TJTE O FATTA DAILY BEE : TIHTRSDAT" , FEBTHTA'RY 3 , 1808. SAYS THE BONDS ARE VALID Enpioma Oourt Sustains the Issue Voted in Douglas County , GOOD NEWS FOR EXPOSITION DIRECTORS Votfil In Alii of the Ills : Slimr Aic Cnnslltiitliinnl PnndliiK ; llDiiiln An.M n AM HlRllt. LINCOLN' , Tcb. 2 ( Spcc'al Telegram ) Late this afternoon thosupicmc court handed down an opinion upholding the validity of the Douglas county exposition bonds It holdH that the oet nnthorl/lng the county to vote the bond * was a special act and that In the matter of the number of votes re quired to carry Iho bonds ( ho special act gov erned over the general provision. H also held that the voting or bond * for the pur- PCKO of aiding the deposition was constitu tional , being for n. public purpose ; that the bonds In question were legally voted , and that the auditor Is required to register them and certify as to their validity In the matter of the Douglas county fundIng - Ing bonds , thn court HB erdc'ed a re-argu ment with directions specifically that the question bo argued as to whether the amend ment made by the legislature In 1881 to KCC- tloti 1.14 article 1. chapter xvlil of the Com piled Statutes , was germane to the original Ncctlrn ThH nmrmlment related to the number of votes required to adopt a propo sition to fund a county's Indebtedness In the Wright case brought up from Hall county , the couit holds that where a mar ried woman signs a note ns surety for her huslcind. no liability attaches agnllHt her , except so far ns the money for which the- note was given was used for the Interest and benefit of her separate e/Uatc In the case of Javnes agilnst The Omaha Street Hallway Company , the court holds that poles cannot occupy the street contin uously and exclusively and that If x propertj owner mista ns a special damage by reason of lh' poles In the street he may recover. The federal court occupied most of the day with the Ilmlgcman damage Milt It van given to the Jurj nt 1 o'clock Another jury was secured nnd th" eouit took up the case vvhe'eln Anundi Snjder sues the cltj of Lincoln for $11 ODD , bocuuso ot Injuries Bii'talncd from falling on a defective side walk. Snliir III I'l-iliMM > ti > pt. nnn CLOUD NVb fob 2 Tic Interstate Swine Ilrcedcis' association held Us regular meeting In this cltj today 1'rosldent Man- dlcbaiim of Hltic Hill , presiding After the usual routine ot business , Dr I'cteis , nro- fcssor ot veterinary .iclenco at Iho State ucil- verslty g > ivo the association a good talk on hot ? cholera and followed with \aluable- - riper on methods of producing Immunity from the satno In nwlne Ho ndvlsed vaccin ating the > healthy anlmil vvll'.i serum before the disease rnppared , thus running no risk As a conficqiiotipo , this methods , which has never been tested In t'.ils county , will ce given a thorough trial this spring. D MVIint gave an excellent psnor on "Tho 1'edlgrce It.s Use. Abuse and Iteal Value" At the evening session officers were elected as follows President , C T Hutchison , Hollilre , Kan : vlco prcslden' , A N. Godwin , Conies , Neb ; secretary , A. C Ilcsmer Hcd Cloud , Neb ; treasurrr , D. M Wlamt , Uiveiton , Neb II. N. Poster of gultlllo , superintendent of the live stock department of the Tr.insnilsslsslp I nrcoai- tlon , gave a talk on the exposition and asked foi exhibits of blooded slock. TRDMONT Neb , Feb. 2 ( Special. ) Sheriff Kreader and Deputy Ljdtck returned from Omaha last evening with Charles Cun ningham and George Evans , alias Smith , all.s Yancej- , who arc charged with break ing and entering the icsidence of E < 1 Percy on Sunday evening last and stealing a fur cloak and several articles of jowelrjA portion of the property was recovered , but the cloak , the most valuable thing taken Is still m'sslng The men hid their pre liminary hearing this afternoon before Jus- tleo of the Peace Dame. 'Evans ' waived his preliminary hearing and was bound over to the district couit for trial. Cunningham ttcmamlcd an examination and Ills case was set for Varlng at 9 o'clock Friday morn- Ing. Ho went to jail. Belle Clover , Rita Adams and June Roberts , witnesses , were held In default of ball as witnesses. The Omaha officers say these two men ure hard chatactors Cunningham was Identified as a pal of "Big Mike" Wagoner. Sues -inloiin Kfi'iM-r. GRETNA , Neb , Tcb 2 ( ? necial ) Suit -wes commenced In 1'ic district court at IViplllIon jcsterdaj against Ernest Kaoll , Grctna saloon keeper , by Mrs. Jane Doyle , to recover $2,000 , alleged damages she sus tained becntiba her husband , James Doyle had bought liquor ai Knoll's saloon. Doyle. Is now living with relatives at Rockford , 111 and in her petition the wife alleges that he has failed to sici'ort her by reason of Ills bibulous habits Do > lo Is a graduate of the Kceloy institute at Blair and Is < in old resi dent of Saipy county and connected by mai- rlago with bomo of the best families of th" county. Ho has been In Illinois slnco Sep tember last. The case Is set for hearing on February 28. ClreiiliillnK HOKUM Coin. GORDON , Neb. , Teh. 2 ( Special Tele- Krom. ) Charles VV Carpenter , Daniel Mor- Kan and John Morgan were today arrested by Deputy United Slates Marshal George r. Palmer for cltculatlng bogus coins. They had their ( preliminary examination before United States Commissioner Robert Lucas and were bound over to the United State. ) district court In the sums of $1,000 , $250 aiu f350 , respectively Not I'jelng tiblc to furnish bonds they weretJken to Omaha to AW all trial It Is thought Uioro Is a regular or ganized Rang of count erf el ters working Jn this locality , and that other arrests will follow. All the coins discovered to far have been of .nlclcela of thu date of 1S9C. Si-wer Company Ineorimniteil. COLUMBUS , Neb. , Pel ) 2. ( Special ) Articles of Incoiporatton were filed this morning with County Clerk G. W , Phillips for the West End Sewer Company of Colum bus , Neb , and their place of business this cltj' . The amount of authorized stock Is (10,000 ( , divided Into 100 shares of $100 each Of this amount $3,000 has already been sub scribed and 10 per cent paid In , The highest amount of liability which the company shaf at any time subject Itself la placed at $500. Mio Jncorpomtore areC. . J. Garlow , J , a. Rocder , Theodore Treldhof , R II Henry nd O , T. Roen , The now company will In- : urpurati > and elect olllcers tomorrow , H niul I oultr > . M'COOIC , Neb , Peb. 2. ( Special Tole- sraiu. ) This afternoon the Southwestern Nebraska Farmers' convention opened Its Ksslcns In this city with a gooiBy attcnd- incei. Thu fln.t be&slon waaitakcn up In the There is a Class of People AVlio nro injured by the use of cof. foe. lleeeutly there has been placed in nil thogroce'iy btoros n now pro- partition called GH.UN-O , made of pure grains , that takes the place uf toffee. The most deliento stomach re- ceivcs it vuthout distress , imd but fovvcau tull it from coffee' . It does not cost ov er na inncli. OUUdrcu muy drink it w ith great ben. e'Ct. 15 cents and 25 cents per jm < & - nge. Try it. Ask for QKAIN-O. = Try Grain = O ! IniUt that your Krocerglrca you OliAIN-O Accqit no laill&tluu. dlacussleti .of the test methods of raising wheat and corn In this part ot Ncbroaka. the night meeting the poultry people has full sway. Mrs Nellie Hawks , nnc ot the bt t authorities In the state , delivered an 'lrcM on the subject of poultry raising , and Secretary Geriw ; of the Nebraska commis sion stiplemcnted her address by Borne well timed and pertinent rcmarJo. The Republican Valley District Poultry association Li holding Its first annual exhi bition here Over 250 birds of thirty Ibrecdu are represented In the show , which creels any ever attempted In this part of the ctate t'nlnn 1'nclllc Mortnm1'IIetl. . COLUMBUS , Neb , Fob. 2. ( Special ) The mortgage glvtn by the leorganlzeJ Unlcn 'aclflc Railroad company to Ihc Mercantile Trust company of Ni-w York City , and call- ng for $100,000,000 was filed with County Clerk Phillips jcstcrdiy. It Is sild to bo ho largest mortgage ever filed west of the Missouri river and Is only icxcccded once In the United States. It will be filed In every county In Nebraska , Wyoming and Utah through vvh h the main line of the road asses The two deeds from William Cor- ilsh. fpcclal master , et nl , to the Union IV.clflc railroad , were also filed. Arrnnwi * for ti s\t-r | | Coin e-ntlon. INDIANAPOLIS , Ind. , Fch 2. A commit tee of the LMSUP of Bimetallic clubs of the Ohio valley met here today to arrange for the annual conv cation ot the league A date will be selected that will not conflict with that ot other organizations that may have arranged to meet hero In Ayrll Secretary Clark siys William J. Bryan will attend the convention Three train leads of free silver men from Chicago are expected to attend the convention and the committee estimates Uiat the meeting will bring 5,000 silver demo crats. 1'niH-r In 'I rouble. CHADUON. Neb. , Peb 2 ( Special Tele gram ) The Ctiadron Heccrdcr Is again In n legal tangle Dr. J S. Ilomlno , n local capi talist , rtolovlocd the outnt for a chattel mortgage held by him In the sum of about $400 today. Treasurer Hay ward Immediately Issued a distress wairnnt for back taxes , amounting to about ? 200 and a fight for possession Is now on , with Claude T , Taj- lor , the edltoi , seemingly In the lead. The Recorder owns a fine outfit. \lil for YORK , Neb , Peb 2 ( Sc'eclil ) The Modern Woodmen of York will do someth'tig to aid starving Cuba. At a meeting held last night a committee was appointed to so licit subscriptions of money and grain to send east The following comnose the com mittee , of which Inspector General N P. Lundcen of the Nebraska National Guaid , Is chairman A G Prultt , Lee Mapps , Alex ander McNeil , 0. G. Prultt und W. R. Pjle. ItCMVIT Cll > ItCIIIN. BEAVER CITY , NeH > , Feb. 2. ( Special Telegram ) The Christian church , which Is In the course of construction , caught fire to lay nnd was with dlllleulty saved from entlro destruction The January term ot dlbtrict court , nov- In session , is a very Important ono and , will continue for weeks. Judge Grimes of the North Platte district has been called to preside the loct half of the term. Vfti More1 nx Moni-y. PIUNKLIN. Neb , Pob. 2 ( Special Tele gram ) A petition is being circulated at this place to annex a farm ( belonging to Jsaa- Hajnes to this school district. About one mile of the Burlington railroad track inns through this place and If the deal goea through It will be of great benefit to thla district In the -way ot taxes At Hlldreth ntiii Highland , north ct this county , the tame kind of a deal Is on foot. \Krlt-nltiirnl .Six-lety. GORDON , Neb , Peb. 2. ( Special ) The Sheridan County Agricultural society at Its annual meeting today elected the follo.vlng omcers : President , C. H. Sailor ; vlco presi dent , A. W Gealjsecretarj - , H. G. Ljon ; treasurer , AV. W. Kncppcr , board of di rectors , Amos Burwcll , G. A. Heyvvood , Joseph Van Busklrk , J. B. Nicholson , J. W. Gealy , M. Swlgert ; general superintendent , R. E. Clapp. Politician In tlie 1'nlplt. BEATRICE , Neb , Peb 2 ( Special Tele gram. ) Captain \V. II Ashby , the well I Known populist politician , ivho has renounced politics .and will hereafter devote himself to evangelistic work , made his Initial appear ance In his new role here tonlg'Jt , before TOWiled house. He delivered a good nddit forceful and earnest and Impressed his hearers with his slncerltj. 1'all In 'I't-iiiiH-rnturc. DAVID CITY , Neb , Peb. 2. ( Special. ) Last night about 9 o'clock the wind , which had been blowing steadily from the south during the daj' , changed suddenly Into the northwest and blow a stiff gale during the night. There was a decided fall In temper ature during the time from 29 above to 3 below zero , the point registered at 7 o'clock this morning. Cold AViittat Cnlhoiin. CALHOUN , Neb , Peb 2 ( Special ) A cold vvavo struck this place last night about 9 o'clock , The mercury fell very rapidly and soon reached zero The weather the la t two weeks las boon about right for putting up leo and was taken advantage ot by manj- . Never before las such a largo Ice crop been gathered , over COO tons being put ip. iarlj : C'lohliiK- Iti-il Cloud. RED CLOUD , Neb , Feb. 2. ( Special. ) Beginning last evening all of Red Cloud's business houses ivlth the exception of drug stores and restaurants closed at S p. m. until September 1. Red Cloud merchants have cnjojcd a good trade during Januarj' , notwithstanding it Is generally the poorest month ot the jear. IIonorN for Miller. MALMO , Neb , Peb. 2. ( Special. ) Landcs P. Miller formerly ot Naneo county and Sli ver Creek , Neb. , was called to the homo olHco of the Prudential Insurance company at Newark , N , J , , and advanced to the ofllee of superintendent of the McKces.port , Pa , , dhi.-slou at an Increased salary. lift It ill lit dordoii. GORDON. ! Neb , , Feb. 2. ( Special. ) An Interesting series of revival meetings have just closed at the Methodist Episcopal church , conducted by Rev. S. A Beck. The icsults were about twenty conversions ami cloven accessions to thu church , Ili-rlUlc-lU-lxilorf. DAVID CITY , Neb , Feb. 2 ( Special. ) The marriage of Michael BerlKlo and Mlsa Susan Rctsdorf was solotnnUod by Father Hocho at St. Marj's Catholic church jester- day. The joung people have alwaja resided near thla city. > t-liriiNl n .NruH .NotCM. The Grafton Courier has decided "to quit business. Utlca business men are making an effort to secure n creamery. Ftillorton people are talking of putting In an electric light plant , The now creamery at Silver CrecK has commenced operations. The Fanta Fo road Is shipping a tralnload of Ice dally out of Superior , The creamery at render has been com pleted and started operations. The annual joint meeting of the teachers' associations of Antelope and Madison coun ties will bo held at Tlldcn February 12 , The Catholic parish at Orleans has re ceived ; a donation of $500 from a New York woman to assist In building Its now church. The teachcis ot Logan county assembled at the court room In Uandy last Saturday and perfected a county teachers' association. The County board of Custcr county has decided to check up the books of all county olllcers who ha\o served during the last four 5 cars. The acreage of fall wheat sown In Ouster county last fall exceeds all previous years. Up to last week farmers reported It In fine condition. With the present snow to feed and nourish it the possibility of It winter killing Is no longer probable and every In dication Is that Ouster county will have the largest yield of winter wheat known In her history. The acreage of spring wheat doubt- leu will also be larger than ever before. PORTER TAKES NO CHANCES Secretary of State is Preserving Himself from all Temptation , CASH FEES HURRIED OVER TO TREASURER Union I'ncino AKnrncr "entire * n Hi-fclpt from MI-HIT * c lleforc (3o- ( N -nr Scorclars'jt OIllcc II * Article * . LINCOLN , Fcb 2 ( Special. ) The dis cussion of the Kugcmc Moore case , and par ticularly ot the question of who should pay the fees Into the state treasury In the case of the filing of Insurance certificates or other Instruments In the state offlccs , has disclosed the fact that when the attorney for the Union Pacific came down several dojs ago to fllo the new articles ot the company , tie took the fee ot $13COO direct to the treas urer , obtained hie receipt therefor and then filed the articles ot Incotporatlon with the secretary of state. The amount of this fee was over one-halt lite slzo of the Eugene Moore shortage and the attorney for the Union Pacific evidently did not desire to run any risks by anticipating that t'ao ouprcmo court would rule that a payment to the audi tor or tl-o secretary ot state was a legal pa > inent to the treasury. It Is also learned that the sccrotar } ot state makes It a rule to pay fees 1'ito the treasury whenever nn amount of $100 has accummukUcd in his hands Ho sajR that this Is not strictly ac cording to the constitutional provision , but It Is the moil convenient way the fees can bo handled. The Lexington Co-operatlvo Creamery company has filed articles of Incorporation , with a capital stock of $3,700. The stock holders arc twenty residents ot Davvson county , i\nothcr concern to Incorporate to day was the Omaha Information Bureau , which has a capital of $5,000 and will do a business of renting , leasing and locating property and furnishing Information to strangers during the exposition season. The organizers are C K. Harrison , Dalton Hlslcy , W. L rlsher nnd Henry Harrison. The follovUng notaries vvcro commissioned today : W. .M. Low man , S. L Stlchter , Hastings , P. W. Tltch , II. P. Pagan , Wil liam Poppleton , Omaha ; 13 11. Hlggs , Hrevv- Bter ; Louis Leisure , Papllllon ; C U. Wllley , Osmond ; U. B. Walker , Mason City ; D M. Quackt'tibush , Greenwood ; George L. Melss- ner , Liberty ; Gtty W. Green , Lincoln ; D. C. Hooper , Ramsey ; J. J. Goeoel , Hartlngtou ; S.V. . Schoolcy , Coad ; W. L. Hand , Kear ney ; W. L Klrkpattlck , York. Governor Holcomb has honored the requi sition papers of the governor of Kansas for Chester Uurnetto who la wanted In Dccatur county for burglary nnd petty larceny. Bur nctto fled ftom Kansas to avoid arrest and is no\v In custody In this state The Cuban Relief commission has received notice of the appointment ot local commit tees at York and Greeley Center and has also received n cash conttlbutlon of $1035 from the jonng folks of Maple Grove. J. M. Hall of Alma has filed a complaint with the state auditor against the Phoenix Insurance company of Hartford and the Springfield Plro and Marino companj ot Springfield , Mass. Hall lost a stock of goods by flro and the companies have dis puted his claim for Insurance money. The auditor will hear the case on February 1C Fred Jewell , the expert accountant from Platte Center who drew over $1,000 last jear for assisting the investigating commit tee. Is to bo still further rewarded , having just been appointed b > Auditor Cornell an Insurance examiner No place has jet been provided for Expert Ta > lor , who spent the summer and foil examining the books In the auditors' ofllce. Wesley Cochran has been placed In charge of the city water department L J. Byer , who served at water commissioner for sev eral years and who resigned several weeks ago , allegiing 111 health , has accepted a po sition as fireman at one of the pumping s'a- tlons The move for a now postofllco building at Llnco'n Is not creating much enthusiasm. At the meeting called for last night to pro mote the now project only thirteen people attended The citizens ot Lincoln would he glad to sco a $1,000,000 building erected on Government square , but they do not nert- ously expect It and do not think that Sen ator Allen's bill for the tvaw building Is anj thing more than an advertising scheme on part of the senator. SENSATIONAL INVESTIGATION. The Investigation of the affairs ot the city government Is ibecomlng decidedly sensa tional Last night the committee had Po- llcoman Snell on the stand , and ho testifies that ho paid $50 to the Excise tooard to secure - cure bin job , and that since then more h been demanded of him , whlclil lie refused pay. fToday the ( Excise board held a meeting and brought Snell ibeforo them. Ho re peated his story , sajlng that he paid the mono } ' to Exciseman Valll. The story wan denied by Valllvho ( Insisted upon being placed under oath. No further action has been taken regarding Snell , 'but ' It Is thought the Excise board desired not only to deny the charge , but also to intimate that any other policemen testifying against them would ho at once called , up on the carpet the board. The developments of the lari few vveeka are arousing a strong feeling among the better element of the city against the present administration , as It Is belnt. slionii that some of the olllclals are In league with the gamblers and disreputable char acters. I'olk Con li I MnrtiiK < - Ilceord. OSCEOLA , Neb. , Feb. 2 ( Special. ) The mortgage Indebtedness for Polk county as filed In the county clerk's odlco for tlw month of January , shows that there were fifteen farm mortgages filed , amounting to $10,211,20 ; released , twentj-olght , amount ing to $24,941 20 ; town mortgapj's filed one , amounting to $250 ; released , seven amountIng - Ing to $3,114,57 ; chattel mortgages filed , ninetyfouramounting to $25,728 93 ; re leased , seventy-seven , amounting to $47- 078.19 ; sheriffs deeds Illcd , three. "Wlicti Toil I III AC a llnil Colil. You v.ant the best medicine ttiat can bo obtained , and that IB Chamberlain's Cough Hcmcdy , You want a remedy that will not only give quick relief , but effect a permanent cure. cure.You want a remedy that will relieve the lungs and keep expectoration easy. You want a remedy that will counteract any tendency toward r'lei'tnonla. ' You want a remedy that la pleasant and safe to lake. Chamlwrlaln's Cough Remedy Is the only medicine in use tliut meets all ot these re quirements and for the tpcedy and perma nent euro of bad colds , stands without a geor. 'IVclN-l/roiuird. One of the prettiest ot homo weddings was that at high noon yesterday when Miss Grace J , Leonard , daughter of Mrs , K , L. Leonard , was quietly married to Mr. Frank Tcets at the homo of the brldo's mother , 2C31 Harney street , thU city. The marriage ceremony was performed by Her. Thomas J , Mackay , rector of All Saints' Protestant Episcopal church , In the presence of about flftV of the relatives and friends of the brldo and groom. The bridal party consisted of but four , the brldo being glvwi away by her mother , and the party being preceded by Miss Pauline Poster as ring bearer. The ceremony vvaa performed under a beautiful cancpy of white trimmed with smllax anil the full Kplocopnl service was used. After the wedding the bridal party and the guests nar'ook ' of an elaborate wedding breakfast. The parlor , where the ceremony took place , the library and tfio dining room were tastefully dec orated , La Franco roses being most promi nently In the floral decorations. An In formal reception followed , -tho guesta being received by Mrs. Leonard , assisted by Mc.scMtnes Iloblnson , Toune , Uartlett and Foster , Mr. and Mrs. Teets left for an extended wedding tour yesterday afternoon. During their sojourn they will visit tbo principal cities of the eouth and caM , They < n 111 raako their homo at 2C31 Harney street , this city , oa their return and will be at home to their frlcnda after March 15. Mrs. Teots la a charming youuc member ot Omaha society nnd Is n recent graduate of Vasar college. Mr Tccts Is A native of thp cast , but In the few jcars ot his resldeito Qi Omaha his made a hcst of friends rlot himself. Ho holds the responsible position ot chief clerk ot the money order depniflnttnt of the Pa cific Kxprcsj company CHADUON , Neb , Feb. 6lSpeclal < Tele gram. ) Miss Etta Llpsonf of Casper. Wvo , and William D Friedman , ajuadlng Jeweler of Gainesville , Tex , were unlttd In marriage today nt the residence ot Hon Ilenjaniln Locnthal , Judge Houghton odlclatlng. AMUSEMENTS. A very large sale of scats' for the ranny nioomflcld-Zclalcr concert at Bojd's tonight Indicates an Immense audience to hear the foremost of lAmerlcan women pianists Mr Holtorf , an Omaha resident ot many sears , was present at a concert In Dresden , Ger many , In November , 1893 , when IMra Fanny Bloomfleld-Zelsler played Rubinstein's D Minor concerto , with orchestral accompani ment , and cuvv .Rubinstein , who was In the audience , carried away by her marvelous In terpretation of his work , rush upon the stage , embrace and kiss her upon the forehead Ho sa > s that In all his lifetime ho never saw Buch a demonstration of enthusiasm In any other concert hall , The popularity of Mrs Martin Cahn , who ( will sing the grand aria from Gomez's "II Guarany" on this occasion , undoubtedly has contributed to the general Interest felt in the event. ' The "next " theatrical attraction at Ilod's will ibo the extravaganza "Miss Philadel phia , " which w.111 play two performances , afternoan and evening , next Sunday. The company Is a. large one , nnd ( contains Joe Caw thorn , Eh la Crox Scabrooke , Quecnln Vassar nnd other well known people. TJio celebrated Pravvley company of San Francisco will play an engagement of four performances at Uojd's next week , opening Monday evening with Bronson Itovvanl'tt celebrated war drama , "Shenandoah. " Other plaja which will bo presented hero arc "Sue , " "Christopher , Jr. , " and "An Inter national Match. " Iv.MOHTS 01ICS \ lllin1H.M1S. . Honi-j fur tin * ( ! rt-nt Pull I'ninilc IOIIICM In Mi-millj. The subscriptions to the parade , fund of the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben still grows The amount pievlously reported $507550 In addition the following subscriptions have been received. J L. Bramlels & Sons , $250 , New Omaha Thomson-Houston Electric Light company , $100 ; Dewc ) & Stone Fur- nlturo company , $50 ; Beebc & Kunyan Fur niture company , West Point creamery , the Brunswlck-Balkc-Collender companj , 'vVjott- Bulktrd Lumber companj , Gulou & Ledwlch Lumber company , $ -5 each' American Ills- cult and Manufacturing company , $50 ; Wil liam F. Wendhausen , the Sharpies com pany , $15 each ; Pacific Storage and Ware house companj , Charles " \V. Halney , the T. G. Northwall company , Philadelphia Deco rating company , M Wollstcln Co , nuttier ford d Jensen , Brandonbuig & Co , Stand ard Rope and Twine company. Gate City Hat company , Rudolph Hjvclka , George S Cackley , Stevens & Smith , H. Peterson , Andrew Njberg , J. C. Robt , $10 $ each ; Rich ard James , A. D. Morse , Omaha Bedding company , L E. Pejton. Sol Buchtel & . Co , A. E Stockham , W. E. Berry , Samuel G Ste venson , Howard Ranck , Pcte/bon Brothers , Omaha Bicjclo company M E Dolan & . Co , Wolf Bros & Co. , Midland Cjclc company , Joseph Bell , Hughes & Silndburg , II. S Emory , A. C. McGulgan.Jr . f. V. Nlema-i , William Mlttlcstadt. Ha > ry C. Hartry , $5 each ; E. Thorson , $4 ; Blcvftlo hospital , J G Whltlock , Dan Wright , $3.each ; S. Con- Iglio , $250V. ; . W. Mace , 13 L Proctor , Chris Olsen , A. Mason , Henry G. Pike , William H. Bcek , Lest'er ' & Beachler , $2 each ; II Marowltr , C A. Mjcrs , Samuel Robinson , James Kemp , 'H. Rosenbaum J. Levlno , A. Wolf , S Mortcnson , D Mlch'al. . $1 each , A. Braner , W. K.i Gamble , 50 cents each , making a total of $0,576. nrxji.nv TVHIPP niJM'S Cattle mill .ShiM-p ItnlKi-rM ItriM-llle-il ly thu Hill. Otto P. Gram , ex-secretary of stats ot Wjomlng , is In Omaha expecting to join his daughter , Miss 'Ddlth ' Grain , on her return from Paris. Miss Gnam has been stud } Ing music In Paris and has only lately returned to America. Wyoming farmers and stockralsers , accordIng - Ing to Mi. Gram , have about abandoned the sllvier crae. They have received practical benefit from , the Dlngley bill , the cattle and sheep Industries having revived wonderfully , giving these Interestoi In these lines some thing to < lo Irsldes talking calamity. The vote on the Teller resolution is an indica tion of the issue ot the next oon&ressional campaign , and Wjomlng may be expected to uphold the St. Louis platform. Stockmen are suffering conslden.blia losses on the rargo , owing to the severity of the winter , 'Which ' has been unusually hard on sheep. The cattlemen are shipping hay and feeding cattle. There Is great Interest In the exposition alll through the state. ITS AI-PUHb ICOII ( ) Sll VPU. fifteenth Annual Vlei-ilnpr ( if Oiiiiilui Loan and IttilldliitrsNOelntliiu. . The fifteenth annual meeting ot the stock holders of the Omaha Loan and Building association was held last evening In the rooms of the association In The Bee build ing , President Loomls In the chair. The attendancewcs large and much Interest was manifested In the proceedings. Balloting for three directors was spirited , resulting in the re-election ot Elmer E Ilryson , John II. Butler and George M. Nattlnger , membero of the old beard. Secretary Nattlnger's annual report of the condition of the association shows that the association ; has totted slnco Its organization In 1SS3 , 1C , 179 shares and matured or re deemed 11,231 % shartfl In 1897 there were Itsued 1,490 shares and 2,227 redeemed , callIng - Ing for $56,425 OC In cush. The number of shares In force en the first of the jear wss 4,947. Theao are held * by 815 persons 632 males and IS1) ) females. The total assets of the association are $189,664.37 , and total lia bilities $1S9,664.37. Arnold's Brome Celery cures headaches , lOc , 25c and HOc. All diugglsts. WUUICI'Y I'ACKIM ! JIOIISi ; OUTPUT. Inert-mil ? Oit-r tinllnsIneHN Done Olio V < * nr I\KO. CINCINNATI , Feb. 2. ( Special Telegram. ) The Price Current says1 The movement of hogs continues moderate , Western pack- Ings are 480,000 for the week , as compared with 475,000 the preceding week and 435,000 last year. From November tl the total Is 0,555,000 , against 0 , 140,000 a year ago. Promi nent places compare as follows. City. , JJS98. 1S97. Chicago . .SJ250jO , J.SOJ.OW Kansas City . , f 9I2.COO 77 > ,00a Omaln . „ S,000 340,000 St. LoulB . 4i ,00) 3J5.000 Indianapolis . 810,000 2-J7.000 Milwaukee . , . 40)OTO ) S > . ! ,000 Cincinnati . 2E7.COO J'JO.CO. ) Cedar itaplds , . , , . , JU.OjO 1C9.000 Ottutnvva . U2000 1CO.OW St Joseph . . 152,000 C0.003 Sioux City . j WJ.OW 7. . (03 St. Paul . , .i , ° , > * > " ,000 lloi > U llnriiM i ( MINNEAPOLIS , Feb. 2 , A special to the Journal from Winnipeg states. ' that the Mc- Intyru block In the heart of the city was burned tills morning. The building wan four stories , and contained some of the leading retail stores In the city , eamplo rooms , of flccs and the secret society and lecture rooms of the Manitoba university. The total losses will bo In the neighborhood of $500.000. Among the heaviest losers were the Mcln- tyro estate , $125,000 ; Mackay Bros. & Mor ris , dry goods , $30,000 ; James Furner , mil linery , $25,000 ; Alexander Taylor , stationery , $24,000 ; George Velio , wines and liquors , $20,000 ; F. J. Porte , Jeweler , $25,000 , and Dr. Dallelah , University of Manitoba , $4,000. $ The firu U supposed to have started from a defective flue In the furnace. A high wind was blowing at the tlrno and only the wide street prevented Ita crowing and becoming general , The loss U half covered by insur ance , No lives were loit. AFTER THE SCALP OF QUAY Pennsylvania llepublicans Will Again Try to Defeat Ilim. WANT WANAMAKER TO RUN FOR GOVERNOR All tlio Political 111 * In the Stnte Arc CIitir r l to tlic ionntor , niul III * Annllillnlliin In Demanded , PHILADELPHIA , rob. 2. The anti-Quay movement In the. republican party reeolvrd on Impetus licro today nt a conference nt which there were present about 400 repre sentative business anil party men from nil acctlons of the state. The conference \\as held under the auspices of tbo Duslnoss Men's league The meeting was called to order by Kllas Dociuer \Vllllainsport \ , who stated tint It had been called on behalf of republicans of the state who desired the election of rt governor who will administer the affairs of the state without the dictation of any ono man. The conference was In session about thrro hours. Quito a number of speeches worn made denutichtory of the United States sen ators from Pcnnsjhaiila , and particularly censtirlns the political methods of Senator Quay. The dominant faction of the state legislature also came In for Its shaio of reproach. The sentiment of neirly all the speakers as In favor of the nomination of John \Vftinma1tor as the candidate for go\crnor of the republican party nt the coming fall election , although the names of Congress men Ualzell and C. W. Stone were fre quently mentioned and applauded. After a lengthy discussion a resolution was adopted urgliiR Mr. Wanaraakcr "to permit the use of his mimo" for the offlco oC governor nt the approaching republican primary elections and at the icpubllcan state con\cntloii. Great enthusiasm was aroused in the eir- llcr pirt of the meeting by the reading of a letter from John WanamnUcr It was dated Oshadow Island , Ga. Mi Wananmkrr o\piosscd regret that a prior engagement had prevented his attendance at the meetIng - Ing , with the purpose of which heaafnlh In accord. Ho wanted It dlstlnctlv undoi- stood that ho did not desire public odlco and suggested Judge John Stewart Henry C Mc- Corinlclc , John Dal/ell Major K. A. Han cock and Colonel U. A. Irwln as names from which could ho sslccted n goveinoi not to be owned by any one A committee of seven was selected to no tify Mr , Winamaker of the action of the conference and ask him for permission to use his name as a candidate for governor. The conference adopted a lengthy plat form of an flddres. ? to the republican 'voters ot the state. It declares the condition of politics In the state to bo disgraceful and that this condition has been brought ubnut by the expenditure ot money to corrupt and debauch the voters The present senior I'nltcd States senator , the platform saj.3 , Is umlei stood to desiie re-election , and he. more than nnv other man , It savs , is responsible for the present corrupt condition of state politics His de feat for re-election Is urged upon the voters v MMV ivrinnni3 Vllc-jje TIiov Himfi ! omuls for an I in osUiriitloii. COLUMDUS , O , Tcb 2 The senate com mittee Investlgat ng the alleged charges of attempted b'lbery In the recent senatorial contest , held a short session this evening end examined .one witness , John D Ta > lei of this city , who lives at 2G3 Broad street , and at whose homo K J. Uathbono was a visitor during a part of the senatorial con test. The purpose of calling Mr Taylor > vao to prove that Major luthbo.ic joined IT II. TJovcc , who Is alleged to have attempted to brlbo Rcprcsontatlvo Otis , at the Tajo ! residence on January 10 , when it is claimed Tloyco came to the city and met Major nat'i- bone. Mr. Ta > lor could not remember of Mr. Uathbono being at his house on that day , ami gave no ln"orm.itlon regirdlng a.- leged liack ride of Uathbone and noyce. The Hanna people are now considering the matter of taking a hand in the investi gation , and may subpoeni some witnesses. Including the leaders In the anti-IIanna movement , and others who may have Information mation that Is desired to be brought out. A list of possible witnesses Is slid to have been prepared There will bo no further meetings of the committee this week. Mill" I iiiiiiiiniTN MlN Cnii ill ill ) CM. HOUSTON" , Tex. , Fob 2. Senator Roger Q. Mills announces himself a candidate for re-election to the United States senate. He devotes a majority of his announcement to the tariff , and will evidently try to make that the i'suo on which the fight Is to bo waged but Governor Culber-on , his opponent , will make the silver question the ono to bo fought out. The fight will vo'y likely resolve Itself Into n question of silver against tariff as the predominant national issue In Texas. m ivrs < > % TIIH HIMO TU vric * . . IIcnvv Ilottlnur.HlioiiuIi lint TT o Tu tor-It I-N Win. NHW OULHANS. Pel ) . 2-Tip Merchants' handicap at .1 mile and n sixteenth , the stake event todny , wns won In hollow stjlo bj" HonnlnRton & Gardner's Maznrlne. Jill waukee , the favorite , wits ridden' with poor Judgment , and though only two favorites won , the vvlnncrH , excepting In the l.iBt r.u e : weio all well played. Tno wenther was fine and thu tr.tek good , ncaults First race , Belling , ono mile : Queen Mai ) won , Possum btcomlVoIina third , lime : Second race , handicap , six furlongs : Sim W won , J. A. Ornj' Heeond , Everest third. Time : l-li. Third nice , selling' , ono mile and n six tcenth : Ivabengula won , Ills Hrother second end , lied Duehess third. Time ; 1 ri')4. Pourth race , Merchants' hitndlcap , ono mile and a sixteenth Mazarine won , Judto Stoadman second , Milwaukee filid , Time1 'pifili race , six furlongs : Taknnnsseo won , Johnny Mellalu second , Pert third , llmo : 'sixth race , selling , seven nnd a half fur longs : Jim Flood won , Springtime second , MitKKlo S third. Time ; 1 .17. SAN FHANCISCO , Fob. 2 Weather cloudj1 , track fall , at Inglesldo today , The t'nlid race wna declared off and a inllo purse race substituted , Hesults First laeo , maidens , thrto-olghths of n mile , purse : Santollo won , Alllt Vountr second end , Odd Hyes third. Tlmo. 03714. Second race , helllnfr , seven furlonps : Kain- sln won , Plan becond , Morimi third. Time : 'Wlrd rnco , ono mllo1 Oeorgo Leo won , Polish betond , MHS | Itoss third Time ; 3-J i 1'ouith rate , selling ; ono mile and a , hair Llttlo Cripple won , Don Clartnclo second , Tno Hacholor third Time2 37'k. Fifth race , stceplechafao handicap , short And rest for tired mothers In a warm hath nlthCuncuiu BoAi andatdnglaappllcatloii of CUTICUHX ( ointment ) , the great akin cure , CUTICUJIA IlEMEDiLd alfonl Instant relief , and point to a speedy cure of torturing , ills- fiiurln ; | ; , humiliating , Itching , burning , hlccd- Jut ? , crusted , scaly skin nnd scalp bunion , with los of hair , vvhun all Use falls. Ml ikrouitiool i In oMJ. I otttH Iikia to Cut * . C * w , Hole Prop * , floilon ( T3 * "Ho * tu Cufi 8klu Torture 1 BibUi , " free. ct/iw CPAI"D imlli , oUALr cincum course1 McMor won. Oovcrn- Hudd second end , Presidio third Time : 4 07 % . Sixth race , purse , seven furlonfo : Mnxllto won , Prlnco Tyrant second , Udgar T Un 11 thlnl. Time. § ( Sjrner J'lUn fn o > - In "Sleep. VA1.T.IUO , Cal. , Pcb. ! . The Casey- Stclrntr glove contest last night did not begin until a. late hour. Stclzner won In the el6\cnth round , l.on Agncvv was chosen referee and the men wern to light twenty lounds for a decision , The tight was % eiy slow until the fourth round , when Casey became nggrei'lvo , landing three times In quick suceesilon on Stelzner'a Jnvv. This opened the lighting and In the ilfth Stelzncr brought his antagonist to his knees with n left on the neck Cney then assumed thA aggre < sslvo and up to the ninth he appeared to have n little the better of the contest , Then Stelrnct changed Jil tactics ami began to lead. Ho landed , hard on wind , ribs nnd jaw nnd Ca ey could not return the punish ment The tenth louiid was nil In Strlrner's favor and In the eleventh \lclous right on the Jaw put Cvsey to sleep. Tuo AVtM'kN llnolncr nt Drliirr. nnXVnil , IVb S. It has been decided to give two weeks of racing , Juno U to 25 , next summer , nt ( Hcrland pnik. Tlio pro gram will Include running , ttottlng and pacing races each dnv. _ \ii-.lrnlluu ! < llffrat tlio MntiHOUHN'n , I Vb. 2.-Tho Australians today by eight uv-lckets won the test match with the visiting team oC Kngllsh cricket- eta. Miner * l.i nrli n Vlnrili'fcr. 9GATTM3 , Teb. S The steamer Alliance nrrl\cd today fiom Copper river , brlt Mng the news of a double murder ami lynching nt Vnldes on January 2. M. r. Tanner , n Montana cowboy , killed A , A. Call of Worth tngton , Minn. , nnd William of Massa chusetts. The miners hanged Tanner next morning. "Mnnlorcrartl IN lloo GAI'KN'A , Knn. , Tcb. -Dick Ward , the negro murderer of Dennis lirown , who escaped from the mob here last Monday , was captured In Joplln todnv. Ho had the hainlruffs Illcd oft bv a farmer , lie will probabl ) be given n hearing here on Mon day , the 1 } itching foellnjr having abated. run 'ronvvsVIVTIHU. . I'nli' niul Warmer , nllh . Miiitlui'UlniN. . WASHINGTON , Tob. 2. rorceast for Thursday : Tor Nebraska , Tow a nnd Kansas Gen erally fair , wanner , outhcil > winds Tor Missouri Generilly fair , wanner , variable winds , heeomlng soiitacily. Tot Wjomltife' r.alr ; wanner , variable winds Tor South Dikota Partly clondv , warmer , southerly winds lineal llrriiril. orricn op TIII : WKATIIKU mmiiAt' , OMAHA , Feb. - Omah i tecord of tern- pel iture and r.ilnf.ill compared with the da > of the hist thtee vears 1Mb 1VI7. 1VI8 ISfi temperature. . . 21 .11 W 31 Minimum Umperatme. . . . 2 21 2S 0 Avenge temperature 11 27 .11 ll > llnlnfnll OJ 00 00 .01 llecord of tempei.iture and pteclpltiitlon at Om ih i for this daj nnd blnce Match 1 , 1S17 Xottnal for the dav 23 Dtllclency for tliL dav 12 Accumulated excess since March 1 . . . . Bi9 Noiiml rilnfall foi the d 02 I IK i i\cess ot deficiency foi the d ly 00 Inch Total lalnfnll blncc March 1. . . . 2044 Inches Ddldeiuv since Much 1 10 V > Inches i\cessforeor ] > eiloil l < inG 6 n Inches Deficiency for coi period , 1SJ5 . . 11 JO Inches U < ! > ' " < M friini SlallniiH at S ] > . in. Si "I STATIONS AND STATE OP WUAUIUH. I Onnlia clenr 10 | 21 01 North I'lutte clear . . . . . .HI 2h 00 hilt Uikc Cltj , clouily 30 M 00 C'hp > cnm > II 00 Ititpld Clt > iloui 20 Iluion clear ChlCTKo , clear . , VVIllSton , clear . . . St I-oul" , clnr 10 5C ; SI I'nil partly elouclj 2 Davenport clear llelcni , ck ir . ' 1 21 Knn is Clt > , clenr Havre clenr 1C 22 llKinarck cleir K 21 Onlxc&ton , clinr _ _ " " "T Inill'-ntes tince or pri > clltntlon. | li A. WELSH , Local Toreiast Olllclal. Mrs. A. II. Crausby , of 158KorrSb. , Memphis , Tenn. , paid no attention to a small lump in ncr breast , but ibsoon developed into a cancer of the most ) malig nant type. The best ; physicians in New York treated her , and fin ally declared her case liopclcss. As a last resort , S. S. S.vas given , nnd an immediate ! improvement re- fciiltedjn few bottles tles cured Iter completely , and nosign of thcdis- ease lias return ed for ten years. Hooks on Cancer free ; address Bwltt rieelflo Co. , Atlanta. fa. ! DR. E. C. WEST'S NERVE AND BRAIN TREATMENT THE ORIGINAL , ALL OTHERS IMITATIONS , In Bold under positive V.'rlttcn uarnntce , by authorized agents onlj , to euro Weak Memory , UiziinoflBVakcfulno8H , 1'itn , Hvxtoria , Quiek. n.'sg , Night Losses , Lvil Dreams. Lnck uf Conli. lonoo , Korvousnoia , Liissltudo , nil Drains , Youthful - ful Krrors , or ISxcosflivoUpo of Tobacco , Opium , nr Liquor , which loads to Mlnery , Consumption , Iiibanity nnd Upnth. At Dtoro or by mail , 21 n box : BIX for f > ; with written uiinrniituo to euro or ruftmil nioticy. Mainplo Jinck- nuo , contnlninR flvo dnja' trentmont , witli full inBtructinns , 5 cents. Ono tmmplo only Bold to each poreon. Atatoronrbymail. Label Special ' Eslra Strcnglh. j 'Por Impotency , Ixsg ol 1'owor , Lost tlunhood , Htorihty or Hnrronnopu' ntl a bnzi six for $5 , wltli written ( r tocurofnaOdujo , Atfltoro M ) em IIIlloii Drtiu Co , , S. K. Cornel intli niul Kuril 11 m Six. . Oiniilin , Nub. CORE Vir Ill | U far unnnturtS dlicbtr if , tndtnmiailooi , IrrlUtlcm Or ulcfrtlonl of uiuraui nieuilronw. r Vioti eenuiioo. Pt'nlni ' , and not MlrlD * jTHlEHIIlCHtUICIlOO * ' " ' , "r. ' Hold ) JB pltn ( wt.pj f irt ill , DreMild , lot . or I botliw , | ] .I9 , ool-jr ! VV o vrlll konil rou D Ota 15) ) day trial troatmnnt uf tto > reuthkU iuodr CALTMO8 frie , ( ol.u Ji. ) nuJ a leeal tuaraateo that C'ALTliOB Hill STOI' DUclmrito end I mlitloni , CJUlll' l < rnii4lurrku urlioitlc , und Itl.S'l OKI : J.u.t V Igor , 11 e ItconU ynu nothing to try It. VonMOhlCO. DO ) BL l Jmrrlr > l4fUC1ii > lai. > lln. Results Tell , The Bee Want Ads Produce Results. The chair made vacant by death it alwav * n * ael re minder. It l e . clnlly sad when it ii mother's clmlr AH ovet , thi broad Ifttul there arc vacant , chairs that would I Ftlll be occttplce ! Af by healthy , happy , radlnnt mother ? if i women \votitd but realize the Impottnnce of i keeping well in n womanly way. Women i c.innot too foon undcrMnnd that it it little' ' Ic'i than a crime to neglect the health of the orB.ni1 > to nhlcli nrc itttrtfited the perpetuation of n healthy , robust race of human beingi lly ncRlcct of these organi n woman ruins her own health , de stroys the hipplneis of her home , nnd fails in the performance of the most etiblituo duty that she ovvct to the world. The beit medicine for women who arc \ vcakvhcte Nature demand * ) the most strcnrjUt ii Dr I'icrce's 1'avotltc Treicrifv tion It netellrcctly upon the orR-in-i that inakc motherhood poisiblc. It cures nil1 weakliest nnd disease tint exists there nnd stops nil diittcitin ? , debilitating drains It prepares a vv omiin for motherhood and lu sttres n licallliy bnby It maUcs the comihp ; of btby casv nnd almost painlc * * Druj ; f-itta who oiler Fottictliintr "just ns Rood" nrc cither ignorant or dishonest and in cither cn c nrc not to be trusted "t Imil licclinKrcftt sufferer for j rnr with fe- nnlc vveakncM , " write * Mrs tolin llownle , of No. 543 l.cxltipton Avenue , iMdjitonc , Delaware Co.lM "CouUl not walk three f.qnarci vvllhoul terrible mifTctltiR I also hml n | nln In my Icll Ride for seven vears until I iiicil Dr rlcrce'a Oolite ! ! Mcillcnl Discovery T.ivntlte Trescrltv- , lion' ntul' Vlcawtit relicts' My pain Ins lell , me nltoRcthcr Have hail no sj tnfitoms of It nl nil fortwovcirs Cnnnalk tv % oor three miles nt n time niul U ilocs not hurt me I cannot tccom meMiil Dr ricicc'siiicillcincshlchlyciioURli My tliughtcr nl o Ins n cil v our incillcfncs w Ith ijrcat benefit she was operated upon for nppcmucltli ntul hid fnlntlti ) ; ( spells from It Stic took the Gotilcn Mcilicil Discovcrj' . ' ' 1'avotltc I'rc pcrlptlon,1 "Hxlract of Smart Went , ntul th < M'leisant 1'cllcts' ntul lias not hml nny faint lug spells for oncvctr When she commenced to like H she \\eiRhed 95 pounds now ha vvclRhs 140 pounds" Constipation ! It ii the fountain hcnd of linny diseases. It causes impure blood nttd nil tmnner of disorders are the result Ir 1'ierce's 1'cllcts cure constipi. lion I'lomptly. Surely. I'crnnncntly. They nev er pripe Drucctsts sell them. w\ \ 'f J/sZs I NccomlVVcct. f Jlnilnntnollef. Cnrplnr.divs . Never rrtiirni . It ulllKlmlK fi nd tMiin > nuiTi n r innilnln | n nhil | ( imdnpu rilir. : n iirorrlptlnn vlili full ill roc I jllnln fur iKiulcU.i rhntudin r rlnM Vlnnliiuul.r , iMBlit Iii"i . Ne"\mi Iilllll\ , ' -mull WinkV ] lnili > . \aMiii < rli > nr . II.Vrlclit AliiHlcS ! % % . Mni-M ' Mjcrs-Dlllnn Ui JR Co , 9 H. Cnr ICtn nnd Far- nam StreetB Oniuna , NeU Patronize Mustries 11 } I'm tiliiiNliiK lioodH Mmlr lit thu l-'ol- liMvIllKT .Nl'lll ll.sKll rill-till I 'M. ASKINGS AND TENTS. onii v 'IIM < VM > 111111111:11 en. ( &ucceE--orD Omnlm Tent nnd AwnliiR Co ) Manufacturers tents , uvvnlnRB , Jobbers liullcs unj cents' Mackintoshes. Tents for rent. 1311 l"ar- nam St. , Omnlm _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ URKWUUIUS 611 vii v IIHIIUIM ; ASSOCITIOV Carload shipments mndc In our own refrig erator cars Illue Hlbban 13IIU Ilxjiort , Vlennt Export nnd Family Export dellveicd to nil parti of the cll > . CORNICE WORKS o. r. niM3Mirii , IV < : M : COIIMCH Mnniifncturcr of Oalvanlzcd Iron Cornices Clal. vnnlzed Iron MollRlits Tin , Iron mil Slnt Itoolini ; AKCnt for KInnenr'a bteel CclllnB. 108-10-12 North Elovtilth street. CRACKER IACTOR1ES AMIKICAIIISCUIT \M > MIT. , co. Wholesile Cracker Manufacturers. OMAHA , NE11 DYE wonitp. sciionn * . vnc's TVIcrrv IJYU \vonivs. i.ii riii-iiniii st. D > elnK nnd cleaning of gnrmentt nnd Roods ot evorj description Clearlne of line Knnncnts n spiclulty. TLOLIR A1IU.S. s. r. C.II.M \ \ . riour , fenl , Teed. Jtran , 1013 IS 17 North 17lh Street. Omaha , Neb C n lllaclc , Manager. Ti lejdione 6'J2 IRON WORKS DAVIS .t COWfillilj IHON WORKS. Iron mill III IIHN I'oiniiliTH. Manufacturers nnd JoMiera of Machinery Gen. etnl repairing n i-picl/ilty. / 1501 , IMS nnd 1C05 Jncl'fon street , Om ilia Net ) UNSEED OIL \voomi\N i.iNsnnn tin Manufacturers old process rnw llnieed oil , ket tle liotled llnn'cd oil , oil prneepu f'ioiind llnecetl cnl > iB , eround und screened llnxhted for ilruf- OMAHA , NEli. LXDUNQES MA'I TRESSES. Ij , ( i. DOITP. Manufacturer L/nmscs , Couclu i MattrcEtcs Jotx her of bprlnt ; JlL'ds und I't.UMcra Ul-413 boutli 10th Street. OM III \ linDIHMi CO. Manufacturers of lilhh Krndu Mnttrefees , 1302-4 4 Vlcholan btrect , Omaha. OVERALL AND B1I1RT TACTORIES. K \T/-M5Vn\S COMI'AM' . t MferJ ClothlnB runts , fihlrts , Ovcralli. OMAHA , NEIL 811 HIT FACTORIES. J. II. KV\VS , M3IIIISICi Sll HIT CO1IIM\V. Exclusive custom shirt tnllora , 1515 rurnnm. VINEGAR AND TICKLES. \\H3i \.NV vi\i : < ; \u co. M nnufncturers of Vlnegnr , I'lcklts Catsupn , Muktards , Celery an3 Worce tcr hlro Sauec. WAGONS AND CARRIAGES. WII.MAM I'KKIFKKH. Tor n BooJ sut < tantla | vehicle of any dfscrln lion , for rcpilntlnw or Jiiliher tlre on new or old vv hi els the bt'fct place U 27th und lAavuniorth DIUJMMOM ) OAKUI.Uii : CO. Cheap medium priced nnd tony carrlagfu. Any thlni ; ) ou want , second hand or new Head , quarte-a for ruulitr tlrui. vvnrianted , 18th anil Hurncy , oiipoilto Cuurt IIoui-c. A. J. SIUI'SO.N , t IOO , 1111 DnilKi- . rull line of CfirrloKi-B , Ilugslen. I'haetons , ronjr Carts Wheels rubber tired. The l > et la the CIQAR MANlirACTURERH. nn\i : A. co , factory In the went Load I nit Jobber * tt Oinalia. Kansas City , Lincoln anil ht , Jotepli Uondlii our kfoUn. 1060 Fanum Etntt.