Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 06, 1898, Editorial Sheet, Page 11, Image 11

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Jobbers Well Phasid with tba Sxpcrionoes
of the Post Wcok ,
Fruit Merchant * Scouring
ttio Sou 111 t'rlctlun llotueoii Job
ber * ami Iletiillcrn Hani tu He
Avulilnl Hunk Clcarlnun.
The past week has developed n very
natlsfactory run of genpral business In the
jobbing district. Huyers have been In rood
attendance , In fact , ninny Jobbers Bay that
the number of vlsltlm ; country merchants
Is larger than it has been nt any time In
the past year or more , excepting only the
xvcek oCthe State fair. A. largo proportion
of those merchants who put In nn appear
ance the past week evidently came with the
expressed Intention of placing orders as the
tno.i ! of them bought liberally.
Salesmen on the road also made good
progless and the wrjolo situation as re-
sards the Jobbing trade continued In n most
BHtlsfuctory condition , only good reports be
ing heard In all quarters.
Country collections nro very seed nnd arc
likely to so continue ns long as the farm
ers have corn and hogs to convert Into
cash xvlth which to supply their wants at
the country stores.
Tim local retail trade averaged very well
the past week , though the weather was
finite severe on pome days nnd shoppers
wen Inclined t. > lemaln In doors. It 1 a
noticeable fact that there are more people
lit and that thete 'has ' also been n
litrn' Increase In the number of working
lie > p ! - who have steady employment , both
of. lAhlch facts have been conductive to un
lmt iud condition of the retail trade ,
Tie line of drmarca Ion between retailers
nnd lubbers Is a question that has bothered
tl.e brains of tradesmen ever since the b -
Kliiiiini ! o : hlstoiy ami Is very llttlo nearer
II t-utlsf.i''tory solution now than at the
1 ginning. To < b tcrmlnc where the
province of HIP Jobbers ceases and dint of
the mailer begin. , to difinitely Ei'ttle what
c institutes Jubblnp and what retailing ,
though it may appear an easy matter at
Illsl slgnt In nevertheless beset with dldl-
cuttli-H tha.t have balllfd the brightest mltulM
III trade. Naturally enough the letaDcr Is
the < nlcf , the tendency belnv
for the jobbi r or wholesale di-alcr to Invade
the tfrri'oiy of tlie retailer , while the latti-r
has few opportunities to Interfere with
the \ \ liuli'Saler.
The deslro to 'fell , to clean up stocks ,
especially for ras.i , and a disinclination to
disoblige frieinlH , are the chief Incentives
that the wholesale dealer to soil to
consumers , which , according to the retail
dealer's munition , constitutes retailing.
Kvi-rv lohlicr insists 11ml his house does not
retail goo'ls. ' while the retail merchant In-
Hlst.s tniu they all ilo to a greater or less
In Omaha the contest between retailers
nnd wholesalers Ins been routined almost
entirely to that branch of trade enguui'd In
handling groceries and fruits , and while no
gnat noise hntj been made , considerable
fooling has been engendered nt time1 ? . The
retail grocers have a strong oilallon
which r/'sents any invasion oT thw retailers'
dom.iln and the b-jycolt has been frequently
Invokert to bring the wholesalers to their
"way " of thinking.
A" u Jobber re.mnrkfd the other day. It Is
no onsy matter to keep from selling goods
to consumers at times. For example , a per
sonal friend of the jobber comes along and
nsk as a favor that a certain article be
eold to him. perhaps It Is the firm's banker ,
or pertnps It ls a jobber engaged In s-oine
other line of btiMmss , who Is In a position
to be of great ass'stanco nnd who has been
very nccmnmcdatlng at various time * what
Is to bo done ? A refusal nlnn times out often
ton offcmls and If the favor be granted the
retailer complains that his business Is being
taken from him by the jobber. One such
case would amount to very little , but In a
city where there nro a hundred hou-'es that
wholesale goods , each one of them with a
certain following of friends , It cuts quite a
flgure Thou It Is customary for men em
ployed In a jobbing house to be allowed to
liavii gooils out of the house at wholesale
prices As every house does not handle nil
the goods that are required In the family
the boys gradually make the acquaintance
of the men In tho' other houses and an ex
change of coiirto-Mes takes place by moans
of which each man employed In a Jobbing
house Is able to secure most anything that
may be desired at who csale. This practice
Is not by any means restricted to the men
on salaries , but the hoa'ls of houses practice
the runic thing. A prominent ret ill grocvr
Kald tlm other day that he bad been Intl-
niatoly acquainted with the head ff one of
the largest Jobbing hou s In the city and
1o his certain knowledge he had never spent
u dollar at a retail store In the city of
Omaha for any merchandise u-iless It might
bo for some article that could not be foun 1
In any of the jobbing houses of the city.
If Im wants a nt .M hat he gees to a wno.o-
Bnle In use where hut * are ? o'al. If It Is a
pair of shoe * some fr'end In one of the
wholesale shoe houses tits him out and FO
on through the whoio list. If he wants a
case of berries or a barrel of apples or a
few sack ? of potatoes he sends up f. one
of the i.Vho c.salo fruit or produce hou-os.
\\'hen the members of linns , all their cm-
i > loves and a long list of friends and lu-
vor'od Individuals are taken Into considera
tion It will lie seen at once that this In
vasion of the retailers' domain li a matter
of no small moment and It Is a question If
Hie retailer Is not Ju tltied In entering n
etiong protest.
The cause for complaint , however , would
not appear to be all on one side as tie
jobb'-rs have troubles of their own. In the
case of the wholesale fruit and produce
men , the retailers do not hesitate 'to buy
directly from the producer , thus to a
certain extent Invading the Held of the
wholesaler , and some of tie largest retailers -
ers receive more produce from the country
than they can tvll over their own counters
nnd become sellers In the upen market.
Kvery produce house IB at times the re
cipient of goods that are not wanted by the
retail trade , and Is compelled to let a
peddler or a consumer have Hem or see
them perish and become a total loss. It Is
t'Hpeclally so with mwt kinds of country
produce which Is perishable and ( which Is
received by the commission IIOUFCS. The
country sh'lpper sends In his produce to a
commlKslon bouse to bo sold and he expects
Ills commission house to let the Ilr.'t buyer
or the best buyer have the goods. Ho wants
the gjodH sold refiardloss of the courtesies
of trade whlcn custom In the city muy have
built up and In which IIP takes not ijio
least partlclo of Interest.
Tor ! heFo < ntd many other reasons the ad
justment of the lines and boundaries be
tween tliH two branches of trad ? are hard
to ostabllsi satisfactorily to all pit-ties In-
tnrrs'ed , nnd I horn Is always likely to be
incTo or UKK friction between the different
interests. However fair dealing an both
Bides will tend to minimize the dltlleullles.
One thing Is certain , Omaha Is one of
the poorest retalU towns of Ha size In the
vliolo country and anything that will tend
to Improve the situation will bt llkoly to
meet wlt'i favor. T'IO largo Jobbing houses ,
liowevor , can hardly be held responsible us
other uuro potent causou have boon nt
work , one of the moat marked hHng the
prevailing habit among a very large proportion
tion of the Inhabitants of buying supplies
of various kinds In Chicago and eastern
markets under the Impression that fey
can save n > onoy by HO doing or that it
Bounds better to say that tiller that article
iwas brotuilr from a large eastern market.
U H Hriiiioh of the llrm of Hrnnch & Co.
Is ttlll Incapacitated for work by reason of
1ha injury to his hand , received at Niagara
falls at tlm time of the meeting of the Na
tional League of Commission Men.
L. O. Doup , the Uunge manufacturer ,
rpent a part of the past week In St. Louis
where he went to buy stock. The factory
U nt work getting out spring styles and
expects to put out n more attractive line
than ever before.
The National Oil K I'alnt Co. Is at work
on an order for 1,500 gallons of house paint
for a jobbing bouso. The factory Is also
tunilui ; out the excelsior green roof paint
to be uml on the rocfs of the exposition
buildings. Dealers In paints and oils are
making treat preparations to meet the
heavy demand for varnishes nnd all kinds
of Interior and exterior ilnlshcs whlc i Is
euro to conic with epilng.
With the wholesale fruit men all roads
neenr to load southward these days. The
city Is almost depopulated of heads of firms
mid It Is said Unit the few that are loft are
thinking of leaving as soon as tney c-in
itrruiiKu their affairs. Tlm fuel that Ark
ansas tins several liundrcd curs of straw
berries that will be ready for shipment
northward In tho. con run of u few weeks
eems to be the main attraction , and not a
deslro on the part of the fruit men to
rscnpu the cold waves that are to bu ex-
jH-cted In this latitude.
One unfamiliar with the Jobbing trade ran
Imnlly form anything like u correct Idea
of the great number and variety of brushes
that are sold from n jobbing j-olnt like
Omuhu. The wholesale grocers , druggists ,
| > aper houses and hardware people all handle
brushes and lotu of them. The unfortunate
feature of the business IB Hint all these
trushc * T made by prison labor and It la
Impassible for nny manufacturer to compete
with prison l.tbor , as has nlrcady b n dcm-
oiistratod In this city. If It wor * not for
the prison labor It would be po slblo to
build up a large manufacturing Industry In
thli ona line In the west that would give em-
The Indications all point to n largely In
creased trade , say the shirt manufacturers.
They report n Rain of 40 per cent In the
volume of trade during- January , ns com
pared with the corresponding month of
last year. Uown nt the Nebraska Shirt
factory they hnvo received the new spring
styles of goods , which seem destined to
meet with popular approval. The figures
are more subdued nnd the general effect Is
much more ( julet than last year. The new-
shades are heliotrope and brown , while pink
nnd blue arc strong favorites.
Secretary Holmes of the Manufacturers'
association In arranging for n display of the
mill products of the state representing the
output nf twelve different mills. Already
nine mills have agreed to the proposition ,
leaving only three to bo obtained , with a
half dozen mills sprliusly considering the
matter. The plan Is to secure a largo fpaco
In one of tie principal buildings nnd con
struct .1 building of wood after some artistic
design which will be ctvcred with b.ips of
Hour froni the different mills represented.
The Interior of this structure Is to be a
model kllchch which will be conducted by
Mrs. Harriet MncMurphy nnd Mrs. Peak.
Mrs. Mar.Murphy will deliver dally lectures
on-scientific coakery and the nutritive
values of food products , which will be
demonstrated by baking nnd serving flour
of the mills represented. Showcases will
contain samples of the bread as well as
of the flour and the wheat from which It Is
plovment to n larre number of people.
The other day Judge Vttley of O'Neill
mniketed a lot of c.ipons In thhs city that
weighed , dressed , ten pounds each nnd
brought 10 cents per pound , or * 1 each , while
the average rooster that Is coming to
the market weighs only four pounds and
sells for 5 cents per pound , or 20 cents
each. It Is claimed by those In the poultry
business In the city that the farmers of the
stale might Just as well double several times
over their revenue from poultry sales by
caponlzlng their roosters , A capon does not
eat nny more I1tin ; n rooster , although he
grows to twice the size. Capons are always
In good demand In all markets of the
country At the present tlmo old cocks are
quoted In Boston at 3 cents per pound and
capons nt 12UU cents , while In New York
the quotation on capons Is 14fil7 cents , showIng -
Ing the .vlile difference In the price between
thij two grade * of fowls. C. M. Xothaway of
Uahoo Is another Nebraska ! ! who has prac
ticed caponizlng his fowls twlth great suc
\viiiu : : is TIIU < JIMJAT
Speculation * III tll Wl'Nl
\V. H. Uoboraan. local manager of U. tJ.
Dun & Co. , speaking of trade for the week ,
say * :
"Qultp a Fensntlon wns created In Omnlm
by tho. niitioiiiieemeiit of the resignation of
the cashier of the great Chemical Nation il
Hank of Xi'.M York and the Incidents eon-
nirted with his transactions. To ( t western
tiiiin It seems remarknblo that nn Incident
of this kind fh'.uld ' attract so much atten
tion In the great commc-rclnl centerof the
MSU. Gentlemen of wealth , standing an-1
recognized alilllty enter into extensive
speculations. They suddenly discover
possibly tlielr investments will he unprofit
able , and .possibly . they will sustain fosse ? .
I'lio whole ! country Is ndvl'ied ns to the do-
tulls , and the promoter Is roundly abuse 1
for inviting these Innocent caiiltallsts to
piirtlelpate In his enterprises. Many u IAC.S-
ern man has t.ikcii his wealth to the Chi
t-ago grain pit orViill street ana MIJ : seen
his fortune dissipated In n week throuph his
own judgment , aided and abetted by
genial und able brokers cither In Chicago or
New York. Nobody hears of the looses , nnii
ouisldn of i select circle no one knows any
thing regarding the brc-kers , and It never
occurs to the western commercial world to
dance a war dance on the. frame of the
broker or of hU associates who have profited
by the bad judgment of. the western In-
"Personally It has hooome exceedingly
tiresome to mo. to read from time tf > time
the i > alntlve tales of western losses which
find their way Into the eastern press. Commerce / -
merce Is only enlightened' selfishness at tlie.
best and -whether a man loses money by
Inventing In , grain or Investing In mining
stock , or by Investing In western mort
gages , I cannot for the life of me. see why
the western promoter should be ci nsldered
nny more dishonest or culpable than an
eastern promoter , so long ns the liuestors
themselves are not deliberately defrauded
by positive misrepresentations.
"Hoforo passing final judgment upon the
Institutions and persons Involved in this
particular sensation Ivmlght be well to wait
for full Information as to all the facts.
"Locally , the conditions continue to Im
prove. The early approach of spring gives
unusual promise for buplnes In this city.
The Internal Hevonue department reports
collections amounting to JCflO.OCO for the sx !
mouths ending December 31. The govern
ment fiscal year extends from July to July ,
nnd the present fiscal year ends June 3d ,
1S3S. The llirures for the first six mc-nths
exceed by JIO.ODO the total receipts for the
preceding twelve months of the- preceding
fiscal year. The month of January , ISilS ,
nhowa nearly JM.OOO more cash received by
the Internal revenue collector than was re
ceived In January. 1897.
"Under the now system of assessment the
valuation of the taxable property of the
city of Omaha Is Increased to $33.000000 , a
fact worthy of comment because It Is well
known that our rnto upon former assess
ments was the occasion of considerable un
favorable comment In financial circle" , the
( isso'-sed valuation being extremely lox.
"At the postofllce the postage receipts
show a gain of $3 COO for the month of Jan
uary This Is another Indication of the Im-
proveJ conditions now prevailing In this
city. Probably no public office so closely
toncheH the pulse of commerce as the post-
"At South Omnlm In addition to the great
Improvement In progress and contemplated
the fact in that the market I ? growing moro
rnpld'y than either of the. other two great
markets. The hog puck for the season
shows a gain of n little less than 13 per
cent over last season at Kansas City , a
little more than 17 per cent for Chicago
and a moro trifle less than 2C < pe.r cent gain
for Omaha. "
St. * ConiT/il MarkrtM.
ST. I/M'IS. Feb. r. . KIXH'11 HlKlicr , In svm-
patliy with wtu'nt ; patents. J4.70ft4i' ! ' ) : xtriilirhts ,
jl.3.5il..V > : clenr , 11.23 ; medium , 3..Wf.1.7Ti.
WHBAT l ower. elimlnK lie for July nnd 'ic
for May below ye lenlny : May opened "iWic
lower , nilvnnrnl "WSio " nnd declined % < . closlnjr
nt the l > tlom. Ppit. lower ; No. 2 roil cash , el , -
1 vntor. Sc ; track. MWO'o ; l-Ylnrunry , Kc ; MH > ,
95' < , ftf > e ; July 80ic ; ; No. 2 hard cash. KHitiDOe.
C'OriN Kuturra advanced enrly. 1'iit lx > fore the
finish thin Kaln nnd mote too was lost , the rlnpo
lietntf 'to lielnw yefterd.-iy. Rjmt , tilrher ; No 2
onnh. .11140 : K l > runry , SC io nckoU ; Ma1. ; WVjff
rfi'iiJuly. ; . 27Tte.
OATS Futures ndvnneed nnd elweil frnctlonH
hlK''r than yoiterdny. Fpot bluner ; No. 2 rash.
rlevnlnr , 21'ie ' : trnck. 25c ; FebruarySI'Sc ; liny.
2r.'Vasked ' ; July , 23'lo bid ; No. 2 white , 2&ij
HYK-Ftemly. 47o ,
SHKHSFlnxneed. . quirt , $1.21. Trlmp timothy
need. $ ! MVi.
rollNMHAL- t.4Tl.CO.
I1HAN ( Jnlel. firm ; ea t trnck. F.-ilnM" . S Ur.
HAY-Rlrons ; pinlrle. J5.GOB8.2o ; timothy , fS.OO
(7)0. ) 2f .
HCTTFIl Qulft , easy ; creomcry , ISSlO'.Jo ;
di l iv Wl ! * .
VXlOS-Stendy. IStto.
1 1 n nrj W6fio. \ .
Mf.TM. Iiid. . lower , n. { ? 3.47U. Ppeltfr ,
firm M B ) .
rtiOVlSMON'5 Pork , hlphrr : Rtnndnnl menu ,
| i > bhlnK | 1".37H. I ird. lower ; prime e-tcnm ,
J4.C7'Arholco. . It. 7.1. llnoin , extra nhnrt eknr
> ox oa . , . . . .
nhitrtB. 1.7"'i7S. ' f7't. Pry mil me.itn ( boxe < l phnul-
derni f4.M M.S ; extra lmrl elenr , f l.75f(5.X ( ( ) ;
rllw. H.n-Mifl.M - : fhorls K.Kfiti.31H. .
Hnr | n > nMnmir. 4,000 Mill. : wheat. 14.000
1m enrn. 117000 t.u. ; imta. 21 ert ) bu.
RHU'MIT T" Flour. 4 IXVI bhlB.j wheat , 13.000
I * . ; mni. 67. * Im. : "nin. Sl.nnn im.
ICniimi" City Crnln and PrnrlNloiiM ,
KANSAS PITY. Feb. 5 W1IBTArtlve , cen-
era'lv ' < 4c hlcher : No. 1inn ) , SHc ; N2 kfMft
( ff No 3. 84 < t Wi'tc ; No. t red. 03e ; No. 2. SlffJ
. . .Ji iNo : 3 , fCiiff'e ; No. 2 , fprlng , S7c ; No. 3 ,
V Active , fteady : No. 2 mixed. .
OATS Aclhe , nbnut Uo lilnheri No. 2 Hhlte.
liVF-Wenily ; No. 2. 43f43Ho.
HAV AVonker on heavier rrcetiilr : choice tlmo-
Ihv s60 < ritiOO : choice iirnlrle , JS ; 5ffl 7.00.
III'TTBH Firm ; creamery , 154nfo ; dairy , II
SJ14 >
SJ14KdOP Klrm nt 13'Jo. '
lllVPMTS Whral , 76.400 bu. ; corn. > } tm ;
o.its. 7C > 1 liu.
milpiivvro Wheat. S8,4ilO till. ; com SS,7HO
bu. ; onls , & .000 ! .
Feb. r.F' OtUl-Quiet ; fancy.
| 4 snfN Ml ; fumlly. H.fOflS.M.
WIIRAT Stouilv ; No. ! red , Oo'.ic.
fOIlN Quiet : Nn. 2 mUed. 2r"i" .
O'Trf Sleiidy : NO. 2 mixed , ! Cc.
llVK OiilrtNo. . 2. 49c.
PIIOVI 1ON8 Iinl quiet. J4.75. Hulk meats ,
llrm f ( f'Huron , ntcaily , 15,73.
\VIIiHKV-Stemly. 11.13.
IH'TTUIt-Oulei ; Klgln creamery , 2lc ; Ohla , 13
! & < : dulry. lOo.
SI'flAU-Stendy ; linnl refined. J4.OSfl5.S3.
llfJOR-Sleailler at 15o.
itooj to prime Ohio flat ,
Dot nil I
OKTIlOtT Fb. 5. WHBAT No. 1 white ami
No. J re.1 9J4c ; May. WVJc.
rOHN No. ; mixed , J c.
OATSNo. . ! white. I7c ,
KVi : No. r. 49o.
Snii I'runoUoo Wliont Market ,
HAN FrUNPIfiCO. Kc-h , B.-AVHBAT-Bt adyi
Dec mtr. Jl.Sili ; JI jW. . 5i.
Trading is Almost Entirely Local and
Iluctnations Ara Narrow ,
\Vlionl Ctnii'H lit ft Decline , Corn find
rrovlxloiiM Ilciiiiiln I'nclimiKCil ' ,
While Ontn Slitnv 11 Siniill
CHICAGO , Feb. 5. After a dull and un
interesting session wheat closed today nt
Uc decline. Trading1 was almost entirely
local , and fluctuation * ) were narrow. Corn
closed unchanged. Oats were strong , but
advanced only He. 1'rovlslons reached n
new level of prices , but reacted and closed
unchanged to n shade lower ,
Vor a few minutes around the opening *
wheat was Inclined to sympathize wltli the
action of the Liverpool market. That mar
ket , after opening a little higher , declined
tint ! closed Ud to VI lower In the face of
yesterday's improvrmcnt here. On this ac
count first sales of May were at n slight
decline , Slay opening at 91T 693c , against
yesterday's closlnc price of WUc. Ucsldes
the Liverpool decline , northwest receipts
continued heavy. Minneapolis and Duliith
reported a total of 387 cam , against 320
last weelc , and 279 a year ago. Chicago re
ceipts were forty-six cars. The weekly
exports were also not up to expectations ,
3,43I , < KO bu. , against 5.02u'OJO the week be
fore. A rather bearish showing of the
visible supply wns looked for Monday , and
New York reported moderate selling at the
opening for forelsji account. Notwlfistnnd.
Inp all this , the market became strong
almost Immediately. Moderate buying by
local long Interests principally supple
mented by n little covering by St. 1.-mls
brokers of lines put out yesterday , carried
the price of May steadily up to MHfi
" .VXtC. T.ip advance was helped by the con-
tined strength of oats and provisions , both
oC which markets made new prices for the
session during the morning. There were
reports of grain famine from parts of
smt lenstcrn Asia , anil California reported
a continuation of the drouth. A factor In
the advance was the report that the re
duction on the Italian grain duty would
probably lemaln In effect until the last
of May. After the advance to 9.V fii 9r > V.t'
prices rased off slowly to D3"C on realizing ,
but closing. Paris cables caused another
brief period of strength , and a reaction to
WKfiKiH-o. 1'arls wus from 40 to fi'i centimes
higher for Hour , and from 10 to & ) centimes
hi.her for wheat. During the last half
hour of the session prices gradually re
ceded. There were moderate though per
sistent offerings , prlnclpilly In the way
of local evening up transactions , and May
finally dropped to I'jc. ' That price was bid
at the close.
The market for corn was llrm but dull ,
but prices averaging a little over yester
day's close. TniJ market was a good deal
Influenced by the action of oats. Wheat
scalpers were moderate buyers. Tie slight
advance disappeared under realizing late
In the session , May closing steady. May
r.infpd from 2'JVi02l-e ! to 29i2rfc ; , nnd
closed unchanged at SOUc.
Oats were again quite active , nnd the
market made a new high mark for the
season. Reports of large cable acceptances
were an Important factor In the advance.
There was heavy buying by the most In
fluential traders , and shippers and commis
sion houses took largo quantities. The ad
vance brought out liberal realizing , and
part of the advance was lost , the market
closing firm ; May ranged from ' M'&c ' to
2435 < 2IVsC > nnd closed % c higher at 2J c.
Provisions were again quite active , openIng -
Ing slightly hlfher , the market quickly be
came strong on a continuation of the gen
eral buying noticeable yesterday. Packers
were credited with considerable buying.
Prices reached the highest points of the
season , but heavy realizing at the top
caused a reaction , the market closing
steady , but with all the advance lost. May
pork closed unchanged nt $10.27 ; May lard ,
2' ' .p lower nt $ ! . .92j. . and May ribs , 2' , < .c
lower at $ . ' > .05 < Q'5.07'i.
Estimated receipts for Monday : Wheat ,
70 cars ; corn , CIO cars ; oats , 250 cars ; hogs ,
3S.OOO bend.
1,0-uling futures ranged as follows :
Articles. . I Open. | High. | Lo - . | Clone. | Yca'dy.
V i fin-
Fob. . . . ! IS US us OH 98
Way. . . OIJS-O.I 1MT < 115 nou
July. . . S3H-SI 83T6-84 84K
Feb. . . . 27H 27H
May. . . ! KKi 29 a HI 20H
July. . . 304 ! III ) Is 30'1
Jh'y. . . aw
July. . . -3
I orl ;
May. . . 10 25 10 35 10 23 Id 27K 10 27 < 4
Juiy. . . 10 35 10 : t.i 10 35 10 3J 10 37.4
May. . . 4 1)5 ) 5 00 4 02h 4 ns 4 97
July. . . 8 05 6 07H 5 O'JIs u 02 h , 0 05
Miiy. . . 507K r i s 5 05 8 07W 5 10
July. . . ! i 15 5JO S 10 6 13 0 I7W
Cash quotations wore as follows :
FLOl'R Steady ; winter patenls , J4.SOffil.W-
fctralK.UH t4.30jf4.CO ; Eprlng tpeeluls , t5.35H5.45 ;
tprlns palenlH , t4.60jT4.90 ; ftralents , I4.SOU4.1 ;
bakers' . tl.C00l.SO.
WHHAT No. 2 spring , KOD3c ; No 3 spring
& 4S'Je ! ; No. 2 red , ! i ! > c. '
COrtN No. : , 27c ; No. 2 yellow , 275ic.
OATS No. 2 , 24'.4S24 ' > iC ! No. 3 white f. o. b.
RYlv No. 2. 47',4c.
HARLBY No. 2. f. o. ! > . . 29ff29)4e.
FLAXSEUU No. 1 , Jl.24',4 ' ; r.uw. J1.29.
TIMOTHY SKED-Prlme. ? 2.fey2.S2V4.
rilOVISIONS Pork. meps , per bbl , J10.20S1
10.25. Lird. per 100 Ibs. , t4.lC :4.8o' : . Short
rlbx , sides ( loope ) , fj.2S. Dry fulled shoulders
( boxed ) , { 4.75JJ5.00 ; short clear tides ( boxed ) ,
} 5.25iT5.3.'i.
WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , per cnl ,
SUUAHS Cut loaf. J3.S9 ; eranulated , IS. 29.
No. 2.
Quotation ! for tin- Day on General
NBW YORK , Feb. S.-1'LOmi-necplptg , 14 .
375 bblB. ; exports , 4,134 bbls. ; quiet , but firmly
held ; city mill putviibi , * > i5.iO ! ; city mill
cleara , 5.40-S.Kij | Minnesota patents , fj.lOf3 | 3j-
Minnesota baUere' , 4.2S4.SO ; winter straights'
M.63 (43 ( ; , winter extras , J3.SWJ3.W ; winter low
KruUev , K.W113M , Rye flour , dull
Ilull ; yellow western. C7c.
rj l.\h yuctiN01 | a wt'fct .Tn , Wlic ; car lots ,
tlWtlM &Vt
IIAKI.KY h'tronir ; feeding , SS'.io.
HAKUY MALT Hlnuly ; wcslern , C2iMi ( ! c
WIlDAT-llecolplH , 2J,2k.5 bu. , llrm ; No ,
i red , Jl.03',4 ' , OptloiiB , easier on disappointing
I.lvcrpiHd cables , but afterwanl leeovered ai.d
closed imchanvcil to ' , ic net hlifher. Korelcners
buiiKlil ouiihldrralilo wheat nnd local ro\i > rlna
waa slImulatiMl b > Hu rian ! famine news and
bullish Australian and L'.illfornlan crop repwls
i0' ? , ' ? ; a' ' 'ebruary. ll.Wiii * l y , 3TiftM ( > , ic ;
closed. SOlic.
fOltN Itecelpts , none ; oxportu , CO 030 bu niHi-kets llrm ; No. 2 , SCHc. Options iiulet
but firmer on oinc oxiKirt Imiulry nnd nyni-
patliy with wheat , clojlnp He net lilKhcr ; May.
3lii3Uc ; eltuiHl , 34'tc.
OATH Itocelpts , 32.4.K ) bu.j extxirts , 5 Oin | , u
Kjiot , ftronit ; No. 2 , 2Sic. OptloiiK modemtoly
active and llrm on hlKher fcpm. closlnc He net
ndvimco ; May , i"JiS ! ' ,4c ; cliwed , a'.ic. '
KKii-l-'lrm ; bran , 70 77ie ; mlddllnir , 75Sf
7i ! " . Hyp. ( " 0.
HAY Quiet ; Whlppliib' , 3fIi45c ( ; ( jood to choice
HOI'S Steady ; state , common to choleo IMS
crop , 4flCc ; ItVC crop , Hi'Jf. 1S37 crop , 17ftllc- !
I'.icllle coast. 1SH3 crop , 483 ! 1S36 eron ilflOc-
1807 crop , 17 M3c.
HinnM-Rlraily ; Galvculon , 2iVff23 llw. , ir.c. .
I.MATHKHSlea'ilyi hemlock sole , Huenos
Ayres. ISHfi-SOc.
\VOOI ljuleti fleece , 27fl3lo ; Texas , 13V4 ®
PHOVIPIONB-Ileef. llrm ; family. > ll.VJn ( M ;
i.xtni . im'bs , S.OOOk.SO ; tef t Immi. 123 ; packet ,
rJ.O > BIO.W. Cut inentn. sleadv : plckle.1 bellies
J5.r'H'iir.2.1 ; pickled shouldrm , 14.75 ; pickled
huniH , J7.1T.D7. 'HI. I < ard. firm : wehtern Etmmcd
$3.15 ; refined steady. I'crk. llrm ; mew. , I10.2.W
JO.W ; short clear , J10.MO12.M ; family JIO MJi
ll.oi. Tallow , dull ; city , IS-K SKc ; country.
S'.iflSHc. '
OII-S IVtroleum , dull ; rnllnl. We. llo ln
quirt ; unilncil. common In KI.M.Vsii ) \ \ 4 * , .
Tun'ontlne. firm. 34f34'io. < > lennepa nlj. qul t
but fairly Firmly , without clianKe ; prime crude ,
IdH/iTIdo ; prime cmde. f. o. b. mills. J6 Jl4e ! ' :
prime miinmer yellow. 21Hc bid ; off rummer
yellow. 2l'4e. ' nomlnnl. Ilutter oil , K027c ; prime
winter yellow. I7Hf2SHc. !
IIH'I-J Flnnj fair to extra , 4H60ftc ; Japan , 6
J5 c.
MOLAPSEH Firm : Nviv Orleans , open Itettle ,
fro' l lo choice. iSfiUo.
MITTAUS-lMif Inm. flail ; Biuthern , 19. 75 } ?
11.31 ; northern. $ ! < ! . &n l ! M. Cnpncr. ntron :
brokeiK' . J10.S7U. Ix > ad , llrm ; brokers' , 13.45.
Tin. plates , steady.
HI'TTKH Hwvlpts. S.708 pkurs. ' firm ; wertern
crmmrrv 14Ufl20o ; Klirlns , 2 c ; fnclorv. H tl4c.
ClICKSE RecelptP , [ W pkgs. : fteady. large.
white , September. SHc ; rmall , white September ,
92i9VSc ; large , colored. September SCf',4c ;
colcjtJ , Eepttraber , SOSVic ; Urgt , Ocluber ,
small , Oetobtr. SUWSHo ; ll ht fktrnK. COCHf ; part
Skim * . 403 > ic ; full iklms , 2630.
KGGS Itecelpts , 4,012 pkRi , ; firm ; Mute nnd
1'cnnnylvAnla , iPci neatem. 15't.
Conilltlnn of Trnilo linn CluotntloiiH
on Staple anil Fancy I'roilnce ,
KOOS-Oood flock , 14c.
BL'TTKH Commnn to fair , 9jllc ; fcpar.itir
creamery , We ; gathtred creamery , 15C16c.
VEAI-Cholco fat. SO to 120 Ite , , quoted at 8 ( ! {
Urge nnd conr e , 4'jr-c.
imiSSSKD I'OL'Wnr-CUIckens , SOCc ; tur
keys. SfflOc ; gecte , 7c ; ducki , Cj
GAME Bmnll rnbblts , per dai. , 73c ; large ,
11.23 ; squirrels , BOJIMc. ,
I'lOEONS Live , 75c ; ilmilplteoni , not wanted.
HAY Upland , IS.50 ; mldUnd. J5.M ; lowland ,
$5 ; rye straw , 14 ; color make the price on bay ;
light bales soil the test ; only top grades brine
top prices.
vnaCTA :
Ctn.nilY-Oood stock , large , 40c ; small , 2i
3Dc ,
ONIONS-IVr bu. , II.
UKANS Hand-picked navy , per bu. , | t.2S
'SWHST rOTATOES-Knnfns. 10-peck J.bls. .
I2.M ; fancy Mu cntlne. 11-pcck bbU. . M.J3.
CAlUIAaC-Qooil stock , per Ib. . 1140.
I'OTATOKS Home Brown , 6 i.c ; ; western
stock , 70e.
APPLES-Wlnter stock , 3.Mfl3.5 > ; California
llellefleur , boxes , 11.50 ; Colorado Jonathans ,
boxes. 11.75 : Oregon , boxes , 11.25.
CRAN iRRII-s-Jerseys' , per bbl. . $7.0007.25-
Wisconsin lull nnd Hugle ; J7.M97.75 ; Wisconsin
Hell and Cherry , } C. :
ORAPKS-Mnliiirns. r-.OOfi .fO.
ORANGES Mexican , per box , J2.7503.00 ; Cali
fornia navels. I3.00in.2i.
l.KMONf Tallfornln. fancy , M > ; choice. 1.
IIANANAS Choice. Inrso BIOC ! ; per bunch ,
J2.C082.23 : medium sized bunches. J1.75S2.00.
NUTS Almonds , per Hit. ' Hrne size , 12W11c ;
small , He ; Ilrazlls , per lb. , 9O10c ; Kiiftllphn \ -
mils , per lb. . fancy .soft shell , 10311stand ; -
aids , 8H9c ; filberts , per ID. ' , lee ; pecans , pallsbril ,
medium , Cf7c ; extra laiffo , SflOo ; larfte hickory
nuts , tl.COitl.10 per bu. ; unall , > 1.25K1.3'i per
bu. ; cocoanuts , per 100 , SI ; pennuis , law , 6f5'ic ' ;
rcasled , CflCVsSfc.
Kins Imported fancy , 3 crown. 1Mb. boxes ,
12c ; B crown , 44-lb. boxes , I45fl5c ; 2-lb. boxes , 22
4f23c per box ; California , la-lb. box. SI.
11ONKY Choice white , Uc ; Colorado amber , 10
ICR'ATT Per * . . tinif : bw. , $2.2-e-3 r
MAPLll SYRUP-Flve-ial. cans , each , J2.75 ; can- . pure , ppr doz. , J12 ; bait sal. cans ,
IG.Co ; ou.nrt cans. J3.M.
IlATKS Hallowec. CO to 70-lb , boxes. Cc ; S.ilr.
B''c ; Fard , 9-lb. boxes. PC.
Cinnit Per half I h' < i : M-ls. J3.25.
nREPSED REEK Gooil I'ltttiv * ' steers. CUc ;
fc-ont foreauar.ers Pliers. D'ip.j BOO-I hindquarters
steers , fc'te ' ; western fteers , Cc ; fancy heifers ,
C'ic : good heifers , Cc ; good .forinnaiirrs heifers ,
rc , ; peed hlndriui.rlerB .heifers. So ; KOOC ! cows ,
5 > ic : fair cows , Mic ; cow forcUartcrs | , 4Vc ; cow
hlndquaiters. 7'.ie.
trlminliik" ' . 4'ic ' : beef shanks. 3e. bialns. per
doz. . 33e ; sweetbreads , p" , ' Ib. , 12'Jc ' ; sweetbreads
icalves ) . per Ib. , 40c ; kidneys , per doz. , 33t : ox
tolls , each. 3c ; llxers , par Ib. . 2' c ; hearts jitr Ib.
2' c ; lonnues , per Ib. , 12' ' c ; c.ilf llveis each. r . " > c ;
cahes. whole carcass or Fides. 9c ; calf bead and
feet , tcalded. per set , 75c ; tenderloins , frcs.i , ISu ;
tenderloins , frozen. ICc : boneless strips , fie-h ,
10r ; bnneless strips , frozen , fie : strip loins ,
fre-h. Sc ; strip loins , frozen , C'.Je ' ; rolls ,
lesa , 9c ; rolls , tptncer cuts 5e ; sirloin butts ,
boneless , PC ; shoulder clods , boneless. Be ;
rump butts , bonelc s S'ici No. 1 chucks , Be ;
No. 2 chucks , 4 > ic ; No. 3 chucks. 4'J' * ; boneless
ehucks , 4'ic ; ctv. p3t ! = = . 3'c ; steer plates , 4c ;
fnnk steak. Gc ; tilns. No i. 13c : loins No. 2
lOc ; lilns. No. 3. 7'4c ; thort loins , maiket sty.'e 2c
above loins ; shcrt loins Ifitel style. 4c above
loliiR , cow loin ends. 8c ; steitr loll. on. ' . ! ' . ! > c.
Ml'TTON" Fnney lambs Hie per Ib. ; lambs
7',4c : sheep , GV4c ; mnrkeo rnelw. IOIIK. SVfcc ; holel
racks , fbort , lie ; loins S'.ic ' ; > snddles , ( v ; less ,
c ; Inmb ] e s , IPc ; brrarto ar-d stews , 3V-c ;
tonwues. each , 3c ; forequnrrrs. ( 5c.
I'OHK Uipssed pigs 5il-- p--r Ib. : < lrcscd hoes ,
5c ; tenderloins , 14c ; loins , short. iHfcc : Cc ;
ppare ribs , 4'sc ' ; ham sniiFiiRe butts B'c ; Iloston
butts. 5c ; t-houlilers. nniRn4.c ; shoulders
"klnned. Be ; trlmmlngF , 4c- ; rear lard , not ren
dered , 5c ; heads , cieaneii. Ic ; snouts and ears ,
Uc ; backbones , 2c ; flip bcr.e ? . 2H.c : cheek meat '
: iHe ; neck bones , 2c ; plif. ' tills. Sc ; plucks , coch'
5c ; chltterllnns , Gc ; bocks. 4p ; hearts , per do/ . ,
25c ; stinacns each , 3c ; tongues , each , 7c- kid
neys , per doz. , lOc ; brains , per doz. . 13c ; piss'
feet , per doz. , 25c ; livers , eaeh , 3c : bog rinds ,
2c ; blade bones , Be.
HIDES No. 1 sreen bides. 7c ; No 2 Ki'een
hides , 6e ; No. 1 Enlted bides , Sc ; No. 2 green
salted hides , ic ; No. 1eal calf S lo 12 Ibs. ,
lOc. ; No. 2 e.llf , 12 t' . 13 lljs. , Sc.
SHEEP PELTS-Grrcn salted , each , 13 73c ;
green milted phear.lngR ( sliart woolcd early
skins ) , cac'.i , 15c ; dry shearlings ( short wouled
early tklns ) , No. 1 , each , Sc ; do' flint Kansas
and Nebraska butcher wool p lts , per Ib. actual
welHht , 4&SC : dry flint' , , Knn , iis nnd Nebra > lta
murrain wool pelts , per , lb. . . actual-.weight , 3 ®
4c ; dry Hint Colorado butcher wool pelts , per
Ib. , actual weight , 4li5cr dry flint Co'orado
murrain wool pelts , per lb. , nctunl weight. SSfta ,
TALIX3W. OUEASE. ETC. Tnllow. No. 1.
3c ; tnllow , No. 2 , 2Jic ; rough tallow , llicj
white Kiense , 2Viffl2 ic ; yellow nnd brown grease ,
FURS ncp.r ( black or nrown ) . J3.00ff20.00 ;
otler , J1.C05(8.00 ( ; mink , ISffijOc ; beaver , tl.vO
(06.00 ( ; skunk , 15c , 25c , Me ; , 3c , Sc , 7c ;
raccoon , 15fc&c ; rrd fox , 23cfijl 25 ; srcy fox ,
25T30wolf ; ( tl..iber ) , 23cfI2.CO [ ; wolf ( prairie
: oyole ) . Kii.'Oc ; wildcat , 1023c ; badger , OS40C ;
illver fox , UO.COB75.00.
HIDES Each. .J1.50g2.25.
\Vonro roiiniilffxtoii Cniniiaiiy.
OMAHA OFFICE , Feb. 5. The market
opened slightly weaker this morning t.ian
at last nlght'R close , evidently affected
by cables , which were He lowei1. Later It fi.iowed
H little strength , whleli was evenly distributed
among nil the different cereals , which It main
tained until near the elope , when It declined to
9r c for May , or Vie lower than yesterday , nnd
S3'/4u to 84n for July , or Bc lower t.ian yesterday ,
C'-rn ' closed unchanged , with oats showing a good
deal of Rlrength , nnd closed Uc higher.
AKhoiwh cables were some stronger during the
sfSBlon than nt the opening , the local crowd ,
are not III a position to ftnnd any material nd-
vunce , sold the market off fls Indicated abn\e.
To show the energy of the professionals In at
tempting to get the price of wheat on n little
lower level , or what they woud : term buying
ground , wo will endeavor to enumerate a few of
the theoretical facts they nre Incorporating Into
the domestic news. The substltutlin of other
grain for whcnt and the substitution of lower
grades of wheat against the phenomenally high
prlco which Mr. Lellcr heWs bis wheat at , the
weakness of the St. lx > uls market was loudly
talked of ns showing a great Influence because
of Its being located In the winter wheat Fecllan ;
thu det reused estimates of foreign requirements ,
the Increased estimates of the Argentine surplus
and u > : endld prospect for winter wheat crop and
n larger amount of spring wheat than the most
bearish Urured on , and yet the prices arc higher
than when they commenced to give this kind of
news , with a good foreign demand und the sea
board quoted ns believing thut cash wheat would
not be a drug In this country for the next three
and a half or four months , at the end of which
tlmo the new crop could be IWired upon with a
reasonable degree of certainty.
However , Ebould this kind of news continue
or Increase In volume. It IB questtJimDle whether
manipulation ( or tlie cash side of market )
will be able to control , In nny event the mar
ket. wllh these weights In the balance. Is bound
to fluctuate nnd continue giving elegant scalping
opportunities , nnd should It touch any ma
terially lower mark In the nearby futures , It Is
certainly H purchaeo for a nice turn ,
The visible supply statement Monday Is ex
pected to show anywhere up to 600000 bu. decrease -
crease In wheat.
fir nl n IloooIplM at I'rlnc'lpal MarUi'tM.
ST. LOL'18 , Feb. 6. Itecelpts : Wheat. 17 earn
MINNEAPOLIS , Feb. 5. Receipts : Wheat , 33i
cars CHICAGO , Feb. 5. Hc-Cvlpta today : Wheat , 43
cars ; corn , 445 cars ; oats , 177 curs. Eftlmnted
Monday ; Wheat , 70 cars ; cjrn , H10 cars ; oats ,
250 cars.
KANSAS CITY , Feb. 5 , Receipts ; Wheat , 119
1JULUTH , Feb. B.itlecelpts : Wheat , K cars ,
I'll 11 mloli | III M I'rod il oo.
I'HILADEIjI'IUA , Feb. B. nt.'TTKR Firm ,
H-Wlo higher ; westein creamery , fancy , JO'.ic. '
MOOS Hull , lie lower ; fresh nearby nnd west
ern. S il2e.
CHEESE Steady : New York factory , choke ,
94G/ie ! ! ; New York factory , lair to good , 94W !
of n KIMV MUCH llf < the
.IliirUi'l to a Illnlior I.ovol.
NU\V YORK , Fab. 5. Today's stock market
was lifted to a higher level by the conspicuous
strength of comparatKeJyyf/ew slocks It washy
noteworthy that the "Viujiffrbllts. which gave
the Initial lmi-um to Wfeterday's advanc
Phnuc.l the effects todvy Oi prollt-taklng , Like
Shore losing 2 points JTOilUfrw York Central a
Una 1 1 fraction , Mlchli r $ > -iitia1 , after bounding
upward at the ojienlngy roflfr-tecl over a point , but
closed with u HubataniUt/Kaln. The fur reaih-
Ing Importance uf tlojfertlnt- | Ne York
Central and Lake SgwVAopd the profpecto of
additions to the plan wi/ltrmi'd to have a marked
sentimental effect orj'th > whole market. The
possibilities In the way ( unreduced expendltiiK-s
for ndmlnlilratlon and Cjublliy | of runs for
trallta from ccnfoMilntlijrKTirc canvatred with
tagtr intention by dealers In Kecurltles. Penn
sylvania was oonsjiicuously affected , and the
long t-utalne4 advance In the Muck of fits cub.
sldldry company , Pittthurg , Cleveland. Chicago
& Ht 1/oiiU , Is pointed to as evidence of closer
relations , , to come. Ilurllnglcn rc e strongly on
ruimr-H of the ripening of the lefiindlng plan
anil n landing lntieu In the aivldend rate.
Oencral Hli-ctrle. I.lkfKrle & Western preferred
and I ickiwunna were more markedly strong
aiul Noi-folk & Western p referred con
tinued Its upward movement , There- was
reactionary tenjency In Erie and the HiiHjue-
tmnu K : Yvvvtern rtockv on realizations. The le-
cent advance In account- . ! for by well dellned
ri'lHirla of a plan for exchnnKlng Ilio Sutque-
hnmm nlorlia for an undetermined pertentuge
of the Erie Mocks. Oreat Northern | . referred
sold at a further decline of 2 i > olnu and was
bid down tlll further , the various reigns of
pluns for Increased capltallzntl"n anl aiitrlbu-
tlon of the company' * necumii' vl fourcc a
being no conflicting an to lead Ik m ronvlcllon
thut no j.lnn lian yet I'fi-n fonix-l. Although
bunlnfia wau on a large cale and widely dis
tributed , the flucluatlonc In prlco were exceed
ingly narrow ouulde special CRK-T , the mutt
Important of whl h have It-en Indicated.
The heavy Increa&e of over I11.CO,000 In de-
posttii of riearlnt liouto banks for the week
the continued flow of funds to UiU ixa-
Itt , anil the withdrawal of sov rnmnt ik-posiu
mu t be allowed for In nd-iltU.n - In estimating
thin movement. Tlie expansion of nearly tt.fW-
OX ) In loans , though heavy , falls fur short of
alt'or-blns the total nf the Increased d pplt .
The activity In the stock market undoubtedly
Involved n laree nnxiunt of borrowed money ,
and It l probable tint other | > ecuUllve mar
kets have drawn on center tor funds during
HM week. There Is it-ported nl o n Rood supply
of nttracttxe name * In the commercial paper
market. The cheapness of money has led to tne
maturing of cxclmiiKe obllRntlons. whl h are
KoiJ for Ions bills , keeping up tales of ex-
chnnRe. The slock market' * unusual activity
this week lias been ch.iractfrlr.ed by renurknblo
sttenRth In spots. Apparently there have been
some few elements of strength on each day to
sustain the market , although very ben\y reallr.-
Ins was In progress In stocks that ha\e been
foremost In the recent advanceAt dlffetont
times durlnfr the neck the market has been
tinder the Influence of nKKresslve streiiRth In
Chesapeake & Ohio , tlaltlmore * Ohio , I ouls-
vllle. Pennsylvania , Northern Paclflo preferred ,
the coalers , Central Pnolfle and other le s con
spicuous stocks. Wide advances have occurred
In some of HIP blKh-priced closely held ln\rai
ment stocks , notably 11 rent Northern preferred ,
which aihnnced nn extreme 27 points , but re
acted 4 points. The week's heavy profit-Inking
Pnlon have been well absorbed , and the outside
participation In the market has Rrown. Many
slocks have been nt times below last week's
closlni ? level , nnd some prominent Hocks end
below , bui tlm Kenernl level of the maiket Is
liUhrr. principally an a result of the movement
of yctterilay and .tixlay. The Rains generally
ranco between 1 nnd 3 iwlntR. with exceptions
incttlxe stoiks up to fi points.
Thebond tnarttet hns' > ontlnu-d to show the
Kroat nellvlty nnd strength which It did In
January. The total pnr value In January was
noai'l)1 ) fPS.tVO.rXK ) . This total was never exceeded
on the exc-hanK * except In October , 1K" . when
the wiles exceeded 5149.ono.OPO. In view t _ tbe
present lnii * 'nnce atlachetl to the New rk
Centrnl-lJike Shore cenrolldntlon , II li considered
significant that the \irevlous \ period of Rrente&t
nellvlty was nt the time of the West Shore sot-
tlement. K nfn Pacific consols showed an ex-
Irotre advance for Ihc week < > f 12'j. points , nnd
ether Knnsns Pacific1 nnd t'nlon Paelfle l sues
fbnwelnritf \ advances. Prices all nround nre
mnikPdly higher , Totnl tales. $52.W.OCO. fnlted
Stales 4 . reKlsteted. advtmred i per cent :
United States 4s , coupon. ex-Interest , ' 4 per cent ;
the old 4s. rcfilflered. U pr cent , nnd the old
4i > , coupen , nnd the t > . coupon , ex-Interest , ' ,4
per cent bid ,
Following nre the clOflnR quotations of the
lending stocks on the New York market today :
Met. S . I'.v 1 ISHlCol. F. .V Iron. .
Mluhlran,11' ' I do p'd n >
Minn , &SI. L 2iiTfii'n. Kloctno HUM
dolBtnfd Mil 'llllnolHStccI ' 6'JH
Mo.lMclllc 'lt'iLaCli".to ; ij.m 4i :
JHiblloXOhlo : il'viL'itl : : i-1M
Mo.K. .t T it : | ( to nut Idrt
do pM : ; il'4 Nat. Lin. Oil IS
Chi..lull. A.L I'Vi Ori'tron Imp. Co U.HU
ilo pfd : tl : ll'aclllc.Mall ; ! i'4 '
N.J. WiiiiPuihn.m Pal 17m ( tlNi , SilverCi-rllllcalos. . 704
N. Y. .t St. L. . I IVStind.Hopi. : &T. . . . 4
dolHtpfd 7:1 : iSiurar llt'J'S
do'-'dpfd : < ti ! $ ! do pfd IM
Norfolk .t Woitern 1B T. C. , t iron . .
No. Amor. Co. . fiffc U. S. Leather . "Hi
NO. Pacific V7HI do pfd . G.TH
do pfd HSU U.S. llubb'r : . 17H
OutarloA. W lf4 ! do pfil . 1SH .V Nav fl'Jh \VoHtorn Union. . . . lU'ii
Uro. Short Llua 'Jl Niiri'iwoMtcru ' . l'J7H
I'lltHuuiv KiH do pfd .
Ueadmu' ' - " - ' Rio IJr.inJo Wual . 'Ji !
Kovklsliiul ! M'j do nfd . TIJ
S. L. , V S. V. , Clilsairo-Gn-nl XV. . ll'.S
ilo Istpfd .ISSi , s. r , . & S. W. .
St. Paul IHDf , St. L. .VS P. Vd pfd ( ) *
do pid..L . , _ , . . .1-1 JHillloadlnff 1st pfd _ Jb )
Total sales of stocks today , 2.0.400 t-hnres , In-
cludliiK : Canada frulhei-n. 3911 ; l hli-ui ; < > , Rur-
IbiK'on .t Qulney , 27,3G' ' > ; IVie prefened , b.U-i .
.Manhattan , 4,52' ' ) ; Mettop ilium , 3W > ; Michigan
Ceiilinl , 10.n i ; RcpdlnK picfeiTiil , 0,420 ; New
Yoik Cenlral , C.fCO ; Northern Pacllle , SC' ;
Norli'iueMtein Torminnl , 4.817 , ; St. Paul , 10.4&1 ;
Union I'nclllc , C,4SO ; 'IVilucco , 33W ; Oeneml
Elootilc , lC,52i ; SiiRiir. 17.M5.
X MV Yorlc Aloney Mnrk > t ,
Ea y nt H l'i per cent ; latt loan , H4 per cent.
rVTEKLINH EXt'HANCiE Steady , with actual
bu lncsH In bniikere' bllln nti > 3iir4 > 5ii f , r de
mand and } 4.N3S4.83'J for ElMy days ; posted inlet.
54.S3i2 nnd J4M4 and J4.SC ; coiiiinerclul bills ,
HONDS .State bonds , dull ; railroad bonds ,
btrong ; government bonds , firm ; new 4s , res. an- !
' 4s , ' IIS'.J , 114's 2s.
coupon , 12S'/i ; , ret . , ; coupon ;
inn- > ri-K , 113',4 ' ; 5s , coupon , 113s ! ; Paclllj Cs
of 'Ii9 , 104.
CiufliiK iiuotatlons on bonds were as follows ;
San FrinolKi-i ; > Mining ( liinlntloiiH.
HAN FR.ANVISCO. I < 'eb , S. The clllcl'il cloBlng
quotations on mining stocks today were as fol-
lows :
.Slher bars , ESUc ; Mexican dollara , 4C'/i@47c ' ;
drafts , ulglit , i'Oc : diufis , telegraph , -2'ic. '
\IMV Yiirll AllnliiK ItiiotiitloiiH ,
NI3W YORK , Feb. B.-The following nre the
cloning mining quotations ;
Chollar - ' . ' . Onuno 243
Crown Point ' . ' ( I Ouiir -4.1
Con. CJl. Si. Va- , . I'-'l ' Plvinotnil M
Pnadwoou 113 QalckHlirer 101
( Jomdt Curry 30 Oiila nilrer of I. . . 2V >
Halo \oror03d. . . 43 Slurr.iNavili. . . . fia
Homi'M-tKu. . , , . . 37HO ai-iiclirl JUS
IronSilver ' 10 Union Con 40
Mexican : U ) Yullow Jacket . . . . : IO
London .Stock ( ( nntaloiin.
I/ONPON. Keb. S. 3 p. m. Closing :
Co n no In. m'y. . . H'J 7-1-1 4.P.iul common. . .
i acct. HUH N Y Ceiitr.n 1 _ .
Can. Pacine Hii ) I'ciinHylvaiila nl
Erie " ' " Kuiirtlnir llr
Eric Utpf-i Mox Con. new 44. . ( in
111. Atchlhou
Mi-Mean oMinarv.I L. A.N
IIAR SILVER Steady. 2Cid ! per ounce ,
MONKY SUtlJ'4 percent. The into of ills-aunt
In the open market for tliori lillln , 2k per cent :
for three month * ' bllli , 2H per cinl.
WrrKly Hank .Slati'iiifiil.
NEW YORK , Feb. 6.-The weekly bunk state
ment nhowH tlie following chunges : Hundus re-
M-rve. decroaco J827.82S : loans , Incri'iixJ7.6J4 I'O ;
ipocle. Increioe ) 'M,4W ' ; legal ti-ndem , Increate
tl 012tdO ; deposits. lneraic Jl43,300 | ; circula
tion , dfc-resfe t7Cyl. The banks now hold J34.-
761,6:0 In ffctia of the requirements of the 23
per cent rule.
Aini-rloiiu Srrnrllli'N In I.oiiilon ,
I/DNDON , Feb. C. The market for American
recurltleH wan steady from the opening to the
clota on New York buying. The cluslm ; tune wan
firm and tUu demand laoduatt , , ,
Oustomary SaturJay Rua to Wind Up o
Lively Six Days ,
Itrqm-sl ( .anil mill Supplies Llulit niitl
of nn InillfToront Poor ( luulltj
lloKM Sell lll-lNUly lit
Sir-nil > { 'riven.
SOUTH OMAHA , Feb. o.-llecolpls for the
days liullc.iu-d were ;
Cattle Hogs. Sheep. HorsrB.
February 5 731 B.C22 2.332
February 4 1.895 6St2 ! 2 , ? > M 24
Kebrunry 3 l.PW 4,219 G.PiVi 1
February 2 3 1S2 5,112 4,3.50 33
Kebrmny 1 2,375 7.359 3Klf M
Jnnuify 31 1,353 2.4SG 4M > G *
Jntiuary ro , 748 4,627 1,70 $ CO
Jiuiunry 2 1.742 6,010 2,131 20
Jnntlary 27 2,771 C.S1S 5,253 . . . .
January 20 Ste3 r > ,13"i JW < . . . .
Jiintmry 23 2,437 f.,731 4.K12 9
Jnmrnry 24 1,741 2.GI3 2,623
January 22 rti" 7,529 441 * . . . .
January 21 1,647 6.S31 2,203
Jnnunry 20 l,5.v > 9,781 4.CW
Hecelpts for the week with comparisons ;
\Veck ending February 5..11,091 so , ! ! ' ! ! 2.I.KM
Week ending January 9..12,034 29US ! 22'I3
Week eiullns- January IT. . . 10,5M-40,399 20,533
Week ending JiUlllury 15.11,015 40,725 21,492
The number of ears * of stock
brought In today by each road was :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
C. , M. & St. P. Hy 2
Missouri 1'nclflp Hy 1 !
Union Pacific system . .2 2.J S
C. & N.V. . Hy 1
K. , 13. & M. V. H. H. . . 8 17
S. C. .t P. Hy 1
C. , St. .P. , M. * O. Hy. . . .
H. & M. H. H. H 17 20 3
C. , It. & Q. Hy S
K. C. & St. J 1
C , , H. I. & P. Hy. , oast. . . . 7
C. , H. I. & P. Hy. , west. . . 1
Total receipts 31 M 11
The disposl'lou of the day's receipts was
as follows , each buyer purchasing the
number of head Indicated :
Huyers. Cattle , lloss. Sheep.
Onialiu Pncklnn Co 711
CI. 11. Hammond Co 21 1,416 27S
Swift and Compiny . . . . 171 ICOS I'M
Cudahy Packlrjf Co 213 1,325 321
H. Becker und Defiin , . 5
Ht'iitou erndenvooil. . . . C3
Swift , country 771
flilt'iiKO P. .t 1'Co. . ,
Xobr.ifka City SH
Other buyers 101 . . . . . 40
Tolals fa ) nC01 2,405
CATTLK Hceelpta of cattle were light ,
as usual at the close of the week , and with
out feature of any Importance. Such cattle
as were he-re met with rindy sale , and
everything- was wilfhed up and the yards
deserted ut an early hour.
Less than a dozen loads of cornfoil steers
\\ere offered , and none of them very Kood.
The buyers took what there were , p.iylnp
Just about yesterday's prices. A few head
sold us hln'.i ' as JI.OO , but th'-re were mi full
loads Rjod onoiiKn tc bring above $1.50.
Hutchers' stock wns In iwd request for
the last day of the week , and Ihc few
loads here sold to oed advantage. The
market wns at least steady , with buyers In
some cases calling It stroiiHoi.
Tiere WHO only one slriuu of stock cat
tle or feeders In the yards , nisil It sold on
tlie Italia of a tinner market.
The cattle market the past week was
rather moro favorable to t'.ie ' selling Inter
ests. The week started out with beef cattle
sclllnp at a llttlo stroiiKer prices , and the
market continued very llrm until Wednes
day , when It iL-celved u little backset. It
recovered , however , nnd the lo t ground
was soon regained , so thut at tie close of
the week values were a llttlo hlgncr than
wns the case at the close of the previous
Tun market on cows nnd heifers followed
the lead of beef steers and showed about
the MI me gains In strength.
The trude In stock cattle started out Quite
briskly at tne beginning , of the week , but
later on ns the eountiy seemed to hold
back , and as supplies were accumulating In
Ilia 'hands of speculators , values broke fully
10o. Taward tliu last of the wcok there
wan a little better demand from the coun
try , nnd values firmed up somewhat. Tne
country has been a wild buyer all the sea
son , light stock cattle especially ssllliiR be
yond all reason. Once In a wnlle , when fat
cattle suffer a break , the country seems to
renlzp the folly of paying so much moro
for feeders than fat cattle are selllni' for.
No. Av. Pr No. Av Pr
2 tteers U70 J3 la 8 ateti-n. . . . . . 9'/l JK ( .6
3 sleerK..1233 , . 3 fc5 SMceis . .12IJ2 3 S5
IIOOS Tlio dory of the day's trading In IIOKH
Is FOOII told , n tic marlu-l was without Im
portant change from yefterduy The orfi-ilnRH
were liberal and Die demand peed , i-nil Hie IIOHH
ehanm-l hands rapidly , an curly clearance being
effeeled. The prices paid rans d nbtut III * wimn
as yiBterdny , tlie big flrlne telllns at | 3.7og
11,72' ' ,
Hess were In Knod dumnnd all the riant week
and arrivals at this point met with iulle | ready
sale nt prevailing plrees. The efk uppnril with
an uiUance , but values eau-d off on Tuesday and
Wedr.eilay , the loss for tlie two rtiys ainniiritlni ;
to near y Be. On T iutsilay there wns a blK
jump In the mniket , wblcli praclkally held K < " )
until ll.e elrce of the week. The week cloted
with the uver.-iue nf all the hales d > | IT. | T than
at the openlni ; und uliiuH 10hUlier than tin-
clnroif the previous wte't. The wi-c-k as a w'lolo
developed the hlKhent rnnce ufaaion In several
inonthH , Reprefcntnllve tales ;
fib. IT.
f,0 J3 70
3 70
3 70
3 70
3 70
3 70
3 70
3 70
3 70
3 70
3 70
3 70
40 3 70
SO 3 70
HIIPIJP The week closed with a K""d. Illx-ral
run of hecp. The dfinund wna KM | nnd prac-
lloally rver > thlnir M > ld parly mill at Weadjl
The demand for i-hpep wa pcmd all IIe week ,
nmtneli day'ii iirrlviils met with ready sale
Roth packern and fn-ilerti were frfe biiyeis Hnd
though on Koine days I he urrUuIn wrr Inrt-'f.
they were iiono tixi Inrgo for the demand. At
I Im cli'ie of the week value * were firm us
wrnpariil with the week before. RiprmnUUIvo
valca :
No. Av. Pr.
US western wothtri 113 JiW
ii\i : .srofic .MAUKHT.
Arc in AollAf Driiinnd ,
.I'l'loi-M < J Hid.
riIU\\OO , VVl" . S.'Wieri ! wan the imml Snlur-
> 1ny lark of " ( TorlugIn entile nnd the mntl.ct
a larKely n nomlnul one. The few Mlf mnill
\M-IV At ) rat rtUiy > inngc of prler * . Th * mnr4
Ket tills \teek li\s tnen A f-lilly tlrviiK I'lir aiul
pilees haxo ailxniueil lOJIlSc on beet sttert ,
Ihcru liehiR churii cninpctltlon for fnt cattle.
Sales \u-tv lamely at M.MlfA.10 , the cxtlm
lanRf of | > rl < ea being } 4.oitrfr.4J for cmnnion to
blilclls iholeo.
Tlifro wns nn netlxo demand for hoge nnj
JirloCH weie tip to yesieisliy's tiest tlmo , prim"
leavy ti ( < s fetetilnt } 4. I'mm Uml HBUIU
were mnde nil the \\iiy down to (3.70. the balk
t the hug * cr9liiK the K.1104 nt ( S.S5a3.5 \ .
OITorlr.K of nliccp nnd lumbsi nere light and
price1) ) were steady . l mb sold readll > ut II 73
StS.W for mniinon to pilnia thicks , hll hi-i >
- < ld at M.SSU4.75. fed t etim Mllim Urjeiy
nl } 3 S > ii'4.M. ( YoarlliiK Pheep bnniRhl Jt.UW(9
ri. C. 'Hierc ns n l xnl demniul lor fe dln
Hhwp nnd Inmlo , but sultnbln b > t were uftuiiil
Ili-eelpti : Cnltle , SOO bend ; hogf , 81,000 he J :
sheep , UAX ) hrnd.
.S . I.OIllN I.IVO StOl'lC.
ST. ljnr\H \ , Ttb. B.--C'ATTl.l Hecelpla , 0001
limit ; chlpments , 2.00J head ; nmrket utiMily , tnll
to rhnleo native shli > pl * nut i-M'orl teer ,
JI,23H3.r. ; Imlk of nali-s. J4.iW.Vt ; dressed Iji-cl
and Imteher utrrrn , MI(1. . ! > 5 ; liulk of nnle ,
JI.SOi4.73 : MiniB under 1 ( \H ) Itm. , > 3.70O4.1o ; billli
of Kales , J3.M1M.03 ; utoekeis nnd feeders , J3.KH1
4.3-1 , Imlk of wiles , nnd lielfcrn.
} 2.iXi Tt. ! ' : Irtilk of r. ws. ! 2.f'Vji3.40 ; Texas nnj
Indian slieis , J,1.23 < j4.S5 : l-ulk of Knlfn , J3.l ( J
4.10 ; cows aiiit helfos $2.fri > if3VO.
HOOS HecelptH. 3.2M henil ; Khlpiiients , t. } < y
heid ; nmiket rlilcliir : llRht , J3.70ii3.80 ; mixed.
3.0flsr3.SO ; heavy , J3.S3U3. ! > 3.
Slll-ii' : Hecelpts , 1.4 > livmli t > lilimrntK | , none :
malket steady , lth no Texiini on sales ; nu.ll\
muttons , JI.Wif4.CO ; Inmlw S5.OOfT3.i3.
liiilliinniiiiMM I.ivo Stnrk.
active nnd a Ki 'd ejearnnceni made ; isooil to
prlnio Fleer ? , 1.850 lt > . nnd uimard. J4.VjST5.23 ;
Kiiikl to clinln' . 1.l.- ' > to l.3i > 6l"lrW *
4.75 ; o 'Million to Kinid stoekeis. J.7- > fl3.60.
1IOOS HrccliitH. S.r.Oil lii-.iil ; shlpmcintB. 1 t.M .
head : malket opened iiulet Imt clmeil netlve nnd
Ftroni ; : Rood to clioli-p medium and heavy , J3. ! > oy
J.M ; mixed , J3.VS5T3.M , cninmoii lights. J3.JOO
"siIUHP Itecelpts llqht ; shlinnents none ; $2.11
for common sheep to S.'i.CO fur elifllee lumb .
XIMV York l.lvo Stoc-k.
Ni\V : YOHK , I-VI ) . S.IIKHVIISIteiVpt * . 141
headnn Iradlne.'iblp nnote Aim-rlean Meira
at 10 < 4P1U' : ipfilRprator liwr. S fiVV ; nxpc.rts ,
r.2l liei-ves "il" sheep and S IM iiuartots of lieef.
< \\lViS'-lleeelpls : , 3 heinl : noinlnilly slcnclv.
SIIKKP ANH I.VMIVS-Itn'pipK - ' - 7 head :
iiulet Imt sti-aily ; sheep. M.lwill.s ) : Inmlw , 55.3
'i'ior.S llecelpts , 3,301 li.sid ; weak ul $4.13 < iJ
4.4 < 1.
CliK'liinatl l.lvo Sliiolc.
CINC'INNATI , 1-Vli. -HO-.S-Actl\e. . J3.1'.5J
' ( . 'ATTt.ll-Htendy. J2.23fil.73.
HI1KKP Hteaily. M. Z < * * r' < .
l.A.M IIS Steady , M.W5J5.M.
Slock 111 Mfil't-
U-x-nnl of ret'i-lpts < > f live stock at the four
principal nuukot. for I 'Hiaiy ' :
? S , . : : - : : : : : : : : : : : Si ISil
I.tvi-rponl MnrkotH.
i.ivnui'ooi. . Veil. r-\viiiA'r-spot : , firm :
No. 2 led WW-UTII. winter , .s 1 ' .td ; No. 1 ii'it
. Fpiliik . > .
noitlivin. . , o.
COItN'-Sp.t , Him : Amerlean mixed , new , 3i
414.1 ; Ain.ilciin mlxc.l. . . .Id . 3s 4'.1 : futuu-s ,
tieinly. Fehuiary , 3-3 : t'v ' I : Mnrcli. 3sVVI -
Hni'H-At 'Ixndon ' , 1'acltlc coast , J-l 15B4i o
| ; . ' - . I nils fnney winter , dim. - < 9d.
IMti ( VISIONS lleef. Him ; extra India mess.
fifiii 3d ; prime mers , S6i Sd. I 'oik. Ill in : prlmo line we.-lein , 47s Cd ; tine . wes ern ,
f , . ll'ims , shoit cut. steady. * > * liaeon , I in.
; ; cs ; slioit rlhs , linn , 29s. fid ; Hint ; clear ml'MlM. '
llRhl llrm , 2 ! " < M : 1 < > "B I''ar ' nild.l . i-s. lioaxy ,
Him1 ! ' . ' ? ; short clear ImrUn. linn , 2"is " ; olear I.e.
lle.5. llrm. 32 * G.I. Shoulders , nquaie , llrm , „ > . . od.
Ij-ir'd. prime wcflein , llrm , 23 < M.
flllSKSi : Amcilcnn llnett whlto and colured.
TAII.oI'llnio city. firm. IPs.
Oll.S-CottimMfii oil , l.lvunmol { relned ( , dull. . Turpentlni'SiililtB , Ilnu. 24 Cd ; Hohln. c mi-
mon , steady. 4a.lHd.
SiiKiulliirk ' s.
NB\V OIIM-3ANS. Feh. 5.-SfaAIl-Oppn ki't-
iti. Kte-ulv nt 2'X.ifi3e ' ; ppntrifiiKiil. sl > -i\ ! ;
"ranulated , 4 .CT4 lllC.wlillPF. ; . a'jW4 , 3-lCc : 5el-
loivc. 3 11lfiil'ilH'POIHU ; , 2H1(3' ( < .c. MnlanfeF.
Kettle , steady nt KW27Ceentlllimal ; , easy ! ' -Ci >
13osvruii. . steady at Ifcfr2lc. (
Nl-i\V YOltK. 1-Vli. r-StIJAH-Hnw. Him :
fair rcllnliiK. 3 M-lCc ; ! ' . , test. 41-11. ;
rellned. Him ; crushed. .Vo ) : pnwdeieil. 5 1C- :
ur-inulated , B 4c : mould A , ii'ie ; standard A , OSe ;
ei nfeetlonerh1 A , 5ic ( ; uit loaf , Slic ; cubcp ,
5 7-lCo.
( II !
OH , CITY I'n. . I-\b S fiedlt lialnnces ,
eertlllcntes clei-ed with ri-h ' ! ] "f' " ' ; ' , "l if0'
saleK r , ( M nt CSe and 3 W > Mils nt G7 > , ie ; ship
ments. Kl.lCiO l.hls. . : runs , GO f'i > lill" .
\VnMINOTON . N. f'1' ' < I. . " . . --W.S-Sp rlti
of turpentine , 31'U32 | c Uohln op-ned flrin ,
with sales nt H.21) ) nn 1 SI. S3. Crude turpentine.
steidy nt $1.40 nnd Jl.S'O Tar. sleaily at Wie.
'I'olo.lo Mire ) ( .
TOM5HO , V"pb. ' WM'-'AT Dull. unchaiiBCtV
No. : : eni-li. Cl c ; May. 'J3c.
( OHN--1MHI. steady ; No. 2 mixed. 29c.
OATS bull. hlKhei ; No. 2 mixed 2.e.
KYK Dull , steady ; No. 2 cnsh. 4SUc uld.
1'odrlfi AlnrUots.
pnOUIA. Fell r. COHN riim nt 27o.
OATH Klnn ; No. 3 while , 24e.
WH1SICV Steady at J1.18.
\V lioiiKlit by my flloiilw on my nrt-
vlce nl l I-'J , mill I IIHV < - Nlnoo ( ll -
< < i > iiriiK < 'il iirolll Inkliiur. N I " I lionl-
llvikiiiMVlfilK'o Iliiit Hi'advance -
noiilil liolil up < o t liMnxl pi-oBont
prli'i'H. In llilH I'liiinoi'lloii , I tvlNli to
Mlll < < - | IO KIVOly Illlll lll > ' llllVl 'l'H Oil
Mill-lit Iiiivi * IIOOM nliMolutoIy fiirroct
III t'vory liiNtai liirlnK tin" piiHt
( liri'ij iMII-S. Talk IN i-lionp , lint I
hnvo , anil1 "III lie | ilon.l lo Niilinill ,
iliolllnollill' ( > proof of IblH iiHNi-rl Ion.
.Uy otlior iiilvlooM for I ho ooU linvo
Ill-en lo liny MlHNiini-l I'at'lllcoilli -
orii I'ac'lllo Profi'iTiMl. SI. I'niil anil
SiU.mIn Hit'n. . o of > IVMIIII1'n | : | -
I'lllc * , in.v ti'liKi'iiiiiNoro N.-nl on ) at
lluvt'i'y IO V 'M ! prli'i'M roi'onU'iI. If
jou HiIiiU j.iu can IIMO HilN kind of
ailvli'f lo ailviiiili o , xcnil mi- $ ) < > Cor
a vi'i'i'k'N M'l'vliM * or $ ! ! > for one inonlli ,
anil I will Ininirilliilol.v put yon In
poHltlon lo lalio iiilvimti o of inai'ki't
UiK'liialloiiHlnlhoi - auliirnl ur iiiiin-
i , en iiiii.K.s uinis ( : ,
( III \\ull St. , Von' Vork.
v. ) . ' . : ; .
H. R , PETOEY & CO. ,
1 1O Board of Trade Bld . . Oinuhn , Neb
Ilrancb Offico. H.1R ) N Si Mncol : < , Nob.
0. C. CHIllSTIi : , IJ. J. BTJIKKT.
1'remdent. Vl0 I'roldcnt.
Kccrrtdly ,
Clifislie-StfeBt Commission Co
Cnpltnl , KrilIO ( ( > .Ol. ( Ii'nlly I'lllil.
STOCKS , ( illtl.NM ) I'llllVISKI.VH.
'I'cJcplionc I oat ) . Oiiinha , Nub
ItOAIl ( ) Of TIAIli. |
Dlre'-t wlrc 10 Uin. .o UIM New York.
CorrefpundrnU. Julni Aurr n ft Cn.
Weare GomitiissioBi Go
&Umtftrn Chicago Hoard of Trmlu since HC2.
Grain , Provisions anJ N. Y. Stocks.
Orders Cuuti nnd Future Delivery Bollultfd ,
Oiiinlia Ofllc-o , Itoiiia I , .V. Y , l.lfu
. . . . 'I'lioiif 11(11 ( , . , .