Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 16, 1898, Page 11, Image 11

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    r WEE : WEDJO&DAY , FEBHUAK.Y 10 , isns. H
Mfty Wheat Now Advances Nearly to the
Dollar Mark ,
tbln KlMf In flip Market IN
, \rtlif > mid SlrotiK , Onln Hnpc-
cliillj shouliiK it
Ail * mice.
CHICAGO , Kcb. 15.-May whent todny na.
vnnccil to within a Hmall fraction of the
dollnr imrk nnd closed strong \vlth a gain
of Hie over yesterday's figured. The nd-
\nnto vvns due more to thennxlcty of : short-j
to Kt out tlmn to the ncu The Impres
sion Increased thnt whent In jiretty well
tied up by I."lter Interests. HvcrytlilnR
clHo on the Itoor was nctlvo nnd strong. Corn
closed " 40 hlKhct nnd o.iU Tsfflc hlgihcr.
I'rovlslona nilvnnccil sharply , but rcnctcd
on rcnllzliifr , | iork closing COa hlBher , lard
nnd rlln unchanged.
For n few tnlnutci following the opening
In whent It looked us If the dollnr murk
for Mny was nt Inst to bo renched. There
v na hnrdly nny whent offered for snlo on
tif | curb nnd this condition nlso prcvnlled
wncn the Jegulnr innrkct opened. Reports
thnt I cltcr hnd contntctert with the I-eblsh
rend for the moving of 2,000OCO btiiholq of
ihln whent to the HPiibonrd cntno from New
York. They wcro not BUhMnntlnted , but
tie report lapldly sprcnd thnt Mny wheat
In almost completely tied up by Lcltor In-
Iltiencci nnd when the market opened there
wns a rush of anxlotis > shorts to not under
cover May , which closed yesterday at
liSlMiBS'ic , opened todny nt BS c to ! ) ? Hc.
JJvcn at this Bubstnutlnl ndvnncu the
kcl was nlmost b.ire of orterlngs nnd the
ptlco was bid up Htendlly to O'lijc. A pecu
liar feature of the mlvanco was the num
ber of stop IOSH orders In w'lort w
Wlirnt hujmn to come out after "call" price
( Ki'dt ' ! ) hnd been piiKsed , but ofCorlnjrs were
t utterly nt'cepted and the market did lint
lieHltnte much until ! t9\c bad been reached.
Thin price brought out a lot of from
commission houses and May dropped bick
to y\c. \ There It hung for a time. The
Views of the day did not especially fnvor
rlthcr slde < thotij-h more bullish than
Ish KortliweHt reoelpts were Sffi cars ,
ngnlnst 42 last week and 21(1 ( a year IIRO.
Chicago receipts vveru BCventy-elKht cars ,
"f which six were of contract grade. Liv
erpool was up CsTlTMl for futures , but c.ish
prices showeil nearly nil of yestcrdiy's ad-
v.ince lost. Argentine cables lepeatid > es-
tcrilny'u reports of poor thrcfihiiig returns
and lower i-xpjt table estimates. Liverpool
receipts for three dnjs were only 8S.COO bu.
UradHlTot'B whowed W1 , < XX ) bu. In
thu visible. I2\port clearances from Atlan
tic ports were rather small at 17UOTO bu. A
little before midday the price shot up again
Under a renewed demand from shorts and
this ( line May pot to t' % c before the re.ic-
tlon came. Letter had Bold no uncut during
the day. On the contiary. ho was credited
with buying a little. This , mlded to the
1 > plef | that he Is In control of the May mar
ket , started buying1 ngnln At midday
the price bud reacted to M'-ic and for the
rest of the session the market fluctuated
between that figure and fl't dc. At the close
It was bringing 03 % < nS9"jC.
Kor the drat two hours business In corn
was exceedingly lively and n sharp ad
vance was recorded. Heavy buying by one
of the elevator concerns started the tnarknt
strong and general buying following the
advance In wheat and provisions prices
moved up rapidly. The advance brought
out free offerings , which were fairly well
absorbed and for the'rest of the session the
market ruled steady. Mny ranged from
.lie to SO c and closed He higher at nO)4@
Oats wan strong and fairly nctlvo on
sttength In other markets Urgent bidding
advanced prices steadily for a time. Many
longs also Increased their offerings. Later
there was some reaction on realizing , but
the market closed steady. May ranged
from 27".c to 20 c nnd closed % fTlc higher
nt 27W27UC.
There was n broad general tr.ide In pro
visions. The opening rather unsettled
Imt higher. Heavy commission ( house buyIng -
Ing and sympathy wlthi the wheat strength
resulted In , prlct'6 advancing sharply , es-
followed by
free re.illzlnp. u good deal of < UUng. . '
credited to packers ; market closed rather
i-.xsy. Mny pork 20c higher nt $11.13 , Mny
Innl unchiitiRL-il tit $ " > 20 , nnd May ribs un
changed nt $3 SJVi.
IJsttmuted receipts Wcdncsd ly : Wheat ,
40 cms , corn , 3J3 cars ; oats , 150 cars ; hogs ,
33,000 head.
landing full res raiecil as follows :
' '
Articles..I Opoi. | HUIi. I Low. I cToBe'.T'vmt y
Fob 1 01) ) 1 DO I no i oo i oo
Jl ill- 1)1) ) ) ) ) ! Til , 08 ( .
Sept . ni
M.iy . . .
* lny 2'O ,
July , 21'4
Jl.iy 11 ( ) ' . n : n 11 Ol 11 Ifi 10 B.-
July 11 ' 'il 11 .15 11 10 li 1C 10 ! > 7h
May . r. ui fi 'J7Si r - > i ) i n 20 5 ' . ' 0
July . B II7W 0 . ! . ' a 27 s .to
S'iHlb ,
May . - . : 7 n ID r.'i < 4 n r.'h S2W
July . . 5 IM r as r. .iH 0 40
No r
Cash ijuotntlonn were as fol Ion.s :
rijOltll iitroiiB , winter patintii , 14 SOO4.00.
stralghtH , fl30iil(0 ( , spring specials , ti U ) ( > > .45 ,
imrlnK pitentv. It rojM.CO. luikers , 13 BJftS W ) .
\V1II3AT-No 2 sjirlnir , 93J'Jle. No 3 spring ,
6 < Mi'J7c. No 2 i ml. 'JJWlll < < 0
< WIIN No 2. 2U'ic.
OATH-No 2 , 27.1 f o b . No. 2 white , 294f !
, t. No 3 white. 2i T2S54c
UYi : No 2. 4 ! > \e
J AllIJJY-r o b , 32fT40e
n.\xsiii : > NO i , fi 2.iH'iTi27vt '
TiMorio KIID : rnme. s.'sifi.'tw
TUOVlSIONS-.MisH pork , per Mil . Jll Kiifjll 10
Ixird , per ICO lb , J" > 124 ! Miort ribs hides
( loose ) , " 20fi5 II lr > pulled Kliuuldert ( boxeil ) ,
II 75i < i 0) Short clenr Bides ( boxed ) . } 3.50i.1 | fi ) .
W1I1BICY Dlbilllim1 llnlshid goods , p < ; r e-il .
r MUflAHS Put l"af , K > 01 , grinulated , 1551.
ket VVIIH eae > , cream-lien , ISJil'Jc. d ilrlea. 11 /
1ACheofe , cpilet at k S'c Kgits. llrm. fresh ,
14c OieK-cl poultry , tlrm , turke > > , bUlUcitchl li
ens , "ifta , UuiKs , ct(7V4c (
( iiMitvi : , ni\mciT. :
ttuotntliiiiH fur tli < - Dnj on ( icncrul
Ni\V : YOIIIC , IVb IS riOIJKUprelpln 4.-
KA blila ; i-xpoils , 12.S7S bbli , llrml ) held at
some advitruo nu choice grideti ; dern'SMd elo\v ,
city mill imlenlK , J5.-Ofrt95 , city mill cleani ,
( j VHj-i U ) , MlnncNitn patents 53 2ir ) : SO ; Mlnne.
I4.KM4.70 , wlntir i"traH , J3 OOC/4 00. winter low
BOIIL luikerx' . It 1W4 TO ; Mlnn'wtn nlralcliu.
gnuleH , JUWMw ) U > e Hour , Hteuay , 2 Gol/1 15
lliickvvheat Hour. Hteiuly , Jl 2jl 3D
I1UCKW1II3AT rinner , 3SWie
OOUN.MIAI-I'IIII | , > oiio - wistem , 71 c
HYII I'lrin , No , 3 vve teni , D7c : cnr loin , 52
1IAHM1Y Hlroim : fwdlng , 4-V
IIAUMIY MAI.T Klnn. western , 52'HN7c
WAT | | | : Heci'lptB. kC.iri bu , eiportH , HTS
1m , * li-Jt. Ktendy , Nu 2 red , JUX.Ji ; opilotin
> | > ened Htnuig at Ue > utlv anee on higher eabler
and further impmved on norvoim cov rlng , in
iiplred b > BtiiiiKll ) In Chlcngo Ma > vvbeut , which
croHncd Nevv orU price An nftcmodu leictlor
uiuler long veiling nnd Hiunll export tUinani !
vvaji followed b > u Hivond sc.iru nml tlrm Uoaa PI
titP o not 'i'luuui' ' , No. 2 nil. I'ebruar } clotei
| 1 U3 , May , VMtUW T-16e. chwe.1 l > S ? c.
t\ltN Hc.-ilpu , 131.125 bu , exporla , 79.GOI Im
IH > t , Hte.uly ; No . ' , J7Vjc , optlotiH opennl llnre"
nt 'ttf'iu advance and vvnn Intir bid up l > >
KhortH on a big ( .mh ( -iiiind l and ulrong l.lvcr-
jiool nevvH. I'lkoH finally > lelded a little to
reallilng , Imt closed Hteady ut Ho net advance ,
Kebniary closed JtHu , Ma ) , SJ'iO'JiJ , ! . ' , clos < > i !
OATS Uecclpta , 01. W ) bu i cx | > orU. 3 .01t bu .
n | > t , llrmeri No 9 , 32c ; options iiulet all do ,
but stronger on the udvaiuxi In eiiHli uam , iloa-
Ing 1l > o net higher ; May < Joil 3P4c
riii-Klnn : : ; brun. 70'y77Hc ; inlddllnr7SU
77V c. Uye. C5c ,
HAY ljuleti Hhlpplng , 55ifl5ci good to choice ,
CW70o ,
IIUI'rt-Quleti elate , common to choice , ISM
croii. 4j6c ; 1WO crop , 70'Jo : 1S97 crop , KHI'Jc ,
1'uolllc coaer , 1695 cn > p , 4UCc ; U'JO crop , taiOo ,
1S'J7 crop , ntfltic.
HintiS HlrAily ; nalveiton , 15c ; Texai , dry ,
Je ; California. 17 lSc.
l.KATHIJIt hlivady ; hemlock ole , ISVaS1 .
\YOOl-ulel ; Ilvtce , 2T031C , Tcxa ,
1'ltOVlSlONH-lleef. tlriii : family , til 23 < ni 75 ;
extra mesa. H 001/S.W ; beef hams , (23 WJJ3 CO.
packet , J9 COBIO. & ) . Cut meats , rleady ; pickled
b < > llleii. 13 WU < 5 d > : pickled Bhouidens tl 73 ,
pickled liauu. (7&04T773. Lanl , Ilriuerestern ;
Hli > ame < l. to.40 ; retlned. llrm. 1'nrk , strong ; ineaa.
Ill 0001123 ; Hhort clear , tlOTOifl73 ; family ,
111 00 Tallow , vteady ; city , 3 7-lCi/3 / c ; country.
) lt S-lti > ln , steady ; Btrulned. common to
Koat , 11 4HM 4S. Turix-nllne , llrm ; 3IUf3l\c.
Ooltomieed oil The upward movement In oil
pruductH continue * , vllmpulaled by tn'nnlh of
larvl I'rlmo crude mid yellow nrei tbo tn-iOT
obtelly uffivted J'rlmo crude , ISiilPWc ; prim *
luminer ) el low , Ue : oft Hummer > illow , Xi ®
butter oil , Ii J < c.
'l * Iron wuruntj , quiet M JJ W
IM an Miwt
" " nrm
HUlet nt 1110 blj run ! IMS
ltt Al U'M bll W W
thm no , iha
fettlina price t r
. * ? f"lotf11 ! < ! t & &
' to * xtr" * 'HOStic , Japan , 6
IIl"'r'n ! ' > ln" ' 10-ln
, , T10f' ' - PfcW ! west-
' . : iiK
\S.'iS9lt".mbr \ > ! ic'ma" whll1. tr law-
colored , Hentcmher , $ Hc , nmnll c .M'tH Hotftm-
! * klm' ' 6Ho. part eklmi , 4JJ io ; full
8Uim SWJ
. . . , , . . ,
' - - .n a an | IVL nuKf * . rvrituy ; fttatQ
mm i'tnnsyhanla lic , western , UUGH'ic.
onn i c ! i : VKuTiTsTA n ic KTS.
Comlltlon of Trnilo ninl ( Inotntlnim on
Stnplo nml PIIncj' I'l-nilncc.
7oas-loo.l mock , 12o.
IlUTTIIlt Common lo fair. SSllo , fcparitor
creamery , 20o ; gathered creamery , ISBlCe.
VHAL Choice fnt , SO to 120 Ibs , quoted ot So ;
InrKo nnd coarse , 485c.
UIIKB3KU I'Ot'LTHY-Clilcken ! . CO7c ; tur-
lSfMOc , seeie , T Sc ; ducks , 7fSc
f > AMl < Smnll rabbits , per doz. , 7Jo ; lirge ,
tl.2i. Kqnlrrel' , tOfjWo
I'lOKONrt Ll\e , 7l , dead plseoni not wanted.
IJAUpland , | ' , , M , midland , fi.OO ; lowland ,
tl.-O ; tje straw , Jt.50 ; color makes the price on
hay , llxht bales tell the best ; only top grades
bring top prices.
CKLUUY Ooad stock , large , 40c ; small , 23Q
ONIONH-l'er bu , tl.10Bl.23.
IIKANH Hand-picked linxs , per bu. , tl.13
ffl SO.
SWIIT : : rOTATOCS-Kannas. 10-peck bbls ,
CAJtlAOI2 ! Oood stock , per Ib , HSc.
POTA1OiS : Home Brown , COglii. , western
stock , 70c.
API'LIJS Winter stock , t3.COffl1.W ; Collfornln
Ilellellcur , boxen , tl GO , Colorado Jonathans ,
boxen , tl.5 , Oregon , boxes , tl.25.
CltANIIIIItltlKh Jerneyn , tier bbl , 7.COi(7 23 ;
U'lsconnln Hell und lluglc , 7.50 7.75 ; Wisconsin
Hell und Clicrry , KM.
UltAPUS MalBKas. tJ.0036.00.
OHANOis Ciillfornla n.nels , 127593.00 ; fancy
boedlltiK * . t2 60 , choice , 13 25.
LU.MONS Callfoinia , fancy , t3 CO , choice , t2 73.
IIANANAH Choice , larttt- stock , per bunch ,
t2.CiV-ij2.2j , medium plzed bunches , tl.75G2.00.
NUTS Almond" , aicr Ib. . large nlze , 123135 ;
umilt , lie , llruzlls , per Ib , SUl'ic ' , llngllsh vvnl-
nutx , | > er Ib , fnncj soft shell , lOftltc , Ptnnd-
nrils , Sjj''c , lliberts , per Ib , lOo ; petans , polished ,
medium , ( > 5Kc , extra large , 8ii9c , large hickory
nuts , II Wsfl 10 per bu ; small , I1.23VI.DJ per
bu , , ( .ucounnta , jier 100 , U W , peanuts , ta\v , 6tf
o'vc. roasted , MiC'jC
riOH Imported , fancy , 3 crown , 14-lb. boxes ,
12c , 5 crown , 41-lb. boxen , UMlic. 2-lb. boxes , 22
M23c per box ; California , 1'1-lb box , II 00
HONiCaoltc white , 12c ; Colorado amber , 19
KUAUT ler bbl , 14 00 , half bbl , I. 2352. * t3
MAl'I.l : SYHUI' rive-gal can , each , 12.73 ,
gnl cans , pure , per do ? . , tli 00 ; half-gal , cans ,
10.25 , quart cans , 13. HO ,
IIATIJS Hallowee. ( to 70-lb. boxes , Cc , Salr ,
CV4C , 1'ard , U Ib boxes , 3"
CIDr.Il-1'tr half bbl , 1300. bbl. , 10.23.
ritnsii MI : ATS.
DUnsKUD linur Good native stecis , cVjc ;
good forciiuarters steers , O'jC , gooil lil dUnrtcrs ( |
Bteera , SV , western ttceri. iV4c. fancy tiUfcrs ,
CUe , gaod helfirs. Cc. good foicquarlors heifers ,
So , good blndiiuiirlers helfcm. Mi good cows ,
64c , fair cows , 3Va > . , tow fotiuuarlers , 4'sc ' , covv
lilmViu irtci" , 7c.
HUCr CUTS Hangbu tenderloins , 4'4c , ribs ,
No I , lie , ribs. No . ' , So , ribs. No 3. CVje , steer
round * , 7\ . , cow rounds , 8'ic , tow rounds , siaiik
off , 7'ic , ion rounds. Khnnl. and rump off , &c ,
trlmmlng ! > , 4'c. beef shanks , 3c , brilns , per
doz , Die , sweetbreads , per Ib , UVkc , svveetbre.uls
( calves ) , per Ib , 40c , kldneyK , per doz , 3Jo , ox
tullii , inch , 3c , livers , per Ib . 2'4c. ' hearts , per
Ib , 2'4c ' , tongues , per Ib , 12'bc , calf llvirs ,
each , iic , calves , whole inrcnss or sides , 9e ,
calf head and fctt , i-oalded , per Fqt , 73c , tender
loins , fresh , l > c , tenderloins , frozen , IGc. bone-
ILSS strips , fresh , ! , bonelCKS strips , frozen. Sc.
strip loins , fresh , Sc ; strip loins , frozen , ( j',4e ,
rolls , boneless , 9o. rolls , rpcncer cuts , He , sir
loin buttH , boneless , 9c , shouldei clods , boneless ,
Cc , rump butts , bunelcss , u > ic , No 1 chuckH. SL ,
No 2 L hacks , 4Uc ; No 3 chuckH. 4c. boneless
eluicks , 4'V ' , covv plates , 3'ic ' , steer plates. 4c ,
Hank steal. . O'io , loins , No 1. 13c , loins , No 2 ,
lOc , loins , No 3 , 7Wc , short loins muikct stjle ,
2o nbo\c lolm > , short loins , hotel stjle , 4o above
Ijlns , covv loin , ends , Sc , steer loin , ends , tic
MUTTON rnncj lambs , 8He per Ib ; lambs ,
7 > ,4c , sheep , OVsC , market rniks , long , bVjC , hotel
ruckn. siort , lie , loins , 6'ic ' , saddles , 'Jo , legs.
9c ; Iamb legs , lOc ; brcafta und stcwa , 3V4O ,
tongues , each , 3c , foreiiuarters , 5c
1'OKIC Uicb .J I)10"S. ic per ib , dressed
hogs , 5'4C , tenderloins , 14c. loins , short , d\c.
long , C'4c , spare ribs , Sc , li.iiu siusage butts ,
5J4c , Ito ton butts , C'c , i-houlders , rough , Sc ,
shoulders , skinned , B'ic tilmmlngs. 4lio , leaf
lard , not rendered. 3'c , heads , cleaned. 4e ;
snouts ami ears. 3c : neckbones , 2c ; slip bones.
2Vic. iheek meat , J'Lc , neck bjncs. 'c. pigs'
tails , 3c , plucks , each , Be , chitterlings. Do ; hocks ,
4o , hearty , tier doa . S5c , JtomacliF , each , 3c ,
tongues , each , 7c , kldncsp , per doz , lOc , brains.
per do ? , ISc , rigs' feet , tier doz , 2Dr- , livers ,
tach , 3c , hog rinds , 3c , blade bones , uc.
iuuis. TAMJOW , inv.
IIIIJiS-"o 1 srien bides , 7c , No 2 green
bides , Cc , No. 1 salted Tildes 9c , No 2 gieen
salted ihldes , 8cNo | 1 cnl iillf , S to 12 Ibs , IOC ,
No - ' \ calf. 12 to 13 Ibs . Sc
SIIiii > 1'I2IVTS Orein silted , cnch , 15f753 ,
green salted she\rlliigs ( short vvooled enil >
bklns ) , Liicli , 15c , div sheirllnga ( short woole < l
early skins ) . No 1. each. Sc , drj Mint Kansas
and Nebr.iskii butcher wool pelts , per Ib actual
weight , 4-ifV dry Hint , Kansas and Nebraska
mm rain wool pelts , per Ib , weight , i'n
Ic , div Hint Colorado butcher wool pelts , per Ib ,
ui weight , 4T3c. drj Hint Coljrndo murrain
wool pelts , per Ib , actual weight. Ji/4e /
IAi i > > ( ilU.ASi : . U1C Tallow , No 1. Cc ,
Inllow No 2. C c. mugh tillow , IKc , white
gitnse , 21i02 ! > , c ; jellovv nnd bio\vn grea e , IHtf
I'UHS Hear ( blnck or lirrmn ) , } 300if3)0n ( ,
ottu , | 1 KiilS 00 , mink , 13fiCOc , beaver. } 10"fii.OO ,
> , l < unK , Inc. SJc. 50c , musknit , 3c , 5c , 7e raccoon ,
13fl" > 0c , led fox. 2jcifil 25 , gre > fox , 21ft iQc. wolf
( timber ) . 25C5IJ250 , wolf ( prilrle co > otc ) , lOJiJOc1
wildcat , 105J5c ( , badger , 5I(40o ( , silver fox , J30 00
St. l.iiulH ( ii-iiiTiil MnrUi'tM.
bT UOUIH. Tcb 13 1'I.OUIt Quiet nnd eisy ;
patentH , II 70R1.S1 , utru hts. } l.33ifl.45 , clear ,
J3.9W4.r , . medium. II.BOirl 75.
WIIIIAT Higher , closing ' t' for May and Vic
for Jul > nlHive yewsterdiiy , Mas' oj > enoj 'Sc hlKlifr.
ndvanceil 1'de more , dullned % < &Tiic and closed
with sellers Vie bslow the top bpot , bUher ; No
2 red , cash , elcvAtor , 'J"4 ' < - . track , 97'iSl''S14c ! ' :
Pebruarj , 97 > ic. Ma > , Uil-.c. July , S2c , No 2
hard cisii. 91VjC
fXHN Putiires , llrm with no pressure to sell ,
closing with bu > er of May Xc aliove jesterday
and July VJ higher bpot. hlghei , No 2 , cash ,
2Sc , rebrimr > , 2So asked , Mas , 2S'jff2.syic ; Julj ,
OATH Strong nrrl higher. v > lth Ma > le and
Julj o up Spot , higher. No 2. cash , elevator.
2'A < , track. 20'ic , rolinmrj. ! 6 ? c. Ma > , 27'ic ' ,
Jul > , 24 > 2e , No 2 while , 27H.W2SC.
U\ i-I Inn at 4SVi
SiiiS Plaxseed , nominal11.20' ! $ . I'rlme
tlmothj s. i-d. 12 70JJ2.73.
( OIC.VMiAl < llrm nt I1.45QI M
IlItAN I'lnii and In demand ; sacked , east
track SSc
HAY Steady , pr.ilrle. ll.tOBS 50 ; timothy , | 7 CO
ff 10 CO
llt'TTIJIl Steady ; creamery , ISfflO'Cc ; dairy , S
rm at 12c.
\MIISKY-tl 19.
( OTTONTI13S 70c
MIJTAI * " * I end , higher nt II. Co. Spelter , bet
ter at II fi
PIIOVI8IONS 1'ork. higher ; standard niffs ,
Joblilng , III 13" ' . irteadj ; prime , 14.10 ,
choice 13. Ilai-nn , boxed lots , extra rhort clear ,
13 87WfJ < > 12Vj , iil < s. IO.WffO.23 ; shorlH. $ C.I2Vj
C 371Dry rait rnonts ( boxed ) . sliouldei-H , Jl 75
(15 l l. extra short rlu r. 15.5003.75 , libs , | 5.C2'X '
O5.S7' ' , , < hort W 75OI ) f ) . .
HUPiniTS-riour , R.OCfl bbls , wheat , 17,000
bu . corn 37 000 bu . oats. 21 , MO bu
SHII'MttNTis1 Flour , 11.000 bu , wheat , 24,000
bu ; corn , 210.1X0 bn , oatr , 3.S.OOO bu.
lliiHIniort *
IIAI.TIMOIIK. Trli 15 ri.OUH-Dull : western
uHTllne. | llwifiin. we lein extra. 13 43W4 1C ;
westeni family , Jl.VWi I 70. winter wheat p.tteuin ,
II SVO H > , Hprlng wluat patentH , 15 low .to
spring wheat plralghu , ! 490ii30i , receipts , II , 'Jll
bbls ; exports , imne
WHI3AT Strong , spot nnd month , $1 OOH ®
100S March , II I % rt1 OJT4. Mn > . < nitH931iC.
steamer , No. 2 red , ! Hjhi1GV. ; lecelpts , 117,117
Im , exports , none ; Foutlurn wheat by simple ,
9Hr < iJl U'ji ' Niuthem wheat on grade. ! )7cflfl 01
OOHN Strong , spot nnd month , UiilVjc
March nnd April. 3l'firic ( , Mteamer mlxiil il'.I
34Uc , nvelpls , 95.KI3 bu ; expits , 1/.1I3 / bj ,
HDiitherti whltu corn , SlUiCK c , southern > rllov/
com , J3Hfi2Ut
OATH Hlrunw and hlKlior , No 2 white. S."i'.I
21c , Nil 'J mixed , : OiJlo , receipts , 18,197 bu ,
exiort | * , ES.OOO bu
UYi : rirmcr. No 2 nearbv. SOiffaid. No 2
western , & 5 , fMc | , receipts , 4S.1S9 Ixi , exiuro ,
8,571 bu
IIAY-Htrnily. choice timothy , 112 50&13 t1
OUAIN rillllOlirS-Uather dull. et"Tin r3
nulet , steam to Uverpool , per bu , 3'id , MTIX-II
IIIITTKK QuIM , fancy cieumer ) , 21e ; faiu >
Imltntlon , 10'ollc. fancy ladle , ISc ; Rood ladl-
1314e. Htorn packetl. 12H1U-
KdOS-Qulet , fiesh. lie
IMII'IJHIJ Hteady , fancy brge , iVfflOc , fane )
medium , lOQlO'lc ; fane ) * mnll ,
KIIIIKIIM Clt > ( i nil n nni ! 1'rut | NIIIIM.
KANSAS CITY , Teb -WHKAT-N er > slow.
closing He higher , No 1 hard , 91c. No 2. SSHSf
0'o. No 3 , ( .J'tflSSc. No 1 red , 03W'i | , No 2 ,
92jtt > 3c. No 3 , S < Jtj91c : No 1 l-prlns , esf | , No
3. S5H87.
COHN-HC , o higher ; active. No 2 , mixed ,
higher , ralrly ncthe , No. 2 white ,
IlYK Steady , No 2. < te.
HAY rirm : choice tlmoth ) , 18.500900 , choice
prairie , I7.WH7 23
IlltTTIJIl rlrm , receipt * liberal ; crtamery , 13
GISc. dairy. UiTH
IXIOS Stead ) , receipts heavy and Increasing ,
fresh. 1H C
JHX'KH'TH Wheat , 3S.O * ) bu. ; corn , 53 , * bn ,
CUtit. 12.0k ) bu
KIUI'MIINTH Whiut , 40,800 bu ; com , S,9JO
bu ; naU , 0,000 bu
I < l > 'rioiil | .Miirltctn.
I.l\'iiU'OOIj. Feb. 15 WHL'AT Spot , stnmir ,
Nn 1 n < l northern , prlng , S IV d
OOHN fpot , llrm ; American mixed , new.
3i 4' ' > d ; American mlxe < ! , old , 3i 4 > 4d. futures
went steady : Fcl > ruar > , 3 4Ud , March , 3.s SUd
ri onn St Iy > ul fancy winter , llrm at It W
HOI'S At London , I'Hcltla coast , llrm at CI
K * < t t I0
, Hrm ; extra India mess , ( Vi
M. prim * mrt * . VA M forte , flrm prime mem ,
fln wpstern , 1 M. rmsllum w ( rtpm * W.
Il/ims. nrm At S3 3 < 1 lUonn. nrm llimlxrlanrt
cut , 32 ( VI , ( rturt rlbn. Sin s.1 lone rlenr mil-
dl , llRtif. 31 , ton * ele r middle * , heary , 9)9 ) M
clmir l lllen , IM , short clear back * 23 * . d'winl-
dcm , fnunro. K CL lAril , prtm western.
tt'ndy nt ZT *
CIlKKSIAmerlcBn , finest whlto anrt colored ,
t - dy t 41s ,
TAIT/W-I rlme city , nrm nt .
Tt'IlPKNTINIJ-nrm at 24-s d
nO31N-Common , ntendy nt 4s 1'Jd.
AVrnrrCnniinUslon t'onipnn y.
OMAltA OKnCK. Keb IS The feeling main
tained by com" roe ! trader * nt ye terday' close
tint the market had iron" blsh rnouirh an I
fliouM lune n reictkm hud b pn entirely dlMl-
pated , nnd with foreign ntn Icn.IlnR nnl higher
May wheat opened nt nn ndvancc of He , ntth
July stronger In the rame proportion , nnil May
continued to a Ivnnce until MTo hail been
touched , from where U declined slowly until It
New was sonvvvhflt mlxe-1 , with the excep
tion thnt Argentine estimates were considerably
reduced nn account of the Unsatlsfactor ) results
nliown In thrashing ,
The sudden ndvnncp wore1' In the Mny option
shortly nftcr tht cpenlnc vvnii principally cnuped
by the drlvlntt In of heavy short interest * . In
connection with thrf conce tej nnd lightened con
dition of that futurp. The market iwcmed to be
entirely under loiter control , and It Bn > ears on
Krsid authority thnt he will ship nt once about
4OOO.fOO bib cf wlient , nil rail , for export , Al
though a reaction may be due , we fall In i-oo It
n jet , nnd wo nrc of the opinion tint Letter
has the correct Idea , of the supply nnd demand
nnd that short selling would be lnndAl nble
where the Icgltlmnte situation seems to be so
fully In accord with the ndvnnce
Mny wheat opened nt OOMfWHio nnd July nt
io bid
llocelpts ! todny , 73 cars , estimated tomorrow ,
40 cars
Corn wns stronger In jmpathy with wbent ,
wllli the trade broadening and In n benlthy con
dition. A grent mnny traders are leaving whent
on nccount of the uncertainty , It nppenrs to
them , oC thnt cerenl , nud because of Its sudden
changes , nrrJ nro going Into the conre grains
We lock for ni more nctlve market In corn nnd
believe It Is gnod property on soft spots.
iMny corn rlo ed nt 30HG30T4c nnd July corn
nt 31 ff32c bid
Itecelpts today , 6D3 cnr , estimated tomorrow ,
331 cnr *
CMt * Rtlll climb upward , with a Rood demand ,
both nt home and nbroaJl which shows no signs
of decreasing , nnd with the snmll supply on
hand we can pee no reason why there thould l > o
more than one side to them , nnd that Is the
long side
May oils closed nt 27W27UC nnd July nt 54'5c.
Uecelptn todny , K73 cars , estimated tomorrow ,
150 cars
Clni-liiiuiM > lurki- ( .
riNriN'.VATI , Teh 15 rtXUIl firm , fancy ,
II HWI ; ,0 , fnmlly , } 3.COfl3.9- .
WIIDAT rirm nnd higher : No 2 red , o ? ) ! } ! ) .
< XJUN rirm anil hls-her. No 2 mixed , 3Hlc
OATH-PIrm nnd hlglier. No. 2 mixed , 27'i ' 2Sc
ItYIV-rirm. No 2. Me
rilOVISION < 5-I.nrd , llrm at II.M llulkiments ,
nrm nt 1130. 11 icon , llrm nnd higher ot 1C
WHI KY-Qulet nt II 11
llt'TTKIl Dull , nigln crenmery , 21c , Ohio , 13
fflSe dalrj lOc.
Sl'OAH rirm , bnrd renned , II.22JT5.97.
KOO-J rirm nnd higher nt 12c
Clinrwn-Stendj , good to prime Ohio flat , S'4
C nil n Iti-i't-lptN nt I'rliiolpnl
MINNKArOMS. Teb. -llecclpts : Wheat.
24 ears
CIIICAOO. I'eb 15 Ilecelptu today : Whent ,
78 ears , corn , 819 cars oats , " 71 csrs. Ustlmnted
cnrlots tomorrow : Wheat , 40 , corn , 333 , oats ,
KANSAS CITY , I'eb. 13 Hccelpts : Wheat , C3
ST LOUIS , Tcb. -Receipts : Wheat , II
c.iisnill.UTIt , reb 11 Hecelpts : Wheat. C7 cars
To I < > < ! ( > Mnrlti-ts.
TOLI2DO , O , Teh 11 WHUAT-Uull nnd
stnuh No 2 , cash , 1140 : Mny , 9714c
rOUN Active nml higher ; No 2 mixed , 30c.
OATM TJull and nrm , 'No ' 2 mixed , 2C'4c
HYIJ < lenilv. No 2 , cash , r,0o
OIX\'iiltiKiT ) Active ar J steady ; prime enVi ,
13 10
Dftrolt > lnrlt-l.
DHTUOIT IVb -WIlIJAT-No 1 while and
No 2 rod. 93 ? c : Ma\ , % ' c.
roitv No J mixed. 31c
OATS No 1 white , M'Lc '
UYH No. 2. 51Hc
I't-cirlii lliirkrtH ,
rnoniA , Feb. 1G CORN rirm. higher ; No
2 , 29e
OAT 1 rirm hlRher. Nn 2 while. 27'4c
WHISKY Market steady , high proof spirits ,
Sim li'rnm'lxi'oVliint 'llnrln-t. '
SAN \NCISfX ) . Teh 13 WIIDAT Dull ,
December , II32 ? , ; May , 11.40
Thi-re Is n Sluirp Itally Midi n Ite-
r vt-r > - In l > rlr < > H.
NiW YORK , Peb 13 Today's sharp rally In
stocks Is to be attributed to the covering of
shott contracts put out In yentordTj'B Ilurrv
Iluvlng was sild to bo heavy for Washington
acrount , which was a. heavy neiler jesterdnv
Yestcrilaj'B losses were more than recoverfd
In mo-t cases , notwithstanding a small volume
of Imslness today There was at leabt one
period of general rejictlon during the das , but li
was of fiiort dunitlon and dicllms nnc'hed sunb
prupoitlons 'lliere was al > prollt taking In n
fuw Fieclal | Blocks , which did not nffect the g-n-
eral list In n nctlcinble extent American be
curltles continued to be favorites on the London
Stock exchange 1'rKcs of Americans or < -
marked uj > with a distinctly cont'ddit tone be.
fore the opening here and London continued n
liujei hrreen nftei prices hud < .d t
the London pirl ( > Much - Hid on
thl'i nn indleitlng n ilPllnlte change In the nttl
tude of the Hrltlsh Inventing public toward
An erlcnn securities. The } were perilsicnt sellers
of Americans during nil of last bummer nnd
during th > > subsequent rise which has Iwn al
most continuous Blnce last November They an
now bujlng Amerlcjin stocks at manj points
alwvo uhete they wild This bujlng Is regarded
ai the inuri * slgnlilcant onleeount of the Higher
ratet of mn-nej in I/andon as compire , ! wltli
Nevv York nnd the heavy balance nf exehanpc
still known t" 1 * outstanding In fnvor of 'hlF
country In 1'atls Spvnlsh 4s declined on feir
of Hmlned lelntlorw lietneen the Unlteil Stall"
and f-pnln and American rurltles ili-cllnfi ! or
nom < of thy continental exehan s , but I ndiin
bended nm * of theno considerations and con
tlnued bu > lnif nt advancing prices I'orelsn ex
it inngc begins to reflect this bu > luq nnd dt > -
m ind Hleillng today declined 4 and &ible trans
fern the same amount Metropolitan Sir et rn'l '
way showed a continuance- yesterday's weak
ness after nn early period of strength nnr'
dropped 4 points It subsequent ! ) rallied , but
closed tlm di > with a Hhnn > .off
Other local securities were strong Min
nesota , Iron waM conspicuously heavy anil
I.ako Shore luled below Inst night t
price Thire vvele a few Krsfs Fhown by con-
Hldcuous sleeks but the general level of prices
at the clcae wnsers materlallj higher The
Minneapolis & St Ixniis stocks were strong on
ici > orln of a cluulnr Usutf I ti > stockholders nfk-
Ing an option on the stock with a view to n pur-
chape of control Nevv .lersej Central was lnne-
tlted b iiimors that conneete I It vvlth a trunk
line working agteement Konms & Texas pre
ferred showed n ihnrp recovery from jestcrday'd
lossex In the active lUt net gains of lietween
1 and 2 per cent foi the day were frequent Tin-
strength and activity In , bonds lneree ed nn the
day pthed Iliwlnfss In Texns I'nclllc fecon l >
wrs largely Indlvliliml Irancactl ns In heivy
blr < kH at an advance of 1 per cent Total sales ,
! 4GOCCO United .States old 4s , registered , Ills
new 4s , reglpleied , and the 5s were ' 4 per cent
higher bid , ami the m-vv 4s , coupon , 4 per cent
The livening Post's Lori onInnnclnl cable
gram sn > s"All the stock markets here were
domln vied today by politics , Americans by
Ciihin affairs nnd otihcr mirkels bj the generil
outlook Americans optneil oM-r tlm parity , gave
way , rallied on reports that Spain had Issued nn
epolojjelio leller , iel | ) ed In the absence of con-
Ill matlon of thn report , and Ilnally closed rather
tlrm on Ne\ York support Copner .shares were
ptr Tin on I'Hils buying It Is difficult to fathom
wholly Hie ren on for the fall In the price of
poH The if puled reasons , however , are that
] tu * li > li nnd other continental dcmnnds will bo
Uss pr iwlnic In thefutuie The slightly easier
tone of the mnnej market waa partly due to this
decline In 1 > T K < dd "
Tollowlng are the rlo'lng quotations of the
lending ttncki on the New York market today :
The total Milen of stocks today were 311,700
shared , Ineluillng 6.575 Alchloon preferred , 39,770
ClilcaKO , DurllnKton & Qulncy , H.6V ) I/ulr.Mll
A. Niwhvllle. 10,430 Manhattan , 11,90) Metroptll.
tan , 9.COO MlnneapolU A. fit I < ouln. 3,833 Mlbeourl ,
Kaaia-j & Texan preferred , H310 New York
f > nti-il. 4,4" North < > m I'tclflc 11 IM Northern
PiuHflo turfetnsl. MOT Pl > on RTirrt lAnt 7.MJ
Ilock , Irtdnd. R ( jvuil. , W Vnt-m } '
clfre , 9S4 Tobncon. J.R3I Ui-opl 'n Odo. ,7W On-
nollditeij Dim , M,035 Puirjr , 7,771 Hubtwr , 3.J37
llubt < : r preferred , 10.1 7 VMtrrn Union.
\or York > loti y < Mnr1 < rt ,
Nomlnnlly lem per cht
1'IUMn MUflCANTlLn PAPnn-104 per cent.
STnilLINO UXCIIANOU-SlMdy , with nctu l
buslnd In liinkrrs' bllln at t4 W.ij for demand
nd t * 3t74 H for clxtr fla > . p < wted rates ,
14 SI nnl f4 < i commercial hills. t4 SSH
.SILVER t'KUTiriCATUa ) ff 7iic
OOVBRNMBNT 1KJNTJS * 1rm : t'nlted Rtatei
new 4i reRlstered , 12SH , < lo mpon , 1J7SJ 4
1-eRldlcred , lll'ii do lOuporl , 114'4. 24. 100 ] 61
refilntered , and coupon , lt.1H : Pacific 6s of 99 ,
Closlnc quotations on bonJ w r as folloirs ;
nonoti Stoclc rtnotntlnni.
I1O5TON , Tel ) . 1" Cflll lonn . 5T3 per cent :
time loans , JiJ5f4 per cent. Closing prices for
Btock . bonJg anil mining alinrca
Sim Mining
SAN rilAi.VCISCX ) , I 'el > l"i Hie olllclnl
quotations un mining stocks today \\ere as fol-
low a.
hll\er bars , 53" e , MeMcnn dollars , 4iViiTi47c ,
' " ' ' ' 17'.c , drafts , teletiraph , 2tc. )
\ri\ York
N'lTXV YOltIC , Tcb 13 , The followlnB are the
closing mining quotations :
HAH SILVER Quiet nt 23 13-lCd psr ounce.
MONBY 2Mi per cent
The rate of discount In tlic open market for
short hills , ! } t per cent , for three months' bills ,
5"i per cent.
OMAHA , 1V1) 15 Clearances , $ S..3,4)3 C2 , bal-
mice * , S10S.831 3G.
CHICAOO , Pel ) 13 Cleirlnss , $21,807,752 ; Nen
York exchange. lic dlscoujit , posted rate" , J4 S4
and Jl SOV4 Stacks \\eie fnlrlj active ; Alley I. ,
\\eak anil others senernlly tlrm ; Alle > li , CO ) * ,
Ulamonil Match , llj. Uike Ktieet U 11V North
C ilcago. 2 1 bid. 223 nuked , Strnwljoard , 32'/8 ,
\S'tst CliIciRO , SWTfi
MUMPK1S Tell -OlearlnRs , J413,10s ; bal
ances , tlt .TI" , New YoiL cxilmiBe , telling at
11. 50 premium
Ni\V OllI.iAN ' < , Teb. -ClearliiKS , S3.11C.-
010 , New York exchange , b.'k ' , par , commercial.
$1 per tl , < rX ) dlFcunt
ST LOUIS. IYb 15 Clearings , t4.M9.C02 ; bal-
nncey , J797,4"il ! ; money , 5 to 8 per cent , New York
eTThnnge. 2" > e discount bid , I5c discount asKed
HAL/1 1MOUK. Teb. 13 CliMrhijs , $ I,53J6S ;
bnlanee : ? , )7-1,433.
NiWTJltlv IVh -Clearings , $1C5,1MC07 ;
balances. $10.b3lC40.
110-.1ON. IVIj 13 Clearing * . J20.I90.11S , bal
ance" , J2ll8.7e"i.
CINCINNATI , Teb -Clearings , * 1 , 817,00) )
Money. 2'aQfi per cent. Mow YorU exchange , 23
* discount.
Fort-Inn Pliiniiclul.
LONEK > .N' , I'eb. 15 Gold Is quottU at lluenos
Ay red todny at 164 30
HIJIIUIN , IVli 13 On the bourse todny Inter
national securities were steady. ArgentineHere
dull nnd Oinadlin I'.iclliu lluetiiited considera
bly , but recovered tow ai1 J the close of the mar
rilANKrOHT. Teh 15 International securi
ties uere llrm on the bourse today. Americans
ere eaflcr In s > mpathlth New York
I'AHIti. I'eli li Tlueo per cent rentes , 103f
rno for the account Hxclmnge on London , 23f
23c for checks Prices were heavy on the bonrfe
toJny , cmliiR to political consider itlons Inter
national tcmiltlefl vverc trecly offeied. notably
h = l > anlfh 4s en the rumor that the United .States
minister Jt Madild had dtmoiv wd a formal re-
\ocatlon of the uttciancc.s of Senor Dupuy de
I onie .
S < > i'urlli 'H In I.oniloii.
I/ > \ION , Teh 1' , The' ' market for Aiiurican
Beurltles. . after declining rumen hita ( inlet
after a hojdenlrg tendency Tbe elrslng tone
\ui i ( jultit , but Hteiuly and the demand Kenerany
_ _
Wool iMnrkrfK.
ItOSTON , Teb 16 The demand for v\ eel here
this e 'k has been quiet , but a firm tone ob
tained The market for territory U Is linn
on the Hcoured basis of 5)o for the medium and
line rieo-o vvools are Him , but ultli slow butl-
ness Australian eel bKl llrm , but show con
siderable falling off The following are the quo
tations for leading debcrlptlons : -
Ohio and I'cnn&ylvnnin lleeces , X and above ,
J7 fSc XX , VSc , XX and above , SWlc ; delnlnc.
SOIT310 , No 1 combing. 3 < M31c , No 2 cumblng ,
O'tiJIe Michigan , Wisconsin , etc X MltiUmi ,
S4o , No 1 Michigan combing , 21e , No 1 Illinois
combine 29c , No 2 Mlehlgiin eomblnir , 2sfii'i' ,
No. 2 Illinois ctmblng , IKy'.Sc. X New Y il ( ,
New Hamps'ilre nnd verm ml , 27c , delaine ,
Michigan , 27o Unvsnthed meillum Kentuck ) and
Indiana qtmter-hloo 1 conlhlng , 23c. Ken
tucky nnl Inllnni Ihrce-elii'itlis blnul comblni' .
S3W24e , Missouri ( pmter-ldooj comblni ; , 2Jff23j ,
Mssouil three-eighth * blood combing , 21fJ21e ;
braid combing , 21c I.nke and Georgia , 2JG > 24e.
Texas Woolf Spilng medium ( twilvc monlliH ) ,
ICiJlSc , hprlng medium , ncourml. 43ffle , spring
me Hum ( six to eight month ? ! , 13Vlle , rnure > | ,
4-'H4k Territory Wools Montana llni- medium
jnd line iCBlSe scoured , lia."ii , Ktuple , MOSSi .
I'tali. \ \ > amlng , etc , line medium and line , 15
fl7o , Hcourol. 4SffOc fctaplr. 02531c Austra
lian B'oured bails comblrff , siiperllne , 70Q72c ,
combing gjod , C'flf.S , ctmblng , average , CJ&
Doc , Qucemdnnd ccmblni , ' . & '
8T I-uriH. Teh -WOOL Weaker , medliim ,
14V4020 light line , l4fie ' ; ( , heavy fine ,
13Hc , tub washed , MBSCq
rcfl'M Vlrllili > hln lenient ,
NHWV > KK , Feb 15 Bl > t > lnl cable nnd tele
graphic ndvlccx to Hradatrtxt'H covering prlncliul
points of lutuinulmh n Indliate thn folloving
clmngeii In ax.ilUble cupplKs laet Saturday , as
eon pared vvlth the prcevllng' haturdiy.
\\HIIAT t'nlted Suites and Cnnn.ll east of
the Hocklen , decrease , 24 1X9 ) "i , nlloat for enl
In IJurope , lncrea e , 3W.W ) ) M. , v\orlJ' supply ,
net decrease , KI.OO ) bu ,
rOUN I'nlted Sutc ami Canada , east of the
Iloeklen. deciearc. S57.COQ bu
OVTH-l'nltvil Htatea ana C'inada , ea t of the
Heckle * . Uicieare , , ( ( ! , bu
Amung the mora Important decreases of wheat
rcpirti' ' In llridmnvt'n thU neek , not given In
the. olllclnl vMhle ii | > iily statement , were the
falling oil of J73.f-f bu In thn nt'j'ks at north
western Interior elevators , 211,00' ) bu nt Chicago
private elevators , [ 3,000 lu ; nt Manitoba and
northwestern Ontario storage pcJlnts , 51.000 bu
at Jollct and ( . ' . ( V ) bu at I ntaIllo The Inrga
gains Include. Incrraten of 117 O)0 bu at Port
land , Me , end M/XO bu at New Orleans.
Murl.-ftx ,
Ni\V : OKI.UANH , Teb 13.-StJaAH-fitrong ;
open kettle , 2V > i/3\c ; centrirugal KranuUted ,
4c , whites. 4 ' , ' ( } 1 7-16o ; yellovm , 4J/llic / , tec-
ends , 2Kf3 ( 15-lfc Molusi.e , open kettle , life
2Tc , eentrlfUk-Jl. CfilJc ; syrup. 18f22c
NK\V YOKK. Feb. 15 .Slf\ ! It-Haw , nrm ,
fair n lining , 3 11-ICe , centrifugal , W teet , 4 3-KV ;
refined , tlrm , crurtic.l. 54c : jwwdered , CVi'j ;
granulated , CUe ; mould A , iV4c ; ilandurd A ,
J.Vc , conffctloneiji' A , Jlic ; cut loaf , 5c ; cubin ,
cxli-r TexUIn T"n1jrU- .
MANCHIHTKH , Tcb -ClotlHs and ) urn
qukt , with a moJerate Inquiry.
Business at Sontli Cmaha Tnkos on a Bettor
( limit Cntlle Sri I nt SlroiiRPrloon
Shipper * ninl ] 2xiort | *
Prool > 1 ho HOB JlnrUvt
Ll cl ) ninl HlKhor.
SOUTH OMAHA , Feb. 15.-Ilecettits for
the dajs Indicated were.
Cattle , lion * . Sheep. Horse * .
rebiunry 5 791 oK > >
rebMinrj- 1,593 C.3S2 2,534 24
I-cbrimry .1. . . . . . . . 1,999 4.249 C.M5 1
February 2. . . . . . . . 3 1S2 G.112 4.330 33
February l 2375 7.3G9 3,937 81
January 31. 1,332 , 2.4SG 4,550 2
January 19. . . , , . , . 745 4,527 1,703 no
Jnninry 2S 1,712 C.filO 2,411 20
January 27 2,774 G.31S 8.253
The number of cars of stock
brought In today by cnch roni ! was :
Cattle , Hoga. Shcei ) .
C. , M. & St. 1Hy . S
O St. U llv . I
Allisourl IMclllc lly . 1
Union IMclllc S > slcm . 33
N. AV Hy 1
F.S. . i : . * SI. V. II. H . 38
S. C. & V. Hy 38V
r. , st. p. . si. & o. Hy. V
n. & SI. 11. H. II 29
C. , I ) , ft Q.St. . Uy 10
K. C St. J 1
C. , H. A : 1 Hy. , east. . . 0
C. , 11. I. & 1 > . Hy. , west. . . . 1
Totnl receipts 1G3 127 16
The disposition oC the day's receipts wns
ns follows , each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated :
Huycrs. Cattlc.l logsSheep
Omtilm 1'ncklng Co. . . . , 17.J 1,074 216
G. II Hnmmond Co. . . .
Swift nnd Conipiny . . . . KM 1,02.1 3M
Cuduhy I'ncklng Co SS 2,213
H Keeker and Degan , . 2.1
Lobmiin & Hothschllds , . _
W I. Stephens 1CS
Huston & Co 1
Kicbbs * t Co fi
Livingston TO
.Myers 2.S1
Armour & Co SG2
Hammond , from 1C. C 3.T7 . . . .
Chi. l . .t P. Co. , Neb. C 1.W5
Other bujers SKt . . . . SOU
Left over 100
Totals 3.SM 9.0JS1,081
CATTLi : There wns a tolerably liberal
run of cuttle today , ubottt the same as a
week ago. The offerings Included a liberal
sprinkling of very desirable beeves , but
theieMIS more common halt fat and
warmed up sttta1 here than thcio wns any
call for.
lieof Steers The demand for beef steers
was very good , pirllcMilarly for the more
desirable cr.ulos. Aimour took eighteen
loads of good , heavy beeves and Mejor.s
also took se\ernl loads. Ptlces wore fully
steady and occasionally strong for bee\es
on which local killers und eastern shippers
came In competition , and ns high as J1.SO
and $1 EO were paid. The common nnd me
dium grades did not fare so well nnd pi Ices
ruled stonily to a shade lowei , with trading
rather sluggish.
Butchers' Stock Offerings of cows nnd
heifers Included perhaps twenty-live
straight loads of cows and heifers and a
spt Inkling of odds and ends. The Inquiry
was fairly good from nil classes of buyers.
Desirable heifers sold at stiong pi Ices , but
the ordinal y run of stuff wns not more
than steady.
Stockers and Feeders Thn supply of this
class of stock was somewhat limited and
the demand was also lather lljMit. There
wcro piactlcally no country buyers here
Yard traders took what was offered at Just
about recent quotations. Representative
iinur sxiins
S9G 22 . 1139 4 OT. 21. . 109P 1 10
11C3 4 L4 ! '
1271 4 40
ltd 4 05
1370 4 CO
11W 4 CO
1415 4 90
1137 4 00
1070 4 10
1011 t 13
1250 4 13
UT5 4 40
1111 4 17V ,
4 V )
1431 4 C-
.102.1 1 00
1073 3 l i
978 3 30
1120 3 ri )
1093 3 55
900 3 50
1170 3 53
710 250
1013 2u >
10.SO 2 71
S10 3 ft )
1071 3 C3
HIM 3 1 >
930 3 2j
1353 1 SI )
1115 3 )
HW4 3 3i
19-.0 3 .15
9C1 3 45
2 45
971 3 IT
1174 3 10
lOi ) 3 73
1240 3 99
447 3 41
1011 2 SO
9U , J 70
3 S2'j '
110 C
1210 3 10
11M 3 21
1420 3 15
1120 2 70
1360 I 11
1110 3 J1
1110 3 .iO
131)0 3
3 U
777 4 ' / )
3S2 4 00
900 I in
91.0 4 Of )
101. ! 4 10
' ! J 4 VIA
SCO 4 00 1 4CO
No Av I'r No. APr
11 rowH 771 20 11 fcedern. . , 913 $3 85
Di feeders , . . . 737 3 ) I I , 737 3 OU
9 co\ > 7JO 3 41 1 co\\ , , C40 2 75
rlonel , J , N. U\ans ,
CO helfcra CM 3 G3
J. K. Humphrey.
3 feeders. . . RIO S f,0 4 helfem , 700 a 40
3 fwdern . . . 810 3 & ) 18 feeden , 910 3 no
57 feeders . D > 7 4 30 213 feedein . t 4 30
HOfiK The rivelptB were n little hir than
dealeru weie li > ; < lnK for , about 1,500
than on lant * lueKla > Offerln a were largely
Kood butcher and medium ui'ltrhtn , with rotn-
paiatl\el > - few of the. hb ; he ivy londn
r.mdlllnnn . Here bulllHh when Ihn market
ojienid , and moru nohen It cloned C'hlrn o
wan rcpnitn ) fully lee higher and the pn UMm
irniket wan on somc-thlnir of n lioom All the
lucil puckem were wanllnir IIOICH , und outnldn
bu > ers were ( Urlctli In It Ilnily prices were
2"ju to So hlKher thin Jenterday , and the trade
lmpro\ed rlijht nloiur n thu mornlnK ud\ance < l
IlimTH were \erj anxious for the lions , uppii-
enlly , ami the late market VMIH fully n dune
hither than seatet\la > Wel < rht wan not much
uf u conHlderatlon with deali-rx , and the tlmn
the holts eold determined thn price llarly trad-
Ins ; wan moBtlv at } 3 H5 to tl ' ) . and the late
Kale i were niade at > 3.90 to } l < fi All Hold In
Koid Heason , the bulk at 13 W3 | 90 VrMi nluv
thu bulk uint at I3.80M.S3 and hint Tuesday lla
1 ullt uf the buxlneiu W.IH at (3.700375 Itepre.
No Av Hh I'r. No AV Sh I'r
29 . .J40 . . . S3 80 11 . . .272 . . . J3 SO
H . . 3W . . 3 S3 22 . . .175 3 M
31 . . . .319 SO 3 & > 71 . . .2TJi SO 3 ' ) >
05 . . .210 . . . 3 k' 13J , 210 3 DO
74. . . . 2 120 3 Sr. C9 . . .253 3 ! > 0
3 Ci 76 . . .2M 3 tO
3 C. . . .271 3 W
. .435 60 3 65 4 * . . 21 3 ! M >
. . ! . . . 3 tl Vt . 265 3 M
. .1 C 40 3 k-'t 52 . . .250. 3 00
. .304 80 3 S' , 54 . . .279 3 M
. .314 . . . 3 6fl 8 . . .217 3 ' )
' 3 65 CI . . .2u ) 3 W
70 . . ! 'J39 ; ; ; 3 65 CICo. . . 237 3 90
CI . . .5 2M 3 f . . 242 3 W
El . . . .3W ] RO 3 6r Co. . . . .232 S M
67. . . . . )0 ICO 3 t5 (9 . . . .2.7 3 SO
M . .275 . . . 3 K C. . . . . .201 3 90
117. . . .219 . . . 3 65 56. . . . .31J 3 M
ei . .279 60 3 65 C8. . 3 90
71. . . . .290 100 3 K5 43. . ! ! ! ! Z29 3 90
3. ! . . . .295 . . . 3 S3 31 ! . . . . .213 3 90
. .243 . . 3 83 C.I. . . . .239 3 W
. .307 SO 3 63 45. , . . , .S6S 3 90
72 . .SIS M 3 (3 76 , . , . . .230 3 90
49 ,3C7 . . . 3 S3 CO. . , . . .303 3 VI
40 , .3SO 120 3 S5 CO. . , . . ,2C2 3 90
S7 . .237 W 8714 67. . , . . .233 3 90
41 ,2J4 . . CO. . . . .315 ICO 3 10
34 . .340 SO CO. . , . . .259 3 W
11 ' ' ' " 3 ST/4 SI . . . .210 3 90
63C9 . . 264 . t i ? 73. . , , , M 3 W
C9 . .202 , . . U. . , , . .350 120 3 W
73 t , , S J7H . . tM . . J V
SJ 7 M ( 87 < t 7 . . JIO . , } W
43 J7J W S S7H W CM 3W
M 3IJ 40 I 74 71 . 7 1M S PO
l Sfi , 1 7 i SO . t < l in > 3 14
71. . . . X44 S J7't M 7 SO 1 W
< 7. . . .J-ti , . s ; s ei IK . 3 t i
(3 ( S7S 4) S R7U Zt . . JI4 . 3 M
74 l l . . S 7 < , 91 -CVS 40 J W
! . . .373 ISO S S7 i CI . . . Jll . . . 3 W
M. . . . . .310 . . . * H " 61 . . . . . . i t . . . 3 SO
73 . 3C . . . SMS 67 Z 0 . JPJH
79 W 40 3S7 } , W MJ O 3 MH
71. . . SM . . \ ' 1\ W9 SO J 9J'i
it W . . . S $71 , M. . W . . . > 91' ,
CI . . 3 < 3 10 3 871 , 09 JM m 3521 *
85. . . . : < S IW S $71 , 4 < t.W . . 3 ! > J t
d SW . . . 3 S7 < j > S. . . . IM . . . 3 9S > 4
M . . . .Ml . , . 3 < ; , 74. . . 2 : < . . . 3 K'k
54 jrr . . . s KU r < . . , . ass . . . 3 jn
ft ! . . . . 23 . . . 3 < i7 < 4 fO SV ) . . . S ! ili
S3 279 . . 3 S7U St. . . . 211 . . . 395
(4 210 . . 3 < * ! { 2S1 . . . 3 0
M 774 . . . 3 < ! ? l S3 NS . . . 393
61 249 . . . 3 S7V , M 212 . . . i F >
83 2 * . 3 < :7' : , 77 2 * > . . . S ? '
64 "S . . . 3 > i7)i ) BO 26S . . . 3
r < ! 14 40 3 S7'i ' 78 27 100 3 93
CO 214 . . . 3 SJVi 41 2U . . . 3 93
71 ! I6 SO 3 09 fl 2W . . . 400
11 214 . . . 3 < M C ? 211 . . . 400
OIlDrt AND r.Nttt ! .
1. . . . . . . 640 . . . 2 SO 3 MA . . . 3 KH
1 . . . . . . .40) ) . . . 3 f ) f. 211 . . . 3'3
2 410 . . . 325 B W. . . S < K
! 150 . . . 33) ) 3 573 . . . 3 Vi
2S . . . 3 M B 21 ! ! . . . S * 1
It ) ! > S . . . SO ) 1 S'X ) . . . JM
1 40' . . . 370 6 401 . . . IS' .
B 3W . . . 370 7 174 . . . 3 S7'4
1 430 . . . 37i 11 < K > . . . 3 < 7H
4 . . . . 110 . . . 3 7 * . 6 12rt . . S ! )
B 402 . . . 3 SO 3 2 . . . S'"O
3 21) ) . . . 3 1 > 1 f > 0 . .39- )
1 . . . . 410 . . . 3 SO 2. . .f * ) . . 3 90
1 40 . . 3 SO fi . . .217 . . 3 W
19 109 . . . 3 < ! IJ C Wfi . . . 390
1 4 < 0 . . . 3 S2'4
HecelpN of idieep were npaln ( olernbly liberal ,
nlxtcen double dcckn AM the loeil HnUKlitrrvn
were lr the market for mi'plle and there wi
nlsn n Rood deuinnd from nutMde liutchrm nnd
feeder biijero , The trade ruled netlve from ntnrt
tn llnlxh with prices Jutt nbuitt > tiad > - all uiuiind.
Ucpte cntnU\o falei ;
No Av I'r
177 western \\others 121 tl 1" >
20i ) western Jennings KM 4 < )
M western 5curium's , 91 4 SO
221 western > i > nrlltiKS SS 4 0
2JS we tcrn > enrlltiK S9 4 SO Mexican Iambi f2 5 )
2J1) we'tern Inmbs C7 (21
218 imtl\e Iambi 70 5 21
7 western ewe * 92 3 : !
21t western ewes 101 3 S2
3SJ western owes 9S 3' " )
2 * ! western > enrllnss 107 4M
tl nntlxe jenrllnKX HO * * u
301 Mexican lambs 0) ) 4 90
C21 Mexican Iambi fd B 10
2."inntl\e Iambi ( * ) ft 25
23 westeni liunliH 7J v 25
ciuov < : o MVI : vrocic
lii-iiiniiil for MULCH anil 1'rlot-M
Arc HlulK-i- .
CHICAGO , I'eb 18 Theie win the usual mod-
cinlo Tuesday demind foi'cnttle an ) prlcn wcto
Hteady The best clais of Mitrs "old readily nl
from SJ.O" > to to. CO , cuttle Riiod enough to veil
nboie 45 IwltiR In ri'ec'lnl demand Tito com
moner crudes ranged fiom $3 SO lo W. Slorkerti
and rteden sold nt from M 50 ti > } l 10. with
Kiiles nicstl ) nt fl nni SI to I4. < > CniinliiK COWH
mh inci'J to from fj SO to } - ' ' J. a few Kile * be-
liiK made at from J10 to ! . ' 2o .ind < luli'o to
fmicj lielfcro limiiKlit from tt to M 50 Cattle
tioiu 'lexai mo nrrl\liiR 111 fair numbers and
wjld rendllj today at from J3.C3 to tl IM. the best
prices of the jear\e were imeliiinsed
There wi nn ncthe ' ( .ntiinil for IIOKK , and It
did not lake lonu to dlxpo e of thr ? < iuppl ) The
a\irng iUallt ] > was better tlmn usual 1'rlccH
hhot up fium C > o to UK. , Miles beliiR laiKel ) nt
from ( I ( V > to tl 121 : . nnd thetMieme range for
thu poorp'-t to the beat hogs wn from fj ' " 0 Ui
tl JO Plus wld nt from f3 CO to tt 05. clilclb nt
at f loin II 7" ) to tl
Shetp were In good demand at steid > prices
8 lies were oiv n busls of from tl 25 to t3 ' 0 fur
infi rlor lots , up to from tl to tl 75 for > holi tto
prime llork of nalhe Khcep Hams Hold at from
tl 21 to } .1 50 and fed wivitciii lierp tot I nt frcm
tZM tn tl. YeailliiR phecp wne In di iiinnd at
fiom tl.CO 1" t"i.S3. but l.imbs were onlt In fair
demind nt from tl.M to t70 , prices a\eraglng
a llltle lower. espfclall > for heuwelghtH
Itecelpts Caille , 3,600 , hogp , 25.WO head ,
sheep , 12,000 head.
M. l.onlN l.lStock .
ST I/3UIH , I'eb 11 CATTLi : IteeelptH , 3.EOO
luwid , of which l.fA ) bend weie 'lex.uin , nilp
menli , GW l ad , marUel t-leidj fulr lo fiiur
nitlxo HhlppliiK anil e3it | steirs , } l 20fu 3r ,
bulk of mien , tl SW ) 11 , droHseil bi-ef nnd
bulcher stiers , W90ij4S5 , Imllt of wiliw , < 4 < 0'n '
455 , steers under 1OW Ibs , tJ 2jff4 ( to , liulk t
Hilc-s , t3H'.ffllO. Blocl.ers nnd feeilors t2.WIf
4 0 , bulk of sales , t3 2" > { ? 4 2i ) , io\\s and helfrrH ,
tJSOiff465 , 1 < > xnH and Indlim Hirers , tlW4TI4i
li'ilk of xnleB , M7/4 / ) . cons nnd hclftre , 5W )
pi 33.
HOfirf Hecelpts , S 8W , shipments , 1.001
held ; imrket 5c higher on Rood wcluhts , ti i ! )
on others , jorkers 14 O > ! | 4 OJ , puclteiR , t3 bOul1
4 10 , butchers' , tl 10JI4 i )
t-IIIJtll' Hecc-lpls. 1,10) ) held , shipments , none ,
mtirki-t jHtioim , iiiilhe muttons , t40J5t425 , limb"
t3 OO fd 75
IiulliiiiniiollH LU < - Stocl ; .
INDIANAPOLIS. 1'eb 15 CATTL13 Ucculpts.
yheid > , shipment" , llghtt nuuket f ilrl > aclhc.
good lo prime sleeis. tl S'i i'.25 , fair to iiudlum
steers. tt.COJ4 | SO , common to good stockcrs , t2 75
1IOOS llecnlptu , nr.OO bend : shipments , lrW (
bend , acthc demind foi hogs fioju nil hources
and n cleirinee wnisoon made nl S'tiT'ic higher ,
closed stronff Rood to choke meUlum and henvj ,
S4 Mill 15 , mixed nnd heijMcklnR , tl 0" > ( i4 10 ,
common lights , $ I.M > IJ > ' >
SIIDi : ! ' Hecelpts , IlKht , rlilpim nti , none , nil
sold piomptly nt htejd > jirlees. rnnged t2" > for
common shcop to 14.75 for common to mullum
lIllMt lliilTulo LUt * SlucU
I\ST nuri-Aix ) . N Y , reb 13 CATTLT-
I'rlme to extri choice llnlslnnl export steeis
to 15S | " > 3.1 , gooil tn choice "fnl shipping i < teeis.
t4 r WI ST , choice to smooth fnt helfeia , Jl 35ST
4 G" , filr to ifood mixed butoliera' slock , $1 5012
4.00 ; Rood fat cows , } 3 COTTi 00 , common rtlil
conn , J2 1002 85
IIOOS Yorkerw , good to oVilce. f4 25WI 37 ,
roughs , common to choice , t3 GOQ3 70 ; pigs , com
mon to choice , t39)ij4.05.
LAMIia-Oiolcn to exlni. 33 SOD3.90 : culls ' . <
common , to O'JffG ' 10.
Slinni' Cliolce to fwleoted wethers ,
ciilln to oonmion , tl S'ViJiS ' SO
OH } Llvi- Stork Murki-t.
KANSAS CITY. Teh 15 rATTLH llece'pt.- ' .
11 001 head : best grades slendj , othnis weiil.
Texsi3 sti' > ni , 13 21'iM ' 30. Texns oowtJ 4"gi 2o
nallxe teeis. t3.7W .20 , native cows nnd helf
en $2 2Vir4 15 Hlockers and feeders. tl.COffl 00
bulli , W 25W3.7" .
HOrJ ! Ileceliits , 2i,0-W ) bend market tlrm In
la higher ; bulk of sales , tt SOfll 03 , hmnles
and prvkers W S03T4 01 , mixed tl Wl 02' '
PKIIIM , 13.0503.85 , > olkeis , t3 OOS3 S'i , plr-s , t3 40
fT * 75
SIinni'-Hecelnts , 4 000 bend mirket Him
limbs , tl.MiK. 75. muttons , n Witt 10
\IMV Y rl Llx
Nn\V YOKK , IVb 1.1 IIHP.Vi : ' ? Hecelpls , ? CT
hMd. no Hading Hut-open n cnbles quote Ameri
can fleers at l iffll'ic , dressed welghtH , le-
frlgeritor beef nt 9T9Vie tier Ib , experts tixli ) ,
S'O beeves 1 02. sheep 2.1SO qiinrtrifl of beef
( \\LVIS4-HicelptH C2 bend : \eils. tl VWI ) 70
Simill' ANI > \MI14 Hecelpts , 4.335 head
lambs K WT < ! UVi.
HOGS Hicelpts , 3.0F9 heail higher at tl 13 ©
_ _
Cliifliinnll Ll-c Siin-lr.
CINCINNATI. 1'eb 15 HOOS-StronR nnd
hlelur nt f3 31 4 IS
\\TTLlV-Hlcady nt r.2Vn ! C.1.
SIIiii' Dull at t2 75 JI fl'i
LAMIW I wer nt S4 & > B5 . In
Hecord of receipts of llvo "lock at the four
principal markets for rebrunrv 1 ! '
C tlle IlniTB Sheen
Omaha . 1.M2 8711 3.RBO
Chicago . l.fM 2'i,000 12000
Kannis City . in ( W 2I.WO 400
Kt Louis . 3.SOO 8.900 1,400
Totals . 21. IM C2.C91 21 Sffl
Full Illii-r Print Clodi.
PALL KIVI3H. MnBs , IVh 15 The prim
cloth market l dull lit 3 5-lRc
C. C. CIiniRTIR , K. J.
President. Vice 1'realdcnt
Christie-Sheet Commission Co
Capital , tf.-.O.OIMUH ) , Piillj I'nlil.
H. E. PEOTEY & CO. ,
HO Board of Trade Bldfj. , Omaho , Neb
Hiancb Onico 1038 N Si Lincoln. Neb
Meinbors Chicago Board of Trnilo nlnco ISC *
Grain , 1'rovisions ' an ! N. Y. Stocks
Orders Cash nnil Future Delivery Sollcltt.l
Omuliii Ullluf , llooiu 1 , \ . V. Life
. . , . .MMliilll11(11 ( . . , .
KLOYI ) J. OAMJ'IIKLL. Jlniinurt-r.
Telephone 103 ! ) . Onmliii , Neb
110AHL ) 01' TIJADI ! .
Dlrert wires to Chicago and New York.
Correipondenti : John A. Wamn & Co.
A New
x Serial
Rider #
Haggard ,
Author of "She , "
"Kinp Solomon's Mines , "
Etc. , Etc. ,
Has Completed Another
Story Entitled
The IUTO of ( lie story Is n grand
son of ICInjf Solomon on nn e.v-
pcdltlon to the Golden Oi > hlr of
the nihlo.
A KoniRnco of Pro-Historio
Africa , Daringly
Imnpinntlvo nnd Full
of Thrilling Action.
This story began publication In
As a Serial , In Ten Instalments ,
I February Ki.
i ( With Illnstiatlons. )
= 12 ?
IQ this story Mr. Hng&ird makes
a new demonstration of Ills won
derful power la the Held of pure
romance. Ho once inoro holdly
lifts tbo curtain that hldra the fate
of nations dead and burlsd In the
ages of which DO record remains ,
except In the silent ruins of their
Zlroboc , an Inland trailing city
that flourished In the heart of
Africa 3.000 years ORO , and peopled
by the Phoenicians , la the scene of
the story. To this city comes
I'rnco Azlcl , a grandson of King
Solomon , accompanied by Issacliar ,
a priest of Israel , cad Motem , a
Phoenician trader , who brings a
caravan of merchandise.
In EllBsa , daughter of Sahon , king
of Zlmboe , the prlnco meets bis
fate. King Ithobal , lord of many
legions of Ba\ago warriors , IB al
ready a suitor for hscid. Ho
sues ID true barbarlin fanhlm ,
seeKs to carry her oI ( by force , and
! fl foiled In the attempt by Prlnco
Azlel. The story unfolds Itself
around tbo feud between tbo Prlnco
of Israel and tbo aavagc King Itho
bal. Hltasa has cU < a her heart
to Azlel , and I oaths tbo barbarian
monarch. Isaachar , the priest , Is
determined that no prince of the
house of David shall wed a heathen
maiden , whoso people worship Baal.
As a result of his Intrigues , Rllssa
Is elected tbo high priestess of
Baal. _ _
This fixes an Impassable religious
gulf between her nnd Azlol. Their
passionate love seeks to surmount
all barriers. M centime , Itbobil
draws hta huge army of savages
arouctl the fated city , and demandIng /
Ing CllEoa In marriage , prepares
to destroy It If ho Is refused. How
nilssa vlolatro her oath as high
priestess and prepares to fly with
Ariel ; how they are both discovered
and threatened with death by the
priests of Haul ; how , to save each
other , she , by her right aa the high
priestess of Baal , names htm tier
husband , while ho renounces his
faith and offers Inccneo to Ilaal ;
how Ithobal'n horde of savages
storms the walls of the city , and
bath .Azlel and Kllcm fall Into bl/j
power ; and how , at last , Azlel ca-
capcn with his llfo by Ellroa'fl
feigned submission to Ithobal , sbo
In turn escaping Ithobal by killing
heraelf , Is all told In Mr. Haggard's
most faoclnatlng mariner.
The awful ceremonies In the torn-
plo of naal , tbo weird rltca In the
sacred groves of Xlmboo , and tbo
barbarous battle scores ot that far-
off 'time , arc described with all tbo
author's marvelous wealth ot Imag
inative resource ,
It Is a story that will surely rank
as ono of the great 'worlta of 'lctlon
ot 1803.
Iii the
Watch for It !