Tl 10 TILE GRATIA DAILY J5EE : ITJRIDAY , JTEH1UJAIIY 11 , 1808. SPECIAL NOTICES A < l\orUciiii'iit ( * for Jin-fin colunnm TV-Ill be InliCii until Jl ! in. for ( lie cvrnttiK inn ! until H i > . in. for tlic iniirnliiK nml Similar edition * . Ail\prll rrn , liy rcfii ' tliiK i niini- licrcil check , can linvc nnimers nil- lronnp < l ( o ii niimlicrpil loiter In cnrc of Tlir Hoc. Anmvern tin nililrcxiicil Trill IIP itflUprcil on proenlnllon of HIP rlifpk onlj- . Itriti-K , 1 1-Zc n v oril flrM liiHprtlnni In a noril tlicrrnflcr. .Nothing tnUon for lens Hutu ar.p for Ilic IlrM Inner * tlon. Tin-no nilvcrllMpinciitn iniiMt be run cMiii WAXTKH SITUATIO.NS , 8ITUAT1ON AS MiAT CUTTISUi 7 YIJAI1S1 rxjierlence. AdilreM F M , Bee A M74t II * A PLArifro iO COPYING OR WRITING morning , inudcrate salary. Addreg * F U. Bee. A . .8 11 * SITUATION WANTii ) AJ ! TllAVKUNO ft-lcrmaii ; nix jpars * cxperlcnco In northern lowii , Illlnbls nd fotitlurn Wisconsin , can comply wllh any requirement * that may tw pxacte-d of salesmen. Address 1 * . O. llnx 1C5 ( > OJpbolt. In. A MIS3 13 * WA.NTBI1 MAI.13 IIHI. ! ' . CANVASSiilS TO TAKI3 OIlDnRS ; NUW LINK of wotk , no heavy uoiids to carry ; salary or ccmntinlsslon. U , r. Adams Co. . 524 So. IGth St. SALESMAN I'OH CIGARS. W A MONTH AND expanses : old firm ; experience unnecessary ; in ducements to customers. C. C , lllshop ( t Co. , Bt IxiulA 11-417 WANTnn. HAI.ttSMAX TO SHLI. OUU rilOD- ucts : no charge for outrun ; vvo nre manufac turers. The- Phoenix Oil Co. . 1237 Huclld Avc. , Cleveland. Ohio. H-M520 1C ' Pl'i- flOVKRNMnNT rOSlTIONS DON'T - jmrn for Ilia pontolllco nr other civil service I'inmlnallon without reeliiB our Illustrated ralnlfKiio of Infurniiilhm : H rt fro,1 rvium- Man Correspondence ColleBC , Washington , DC. 1I-M5 S11 TOtlNfj'jtEN TO I.HARN IIAHIJKR THADH No Janllnr work an In the old stylpof "P- plnte ; militant practice by free n'mvlns and hair cuttlnc , Instructions hy experts : lectures on face illrran ! * hy doctors ; examination1) by hoirdj .llp'ninns barked by state charter ; grow ing demand for Rrndiiatra tlvc place * UiH week nt ( food unites , complrto outllt of tools , book of 2O > formula * nnd one year' * sub crlptlon to barber * ' Journal Riven , Illustrnted cntnlbdic mrllcd free Moler Sjetem Barber SchmK Olil- C KCI or S't I.OUIS. ll Mr,03 12 " \vi : orF-int LIBRRAL TIJRMS TO SALESmen - mon to hnndlo our lubricating oils on com mission | u Omnha nnd vicinity. The Huclld Oil Company , Cleveland. Ohio. " n M'08 11 * WA'NTIJD ruts-r-r-LAss IHWK MAKHR , Blvo loffrrncen Addrrm r K , cam of 11' " n Mil' ' ) 1 . OMAJIA YOUNO MAN. AIIOUT twenty , < iulck at figure * . plnln , inpld writer ; Mule former calnry nnd slvo reference * . Ad dress F M , Ilee olllce. 11-753 WANTII > ; MUST Btnnrt cnner.ll JobblnR Addrc-w I < irk IVnx No. 4. Swonton , Neb. U M7CS 11' VANTKD , IIAHNHSS MAKHRS ; STIJADY wnrk fnr Kood nien. ftame > MIKOI paid nfl In lfi > ficmont Saddlery company , I'rrmont , Ncbraskn n M7C2 12 WANTI3D , YOtINO MAN OR YOUNQ LADY with prartlenl knowledKC of iltublo entry liookkrepliiR , must have referencps. Address llooliKceper , Drawer 21 , I' . O . City I-M7r,0 12 WANTKD. orricn HOY , AHOUT K YIAUS old must be a bright , ciulck , IntelllKent lad nnd wrlto n Rood plain hann. salary , JP 00 per month Apply In own handwrltlm : by letter In 1" CO , Heo. H-777 10' JVVANT13I ) , rillST-CLAPS SALH MAN TOR lubrlcntlnK oils , Breasei and specialties , larce t line on the market ; salary or rommUslon. ReflnlnM Co. , Cleveland , O \v v Tln KiJiiLI : 1C1 OIRLS KOrt ALL KINDS OF WORK ; TO J7cek. . Canadian Office. 1323 Douglas. C WANTIID A rOMl'imjNT OIIIL TOR OHN- ornl linuHcuork ; call In forenoon at I.W Snutli 26th ct C-M3I1 . WOMAN COOK FOR DHAD\VOOD. So Dak ; prluite family. Call aftornonnH 1117 fjouth 32d street C M7 11 arni. ron OINIRAL HOUSGWORK AITLY 7IS S. 30 h Ptrcet C 775 11 , A WOMAN WITH SOMIJ KXTORI- In rewliiR on leather work Apply at rear room , 2nd floor , 1103 Farnnm street C-778 12 * CI'O I OTTAOns ALL OVl'.R city , S to $75 ridellty , 1st floor N. Y. Llfp. D Mini ilOUSHS WALL\CE , UHOWN 11LOCK. 16TH and DotiKlas D 4M : LIST. M'CAGIJi : , 15TH AND DODOG. JIOUSISS , I'LATS. GARVIN BROS . 1613 FAIt'N D 2 llOUSia. J. II SHKRWOOD , J23 N. Y. l.Il'G. D 4 > l IlfJOSGS IN ALL PARTS OP TUG CITY. TlTi : O. P Davis Company , 1503 Tarnam D < 53 IIOUSGS HGNGWA & CO. , 10 N. 1STH BT jiousns. cnTTAOis : K STORKS ALL PARTS of city , IJrennnn & I vo Co , 213 So. Jijth. II157 _ B-ROOM HOUSn. NGWLY I'AINTP/n AN ? 1'A- pcicd , SOU N. 29thAJI2. . Fidelity Trust Co. . D-M170 IIOUSGS STORKS WKAD , 1CTII & DOl'OI ' S D-241 T24 ilOt'SlGVsSTORGS. 1IKSIIS , 1'AXTON 11LIC. D-433 AN ri.KOANT MODI'RN 0-ROOM linirti ditelllnif. 6"1 South I'th. $30. Applv W. n. 1H-II.I" J l Nnt'l Ilk. bid. D-M303 J.-OIt HUNT , NINP. ROOM IIOI'STV ' : CON- vi-nlen' mndcrn homellku. best r'f'di'ncft dls- trlrt fcir mlniilos' walk from poitnince : barn If deslrprt Inquire HOI N Y. Life bulldlnir. D-M517 NRW COTTAOK. MONTHLY I'AYMKNTS TOI D jTJ "Ot'SK , MODKHN. NKAR 2sth D SIW3 in.vrFim.Msiiin : rou unsT NIWLY FuitNisuno ROOMS ; reasonable prices. 2121 DodRi- . 13 MJSt ! FlJRNIHItllD ROOMS , 237C HARNUY ST\ H-M1SO F22' TWO L\ROi : ROOMS POR ar-NTLflMIIN 4H N. 17th , U-597'l2 MODKHN KOt'TII ROOMS , J2.0) WKKIC AND . Sll N 'lOth. up. K-M1 C Jl I'LIJASA NTLY FURNISIIKD KOOM" " MOoI rrll , 811 So. ' 2Slh St. K 533 U * rURNIStlKD ROOMS. 2310 DOUI3LVH ST. K MC7S7 * JIOOMS. HOIIT HOUSKKKRI'JN'O 1911 POITf ; la . K-M7I1 13 IIIIIIMS AM ) IIO.UU ) . THK MIUIRIAM. FIRHV-CLASS FAMILY HO- to ) , 25Hi nnd DodKO Sis , F--45J TWO NH'K ROOMS. ZKS DOUGLAS Sr. F-703 _ _ _ PTHAM HKATKD ROOMS WITH HOARD. 5009 Jlanwy K UTOPIA. 1721 DAVKNl'ORT ; TRANBIKNTS AC- i-oinmodatcJ. F MZ09 F17 11ANDSOMO VAHIX3RS KN 8UITK. 8MALLKR loom * Rood board. Tlt < $ Hniv , 2020 Hauiey. P-M9M JftlRN'ISIIKD ROOMS WITH HOARD. M15 DoUBlii' , F 773 I3 JIOOM WITH HOARD , 1S12 CHICAdO. F-MJ71 ! ! _ Jff IMIIVATH FAMTl.Y , WIT7l"6lYVITlioUT boarU l I > Jsr. F M7tJ BT7:7s.M JIL'A'rTT'RO.ST ROOM AND HoAllD. ! ll N'urtli iid t. F-M750 1 } JtOOM AN'D JCOAHD. 1003 PARlC Twuii F-751 13- J3LiO\NT : FRONT IIOOJlIH. HTKAM 1IKATKD ; Unt-cltsx Iward 1609 Capitol Ave. K-M7W1J * ItiKXT .STHtiH-AM ) OKKICIJS , TOR RKNT , DliSKROOM IN OROIIND FI/JOR nmcf. ! ) liullJIng ; naiet tram host , ukctrlo lUtht and janitor service. Apply to Superin tendent , lloe liulldlpv. I-JJT V6ll lBNT-TllB ! 4-STORY I1RICK IIUILDINU BI 91 1'arnim St. Till ) bullnlnc h * > a.ilrsproot , rrmn bu niciiti watrr on all lloom , B . tc. \ Api'h ' at tlio othco pf Tb life. 1-110 ron nn.\rsToiins AND orricns. ( Continued. ) GOOD , CP.NTTUL RtTTAIL H081NH 53 tlon for bonus. I'M , Ilw I M757 It * FOR RKNT , JN TIII5 I1KK RUtLDINO ; Ono large comer room , Zd floor , with vault nnd private onico , wnttr , lc. Ono Inrco front riom , 2d floor , divided Into two room * by partition ! water , etc. One larRp corner room , 24 floor , wllh vault , water , etc. One front room , divided by partition , id floor. Ono corner room , with tnult. 3d Hour. One large room , 3d floor , with partition dividing It Into one largo room and two smaller prlvnto roonn , water , etc. Two large K round floor rooms , fronting St. , with MI nit. Sexernl small rooms on 4th floor , with vaults. All thme raoms are heated wllli Meam , electric Unlit * , supplied with first-class janitor frnlce. Klentor run day nnd all nlnht ; bulldlm ; strictly fireproof. . Apply to Superintendent , Room 104 Ueo bulldlne. I-15S STOii.inn. PACIFIO STOltAGn AND WARIHIOUSG CO. . VOS-910 Jones ; general itorago and forwarding. M-4CO OM. VAN & STORAOn , ISllVi I'ARN'M. TKL1E39 ' * M. 161 1VASTKIJ TO HUV. I WISH TO 1'tJItCHASK THK LKTTKRS K. W , O from Boda Mint Bum. state your price , either MnRly or for nil. K , UPC. N 5 Ml WANTKD-TKN SKTS WORK 1IAKNKSS AND 10 sets slnp : " hnrnns ; what Imve you Rot. Addre O. W. Snflth , Falrbury , Neb. i > o t- olllco box 4C4. N-7JO-10 * HIOIIKST CASH PAID FOR LIM1TKD amount of nCrnUnts In Olnbc Ix5Jn and Trust Co.'s Sa\lng bank. Address F 50 , Ilee. N-73MO * TOIL SALI3 S FINK WIIITK SAWDUST TOR FLOORS. . . marie for Ice , at 13.75 per cord. Tel. 4 > 5. tnl ) DuURlaa , Q 1 FOR SALK-TWO I1LACIC WALNUT COUNT- CM , 23 feet long each , at 1403 Harncy , Meyer & Ilanpke. Q-671 A GOOD CHICKKR1NO UPRIGHT PIANO. IlilO blif bargain. Address F 41. Ilee. Q-091-10 10 ACRHS roil UKNT INSIDK CITY LIMITS , for rale. Address F C2 , Ilee. It M762 11 * MASSAKK , I1AT1IS , KTO. MADAMK SMITH , 118 NO. 13TH ST. STKAM and alcohol bnlin. T 3DI 11 * MMK. I1RISSON OF PARIS , CHIROPODIST , medicated baths nnd massage. 107 N. 12th St. T 637 Ml * LAURA KLLIKON. CROUNSB IH/X-lv , 119 N. ICtli , room 12 , upstairs ; bath and mavnce. T MC76 12" MRS. DR. LEON , KLKCTR1C MASSAOK BATH parlors ; rustful nnd curutl\p. 117 S. llth , up stairs. . T MC93 13 * MMU. A MRS. MASSAGK AND BATHS. Howard Street. T MC90 13 * VIAVI FOR UTKRINK TROUBLES. 3IC-S BKI ! llldR , phialclan consultation or health book free. U 461 BATHS , MASSAQK. MMK. 1'OST , 3I\J ! ) \ S. 1STH U 1 4 CLOTHKS CLKANKD. PRK SKD AND RK- palred : day or nlRht ; dres-s sulta for lilie , Pnntorlum , N. 13. Cor. Hth and Fnrnnm. Tel. 903. U I0o HOW TO nnroMK LAWFUL PHYSICIANS , pharmacists. V. D.'s , dentists or lawyer * . Lock box 196 , Chicago U 7 ( < j F12 * PRIVATK HOMK FOR L\D1KS BKFORL AND durlnt ; connnemcnt : b.iLles ndnptcd or cared for. Mrs. M. .1. Ludlow , 2202 Clark St. . Omnha U-SCI F 19 * ANY PKRSON IN DOUOL\S WASHINGTON or Snrpy countle'j who has anv claim aimliiEt me will please cnll nt Weir's place near South Omilin , where I can be found until March 1 , ISIS. John Nnth. U-1ST FeliJV MARRIKD PCOPLK. SHCIJUn THK ONLY UN- objeetloiiable method to nxold c\ces l\e jn- rentiiRe , MP. I * . Ilerrler. president Institute of Human Culture , Minneapolis , Minn U Mo" McliS * PRIVATK 1IOMK FOR LADIKS BKFORK AND diirlnR confinement ; babies adopted nnd caicd for. 113C N. 17th. U M37C 11 * IN ORriDR TO INTItODItrn OUR NKW HAIR- drPFser. Miss Blanche Cnthcart , ami her per fect method we will Rive a free massacf with o\erv face tpam for the next two weeks At P. M Schadell & Co. U M6S1 Mch5 KLONDIKK : IF YOU ARH SIIRKLY to Klondike , our business proposition will In terest > ou ; exceptional opportunity ; send ref erences nnd stamps for pirtlculnrs. Sears R. Co. , Cliemtsto , Sioux City , la , U M7S1 11 * MO.VHY TO I.OAX 1tI2AI < KSTATR. MONKY TO IX3AN AT IXW HATES. THK O. F , Davis Co. , 1503 Fnrnam St. W 4CC LOAN ON IMPROVKD & UNIMPROVED CITY property. W. Farnam Smith & Co. , 1520 Far'm. VV-4CS MONKY TO IX5AN ON IMPROVKD OMAHA real estate. Brennnn-Lovc Co. , 219 S. 16th. W 470 C PEIl CKNT MONKY ON NEB. FARMS & OMA- ba property. W. B. Melkle , 1st Nnt'l Bank llldR. W M474 6 PER CKNT CITY AND FARM LOANS. Qarvln Bros. . 1613 Farnam St. W M967 FROM J10XOO UI > , WKAD , 1CTII & DOUOIS. . W 24 ! F2 ANTHONY LOAN ft TRUST CO. . 315 N. Y. L. ; quick money nt low rat for choice farm lands In Iowa , northern Missouri , eastern Nebraska. W-467 1100,000.00 SPKCIAL FUND TO I/JAN ON first-class Improved Omaha property , or for building purposes. Fidelity Trust company. ' W-471 MONEY LOANED ON IMPROVKD REAL EState - tate In Omaha , Council Bluffs & Rou'h Omaha. Pusey & Thomas , 503 First Nnt'l Bank , Omalii. W-472 WANTED. CHOICK FARM AND CITY LOANS. It. C. Peters & Co. , U. 8. Nnt'l Bank Bids. > V 473 BV4 PKR CKNT MONKY. BKMIS , PAXTON Blk. W-469 AT I/HV RATES O NFARMS & IMPROVKD city property. II. A. Weitcrlleld , sis 1st N'l Ilk. \V-765 MS 3IOXiV TO LOA > CHATTKLS. J10 TO 110.000 TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURK AND PIANOS. HORSES. WAGONS AND CARRIAGES , WARKHOU3K RKCEIPTS. ETC. . lit lowest rates In Oinahn , South Oinnlm and Council Illufts. No removal of Roods ; stilctly confidential ; you can pay the loan off at nny nmo or In any nmounts. nmounts.OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . 300 South 16th St. THK OLDEST , LARGEST AND ONLY INCOR PORATED LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. X 473 BUSIXKSS CHANCES. TO GET IN OR OUT OF BUSINESS GO TO J. J. Glbso : . . CH First Nnt'l Bank , Y 476 WANTED. A GO < 51 PARTNER FOR SOUTHern - ern fruit farm. Also cuutomcrti fsr 100 choice lots ; uUj several unall tucts of lund near Omaha , Address , J. 1 ] , lllcc. Council B'uffs. la. Y-DfC Feb W * SAI/XIN IN CITY OF 6,000 1WULATION , DOIng - Ing tbe biis'ness price 52,000 ; part time. J , J. Olbson. 611 First Nat. Bank. Y-51410 * HK8TAURANT FOR SALE. JOHN JACOI1SON 100 N. 16th. , Y SI7H 14 * ' OLD ESTABLlSHKn CiaAn AND STATIONery - ery bunlnos , J.Ji Qlbson , Cll 1st N t. Ilk. Y-615 10 STKAM MGRRY-OO-ROUND. , co t ( ! , C50 ; price. SS50 ; ninnry In It for expo. Itlon. Write Tutte | Bros. , Ball Laka City , Utah , ' Y M51S 18 * RETAIL OROCERY , AVELL IXXJATKP , DO- luff earth iMislneMi , flxturei 25 per cent or cost : option of n ouburlKin location ; inirclmHfr must huve ll.OOO. at leant , FM , Dee. Y M7M IS * FOR SALE , Fl'RNITl'HK ' OF SO-llOOM. HIOH- cln hoarding hnuie. one ur best In oily : full of boardern. J , J , Gibson , Sit First Nat'l Ilk. Y-779 19 WANTKD. ACTIVE MAN WITH $150 IN BUSI. ness patlnff 300 | wr cojit pnptlt. Addrp > > F 63 , ' Bee , Y-M7M 13 * ALK LUNOH ROOM WITHKLKEP- rooms In ronnectlon , For particular * ad- drew Lock HOK S61. Vallcy. Neb. Y MTU U KOH IIO11SH4 TO EXCHANGE FOR A OOOD LAW library. Apply to J. Horrlean , Blor.mfleld , Neb. , S5-MS7S 11 * i HAVH "j [ GOOD 'uJPRIOHT PrANO TO trade for lW-lb horse , young and sound. Address P 4J , Bee. Z-MTC 14 WANTKD-BUTCHFJl'S. IRK BOX AND OUT- lit In exchange ( or real ntale rnorlnnxe. Ail- dre j purttculurs to Vt\ \ . Bra olllc . 5 7 I-H' CLR AR ixxr rou noitai1 ou HORSD AND Addrcj * P H , Vtv offlc . Z-lit II' ron .sALitu\L KSTATI : , KOUNTZK PLACB BAIiaAlNS , $1.100. $1 750 TO $8,600. J. J. tllbion , 614 First N t. Bank Bldg. BE-47S BARGAINS. HOUSES. LOTS AND FAHMSJ eal or trade. F. K. Darling , Barker Blk. RE 479 HOUSES. LOTS. FARMS , I.AND3 , LOANS , also nre Insurance Btmls , I'nxlon blk $ E ) FOR J-STORY BRICK BUILDING , 41 feet frontage , near 14th nnd Douglas Sts H.vXi for Improved property on Cumlnu street , near 25th street. J. N. Frcnrer , Opp. I\O. 14 PKR CKNT GROSS INVESTMENT , STOHY brick business building , price $3,500. Address E 1 , Bee. HE 4M FARM LANDS. C- HARBISON , 612 N. T. L. FOR RKNT. CHOICE KIVACIU5 FAHM NKAR Qlenwood. la. Address F 46 , Bee olllce. IIE-M723 13 PINAXCIAI , . LIFE INSURANCE POL1C1US 1'OIIOHT FOR rnsh. Richard Herzfcld , 1T1 IviSallo St. . Chi- cago. 501 F2S * CALIFORNIA-MEXICAN GOLD MINE COMpany - pany , capltnl stock $1.500000 ; James T. Ord , president ; Mo'es P. O'Brien , vice president ! Frank S. Parmelee , secretary niul treasurer , room 410 Knrbach block , Omaha , Neb. r.M 10 * MONKY IXANKD ON LIFK INSURANCE POI , Icles or bought. I * P. Van Norman. Mlnne- nppolls , Minn. M777 Mchl4 * SHOUTIIAXn AMI TYPIJU'HITINO. BOYLKS' SCHOOL THK ONLY ONK IN Omnha where court reporters arc teachers , ( 405-407 Bee Bldg. 4ft ) AT OMAHA BUS. COLLKOK , 16TH & DOUOLAS 4S7 OMAHA SHORT-HAND COLLEGIA BOYD'S theater. M7CO Feb. 13 BKLL13 1-INLKY. 812 N. Y LtFK. 701 MB A. C VAN SANT'S SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND < ind tjpewrltlng. 717 N. Y Life , offers the fol. lowlntt ndvnntnges ! Individual Instructions by experienced teachers nnd skillful stenographers ; up-to-date methods ; latest textbooks ; touch ays. torn of typewriting If preferred ; premiums that kwn up nn Interest ; participation In actual work , for which ntudents receive cash pay ment" . In come ca es amounting tri more than tuition ; money refunded for unexplred tlmi > , If students are not mtlftled ; free trill \ > e k. Interested parties Invited to visit the school nnd tec Its facilities , methods , \vork of Its students nnd class of students In attendance. CS9 AITTIONKHHS. AUCTION SALES DAILY AT 218 N. 1BTII ST ; conslcnments solicited ; nuctloncers furnlfheil for outsldo sales. M7SO IT- LOST. LOST. LADIES' GOLD WATCH AND FOB chain , Tuesday , between Douglas and Farnam and corner 2Sth nnd 15th ; return to 2711 Douir- las st nnd receive reward. Lost 774 11 * Fim\iTiMin M. S. Vv'ALKIN , 2111 CUMINO. TEL. 1331. 492 S CUTTING SCHOOL'S. REMOVED THE JOY TAILOR SYSTEM dress cutting ccliool. 1911 Ciimlnp St. M870 Feb 13 nxposrnov FiioxTAons FOR GROUND LEASES FRONTING. EXPOSITION. Beml3 , Fasten Blk. 973 STttVORHAPIIURS. WE SOLICIT AND FURNISH POSITIONS FOR StenoRraphcrs free. The Smith-Premier Type- wrlt r Co. Telephone , I2S4. 191. PAWXIIHOKEHS. II. MAROWITZ LOANS MONKY , 418 N. 16TII. -483 nilPLOYIIEXT OFFICE. CITY EMPLOYMENT BUREAU , 1417 FARNAM street. Rooms 2 and 3. Tel. H04. 19 BBICIC. SEWKR.SIDKWAI IC & BUILDING ANY QUATt- tlty ; tel.492. Louisville Brick Co.,330 Bd.Trade. S9S F16 * TYPCWIIITBIIS. TYPEWRITERS FOR KENT f4 00 PKR MONTH. The Smltli-l'rlmler Typewriter Co. , 3125 Far- nam St. ; tclephono , 12S4 4i9 \VAXTnnTo jionnow. WANTED TO BORROW $1.COO , 3 TO 3 YEARS , on choice Inside , well rented property nt 7 per cent. Fcinl-nnnual ; no commission. Address F 17. Bee. M542 GOVI3HXMIS.Vr XOTICRS. TREASURY DBPARTOIBNT , OFFICE SU- pervlslnir nrchltrct. WnahliiBton , D. C. . Feb ruary 2 , 1S9S. Sealed Proposals will bo re ceived at this olllco urtll ) 2 o'clock p. m. on the 24th day of February , 1S9S , nnd opened Immediately thereafter , for furnishing' all the labor nnd materials and erecting com plete Vvo hydraulic passenger elevators , one hydrau'lc mall lift nnd one hydraulic ash lift. Including pumps , tanks , piping , cars , platforms , etc. , for the U. S. Court House , Custom House and' Postolllce building at Omaha , Nebraska. In accordance with the drawings and fpeclflcatlons , copies of which may he had nt this otllce or > ho otllce of the Superintendent Omaha , Nebraska Tlip right Is reserved to rojcpt nny or all bids nnd to waive any defect or Informality In any bid. should It ho di > emnd In the In terest of the Government to do so. Pro posals must ho enclo-fod In envelopes , sealed nnd marked "PROPOSAL , for Two Hy draulic P.iEHcnger I3ovators. ! onq Hydraulic Mall 1/ift nnd one Hydraulic Ash Lift for the U S Court House , Custom House and Postolllce building nt OMAHA , NlillRAS- KA , " and addressed to the Supervising Ar chitect. OMAHA , NRB. . FEBRUARY 8TH , 1SOS. Sealed proposjls. In trip Ic.Uo , subject , to u&ual conditions , will he received hero until 12 nVInnk noon. Thurfdiv. March 10th. 1S9S. nn'l then opened for furnishing nnd deliv ering one hundred and ten (110) ( ) mules. The U. S rcpervi' * the right to accept or reject any or oil bids , or any part thereof. Information mation furnished upon application to this office Envelopes containing proposals to bo securely pealed and marked "Proposals for mules , " nnd addressed to Cant. SAM R. JONES , Quartermaster. KS-U-10-11 MS-3 .STOCICIIOLDUIIS' Ji STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Notice U hereby given that the regular annual meeting of the stockholders of the j South Platte Land company will bo held nt the olllre of said company In Lincoln , Nelirnska , at II o'clock n , m. . ou the first Wednesday In March , ISIS , helng the second day nf > ho month , , Hy order of fie Ho.ird of Directors. R. O. PHILLIPS. Secretary. Lincoln. Nob. . Jan 31. 1S9S , J31d30tm i'OSTOFFICC XOTICE. ( Should be read DAILY by all Interested as changes may occur at nny tlrnu. ) Foreign malls for the week ending February 12. IMS. will close ( PROMPTLY In all cases ) at the general post olllce KB fol lows : PARCELS POST MAILS close one hour earlier than closing tlmo etiown below , TrnnAtlHiitlc MulU. SATURDAY At 6 a. m. for EUROPE , per s. B. Lucanla * . via Queenstown ( letters for Franco. Switzerland , Italy , Spain , Portugal , Turkey , Egypt and British In dia must be directed "per Lucanla" ) ; at 7 a. in. for FRANCE. SWITZERLAND , ITALY. SPAIN , PORTUGAL. TURKEY. EGYPT and uhlTIBH INDIA , per s. s. Ia Gnscogne * , via Havre ( letters for other parts of Europe must be directed "per Iv Gascognc" ) ! at 8 a. m , for NETH ERLANDS direct , per a , 8. Spaarndam , vhi Rotterdam ( letters must be directed "per Bpaarndam" ) ; at S a , m. for GE- NEO , per a. a. Nonnannta ( loiters must be directed "per Normannla" ) ; nt 10 a. m. for SCOTLAND direct , per a , B. An- chorla , via Glasgow ( letters must bo di rected "per Anchorla" ) , PRINTED MATTKR. ETC. German tteameri , galling on Tuesdays take Printed Milter , etc. , for Cfrmny , and Specially Ad3rted Printed Matter , etc. for other ptrti at Kurrp ? , Amer ican and White Star uttumcr * on Wfdnodayi , Oerntan. iteamcrs on riiur4a > f. pud Cunnrd , . French and Herman teamer un rfaturja > take , Printed Matter , etc. , fur till cvuntrlti lor which ' ILcy arc advcrtltcd to cariy mall. ; After the cloilne of the Supplementary Trani- AtUntlc Mali * named ubovc , tdjltlonul tupplo- 1'OSTOPFIPn ( Conll"'icd. ) mentiry malts are opened on the piers of th American , English , French and Ofrman steam ers , and remiiti open until within Ten Minute of the hour of tailing ot steamer. Mnllo for South nml Conirnl Amcrlcn Went Iinlii-d , Kic , FRIDAY At 12 ! 6 p. m. ( supplementary P. m. ) for ST. KITTS , HARHADOS nn DEMnilARA , per s , s. Carlhbeo : at 1 P m. for CAMPECHB. CHIAPAS , TA UASCO nnd YUCATAN , per s. s. Clt of Washington ( letters for other pirtR o Mexico nnd for Cuba muit bo dlrecte "per City of Washington" ) ; nt 7 p. n for NASSAU. K. P. , per s. s. Mlnm from Miami. Tin. SATURDAY At 7 n. m. for FORTUNP ISLAND , JAMAICA , SAVANILLA nn OREYTOWNpcr s. s. Adirondack ( let teri for Costa , Rlcar must 1)0 directed "pc Adirondack" ) ! nt 7 n. m. for CAIT HAITI. AUX CAtES. JACMHL. JKRE Min nnd SAJfT V MARTHA , per 8. s Holsteln ; nt 11 n. ta. ( supplomentnry 11:30 : n. m. ) for VENEXUELA nnd CURACAO nlso SAVANIjt.LAy nml CARTHAGENA via Curacao , , pt r . a. Vonczuolnj nt S.1 : ( p. m , for NEWKWUNDIjAND , perstenmc from North Sydney , SUNDAY At 7-p. W for NASSAU. N. P. per B , s. Mlarj ] ! , "from Miami , Fla. MalH for Newfouriillan'ii , by rail tn Itnlltar nn thence by ttennlftT. < If > i at thin oftlc < - dally n :30 : p m. MalU for iMlTiielon , by rail to Bos ton nnd the ice'by xf amcr , clo : at till * offlc dally at 8:3) : p. , ni. Mail * for Cuba close n thin ofllce dallyt ' < 00 o. tn 'or forwarding by ntcamera rolling < Monur.rB ana Thurndayn from Port Tnmp , Fin. MnlU for Mexico City overland unlenn specially nddreited for dcpatc by steamer , vloft atithts odlcc dally nt 2:3 : a. m. and 2:30 : Pi m. Registered mall close at 0:00 : p. m , previous day , Trillin-Pacific Mnllx. Malls for China , Jnpan nnd Hnwall. pc B. s. City of Rio Janeiro ( from San Fran cisco ) , close hero dolly up to Fohrtiarj 6 nt 6:30 : p. m. Malls for China nnd Jnpan per s. s. Columbia ( from Tacoma ) , clos here dally up to February * * 13 at fi:3 : p. m. Malls for Hnwall. per s. B. Aus trnlln ( from Snn Frnnclsco ) , close here dally up to February IB nt 0:30 : p. m Mallq for Australia ( except the e fo We t Australia ) , which nro forwarded via Europe. Now Xealnnd. Hawaii. FIJI ntu Samoan Islands , per s. R. Marlposa ( fron San Francisco ) , close hero dally no to February "is nt 7 n .m. , 11 n. m. nnd 0:30 : p. m. ( or on nrrlvnl nt New York of s. . Cnmpanla with British malls for Australia ) . Malls for Clilnn nnd Jnpan ( specially ntlilrossed onlv ) . per s. s. Km- press of China ( from Vancouver ) , close here dally up to February * * 2I nt ( ! ; " 0 p m. Malls for the Society Islands , per ship Oalllde ( from Sin Francisco ) , close here daily up to February 22 nt C.TO : p irfi Malls for Australia ( except West Australia ) , New Ee.iland. Hawaii nnd FIJI Islands , per a. s. Aoraugl ( from Van couver ) , close here -dally nfter February * 1S nnd up to February 2S at G:30 : i > . m. Transpacific mall * nre forwarded to port of snll- InR dnlly nnd the schedule of closing I * nr- rancci' on the presumption of their uninter rupted overland trnn lt "Registered mall clo e * nt r. p m. previous dnv. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster Postolllce , Now Yoik , N. Y. , February 4 , 1E9S. RAILROADS. K MISSOURI lllver Itallrcail "The DurllnK- Burlington ton ' Hoiitc" CJencrnl Otllces. N. V , . Corner Tenth ciul Karnntii Streets. Ticket Olllce , 1502 Routs rnrnam Street. Telephone 23'J. Depot. Tenth nnd Mason Sticots. Telephone 12S. 12S.A"'VC A"'VC- ' Lincoln. Hastings ami . - railo. Utah , California , Black Hills. Montana nnl I'uifot Sound . 4:11 : rm -1:03 : pm Lincoln Ix > cal . 7lU : nm 7-41 nm Lincoln Tast Mall . 2:53 „ , „ n.MO am Denver. Colorado. Utah , California anil I'uget Sound . 11-55 nm Daily. Dally except Sunday. KANSAS CITY. ST. JOSEPH & Council Bluffs Railroad Burlington " "Tho Burlington Iioute" Ticket Olllcc. 1302 Farnam Route Street. Telephone 230. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone 12S. Leave. Arrive. Kansas City Day U\ . . . 0:03 : am 5:4C : pm Kansas City Night U\.f " 10:00 : pin 0J3 : om CHICAGO. BURLINGTON & Qulncy Rallioad "The Burl- InRton' ' Route" Tloltet OHIcc. 1502 Fnrnam Street. Telephone 23Q. Depo' , Tenth and Mason Street * . Telephone 128. _ _ _ _ _ Loave. Arrive. „ Vestlbuled Ux. . 5:03 pm 7:53 : am Chlcapo Uxuieas i. . . * 9 MX am 4:15 pm Chlenso & St Louis Kx ' 7:13 : pm 7:53 : am Pacific Junction Local. . i * HSO : am 5:40 : pm Fast Mnll . . * 2:50 : pm BurllnKton No. 1 , .j.i ' ll:50pm : Dnllv. Dally qxcspt Sunday. ii-REMONT. nLKHORN AND Missouri Valley Railway Gen eral Olllces. United states National tional- Bank Bulldlne , South- vvost Corner Twelfth nnd Fnr- _ nam Streetii. Ticket Olllce. 1401 Fnrnam Street. , TcJtphone 3CI. Depot. Fif teenth and Webster SH-e'ets Telephone 143S. Lcnv e. Arrive. Black Hills. Deadwbod , , and Hot Sprlnss. : . " . . . " 3:00 : pm 1 D:00 : pm Wyoming , Caspar nnd Douglas i. " 3:00 : om ' 5 : < X ) pm Hasting , York , David , City. Superior. Geneva , ' Exeter and Sewaid . . ' 3:00 I : pm * 5:00 : pm Norfolk. West Point and Fiemont 7:30 : nm I0:23am : Lincoln , Wahoo and Fremont 7:30 : nm Fremont Local 7:50 : am Dally. Dally except Sunday , Sunday only. Dally except Saturoay. . Dally except Monday. CHICAGO & NORTHWESTERN Railway City Ticket Otllce , HOI Farnam Street , Telephone SCI. Depot , Tenth and llaion Streets. Telephone 128. . , . Leave. Arrive L > a > llsht Chicago Spe cial . 7:00 am 11:55 : pm Missouri Valley. Sioux ci'y. St. Paul nnd Minneapolis . cio ; am 10:43 : pm MlEBOurl Vnlley. Sioux City . 7io ; am J.03 pm Dennlson , Carroll. Walt I ike. from Broadway , Council Bluffs , . . . 9:00 : am 8:13 : nm Knstern Express , Des Molncs , Mnrshalltown , C < > dnr Itaplds , Chicago * : * I 33 pin Atlantic Flyer , Chicago and Hast . 4:43 pm 4:33 : pm Past Mall , Chicago to Omaha . 3:10 : pm Missouri Valley , Sloui City , St. I'aul Minne apolis Limited . * 4:33 : pm S:30 : nm Oinnha-rhlniiM Ktwclnl. C l' > pm :50 : nm Dally. Dally except Sunday. CHICAGO. BT. PAUL. MINNH- spoils & Omulm Ilnllwu ) General Odlces. Nebraska Di vision , Fifteenth nnd Webster Streets. Clly Ticket Ottlce , 1401 Fnrnnm Sticet. Telephone 561 Depot , Fifteenth and Webster Streets. Tel. epiiono 113 $ . Leave. Arrlie. Rloux City Accommoda. 8:50 : nm 8:20 : pm Sioux City Acrnnunoila. 9:51) : ) am 8:20 : pin Blair , Ktnorkon Sioux City , 1'oncn. Hurting- ton nml Illoomtlcld. . . 1:00 : pm 11:53 : nm Sioux City , Mnnknto , 31 , I'aul , Minneapolis . . „ 5:51 : pm 82 ; < l am Kinerion Passenger , . " 5:10 : pm 8:43 : nm Dally. * Dally except Sunday. Sunday o.ily This train stops at stations Florence to Hauth Blair. Incluilie , Sundays only ; on week days , South nblr only. SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC RAIU road General Oltlcen. United States National Hunk Build' luff. S. W. Corner Twelfth and Farnnm Streets. Tfcket Oince , T . l" > l I'ariiain Street. Telephone rrt ru 501. Dtpot. 15th and Webster Sts. Telephone 41S Arrlve Bloux City , Mankato. < pally"1' Wlnnnpolls , 5:63 : pm 8:20 : am CHICAGO. . ROCK ISLAND f. Paclflo Railroad "The Ure t Rock Iilancl Route" City Ticket Office. 1323 Farnam Street. Telephone 428. Depot. Tenth v and Mason Streets. Telephone 12S. Leave. Arrive , Chicago and St. Paul Vcstlbuleil i : | irej „ 4io : pm 1:43 : Pm Lincoln. Colorado Sp'gi , i Puueblo. Denver and - we t . , - t J-53 pm 4:25 : pm Chicago. Des Molnes & , ROCK Island r 7.00 pm 8:15 : am Atlantlu Kxprecs. for Dca Molncs and easti ern points t 7:20 : am BJ5 : pm UnoMn. Falrbury and llellevlllo . . . > IS41 ; cm "I40 ; am Dally Dally cxceplr Sunday. _ , , , . - Mis.-orni PACIFIC RAILROAD timer" J Olilct nnd Ticket ' vhint" Nnllonal Bank ' I 21 Kjrnuni Htrret , ' . , _ , . . , , . . . , 104. Dfjxt. fifteenth Ut r Stm-tt. Ttphona : 14M. Arrlie. Kansas and Nebraska Llmlud > * 3-03 pm IS3 pin ICansHi rily and St/ " Ixiuls Kipren , * B.-iO pm 6:00 : am 'crt Uv l . . . . . / * 4M : pm 9.43 Mill 3 , Dally exucpi Sunday. ( Continued. ) UNION PACIPIC-'TIIB OVER. land Routa" Oeneral Odlcet , N 13. Corner N'lnlh nnd Fnrnnm Street * . City Ticket O/Tlcs. / ISO : rarnam Street. Telephone 818 , Depot , Tenth nnd Mason Streets. Telephone 129. 129.Ixavc. Ixavc. Arrive , "The Overland Limited" for Denver , Salt Luke , western point * 8:50 : nm IMS Jim Tiia Colorndo Special. for Denver nnd nit Colorndo points * ll:5S : pm 7:00 : nm fast mail trnln for Salt Lnke , Tncino coast nnd nil western points 4:33 : pm 7:00 : nm Lincoln , Beatrice and ' Stroinsbiirff Kxpros . . 5jOO pra 12:20 : pm 1'remont. Columbus Norfolk , Ornnd Is land nnd Kenrney. . . . , 4:33 : pm land nnd Kenrney . . . . 4:13 : pm Grand Island Kxprent , , 3:00 : pm " 12:20 : pm Dally. Dally except Sunday. ni.i 11:30 : n , m. ; s-io p. m.j 5:40 : p. m. ; 6:30 p. m.j 9:03 : p. m.j 10:45 : p. m , ciitcAao. MiiAVAUicnn * ST. Pnul Rnlln-ay Clly Ticket Olllce. 1304 rnrnam Street. Tclephono 2S4. Depot. Tenth and Mason Streets. TelePhone - Phone 128. ChlcaKo LMTilte-l Ex. . . . SMS pm S olnm Chicago UX Miao SrS 1M : pm UA i LRO AD TICKIT olllce , 141" Fnrnnm Street. Tele phone 322. Depot. Tenth nnd Mason Streets. Telepone 123. , Leave. Arrive. St L > uls "Cannon Hall" ! : xprosi * 4:30 : pm * 11:30 : nm Dally. OMAHA & ST. LOOI3 IlAIMtOAD PfiOI Omnlm. Kanrn * City & Knst- ARTHUR em Hnllronil "The Tort Arthur Iloulo" Ticket Oince , 1415 Fumnm Street. Telephone , 322. Depot , Tenth and Jlnson Streets. Telc- phone 128. Lcnvc. Arrive. St. limit * Cannon Hall Imprest 4:33 : pm 4lt:30 : nm Qtilnoy ttxprcas C:40 : air. ' 8.50 pm Dally. OtIAUU OP IIAIHIMXS. J Ciiniforln of tin * Home Conxlructcil from WOMIIIU'M llonl Vrlcnil. Mies Cora Inman , dn Ingenious American girl , has in\oatod a dozca household articled made trom hairpins. If you have a package - ago of halrplas and follow her directions you can ha\o "all the comforts of a homo" for 5 cents. The hairpin has always been considered the laet resort of the feminine mind. In an emergcncyi From picking the Jealous lockset ot guardians to opening comllt boxes , from butitonlng show to extracting corks , from putting out the eyes of a burglar to doing hatpin service , U has been In requisition since the ages begani to roll over the sleek and confined locks of beauty. In fact , whore anything less than a crowbar was needed the versatile hairpin has been called upon to cxerclso Its talents , with the rcmilt that many women , have been unconsciously aid- tag In its becoming a part of the patent ofllce's documentary evidence about what can bo done with this remarkable little ar ticle , so common cad so demure. Mleu Inman baa had some of her devices patented , but Is not averse to letting the sisterhood Into the secret of how she malus some of her simplest and most convemlont .Utle "contraptions" out of our old friend the hairp'a. In the first pace ! , there Is a spool rack , to jc worn upon the person while sawU'g ' , and which will prove a boon to every woman who IG used to seeing her spools whirl away nto corners smaller and more distracting : the haumts of the- dastardly collar but ton. It Is made of a single halrplD , and can bo snatched from the auburn curls In haste , without leavtag the rocking chair , ° o you see that nothing could be more-dell&ht fill. fill.The The hairpin Is taken by Its two wires , or prongs , or tinea , or whatever you agree to call them , acd crossed so that a loop appears at the top where the arch generally comes. Vfter this has been done neatly and with enough care to leave the loop large enough o go over aa ordinary-sized button cm the rent of the basque , the retraining length of vlre io bent Iwto the form of a tiny pair of co tongs , or "nippers , " the ends slightly and sharply beat at right angles with the curve above , and slipped into the hole of a rommoa spool of any shape or size. And hero it Is , all complete and comfortable , and vou have not had to move out of your chair , mucli less call for materials with vhlch to make this cunning , unique and almost necessary thing. Tina there Is a photograph holder , which , f made from a brass or "gilt" hairpin , wlli prove a delight for aomo dainty desk. It Is made by taking the halrplo Just as It comes rom the package and bending it over back ward about one-third from thetc < p ; ono other bend In the opposite direction and' It B dcao. The -profile makes it look some- hing like the letter "N. " Deforo It ia qulto complete the legs , or wires , are apread a little ait the bottom , enough to make It stand plumb , and It forms a crate do vlslte uck that la every whit as substantial and good asthe one bought In stores for that lurpose. If you happen to bo fortunate enough to be he possessor of n number of rlngrf , a "ring rco" will bo found a useful and pretty ar- Iclo for the "dresser. " They are sold In shops now made of fire gilt. You can have hem of black or flre guilt hairpins that will ) o quite asnice , and jou can make them yotinialf. It takes bait a dozen pins long ones preferred' ! In this case , as In all others. Three of the hairpins are stretched out to heir full leugth by undoing the arch In the middle and pressing gently until the hairpins are flattcncd'out and form a wlro twice their usual length , . ' They nre wired together about n Inch from the 'bottom and an inch from ho top , and at the bottom the inch left free s taken up and turned . -t light angles from ho rest so as to form a three-legged rest. 'hen thrco othur pins are taken , bent In the middle llko n letter "V" spread out , turned vlth their legs pointing skyward and w'.red ogether at their aroli tops. This , fastened o tiho three legged Institution already m .do , ornia a "tree , " upon the limbs or at-ms or which may be hung at night the diamonds nd turquoise of the day's wearing. After that Intricate affair , you will want to icar about something very simple. You ihavo t in the bookmark , which Is made ot a single liver op gold hairpin by bending It over bout two-fifths of Its length from the top ml pinching It together In such a way thai vhen it U slipped Into the 'book ' It forms a tiff holder for the pages as well as a market er the place. The pen rock Is made of a tialrpln opened ip and straightened out , turned up Into little look-like ends at the tips and hung from wo tacks above the desk. From this little bar" are suspended three or four hairpins : iut have been straightened out and bent Into looks at each end. On the lower raw of looks goes the pen , 'Iy ' ) using a shorter SCT f hairpins above and repeating the process ust described jou can have a rack to hold a encll PS well. Clothespins are made from hairpins , and BU re bill file holders and letter holders. liy tudylng a few of these outlined articles and onsultlng the Illustrations you can noon t > o- omo qulto adept at forming these useful ttlo household articles and can make up In our own" mind the other useful things your lersonal needs call for. There are already three slylea of knitting Ilk bill holders , whloh can be better under load from 1ho Illustrations , and tbo rules aid down for the other articles can bo ap- illcd here. The kitchen ball of twine holder deserves omo mention , Itowcver. It U made by talc- ng six hairpins , straightening them out tin- 1 they form a flat piece of wire bowing hem until they are round enough to fit a all of cord , and then wiring them at both nda end making them Into a sort of oval age for the cord. The upper ends are looked for hanging the holder to the gas et and the lower end Is left loosely arranged , n that the end of the cord may bo dropped irough for reeling off for use. And there ro otters. A Xfrr Ornxy hut III Coiiiirrtlrut. A lot of fanatics In tbe state recently 1m- mensed an old rheumatic woman bodily In ' water to "heal her" as they said , flho nearly died In consequence. How much better It would Imvo been to have treated the poor old woman for her Infirmity with Hoatetter'n Stomach Hitters , which not only cureti rheumatism , but prevents kidney complaint and romedlea dyspepsia , crniatl- ; patlon , liver trouble and nervous , prostra tion , dlvo It a systematic trial. IRON HEATED IN COLD WATER Startling Achievement of Mo3ern Electrical Science Practically Applied INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION PROMISED A > MT nnd line-fill tApiillcntlon of ni Il MMrrAlioiit JCIrc- trlclt > lliirtou'n "Llqiilil Few operations look more llko n miracle than heating n pleco of Iron to a cherry hue , or an even more dazzling Incandescence , by thrustlniE It Into a lank of cold water. None of Herrmann's Illusions , relates the New York Tribune , could bo moro. start ! Ing than this feat , \\lilcli , as now performed , Id a practical reality , and not merely nn en tertaining trick. HltHfrto the 'blacksmith has plunged a liorcslioq at other product of hs ! art Into a bath bMlde his forgo to lo\\cr the temperature of a plcco ot molalhlch \ has already been heated ta the fire. It la now proposed to do away with the broad hearth , the coals , the blaze and the bcllons , but to retain the tank and Its contents. Then , simply by linmcr.slhg tbe Iron therein It will bo quickly brought to the desired temperature. Two or thrco trifling changes may be niado In the tank. A metal llnlag wilt he provided , perhaps. Possibly some other llmtld may bo substituted for common water , although It has been proven beyond a doubt that the latter \a \ entirely adequate for the work. The most Important modification ot the apparatus the only essential one , In fact Is provision for sending a ( lowertul electric current through the tank In the proper manner. On this account , the in vention Is known as the "electric liquid torgo. " Over In Newark the other day , \\hen tests ot the device were being made , It was found that a railroad splko fully an Inch In diameter acquired a cherry tint fifty eecoiuds nftcr Itns dipped Into the cold bath , \\hllc a half-Inch wrew bolt cumo to a white heat In eighteen seconds SUPERIORITY OF THE SYSTUM , AVhen the new system Is brought to per fection nnd Introduced Into boiler ships , carriage factories , smithied and similar es tablishments It la likely to show Ids su periority over the old one nt two or three points. For Instance , In the liquid forgo oily that part ot the Iron which is actually submerged receives the direct action ot the heating proce&s , and It Is acted upon uni formly along that much ot Us surface ; whereas , when It la poked down Into ll\o coalfl on a hearth the chancca are that cither more or lesa ot the Iron Is hcateil than the \vorkman wishes , and that cne part will bo murh hotter and softer thrri the other. Then again , when lion Is worked n the common' forge1 It oxldtecs nnd gives off scales , thus wasting the 'material , weak ening the article and verhnjis spoiling the It hi some Job. There U much ren n for iclievlrg that the electric forge will prove uioro cccnoinlcnl and more convenient for certain classes of work than the other btylos now In common use. The general artangemout ot Hi's ' \\ondcr- 'ul apparatus Is as follows- The tank Is about cis big as a Kitchen sink , ami stands on four legs. It Is a portable affair. Two carefully Instil tied wlrrs , proceeding cither from a dynamo on the premises or from Eomo general power and llshtlns cltvult outside , are ledi Into the room. The "posl- Ivo" wire Is connected with the metal Hu ng of the reservoir. The other wire is De emed , by welding or solder , or othetlso , o a pair ot tongs , whoso handles are cov eted with Insulating material. The nega- Ive wire Is long enough and flexible noUi ( o allow considerable movement by the vorkman. The latter merely grasps with hp. = o Insulated tongs the spike , bolt , horse shoe or other object whln'i Is to be boated nnd dips It Into the llfiinl That's all. When it Is hot enough ho turns to his an- v 11 , and hammers the thing , or drui-s It where another woikman can pick It up , and then uses his magic tongs afresh to handle something els ? . SIMPLICITY OF Tlin : Ol'IMlAT OX. The why and wherefore of the operation hero described are so simple ns to bo un derstood hy a child. When the endi of two wires leading from a battery , dynamo or other generator of electricity nre linmo'v-ed In a fluid , the passage ot the cut tent through the latter , from the one terminal to the other , tends to disintegrate the Iluld Into Us elements. Water , for Instance , la separated Into oxygen and hydiogon g.iscs If the liquid be a solution of nitrate tt silver , that salt IK broken up Into nitric acid nnd pure sllvo" . All known substances under such clrctin anccs show a dlsnoil- tlon to gather about ono or the other ot the two terminals , or poles. That fact Is turned to advantage In electroplating. The sllvi-r which Is gradually liberated by electric dis solution for electrolysis ) . Is deposited on some object fa fork or spoon , say ) at the end of ono wlro , and the acid accumulates around the other. In an electric forgo. It the liquid used bo water , thru tbo oxvsnii gas seeks the inelnl lining of the Intli and the hydrogen goea to the Immersed Ircm. If isonio other kind be used the same phe nomenon occurs , one element going In one direction nnd , the othur ono In the oilier. Another familiar prliHplp comes Into play here also. When nn electric current Is ncnt through a circuit It proceeds quietly If the conductor IH largo enough and of the right character to favor Its icissagc. Hut If the conductor , or a short link In It , be reduced In slzo or be poorly stilted to ( tie flow , then the resistance which Is ottered at that par ticular point produces heat. This Is the reason that a carbon filament grows whlto hot ki en Edison lamp ns soon as the elec tricity Is turned en Now , In an electric forgo the copper wires , the metal lining of the tank , the water , the tongs and the iron nplke which the work man wishes to Cleat are nil excellent con ductors of electricity. Hut the film of hy drogen gas which forms around the negallvo nnln * ! m tmmoroml Irnn. IM n nnrvr ntln Tim resistance which It offers produces Intmsa heat , and docs so lustantlv. That effect would not be observed If a fcoblo current wtrc employed. lint a powerful current requires hotter facilities for travel than aweak ono and If Its demands are not compiled with It getfl "hot In the collar " The heat thua generated Is Imparted to thn Iron rather Ifvjn the wuter , at the point of contact. Itonco the effects which liovo born observed. The appuratuH which has recently been the subject of experiment 111 New-ark , nnd which eventually ought to prove serviceable In cer tain lines of Industry , was , devisedby a Rcston man , Oeorgo D. IHirton. Hut the fundamental Idea of It was discovered about five years ego hy two Belgians , Lagrange and Holio , who took out patents ki Onr- tnany. It was iHillovcd at one tlmn that the sjstem could be applied on a very much larger flonlo tlmn Mr. Hurlon proposes and that It might rrovo useful In I' " ' ( vi.-itniont of armor plate. Negotiations were conducted for a trial of thn process at'thu Krupp works in TIIH IIKtVIS > I.V riilHII\HV. Tin.Sun Will Ori-op JVIn. ' .Y < > iirrr In V During tlic > lonlli. Ap the * un approai-bP9 the equator from hid for southern declination jayi- the New York Times his speed lncrnef and uo find ut the mil of February1 tliul tin IK tome nlno degrees or o nearer us than ho nas at the beginning , u fact rendered qiilto n\ \ > - jMrcnt by the longer days The moon's phases b-Kln with Its being at the full on tbe Oth , followed by Ian quartering on the l lh New moon coinp.i In on tin ) 20 tli and on dm last day ot thn month tburo will bu first quurieilng Nepttmo U an tHenlng l r and coiiifn lo our meridian about $ .34 o'clock , but tlilci naniceako of the god of the ocean U too far distant for us to dUtlnguUh 'him ' , Inigo and beautiful ( hough ha be. The distance * separating the planet ftoni the nun U 2,749 million miles. Jupiter U progrcislng steadily toward the poultlan lu which he will bo in opposition to the sun and where ho will arrive the lat ter part of March. Until the event tram prc ! the giant of tlie planetu , YI' ( | ] remain r , morning ntur , but nfler Its occurrence lie will again enter the Hit ami chnllenxe fair Vonua for the supremacy of the evening sky , During the Auguit evening we can fcaat our eye * upon the beautiful picture pre sented by these two prominent bcuutlcs of the heavens gradually drawing closer and closer together. The conjunction between the moon and Jupiter this month finds the two at such a distance apart that the at tractiveness of the tableau Ucry greatly lessened. Uranun Is still among the morning stars , and on the 21st It roaches the quarter post In Its circuit. The planet Is to be found In the group of the Scorpion , close lo Saturn , but not near enough to any very consplctl- otts star to aid In distinguishing Its exact location ! Saturn nlso conies under the heading ot the morning stars nnd Is to bo found In the Scorpion group , 'fairly close to Uranus. Venus IB now laying In a store ot r.ilnrlo to enable her lo sblno with her areuitomi-d fascinating brilliancy when nho emerge * from the sunV powerful InilUNico and graces the western evening sky with her fair face and charming loxellnres. Wo can hardly hope to see much of this beautiful planet until April , hut she Is well worth our waiting and then , too , wo shnll have her with us for many weeks and ran cato- full ! ) ' observe her course throtith her path to the eastward ot the sun. All the mag * nlflccnco of light ajul day which wo rnjoy on earth Venua possesses In a higher de gree nnd , like our glebe , It ! a surrounded by a transparent ntmospher/ej / In tho. mlJst ot which arc combined thousands and thou sands of shades ot light. Mars and Mercury nro very close to- gather on the llth , and would undoubtedly form a most pleasing sight for the eye to rest upon , only without artificial aid Ita \ not pnwlble to pick them from the sun's engulfing brightness. Marn has ronjmietlmi with the fading crescent Just two d.ijs be- fora It ls succeeded by thn growing one , and this Is the closest mooting of the kind for the month. It Is qulto aggravating to bo told this , ap our view of heavenly boil Ira that rh > so soon .before . the sun Is too limited for us to see very much ot them. Mercury Is baicly to bo seen during the first fmv < of the month , as he Is just thawing to the eastward away from bin losltlon ot greatest western elongation and at the tlmo when ho Is In conjunction with the moon wo shall not be oblo to dlstlnguUh his face , llclng the first planet ot the sys tem Mnrnnrv iilw.ivji rnmnln * nhsnrltoil In the rojal radiation of the prlnco ot day , and so It lot deprived of Its Individuality. It gains nothing and loses much , seeing that It ha'd not the honor of being known to the founder ? of astronomy. An hour or t\vo after sunset on anv ot the nights near the beginning of February wo liavp the glorious Orion in the south west , with Slrlus a little lower In the .tunic litarter. I'rocyon and Cantor and Pollux are In Iho east , with Capella and < Aldt'biian irnrly oveihcad. Aibout 9 o'clock lU'gulus comes In view , and two hours Inter Splca cornea a 'hit further south. Wo have the Dull nearly In the zenith , but to the potttli- wtird ; the Charioteer north of that point , the Great Heat or Dipper In the northeast and Perseus , Andromeda and the I.ady In Her Cl air In the northwest. AitM'.vr MiMin. Great heavenal Where In tbunder did I leave my shoes MI