rw ii 11 i lAiiiwvnwm IT THE OMAIEA DAILY BEE : TIIUKSDAV , FBIHUTAUV 3 , 1808. SPECIAL NQTIG t-rllni-inriiM fur lnioolimiim Trill Infiikcii until Iin. . f r lite mill until H ! > > 'or < Iie mill Htindiir rilltlonw. -rllM-m , llj ri-iiiirMliiK n ntiin- clionU , enn Imtr iinimt-r nil- ilrcxKi'il to it iiiiiiilii-rcil iclte-r In i nrr of Thr HIT. . .Inductmi mlilrrairil lll hiilrllt rrnl n iirvnvtitiilluii of tin * flirrl < otilj Hater. . I l-Uc it M nril flrnt Inxprtlniil ! it ird thi-ronflrr. > ollilnw tnkrn for leu * tlinn ! Mo for tinllr t Inm-r- tliiii. 'I niUi-rtlNi-iiic-ntn mutt lie run iMiince-ntlv < ! > . u ivni > M vi.i : niiii . CANVAS I.IIS TO TAKIJ OIIDKIIS , NKW LINK of work , no henvj KOnla to carrj , unlnry or comtnmlmlon C I * Ailnms ro 524 So IGlh St. BALLSMANVOIl CIOAHH , * 1J5 A MONTH AND expense * old nrm , experience unnecc'iwrj , tn- ilucrtncntu to customero C. C UMiop & Co. , Bt Loul * tl-417 _ 7oo7'A'nt A7fl > LIimitAL COMMISSION'S POIl KOfxl exiPrli-ncrM | orinnlzfrs. up to unlr | ) ian , mi's to work Henry O. Akin Supreme Ilepcnt , liupcilnl Mjntlo Ix-Klon , Omaha , rj aovitiN.MivT : POSITIONS DON'T for the iirmtonii-o or other dill fervlee oxnmlnn- tlon without rcdntt our Illustrated caliiloKUe nf Infonmtlon. Bent free Columbian Corrc- in-o Collcsc , Was ilnuton , " . . . . - . r- iiiN : TO LUAIIN HAIUIIII TRADE. AVIH- DKO time bj this system In two months , cnn tn > longer If neceniiry without extra ex pense , enn enrn honnl ami valuable experlercc \ > y Snturdny work In shops , two > ears' appren ticeship fened In two monlhfi liy constant Iirirllco , expert Instruction' . Iwturei examlnn- tloni diplomas barked bv stale charter , e-tnb- IWied In ' 91 Incorporated ' 97 catilojnie mnllel freo. Moler Hj3tcm llarber Schools. Chlcairo nml St I/iul 1J-MMI 6 WANTI'D IlIDINO SADDLU MAKIUIS TO work nn Rood slorlt Nid lie * , pi } hlirhe-it WHRCS nnl will clvo Mealy work to Bool met hnnlei. DnlKon ruler , Ilrockimnn Co MlnnonpolH , Minn n-.Mta-S WANTUI1 MUMN ! TO SHLIt OfH I'llOU- ucln no rlnrRc for outfits , we arc imnurne- turers" Thp I'hoenlx Oil Co , 1537 Knell lAve . ( leiolnml Ohio II M iM 16 WANTIID nor rou Mr < ivoni : AND or- Hco work Call nt room SOI 1'lrst Nntlnnnl bank building Thtlrsdij after fi p in , H TO 2 BAM'SMUN WANTKD TO SUM. 11V at wholcfiile nnd retail. Kooili cll on slRht : xnlary and commission Acldre s Centennial Mf CoI9T Sth A\e. , New York City 11 M i4C 3 * BxrriurN < * iD : BAI.I MHN IN IKON HHAVY Innlnnrrohlcli - material wood stock , mln- | n Mipp I B etf r I wa , N-brula Mlnre ota , Mli url KniiKii Id ihoashliiKton. . Utah , MjiitainVjniiilntr mid Callfornlt Addrtsa It 11 rare I rd & . Thomas , ChlcnRn 111 _ -S\M'SMI3N TO SHLtj CIOMW TO DHM cri. we pis from $ cn to $ : oo pir month salary niul expenses experiencennnecei'iry , per- rnanent position. Thu Do Mora Clcir Co , SprlnnllHd O 11-11341 3 inn amt.s i on AM * KINDS orVOIIK , $3 TO J7 witk C mndlan OITIct , 15J3 DoUfflnsC C W W\NTIH A COMIMTINT : diiu roit ci\ . iral houvwork , cill In forenoon at 1J1 Suiith ! 6tli st C M321 lOMI'lTi-NT KITCIII3N OIllIj WANT IM ) . .NO others m ed niinli : > 3 00 CIS So :6th live. i\Dins TO no Ni2DOi.\\ornc AT IIOMI : . make St to J7 a week Experience unncccs- lull ( Jem lift ; . Co , rooms 32 and 33 , Ii irl'er block. C 11333 3 cim < rou HOUSI\\OIIK : 7is so. 30th St C-M5I3 4' run IIINTIIOIISI > . V i ill I U.PS Al < LOVI/I cllj. JJ to $75 riilellty. 1st llo-ir N. Y Life. I ) M1U1 iioiThniioi.i ) cooiS ; AND Omun iV. Slonmo Co. , 15114 I amim 'lei 15"1 1J-4I3 \\AMACI : IIIIOUN IIIXK.K 101 n and DonrltM D 4r ) I.All n 1JST MCAGlJi : . 15111 AND DODGi : li Kl IIOfHHS , ri ATS ! OAHVIN I1UO4 , 1613 TAICN I ) I > J 1IOISISJ J. II MIUIinOOD , lit N. Y 1.IIH3. 1) lu I IIOPbCH IN Al.Ijl'AUT Ol'THIJ CLTY. 11113 O. 1 * li\1s Company. 13)3 rnrnim T > (33 ( HO US KM. IIIINCWA i CO. 10 < N. 13111 Sf D IVi HOUSES COTTAOIJS , "L " SlOItl AI L , 1'Altrs of cltj. llrenmn le I eve Co , 215 bo. Iflth - s-nooM not sn NIJWIAPAINIUD AND PA. pored ili N. 2S liA\e , | 1S ridclltj Irmt Co D M170 HOI > ! > hroillM WKAD. 10TH i DOt'C.I.AS D-J41 VU HOI H1.4ilOIilS. . IICMIS. PAXTON IIUC D toT AN I'MXIANT MODPI1N 1-IIOOM dwclllnif 5"3 Potith 21th. J30. Apply W n. Melkle 1st Nafl Ilk bid D-M303 rou nnvT S-IIOOM nousn WITH HTAHMS No Till Oeorsla Axe , furnace , Intli , XOH , reoentlj fuinlshed tntlrelj notluourhaiit , will neil nil furnlturn c iret [ , etc. at n luirpTln OenrRo II 1'i'Kram D VX ) UI3VT NINI3 HOOM HOt'Si : . CON \enl < Mit , modern homtllke It st res'denco ' dis trict fn\r minutes' wnlk finm pistojllee l , rn IfUealitU ImiulntVM N Y Life bullillnir D M517 THUI3I3-HOOM CO1TAQR 111 SOUTH 1CTH St. l338 3 rou iinNT iMiiJMsiiun itixnis. von HUNT NI\VLY rriiNimiuu IIOO.MS , renn nnlilu prices Z4.M DodB'K M3&C I'UKNlblTnD HOOM.S , . ' 3TC lI.\UNiV : ST 13-.M1SO T22 T\\O 1.MU1 ! IIOOMS roil lliNTLiMiN : 111 N 17111. i-JI343 IV IIOOJIH noi'siiciii'iNa : 21123 8t M IO'H 13 I'J'J IV _ PM3ASANTM * rUllNIHHKD HOOXr MODern - ern rsi S' 2Sth iit. i-C10 4 NITKUT ruiiNisunn UOOM WITH IJAV window liuit mil KIS. : 124 South i'.ili St I3-M32.-J 3 noo\m roiT i.iaiiT nousiKi3ii : INO nis DoiiBl n K-11330 S- NICI3UY rimNISHI3D OH U roojnti In moilern house , one block from cur line 51S Norfl 23d St i : 5IO 4 rriiM < iiiin HIIOMS AMI noutn. 71113 MlTllltlAir rillST CI-\HS lAllILY HO- tcl , tli end DodKo bis. r 453 TWO Nltnj loOHS 2KS DOI'CILSST - r'--os _ _ _ " KI/1NDIKU lIOTril. COIINUIl 16T"fl ANU XV'Llmler ttri'ctn , Uuropean plan , 10) i < om > , nt.ixin hell , flea buthi , Kood roonw , JIM per \ > ock. txxt medlum-prlrvd liutel In Omahii I N Wution. Prcprletor. 1' SI4JO BTP.VM IIIATID : itooaia wiTTi noTiiuT'woa Hanuy r-MSCO ris _ IITOI'IA. lfi DAVKNT'OllT. TllAN.SIKNrH AC- coinino luted 1' M709 I'l" ' rv : srirr : . \u\u.uii roouiK good boird. Tilt ) Hosu , 2020 Ilamo ini ) iiooimITH no.Min. HOT water hett Z40J Can HI. K 310 IV IIOOM XND no A iiu , 230 : DOUH t , v i ; " i3i.iOANr Kitovr HOOMS UIIAM HisviiiTrr Ili-nt cliim board 19 8 Capitol A\e. r 11S13 6 rrnNisiiKi ) riioxT i'.oo\i TTnsr . IT board , nnJem hotui. Itcfircnce s < ] North 19thu V MJ06 J _ liooMsnrii lie um ! 2013 V 11513 C IN PHIVATR 1'AMIUY , Wllll OH WITHOI.T Lonrd 131S Dodse. r-MSlt ; no WANiin six oiNn.iJiis : va H nth " < t ii-Min roit HIN : rs'roui : & AM ) OKPICIS. : roil TrrNT-Tiir : ifh roHFiii'irKrTiT'frDiso I SI * I irnjm bt , 'ilili hulldlrt ; IMS u Ilirpronf rrment I'lftmonli watircn all llccri , t1" etc. Ai < pl ) ill lh in'ilcii of * lh I ) v. 1 giQ I'OIl III3NT lh > K HOCill IN l5luJl"NI > I'Uloil ntnct * lire lulPInK , wnler , Elmrn Ii al ti Ire ud Jjnlti-r prr\lu. Apply lo ttu ( . itn- Ji.o tul < llntr 1 U' itixr , flonn eniii'"itut ii vo ju ' 8 . 15li ( t , 1" W t'ariulojatl , ? , C tt ill -\r\\ \ \ i rou iii3NTSTonns AMD orrions. ( Continued. ) 1XH ) IltlNT , IN TIUJ 1II3I3 Onn lat&e comer room 2d tloor. with vault IirUnto ofllce , water , etc. Ono Inririi front nom 2d Moor , divided Into two rooms by pirtlllon , water , ttc. Ono Inrga corner room , Zd floor , with vault , water etc One front room , divided by. pirtltlon , 31 floor Ono corner room , with Vnult , 3d flour. Ono larpe r > om , 5J floor with partition It Into one lnr room nd two smaller private rooms , water etc Two laree ground floor rooms , fronting 17th St. , with vault. Several small rooms on 4th floor , with vaults. All thpfe r ms nre healed with Henm , electric llRlitn. supplied xvllh " .rut-claps Janitor service iievator : run day nnl nil nlKht , Lulldln ? Ktrlctly fireproof Apply to faupcrlntcndent , Itoom 101 lice building vroiirn. : . PACIFIC STOHAOI3 AND WAIUIIIOU n CO. , O'jS 910 Joins , general storage nnd forwarding M-4CO 0\t VAN & STOHAOK , 1511'4 rAKN'M TI3MV.9 M-161 WA. > TID TO HUV. i \VISH TO punciiASi : THU i-KTrnits K" , W , (1 from Soda Mint gam , stito your price , either BlnMy or for nil. 13 49 , Hee. N 13 * rou s vi.inonsns , W.VOONS , I'OH SAU3OH TIIADI3. 8TYM8H THAP , HAll nes , robes nnd well bred 1 venr-old horse vvorks well under saddle , Address 13 Cl lice. P 11331 IN * JIOKSt ; AND BP1U.NC1 WAGON roll 8AM3 , 1018 N 29th St. P MO 3' rou s vi.ii Misur.i , , ! . \MOUS. rixiVHITI : SAWDUST rou nx > ousf irrc. ; roarso for lei , at (3.75 per cord Tcl 458 , 001 \SSAHIJ , II VTIIS , HTC. MAI1I13 \IITH , 113 NO. 13TI1 bT , STI3AM and alcohol barhs T UJO HMm M\m AMI3S , MASSAOI3 AND 11AT1IS KJJ'i Hrmnid Street T Ml i MHH Dll M.ON KMXTHIC MA.SbAOU ISAT.H parlors , nstful nnd curitlvc. 417 S llth , upstairs T-MU11V MMI3 IIIUSSON OP PAIIIS , CHIUOPODIST. midlcatcd baths and massage. 107 N 12th ht T 537 111 * VIAVI rOH lT13KINK TIlOOni.KS 316-S HKI3 , phjalclan mnuultatlon or hraltli book IIMU 11ATHS. MASSAGE. ll.MU. 1X > ST , 31914 S. 111H U 104 CLOTH IIS CI.13ANT.D , PHI SKD AND 1113- pilrid , dav or nlRht , di-era suits for lilr" . 1'nntorlum , N E Cor. 14th and Pnrnnni. Tel. OBJ. LT UM now ' 1X3 iincoMi : LAWPUI. PHYSICIANS. phaniiaclsts. V. U.'t , dentists or l.iwjers. I ocit box , CUIciito U 743 IT ? * PRIVATE IIOMH ran i.vDiix ? nnroiu. A.NO ilurlniT conllnement. baliles ndn | > ted or Liri-d for Mrs M. J. Uidlow , 2202 Oark St Omiitn. U-9C4 I" 10 * ANY P13I14.ON . IN 1KITRI.AS ) , WASHINOTON or Sn-py counties who has my claim npnln't me v lll pleiso cell nt Weir's place , near South Omahn where I can bo found until March 1. 1891 John Nath. U 5S5 I\bJi WIT13 \NTI3D. . NO Or.D WIDOW , Di vorcee , luhcntuross. School principal lock box T.3 U-M307 1 3 piuvA'rn IIOMI : I'ou i-\nins nnroun AND during ronllnemt'iit , tables adopted ind eiicd for. 112S N 17th. U 333 I 4 * KLONDIKI3 rilKIOHT. A PARTY OP CAI.I- fiirnln miners trolns to Alnnkn nnd , finding difficulty In irettlnp reosomble fixlirl t charpos , have decided to build a iiw rful river sto-imer to carrj their outfits up the Yu'.on ' river They cnn carr > fe\cnl hundred outfits for a Klven amount from inn rrincl co In their cire , to St MIelmr ls an 1 from theie rn 'n ' tiwlr ptcimer to DiwiKin I'or particulars rd- dr HS A Mnrtln , llrar Valley Mar1i > os.i i untv California { ' M319 4" lIONr.Y TO IO \\II 13 VI. nST.VTK. 1IONI3Y TO l.OAN AT LOW HATES THE O r. Dav Is Co . 1305 Farnam St W 3S3 ANTHONY LOAN & . TRUST CO . 313 N Y. L. ; quick mcne > it low rates for choice fnim lands In Iowa , nor'hcrn Missouri , eastern Nihraskn. LOAN'S ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CUY property. W rarnatn Smith & Co , 13orarm. W-3S7 MONEY 1O LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real ectatc Drennan L.OVO Co. , 219 S l h W 3S9 J1000COOO SPECIAL FUND TO LOAN ON first ea s Improved Omahn property or for building purpotPR. Fidelity Trust Company W 39j MONEY LOANED ON IMPROVED HEAL ES. tate In Omaha , Council Illuffs & South Omaha j'uscy & . Thomas , 501 I'lrst Nat'l Bank , Omaha W 393 WANTF3D CHOICT3 PAHM AND CITY LOANS H C. Peters & Co , U. fa. NU'l Bank Uldtr. W M433 WE HAVE MONEY TO LOAN ON FARMS IN eastern Nebraska nnd western town Drennan- Love Co , 219 South ICtli street. W SI5Z9 FG CUNT MONKY OiV NEB I-AUMS & DMA- ha property. W. D Melkle , 1st Nat'l llinl , niilg W M410 6 PER CENT CITY AND TAHM LOANS darvln Hros , IC13 rnrnnm St W M1I17 TROM $10000 UP. WEAD , ICTH a DOUGLAS W-242 T24 ! l > 'j PER CENT MONEY I1EMIS , PAXTON 1)11. W 901 MO.M3Y TO I.O VV UII 1TTCI.S. } 10 TO J100CO TO IX > AN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND PIANOS HORSES WAGONS AND CARRIAGES. WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS. ETC , at lowest rates In Omaha , Soul.i Omaha and Council llluffs. No removal of Koods , Ktrlctly conlldcntlnl , > ou can ) is llio loan off at any time or In any amour's OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. 300 South IGtr. hi THE OLDEST , LARGEST AND ONLY INCOH- POHA1ED LOAN COMPANY IN Oil MIA. < 191 oncr.s. . TO GET IN OH OUT OP BUSINESS GO TO J J DILnoii 614 First I Hank \ Ui ron RENT , uriicic S-IOREHOOM co.\:2. ALL conveniences , best locatlo'i In city , cplendld buslncis town John H Llndalccat I olnt. Neb Y-MZll _ \VANTI3D-A GOOD PARTNER I'OIl .SOUTIN orn f i nit farm Also ciiEtomers for 100 chol e lots , also pcvernl small tiucts of land near Omaha Address , J , H. Kke Council DluiTs la , Y-9SO I'cb-20 * 1XR ) SALE , OLD rsi'AIILISHUD NI3W ! ' utntlonen nnd clciir litisliicm , K' > o.l locntlon Address 13 68. life. Y 497 I'J * SAIXXN ) IN CITY OP 0,000 POPULATION DO- Ins llio bus'ness price l..Ounpart tlm < > J J Olbton BII I'lrst Nut Hank. Y 514. lo OLD E8TAI1LI8HED CIOAH AND STATION- iry huslniss J. J Gibson , Dll 1st Nnt lk Y 515 10 .STEAM MEHHY-GO.ROUND , COMPLirT'J. cost } 3SV > . price. JKO , money In It fur cvpi- slllon. Write TUttlc Bros , bait Like Cliy Utah. , Y-M5H 16- WANTED PAIITNER \\E-iTKHN CATTLE lu Incus with J3.MX1 to (3.000 , best la > imt In Colorado Addreis r 15 , Bee Y M521 8 roil SALE OH J3XCHANGE , LOT U11Y \ 1EO feet , with eight-room cottage with all modern Improvements , also good burn , located In cholc. c > xt ie ld ncn pail of Omaha , tvtn blocks from Hnnncom park , cms block fiom vtrvet curs and SLluwl , pived meet and brick wa'ks ' , j : MO tn- cuinbrance , four } ears at. G per cent , will sell equity cheap for cash , or will exchange fern n drMrnblo stock of shoco. Address D ca , BM Omaha /-1I3C2 Iti * 4iO AritD3 IMf ROVED , KNOIC CiUNTV NE1I , land to cell or trade for rrnldencu 01 luislnetj Pioperly in Omaha Oeo. W r-no iK-id P i ) . iUCIU'IIIM ) AM ) TVI'Ijn IIIT1VG. IJOYLES' bCHOOL IS THE ONLY ONE IN Onivlu where court reporters ara teachers. io-4 7 HCO Bide. A C VAN BANTS SCHOOL SIJ N Y , LIFE. SM AT OMAHA Ul'S COLLEGE , JCTH Si. DOUOIAS 387 OMAHA SHOHT-HAND COIJ.EGR P.OYD'S M75' ' Feb 11 MKIHOAI , . LADIE8I CIIIOHUSTEH'S ENGUSH PENNY- roiul Pills ( DUuioua Urandl are Iho best. Salt ) . l llib ! . T Ua no other , bend 4a stamps for pjrtlculari , "HelUf ( or iJidlri. " In letter by rrlitrn mull , Al drumditt. Clileheilcr ( .Iteinlckl Co. , PIilluJclpliU. Pu. Mention Bed , -J1MIJ * ron sAi.n un\r. KOt'NTZTJ PMCE BARGAINS. JJ tOO , M 750 TO t < ! 500 J. J Gibson , Dll I'lrst Nnt. Bank HM r IIAWJAINS. 110t'StS , LOTS AND 1'VIIMS , Kilo or trade. 1' . K Dnrllnp Ilarkcr lllk ItOltSKsLOTS. ! PA1IMS. LANDS. LOAN'S. al o nro Insurance Ilemls , Paxlon l > lk NKW COTTAGE , MONTHLY PAYMENTS- lleo Illdir H14S1 I-OOAN VALLEY I'AHMq AND MERCHAN- illeo HiiMalirrgcr & Clements , L > ons , Neb 2'CO IXH ) 3-STORY BRICK BflLDINO , 41 feet frontline near Hth nnd DoiiBlns st * $2,500 for Impnved property on Cumin * street , near ! oth street. J. N rronzcr , Opp P O 14 PER CENT GROSS INVESTMENT 2-STOHY brick bu lne < s building , price 3,500. Addresi 13 1. Ilee. RE-414 PAIIM LANDS , c 1' . HAHUISON. 012 N Y I un on ri7 ruRNIfiHED HOUSE. 10 ROOMS HENTED tN. ! til Novemlwr IS ISIS , well located for loomers. I R Hall , N. E. 13th nnd Dodgenn nn 337 rz A GREAT HAROAIN ! 41 ACRES OI' I.\ND near two railroad stations In Cass county nl J25fO per ncre Address II , H Wlndinm , riattstnouth , Neb , RI3 M430 1'4 S-ROOM HOUSE WITH M-KOOT 1'RONT , ON < < virKla Ave , near Hnnscom Park , nil moilirn Improvement * J4 'Jm. $ l,5no m"fbnlunce B per cent. If sou want a homo address P 11 , Hec > office RE 40 r ? MUST HE SOLD TO CLOSE ESTATE f - ncrp ranch 47 In fruit tine hou n desirable home ; one mile from station : blir discount from court appraisal. Alfred Hall Newcastle. Call fornli. HE M3I3 3 * I'OH SALE. 20 ACHES OAROEN , LITTLE northwest Seymour I ike rhubarb nfpnrnRiin. etc. 1'red Wohlers , 418 S llth. HE M349 S * W \ VI'12HT > IIOHHDW. \VANTID \ TO itonnow $1 r.cxi i To n"YRAiin. on choice ln lile well rented property nt 7 per cent feml-nnnunl , no commlx Ion. Address P 17 , Ilee M542 nitnss CUTTING SCHOOLS. REMOVED. THE JOY TAILOR SYSTEM dress cuttlnjr school. 1911 Cumins t tMS71 V > 15 rivcii , . IPK ivsuiiANcn poi.icins iionniiT mi cnsh Illchanl irerzfeld , 171 UiSallc St . Chi gag" COI I1S r.M'OSITIO > KIUINTVOI3S KOH III3NT. GROUND LEASES rilONTlNG EXPOSITION Btmls. Paxton lllk. 273 STi\or.n > nnns. WE SOLICIT AND FURNISH POSITIONS FOR Stenographers free The Smith-Premier Tvpe- wrllcr Co Teleo lone 12S4 101 I'VUMIHOICUIIS. II. MAHOWITZ LOANS MONEY. 41S N 16 ST. 407 \L. MONEY LOANED ON LII'E INSURNCI3 1'OL- Iclcs or bought L. P. Van Norman Minne apolis , Minn -M7-1 Mcnl4 * r omens CITY EMPLOYMFNT I31TRCAU. 1417 I'Ani.-\M st Rminia 2 R. 3 Tel 1414 M11 M. \\ALKIN. . 2111 CUMING. TEL 1331 400 nine : ; SEWER SIDEWALK & . BUILDING ANY Qr'AV- titj , tel. 492. Loulsvll e Brick Co :10 Bd Trie's Kfw PInrri'us. . TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT J4 CO PER MOMH The Smith-Premier rjp wliter Co. 1U23 Tir nam St. . telenhone. 12SI < " Lorks Kop ilrcd J. J. DERIGHf &CO Successor to AL. . Hcnrc tt Co. , Wcjtern Ai'-rim Tele. iI Illii Tiriini Om ill i Wo want lo buy second liiinil laTcs. o IC s I'HOPOSALS KOU LHASING THK SUU- plus nra/.liiB landg on the Klovvn ai il Comnnchp itiil Wichita reservntlonf United States Indian service , Kiovvn und C tnanch- nnel V/lchlta agency , Anaduiko , Oklahoma , Januarj 19 , IS1) ) ? , ( Tole raplilt- address , An.i- dnrko , Oklahoma , via Chlckasha I , T. ) Sc-alrd proposals for grazh g horse" ) or cattle ( but not sheep or hogs ) on the sur plus lands ot the Klovva and Comanche ami Wichita reservations , Oklahoma , Indorsed "Proposals for leasing tribal lands fcr gracing purposss , " and adclrtsscil to the acting iibont of the Klowa and ( JomanchP age-ney , Anadarko , Oklahoma , will bo le- celvcd at this olllce until 2 o'clock p. in. on the 13th daj of rebruaiy , Ib9j The pastures on the Kiovv.i anil Comanuhe lesorvation will bo leaseil lot tai period of tlirco > ears from April 1 , 1SW. and tlio pastures on the WicM a reservation nil be leiise-il fet one jeitr from Apiil 1 HI" . No bid for a different p-'ilod on oltlier reser vation will be received 01 considered. For Information of bidden * 1 will state Out the ucseriptlon of the pastures , the locn tlon and estimated number of ue-ren In Each , and all other necessary Infoimatlon will bs furnished en application to this olllee , A fuvv ot the pastures on each resprvatbn arp uiiHUrvryed. Thesj will be eurvejed ns early as practicable , and the lessee will bo required lo pay upon the actual number oi ncTi's found to be embraced In each , as shown by the Bttrv y. Certain of the j > i - tutcs on both leservatlons nits alho in- fenced. 1 he lessee's of tuifene-oil pasturej will be required , without unne-reasaiy de lay , to f nce the same with a substantial cattle-proof , wiio fenc-0 , all fc'if nnd other Improvements ahull revert to the In dlans and become their abosluto pioper > at the expiration of the l = asca No pasture on the Klowa und Comaneio nsorvntlun that Is already under fencolil be leased for less than 10 cents pur avre per iinnuin , and no iiiiftnc d pisture on said jeservn- tlon will IIP leased for leas than 8 cents par aero To-- the llrst year and 10 cents per aero for cacti ot tliu second and third years , The bldili-r must clearly designate the pas ture on which the bid Is madp. giving the estimated nutnb r o < " OIPS iliereln , Jlio price ppr acre per annum which he will pay and fie maximum numb'r of horses ot cattle ho proposes to hold upon the lands at any one time : and In case more than ono pasture H bid upon , sepirate bids must bo made upon nae-h. Onl > by a strict ad herence to tli 1.1 Instruction will It be prnc- ticabla to compare the bids on any slven pasture. Tlio rent must be paid In two equal semi-annual payments In advance , namely , on April 1st and October 1st of each year. Each lessee will bo required to furnish security In an amount equal to ths deferred payments for the faithful per formance of the conditions of the lease through some acceptable security or guat- anty company. Personal bsnda will not b accepted Everything being1 satisfactory It It proposed to award the Grazing privileges of each particular pasture to the bidder proposing to pay the highest price there for ; but the rigit Is heieby reserved to rJ- Ject any und all bids If deemed for the best Interest of the Indians and the lense.s executed heretmder will be subject to the approval of the secretary of the Interior IJuch proposal must bo accompanied by a certified check or draft upon some United atiitt-H d-poaltory or solvent national bank in the vicinity of tlu b'ddr-r's place of residence , made pajablo to the order of the commissioner of Indian affairs , for at least S pprcentum of the cntlro amuunt of the proposal , vvhleh check or draft shall bo forfeited to the United States for fie use nnd beneilt of the Klowa , ComanchP , Apachd and Wichita Indiana , In case any bidder lecelvlng ; ui award shall fall to enter Into the prescribed lease for the lands bid upon , and to secure a sultubla bond for the faithful perfirmanpe of Ma part of the contract ; otherwise ) to be re turned to the bidder. Proposals not eon- forming to the requlrnmentH nf tnls ad vertisement will not be considered. FRANK D , BALDWIN. Papt. U. 8. A. . Acting It.- dlan Ascnt , Klowa , and Comanche Agene- > , Anadatko , Oklahoma. j : < dl tM NOTICIJ TO CONTm VCTOItS. NOTICH TO CONTUACTOHS. Sealed bids for the construction of the Hist Colonnide on the Hxposltlon grounds will be ret-rlve'd until II o'clock n. m. , Thltrsdny , rebruary 10 , 1S9S Plans and spccincnllons can bo seen nt the Department ollloe , corner riftconth and Ppencer streets , or Sets will be furnished bidders nt cost , The right Is reserved to reject any or all bids. P P. KIHK12NDA1.U Manager Grounds and HullilInK Ippt.Trans- tnlsslsslppl and International Imposition STOCKHOLDI3IIS * MECTING. Notice Is hereby frlvcn tlmt the rcRulir anntul moetlntr Of tbo stockholders of the South PIntto Uind compjny will bo held at the olllce of E ld company In Lincoln , t , nt 11 o'cteck a m , on tlio flrst Wednesday In M trch , IS S. being the second day ofho month , Uy order ot tie Hoard of Directors. U O. PHILLIPS. Secretary. Lincoln , Neb , Jan. 31 , 1S9S. rosi rttPtcnOTICI : . ( Should be rend DAILY by nil Interested as changes irmyvoccnr nt any time. ) Korclgn malls foi1 tlirf week ending1 February [ i , 1VN , will cjosli ( PIIOMPTLY In nil casts ) nt the [ gen cm I ix > st otllco as fol lows : PAHCCLS POST JIAILS close olio hour earlier thiui closing tltno shown below. Mn I In. TIIUHSDAY Ati 8 a. m. for NCTHEH- IjANDS direct.lier s. s. Udam , via Amsterdam - te-rdam ( letters must be directed "pur Udam" ) . SATURDAY At 7 a. m. for FRANCE , SWITZERLAND. ITALY. SPAIN , POR TUGAL , TURKEY , EGYPT nnd UIUT- ISH INDIA , per s. s. L.i Ilrctngnc * , Mil Ha.vre ( letters for other ptrts of Europe must be directed "per Ln llretn rne" ) ; nt S a. m. for NETHERLANDS direct , pi'i s. s. Obdnm , via Rottenlam ( letters must bo directed "per Obd-im" ) . nt 8 a. m. for GENOA , per s. s Knlser Wiihelm II ( let ters must be directed "per Knlser Willielm II" ) ; at 10 a. in. ( supple-incntary 11 30 n m ) for EUROPK per M. s. Auranlu' , vii Queenstovvn , at 11 n. m. foi NORWAY direct , pet o. H. Hekla ( letters must bo directed "per Hekla" ) I'RINTKI ) JIATTHIl , r.TC Oprmnn stpamcrs salllns on TuoscUos take rrtnlt-J Matter etc , for flennnny , mil "peelnl j Aildrmoeil I'rmtoJ Matter , etc. fcr other parts of Uurrpe Aimt- Icnn imd White Star steanitrs \\eilnpsilnjn. . German Fteitncrs nn Thurtuln > a nnd Cnnnnl 1'roneh niul Ocrnian htcainers un Sntiinli > s tnUu I'llntcil Mnttei etc , for nil countries for which they arc ndvcrtl eil to cnnj mail After IV clnolnpt of the ° itn > l mentir > Trnns- Atlartlc Mill's r.niupil abo\e ntlilltlonnl uiiplc- im'nlnrj mnlN nrecjicniJ in the piers ot the American i.iRll h rremh niul G rin in cr . nn I remain oprn until within Ten Minutes of tbtf hour of tal ini ? ot Elcumcr. for South niul Ci-iitral Aiue-rle-n , WN liiiIi-N , EU- . SVTITRDAl At 230 n. m for NE\\- rprNDLAXD. per s s. S'bel Ian. from Philadelphia. ; at 10 a m ( supplement-in 1030 a in ) foi rORTt'NE ISLAND , JA.- ' MAICA nnd CAR riLVGENA. per " s Altai ( lettPi-s foi Costa Rlc.a must be di rected "per Altai" ) ; at 10 a m ( supp'p- mrnt-nv 10 " 0 n .m. ) foi PORT A1T PRINCE PETIT GUA\ .ll SAVAN ILLA , per s. Alps , nt 10 CO n m for CAMPECHE , CHIAPAS T VRASC U and YUCATAN , pfr ! s VIsll.inr-la ( Ir-ttpr for other paris of MeVeo and for Cuba must bo dlrecte 1 "ppr VlRllancli" ) , it 10 ,1 a m. for H UTI ppr s s J'r'ns r Hpnilrlk ( 'ottpis ' for Ventvupli , Cnr.ican Trlnld id British tml Dutch Gut in i must bedlrpcted "per Prlns r Hendi U" ) . T n a m for UR V55IL mil LA PLATA rni\- TRIES , per s s Hullon , via IV-n imbue 3 , liahl.i uul R.O Janeiro flrtprs foi Nor'h ' Ilrn ll mint bp < ] luc p < l per nuITon"it ) 1 p m for HARHDOri dlr ct an I NORTH ItRAKIL v'a ' Para and Mninns , p r s s Oric-pii , it 7 p m for NASSU , N P. per s s. , fr m Miami Hi : at S ' ) P m for NEVTOfVDLAND. p r steamer from Xotth Svdncv , at S " 0 D m for ST PIERRE-.MIQL'ELON. per ste imei fiom Halifax. llnlln fr Xevvfouiijimi ! b > rnll lo Ilnll'nx ml tlenci > bj stenmir elf to nt t ils ol'le' dn lj t S 3i p m Mnlli fri Mlriue' i . bj lull to llis- ton nnd the ice b > M , .ircr. slo-e at this oil e rtallj nt " 0 p in llnlls fcr Cul .1 c'cse at this ofllre dnll > nt 7 fO o m foi fo-v , u llnj bj Btfime-s falllnp tV nJavs an ! rlhur lajs ) firm , I'rrt Tamiia , ; ? . Mails for Mojrtt-o City nvorlnml unless sp , cl Jail'restel ffi de-li itf i bj Elenircr clo e at this otllcc clallj nt - 30 a in nnl 2 DO p , ni , "nrBlBieied null clo - at * * CO p m jjre\loi.B ri > T.- MiN1'.ifllliHulls. . Ma/ls for Vustralia ( p\c-ppt tho-e for We t Austi i la ) wh'eh ' arp ronaied v a Europ * New Xetlnnd , Ilnvvn' ! , Kill ami Suroi- Is' in s per s s Al tmnla ( front Sn Prai- clsi o ) r o > > hjr ? il illy up to Jinuni * * " 0th ar 7X ( ) a m . 11 a m and C 30 p m ( oi on vrr v \ \ at NflW York of s B. Anrinli v-ith liri'ish n.alUi f r Austrilla ) .Ma' ' i for Australia ( except Wr-t Australia ) New Xealami Iln A < sll in d TIJI Isl mils , ppr s \\nrn-/"vi ( fiom Vancouvei ) , c'ose bere dnlljri.-ricr Jamniy * " 0th an 1 up to .I-ntnrv ilut. nt ( i JO p m Mai's foi Chin i , Jap m aril H' ' p r s 3 Citj of Rio Jn-plro ( fro-r. Sin lYanclsco ) , t'os hprp dul y up fp PV'i'twrv ' fith at 0 , w p m Mails for fhlrci nnl Japan , per s Cnltimb'a ' ( from T.ic.rrn ) c esc here d ill > up to Tebitiarj * * J3th at C 10 p m Malls for Hivvai. p r s. . H Austrill.u ( from Fii PianeNco ) , closp heio dnll > up to Pob- iimrv 10th at C W p m Malls foi China nnl Japan ( addressed only ) , per s a. Empress of C'hlnt ( from Vxncouverj close lure dillv up to Teb'-uaiv "iith at C "ft p m. Mails for the Society Isl mils per sh'p Galilee ( from San t'r.meisco ) I'lo'e here dally up to February 22d at G M P. m. Tnms-rae'flc ' malls are frrnardrkl to port of tnll- IrK I'rl 5 nnd [ he fhelule of c'oslnB Is ni- rnntct' en the presumption of their unlntcr- rupteil oveilan.l transit * * HeKlatereil mall clrffn pt r p m. pievlcua dav CORNELIUS VAX COTT. Pos'm ister Postollicc , Now Yoilt , N Y. , January U. i 03 p i 7 l"i im 11.30 am K UVsvH CITY Sf JOSni'II A. Council llluirs Hnllrmd 'Tho Huiilnhion Unite'- Tl-ket Olllce IM Ininam btreet Telephone Jjfl Depot Tenth and Mn on Streets Telephone 12 ? leave Anl\e Kansas Cltj m 0 03 am E 10 pm KniiHUK City Night L'x 10 'JO ' urn o 3) u ni Dill J. CHlCvGO. IiritLINC.ION ft ejulncy llallioa 1 "Hiellutl - InKtuil Houte" flrket Oillcu- 15M 1'arnam Street Telipione KV. Depot Tenth nnd Manon Street ! Telephone 128 Ixiuo An he Xeatlhuicd Ex . 5 03 pm 7.53 am _ . . Hxnresa . . ' - .4S am 4 13 pm Chlcairo & . St Ixmli ll\ . ' M pm 7 01 am I'anlla Junction Local . 11.40 nm 5.H inn Tait Mull 2.SO im Dully 1 Dully exeept Sunday UNION I'ACIITC "THi : OVUIl- land lluute" General OHlee * . N I ! Corner Ninth anil I'urmim Htrecta Cltj Ticket Olllce. 1202 Pnrnatn Street. Telephone JIG Depot , Tenth and Matcn Streets Telephone 128Leu Leu tc. Arrive , The Overland Limited" ( or Denver Halt Lake' , western polntx 8 10 nm 4:43 : pm Past mall train for Denver , Halt Lake Pacltla coast and all wextern points . . ' 3 30 pm 10.20 am Lincoln Ufa I rice nnd htramtlturi , " Hxpreti h I 00 pm 12 20 pm Kejrnoy Uxpre s * j. 5 oo pm 12.20 pm ' Dally lall > rxrant Sunday Cimrull niulTs l Kal-Leaveii , 6 41 n m , 6 SO a ni. . 7 CO n m.-.if.'A a m , 10.13 p ni , 2 IS p. in , 4.0 p m 6.M ti m Arrive * c.i ) a. m , 7 20 a in , S a m , tt.M a. m , II 30 a. m i J.10 p in , 9 Oi p. m , 10.41 p. m. CHIe'AOO HOCK ISLAND & I'aelllo Itallroari "Tim Orolt llocl. Inluml Houtu" Cltj Ttckit onicp. 1323 rarnam Htreet Tc'iphone 4JS. Dipot , T n < li nnl Mason fairear Leave. ArrHe. ami ht Uaul \ enllljulo.l pin 1.IJ pm Llnr in. | Colorado IMueLlo , I'fnfr ' unj 1 S3 pm ( K pm Chlcaut > Df llolnei & H < > ck Island . . . . / \ 7 00 pm 8IS am Atlantli Kkprt > , , fpr Dei Molnrs iin > l f4A' trn putnu r- 7'o am C JJ pm Lncijn 1-dlrlmry auJ UellIIU . . , . . . . . . ' ! pm 10. am n ( Continue 1) ) CIIICAOO ST I'At'L. MINNE. npolls fc OmRhn llRlhvnj1"- Urrrprnl Olllres Ncl > rn k < Ul vl lon Plftf-enth nml Writer Street * Cltj Ticket Olllce , _ _ 1431 I'nrnnm Street Telcphono Depot , Fifteenth nnd Webster Streets. Tel ephone 1I5S. l "ivp. Arrlte Sioux Clt > Accommcxln. " 8 50 nm 8 ! 0 pm Sioux Cltj Accommodti. S.50 nm " 8.10 pm lllfllr , Kmer oii Sloiix Cltj' . Poncn Harllnn- ton nnd Illoomneld PM pm " 11-53 nn Sioux City , Mnnknto , St. .Paul , Minneapolis 5,53 pm 0:10 : nn Kmorson PiMcnuer 5 11 nm " 8-43 n " Dally Dally except Sunday " Sun < 1 o.ily " This train stops nt nations Ploronc to Haulli lllalr IncIii'Ue , Sundaja only ; on wcc South nfalr onlj. nLKHOUN ANI1 Mlxonrl Valley Ilnllwnj Hen oral Olci ! ! . Unltcil States Nn tlonnl llnnk ItulMInc , South won Corner Twelfth anil Knr - - . . , . nnm Strecln Ticket Ollloe , 1401 rnrnnm Street. Telephone tCl. Depot , Mr tecntli ana Wcbitcr Streets. Telephone 1I3 . Loav o. Arrive , Hlnck Hills Dendnood nnd Hot Pprlnm 3 00 pm B Mpm Wjomtn , rttspnr anil DoUKlMs " J 00 pin B : " " . pm Hn tlnK . York , David Cltj Superirr Geneva , Ixeti-r ! nnd Sewnrtl . , J 00 pm B:00 : pm Norfolk , \Vest Point nml Premonl . . . 7:50 : nm " 10 Kan Lincoln , \Vnhoo and Premonl . , . . 7:30 : cm 10 IS an' rremont I ocal . . . 7nm Dilly. "Unity except Suml ly. Sundny only " Dnllj exccpl Salurdaj. Dally except Mondaj. C'lIICAOO & NOIlTHWiSTni Itnllunj City Ticket Ollleo , 1401 I-iirnam Street. Telephone rCl Depot. T.Mith nnl JKison Slroets. Telephone US Arrho , .Missouri Vnllej- . Sioux city. St I'ntil nnd ailnncnpolls . j-jo nm 10-43 pn : Mi-sour ! Vnlley. Sioux City . . . . 730nm 9 03 pn ; Detinlson , CnrrollVnh ' Like . 7.30 nm 9 < X > pm 1'Tstorn Ilxpresi DCS Molnei. Mnishnlltown , Ccdnr itnpMi Chlcnso " 1,1.43 nm 4:10 : pm Atlnntlo rijei. Chicago nnl ia : t . 4 13 pm 4:10 : pm I'nit Mill Chlrnno to Oinnha 3:10 : pm Ml * ourl Vullej' , Sioux CltjSt Paul Jllnne- niulld I.llr.ltet . 3 ] , pm 8-30 nm Special fi 30 pm SlO : nn 1 Dnllj Uallj except Sumlaj. SIOPX CITY S. PACIPIC r road aenoral Olllci- " . United States Natlonnl Hank lltilM- S W Corner Twelfth and luinain Streets Ticket Olllce. l-rTTTT 01 ' ' "nmm Street. Telephone - I'P't lith mul Webster ' StH 'lilephonV- l e Arrlxe Simv , Cltj. Jlimknio. Dally" SIInnc"I'oll8 C 53 pm 0.10 am MISSOURI PACIFIC RA1LRO Oincial Olllcis nnd Ticket , Olllce Merchants National Hank Ilulldlnjr 1221 Pnrnmi Street iLlephone 104 Depot Fifteenth nnd Webster binets Telephones . Lcnve Arrive nnd Nebraska Llmli il ' 3 03 pm 12 33 p n KinsT ) Cllj nnd lyUls E\pros ' ) 30 pm C DO nil Ntbra-kti I icnl 4 30 pm 9 43 am IJally' " Dallj except Sunilnj RAILROAD-TICKET OFFICE , iiu Fnrnn st-ecl f Innhone 1S5 Depot , Tenth nnd Main Streets Telephone , 12S Leave. Amv. Si I > iuH "Cannon Hall" Fxpre s * 10 : pm * 1I 31 am t 70MAIIA & ST LOUIS IIAILTIOAD [ pORT I Omihi Kansns Cltj S. i : i t- I A r TUlirl ern llallnnd ' The 1'nrt Art mr inKl ruljl Jinule" Ticket Ofllce 1415 Pnrnnni | P3OIJTE. * Street Telephone , 3 Depot , Tenth nnd Mason Streets. Tele- phone 1"S Leave Arrl\ st irUls Cannon Hall Hxpress 4 3" pm 11-30 nm Quln j Impress * 5 40 am a 30 pm Dallj. CHICAGO MILWAUKEE Jt ST Piul Rnllnnj city nickel Olllco. 151 * rnrnnm Stiett Telephone 2) > 4 Depot , Tenth nnd Mason Stiects. Tele phone 12S , Leav e Arrl\ . Limited Ex . . 5 M pm S 01 am Omaha nnd Chicago Ev * 1I 00 nm 1.50 pm Dnl y W \JJASH RAILROAD T1CICET OFFICE 1413 1'ninnm street Telephone 32. Dtpot , lenti ami Mison btrects Telephone 123 Leave. Arrive = t Loul i ' Cannon Bill" * 4 30 pni * 11 20 arn VIJMIMSTH'iio \ is svrisriini ' ! < - llcilUMoliitlnn v111 It one t UIMIII Dciiini'i-iilH. . NEW YORK Feb 2 A dispatch to the Trlburc from Washington saja : The satisfaction ot tlio preslilent anil liU ailvlsets over the action of consrrss on the Teller resolution is unmistakably rp- ccte(1 ( In the reply of Sccre'ary Long , after the cabinet meetlns ycsterdav , to the cor respondent ot the Tribune , who asked if It vvo.-o not probable tl > at the resolution would materially affect the congressional elec tions next fall "It teems. " said Secretary Long , "iss If the Lori ] , or their own follv hail ilollverpd the democrats into our hands Hail they Itept still the usual leartlon which takes place after a presi dential elo'-'lon ' , and the usual cry that tre new tariff lud irat put a Rold spoon in every man's mouth might hare given them the next house of representatives Hut tlioy ha\o IturoJuced ati'l ' pa.-sod bj their majority In the ss-nate a resolution praeMcallv favorln ? a depreciated currency and the frop coinage of silver. "By this promise of a 14-cent dollar , and the practical dlRcredit of the financial obll. Cations of the United States , thev commit themselves to a policy which will reduce * h" vf.iuo o ! everj laborins man's nagcK , of every vrternn' ? pension , and of every penny 8-ivr.d an 1 laid up in our Ravings binkp This resolution \ as carried in the senate by the demoo atlc vote. It was canind thp"3 hr .he votes ot Ji'flt ' these i .atcs v.hl'h went for Bryan mil the democracy IT the last presidential election. "Yesterdaj In the hoiwe | j which there ! n a lepubllcan majority of flt ( > . It v\as ovci- whclmintly defeated h > practically a sol d republ'ean vote The result IT thit we sha'l no to the cotntry next tul ! ! r. t'uc cccsr i- sional olcctlors on a brjuaro Ifc-itio bclwern round ctirre-ncy und . . -'opreclated one , be tneoa maHtalnlni ? and iTipairus the ctedlt of the Ui'lted States , between glv'ng ' the induatrlal j-cople of tl.o country a dollar worth 100 ceit.3 , against giving them a dollar worth 40 rents "In eiich an Izsue aa th's wo shall not only rally ag > iln tlio republican forcm , but a' < d to them , aa we dll In 1390 , all sound mrney democrats ( and their number Is le gion ) whojo Interests nnd whose principles are for a sound currencj This will can bio us to overcome the ordinary reaction which [ have above referred to It ulll enable u.i also to overcome the cry that is > il ajn ral ed against a no > v protectlvo tariff when It first goes Into operation , "The slgna are all that inder the nev tariff revenues are Increasing , so that tho/ will exceed the expenditures , that our in- dulrea ! aio lovhlcg , and that every one of them which has been protected by the now tariff la enlarging its output and paving the way to an ricreaao of waqrui Yet even with tills better prcapett as to our Increased rovenue.3 and improving Industries , the cbinco for republican eucce&i has been tremendously onhancud by thit. now plwao of tbo currency Isouu " i , ro\fjitiss. llrnxll AVnnlH ( lit * liitiTiintloiuil AN. Mi-inliliiKi' In MiiIn ( Unit ( iMinlr.v. PHILADELPHIA , Fib 2 According to a letter received here from Illo Janeiro , tlig project of an International Industrial and commercial congress to bo held In Brazil from May to October , 1859 , Is under dls- cugilon The letter U from J. Cordlero IM Oraca , who was a member of tlm p n- amtrlcin party which toured the Industrial cetitors of the United States h t summer under the uusplccs of the 1'hlladelphla coin- mcrclil museums Ho writw that the proposition to hold the congrtuu has been well received by prca and public Dele gates will visit the different states of Ilruzll to study the resources of the country and among the mattera discussed will bo tariff , banking facilities , modra of transportation and the other ( juestlons con sidered during the American tour Children and adults tortured by burns , scald * , Injuries , crznna or skin dlaoues may secure instant relief b > using DaWltt's Witch Harel a\e. ! U U the great Pllo remedy. iivitn uric IN \ ttiiM'V i.irn. IVum PI. k Me fp 1 "I Imd no trumjia thico times. Why , I lia\cn't hntl such bnd luclc slnco I Rot married , " Cuthbert ( who wns coming down stairs with u biscuit In his hand has Imd a terrific fall ) Panic doodness ! Butter sldo a ! CIMVT SY\KIS. Irom Ally blopor. What the curly-wif gy style of furniture has to answer for. It maila poor chap sign the pledge. THEY II\VE V VIt It Illllt IJII. > Ian Wnnteil lit IliiHNiii-luiMe'ttN Ciii- | turoil In IIIIiuilN. ST. LOUIS , Peb. 2. It IB Just learned that the liellevlllc police believe they have in their clutches Paul Miller , al'os Ed Glgiiti , the man who Is charged with the murder of Fiances E. , Sarah and Elsie Newton ot Drookfleld , Mare. , en the- night of January 7 Rufus It. Wade , chief of the Massachusetts district police , sent out circulars all over the country Giving a description of the supposed murderer. One of thcs.0 was received and posted at Belleville Monday evening a man applied at the po lice station for .shelter. When Caplaln Yaekel saw him ho was struck with tlui man's close resemblance to tlio description of the Massachusetts murderer Ho elouely cmestloncd the man. who said liln nnmn wiia John Mlllor. When he saw the effeet of this name on the cnptiin ho said his cor rect name was Louis Glmpul. Captain Yaekel asked him if ho had ever been in Massachusetts Ho said ho wail once em ployed by Winston K. Co at flip water works In Boston , but had been tramping through the west HBveral year * Of late lie asserted ho had been working in the rock quarry at Palling Springs Ho refused to stulo hit whereabouts on Januaty 1 He could not bo threatened or ccaxcd Into having his pic ture taken , but ono wen taken without his knowledge and will bo sent to llrooklleld In order to hold the man until the Massa chusetts authorities could bo heard from a charge of vagrancy was made against him Ho was taken bcfoio Justice Hammond , who sentenced him to twenty days In the work- llOUhf. KAIV W1M. JO1.N I. % THE WELCOME. Cutliollc Arrlililxli | i (11 Uli-ml lloolli Ili-i'i-pdon , ST. LOUIS , Feb 2 nt. Rev. John J. Kaa ! , Catholic archbishop of the diocese of , St Louis , has signified his intention of aerv- j j Ing aa a vice president of the meeting called i to greet General Oooth on his visit hero rn ' February 18. The Catholic prclito l.'is written the fo'lowlng letter to Mrs Major Miles of the Salvation army My Dear Prlonds- cheerful' ? authorize you to place my name among tlio vle-o presidents of the public reception to lie- tendered General Ilooth on his ai rival In our city , and I taku this occasion to wVh n KOd-speed to the efforts of > our army In relieving .and uplifting the fallen and distressed of our common htiminlty JOHN J KAIN , Archbishop of Diocese of St Louts. Mrs Ml Ira was enthunlestlc orer th't > let ter She had paid a v'alt to the archbishop for the purpose of securing bin Interest In the Ilooth reception though she- Mid she hardly dared to hope for auccets 1CSS .11 VN IMtlMiS II\CIC < iOII ) Sn > H EIIIIIIII Iv < 'll > HUN Wi-allli } Miner. TOI'KKA. Kan , Fob. 2 , George Mur- bargep- joun iran \\'an np < jnt bxt mim- inor and fall In the Klondike , returned to day to visit hU relatives He imvj lin brought $20,000 home with him Murharger ia Emma Kelly , daughter nf px-Sena'or H I ) Kelly , whu s\cut lo the Klondlklatt fall , was married recently to deorgu W&t- son , a mlnur , who hnx been ( ortunati nnd la wcaltliy Mln. * Kelly , ivho U n newi- paper woman , was outflttcd by I'M'ijo people to make tie trip. She U v.ell knoVu In Uio WIRE TIM ST pins iri THU lllKT CiinililiMidiiii IH \ < nv tin Aoe-oiti- lillnhril I-'IIL- ( . CLEVELAND , 0 , Fob 2 The Leader sajs Iho American Steel nnd Wlro com pany , in other words the consolidation of the entire American wire indiotry , seems to bean an accomplished fact. Ono of the strongest Indications In smwrt of the conclusion Is a sudden and maiked stiffening In the price of wlro and nailo , which has come generally this week The piico was put up on Monday over $1 a ten bejond what IL was previous lo the recent temporary drcp and OH much as $3 , $1 or ? ! > a ton over some iirlcea for wire whlc.1i vvero reported aa having been n ado last week. Now the prleo announced , is $1 HO for wire and $1 G1 for nall and an other advance of n cents a bundled uounds la to lie made in March. Whether It bo really title or not that all formalities In the founatlcci of American steel and who companies have bc n com- liletod that consummation Is certa'nly ' so near at hand that the end has nractlc-illy como and the biggest iiniiertaklni ? that tlio Iron Industiy of the world las ever wit nessed may be aald to bo siie'eemfully com pleted This liugo concern , with a eapltall/a- tlou of $87.000.000. all lepresentlng ciropoity , owna all the PMabl'shmonU ' In ( ho country vvllh which wlro rod mllla are ponncctod it Is no more njol or tniKt , lint an absolute ebsorptlon of the property of tb > concerna coneolldateJ aril the former owneisvr.o now hold stock cannot dissolve the cotnhlnatlcii by any wlthJTawnl 'I Insuiprixi - i > l 4 | | . Mr James Jones of the drug nrm of Jones & Son , Cowden III in upeaklng of Dr. ICIns'a Now Discovery naja that last winter Ills wife was attacked with La Grippe , and her case grow no Keilotis that iihyiiiclans at Co-v- dici and Pana could do nothing for her It Beamed to develop into Haaty ConoiniicUloii. Having Dr King's Now Discovery In ! ere , ' i and Helling lots of It , hn took a bottle home and to tlie eiirp Iso of nil she began to got batter from llrst dnso and half dozen dollar bottles cured her sound and well Dr. King's Now Discovery for Consumption , Cougha ami ColdH Is guaranteed to do this good work. Try It Pruo tilal bottles at Kulm & Co drug store I'll * ( Ml II % < - SliiiiniiMii ( . ST. LOUIS Pel. . -An agreement his been i cached by the Ht LoulH & Tonnuucc * Rlvrr Packet company , Iho EiglePatket cornpfiny and the Leo line of MernphN by which their Intercuts have been poolpil and ii line of Htf.uniiH has neeil put on lo take tint pi ao of the dofunet Anehor line for all points betiApcn this city and Memphis The Bteamip * will leave twlen a wuek , TUIM * ( la > H nnd Trld iyn Ono of Iho Htenmers will Im the Herold of the Elgin Packet < om- imny'n line and the other will bo the City of Padiirnh of the St Louis & TeniH'Hseo River Parked cornpiny'H lln Hotli will ha under the control of John 15 Mimic nc alo. seerpttiry of the St Lotus K. Tcnne e > H IIU or Packet company , who will also bo ugont for the now line It Is al o expected that lit the United States mush.vl unle of the Author line property next Monday. 1 chrunry 7 , the same pool may puichaso the throe Anchor line boats nnd reopen tbo entire Anchor line system all the way to NCM Orleans No viliilti'mffil l-'lour Kiiiinil. CHICAGO Pcb 2. InvcHtlgatlon by ( ha C.lfMga Tioaltli drpartrnpnt ua to the cauaea of th dark color of broad show no adultera- ticn of Hour In thin market. No corn or o'hcr foreign mibstanrn wan diicov r d la anv of the tmmpicK anulyieO ,