Nat'l Ilk Y 77" ) 19 YTH.VM MERRY-OO-ROUNI ) , COMPLETE , cost 2 * 30 , price , JMO , monej In It for exposi tion Wilte Tuttle Hros. , Suit Kike C ty , riuh Y MW7 19' MEAT M.\RKBT PO HALl IN OOOD IX'A- ( tlon ; will cell cheap : No. 1 IKturcs and eauuige machinery. Addrees P (4 , Dec Y MMI 15' HTP.AM MERRY-OO.ROtlNn , COMPLETE , coat (2 RM , price # ! , < ) , money In It for exponl- tton Write Tultle liroa , Bait Lake City , Utah. Y MSM- OLD ESrAHLIMIEO CIC1ARS AND MEN'S furnlihlne Roodi. with bulldlni ; on It-used ( . round ; only aUmt SX ( 00 can buy It Addren eon O 13 , Hee. y MK > ! 19' VELI * P.STAHLIPHKD NEWS AND business ; cheap ; good lotatlon , Addresx O 21 , Hec , Y-915 17' ro C1ET IN OR OUT OP HUBINK33 QO TO J. J dlbso' . . 511 First Nat'l Hank. Y 478 IRST.PLASS 1IIIICK MANUPAfTURINll plant for one-half actual value Addregx Ckiiu. mtrclal National Hank , Prrmont , Neb V-M I II .IPB INSURANPE POLICIES HOlinilT IVR cash. Ulchard Herzfold , 171 LaSalle St. . Till , oauo. 101 K28' IONKY I/ANiD ON MKK INSURANCE POI , Iclei or iKiueht. I * . P. Van Norman , Mlnne- ppoIU , jvllon. -11777 Mchli' ron POH 8AI.K Oil KXCIIANOR , 1XT M UY 150 fp t , with eight-room collnRe with nil mod'Tn Imprm emtnto , also PK * ! 1mm ! located In choir , fst reildmicp part of Omaha , two Mocks from Hnnscom pork ; one block from Mrwt ear * nml Mlionl , pnvetl Mrpct nnd brick walk * . 2 WO In- cumhrnncv , four years nt 6 per rent , will sell equity cheap for cnsh , or will eichnns * fern n dclmbi > stock of shoe * . AcUlrc.s D 6C , Dec , Omaha / M7S7 19 POU KXCHANOB , CI KAIl 1W ACRES OP land nnd n few choice clear lots In Omaha for savings bank ccrtlilcntes. Address U 9 , Hec offlce 7. M'iS.T wli.L TRADE OOOD Hf'lLDINd LOT IN Omaha for Rood piano. Address H 18. Heo omie , Council Illuffs V. M9iC 23 Toil HAIKIIU . P.STATi : . KOl'NTSSIJ PLACE HAHOAINS , 12,600. J3 7M TO JO.EOO J J Qlb < on. 514 Plrst Nat llnnk Dldg TtE-478 $2 ! COO POH 3-STOHY UR1CK HU1LDINO , l feet fronlnRe nnnr 14lh nnd RouRlas Sts 12io for Improved property on Cumins street , near 23th street. J N Prenzcr , Opp I'O. . HL 43 KARM LANDS C K. llAUn'lSON. 912 N. Y. I F17' HP.-9H HOUSES. t/JTS. PAHM3 , \ND3 , LOANS. also fire Insurance Ilemls , Paxtcn blkRE4SO RE-4SO II PER CENT CROSS INVESTMENT , 2-STOUY brlcl. huslnets balldlng. price J3.SOO. Adilrcfs 7-R MODERN POTTAOB , EAST PRONT. choice location BC2 N 10th , chcnp , en v terms * UK < M-MH IX1LI/1WINO DPSIPAHLE PROPERTYIlUSN neji lot corner TOxlV ) ft . in o Omaha , paved Huslnofs lot. fOilIO feel. Improved , South Omaha , Ftreet pave ] Tract f4 loin ) rjth St Tratt (20 ( lotf ) 5Cth St Per particulars applj 1012 Parnnm St HE-951 HAROAINR ! S1CO 00 WILL UUY PURNITURE of C ronr-4 on 16th street JI.7M frrroom houre with corner lot , north part of ell } C I ) Hutchlnson. No 1C23 Parnam ptrept RE-M1C3 19 LOT MxIfiO OIttT. . It 1ST NORTH OP PA- cllle ftieel J73000 , 41 feel on 21th , near llln- npy , $1 000 M CottriBe and V-foot lot , 2421 Rurdette , } SCO 00 Grnii Io\va Imprnverl faini for western lanil W It Ontcs. fl8 N Y Life , 'phone. 1291 HE "Ifl SO NKW. MODERN VROOM COPTAOP I.A1M4' ' lit } V casli , balance to suit Address O Y. . H"f HEV.01 SIIOIITIIMMI TVPUWIIITINO. HOYLES' SCHOOL THE ONLY ONE IN Omnha ivhorp court reporters are teacheis. 413-407 I1 o IJIdB KA AT OMAHA HI'S COLLEGE. 1CTH .1 DOUGLAS 4S7 IlELLE PINLEY 812 N Y L1PE 7"1 Ml , A C. VAN" SANT'S SCHOOL OP SHORTHAND and typevvrlllnB 717 N Y Life , off rs the fol low Inc ndviintaRcs Individual Instructions bj fApTlenced teachers and Fklllful sfnoKruphers. up-to-dnt" methrxls lnte t teTtborKs1 truch svs tem of tvppvvritlns : It preferred premiums that Ke-p up nn Interest , nartlelpitlou In actual work for which fIndents receive cash pas- ment < In some ca"pi amounting to moro than tnltlrn , monev rpfunded for unexplred time If students arc not sitlsflej- free trial v pelt Interested parties Invited to visit the school and see Its facilities mrthnds work of Its students nnd cln s of students In attendance. LOST. STRAYED-3-YEAR-OLD COLT , DRK AND rray white face white on left Fide NMIfs P H. Hawkins , 1136 N 19th , nnd lecclve reward I.ost-2-17 * LOST , CAMEO WATCH CHARM LADY'S ficn front. Initial nionoinim on back , lewird for return to 411 Plrst Nat bank Lost M"I1 2) H MAROWITX LO\N.S MONEY. 415 N 1CTH 4SS EXPOSITION F OXT\OiS 1-OH JIT1M' . GROUND LEASES PKONTINO EXPOSITIOV Hemli' ' , PaMon Dlk S73 STHXORII UMIHIIS. WE SOI.ICIT AND PPRNISH POSITIONS TOR StenoRraphers free. The Smlth-Prcml-r Tjpe- vvrlfr Co Telephone. 12 4. 451 OPPICI , . CITY EMPLOYMENT DUREAU. 1417 PAHNAM street. Rooms 2 nnd 3 Tel. 1404 llo PVCKKIJ. M. S WALKIN , 2111 CUMING TKU 1331 492 TYPHWHITHHS. TYPEWRITERS POR RENT t4 CO PER MONTH. Tie Smlth-Prlmlcr Tipcvvrltcr Co. , K23 Par- nam Si . teltp'ione , 12S4 449 _ TO HOHHOW. M'ANTPD TO noni'.OW tl.WQ. 3 TO 5 YEARS on choice Imlde , well rented property nt 7 per cent fcml-anmml. no commission. Address P " . Bee _ M343 " " " ' M1 MrI XY'N' ° COW' OWNER C\LLAT , /O , North . ' 4th , prove avvnttshlp mil pa > cots P \ \ Poster Pound M'172 19 IIOTKI.S lUILDIXC SU1TAI1LE POR HOTEL 30 rooms and Inrje stc.itroom , central luuiilnn Rpinls , Poxton Hlk tiou - I.IKS1 , XOTIOI3S , OMAHA & Iini'UIlLICAX VAIfDY HY n inattet of llnul nncountlni ; of Hccolvcu. Jn the Circuit Court of tlio United Slates for tlio District of Xebiaska. Oliver Amcet nl Plaintiffs , nRaliist The Union Pnc-lllo Hilluuy Compiny. ct a' ' . , Defendants 1'ii-n rpidlnir t"io petition of S II. II Clark , Oliver W Mink JJ Ullcrv Anderson , jL.hn W. Dome nnd J'rcdeilo II Coudert , ns recelverH of tlio Omaha and Hepubllcan Vnlloy Hallway company herein , for n final fettlpmcnt of tlu < account of said receivers nnd for an order providing for the dltnosl- lon of the property urn ! distribution of tlio ' 'nnds and proceed * of the property o f the Omiha and Kr-piibllean Vnlloy HiliAuy tomptny In their hands In this eve. It Is hereby onlered that all poisons who i < * u u * tjiiuui iiu > - uiififai in or ncn upon any of Hiieh funds or prcipertv ni ciedltors of the said receivers or a creditors of Htich ralli o id compinv or In any other way file cillled HtatrmcntB of the natures , dates of accrual and amounts of their respective c'-Ums with William D Cornish Special Maxtor , nl Omaha In the state of Nebraska , on or before the flr-t diy of Maj , A D , 895 and * tint If anv of them full to do i o hey and each of them HO falllnt , ' slnll ho urred Jrom HlmrluB In the benefits of the llstrlbutlon of the moneys and proceeds of ho pioperty of the silii railroad company lint now are or hereafter slnll bo In the lands of slid receivers In these cases. Any partv to there suits md any party vho IVes hi * claim In accordance with thH order may Illo an answer to the claim of nny other party hercundor with said in ister vlthln thirty dnj after May first , 1EOS , and nnv content the same. All claims nKHlnst or upon these funds are eferred to said Fpeclal Cluster , who will icar them and report 'ho amounts Justly owing thereon nnd the order In which they re lawfully entitled to paiment. This crder shall bo published forthwith once In each meek for four successive vecks In "Tho Omaha Hec , " which Is pub- n'led In the city of Omnha Nebraska Let a copy of this order bo served ivlthln hlrty ( JO ) da > s from this dito upon the Omaha nnd Republican Valley Ital'vvay ' coni- pany. upon thu Union Paclllu Halli.vay com- lany. upon Peter 15 , Wyckoff nnd Honlamln . " Ham , trustees of the Omaha nnd He- ubllcan Valley Hallroad company's mort upe of Jiy | ) 1 , 1S79 , upon the American Loan nd Trust company of Hoston ns tiusten ofpectlvely of the Omaha nnd Republican 'alloy Hallway cominny's consolidated mortBURO of Tebrnary 15. US7. and of the Omaha and Republican Valley Ilullwny ompany'8 extension first mortKagc , dated lay Iht. 1SS7 , and upon the trustees of the Jnlon I'aclllo Hnlluny company's trust In- entures. ns follouu : The Union Trust coin- any and Urexol , SforRan & Company , both f New York , and the Now 13nefanu Trust onrpany of Hoston , Kurh of these parties may Illo answer to lie petitions on whteh thin order Is based , ach on or before the llr.st day oC April , S , nml the petitioners may rtply thereto n or bfforo the IGth day of April. 1S3S. All lie questions picsonted by the petition nnd nmvers not hereby disposed of are referred o said Special Master. Dated , February 14 , U33 ( Signed. ) WALTUll H. BANnOHN. Circuit Jud e. Feb. 18-23-iM-J-HM. LK < 1 VU .NOTICKS. THI : UNION jutiiKic HAU VAY COM- , I'ANY. In matter of flnnl Accounting of receivers. In the Circuit Votm of the United States for the Ulstrl x of Nebrackn. Olhcr Amei. el nl , ' Plaintiffs , npilnst The Union I'aclfltT Knllwny Company , et nl , Ucfendanta. ' Upon rcndlnrf ttif petition of 8. H. II. Clnrk , Oliver W Stink. B Cilery Ander son. John W. Uoanc nntl Frederic n. Coti- dert , ns receivers of the Union Pacific Hall- wny Company herein , for n final settlement of the nccounlB of slid receivers nnd for nn order providing for the disposition of the property nnti distribution of the funds nntl proceeds of the properly of the Union I'aclllc Hallway Company In their hands In this case. U Is hereby ofderKl tlmt all persona who have or clnlm nny In'erest In.or lion upon nny of such funds or property ns creditors of the said receivers or ns creditors of such rnllrond company or In nny other way Illo verified statement of the natures , dates of accrual nnd. amounts of their respective clnlmgvlth William D. cornls * ) , special mas'er. nt Omnlm , In the state of Nebraska , mi or before the first day of July , A D 1S9S , nnd that , If nny of them fall to do so they nnd each of them so fatllnjr shall be barred from slmrliiR In the benefits of the distribution of the moneys nnd proceeds of the property of the said railroad ' .oinpany that now nre or hereiftcr shall be In the hands of said receivers In those cases. Any party to thrso suits nnd nny puty who Hies his claim In accordance with this order may llle an Answer to the clnlm of nny ornpr party hereilndcr vvltlv said nmstcr within thirty d lys nfter July 1st , 1S9S. nnd mny contest the same. All calms ngnlnst or upon these funds are referred to eald sp-clnl master , who will hear them nnd report tic ninoutr's Justly owlns theicoti and the ordrr In which they are lawfully entitled to payment. This order shall be published forthwith once In each week for four successive weeks In The Omuha Bee , which Is published In the city of Omaha. Ncbriska ; the Denver Republican , vvllch Is published In Denver , Colorado hot n copy of this order be served within thirty ( W ) dus from this date upon the Union I'.icinc Rallwn > Company , J P Mor- Ban & Compny , trustee of the Union Pa- clllc Kallftnv Company's Indenture of Sep tember I 1S91. Union Trust Company , trus tee of Union Pacific Rnllroul Company's collate ! at truv mortRate of July 1 , 1S73 , and of the Union I'aclllc Railroad Com pany s slnklnu ; fund fevtcndi d ) mortsapc , dated Diccmbrr IS 1S71 , P Gordon Dexter and Oliver Ames. trititnr ilrst mnrttriiL-o nf the Union Parinp Railroad Company dated November 1 ISTi upon J Plcrpont MOIKIIII nnd IMvvIn F AtVins , trustees of the Union Hiclllc Rillroad Company's Omnha IlrlilRC niortKi e , dated April 1 , 1S71 , upon Russell S.IKL nnd George J Gould , trustees of the Denver , Paclllc Railway and Telegraph ' Company's Hist inottKaKc of Aueust 10 , ISO ) H M Ale\ander and John P" Dillon , trustees of the Unlin I'aclllc Railway Com- pinv eastern division first mortgage of August 1 , ISIj the Amcrlcin I.oin and Trust Compirn trustee of the Union I'a- illlc Railway Compiny eistern division In come mortgage of Julv 1 , 1SCO , nnd of the Union Paclllc Rallvvin Company enstein division sub rdlnate income morlKape of July I , ISOG John r. Dillon nnd John A. Stewart , tiustee of tie Urlon Pacific Rail way Comp inj eastern division first mort gage of June 1. ISM , Rus ll Sase nnd George J Gould ttustees of the Kansas Paclllu Railway Compim's consolidated mortpage of Mnv 1 IsTl John A Stewart nnd WII- llum I3mllcott Jr , tuistees of the Kansis I'aclllc Rjllvvay Cmpan > 's Deinc-i exten sion mortgage of Juno I'O 1SC9. H M. Ale\- nnder and J , hn P. Dillon , tuistees of the Kinsis Paclllc , Rillwiy Company's JyCiv. cnworth branch moitgige of January 1 1CGI5 , Central lluot Company of Now York trusteu of the Union Pacific Rnllvvaj Com pany's collateral mortgage of August 1 IStf , New Knglind Tiust Company , IJoston , trustee of the Union Pnclllc Railway Com- pins collateral trust mortgage of April . ' , 1SS1 , Amerlcui I.QIII nnd Trust Companj , trustee of thp Union Paclllc Railway Com pany's equipment tltist Indenture of Octo ber 1. 1SS7. M-rcanllle Trust Compiny ns trustee of the Union Paclllo Railway Com- piny's Kansas division collateinl mortgnge of Mny 1 1S91 , Central Trust Company of New York us trustee of the Union I'aclllc Railway Compmn'n Omaha bridge renew il mortgage of October 1 , J8S5 , the Union Pa cific Railway Companj'.s Rcneiai ueorganl- yatlon committee ami upon Union Pacific Tlnllronil Compiny. llach of thcsp pirtles may f\\o \ \ nnswer to the petitions on which this order 1s based ench on or before the 15th dav of June 1SDS , and the pptltloneis maj reply theieio on or before tie first day of July. 1'tS' . . All the questions jircsented by the petition and answers not hereby disposed of are referred to sild special mnster. February 14 , 1S9S ( Signed ) WALTER H. SANHORN , Circuit Judge. HOSPITAL UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY CO In the Circuit Court of the United States for the District of Nebrask i Oliver Ames. 2nd. et al Comp'alrants The Union IMclflc Ral'nay Company , ct al , Defendant" Public itlon crder on receivers' petition lire ro Hospital Fund dated February 10 , 1SDS nnd upon te petition of J. F. Wfvhrlitht and others , filed hen In December SO 1V)7. ) On reullns the petition of the rocelvci- nnd that of J F Wrybilsht and others relative to the Hospital Fund It Is ordered that all person nho havr or claim to have nny Interest In or Her upon any of the Hospital Department fund ci "property In the possession of the iccelv- ers In this ut ! file \erlfied statements or the nature and partlculirs of such c'nlm ' o Interest with William D Cornl'h spec ! r master at Omaha In the 'tnte of Nr' > ras' < i on or before the first dav c.f M iy l'5S , nrr' that If any such persons fal' so to do each of them so fal'lng slnll be barred from sharing1 In the benefit-1 of the moneys 01 proceeds of the pr pcrty of said IIo plta Department th it ire now or s'n'l heie nftei come into the hands of said receiver or their succes'or Notice md service of tills order shall br made by public itlon thereof forthw'th oner In each week fet four successive weeks In newspapers of gr-ieril circulation one of which rha 1 be pub'Nhed In each of fie fol lowing ritles Otnnhn , NebtasUn ; Kan ° aH City , M' souil , Topekn , Kansa" Denver Onlirnilo Phnvenne Wjorrlng , Silt Luke City , Utah. Boise City , Idaho Unites Mon tana : Portland Oregon ; St. Joseph , MIs- hourl A conof th's ' order shall b served wl'liln thirty ilays upon The Union PanlfkR ill- ivav Company ; u ion Sise & Goul 1 trustees of the first mortgaijct of the Denver Pacific Railway and Te-'egraph company. Face & Gou'd ' tiustcep of the Kansas IMclflc R ill- VV.M compnny's consolidated mnrtitatro ; upon John A. Sto.vart and William Kiullcott lr , tru'tces of the mortgages commonly kno.vn ns the Denver IJKtenslon mortsn'ies of the Kansas Pacific RallA-iy compiny , upon thn. Mercantile Trust companj. trus tee of the mortgage , of The Union PaclfU Rallwaiy company dated May 1. 1S91 ; upon Dexter Atkins & I/ine. trustees , under a deed dated November. 7 J8S9 Kach of the parties whoso nnmcs have been mentioned mny nnsvvcr the petition" recited heieln on or before the 1'th ( Hy of Anrll. ISO1 * nnd netltlonerH may reply thereto within fifteen da > s thereaftet Kich of the parties to this suit nnd nnv party who flies his clnlm In accordance with this order mnv nnswer either of Ball peti tions , or the claim of nny other pirtv hiire- nnder , b } nilng hl answer or objection vvlth the Special Micter ( within thirty da > < = nfter the first clay oflMiy. lc < All persons entitled to receive care from the said Hospital Fund may obtain the sime until Mny 1 , 1SOS but not thereafter All claims uoon this fund are. hereby re- fericd to the Special "Master to heai , deter mine and report. Dated. February 14 181 ? ( Signed ) WAI/TEH II SAXHORN. Circuit Judge. Feb 18-25-MI-11M. AOTICR TO COVJ'IIACTOIIS , NOTCIR TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed bids for the construction of the South Viaduct Restaurant hnlldlnps on the exposition grounds will bn received until U o'clock n. m Saturday , February 19 , 159i Plans nnd specifications tan be seen nt the Department otllce. corner 15th and Spencer streets , or sots will bo furnished bldilera nt cost. F. P KIRKHNDAI-U Mgr Grds nnd Hldgs Dent , Transmlssleslppl and International Ijxno. F13d7t. TO CONTRACTORS Sealed bids for the t.ontruc.tlon of the South Viaduct acrossi Sherman avenue , con- nectliiK the exposition Groulds , will hu re ceived until 11 a , m. Friday , February 23th , 1S9S Plans nnd specifications can be seen at the Department oltlcen , corner 15th and Spencer streets , or sot will bo furnished bidders nt The right Is reserved to reject nny or all blclP. F. I' KIRKENDAI.U Mgr. Grds. nnd Dlil'ir * . Dept. Trananilssls- slppl and International Hxpo. NOTICn TO CONTRACTORS. "DrnvvltiKs and speclllcatlons for n two- story brick Htoru bulldlne to bo erected nt Oakland , la. , may bu stun nt my olllcu In Oakland , or at the olllces of Hell & . Kent , architects , Council liluffs. In. HUls for the entire work will bu received by mo up to noon of J-'ebiuury 25 , 1S9S. Tlio lowest or any bid not necessarily accepted. " l'iW9t B8. . RUST. OVKIINMBNT HOTICHS. FOR IIULIU , s. INDIAN Service , Pine Rldgo Agency. I'lno Hldgo , S. D. , February 11 , IS S Scaled pro posals. Indorsed "PropSMls for Bulls nnd addressed to the tindorslgne.il nt I'Inc Ridge , Shannon county , S. D. , will bo re ceived nt this nRt-ncy until 1 o'clock p. in. of Saturday. March 12th , 1SSS , for furnishing nnd delivering nt this nRcncy not later thnn Mny 1 , 1S9 < ! . ono hundred MOO ) bulls , full blood * , eligible to registry ; Polled Angus or Hereford preferred ; not less thnn two nor moro than four yenrs OW ! free from blcm- Irhcs straight nnd smooth ; to weigh not loss than 1.000 pounds cnch nml to nvorage not less than 1,100 pounds , llldxlcrs will state clcnrly In thrlr bldi the proposed prlco of cnch animal All nnlm-tls offered for delivery under nny contrnft will bo sub ject to a rigid Inspection. The right Is re served to reject nny nml nil bids , or nny pnrt of nnv bid , If do < Mn < l for the best In terests of the government. CcrtHUnl Checks Hich bid must be accompanied by n certi fied check or draft upon some Unlled States depository or solvent national bank In the \Jclnlty of the resldpncc of the bidder , made payable to the order of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs for at least five per cent of the amount of the. proposal , which checker or draft ' \111 bo fo felted to the United StateIn cn e anv bidder or bidders receiv ing1 nn nvvnnl shall fnll to .promptly cxecuto n contract with good and sulllelent sureties , otherwise to bo returned to the bidder Hltl" accompanied by cash In lieu of n certified check will not be considered For nnv ad ditional Information npply toMajor W. II Clapp , Acting U. S Indian Agent. TREASURY DHPARTOinNT. OFFICE SU- pcrvlslng nrchltoct , Washington , r > . C. , Feb ruary 2 , 1COS. Sealed 1'roposils will bo re ceived at this olllce until 2 o'clock p. in. on the 24th day of February. l S , and opened Immediately thereafter , for furnishing nil the labor nnd materials nnd erecting com plete two hydrmllc passenger elevators , ono hydraulic mnll lift and ono hjdinullc n h lift , Including pumps , tanks , piping , cars , platforms , etc. , for the U. S Court House , Custom Hou e nnd Postolllce building- Omnlm , Nebraska In accordance .with the drawings nnd specifications , copies of which rrny bo hnd nt this olllce or the ofllco of the Superintendent nt Omaha , Nebrnskn The right Is rc = ervod to reject nny or nil bids nnd to wnlvo any defect or Informality In nny bid. should It bo deemed In the In- tercet of the Government to do so. Pro posals must be enclosed In envelopes , sealed and marked "PROPOSAL for Two Hy draulic Passenger Hiovators , one Hvdrnullc Mnll Lift nnd ono Hjclrnullc Ash Lift for the U S C > .urt House , Custom House and Postotllce building at OMAHA. NEBRAS KA. " nnd addressed to the Supervising Ar chitect. TREASURY DEPARTMENT , OFFICE SU- pcrvlslng architect. Washington. D C , Feb ruary 14 1VJS Sealed proposiN will bo re ceived at thin olllce until 2 o'clock p m. on the 9th day of iMnrch. U93 , and opened Im- modi Uely thereafter , for all the labor nnd rr itorlals required to p'ace In poMtlon com plete a tmver clock and bell for the U S Court House , Custom House and Postollice building nt Omihn. Nebriskn In nccor lance with the drawings nnd spoclllcitlons , copies of which mnv be had at this olllco or the olllce of the Superintendent nt Omaha , Ne- liris'-i. The tight Is reserved to i eject an > or all bids nnd to waive anv defect or lii- tornmllty In any bid should It bo deemed In the Interest of the government to do so Proposals must be enclosed In envelopes , sealed and marked "Proposal" for Tower flrpk and Hell for the U S Couit House. Custom House and Postolllce , Omaha , Ne- briski , " and adilressed to the Supervising Architect. F IS , 21. 23 , 25 , 23 M2 STOCKHOLDERS' IIEETING. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Notice Is hereby given that the regular annual meeting of the stockholder of tbe South Platte Land company will be held at tlio ofllce of ° ald company In Lincoln , Nebraska , nt 11 o'clock n. m , on the first Wednesday In March , ISIS , being the second day of She month. , By order of tae Board of Directors. R. O. PHILLIPS. Secretary. Lincoln. Neb. . Jan 31. 1S9S. J31d30tm ( Shoud ) be read DAILY by all Interested ab changes may occur nt nny time. ) Foreign malls for the week ending- February 19 , 1S9S , will close ( PROMPTLY In all cases ) at the general post olllce as follows - , lows : PARCELS POST MAILS close one hour , qarller than closing tlmo shown below. IrniiKVtluiillc Mulls. SATURDAY At 7 a m for FRANCE , SWITZERLAND , ITALY. SPAIN. PORT UGAL , 1URKEY. EGYPT and BRITISH INDIA , per s s Li Normnndlela Havre ( lettois for other pails of Europe must be directed "per La Normnndle" ) , at 8 n. m for NETHERLANDS direct , per s s Vecndam.ln Rotteidam , ( let ters must bo directed "per Vcenclam" ) ; at S a. m for GENOA , per s s Fulcln ( letteis must be dliected "per Fulda" ) , nt 10 n m ( supplementary 11 W a. m ) for EUROPE per s s Etiurla * . via Queens- town ; at H a. m. for NORWAY direct , per b. H Island ( letters must bo directed "per Island" ) . MATTER. HTC Oerrrnn steamers sailing on Tuesdays take Printed Mittcr. etc for Germany , and Specially Adlu'red Printed Matter ct" for other pirU of llurnpc Amei- Itan and W hltc Stir steamers ni Wednesdays German stenmeis oil fhur Jays nnd Cunard Prcncl. niK' airman steamers tin Saturdays take Printed Mattel etc . for nil countries tor which they are advcrtUcd to cany mali. Vfter Pie clo'lns of the Supplementary Trans- Atlirtfc Mal'n named above , additional upple- mentary mall * me nponed on thr piers of the American r.HTllali. Trench and Qernnn steam ers , un I run nn oncn until vxlf-'n ' Ten Minutes of the houi or sal in ? or bttainer. Hulls fur boutli mill CCM I ml America , \ Vst I n ( I I en , ! " ( < . FRIDAY At * < p. m for NASSAU. N. P. , per s s Miami from Miami , Fin. SATURDAY-At 2 " 0 a m for NEW FOUNDLAND , pei s s Core in , frnn Philadelphia , nt S n m for BERMUDA per s s TilnlJad ; at 10 a m ( supplo- mtntarv 10 3 < ) a m. ) for FORTUNE ISLAND , JAMAICA nnd CARTHAGENA ppr s. \lleghany ( lettciT. foCo tu Rica must be directed "per Allrglmy" ) ; nt 10 a m ( supplementary 10 30 n m ) for H UTI and S\VANILLA , per s s Andes , nt. 10 .TO i. m forCAMPECHi ; CHIAPAS TABASCO nnd "i IJCATAN. per 8 s Orl- ? aba ( letteri for other parts of Mexico and for Cuba must ho dlrectrd "per Orl/ibi" ) , nt 10 " 0 a m. for HAITI , per s. s Prlns MnurltH ( letters foi VeiiPzueln Curacao Trlnldld. Btltlsh and Dutch Guiana mut bo directed "per Pi Ins Maurlts" ) ; nt 11 a m for BRAXIL , per s s Galileo , via Pcnnmbuco , llihla and Rio Janeiro ( let ters for North Brazil and Li Plata coun- tiles must bo directed 'per Galileo" ) ; nt 11 ? ! a m ( supplementary 12 m ) for NAS SAU. N P. . nnd SANTIAGO DE CUBA. per s s Siratogn ; nt 8 30 p m for NEW- 17T ir.AVTV tnnr * .tnnmpr frnm Xnrth Svdn y ; at S 10 p m ST. PIERRE-MI- QUELON , per Meamer from Halifax SUNDAY At 7 i m for PROGRESO , per B s Santo Domingo ( letters for other parts of Mexico mint bo directed "per Santo Domingo" ) ; nt " 7 p m for NAS SAU , N. 1' . . per s. s. Miami , from -Miami , Fin. Malls for Newfoundland , by rail to Hnlltax nnd thencu by elenmer. clone at thin ofllcr dally at 8 30 u in Mulls fni Miiuoion ny rail to lion- ton nnd the ice liy steamer , eiofo nt thlt olllco dilly nt 8 TO p m Mnll for tuba closu at this ofllre dally nt 7 00 o in * r fnrwMrdlni , ' liy stcimoin sall'i" ' ( Monarch nnrt 'Jhurndayb ) from Port Tampa. P'a ' Malls for Mexico City , nveiland unlens specially addrpuod 'or despatch by tteamer ilos-c at this onice dally nt 2 31) n in and 2.SO p m Ilcglslc'rcii mall ciotei at C 00 p m prcv loim day TrniiM-1'nulllo MnllH. Mills for Chlnn nnd Jnpnn , per a B Colum bia ( from Tacomn ) , close hero dally up to February 13th at C 30 p m Mojls for China , Jnpan and Hawaii per H H Gaelic ( from fian Francisco ) . r > ese hpro dally up to February Iflth nt 0 30 p in MallH for Australia ( except these for Wtft Austra lia ) , which are forwarded via Europe , Now Zealand , Hawaii , FIJI and Samoan Islands , per s. s .Marlpofa ( fr m Sin Fran cisco ) , close here dally up to February 18th nt 7 00 a m. . llam mid fip m ( or on arrival nt New York of a H. Campanli with British malls for Austra lia ) Malls for China and Japan ( ppcnlally nddrosed only ) , per s s Emprtno of China ( from Vancou\ ) , close hero dally up to February 21th nt 6-30 p m Malls for the Society Islands , per vhlp Galileo ( from San Francisco ) , close hero dully up to Fcbrunry 22J nt 0 20 p m. Malls for Aus tralia ( except West Australia ) , Now Zea land , Hawaii and FIJI Inlands per B , H Aornngl ( from Vancouver ) , uloeo herw February * * lSth and dally nfter up to February 8Stli at 6-30 p. m Mnlln Jor Huvvnll , per a. H. Australia ( from fian Francisco ) , close hero dally up to iMnrch Cth at 0.30 ji m. Trons-Pacinn malls r forwarded to port of ( all- Ing dally and the schedule of clulnif U ar- langed on the presumption of their uninter rupted overland tranjlt HegUtereil mall clofc at 0 p m. previous day , CORNELIUS VAN COTT. I'ostmaiiter. Postofllco , No.y York , N. Y. , Fcbtuary 11 , \IIHO\1M. . UNION i'AciPic-"Tiiu ovin- land Houta" - < UnfMl OfflcM , N 13 Corner Ninth nml Purnnm Stroctn. City Tlckft Olllcv 1JOJ Paniam Slrect , Tcl plione 310 Hfpot , Tenth and Mnpc.ii streets Telephone 11 $ . Leave , Arrive. "Tho Overlaid Limited' for lenvi > r. Salt western pulhts ' S'SO nm pm Ti * folnntclo S for Ifnvr mid nil Colorado points 11:3 : : pm 7.00 am Pn t mail train for Salt Like. Pnclflo caitl nnd nit wrttcrn pm 7.00 nm Lincoln , lion trice nnd Mrom burjj Uxprc . . 1 BCO : pm "IS M pm Premont , Columhti- , Norfolk. Ornn 1 It- land niul Kearney . . 4 33 PM Grand IsMnd K piv - . " 3 00 pm KlM pm Dally. Dally Copt bunder. Council lllurrs local Leaves. d'il n. m ; C:50 : n. m. ; 7'40 n in. ; 8:40 : n , in. . 1030 n. m. , 2:15 : li. m , ; 4 3o p. m , B-JS p. m. ; S JO p. nl.j in 05 P. m. Arrives. 6.W n m . f.M n. m. . 8.35 n in. , 11 30 n. m , 3:10 : p m.J 1-40 p. in. . 0.30 p. in. , 8:03 : p. m. ; 10 4J p. in. - KANSAS CirV , ST. JOSIIPH Burlington f. Council HlufTB Hallroad " "Tho Itiirllneton Hnutc" Ticket Olllee. 1M2 Pnrnani Route Street. Telephone KO. Depot , Tenth nnd Mason Streets Telephone 12S Lcnve. Arrive Knnsns City Day Hx . . 9 Oi nm t.K pm Knnsas City N'lght Kx. . * 10 00 pin OSJniii CHICAGO , HUHLINOTON . Qulnoy llallroad "ihc Hurl- liiRtun Uouto ' TUlcpt Olllco , 1502 Pnrnnm Street Tcltpnonu So'J ' Depo1 , Tenth nn 1 Maxon Strcits. Telephone 12S. IXMVP. Arrive _ \ eMIImled Kx . 5 05 pm 7 M nm Chicco Kxpress " ) . nm 4 13 pm ChlcnKO St Lnuls I2x 7li pin 7 54 nm P.aclllo Timctlon I i 11 .JO am 5 10 pm Tail Mall 2 50 pm nmlliiKton No. 1 . . . 11 50 pm Dallv. bally except Sundav. CHICAGO. UOCK ISLAND & Paclllc Hallroad-1ho Great Hoclt Island Houto" City- Ticket Olllce. 1323 Farnnm Street. Telephone 428. Depot. Tenth and Mason Streote Telephone US. THF-MONT. KL.KHOHN AND MUsouri Valley Hallway Gen eral Olllccs. United Stntes Na tional Hark Hulldlnc. South west Corner Twelfth nnd Par- . _ nnm fatrects Ticket Ofllce. 1401 Parnam Street. Teltphone C61 Depot , Fif teenth and. Vvebster Streets. Telephone 14j8 Leave. Arrive. Ulack Hllla Dendwood and Hot SprlnKa 3 00 pm B 00 pm Wyoming. Caspar nnd Douglas . . 300pm " G.'X ' ) pm HastlnRB. York , David City. Superior , Geneva , 1'xcter nnd iy ward. . . 3 00 pm C 00 pm Norfolk. West 1'olnt and Fremont 7.00am 10 23-am Lincoln. Wahoo and Premont 7:50 am " 10.21 am Premont Local . . . . . . . . . 7 50 nm Dally. Dolly except bundny. Sunday only Dally except Saturday. Dally except Monday. CHICAGO & N Hallway City Ticket Ollice. 1401 Pnrnani Street. Telephone CGI Depot , Tenth and Mu'on Streets. Telephone 128 Lcav c. Arrlv e Spe cial . . . . . . 7 00 am 11 53 pm MIssoJH Valley , bloux City , St. Paul and Minneapolis . 5,40 nrn 10 15 pm Missouri Valley. Sioux , Pity . . 7.40 am * J 05 pm Dennlson. Carroll. AVali Liilco frnm Ilraiilvviiy. Council Illuffi . . 9 00 nm S.K am Uafitern Hxprcss , Des Molne Mnrslmlltovn , Oilur ItnnliH c'hlrnRn 10 SO am 1 35 pm Atlantla Flyer , Chicago nnd Past . , ) 43 pm 4 33 pm Pnt Mall. Chicago to Omahii . 3.10 pra Ml"ourl Valley , Sioux CHy. bt Paul Mlnne- niiolls LlmltPd . 4 31 pm Vi nm Omnha-Ohlcarn t-p"clnl C 11 pm 50 , m -1 Dally. Dally exceut Si.nJay. CHICAGO ST. I-AUL MINNH- apolla & Omala Hallway- General Olllces Nebratkj Di vision fifteenth and Web tcr Street ? . Cllv Ticket Onice. 1401 rnrnnm Mrcct Telephone Dep riftecnth and Webster BircciB icl ephone 113& Leave. Arrlxe Hloux City Accommoda. 8 50 nm S 20 pm Sioux City Arrommola. 9 50 am 8 20 pm Illnli , Hmerson .Sioux City poncn Hartlng- top and Illoomlleld . . 1.00 pm "ll.SS nm Sioux City. MnnUnto , Ht. I'nul , Mlnnrapi ll , . * B 1"i pm * S2)am ) 1'meiKon Passcnuer . " 511pm 8 13 inn Dally "Dilly except Sunday ' "Sunday only This train stops at stations Flo , 'ncp to SD'ith ' lllalr. Include , Suidays only ; nn wtck ilnv . Pou'h lllalr only. SIOITX CITY & PACIFIC HAIL- road-General Oilier * Unllirl Scalci National liank Ilulld- bib' . H W Corner'Iwclfth nnd Firnam Streets Ticket Olllce XT , = - . . . . HOI Pnrnum blrcct. Tiltphono 501. Depot l.tli nnltlJSlei , 8tH. 'I Uepliono 4It aV ° " > rrUe ' < Sioux City. Manhnto , 'Dally"1' Sllnnnl > ' " ' * 5 53 pm E 20 nm MIS"Ol'HI PACIFIC RAILROAD Gtnernl Olllces nnd "I Icket Ollce Merchants Natlonnl lUnU liutldhu , 1/21 I'arnain Street Telephone 104 Depot , riftienth anil Wehster htrcclu Teleplionv 145S Leave. Arrlic 'vnn/nV'anc ! Ncbrnslti Llmlud 3 05 pm IS.SS pm Kansai City and HI. . . .v. . . 0.30pm C 00 urn ( ' UIUMUl cal . . 4 W pm 9.45 am Hally Dilly except Sunday. CHICAGO , MIMVAUKKD & ST I'nul Hallway city Ticket niflpp. ir.1l P/irnnni Lt.n Telephone 2i4 Depot , Tenth and Mason Street * . Telephone - phone 123. w Leave Arrive. ChlciKo Limited Cx . . S.o pm * 8,05 nm Omnh i and Chlaugo Ux ! ! 00 am 1.50 Din Dally , OMAHA & BT. LOUIS IIAILHOAD PSJ2I -Onmln. Kancan Clly St East ABTHim ern Itallrond "The I'ort Art mr Itoutn" Ticket Olllce , 1415 Tnrram Hired , Telephone , 3.2 Dtput , Tenth and Mason Hticets. 'Jtlc- ( ihunu Hi Leave. Arrho St Ixiuls Cannon Hall Kx press 4 85 pm II 30 am Qulncy ixnrcs5 5.40 urn 0 50 pm Dally WAHASII itAii.noAD TICKIT oil- ! 1411 Pnrnnm Street TUe phone 322 Wcjint Tenth and Mai.n Hlrcel.H. Tclcpona 128. Leave. Arrive fat I/mla "Cannon llall" llxprim . , 4 30 pm 11 30 am Dally. TOLD JIV THIS OLD C'lHCUS MN. . Pni'tMliiinl H Tlnlliinnwi'il When tin- lilt ; ( ilrnITi- HIM ! n Culil , "I was telling you tlio other day. " noli ! thu old circus man , to the New York Sun re porter , "about how our eighteen-foot giraffe caught a cold that nettled In his neck and gave him n stiff neck , and how wo had to h'lst his food up for him to a ring fixed In the center polu , and how wo used to put a strap around his head and hook on a fall and have a man rldo down his neck In a bo'sun'a chair and rub In liniment ; but I did not toll you about how we managed to glvo him the medicine hu had to have at that time. FcTdlng him and rubbing down ) iln neck wo did when wo were In camp , where wo had some sort of conveniences for the wort ; , tent up and center polo In place , and laddeiH wheru wo could get at 'cm handy , and of courao It was simple enough to glvn him II'H medlclnu there , hut on the road It was different. There wo had to managu tlio bent way vvo could - "U'o alwa > used to &Ivo blin his uiodlclae I In miiskmelom , of which ho w g very fond. JVo J would cut n muskmrlon I if two ftiul put In ! the medicine nnd then stick It together ngAln 1 ami give him the melon whole ; there vrni no , trouble setting him to take medicine In thU way because ho would eat musk melon a nit dnj long If jouM give 'em to him ; the only trouble now that ho couldn't bond his neck , wn about how to got "om up to him. In citnp that vvns easy enough ; wo Just h'tatcJ him up A melon on the center polo In a bucket And nfter vvo'd struck the tc'nts and before we'd got ovrrjthing loaded on thn wagons , when his medicine time come , which vvns every half hour , wo Just run up n ladder against Mm and a ninn wont up nnd give him n melon And It was easy enough on tlio road when wo first started , because there vvns trees along , nnd all we had to < lo was just throw n rope over the limb of a tree nt the right height and haul him up n melon In n bucket. Hut after n while vvo came to n lonR treelews Htrotch , vvhoro somrthliiK clso had to bo done. Wo didn't nny of us rcnllrn It until the mlmtto arrived , and then It struck us all of n sudden that there vvnsn't nny way of getting It up to him , atul then , as usual , wo calleM on the o d man ; and , as usual ho settled It In about minute , Just AR ho did e\crj thing. I neves' know him to fall In any emergency , The old man says : " ' ( Jot Tietiby ' "And then he rode off Just ns though tint scltk'J It , and so It did ; nnd vvo all wondered wo hmln t liitnml.t of It ourselves Titeby was out great stilt wither , Trfebllngton , wo nlwavs called him Trecby I suppose Treo- bllngton was tht greatest stilt vvnlKer that ever stood on stilts. Ho was n do\vn cist man , n joung feller , nior'n sl\ fret high himself , nnJ he walked vvlth perfect e-aco 01 stilts eleven feet high ; so that when hn \vns up ho stood something more th n seven teen feet nliovo the giouml. Well , we got Treeby up alongside the giraffe ) nnd n man tossed him up ono of the melons nnd ho handed It up to the giraffe , whoso mnutli ho couM easily reach Then Ticcby was solus ; right bich , hut we explained to him that hc 'd have to stay there , and ho did Hut ho illJn't like It < \ bit Somehow It undo him feel foolish to vvilk alongside the b R glrnffo on stilts nnd every half hour hand him n nutsUmelon , nnd lie- kicked UKc a st < ° r , hu said ho didn't join the short to tend sick giraffes but to wnlk on atllls , rnd he'd bo doggonc-d If he'd fi'and It Hut wo gut him tn worry through that dity nnd at night wo collared the old m n again nnd to'd him that Ticeby was sure to walk off In tlio morning If we called him up to the giraffe again , and , .is usual , the old man suggested nn easy way out of that Hu sail put .1 head-stall o.i thu giraffe ami put .1 Hug on the throit latch nml reeve a rope through that and h'lst his medicine up to him that way "And next day that's wl t wo did. Of course wo Kept the lope In the ling lll.u von Keep the halliards love through the truc-Ic on a liberty polo ; nnd wu used to maku tlio ends fast round the upper pait of his nlg'i fore leg , where wo could u-nch 'cm. Whoa his medicine tine came. If vvo was In an open country , vvc 'J Just cast oft the halliards and m.ke a bucket fast to one end and h 1st him up his melon Though his neck \\-H stiff as n trco ho could bond his head nil right , nnd he could get thu melon out of the bucket without nny dlfllcitlty , and wo dldn t have to do this very long , anyway , because , as I told you , It wasn't more'n a week before - fore ho was all right again. " ! ) < * inniiil for Htittli'ililpM. The secretary of the ravy has demanded moro battleships , and there can bo no do iht that congress will consider his recommend- tlons. Protection Is what our seaports re quire , and fortifications will not adequately supply this. Defense against all disorders of n malarial type Is , hovvuvor , adequately af forded by Hosteller's Stomach nittt-rs , an ef ficient remedy , also , for constipation , bilious ness , dyspepsia , rheumatism and nervousness A1TACK IIOLCOMB'S ' VEKACITY ( Ooutlnuccl from Ninth Page ) testify that after leaving the Kovernor ho went to the office of the decretory of state , where ho found Deputy Evans , remained there for n few minutes anil left with Evans , the latter closing up. Ho asked Evans what ho was remaining for , but ho was not al lowed to say what the answer was nor ( tut he , Summers , had told Evans of his coti- \cnsution with the governor. ON CUOSS-EXAMINATION. Attoinoy General Smyth cross-eximlncl the vvltnchs nt length , going over carefullj his dolngfl on the morning of January .1 , 1S95. Summers said ho had gone to the sta'a bouso at 8 o'cloDk , had attended the recep tion to the olllctrs-elect and had gene to tha governor's olllce shortly uefoio midnight " .Mr. Summers , did you not attend at 1045 on that evening a banquet nt the Lin coln hotel , tendered or given by John M Thurston , nnd attended by prominent re- publicci P , and did jou not remain there' finally demanded the attorney general. The witness answered emphatically In tuo regatlvc Ho did not oven recollect any such affair. The attorney general then nokcd when the witness' "alleged" interview with the governor was cal ed to his mind since it occurred. He nnswored that It wars shortly aftui the first trial of the cane Later he siild It had been called to his mind several times since This piompted thu at torney general to ar'k the witness vvbother ho was correct In these answers The wit ness oslccd how ho was to bu required to answer the quesllon and thh brcunlit honiu spaiks of flro from thu counsel and court "You cm allowcr that yea 01 no , " oild the attorney general. 'Ho cannot , " came from General Cov/ln. 'I say ho can. " 'And I aay ho cannot. " 'I liiH'at that ho must answer ao " 'I insist that he HUM ! not Any way that question Is the K.iino as'If the vvl'i ' ese WUB called a llai " The attorneys were ? in conBldoi ililo hoit nnd Judge Powell pounded loudly on h ri desk to brng them to order. Ho var-eil them to Indulge In no moie .such conversa tion and Instructed the court irporter lo take It down If they did. Continuing hU tiasexam I nation , the at torney general naked v.hether he md Gov ernor Iloltomb and two nttoinuys lad dis cussed the ( lurstlun of vvhdthor 01 not ic dr.i I man's ulgnnturuao good -an n honJ not jot delivered The wittier. } cnHAcrod In UJ alllnnatlvo Ho hald tlmt ho did not con sider nt the tlmo that nucli n signature was good , but Gnveinor Hcltomb ncemcd tu Lo In BOMIO doubt under the clrc.nnstniiec.s The examination of AVItnobs Sumniera v. ) not concluded when recess vvaa taken at H o'clock and ho will bo on tlio xtand again I Ills morning. SuliiK for LIIHN tif n Pool. In Judge Hakcr's court the ease of M II Hagerty agalnet tbo Omnlm Btreot Hnllwny company \ on trial , thu plaintiff socking ti - recover the sum of $30,000 alleged damages Ho nvers tlmt for some tlmo prior to De cember 25 , lf > 95 , ho was n conductor on thn Walnut Illll htrctt car line , On the < ! nto montlfi'oil ho nllegra that by rcuimn of tin alleged defective ) condition of the onulpnicnt of the car a coll'alon occurred which ic- Biiltcd In his lixilng his right foot. The defendant ailmlls that the accident occurred and that Hagerty lost a foot , but flays that the nccliluit VVUB duo to \ \ \ con tributory negligence and not to ri.y defec tive condition of tbo car un which ho wan tlio conductor. I > | NIIIHIIK of ( iinlili- Sill Is. Tlireo of the milts brought In the cojita of Douglas county ai'jlniit I'rancld C. Grablu Imvo been disposed of. M L I'arrotto , prlvatn secretary for Grdble , brought a ? Cr,00 null agalnut hla employer the nixt morning after tlio collapse - lapse of thu Kdgeiiiont pronmtcr was re ported Hu attached all of ( Jrallu's Omaha IntercHtD A confr.suloci of judKinetit for the full amount of thu claim liaa been entorctl In tlio records of tlio clcrk'8 ofllco. About tlioflamo ilmu Gtorgo H. Scrlpps sued Grublo on a $10,000 claim and Judge Hamcr of Grand Inland BUI-I ! for JI.SOO. 'Iheie tv.o sultB have been dismissed at thu coat of the plaintiffs. Hurl In nn l lt > > utor , Cl'arlcB It Slinmcrman lias uued the Drrwon Dlock company , the owner of ttio WHlmo 1 b'ock , In oil nctlcii to recover the sum of $1,000 damage * ) . Ho allegro that on Feb ruary 1 o ! the present year hu entered tuu bulHIni ; and nteciped Into the elevator for the purpose * of going to thu gocond Hoar , , there to transact uomo Inwlneim Stepping out of the tar at the second lloor , ho tiayn that the elevator caught hl > leg anil cruuhud his foot , ptailbly cilpnllug him ( or life ,