T 10 TIIJB 031 AHA DAILY BEE ; TJIUKBDAY , ITJClttlUAllY 10 , 1808. Atlt "rllicinriit- r tli - .c Mill lie Inkcii until la m. 1hc -\ftiln iiinl tuitll 8 p. in. for the inorjiliu ; iiinl Stinilnj rilHliinn. rx , l - roitn--.tlii | " nnin- plieuld can linvc nnwwcr" " ' - lriKi'il in n iituiihiTPil Solli-r In carp of The Her. A it-mem mi nililremioil 11 III IIP ili-llvpri-il on iireMMiliitltiit of the clici'lc mil- . Hnti'H , 1 1-Uii a word first Innprtlonj Jp n v.iml tliprpnftrr. Notlilnir tnlion for n.- , tlinii IJSu fur the llrnt Inner' lion , 'I lii-ii > nilvcrtlHi-iiiuntN limit lir run eonin'iMill vc-l j . \VAvrii > _ smATiuxs. jvouNcT LADY" riviYEARSEXPERIENCE. . l hes | K > iUron tn cashier or office work. Besf city leffrences. Addre t" IS. Bee. I . A < w4 y * "HITTATIIOX A 3 MKAT 'in-riu : : 7 YEA its- i-xpprlfnpo Ad.lrcus 1" M. Hoi' , A M74I 11 * \ \.Vrr.l _ MAI.E HUM' . CAMVASSEHS TO TAKB ORDERS ; NEW LINE of work ; no heavy Roods to rnrry ; * nlar > ' or commml'slon. C , F. Ailami Co. , 521 Ho. tClh St. . 11 4G HALIJSMAN [ 'Oil CIGARS , HIS A MONTH AND pipenses : ol.l firm ; experience unnecessary ; In ducements to customers. C. C. Bishop & Co. , at. I.QUI * . - .WANTED. SALESMAN TO SELL OUR PRODucts - ucts ! no chnrpo tor outfits ; we arc manufacturer turer- The Phoenix Oil Co. . 1237 Huclljl Avy. , Cleveland , Ohio. H M52t IB GOVERNMENT POSITIONS - DON'T PPL- pare-for Iho poslomco iir oilier civil service examlnatlnn without e liiK out Illustrated r.itnltvup of Infornintlon ; nort frr. * . f.olum- lilnn Correspondence College. Washington , t ) . ci. IJ M.iSS It * YOUNO MEN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE- No Jnnllnr worlt an In the old style of ap prenticeship : two months average time to com plete ; constant practice l > y free shaving nn < \ Imlr euttliiK ; Instruction , by expert * ; lecture , nn fncc dl cn es liy doctors ; ex.imlnatlons l > y lioiri ) ; illp'nmnii Imclieil liy "Into charter ; grow ing demand for graduates live placed this wcelc nt good wages ; rompleto outfit of tooli" . nooK or 100 formulas and one year'B sul ciiptlon to liarlnTH1 Journal given ; Illustrated catalogue mailed free. Moler System Barber SchoMx. Chicago cage or Sit trills. H-MG01 12 * wn OITKR LIBERAL TintMS TO SALES- mnn to handle our lubricating oils en com mission In Omaha and vicinity. The Lucllil Oil Ci > mnny , Cleveland. Ohio. " n M.08 11 * WANTi"l > 7 nilST-CLASH BRICK MAKER ; Rlvo icffrcnces. Address F D2 , cnro "I' ' ' . ' ! , ' ; WANTRD. OMAHA YOl'NO MAN , ABOUT twonly ; iiilck | at tlgiirefl ; plain , rapid writer ; Male fnrniT salary and give references. Ad dress F M. Bee olllce. B-u3 WANTED. A irARNissMAKin AT oxen : i-nnd Job for the right man. Krnnk Deirenb irt , MMvern , la. H-M77a If HI.ACKSMITII WANrnn : MI-HT stiind ucnenil JoUliliiR. Addrt-sw I ) elt 1U > X No. 4 , Swnnton , Neb. IJ-MiW 11 * 8AI..BSMRN WANTPD TO SKI.I. IIY PAMIM.K at1ioli > Tlo and retail ; R'mrt , null on Uht ; mlnry and commission. Address rentennlul MfB. Co. , 3 Sth ave. , New Yorlc VVANTKl ) . 11AIINM5RS MAKHItS ; STr.AOY wrk for K P"1 " men : Fame \vaKC , paid us In Kl. I'remont Saddlery company , 1'remont , Nchrnflta. Il-M7f. ! 12 'AN'Tnt' , YOl'NO MAN Olt YOUNG U\DY wl'i'i pr.-'HIeal knonledRo of double entry bnokXi-rplnR ; miift hnve trfercnces. Aildresa KioUltnper , Drawer K , T. O. , City. \v 11 OI1U.S l-OIl AI.l. KINDS OP WOUK ; TO t7 week. Canadian Otllco , 1JZJ Douslas. coMi'irrKNT nnti. t'ou OCN- \v.\NTin , A ernl lioui'\vorlc ; call In forenoon at IMO Suiith 20th , Et. 0-MM1 nn , nnsr OI.APS COOK FOH FAMILY of I wo. Apply flat No. 2. Sherman Hats , ICth niul I.iKe. C-M7J1 10 * TvANTKD , WOMAN COOK FOU DEADWOOU. So. Jlulr. ; prlxnto family. Call afternoons 1117 South 3S1 street. C M742 11 * \VANTin : , niiic.HT APi' drrssm.iKrr. 1C13 Dinistlas. C MTM 10 * co LADMS TO no TAPHSTOY WOUK AT Immn. experience unneces'ary Tall Oem MfR. Co. , , llaiker blk. , moms 31 and S3. O-M771 ; 10 * COMIKTIINT"COOK APPLY AT ONQH. MRS. Jjhn I. Ueillek , 5012 No. 21th St. C M7C3 10 KlHl IIKXT IIOUSBS. . IVITnns ALL OVKU city. $3 to J73. Fidelity , 1st floor N. Y. Life. - IIOI'SFH WALLACE , I1HOWN BLOCK. ICTH and Douslnn D 4W LARGE LIST. M'CAGUK , 13TH AND DODGE , D 4"il HOUSES. FLATS. GARVIN BROS. . 1C13 FAlfN D 452 HOUSES. J. II. SHERWOOD. 423 N. Y. LIFE , D IM HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE C1.TY. THE O. F. Davis Compiny , 1303 Fnrnam. D 453 HOUSES. BENEWA & CO. . 10S N. 13TH ST. D 450 HOUSES , COTTAGES & STORKS. ALL PARTS of illy , Hiennan & Lo\o Co , 213 So. Kill. D 437 E.I10OM HOUSE. NEWLY PAINTHD AND PA- p-rcd , 2911 N. tS'.hAve. , J12. Fidelity Trust Co. D M170 HOUSKS. STORIES. WEAD , 1CTH & DOl'GLAS ' D 211 F24 iiouans , s'loitES. HUM is , PAXTON BLIC. D 4VJ AN FLFGANT MOP'CHN ' It-ROOM dwelling rM South 2Sth , J30. Applv W. 1) . Mclkl-j , let Nat'l BU. bid. D-M303 FOR RENT. NINE ROOM HOUSE ; CON- venlent. modern , homelike ; best residence dis trict ) fp-v minutes' walk from noRtofllci- ; barn If il < * liril. Inqiilro MJ N Y. Life bulldlnc. NKW COTTAGE. MONTHLY PAYMENTS fOI IlfO Hlrtrf. D-M551 roTTAni : . 2i HALF-HOWARD street . D-o73 HOUSE , MODERN. NEAR pnrk 1500 H. 2Mh. I ) MW5 FOR Iu\TFUII.MSIinD HOOIIS. FOR lir.NT , NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS ; rcanonablo prices. 2421 Dodge , E MSSfl FURNISHED ROOMS. 257C IIARNEY ST. E-M1SO FZ2 TWOJ ROE ROOMH FOR GENTLEMEN. 4H N. 17lh. E-537 12' BOUTH ROOM , FIRST FLOOR. ] < W CAP. AVE , , E-M5C1 I0 N FOIITH ROOMS. J2.00 WKEK AND up. - Cll N. 19Ih. E-MSSC 11 * PLEASANTLY FURNISHED ROOM , MOD- crn. , , Ml So. Mlh St. H-593 IP J'URNIKHED ROOMS , 2310 DOUGLAS ST. E-MC787 * ROOMH , LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING. 10IS P las. E-MII1 13' Ktllt.MSIIKII 1IOOMM AXD HOARD. THE ME1IRIAM. KIltSV-CUASS FAMILY HO- tel. Uil anil Dodge Hts. F 153 TWO NICK : ROOMS , tas DOUGLAS ST.F70S F-70S BTEAM HEATED ROOMS WITH HOARD. ! 0fl3 JUrn y. F-M8M FI5 UTOPIA. 171 DAVENPORT ; TRANSIENTS AC- conunodQted. F M703 F17' SIANDSOUI1 PARlJOIiR EN SUITE. BMALLKU rooiiin , good hoard. The Rose , :00 Harney. F M9IS ROOM : WJT1I BOARD. 1813 CHICAGO IP rtJRNIBHED ROOMS WITH BOARl 101 ! DouglM. F ,03 _ IN PRIVATn FAMILY. WITH OR WITHOUT board. 1919 Dodge. F-M722 1 * . ' _ 8TKAM HEAT. FRONT ROOM AND "iJOARoT t4 ! Noitil Z3d t. F-M750 15 _ " " IIOOM AND HOARD , 100J PARK AVENUE. F-751 Il _ ELUQANT FRONT IIOOMS , STKAM HKATUO : Ilrat-cliu boarl , 1 0 C'apltol A\e F M7CO 1 ! ' I roil RK.VT STOHF.S A\U OFFICK3. < 3OOD , OtiNTRAl I'lJTAU. Ill'HINI M Uon for Unui. F U , UM. 1-M7JI U * FOR HEXT.STOItES AXD OFFICES. ( Continued. ) FOR RENT. IN THI1 I1EK RUILDINO : Onn Intge comer room , 2J floor , with vault and prtvato omce , water , etc. On" In run front r.x > m , 2d floor , divided Into two r > mms by partition ; water , etc , Onn large comer room , 2j floor , with vault. water , etc. Ono front room , divided br partition , 31 floor. On corner room , with mult. 3d Hour. One large ruom , 3d floor , with partition dividing R Into one larRe room end two smaller private rooms ; water , etc. Two large Bround floor rooms , fronting 17th St. , with Miult. Several small rooms on 4th floor , with vaults. All thfte rooms nre licatM with steam , electrlo IlKhts. supplied xrlth first-class Jinllor service. Elevators run day nnd nil night ; building strictly fireproof. Apply to Superintendent , Room 101 Bee bulldlnR. 1 1M FOR RENT. DESK ROOM N GROUND FI/XJR Dfllce , Ilee building ; watei. tei m heat , electric IlKht and Janitor service. Apply to Superin tendent , Bee bulldln * . 1 187 ' BRICK BUILDING 'Oil RENT-THE 4-STORY nt SIS Fnrntm S . This building has a fireproof cenrnt bnsement ; water on all floors ; gas , etc , Apply nt the oinco of The ll e. 1 910 AOEXTS WAXTED. AGENTS. WE HAVE NEWI3ST , MOST RAPID money'm.iltlnc specialty known ; sell * , to trndq only. Unlbn SK | < : lalty Co. , 12 iril'NPW S TO HAIil * . PACIFIC STORAGE AND WAREHOUSE CO. , DOS-910 Jones ; general storage and forwarding , M 4CO OM. VAN & STORAGE , U11H t'AIlN'M. TEL 1559 WAXTIJII TO IIUY. I WISH TO PURCHASE TUB LnTTiitS K , \V , O from HoJi Sllnl c m ; ftnte your prloa , either alnKly or for nil , K 40 , lleo. N 433 WANTKD-TEN SirrS WO111C HAllNKSS AND 10 eels .sin ? ! " hnmens ; whnt have you ifot. AililreM C.V. . . Smith , Talrbury. Neb , post- ollleo box 454. N-739-10 * HtannsT CASH PAID rou LIMITHD nmount of accounts In Olobe l mn niul Trust Co.'s Saving bunk. Address ! ' oO , Ilee. N-73S-10 * roil SAI.I5 PUIIMTUHK. FOU SAlTn , CAItPRTS ANH PltRNITWUB. BN- tlrely new , of hoiifo recently furnlsheil. In quire Geo. II 1'esrnm , No. 1531 Cleorula Ave. 0-M72S 10 * I'oit .SALIII.SCILLA.MOIJS. . PINI : WIIITI : SAWDUST FOR r-Looiis. r/ro. ; ronran for Ice , at 13.75 per cord. Tel. 45S. 601 Doimlns. tJ-4S2 rOU SALH-TWO I11.ACK WALNUT COUNTer - er . 25 feet long ench , nt 140J Harney. Me > er & Iluiiuko. , , Q 571 A noor > cHibKEiuNa uf'iumiT PIANO. ir.0j M u.irtmln. AiUlrcdt F 41 , Dee. Q-C01-10 MASSAOK , Il.VTIIS , 12TC. MADAME SMITH , IIS ' NO. 15TH ST. . STHAM nnil alcohol bnt . T 504 11 * MMI : . UiiissoN bp PAitis. ciunoponisT , medicated baths ami massage. 107 N. 12th St. T-537 Ml' LAURA "ELLISON , CROIINSB m-ocic , iw N. IClh. room 12 , upstairs ; bath nnd mnsxnce. T MOJO 12 * MHS. DR. I.r.ON. KLKCTRIC MASSAHH IUTII pnrlors ; restful ana curatKe.417 S. llth. up stairs. T MC93 13 * MM13 AMHS MASSAGn AND IJATHS 1BJ1V4 Hownril Street. T AIC0613 * JM3HSOXAL. VIAVI TOR UTKRINn TROU11LKS. 34G-8 ] * ldg : phVblclati consultntlon or liLalth book fue U IW nATHS , MASSAGK. 11MK. POST. 319V5 S. 1ST1I U 104 ES CLEANED , PRESSED AND RE- > alrcd ; dnor night ; dress suits for hlr ? , 5 ' .intorlum , N ' E. Cor. 14th nnd Farnam. Tel. 903. U 4il > HOW TO BECOME L\VVFUL PHYSICIANS , pharmacists. V. D.'s , dentists or lawyer * . Lock box ISIi. Chicago. U 713 F12 * I'RIVATK HOME FOK LADIIM HErOHh AND tlurlnt ; conlinemcnt : baHes adopted or cared for. Mrs. M. VT. Ludlow , 2302 Clark St. . Omnha , . ,1 , U-P54 F 19 * ANY I'nUSON IN DOUOLAS. WASHINGTON or Sarpy counties who ha any claim nrnlnrt me will please cnll at Weir's place , near South Otnahn. whcro , I can bo found until March 1 , 1SOS. John N th. U 9S5 Fel > 2S * I , SCHOOL S'TPT. . WANT 8MAL.L , YOUNO , refined , Christian wife. HOT 453. U MJGO 10 * MARRIKD PEOPLK. HnClIRr Tlin ONLY UN- olijectlonahle method to ovolil exces lve pa- rentiiKe , EOc. L. rterrler , president Institute of Human Culture , Minneapolis , Minn TJ M537 Mch3 * PRIVATE HOME FOR LADIES riRFORH AND durlnR confinement j babies adopted ami cared for. 113G N. 17th. U M57C 11 * IN ORDDR TO INTnODHCR OUR NFIW HAIR- dreitscr , Miss nianehe Cnthcart , nnd her per fect method we will dive n free masKiiRO with overv face steam for the next two neek" . At T. M. Sclmdell & Co. U MCS3 MchS PEOPLE WITH GOOD HOME would adopt brleht baby. Address F 4S. IJee. U M7I1 10 * MOXKY TO 1,0 AX UK AT , ESTATC. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW RATES. THH O. F. Davis Co. , 1503 Farnam St , W 466 LOAN ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY property , W. Farnam Smith & Co. , 1520 Far'm. \V-4CS MONEY TO LOA , * ? ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate. llrcJinaji.Lovc Co. . 219 S. ICth. > lr W 170 tPER CENT MONEY ON NEI1. FARMS & OSIA- lia property. Y. IJ. Mellele. 1st Nat'l Hank HldR. W-M474 C PER CENT CITY'AND'FARM LOANS. GarUn llrotf. . 18IS Fafnarn St. \Y-M5C7 FROM JICO.OO UP. WEAD. ICTH & DOUGLAS. S 242 F24 ANTHONY LOAN K TRUST CO. , 315 N. Y. L , ; quick money at low r to for choice farm lands In Iowa , northern Missouri , eastern Nebraska. AY 407 JlOn.001.00 SPECIAL FUND TO LOAN ON tlrst-rlass Improved Omaha property , or for building purposes. Fidelity Trust company. \Y-47I MONEY LOANED ON IMPROVED REAL EState - tate In Omnha , Council lilufN K South Omaha. I'uscy & Thomas , 503 Firet Nat'l Dank , Omaha , \Y-472 WANTED. CHOICE FARM AND CITY LOANS. R , C. Peters & Co. , U. S. Nal'l Hank Hldu. CVi PER CUNT MONEY. 1JEMIS. PAXTON Ulk. W 4C9 AT LOW RATES O NFARMS .t IMPROVED city property. II. A. WezterflelJ , 513 1st N'l Ilk. W-755 MS XiV TO I < OANCIIATTKLS. HO TO $10.000 TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND PIANOS , HORSES , -VVAOONS AND CARRIAGES , WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS , ETC. , at lowest ratri In Omnlia. South Onialm and Council IHufTs , No remo > al of goods ; strictly conlldnntlal ; you can pny the loan1 oft at any tlmo or In any amounts. amounts.OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO- SCO South 16th St. THE OLDEST. LARGEST AND ONLY INCOR PORATED I/DAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. X-475 1IUHINKSS CIIANCICS. TO airr IN OR OUT OP HUSINUSS ao TO j. J , Qlbion. HI Flrtt Nat'l Haul ; , Y 47S WANTED. A GOOD PARTNER VQH SOUTH- em fruit farm. I AUa customer * for 100 choice lots ; also tevernl imall tract * of land near Oiualm. Address. J. R. Rice , Council Uluffa , la. , Y-II5C Feb 20 * SAI/XJN IN CITY OF 6.000 POPULATION. DOIng - Ing the bus'nesa ' : price 12,000 ; part time. j. J. Glb on , 611 First Nut. Hank. Y SI4 10 UIUiTAUIlANT FOH HAU3. JOHN JACOI1SON 1001 N. ICth. Y-M714 14 * ' OLD ESTAIUJSI1ED CIGAR AND STATION- cry business , J. J , Gibson , (14 1st Nat. Ilk , Y-515 10 BTKAM MERRY-GO-ROUND , COMPLETE , coat B.KO ; price , lSO ; money In It for e po- BlUon , Wrlto Tuttla Droi. , Salt I-ako City Utah. Y-M515 16 * 1150 INVnSTJJD KNAHLIM YOU TO JOIN onlerprlsa now yielding 150 per cent monthly ; no Dtoclc or Klondike s li m : fe. practical ourccjfH. Artdrrm Dnxtd Sloanc , 110 8t. Paul t. , Ilaltlmom. Md , Y M7C 10 * RKTAII. GltOCIJRY. WELL LOCATED. DO- Inir mill1 buslneu , llituren 25 p r cent of cn t ; option of n suburban location ; purchniier must liave 11.000 nt leitst. FM. Ilee. Y-MTO 1C * FOUM ) . l-X > fNI > . A U\DY'8 GOIJ ) WATX'H , on ncr can have by pi-ovlnx property anil paying for notice , AUdrras K 57 , lira of , ft i , ' Found-754 > FOH K.XCHAXOI3. HOIIRKO TO EXCHANGE FOR A GOOD LAW library. Apply to J. Horrlgan , Hloomflelil , Neb. Z-MSJ * 11 * I IIAVU A GOOD UPRIGHT PIANO TO trade for 1,900-11 > horse , young and found. Address F 45 , Ree. 55-M72J 14 WANTED-DUTCHER'S ICH HOX AND Ol'T- nt In ciclmnse for real entate mortBaRC. Ad- dresi particulars to F M , Dee oulce , Z-734-14 * CLEAU IIOT FOR HORSE , OR HORSE AND Ad < lresa r 63. Hoc olllce. a-752 11 * FOR EXCHANGE , 19) STATE WOLF SCALP certificate * for n Rood ftandard typewriter. A'l- dres < W. R. Mellor. I oiip , Neb. 55 M770 10 FOR EXCHANGE , ONE HUNDRED TWENTY wolf ocalp certlllcaten for a Rood standard typenrlter. Address W. It. Meller. .ilx > up. Neb. Z-M770 10 * KOIl SALI3 IlKAL USTATI3 , KOUNTZE PLACE UAROAINS. J2.DOO. $1.7M TO 40,500. J. J. Glbcon , Oil First Nut. Hanlt HldR , RE-47S 11ARGAINS , HOUSES. LOTS AND FARMS ; ale or trade. F. K. Darling , Barker Hlk. HOUSES , I/ITS , FARMS , LANDS. I/JANS , also flro Insurance Hemls , 1'axton blk nWX ) FOR 3-STORY I1RIC1C 11UILD1NG , 44 feet frontnRe , near 14lh anil Douglas St J2f0 for lmpro\cil properly on Cumins street , near ! 3th itrect. J. N. Frcnzer , Opp. P. O. RH 4S3 14 PER CENT GROSS INVESTMENT , 2-STORY brick business building , price J3.500. Address E 1 , IJee. RE 184 FARM LANDS. CP. . HARRISON , 912 N. Y. L. RE-911 F17 * FOR RENT , CHOICE 80-AORK FARM NEAR Olemvood , la. Address F 4C , Dec onice. 11E-MT2J 13 SO-ACRE FARM , WELL CULTIVATED , plenty of fruit , 10 mile * , west of court house : ffreat barRaln. A. M , Cowlc , 211 So. 18th. RE M710 10 FOR FLORIDA FRUIT OR VEOETAHLE Inndn or wlnlcr homep ( perfect climate ) , address - dress Florida Dist Coast Ry. Co. , SI Dear born St. , C.ilcMRO. RE M7C4 10 * FIXAXCIAL. LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES MOUfJHT FOR rash. Richard Ilerzfeld , 171 LiSalle St. . Chl- caRO. 501 F2S * CALIFORNIA-MEXICAN GOLD MINE COMpany - pany , capital stock Jl.COOOOO ; James T. Ord , president ; Moes P. O'Hrlcnlco pretldent ; Frank S. Parmelee. secretory nnd treasurer , room 410 ICarbach block , Omaha , Neb. C91) 10 * MONEY LOANED ON LIFE INSURANCE POL- Icle" or bought. L. P Van Norman. Mlnne- appollR , Minn. M777 Mchl4 * SIIOIITIIAXI1 AMI TYPRWIUTIXO. BOYLES' SCHOOL THE ONLY ONE IN Omaha nhcre court reporters are teachers , 403-407 Ilee DUg. IE4 AT OMAHA HUS. COLLEGE , ICTH & DOUOLAS 457 OMAHA SHORT-HAND COLLEGE. IIOYD'S theater. M750 Feb. 13 I1ELLI1 FINLEY , 812 N. Y. LIFE. 701 Mli A. C. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND end typewriting. 717 N. Y. Life , offtrs the fol lowing advantages : Individual Instrut-tlons by experienced teacher * , and skillful stenoEraphers ; un-to-ilntp methods ; lateit textbooks ; touch sys tem of typewriting If preferred ; premiums that keep up an Interest ; paitlclpatlon In actual work , for which students receive oo h pay ments , In pome cases amounting tti more than tultlcn ; money refunded for unexplred time. If students arc not sitlsfled : free trial \\eek. Interested parties Invited to visit the school and see Its facilities , methods , work of Its students nnd class of students In attendance. CS9 LADIKS' CHlCIinSTHR'S KNOL1S1I PENNYroyal - royal Pills ( Diamond brand ) nre the bwt S.ifi- , reliable. Take no other , fend le stamps fur particulars "Relief for Ladles. " In letter by return moll. At dniKKlftn Chlchester Chem ical Co. , Philadelphia , Pa. Mention Il < v M7CS 10 * 3 PACKED. M S WALKIN , 2111 CUMING. TEL. 13J1. 492. nitEss ctiTTixn SCHOOLS. REMOVED. THE JOY TAILOR SYSTEM dress cuttlne Echool , 1011 Cumlng St. M870 Feb 13 EXPOSITION KROXTAGES FOIL IlENT. GROUND LEASES FRONTING EXPOSITION. Uemls , Paxton Hlk. 973 STEXOfillAPIIKUS. WE SOLICIT AND FURNISH POSITIONS FOR Stenographers free. The Smith-Premier Type writer Co. Telephone , 12S4. 491. PAW.VIIIIOICEUS. II. MAROWITZ LOANS MONEY , 418 N. IflTII. EMPLOYMENT OFFICK. CITY EMPLOYMENT BUREAU , 1417 FARNAM street. Rooms 2 anil 3. Tel. 1404. 499 inline. SEWER.SIDEWALK , t IUULDINO ANY QUAN- tlty : tel.492. Loulsvllio IJrlck Co.,330 IH.Traile. TYPEWH1TI3IIS. TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT J4.00 PER MONTH , The Smlth-Prlmler Typewriter Co. , JB23 Far- nam St. ; telephone , 12SI 4S9. WANTED TO IIOIUIOW. WANTED TO BORROW $1.500. 3 TO 5 YEARS , on choice Inside , well rented property nt 7 per cent , semi-annual ; no commission. Address F 17. IJee. M543 In Secmul Iliinil Silfl'.H. Sllfl'Slllill Locks Itupulrod J. J. DERIGHT & CO Successor to A. U Dcnno K Co. , Western Agents , Tclo. 153. H1ft Farnom , Omaha Wo want to buy seconxl-hand safes , XOTIOE TO COXTHACTOHS. " NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed bliln for tho. conatructlon of the Hi at Colonnade on the Exposition grounds will be received until 11 o'clock a , m. , Thunulny , February 10 , 189S. Plans and speculations can > io seen at the Department olllce , corner Fifteenth and Spencer streets , or sets will bo furnished bidders at cost , Tlio right Is reserved to reject nny or all bids F. P. KIIUCENDAMj , ManoBtr Grounds and Building Dept.Trans- jnlsslBslppl and International Exposition , GOVEUXMEXT .NOTICES. OMAHA , NED. . PEimUAnY 8TIT. 160S.- Sualcil proposals , In triplicate , subject to tibual conditions , will be receive * ! here until 12 o'clock , noon , Thursday , March 10th , 1833 , and then opened -for furnishingnnd dolly orlne ono hundred and tun (110) ( ) mulcH. Tlio U. S roser\'n the. right to accept or reject any or all bids , or any part thereof. Information mation furnished upon application to this oftlco Envelopes containing proposals to bo securely sealed nnd marked "Proposals for mules/ ' and addressed to Cnpt. SAM u JONB3. Quartermaster. 1-V9-10-11 MS-S ) STOCICHOLUEIIS' 3IEETIXH. STOCKHOLDlOItB' MEHTINO. Notice 1 $ hereby jrtvon that the regular annual meeting of the stockholder * of the South Platte l > and company -will IHJ held at the olllce of ald company In Lincoln , Nebraska , at 11 o'clock a , m. , en the first Wednesday In March , ISIS , being , the second day of the month. , IJy order of Pie Hoard of Directors. R. O. I'HII.iaPS , Secretary. Lincoln. Neb. , Jan. 31,1S93. J31d30tm rosTorricn .vortcn. ( Should be rend DAILY by nil Interested ns changes may occur nt nny tlmo. ) Forclun malls for the work ending Kcbruorv 12. 1SDS , will close ( PUOMITtA' In nil caws ) nt the general post ofllce as fol lows : PARCELS POST MAILS close ono hour earlier than closing tliuo shown below , Trnnx-Atlnulln AInlM. SATURDAV-At 0 n. m. for EUROPK , l > or s. B. Lucnnln * , via Qtieetislown ( letters for Franco , Switzerland , Italy , Spain , Portugal , Turkey , Egypt nml Urltlsh In dia must bo illrectPd "per Litcnnla" ) ; at 7 n. m. for FRANCE. SWITZERLAND , ITALY , SPAIN , PORTUOAU TURKEY. EGYPT nnd UltlTlSH INDIA , per B. s. La Gnscogne * . , va ) > Havre ( lettcra for other parts of Jvitropc must ( m directed "per I.a GnscoRne" ) ) it S n. m , for NETH ERLANDS direct , pr s , s. Spnnrmlnm , via Rotterdam ( letters must bo directed "per Spanrndnm"'ht ) : , 8 n. m. for GE- NEO , per s. s. Normnnnln ( letters must be directed "petv'NOrmnnnln" ) ! nt 10 n. m. for SCOTLAND Direct , per s. s. An- chorla , via GlnsBow , ( lettera must be di rected "per Anoliorlil" ) , PRINTED MATTI7R7 .UTC. Ocrman uteamtrs BnllliiK on Tuesdajn'tako ' I'nr.teil Matter , etc. . for net-many , and'Cpeelally Addressed Printed Matter , etc , for Other tiarts of Eurcpo. Amer ican and White Smr Jlfaincrs on Wednesdays , German steamers loii 'ihursJays. and Cutianl , French and Ocrmnh stojmrr un Saturday take Printed Matter , etc1 ! , fur ; ml countries for which they nre advertised to cariy mall. After the clotlnR oil tin * Supplementary Trans- Atlartlc Mals ! named nbove , additional supple- Incntnrj" malls nro. i > i > c ed on the piers of the American , E.iRllshJFrench and Ocrman steam ers. and remain open until within Ten Minutes of the hour of calling- steamer. Sliilln fur South niul Central America , Went Inilicn , Etc. THURSDAY At 10 n. m. ( supplementary 11 n. m. ) for CKTUAL- AMERICA ( except Coatn Rlcn ) nnd SOUTH PACIFIC PORTS , per s. s. Alllnncti. via Colon ( let ters for Guatemala must tie directed "per Alllanca" ) ; at II n. m. for MEXICO , per s. s. Mexico , via Proureso nnd Vern Cruz ( letters must bo directed "per Mexico" ) ; nt 1 P. in. ( supplementary 1:30 p. m. ) for NASSAU. N. P. . nnd SANTIAGO Pi : CUI5A , per a. s. Nlacnrnj nt 1 p. in. ( sup- plemenlnry 1 :30 : p. m. ) for ST. DOMINGO nnd TURKS ISLAND , per s. B. Now York. FRIDAY At 12w : ; p. m. ( supplementary 1 p. m. ) for ST. K1TTS. UARHADOS nnd DEMBRARA. per s. s. Cnribbee ; nt 1 P. 111. for CAMPECHE. CHIAPAS , TA BASCO nnd YUCATAN , per a. s. City of Washington ( letters for other pirts of Mexico and for Cuba must bo directed "per City of Washington" ) ; at 7 p. in. for NASSAt * . > : . P. . per s. s. Miami. from Miami. Kin. SATURDAY At 7 a. in , for FORTUNE ISLAND. .TAMAir-A. SAVANILLA nnd GREYTOWN. per s. s. Adirondack ( let ters for Coatn Rica must be directed "pf > r Adirondack" } ; nt 7 a. m. for PAPE HAITI. AUX-CAYES. JACMEL , JKRE- MIE nnd SANTA MARTHA , per s. s. Holstcln ; nt 11 n. in. ( supplementary 11:30 : a. m. ) for VENEZUELA nnd CURACAO , nlso SAVANILLA and CARTHAGENA. via Curacao , per a. s. Venezuela ; nt S:20 : p. in. for NEWFOUNDLAND , per steamer from North Sydney. SUNDAY At 7 p. in. for NASSAU. N. P , , pur s. s. Miami , from Miami , Fla. Malls for Newfoundland , by rail to Halifax and thence by pteamer , clo e at this olllc' dally nt S:30 : p m. Mnlln for MlQUclon , liy rail to Bos ton and the ice by pteamrr , elofe at this ollleo dilly nt 6TO : p , m. Mulls for Cuba elope nt thin ollloe daily nt 7CO : a. m. , for forwarding by steamers talllnR ( Mondays and Thursday ) from Port Tampa , Fin. Malls for Mexico City , overland unless specially addressed frr despatch by steamer , close nt this ollleo dally nt 2:30 : n. m. nnd 2:30 : p. in. "Registered mall closes at 0:00 : p. in. previous day. Ti-niiH-Pnelfle Mulls Mails for China , Japan and Hawaii , per s. s. City of Rio Janeiro ( from San Fran cisco ) , close here dally up to February G at 0:30 : p. m. Malls fir China and Jtipin. per s. s. Columbia ( from Tncoma ) , close here dally up to February 13 nt fi:30 : p. m. Malls for Hawaii , per s. s. Aus tralia ( from San Francisco ) , close here dally up to February 1 ( > at G:30 : p. in. Malls for Australia ( except those for West Australia ) , which nre forwarded via Europe , Now Zealand , Hawaii , Fiji nnd Samoan Islands , per s. H. Mnrlposa ( from S.in Francisco ) , clcso here dally up to February * * 1S nt 7 n , m. , 11 n. m. and G:30 : p. m. ( or on arrival nt New York . oC s. s. Campania , with IJritlsh malls for Australia ) . Malls , -for China and Japan ( specially addressed only ) , per s. s. Em press of China ( from Vancouver ) , close hero daily up to February " 21 at 0:30 : a m. Malls for the Society Islands , per ship Galilee ( from San Francisco ) , close here dally up to February 22 at 6:30 : p. m. Malls for lAustrnlln ( except West Australia ) , Now 'Zealand , Hawaii nnd FIJI Islands , per s. s. Aorangl ( from Van couver ) . close here -dally after February 18 and up to Kebruary 23 nt 6:30 : p. m. Trans-Pacific malls ore fqnvarded to port of fall ing dally and the schedule of closing Is ar ranged on the presumption of their unlntcr- rupled overland transit. Registered mall clopci at r p m. previous day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster Postofllce , New York , N. Y. , February ' ! , 1SDS. It VII/ROADS. . ELKHORN AND Missouri Valley Hallway Gen. cral Olllces , United , states Na tional Hank Building. South west Corner Twelfth and Far- . - . . - nam Streets. Ticket Olllce. 1401 Farnam Street. Telephone 5G1. Depot , Fif teenth and Webster Streets. Telephone 143S. L6I > VC > Arr'VC' ' Black Hills. Deadwood and Hot Springs . * 3:00 : pm 5:00 : pm Wyoming , Caspar and Douglas . 3:00 : pm B/0 pm Hastings. York , David City , Superior , Geneva , E ter and Seward , , . . 3:00 : pm C'OO nm Norfolk. West Point and ? Fremont . 7:50 nm 10:23am : : Lincoln , Wahoo and Fremont . 7M am " 10:25 : am Fremont Local . 7:50 : am Dally. Dally except Sunday. Sunday only , Dally except Saturday Dally cxceut Monday , CHICAGO & NORTHWESTERN Railway Clly Ticket Olllce , 1401 Farnam Street. Telephone SCI. Depot , Tenth and Mason btreels. Telephone 12S. ' I"eavc' Arrive DayllgnT'ailcago Spe- olal * 7:00 am 11:53 : pm Missouri Valley. Sioux Cl'.y. St. Paul and Minneapolis B:40 : am 10:43 : pm MlKhourl Vnllcy , Sioux City * 7:40 : am 0.03 pm Dennlson , Carroll , Wali I/alie , from Broadway , Council Bluff * 0:00 : nm S:43 : nm Eastern Express , DCS Molnes Marslmllto-.vn , Cedar Rapids , Chicago 10:30 : am I S3 pm Atlantic Flyer , Chicago and East 4:43 : pm 4:33pm : Fast Mall , Chicago to Omaha , 3:10 : pm Missouri Valley , Sioux C'l'y. ' St. Paul Minne apolis Limited 4:35 : pm > :50 : nm Omaha-Chicago nRviii. c n pm S50 ; nm 1 Dally. Dally except Sunday CHICAGO. ST. PAUL , MINNE- apolls & Omaha Railway General Ofllcex. Nebrni ki D | . vision. Fifteenth and Webster Streets , city Ticket Ofllcc. 1 < 01 Farnam Street. Telephone 561 Depst. Fifteenth and Wcbitcr Sirecls. Tc | . ephono 113K. Ij'ave , Arrive. Sioux City Accommoda. 8:50 : am 8:20 : pm Sioux City Accommoda. 8:30 : am 8:20 : pm Blair , Emerson Sioux City , Ponca , Hartlng- ton and Bloomlleld. . . 1:00 : pm 11:55 : am Sioux City , Munltnto , 3t , Paul , Minneapolis . . , , 6:53 : pm 8:2 : > ) am Kmorson Passenger . , , . 5:10 : pm 8(3 : ( am Dally. Dally except Sunday. Sunday only , This train stops at stations Florence to Bauth Blair , Incluilve , Sundays only ; on week days. South Blair only , SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC RAILroad - road General Olllces , United Stales National Bank Build ing , ti. W. Coiner Twelfth and Farnam Streets. Ticket OfHce. - , , , . , . , KOI Farnam Street. Telephone SCI. Depot. 15th and Wobnter Bis. Telcphona 4'.t aVC Arr'V ' < < > < Sioux City. Mankato. . 'bally"1' Mlnna'lolls' ' ! i:53pm : 8:50 : am MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILROAD General Olllces and Ticket Oilier. Merchants National Bank Uulldlnir. 1224 Farnam Street. Telephone 104. Depot , Fifteenth and Webster Street * . Telephone 141 ! , Leave. Arrive. KanVaV'and Nebra ka Klmli.il . - . 12:55 : pm Krtiisii City and $ H. I juls Bxpres . v ) pm 6:00 : am Nobra l..i Local I pm 8.15 urn. Dally * Dally except Sunday , 'flT- . LOUIS RAILROAD PQSI -Omaha. 'Kiniai City & Eatt- em IlnlIr'md-"The ' Port Art.iur ARTHUR llnut * " Tfckct Ofllce , 1415 Fnrnam tiirfol. Telephone , Hi. Depot , Tenth tend M.uon strrcti. Tele- ' puunu 18. . . , Leave , Arrlvo. fit. 1-oulo Cannon Ball jni : > rr 8 . . . , . , . . . , , , . . I'M pm IlOBDi : iiii-jr Ezpreia . , . . , , . . 5 ! 0 am Dally. II VI Lit O ADS. . Lincoln , Denver. Colo- rndo , Utah , California , Ulock Hills , Montnnn nnl PuKet Sound. . . . . . 4J3 : pm 4:05 : pm Lincoln Local 7:00 : pm 7 : < l pn > Lincoln Fust Mall , , ! :55 : pm 11MO nm Denver , Colorado , t'tnh , California nnil Puget Sound 11:5. : * pm Daily. Dally except Sunday. KANSAS CITY. ST. JOSKPII & Council Ilium Railroad "Tho llurlln ton Route" Ticket OlTlce , 1502 Farnam Street , Telephone 210. Depot. Tenth nnd Mason Sticcts. Telephone 12 % I < cavo. Arrive. Kansas City Day Kx , . . 9:05 : am 6:41 : pm City NlRht i : . . ' 10:00 pm 6:30 : am CHICAGO. MILWAUKED & ST. Paul Railway City Ticket Olllce , 1504 Fttfnam Street. Telephone 2S4. Depot , Tenth nnd Mason Streets , Tele phone 123 , _ Leave. Arrive , Chicago Limited ISx. . . . 5i3 : pm * 8:03 : nm Omaha and Chicago Ex * HCUam : 1:50 : pm Dally. UNION l > ACiriC-"THE OVER , land Route" General Ofllccs , N. E. Corner Ninth and Farnam Streets. City TIcKet Omcc , 1302 Fnrimtn Sttoet. Telephone 31C. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone 128. Leave. Arrive. "Tho Overland Limited" for Denver , Salt Lake , western points * S:50 : am 4:43 : pm The Colorado Special , for Denver and all Colorado points * 11:5 > pm 7:00 : am Fast mall train for Salt Like , Pnclllo coist and all western points 4:33 : pm 7:00 am Lincoln , Beatrice and Stromsburg Express . . 5:00 : pm 12:20 : pm Fremont , Columbus , Norfolk , Grand Is land and Kearney 4:33 : pm bind and Kearney 4:33 : pm Ginml Island Express. . iCO : pm " 12:20 : pm * Dally. Dally except Sunday. ni ; 11:30 : n. in. ; 3:10 : p. m. ; 5:40 p. mj 6:3) p in j 9:03 : p. m , , 10:43 : p , m. CHICAGO , ROCK ISLAND & Paclllc Railroad "The Oieat Rock Island Route" City Ticket Olllce. 1323 Farnam Street. Telephone 42S. Dipot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Tulcphono 123. _ Leave. Arrive. Chlcnpo and St. Paul Vcstlbuled Kxprcs * . . 4:50 : pm 1:43 : pm Lincoln , Colorado SP'RS , I'uueblo , Denver nnd west . 1'53 pm 4:23 : pin Chicago , Des Molnes & Rock Island . 7:00 : pm 8:15 : am Atlantla Kxprers , for DCH Molnes nnd east ern points . 7:10 : nm 8:33 : pm Lincoln , Fatrlmry and llellevlllc . 5:41 : pm " 10:40 : am Dally. Dally except Sunday. WAHASH UAILIlOAD-TlCKirr olllce , 1413 Fiirnnm Street. Tele- I/.vone 322. Depot. Tenth and Maton Streets. Telepone 12S. Leave. Arrive. . " ! 1. ' . ' ' 4:3Dpm : Ml ISO nm Dally. OHKSTKIlKIBl'.Il OP COXIS nSS. Pen IMplurp of Hamilton I.pwls of the SitJilf of AVnshliiBTtoii. Hon. J. Hamilton Lewis of the state of Washington , who contests with Joe Ualley of Te : s the leadership of the fusion forces lit congress , Is the Chesterfield of thai body an animated fashion plato and a Cicero rolled into one. To comprehend his shi.po and power fully , it is necpRsary to see him in repose and In action , out. some- Idea of hoth may be Kalnc-d 'by a few cxtn.cts from the Washington Post's sketch , as follows : Hon. J. Hamilton Lewis is only 34 years old. but 'he ' has manner to burn. Ho may doff It In the privacy of his own chambers , ns ho doffs the sartorial creations , the sym phonies In tiUorlns , thi.t gave liim his first but not his final distinction , on the floor of the house of representatives ; but when ho steps forth Into the light of gray or yellow day , the manner of the Hon. J. Hamilton Lewis la as much a part of him as his wide- skirted frock coat , his red cravat , or his white carnation. The manner miy vary in the fashion with which It is exercised and in accordance with the mental deeps or shallows of the persons It is designed to Impress but It Is always the manner of the Hon. J. Hamilton Lewis and of no other man In these or any other climes. If you knew nothing of the record of the Hon. J. Hamilton Lewis knew simply that ho was a member of congress from a slate in 'the extreme northwest of the United States and had never had speech with him you would quite naturally expect upon first addressing him to hear from his lips an emission of the broad , burly phonetic tones characteristic of the speech of the western man , the speech that has In It an Infusion of pralrlo nnd mountain , proceeding direct from the chest , and consldcrato as much of the "r" as of any other consonant In the alphabet. Hut three words from the mouth of the Hon. J. Hamilton Lewis would i > iu- zlo you and for amonient cause you to rearrange - arrange your philological map. For Instance , you never heard a western of a far-western " " " " and "da-own , " man saying "suh , "ko-lml , - Therefore , until you had an access of knowledge concerning the Hon. J , Hamilton Lewis , you'd bo mixed. Your preconceived notions about the way people talk In various sections of this cotratry would only bo net right when you learned 'that tills character istic , strong , nnd unquestionably able mem ber of congress from the northwest la a product of the Southland born In Virginia and a student and a lawyer In Georgia until ho found himself out In the Tuget Sound country only a hit over 'ten years ago. No man sloughs off his life-formed habit of speech In ten years , and few southern men over do. Hut this southern man nan done other things within the space of ten years : namely , ho has got there , and ho has formed a manner. In congress there are still men who wear top-boots beneath their uncreased trousers and other evidences of the plain American citizen and statesman that was. Some of these men like to lean back In their seats In the house of representatives and twid dling their thumbs , mulla aaturnlnely when the 'Hon. ' J. Hamilton Lewis , an American citizen and statesman that Is , walks upon the floor , for a living example of what raiment can ilo for a man. The Hon. J. H-imllton permits them to twiddle and suille. Mr. Lewis Is the most self-possessed man In American public llfo. No leading actor tops lilm In this. Ho could probably stand In the glare of a calcium light for an hour without any superfluous blinks. And Mr. Lewis likes to wear gocd clothes , fashionable clothfo , dead swell clothes , hot sport clothes. Therefore , ho wears them and permits 5ila top-booted colleagues to twiddle their thumb * and amlle. When the bit of machinery at the top portion of the Hon. J. Hamilton Lewis' anatomy begins to operate and to' grind up the questions at Issue on the floor 3t the house of representatives , the twid dlers and smllcrs of the top-booted pl'itoon Invar.'ably forgot for the time that Mr. Lewis' shirt-bosom Is nothing ahort of a poe-m and that his Ascot tie la a lesson In impression istic art. Moreover , If you were to playfully Inquire of the Hon. J. Hamilton Lewis as to the proper thing -In fancy waistcoats , you would stand a heavy oJds-on chance of being frozen. A man who the other day , with a somewhat elephantine Attempt of humor , asked Mr. Lewis to give hm ) the precise "Relationship of apparel to Amerlo n statesmanship manship/ ' confessed afterwards that , on the whole , ho rather nlibed he tudn't. "There is no rflatlanihlp , null , between apparel and statciutaubblp American 6r another / other kind , " uM Mr. IxiwU. "Daniel Web * McrwotilJ ; have 'boon Just AS Rro.it ft man as ho was In ft suit of hides or In ft O airing , for the matter of thnt , sun. John 0. Calhoun In a suit of Jiluo Jeans would still have boon John 0. Calhoun. stih. and IMmuml Iiurko and William 1'ltt would have boon 1M- inund 'Durko ' and William Pitt had they been compelled to aiMrcus the liouse of IVirlla- mont from behind the sliolter of < i barrel , suh. There Is no 'relationship betwcon clothes and statesmanship or between clothes nr l anything olse. Clothes , the cut , tnako , or fashioning of them , arc a. matter of In dividual preference. And a nun's n man for nil that nnd for all that. Head your 'Sartor Hcsartus' over again , suh. nnd you won't ask such foolish questions. " THiuklcn'n Arntcn Milr . The boat salvo In the world for Outi , Hrulscs , Sores , Ulrers , Salt Ithcum , rover Sores , Tetter , ChAppc.l Hands , Chilblains , Corns and all Skin Kruptlons , and ( insltlvcly cures Plies cr no pay required. It is guar anteed to RVO ! perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 ccntfl ncr box. Kor eao by Kuho & Co THIS LOST IKMTKII. MertliiR of llrotlirr nnil Klitrr After n Sciinrntlnn , of KlKhti-cii Yriirn , William Maxwell gazed n > on and cm- braced his slater for the first tlmo In eighteen years , onrly yesterday morning , re lates the St. Louis Hepubllc. And all this happened In dismal gloomy ward No. 3 at the City hospital , whllo < \ score of sympithetlc patients looked on mid rejoiced at the reunion of these two. It was tforeo weeks ngo that Maxwell was received at the Institution eoroly Injured. His thigh was broken nod lie was hurt In ternally , but hi lay on the second cot In the dark ward nnd never complained nor did ho mention his history to anybody. Early yesterday morning a young woman aFpearcd at the hospital gate and said slio wished to BOO William Maxwell. She had seen In the papers , she eald , that ho dad been badly Injured while walking along the Iron Mountain tracks and had been taken to the City hoigltnl. Her name was Mlsa Hello Maxwell and she lived at 2709 Lucas avenue , olio said anil as she had not seen her brother for eighteen years , she thought possibly this patient ml fit it be her relation. She was admitted and conducted to the ' 'cdsldo of the Injured 11111 n. She scorned to recognize him Immediately , for ho had u/v changed a great deal , but his perception was more \aguo and at first ho did not know her. her.Dut Dut with a Joyful cry she threw her arms about his neck and In a moment the man and woman were In tears , embracing again and again nnd renewing the sweet relation ship that had been scrvured so long. They compared dates , told each their stories and gat sldo by.sldo clasping hand . she telling him of homo nnd relatives and ho relating his adventures and wanderings. The latter have been long nod painful and finally brought Iho man to the nUtlon In society ho now oocuplox. After a whllo Miss Maxwell bade her brother adieu and promis ing to sco him often , wont away radiant with Joy. Joy.Maxwell Maxwell was nppro.ichod by n Krpubllo man and asked about the uniting of brother and rlster. Ho Is an Intelligent , educated man and told the story without hesitation. "Our uvuents illcd nnd Uollo nnil I became separated , " ho slid , "Sho was only a llttlo thing then and I < MCIS much older. I just drifted about the country doing anything to live , but she never heard from mo and had no Idea whcro I was. Was It n liarpy sur- | irl o ? Well , I'm now man from It. I hadn't seen her for eighteen years nnd she sa\v my name In the papers. "I was walking to IJonno Terre , Mo. , and was nrar Sulphur Springs MI n trestle , when I raw a train coming at n high speed. I did not know liow deep the fall would bo , for It was nrght , but It was simply n case of cer tain death or taking a chance , so t look tha chance. My thigh wan brok < i , but I'm allva and have met my sister. I have anothoi sister , Mrs. Lucas , living at lilsmarek , Mo. , and will probably go back to my folks now that I liavo met Hollo. " TIIH HAY AKTKIt. From Punch. ? lrst lleurobalo Well , old man , did you got homo nil right last night ? Second Reprolwto Yes ; but my wifa wouldn't speak to me. First Reprobate Lucky bcggarl Mine did ! TlIOSIO A1IHICUOUS lAX.SWKRS. . \ , \ "I don't look very newly married , do I ? " "Oh. no. dear. Quito the contrary. " TOO HAD , i\iiii ) . The Ugly Girl Angelina , what's th o matter ? ' ; The Beauty Oh , Sophia , thnt nasty man there has hissed mo without being Introduced. The Ugly Girl Why that's papa. lie must have thoi-sbt you wore mo. APl'AHE.Vl'LY 'REVOLIITIOXAUY. ' The Chairman the flowing bowl h aa boon , as you may Bay , paaahed round ( Me ) ; the years come round ( blc ) , Uentlcinun , It Bheeuis to mo that everythliig Id hlc ) fiolne round nnd round ( hie ) . '