0 THE OMAHA DAILY JIET2 : . .SUNDAY , FEBKTJATIY G , 1898 , I CURRENT NEWS OF INTEREST .FROM . IOWA. ' COUNCIL BLUFFS. Ml Ml II MKNTIO.V. Trj Mooro's stock food. Jr Heller , osteopath , Hcno block. Tr Hoe , dentist , Merrlam block. Good flour ? 1 30 , llartcl & Miller. T I ) Green of Perry Is In town. 1'holos I'lntlno or Arlsto. Shorraden. Tom Ilurke of DCS Molncs Is In the city. Klnre , Klro Insurance , Ualdwln block. ( ' J Schenrk of Ilurllngton Is visiting In Iho rit } Ml * Vty of rmcnport la visiting frlcnJs In Hi's ' city S H Pouter hns been granted a pension of $5 a month. Mrs ( korge Drown of 307 South Eighth Etruul IBcrj III. I' W I. > nn of Hclvlderc , 111. , was n Coun cil LllufTnlsltop > rstcrday. Jnmrs Aiideri > on and Ella Vincent -were married yesterday by Rev. J. Y. Altchlsou. The Red Men gate tliclr second danre of the reason last c\enlng. There were about ft rty couple present \V W Lunger of the Union Pacific Land ilcpartmint loatos this at'.erncon on a short bn'licss trip to I.aramlo , W > o. Pic < l nrccn , i ] 10-year-old boy , wi > s gl\cn n KTIII nf ten diys In the city jail jcstcrday af rr btlng convicted of stealing coal. IMwtrd Oiborn , aged 815. and I.aura Coff- m.in aged 17 , were married by Justice ; rcrr'er ' jcslcrday. lloth ore from Cilhoun , KrbVc \Vc give attention to little things In Inun- diy work You get all tint Is best In flno ; % M rk ntnl good service at the Eagle laundry , 721 ln\a\ The regular meeting of the Women's CM'li'lait association will bo held on Mon- < la > afternoon at 2 .10 ut the residence of Mrs ! > ' P Uradley , 121 South Sincnth sticit The Infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Choatc M > lister died last evening at the residence nn ll.inro i > uml 'Ilenton streets. The funeral will occur this afternoon at 230 o'clofK T u > Cornerstone Sunday school claEn led bj Mrs Saiinders , will gho a social In the ChiiKtian tabernacle Tucbdaj cMMilng. Pebru- nr > X \ good nrogram will bo rendered Admission , Including refieslimcnts , lOc. Snrak thieves visited the tallot shop of SI'non Johnson jefterdaj afternoon and while the proprietor and his men were at voile In the rear end of the store miccccded in getting out with three bolts of cloth Rev Alex Llthcrland and Rev Henry Do- Long ronduc'tf'd ' the/services last evening at HnrJIn I'UHlijtcrlnn church In Hardln to\vn- hhip The congregation of Edgevvood Union church united In the services. The nttcnd- nn > e was lemarknbly huge. Captain C W Watts of No. t hose com- jianv was obliged jevterdaj to submit to a iiu-Rlnil oporaHon made necess ry by In- juili's received not long ago while In the d ' liargc of his duties Ho will be con fine ' to his room for several weelvs The police were called upon last evening to assist In presorv Ing order at Conner's sa'oon ' on Fotith Main street. Oirtcr and Dennis two cf the patrons , became In volved In a dispute tint was flnallj settle-J with billiard cues. One of the men wan cevcicl } Injured Ed Osborno and M ss Laura n. Coffmin cime over from Cfcllioun , Neb , jesterday and wore married In the office of Justice Perrlor They made a very Interesting couple. Osborntt was over six feet In height and 35 jears old , nnd the brlJo was a diminutive little maiden of 1C. A T. Kllcklnger and Dr. A. P. Mincholt expect to start about the 13th of this month on an extended tour as agents of the Hoard ot Managers of the Transmlsslsslppl Ex position. The trip is In the Interest of the exposition and extends over the centtul and southern states They expect to be gone two or tineo weeks. A Mclntyrc has asked the police to assist him In recoveilng n buggy that he left in the Hock Island yards a week ago. Mc- lnt > ro's team got away from him and ran Into the railway yurds and became Involved with some of the moving freight cars. The buggy was too badly wrecked to be taken home , and ho did not return for It until vesterday It was gone and none of the yard emplojes could toll him where It went. I'lipiilnr Sight singing by a member and examiner of the American Tonic Sal. Pah. college. Terms , lessons , etc. , apply to Ueo olfico , Co mcll Illuda , la. C IJ Vlava Co. , female remedy ; consulta tion free. Oflieo hours , 9 to 12 ind 2 to 5 Health book furnished. 326-327-3.S Merrlam block. N. Y. Plumbing company. Tel. 2GO. lIofTma > r' fancy patent flour makes the beet and most bread. Ask your grocer for It. Oeorge's Own Cigar at Klein's. Heal IXnlc Ti-iuiNf < TN. The following transfers are reported from the title and loan olllco of J. W. Squire , 101 1'earl .street : Agnes W , Cnsnily to Thomas D. Oii.tdy , 'W ' ' / no U HO U 1-14-U and eight lots In Council HlutTs. vv. d. . . $5,000 J , IM. Oursler anil wife to National Ufo Insurance eompmy , lots 11 and 12 , block b. .Morning Side add , vv. d. . 1 Mu.iril p itrowii uml wife to Mrs , Until 13 Toetzi-l. nw > i 21-77-42 , W. d. 1 C.nl Wind and wlftl to I ) Lombird , Jr. , nil of TV" , lot 8. block 20 north of In dian Creek Mill add , 11 , c. d K ( William 13. PcHon and vvlfo to Walter i : Hemlngton. part loin r > nnd 16. rurrell'H mibdlv of block 23 , Neo a " " " ' " " ' Mary A."T > Kon"to"AVvl'n"iJ. : Hobll't ! BV , " , ne ' „ 21-76-11 , tlneo acres oft south side HW > 4 nw > 4 111-70-40 , vv. d. 2,000 Kbon Hutieliinnn to John I'lpher , n ' 4 ne " 4 mid lot t of Kt ne U 1-74-3 $ niul lands In C.iss eounty , w. d . . . . 1.900 X3iiK''iio Itoblnson and vvlfo to 1-r.ink K llobliison , uiidlvi 7 no > i 20-77-39 q. c d . . . , - ' 0 Total eight tinnsfor * J12.9IJ Try Oeorgo'a Own at Klein's. Flower Wreaths and Designs Are Made to Perfection by . our Flower Design Artist. McPherson & Reed , 6 Pearl Street , Council Bluffs. 'Phone 372. METCALF ESTATE IN COURT Judges Will En Asked to Settle a Disputed Matter , ADMINISTRATOR DAY BRINGS THE SUIT UlinrucH tlitil Iloiiry Ivlcnlf In lii- ilvliloil I" I IKEMtntc of In Hie Sum of 1 ? : : 1 , < MM > niul AllvM Papers wcro filed In the district court yes- terda > afternoon In the matter ot the estate of > thc late George Metcalf In a suit Insti tuted by P , J. Day , Administrator of the estate of George Metcalf and also his brother-in-law. The administrator charges Henry II. Metcalf , now of Los Angeles , Cal. , vs 1th failure to account for assets of the estate of his bioilier amounting to more than $21- OOU. Mr. Day cites the fart that ho Is guardian of the minor heirs of George Met calf , and Is bringing the suit In their In terest. Thomas Metcalf , the resident member of thu firm , was questioned concerning Ad ministrator Day's appeal to the court , but j deemed It best not to make any statement I concerning the matter. "No one can have a greater Interest In the affairs of our dead brother , " said he , "than wo have , and when thu limit comes It will be shown that there was no necessity for this suit. I regret the fact that Mr Day has deemed It necessary to go to this extreme , but ho will find a prompt and full explanation of all he desires to know when the proper time comes. The matter Is between II Metcalf and Mr. Day , but of course wo all feel an Interest In It. " Per Sale At a bargain , ono large , joung bay mare , suitable for surrej , and ono work mare , weight about 1,000 pounds ; also a oneeeated road wagon , almcot new and a good house and lot , centrally located , good Improvements Hero's a snap for some one. Call at 106 South Main street , Council Hltlffb. sm-i\i , i\nvri > or rnu wnmc. Ullllri tlinl IIHiKMl I'cuiililo Sprint (111 * Time I'lcilMiiil I j . On Prldaj evening Mrs E E. Hart enter tained a pink tea I'l honor of her gucats , Mrs P M Rait of Chicago and Ml-a Bonner of New York The party was sulllclcntly large to require the use of ten tab'cs. Pink roses , carnations and lllacb were conspicuous amcug the cut flowers. Mrs P. J. Schnorr entertaineJ on Thurs- el'ij afternoon at a dinner In honoi of her aunt , Mrs. E. C. Sampson of Oakland , Oil. , who ha * been her gucat all winter , and who will ccutimie- her tiip eastward In a fe\v days 'On Filday evening Mrs. Schnorr en tertained a jouuger set at curda. Prof Hande save a reception to the mem bers of the Hobby club on Prlday evening. Mis Jacob Neumajcr entertained the women of St. Aeia'e society of St. Peter's fierman Catholic church Wednesday after noon at the Netimayer. Atout forty were present and after the business was disposed of refreshments were served. The Doat club has projected a plan for a cake walk , which Is to bu a most gorgeous affair. Misd Lutlo Lynchard and Miss Maude MatheEon arc spending a few days la Pul- lertcai , Neb , gue&ts of Mrs. Thomas Maine. Mrs. E. C Sampson will be the guest of Mrs. Tullls In Omaha this week. Miss Margurcte Ryan of Pacific Junction ij the- guest ot Mrs. William Fitzgerald , 3.IG Tenth avenue. On Saturday afternoon Mrs. Frank Sccti- lan , 151 Harrison street , gave a juvenile party in commemoration of the 5th birth day of her little daughter. Every game that delights children weis provided. Dainty refreshments were also served. Thfr young hostess was made the recipient of many especial marks of favor In the way of prco- enta from her young and old friends. Mr. and Mrs. Schlndle entertained the R. U. club .it their cooy homo , 626 HlulT street , en Tuesday evening. High ( ho was one of thu means employenl to pass the even ing.Mrs. Mrs. Joel L. Stewart has planned an ex tended European trip that will consume a largo portion of the spring and early ojm- mcr. She will leave 01 the 15th Inst. , and will bo accompanied by John T. Stewart , Jr. , and Mls Ethel Ilarnard. A most delightful evening was spent at the home of Clarence Empklo on Thursday. About forty young people were entertained by T. IJ. Laccy , Jr. , and Clarence Enipkle. Friday evening Miss Mabel Pryor , at her homo , 372 Lincoln avenue , entertained the L. I. E. basket ball teams , with their coach , Miui Laura McDIII , and their chaperon , Mrs A. B. Moore. The club Is composed of High school girls and has been organized for some time as a literary society , this sea son taking up basket ball as a recreation The club appeared In full uniform , with their colors aud pins. Light refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Leffcrts returned Fri day from Kcosauqua , where they were called by the death of Mrs. Leffcrts' father. Miss Sarah Ireland of Nebraska Is visiting MIES Corluo Albright of this city. Mrs. Oscar Plummor of Mlneola gave a birthday party Friday night ut her homo In that place. Many friends from Council Illuffb wcro invited. Miss Gusslo Groncwcg Is visiting her sis ter , Mrs. Pluincr , In .Mlneola. Mies Etta .Mitchell has gone to her homo In Coin , la. , after visiting for several months In this city. Miss Katu Rlley has returned from a business trip to Chicago. Ml da Pearl Rosencranz la visiting In Phll- llpsburg until April 1. Misses Marian Ilenton and Desslo Bcno will mimic ! SUndav with Mrs. Williams In Qlcnvvood. Mlbs Hully of Elliott , la. , is visiting friends in the city , Mlsa Moim Reed Is recovering from a se vere attack of grippe. Mrs. J. C. Lange has returned from a week's visit In Ottumwa , Miss Grlhble of New York la In the city , the guest of Mrs. 'Kva ' Murray. Mrs. J. J. Grnvntto Is reported to bo steadily Improving. Mrs Washington Runyan entertained the regular monthly tea of the Ladles' Aid so ciety of St. Paul's church yesterday after noon. Miss Prances Strlegcl of Harper , la. , Is a musician who Is winning fame and has an Interesting sketch , accompanied by her pho tograph , In the Mlldland Monthly for Feb ruary. Her friends In this city will bo In terested In hearing of her rapid progress. Miss May Luss of Llttlo Sioux was In the city during the week visiting friends. The Misses Schocntgcn left for Qulncy , 111 , Tuesday to attend the house party given by Mm. Dr. Hatch. Mrs. C. S. Dyers and Mrs. E. A. Rlsscr have returned from a short visit with friends In Harlnn. Mrs. S. C. Key has gone to Kentucky , where she was called by the scvero Illness of her niece. Her departure caused the un expected and sudden return ot Miss Mary Key from the east , where she was spending the winter. Mr. airJ Mrs P W. Morohouse arc the guests ot Mr. u.id Mrs. E. E Morchcusc ot Fourth avenue , while cnrouto from an east ern trip to their home In Los Angeles , Cal. Mrs. P. J Lambert of Sioux City and Mr. and Mrs. M. Slicctz of Hnglcy , la. , who have been visiting J. S. Gretzor , C06 East Pierce street , have gone * to Kansas City. Miss Ola Payne has returned to her homo on Twentieth street and Avenue A , ' . .ftcr an extended visit with friends In Galcsburg and Chicago. Whllo In Chicago Miss Payne was the guest of Mrs J. T , McChesney and Mrs. J , MacTanner at the Castlenood. Mrs. L M. Shcrradcn has returned from Central City , Neb. , whe.ro she has been visit ing since last November. Mrs. Dr. Gcrmalno of Sioux Dilla , S. D. , has been the guest ot Mrs. T J. Poley. A letter received by his relatives In this city yesterday stated that W E. Altchlson , who has been critically 111 for several days at the home of his wife In Madison , WIs. , was practically the sime , with slight hope for recovery. His trouble is nervous pros tration. Mr and Mrs. C. II. Hobbs nnd MtssJcnnlo Hobbs of 'Fourth ' avenue have gone to Illi nois to visit a week with relatives. I The engagement of Miss Lizzie RUES of j this city and W. E. Tyson of Omaha Is an nounced. Mr. and Mrs. R. II. Bloomer have re turned from their \lslt to Chicago. Wanted Two unfurnished rooms , good locality , with or without board , price must bo reasonable. Call at 341 Broadway. Angel food taffy at Klein's. AVItli 111iClmrt'lifN. . Broadway Methodist Episcopal Church , Corner Broadway and First Street , Rev. J. II. Senseney , Pastor Morning subject , "Tho Christian Homo as an Impulse of Life ; " uve.ilng subjc-ct , "Tho Crisis of the Soul ; " class meeting and Sunday bchool at 12 1 o'clock ; Junior league , 4 p. m. ; Epvvorth I League , G .10 p m. A cordial invitation is f extended to all. ! Fifth Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church , I Corner Fifth Avenue and Eighteenth Street , I Rev G. P. Fry , Pastor Preaching by the I pastor morning and evening ; evening sub ject , "The Great Legacy. " The pastor will I also conduct the monthly meeting for rail- I road men at 4 p. m Subject of the address I will bo "Through the Ll'ie. " Sunday school 1 at 12 m. ; Junior league , 3 p. in. , Epvvorth league , G 30 p m. Trlnty Methodist Episcopal Church , Cor ner Ninth Avenue and Fourth Street , Rev. L G. Goodell , Pastor Preaching morning nnd evening. Epworth Methodist Episcopal Church , Cor ner TVcnty-sixth Street and Avenue A Preaching by Rev. G. P. Pry. St Paul's Episcopal Church , Sixth Street , Near Fifth Avenue , Rev. L. P. McDonald , Rector Sunday school , 10 n , m. ; holy com munion and sermon , 11 a. in. ; evening p service and sermon , 730 ; morning sub ject , "Temperance ; " evening subject , "The Third Commandment. " Mrs. Loomls will sing at the offertory In the morning and Mrs. Loomls and Mr. Wcstcott In the even- Ing. Seats all free. Everyone welcome. Grace Episcopal Church , Corner Union and Plerco Streets Usual services by the rector. A meeting of the officers and con gregation will bo held at 2:30 : p. in. All members and those who feel an Interest In the welfare of the church are Invited. Congregational Churcn , Corner Sixth Street and Seventh Avenue , Rev. J. W. Wil son , Pastoi Morning subject , "Negative Blessings ; " evening subject , "The Value of a Soul ; " all other bervlccs as usual. Strangers cordially invited. St. John's English Lutheran Church , Southeast Corner Willow A\enue and Seventh Street , Rev. G. W. Snyder , Pastor- Morning subject , "God's Ruleof Right and Reward , " evening subject , "God Pleased With the Race ; " Sunday school at 12 m. Christian Tabernacle , Corner Scott and Mynster Streets , RC.V. S. M. Perkins , Pas tor The pastor has Just returned from Storm Lake and the subject of his morning sermon will bo "Four Classes of People I Met ; " evening subject , "Christ Among Men. " Everybody come. Fust Presbyterian Church , Rev. W. S. Barnes , Pastor Morning subject , "Building for Eternity ; " a collection for foreign mis sions will bo taken ; evening subject , "Mys teries In Religion. " Second Presbyterian Church , Corner Frank and Harmony Streets , Rev. lAlex J Lltherlond , Pastor Subject of morning ser-1 mon , "Tho Bible and Humanity , " the | evening the ladies of the congregation will conduct the service. Mrs. George Carson [ will have charge of the meeting and Mes- ilainra Sprague , Hutchliison , Phllbrook and Morchoueo will assist. First Baptist Church , Corner First Avenue - nuo and Sixth Street Regular services at 10 30 a. m. and 7 30 p. in. ; Rev. F. R. Leach , pastor of the First Baptist church of Glenwood , la. , will preach. Bible school at 12 o'clock and at Bethany mission at 3 00 p. in. Baptist Young People's unlcn at G-30 p. m. Special gospel services , conducted by Rev. R. Venting , late pastor at Den'son , la , who Is an evangelist of much experience both Iti London and In this country , will ho begun Tuesday evening and continue every evening , except Saturdays , for an ladcfl- nlto period. Everybody welcome. Christian Science Society , 403 Sapp BuildIng - Ing Bible lesson at 10-45 a. m ; subject , "Seek First the- Kingdom of God " Read- tags from the blblo and "Science and Health. " Experience meeting Friday oven- 'as at 7:15. : Parlors open week daya from 2 to 5 o'clock and Sundays from 2 to 3. Myrtle lodge No 12 , Degieo of Honor , will give a dancing party Friday evening In G. A. R. hall. rronri'Mx of Wcad Trial , The entire day was ai > ent yesterday In taking testimony In the damage case that Is being prosecuted by AdmlnUtrator Wead against the Manavva Railway company and Receiver Ilannan to recover for the death of hla brother two years ago. The plaintiffs Introduced all of their testimony and the de fense was examining Its fifth witness when the hour en mo for adjournment last even ing. The evidence of the prosecution wnn all to show that the customary signals had not been given by the chglnccr of the tralm The witnesses examine ! ! were chiefly the members of the cirryoll parly , who were returning from the lake singing and talk ing. None of them were clear about hear ing the whistle. > / i For the defense the witnesses were all certain that the whistle was blown and the boll rang as the train approached the crossIng - Ing , and vvhon It was In the act of making the turn at the curve. Some of the wit nesses were at the Uko and heard the whistle. All of the witnesses who testified before- the coroner's Jury were on the stand , with the exception of Rev. V. C. Rocho , who may be here on Monday or Tuesday. Wo are no v dally receiving the finest oysters of the season. The weather bas been perfect for sh'pmcnt and Uiey arrive with the same flavor as when first taken from the water. Lake trout , tresh caught , together with OLT usual assortment of fresh water flch , constantly on hand. Regular consign ments of Pacific ocean fish , lobsters , shrimps , etc. Sullivan , 343 Broadway. Tel. 101 , Go to Hubcr Bros , for flno roasts and steaks. Just received nnd put on sale a carload of Shorthorn heifers , 2-year-olds , at the lowest prices. All meats warranted or money refunded. Premium stamps with each purchase. No. 112 East Broadway. 'Phono 173. lliirlfNinii' li > tlu < The girls of the Flower Mission will give' a burlesque entitled , "The Hades Woefully Aflllcted Club , " Thursday evening , February 10 , nt Chambers' academy. Admission , 25c. Dancing , 25c. Minstrel show by the K O. II C. club of Omaha for the benefit of Unity Guild , Tucs- day , February 15 , in Odd Fellows' hall , followed - lowed by dancing. Tickets , Including dance , 25c. I Don't fall to hear the Harmonic Male quartet concert Wednesday night In Odd i Fellows' hall. Admission 25 cents. t I IMH.Y.N MiiAI , UK HOMMt. History of n JncltHOii Token Noxv Oxtni'il l > > an lomi Mini. , MINDEN , la. , Feb. E. To the Editor of The Uee : I frequently have Inquiries If I still have In my posse-fllon the famous Jack son Indian medal shown at the expositions of our country In the- last fifteen years. The only way I have of answering these In quiries and keeping It fresh In memory of ' Interested onoj Is to reply through The Bee. , Yes , this valuable relic Is still in my pos- , session. I have Just had It returned from j I Tiffany Brothers , New York. It was sent j ' there as an attraction for a window sho.v for three months. The medal was fliist brought Into public notice at Chicago In 1S74 , j t at the cxpoaltloni held at that time , at Philadelphia In 187G , at New Orlesns Cot ton exposition In ' 18S5 and at Denver Min eral exposition In 1883t i Many of your readers may bo Interested I to know a part of the history of this mecM ! anel how it Mine-.Into my posscc-slcin. The winter of 1871-72 was very severe , depriving the Indians of the opportunity to hunt. In February , 1S72 , the chief. Young Spanna Hoivie , came to mehc \ \ a resident of Loire Tree , Neb. , and deposited the medal with me as security for supplies for h's family , prom ising to redeem Itis soon as the weather would permit the Indians to hunt. By his negligence I was peilnitted to hold this medal one year before he iradei an effort to redeem his pledgoj I showed him a disposi tion to buy the medal and by a few coaxing presents , he-gave mo full possession of It , on condition that I should keep It and that he might see It whenever he called for that purpose , This was , pomplled. wlth.so loug as he lived. The history of the medil was written by Sergeant Cady of Old Port Kearney. It con tains all that could oe ascertained by white men , and it reads thus : "In the early ' 20s of this century there roamed over the plains of what now Is known as Nebraska and the western hills of Ion a a tribe ot ludlans known as the Pawnees. Among their chiefs was one named Spanna Horse , a noted and famous warrior , and during the first ad ministration of Andrew Jackson as president of the United States there was a peace coun cil held at or near where the city of Council Bluffs , la. . Is now situated , and from such councils It has taken Its name. This medal was presented to this chief oo one of these occaslo-s In 1S29. Shortly after this date Spanra Horse became a scout and guide- for our government and acted In this capacity up to his death , which occurred at Elm Creek , Neb. , In 1S62. Young Spanna Horse , falling heir to his trllxil effects , among them this medal , handed down to the pres ent owner. Sergeant Cody tells us that that Chief Spanna Horse was always friendly to wnltes , and In one instance of h'a recollec tion he reduced a chief named Ter-ri-me- coux for killing a white man in disobedi ence to the treaty. He often enlisted his warriors In the United States service to aid In keeping the Sioux Indiana In subjection. This great chief carried the token of love and reepect about his neck strung on a thong made from the sinews of a deer until the 14th day of August , 18C2 , being then 33 years of age , at which time ho was killed In battle with the Sioux. " There Is still a few of the old settlers of Nebraska who remember this chief and have seen the medal on hla neck , and no doubt would recognize It at this date. In the fall of 1874 the Pawnee Indians , having ceded their lands or reservation , now known as Nance county , Nebraska , to the govern ment , were removed to lands allotted them In Indian Territory. On the march down overland young Spanna Horpe died , and on his deathbed requested a white man's burial , a thing very rare among the Ind'ans at that date. The greatest value attached to the medal Is that It Is the only one In ex istence of tbit date from President Jack- son's udmin'stratlon ' to aciy Indians on our frontier. Its preservation and Its age makes It still more valuable. Knowing that the exposition officers are hunting up all the rare relics and history of the state of Nebraska , they might Interest themselves to Icivestlgito this medal and history. WILLIAM M'ENDREE. fiolnp : lo nn Omaha IliiNiiKiil. HAWARDEN , la , , Fob. G. ( Special. ) Mrs. Brake , wife of J'rof. Brake of the city schools , starts today lor the Omaha Metho dist hespltal to uijdcrgo a surgical operation. Her life has bcenjdfBpalred of all winter. i-iiiiiii jloiUfllc -iioniliinti-il. . CHICAGO , Fcb.i 5-iCongrefbnian Henry S. Boutello of the 6IUH. ellstrlct. who win elected to (111 ( thcjinfixp're. ! term of Cgn- Brcssnuin DdiUiril Cook , deceased , was to night nominated l)3 ) ! > rriie > republicans of hlx district to HUccecWnrhfclr. AGAINST THE POOLING BILL Iowa Logishturo Oalls on Its Delegation to Oppose the Measun , MATTER MAY BE RECONSIDERED IlcNoliillou Gnrx Tlironuli ( he After CoimliU-rulile Dln- ! iiN loii TemiicraiieM'Voiiieii 1'ri'Nciit lluelKuT Petition * , DES MOINES , Feb. C. ( Special Tele gram. ) The Parley resolution , to call on Iowa's congressional delegation to vote , against the pooling bill and the antl-scalplng bill , was called up in the house today , The committee on recommendation had been to strlko out the whereas section reciting that the measures wcro calculated to restrict | 'competition ' and restrain trade ; no to the resolution elution Itself , the committee made no rccom- | i mendatlon. After some Jockeying a vole was taken on it , prolix and all , and It was passed , 34 to 33. The democrats , with el low exceptions , supported It. There wcr rumors later In the day that It would b called up again and an effort made to re ' consider the vote ; that ono or two member at least were willing to change their vote and defeat It. t The senate passed the Smith bill , fiom th house , to put into Immediate effect the re ' duccd rates on state printing and bludl.ig There was no opposition , The lull will takt . effect on publication. | ' The Woman's Christian Tempcranc union presented a large number of petition for n new state institution , n compulsoiy reformatory for fallen women , for whlci a bill will bo Introduced soon. When the order of correcting the Journa was reached , Senator Blanchard called atten tlon to the fact that Senator Horrlman wa shown to have voted for the bill to give tt the State Agrlcultmal society a suite o olllccs In the capltol. Ho said the constltu lion provided that no legislator should vote on a measure in which ho was personally Interested , and as Harrlman was vice pies Ident of the. society , protested against hi name being recorded. He sarcastically as surcd the senate that he was animated bv n desire to protect Harriman from vlolattiu a constitutional provision. Harrlman repllei that ho would take the responsibility , in no change was made In the record. The bll parsed the house during the day. The democratic city central committee today called the city convention for Fcbru ary 17 , to nominate a full city ticket Oi account of the great republican factlona light for the mayoralty nomination , the dem ocrats have hopes of electing , by drawing n strong support from the defeated rcpubllca : * faction The only candidate prominently dls cussed for the demociatlc nomination Is J J. Hartcnbower , for many yeare and untl six or seven years ago a resident of Sheldon The democrats are organblng clubs In every precinct and working enthusiastically. The republican primaries will bo held February 28 , the convention March 4. CiOKillMlUVr I3IM2D1TION ST VH'I S Tito HtiiiilrtMl 'I IIIIN of Provisions ol Hit * VVn > lo VlnsUii. PORTLAND , Ore. , Feb. 5. The expedition which the United States government Is send Ing Into the Interior of Alaska with fiuppllc for the relief of miners who arc reported t bo In want , failed feeTalya tcnlght on th steamship George W. Elder. The Elder car rled 350 passengers , fifty-one of whom ur ofllcerb and enlisted men of the army , wh will net as escort to the oack train , which , i la expected , will carry the relief supplle over the passes. The ofliceis In charge of tfie dctachmen sailing by the Elder are : Captain Georg Ruhlen , assistant quartermaster ; Captain Bo pirdus Eldrldge , In clarge of the escort , wlti Lieutenant E. W. Clark , aslbstant ; and Lieu tenant G. M. Ken o , assistant surgeon. About 200 tons of provisions were for wacded by the government from here , am an additional supply vv ill go from Seattle li a few days. Brigadier General Merrlam , commanding the > Department of the Columbia , who ha general supervision of preparing the expo dltlon , has assigned Major L. II , Ruckcr Fourth cavalry , to the command of the eellc expedition. Major RuJker has been In Alabka for several weeks , and lias taken temporary station at Taiya , where ho has ostabllshei a camp and supply depot. General Merrlam expects to go to Alaska on the steame Oregon , which Is scheduled to sail from hcto February 8 , and from Talya ho will direc affairs until the expedition is started over the passes. Captain L D Bialnard , com mlssary of subsistence , aeid disbursing officer for relief supplies , will albo go foivvard by the Oregon. Mc N n in n rn- Yon n t. WEST POINT , Neb. , Feb. 5. ( Special ) Father W. L. McNamara of Omaba unlteil In marrlago last Tuesday , at Bancroft , Ills brotbur , Daniel H. McNamara , and Miss Mary Youut , the former of Beemer tonnshlp , and the latter of Logan. Ilev. John 0. McNamara of Omaha , cousin to Hie groom , and Hov. J J. Crottley of Hancroft , assisted In the cere mony. Miss Agnes McNaraara of Deemer , sister of the groom , acted as bridesmaid , whllo John Galbralth was the best mail. A largo company of relatlona and friends wit nessed the ceremony. AVIIIIlliiiH-WrlKlit. DLMWOOD , Neb. , Feb. C. ( Special. ) Mr. Prank Williams of Cedar Ilnplds , Neb , and Miss Viola Wright , daughter of a prominent merchant hero , wcro married at the Mtth- odlst 'Episcopal ' church , Jlov. Campbell or Pl'.ttsmouth ndlrlatliig. Mr. Williams Is a well-to-do fanner of Ccdai Haplds , Neb They expect to leave for tliolr future homo In a few days. A large number of costly pies- cntB were received. lIllM'IIU'lltH lit Ot'f'IIII Vi'NMl'lH , I'YIl , fi At New York Sailed Lu Uretngiie , for Havre ; Obdnm , for Rotterdam ; Kaiser Wll- hulin II , for NiipleH , Aller , for Naples Auranlu , for Liverpool ; Hekla , for C'open- luigCM. Arrived Luc.inl.i , for LIveriKwl Paris , for Southampton At Bremen-Sailed K.irlBruho , for New York , At II ivre Sailed LnNormindlo , for N A York. At Southampton Sailed St. Louis , for New York. At Liverpool Sailed Campania , for Now York. At Nnp ! t S.il ed Fuldu , for New York At Philadelphia Sillcel I'ennlanel , for Antwerp , TRANS-MISSISSIPPI AND INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION , Omaha , 1898 i < 0 4 f f it f ft t ? > t LfciJvJii tsn&r frw s = = yi = r"ij = - - = rj : = = g : PROPOSED IOWA BUILDING. \MI TWO WOIIKN Aim KIM.RD. Central I'nmonurer Trnln Hun * Down n SlclRli. SAOINAW , Mich. , Tob. S. This evening K Michigan Central passenger train from De troit ran donn a sleigh containing n man mid three women. Tlio man and Ino o ( the women wore killed nnd the third nomntt badly Injured. The dead : THOMAS STEWART , Rroceryman of this city , t.gcd 35 ; neck broken and skull crushed MUS. MATHIAS AIOSN'EU , ngcd CG. n lilow residing near I'ranckmuth this county ; found dwd on the cow catcher when the train ( stopped. MISS MARDAUA MOSNBIl. aged 25 , daughter of iho widow ; neck broken. Mrs William Monckc , another daughter of Mrs. Mosnor , who resides here , had her knee broken and received Internal Injuries , not urcomrlly fatal Thcro was no gate or flagman at the cross- Ing. Stcnnrt saw the train , but w uuable to cross before being caught , Ceiiiclery Trenmirrr Slmrt. MEMPHIS , Tcnn. . Feb. B.-Tlio trustees of the Klmuocul Cemcter > company today made public n shortage of $13,000 In the no- counts of former Treniilicr Kreil Trepp. Trepp is now In New Yoric , A Satisfactory Laundry. This is a satisfactory laundry. We wash and iron delicate laces just as well s we do plain cloth. If you ask us to iron the points of your collars down instead of up , we make a note of it and do it. Therein lies the secret of our success attention and care to small things. vans Laundry Co. , S. F. HENRY , Proprietor. 520 1'carl Street , Telephone 2)0 ! ) COUN'CIL ULUFFS , I A. Look ( Jilt for the number 418 Broadway when you are in need of a meal or lunch of any kind , day or night. Saloon and Lunch Room , 418 Bremdwny , Council Bluffs. "Only the Beat" Wines , Liquors and FARM LQATCS. FIRE INSURANCE , SUKJSTY H LOAVES I' RATE- . Resident Atslstanl Fccrclnrs. i > VTIO'NI , M'HIITt ' CO , > Y. Capital niul surplus o\cr One and One-Hall Slllllon DDllnrs All bonds executed nt mv olllc"1 JAS N. CASAUY. JR. , lt ! : < ; Mil In Stroct Ciitiiii-11 llIufTs. Its warm to be between two fires but when choos ing between two classs of Silverwear always take the best. You will find the finest goods at the lowest margin of prices at 0. B. Jacfi&iemin & & Co , 27 boutli .U tin Street , COUNCIL IJLUFFS. The Blue Front MEAT MARKETf With Every Modern Appointment. A\ < arc Ni-llliiK till Ulniln lit ' > lcii ( anil DrivNst'il I'oultr ) , lit ' ( hliiK ntMt uml c-lcnii. MrulN , | i M'lcc-M'il llli rrfri'cnrr < o llic4" lmllliliinl ( : IN ( 'M of | > ilII'tinx. tail \\isr : imovDYi VY. ( dins Nichols ill's rormor Stanil ) ' $ " * * l SPECIAL NOTICES COUNCIL BLUFFS WANTS * uvvii.i.iNa.i i Kur r.utMM > OAHDC.V tnnil fur tile ur rent. Uay & tlosa , 3b Pear ! etrcci. SO AC. HP. JMl'ltOU'I ) 10U V I'AUM d ACltiS In culth.itlun M u < | ImlMlliKS pilce Jl 'KID } 30U cash lulunio J1 < 0 per > cnr Juinrtan & Kerr 041 HH.O. Lo Illuffs In TO Af in : iovv rAii\T wiur lMPiiovir : > , flni ! Hn 1 KT 01 pri acic will lnl < it } 2 TOO w hi ilt > | H\pi'it > balance on 10eirs' time , flirt IMUiunt" Bin ill Johnston A. Kerr , Counlt 1 Huff a iNi : nun I-AIIM or n u-nns TWO miles tram wnlu cf Uls VX ) llm- bearing chirrs ti'i" > ii-i- . of K-rnpoi nnd other fruit ; $ ( VO IHJ i.ish i ! \\n Iml.incion long time at C jui cult J .in icn S Kcrr , ( .fenncll UluITi Inrtnictlons. Albln Ilu-ter , ftuillo 33S IJro-uluuj. ncrmiin method of Dresden Conservator ! . And a general cleaning upwill be the result. If you want your consult us. We can furnish your paper. A beautiful gold pattern at 2 l-2c a roll and upwards. Come in and see what we can do for you. Miller's Wall Paper Store , 108 South .Main St. , Council liluff- , . TASTES DIFFER II n ii j iH'iiph- ilu nol I'll r ifur 'IIIIK-P- Kraut , liul HI K- anf Mt > Iio ilo not IIUi- 1'J I.li-N. \\V lia\i > a nlco iiHNoi-tiii < ill tht- > arc tinIIIH ! to In * liiMl. U i Innc Siiiirrkraiit , t ot for ( lioxin h llkiIt , niul If ; oii try Homo OIUMjoii will voiac attain. Spooner Orocery Go. TIJI , . : ITI. ai : into \DWAV. Enlarged Portraits If you are having a portrait enlarged do not forgot that we cm make you an up to-date frame for the same money that you will ba asked to pay for what are known as "ready made" or stock f ames. Make an investigation before you bind yourself to buy. Council Blttffs Paint , Oil & Glass Co 1 mill H Fourth St. Tvlupllonu :127 : YOU CAN GiiT THEM NOW at $1.50 each. 'Hie Cosmopolitan Incandescent Burner has no equal. It givjs 6' } candle pow er at half the cost for gas used by the common burner. We put them up complete for one- fifty , Mantels for Welsbach and all kinds of burners at reduced prices , Heating , Plumbing and Lighting. I "V D V 202 Main 203 1 > carl Strett J. CO . . SIXX 0 T | Council Bluffs , Iowa ,