Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 17, 1898, Page 11, Image 11

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L'ay Whcnt Takes a Eoom and is Hitting
High Places ,
July \Vlicitt rollout Cliixi-l ) Hrlittiil
unit Corn nnil ( ) IIN Knuli
Ante a Ili-nltlix
Ailxaiicc ,
CltTCAQO , IVb 15. Shorts In wheat
cailRht It hnrd toil ly. May MOI lld up to
tl.OTH mill closcil ( it Jl.tC'/J. an ailvance of
"vif/1o. / July , hitherto quiet , nlso moved
ut us much ni Olny. Thi-i.Mny prlro ! the
hlKhcut rtniched for that delivery since 1SS1.
It wns nlmo t nltogothcr a Bcaro inarkot ,
shorts liclnff tliotoiishly nlirmed over the
l.ulter Brlp on whoiit. Thuy foun.l great
tllllliMilty In coverlnB. A feature wu * the
iiujltiR nonr thu clb a liy Ix > ltcr liroktrs of
nil the July offetvd. Corn nnd o.itH were
stronif nnd hlKher , corn ndv.incltiB nnd
* it 'io. Provisions were Irregular und
cloHeil ut slight decline : * .
Troiflj i for shorts Inhcit Mns Indie itcil
en the curl ) hofoie the resulnr opcnlns.
M.iy UUP bid up to tl on iiimors of Inr u
tiiKaRctnuiiti of wheat for shipments to
Lisbon nnd si talk of a reduction of the
1'ortuqal Krnln duty. The bullish fooling
was rpitly Increased by mi lntur\lcw ru-
( .xidliiK the Kuroioui | situation by a prom
inent ChkMKO trailer who has been tr.i\el-
In through Kuropc , In which ho confirms 1
the reports of almost unpruocdcntly sm.ill
Mocks , and Bild that Curope IAus dericndunt
on the United States for Its supnlles. Open-
IIIK iprlces for Jlay wheat r.iiiRiMl from sn lc
to tl , compared with yesterday's price of
SSSSlSU'bi' Thno w.lH a perfect rush of
shorts for cover at onre but as wai the
i'isoyosterdu > . almost no was olteipl
for sale. Ins'do of llftrpn minutes bids had
been raised to (1 Ol'/i. This was above call
pilco and for the first time , wheat came on
the market In considerable iU unities ,
miHtly olforln s iiKulnst the e prlvllcRes.
Though I'VoiythliiR offoreil w is taken , prices
Kiir cil off to | 100'4 arid the excitement ,
which hail bi-i'ii Intense , died down to a cer
tain extent. It was evident thf- trade \wi
thoroughly alarmed over the apparently un-
Bhlikable hold Joseph Lelter Ijas on May
w u-at and an announeenent thnt he
has contincted for the mo\liip Of 1WX,0 0 bu.
of his wheat to the scaboird. with the
promised movement of a.OOO.pW bu. more ,
soivcd to Increase the anxiety of shorts to
Ket out. Thlp In fact seemed to bo the only
factor In tr.nllnp. Apparently no attention pUd to the nowj of the blowing up of
the battleship Maine and the usuil news
was colorless. Liverpool < tis , 1 | iJ\d higher
at the close. Northwest receipts were 230
firs , uwalnst "GS a week ago and Iff ) list
> ear. Chicago receipts weie W cars. 10 of
which graded contract The day's cleir-
J. unecB from Atlantic ports amounted to XA-
Ox ) bu For ome tlmo the market tluc-
tuato 1 nervou'ly on a narrow amount of
. trading , but about noon It commenced to
advance again and on this inlvinte out-
J.i H'llcrs mailo tltt-lr Inlluence felt Traders
who have been heavy sellers lure against
purchases In New York a ere fou-d to "un-
stiaddle. " Northwest shorts also c ime Into
the market and helped make tiling ? Interest
ing. About ha f an hour from the clo'O
i July , which for some time p ist has been
compartlvely neglected. Jumped Into Midden
activity. It had been previous ! } lagging at
around SOfte. but hetiv } buying sent prices
lljlng. Most of the July offered w is taken
by the. Loiter brokers. At the close July
hart advanced to " ) Vic. May In the mean
time liad been bid up to Jl.OTM and was
bilnglng tl.OT4 as the closing bell sounded
On the curb aftir the regular .session it
sold as high -as tl. % .
There . \ another big tride In corn and
the market \va ? strong. Sympathy with
wheat rind a heavy demand from shorts
sent prices up sharply early. The market
brv-ko liter on realizing , but rilllcd again
on general buying by "long" Interests and
cosed stiong. 'May ' ranged from 31\c to
LM74o nnd closed \c higher at IHifill'Sc.
Oit was fiilrly active and Irregular ,
though averaging strong. The market
st irted "trong through s > mpathy with
v heat and corn , though he ivy commission
liou'u selling nnd geneial realblng broke
i.tlcibidlj - . The demand became urgent
agiln later In the day. many sellers buying
biuk What they baa previously sold 'Hie
r export demand was again active. May
Hinged from 27ic to U7c nnd closed Wic
higher at i75 c.
1'rovlslons nere active. Heavy receipts
of hog- gave thu market i weik start , but
the heavy advance In grain , the de
mand , especially from shorts. Inci eased and
prlce.s gradu illy rallied. Packers is ere good
buye.rj , which helped prices. Later the
market became weak under roi'lzlng siles
The close was steady at slight declines
May pork "c loner at $11 10. 'May ' laid 2'ic
lower and Mny ribs 2c lower.
Estimated receipts Thuinlny : Wheat ,
cirs : corn , 27. > cars ; oats , ISO cirs ; boss ,
leading full res ranged as follows :
Articles" ! O)3 1. Tilth. I Low , t Closo. ' Ycsly.
Fcu. . . . 1 ( ) l 1 f 1 1)1 ) 1 04W i oo
May. . . Dliy i om
July. . . bll
May . . . : ii' <
July. .
t-C'Pt.- , . a i)4
O tH
Mny. . . J7HBM
July . Siu
1 ork-
May. . . 11 1)0 ) 11 10
J"Jy" * 11 07M 112V , M 1)7)11 ) ) u 10 11 10
Mny. . fi M a 'jo n 1-4 n 20
Jnlv . S ' . ' 0 0 t7 ! 5 ' . ' 0 n ' . ' 7H
May . n us C 2.i fl ' . ' 7W H Vl n <
July. . C 40 S.IJVt o : i. > S 4U
No , :
Cash nuotallons were as follow n :
ri/JUH Strong ; winter-intent" , $1 S0l. 0 ,
utrnlghts , $4 SUM CO. spring' ' vpeclnlii. $3 3..Jii.43 ,
tprlng patents , $4.r.Offl4.CO , baker$3 Wi)3. ) 0.
WI1UAT No 2 Fprins , IM ; ; No. J spring ,
U.03V * . No. 2 led. $1.0314(81 ( Ol'i
COItN No 2 , ! ' 4e.iOc. No 2 yellow , J3ff
SOi !
OATS-No. 2. 27o , No. 3 white , ZS'sW c.
HYI3-N3. S. 43'4c.
HUll.r.Y-No 2. f. o. Ii , 33IT3SC.
rijAXHEi : ! ) No 1 , $1.21.
TIMOTHY SIM' ! ) I'rlme , $2 R'.n2 90
1'UOVISIONS Moss poilf , pir lilil , $11 OOW
1103 , lard , per ICO Ibs , tJ li'4 ' , phnrl ribs , sides
( looi-e ) r > Ujj5.4i ) ; diy salted shoulderH ( boxed ) ,
$1 ISiSSOO cliort cieiir Bides llMixedl. 15 1'iUi Sj
WIllSllY nisillluis' tlnlshed goods , per enl ,
il 1SIA
HUUAUR Cut lo r , 1C 01 j granulated , $3.51 ,
On Hie Produce exchange todaj the butter nuir-
I et was atcady : creameries , US' ! Ilk. dairies , H
W17c ClipCKi' , bBSVjC IKK : , firm , fifth , He
YOUIC i.\uiviT.
iH for ( ho Htiy nit Cit'iiornl
NKW YOIUv , IVb , 1C ri DUIt Hecclpts , It-
J bbls , exports , 13,337 bbls. ; strong and again
higher on tlm choice grades , city mill patents ,
J3 ir.ft 3 9D , city mill clean , $5,40ff3CO , Minnesota
pitents , ! 5.20i-J W , Mlnnenota bikers , $13304(0 ;
Mlnneruta stralgiits , JIWBITO ; wlnttr extras ,
J COifllX , winter low trades , | 2 UOWJ 00. Use
Hour. Him at U.CJS > ,13 llucknhent Hour , steady
at $1 2Vii 1.30.
iU'l'KWlllIAT Firm at 3Sff3SUc
CO11N MKAIv-KIrm , > ellow wontern , 71c ,
HYII-HtronB , No 2 vvi-slern , 5Sc.
IIAUI.IJY HtrongJ feeding 4 < > c
HAHIIY : MAI.T rum. westcm , 5. < ifN7r
\MUAT : Itoceliits , I5,7W Im . eiiuii | , 41CIC
bu , > -i > ot linn ; Nu 2 red , $ l.Citf ! I OuOiitlons
opened strong ut U ? r advance and lenewed
nctltll ) iimong shurts , baiod on May corner
ut Chicago. l ocul traders were bearish and
fought tint advance , causing a midday reaction.
but were Unullyt run In by a second tennutlonal
inhume ut Chicago I'rlret doted stiong and
ltf.iio net hlxier. thu Jailer on July On Jbe
curb Mu > Jumped to JUi"j , No , : rod , Febiu-
ury , $1 OM ; . closed ut lUs'i ' ; May , SSTic ; July ,
t'OS093Uu closed at M\w
ItN-Ue lpt . 7hKio ( bu , exports , 1CO.C43
bu , spot llrm , No 2 , 3bo Options opened
Dtrong and Ho higher on < merlng , naked off
under rvullilnir , but fully recovered later < xi
ucthti buying from outside and other sources ,
closing ? , ( nc net hither , May. 35 13-lCii3fl"tc " ,
closed nt 3CUc.
OATiJ-lletelpts. 43.COO bu ; exports. 07 , 1 CO bu ,
rpor quirt - , Nu 2. JUiVUc. Ojitiului ( Irmly held.
but failed tn follow other markets und clo ed
unchanued ; Mu > , 3lfi31ii- , cloned at 31Uc.
rini-rirm ; bran. 70l > 7I lc , mlddllnj ; , 7 ; /
77hc. lt > f. Cic.
HAY-ijulet ; ulilpplntr , IWKc ; good to choice ,
lIOl'B-Qulet ; state , common to choice. 1S33
crop. 4 < io ; USU crop , 70fc ; 1S97 crop 17819c ,
raiillla i oust. 16M crop , 4Cc | ; IbSO crop , JClOo :
lk'J7 crop 17OI90.
IIIDU.S Stendy ; Oahe ton , lie , Texai , dry.
c. California. HOIt > c.
I.UAIHKIt .Steudy , hemlock sole , 19'5tf20e.
VOOI.-qulet ; lleece. 27tf31o , Texus , 13 > SO
IMtbviSIONrt-llKf , nrm ; family , $11.5W11.75 ;
extra men. $ * OOtfSM , beef hams , $ 'J 50fiJl 00.
racket , i9COilOGi ) . c-ut meat * , steady ; pickled
bellies , tSK4 700 : pickled s'loulJirs , $475 ,
rlektej hams , $7W8773 , llrm.'r. western
stesm , $ .S74. rvtlned. llrm 1'ork , strong , mrss.
1in. * h rl clear. il07i lJ75. family.
Tallow , steady , city , 1 7 03V , cuuutry ,
OILS Rosin , steady ; strained , common to
KOO , $1 | | > { } 1 45 Turpentine , nrm : 3IUPSI\e.
Uottonnwd oil Th < s upwurU movem > nt In oil
rruductii contlnuM , ntlmpulAtPd by mrength < > t
Inni 1'rimo cnijo nnd jrtllow nri" the Kr\Q < < r
chiefly afTeeteJ } prime ctKdo , iJCfe : prime
summer jellow , MtrJJ'ic , off summer jellow , 22tf
2SHc , Inillrr r > II. ZS | 24o
Ittcn-tileady , fxlr to extra , 4fllHc : Japan , C
MOI.ASSKfi-FIrm : New Orleans , open kettle ,
tool tn choice 2iyj.1c.
MITTAUS-Tlie mnrket for metals how signs
nf jHRglng. nlthough quotations nn jet nre not
appn-clRbl ) lower At the cloeu today the Mclnl
fxchnnip called pic Iron warrants dull nl $ rf/ )
& > . lnkt copinT. nrm at $11 2M11.30 , tin fasj
nt ll31.frilOB : Bolter , steady at JllOfllJO. lend.
dull nt $ ? tofrt * B , The nrm nxlng 1 10 feltllm ?
prlfo f p mlnirs nnd frneltors quotes lead at
OUAIIV n'nMn : vi < \nKr.T * .
Coinlllloii of Trnilc nnil ( linitatlons un
Stiiplp nnil I'n n c > * I'rniluct- .
l.V.OS-Oood stock. Il'4fll2c. '
irTTiit-iommon : : lo fair , Sflllc : fcpnrntor
creamery , 20c , gathered creamery , Ijfilto.
VCAt- Choke fnt , SO to 120 Ibs , quoted nt So ,
larva nml coirse , 4I7CC.
DUKSSIll ) l > 01JI.THY-Chlck"n ? , C37c ; tur-
keyi ? , fifttOc , geese , 7 Ec ; ducks , 7iSc
OAMIJ Small rnbbltB , per ilos. , 7Ic ; large ,
! . : . ) . wiulrreU , MTfWe
TIOKONS I.lvc , , Jc , dead plgeonn nol wanted.
IIAY-Upland. $ V.0 ; inlijlsnd , $3.VO. lowland ,
$4 M , rjc ptrnvv , $1 BO , color makes the ptlcc on
liny , light bales fell the best , only top grades
bring top
ORM1HY OeD < l stock , larce , 40c ; small , 230
SOc :
ONIONS-I'er bu . $1 10ft ! il.
HCANS llntid picked nuv ) , per bu. , $1.25
01. TO.
S\ViiT : rOTATOGS-Knntas , 10-peck bbls. ,
$ - BU
CAIIIIACHOood stock , per Hi. l'4c
I'OTAIOUS Home grown , u0853c , western
Block , 7oc.
Al'I'MlS Winter stock. $3.COC3.30. California
Ilcllcneur , boxes , $ l.r,0 ; Colorado * Jonalhnns ,
boxen , $1 73 , Otigon , boxc , $1 2.1.
I'ltAMimillllM l < rses. per bill , $7 00fi7 25 ,
Wlscnnxln Hell siul llugle , $ ; Ma7.73 ; Wlsconiln
Hell and Llierry. JO 00.
ailAl'is-.MalHgn , $3.00RC.OO.
OHANtjnH-Cnllforiili nnvpls , $2 $ 733.K ) ; fancj
cecdllng * . $ . ' . : D ; choice , $2 2' , .
I.KMONS California , fancy , $300 ; choice , $273
\NANAK Cnolce , large stock , per bunch ,
tl OOi(2 ( iu. niPdluin sized bunches , $ l.i2.00.
NUTS Almonds , i > er Ib. , Inrge size , 12813C- ,
small , He , llrnzlls , per Ib , Oiiluc , Hngllsh wnl-
nulu , per Hi , fnncy soft shell , lOidlc. stnnd-
ards , j > ti"c , Hlbtrts , per Ib , lOc , pocuni , polished ,
medium , 6 < if7c , cxtrii large , 8i9c , lurge hickory
nuts , Jl.W'll 10 per bu , small , $125ftl.U per
bu. , coioimuts , per ICO , Jl W , poiinuts , raw , Ctf
5Vic , rousted , IJtfCVjC
I'lilH Imported , fancy , 2 crown. 1Mb. boxc ,
12c , a crown , 44-lb. lioxe , llf/llc , 2-ll > boxes , 2.
UKc per box , California , I'llbbox , $1 00.
1IONI2Y C.iolce while , Uc , Colorado nmbcr , 10
KHAl'T-1'er bbl , $4.00 ; half bbl , $2 2302 .3.
MAl'M : SYHUl' rive-gal , can , each. $ . ' 7J ,
gal cans , pure , per doz. , $12.00 , half-gal , cans ,
10 i'i. iiunrt cans , $3.50.
DATliS llnlloweu , CO lo 70-lb. boxes , Co ; Snlr ,
5 c. I'ard , 9 Ib boxes , 95
CIUUK I'er half bbl , $3 00. bbl , $3.23.
C.ood native steers. C'4c. '
good foreciuai ters steers. 5'4c , good hindquarters
steers , t > Hc , western EteT3 , C'4c , fanij heifer" ,
C'ic ' , good hclftMs , lie , good foiequarters heifers ,
5c , good hlndiiuartcrs heifers , to , good cows ,
5Mc , fair cows , O'ji , cow forcipjarters , 4V4c , cow
blnilipiarteri' . 7c.
Illliir CUTS Hanglns tenderloins , 4'4c ; ribs ,
No 1 , lie , rib * , No 2 , ic , rlbi , No j , C'jc , stcei
rounds , 7c , cow rounds , GViiC , cow lounds , s tank
on , 7 * c , ( ow raunds , Bhunk and rump off , H
trimming" . 1'c , be f shanks , Sc bi ilns , per
doz , 3Gc , bweettireids , per Ib , 12V.iwttslbiends
( culves ) , per jb , 40o , Kidneys , per du30o , ox
tails , ouch , 3c , livers , per Ib , J'jc , heurlH , per
ll > , 2'c ' , tongues , per Ib , 121 ? , calf llxeis ,
each , J5c , calven , whole carctiss or sides , 9c ,
calf held and feet , fecahled , per set , 75e , lendt-i-
lolns , fresh , ISc , tenderloins , frozen , lou , bone
less strluu , fresh , lOc , boneless strips , fiozen , : v ,
still ) loins , flesh , tc , strip loins , frozen , CHc ,
rolls , boneless , 9c , rolls , spencer cut ? , 9c , nlr-
ljn | buttR , boneless , 9c , shoulder clods , boneles" ,
Gc , rump bulls , boneless , GHc , No 1 chucks , ( H ,
No , 2 chucks , 4tic. No 3 chuiks , 4c , boneless
chuck" , 4' ' i , cow plntes , JV4e , steer plates , 4e ,
Hunk steak , ti'.sc ' , loins , No 1 Me , loln , No 2 ,
lOc , loins , No 3 , 7'ic , short loins , market stjle ,
2n above loins , short loin ? , hotel style , 4c above
tjlns. cow loin , ends , Sc , steer loin , ends , 9c
MliTTON Fnncy Inmbs , Sjc per Ib , lambs ,
7\c , sheep , CV4C , market racks , lone , tiVtc ; hotel
ruckn , moit Ho , loln , 8Sc , , saddles , 'Jc. legs ,
Do. lamb legs , lOc. brea&ts and etews , 3120 ,
tongues , eucti. 3c , forcquarters , 5c.
1'orilC Uioisc J pies , 3S p r Ib , dreescd
hogs , S'lO , tenderloins , lie ; loins , short , Gc ,
long , l > Vc , spare ribs , Jo , him sausage butts ,
5"uc , lloston butts , O'/ic , shoulders , rough , 5c ,
shoulders , skinned , C c trlminlngs , 4h < * . leaf
lanl , nol tendered , 5' < c ; heads , cleaned , 40 ,
snouts and ? . 3c , ncckbones , 2c , slip bones ,
2'zc , cheek meat , 3'sc , necls bone" . 2c , pigs'
tails , 3c , plucks each , 5c , chitterlings. 5c , hocliv ,
4c , hearts per doz. , 5c ; stomachs , each , 3c ,
tongues , cnch , 7c , kldnejs , per doz , lOc , brains
per doz , IV : , pigs' feet , per do * . 23 ; livers ,
each , 3o , hog rinds , 3c , blade bones , 5c.
I11DiS No 1 gieen hides 7c , No 2 green
hide * . Kc. No. 1 unlttsl hides 9c. No 2 urecn
s.Utul < hldes. Sc , No 1 veul calf , It to U Ibs , lOc ,
No 2eu | calf. 12 to 15 Ibs . Sc
SHiit * PHLTS Oreen salted , each , 15'573 '
grten tailed shearlings ( short vvooled earls
Dklns ) , each , 15u , drj shearlings ( short wooled
early bUms ) , No 1. each , So , dry Hint Kansas
and NcbioHha butcher wool pelts , per Ib. aotuiil
welrht. 4ii"ic dr > Hint , Knnsns and Nebrnpl.n
murrain wool pelts , per Ib , actual eight , Sfl
4c , dr > tllnt Colorado tUtch - i wool pellp , per Ib , weight , 4S3c. dry Hint Coloiado murrain
wool pelts , per Ib , actual weight , C&4c
TAl ! > U\t * , OKKAbC , ETC. Tallow , No. 1 , 5c ,
tallow , No 2 , 24e , rough tallow , I'ic , white
grtnse , 2't&J)4C ) , jellow und blown grease , I'/tSi
, < t , i
wildcat , 10fl25c : badger , SWiOo , sliver fox , $50 ( XI
St. I , on In ( JciKM-nl tlnrkclii.
HT I/ll'IS. IVb 1C. FIjOUR Quiet and cas > ,
pntenti' . $1 70f4 81 , atralghti$4 35f4 43 , clear ,
$ J9W4 I" , . . m llum , . $ .V50flJ73
WHiAT-Hlgher. closing liSl4c for Ma >
nnd 1 % ? for July above yesterday. &Iay opened
iO higher , advanced * t c more , declined 7i nnd
ihen wenl up l } c , closing with bujers l-16c
below tbo top. spot lower , No 2 red , cash , In
ele\ntor , % ' 4e , on track , 97VjI'JSc , Februar > ,
97c. Maj. $1 CO'ifcl Cl , Jul > , Si' c , No J hard ,
cash. 928930
COUN 1'iituren Hiietunti'd vvlth wheat nnd nl
Iho close Ihere were sellern of May WSi c nbn\e
jotterdny , * pot llrnier. No 2 canli. 2 ! > C2S'4C
February. 27'ic , Ma > , SS c , July. SDlje
OATS Futures llrm nnd a shade above > es-
lerda > , > pol sir mg N ) 2 ensh. In plexntur , 2iic ,
nn irnck , 27Vc , IVbiunrj , 'C\c , Ma } , LT'-.c ,
July , 24 * > lc. No 2 white. 2SO2 ! > VjC.
UYi : Firm at 4Sic bid ,
FLAXSini : ) Nominal at $1 20V4
TIMOTHY Sini ) I'rlnie , $2 702 73
COHN MiAIj-il 43d CO
IIHAN Higher , Kicked , eisl Irack , S9tJCO < - ; on
tra k , this hide , Me.
HAY Firm for timothy ; quiet for prairie ;
pialile $723STSOO tlnntiy. $7:05Tlorf
llt'TTnU htcndy , creamer ) , ISJilS'ic ' , dalrj ,
Sfi r.c
CUflS Firm nt HV-.c.
WHIHKY-il 19
cono.v TIIS 7 o Cc.
MiTAIS Irfud , stronir nt $1C3. Spelter , nrm
at $3 S3 bid
I'HOVlHIONS-I'ork. ensy : standard mess , Job-
blue. $ H 12'4 I/inl. nominal , prime steam , $1 W.
choice , $ ' , Uncoil , hoxodl lots , extra short c ear ,
J5 87'-'iI'l ' U' ' , , , ribs. ICCOiiCJJ , shorts , $ C IJijW
C 37H IJTJ salt meits , boxed ( boulders , $1 73W
300 , extru short clear $ * i C003 73 , rllis , $3. 4Bi
567Vj. shorts , (5750000
IllICF.II'Tri Flour J'.fiM bbls : wheat , 10/XW
bu , c-orn 70 f )0 ) bu , o its , 23,000 bu
Mlll'MKNTSFlour , 4.CCH ) bbls ; wheal , 5,000
bu. ; corn , W.rtA bu , cats , . ' 1,000 bu
HiiltlniiiriviurliclM. .
HAI/riMOItn , Feb 1C KIOUH-Iull western
superfine. $26 'fit JO western extra. $343WIP ) ,
western famll > , $ ! 4Ufl70 , winter wheal imlents ,
$1 8"tf5 10 ; spring wneat pilenls , | . " ) lOtJj JO.
spring wliml slinlghts. $4Ki'505 ! ) ; receipts , .MO
bbls ; exports , none
WHKATFirmer. . Nrl = riM'W.iJl " ' "i ,
rnot nnd month , Jl Olfn ni ? , Ma > . 'M < , 'u'J > * tr
steamer , No . ' red , WstitM.c , receipts. 14 , < M
bu , ; exports IS.1 0 bii , Koulhern , hi sample
. southern , on hrude , 97cl 01
COKN Firmer , mixed. pot , SJl.WSSViC , month ,
33 ( f35Vi , March , 3'V * i''i1ic. . sleamer mlxel
3U4ij34V , receipts , 20" f ) bu , exports , M fiPO
bu . southern w lite ciui , 3l4iJ3"4C southern
yellow corn. Sl flSj c
OAT.S-Flrm. No 2 white , KftMc , No :
mixed , 301(310 ( , receipts , 11,200 bu , exH | < rts , 1S3-
C70 bu
HY1J Firm No. 2 nearby , 83c , No 2 west
ern , 5Cc , receipts , 20,311 bu ; exports , 102,429
bu.HAY Steady : choice tlmoth ) , $125001300
OIIA1N raniOHTC-Itathcr dull , steamers
rpilet : Hteain lo Liverpool , per bu , 3V : 1 , March
ItUTTI'Il Qulel , fanes creamery , 2lc , fancy
Imitation , 16H17c : fanr > ladle , 15c , good ladle ,
HltU , store packed. 1 Sfi He
F.r > ( ! S-Qulct. fresh , lie
rilinSK Htendy ; fancy large. SMttllK * : fnnry
medium , lOglOUc fancj small , l ' ilO'jC. '
Cliii-liiiintl Iliirki'l.
CINCINNATI. Feb -FLOl'H-FIrm ; fancy ;
$1 301f I CO , family , } 3.CK3 | n
WHL'AT-Flrni nml higher. No. 2 red , DJc.
OOHN Firm ; No I mlxel. Sic.
OAT * * Firm nnd hlnliwr. No 2 mixed , 2Se
11YK Hleadv : No , 2. t.c
I'UOVIsIONS Larl. bteady nt II.B Hulk
inentH. nrm at $5.30 $ , Ilaccn , llrm at M
WHIKKY-Slrady < t $1.19.
llt'TTnit-null ' ; Ulgln creamery. 21c , Ohio , 13
018i" dntry. lOc
fil'OnFlrmf hard reflnod , $1.2203.97
KOlit" Frm | and higher at K'tC-
fllliiKB te dyr soo.1 to prime Ohio Hut , SVt
fir n 1 11 HiM-1'lptn lit 1'rliiulpiil .1Iiu-l.-i' ,
ST , I-OUI6. Feb , 16. HecelpU ; Wheal , fif
teen car *
KANSAS CITY , Feb. 16 Hecelnti : Wheat.
lift ) -eight cars
CIIICAOO. l * b , J6 Hecelpts tolayTient. : .
forty-nine cars , corn , 253 cars , oatr. Hi curs.
nfU'TH , IVb 16. Hecelpts ; Wheal , thirty
can *
MtNNKAI'OLIS , Feb. 1C Receipts ; Wheat
220 cars.
\e- > v OrliMinx lliirUet
Firm. Pork , tandard 4iw , ill. Lard , r'flnej
tlorce. ie4c. pure lard. 5K.H\4c. Ilcunj mtats ,
dry i lt FhonMeni. $ 114 T . Mtlex. $1 17'i. '
llnenn. clear Mb Hfl > , K.CIH llnm , choice
suirnr cured , $ S.Ma < > . ? - > .
cnFFni-Flrm. lUo. ordinary lo gwo.1 , $ ' SSff
9 00
lUCB-Flrro : onllnary to goo , 3vfi4je.
Fl > JFll-Extra fancy , $4 6MJI 70. pilfnts , $ l.tO
01 * .
coitNM-x\i.-i ! ta i ; o.
HAV-lTlnie. $1J ( fri3 Tfl. choice , $ HO fll50.
COHN No. ! white , racked. 3T c , mlxeil , 37tf
37VK , jellow , 37c
OATS-No S. sacked , 3l J 5c
AVvnri * CiiiniuUslnii I'liniimii- .
OMAHA OFF1CK , Feb. 1C. I'eople wh ) ex
pected to ec , or wanted to sec. n reaction In
ihls morning's mnrket were sndly disappointed
CViblcs were nitaln lendingnnil higher nnd the
market opened nt nn aUvniicc for Mny nhent
Dl He from Ian tilKht'H Clo o nnd rapidly rose
tn $1. and got over calls enrly In the e lon ,
from vt ilrh polnl It advanced Mrndllr unt"
the clone
Ncvvn laKcn nil nround < the bulllrh side iire-
domlnnted nnd with the world's supply state
ment showIrK n decrease of over MW.nOO bu ,
when nn Increase of l.OCO.OOi Im wns expected ,
and the low condition of slocks In the United
Kingdom , where traders seem lo have been
waiting to buy , being of the opinion that I < cltcr
wculd soon ! > < Icoklntr buhl for n pmcc for Mi
wheat , would Indicate that hulls hud uood buck-
Ini7 for their nrguments , nnd the Icgltlnmte fit-
imllon Is stronger tonight
Shorts hnd n hot time nil day nnd nre very
unllkel ) to get relief from I.eiter until there
hart been n finther advance , Ibclr spasmodic ef
forts to stop the ndvnmc renlne only to get
them In deeper wulcr
There Is n place where Ihls advance will stop ,
but we cnn't advl i > nny shorl selling ns vet ,
nnd liellevo that vvh mt could still be profitably
bought nmt small pcnlps taken quickly.
Mny wheat closed at Jl OH , nmt July nt fOHc
Hecelpts loday , 49 cars ; estimated tomorrow , 45
I irge Interests In long corn were closed out
freely shortly after the opening Ihls morning , but
seemed lo depress the mnrket but llltle , the
nbsorptlon abilities being excellent. Coin In
gradually gittlng Into n working basla of Us
own nnd Is broadening Into n good ppt-culathe
mirkct and Is attracting good traders
Mas corn clojeil nt 31Uo lo 31 e nnd July nt
Hccelpls today , 253 cars , csllmnled tomorrow ,
275 cars
Oals were strong , though n few Ions lines
viciu ro id today , but onls scored nil ndvnn"e
with the test of Ihe procisslon nnd closed nt
:7\c for May nnd 2I5.O lo 24c for July.
ICnusiiH Clt > - Ciriilu nnil 1'rot InliuiH.
KANSAS CITY. Fcb 1C WH13AT MntKct dull
nnd nbout f tend ) , No 1 hard , ! > 2c , No 2 , 10 { | )
Olc. No. 3. S7iMf SVic ; No 1 red , 94fi95c , No.
,3 ! l'Bc , No 2 Hiring , 87QbSc ; No. 16c. .
OOHN Market higher , No. 2 mlxeil , 27c
OATS-Mnrket actlvi' , No 2 white , 23 > 2c.
HYK Market Hrm ; No 2 , 43c
UUTTini Mnrket tlrm , creamery , F.SJlSc ;
ilalr > . 12-uHc
IXSn * ! Mirket nteady , fre h , HVsC
UIJCniPTS Wheat , 1C.200 bu. ; corn , 29,200 bu ,
oat ? , 1,000 bu
SHII'MUNTS Wheat. 28.800 bu ; corn , 32,300
bu , outs , 3,000 bll.
Tolfilii Mnrki't. . . .
TOLEDO , O , Feb 1C WHl'.VT Higher , Him ;
cn h , O'Hc , M-iy , 590 , July , SSUc
COHNctlvc , higher ; cash , 31ic ! ; No. 3 , 3iii- ) ;
May , 31Kc. >
OVT--IJU11 , hlghor. No 2 mixed , 27c ; No 2
Mny , 2Sc. No. 2 v\iilte. 2Uc ; No 3 white , 2Sc
UYi : Dull , higher ; No 2 , fiOVSc.
Cl.OViiISKII > Active , steadier ; prime cash ,
$3LJi4 , March , $3 12 > 4 bid ; Octolwr , $3.47 > a.
Detroit Mil rl < r. < .
DUTUOIT , Fcb 16 WHEAT No. 1 white ,
97c. No 2 t-ed. 97V c , May , Siiic.
CQRN-No 2 mixed , 3.'c
ICX\TH No 2 white31C. .
H\i : No 2 , C2c
I'oorlii 'llnrlt4 ,
1'F.OniA , Fell 1C COHN-Mniket nrm : No 2 ,
23V c
( JATS Market flrm and higher. No 2 , white ,
nominal. No 3 white24t > c.
WH1HKY tl 18
I'll I In do I ph III I'rodncc.
I'HlIjADiiJl'IlIA Feb 10 HUTTKR Stc idy ;
funcj w e tt-rii creamerj , 20JT 201 0.
HUOh-FIrm , Vii. liU.ier , lie > : i t eirby nnd
western , 16c.
SIUL FrnnvlMcolicnt VlnrU'ct.
DecemlM-r , $1 3 ( , May. $1-11 % .
HAHI-UY Steidy , Uecember , 92c , May. M'c.
Dl.snntcT lo tin * Mil I inIM the Coiitci-
of All Iiitcrent.
NIIW YORK , Feb 1C Trading wa-s remark-
nbt > feverish on the Stock exchange today and
all Interest centered In the disaster to the Maine
In Havana harbor , and In the possible interna
tional consequences It cannot be said that the > lng phases of the speculation .during the day
ropresenled any ch ngc of opinion as to thn very
griup possibilities with which , Uip .disaster Is
pregnant. Ttu- occasional checks to th > down-
w.inl course of prices were r ther Ihe results of
questions In the rnlnds cf lurge operiilnrs ics to
their ability to hold the market , or the best way
In which to effect the llqulilallon of their hold-
gin ? Twice during tie day very powerful sup
port vvna forthcoming In the market to check
the tlcellm * . und to combU Ihe successful raid
of Ihe bears That there wns verj large short
Helling during Ihe day was evident from the
strength of the rallies caused by Iho covering
of shorts when ibeturntng point at ttie low level
was leached This was parllcularly noticeable In
pome of thi- greatest favorlti-s of recent specula
tion which have been pushed up to prices ha nib
warrants ' bj their intrinsic value The Knowl
edge possessed hj bears of v try hcav > speculative
holdings In those etorks colored by light imr-
glns gave them confidence In ( lercol ) selling them
down The support of the bulls no sooner ef
fected a check to Ihe decline llian realizing
onTeiH began lo come out again Theie was un
abundant supply of long stock fed Into the mar
ket nil day long , nnd It wns evident ttml the
bulls had abandoned nn Immediate cnmpnlgn for
a rise ns hopelevs How far the speculative
holdings for n , rifp were Uiiuldiitei ] lodny remains -
mains lo be seen U Is sillllch-litlj evident , how
ever , thnl ns Foon ns tliln liquidation can be
concluded prices of securities will "lie left for the
time being to their natural level Stocks which
have bien free from recent manipulation for 11
rise vvero comparatively ! Him today , nnd the so-
called Klondike group , notably Oregon Short
Line , was even aggressively strong , rising nt one
tlmo 6 per cent Thl wsJ on reports of more.
Iralllo opening up for Alaska. Great Northern
) > ri fi-rreil gained 3 per cent ami Denvei pie-
ferred also rallied to last night's level before
thp close Otherwise the weakness oC sleeks was
enl > a question of degree The loenl traction
ntocks were nil severely handled , Metrrjiolltan
Street iRnllwny falling nt one time 9 * ? ! per cent
nnd closingnt a , lora of C l > er cent ; Norfolk A
Western preferred was raided down neurl > 3
per cent nt cue time , but closed al a reiovery
of over 2 per cenl Norlhern 1'uclllo preferred
nNo vleldul nt one limp J'l per < eiit. but re-
coveted shortly Net declines of 2 per cent nnd
upward arc numerous Ihrough the list
Hont were heavy In 8 > mpnlhy with stocks ,
but declines were not so sevpre , rnd the mir-
kpt wns not so active ns that for stocks Totnl
pales $1.4COCOO United iStntCH 4s uvlstered ,
United StaieH 4a nnd HIP 5s , reglhlercd , vverp
! 4 per cent lower bid , nnd the new 4s , coupon ,
Vi per cent lower
The Hvenlnu Post's Ix-ndon financial cable
gram EOS"The sto k markets here were dull
tcdny AmerirnnH were flat on the dlsaMer to
the ballleshlp Maine The deposition bore Is to
regird Ihe matter as n lamentable accident , but
It In feared the United 'States ' ma > think other-
WFP | An > how II la tecognlzed Hint HIP dltnster
irs.iy cct temporal lly us n , fresh Incentive to the
Jingo party , nnd for this reason thp market ,
nfter n tmall lally. closed nt the worst TJio
incident lins revealed omt facial lean , namel > .
thnt tlm bull urc < tint 1ifrf Is murh laiger linn
hnd been supposed Amsterdam has Joined in
.soiling At the fame lime there has al.-o hM > n
bii > lng of n dldlni-tiy goal kind Orand Tnmk
nnd Cnnadn 1'jrllle were synipalhcllcall ) Hat
Copper win strong statistics again snow Ing
small supplies Hlo Tlnto was bought from
licrllii "
Following are the closing quotations of the
leniitng stock" on the New York markel lodny :
, ,
tt Quiiuv. 09ij , Hllnoi * Central , t.r.'ii , I.iku
h > - . re i.O 0. I oulsvllle A. Nujhvlllc is i ) M n
hallan , .3.OO MelroiioliUn. 21,13" , Miin < asi Us
tt Bl Lout . 3en ) , Mlsfourl I aclllr , 5 - , i [ | .
t uil , Kaunas ft Texas prefcrrel , 7 VI ) , N w
\or.c Central , Zl.tW , Northern I'a Illr , . ,
Nwlhcrn l a. . ulo prefenvd. ZO.CJOj Ores n bh a
I.lnc , .4 . Ilendlnit , .sdl. Hock Island , lrCO ;
Ht. l-fliil. ri.WO , Pt Itiui * Omaha , .S40.
Southern pr ferred , 1AW. Teias & Pacific.
4.330. Union Pacific. I M.520. Tobacco. IZ.oex ) .
1'eople's OnK. 11,920. Ccnanll late.1 Onu. g,210 :
General Rleclrlc , 6,1V . Smnr , 29-fM ! Weftern
Union , 5,010.
New \ ork .llonoj Mnrkot ,
Nomlnnl nl 1B1H per crtfl.
cent STURMNC1 KXCHANOK-Stoady. with actual
business In luinkers' lillU at $4.S * > HtI4 M'i for
demand nnd nt $4 4ff4 MH for slxly dnv. ,
I'fftcil rate * , $1 $ SI nnd.$4St.U | commercial bill * .
$4 sn ; i
( lOVHHNMnNT HONDS-Wenk. new 4 . rez .
12SH. couiwn I2SV 4s , . reg , , 1151 * coupon. 114'j ,
S , 1W. Bs , reg nnd coupon ' 113H. 1'nclnc 6s of
9' . 101 ' ,
Closing Quotations on 'bonds ' were ni follows !
U.S.now4s nx. , . , .J . IX 09 Ut M
U.S. now Is con . . ' " ' * *
U 9,4s.roi . . 11 1 IN.C S . . . ; . . ; UM
U.S ID. . . . ' "
U s.'Js rat 100 'NO Pieitta : is . . . 112 <
li. s. * , . . No P.icllle 4s . . . II7 > <
It. S. 5s. coup . N. Y.O A SI. L 4i .107
District 1. ( Ms . . N AW Us . . , .isa
Ala..classA . . . 107 N. W Consols . . . .14.1
Aln..class U 1117 N. W. Deb Si US
Ala , clanso 1011 Oro. Nav.lsts Ill
Aln. Currency. 100 Oro. N.iv. 4s . . . . \7 '
AtclnsoiUs fM O. S. i , Us t r. . . . . l'J * >
Atchlsonna ! 4s . O S It ns. t. r. . . . .Kill 14
Can.uiiiHo.'JiHls . . O. Iinu iHls , I , r. . . 11 a
C. A N. P. t. r. 3s HIVt O Imp us. t. r. . . . . iUH
C.A o fis lit ) Paclllubs oflM .101
C.H. AD. 4 < * , . Roi'llnj 4s . *
H.Alt. I ) . Ists . It. O WlHl 1SU . . St
D.AU G 4s II- St. I * A I. M. O3 \ I ll.l
Kisl ronn Ists . . . 107M St I , AM F Gill 0 Him
Krlo ( on. 4s . . . St P Conols . . . It Hi
F. W.AU IB. t. r. 74 SL P. C , fe P. Is FJl
'Jen. Eloo i > 3 . . 10(11 ( st. i' c A P. : >
G.H .13 A Os . 10 J Soulliorn Hy. Si . . .
O II AS A Uds. 105 S K. AT On . . . . Ill
H.fcT.Cont 3s . . 110 not M . I1' ' ' !
H.AT.C.con cs ! , 10 J Tex Pac. I , C. 1st ! 101
Iowa C. Isls . . 1DJ Tox. P.i3 Kg yds .1.1' '
K P. Con. , t r . . 114H 17. P. Ists
1C. P. iHla.t. r. . . 1'JOVi'U. P D.AO Ists. . fill
La. Now Con. Is . . 10. ' Wnb Is * , 'is 10 ! )
Ij. AN. Unt 4a. . . . no Wab 3ds
Missouri Us too WostShorJ4s
M 1C. AT. 21 . . . in Va. Conliirlos 70 (
M. K.AT. 4S . . . uo Va daferrod
N Y C lain. . . . 117
Ilostnii Ht < ie'1c < iiiotntlnns ,
HOSTON , Feb 16-Cnll loans. 2I3 per cent ;
time loniif , 2'jl(4 ' per cent Closing prices for
slocks , bonds nnd mining shares :
Sun I'miu-l ro Vilnius flnntntliinn ,
SAN PHAN'CISro , 1'ob 1C The otllclal cloiliiB
quotations on mining Blocks today were as fol-
lens :
TT Turk MliUuiz ( Jimtutlonn.
Nn\V YOUIC , IVb 1C Tie following are the
closing mining nuotntlqns !
LONDON. Kcb. 1C Ip4 m Closing.
Consols , my ll'ili N T. Centrii. . , . . .l-'l'l
ConsolH acct ll'JJi- P.'ninyHanl i ill
Can Pacific SUJ ? llutilliiir It
Eric- 13h Mol ( , on. now 43. . ( iil'-j '
KHc'JiU 41'C AluhlHOu
HI. iontral. . ! USVjfr > .iN
MpMcanordnuin- . . 'Jl-4 Orniid Trunk
SuP.iul common. . _ 07'il _
I3AH SILVnil Uncertain 2jil per ounce
MON'nV J'iOSH Pfr cent The -nle ' dis
count In the ui > en niarkei for short bills , 23i per
cent , for three months' bills , 2"s per cent.
Kliilliic-lnl Antcw.
OMAHA. IVb -Clearings , ; SD7C67S1 : bil-
ancps. $187.134 31
CHICAGO , Tcb 1 ClhirlnK * , $19 331,417 ; Nr -
York exchange , r > Cc discount , posted rates , $1 Sli ?
ISO'bli ' > ckH ld ore n little , with Wall Bin * , t
nnil on Cuban news lAlk'y I * COV4 , Ulam nd
Mitch , 143'4 ' , I-jku Strwt I , , 11 : Hlicult pr -
fi'rroil , ! % ; North Chlcneo , 2-5 , Slrawboard , ! - ' ,
\Vest Chicago , 13 *
ST I/H'1S. rob 15 Cle-i ! i-i s , JHMW , ) nl-
ancea. $ UJGTiij ; money , CBS per cent ; Ntn Yutk
exchange , 33c discount bid , V3c discount nuked
NI3\V onUJANS , Teb. 1C Ooarlnirs , ' il.MI.710 ,
Xcvv York exchange , bank pirj cotiimcrchil. tl
per $1.000 discount.
MUMl'IUS. Teh 1C rienriiiKs. $301,517. Inl-
ancis , $72,323 , New Yolk cxclnngo selllns Jl
$1 10 premium
UAljTIMOIti : , I'cb , 1C , ClL-arhigs , J3.R51.02J ,
bnlame , JWI.OC7
NUW YOHK , IVb 1C Clenrlngs , $ I94.TM.SI : :
balnnocs. $8.JCiOC2
IlOS'lON , l < Yb 1C Clearlni'-s , 19.9'il,2l3. bal-
ancew , $ J,440f02.
IMIinvonLI'IIIA , Teh 1C Clearing. J20,237-
053 ; Uil.inces , $ J.10JSGO
I''or 'lKii Fliiniii'lnl.
LONDON , Teb 16 Gold IH ijuoted at Duenoa
Aires todio at 101 70 Indln council bills VNCIC
alloltrd today at Is 2 5-311
I'AUIH. IVb 1C 4 p in Three per cent
icntcs , lOJf G7'/4c ' for the nrumnt Exchange on
Landon , 2Jf 2514 * for checks
linitl.l.N' , Teb 10 ( I > rkes were hc'ltatln on
the lHurhe todaj American hccurltlcs vitre
mm Rnd then lluctuntrd
ritANKPOUT , I'tli , II ) . Ituslnefs v\aa ijulet
tjday on the bourbe American tccurltles were
generally Httady. Northern i'acltlcs prufuncd
\nici-lc-llli St-i'lirltlcH In I.oiiilon.
IX > XDON , Feb 10 Ameilcan srcurltle opened
firm on the Stock i-xehnng. toda > , owing to thn
belief thnt the Cuban dllllcult ) wns rnikd , but
liter they fell rapidly owing to thu news of the
disaster to the L'nlted htntr-H bulk-ship Mump
In Havana harltor On tin * htioet prices wer
Hat nnd there were shirp declines , cuiiecliill.
In L'nlon 1'aelllc , I.ml3\llle Nuslnllle , .Mil-
wnukivi it St I/mls und Norfolk & Western pre-
f i-i reJ
I1OSTON , Feb. 16 The American Wool und
Cotton Ilejiorter vslll su > tomorrow of the wool
muikct. Ihu dullness has becomi ) gieatly In-
tenulllcit The mills which cjimumo 1,000 pounds
of wool or more n sear are out of the market
and lac nmull omern , fiom the very nature nf
thlnnx , could rot make u demand pull ) lent to
keep the volume of tiii .ictloiu ut the UKUTCS
which were reported u few weeks ago , Tin1
mills are now busy grinding up ante-tariff eel ,
In older , as one manufacturer HIJH , to ciuo
the Intcn-Rl on II. In other words the mills
lire HbnwIiiK a fair piotlt on their good ) . toda > ,
becuutu thc > are making them from free wool
.Sonic * of them have already obtalneil Ihn-o
monlhs' oidera nml i-ome have sot enoui ; ' ! to
keep them running until end of Aujun
On a nmrkct as dull us the present It in of
course | mpos lble to maintain prices all ulong
the. line The fates of the * week amount to 1-
WC.200 Ibs doniPBtlc and IsOJ.JSO Ibs forelsn ,
n ultlng a total of S.TjKl.lSO | | i' , agftlnst n total
cf J 115,000 ll for the previous week
The follow Inj ; nre tbo Ipntatlons for leudlim
Ohio nnd I'cniin ) Ivanln llfccea , X nnd above ,
275fJ8c , X29c , XX nnd ndovc , SOffJlo , delaine ,
Wu'31c , No 1 combing , S'ljiSle ' , No - ' combing ,
j'i)3lc MlrblKun. WlKiondn , etX MIc lUuu ,
2lo ; No 1 ItlchlKOn combliiR , 2Uc , No 1 HllnoU
combine , ? Je , No 2 tylchluan combing , 25'rt20' .
No 2 Illinois CLinUiJeii : - , X New Yoik ,
New Hampihlrc and Yi-rmml i"c. delaine ,
Mk'hlgiin , iT' rnunthtU medium Kentucky nnd
Indiana iuurter-blool | rolnblng , 23c , Ken-
tiuky und Indiana thrcc-ellilitha blood combine ,
23B2IC , Missouri yuarUr-bMol combing , 22Sr2Jc ,
M'ssrurl ' ttiree-eUlitlm blood combing , 23T21t. ! ,
braid combing , 21c I-nko and Oeoiglu , 23UJ4C
Texas Wools Spring medium ( lurhcmonthi ) ,
ItOUc. rprlng medium , ttuured , nftKy , tprlnn
medium ( tlx to elKht muntlin , 13'uHo. scoured ,
4SJTI1C Territory Wo iliv Montana line nu-Jljm
and line , IGf1Sc , fciourul , 4 ! > fM ( , staple , tOfj Jc ,
Utali , \ \ > omlng , etc , line niedlum and line , IS
fll7c , secured. IS&OOcj ctaidc , Dj Uc Austra
lian HMurel bails cojublnK. HUpcilInc. 7C072c ,
combing , good , 65'nkSL , crniblni ; , average , ti'it
Uc ! , Queonxlund comhlns. ttu
HI' LOUIS , Keb. 10 \OI.r- ( Weaker , medium
H'.tOW ' , llKht line , 12V K10'C ' , heavy line , 7 ! > O
I3'C , tub washed , JJJjSOc trponl
MVKHPOOU Vil > 18-WlliAT-Spot. ttronj.
No 1 rod northem , spring. 6 * Hid
CO I INiJpot llrm , Aimrlcan mined , new ,
3s M. Armri an mixed , old , 3a i'1 ; futures
wen- steady , K 'bruar > - , IB 4(4dMarch. . 3s Si d.
riXH'll-St Ixiuls funcj winter. Him at On M
I-ondon. I'aUllc c-oait , linn at i
ITtOVIfilONH-Ilfcf. llrm extru Indli musf , CJn
t I. pilme mvre. Kt 9 ] I'orl. . Him , prlmu ri e ,
line weMrrn , 31i 31 , im Hum w t rii , 4l l/J /
IlaniK. llrm at X > 3d llnon. llrm , Cumberlunl
rut , 3ti CJ. thiri ribs , ils C.l long clear mid
dles , light , 31s , long clcnr mil Mrs , lu-a\/ . ! 0i C-l
clear IwlllPJ , 34s , diort clear ba Ks , 2"v t' . ul-
clir" . njuure. Sf'i ui. I ard , prime vre t > rn ,
tea l > at 23
i III i-T Amorlcun , Illicit w.ilic ifl.d col icl
rli'uJj at 4U
TAMilm r\tr \ , llrm nt IDs
It'Ill KNTINi : Iirm nt Jls Ct
HOS1N C mmnn , rt-ad ) at li liii
Receipts for the Day Quito Liberal in All
But Onttle.
Cliulov UF MI > Mend ) , but Common
Mirts I'lill ) III C I'll In l.iMtvr
ll K < i OIIPII Sl n < lull hoou
llrnce lip.
SOUTH OMAHA. I'cb. 10.-Kecclpts for
tln > dajs Indicated were :
Cnlllo. HORS. Sheep , Horses.
February 18 2.G52 fiv < j fiuirt 3
February 14 2m 2irM 4iin . . . .
February 12 Ml 3pni 3 IS . . . .
February 11 1.6M 3 , < W 1,411
February 10 1'US G..Wi 1.91J 2
Fcbrunry 9 2,749 0,977 M'O . . . .
February S 3.S75 O.f.H 8,971
Kebtuary 7 1.7G3 2MU C.sit ) 2ii
February 5 751 5.U2 S.3i2 . . . .
February 1,393 t.ssa 2r,31 21
February 3. . . l.iwa 4,2U CsKiS 1
February 2 3 Ik2 6,112 4.33H 33
1-Vbruiiry 1 2,373 7,3ol > 3,837 M
Januuiy 31 1,33. ! 2.45)0 ) 4,3r,0 , 2
Jnnunry 29 74S 4,527 1,7(8 ( M
Jnnuary L's 1.742 5,010 2,431 20
The ofllclal number of cars of stock
brought In today by each road vvns :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
C. , ( M. & St. 1' . U > -
O. & St. 1 , Uy 1
Missouri I'.u'lllc Uy . .
Union 1'nc'llc System IS IS 10
O. & N.V. . Uy t
P. , 1 * . & M. V. It. U it ! 21 3
S. C & V. Uy 1 I
c. . si. P. . M. i o. uy . . . . H : i
11. & M. 11. U. U 11 27 10
0 , U. .t Q. Uy u 11
C , U. 1. At 1' . Uy. , oast. . . .
C. , U. I. vVi 1' . lly. , west. . 3 G 1
Totnl receipts 110 100 21
The disposition of the ilny's receipts vv.ia
ns follow s , each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated :
Huyers. Cattle.IIoBS.Shecp.
Omaha racking Co til 1JJ is"
The G. II. ll.immoml Co 4IJ 1'JjJ . . .
Swift and Compiny . . . . Ml 1.70 2,27s
The Cudnhy 1'acklng Co sil 2.SJ1 1 MB
P. I ) . Armour , Chicago. . 2J . . . . 1,231
U. Uecke r and Degnn . 2J
J I , C.irey 101
\V. I. Stephens 71
Henton .t Underwood . . U
Kn-bbs As Co 10
Livingston & Schaler . . : u
H. Hamilton : il
1. F. Husz 12
Hurt 233
Movers 200
Chicago 1 * . Co. , K. C " > IJ3 . . . .
Other buyers 233
Left over 300 TwO
Totals 2.7CG G.hJl. 0,304
CATThi : Receipts were several hiiiidted
smaller than on yesterday , but nbout the
snmc as n week ngo. Good to cholc" > cutlle
vvero consplououslj scarce , nut there tvvns a
fnlr sprinkling of fair to very good beeves
and n good many common , warmed up and
enl ) pattly fatted steeis.
HICir STUIJUS The ninikct In gonei il
was not materially dlffcrc-nt from jester-
ilay's tmde. Sucn cattle us the shippers
nnd csporlers would compote for and bid
on , sold reudlly at nbout steady pi Ices , anil
local dressed beef even gel thelt share of
them On the medium nml common grades
the market was siovv and .inevonlv lower.
The proportion of these grades was so large
that local packers weie nil moro or less
Indifferent and bearish. Hepoils from other
points Indlc-ited nbout the same condition
of nffulrs. T < io good tut beeves vvero In ac
tive demand and fully hteady with the com
mon grades slow to 5fr 10elower. . Uuslness
was on tbo dragging order , but most of the
dccenl could have been disposed of by noon.
UUTCHERS * STOCK Cows nnd heifers
did not constitute n very Inrge share of the
tecelpts today , the offerinss Including not
over clgihteen or twenty lo.uls There was
a fair Inquiry from all sources and Ihe
tle4iler grades' ruled fully stendy with the
common cows blow nnd a shade off Veal
calves were very scarce and hi ought nrm
figures. The maiket for bulls , btaps , etc ,
was not nUotably different from yesterday.
not much life to this branch of the busi
ness , thu supply being rather limited nnd
Iho demand mostly confined to yard trades.
Desirable light blecrs vvero readily salable
at good strong prices , but tlesiy stock , es
pecially when uneven , rough 01 off In color
or gr.ide , ruled slow and n shade easier.
KepiesenUtlvo sales :
iiEnr bTiius
No. Av. rr. No Av 1'r. No Av Pr
2 . . 1210 J3 " C ) . 9S1 4 r , S . .12(0 ( $1 13
1..108I ) 4 21 t. . .1111) 3 SO i > 0. . . 12i ! > 3 SO
7 . . .HIS 4 10 10..1J1I ) 4 23 3) ) . . .1311 4 25
13. . .1231. 435 H..1114 44. , 20 . . .1310 4 G' .
1. . . 910 323 1. . . . RIO 3 2" > 4 . .000 175
21 . . 912 3 80 10 . . .10SS 3 81 3 . . .IKll 2 8"
11. . . . 974 3 85 1.1 . 1073 3 83 8 . .112 ! > 3 9)
14. . . 1013 3 i > 25. . . . 9C2 360 Hi. . .1101 ? 90
13 . . 10.17 39- ) 2. . . IS1) ) ) 4 00 . ! . . . .1150 110
5 ? S7 4 00 2) ) . 1057 4 Cl 9. . . 1100 > -
a . , 1117 4 10 22. . . 111.0 . 4 10 21. .11X1 11
11 . 1017 I 10 24 . HOT 310 1U. . 11I > 1 0' .
4 . 1075 4 11 W..1170 4 15 I. . . . ! > M > 13
20 .1197 4 r > G.U7 ! > 41- , 2..1i33 .3
3S . liri 411 ' 3 . . .1HJ 411 3 111 ! "I J3
10 . . 1081 1 20 13..1070 4 20 3S . 1,2 ! ) I JJ'J
1. . .IDS ) 4 . ' 5 1. . 1C20 I 25 3i..l3S'i I 23
11 . . 1230 4 40 U. . . 13JO 4 43 2-f 'Ili2 1 uO
21 . . .1421 4 r > 0..110I 4 20 1..14W 4 50
I.KJl / 4 CO
hiiriis AND iniriits.
17..1319 4 61
1. . . . ? 30 340 1..1100 2 4D 1..1010 2 Cl
l..12'0 271 3 . . . f > J3 3 U ) i. . .1J30 3 10
2 . .12)0 34) 7..U3J 3 CO U..1M 3 M
43. . 919 SCO 1 . 8CO 3 01 1..9CO 3 CT
1 .1170 'I 00 1 . .I3'0 110 1. . ,10:0 30) )
i .CM n oo 2. . . tojo 310 i. . . . > _ & in
1. . . . 930 21" 2 . . . CCO 2 H 1..P1V ) 2 il
2.,1070 2 no 2 . . . .iro j co c . . . j. ; : i v
3 . ! 2 7"i 3. . . . KID 273 1..10IO 2 Ti
1 .1WO 273 1 . . . Ml 271 1..1070 1 8"
1 . . 930 2 65 4. . . . 907 2 90 2. . . . 9D 3 M
2 . SI ! 3 00 1 . . 9TO 3 00 2 . . . 8CO 3 W
1 . . . 910 30i ) ! . . .1110 3(10 ( 10 .1"U J 01
2 .783-310 3. . . . OH S 11 21..1071 110
0. 1171 3 ! M I. . . . 980 3.1) ) 2. . . 'J" 3 SO'
1 . . .10 > 0 320 1..1I30 325 23. . 9S8 323
1 10.W 323 1..12,0 32 : . I. . . 13J ) J J3
1 .029 3 21 1 . .1-V > 3 2'i 12 . . .1133 32)
1 . . . 7t ! > 3 23 2. . .1SI5 . ) 2 > 1. . . . 91.0 ! J' <
12. . 10" , 3D ) 39 . . . 93" , 3 CD 1 . . .69J 00
1 . IMO 3 30 7. . . . 92J 3 T > 5 . . . SI. 3 t"
11. 12T ) 3 J- 1 . .1110 34) ) 1 mo 340
3 . . 1110 3SO 15 . . .im 310 O..lie 340
fi 1110 3 4" , fi . I.MS 3 l"i 1. .l.MO 3 JI
3. 1110 3 W 3 . . .lOlfi ' . M 2..1DU 3 S )
8. 9SI 3K 10 . . .1172 3 C- 2..1213 1 Y ,
W . 10SI 3" 4 . . . KIO 31 , ) 1..IIS ) 3 CO
C2 1031 30) ) 1 1 * > 10 3d 2 . . .1740 1 81) )
5. . . . S 8 3K 20.'Otiii S 'SO C..107J 1W
' ' '
G. . . . C91 3 K > 2. . . "V s'c'o 1. . . . 68) ) 340
7 . ' ' 3. 340 7. . . . Ml ) IS" , 1..7W 370
c S4i " . r , r , . . . wo a 'io M 112. 30
1. . . ffJO 2 "iO 1 . . . CO ) 300 1. . . . 590 ! i " )
1. . . MO 3 R ) 1 . . . SOO 3 W 1. . . . CM J 'A
1. . . . 920 3W 22 . . . 671 3 l/i 1..WX ) 1
9 790 3 G3 3 . . . bDO 3 C5 3. . . . 910 370
22 . 7CJ 370 10 . . . W7 370 1 .1150 II 71
1. . .Vfl 3 73 h. . . . 'M3 .1 W ) 7. . . . 722 3 M
14. . . . 433 3 Sil 1..12 : ) 3 DO 3. , . . < > I lr )
1. . . COO 4 yj
1 . . ! 20 50) ) 1. . . 270 423 . . . . 1 f0
I . . 80 3 BO 1. . . . 10371 2. . . C ) 40) )
1 . . 370 5 ) 1. . . , ! W 3 00 1 . . 11) S 2r >
1 170 5 W 1. . . . ICO 0 7i i. . . . 133 IX )
1. . . . 170 COO
111)1,1.3 )
1 . 1CIO 3 11 1..15.1) 323 1..10CO 3 M
1. . .13. ? ) 3d ) 1. . . 1311 320 1. . , ltM 3 .V )
1 . .1UO 273 1..10V ) 320 I..lli J 21
1 UFO 3 40 2 . . .ICrr S CO 4 . . .IfiU 3 ' , ' ,
2 .132) S3 > 1 . . S'lO 250 1 . . 1330 i 0"
1 1.KJO 27-1 1..1.WO 885 . . . 2 RS
1 . WO 30. . ) 1..1JI" ) 3W 1 . . .1130 ! ' ID
1. . 15:0 320 2..1070 J 23 1..H * ] 3 'I
8..10- > 321 1..1C10 3 2J 1. . 10v ) 12"
2 177i ) 330 1. . . 1210 335 1 . 1C01 3 !
1 . 1510 340 1 , . 71) 3 13 1 . .ICIO 3 II
5 . . I5JI 3 JO C..11CS 351 l..l.'K. ) 3M
1 . . .1110 3 K 1..I1IO 3 C.1
2.,1193 3 00 1 . . IOCO 3 2.1
sTorKins AND rnKnniifl
2 733 Sil 2. . . . 91' 3 W 1. . . 93) ) IM
1 980 3 M 22 031 3 63 1..87' ' ) 31/1
12 10U ) 38) 2S . . . 071 3 Si 21.,1018 3 SI
11 811 383 7..987 390 4. , & 7J 300
15 . 8)1 ) 390 1 , . CIO 4 00 X Ml I ml
22 ' 903 4 00 1C . 731 4 0) ) 1 . . 724 4 14
4 . . . 510 4 10 S. . . . K ! 4 10 fi . . . T3I I 21
21 ! MO 421 19. . . . 031 425 . . . . ) 4 2i
H .912 4 2i 5. . . . 070 123 21 . . .791 ? 1
23 710 425 37 . . .923 44) 12. . 470 I l > 3
31 4C2 4 K 1 . MO 4 M
IIOC11 lUce'pts to lay wre about the lume na
a wreK HK < J in point of number * nnd not a Krait :
leal " 'UferMil frcm > P UTU.I > In th matter of
quallt ) , hood inrillum vvilcht and mlxrd hugB
inaklntr up the bulk of the rPCfiptH
The irarliet tprrtil out rather lnw I'rovliloni
clcisul weak liHtfrduy ami engtrrn mark lH all
openej out lower loday llujera were nil lionr-
l hl > Jni-Hnel , but frlltts f lt etrunit pn re-
fiiHed to ninko urty vetj % jrreal cor.ccimlonti !
I'rlciH wire much the ame a > > CBiorla > ' I
averftKC , not quite Mdovr ua ill the opening ami '
fully a nlclpl lower than > ejtfrelay's very lronn I
Al r llu * maiki't had opened out the trails be-
osmK tolfinlily brtilx , < ] CH > ) lu choice liulchrr
end llfchl luaAi iv 11 from U (0 ( up to ( I 00 Hn 11
! ho.rL.uxlnr packlne Kmloi went at 13 W to
| 1 f3. hut , r.f nn vrftnduy , the fiir ti RODI ) IIOKH
cf oil wdrfhu Huld mottly at K ta to J3 00 , with
the Unx utrliu ; at tlio Ultti quutntlon
TI.e fvcimo ef 'lo falci wm alMut 2o hotter
ill n V utrnlgy nd niarl > l".n bi-tlcr than on
IH -vVflrr 'ay whrn trK l nf the trjdlnn wan
at tJ'C'ii'i' Hn > reM-nlutlvo alc ,
N Av Hh I'r Ni Av hh I'r
r : n ire 3 r n m so 3 M
J1 " ) If I 3 11 , 7j 217 36J
61 , ZH 12) ) 3 Fj W J,7 3 91
U . . ! tJU 3M 70 113 . . S89
71 . 27 * Si ) 3 11 "i . . SI9 . . 3 M
J.7. . . .Sflt SO S VS M . . . 3VI . . 3W
SO .M7 < M S It ! ll 40 3 0
6.1 , I1 19) 3 SS - inor..2.s ? Srt 3 90
(3 SM w s 7 ; s ? im SM
11. . o 100 j ; > tui 40 a < v )
CO . * 41 1 * 70 . . . ZSt 10 3 0
49. . . IM so 3 < : u . . w
il. . . . Wl 190 3 SR SS W 100 .1 " >
41) 1I ( ! 10) 3 ST. 16. . . S ) . , 390
27. . > . . S ( ( IS Jll , , S )
ill SIS 120 3 < r , 71 fi IM s ! > )
9 276 4) 1 $5 67 Tfll SO 3M
41. . . Hi 40 1 < 1 M 2M . . 3 " 0
49. . . .3ft inn 3 ft * 10. . . . , . . . * ! . . 3 " )
) . tu . . .1 r , 11 i 7 . s w
70 ! T 100 3 S7l , IS as . . 3 < >
07 Wl 1SO 3S7I4 87 ? W . , 3 SV )
72. 271 4) ) .117' ' , tf > tni 40 3 9 < >
M. . 381 . . S ilia 15 513 . . .190
M tS"l 10 3 17 * . 71 141 . . 3 0
31 1' ! SO 3 S7V4 74 S4 4) 3 ' 0
40 38S 120 3 17'a 4J 281 . . 3W
SS JJO IM X S7ij SI 2H 10 3 ! > 0
CS 2f IfO 3171. M . . . . 313 SO 3 ! )
CO 3IS U ) 1 siVi 71 241 . . 3 f
73 23S 10 3 S7' . 31 IJ 40 3 W
21. . . S37 Ml 3 17V ( S 261 . . 3 90
iV , . . . 3CS SO 3 S7U 71 2.V ) 40 .115
S9 i 2 . . s 17G 11 : n . . at )
72 570 W 3 17 1)1 ) 179 . . S 00
Kt 2tt , . .1 87 ( , 11 511 IGt ) S 90
41. 3IS 1CO 317i3 73 2M . . 300
ivl 2fi7 4i > 3171 , ( VI 571 SO IM
67 221 40 .1 S7'4 ' fi7 SM . . 3Jl
7i ) SU ISO 3 8711 W SV. . . 3 W <
fi < . . .273 . . 317t4 67 517 . . 3 OS's '
77. . . 2 * . , 3171 , 71 217 SO 3 n'it
CO K > ) in 3 I7ij M. . . . I'M . . 30214
04 279 121 3 lilj SI SO 40 31214
II JOI 40 3'HI OS 221 40 .1 91
SO 201 . . .191 72. . . 212 . . SOI
2-1 21.5 . . 3 D 42 251 . . 3 11
M 2M . . 3 P ) 70 211 . . 3 " 5
Oi ? . . . .214 . . 3 Pi ) 70 2K . . 3 W
< T. 211 . . 3 > ) 71 IK , . 3'0
30 171 * 0 .I'M 47 213 . . 4 W
49 . . . . 'IS . .SIX )
rms-onm AND IINDS
1 40- ) . . 240 ,1 112 SO .1 1.1
4 77 . . 121 1 21 . . 3 M
1 VO SO 3 lit B 3.11 . . 1 SI
S 433 160 3 71 1 11) . . 3 1Mi
1 410 . . 371 4 3.V ) . . 3 S7'i
2 230 0 371 I Ill . . 3 W
fl 21J 4) 37714 2 211 . . SCO
S 2J3 . . 310 fi I'M . . 3 ! )
6 210 4) 3 SO 1 140 . . 1 M
3 410 . . .110 5 2V. . . 190
1. . . . 3.1) . . .1 SO S 1I2 . . 3 9)
1. . . .310 . . .ISO R IIS . . I'D
1 310 . .31) ) 1 131) . . 3 'V )
fi 32i ! . . ,1V. 1 110 , . 3W
D . 27. . . 3 51
SHKUl' Then wn nnothci liberal run of
fheep nir' lnml > today nnd the ueinniidvn
fullv as Rood as It has been lately 'Irnde wn
ln'Mt nnd the matkrt vvni > Mcadv tn n thmli
MruiiRcr than veslerdnv for nil Miltntilr ofli'i
iiiK iver\thlnir was cleunrd up In ROOI ! Beisun
lteire | e'ntatlve pale * ! !
No Av Tr
1S9 western vvether < i IK Jl Jd
211 Mexican vvelheri 102 4 30
4ll western mlxet SI 4 M
IV > western Itmtis f.S r , in
III western IninhH fi : n 00
tff Mrxlcin lamb * 71 ii 21
W western vvelhcM > ! 4 21
121 western wcllu'i 12 4 21
2) western > eirlliiBS ? J 1 71
2in tock Iambi K T , 01
rltrek Inmln ri ' , 0) )
261 vve tern lambs ni T > 10
211 we > tern lambs I'.S ,1 11
211 vvealern vvcthern 91 4 : u
31 western jearllui s VO 4 4)
217 western lambs St I 10
S ciilln . IM 2 0)
2 western bucks 110 31' ' )
1 ! > ! western wethers . . . .Ill 42) )
1 western wether T 12 4 21
3W Mexican mixed 'I'l ' 4 ' 10
'i7 Me'xlcan lambs 1C 4
2.S Mexlc.m lambs SI 410
4l2SMexl < nn btnitts , . 67 1 2i )
r , western lambs 123 5 II
CHIOVCO i.ivi : hrociv M viucirr.
( JoniTlll DullnrNH rri'vulls nnil 1'rli-rs
Hiil k I.itvvi'r.
C'HICACiO , Teb 1C Siles of cattle today wen-
slow , choice shipping and ex | iit cattle exeepted ,
and prices for steeis too poor In nuillty to mei t
the wants of exivorters were lariels n dime'
lower StecrM sold larsely nt fiom $4 2 > li > { 1 . '
Ihe commonest lots Kolng for fit in $3 SO to Jl
while exlra lot vveie about nominal at from
Jl 40 to 51 " 0 , only n fewofTuliiKs beliiR cliolc.
enough to fetch J.1 21 Native canulni ; lows Fold
at an extreme ranse of fixim J2 to $2 90 , Tc'w K )
Inn below $2 10 Hulls sold largely at from Jl l <
$4 , ami calves went mostly at ftom $6 $ to 56 vl
prices being about 21e lower than last vvi'el.
Tin ) and fi eder Imle wus fulrlj active ut
from Jl to J 1.1.0 , vvlth an occaxlonil 'aleus low
as J3 30
There wan n reictlon In hogs an ! prlceH avcr-
aued alwut 'e lovv'er iroii fold all tin ? wa >
from J3 SI foi the- poorest up lo Jl 1,14 for tin
best he-ivy weights , tbc greater part eros lnpr the
Fonlcfl at from J4 01 to J4 12'j ' , while iilgs Hold
larnely at from Jl.CO to J3.'I3
Hccelpls of cheep and lambs were exceptional
large and trade was late In Ketllnn Btaited
prices rullnfr weak and about I0o lowe'r , slieep
sold ut from JJ to flC3 , > eiyliiK ] > hcen at fiom
J4 V ) to Jl and lambs at fioni $4 0 to Jl 60 , i nils
\\clqhlnj , " fiom 13.1 lo 170 Ibs fi'tclilng ; fiom Jl
to J3 21 .Sheep sold prlnclpilly at from J3'10 f
$1 TO an 1 lamlm sold mosll ) at J3 and upvvird
HecciplB : Catlltf , 18,000 head , ho s , M.OW head
sheep , 22.CCO head
KIIIIMIIA City Mvi Stnc-lr.
KANSAS flTV , Mo , Teb 1C C VTTM7 lie
celpw , 7 DM head natlVM , 3i Head HOti'beiii ,
choice shlpiiliiB cattle , deads to ptionR , mnlluin
Blow to We lower , COVVH und heifers , stc-ulv ti
lOo lower , prime heavy-fed cattle , strnni * : , ollu rK
einy , Texis and Indl in steeis , steady. Tiins
and Indian teers , J3 WjT1 ! M , Texas mid Indian
cows , $ iSMJ3S7'4 ; native steers , $ ? 71Sill7"
hltrlicst prk > - Blnci- December , 1850. wtdlern
steeni , J1J3B4G3 , native cows and heifers , JJ 1 >
4l 25 , stickers and fei'ders , Jl iift3 20 ; bulls
Ji Will 73
IIOCIS-Hecelpts. 20.700 lieul , tnirkot opnnid
steady to f > c lower than Tuesdiv'H close ; < lor > d
easier ; liulk of sales J3 Slffl 0heav ) les. J3 SJi fi
4 01 , p u kers , JJ SOfi I 00 , mixed. J3 lil Oi1 j
llKhts. J3 70IT3 90 , vorkera , Jl S Hi'l 00 , pics , JI&Mf
3 SI
SIfIii' HecelptK , 2 roi bend imit" > t nellve
ste uly I inibs , Jl 731(3 ( 15. muttona , J3,73tl 30.
ivl. I.lllllH 1,1vlMoi'l. . - .
ST LOUIS , IV11 1C CATTI.I3 RevelplB , 2tfO
head , plilpnienlB 1,10) iieid , n.arket Hie idj fur
mtlvel and lOe lowei * for Texans , fair to fine'
native Hhlppitn ; and export steers , Jl 2 * * ? ! 1"
blllk of pules , J4 Mfll 15 , dre-ised h ef nnd bllli-li.'r
Meertf , J3 S5Jf I 85 , bulk oflies Jl 00111 * J1 , steers
under 1 WO Us , J3 21fl'4 CO bulk rf nles. J1.10TD
431 , sto"kers nnd feeders , } 2 Sn TI JO. bulk rf
sales , 13 rXM4 30 , cows and liclfers ( jM(7IV > ,
Texius and Indl in steers Jl 2.H74 Vt bulk or
snles H . " 3WI 21 cows and helfen $2 inf(3 21
lICKi * IlicclptM 8800 he-id , Hhlpment" S01
held , inaiket weaK lo r o lower , liirht , fi 95I '
403. mixed , J3 8fi I 00 , Imti Ih-ra , flOO'l12"j (
SHnni'-Heeelpts , 1,210 head , Milprn MIB
none , marKe * Htrons , nillve millions , WOOfTI7fl ,
lambs , ? 3
InilliiiinpollN Live * Stml ; ,
T50 head Fhlpment" light , low nnd leiidenev
In the maiket for medtum CMI < S of Meors nnd
stcjckers , Kcod to primp steers , f4 F55:3 * : 25 , fair to
medium steer * . II rni ? 4 73 , icmmon to good
Mockerx , $2 75 1 .30
imiis IlecflplH r,000 liei 1 shlpm"iits , If01
hw I irniket ncllvc nnd stp-d } , grod In cholcp
medium and heavv , $ l IOfi-1 15 , mlx d and \ \ - - \ \ \
packlm , ' , tl OWI 10 , ( rood to choice Ilfrfits II 0' ©
4 12 < * common lights. II Win n.
SMIII-I1-lltuPint * . IlKht. rlilpments , nrne , all
sold pirrmitly lit stendy pilecv. rnniied $2 25 for
common sliccp to $1.75 for common to me .Inni
ins : ( Iliillnlo I AMHlnclf
I'rbnn to fxlrn wi'ilnflnlkhid i-xpoil cttcru ,
* 3r. 535 ; giKxl to tlioln * fat r-nniu- sii er <
II'Oi/IK ' : , . choke In smoxl ! ' fat li-lfiiH , ( I Vn
4 Vi , fair to good m'ved ' Mililivni' wtiKk , $ J 50ft
I ifl , cfHKl fat conn , $3 ir'i'1 Oi ) , eummiui idd lows
f2 | ) fi2S5
IfOasYorkerH I.IHH ! to rholi. . . . $13 11)
I lUKhf , common to rholrp , $1 TiCfJS 70 , plffs , e > MI-
mon to choice. $1 15ft 3 75.
L \MIIH-nmlro to exlrn , $3 SOfiS 90 , culls tn
common , $5 00f(3 ( 10
. ' Unni'-Cholco to Htleclrd wetherii , II Wtfl 70
> IMV Vurk IlSlocl. . - ,
NKWJTIIIK. . ivii i6-iiiivns-npcciptB : ,
1 C15 head , HHirs , lon mil weak , roiiKh butch-
pih * t > tock and cnUov llrni l iirtppin cables
nuoto Amerlinn stein at 105Jli'Jc ilrefseil
we'Bht , rf frlperalor beef at lii'J'ie ' IIPI Ib ( x-
liorts todj , 140 FIP P 4100 ipiaiti-iH nf beef
OAIA'B0 On ' le 917 liwul : nrll\p an IInn. / .
all srld veals 14 ' 0177 50 , few nl $7 7 !
ri' AND LAMIM-HeielpIs o .00 head
and 'Wli hlKber , about ' 00 head nnsoll.
shefn $ ' > flOfl ? 00 , Iambs. 5 WJ < i " 0
MOOS llccclpts , 7.926 Iliad , bltlnr at $ ) . : ogi
Cliicliiiiiill ll-e Slock.
riVfl.V.VATI , IVb -IIOOH-Actlva ut 13 40
134 15
I'ATTI I f-teady nt $223Til
SIIiii' : > nt $273W4C5.
LVMIlS-Dull nt II " 0-7/3 73
StiM-K In SlKhl.
Hecord of receipts of llv < > Bto < k nt the four
principal markets for rebriiary 1C
Cattle HfiKH HllfCp
Oii'iia ) . i. . , . 2,652 C.MD fCt'\ ' \
ChlfBRo . , . 1SOOO Hfft > ) * , 0
Kanias City . 7.900 2).7liO 2 COO
Ht I-ouH . . . 3,160 S.WO 1,20
Tot n la . , . ,32,332 74i)0 ) 32410
OIL CITY , Teh -Credit halanrn , C7oer -
tllloi'UInner / , opened vvllh 7.lo bid for imh nil
and Ilrtt taloH nn at that llxurv. During Ih"
lay sales were HI follow : ( Mh oil. 5.0CO lll
atff , (00 bids lit 7lr 4,0rt ) bb ! nl 7C'iC
3VM ( bbl at 74i'je. ' 1.10) 1,1,1 * nl 74c , 13 OM Milii
ut 75e , II. 1X0 bbl at 75 0. t.WI blili nl 7'0i
cloned 701,0 bid for cash oil. tntM inlet. 43 ( ' )
bll , eblpinPnti , 17I.CI9 bids rim > , 11 < G.I > 1 ] bbln
SAVANNAH fla . I'Vb 16 - OlIJiHililt * of
turpentine , tlrm at 32'ic , rales , 37c rfi-lnlH. 3V
I'I' .onln , llrm , Mle , 175 * . bbl . , recflpu JOJI bl In
I' 'livingA n c D , ii in i : ii 25 r . u so
U , II 40 , II , II 00 I . II r K II 75 , M . | 1 M ,
N II Wi W O . 12 W W 12 25
CUAHLIISTDN , I'VbOILH ] Tiirpentlnn
llrm at 32o bid na JCH Itonlii , llrni und un-
thanne'L no jali-n
NI\V youic , IMI -cmni-optinnn
openetl litcndy at imcliantfed pilc , a , rul I nubt
but ntead > with vllKht upward tvmluncy on fa
vorable iurr : , < Miti Hewn smaller Ilrarlllan le-
crlptK | ncrea fd I'nlted 8tute nurchoutt. 1 >
Ilierlfn rnd imii'joililon of local bean In ei
Irnd their lr'fn | , at prt-ufnt low r.v | cloaid
fleuily ut un liant-ed prlet to Ii imlnlH net a I-
vanrr ; talta , 5,7 J bairs , Including Jlurih at 15,70.
, I'nllrd States stock. 7 < , iH lAfloat !
for the t'nltrl State : " . 3IJ.OO > lmR j totol vlnlbla
for tbo L'nlte.1 State * . USI.Otl baKrnln t 7H ,
548 bnpr * last > cnr and 4 . .f H bngs In 1496.
SANTOS. Vfb 1C CVKKIJK Stcn 1 > i BOvvl n\-
crneo Snntivx , ,4C > i i ls , receipt * , U.CvO
utocW. svo.\\ ( IHIK *
llAMUUlia , Pcb. -COVPHK-Opn l < sl
hlKher , nt S W p , in , unchanged to U 'fe net
hlKher , snlcs , 1 < > ,1 V baps.
HK > niJ JAMIIHO , b > b -itiKKKK Firm ;
No 7 Illo , ,175 Hl , oxehiiligp , 0 * d , reclpts. .
lW IMIR , tleatril for the 1 nlteil Stnte * . SV1)
bans , cltaird for llutope , 2.0iX ) IURS , tt H.k. ISo-
Now \ orkVlunt Vlnrl.i-t
XI5W M111K , IVb -lipvelopments ! In \\\\e\t \ \
late this iiflctnoon v\rr - of M somewhat i'i i-
tloml oiiaricter After tl htlni ! the Imrd nlnx
tendency nil da > the local trowd a ll.inlly
ccrnertd nn ' forced to | u > n sharp mlinmp In
thn InM ten mlmilm of the tmrion , Jui iuiii (
prl.p Hfl\c to i v for Ma . with n nli # -
( punl ilw to It OO'J on the curb AltendliiK this
ImlKv wat no s tiMnv that win at In cbli no hud
turn rlevntiM to II 04i Nelttur cable * nor
home crop nen * hnd tin ) m-ilirlal lullu n > uxn (
toda > 's mailiet The II Minn disaster wim
niiiull ) without ifTect , nlthoiiRh lulur l > cr T-
IIIK > i pr f iind ImpreMlon on 'HIIIMKP i onr t *
KlilIlM vme much stronRrr. putliuiaily i.uii ,
uhlrli nlvnni'oil nlmtil 1c prr burhel report ' "
ter t vvns I btho muntlonal .id\.ui . , .
, lul > wheat showed pirtli nlir > lr mth on \ \
I'rlntf. and eo ! cd Sie hlKhrr thiin lai t nlRlit
vrhlUi IVtituar ) and March rlumvl I < ni2i hkher ,
Ma ) cli , ln oillclall ) at Ic ndvnn p
N Morlt llrj liiiiuls llurl.ct.
NiVnllK : , reli IH-1,0-1,1 ilr > Kioda tellers
complain of comlmied lnaitl\ll > , Tlipj ari
pl > i ed , however with tlu < turn vvhl ' ! i has been beottoiix. . stnuiK conditions In both
brown and bleiuhed RO < HS IHiiB tppnttp ) . VNlth
iidliilices ft oin tlnv to dn > All t IMP IhliiRs
act us stimulant t > the marUet Hut there t *
no Imrrnro tc < the demnnd notiil llu\on In
the nnrkit me few In mimUr nnd tlm linvo
been luikvvnril In taklmj KIUHN Mall , nl rs ,
as n rule , me inoir ubftnntlnl In pi nit ddhs
tlo mniket It ipiotid ulronner Tine me n i
ncttml iiuutnblp inlvnnrp * . but tin fm I lhat
extrnn ale hard o nb < > iln i\n fu t\t \ i d < -
llveijut 23-160 , I * In Itjilf u ilucrful detail
Nnw oni.mNS , ivi > iii-Hiuivit-M-r T :
uppii kettle , 2'WIV ' tcnlrlfiiKal Kinmiint
| Vc , whltoM , 11,1/1 7 Ifo , vpllims , 4ii4' ' e c -
ntiilsfT1 15-Uv Slolas o , open Kiillc | ( t
fie. centrlfUKil , 51fl1e , s\rup IMWJp
Ni\V : V.OHK , IVb lii-KtldAlt-llnw ili-n ;
fall rillnliiK. 3 IIUK 96 ittt 41 ' ,
Kilned , tlim iimhid , , t , powdeiul ,
uninitiated , 5' c. mould A , " > 'je , ttstidnril \
3He cnnfirtloiuMs' A , .T-,0 , cut loaf , fi14 .ml
Ciilll'di-iiln llrloil
Ni\V : M1UK. IVb 16-l'Al.llMIiNI \ | , M
ritrns Apples llnnir , oilier Irullo -
nvnpnmtPil apples lommnn , r.lfii i pi Im
tiiu- , slj < , W < KN ! diled iirlnip , 8'io , ill it .
Intiiv. UliHio l > iiines J iv Aprieits It
'i1l7'jo ' , I'mk , 9llli | IVaplios , Hipsl I
9t , pet Ifil , K' < i20o
Till ; IIIIOK 4 ItOI * 4) ) ] < ' IST. | )
V TlnrKcil li'-i > nni > front the I'l ( < -il-
liiK5 < -iir nnil tin' Iti'iiHittiH fur II
All earlj nunjbcr of the I'nlillshers' WeeUly
ftlvcs each > cnr a resnnio of the honk tr , i
of the pieccdliiR , which , tliouixn l-i-
tetnlcil prlnurll ) for pti'Mlshers , > it 101-
t'll'is niattet of interest to leaders In g i-
In 1S17 the number nf hooks Issued In t'i '
publishers cf the United SlatM \ \ asI.U's , .1
Ii ss num'oi r than bus been Issttt i In .uiy
previous jcar flnce 1S93. In that .vcni r. 4sl
books wore uubllshcil. "Thu proinlhe of , i
still lunreaslnt , ' vo.iune of publk.itlo i , \i\\\ \ \
which isnrt so hoj efully rloacil , " sijs th
Pdbllsbria' Weekly. " as not fulfilled m
1807" Tnnt It was net , the I'lltor asi r L s
tu the ilu' , j over the tarlrt ; when the 0,1115
ley bll ! i\as passed the Reneial tension bilti ;
tellovtd , tluro wns .1 pirfecl llooil of boo'\j
'luring ! o last six months of the
The number of bonKs of ptniunonl value
Is rcpr-ted. as iniusuallj laiRe , " Inileei ] , few
otltef jcuis In the hlstorj of the hook t.ailo
have si > inunj Rood vvurks to their credit "
It Is. ] i | M33iit to loirn that this Increase in
the iiumbor of really gooJ books wns ac
companied by continueil pie pcilty for the
In ISnf , tl-e publications amountcil to 5.703
volumes , In 1S97 to 4,9.3 ! only. Thu bhott-
HKO was iluo Inrficly to a decrease In the
number of Knqlisli novels republlshcd here ,
In ISflG these amounted to G'JO ; In 1897 to
barely half , :152 : all told The Imputations
of ill classes rf books were proportionately
the < svnii as hitherto ; but the nun.ber of
Amc'lcan books mauufauturi'il was much
larger in proportion tn the total output , be
Ing $3.300 out of fl,70J In IS'jfi , and 3US : out
of 1,928 In 1897 rot only a larger actual
number , but nn Intrcaso from BS to t,7 , pot-
cent of thu total number of books pitbllslud
The Publishers' Weekly divides the publi
cations of the je-ar Into nineteen principal
drpirtments. In each of these , except theol
ogy and religion , Juvenile ,
and mathematical Bclencc und in' i
tal and moral philosophy , there vs
r. falling off In the number of
books puhllsbcj from the number pub
lished In 1S9(1. ( "The figures In ( lotion uui
moat noteworthy. Novels from all sources
pr nted or Imported In 1897 vvtre only 8-JJ
to 1,111 In 1890 To thet > e , hunovur ml '
be added the .ir > 9 juvenile works , as the ir.i
Jorlty of them were wholly uns'iltnble for
children's i calling. "
The principal chatiKCH In the other depart
ments may bo set fortb hi lolly. On theo
logical and religious MihjectH 400 books ap-
noareil In 1S9G and 192 In 1897 ; f.m . law beaks
weru published In 1810 , a.s against 50 : ) In
1S97 , CS2 books on literary history , as against
llfi ; 293 books of poetry In 189K and 217 In
1897 ; 209 hooks nf memoirs nnd Mograpby , as
agnlnst 205 , 177 on flno aits , as against IIS ,
and 2S4 on political Bcluncc , n against 19i !
Of the 4,923 different publlcatlorn , 3,1118 , n
has been said , were prod moil by Amcil > i
authors and manufactured liero ; 105 pio-
ducel by foruUners , were manufcc n ( d here ;
and 1,115 were English v\orks , Imporu 1 IH"-Q
In sheets or bound. More than one imc H > ref
of thu Kngllsh Importations uorn of nu/els
In Great Hiltaln the number of pu 1 0.1-
tlons of 1897 exceeded that of 1890 bj l.S'd.
Of thcso 0,241 vvero now hooka and 1.I/S2 new
editions. In tbo departments of law ait
nnd science , vojagcs , traveln and resear h
nnd "miscellany , Intludlng pampbletH lint
not sermons , " there were losses , In < ne y
other department , tbcro was a decided a n
In 1S97 over tlm output of 189R In IMiji ,
thirty-eight new novels were puhllshud evt y
xvcek , or more than lx a day ,
Kraucc , as well as Great llrltuln , ref di
an Increase lu book production , the number
nf "books , musical compositions , cngiav-
IIIKS , " being 13,799 In 1897. eompared wl 'i
12,7.18 It ) 1890. Of theao 13,799 , bow over.
0 OSS vveto musical Lomposltlons , nml 1 d71
\\arti c'jigrnvlugs , the number of lookd wan
thus 0,013 Although no details are obt3 < i-
nblo , It probably will not wrong the French
puhllHhcru and book produtcrH to asiuniD tint
llctlan composed a large proportion of tliccu
C.OUO bookn ,
c , c. ciiuisTn : , K j. BTIHJKT ,
President. Vice I'rcsl lent.
Clifistie-SireBt Commission Co
Clip 11 u I , ) - ) , ( ) ( ) ) . ( ) . Kill I , I'nlil
H. E. PENNEY & CO , ,
11O Board of Trade Bld , Omaha , Neb
IJiauch Oniri. IMS N Si Lincoln V ih
Stocks , Grains and Provisions
1416 I'arnara Street , Bisjinint.
01.1) COLONY IM IlllCMICVI.I ) ) ,
Miinlxtrn Chicago Hoard of 'Iraik Unto l'C .
Crain , Provisions .ml . K. Y. Mjc'is
Orders CUHI ! nnd Kuturo Dollvcry Hoil i I
Uiiialiu OllltiiIdioiii 1 , N , 1. I.Ifc Hill ; ; ,
. . . , 'l'lionc 1)111. )
I.'I.O-il ) J , G.UII'lli : * , ; . . Uiiniicrrr.
JAFrlES E. BOYD & GO , ,
Tuluplionu 10'M ) , Oniuliiii NJ )
IIOAII ( ) Ol > TltAUIl
Dlte-t wires to Chicago and New Ycrlc
Correnpondcntsi Juliu A. liVarrtn A Co.