THE OMAHA DAILT 13312 : TI1UHSDAV , ITJiJBKUAUr a , 185)8. ) CURRENT NEWS OF INTEREST-FROM IOWA. COUNCIL BLUFFS. .Ml.VOlt JIK.VrtO.V. Try Mooro's slock food. 1 Br , Roc , dentist , Mcrrlam block. J. M. Scurr of Creston la In the city. Photos Platlno or Arlsto. Sherraden. 13. B. Jennings of Shenandcah Is In town. J. Orklci came down from Red 6ak ycsler- OayiE. A. Buck of Laramlo , Wyo. , Is In the city en biulnrcs. Rlley Clark , the well known Attorney ot Ncola. Is In the city. Palronlzo the reliable Bluff City laundry. They arc easy on clothes. Mr. and Mra. M. HollMcr of Geneva arc visiting friends In the city. Horace Campbell and C. E. Leo , both of Des Molnes , wcro among the city's visitors yesterday. The funeral of the Infant daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. F. II. Wallace was held yesterday afternoon. The application of Cora Monk for a ill- vorco from her husband , George V. Monk , lias been granted , The funeral of Edward A. Wltzko will be held till ? afternoon at the residence , 351 Benton - ton street. Interment at Walnut Hill. The fraoral of the Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Griffin will bo held at 10 o'clock this morning nt the residence , 00 Ave nue C. Wo glvo attention to little things In laun- tlry work , You get all that Is best In fine work and good service nt the Eagle laundry , 721 Bway. lodge. The party will leave on the 7:25 : Rock Island train. All mcmbcre wishing to go are requested to report to I. N. Parsons or F. A. Grout. A large number of the membera of Park City lodge , No. 606. Independent Order of Odd Fellows , will go to Ncola next Saturday evening for the purpose of craiferrlng the initiatory an * first degree for the Ncola The regular meeting of the Council Bluffs exposition auxiliary r.-ominlttco will occur at the Grand hotel this evening. Some Im portant business Is up for consideration and a full mooting of the commlttoa Is desired. City Editor Froom ot the New Nonpareil left last evening for Chicago for n vacation of a few ttiys. Ho expects to return by the middle of the week If the temptation to pro long his visit with his many professional friends In Chicago does not prove too strong. A series of revival 'meetings will be com menced in the First Baptist church on next Tuesday which will bo continued for some time. Rev. Denting of Dctilson , an evan gelist who linn achieved a good deal of fame ns n strong pulpit orator , will have charge of the meetings. Mrs. C. S. Hoover Is suffering from a fracture of her left arm near the wrist , caused by a fall ca an Icy sidewalk near her homo on Mynater street. The fracture is quite severe , but It is thought by her physician tnat the arm will heal without any serious consequences. Zed Bothers zad Fred Ross were ar raigned before Justice Vlen yesterday on the charge of lewdnes * It is alleged that they have been living with a couple of young girls In the southwestern part of town. The girls wcro also placed under arrest , but as one of them was taken 111 yesterday and could not appear all the cases were con tinued. The contractors In whoe > e charge was given the repairing of the High < n'iool have their work wel ! tinder way. The brick piers In the basement are about completed and the carpenters will begin putting In the wooden supports on the other floora either today or tomorrow. It la thought that the work will bo completed In tlmo to permit the re opening of the school Monday morning. The pulpit commltteo of the First Baptist church is In correspondence with a number of ministers with a view ct selecting a suit able man to fill the vacant pulpit at the church. It Is expected that a number of them will bo InvlteJ here to preach during the month , niul the prospects nre that be fore the spring opens the vacancy caused by tile resignation of Rev. Rocho will bo filled. II. 1) . CarbeOi whose commission as deputy game warden and fish commissioner was re voked by State Commissioner Delavcn a short tlmo age , has written a letter to his wlfo denouncing her In bitterest terms for her alleged conspiracy In plotting his re moval. The charges against Carbe ? were filed by a local paper and it Is claimed that JIar. Carbco worked in conjunction with It. Carbee Bays that ho will not live with his wife again. The park commissioners have drawn their first quarter's salary under the new park board law , The amount was $25 for eacn of the three commissioners. This is the nrst tlmo in the history of the city that any salary has over beem paid to the park com- mlssloncis. The law originally fixed the salary of each commissioner at $ .100 a year , but through the instrumentality of the mem bers of the present 'board ' , led by Commis sioner Casper , the pay wcs reduced to $100 a The Northwestern Railway company will rnovo Into the new quarters In the Sapp block In about ten days. The Union Pacific will move with them. It was decided by the railway company that Its magnificent new furnlslilngfl would take uj > too much space to admit of sub-letting a portion of the room to the American Kxprtea company , which has been its sub-tenant for a number of yrors. The express company In turn de cided that the new room was not adapted to Ita purposes , anyway , and yesterday leased the vacant etoro room at 18 Pearl street. The change will bo made about March 1. Considerable speculation Is being Indulged concerning the action that will bo taken by the legislature to change the method of ad ministrating the affairs of the state Insti tutions. Word was received from DCS .Molnes yesterday stating that Senator Healy hail announced his Intention of Introducing a bill In the legislature by the first of the week which would provide fcr a board of control similar to that in Wisconsin. This plan pro vides for one central 'board of control and local board consisting of five members , who hisve charge of the detail work of the various Institutions , It was also stated that overtures had been made to ex-Governors Larrnbeo and Boles offering them positions on the central board for the term , which will 'bo six years , at n salary of $4,000 a year , A gooJ deal of Interest Is naturally felt in the matter , as It will affect the management of tlit ) local state Institution , tbo Iowa School for the Deaf. I'lipuliir SliiKlnu ; CliiNNOM. Sight singing by a member and examiner of the American Tonic Sal. Fall , college. Terms , lefsons , etc. , apply to lice otilce , Council Bluffs , la. C. II. Viava Co. . female remedy ; consulta tion free. Oftleo hours , U to 12 and 2 to 5. Health book furnished. 320-327-3 5 Merrlara block. N. Y. Plumbing company. Tel. 2SO , Hoffnmyr's fancy patent Hour makes the -be t and most bread , Ask your grocer for It. Bradley has the finest corned beef in the city. KIIK ( Mini IVii | > li > Oiiom | | * K , The resolution passed by the Pottawatta- mto county tar favoring the abolishing ot the Avoca court Is meeting with considera ble opposition In thu east end of the county. A now petition Is now being circulated by the Oakland people asking for the relocation of the court In that town. This petition nieota with the approval of the Carson and Macedonia people , and while the majority of the court favor Avoca , all seem to bo united In the determination to light thu abolishing of the court. Hint IlfiirlCoulil CVol Il < - Doivn for RlKlilt'cn 'M on HIM , "I was unable to lie down In my bed for eighteen monthH owIiiK to smothering Mpel.'a ' caused by heart dis ease. Otm Ixitllo of Dr. ASTIOW'B Cure for the Heart removed the trouble , and today I urn na moll as ever I was , " I. . . W. I aw. Toronto Junction. Thin Is but ono of n thousand mich testimonies to the uu'rlttt of this Krt'iit cure. Kuhn & Co. , 15th and Douglas ; Sliwjiuui & UcComiell Drug Co. , 1513 CITY COUNCIL IS ABSOLUTE Direct Application of Eecent Decisions of Eupremo Court , COMPLETE CONTROL OF IMPROVEMENTS .1Iny Order ilic I'nvlnR of n Slrect mill Si'lec AlnittliiK Property to l'n > - ( or It , UcMilte ! Utrncr ' Protest. The supreme court has rendered another decision that Is of considerable Interest as adding to the strength of a previous opinion denning the powers of cities and towns to collect taxes for special Improvements. The city officials have taken a deep Interest In the broad scope ot the decisions. The de cision was Tendered In the case of Denny against the City ot DCS Moines , In which Dtnny resisted the efforts of the city to col lect grading und paving taxes against his property , Denny's case was very similar tea a number that are on the dockets ot the lo cal courts against property owners who have neglected to pay the final payments of their special assessments. In most cases the own ers have refused to pay for the reason that the taxes are assessed against property un improved nnd nonproductive , and who believe uiiu H is worth less to them than the amounts charged on the tax books. In the briefs laid belore the supreme court , the question was raised as to the Justice of the judgment of the lower court that wholly ex tinguished the owner's title to the property and gave It to the city In satisfaction of the Judgmeivl for taxes. The supicnio court not only upheld the finding , but went n great deal further and declared that the owner ot the property was liable to a personal Judg ment for the balance ot the taxes , after the forced sale of the property had failed to icallzo enough to extinguish the debt. This finding was based upon the court's Interpre tation of section -ITS of the code , which de fines the power of the city council In deter mining the necessity for street Improvements , and confers upon it the power of being sole Judge as to that necessity , making it impos sible for any cltl/cn to stop any Improve ment that he might not fancy bji the usual recourse to an Injunction. The supreme court , holds that this power Is not in contravention of the rights and privileges of any citizen or property owner , and is not In conflict with the constitutionality of any statute , state or national. The In.nrovements aider consideration by the court were of the same nature and the conditions were very similar to these that prevail on Lower Broadway , the abutting oroperty being but slightly improved and the street but sparsely settled. The action of the council In ordering the Improvements had been attacked and denounced as fraudu lent , just as some of the property owners here have done. In paswlng upon this phase ot IMo question the supreme court declared : | "The action of the council ordering the Im provements uyon the street was not fraudu lent by the fact that there WCTO but few houses on the street and the owners of abut ting property objected to the Improvement. " The section of the code Is cited which d6- clarcs : "Special taxes shall bo r ald and shall become a Hen on the abutting prop erty. " The court then goes on to define this liability , de larkig : "It is prcpor In an ac tion to enforce payment of special taxes for a decree to order a special execution against the owner for any balance that may remain unpaid otter the property has been ex hausted. " Under this ruling any city has the power to seize the property In the actions that have been commenced and l i the cases whore Judgment has been obtained and offer it for sale to the highest bidder and If the amount realized is not sufficient to pay the judgment for taxes a deficiency Judgment may be taken against the owner and another execution taken against any other property be may havo. When the city undertook to enforce cay- ment by suit In the cases of numerous de linquents In Council Bluffs the total amount of unpaid special taxes approximated $23- 000. A largo proportion of this has been placed In judgment , but the threat that a deficiency judgment might be taken led conio of them to pay up before the suits were The broad sccpe of the decisions is of ad ditional Interest as settling the power of the council to order public Improvements when ever In the estimation of the membera It Is necessary to make them. There has been an impression among many of the members that a street could not bo legally ordered paved unless a majority ot the property owners petitioned for It. These decisions sweep away that lir.presslcn and leave the council free to ast and legislate for the benefit of the whole city , oven though It is against the exprcas wishes of all of the residents on tlio streets to bo Improved. TO HIKCOVI3K KOIl \\I.SI3 AIIHRST. AVIIIIiini nnyliurt SIK-M fur Ton Thou sand DollnrN. A suit to recover $10,000 for false arrest and malicious prosecution is being tried In the district court. The plaintiff is Wil liam Oajhart nnd the defendants H. G. Fisher and others. All parties llvo In the eastern end of the county. Gayhart is an illiterate man and it has been shown on two previous trials and on thU ono that his In ability to read or write was largely the cause of his trouble. In some of his deal ings with Fisher Gayhart gave what ho be lieved was a simple note , but which turned out to bo a chattel mortgage covering some of his farm stock. Failure to pay the ob ligation resulted in the property L'alng taken possession of. Qayhart told his story to n lawyer and the stuff was replovlned. In the hearing of the caao Gayhart swore positively that ho had never signed the mortgage note and won the case. About the same tlmo ho became mixed up In a deal by which ho got some goods on an order which was alleged to have been forged. Prosecu tion was started nnd Gayhart was Imitated on both charges of forgery and perjury nnd was tried and acquitted on each. These trials form the grounds for the $10,000 damage suit. When the plaintiff concluded his evidence last evening the defendants made a motion to take the case from the Jury. The motion was argued and taken under advisement until this morning. Call at Bratlloy's for your corned beef ; he has something fine. \olcM from tlii < ( ! < ) Hall. Complaints , accompanied by reports of ac cidents by falling on Icy sidewalks , con tinued to pour Into the city building yes terday. The limited number of men In the employ of the street commissioner's de partment rendered It impossible to take of ficial notice of the complaints and abate the nuisances complained of. The best that could bo done was to glvo the bearers of the tales of woo advice to sprinkle ashes on the Icy walks , In many cases this was done without waiting for the suggestion to IAI made by the city officers. It was note worthy that all of thcso thoughtful citizens wcro these who have always been the first to sweep the enow from the sidewalks after a storm , The people who habitually ex hibit their contempt for the convenience and comfort of others and never remove an ob stacle from the pathway of a fellow mortal are keeping off their own Ice-covered pave ments and walking In the street when they pass the premises ot people of their own kind. The pay roll of the city employes has been made up for last month , but the warrants cannot bo issued until after the council meets in regular session on Monday night. Whether the warrants are to bo again cashed In defiance of J , J , Shea rumalua a he decided by the few warrant buyers wh ( took them up last month. Fimcriil of S , T , WII ! ! % < T. The funeral of ex-Justice S. T. Walkei occurred yesterday altcnioou at 2:30 : 'from I the- family residence , B31 Fourth street. The services were conducted by Rev. W. S. Ilarnea of the First Presbyterian church and a largo number of the older residents were present , &s well as a delegation from the Patriotic Order Sons of America , of which the deceased was an honorary mem ber. The body was Interred In Falrvlew cemolcry , Bradlcy's premium tickets are worth their weight In Klondike gold. Call for them , Sfn < ri-ll In UctlliiK Well. I. IStazell , the Exlra attorney , who had euch n narrow escape from death by an overdose ot laudanum , Is still confined to his room In ( ho Grand hotel. His mind Is still very much clouded by the opiate and he lapses Into long periods of sleep. He was able to sit up yesterday and talk n little with his frlcndS. Ho will remain nt the ho tel In the care of his wlfo and a hospital nurse until ho Is able to return to his home. If you want a nice piece ot corned beef go to Bradlcy's. MAUUIKt ) l.'Oll St.XTV-li'IVU YI3A11S. IIMVII CniiiiliKnch of AVIioni HUH 'I'liNftoil ' KlKlity-nlxtli Mlli-Hloiu- . Near Altoona , In Polk county , lives Mr. nnd 'Mrs. John C. BIshard , who recently cel ebrated the sixty-fifth anniversary of their marring ? , says the DCS Molnes Register. Mr. BIshard was SG years old on the 25th Inst. nnd Mrs. Blshnrd Is a few months past her SGth birthday. There are many men and women who llvo to pass the fourscore point of life , but It is only rarely that such per sons happen to bo life partners. Until two years ago Mr. BIshard did most of his own farm work , nnd Mrs. BIshard's hair Is as yet but slightly tinged with gray. When the battle of Waterloo wns fought she waa betwcn 3 and 4 years ot age , old enough to remember the event. Mr. BIshard Is of French descent , his father , James BMiard , being ono oC n band of Frenchmen who left the Island of Guernsey In 1S07 to find homes In America. In duo time they crossed the Alleghanles and entered the state of Ohio , In which they found the iown ot Cambridge , naming the county Ounrnsey. In thitt state John C. BIshard was oorn In 1S12 while the United States was preparing for the second war with England. Charlotte Chamber , ' ? , now Mrs. BIshard , was born In the came year. Her people cime from Pennsylvania , where the town of Chambcrsburg wns named In' their honor. In 1SS3 they were married and In 1859 they came to Polk county , la. , and since 1S07 they have lived on the farm pear Altoona. They have sons and grand sons , two of the latter being publishers and editors of the Dej Molnca Plain Talk , the popular and high-class weekly published on the cast side of the river. of Mlicrul llcllnlnu. CEDAR RAPIDS , la. , Fob. 2. ( Special , ) Active preparations are being rcado for the first annual meeting of the Iowa Congress of Liberal Religion , which will bo held In the Unlveraallst church In this city during the last week In April. This meeting will bo the first state gathering to be held , the Iowa congress being an auxiliary to the National congrciM , which was organized at Chicago four years ago and which has held annual meetings since. One or two other states will hold meetings later In the year , the Intention bclag to organize these aux iliary congresses In all the states la the union. Among the noted men and women who have already promised to be hero and take part In the deliberations ot the con gress are Rev. Dr. Thomas ot Chicago , prcal- decit of the national congress ; Rev. Dr. Jcmkln Lloyd Jones , T. B. Gregory and Rabbi Joseph Stolz of Chicago ; Rev. Howard Mac- Queary , at the head of the Minneapolis social settlement ; Emma Waller Grover of Eldo rado , Kan. , and Rev. Dr. P. M. Hanson of Spring Valley , Minn. \OTV riuiHiIn Municipal Hovr. SIOUX CITY. Feb. 2. ( Special. ) The con flict between Alderman J. M. Trcdway nf Sioux City and his nephew. Mayor Cleland , is assuming a now phase. The alderman now proposes that the department In chargp of Ills nephew shall not have full charge of the licensing of the saloons and resorts in Sioux City. In the hands of the mayor this has rested for years , but now Mr. Tred- way says that it shall pass into the hands of the city council. These two men have been at outs for some months and for some tlmo the alderman has been crltlclsl j the mayor's policy toward saloons , gSJibllpg houses and resorts. Alderman Tredway con strues the law to say that the city council shall have this question , in hand and he proposes to fight his -nephew along that line for the present. To I'rnlvet FInli. SIOUX CITY , Feb. 2.-SpeclaI. ( ) A rod and reel club has been formed In Sioux City for the purpose of protecting the fish of this section of the state of Iowa , north eastern Nebraska and southeastern South Dakota from the ravages .of the professional fisherman. For years the rivers and lakes In this section have been nearly cleaned out every eeason bymen with selns. Le gitimate fishing with a rod has been out of the question there wcro no fish left. It is the intention of the organization to see that the fisheries laws are rigidly enforced nnd offenders will be prosecuted. Wardens have been appointed to watch the -waters and an effort will be made to capture of fenders against the laws. StuilcntH AHk for I.cnliMu-j- . IOWA CITY , la. , Feb. 2. ( Special. ) The students of the State university of Iowa held a great mass meeting last night In the Interests of the twenty-three suspended for kidnaping freshmen. Out of the 1,300 students In the university 1,000 attended and unanimously adopted resolutions admit ting the propriety of the faculty's action In using stern measures , but , on account of the Innocent Intent of the Implicated students , begged for mitigation of punishment. The resolutions will bo presented to the faculty" Friday. Oil Trial for Cnttlt * Sti-uUnK. IDA GROVE , la. , Feb , 2. ( Special. ) The trial of George Johns , a prominent cattle dealer of Galva , on a charge of cattle stealIng - Ing , Is being hoard In the district court hero thla week , Forty-two witnesses bavo been subpoenaed , four commission men from Chicago cage being among the number. The Impan eling of a Jury was finished yesterday. Owing to the prominence of the defendant great interest Is taken In the trial. \ < > One to Illume. CEDAR R.VI'IDS , la. , Feb , 2 , ( Special Telegram. ) The coroner's Jury In the case of Ellis Sweet , the Illinois Central fireman killed at Alburnot in the headend collision last week , found that no one was to blame and that the collision was duo to the blind ing sluct storm prevailing. IIMVII KnrniIICH. . Tama county fair officials have fixed upon August 30 to September 2 as the tlmo set for the annual fair this year. Prof. CurtUs of the Iowa experiment sta tion was not able to attend the farmers' in stitute at Anthcti , but the meeting was a good one , The farmers' Institute of Union county has passed resolutions putting themselves record as opposed to the pooling bill now before congress , The milk receipts at the creamery In ono day In Aldcn were only a few ounces short of 30,000 pounds , This Is much the largest imount ever received in ono day. A farmers' Institute will be held In Musca- tlm February 16 and 17 , which will be the Elxth held In the county , three having been held In Wilton and two In West Liberty. After thirty years' residence In Jasper county , and after reverses had led him to sell his farm Henry Hocrllng with his fam ily of wife and eight children went to Washington to begin life anew. A fanners' Institute organization has been effected In Fairfleld and starts with a mem bership of fifty well-to-do farmers , Janiui P. Stubbs was elected president ; jeorgo W. Ball , vice president ; Jacob Funck , Becretary ; George Hcaton , treas- jrer. The first institute will be held next COUi\n \ CAKrOF 1NSASE TS Present Plan of Operation Giron a Hard Knock. LEVY FOR THE PUBppSC CUT TO ONE MILL < o Uic Sj-Hlcm itjo.l'IncliiK Ic- in en ( oil People In Poor HOIIHC ' 'Annexe * . DES 'MOINES , Feb. 2. ( Special Tolo- gram. ) mio plan of county care'for the Insane - sane \vaa given a hard knock In the senate ways and mcnns commlttoo today. Many counties have been erecting asylums and maintaining their patients outside the ntato Institutions at less ooat. Several county asylums have occasioned scandals , and the commltteo decided to illscourago'thcm. The bill by 'Mnlloy ' to allow counties to levy 2tt mills tax to support their OMI niylunw was the occasion for a long discussion. The levy \vna finally cut to 1 mill na ou means to dla- courage counties from building their own asylums. It was stated that many ot the so-called county asylums are pimply annexes to poor farms , where Insnno people are kept In squalor ; cases were cited of Inmates , being allowed to llvo Indiscriminately together nnd Insane women bearing children as a ro suit of such methods. A primary elections bill was presented in the house and senate providing a penalty of $100 for Illegal voting at primary elec tions. It Is backed by the Polk county mem- bcrs and has ai publication clause attached , to get It Into effect before the elty primar ies here. It Is backed by the Sherman fac tion In the city campaign. It Is claimed by the Sherman people that the MncVlcarltca want to vote the democrats in the primaries and this bill Is alleged to be aimed at this practice. The MacVlcarltos claim the bill Is Intended to iurnlsh an Instrument for bulldozing voters. Senator Hobart presented a bill to relieve small cities that under the present laws cannot operate saloons , although the great majority of voters want them. It Is now provided that towns of 2.GOO to G.OOO may open Edloons provided they secure petitions of SO per cent of the voters. The town of Cherokee , Hobart's homo , has a few less than 5,000 people and has come within a score of getting the SO per cent of signers. The bill changes from SO to 05 per cent the number of signers necessary in such towns. REVISION OP BALLOT LAW. How to make- the Australian ballot law satisfy all demands on It Is a question that agltatM the Iowa legislators. When the law wns first passed six years ago It was pro vided that there should bo a circle at the head of the ticket and a square in front of the name of each candidate. To vote a straight tlcliot It was required to place a. cross In the circle at the head ; to divide the ticket the cross could bo placed there and then crosses IffiidcIn the squares op posite the names of'the candidates on other tickets for whom It was desired to vote. This led to confusion , and two years ago it was changed. I'lie new provision leaves the clcles and squares , but provides that the circle must not b < T used unless an ab solutely straight .ticket Is voted ; if the ticket Is split every candidate must be market 'with a cross In , the square opposite his name. This change has been unsatisfactory. It has given rise .to a , great number of con tested elections , two of which are now being considered by special committees of the legislature , Involving ejcats In that body. Two or three bills , have been Introduced to remedy fho diniculty. The favorite plan Is to abolish the clrclo at the head o the : ticket and .raako an absolute requirement that every candidate voted for bs marked with a clrclo In the square opposite his name. There Is opposition to this on the- ground tha't It might cause confusion and that It would be misunderstood by voters accustomed to the old method. A strong disposition Is manifested recently to leave the law as It now stands and wait till the voters become accustomed to It. The legal fight which the foreign Insur ance companies have begun against the new Iowa law for taxation of Insurance business practically assures that no change In this law will bo made at this session. There have been rumors of attempts at restoring the old law , but the commencement of the actions by the foreign companies amounts to burning their bridges behind them and the legislature will leave the mat ter to the determination of the courts. EXPOSITION APPKOPRIAJTION. Representative Potter of Council Bluffs , who Is pushing the demand for a liberal ap propriation for the Omaha exposition cald today : "I think the house Is disposed to bo more liberal than the senate. I nm very hopeful the house will give a fair appro priation which the senate may cut down ( somewhat ; $30,000 Is the least we can take and make anything like a showing. I am hopeful that the legislature will In the end glvo more than thin , " The senate devoted most of the session tea a discussion of the Emmert bill to require Inspection of cattle Imported Into the state to prevent sp'ead of tuberculos's ' , The Gorrcll b'll to tax mortgages In the name of the holder , and deduct the amount of the mortgage from the valuation of real estate In making the assessment 'vus cons'cl- ' cred in senate ways and means. The ma jority of the commltteo voted to kill the measure , but a minority report will bu brought in favoring Its passage. The house committee on fish and game killed the bill which has already pa sed the Eenate to make the open season for quail shooting Include November and December , Instead of Sep tember ind October. The houijo commltteo on pardons recom mended the pardon of Joseph Johnson , who was In 18S1 convicted of murder on purely circumstantial evidence. The senate com mltteo will take llko action. HANK STATEMENTS. The state auditor today issued a state ment of the condition of state and savings banks In Iowa at the close of business Jan uary 0. It Indicates , as compared with the statement of Juno 30 last , a remarkable Increase In evidences of prosperity. The 171 savings and 203 state banks show : Assets Hills receivable. $53,879,540 ; cisi and cash Items , $ -1,000,425 ; credits subject to sight draft , $9.919,272 ; overdrafts , $ G19,20 ; real and personal prpperty , $3,7-19,213 ; total , $72,272,808. „ Liabilities-Capital.stock , $10,211,100 ; duo depositors , $52,128,331 ; due hanks ami others , $139,129 ; surplus. $909,059 ; undivided profits , $3,791,293 ; total , $72,272 08. The changes In this-statement from that of Juno 30 nro : n.1 Assets Hills , rtfiblvablo , Increase , SI- 987,959 ; cash , lncreaEojrG09,505 ; credits sub ject to sight draft , Increase , $469,141 ; over drafts , Increase. $119,744 ; real and personal property , increase , . $287,074 ; total Increase of assets , $ G,473,427v' ' > Liabilities Deposit , : 'lncrraso , $6,085,436 ' ; debts to banks and .pthrjrs , lncrcaso$10S,394 ; surplus , Increase , jnC'J2 ) ; total Increase , $ G,950,32S ; less capital stock decrease , $76- 100 ; less undivided { iroiUs , decrease , $355,997 ; total decrease $433,07 ! ! ; net Increase of lia bilities , $0,473,427. . - SAFETY 'APPLIANCES. ' In filing their eh'pwlrigs ' with the railroad commissioners , on which to secure on ex tension till 1900 , for tlmo to complete equipping their cars with automatic coup lers , the railroads present figures indicat ing that the greater number of cars now In service have such equipment. The exten sion was granted to all the roads , The fig ures presented to the commission follow : The Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul has 27,079 cars In operation , of which 20,065 have already been equipped with automatic coup lers. Slnco March 2 , 1893 , all cars pur chased have been so equipped and also with train power brakes , and all cars which have been rebuilt have been equipped In the aamo style. The Central railroad of Iowa lias 2,050 freight care , of which 825 are tqulpped with air brakes and 1,400 with au tomatic couplers. The Kcokuk & Western owns 936 cars , of which 471 arc equipped with automatic couplers and 456 with power brakes. The Sioux City & Pacific owns 369 freight cars and about 350 ot these are equipped with automatic couplers. The Chicago. St , Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha h s 8,963 freight cars , of which about 8,000 nro equipped with automatic couplers. The Chicago & iXorthwcstern has about 39,000 freight cars , of which number 37,000 are equipped with Automatic couplers. The Hock Island has over 16.000 freight cara nnd over 11,000 are equipped. The Minneapolis & St. Louis has 1,090 cars equipped , about ono half the total number owned. The Illi nois Central has 26,495 freight cara , 11,227 equipped. The Burlington. Cedar Rapids & Northern has 4,026 cars , 3,632 equipped. The Chicago , Burlington & Qulncy has 37,220 cars , 24CU equipped. The Chicago Oreat Western owns 5,031 cars , of which 2,304 are equipped. CITY CAMPAIG'N ' IS WARM. The republican primaries to nominate can didates for mayor nnd other city offices will be held Monday , February 28 , The election will bo the last Monday In March. The campaign Is app'roachlng the point of white heat. The Ministerial association , with Its Investigation of the social evil , which is al leged to bo licensed by the present execu tive , has been the storm center In the last few dnjH. The association Is divided ns to supporting or condemning the policy ot Mayor MacVlcar. Next Sunday night a num ber of pastors will preach on the subject and they are expected to take all sides. The MacVlcar people eay the majority of the pastors are with them and will vote for MacVlcar despite all efforts to drive them to Sherman. Mayor MacVlcar today ad dressed a letter to Rev. I. N. McCasb , who presented the sensational report to the Min isterial association on Monday , Alex Hns- tle , a loader of the Church federation , Is out In a statement concerning a conference held between Mayor MacVlcar and n number of leading pastors soon after MacVlcar was clccted _ mayor , when the social evil was discussed. Mr. Hastlo-cxpresses the opinion that the present condition Is b'ettcr ' than when MacVlcar went Into ofllco. The Sherman people have been working the social evil ns a strong card nnd allege to have made great gains among church people. HA It I. V XBWSI' MM2IIS IN IOWA. 'RcnilnlHconocH of Ilny.i llpfore ilic 'War In Diiliiuiiic. Dubuque , cs I first saw It In 1838 , was a elty of perhaps 10,000 population , but like many other Iowa towns of larger claims , the panic of the previous year had squeezed the life out of a good many .enterprises . , espe cially in the harbor improvement line , and about every business felt the stringency. Just when the Dubuque & Sioux City Railroad company , the Dubuque Southwestern and the harbor Improvement companies first made their appearance I do not remember , writes cx-Lleutenant Governor Matt Parrott ; but for several years this paper currency bad full sway , not only In Dubuque , hut In the country west for many miles. It Improved the- times while It circulated , but In the end pinched every holder. In these early d-iys Dubuque was quite a newspaper town , and In the years 1S3S-GO had three or four dailies the Times. Ex press and Herald , the Northwest , and I be- Ilevo another whose name I have forgotten. The Times was , as now , republican ; the Ex press and Herald espoused the oiuso of Douglas and the Northwest was the adminis tration CBuchanan ) crgan. The latter was published by Colonel Heath , and 'between ' Dorr and 'Heath there was un irrepressible conflict , growing out of the differences In their democracy , which kept the editorial Inkstand sizzling with the heat ot their con troversies. D. A. Mahony was also prominent on the Express and Herald. The Times 'was edited by Jesse Clement , a poet , and a man of fine literary ability , but hardly adapted to the rough and ready methods of western politics. Years before had published a literary magazine In 'Buffalo ' , N. Y. , and lie was better qualified for that kind of work. I recently learned that . -two of his apprentices on this magazlqe were Charles A. Aldrlch and IH' ' . L. Rann , for many years .editor of the Manchester Press , but who dieJ a year or so ago. Wo haveIt on the authority ot Mr. Aldrlch that in those early days Mr. Rann wrote poetry , fine poetry , too , and that lie gave promise of winning a high place among American poets. But ho guvicr It up a few years later , and de voted his tlmo to writing terse and vigorous editorials on public questions. Mr. Aldrlch worked on one of the Dubuque dallies In these early days , and went -from there to Webster City , where he established the Freeman , and has become Justly noted for his work in gathering material for the Iowa historical collection. He , before ho 'left New York , had a fine literary taste , and was a contributor to the old Knickerbocker Magazine , which still is kindly remembered 'by ' the old-time New Yorker. Mr. iMahoay 'was a strong democrat and had troublous times during the war. In 1872 he beovmo attached to the Greelcy movement and was a delegate to DCS Molnes , whore Groclcy was Indorsed by the miscellaneous politicians who compose ! that gathering. Returning from It , 'he was a guest of Hon. J. B. Grinncll at Grinnell , and ho and a former republican , who had espoused the Grcit'ley ' cause , slept In a bed once occupied 'by old John Brown , Justi think of that ! A man so thoroughly aggressive In his democracy as Mr. Mahony cuddling down under the bed clothes which had formerly sheltered Ossa- mattanilo Brown of Harper's Kerry notoriety. J , B. Dorr left the newspaper business nnd entered the army during the war , eventually becoming colonel of the 'Eighth Iowa cavalry. Ho was a good officer , some times reckless in his bravery. A story Is related that while In the cavalry service one evening ho was returning from a re- connoltcrlng expedition. Ho and his com panions reached a place lined with a rocky ledge for some distance. It was an Ideal place for the bushwhackers and Colonel Dorr took In the situation at once. TurnIng - Ing to a corporal with his party , he asked him If ho would like to be made a sergeant. "Certainly , " said the corporal , "but how ? " "Put your spur to your horse and pass those rocks. Yon will draw the lira of any one concealed behind them and we'll know the situation. " The corporal did not want promotion bad enough to take the chances and Colonel Dorr used his own spurs and was soon flying down the road , llo was right In his surmises. Men were In wait ing behind the rocks and the colonel got a hot fihot and a bad wound for his reckless ness. ness.Tho The first democratic speech I heard in Iowa was by Ben M. Samuels of Dubuque. He was the democratic candidate for gov ernor , but an unsuccessful one , Ho was a fine speaker , Impressive in his oratory and his pronunciation of lowuh , with the accent on the last syllable , has always been re- momberod. Dubuque had n sooil many po litical stumpers In Its early days. Shubal P. Adams , strong In story telling llustra- tlons , and Joseph Chapllno dolns valiant sorvlco for the republican cause. William Vandover , afterward colonel of the Ninth Iowa , had n memorable campaign with Wil liam Lclllngwcll In 1859. In the Lincoln campaign of 186) Dubuque advertised a big political meeting , with William II. Seward as the principal attrac tion. In company with many other en thusiastic republicans , I went In to hear thn distinguished senator. The speech WASte to ho delivered In the afternoon , but Seward had been up In Minnesota and had come to Dubuque by boat , and In consequence did not arrive. There was a big meeting in a city park , but everybody was disappointed at Seward's non-arrival , Ho had not ar rived at 8 o'clock and many of us went to the depot for a homeward etart. Then wo heard the whistle of the boat and back wo went. Somewhere about 10 o'clock Seward made hta appearance on the steps of the JulH'ii housa and addressed the crowd for half an hour or so and wo left satisfied , hav ing seen and heard the lion of the day. I'lont'i-r SInlcnun-n of IIMVII. DBS MOINES , Feb. 2. ( Special. ) The rlxth annual cession of the Pioneer Law Makers of Iowa will bo held In th'a city , commencing February 9 and continuing two days , All ffirmer state olllcera , Including members ) and officers of territorial and state legislatures , scnatoro and representatives in congrt 3 , cabinet officers , United States su preme , circuit and district judges , members cni ) officers of constitutional conventions , And state boards of education , etato Judges and district attorney who served twenty- five years prior to Ihla tlmo are eligible- membership. The officers nre : Colctiel John Scott , president , Nevada ; cx-Llcutenant Gov ernor H. F. Hue , secretary , DCS Molnes ; Hon. John M. Davis , assistant secretary , DCS Molnes : Frank A. Shormsn , assistant secre tary , Dea Molnes. Vice presidents : First district. Hon. Gideon S , Bailey , Verncti ; Second district , Hon. Samuel McNutt , Mueca- tine ; Third district , Hon. F. M. Knoll , Dti- buque ; Fourth district , Judge Reuben Noble , McGregor ; Fifth district , Hon. T , S. Parvln , Cedar Rnplda ; Sixth district. Colonel Dan Andercon , Albla ; Seventh district , Hon. Lewis Todhunter , Indlnnola ; Klglith district , ex-Lleuter.ont Governor W. S. Dungan , Charl- ton ; Ninth district , Hon. L.V. . Ross , Coun cil Bluffs ; Tenth district , Hon. W. C. Wil son , Webster City ; Eleventh district. Hon. R , A. Smith , Spirit Lake. Executive commit tee : Hon. Isaac Brandt , DCS Molnes ; Major R. D. Kellogg , Des Melees ; Hon. R , S. Fink- bine , DCS Molnes. COLLISION DlIH TO SXOWSTOHM. Three TrnlniiU'ii Injured , One of 'I'll cm Futility. CEDAR FALLS , la. , Feb. 2. There was a collision on the Chicago Great Western rail way at Frederlcksburg last night. The westbound freight , while running at a high speed , struck the rear end of n train at Fredcrlcksburg , demolishing the engine and cars and scalding three of the trainmen so badly that ono of them will die. The Injured are : Engineer Grim of Oelweln , la. , crushed and scalded ; will die. Baggageman Johnson ot Minneapolis , seriously crushed. - Ferguson ot Dubuque , scalded and Injured Internally. The wreck caught fire from the firebox of the engine and for n long time It was impo'sslhle to rescue the men. A blinding snowstorm was the cnuso of the accident. Yotinjr MliilHtor Orilnliu-il. DEN1SON , la. , .Feb , 2. ( Special. ) Rev. F. W. Jlateson , the new pastor of the First Baptist church , was fully Invested with the authority ot his ofllcc by a council of ordin ation composed of fellow ministers , which mot in this city yesterday , The young man was graduated from Chicago university last month with the degree of bachelor ot di vinity and this Is his first charge. Among the prominent divines present were : Presi dent II , L. Stetson of Des Molnes college , Rev. K , P. iBartlett and Rev. William Aitchl- son of DCS Molnes nnd Rev. ! A. T. Fowler of Muscatlnc. Churches at the following cities wcro represented : Dow City , Logan , Wcod- bine , Carroll , Sao City , Utc , Ida Grove and Corrcctlonvllle. Cli-rU Arrt'ntiMl for ICorRory. DBS MOINES , Feb. 2. ( Special Tele gram. ) Albert L. Mlcklo was arrested today at LaSallc , 111. , for forgery. Ho was a. clerk for rho McFarlln Grain company here , and Is charged with forging a check for $1,500 , , securing the cash and disappearing two months ago. Ho deserted a wife , mother and children. r.iuiir Distance Tr DUBUQUK , Feb. 2. ( Special Telegram. ) The Bell company Installed Its long distance telephone system hero today nnd local pat rons conversed with Senator Allison nt Washington. Tonight they listened to con certs lit Milwaukee nnd Davenport. Kind a 'IVII-Tnle Coat. BURLINGTON , la. , Fob. 2. A blood stained coat belonging to A , D. Storms , who Is charged with murdering Mrs. Rathburn and her daughter , was found today. There la much strong feeling against Storms , but little liability of trouble. IIMVII ' 1'roNH Cniiiiiiciit. Stuart Locomotive : We cannot see why the executive council cannot control the state Institutions just as well as a special board of control. Cedar Rapids Republican : Several of the state papers are commending the habitual criminal bill Introduced by Senator Ellison. It is a good measure and ought to be enacted Into law without delay. Dubuque Telcgraphr A bill dividing the state Into seven health districts and requir ing the appointment from each of n member ot the State Board of Health has passed the Iowa house. The nominal design ot the measure is to Increase the safeguards against disease , though the real purpose may bo a multiplication of taxeaters. Atlantic Telegraph : Those accusers of Senator Allison who tried to make It ap pear that ho was lukewarm and Indifferent to currency reform are now convinced that he Is on guard at the old stand and as ready as ever to meet the opponents of sound money and they know also that ho knows just what ho talks about. Council Bluffs Nonpareil : The State uni versity students suspended for hazing pro test that the penalty Is too severe. It is not nearly so severe as the. hazing , for that crippled ono victim for life , while the pen alty has only crippled ono member ot the foot ball team for a few months. The stu dents evidently view the course In foot ball much more important than any ot the other courses. UtMitliM of n Day. LEXINGTON , Ky. , Feb. 2. .Mrs. .Margaret Wlckllffo Preston , aged 77 , widow of Gen eral William Preston , who was minister to SixUn under Buchanan and a prominent soldier ki the two wars , died hero today. Mrs. William F , Draper , the wife of the United States ambassador to Italy , Is hoidaughter. . LONDON , Feb. 2. Bcauclianx ) Henry John Scott , sixth earl of Clonmel , is dead. He was born In 1847 and was formerly a captain In the Scots Guards. FREMONT , Neb. , Feb. 2. ( Special Tels- gram. ) Mrs. M , C. Mnliamm , wife of Super intendent Malmnna of the Elkhorn road , died hero very suddenly at 4 o'clock this after noon of hemorrhage. Mr. and Mrs. Ma- hanna retumcd at 3:30 : this afternoon from R trip through the south and west , which \\o shortened on account of MM. Ma- hanoip.'s health. Just as they arrived nt their home on West Military avenue- she was seized with a hemorrhage and died be fore medical aid could bo secured. CHAMBERLAIN , S. D. . Feb. 2. ( Special Telegram. ) Charles Wright , nged 70 , an early resident of this section , died today at his homo In this city. CLEVELAND , 0. , Feb. 2. Glis J. Ileego , the actor , known the country over as "Yon Yonson , " died at his homo in this city to day. UJo was 36 years of age. Dividend for Sliiucrlj' llaiilc. HILAniaLI'JlIA , Feb. 2-Georgo II. Enrle , receiver of the Chestnut Street Na tional bunk , returned tonlg'nt from Washing , ton , where .ho was In conference with Comp troller of the Currency I > uwea , and said ; "I am authorized to announce that a divi dend will bo declared tj the creditors of the bank within tlio next thirty dayu. I wish to state an strongly HH 1 muy my con viction tnnt If Mr. Slngorly'o upsets arc preserved nnd properly applied no ono need Ios > o anything. See That Stamp ! It is the Government Internal Revenue Stamp over the Cork and Cap- eulo ot every bottle of Certifying to the Age and I'urlty of the Whisky. NOT ! ! . It in the Oavcrnmcnt'n Guar antee that ffors with thin bnttllngr. See that the napie W. A. GAISlb & CO. is printed on the stamp. ALL DEALERS SELL IT Run Down and Killed Hundreds of people lose ( liclr llvca every yenr through being run down byj horse-cars , cnblc-cnrs or electric trol ley * . Thousands of people nre ilnlly rlsKlntf their lives In another way. They an run down and killed by reason of 111 health. They allow their systems to 4I get weak and sonic light Illness devel ops Into a fatal disease. It Is wiser to take no risks , but to build up health , strength and vitality by the use of a healthful stimulant. There Is nothing better than Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey , which Is unequalled for Its strengthen ing ; Invigorating tonle I'flfoets. It Is not nn ordinary whiskey , but a preparation having wonderful ineillelnal powers. It Is universally proscribed and recom mended. He sure that you get Duffy's pure malt whiskey. H Is the only medicinal whis key In the market. BLOOD POISON A SPECIALTY. Primary , Secondary or Tertiary I1IX > OD I'OIHON permanently Cured in 15 to 35 Days. You can bo treated nt homo for sumo orlc under RAHIO gxiaranty. 1C you prefer to coins hero \ve will contract to pay rail road fare anil hotel bills , and no charge If we fall to cur * . IP YOTT HAVE taken mercury. Iodide potiuh and still hnve ached and pains , Muaous 1'atcliea In mouth , Sere Throat , Plmplra , Copper Col. ored Spoil , Ulcern on uny part of the body , lUIr of Kycbrows falling out. It is this Heeondary We Guaraniee to Cure We Follclt tlio meat obstinate cntes nnd challenge the world for n CASO wo cannot cure. ThU dlacaae lias alwai's tallied tlio hill of the mbit eminent physlclani ) . 1500,000 capital behind our unconditional guaranty. Absolute proofa cent neiUd on application. 100 pngc booU § ent fret. Addrew COOK IIEMEIIY CO. . 1-JU1 MfiNonla Temple , Chluaao , III. 'T VVltEX OTHRHS VAT * COX3DI.T Searles & Searles SPECIALISTS Guarantee to euro Bpecillly nncl rnilt- cnlly nil NERVOUS , CIIUOMO AM > PRIVATE dlnenMCR of Sleu and women. WEAK UUi SYPHSUS SEXUALLY. cured for life. Night Emissions , Lost Manhood , Hy flrocele , Verlcocele , Gonorrhea , Gleet , Syph ilis , Stricture , Pllen , Fistula and neclal Ulcers , Diabetes. Brlght's Dlseaso cured. Consultation Free- StrSdyreandile@ffurctlnt by new method without pain or cutting' Gallon or address with stamp. Treatment by mall. HU.f. Hth SI , SEnRLES X SEflRlES.HU.f. UMAUA , XEO MADE ME A MAN AJAX TABLETS POSITIVELY CORK /xX/.A'tri'0u3 7)focaars Falling Mem ory , Impotonc7 , Hlooplessniwa , otc. , caused bjr Abueo or other Kxcosaoa and Jndla- cretlonB , Tfirtr qiite/clii anil enrtlif restore Lost VitalIty in older jouna.and tit n man foretady , buftlnwa or mnrrlauf. . , _ . I'revont Insanity anil Consumption If UUnnintiuia. Tholriuo nhows Immediate Improve- raentand affects n CUKE where nil other fall In sist upon lioTlnR bo eonulno Ajnx Tablets. They havoourodthousandaaml wlllourcvou. wottlvo itpo * . ItlTs written aunrnntoo ( o effect a oaro en hfS in each case or refund the moncr. rrlcoOU U I Oinor Cackaeo ; or elx rliies ( full treatment ) for f2.W. liy raall. in plain wrnnnor. npnn rocnlnt of prlro. circular froe-AJAX REMEDY CO. , 'M. ' ' ' ' " ' For sale In Oman * by Jained Foreytb , 'lOJ H. ICth street. Kunn & Co. . 15tl ) and UouKlai Stre t - For Null * Only li > - .IOII.V MNUKIl , Main at. , Co n n i ! 11 llluflfH. FARM LOANS. FIRE INSURANCE , SURETY BONDS LOWEST RATES. Ilcflilcnt Aurletant Kremturr. CVATIO.VAI , M'lCKTV ' CO. , X. Y. f'aiiltnl ami Burjus | over Ono and Onu- Million Dollar * . All bonds executed at my olllcc. .IAS , N. CASADY , .III. , JIKI .Main hlri-cf Cniiiiull SPECIAL NOTICES COUNCIL BLUFFS WANTS * / * * 'V N/WVV < VVW\y /\/\X xVv > rfVV.V\x\i _ iWKlUNH ) , VllVl'F , FAUU AND UAHOKN lands for nule or rent. Bay & Meet , Jtj 1'earl Inilnictloni. Albln Huiter , itudu 838 IlroaUway. Oorrnnn m tU 4 at Dret'Jen ' Con > rv tor/ .