THE OM-AIIA DAILY BEE : TJUjESDAT , FEBRUARY 15 , 1898. SONS OF FIGHTING SIRES Annual Oonvantion of the Nebraska Division Meets Today , MEMBERS NOW FLOCKING TO THE CITY Ofllcrr * nn < l Many of the Alrentl } ' I'roxrnt Men lon. of the , .Miflotml iiicMiii | > tiicnt to V , He I'rotldvd. Tor the next three days Omaha will bo the iMecca of the Sons of Veterans of Me braska. This distinction has been thrua upon the city from the fact that during these thrco dajs the fourteenth annual convcn tlon ot the Nebraska , division , Sons of Vet erans , will bo held In ttila city. It promises to bo ono of the most Important and busies conventions ever held In the state by the order. Local members have been making ex tensive preparations In consequence In order to properly care for 'the delegates who wll bo In attendance. The advance guard of the visitors arrlvcc in the city last night , about a score of then being registered at the Mercer , the Dellono nnd the Ilarkor hotels. The majority o those already hero comprise the olHclal staff Thcso Include. District Commander Davis o Wllbcr , Quartermaster J. C. Holtz of Wll- ber , Surgeon D. O. liitoti of Lltchdeld , Inspector specter it M. Tjson of Tobias , Mustering Olllter 13 H. Jenkins of Columbus , Senior Vlcu Commander M H Gllmoro of Valley and the division council , consisting of Oeorgo IWelz of Fremont , F. J Coates of Platts- mouth nnd A. W. Whiting of llartlngton The rest of the oindal staff consists o : Junior Vlco Commander S. T. Wlgglifl of thla city and Division Chaplain J. A. Deck of South Oinnli.i. The first Btaslon of the convention will oc cur this afternoon at 2 o'clock and the others will bo held morning and afternoons fdr the next two dajs , It being expected that an ad journment sine dlu will bo taken Thursday afternoon Tills morning the division coun cil will hold Its regular meeting to examine the books and records of the olllcers , upor which it will report to the convention. All the niLctlngs will bo held In Woodmen of the World hall In the Crounao block , Six teenth street nnd Capitol avenue. There Is a considerable amount of busi ness to come up for consideration. Among the moro Important matters Is a scheme to add an Inouranco department as a feature of the ordei There Is a plan on foot also to Increase the per capita tax for the pur pose of assisting the financial end of the order There Is likely to be a tolsUlcrable amount of discussion upon both these mat ters. Another piece of Important business to bo considered Is In connection with the na tional encampment of the Sons of Veterans , which will bo held In this city during the exposition This onoimpiront wcs Invited licro by the state division , and , therefore , that body must make prepaiation tor taking care of it properly. It will therefore map out n plan of operations , which the local mem bers of the onlcr will execute. \\tillo the delegates will bo kept pretty busy In attending to all the matters that will como up for their consideration , thej nre alfio to bo given a chance to enjoy them selves On Wednesday night a binquet Is to bo tendered them by Omaha camp. This affair Is to take place at the Meicor hotel It IB In charge of the following committee , which also has made all the arrangements for the convention. S. T Wiggins. W K. Jenkins , It 12 Herdman , Paul Scvvard , 0. L. Salisbury nnd A , II. Hawltzcr. T'icre will bo between 100 and 125 dele gates scaled In the convention tiall when the body Is called , together , the majority being fro'm points In the slate. They will rcprrcent about COO rank and file , that being the membership ot the order at presnt There has bcon a slight inccrase during the last jcar financially the division is In good cnudltloi Last night the visiting ofllecca attended the regular moetng of Omaha camp Sam'l Ultras' February reduction saleA Banquet Lamp and Globe , ? 3 , formerly $5. II UlTIiIll STII.I. Iini.l ) IX .TAIL. aiiimlittr ft oni tilt * Supreme Court Xiit Itc < ' < - lMl In Omaha. "Forty dajs from the rising of the court , " nt the sitting of which Joseph S Hartley was condemned by the supiemo tribunal of Nebraska to undergo the scntenco and pen alty passei upon him by the district court in Douglas county , expire today. Thcso forty da > s were supposed to limit the time of Hartlej's stay In the Douglas county jail , but ho will bo among us , though not of u.i for jet a fc v dajs. Sheriff McDonall has as jet received no copy of the mandate from the supreme court ordering the re moval of the prisoner from the jail to the pcnltcntlarj , nnd It Is apparent that he will not for some dajs to come. Last week Daitley's nttornojH tiled a motion for a rehearing with the supreme court , and this matter remains to be passed upon. It is understood that Clerk Cumpbcl ! of the supreme premo court rules that the tiling of the mo tion ncl.s as a stop to the Issuance of the mandate necessary to carry the sentence into effect , anJ that there will be no labile until the motion has been disposed of by the court At the thno the supreme court handed don n ita opinion ainrmlng the findings and i-ciitciico of the lower court thcro were rumors that Hartley would make an at tempt to escape from custody ot the sheriff It was fold that ho might take advantage of the degree of liberty that was accorded him during his appeal to the supreme court nu. ) make his escape from the county jail These rumors have so far proved giound- ICBS When the sentence of the trial court was affirmed Hartley wns shorn of his privi leges and was removed to the strongest part of the jail. Ho Is given no special con- Eldcratlon wl.utcvor. While Ills stay In Omaha may bo a little moro prolonged , he will bo kept as secure as any other of the men detained against their will In jail. I'riltCNtH A KM III Xt ( IIIMllCIIICII. . OMAHA , Feb H To the Hdltor of The nee It la high time that the shade trees ot this city wore afforded sonic adequate protection , by ordinance or otherwise , from tliu devastating hnnd ot the "lineman " lYHodlrully , summer and winter , they are Incited and mutilated In the Interests of the myriads of overhead wires which run through their branches. For years wo had no trees. It was only by expense- , hard work and Infinite jxiliis , that our streets and homca were made beautiful and plcawnt by their nlmde Must we now ( juUlly submit to this whole sale destruction ot all their Hjmmctiy and beauty , for the convenience ot a lawless bjstem , which not only dlsflgutcs but en dangers our city ? I My noA A SUFFttUER. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair , ' Gold Medal , Midwinter Pair. CREAM 'A Fur * Grip * Cream of Tnrtar Pow4 0 YEARS THE STANDARD MIJVS envy TACKI.HS HAWAII Denote oil Annexation Afford * the I'll torlnlninrnt for the Micht. Tbo lien's Clan of Trinity Mcthodli church held o very Interesting mcetlnc las iilsht. Iho chief feature of the mcctlru was the dcliato on the question , "Hc-solvrd That Han all should be annexed. " Dr. Tea ami Olher Auibnioedy affirmed and U. C Powlor nd A. C. Knglcr denied the ques tlon. tlon..Mr. .Mr. Attchmocdy said that It nas a qucs lion of either annexing Hawaii or Allowing some foreign power to auumo control of the Islands. Hauall In the handa of a foreign power ivould Imperil our commerce end our safety. The- gist of Mr. Fowler's argument was tint tthat uo need Is bolter la-AS and legla latlon and not more territory. With Hawal annejccd o would enjoy no moro privileges than wo do now. Moreover Hawaii's sugar lii'lvitrlrs vo.ild Imperil ours and Its Igno rant imputation Is unflt to bseomo cltl/cns. Mr. Teal contended that the reclprocltj treaty with Hawaii admits Its sugar free to the United States , hence annexation couU not affect the sugar Interests Under Unltct Ktntts laws contract labor would bo abollshci and the rtmilt would be a great change In the populitlon. When some other power grabs Hawaii tlio United States will 'be com pelled to defend It because of the protect orate ? 8 umcd. so It would bo better to an uex It white It can tic donn In peace Dole an 1 his party , said Mr. Hnglcr , dethroned throned Qucc'j Lll nnd established a pro visionary government for the solo purpose of gaining Hawall't admission to the United "talcs. The Europeans jiml Americans In Havnll nro the only persons who desire an nexation and they should not bo allowed to overpower the majority , who are opposed. The regular monthly meeting of the Young Women's Christian association was held It the rooms of the association In the 1'axlou block last e\enlng Mrs Tlldcn presided The reports of work accomplished during the month as read by Miss Caily were mos : gratifying. Amopg * other announcements i wns stated tint 5,208 noon luhchers had vis ited the rooms during the month , with an a\eragu of 173 per day. Thirty-eight edu cational classes were established , with a membership pf 223. The gospel meetings brought out an attendance ot JOO. Follow Ing the reading of the reports It was decided to select sU contestants for a membership con test , the ono having secured the largest num ber of new names bj Juno 1 to be given a llfo membership ticket In iho association Those who were selected by ballot were Mlsi .Margaret Thomas , Mrs. A. M. Tergusen , MUs Kate Swnrtzlander , Miss Grace Mllle , Mrs. D. J. rewards and ( Miss Nella Halleu- beck. 1'ollowlng the 'business ' meeting a St. Val entino's party was given In the largo room of the association by the members of the Wednesday evening gymnasium class. Mrs. Nichols acted as master of ceremonies. The program Included "tragedy , " "nuts to crack , " "comedy , " "cake walk" nnd refreshments In the shape of "baked hearts. " Prof. William Windsor , phrenologist , opened several nights' engagement at Crelgh ton hall last evening to a large auiHencw Prof. Windsor gave an exhaustive account of the Held covered by phrenology end illuo- trated his reniatks by chaits , skulls and other apparatus lie d'scussed the scientific eldo of the study , nnd made plain to his audience many little details of cranial re search , which heretofore had been veiled in obscurity In the minds of many of them The lecture wao the first ot a eerles which will bo given , covering such topics as "How to Ilecomo JJIch , " "Ho\v to Become Hand fiome. " "Mntrlmonj" tnd others. The flret thrco lectures will bo free to the public. Among the novelties which Prof. Windsor will Introduce Friday night will ho the se lection from his audience ol young men and women whoso temperaments are peculiarly adapted to one another and to whom he will recommend marriage In his lecture laH night the phllcsophj of magnetism and elec tricity waa touched upon , and many humor ous experiments resulted from the develop ing of subjects from the audience. In his lecture Prof. Windsor showed that magnetism was a controlling factor In tbo true- law of selection , as It exists between the sexcfe The subject will be explained moro exten sively lei future lectures. A pleasant muslcalo was given last even- ng nt the residence of Mrs. M. O. Maul , 833 Park avcmuo , for the benefit ot St Augustine's mlslon. The event was In charge of the Altar guild of the church. The IDU O was prettily decorated and every avail able space of the parlor door was taken up Sy mcmbeis of the church and their friends The first portion of the program consisted of i piano solo by Miss Sc\vard , aoeal polo Jy Mrs. Thomas , recitation by Miss Madge Mayhall , vocal solo by Mr. Hakcr , zither solo by Mr. Lehman , nnd aocal solo by Mr. Weir. The second portion of the pro gram was agtecably filled by Mica Dovvcn with a vocal eclectlra , zither by Mr. Leh man , vocal solo by Mr. Raker , piano oolo bj M'HS Scwnnl , aocnl solo by Miss llowen , i ccitatlon by Ml-s .Ma > hall and a vocal solo by MIs Helen Uurnham. A short address was made by Ilev. W. S Howard , pastor of the church , nnd the entertainment concluded with refreshments Did Yon Mil Uii Your Ciriiln-O Thin Wllj ' . Hero are the latest directions : Use ono tnhlespoonful of Oraln-0 to two cups of cold water. Mix the Graln-O with half an egg nnd add the water ( Bo sure to measure ) After the water gets to the boiling point let boil from fifteen to twenty minutes. Use : ream and sugar to suit the taste. If you mvo not cream use hot milk. A JetSy said : "Tho first tlmo I drank jrahi-0 I did not llko It , but after using it lor ten days and forming the Inbit , nothing would Induce mo to go back to coltso. " This 3 tbo oxperlcnco of all. If ; ou will follow llrectlons , measure It every tlmo and make t the snmc , and try It for ten days , you will lot go back to coffee , Curd nf TlimikM. In behalf of in j self and relatives , I desiree : o convey our heartfelt thanks to the many 'rlendn whoso kindly assisted In my wife's ast Minces , and for the great sjmpathy man- fcstcd at her funeral , N. ANDnitSON and RnLATIVCS. "TIII3 COMHI IDO SI'IICIAI. . " Train to Hem er Via the UNIOX PACIFIC. This train leaves Omaha at 11 55 p. m dally and Is vtMtllitileil throughout , lighted with Plntsch goo and consists ot drawing- room elecplng cars , free reclining chair cars , coaches and dining cars ONLY TllAI.N OMAHA TO DCNVHR mvlng buffet , smoklnig nnd library cats ileopor on westbound train will bo oven to raveling public nt 0 p. m. , and persons lound for Colorado po'nts ' need not wait mill train leave. ! at midnight before rn- Irlng , For full Information call at city Icket office No 1302 Karnum street. rim o , x vr. i < . AMI WAIIA&II it it. Io r All I'nlntit Hunt unit South , Leaves Omaha dally at I 35 ji m. , arrives it I < ouls 7 15 a m. , connecting In Union Station with all lines. For rates , sleeping car space and all Information call at olllco s'o , 1415 1'arnani street , ( Paxton Hotel HlocK ) or wrlto Harry 13. Mootes , Ticket Agent , Omaha Neb. TIII : HIAI.TV .MAKICUT. . NSTKUMBNTS placed on record Monday. February 11 , IMS. A. J AndeiMon and wife to T. A. Ilos- blng , tr. , lots 1 to 2C , block 6. Shrlvcr I'luco , lots 21 , 25 nnd 20 , block 2 , Hen- man IMnco nnd various lots In An derson Place und property In other counties . flSOOO V II , Uiederlch nnd wife to H. 11. Thompson , cast 10 feet lot , block 0 , DruUo'H add . 1,000 Q A. Weaver nnd vvlfo to P U , o. Desprcher , lots 12 und U , block 1CS , Dundee I'lnuf . , . , , . . . . . . , i ' Qlflf CLAIM DBHDS Milcnfo Universal Investment ami Loan association to A. K. Ish , sV . lot 7 , block 11 , MniiHcom I'laco . . . . . . 715 H. A , Truman to Home Investment company , lot 1 , block 17 , Smith's add E J. J . nidrldge nnd vvlfo to W. E. Davis , lot 5 , Cottage Terrace . , , . 70 JDCEDS. Albert WatKlna , rec. , to National Line Insurance company , west 71 fret lots 1 nnd 2 , block 1 ! > 1H. Omuha . 400 Special makter to N. C. lletd , n'/j lot 6 , block 5 , Heed's 2J odd. . . . . l. ! > 53 " > tn | amount of transfers . . < . J22.HI MORE PATROLMEN NEEDED Chief of Police Asks the Commission for Moro Mon. INSUFFICIENT NUM3ER NOW ON HAND IVnntM nn Imtnvillntc Addition of Korly II on ml nine 11 anil Tnciity I > c- tccllM'.i Hoard TnUon thf Mut ter Under Coimldfrntlon. At the meeting of Iho Hoard of Tire and Police Commissioners last night a communi cation was submitted from the chief of po lice In regard to the Insufficient number ot patrolmen on hand. It recommended an Immediate addition of forty policemen and twenty dcttctlves to the force to ade quately cover the city during the coming year. The statement was made that the present number ot patrolmen was Insufll- rlent even under present conditions nnd that the force In active patrol duty did not at present exceed fifty mn. Anotr-or portion of the plan Is to appoint ten special onicerE next June who liavo had experience In the police service of other cities and who are familiar with the croaks of their particular towns. The matter was taken under consid eration by the board. Most of the session was consumed In a lengthy contest against the granting of a liquor license to Fred H. Krug at 1821 Charles street. The objections were rained that the site was within tliree blocks of the Kellom school , that It faced MI Nineteenth street , n boulovaid much In use -for family driving , and that a taloon there would ma terially Injure surrounding property Inter ests The genuineness of several signatures on the applicant's petition were called Into doubt. The defense produced W. F. Web ber , who testified that all the names on the pctlticn wire property holders , according to the records , and Charles How ell , who was able to state that do had seen all of the rames on the petition signed by their re spective owners The point was also made that the neighborhood was in a mcasuco a business locality. The case was taken undci advisement until the special meeting Fri day night. James McNamara.'a member of Hose com pany No. 4 , was then placed on trial for appearing in company quarters in an in toxicated condition. Ho was dismissed from the service on a plea of guilty. The com plaint against James J. Norton of Engine company No. 4 , charged with Illegally as signing Ills salary , was set for htarltig on next Monday night. The protest In the liquor CUBO of Jame.3 rnrrett. 4002 Hamilton street , will be heard next Filday night. A neglected cough may lead to consump tion , therefore , take Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup SOUFH OMAHA NEWS. The city council held a short bcsslon last night with only six members present , Messrs Dennett and Tralnor being absent. An ordi nance providing for a special tax to pay the cost of sidewalks In the permanent aldcwalk district was passej and the city clerk was Instructed to draw warrants for $430 In favor of A. Stutzer. the contractor , for the walks laid. The ordinance a&scssing a special tax to pay for the Missouri avenue sewer was patised without opposition. This plan pro vides for a graduated assessment according to the benetlts. Property owners petitioned for a sidewalk on the cast side ot Thlrtj- ntnth street , from Q to U street , and the document was referred to the committee on streets nnd allpjc > An acceptance of the new gas frcuchlso ordinance was filed bj Messrs. Flynn , Crcssey and Wjman , and the bond of the new company was accepted. Judge Christmatm reported that of the po lice court fines for January $20 50 had been : urned Into the school fund. Ticasurer ! ! road\vell reported a balcuce of $50CCt on land at the clcee of buslncos January 31. Attorney A. H. Murdock , who waa em- plojed to Investigate the records ki the Charles Lund damage suit to see If it would jo possible to reopen the ease and set aside the Judgment obtained , filed a lengthy re port giving a history of the case in detail. According to his opinion the city could not very well at this late day have the caoa reopened. Schultz secured an order for the street commissioner to clean the six inches of mud off the west end of the Q street viaduct and to repair the sidewalk on the west side of Twentj-eighth street , between Q and S street. Varnsant obtained the ccn- sent of the council for repairs to the walk on the east side of Twcntj-thlrd , between M and N street , and Kellj worked through an order for the repair of the crosswalk at Twentj-seventh and I streets. Crossings In jad repair were reported at Twcntj-flist nnd I streets and Twentieth and J streets. The committee on streets and allejs will be re- qucutcd to Investigate these crossings. Pctl- lens signed by residents of this city , of lollevueand Sarpy county , protesting against the laying of a track across Uellevue avenue , were read and refcried to the street end alley committee. Adjourned until February 28. Ornilu ( in TiitnO-Third Strei-t. A petition Is being circulated requesting the city council to grade Twenty-third street from O to S street , and It Is understood that nany of the property owners In this localltj are in favor of the movement. Hev. D. W. Morlarty , pastor of St. Agnes' church , con- cmplates the erection of a parsonage on ho church property at the southeast corner of Twenty-third and Q streets and Is anxious 0 have the street graded before he com mences building. Property owners on Tvven- y-second street would Illio to be Included n this grading district , provided It Is created n order that the cost of filling lots on that street might bo reduced. The dirt could be akcti from Twenty-third street and filled In ho low places with only a slight expense , aa ho haul would bo a short ono. In the pro files /Twenty-third / stteet there would be a cut of live feet at Q street and a cut ot ho same depth at P street. Some of the iroporty owners residing In this locality do lot think that the cut would bo deep enough at P street , nnd the city engineer may bo requested to make a change In the profile vhen the tlmo for action comes. In case the proposed grading on Twenty-third street Is 1 emu It would bo advisable It Is thought , to nako a cut on Q street between Twenty-third and Twenty-fouith streets , In order to do away with the hill which now stands bo- wecn the church and Twenty-fourth street. 'hl3 petition for this grading will most 111ely bo presented to the city council within a short tlmo In order that the work may bo done as early In the spring as practicable. Work for C'llj" I'rlxoiii'rx The present condition of the streets Is auslug a great many taxpajcrs to talk over the proposition to compel prisoners vho are confined In the elty Jail for mlnoi offenses to work out their fines on the treets , At this time of the > car the street repair and general funds are always low ami especially Is this true of the present Imo on account of heavy expenditures dur- iif , ' the early p-irt of the fiscal jear It costs the city In the neighborhood of 40 cents a day to feed each prisoner detained at the city jail arid many taxpayers appear o bo In favor ot putting these men at vork piling the mud up so that wagons could haul the accumulation away. l'\5i' hat matter It has been suggested that tte major or chief of police might detail an nicer to watch these prisoners and eco hat they performed their duty and did not scape. A number of property owners have alkcd with some of the members of the : lty council about this matter and It posst- ily uvjy receive the attention ot that body n the near future. JlalliTM In ( ( iii'Htlon. Merchants In the business part of the city are complaining about auction firms being allowed to do business on the principal treets of the city , The city ordinances pro vide a license for auction stores at the rate of $50 a year , This Is considered far too low by the merchants and It U possible that requests will be made to the council to In crease thla fee. One auctioneer on N street who recently went out ot business procured a llcenio at toe regular rate , but another atoro of the same Vlndjls now running with out ii license. Huelntss men claim that something ought to' ho tlono to protect them , especially op the c\iy \ ia liable to bo full ot snap gjimes during , Uirf present Bummer. In connection \vlth Jlcjencc matters , the city authorities are liable to have a little trouble with an Omaha Una at house movers , 'who have moved a building down from Omaha Mid left It standlngtlntlhc direct at Fifteenth and Missouri avonuoT Several attempts have been made by the city engineer and license Inspector to sac the movers of the building , but co far Jthelr efforts have been unsuccessful. Local house movers are com pelled to take out a license costing $50 a joar and they urge that the ordinance bo enforced when outside movers haul buildings Into this city. In the present case the build ing has been left In the street so as to occupy nearly all ot 4ho room and make U almost Impossible for \chlcla to pass , " \Vnnt StMvor JlvtriiIc < l. Property owners In the northern part of the city nnd west of Twenty-fourth street are prepirlng a petition for a ten-Inch sewer from A to D streets to be laid In the alley between Twenty-fourth and Tvventj- flfth streets. A sewer was built Hint fall extending from D to H streets along this alley , but It Is now desired to xtend It clear to A street In order to take care ot the largo number of residences north of D street. Many of ( ho propertj- owners In this proposed now Olstrlct are non-residents and some trouble has been cxprlenced in ob taining the necessary slgmlures , but those Interested asserted jestcrday that before long the petition would represent the rc- ( Itilfilto number of feet frontage and would then bo submitted to the1 city council. Drntli ( if I. P , I. F. Urovvn , whoso homo was on Twenty- second street , between J and K streets , died last evening after quite a long Illness. The deceased has been In falling health for some time , nnd was removed to n hospital , where an operation waa performed In hopes ot prolonging bis dajs. Mr. Brown rallied for a time and to all appearances was getting better until a week or so ago , when lie had < i relapse , and from that time on eank rapidly. The deceased wns an old resident ot South Omaha , and leaves a widow and the following children Misses CCiloe , Irma , Laura and Fred , Otto , Karl and Thomnra. Arrangements for the funeral will bo made todaj- . N MCiiis Compiin y MoiliiK1. John FIjnu returned from an eastern trip yostcrdajMr. . Fljnn Is ono or the promot ers of the new gas company and whlls away ho made all arrangements for the money necessary to put the plant In operation. It Is understood that a company will be formed at once and bullJIng operations commence as soon as the weather will permit. The bond ot the new company was filed yester day afternoon , the suietlcs being Dr. W. H. Slalxiugh. Dr. J. M. Glasgow and P. S. Casoj. Each one of the signers of the bond qualities for $3,000 , while the bond Itself Is for $5,000. Sulft n ii it < ' < > iiiinity'H | IlxtoiiHlnii. It la understood that Swift and Company will build a number of additional smoke houses In the spring. Several additions to the smoke-houses at this plant have been made within the past two jcars , but the demand for smoked meats has Increased to such on extent that all ot the packers are preparing to increase their facilities. The plans for the Swift smoke tic-use , as now drawn , contemplate the use of about 600,000 brick. Work will , it Is stated , commence early In the spring on ( beso additions. rviolileniiN iifid Culm. An Interesting meeting of.the Mohicans was held last night at 2107 N street. After a number of songs , recitations , etc. , there was a debateon ' the question , "Resolved' , That the United States should Interfere In behalf of the Cuban Insurgents " Frank Jones took the afflrinatlvo side of the ques tion , whllo Harry L. Carpenter spoke In the negative During the balance of the win ter the club proposes to have weekly meet ings at which Homo topic of the times will bo taken up and discussed. Sons of V4pter im. This evening the local camp of Sons of Veterans will entertain the visiting dele gates to the state encampment , which Is now being held In Omaha. A reception will bo held at Masonic liall ami 'there will bo work In the three degrees. Refreshments will be served after the degree work. This camp has now been supplied with rifles from the state armory and active drilling In the manual of arms will commence about Maich 1. Colonel A. I , Lott will bo tha military Instructor of the camp. liN to l ntcrtnin. On Friday evening of this week Alpha Rebekah lodge will give n ball at Masonic hall for the purpose of raising funds for an orphan home. The lodges of the state ncc attempting to ralno $25,000 to erect a homo for orphans of Odd Fellows In this state and when this amount Is raised the grand lodge will furnish financial assistance. Everj member of ttio lodge Is urged to attend the ball and contribute to this worthy cause. W. D. Godfrey Is confined to his home on account of Illness. A meeting of the Hospital association is billed for this afternoon. The Third Ward Republican club will meet Frlc'ay night at Hvans' hall , on Q street , An export buyer bought fat cattle on this mackct yesterday for ttio European trade. A son was born jesterday to H T. Marshal and wife , Twenty-seventh and T stieets. W. S. Vance of Laramle , Wj-o. , was a business visitor at the Exchange yesterday. Armour & Co. bought a lot of fine cattle on this market > esterday and chipped them to Chicago. Horace Brass , formerly of Omaha , lias ac cepted a position with iho 0. II. Brewer companj here. A business meeting of the Ideil club will bo held thla evening at Bert Wllcox's of fice , on N street. Tom Hector has returned from a business trip to Colorado , where ho went to look after his mluiiic Interests. The joung women of St. Agnes' rhuri-h are requested to moct at the church tbla evening at 7 30 o'clock. General Manager Kenj-on ot the Stock Yards company Is ublo to bo at his desk again after nil Illnccs of a week. Rev. Irving P. Johnson locturcj this evenIng - Ing at St. Martin's ' Episcopal church on "Tho Beginning of the Christian Church. " Building operations at Armour's were 10- sumed yesterday after a short suspension made ncceteary on account of the sleet storm Jacob Pupil and Jllsa Violet Wiloe wore married Sunday afternoon at the bride's home , 107 North Twenty-fifth street , by Rev. J. A. Johnson Last week 116 cars (3,320 ( head ) of feeders were shipped to ttio country from this mar ket Of this numbpr , ffty-ono | ars wont to Nebraska nnd fifty cars to Iowa points Rev J. M. Vawtw , rus'or ot tha First Christian church of Omaha , will hold meet ings every evening this wo k at the Chris tian church , Twenty-th\r4 \ and K Jtretti' . The brick paving on N street is belr.g ruined by tbo flushing it rruslvcs at the hands of the fire department , nearly nil of the sand between the bricks having been washed away. U D W Vanvllet , superintendent of the St. Joseph Stock Yqrds railroad , and L R. Sack , superintendent of the stock yards at the tame place , were In the city jester- day , the gucftts of James U Paxlon , Tin ) light Train In Clilcnno. Beginning Mniday. Februarj 7. the North western line will place In service a dajllgbt train to Chicago , leaving Omaha 7 a. in. , Council Bluffs 7.25 a. m. , and arriving Chicago cage 8J5 : p. in. , making connections vvltb evening trains for all points cast. Dining care serve all aieals , Tbo afternoon : limited trains at 4:45 : and fi:45 : p. m. , arming Chicago next morning at 7.45 and 9.30 a. m. . respectively , still remain - main in service. City ticket office HOI Farnam at. 0. K. WEST , C. P , and T. A. J , A , KUIIN , General Agent. DOLlV-Charles. February 13 , 1KW. njcd C4 years 7 months. Funeral Wednesday uftciuoou. February 1C at 1 o'clock , from lila late residence on Went Center street Tims. nontiL ON uirn AM > COOICHUY. One Iliiiulrcd Onuilia AVomrn I.tntcii to ihf Opriilttfr l.cetnrc. Mrs. Ilorer opened her course of lectures yesterday afternoon nt the Woman's ex change , on Seventeenth and Douglas streets , before an appreciative audience of over 100 women , who greeted hero with the Chautnu- tau salute. Her subject was , "Simplicity In Cooking. " She commenced her lecture by stating that everything she gave would bo from n hjglcnlc nnd scientific standpoint. That ( do American people live too high nnd If she could Impress upon them the Importance of keeping tbelr health , as well as their monej- , eho would feel that she had done a good work. We should build up and not tear down. The mother , being ( tie architect ot the family , should make It her especial business to build up her own family. One third ot the children born Into this beauti ful world dlo befcrc the ago ot 1 year , and one-halt before they reach joung manhood and joung womanhood If girls were taught cookery In the sttiools , they would under stand the relation ot foods to health and the proper -way of preparing them. This country Is rich In the fleshy fungi which Is alloncd to go to waste through Ignorance of their value. During the course of her remarks Mrn. Rorer prepared ccvcral dainty nnd pilatablo dishes. Ttio first , n cornbread , which was very simple and especially desirable for chil dren. The next dish was homo meat balls from the tough perls ot the beef , followed by some caramel custards , French omelet and omelet souffle. Mrs. Horcr said several times durfcTg the afternoon that cooking was really very easy work , and that It was a real rest to her to cook dinner for ten or twelve persons. The dishes prcpaicd were passed among the women , who pronounced them very delicious. The next lecture will be given this after noon , from 2.10 to 4 , followed by the first of the evening lectures at 8 o'clock , to which men are Invited CoilHttnilitloii I'oNltlt ! ! > Cured. Mr. R. B. Greevo , merchant , of Chllhowle , Va. , certifies that no had consumption , was given up to die , sought all medical treatment that money could procure , tried all cough remedies ho could hear of , but got no relief ; epent many nights slttln ? up In a chair , was Indur-ed to try Dr. King's Now Dlsccv- ciy , and was cured by use of two bottles. For past three years h has be i attending to business and suvs Dr. King's New DIs- coverv Is the grandest remedy over made , as It has done so much for him nnd al o for others In his community. Dr King s New Discovery is guaranteed for Coughs , Colds and Consumption. It don't fall. Trial bottles tles free at Kuhn & Co 's drug store. Crelghton hall wcs filled to overflowing last night to hear Prof. Windsor , the phre nologist. The public examinations were loudly applauded. Tonight's lecture on "How to Become Rich" Is free. The new Mercer hotel , under the man agement ot Dick Smith , is gaining In popu- lailty dally , liable unexcelled. Special rates to regular boarders : C2 roooms with bath. WXIOPACIFIC. . Only I.ltio to llciiver Running Buffet Smoking and Library cars. "THE COLORADO SPECIAL" leaves Omaha today at 11 55 p. m. , arrives Denver tomorrow at 1-30 p. m. For tickets and full Information call at City Ticket Office. 130J Farrom s > . AMUSEMENTS. James O'Neill will pjesent during his en gagement this week Sir Hcniy living's stir ring dramatic tale , entitled , "Tfio Dead Heart. " Mr. O'Nclll's production will bo on exact copy of Irving's and of the one which Mr. O'Neill himself flcst gave five years ago in Chicago As the part of Robeit LauJry Is a typical romantic role. It will not be amiss to state that the public of this cltj will enjoy Mr. O'Neill in "The Dead Heart. " The management has surrounded Mr. O'Neill with a good companj' , and he and his players will be keen at Bojd's the Httor half of this week , presenting "Monte Crlsto" Thursday and Saturday evenings , "Tho Dead Heart" Friday night , and "Vlrglnlus" at ttio Satur day matinee. COOK'S IMPERIAL CHAMPAGNE , EX TRA DRY. COOK'S IMPERIAL , CHAMPAGNE , EX TRA DRY. COOK'S IMPERIAL CHAMPAGNE , EX TRA DRY. II VIK It ITRJs feOL Til. Via 1'ortrthur lloiitc. The Kansas CltjPlttsburg & Gulf railroad will sell round trip tickets any date , at ono faro ( plus $2) ) to all points on Us line , south of Gentry , Ark. For rates , advertising matter and all Information mation , call at "Port Arthur Route" ofllco , No. 1415 Farnam street , ( Paxton Hotel Block ) or write , Harry E Moores , Passenger and Ticket Agent , Omaha , Neb. 11 o in ( kH 10 l k rn * Iix c ii r H i o n i. TTS-sts will tx > sold on the first and thl.'d Tuesday ot February and March via tlio Union Pacific tu points In Kansas and Ne braska ; points In Colorado west ot and In cluding Lradvllle , Sal Ida and Alamosa ; pole's In Wyoming west of and Including Laramlc ; points In Utah ( except on Southern Pacific companj' ) ; points In Idaho cast ot and Includ Ing Welfcr and M'irkct Lake ; nlso Ontario , Oro. Minimum soiling rate , $3 00. For f.ill information or tickets call at city ticket of fice. 1302 Farnam street u\n afternoon tea and musical will bo given by Unity circle No. 5 , at the residence ot Mrs. Ezra Mlllard , ISIS Capitol avenue , Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Letter Carrier Brady of Station A Is nurs ing a felon on his right hand that Is giving him moro trouble than any "nlxy" that ever came out of a sack. It has been lanced five times and Is still far from being healed. The W. V. Morao company has Incor porated vvjtli n capital stock of $100,000 , the purpose being to carry on the manufacture of boots and shoes and the belling ot the same at j holcsale. The Incorporate are W. V Mlrse , William C. Patterson and F. J. Velio. Mrs. G , D. Johnson , 2004 Hurt street , ar rested Friday afternoon on a charge of tres pass , at the instance of a roomer , George Ilirnbach , did not furnish bond for her ap pearance In police court Wednesday , Feb ruary 1C , as was stated , but was released on her own recognisance. Take Yottr DKXVJJH LIJHTKD Loaves Omaha . . . .l 'iS r. M. Arilves Di'iuvr . . . .7 t01 . M. TJIB UKNVKK SI'KCrAI- Ix'iivefi Oinnim. . . .ll.p : > 5 P. jr. Arrives Denver. . . .1'K : ) P. M , Tlio ] Iurllirtou ) Is ntlll tliu hliortoHt line to Denver still tlm only Hue which runs two tliioush trains a tiny from Outnlm to Colorado. fickct Office , | 1502oFM'X 8r- J. Q. REYNOLDS , P . . AST. Uce , 2-11-51. ' J Our now 1898 Spring stocks are now about ready. Wo will put them on sale in a few days. Before commencing this , our twenty-sixth season in Omaha , and our first Spring season in the now store , wo would like to hear from anybody who has bcon in any way dissatisfied with past dealings in this store. During the season just dosed wo have sold almost thrco times as many goods as in any previous season and it would bo strange indeed if there were not some who had more or less cause for complaint. If any such there be , we will deem it a.special favor if they will communicate with us cither personally or by mail. It is our aim that The Nebraska shall bo neb only a safe store but a faultless store as near as that can bo. Any complaints or grievances will bo investigated and adjusted as promptly and cheerfully as you can desire. Send in complaints. No matter how trivial or how old. DO YOU KNOW THAT THERE IS SCIENCE IN NEATNESS ? BE WISE AND USE Toll probably paid mnrc for Madam Ynle Roods , l > Jt don't do It ntraln llcnd our prices for fresh coeds bilpmcnta received twite ri vcck at the mlddlc-of-block drutr Btiic. Her Our 1'rlcc 1'rlcc Hair Tonlo $1 CO $ m rrultcurn 1 I" ) CO Ua Treckla J CO CO Skin rood ( sinnll ) 1 ta 1 CKI liust rood ( small ) 1 CO 1 CO Complexion 1'nco Powder , thrco rliidc * . to 31 Complexion Sonp 5 i 1-1 Almond Illossom Comp Cream 1 00 CO Complexion fcpcclal Lotion 1 0) ) CO Illood Tonic 1 CO 60 Ulixlr of Ilenutj 1 W CO Maglcil Feiitt 1 fO ICO rpHt Scott . 1 CO fO luck Ito ° o Uucls 1 CO CO rVrtlllzer 1 r 1 CO Mole nnd Wnrt Uxtractor 1 CO 0 > I.ll > Skin Whltener ICO CO Scientific ) fckln Hcllner 1 CO CO Yule's Complexion llrush 1 (0 Ml Yule's Antti-eptlo . 1 W ) CO Yule's DlRiBtlve Tablets TO 31 Yale's rertlllzer Tablets HO J4 llcnuty liook Tree Sneroian&McConnellDrugCo , l.-it : DndKc St. , Oiiinlin , 'Noli. no = ldcnta of towns nnd communities out side of Onuha who need u. Specialist's Treateni FOR. . . Catarrh , Deafness , Diseases of the Lungs. Stomach , Nerves and Blood should write for Dr Slu > p r < ls' book , 'I In" S < " TrentMM'iil i Hint It tnrcN , " A specialty Is made of the Home Ticat- mcnt by mall. SHEPAUD MEDICAL INSTITUTE , an , : : ix ami : tit : .v \ . i.ife in.iu. NEW COLLAR DUFFY'S PURE MALT WiilSKEf All Druggloto. I -O-O-OO-O-O-O-O-OO 0' extracting Teeth . . . Successfully and In an e\pcrt man ner Is something every dentist cannot do. Wo will not state rea sons Our claim Is , wo merit jour patronage from a standpoint of ef- ficlencj In this branch of dcntlstrj. Save Pain . . . Time , worry , expense In having your bad teeth extracted by our painless mcltiod. . .Otlt 1'llicn li.Te. . . York Denial Go l , ICth and Douglas Sis. Over Cnrt- ) vvrl-ht'H ( Shoo Store. Sundays. 0 to 1 p m. Lady attend- . ' dant. A p-oo-o o-oo-o-o-o-oo-o cnn 1m o pouerItliont coil , steam , boilers und uasio heat , VV. P. Callahan & Co. , Dayton , O Outfit nnd ntnrt from VANCOUVKIt IICPIU-CV J. VANt'Oin l.ll la the mutest i > Uce on earth to net to. 2 VANCOUVER Is tlic nonrest port to Alaska. 3 YAN'COUVUIt buotls are Ilio cheapest mij I ) fit 4 VANt OUVnit gooils pay no customs duty , being Caniiljnn in irte , and nut in muriii- tureil In Iho Mntca , 6. VAN' Ol'Vnil frolRlit la last nn boird , nml therefore la lli t dim mbiulud. 1'ractlcal men will note tlila iiulnl 0. VANCOtlVIIIl runs Itu own stenmors , unil all north-BOlnu Btcmners as well Cnll nt VANC'Ol Vnil. Mnps nnd Information free from \V. tiOuriliV , I'r.-H. Ilonril of Triule , VA.NCOUVUII. II. C. raclnl Boip will rrmllcala nil ItldiilHliiH or the Hkln VVOOUmMtY'H natal C'rtnm for chapped linndH , or UPH IH un- I'lUHllnl. Bi'ml J ) cuitu foi rumple of e lUi of IVOOnillJHY'H Toilet C'omulniill m. J. H. \VOOUIIUltV , 127 W 4M St. , N V. To ulnil up the M Inter MCIIHIIII nltli- Ollt II VC'KllK' ' ( > T lllNl fllll JIIIITllllM'H ICIIIlllCN U tlllCIlt ( If II HpllllHIIIIIIl lir rlMC riu'imriifir liujlnif li > crciiUiiK tClllptiUi ; lllllllCCIIICIllN. HllllllNIIH-ll JIIIM- rlKlit In illcdil lit-I'll iinil- 'i * > i limititlnnliiK Ix mi c i tlic WJ3IGHT N/D of ( niilliil mill I en u t > of Mori * IIIIK | * lluin actual Irn 11- merit homo ( In ; iicnjilc ivIII he Cd ipcllcil In iiux SIIOJ3S , ( o prince mci I'liiinlH like nnlo j old cuimlilc count or liiirnii or HIIIIIC OtllCT II NX , Itlllllll Cll CIIIIINllllieCN iiiiilcHoiM IIIK ! ) eroMiii'd dictator ot .A Iith Htuii'ilor. I'll } M is ncren't liorn itllli Kolilcii J3IT MIOIIIN III Olir IIIIMltllN MO ! > ( IMIIllll HII ) ' to the jiiilillei If > on 11 un ( ( o ( null ) Jierc , ild IIM ue lilit you. After all , nn jnlKlif not mix NO If we uoiild. It ivenild lie tnkliii ; nil v iiiitii e of cli ciiiu- KllllU'fN. FOOT "VVc jircfcr to KII > i If > nii trnd IIITO no cliccrfull > follotv jour lilililliiK1 , Ion i-xit > ( it ciiroiirnureiiiciit ivere > iiu tn liny tliliiK" Hint ( ire of no liniiic- illnle IIHC. Idii ii r fnlrly rolilicil If AND 7011 | iiu tli < * niinif iirlccx for tliu HIIIIIII KiioilN r > licii liranit HUM , UM nioiitli * SOMJ3 uflcr vvlieii nliojmmrii. CT 13OOTS Oli'iinliiK lift line this Nicole of lienix neluM ilreoH nnd itorldiiff xluicn , ruli- SOMJ3 lirr fKilnr , felt ( rooiln unil ( illier ivlnlvr Mlnir , I'rlceM nro red need , ST SHOJ3S fiirk } ( iu , not liueuimt- the orlidiuil lirlce wiiw ivruntr , luif liceuuxe , tu n-- duu tliu mirth IM rlKlit mill , bx tlic Jn t to tliimc tvlio jilace ciinll- In n Htorv ,