TITE OMAHA DAILY JEElSt jjpy DAY , JAXUAttY 31 , 1808. SPECIAL NOTICES Ailvcrlliciitrnt * for HiCHe cnltiiiitiii jvlll lie tnken until 11 ! til. for the fvi-iilnif mill until H p. in. for the iniiriiliiK unit Sunday edition * . . \dt IT-UNIT * , by rnitieiilltiK ntitn- lirrnl chcok , run linvn iin wcr ml- UrfXNi'il to 11 miniliiTiMl letter In cnrc of Tlio llc'O. AiiNU-cr * nil nililrrimcil vrlll ilrllrtTcil on iircirittiitlnn of tinrlii'ck only. Itiilun , 1 1-Up n irord flmt Inncrtlonj 3o 11 word thcriMiftrr. Nothlnit tnUctt for II-NN than Ji.-.u fur the Urn ! Inncr- tliin. Tl ! < * < nilviTllftCiiii-nfn iiiunt be run conxri'iitlvrlj- . \VA.VrHI > SITI'ATIOXSt \VANTKlJ-8ITUATIuN IN 1'MIVATK FAMILY liy man ntid wife ; wife ftuo'l cnok : man ex- | ii > rltn < ml m taking ciuo Iinrnes. yard , etc. Call 1103 1'acltlc St. Fred Hnnderson. --338-31 * A - - - \VAvnn _ MALI : IIIJLP. CANVABMKUfl TO TAKI * OllUnilS ; NI'W LINK of wx'ki ' no l.i * y t-oojn to curry ; mlary or cummUilon. C. F. Ailami Co. , (21 Bo. ICtli fit U-381 SALESMAN KOK CHIAHS. $ ! ! A MONTH AND fiptrm-s : old nrmj experience unnec aryi In- ductnitita to customers C. C. IJIshop K. Co. , HI. Jsnilu . 1I-3J ( AflKNTH AND HIIANCII MANAGERS ; SALARY nnd cotnml lnn. Hunlcr Tailoring & Shirt Co. . Cincinnati , O. U-M4M April 3 * 1100 CAS * I ANtl LIUF.I'.AL MMISSONS ! FOIl Kiwi , experienced organlzm ; up to il tc plan ; rany tn work. Henry C' . Akin. Supreme lUecnt , Imperial Mytitlo I-eclon , Omalin. Nob. _ IJ tf3.1r3 COMPKTKNT OltflANiy.KIl FOH NK1IUA8KA for MroiiKent old line fraternal onler known irwiil rnliiry or commission. A < lilri > § nt once IJ CJ. lleo otllee. 1I-MK2 31 tVANTi : ! ) , COMPKTnNT SALESMAN : NKW uperliilly : staple KI > TS ; liberal remuneration. M r. , 4..l I'nxton Mic-k. Onuha. 11 Mlil Kl aoviHlNMRNT I'OHITinNMDON'T IMtKPAHU fur thi > post > ! llr nr othrr civil neivlee examlnn- tlc.n without tet'lnit our Illujtrnti-il eitalivjuo nf information. Sent ft en. Columbian C'oiie- Kpomlenee ' "ollege , WmhliiRton. U. C. 11-.MMI 1-T , VNIXM'AI "I ) OI'I'imTt'NITtKS OI'KN' A 'I r.ll tlniM to tellable , fnerp-tlc Ml < 'rtiii"ii { n fell cnr lubrlesilltiK oils n'nl ! Mi < vliiltii"tx : - rlulvi > or Blile line The 1'ol.ir Oil i'n. < 'le > - llMUKl luul : , O. - wi : WANT iiMsi'o.N'siiiLH LADIUH ANI > iTiMillenien Inveiy city n < l tiwn In ri-pr"- FUit ii ; no camnn lnir. Send Hlninp fur | rir- ilriilnrs to II , V. Millar , .Manager , No , r.H3 KlinlKirk nvpnun , Chli-aK" . MI31 31" Titn sr.v nr pnr-rn OMAHA WANTS A HOY who ran feed pie'ees nnd do u little typo- M'tlltlK. Apply nt antF. 11-MIII 31 WA.Vl'HI ) VKM VI.K HUM * . 10(1 ( OIUI.S I'OIt AM. IClNtlK nr WOHIv : TO $7 week. Oinadlnn Olllcc. 1522 DoUKla * . C-3C3 FIHST-C'U\HS COOK AND I.AUNDUKSS ; 1 jicr woi-lc. 017 S. lEth. C-101 VANTIID. A ( X.MI'imNT CUItl , TOIl OBN- ornl himsowotk ; call In furi'iioon at 1309 Smith 2Clh iivo. C--M321 C'OMl'KTENT ICITCIiny C1IIU. WANTBO ; NO othcrM iu > cil npply ; tJ.W. SIS S. Mill SI.C C 3,19 i.\mis TO nn NEBDF.I : womc AT IIOMK. I'an iniiko $1 to $7 11 wi ok. l. < < p < > rlcnc unupciyi. f-aiy. full ( .0111 MfK. Co. , looms ) 32 nnd 33 , llarkrr lilix-k. C Mt3 < 31 'K HOIT8HS AND COTTAOKS AM.OVRn ulty , $3 toJ73 ] ' 'ldellty , 1st lluor N. Y. Ufi > . U Mill MOVINH norsKHOi.n rjoonw AND I'IANOS. Om. Van & .StoniKC Co. . ISlllj Kninam. lei. 13:9. . D S73 HOL'SKo. WAL.L.ACU. lJI.OClCT < TH nnd DounUB. D 368 I.AItfiK LIST. M'CAGUK. 13TH AND DODC.K. D 3C9 IIOL'SKS. FLATH. OAISVIN DltOS. , 1C13 FAU'M. D-370 iouiis ( ron IIKNT. HUMIO. I-AXTON III.K- . D 371 IIOUHEH. J. II. SIIiil\VOOD : , 3 N. Y. MKK. D-372 IIOITSIIH IK ALT. PARTS nw Till : C1TV. Tlln O. P. Davis Company. ir.OJ Fnrnitn. D 3rr , HOUSES. HENiWA : & CO. . IDS N. 15TH ST. nniisis , COTTAUES . < : STORES. ALL PARTS of city. Ilronnnn & IJJVB Co. , 218 a. ICtli. D-3C7 E-KOO.M HOUSE. NHWLY PAINTED ANT I'A- perod , SDK N. 2Sth Avo. . } I2. Fidelity Tnut Co. D-M170 HOUSES , STORES. WEAU , KiTII A DOUOLAS. 11-211 K2I HOt'SES. STOItliS. IJE.MIS , PAXTOX 111,1C. D-M371 IIESIRAIILU T-HOOM IIOI'SM , NORTH : NINE- limn modern tiin' . close In. L. S. Kklnnur , Aqeiil. 509 N. Y. Life. D-2C3 AN' KLKOAN'T MODERN MIOOM 11I1ICK iluelllni ; . ( .0:1 : fciith 2Sth ; J30 ; R-rnnm stenm heated Hal. J27.ro , Apply toV. . II. Molkle. 1st Nnt'l lilt , lildtf. D M303 FOR RINT. NINE-ROOM HOUSE ; CON - vcnlonL mndern. hompllki1 : linat reclilenc' * dla- trlrt ; fo\v mlnutos' wnll ; frnm t > ofltf lllrp : barn If Meslivd. ( Iiuitilri- * N. Y. Life Iliilldln ? . D M r. 11 R-ROOM ( ATTACH : , 2121 HALF HOWARD HT. D-m 3S7 F 1 HOl'SE. P.ARN AND HALF-ACRE OF LD ; ir.unl chit-ken rniifh. In Omaha IlPlnlit" . A. P. Tukoy , City Hall. D-210 ) FOR : sHXT KrilXISIIUII ItHOlIS. FOR RUNT. NEWLY FIJHNIHIIED ROOMS ; rreaonnMo prices. 2121 Dodeo. E MG56 iniRNUMIKD ROOMS * , 2.'i70 HARNEV ST. I-MIS : F:2 L.UKiE SOUTH FIIONT ROOM. WITH AL- cuvo ; modern. I5SO Ilarney St. E-274 Fl TWO LAKOE ROOMS FOR OENTLIIMEN , 411 N. 17th. -M3I9 I I'V JfTri-JLY FI'RNISHEI ) ROOMS WITH ALCOVE ; lurio cldFi'tK. Kai > . liath. hot nnd cuM water in loninK. W Noitli 19lh St. K 399 ! TTRNIHUED ROOMS. 1913 DOI-OLAS ST. E-MHl 31 UIHMIH AM ) MUAIIU. THK MICKIIMH. I'MIRT CLASS FAMILY HO- tel. 25th ami Dmlge Bin. F M707 TWO NICE ROOMS. 203S DOl'llLAS ST. g-708 _ iTfJDN'DIKE HOTEI . COIINER ICTTf AND Wi'lipter streets European plan. 1W rooms , nlcaiii ln-at , freii Imtha ; KJ"d lonms. Jl so p..r week ; ln > i > t mt'dliun-i'rlced ' hotel In Ornnlin. I N WaUon. Pioprletor. F Jlssi Hurnvy. F MSCS Feb.15 * TOl'IA. 17J1 DAVENPORT ; TIJANSIKNTO Ac commoilatod. F M709 Fi" : PARLORS EN SUITE. SMALLER lioarvl. The Rene , 202' ' ) Hiirnuy. F MUM _ TUTALII A NY , 1101 IXIUOLAsTTlOOMsTviTH Inuril ; trnnilontu occomniojitted. K JIM ) Fi NICELY ! 'URNlVlinTlOOMP. | MODEliN ljC ccllent Inlilo board. U. Nuith 19lh mr Pt. F-MS ! _ _ _ _ ? N PRIVATE FAMILY. WITH OR WITHOUT Imurtl. 1919 Doilk-e. F-M30J J--J ri'RNIHIIED ROOMS WITH HOARDTlOT water lieut. J40J fun Ht. T 3IO-F-5 * 151 ii > ANT FIIONT ROOMS , STEAM HIVnii ) : ; Ilisl-olnm tmiln | . I9"9 Cnpltni Av. F M'i5 | si "liOOM AND HOAHU. ! 303 DOl'OLAS. F-MI-V C * _ ] : LEOA.NTLY FI'RNISIIED PARLOR. fTioiJi5 or i'M uUf , ukii oilier rooma nnd hoard. ! M7 r.iriifin. F-401 ! lti\T : HTOIIKS AM ) FOilENT. IN THE ini Olio large coiner room , id lloor. with vault and prlvutu nlllet * . niitt'r , ftc. O.m l.i rt front room , : j lloor. divided Into two loom * 1' ) ' partition : witter , etc , One largn corner room , : d llocr , with vault , ivuttr. etc. One frimt room , dUldn ) t > y partition. 3d near , One roiticr rconi. with vault , Sd floor. One lane room , 3d floor , with [ uttltloii dividing It Into on largo rocm and two unaller prlvule roomi ; ntcr. etc , Two large cround door rpotn > , frontlnf 17tli at , with > ult. Biveral tinull rooini on 4th ( loot .with vaulli. All then * luoma ru heated with ( team , electric Unlit * , tupplltd with tlibt-clam Janitor s rvlc , ilev tor * tun day and all nlthi ; building trlc'ly fireproof , Apply to Sui rlnttnd nt , Room 104 llee l-ulldlnc. - I-1IS FOR RUNT Th * 4-STOHY IIRICK I1UII.D1NO at ' < Karnam St. Thl > tulldlnc liii a nrtproot cement baxmtnt ; water on all floor * , rai , etc. ' Apply at Hit offlct of Th iitt. I iw roil HKXT.-STOUKS .VXD ( Conllnued. ) FOR RRNT DESIC ROOM IN OROUND FI/3OR orrire , Ie ) tiUlldlnR ; vatcr , rteim heat , electric IlKht and Jsnltor fervleo. Apply to Superin tendent. Dee building. 1-1(7 1011 RENT. OOOD STORK ROOM. NO. 319 No irlh St. r. W. Carmlfhnel. No. 6 Wlthnell IlldtT. I-M123 F4 TO IlKXT. WE WANT A GOOD STORE ROOM. WELL located , nl once , for n first-clans permanent tenant. Fidelity , l t floor , N. Y. Life.K979 K-979 ST ( > R.ua : . PACIFIC STORAOE AND WAREHOUSE CO. . itOS-810 Jones ; genernl etorase and forwarding. II-376 OM. VAN A STORAOE , 1S11H FARN'M. TEL 1539 M-377 FRANK EWERS , STORAGE , 1JH HARNBY. Ilnullnc nnd packing , rhenpot ratcn. Tel. 936. M 378 WAXTUD TO IIL'Y. WANTED TO RUY-A FEW THOUSAND dollar * of Omnhs SavlnRn bank certm-'ntM for cnsh ; stntc nm-iunt and price asked. Address K 29 , llee office. N 959 31" KOH S.U.H i < * uiiMTniic. CHATTEL MORTOAGn SALE OF HOUSEHOLD KoodH lit public ntlctlon Wednesday. Feb. 2. nt 2 p. m. nt 117 N. 1.1th. Everything must be nold to the hlBhe.it bidder. O-M42 ? Fl * FURNISHINGS OF A FIVE ROOM HOUSE. 224J Charles. O-229-29 * KOII SAI.K HORSKS , WACOX.S , HTC. FOR SALE ORTHADE , STYLISH TRAP. 11AR- ncjs , robei nnd well bred 4-year-old horse : works well under raddle. Addreea E Cl , llee. P-M331 F4 IIORSIl Al'CTION AT OUR HEOULAR AUC- tloli Hale thl < week , mi Wednesday , ut I p. ml wo will fell 1C" ) line Iowa nnd Nebraska horsed , heavy drafts. bu lnei > chunks , drivers' nnd farm horn's ; nno of the finest consignments of Rood horses ever offered on this market. Wolworth-Proctor Co. , Unljn Stock yards. I'-in 332-31 FOll SALR JMSOKLLAXKODS. FINE. WHITE SAWDUST FOR FLOORS. ETC. ; coarse for Ice , nt 13.75 per cord. Tel , 458. 901 . Q-379 STEAM MERRY-OO-ROfND COMPLETE ; COSl' J..S..O.OH ; prlrp. $8.10 ; money In It for exposition. Wrlto Tuttlc Ilros. , Salt Lake City , Utah. 31 * Q-M3H ' .oo ) I.-EET OF IMFFERENT KIND or OLD lumber for salo. H12 PliTce St. Q 334-31 * MINERY , ONE LATHE , 21x10. ONE NO. 4 fiarven MIllliiK ni.n . . .rlnHIP Iniucisrtnj - Btonp and fi-imi > nnd on1Vlb. . bl.U'ksmlth vice. Alnvc machinery pmctlcally new nnd In Kurd cnndltlon. F 3. lice. Q MI13 3l FOR SALE CHEAP , A NEW 11 FLAT SILVER- plated tenor horn , with case. Address F .0 , IJeu olllce. ( J-M412 31 IIAT1IS , MADAME SMITH. US NO. 1STI1 ST. , STEAM nnd alcohol baths. T-996 F-4 MME. RRISSON OF1 PARIS , CHIROPODIST , medicated baths unJ massage. 107 N. 1th St. T -IM LAt'RA ELLISON , CROUNSE ULIC. , 119 N. ICth , uprtalri ) , room 13 ; Imlli and nu raRe. T M29I F2 MME. AMES , MASSAGE AND 1JATIIS. Howard street. T Ml 13 C * Mil * . DR. LEON , ELECTRIC MASSAOE HATH parlors ; restful and curative. 417 S. llth , up stair * . T-M4I5 FC TKRSOXAL. VIAVI CO. . UTERINE TROUDLES. S46-8 I1EE Hlds : physician coiibult.itlun or health book free. U 3S1 UATIIS , MASSAGE. MME. POST. 319'/4 ' S. 15TH. U 3S2 CLOTHES CLEANED. PRESSED AND HE- paired ; ilay or nlKht ; dress suits for hire. Panlorlum , N. E. Cor. 14th nnd Farnam. Tel. 0 < 3. U-3S3 iTow HECOME LAWFUL PHYSICIANS , pharmnclsts , V. D's , UentUts or lawyers. Ixick box 19 ( ! , Chicago. U 74S F 2 PRIVATE HOME FOR LADIES P.BFORE AND diirdlUK conllnemer.t. Ilables ad < > ptcil or cared fur. Mrs. M. J , Ludloiv , 2202 Clark St. , Omaha. U-3CI Fcli-19 ANY PERSON IN DMJGLAS. WASHINCSTON or Soipy counties who has any c'.nlm ncalnst mo will pleiisu call nt Wler'a place , near South Omaha , wheru I can be found till March 1 , IKtt. John Nath. U 9S3-Feb-2S' WIFE WANTED ; NO OLD. WIDOW , Di vorcee , udventmecs. School prlnclpnl. lock box 453. l'-M307 F3 PRIVATE HOME FOR LADIES REFORE AND during contlnomcnt ; tables adtij > ted ar.il cared fir. 1130 N. 17th. U-310-F-4' KLONDYICE FREIC.1IT A PARTY OF CALL fornln mlnera going ; to Alaska , nnd. llndliiK' dlf- tli'iiliy In Ketllm ; rcasonnblo frelfiht chnrsei * . have dc-clded to build a powerful river steamer In carry their outfits up the Yukon river. They cnn curry several hundred outfits for n Bivi'n amount frnm Sa.ii Fnuiclsco , In their canto St. Michaels , nnd fiom there on In their steamer to Dnwfon. For particulars ad- drPM A. Martin , Hear Valley , Marlpi > 3a county , California. I'--M3M 4' 3I4)XKY TO I , O AX II HAL 13STAT12. ' MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW RATES. THE O. F. Davis Co. . 1JOJ Farnam St. W 385 ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO. . 315 N. Y. L. ; quick money it low rates for choice faim lands In Iowa , nor'.hcrn JIlssouil , ciutern Nebraska. W 356 _ LOANS IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CIiY property. W. Farnam Smith & Co. , 1320 Far'm. W-3S7 MONIYTO : LOAN. HEMIS. PAXTON W-'JCI MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVE ! ) OMAHA real cctnte llrennan-Lovo Cc. , 219 S. ICth. W 3S9 lloO.COO.CO SPECIAL FUND TO I.OAN ON llr t C'nss ' Improved Omaha property. r for bullJInc Diirno.es. Fidelity Trust Company. W-390 MONEY LOANED ON IMPROVED REAL ES tadIn Omaha. Council llluffs . < < South Omaha. 1'Ubey it Thomas , COJ First Nat'l Hank , Omaha , W-TO WANTED-CHOU'E FARM AND CITY LOANS. II. C. 1'etcrs & Co. , U. H , Nufl Uank Hid ? . W-M153 fiES FOR BALL' . PROPERTY OF NON- icildtiitu caied for. W. 11. Melkle. 1st Nat'l Ilk. W-39I _ WE HAVIl MONEY TO LOAN ON FARMS IN eastern Nebrnrkn and western Iowa . Hrennan- Love Co. , 219 South 16th street. W MSI9 FG Mju'ENT MONEY O.V NEII. VARMS & ha property. W. 11. Melkle. 1st Nai'l Hank Hide. W-M 4 1C G PER CENT CITY AND FARSl LOANS. Gnrvln llroa. . 1C13 Farnnin St. W-JIMT FROSI 1100.00 UP. WEAD , 16TH & \V-2I2 I\4 C'i PER PENT MONEY. HEMIS , PAXTON Illk. W-9C1 3IOXHV TO I.OAX UIIATT13I.S. J10 TO tlO.CCO TO I.OAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND PIANOS , HORSES WAGONS AND C/vARIAQES , WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS , ETC. . nt loweil rules In Omaha , South Omaha and Council llluffs. No rcm"val or Roods ; ntrlrtly conlldentlal ; you can pay the loan off ut uny time or In any umoun's. umoun's.OMAHA MORTOAGE I/AN CO. . 300 South KtK St. THE OLDEST. LARGEST AND ONLY INCOR. PORATED IXJAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. XHSS OHA\CIS. : TO GET IN OR OUT OF UUS1NESS GO TO J. J Gibson. & 14 First Nat'l Uank. V-Wi FOR RENT. IIRICK STORUIIOOM COXTT. ALL L-oiHtnk'iicei ; Lc t location In city , iplendld business town. John H. Llndale , West Point , Ntb , Y MS11 WANTED-A GOOD"PARTNER FOR SOUTH , crn fruit , farm , Al o cuttoiners for 100 choice loin. aUa < e\eral small tracts of land near Omaha. AJJrcn , J. 11. Itlce , Council lllulTs. la. Y-SSO Ftb-2tt WANTED- ACTIVE LMAN WITH CCOO CASH to taku part Interest In first class retail shoe store , well established nd first clan locution , Tills H u raie chance not often offered in a young man wlihlne to enter the tuslneis life. Addrns fun Information K ct lice office. Y-S3C-31 IJRIJSS CUTT1XO SCHOOLS , REMOVED. THE JOY TAILOR SYSTEM dicta cutting kdiool , 1911 Cumlne kt.M . -M > 70 Fub 15 EXl'OSITIO.V FRONTAUU9 VOll IIBXT , GROUND UA8E3 FRONTJNQ EXPOSITION. lJ mli , I * < utca Illk. ill I3XC1IAXUI4. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE LOT CO I1Y 1M feet , with elght-rnom cottage with all modern Improvements , also ( too-l barn , Healed In choicest rsMdenct part of Omaha , two blocks frr.in Hanrcam park ; one Mock from street cars rind school ; paved street nnd brick walks ; JS.MO Incu.nbranre , four years at 8 per cent ; will sell equity cheap for ca h or will eiclianno for ft desirable stock of shoes. AddreM D C6 , H e. Omaha. Z-M757 Feb. 1J 4M ACRES IMPROVED KNOX < * OUNTY. NER. . land to sell or trade for residence or bit'lnpss property In Omaha. Oeo. W. Snow. Sprlnc- Held , S. D. Z-M352-F-1 * roil SALll HKAL n KOUNTXE PLACE UAROAINS. K.tOO. JJ.tSO TO 6 , l. J. J. Gibson , 14 First Nat. Rank Hide. RE-S99 BARGAINS. HOUSES , LOTS AND FARMS ; Bale or trade. F. 1C Darling , imker blk. RE-400 HOUSES. LOTS. FARMS. LANDS. LOANS , also lire Insurance , Bcmls , I'nxton block. RE-M401 NEW COTTAGE , MONTHLY PAYMENTS. C04 Ueo Hide. RE-M551 IXOAN VALLEY FARMS AND MERCIIAN- dl e. Huntsbergcr & Clements. Lyons , Ne braska. RE-M3C9 J2I.5M FOR 3-STORY IIRICK BUILDING , 44 . ' Jt frontage , nt-nr 14th nnd Douglas Sts. I2.SOO for Improved property on Cinnlnn street. near SJth street. J , N. Frcnzer , Opp. P. O. RE-M7CO 14 PER CENT GROSS INVESTMENT. 2-STORY brick business building , pi Ice t3.lv ) . Address L 1 , Bee. RE M7C1 FMIM LANDS , C. F. HARRISON. M2 N. Y. U RE-911 F17' WANTED TO BUY OR TRADE FOR A TEN or fifteen-acre tract near Omnha ; muft bo peed nnd cheap ; state location nnd lowest price. Address n 2S , Bee office. RE-9CO 31 * HOUSIJ , RARN AND HALF ACRE IN OMAHA HclKhts ; splendid chicken ranch. A. P. Tukoy , CltyHnll. UE-341-31 _ _ FURNISHED HOI'SE. 10 ROOMS. RENTED t'N- tll November 15. U9S : well located for roomers. U. R. Ball , N. E , 15lh and Dodge. RE-337-F-2 A GREAT HAROAIN ; 44 > > ACRES OF LAND ncnr two rullrond slntlonM In Ciiuj cnuuty. nt 2. > .00 per ncre. Adress R. II. Wlndhiini , Pliittsmouth , Nebraska. RE M4SO F4 SHORTIIAXI ) AXI ) TVPHU'IUTIXO. ROYLIXT SCHOOL IS TIIK ONLY ONE IN Oln.llia where court reporters lire teachers. 405-407 Ilec BUe. A. C. VAN KANT'S SCHOOL. 613 N. Y. LIFE. SX AT OMAHA BUS. COLLEGE , 16TH & DOUGLAS 397 OMAHA SHORT-HAND COLLEGE. HOYD'S theater. M75'l Feb. 13 I'AAVXRROKIOH.S. II. MAROWITZ LOANS MONEY. 41S N. JG ST. 407 PIXAXCIAL. MONEY LOANED ON LIFE INSURANCE POL- Idea or bought. L. P. Van Norman. Minne apolis. Minn. M77.1 MchH * TYPKWIIITMIIS. TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT , J4.CO PUR MONTH. The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. , 1C23 Far nam fit. ; telephone. 12SI. COO K.MI'LOYSSEXT Ol'M'MCKS ' CITY EMPLOYMENT BURKAU. 1117 1'AHNAM st Rooms 2 , % 3. Tel. 1404 "At STlSXOfillAPlIlJRS. WE SOLICIT AND FURNISH POSITIONS FOR Stenosraphcra fre.The Smith-Premier Type writer Co. Telephone. 1284. 103 I'UHXlTURi : PACKED. M. S. WALKIN. Jill CL'MINO. TEL. 1331. 400 IIRICK SEW15R.SIDEWALIC & BUILDING ANY QI'AN. tllyjtel. 4SJ. Loulavll.c Uriel : Co. , 330 UJ. Trade. sus COAL. BURLINGTON NUT , JlESf , CHEAPEST. PRICE $3.75 per ton. 'Pluns f IS. Harmon iWeath Co. 401 ( ! OV 1311VIIH\T XOTIC'ICS. I'nOPOSALB FOH LEASING THE SUU- plus erazlni ; lands on the ICIowa anil Comnnehe anil Wli-hlta reservations" . Unlteil States Indian service , Klowu and Comanclu and Wlcnlta nfioiu-y , Anadarko , Oklahoma , January 19 , 1STO. ( Tolographlc address ) , Anu- darlo , Oklahoma , via OhleluiMha. J. T. ) Sealed proposals for gruzInK horses or cattle ( but not sheep or hogy ) on the sur plus lands ol the ICIowa and Comanche ami Wichita reservations , Oklahoma , Indorsed "Proposals for leasInK tribal lands for Brazing purpo.ss , " and addressed to tlio acting at'ent of the ICIowa and Comanche agency , Anadarko , Oklahoma , will he ru ceivcd- this oOlce until 2 o'clock p. in. on the 19th day of February , IS'.IS. The pastures on tlio Klowu and Comanche reservation will bo leased for the period of three years from April 1 , IKtS , and tlio pastures on the Wichita reservation will bo leased for one year from April 1. Jill's. No bid for a different period on either reser vation will be received or considered. For tlio Information of bidders 1 will statu that the description of the pastures , the loca tion and estimated number of acres in tach , nnd all otner necessary Information will bo furnished on application to IhU olllce. A few of the paatureB on each rcsurvatijii are unsurveyed. These will bo surveyed us early as'practicable , and the lessee will be required to pay upon the actual number of acres found to be embraced In each , aj shown by the mirvy. Certain of the pas tures on both reservations are also tin- fenced , The lessees of unfenced pastures will bo required , without unnecessary de lay , U fence the same with a substantial , cattle-proof , wire fence ; all fences anil other Improvements shall revert to the In dians and become their nboslute properly at the expiration of the lenses. No lu.sturu on Hie Kluwa and Comnnriir reservation thai Is already under fence will bo leased fjr less than 10 cents pc-r m re per annum , and no unfrnivil pasture on said reserva tion will be leased for less limn S cents per acre for the llrst year and 10 cents pur aero for eacn 01 iiic- second and third years. The bidder must clearly ( lslintir : the pat- ) tuje on whle'a the bid Is miidi' . KlvltiB Iho csllmated number of. , % c.rea therein , thu price per acre pur annum which he will pay. and the maximum number of horses or cattle lie proposes to hold upon the lands at uny one tlmo ; and In case more limn oiio pasture Is bid upon , Hep.iniUbids must bo made upon each. Only by a strict ad herence to this Instrucllon will It be prac ticable to compare the bids on any given pasture. The rent must bo paid In two equal semi-annual payments In advance , namely , on April 1st and October lnt of each year. Kaeh lessee will bo required lo furnish security In an amount equal lo the deferred payments for the falihftil per formance of liio conditions of the lease through Home acceptable security or Kttar- anly company. Personal bands will not be aocepled. HverylhliiK being1 satisfactory It It proposed to award the Brazing prlvlli'Kt-s of each particular pasture to the bidder proposing to pay the hluhi'st price there for ; bill Iho rlirhl In hereby reserved to re ject any and all bids If deemed for the best Intercut of Iho Indians and the leriHos executed herctinder will be subject to the approval of the secrclary of Iho Interior. Knch proposal must bo accompanied by a certified check or draft upon some United Stales depository or solvent national bank In the vicinity of Ihe bidder's place of residence , mnile payable to the order of the commissioner of Indian affairs , for at least 6 percentum of the entire amount of Ihe proposal , which check or draft shall bo forfeited to the United States for tiie use and benefit of Ihe Klowa , Comanclic , Apache and Wichita Indians , In case any bidder receiving an award Khali fall lo enter Into the prescribed leaoo for the lands bid upon , and to secure a suitable bond for the faithful performance of hla part nf the contract ; otherwiseto ba re turned to the bidder. Proposals not conforming - forming to the requlrcmonts of this ad- verllaomeni will nol bo considered. FHANIC D. UALDWIN. Cant. U. S. A. , Actlnu In dian Airent , ICIowa and Comanche ARency , Anadarlco , Oklahoma. J2lditM PROPOSALS Foil SUnSISTBNUH 1'HOPBHTV. Ofllco of Purchasiiib' Com. mlssary of Subsistence , Omaha , Neb. , January 2S , 1S9S'- Sealed proposals , sub. Ject lo iho usual coiidlllon * , will be received at this offtco until 10 o'clock a. m , , February 7 , 1SSS , at which tlmo and place they will be publicly opened , for fur- nlslilnieuuflstenco property , as follows- Stationery , Scales , Hardware , Olllce Furni ture , etc , Preference will be slven to ar ticles of domestic production. Hlank pro- posaU and cpccllicatlons can b : ob'ulncd ut thin omce. FHANIC B , NYIS. Major and Commissary of Hubslatence. Jany , 2S-29-5) ) , Feb. 1 , M , < ; OVIUX.MWVI' AOTICKS. ( Continue' ! . ) TIlBAStinY DKPAnTME.VT. 'JFFICK SI- pervlnins iirchltoct. WashlnRton , IJ. C. , Jan. tmry 22 , 1SSS SenloJ proposals will bo to- colveil at this olllrp until 2 o'clock n m on the l"ith " day of Fcbt-unry , 9 . rind opened ttiunotllutely Iheroafter , for all thu labor and matcrl.ils require 1 for the erec tion nnd completionJxcept hp.itlng n | > - p.irntus ) . of the I' . S. jiosiofllce bullrtlnK at South Omnhn , Nebniokn , In , accordance with the drawlntfn wpl j > ecincatlotis , copivJ of which may bo tad' nt this olllce or the olllco of the Suprlntemlent nt South Omaha , Nebraska. , T.he rlsht 1 reserved to reject any or nlutilds and to waive any defect or Informality In any bid photitil It be deemed to the .inlQrest of the Govern ment to do so. Pr&tiMKflls must be enclosed In envelope * , pealed and marked 'TllO- POSAL for the Krectlon and rompletlon ot the r. S. Postolllce. at South Om.ihn , Ne braska , " and adtlro seJI to the Supervising Architect. J-'M It I'ODM AHTHM.HS OP IXCOIIl OIIA'riO.\ . AHTICLKS OF INCOUPOHATION OF TUB W. .T. PBIUIY I IVB STOCK COMMIS SION CO. Notice Is hereby Klven that a cortioratlon 1ms been formed under the laws of Ne braska , in the manner and for the purposes hereinafter specllled , and Its articles of In corporation have been filed In the otllccs of the county olerk of Douglas county and of the secretary of state. First. The name of the company IsV , J. Parry Llvo Stock Commission Company. ' Second. The principal place of trans. e.l- Inc Its business Is South Omaha , Nubras'.ta. Third. The general nature of the business to bo transacted Is the buying selling , fee.'J- Ing and handling of live stock on commis sion , or otherwise ; the advancing of money to feeders , shippers and others ; the making , endorsing and guaranteeing of checks , drafts nnd notes , whenever necessary In and about the business and the doing of other things necessary to the full exercise ot the cor porate powers stated , Fourth , The amount of capital stock au thorized la JTACOO. At least one-half thereof has boon subscribed and paid In cash. The remaining $2iooO ! , or any part thereof , may bo Issued at any time by the Hoard of Directors. All stock when Issued shall bo fully paid up and non-aFsePsable. Fifth. The tlmo of the commencPinunt of the corporation Is the Ural day of January , 1S9S , ami the date of Its tcrmln.Ulon the llrsl day of January. 191S , Sixth. The highest amount of Indebted ness or liability lo which the corporation I" at any time to subject Itself Is an amount not to exceed two-thirds of the capital stock. Seventh. The affairs and business of the corporaticn are lo be conducted by a board of three directors and by u president , vice piesldenl , secretary , treasurer and manager by said board elected. In testimony whereof the corporation hns caused this notice to be published as by law required. J. W. CKimJL13 , I. . F. STOCKWKLL. Secretary. President. STOClCHOL.niOUS * M KF.T1NG. Notice U 'lereby fdvem that the regular annual meeting of the stockholders of the South Pl.itte Land company will be .held at the otlice of raid company In Lincoln , Nebraska , at 11 o'clbt'k a. in. , on the llrst Wednesday In M irc.i , 1SHS , being the second day of ' .he month. , Uy order of fie Hoard of Directors. It. O. PHILLIPS. Secretary. Lincoln , Neb. , .Jan. ,11 , l lis. jaidWtm I'OSTOI-TICK XOTICI3. ( Should be read DAILY by all Interested as changes may occur ut any time. ) Foreign malls for thqiveek ending February .1 , 1F9S , will clone 'fPROMPTLY in nil cases ) at the general post olllce us fol lows : PAKCKLS tfOST .MAILS close one hour earlier than closing time shown below. TriuiH-Atliiiillr Mall * . WEDNESDAY Ajt 7 a. m. ( supplementary 9 n. m. ) for KCUOPR , per s. a. New York * , via Southamplori ; af ! ) a. in. ( mipplcmenl- ary 10"o : n. m. ) for KrilOPK , per s. . UiTjimnlc * . via Quwnstown ; at 10 a. in. for HIJLGIUM dlnVt , per s. s. Frleslnnd , via Antwerp ( loiters must be directed "per Frleslaml" ) . TUt'USUAY At S a. m. for NETHER LANDS direct , per. s. s. Edam , via Ams terdam ( Idlers , must l > u directed "per Edam" ) . SATl'KDAY At T ) - in. for FUANC'E , SWITZERLAND. . ITALY. SPAIN , POR- TUOAL , TUHK3Xt.4GYPT | and I1HIT- 1S11 INDIA , per n.s. . . La Uretagne * , via Ha.vre ( letters foryj.her parts cf Eurojie must bu directed "por Li liretagiie" ) ; at S o. m. for NETHERLANDS direct , per . s. Obdam , via Rotterdam ( letter must be directed "per Ohdnm" ) ; at S a. m. for GENOA , per jt. . Kaiser Wllhelm 11 ( let- ' .era must be directed "per Kaiser Wllhelm II" ) ; at 10 a. m. ( supplementary 11:30 : a. m. ) for EUROPE , per n. s. Auranla' , via , Qiieenstown ; ut 11 a. in. for NORWAY dliecl. per a. s. llfkla ( letters must be directed "per llekla" ) . I'HI.VTKr ) MATrnil. rT'-Oennnn Ktcamcrs KalHi'.t ; on TucHjays lake i'rrmoil Matter , etc. , for Oeimany. nml fpceliily Adilr. ' i > i | 1'nntoil Mutter , etc. for other p.nUof L'lirpu. Amir- lean nnil White Stnr slcaniers on'eilm stlay5 , ( ifnnan fcteamerfi on TlmraJuyB. inil : funartl , Kionch nnd Gcrinnn htemnera tn Haturtlays talie 1'rlntcJ Mattel , etc. . fur all countries for which they an ; adNtrtUeJ tu cany mull. After tlie f\'iflr\K \ \ of the Bui plcmcntary Trans- Atld ! tie Mat' * nnnicl above , ailclltlon.il 5Uiiplo- i lontury mulls nrc opened en the piers of the American , Himllsh. Krenrli unil German Etenin- ITH , ami iL'inuiii npen until wiimn Ten Minutes of the hour ut cal.int , ' ot etcamur. for Smith tiiul Oitlrul America , WcKt Inilli-h , 1C if. SUNDAY At 7 n. m. for SANTIAGO UK CUHA. VHNKXtlKLA and COLOMHIA. per s. n. Mexico ( leltera must be directed "per Mexico" ) . MONDAY At 10 a. m. ( supplementary 11 a. m. ) for CFNTRAL AM1CRICA ( except Costa R'ca ' ) and SOUTH PACIFIC PORTS , per tt. 3. Finance , via Colon ( lel- : eis for Ciuutemitlu must bo directed "pi-r Flnauct" ) ; ill ; ! p. in. for HICLI'/ ! . ; , PUKRTO I'OHTEJC nnd fJUICTBMALA , per steamer from New Orlears. Tl'lCiSDAY At 12oO : p. in. ( supplementary 1 p. m. ) for ST. THOMAS. ST. CROIX , LIOHWARD and WINDWARD ISLANDS , per s. H. Pretirln ( lelleiy for Grenada. Trinidad and 'rol-ifM : must be dlrectfd "per 1 relorla" ) ; ( it 1 p. m , ( supplementary 1 : ) P. m. ) for NASSAU , N. P. and SANT/AfiO DK CUHA , per H. s Santiago ; nt " 3 P. m. for COSTA RICA , per Hlc ini'-r from New Orhnnn ; nt 7 p. in. fo,1 NASSAU , N. P. . per s , s. .Ml'j.tnl , from Miami. Flu. : at S:20 : p. m. for NEWFOUNDLAND , per Hleamer from North Sydni-y ; at ! i p. m for PORT ANTONIO , per steamer from Hos- WKDNKSDAY-At 2W : p. in. for PORT ANTONIO , pu- stimer from I'M'ndel- phl.i ; at II a. in. for NEWFOUNDLAND , per s. H. Portia : at 11 a. m. ( supplrmen. tary llo : : : a. m. ) for VKNK/.UHLA and CURACAO , also SAVANILLA and CAR- THAOKNA. via Ciiraeno. j er s , s , C.ir.i- ras ; at 1 p. in. for CUHA , per s. s. Hi-g- iiiMiica , via Havana : at1 1 51. m. for LA PLATA COUNTRIF.rf direct , per s. H. Highland Prince. SATURDAY-At 2S9 : a. in. for NEW FOUNDLAND. | ur n. s. Siberian , from Philadelphia ; at 10 n m. ( supplementary 10So : a , m. ) for FORTUNE ISLAND , JA MAICA and CARTH.UiKNA , l > cr # . s. Altai ( letters for Cost.i Ulca must b < > di rected "per Altai" ) ; , at 10 11. m. ( supple- mcntary 10SO : a. m. ) for PORT AU PRINCi : , PHTIT Gl'AVK 'and SA VAN ILLA , pc-r n , s. .AJps ; at 10:30 : a. in. for PAMPKCHU , CHIAPAS. TAHASCO and YUCATAN , p'T'H.J'S. VlKll.inela ( letterJi for other parts of Mexico 'in < l for Cuba must bo dlrcciel "per VlKllanfla" ) ; at 10IVl : a. in. for HAITI , per H. a. Ppins I- ' . Hendrlk ( letters 'for Venezuela , ( 'ur.icao , Trinidad , Hritlsh atic ? Dutch ( lulana must bo dlrec.teJ'VrPrlliH F. Hendrlk" ) ; at 11 a in for IlRAX.ILand LA PLATA COUN- TRIK9 , per . s. Hnffon , vlu 1'iTiiambui-o. HiihliL and H'.a Jnrivlfo ( li-tters for North Ilrazll must be dlri'fted "per Huffcn" ) ; ut 1 p. m for HARD'ADOS direct ami NORTH HHA/.IL. via Paf.VAnd Manaos , p. r s. . Orlgen ; nt 7 p. In. for NASSAU. N. P. per H. s. Miami , frrn Miami , Fa. ! ; ut h:3ti : p. m. for NEWFOUNDLAND , p r Htoatner from North Sydney ; at S 30 p. in for ST. PUSJlUE-MiyUKLON. j.tr . Btuamer from H ll/ftx. MalU fur Ni'wf.jundi.ini ) , ' . l.y . roil lo Halifax um ! thrncu by Hounicr , cliise lit l.ili rtllc' ilaily ut 8:30 : p in .Mull * for MUiuu' n , by rail to H'-- ' ton and Ihoire | .y ftwuner. clorp nt till * oltl.o dally HI i:3" : p. m. MulU ftr Cuba clone lit thin oini-e ilally t 7(0 : u. m. fcr fuiwnrdliiB by stenncrj fwlluiK iMumlayi unit ThureUi-yt ) frcm Toil Tampa. KU. MalU for Mfxlro City , nverlaml union rrtcl illv nildrtujnl fc r i' ' 7 | > .i'c i by r I earner , rlofe nt thl' clllrc ilally at 2:1) : u m. and 2-u p. m. "llr-Klmm-a niiill muiti ut CCO : p. in. pinlouo day. 'rniiiK-l'ucltle Miillx. Mails for Australia ( except those for tVost Austni'la ' ) , which are forw.tied via Burop * * , Nuw.talaiul. . Ifawiill. Kll .u ; 1 Sair.oan Islands , per . a. Alumfd.i ( from San Fran , c-lsco ) . close here dllly up to January SOlh at 7.00 u. m , 11i. . in. nnd 0:30 : p. m. ( or on arrival ut New York of 3. . Aurunlu with Hrlilsh malU t r Australia ) . Mnl' i for Australia ( ercrrt Went Au tralt. ! % New /.calami , Hn * ill anl FIJI Irland * . per s. s. Wurr'nm ( from Vaneouver ) , closu hero dally r.'ier Janu.iry Mth ana up to Juminry Slat nt CO ) p. in Mji's for China. Japan nnd Hawur ! v r a Cny of Illo Janeiro ( from Sin Kr r.nsroj. cSi.it > hero dully up to February Cth at 0:30 : p. in. iMalls for China and J > aii per " C'olnmlila ( from Titc njiix ) . cp here ally tip to February 13th at 6:3 : p n , , ( Rla | for Hawaii , per s. s , Auatrnlu ( frb Snw Francisco ) , close here dally ip ( , Feb ruary ICth at 6:30 : p. m. XlnllA for China and Jntun ( i > eclally nddnaseijony ) , per . t > . Knipress of Chlnai ( from > noouver ) . close ht-ro dally up to Februai > 2lth at 0:30 : p m. Malls for the Socle * Islands , per ship Galileo ( from S.ia Vanclsco ) , rlo. e here dally up to FebruarytJ al.C:30 : I' , m. Trnnf-rnrlflc m.illi ! are forwarded to i of > nll Inc itally nn.l the icheilule of rlo K u nr- rniiRoil on the iirccumiitlon of the ) uninter rupted overland tranclt. Ileel'tt-J mall cIo M nt fi p mj previous dny. , CORNELIUS VAN COTT , Poffaaster. Postolllcp , New Yolk , N. Y. , Jajnry IS , IMS. HAILHOADS. WHLINUTON & . . . lllvcr llnllronil "The ton Ilnuti * " ( leneirtt Otllcii N. W. Comer Tent.i and Fnimn Ticket Olllee , MJ Fnrnnm Street. 1 elephon vo , Depot , Tenth nml Mm : Streets. Telephone KS. I lx-a\e. Arrt. 8:33 : am 9:33 : hi Lincoln l icnl 7:93 pm eilll'AaO. IH'HLINOTON & ( julncy Hnlhonil "The Hull- IliKton Houte" Tl'-ltct Olllci- , 1502 Karnum Street. Telephone l.5'J. Depot. Tenth iiiul MiiEoti Streets. Telephone 121 ! . _ _ _ Leave , Arrive. vmtluuli'il Kx. . 5:05 : pm 7ir : > am Kxpii" * -'MS ' um 4:13 : pm riilrnKn .1 St. Ixiiils r.x ' 1M : pm 7 cs um Paollle Junction Local. . " 11:10 : am f > :4 : > pm Fast Mall 2:50 : pm Unlly. Dally except Sunday. OMAHA ,1 ST , LOt'lS IIAILHOAD PORT --omiilia. K'uisiis City & 17apt- i-ni linllrnatl "The Pint Aitiiur Il.rtilTicket Olllce , 14IS Kiirr.aii Street. Telephone , 321' . Depot , Tfiitli and Mason Streets. Tele- . Leave. Anlvo. St. Lmiln Cannon Hull Uxprc'ss * 4:3i : pin 11:30 : am Qnlnry i\presn 5:40 : nm 9:50 pin Dniy. : WAHASH ItAILHOAD-TlCIMIT OFli-ICH. llli Fnrnam Street. relnDhone. . 32J. Depot , Tenth and Masin Streets. Tclephono , 123. Leave. Arrive. Bl. Ixiula "Cannon nail" Ejpress * l0pm : 11:3) : arc CHICAHO. ST. PAUL. MlN'Ni- : apullB & Omahn Hallway- ( iencral Olllces , Nehras-kT 1)1 vision. Fifteenth unit \Veb ter Street * . City Ticket Olllce. _ 1401 Farnam .Street. Telephone . " ,01. Depot. Fifteenth nnd Webster Streets. Tel- ophotio 1IJS. Leavo. A rrte. . Sioux city Aceniiun-uln. Sr.O : urn SM : pm Sioux City A < voniinnilii. 9:10 : am " 8:20 : pm lllah * . limersnn Sioux City , Poiim. HiirtliiK- ton i.nd IllnnmlleM. . . 1OD : pm * 11V : am Sioux City. MHnlt.it.j. Ht. I'nul. Mltincapidls . . . . " 5:35 : pm ! > :10 am Hmer-nn ] > a tender . . 5:1' : ) pm S:4a : nm Dally. " Dally except Suniiuy. Sunday only. This train i.tnp < nt Ftatloni Floivnce lo Biuth niulr. lnclu.-l\e , Sundays only ; on week Smith Illnlr only. ) ItlCMONT , ELlC'lORN AND Mlasoourl Volley Itntlnny f > m. crul Ofllces , United Htai Nn- ilinin : IJ.-r.l : P.iilHIni ; , South. west Corner Twelfth MU ! Va > _ nnm Rtieets Ticket Olllef. 1401 Farrmm Street. Telephone. SGI. Dop t. Fifteenth nnd Webster Streets. Tclcohoiic. 1(5\ ( Leave. Arrive. Hlack Hllln. DMdwooo.l ami Hot Sprlnc 3:00 : p > 2 5:0) ) pm Wyoming , Caper nnct Douulas "SiMpui . CW : pm iHaelliiK8. Yoik , Davl < ? City. Pttperljr 'jenevn , Kxcter and Scwnr.l. . . . 3:0 : pm E CO pm Norfolk. West Point and Fremont 7:51 : iim " /Ojls / nn Llnumn Walioo nni " ' * 7:30 * " 10:53 : F"enion : an nn Fremont Locnt * * 7:50 : nm Dally. * Pn'y except Sunday , Sunday only. Dnllv 'x-ept SatuiJay. "Dally Mr.ndai * . . lnlhviy City Ticket O.l-e ! Fanam Street. T"lcn''nn : > r.iil Depnt. Tent'i nnil Maron Streets' . T-'lephrnc 12S. Leave. Arilve. Mlfsour ! Valley. , Sioux Mlmieapcili' ' . ! ' . " ' Bl : ° am Mltaurl Vnllcy. hloux _ jly " iti _ . iiuO nm 9:03 pm Dennlsori. Carroll , Wall . Lake * < ; :0 Qla 0:05 : Pin Knttcrr. Kxprcfg. Den V..mps. j\laiBial.ei\p. : ! Cr s"iplJs , ChlraBO "lQli : am 4:10 : pm Atlantic Flyer. Chlraco nnd East 4:15 : pm Fast Mall. Chicago to Omahn 3tn pm Mloourl Valley , Sioux City. St. Paul. Mlnne- cpolli Limited .1:13 : pm 0:30 : am Onriln-Clili'ajio Kpr"lal. * _ 6ZO : p-n t.l'1 an ; Daily. D.llv except ciinday. Dolly flV''X CITY & I'AOIKIC HAIL- road Opneral Olllci ; . United States National Hani ; KullU- Ing , S. W , Cf.rncr Twelfth nn.l 1 ar-nm Streets. TIcl'Cl Olllce. ijsis ; ) ' mi parnnm Street. Telephone XI. Depot , nrteenth anu Webster Stiects. Tele. Iihono ' 4Ji. ! Arrive. Sovx ! 'I y. ManUato. at. 'nui , Mlnneaiiuils . . . . ' 9:10 : nm llSfWItl PACIFIC JIAILHOVD Qeiieinl OIHees nnd Ticket Ollli e. MercliHnlH National liank Dutliiln ; , 1224 Fainum Street. Telephone 104. Depot , Fifteenth anil Wibstcr Stict'ls. Telephone Arrive. anil Neliraaka l . 3M : 12:53 : pm 1'lly ami Ht , Louis Kxpivm 0:301)m C:0o : nm Nelirn-kii l.ocil " 4:5011111 : 0:13 : am lijily. Dally except Sunday. fT CHICAGO. MU.WAI'KIiU fc ST. /"W"-- Paul Hallway City Ticket flfL,7 i "Mice. 1501 Farnam Slioi't. /MILWAUKEE } Tcn-i > i. < * no ai. uepu. Tcnm / ' " S * I unrt Mason Streets. Ttlephom AftVI-l 128- il > y Leave. Arrlvt , S &w& : " : J3SS ; ! Dally. UNION PACIFIC-- ' ! ! ! ' OVKII- land Ilotile" ( lencrnl Ollli-es , N. ! : . Coiner Ninth unil Farnam Htrcem. City Ticket Omce , 13rj Farnum Street. Tele ] > honu 310. Depot , Tcnti and Mar-on Sta-et * . Tekpliono 12S. ' Lea > e , At rive. "Tho Oveiland Llml'ed" fo.Denver. . Halt Lake , western points 8:10 am 1:13 : pm Fast mull train for Denver , Silt Lake. Pnrlllc roiift and all wcilern points * 3:30 pin 100 : am Llivoln lleatrlce and Hxprcsn. . . 5:00 : pm I5SO : pm Kiuinuy iipro i .1:01 : pm I2u : pm Daily. Dully except Sunday. Council Iluff ! i IxcuI-lV'nvc , f40 : n. in. ; CSi : a. in. ; 7.2U a. in , : l- ; > a. in. ; 10:43 : n. in. ; 2.1. p. in. ; 1:30 : p. m. ; 5:33 : p. in. Arrive * , 0:20 : n. in. ; 7:20 : a. m. : X a. m. : 9:2) : n m. : 11:30 : a. in. ; 3:1C : p. in ; 6:40 : p. in. ; J:03 : o is1. . : 10:45 : y. m. C'llICAOO. ItOCK ISLAND K I a < Iiic Hwllroail "The Oren KiU Inland Itoutc" clt > Ticliet OIII.-c. Kit Kiirunm Ktrfct Telephone 42S. Dtpot. Tenth and Miuon at.ieta. T < Iphone 12S. Leave. Arrive. " hlcago and Bt i aul Vcktlbuloil Kxpieit. . . 4:50 : pm 1:43 : pm Lin "In ' 'oorado tiv'K * I'ui-blJ. Denver and \vo t 1:53 : pm 4:25 : pm I'hl aijo , iH-a Muliu'g & H 'k , land 7:00 : pm 8:13 am Mlamlu ixiie | . for Dej Mulnes ami eaxl- ern pi/lntn 7:10 : nm 2:33 : pm Lincoln. Kalrbury and llollovllle 11:15 : pm 10:40 nm Dully. Dally except Bun'ay. Self AijircclMll | < iii. Wushlnglon Star : "Of course , " mild the real dealer , sxithliifily. "we don't expert to aatlHfy I'verybody. Vou don't expect riurfer- tlun In Mlu world , do you ? " "No. I don't expert perfection. Hut I do expect n full ton of run ! when I pay for It. ' Tmii'B human nature for you. You In- Mm on rffcrrlnir to me HllRht ahor'uoinli ! and full tu ctvo us credit fur our m-rupulous lion-Hty la other rtapueu.hllo tioiu may liiivij lie-en a fuw poundH flicrt on the t n , > ou t-unr.ot deny , lr thut every pound wo ilellvricil v'as full welciht And you inuJt inlniH t in In thin ago of deception that Is doing very well , " FARMER A LITTLE TOO SMART GeU tto Best of n Traveling Passenger Agent. SELLS A BRINDLE COW FOR A FANCY PRICE Driven n < l od llnrunlii , After WliU-h He .HontcM IIU 1'art ) \vltli tlio i.\KIMlt llC II l' llllIO < lllK Line. There Is a travellns passeiiRer agent of Omaha who 1ms a handsome lirlmllo cow on his h.inils. Ho would like lo dlspwo of lite wmo at a reuBonnblo price. In fnct , he Is wtllliiK to sell the bovine specimen for con siderable less than the price It cost him , which was } 60. H3 hasn't succeeded lit his efforts to find n customer for tlio animal , which Is of no use to him , and Is therefore the bull of many Jocular remarks by the railroaders readers who nro familiar with the story. This traveling passetiRer nfient represents a line running In a westerly direction trom Onmlm nnd ho solicits business for his com- pat.y In a very successful manner. Hcccntly ho heard ot a latRO party of farmers In the central part ot Nebraska who were golnj ; tea a tott\i In the state of Washington. Ho was soon after the prospectlvo travel "and " was .Ictcrmlneil lhat nothing should stand In the ivay of securing the party. He Icarnod that ; ho lender of the party hail disposed of most if his agricultural Implements and stock on bo farm , except one cow. The loader of the rty had tried many times to Bell this cow , lit all of his attempts met with failure. Ijeso facts soon reached tlio opiu cars ot 'to traveling passenger agent. \Ylthln a few days the farmer leader was vllled by tlio energetic t. p. a. They talked nliitt the trip to Washington nnd dlscinpr-d Hit different routes by which that country nil-lrt bo reached. The haul of iho p..rly wn , now plainly In slghl tad If the t. p. u. ootVl only orctiro the good will of the mod ern Moses ho knew thai his road would get the party and the revenue ilcsircd. "I be- llovj you have a pretty flno cow you arc anxsus to sell , " casually remarked the t. p a. 1113 BUYS THIS COW. "Vail , I guess I has , " assented the fnrnpr , and added , "she Is the Hunt pro- ducoA in this part of the country In many a lonpday , mo son. Her milk Is Just 'tho bent you ever drank and there ain't no limit to It. Nsw , it Jeal occurs lo mo Uial she'd bo pretty line for you to have dowci 'ihero In the cl.y. Your wife could discharge that mllkinin OL hern and you'd know you were Bcltln'ii.othiiig but gcol : mill : and cream. " "Ye % sir , I was Jtut thinking of that myself. Now If you'll promise me- that you'll use your efforts to get .his party If travel to Washington via our line I'll Just buy that cow of yoara and give you whatever - ' over jioit think ir.uy bo n fair price fo : her. " The farmer held oft" for a few minutes , dtijarii's 'tbat hf wo.ild rather li'iv ? u couple of passes. But ho was a&surcd by tlu bland t. l ) . a. t'hat nueh a concecslin v.is Impossible , ca was also any deviation from regular tariff rates , as all the rotjs had agreed lo maintain tarllt rates after January 1. 1S9S. I'inally the deal was closed. The t. p. a. counted oMt $00 lu bills of small I'onomlnallon. and th ? farmer fairly chuckled to himself as he ca. ! ' . hi , ' cyo over the dimensions of the green roll. All \votild have been well and the story would probably never have lcalsd : out liaJ It nol. been that the Uavollns passenger agent of another 11 ; c visited tic ! psrt of the state v.-hcro Ilia party In question r - - sldiHl after Ui ! > lirat t. p. a. had left fov homo assured that Iho party was hl > ' . Whether It 'was because t. p , o. No. ' . bought two cows from another farmer or wiether th2 superior Ir/lnzzinenis of his line were si rarneslly Impressed upon ; ! ie farmers bound for Washington . ki not known. Bat the ' -act rcinair.i . that t. p. a. No. 2 grt the1 business. An.l : 'tv t. p. n.i No. 1 Is out of rocket Just $ fiO and has on t.ls hands a brlndle cow as "cvluenoe of the tilings un'cn. . " It la irnortcil that ho lias already a.tkcd Ibe Rcnercl panscnger agent rf his line to allDiv hlci to vrjrk to" city travel aftJr this. 1III.ITAIIV lATTKKS. "It Is very nratlfylng lo tlio dopjrtment ofilclals , " says the Anny and Navy Uosi-stcr , "to learn that the- cavalry and artillery horses tiow procured for th ? service arc hotter - tor In every way than the animals which have been bought for the army In former years. The mounts of cavalrymen are nt- tractlng o great deal of attention and nenvs- papens Iw the nelghbcrhc .l of cavalry peats are ontliimtoiitlc In Ihuir acunta of the snlendi 1 nxhlhltlcns cf l.orscnianshlp anil the magnificent horses , which make itho cav alry so attractive to the spectator. " This material Improvement In cavalry ami artillery animals Is duo to the method of selecting and purchase of horses for the army , n mcthol which , has entirely changed within the last few yoirs. The regulations adopted n short tlmo ago have been rigidly adhered to by officers who have srlocto.l I'orsca for Iho service with the natural re sult that the standard has De-en perceptluly raised. About 1,000 cavalry and artillery horscn are no.v surp'l-d ' annually. Tlie work of wooding out all disabled , ago.l and unro- llablo hnriics ' 's roiv going on with co n- mondablo zeal , uo that within the- next tlireo year.i an cntlio renovation of mounts will bo mnJo , provided of courao congrezs Is liberal In the c H'.Uia ! matter of appropria tions for the purpose. GnnerJl Miles lies adopted for his uniform lomo aow dcvlcc.j . which ad 1 to the al- tMctlvcnc. . ! of lila official -ippare' . Ho las added gold onroldcry to the alcoves and rollr.r c > . ' the full dr.aj coal. Iho design be ing a ilollcato t.-accry of oak leavca. The famll'ar ppau'c'ii have been obandone ; ! In V.vor or the Hat HnaVc-n vliou'iler lcot : , with out fringe , benrlug the cc t c.1 . arms of tlio United fitatrs and two star * ind'callve > of the rank of major general. To this Is addoj a bolt cf Iliisala Icntlier piped with gold bul lion and embroidered In wk loaves to match the dcsln on the collar end cuff. " e' the coat. 1h now fealurrrt or Ihe urlform are completed by n sash cf ( ilcnao ( : ! Flrlpca ot yrllow and goll , whlc'i extends from the right Bhoultler lo tlie loft elde. Gercral Wccki , the pn.ient liead of Iho quartermaster Cr artmert. hrri directed tt'at the ! SBUI ) of unmatlo b'o-iisro. irotiBfra 'irid other outside elnttilua 'or ' enlisted men ccr.Ri with the e.xhauslion cf the 'ireunt nupply. Heady made rlothlng wll ! lloa : bo . 'urnliihod the Qbldifrc. It ban bccci found tlmt intla- faclory patterns of blouses anJ other articles of apparel rroy b provl'nl , conaenuently the enlisted iDjn will cot bo compollsd lo pay Ihe cost < : ' rc'iltlnir in his c'othlng. In the rca-jy made bou ! f nine sizes will bo carried by the iii : < irtenna4ter deportment. Th'a order will rcHiilt IT the banfohmer.t of the romptuy tailor to whom t'jo fiold'cr waa forced lo pay from ? 2 lo $ J fonuln3 ! ; up a blcure. McKinlpy bs appointed Lie1)- ) tenant Barrlnston K. Wett , Sixth cavalry. to the pcultlon of captain and conmmary : ! of BHbslBlo.- : on tlio retirement of Commlir&ar/ Ooneril Bell. ThM l.s the II rat of the staff appclnUnenta to ho nude. The War dorcrtmenl bin InftructeJ Colenel A. S. Klmlall , In charge of tn ! > gcnnral ' iuaitermr | Etrr'H dopvt In Nw York , lo is'd- ccrtalii from the various transcontinental llr.fs 'atvliat prices lh y will transport the reindeer purchneud' ' In Norway for the Klon dike relief expedition. U liaa Ibcen pcaltlve-ly stetod at the Wnr dcpartmi'nt that the propojod Klondlko ox- ptKlltlon will not ue absndoncd. r.oiieral Morrlam , In command i-t the Department of the OolumblJ , harhanso of the detail * . Late Information from the Klondike Indi'-itcs ' ihfl a fa ml no will exist and great misery en tail unless rfllcf Is promptly Bent The tuibsli'tenre olll-tra cf Iho army arc lu receipt ot many suggrbtlons 1 t chnngts lu the c-mcrgency ration , nearlj all ot the prop osition * coming from firms hlch are Inter- ovted In cor.don O-l foojs nnJ suppllce ruit- able for tbla ration. It la understood that no clmngo In the- emergency ration Is con- The first report of an Aimy Kitaintnlnf ; board In yparo , In tact , the second slneo the present system 1ms been In VORUO which finds a-n olTlc-ir of tlio * rtuy denrlrnt t > ro- fesAtonally , hss bee < i received at the w r of- llco Iti the oise of Lleiitoniiiit U. K. Sired- Iran , Sixteenth Infanlry , on duty nt Bolso butTacko. Idaho. This ofllcer will como tiy for final rxumlnotlon nt the end of the year , A great IIMIHI applications nro being made to theWnr duxutmrnl from people who liavo plnos for Joining the Klondike exoe dltlon. They dr\slro to bo furnished with the emergency ration which U commonly sup posed to bo distributed lo those A'.asku- The official ftrmy register for 1SDS Is bound and delivered to the War detriment at the. rateof fiOO copies per day. After nil the army posts ' .MVP been su plln ) . m well as officers on deMfhod service- , copied will be ftirnlsheil to civilians. r.nt r VTHIXL * , iA'ivnits. : IniMilciitlnii of I'ntrlittNin In tinI'nli - 111Srlu.iilw. . Slate Si-orlctciii1ciit ) Skinner has spprovoil tfto rtvort of the special committee of the Grand Army of thellti.nibllc upon tlio Incul cation of icitrlotlsm. In ( ho public schools , and has sent it to the loot ! education , it authorities of the ulnto. The New York Mall nnd Impress warmly commends the action of the RUiwrlutcudcnt. "The proceed ings and determination of the flr.mil Army of the Uepubllc committee , " It s.iys , "wera marked by lofty motives , a thorough knowl edge of our school system nnd n clear con- ctptlon of what was icndorod nccMutry by the condition of today. "Same of tlio recommendations are nulto striking. 1'rcf , Moroy. fqr example , cays It would bo far bettor for -i school bay to know the geogtdphy of N.'th America thorongti'ly l\ir.a to have an luoniplt to knowlcdse of his own country , South Africa and the In let lor cf the Chinese enilre. . He nls.i hlntu th.it fnmlllnrlty wltlt the -.inailons o' I'jtrlck llonry. Otis. We'o.Mor , I'My. Calhonn , Bcn- tcn , Sumncr , I'lilllliw nnd Lincoln Is to bo iMicouixtRpi ! . even If It boil iho c.mt of a smaller l.-iowledge of continental pools , pay- ! WTlghts , es. aylsts and h'storlaitii. ' "Another suggewllon ban the rantncrlt of ncvolly. it Is that attnntlcn be paid lo Iho biography of the eminent men of our land. Outside or their patriotic value , many of thim have a greater v. Ue : ci mc.ifU for Individual conduct. So r.o : i . of the Uaiicra of the nation have rism from the humblest beginnings , the lailorVl.cnch , the log cabin , the cobtler's mool. the blaclr.lh'.i : . : ! lorgu. the village shop , the i ror farm and the oot- toge of po\crty. lhat the story of dlfllcuHles cvercomo ought to nerve as an Incer.tlvo to every child In the land. "At the present tlmo biography Is neg lected H n.ost uf our schools , so thai the ri-commenrMtion of lb.c committee Is mcot timely. It ought lo gratify New Yorkers an.l cupeclally our lllllc army of educator , ) , to know lhat this eiommltleo , drawn . -s It la from every part of the state , consldera tlio ' . .ntblL.icliocls o ! the cllv . - bt-lng models of the lies' tjpe. Cr : cit'inire ' so accu/v tomed to hear other parts of the country sneer at our ochooYi tliat this TMnk slato- mcnt will be a surprUo as we.l MS a gratl- Ilcatlon. " riiIv T.xl.v nr iAt > liritlti : \nti-M. Dr. Lyiu-an Abbott i-.is wiiltcn tl-.it he will Uo here next comtKiic < mor.t to du- llver ths annual atldrcai. There Is a cntiual : : .In.-apl fion : nolsh- borlng .nates for cop : . . . . , 'ie university bullctlta , rartlctilarly those flvlag tesults of practical work In liortlr..H ro hero. 1'rof. U. I ) . Sr-cssy's pir.- ; : _ : upon prac tical motlioJs In tnctccrolcisy , Including the cor,3trtictlon , cf wcaticr maps. Is being qulto Bonorally run ] in X7- ; .nz'.3. - high schools as well c.s those of Nebraska. Ttio . "ay of pra.cr : cr colgcs wes ob served at le ! : m.iver. : ty Thursday night. Pro. ' . ! Iogman : ! had charge or Iho niort'ni ; . There wnj a j.ooJ citendaucD and l.tcrcit : , the chancello : nnl a larsi * ntinibor of tlio faculty being present. The Department of Political Kconsmy Is conducting wqric tlnng 'tcvr-al practical Ikes. A cpoc'.zl ccurao l. < given In mosey , municipal gcvcrr.mmt and cololcy. ; T.io ccnior claes b nial'i : ! a tliorojsli InvcstUa- tlon of the subject of "Credit. " Thu university . 'lir.nr.i are r'eparlni ? dsta to be tacd : In Ihe iie.xt unlvrrsily cal.'tilar rs. cctltig Hiewnr \ being doi.c li : ( he we-Id by gradratta of tha it . .Itnl.jn. \ , .i . ro tary hs.j cell chcsen from each cV- > to gather and arrange tali lnrornatlJ\ : At the nicotine of the Transm : iUhlr > pl Educational committee la t wocs ! , Ir v. a agreed that Dr. Hctocy of Iho iinviri'v : ulioulil tale : iliarge of the Hc'ei.llfhIMOII | and I'rof. Filas of Ib3 hlstsrls.il , . , ' . . of the ESbocLillcn dext summer at Onulia. The ccpy for the forthcoming report rf t'io State Bsard of Agriculture hi ; 1-en pr - pared by Secretary It. W. Ktir ; . T ; , .i U | i prcc 3 of printing. It , deals with ec . \ < - of the p-ctlcal problems of farm life today. The work being done for ngrlcuituro by tii ! > Sta'.e University receive.s . recoviHInn as well as Iho growing fratenv.l rc'ntlon between the practical work c. : theStatu Unlvciiilty and Its application tc the production of wealth from the neil ot Nebraska. I'rof. 11. I ! . Owens of the Deparlnnnl of Klectrle Knglneerlr.g , read an iiiUrebllni ; rapor this mo-th befothe - - Northviten'i liloclrlcal nsv = elato'i ! upon "Klrctrlclty In Municipal Knglnecrins. " wblcii l.i . prii.itel with Btrons editorial connnondalltn in the current number of the Electrical World. Ho advocates one central electrical pcwer uta- lloa la each city , which ha ! ! furnish pawcr for pumping , llghiMg nnd ot..er muni I > al watiiu , tk'ing ' for fuel tie ! stn.nt ri-ftwe i .1 . oilier toniii waato. I- a reeort case nliero ibis Bjalcm was tiled on recomnn-.ditloii : of I'rof. Owens , a savi.ig of iiO per < : in oxpcrau was nude. It Is kni-.v. ) tin ! iho Nebiaa'xn HoarJ of I'ublliLinda at. ! ; -'iild- IDE-I nro making > ia cxamlr-itlfn c. tr.o .sub ject with alew of > : < loitlnK It. .VlllCH. Thrre are 12Sia public sehr.ol tearhtrs In J.ltrsr.chu ! cia ; , most of whom 'havo co.i- i trl'nitcd ' Hcint'thl IR to the -reputation for cultu'.o unjoynl by CIP Old Iljy , ? tile J- . Henry 'Eannd ' ! : : of Hirtfurd. tlio fr.uiidcr of ths sijlioo1 sjsleniB of ( 'ounce tic'it ' v.as S7 jtaTB o'd en Monday last , lie liven 1 In the eld licirpd.r d 'n which 1 o was horn. j I'rof. Tracy Peel ; , l.o.i'l of tm ! Lilln ile j partmont ct Ya'e. ' has ' ' .crn appointu j t'.ii 111 ref of the American School for Cla8sl-i.il f'lu-ly at Homo for next year , i.io will KI to Homo next umncr. : Atlanta school thlMrcn may In- taught to road fas and water me to a. Tin nv'.it > ol ati- t'horlllis of thai city are favorably coi- : Bl'erlns ihn migcrRtl n. Do not the rlillden have llctlon unougb. to rcail already ? .Mr. H. ! ' . Nswcimicr of llallltiiote lias promised lo Klve < JO,00' ) for a fro i tiblle library In HaKcrato-.vn , Mil. , provided tint clU/.oi.d v/111 contbutu : | $20,000 lor a biilliliiiK Rtnl the city and county $2BOO a yvar for current oxpcnses. Mr. Pflwanl W. Mcalcy if Hagpmo'.vn will Rive the slip. , Ii : the abstract of ltd nixty-llrst anniiul re port , transmitted in thu -uiptun th MaH aoliusrtta late llcaril of Kliiritln : : m-n lh.it thn nvitrogp nionthly pay of male t ji n- urn In the school year of 18'Ji-07 ( v , ' s $141 s ) , a gain of $ S.77 over the preceding ji-ar , v. hilu tht > wdnen rctelvrd an aruraKiof $ j : jo per month , n gain of ? 1.90. There ar. ti ! , tv- ncvcn town : ) mil cltlcx thai pay UHfiihaii UiL'sn averages , and 1'2G that pay Uu Ti ro are flfty-nlno towm invblcb they pay of women ranges from on.y $ 0 to Jju iier month. TO ci Jii : ( .ini > is DM : n.\v Talj ( L3X2tivu Ilromo ( julnino Tubletg All ilniKnlst * ri'llind llm money If It fal.ti to uiu. l-'je. Tba Cii'ilno hsd L. II. 0 on each UUKI. llitrl'lllll III Illclll'i' . Lawyer Hhurp.i'-lt fouii'l ' : . .i would IJL. un able ' . .oft ) homu in time for ciipi r , nljt a thu f'hlL-ario Trlliunp , Hid tytiewrlti-r . | rl lutvli > K quit fjr the nl'ti'i'iionn he Hat down nt Hit- morhliKnlrnai'lf nnd HUi-i-eeilcil after \\n\t \ \ \ an hout'H work In evolving thu follow ln i , tc. whlr'i ho H"iit to hln wife l/y a ut thu Offli-u u 8Cp.nit DICar mllll u : . : : I viilul not be xx\x\j.\--t homo t hlH i-vtnonnenla until uir I | vroy vtryx.xxx.xx lilt" do not , v.ult fr for mLA a I A ciU-n t w ho JIa Ac'll'-nt win v.-JioM I hii > .v an ap polntnu'ii t IH xxxxxxc t-j i-molni ; ID 'no.-ir.lt ( .onnultmc & It wll tnKo n | al iili , njopx.-.x.xxxxxt Vf tiliii , ' y u r Ivolriti lm ( , ' hu x.\xxxx2iunbncl. J hlruiiiQV | "I lnow ; lllrain wroti' 111" txclaimcij Mr . H larpst n nf'er ho tmd rcuil It. " 'Ilioao x'j are where be aworo. " V