Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 31, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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Market Quickly Recovers from the Havana
War Scare.
Wall Slrcol Oolx Ifn SlrrnRlli from
* c SlrlUltiK Improvement In the
if OIL llall-
YOUK , Jan. M.-Henry Clown , hend
tt the banking lioupe of Henry Clews Sc
Co. , writes of the situation In Wall street :
During the last week the Wall street mar
ket has taken a sharp upward turn. The
movement has disregarded the Hurry aris
ing from Rending the man-of-war Maine to
Havana and the sensitiveness creattd by
the Teller resolution In the senate. It him
arisen In part from the growing "bull"
feeling on the Block market , but more
ppoclllrally from cer'aln conspicuous facts
Hhowlng the striking Improvement In th *
finances of the railroads duo to the Inst
nix months' Increase In trnlllc , A statement
) ina been made of the earnings of Hock
Island covering the last nlno months showIng -
Ing nn Increase In net firnlhgs. over the
Bnmo period of last year , amounting to
Sl.tVOO.OU ) . The gross earnings of Missouri ,
Kansas & Texas for the last six months arc
reported tit li.ouo.ono , which leaves n sur
plus of J1.1CO.W ) over operating expenses and
Jlxeil charges for dlspoMal at the dlacretlon
of the management. The Vanderbllt stocks
have also shown a large advnnco upon
somewhat Indefinite but apparently well
founded outgivings of now and favorable
arrangements In connection with the New
York Central ami Lake Shore systems. It
Is nlso suited that It Is Intended not only to
merge the West Shore organization with that
of the New York Central but also to bring
the I/ike Shore aclually Into the New York
Central corporation. Also It Is Intimated
that thf scheme under consideration In
volves a union of the I/aUe Shore and the
New York Central under the latter name ,
with nilvnntiigeH t : > stockholders of both
companies. Further , the deal Is understood
to embrace the Incorporation of the Michi
gan Contra ! In the Vanderbllt system by
exchanging Its stock forI per cent de
bentures of the Wrst Shore railroad at a
rate n'it yet stated. Also , the election of
Mr Depcw an a director of the Ontario &
We.v'ern Is construed as Implying a deal
between thnt company nnd the New York
Central ; this , howevi r , Hrks olllclal con
firmation. Hut these reports , coupled with
the reduction In Ilxod charges through the
roennslrm-tlon of the debt of the New York
Central has naturally caused large buying
of the Vnnderbllt stocks and raised an ex-
pectntliin of a permanent Increase In the
dividends of the New York Central , These
facts , coming simultaneously to the mil-face ,
are conwrii"d us H'lowing a process of de
cided recovery In the financial status of
rallrond properties at large. At the mime
time the p ntlnued light constructions of
new line Is viewed ns a favorable factor.
Kor the last live years the construction of
row roads 1 ns averaged barely 1,500 mlle.s
per year , or lo s 'laan 1 per cent , while the
concurrent Increase In population has prob
ably been not lisa than 12 per cent. Now
that business | g reviving In all parts of the
country this Is n fat-tor which must have
n very Imiwrlant bearing upon the earn
ings of the railroads , fir there Is not only
more frelR'.v ! to be carried but relatively
ICSM road to provide for than live years ape
The foregoing are the special can-tea of the
marked revival of Urn tone of the stoi-k
market. In addition , the lmpro\vment liar
received support from the general iurse in
creases of current earnings and from the.
tendency towiinl growing onsf In the money
market. The extraordinary lucrei < v In ile-
11' onlt ' t aid the large , vain In reset v > - < shown
> y the hist bank tatement nre evidence oC
the crowing nrrumul.itlnn of funds seeking
employment at this center. These bank
lljiure . however , only nirtlal y osp'vs.-j ' tn"
re.I txlont of the pli'thori. It l. H" . , " ! irv
to t.ikr Into account n\fo \ wihat 'i\o are Ion I-
Infr to ICutopp. In my advice * of list v.eek
referenre wns made to the l.irgo amount
to which New York Is und'ir ndv.incf-s to
Europe. Those 'nuns have lnce been ile-
erciKod ami Itippp.irs doubtful whetiur
JuO.000.000 would now cover the to , nl.
homo cimters have made like trans/iotlons.
I have direct knowledge of two loans of
J2.000.flCO each to large Herman bank * made
by a Ch'k-ago banking Institution at I to < I'A
par cent and other llkt * trajisactlons are said
ta have been mndti at Chicago to nn
amount approximating $10.W > , CCO. Advances
to European ban'-n have also been made by
Hoston banks and capitalists ; to what ex
tent I have pno pos'tlve ' knowledge , but os-
tlmatcn of thfi total range between $20OrX- )
OOn and Wi.f00.00) ) . Putting ! these facts to
gether. It ' . \ oud n-niM-ar thnt this country
Is n'O.v lending to Europe O.OOO.OuO to $ IW-
000,000. Till" , Is s-Ignlllcant nc't only as showIng -
Ing the cuctrnor Unary ncciimulatlons of
capital at our home financial centers , but
ftlpo n ( liinonttratlng that we have become
full ipartlcipants In the credit operations
between the world's financial centers , able
to lend upon n larpe t-x-alc as wtll a to bor
row when our convenience calls for It. The
local fln.inclal IiislltutUii.H are quite fllsjiosed
to wicourago thoseoperatloni , as the only
meting of preventing a glut of gold which
wo kU ( not no il and averting n. still lower
rate of Interest. Moreover , this experience
clearly shows the advantage of remaining
on a gold bas ls. It enables this country ta
lonn ICurop. . ? J100.000.000 of money at higher
rates of Interest than nre obtainable on this
Bide. Tills could not be1 done If our money
basis wni not of the same Intrinsic charac
ter an thnt of England , Oermany , etc. ;
whereas. If avro on the 1(1 ( to 1 free ccln.
age basis , no tuition of any Importance ex-
cepllng China nnd Mexico would take our
money In direct cush dealings on any terms
The revival of the silver agitation In con
gress. In connection with the resolution of
Senator Teller , has ( Vr I Us purpose making
It Imperative on the pirt : of the-government
to recognlr.0 the word "coin" contained In
the Unltc-d States bomta in meaning either
go'd or silver ns the money In which both
principal nn < l Intercut shall bo payable. . It
In not nt nil likely , however , that this new
( vttnck upon the government credit will pass
lnjo law. As n matter of fact. It Is abso
lutely Impossible during the present ad
ministration. In view of this new attack
upon government credit the following state
ment ' .Mil serve tcl nhov- ; the strength , of the
United 'State ? treasury nt the present time
ami how ridiculous the bringing forward of
micli a resolution Is :
Total UBUP of greenback notes $34Hfi81.AIA
Totul IMUO of Sherman notes 1W.34S.2SO
fillver held to recure Sherman notes nt
0714 centft per ounce ( the present
price ) ( C3.lssa.02A
OreenhnrkH In treasury S4,2 > VOoc )
Bhormnn notcu 2,904,311
Total JlWCX > : i,37' >
r > cdnct this amount from tlie outHtnndliiK
Kixonlmrlc nnd nolcw nnd It lonvcH
111 notuiil clrc-ulntlon K02.K3$37. ( As an off-
net thereto llio T'nllod Stntivf tronsnrv 1ms
on liiuitl frrn gold nnionntliiK tn SlG.t.G'O.OOO ,
which , dodtictcsl from Hi * oiitKtnndlnt ; notes.
Icnvps a biilnnt'o of 51,1 .39..SII7 unprolept l
liy notunl cold or lti niulvnlPiit and backed
only liy United State * Kovt-rnnipnt cri'dlt.
Surely llio vnnt resonrcprt c'f this nation
otiKht to 1)0 ampin to protPPt this sm.ill rea-
iduet of 'iiotcn and miiku them ax Kood an
KoM In public estimation , without It lit'liu :
npor.ssary to have the actual yellow metal
In the trpnmiry.
AH nn nvldpncf thnu this country 1ms hnd
silver enough already lnfn ? d Into Its na
tional money , the nveruiw eost prlco of the
J102.2Si,7f ; .silver now ho-lil hy the treasury
Ht the outstanding Sherman Kllver
was P2',4 eentH , whereas the prpsent
In 57i cents per ounef , thua snowing
n losi tt > the Kovernnipnt thcre-on of } ; IS-
423,710. lloforn the MpKlnley ndmlnl tni-
tlon expires the world'.i oiitnut of Kold will
nKKreKnto enoiiKh to nullify all attempts
to force n. double standard In any country
in the. world < \ \ here the slnglo standard ex-
iHtH. With this In Vlfw , It certainly does
ruppear nlisunl to try to foist upon this
country the frco colmiiro of rtlvcr at Ifi to 1 ,
when thi ? ratio ehoulil 1m 32 to 1 to canalize
the valueof the two metals.
IiidlentloiiH ( lint .Money In Still Klniv-
Inir ( o tliu IciroiHilIx ,
NM\V YOHK , Jan. 30.-Tho Financier
payu : Ilio statement of the associated
banks for the week ending January 29 , while
It does not show the enormous Increase of
the previous wcelt , Indicates that money Is
ntlll llowliiE moro heavily to this center.
The ( jaln In cash forlho wcok was J6.337.10) ,
of which nearly J2..600.COO was specie. The
latter represents western receipts to a lartjo
extent , followlntr Australluu remittances.
The Increase In (1eK ( | > sltn , ninountlni ; to
JS.OlUOfl. tleil up over J2.000.0M of the cash
received , so that Hhc ourplun reserve Is only
J4S34,2M , heavier thitn one week ago. Thoru
U no doubt that the expansion of j,3f3C'X )
In louna rtlleclB U-Kltlmnto inercantllo and
Stock exofiniiKe truriKactlons , Instead of
upecln ) operutlona and technical manlpulu-
tlonu. Btic1 ! ns have been In evidence since
the union 1'uclllo sale. The loan Increase Is
Kcattered throutrti a , Inrtcr list of banks
than usual , and tiniotuU are larcvly due
to Kulns made by the National Union , the
\VrJtern Katlonul and the National flunk
of the Republic. It la worthy to note that
thy bunk which has been most prominent
V > funding the Union J'aclflc deal reduces
Its loans JIOWX following the r lr ! m nt
of over-duo cufronry 6s held by the tfeaa-
ury on Its account against UPposKs. All
the flpeclal depository binks paid < o the
trpnfltiry 10 per cent of their holdings Inst
week ; otherwise the pain In oaah would
have bean heAVler. As J { Is , the deposit
Items of the banks doing the largest busj *
with interior batiks show the highest
percentage of pains. The future , In view
pf thn continued plllrw up of Idle money In
N'cw York , appears to favor easier money.
It should not be forgotten , however , that
considerable of the nurplus cash In banks
belong to the treasury nnd Is subject 16 Its
withdrawn ) . The commercial domanda are
also heavier , nnd whereas the loans of the
banks during January. 1S07 , remained sta
tionary while the surplus reserve Increased
f2OOiWO ! , the loans In the snmo period this
year have expanded IIS.COO.OV ) whllo th6
PXCCM cash shows n pain of tfW.OOO.OOO. Thus ,
While the supply Is In excess of demand ,
the latter Is Immeasurably more pronounced
than nt the beginning of last year It Is
dllllcult to HOP , however , where the hope Of
much firmer money markets this season
finds foundation. If Interest rates go be
yond a dellned line gold Imports must fol
low. Only that the exchange situation Is
now under strong control some Interesting
developments In thp wny of unseasonable
International transferences might be possi
ble , i
Kenltiren of llio Trndln r nnrt OloiliiH :
I'rlcon o" Snttiriluy.
CHICAGO , Jan. 20. Wheat today felt the
heavy liquidation thnt was done near the
close of yesterday's scslon , and acted weak
nnd Irregular. Mny closed lic lower. No
nttompt wns mndo to do anything In Janu
ary. Corn nnd oatH were heavy , and de
clined Uo each. Provisions were ilrm ,
without much trading , nnd closed un
Wheat showed some strength nt the open
ing , principally because Liverpool had re
sponded fnlrly well to yesterday's advance
here. Holders of lines alrpady heavy were
good bidders nt the start , which wns nt
y7U < 8 ! > 7Uc for May , an advance of Hlt'Hc.
A good deal was for sale fit those prices ,
but selling did not depress the price lower
than 97c , and shortly after n general buyIng -
Ing movement set In which carried the price
up to HSc. That advance , however , raised
a short selling brepze of such strength that
In half an hour the advance had melted
away , the decline not stopping until May
was down to tiG-Hc. The heavy dumping
of long lines Into yesterday made many
tr.iders afraid to risk , their nnney In wheat
at prices nbovo n"c , and this fact had a.
good deal to do with augmenting the liqui
dation which carried prices down. Most of
the routine news waa bullish , nrndstreet's
inndp the week's clearances of wheat and
flour from botti coasts 3,110 , < i.l ! bu. , compared
with 'i.KM.OCO bu. the previous week nnd
2r > lliwO bu. the corresponding week of last
year. Chicago received 40 cars of wheat ,
only two of which were contract. Minne
apolis nnd Duluth receipts were 320 cars ,
ngnlnst ; ! "iS' a week ngo and ISO liuit year.
The total receipts at western primary mar
kets were : ! . ' 4o.X ) bu. , against 205,005 the
year before. The day's clearances from
Atlantic porls were ngaln heavy , amount
ing In whrnt and Hour to 095,009 bu. This
latter Itpm Injected temporary strength Into
the market , May recovering to 97Vf97'ic | ,
but It soon fell back again under renewed
offerings , nnd to a lower level than before ,
I'fl'nC being touched before the reaction
stopped. Shortly before the close the mar
ket wns given support , Letter brokers being
credited with good buying nt the bottom
figures , nnd May advanced to ! H5c , where
It closed. July was relatively heavier than
May. It opened at from ECTlc to S7c , and
the latter was the highest It reached nil
day. It sold ns low as SOc nnd closed nt
SCVic , n loss of HP.
Corn was barely sternly nt a sllglit de
cline from yesterday's prices. Tne early
decline In wheat started moderate llquldi- ,
tlon In corn nnd n decline ensued which
was not recovered. Seaboard demand was
light and country offerings were said to be
Increasing. May ranged from 29o to 2 Uc ,
anil closed UP lower nt 29\c.
Oats were Ilrm nt the start , with wood
commission housp buying nnd New York
demand. Prices held well for n time , but
broke later under heavy liquidation by n
Ilrm which has been unloading for several
days. Talk of rate cutting prevented the
market from declining more than It did.
May ranged from l 'iillVjC ' to 2.1Q21c , and
closed ic lower at 24fj24Vic. (
Very little was done In provisions nnd
prices kept within an exceptionally narrow
range. There was moderate selling , showIng -
Ing good prolits , but offerings were readily
absorbed. Trade was principally of a nc.ilp-
Ing nature. At the close May pork was
unchnnped at J10.CO. May lard unchanfp-d
at $1.S7',4 ( & 1.90 and May ribs unchanged nt
Kstlmnted receipts for Monday : \Vhpn.t ,
K > cars ; corn , 290 cars ; oats , 2M curs ; hogs ,
40.CCO head.
I > Mriing futures ranged ns follows :
Articles. . I Opia. | lll.-li. | Lotv. | Clo'o. | Yo.sfy
Jan. . . . 1 03 1 OH 1 01 1 08 1 OS
Mny. . . 08 IW IWK n-w
July. . . 8U4-b7 bU BUH
Jnn. . . . 27 < 27N 27W 27W 27 6
Mfiy . . . UOH VI ) It
July. . . 3UK
Miiy. . .
July. . . J'J > S
Jnn. . . . I ) BO 0 SO n fin ! ) SO 0 00
Mny. . . U 07.1. . 1U O''Hi U 07J4 1U IIU 10 UU
LSI i it
Jan . . . 4 821 4 Bi- ! , 4 FO
Mny. . . 4 III ) I HO 4 H74 4 00 4 110
July. . . 4 1)7.1 ) 4 U7H 4 07H1 4 U7W 4 07
Jan 4 TO 4 1)0 ) 4 87 Hi
Mny. . . 4 HI ) 4 nui 4 110 4 UV'-g ' 4 II2W
No. 2.
Cash tiuotatlons were ns follows :
KI/31TU Steady ; winter patents , Jl.70l.00'.i ' ;
BtralshtH , t4.30ff4.W ; FjirlnK rpeclnls , J5.3'i ; eprlng
patents , JI.M'fH-iO ; trnlghts , tl.20ij4.40 ; bakers ,
J3.KO j3.SO.
WHEAT No. 2 pprlmr. 93 aCc ; No. 3 spring , 91
4T1MV ; N" . 2 red. Klcfojl.02.
( UUN-No. 2 , 27c.
OATS-No. 2 , 23 > i j24e , t. o. b. ; No. 3 white ,
HVK No. 2. 47Vic.
1IAHLKY-I'1. o. li. . No. 3 , 2Sf37c.
KI.AXS13KD No. 1. Jl.27ffl.31.
TIMOTHY HEUD-l'rlme. J2. 0.
1'HOVIHIONS I'ork. mehs. \ r bbl. , J0.855J9.M.
Iwu-d , per U'O ' Ibs. . l4.S2tiffl.6S. llacon. short
rlba sides ( loose ) , tt.u'Wt.'Jl. ' Dry united phoul-
ders ( Inxed ) , J4.754l6. X ) ; Bhort cieur Bides ( boxed ) ,
WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , per cnl ,
S Cut loaf , f.80 ; Rrnntilnted , I5..M.
I.iuiiloii .Money Miirltt.
LONDON , Jan. SO. Them has been a
sharp recovery In money and discount rates ,
though It Is doubtful If this 'will ' bo fully
maintained , for the gold demand Is easier ,
nil German and Itusslun exchanges have
moved favorably to London. A falling
away , however , In likely to bo only tem
porary. The Stcck exchange was active
during thu week , the revival of speculation
being led by the. rise In American railway
shares. Dealings broadened In most depart
ments nnd the movement was generally up
ward. Consols were steady. The reference
of Lord George Hamilton , secretary for In
dia , to tint lrdla.ii llimnce strengthened
rupee paper , which went 13-lCd higher. In-
ternntlon.ils had nn excellent lone , on the
better outlook In China and In the Improve
ments In the relation ? ) between Spain ami
the United State * . Spanish seeurllliis rose
"Si " of n point. Chill wan a notable excep
tion to the firmness of the foreign market
nnd dropped U points. Tim maliv feature on
the Stock exchange 'was the excitement
duo to the. rapid rise In Americans mo street
dealing ) * In which after hours ore again a
point of Intercut. " Apart from Individual
reasons for thesn movements , President
MeKlnley'H Hpeeeh at the banquet of the
National Association of Manufacturer * . s
the leading factor In the strength of the
market , The Increases Include Lake Shore
& Michigan Southern shares' ' , which rose 9
polntH ; 'Missouri ' , Kansas & Toxaa seconds ,
3i ! polntH : Northern Pacific preferred .TB
points ; Denver & HIo Grundo preferred ,
5i points ; Union Pad lie , 2'4 ipolnts : Illinois
Central , 3 points ; ICrlo llrsts , li points ; At-
chlson , Topcka & Santa Ko preferred ,
Hi points ; Atchlson , Topek.a & Santa
1'V. adjustment , Hi points ; Chicago ,
Milwaukee it St. Paul 1U points ;
Denver & HIo Grnndo common , llj
points ; Missouri , KnnsaH & Texas common ,
1'i points , nnd Loulsvlllo & Nnfhvllle Hi
points. Grand Trunks nnd Canndlim Pa-
clllcs participated In the Increases und Ar
gentines also were well bought ,
rUmielirxtrr 'IVKIle I'lilirlen.
MANCHKSTHH , Jan. 30.-H was a dull
week , though there was n fair Inquiry for
ynrtm from Japan , and the makers of these
nro now engaged probably until May. Homo
users nre buying from hand to mouth.
Prices were easier than during the previous
week , but quotations were ecarcely altered.
The clot'h buslnesa was hindered by Inade
quate limits , but thu regular Indian nnd
Chinese utnplea were engaged In executing
old orders. As for domestics , printing , dye.
Ing nnd llnlBhliur varieties nre moving
slowly , because the mukers ore trying to
resist the beating down of the limits. The
minor tnurkotn were the weck' mnlnstuy ,
buying somewhat freely. France nnd Ger
many were busy on old entrdfivmentB , nnd
new business waa uoirce for the moment.
Week Ends with Very Little Change in
Local Situation ,
Hnj-or * Mnkc Short Work of llio Of-
nt .Stemlji 1'rlccw IloKB
Tnkc mi Upturn Sheep
Hold Stciul } ' . i
SOUTH OMAHA , Jan. 20.-nccclpta for
the days Indicated wire :
brought In today by each road was :
Cattle. Hogs , Sheep. H'rs's.
C. , SI. & St. P. Ily. . . . . . 1
O , & St. I. , lly. . . . . . . . 1 .
Missouri Pacific Ily . G
Union Pacific System
. & N.V. . Uy. . . 1 1 . . . .
. . E. & SI. V. n. H. . 8 17
C. , St. P. , SI. & o iiy 4 4
. & SI. H. U. R . C 15
C. , B. & Q. Hy . a
K. C. & St. J . S 1
C. , II. I. & p. , east. . . . 5
C. , H. I. & p. , west. . 1 .
Total receipts . . . . SO 67 7 2
The disposl'lon of the day'H receipts was
as follows , each buyer purchasing the
number of head Indicated :
Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co . 1 .
G. H. Hammond Co . 2 3,009 . . . .
Swift ami Company . 193 M > S 1
Cudahy Pocking Co . 201 1,317 7S2
R. Ueeker and Dcgan. . . . 23 .
J. L. Cnrey . 27 .
Lobmnn & KMhxclillds. . IS .
W. I. Stephens . 23 .
Henton .t Underwood. . . . 2'J .
HuBtou & Co . 34 .
P. D. Armour & Co . 550
Hammond , from K. C . -14G 309
Swift , from country . 19S .
C. P. & P. Co. , Neb. City . . . . 717
Other buyers . Ill .
Totals . SG7 4,377 1,70s
CATTLK Thcro was the usual light Sat
urday run today , only TOO head being re
corded as In. The week shows a 1,400 In-
croaro over last -u > ck and of 3,700 over cor
responding week a year ago. Prices nd-
vanettl the first -half of the week on till
kinds of cattle , but a reaction set In on
Thursday and the week closes with prices
pretty generally just where they were a
week ago
Killers did not find many beef cattle on
snip , nor was there anything that could be
called choice. There 'was hardly enough
to call out a full quota of buyers and the
usual Saturday dullness prevailed , but all
useful cattle were sold In good Reason and
prices were practically In the s.imo 'notches '
as yesterday , which meant 1020c lower
than high point touched Wednesday.
Cows and heifers sold freely at full yes
terday's figures and It did not take long to
exhaust the moderate , supply. The market.
like that for steers , wont up the first half
of the week and then lost all of the ad
vance , closing steady to a little lower than
the pre.vlous week's last prices. Bulls and
other lough stock also fluctuated 'belli ways
and closed about like last week. Veal calves
ruled steady.
Stock and feeding cattle advanced rapidly
up Wednesday , which was high day of
the .winter , but It , ' went off again nearly as
rapidly and closes today fully ISftSSc under
high mark and a little lower than hint
week's close except for fancy grades. Only
a moderate amount of business was done
and quite a few are being carried over by
MOOS Henvy hogs FoUl this morning nt prices
Hint were strung to f > c hlpher than yeKtenlay'H
market. The rnnse for full lomls nvcrnRlng 300
pounds find upward wns $3.6083.05 , with the
hulk of the palt-H nt JS.COffS.Gi'i. Yesterday the
rnnse for the Fame wolKhtR wns J3.57Vifl3.C2M ; ,
with the bulk of the sales nt J3.CO.
l.kht hnK nlso Fold well , the market being
strong nnd renFonnuly active. The best llRht
weights mid > 'P to 53.70 , as against fJ.CTW for
the top yesterday.
The senernl tendency of the IIOR market the
last week was upward. thouKti the total Rain
for the week wa not larce. The week opened
with a Blight advance nnd n little was added
each day. until Wednesday , which was the high
point. The uveniRo of all the Fales was 13.71
for that day , whic was the highest point
touched by the hog market blnce the first week
In October. The market lost 5ft10c on Thurs
day nnd Friday , but nt the close of the week
: i portion of tile loss was recovered. The week
closed with the iinrkct 510c higher than the
elos , > of the previous week.
While on omo days hellers were forced to
carry some hogs over , the yards were kept
pretty well cleared nnd everything told In the
HHRRI1- There was n fnlr run of sheep for the
last day of the week ; and the demand wan good
nt steady prl ch.
The Fheep market wns In very satisfactory con
dition nil the iiai't week , the demand being good
and all arrivals pclllng freely. During the early
pirt of the week t cre wns some advance , but
later on In the week the train was lost and nt
the cloto of the week values were about lOc
lower than the beet time.
Ac-live Trtulo In HORN Maintain * ( In-
I.iile 'Advance.
CIIIGACIO , Jan. 29. The few cattle offered
today wie dlspoi-nl of nt the recent decline ,
averaging about lOo lower 'than a week ngo.
ISccf KK'cru weic quoUiblo at J3.G."iGj.M as an
extreme rnnRu for the iioorcst to the Iwi-t. Trio
recent weakness ) In prices Is exacted to rctult
In Knrillcr receipts next week.
Trade In hoits was active and despite th"
large recelpUi , Krldny'H late advance wan well
maintained. Common to i > rlme rtrovea of IIORH
Hklil nt , largely nt $3.774123. V , nnd
plBH sold chlelly at $2..VJic3.7o. J'ricea were 10 ; >
IS'liO ' lultfher Hum n week titro ,
Tnero wn u fair demand fur sheep nnd Iambi
tit unt'hnnKcd prict * , Hheeji heliiK wilnblu m
JWvrl.M , with Htrlctly choice to extra grad. u
uotiible at $4.0 > 4 75 , iwes weld at J3.S5fr3.'S ! '
and fed xvenlein sheep worn wanted at J3.WiiJ.S5.
were snlul at 14.0035.75 , feeder * vclllne
at $5.15. VenrlliiKu bioiiRht . . .
HHCBIITM Cattle. &K ) henU ; hogs , 2,800 henU ;
sheep , 0 , < XH > henrl ,
St. I.milN l.lvtStnoK .
ST. I/Dl'IS , Jim. S9. CATTLE IlecelptB , 1,000
heuil , of which 400 head weie Texnils ; shipments ,
none ; market Mendy ; fnlr to fancy nntlvo ship-
liliiK nnil export tleem , t4.3HfS.30 ; bulk of fait-s , ; btef nnil liutelu-r uteeru , J3.SO
W4.55 ; bulk of nile * . J4.15a < .75 ; Heer under
1. ( > J Ibf. , J3.iIM ; hulk of suloi , J3.t.OiH.0 ;
Htockern aiH teederu , } 2.K > If.4i ; bulk of fivlea ,
J3.WfH.25 ; cowa nnil helfern , H.OOlit.y ) ; bulk of
CO\VH , JJ.Tfj'ua.Mt ; Texa nnil lliillnn steert ! , 13.35
( l3bulk \ : of elites , J3.W5M.16 ; IOWH and helfcru ,
n'.COifS.W. with u few helfera fUliibk' ut M.uO.
llOOB Iteceliitf , 3,000 hcuo ; Hlilpnicntu. none ;
murket Ktcnily anil active ; lUht , J3.70G3.7J ;
inUed. J3. i)3.7I ) ; heavy , J3.75W3.M.
HIIKI ! ! ' llecelpls. none , ltli none on tale ;
innrket steady ; native muttjiis would veil at
I3.U04.CO ; cullH and buekii , C.SSQS.OO ; Hockcru ,
j.coii3.w ) ; luinijH. jj.oy ( c.fc. , .
ICiuiNiiN Cll > - I.lvi.Stoik fltirUet.
KANSAS CITY , Jnn. W.-l-'ATTl.K Itecelpta ,
SCO hend ; murkct unchniiKCd from yeeterdny ;
only retiill trmle ; Texim cteern , J3.Kii7J.J5 ] Toxaa
coivp , J : . ( ) f/3.W ; native utti'fH , tZ.Oij3.t0 ; ; nntlvo
cowa and hetferx , Jl.Wu l.l-1 ; ulcickem and feetl-
frf. J3.8rs.iw. / .
] IOlS-UecflptB , 11,000 hend ; market ftenily to
n Bhsiln lower ; bulk of tnlcs , J3.COfi3.70 ; hea\le ,
3.U'.03.75 ; imckem. } 3.fWl3.7S : mixed , J3.tC1f3.7J ;
llKhtH. mo lT1' ; Vorkerp , J3.C5 | 3.72i ! ; PUe , J3.M > .
BlUCni'-ilerelplK. 5CO head : market firm ;
liunbu , It.SSijS.M ; inuttulis , J3.fll.2j.
\IMV Viirk Ilv ' Sloelc.
NH\V YOU 1C , Jan. S3 IlKEVKS-llreclpti ,
IK ) hend ; f. enlei ) ; exparlD , KVI becven , tOW
iiuarters of beef.
Bill : ! : ! ' ANH I\Mll.S-Ileeelr > t . 1,703 head ;
Bliet > [ i S3. ( > 0tf4.7n ; InnilM , 15 50tfjli.37 s.
I1OCJS Hecelpta , 4,315 head ; euulcr ut H.OOS
rinelniiiill l.lvc Sliii-K- .
CINCINNATI , Jan. 29. CATTI.i : Steady at
. .
JlOOS-Stendy nt tS.S5ST4.76.
RilKRI'-Htenily nt t2.2W4.75.
I.AMHB-Steady at t4.0C 06. < K ) .
Stock In
llecord of n-celpts of live stock at the four
principal markvtu for January > .
Cattle. HOKH. tihcop.
Omaha . , . 74S 4,481 1.7dt
Chlraco . to ) 2 , )0 5.CO
Knnsna City . 3rO 11,6 > 1 { 1(0 (
St. J < ouln . l.OfO 3OuO
Toiau . . .TZtTi jTSI 7755
IiiilliimiliolU llv Stnck ,
JNniANAI'OUH , Jan. M.-fATTMS Market
opened quiet , but Inter ttrud ) ' ; good to prime
steer * . | 4.60iC.10 : KOD , ) In choice. I4.4004.t6 ; common -
mon to K < > od ntuckvrii. i ! 7003.50.
4WX ) head ; shipment ! , : , (00
il jfi fifiip pf fpii n F" * < P *
T : i
to d
& Martin Go
Jobbers of Farm Machinery.
Wacom and Eusclci . Cor. Ith and Jone * .
Picture Moldings.
Mlrrora , Frames , Bacldnc and Artlsto *
> ees Printing Co.
// ? ,
eleventh anil Howard Sts.
merican Hand
M'frs | Jobbers of Foot Wear
The Josuph Btinifjnu Rubber Co.
Rubbers and Mackintoshes.
1107 Howard St. , OMAHA
Boots , Shoes and Rubbers
Salesrooms 1102-1104-HOC Harney Street.
Owner of Chief Brand Mackintoshes-
Boots , Shoes , Rubbers ,
Onico and Salesroom 1113-21-23 Howard St.
Importers and Manufacturers
614-16-18 South nth Street
Molasses , Sorghum , etc. , Preserves and Jellies ,
Also tin cnns and Japanned warn.
Growers nnd manufacturers of nil forma of
Chicory Omaha-Fremunt-O'Nell.
head ; market nctlve ; all sold ; good to choice
medium nnd heavy. J3.S5ff3.90 ; mixed , f3.SOfl3.85 ;
OJinmon lights. J3.7Cfl3. 0.
KI1EMI' Market native ; ranged $2,25 for com
mon sheep to } i.W for choice hunbs.
Coinlltloii fit Triulf nnd Quntntloim
nil Ktupli- flint r'niicjI'roduce. .
The CBB market Is badly demoralized , the mild
weather havlne broUBht In n Hood of receipts.
HtockB are accumulntlni ; nnd It IB Impossible to
give an accurate nuutatloii.
KQOS Good block , 12hffiHo.
11UTTEH Common to fair , 9311c : scparatir
creamery , 20c ; Kathered creamery , ISOlSc.
V13AI Choice fat , SO to ISO Iba. , quoted at So ;
lariro and coarte. 4fCc ,
nitliSflKD rOL'LTltY Chickens , CO7o ; tur
keys , lOinic ; Kecte , kc ; ducks , 7'4c. '
OAME-Smull rabbits , per doz. , 75c ; large ,
11.25 : qulrrels. COHWe.
J'lOKONB Uv , 7Cf ; dead plKconn not wauled.
HAY t'plnnd. I6.r,0 ; midland , JS.fO ; lowland ,
IS ; rye straw , 51 ; color manes the price on liny ;
llKht bilcs : sell the lst ; only top grades hrlnB
top prices.
vnar/TAHLKS ,
CKM3IIV Qood block , large , 40o ; Binnll , 850
( ) NIONS-l'er bu. . 11.
nHANS-Hand-plckcd navy , per bu , , JLES * ?
1.30.8WBKT I'OTATOEH-lvanfnH , 10-peck bbla , ,
> 2.W ; fancy Muscallnc. ll.-pock bbln. , 1.25 ,
( "AllllAOK Good stoifkjper bu. . Hie ,
rOTATOEL'IIomeferown , 1'iQ'Jiu ; wcslcrn
stock , 70c.
API'LHS Winter ftoiky 3.ror3.Bl ; California
llellelleur , buxes , II. 5' ' ) ; Colurado JonalhanH ,
boxen. J1.75 ; Oregon. 1)0X48 , M.2"i.
CIlANHEUHIKS-Jelb y , per bbl. . J7. 00 7. 25'
Wisconsin Hell und ltyf\t \ , T.Wj(7.75 ( ; Wisconsin
Hell and Cherry. . , j
aitAI'KB Malanns. .0000/0.
OnANOns-MexUuu , pur box , $2.7103.00 ; Cnll-
fornla , navels. t3.iM3.j. t
LESIONS ( "dllfornui , fancy , J3.23 ; cholco , $3.
BANANAS Choice , lareo 'ock lu-r bunch ,
t2.00ff2.23 ; medium sized bunches , Jl.7C'52.W.
NUTS Almond * , per lb. , larico l size , 12JTt5c ;
small , He ; Ilmzlls , per I1VQlOc ] ; KntIUh wnl-
nuls , per lb. . fancy , * ou shell , lOfillc ; stnnd-
nrds , S'USc ; nlbertslftXQ. . , )0c ) : pecans , pollnhed ,
medium , ( 'J'c ; extra UIKO , 6C5LlarKtt ; hickory
nuts , } I.O > ? | 1.10 per bu. ; small , H.C31. : > per
tm. ; cocoanutii , per lr > > , Hi peanuts , raw , C35' ' c ;
roasted , C4iCH/o.
I'lflH Imported fancy , 3 crown , 14-lb. boxes ,
12o ; 0 crown , 44-lb. boxes , 14015o ; 2-lb. boxes , 22
C23c per box ; California , 10-lb. bux. JI.
11ON1JV Choice white , 1:0 ; Colorado amber , 10
KHAt'T-Ver bbl. . 14 ; half bbl. . J2.23JJ2.35.
MAITiH BVnUP Klve-gal. cans , -ach , J2.73 ;
Kill , cans , pure , per doz. , 412 ; half Knl. cans ,
16. 25 ; quart cans , 13. CO.
DATES Hallowee. CO fo 10-lb. boxes , Co ; Salr ,
6Hc ; Kard. S-lb. boxes , 9o.
ClUEH-1'er half bbl. . H : bbls , 19.25.
miUSSED IIBKK Good native fleers. CHc ;
KOD < 1 forequarteru fleers , CHo ; good hindquarters
steers , 6 We ; western ( leers , Cc ; fancy helfem ,
; Uc ; io d helfern , Cc ; good forvqunrters heifers ,
Cc ; K ° od hlndquarter * heifers , Sc ; good cows ,
, ; c ; fair cows. Hie ; cow forefjuarlern , 4'ic ' ; cow
ilnd < iuarter . 7ic. !
IIKKI' CUTS HanKlnf tenderloins , 4Uc : Tib * .
No. 1 , He ; ribs. No. 2. be ; ribs , No , 3 , Cc , steer
rounds , 7c ; cow roundi. CUc ; cow rounJi. rhank
off , 6e , cow ruundu , thank ana rump off , 6 lie ;
H , Bliss ,
Itnporttr and Jotttv
Crockery. China , Glassware ,
Bllver Plated Ware , Looking Glosses , Chan *
dcllcrs , Lamps , Chimneys. Cutlery , Etc.
1410 FAK.-VAM ST.
The Sfmrfslos Company
Creamery Machinery
nnd Supplies.
Bollorn , Engines , Kccd Cookers , Wood Pul.
leyb- , Shafting , Dcltlng. Butter 1'aclc-
ilaes of all kinds.
007-003 Jones St.
E , Smith & Go.
Importers anil Jabbers of
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods
902-906 Jackson St.
J. C. lUCHAnDSON , Prest.
Q. K. WELLE R , V. Prcet.
31'ft's Ulaiularil 1'liitrnltteeutloat Ire ; > ura-
f/oiiJ. / .Scctifl Formulae Prepared to
Order. Send for Catalogue.
laboratory , 1112 Howard St. , Omaha.
E. Bruce & Co.
o _ ,
Druggists and Stationers ,
"Queen Bee" Specialties ,
Clsnra , Wlnco nnd Ilrr.nJIcs ,
Corner 10th and Hnrncy Streets.
F.lcctrieal Supplies.
Electric Ilnin I5olls find Gas Lighting
CS. W. JOHNSTON. Mgr. 1510 Howard St.
UH Farnam St.
_ s'agieli & Go ,
Commission Merchants.
S. V ? . Corner irth nnd Howard StB.
Memberu of the National Leucue of Commit'
Blon MtrchantB of tlio United Statee.
& Howes ,
Fruit and Vegetables
SPnciALTIES Strawberries , Apple > , Omnce
lemons , Crnnberrtes , Potatoes. 1017 Howard fit
Furniture Draperies
1116-1117 Farnam Strett.
trlnimliiRH , 4Hc ; beef Elianks , 3o ; lirnlna. per
'lor. . . 35p ; RwretbrendB , p . - Hi. , 12'io ' ; uweetbrffids
IcnlVBs ) , per lb. . 40c ; kldneyu , per dnz. , 3 ' ; ox
IHlla , each , 3c ; livers , per lb. , 3ci heartn , IICT lb. ,
So ; IcnKiH-s. per lb. , 12Vic : cnlf livers , cnch , 50o ;
cnlvcB , whole ciircnKB or slilej. 0 ? ; cnlf hend nnd
feet , Fcal'led , per tet , 7Ec ; ( enif-rl ! < ilns , frrali , ISc ;
tpnderloln , frozen , ICc ; boneless Btrlps. fre h ,
8c ; bonelefH Flrlpa , frozen , 9c : Mrlp loins.
fresh , Si.ic ; ptrlp lolnn. frozen , 6 > icj rolla , bone-
K'bH , ! " 4c ; rolls , niHficer cuts. Scj tlrioln butts ,
boiiKlexu , Sc ; shoulder clods , lioneless. Cc ;
rump butts , boneless , C c ; No. 1 chucks , B'4c ;
No. 2 chucks , 45ic ; No. It chucks , 4' ' c ; bnneleFS
chuckH , 4ic ; cow plates. 3'ic ' ; fleer plates. 4o ;
( Unk steak , Cc ; 1 4ns , No. i , 13c ; Inins , No. : ,
jOc ; loins , No. 3 , Sc ; thort loins , market style , 2o
nbovo loins ; chort loins hotel ttyle. Be nbovo
loins , cow loin ends , fee ; steer loin ends , 9c.
MUTTON Kuncy lambs , Co per lb. ; lambs ,
7'Ac ; sheep , C'ic ' ; market racks , IUIIK , 5r , hotel
racks , short. He ; loins. KHtc ; saddles. & ? 4C ; lens ,
9e ; lamb legs , lOc ; btonpts nnd stews , S c ;
tonKUi'a. each , 3c ; forerjuarlerB , fi'.Jc. '
POllIC Drestetl pltfs , &c per ID. ; dressed IIOKP ,
4',4c ; tenderlolnB. 12'5c ' ; loins , snort. 5 < ic ; long , 5 ? ;
tpare ribs , 4c ; hnm sausnce buttn , ti\'tc \ ; liovton
butts , ( c : rhoulclers , rough , 4c ; shmilders ,
hklnncd , fcc ; trimmings , 4c ; leaf lunl. not ren.
dered , Cc ; heads , cleaned , 4c ; snout ami rnrs ,
: ic ; backbones , 2c ; illp bones , 2Hc ; cheek meat ,
II lie ; neck bones , ! ! c ; plltails , 3c > ; plucks , each ,
Cu ; chltterlliiKS , Cc ; hocks , 4c ; hearts , per doz. ,
23c ; t'inach , each , 3c ; tonguer , each , 7c ; kld-
neyB , per doz. , lOc ; brains , per doz. , 15-j pin , '
feet , per doz. , Re- ; livers , each , 3c ; hoc rinds ,
2o ; blade bones , Cc ,
HIDES No. 1 sreen hides. 7cNo. ; . 2 Breen
lildctf. 6c ; No. 1 tailed bides. S > ; r ; .N'o , 2 Krren
halted hides , 7ic ; No. 1 Ma ) ilf , S to 12 Ibs. ,
lOc. ; No. 'i veal en IT. 12 to 15 Ibs. , Cc.
HniK ! ' I'KI.TH llrcrn tailed , each , 15J75e ;
ereun salted hhearllUBS ( thort wooled early
fklns ) , each , lie ; dry shekrllnKS ( bhort woolvd
early iklns ) , No. 1 , each , Cc ; dry Hint Kuiifaa
and Nebraska butcher wool pelts , par lb. actual
weight , 4fiCc ; dry Hint , Kansas und Nebraska
murrain wool pelts , per Ik , actual weight , 39
4cj dry Hint Colorado butcher wool pelts , per
lb. , actual welRht , 4&Cc ; dry Hint Colorado
murrain wool pelte , per lb. , actual weight. 3 41. .
TALI/\V. (5itiASu , irrc. Taiiow , NO. i ,
2 > ic ; tallow. No. 2. 2'ic ' ; rouish tallow. I'.lc ;
while u-n-iue , 2VdiSc ! ; yellow and brown freafce ,
, , .
I'-l'KS-llenr ( black or nrown ) . t5.00 j2000 ;
otter. $ l.KKi8.00 ; mink , ISQIOc : beaver. Jl.OO
OC.W ; skunk , IDc. 25c , OOc ; mutkrat. Sc , Cc , 7c ;
raccoon , K'atSc ; rfd fux , 2Ci-fi 1.25 ; crey fox ,
254lCOc : wolf ( timber ) , 25efi 2.60 ; wolf ( prnirlo
coyole ) . 105j. , < V ; wildcat , lO'uZic ; badger , Cii40c ;
silver fox. CO C0a76.,0. (
HOHSI1 HIDKH-Kach. I1.CO&2.23.
ICtiiiNiiH Oily ( irniii mid rrovlxloiiH.
KANSAH CITY. Jan 29 WHKAT-lIorket slow.
some ales Hftlc lower ; Nu. 1 hard , nominally
ic ; No. 2. J"J/t'Jc ; No. 3. fMi jtSc ; No. 1 red ,
nominally Sc ; No. 2. DSftWo : No. 3. b75i91o ; No.
2 , sprinttttijKSHc ; No. 3 , 63c.
COHN Market uctho und steady ; No. 2 mixed ,
OATS Market very slow and about steady ;
No. 1 white , Z3',4f ' 24c.
HYIJ Market ( Inn ; No. 2 , 4Ic.
HAV Market active and unchanged.
lll'TTKHMarket steady and ijulet ; creamery ,
14frl7c. dairy. 12 < 014c.
ECCH-Market lower and weak ; fresh , 13c.
JlUCEIlTrf Wheat , 8,400 bu. ; corn , C7 , W btl. |
oats , 13l 0 bu.
HHII'MENTB Wheat , 16,2-00 bu.j corn , 23 , 7W
bu. ; Cain , none.
IJAI/riMOIli : . Jan. , KI/MJH Dull and
lllgher ; item , uperfln , IZ.SfrQ-J.JO ; western
eitru. 3.45'y4.Huettern > ; family , | 4.l/ilTO ( ;
cOord-Brady Go.
13th and Lcavcmvorth St.
Staple and Fancy Groceries
ilk ASO corrit no suRS , etc.
eyer & Raapke ,
I Teal , Bptccs , Tob.iccd nnA Clgari.
I 1103.1407 Hnrncy Btrtil.
Gallagher Co
Telephone IS ! .
j II Eiasiey &
ffESH , S.ll > lTKS AXI ) COLL.tlta
Jobbers of Leather , Saddlery lliirtlieiite , Ktf
Wo solicit your orders 1316 Howard St.
Wholesale Hardware ,
Wholesale Hardware.
Illcyclcs and Sporting Goods. 1210-21-23 Har
tley street.
rrcprlelors of AMKUICAN riQAH AND OLASa
214-21C Bouth 14th St.
I' ' er's Eagj@
East India Bitters
Golden Sheaf Pure Hyo and Bourbon Whiskey.
Willow Springs Dlutlllery , Her & Co. , 111J
Harney Street'
Liquor Merchants
1001 Karnnm StrcoU
] \\v \ \ $
Liquors and Cigars ,
1118 P.trnaiu Street-
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , , tttttt
Wines , Liquors and Cigars.
411-416 a Uth OtretU
sprluir patents , family , f5.10 < 00.30 ; pprlntr wl.cnt
BtralRhtH , tl iiOJfO.liJ ; receipts , 8,570 bbls. ; cxpurtr ,
D.004 bblB.
W1I1JAT liisler ; spot , month nnd Pi irunrj' .
Jl.O ) ' , ; ; May , IWfHie ; fli-nmer , Nn. 2 rod , K'ii : <
SCe ; receipts , 4'J.WJ bu. ; < -xpiitn ( , mine ; toullicin
wheat l y samplu nnd on grade , 970H-OI.
< 'OHN Steady ; Hint. , miintli nnd Kehruary ,
3lfi3IUe ; Mnrch , i1iS1Uc | ; hlenmer mlxc'il , n.'f
bid ; levt'lptH , 14iC'J3 bu. : e\iorti | < , ! t , TX bu. :
southern white coin , 33J30c | ; ' Bouthern ypov/ | |
coin , 33IJTS4I4C.
OATS Firm ; No. 2 while , western , a'.KJWic ' ;
No. 2 mlxnlt wosicrn , SSo bid ; lecelpts , 2MS
bu. ; expurtu , 13ai . " > bu.
IlYE Stendy ; No 2 nearby. DIUu ; No , 2 wrpt-
ern , M'ic ' bid ; rvCelptii , 41,427 bu. ; exports , 23-
711 bu.
HAY-Dull ; choice timothy , J13.00.
( JUA1N KUKIOHTH-Vcry dull ; demand flat ;
ste.irner to Llvciiuol , 24d ! per IKI.
JU'TTEH ( Julet ; fancy creamery , 21c ; fancy
lmltiitlon K'Uni' ' ; fanny Indie , IDe. ; good ladle ,
IWHu ; sline pncliwl , mjltc.
ItXiOH Quiet ; frcsli , 17e
CHEiKI'Pteady : : fancy New York , large , 3 < H
f > l"c ; fancy Ni'W York medium , 10'iilUUc ; fancy
New York , Binull , lO'i'iflOHc. ' '
S ( , LnulM fipiu-rnl . l
ST. IXJl'IS. Jnn. 29.-KIXJtIIt-HIKhcr In sym-
pkthy with wheat ; pati-nls , J4.70a4.iO ; : straights ,
JI.31fH.50 ; ck-nr. JI h medium. J3.MSi3.75.
\VHI3AT L'IHCT , cloilng Ic below yei-tenliiy for
Mny , with January H1' " " May opened He bet
ter , went off Ml'.ic , rallied * ifiio , dripfil ) > bark
HC , reacted ? ( , , declined lj c , recovered HP , late
going down % c and not inllylng more than ? ii :
Uti'i4. closing with tellers ' . . < - above the bottom.
Hpul dull , nopkcled find loner ; No , red each ,
elevator , Wic ; track , Wo ; January , 9Slc ; May ,
! < S',4 < ' ; July. tSc ; No. 3 hard cosh , 901f < lc.
( OltN I'uturen low , w < ak nnd fr.ictlonnlly
lower than yesterday ; spot quiet nnd lower ; No.
2 rash , 2GKc ; January , 2Co bid. May , 2tic ; July ,
2S > ic.
OATS l'"ulures quiet , enpy nnd a hailo lower !
rpot higher : No. 2 cai > h elevator , 2lc ; track ttc ;
January. 23e ; May , 24io ; July , 23o ; No. 2
white , Z5U&2CC.
HYH-Hteady at 47lc. !
SEED riaxsced , lower at J1.23 ; prlmo tlmolhy
teed. J2.CC.
llltA.N'-FIrm ; Bucked east track , Me.
HAY Dull and steady ; prairie , J7.M ; timothy ,
. '
rHUTTiil Dull ; creamery , 11019'io ' ; dairy ,
iros-Iywer ; nt 12'to. |
HAOOINO S'.ifiGc. '
METAIJS-Lead , dull nt J2.4IS'2.42 ) ! . fipeller ,
etrong at J2.7C.
1'HOVIHIONS I'ork , xtendy ; standard mcf ,
Jobbing , I'J.fciH. Lard , noinlnul ; iirlmn eteum ,
JI.CJ'.j ' : ci' l - . J4.70. Ilneiin IboxiM lots ) , extra
short fln-ir. J5 37'4&5 50 ; rlb . JJMiao.Kli ; shorts ,
JI.62li i6.6. Dry salt rm-au ( IMJKP.I . ) slioulderH ,
JI.7MI5 00 ; extra thort clear , JI HUffS-M ; ribs ,
| 5.fXKi5.12'4 : shorts , | 5.12'ifi&.20. '
nKCnil'TB Klour , nrmovhent , 17'XiO ' bu ;
corn , kl 000 bu. ; oats. 22.000 bu.
fJIHl'MUNTB Klour , 2.000 bbls. : wheat , 9.0W
bu. ; com , C3.000 bu. ; cam , H.&X ) bu.
" \Vcnro COIIIIIIM | | OII Com puny ,
OMAHA OI'KKIJ. Jan. Ki.-Wlth cables HI
higher , thn miitkft Ilila , mnmlnK ipencil rllghilv
utrcnuer. with Mny at V7Uo to Wi ° and Ju'y '
at R ; o In kTa whn-e It remained Heady until
atnut 10 o'clock , when U fulvano l and touched
Mo fur Muv find b7u for July , after which It
gradually declined. Iniuhlug a * l < iw un H'.o
fur May and 6Co for July and cloticd ut Ho
bid for May and MSo for July. In the c h
tor January market th r V.OB nothing
hlcago Lumber Oo.
DUMBER . . .
814 South 14th Sfc.
Manufacturers of iloors , M | I , bllnJi , otTlc * .
( toie nliil cnloon tlxtuie * . Kitlmitos furnUliei
on any klnJ of mill uotk.
Tel. 117r > , Mill ! Sth nn.l Pnveiiport Sts.
David Cole & Go ,
1015 Howard St.
and Faint Co.
Air Floated Mineral Paint
And Paints of All Kltnln , nitty , Kto.
101S and 1017 Jonti St.
; . A. Moltct. 1st Vice Prfs. L. J. Drake , Ocn
Oftfo'.lnp , Turpentine , Axle Orentc. ICtc.
Oninlia llranch and AKcncloiJului n. Tt\itli M
Printing Paper ,
Wrapping Paper , Stationeryt
Corner Utb and Howard street * .
Wrapping Paper , Stationery ,
1107 Harncv Street.
1014-1016 Dot-cltl ! ) Street.
Manufacturers and jobbers of Slenni , Qm an !
Water Supplies of All Kinds.
a a
iroS-ino Harnev St.
Steam Purnns , EnnlneH nna nollcrs , PIp ,
Wind Mills , Steam and I'lumblnE
Material , Beltln ? , Hose , I3tc.
Toys , Dolls , Albums and
/IOUBB XTurnlrhlngs , Children's Carrlsiei , Eto.
IS19 Kurnam Btrett.
Typo Foundry
Superior Copper Mixed Type Is th best en
the mr.rket.
1114 Howard Street.
H. E. PENNEY & CO. ,
11O Board of Trade Bldfj. , Omaha , Neb
nraneli Ofllco. 1038 N St . LJacolii. Nob.
Weare Oommsssion Go
Meinberti Chicago Hoard of Tnidu Hlncu UCi
drain , Provisions an ! N. Y. Stocks.
OrclcrH CiiHli nnd Kutnro Delivery Solloltcd ,
Onmlm OIIU-c , HIMIIII 1 , .V. V. l.lfu
. . . .MMiniK * 1)111. ) . . .
FI.OYl ) J. UA.MI'iiKi , ; , . .
Telephone 1 ( ) : < ! ) . Onmlm , Nub
Direct wlrcx to Chicago and New York.
C'arrcrpunilenlii ; John A. Warren A Cu.
clone , tlic | irlc remnlnlnc romlnnlly the kuiua
IIH nt laut nlKhrt clew , fl.ub.
The wctikiu'Hn In churKPnMu lulncinally to
liniiy BhlimifntH from Arxmtlnn ninl the nerv
ous cuivlltlon of the trailu , who wcro fearful
of iiiniiipulativo nctlon , ami rtoeinod to bu of thQ
oplnlcn thnt " ! | H \\tio fiKiiiH viitl limn av/ny
may llv In Unlit ( mother ilay1 mid iucnllnfly ;
kept cIoM. tn tiib Hhoix * . 'Hie pilnolpal i > liurt In *
teHlH nru now jirohahly nil cloucil put fui l
thu action of thu innrket fur a fi-iv llayct \
likely to nffoiil i ooil noalpliiK opp < jitunlllcfl on
either wlcU1.
it -c'elji , tiKlny , 4G curw ; c llinuli- l for M civ-
flay , C5 eniH.
t'orn "iieni'il iirartlcnlly unchnnK l nt Ut Tp fof
.Mny niul 80n for July nml workeil in inlrrow
lliultH until the clime lit Wto for May on-1
ywa to 30'ic ' fur July. J
AVhlh' thfrc * In IIIOIL. room for a material n < ]
vnniv * in nun , no ilo not look for It | .t th > (
InvMMit limn nnd l/i-llt-vu It will contlimv Ui W
Intluenreil liy Ihu uctlun of wheat within u
narrower rnnxo.
HrTeliitu l ( lny , 198 rars ; emlmuKil Monday ,
250 curs.
OntH v.'ero itronir. fin iifunl , nnd rni < 'n < il ft lltt
tlo HtnaiKer fur May nt 2I&U nn < l tta to Slid
fur July nnil workeil In a. nurniw ronir * . I'lovlrifj
at Uu to 2l ! o fun Muy nml i"J ; c for July , AH
inoit ( hivhole tnulou fnvpratlo to ( ! ,
ICctfliits to < luy , Iti ) cum ; ctllmati'd Monduy ,
M cnru.
f'IN'CIN.VATI , Jnn. I9.-rj > Ot'H-8tcady ; fancy ,
t 2 'U44' ' ) . fmillly. | 3.W > iJ3.75.
\VHI3AT-Hlroiiit ; No. 2 red , 8CV4o
( XJltN Klrtn , No. 2 rnlxcil ,
OATH I'lnn : No. 2 inlicd.
IlVK-Kirm ; No. Z.
ciuUt at 11.70.
mi'ntu , ttuady at 14.70 , Huron , Ilrm at & . ?
WIllHKV-Httady ut tl.l .
Ilin'iil-Uull ] ; ami unchaiiKod : iik'ln :
cry. 21o. Ohio. ISQlFci ilulry. lOc.
HtinAH-Hltudy ; hurl ] rttlntd , ll.JCaJ.r7.