PROMOTION COMES TO ONI Pleasant Break In the Monotony Aronn Headquarters Building. ANOTHER CHANGE IN UNION PACIFIC FAMIL Snmiiel A. Itnlc-lilxon to tic AMHltnn ( ienornt I'nuNpiiHrcr Anent lAitt lit the < ; ierl < n DIxmlMNcil - . DnlnillcM Some- . RlgM reorganization and rigorous n trcnclimont , as exhibited by the new reglm In control of the Union Pacific rallroai were the principal topics of discussion I local railway circles yesterday. Espe clally In Union Pacific circles these forme the ono absorbing topic. No further reduc lions than those announced Monday evtoln were given out. While there Is a genera feeling of fear and trembling thit more die mlrsala will follow , there appears to bo n substantial foundation for this belief. The only appointment announced yestet day was that of Samuel A. Hutchlno to bo assistant general passenger agent. Fc several years past ho has been the gsnorc traveling passenger agent of the Unlo Pacific , nnd the office of assistant geucrc passenger iiRcnt has remained vacant. Th news that It has been decided to promot Mr. Hutchison and glvo him the tltto c assistant general passenger ngent was vcr gladly received In 'railway circles , for h iias long been the most popular represents tlvo of that department. It Is underatco lli'it Mr. Hutchison will continue travc for the Union Pacific , anJ that the office c general traveling passenger agent will nc bu filled. President Hurt arrived at the headquarter shortly after 8 o'clock and personall conducted John B , Berry , the ne\ chief engineer of the Union Pacific , to hi offices on the fourth floor of the headquar tcrs building. Mr. Berry cesumcd fornvi charge of the office without much ceremony but announced no changes. His SUCCCPSO as chief engineer of the Fremont , Hlkhori & Missouri Valley railroad has not yet beci named. General Manager George F. Bldwel of the Elkhorn road Is now In consultatlcr with the Northwestern officials In Chlcag' ' regarding thu nutter. NAMES OF THOSE DROPPED. The official decapitations In Iho varlou departments of the Union Pacific did no provo < x > numerous as was anticipated While nearly every department los two or three clerks no department wai entirely deprived of Its force. Up untl noon no dismissals had been reported In tin accounting departments. In < the cxecutlvi department Miss McClelland was not at he desk this morning. S. J. Larson , the dc pnrtmcnt messenger , was reported to havi been relieved , from further service. In the department of car service Hani Castlcman , the messenger , was qulctl ; waiting for his last payment from the Ualoi Pacific. MlbS Ella Cook of the tame depart ment was dismissed. In the claim department Stenographei Holtman was not at his desk , General Claln Agent Manchester's office force having bete cut In li-ilf. Mtss was missing from her custo mary place In the general freight office ant two other employes of the department lo cated out oa the road were discharged bj telegraph. In the general passenger office Clerk Kellj was told ho need not come to work there an ) more end ono young woman stenographei alao "resigned. " At the shops Hugo Thelnhart , draughts man , and Henry ninth , Thomas Murphy and Charles Kllllan , clerks , lost their heads In the fall of the ax. In the supply department of the shops a halt dozen old pioneers wcro given to under stand thch- presence was no longer required by the company. Among them wore : Joseph W. Van Nostrand , Andruw Smith and John McBrlde. The cleiks who "wero so fortunate as tc retain their places In the Union Pacific headquarters were down at their desks bright and early this morning. They -were there oven before President Burt arrived , nnd ho gets around rather early. The representatives of the press were shunned as though they were real "bogle" men , and hi the executive department they w > cre or dered to remain outside the outer railing in the outermost office. 3AY OVIOll A.NOTIIRIl I.\STAM/MI3XT. Union I'arllUI'nrchiiNe 'Money Fliitl- liiK HMVay lulu the TreiiNiiry. NEW YORK , Feb. 1. Another install ment of 10 tier cent of the Union Pacific money en deposit on account of the United States government in national banks will toe paid Into the treasury by thcco banks. The amount on deposit In this city Is now abou $21,000,000. The National City Lank paid Into the BU'btretnury ' today $2,000,000 on ac count of Its Union IViclflc deposits and re ceived back bonds for that amount held l > y the government as security. The Union Pacific reorganization commit tee announces today that on yesterday It distributed checks for the commissions du ? original swbscrlbem to the purchase mor.e ; certificates. The committee Is now at wortc on the application to the ? tock cxchangu to list the cntlro body of new securities. DIIIKOTOIIS nieiAHi : A Northern Pnellte'N ICariitn N Ilxcrcil > I'reNlileiit lellen'H lNtlniute. NEW YORK , Feb. 1. At a meeting of the directors of the Northern Pacific railroad to day , Prcaldmt Mellon referred to the esti mate submitted by him at the meeting of December 10 , 1897 , when ho declared that the net earnings of the read for the first elx months would bo a'bout ' $ GG40QOO. He pointed out that the net earnings for that licrlod had really been $300,000 moro than ho estimated and predicted that tlia current six months they would reach $2fJOO,000. A dividend of 1 per cent .from the net earnings on the prcfcired stock for the quarter ending March 1 , 1S9S , was declared , to bo i > ald March It. llnllillair .NIMV Itotul In OUIiihomii. ST. LOUIS , Feb. 1. The Board of Direc tors of the St , Lnula syndicate , which will bullil the new railroad from Oklahoma City to Sapulpa , I. T. . met hero today for the purpose - pose of dlscucfilng bids tendered by contrac tors. The now Hue , which will bo 108 miles In length , will bo practically an extension of the St. Louis & San Franclaeo , yet the latter will have nothing to do with Its cone etructlon , owing lo an agreement with the Santa Fo by which neither road can build nn extension In five years , It Is the purpose of the St , Louis syndicate to nviko a contract with the 'Frlkcn to operate It , there being no clause In the contract to prevent the Frisco from making such nn agreement. An estimate of the expense of bulldlnp puts the cost per mlle at $20,000 , or $2,100,000. Invltex thu Old Men to llclurii. PEORIA , Feb. 1. Information has reached headquarters ot the railroad brotherhoods In this city that the chairman of the Board of Directors of the Chicago & Eastern Illinois railroad has sent circulars to former em ployes who were engaged In the strike of 1894 , Inviting them to resume their positions. TrmiHfcr Mnei. CHICAGO , Feb. 1 , A consolidation under ono management has been effected by thrco of the Chicago transit freight lines , under the -tltlo ot the Chicago Junction Railway com pany. It Is practically an extension ot the facilities ot the Uulou Stock Yards and 15 Minutes Sufficient to make most de licious tea biscuit with Royal Baking Powder. 4 Transit company , which la the nucleus f < Iho consolidated system. The onnsolldati system plaecfl that company In better cot pctlllvo ccndltlon with the Western Indlar & Calumet Terminal , The consolidation IB step farther In the- recent absorption of 11 Chicago , Hammond & Wwtern by the stoc jards eorrpany , tlm third addition being tt Chicago & Indiana State Line railway. Jot A , Srccr Is president of the consolidated lln MnkliiK I "nut Time. DBNVIiR , Colo. . Feb. 1. A special to tl llcpubllcan from Cheyenne , Wyo. , says : phenomenal railroad run was mailo todc between this plnco and Omaha on the Unlc Pacific , The e.iMbound passenger was d layed by a broken cuglno and In order t get the United States mall to Omaha for 1 eastern connections a special train of a engine * and two mall cars was made up hot for a fast run. The train left hero at 7:4 : this morning and reached Omaha at 3 this afternoon , a record of 517 miles In clgt hours flat , the fastest long distance ru recorded. The run from North I'latto I Omaha , 290-i miles , was made In 240 mlr utcs. More. IliimiirM of CoiiMollilntliiiiH , NEW YOIIK , Feb. 1. The latest utory ( railroad consolidation which Is going tli rounds of Wall street Is of a consolldatlo of some of the Gould lines with tho.Rocki feller lines In the southwest. This prc posed amalgamation of Interests Include the Missouri , Kansas & Texas , Texas , Pacific and International & Great Northen Under the management of the Rockcfellct the net earnings of the Missouri , Kansas * Texas Increased $1,100,000 during 'the la * year. The- Texas IViclfic has also profile by the belter business conditions In th southwest. v mi ( lie Canadian I'nclnc. CHICAGO , Feb. 1. The western roads me today to consider rales to Alaska and 111 vltcd the Canadian Pacific to bo present That road declined , and a telegram was sen to General Passenger Agent McNIckoll ask Ing that ho Inform the meeting spcclficall what his line detlred , before it would dls cuss the Alaska matters. The meeting wll convene tomorrow to conddcr the reply o thu Canadian I'adflc , and It la almost crt tain that they will pay liulo or no ntteutlo : to Its demands. It ii I Hi ! ! } \olt * < * mill 1'jTsoiiulx. A year ago. Hie government Joined the re organization committee of the Union Pa clllo nnd Kans.s Pacific In forecloauro prc ceedlngo. Howard Brynlng , traveling pcsscngc agent of the Burlington at Cincinnati , ha been appointed city passenger ngent of th same system at Kansas City. B. J. Blake , chief engineer of the Chlcagc Burlington & Qulncy , nays It Is proposed t rebuild the bridge across Iho Illinois rive nt Ottawa , 111. , during the coming season. II. W. Batlln , division engineer of Ih Chicago & Northwestern , has boon ap pointed assistant superintendent of the Mad Ison division of that road , with headquarter at Baraboo , Wls. , effective February 1 , li place of W. n. Morse , promoted. WInslow S. Pierce , general counsel for thi reorganization committee of Hie Union Pa clflc road , on ( Monday night said to the St LfOula Globe-Democrat : "I came hen to file some papera in court li regard to the sale of the Kansas Pacllii road on February 15 , but the papers are 110 of great Importance. I can't say whethe the Union Pacific will raise Us bid of $2 , EOO.OOQ for the Kansas Pacific road or not as I am not authorized to mnko any state ment In regard to the matter. I judge 1 will not bo long before the Union Pacifli goes out of the hands1 of a receiver. " Regarding the announcement of the Mis sourl Pacific and of the Memphis roads tlm they will preserve the differential betwoci Omaha and Kansas City , the Kansas Citj Star says : "Tho big sugar trust con trolii the situation and annually ship : Its product along the line of lens resistance. In other words , the tms' ' demands and secures concessions ir freight rates in return for an immense amount of business. The Pittaburg & Gulf In connection with the Southern Pacific Is charged by other lines with offering ex trcmoly low rates In order to secure a goodlj share of the traffic this year. It la not ex peeled that a rate war will result , althougl .hero Is much fooling between the couipetlni ( llnca. " An engineer on a southern railway re ccntly had an accident ta his engine on liU way north from New Orleans. Ho sent the following telegram to hla master mechanic ; "Mr. Pew : I've busted a flue On 222 , Train 32. What shall I do ? ' A. J. Tow. " Mr. Pew , the master mechanic , saw the sunny .side of it and tried his own hand , vlth this result : "Mr. Tow : Plug the flue On 222 ; , Bring * 32 On through , as you Know you chonld do. C. H. Pew. " The Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern rall- vay has adopted a now arrangement for landllng locomotlvo ashes or cinders at tcr- ninal and divisional points , where a large lumber of engines are cleaned each day. Pho arrangement conslsta of an ordinary ishplt about forty-five feet In length , pro- Idcd with two largo pan,1 ? , holding about hreo cubic yards each , which are placed n the pit , ono under the ashpan for the shes and the other under the front end for bo sparks , so that tha ashes and sparks an both bo removed without moving the ocomotlve , thus leaving It ready to bo taken ither to the engine house or the road as cslrcd. These pans hold enough for the loaning of thrco locomollvco. When Ihey mvo been filled they are elevated with a rano and the ashes allowed to drop from the ottom Inlo a car which stands on a track djacent to the crane. The pans are made vith drop bottoms , which are held In place y a latch , which Is manipulated by the man vho handles the crane. Hawaii anil Japan. Despatches from Washington state that ticro are about to bo Important dovelcp- lents In the Japanese Imbroglio with the ovcrnmcnt of the Hawaiian Islands. How- ver this may bo , certain It is that the dls- urbanco of the stomach caused by simple idlgcfitlon will develop into chronic dya- cpsla unless checkmated at the start. The nest stomachic Is Hosteller's Stomach Bit- era , which promptly reclines gaalrle Iroublo nd does away with Irregularlly of the bow ls and liver. "TIII3 CO1.0U.UIO SI'KCIAL. " Via Union Par I lie. Commencing February 6 , WILL , LEAVE OMAHA DAILY 11:55 : P. M. niUYINO DBNVKIl NEXT DAY 1:30 : P. M. ONLY Denver train having UFFI5T. SMOKING AND LIBRARY CARS. For tlckctf ) and full Information call at Clly ticket office , 1302 Farnam St. IIOIIU'.SIM'UITH' KxiMi Tickets will to sold on the first and third uceday of February and March via the Inlon Padflo to po'eits In Kansas and Ne- raska ; points In Colorado west of and In- lulling I.eadvllle , Sallda and Alamora ; polnlo n Wyoming west of and Including Laramle ; olnts In Utah ( except on Southern Parlfio ompany ) points In Idaho east of and Includ. IBVelser and Market Lake ; also Ontario , ) re. Minimum selling rate , (9.00. For full nformatlon or tickets call at city ticket of- co , 1302 Farnara street. Overeiint Thief nt Work. P. U. George , a traveling man , reported tmt ills overcoat , valued at t&3 , had been tolen from his scat In a Northwestern rain n few ( hours before his arrival In this Ity , TOo coat was In the seat beside htm , nd was taken during hU mptnentary nli- enca from Iho rnr. lie suspected a young ( ranger who had tuken a seat just behind Im nnd who disappeared along with the vcrcoat. i Jali n l.uiuly ( irtN Thirty Hnyn. John Landy was tried In police court yes- erday for the larceny of ecveral small nrtl- lea from a second hand dealer's show case , " he evidence disclosed that he had broken lie I- Lisa of the case , -wlilch stood on the Idcwalk , and was mukliiK his escape when e encountered a police oillccr. Landy was cntenced to thirty days in the county Jail , Voorlicci AcU n Governor. TRENTON , N. .J. , Feb. l.-Foster M. foorhec * . president of the senate , was this tiornlnu eworn In aa acting governor of Jew Jersey to succeed John W. Grlggs wlio eslgneil to , become uttorney general of the Jnlted States , COMPROMISE WITH BARBE Long Standing Controversy ia About to I Closed TJpi CITY ATTORNEY ARRANGES A SETTLEMEN Claim of Mir I'nvlnp ; Company Scale : Searljijt,0 | { ) ( > mill Snltn n Doth Slilen IllNnilnneil Conn- , vIl'M Opportunity , City Attorney Connell has submitted to It council a proposition for the settlement < the long standing Barber Asphalt con pany's claims for street repairs , with recommendation that It bo approved , Tt proposition contemplates the settlement ( the claims In full less a reduction of nboi $14,000 , which represents the concessln made by the asphalt company. The bills < the company now pending amount to ? C3 081.GR , on which Interest amounting to $ K ) 378.92 linn accrued , making a total of $73 4G0.47. The proposition , which has bee accepted by the Barber company and no awaits the approval of the mayor nn council , provides that the city shall pa the company $60,000 as payment In fu of all demands. The settlement Is n result of Mr. Oor ncll's recent visit to the east and accorc ! Ing to the Btalcment of the city attorne It came about very unexpectedly. Mi Connell was In Washington to argue Ih Eleventh street viaduct case before th supreme court , and while ho was there h received a telegram from his opslstan stating that the legal department of th city had received otlco that the Barbe company was about to take th deposillo of Mr. Tlllolson , formerly of the Omah engineering de | > artmonl , at his present rcsl dcnco In Brooklyn. It occurred that h could be In Brooklyn on the date men Honed without Inconvenience and ho too occasion to drop In on the aftalr , much t the surprise of nil concerned. Ho cross examined Mr. Tlllotson at length , and wit the result that Iho deposition did not tur out to bo exactly what the Barber coin pany wanted. The proposition for a setlle meiil grow out of the discussion that oc currcd at this time and It was put in writ Ing and signed by Mr. Council nnd Prcsl dent F , V. Greene of the Barber compan ; subject to the approval of the mayor am council. Mr. Connell Ihlnks lhat the settlement I a very satlsfaelory ono for Ihe clly. He call attenlion lo the fact that with the cxceptloi of Ihe bills for 1591 , which caused the troll ble between the city and the company , tin claims are practically undisputed. The bill , that are In controversy , with Interest amount to about $14,000. In 1S94 three com mlttcc reports were adopted by the city coun ell In. which a ( settlement was recommendei In which the 1S91 bills were figured at $12 , 250. In May , 1S95 , the special commlttei that was appointed to investigate the mattei recommended that the- company be allowci $10,770,04 , but all these propositions wen vetoed by Mayor Bemls. The settlement thai lo mow proposed practically wipes out tin 1S91 bills over which the differences occurrci In consideration of the payment of the othei bllla which the city attorney sajs cannot be successfully disputed. This settlement will do away with the still now pending In United States court for tin recovery of the amount claimed by the com- psny and by Its terms the two damage finite now pending between the city and the Bar ber company are also disposed of. Ono ol these sulto was begun by the city to rccovei from the Barber company the amount whlcr the city lost by reason of the failure of the defendant to fulfill Its street sweeping con tract la 1S92 and In the other the Uarbei company sues the city for damages alleged to have been sustained by the refusal of the city to allow it to carry out the contract , These controversies are allowed to offsel each other and both will bo drppped If the proposition of settlement Is approved by the mayor and council , It is proposed that the amount to be- paid the Barber company will be raised through the prospective Issue of refunding bonds. CITY'S COXSUMl-TIG.N or GAS. Comptroller AVi'stlirrn iSnluiiltH Illn ' ' UIIHIII-NN | , l''lK reH on Company's Comptroller Wcstberg has completed his innual examination of the books of the Omaha Gas Manufacturing company as re quired by Its franchise and his report haa been submitted to the council. It shows that the royalty paid In by the com pany was correctly computed. Ho reports ho total consumption of gaa during the year n cubic feet as follows : eggsSSSS. . c3 c V wrfciw'cfeii -r i.-5 > H im r 5 . .asamsss . t ) K OCJCT. Cr l-rH M & " 1 ! CVOl cTiQ = ยง S9KS5S - - After the addltlcaet and deductions pro- Idcd for by the franchlso are computed tbo let consumption on which the royalty Is ovled amounts to 170,524,071 feet , on which ho royalty amounts to $8,526.20. The mount of gaa uaed by the various municipal epartmcntci Is also Indicated as follows. " fJ s s J r-HMI-t gi.igiP | ? ici 4s rfuici"y s ti H" 3 HViirk 11 f Firemen lurlnnr Jnnunry. Chief Redcll makes tbo following report f the workings of the flro department for bo month of January : Value of buildings , 'hero fires started , J3S7,200j value of con- enta , $148,900 ; total , J531.100. The lots on lulldlngs was $255 ; on contents $190 , inak- ng a total of $445. The total Insurance was 369,700 , The loss over Insurance was $140 , rith lo s to the Inguronce companies of $305. I'roccoilliiB lit Tollcc Board CIIHP. Attorney Frank McCoy , representing the loard of Flro and Police Commissioners lect , went to Lincoln yesterday to Intervene n the pending quo wtrranto proceedings in ehulf of the board. Ilia petition will merely et forth the facts that the tnemoers have hern duly elected Uy the mayor and cou ; ell and that they have legally qualified assume the duties of their office. The a : Ewers will "bo filed na eon aa possible , ai It Is believed that the briefs will bo reai so the case can lie submitted In two week City Attorney Oonftelj will fllo n brief i behalf of the mayor. , ami council and Judf Reese of Lincoln may assist htm In tl case. Tha brief submitted by the city a torney will state the position of the mayi and council , which -will bo substantial along the lines of tbo decision recent ! handed down by Juilgo Scott , \VIII Chiller lllejele 1'ntli. H has been Infornmlly decided that th Beard of 1'ubllo Works shall proceed J once to have the Florence bicycle path clr dored nnd a resolution conveying the neccs sary authority will probably be passed b the city council tonight. It will cost abov $300 to do the work , but It Is proposed t mnko It a first class Job that will bo satli factory to the wheelmen , In whoso Intercsl the Improvement Is contemplated. The clr dcrs will bo wet down and rolled with ten-ton roller as many times as may b necessary to make the path perfectly smoot and hard , and this Is expected to make th path as nearly perfect OA possible. New Ciitnolliiej I.ntntin. The new gasoline light company Is rvijildl getting Its lamps In use and In a couple c days It will have Ha system In full open tlon. The contract of the Acme company ex plrcd January 28 , but It Is allowing the nc\ \ company to nso as many of Ita lamps a necessary whllo the new ones are being pu In. Another llrcwcry llrlelc. A permit has been leaned to the Omah Brewing association , to build a ealoan at Six tccntli and Locust streets. This will b quite a pretentious two-story structure an \\I11 cost upward of $5,000. VnxteNt Trill 11 tn Denser. Commencing February C , the UNION PACIFIC Will Inaugurate new service. ! "THE COLORADO SPECIAL. " LEAVING OMAHA DAILY 11:55 : P. M BUFFET. SMOKING AND LIBRARY CARS For tickets and full Information call at City ticket ofllco , 1302 Farcam street. llllOS. AVeilneiilnj'n K\eltemeii ( . [ ' "nlrbank's Gold Dust , 4-pound packages 15i I'ylo's Pearllno , per package. 3i 1770 Washing Powder , package 3i Sal Soda for easy washing , pound 2i 10 bars Whlto Russian Soap 25- Scrubbing Lye , per can 3Hi Yeast Foam , German , etc , package. . . . 1 Nearby fresh laid Eggs , do/.cn IE Fresh Country roll Butter..9c 10 and 12 Very flno Separator Creamery 1S % Seedless Naval Oranges , dozen . . .ll'/i Messina Lemons , dozen S Whole Strip Codfish , pound S'/j Cranberries , per quart RB and 7 Soda Crackers , pound 6 A FEW WEDNESDAY MEiAT PRICES No. 1 sugar cured bacon , S'/Ac ; pickle tripe , 3',6c ; corned beef , 3 ! c ; salt porl 3 "Ac. HARDWARE , STOVES AND IIOUSEFOR NISHING DEPT. SPECIAL WEDNESDAY SALE. Largo granite dish pan , 29c ; carpet broom 7' c ; largo willow cloth basket , 39c ; larg tin water pall , 9c ; folding lunch boxes , lie 3-qrt. covered palls , 7o ; 20c wash board , 9c coftco mills , 17c ; No. 8 square top coo stove , $7.95 ; 2 burner gasoline stove. J2.39 HAYDEN1 BROS. The Quickest Time to Colorado , Wyoming , Utah and Pacific Coas ia via UNION PACIFIC from Missouri River 14 Hours Quicker to Salt Lake City than Any Other Line ; 1C Hours Quicker to San Francisco than Any Other Line. For Tickets and' full Information call a City Ticket Office , 1302 Farnam St. I'EUSO.YAIj JP.VItAUHAl'IIS. M. D. Welch of Lincoln Is in the city. C. S. Cotts left last [ light on an eastern trip. trip.Ray Nye and wlfo of Fremont are ii Dmaha. II. W. Posewalk of Norfolk was in the rJty yesterday. Mlllard Klmball of Lincoln Is registered a * the Millard. i Max Kohn of Davcnyort , la. , la stepping it the Barker. O. J. Vandyke of Grand Island Is stopping at the Barker. W. A. Poynter of Albion , Neb. , pent yes- : crday In Omaha. E. Richards and J. Wilson of Kansas City ire at the Barker. Arnold Barber of Claflln & Co. , New York 3lty , is in the city. 'Miss ' M. E. Tallano of Lincoln is visiting trlends in the city. Knox Tipple , a hotel man of Norfolk , Neb. Is a visitor in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Nye of Fremont are guests at the Mlllard. E. F. Scebcrger of North Platte was an Omaha visitor yesterday. W. Watklns and C. II. DtalKp of Nebraska 3lty are guests at the Barker. E. J. Clements , a prominent resident of Ord , was In the city yesterday. N. C. Myers , ono of the best known mer chants In the state , Is In Omaha. Mrs. V. 1C. Hart of Fort Robinson , Neb. , Ls spending tt few days In the city. W. G. Whltmoro , a merchant and banker ) f Valley , Is In Omaha on business. Mrs. M. Hcllman of Cincinnati , formerly > f this city , Is the guest of .Mrs. A. Heller. David D. Teary , a stone contractor and quarry owner of Dinvcr , Is a visitor In the : ity. ity.C. C. E. Tcbbett , a prominent Insurance man of Beatrice , Is reglsteicd at the Mll lard. lard.J. J. B. Smith , proprietor of the Midland liotcl , Kansas City , Is hero cu a business : rlp. rlp.J J , L. MacLean , a wealthy retired mer- : hant of Kansas City , Is a guest at the Mll lard. lard.Herbert Herbert Myrlck , editor of the Orange JudO Partner at Chicago , urrtved In Omaha lasl light. Wllllard Klmball of the Conservatory of Music , Lincoln , arrived In Omaha yeaterday ifternoon. B. F. Orlffln nnd the Misses Nora Splel- nan and Grace Berry of Tekamah made up i party of Omaha visitors yesterday. Charles White , late of Ttio Lincoln and 'ormorly chief clerk of the Thurston hotel , Columbus , Neb , , has accepted a clerkship at ho Barker. 0. II. ( M'Lellan of the United States Life saving Servlco arrlveil in Omaha yesterday nornlng from the west. Ho Is stationed at > an Francisco. George It , Crosby of Fort 'Madison , Ia. , mo of the most extensive' lumber dealers ind manufacturers In tbo Middle Mississippi alley , Is a guest at tbo Mlllard. Mrs. Alice Donaldnon of Portland , Ore. , ind Mrs. Etta Taylor of Kansas City , Mo. , .re vialtlng with their sister , Mrs. W. C. lllyn , at 909 South Thirty-fire * etrcet. F. C. Stlerlln of St. Louis , manager of the amous Bofunnos Concert band , Is a guest it the .Mlllard. This splendid musical or- ; anlzatlon will appear at the ransmlssls- Ippl Exposition for a season of concerts. O. Frank 'Merrlam of Springfield , Mass. , s in the city. Mr , 'Morrlam ' Is 'the- manager if a large cutlery factory nnd has come west , 'ltli a view to establishing a similar plant n this section. Ho may select Omaha as ils future home. Nfbraskans at the hotels : E. A. Stevens , Irand Island ; H. L. Cook , St. Paul ; John ) oran , O. O. Gran , Burwoll ; C. R. Ollder , fcllsh ; H. S. Mannvllle , Fremont ; W. F. Irltchfield. Fullerton ; B. F. Good , II. C. 'aiikell , Dr. J. A. McIIull , Stella ; S. R. ones , Harvard ; D. Dunkeo , Schuyler ; W. F , larnmcad. Elgin ; P. H. Miller , Hugh Me- 'argan ' , John S. and O. F. Tlnball , Crete ; ' . P. Beachy and wlfo , Corleton ; W. W. oung , Stanton ; W. H. Dearlng , Plattsmouth ; ' . W. Burncy , North Platte ; J. M. and T. B. .eedom . , Hubbard ; C. T , Morgan , Grand iland ; II. E. Babcpck , Columbus ; Mrs. 'oman ' and Mlsa Magdalene V , Johnson , rernont ; Charles Benson , Central City ; Wll- am V. Blackraore , Friend ; Sam Hall , Pal- iyra ; A. Walt , Syracuse ; II , J , Vlutcu and > . Newman , Gothenburg. , THURSDAY TELLS THE TALE The CHnm of Bhoa Buying ? cvon of the Greatest Deals in Shoo Histor/i BOSTON STORE'S MASTER STROKE Tlir Itennlt < > T Tliene- Seven Slinc Dcnln Will AniM-nr One After the , Other In n. .Serlen nf Nnlen , Coiiuuene- Inn : ThurmliiFelt. . U. AT BOSTON STORK , OMAHA. Commencing Thursday the Boston Store will place on sale one after another , as fast ns they can bo got ready , the following great shoo purchases , each and. every one A SHOE SENSATION IN ITSELF. Of all the great sales o\er held , none have been able to compare either In point of mag- tilludo or In point of extreme bargains with the ono which wo arc about to hold. Wo wish It to bo distinctly undcrslood that In all this colossal amount of shoes which will go on sale , every single pair Is fully guaranteed by ua In every way , shape and form to be In good style , perfect workman ship and perfect material. There Is not a shop-worn shoo In the lot , every single pair has been made within the last 90 days , for such firms as Slegcl , Cooper & Co. of New York , Blolcky Bros , of DCS Molncs , C. W. Nowliull Shoo Co. of Boston , Thaycr , Ma- gulro & Field of Boston , Shuncman , Evur.a & Co. of St , Paul , etc. , OH welt as those shoes which were- made for a number of firms who have failed In business between Christmas and Now Years. The shoes which were made for firms that failed at that ttmo were to bo delivered March 1 , 1898 , and are consequently all the latent and newest styles of spring and summer shoes. All Iho rest were made to bo delivered on or before the ISth day of December and being late were not accepted. The shoes on sale will consist of every kind , style and variety of men's , women's and boys' shoes , mlssen' and ladles' slippers , etc. etc.They will be sold all the way from 59c for women's shoes that were made to sell for 51.00 nnd ? 1EO , tip to shoes that were made to sell for ? 3.00 and ? G.OO , and which we will sell all the way from Vi to V of their orlg- nally Intended selling price. NOTHING BUT BARGAIN SQUARES. Wo have turned our three entire shoe de- parlmcnla Into Immense bargain fiquares , each ono piled high with the greatest shoo bargains Imaginable , that will cmpt your purse on Thursday , Feb. 3rd , at Boston Store. Never was there a shoo sale in Omaha that was like this. We doubt If ever circum stances will bo BO as to create another such one. Watch and wait for this sale Thursday and lot nothing'prevent your attending It , for when It once starls nil roade will lead to Boston Store and those that have shoes to buy will know no other place but Boston Store as long as the sale continues. See lomorrow's papers , for slill furlher particulars of this , the greatest shoo sale ever projected In all Ihis great land of bar gains. BOSTON STORE. OMAHA , IClh & Douglas Sis. \ntlco. A rnoclal meeting or the stockholders o ! the Omaha Hoard of Trade is hereby collet to meet at the Exchange hall of the Board ol Trade building at 8 o'clock p. m. , next Fri day evening , for the purpose of selecting o committee of three members of Ihe board who are not members of the exposition di rectory , to consult with certain committees of other organizations in regard to the besl means of obtaining a supply of water for the Exposition company. A full atlendance IE desired. ( Signed. ) JAMES E. BOYD. - - . - S. A. M'WHORTER , E. ROSEWATER , JAMES WALSH , W. N. NASON , H. C. MILLER , JOSEPH A. CONNOR , F. C. HOLLINOER , P. V. MILLER , RICHARD C. PATTERSON. I'll II m an Tourist 3)eeiern. | leave Omaha daily for Ogdcn , San Francisco , Portland and other western points via the UNION PACIFIC. For tickets and full Inforamtlon call at City Ticket Office. 1302 Farnam St. ( Attention , "Workmen. Members of Omaha lodge , No. 18 , Ancient Order of United Workmen , are hereby re quested to attend the funeral of Brother A. S. Mangold Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at h'a late residence , 2815 Capitol avenue. LYMAN SEARL , M. W. FnNt Time. Card. via the UNION PACIFIC , to Denver. Salt Lake City , San Francisco and Puget Sound points. Foi- rales and full Information call at City Ticket Office. 1302 Farnim St. IjllM'llNPN. The following marriage licenses were is sued yesterday by the county Judge : Name and residence- . Age. Chnrlcs A. Harbin. Elkhorn , Neb . 31 Lilllo Wlllhoft , Elkhorn , Neb . 2J Prank Tcets , Omaha . 23 Grace J. Leonard , Omaha . 22 Mercer hotel now open for business , man agement Dick Smith. Table Is unexcelled. These desiring first-class board at reason able rates can secure same by calling now. LOCAL JlllliVlTIUS. John Mclntyre , living at 3017 Sahler street , has been arrested on a charge of trespass on complaint of II. B. Payne , from whom ho rents his house. Fred Metz , sr. , was arrested for assaulting a man working for him giving the name of 3harles Anderson. The trouble aroao over the performance of BOIIIO work. Charles Summers , charged with assault- ng Rev. Olaugh Godbrandaon with a noa shell last Wednesday afternoon , was dis charged In police court , as It was shown that Godbrandson had been the aggressor , James Watklns , a negro employed by an co company In the northern part of the city , who became Involved In a fight with A teamster named Hampden Jones a few lays ago , was discharged In police court. The sheriff from Fremont and local police yosterdoy arrested Charles Yancey , alias 2unnlnglam , and George Gvoas. The two are wanted on the cl.argo of robbing the esldcnco of Edward Percey of Fremont , t'ancoy Is ono of the men arrested roiently or the alleged alteirpt at train robbery. Yesterday a tramp applied at the homo sf Special Ollleer Brown near Twenty-fifth and Lcavcnworth streets for a breakfast ind after securing the saroo became Impu- lent to Mrs. Brown and the hired girl , The > ! llcer was aroused front his slumbers and : hased the stranger several blocks , but after Irlng a couple of shots at him wao obliged o glvo up pursuit. Ed Smith and George . ' . McCarthy wcro arrested on suspicion of j icing the man wanted , but a * neither an-1 wcred the description of the stranger they I voro discharged. ' lice 223 > Jucj ) Your Eye on The 2\\lraskn \ lhis faring. Once tijton a time there wa an Ann. wan a Conceited ana. lie thonyht that the cycH of the whole world were direct ed at Him f the attention of the whole irorld centered on Jfim ; and the. earn of the tcholc world wcro waitiny to hear only Hint. Jty chance one. day thin Ann nf rayed tafo the neighborhood of the JL'yramidn and commenced to Jtray. Wind inn that nobody took any notice of him and that hin Jtrayiny did not attract mach attention he fletv info a desperate Fury and.bciny a C'onnnmmate as , he determined that the 1'yrantidn obntrnctcd hi * buni- IICHH anil that they Hbonld by all mean be I'allcd Jtown. 1 ! ' / * { / not , he aryacd ; they fake nj > too maeh of thecarth , they arc Entirely too bty and too ttlrony , they attract Kn- tircly too mach attention from penplc , and 1'eonle hare no bnHinc H to be attracted by anylhiny but J/c. While thus Koliloqaixiny one day hia mauler came atony rery maeh oaf of humor and flndiny him enyaycd in the foolinhnirnnitoftryiny to it nil down the JL'yramtdH he coneladcd he wast a IliyycrJackasn than he baryatned for and he Hwapjicd him for a JfanyaneNC I'arrot with a yellow tail. Moral ? There aint any. The pyramids arc- nt III. there. Jfyoan-antto nee the binyeitt liaryainit in hosiery that n-e hare crer offered look in one of ottr Fif teenth afreet w indows today. jraEF SYPHILIS OR AND BROUGHT TO PERFECT _ BAD BLOOD. by our lull tir.atmpnt of Turkish Uuppulr 9 * cuml by TurUili ! Eruption forliOO. Sight LOB-OS , Dny Lopfon , Nerve .HypfillU euro , never falli F orllraln tronl'lf. Cuiwt as perfect na you full treatment vclth ( ru&ran i-vcrwuro. Wo m ko our own nidilcfim lee.ilO.OO ) SliiKlalloicstt.OO. t oml > on cnn rely on Enttlnr well.V l sue written Kunrantoo ultli full euro. Mnglo HAHN'9 PHARMACY , llnx.91 oi > ! i\ ' mill HAHN'R riiAti Hilt nilFnrn lii.OMouNrii ( "TIIR COLORADO SI'KCIAI , Fnstuxt Train to Denver. via the UNION PACIFIC. Commencing February Cth , this train wll , LEAVE OMAHA 11:55 : P. M. DAILY , am AKUIVB AT DBNVBK , 1:30 : P. M. NEXT DAY. This train will be vestlbule-i : throughout. Lighted with Plntsch gas am : will consist of Drawing noom Slceplnp Cars. Free Hecllnlng Chair Cars , Coaches and Dining Cars. ONLY THAIN OMAHA TO DENVER , bavins ; Buffet , Smoking and Library Cars , Sleeper on westbound train will bo open to traveling public at 9:00 : p. m. and per sons bound for Colorado points need not wait until train leaves at midnight before retiring. For full information , call at City Ticket Omre , No. 1302 Famim St. IlreaUn Her .Vnlcle. Mrs. A. P. Fdulk , who lives on Harmony street , sustained a serious fracture of the left leg , below the knco , yesterday. She stepped out of a rear door and fell with great force , the entire weight of her body coming down upon ttie left ankle. Both bones wcro broken. Several years ago Mrs. Faulk was in n runaway accident and had both arms broken. TO CL'H12 COM ) IN O.VK IJAY Take Laxative Brome QuinineTablets. . All druggists refund the money If it fails to cure. 25c. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet. union 1'nclllc. Is the ONLY DINING CAIl ROUTE to UTAH-CALIFORNIA from MISSOURI RIVER. City TlJkct Onice , 1302 Farnam St. Tin : M.VHKIT. INSTRUMENTS placed on record Tucsilnr February 1 : WARRANTY DEEDS. li. S. Bynrs and wife to llarrel Uy.irs , sVj se',4 2I-1C- ! ) . $ 1,000 Limvood Park Lund company to Ran dolph State bank , lots 3 nnd 4 , block 2 , I'ljpa 1'liico . 150 Same to same , lots 1 nnd 2 , block 7 , Walnut Hill . 2M SI. II. Miller to J. H. Hilplne. e 30 feet of s 3 feet lot 7 , block 12 , Park er's add . 2OX ) Mayk 1'cknr nnd wife to Vnclnv Svo- jtek , n trnct commencing- point iU feet Foutb of the nort.ivtcst corner of lot 1 , block 2 , Hascall's add . 5K > Hnnnoroh Grandon to Jerry Leary. lot 3 , block S , UwlKht & L.'B ndil . 150 Catherine Mullen to Minnie Slerk , lot 1C. block 1 , Ha-iiBcom Place . l.Mtt C. li. Todtl nnd wlfo to William Pres ton , lot 12 , block I. nnd lots 13 , 11 and 15. block 12 , Wllcox'n add . 1 II. II. Williams find hUHband to W. J. Green , lotn 13 and 1C , llascall & IJ.'s sub . 1,3W Poppleton Park Building association to Omaha Savings bank , lot 18 , block 7 , Poppleton 1'urk . 30) James Montgomery and wife to U. b. Hollander , lot 23 , McCandllsh Place. . 13,000 B. 8. Hollander to A. D. Tower , o C7 feel lot 22 , name . 0,003 Same to Metz Brothers' Brewing com pany , w CO feet lot 22 , same . 5,000 nraicns. Sheriff to Cathedral Coup , part lot 3 , Capitol add . 1C.OW Master In chancery to Harold Hrown , lot 1 , block f.2 , and lot 8 , block 20. Omaha ; unrt',4 lots 1 and 2 , block C , Horlmch'B 2d add . 23.S20 Frank Thompson , executor , et nl to Paul Clements , lot 23 , block 1 , Bur lington Center . M Total nniDimt of transfers . $ soM7 SCIinOTH Maria Anna , aged ( ! 7 ycnro , Janunry 31st , 189 ? . Funeral Wednesday afternoon nt 2 o'clock , from family resi dence , 1513 South Third street , Inter- jnnnt nt Lauiel Hill cemetery. Friends Invited , MI5YI9H Fred C. , Infant son of Mr. ami Mr . John C. Meyer of 3122 .Miami street. Funeral from llurkut < t Doddc-r'H under- takliifr parlor , 3d and Cumlng st. , at 2 o'clock p. m. , February 2 , Interment For- OH ! Lawn cemetery. MANGOLD Austin H. , nged 41 yearn. Funeral services from family residence , 2S15 C'jpltol avenue , Weilnrtidiiy at 2 p. in. Frlenda of the family Invited , Interment Laurel Hill , 30 miles shorter than any other line 1502 FARNAM ST. TICKET OFFICE : ] OMAHA. Winter'sWiitds on face and hands prorluco the snmo r < suits as an axe on t'ie bark of a tree Cuti cle is your bark. Uncared for , It is worsij than the proverbial bite. And as It mould be uncomfortable to guard face and hands by a substantial enclosure use Rose and Cucumber Jelly That is belter than n sheltering fence , It's cheaper , not In the way , softens , soothes tha chapped skin , removes redness and rough ness , eradicates wrinkles , destroys black heads , Is not srtlcky. More , It fights the wind and cold of winter , it Is the best nr- mnr against the brcati. of frost. By Its cool , refreshing touch It prevents sore , cracked skin. It heals all pans exposed to the chilling blasts jf out doors. 25 cents largo bottle and uold whcrevee winds blow. Your rmmc ton trep wimple to you. "WILLIAMSON A : SI'IMI.VIL M'F'G. CO. Detroit , Mlehliiiin. For sale by Boston Store Dm * Dep ? . OMAH/t. Wo are In receipt of dally ship ments of the above Scrum from the laboratories of I'arltc , Davis & Co. , and II. 1C. Mulfonl. Wo have it In the following strengths : fXW Units , pdco $1.23 l.OuO Units , prlco $2.2o 3,500 Units , prlco $3.69 $ 2,000 UnltH , price $ ( .5o Sherman & Me Council DfUg Go , 1513 DODGK 8TRKI5T , MIDDLU OF ULOCIf. OMAHA , NI3U , Rojicot Construction Hr.ct all : : : : : : : Bigb Grade Cypcwritcv Goocntialo. Hlrtu for Our fltvt I Catalogue , fr . Dcot "Value UJHtfna Nacbtnt , j Che Smith premier Cypcwritcr Co. , f HmeiiM , H. V. , . B. H , ranch Office : 17'h ' and Fornam Sts , . Omaha. Medical L ] TreatmeffitC Of Catarrh and other Chronic Dis eases l Klven by Dr. Sheimrd after the most approved methods. Free I consultation and low feca , Those I who deslro are \\elcouin to call and I Inmiert the largc t and best equipped L ofllcea In the wes f. HEPA11D MEDICAL mSTlTUTK- , , Sll.Jlt JjS J JV. J.lf Illilir Tel. 11 J ! . [ _