8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : STUN DAY , JANUARY 30. 1808. WAR COPIES WITH FAST RUNS .Railroad Rivalry is Likely to Assume a Virulent Form , CHC/G"-DCNVEH : / TRAINS MAKE TROUBLE Union I'ni'lilr-Norllnn-xlorn An- jiiHiiirriiicitl I'lmrlN Ml I lie I'lntiH * nf llu- ( IlliiiItoniU mill a H < irni'lM' .Nrnt , A war among western lines far moro Inter- rstlng than any rate war that has taken place In western railway circles IB not nt nil unlikely to eventuate within the next few months If It com as It will be a war between fast paracngcr trains , nnd the ob ject of the fight will bo to sco which line can do most to annlhlllntc time In thli flec tion of the west. Hallway circles hero nnd In Chicago have been greatly perturbed ever since the an nouncement that the Northwestern nnd the Union 1'aclflc railroads would on February C put on new fast tralnn between Chicago and Denver via Omaha , with a schedule of twenty-eight hours between the lead ing cities of Illinois and Color ado. It Is unofficially announced that the officials of the llurllngton nnd of the Hock Island 8 > stems arc now engaged Iti endeavoring to persuade the No-thwestern olllclals to withdraw the an nouncement of n-ich fast tralra. It can bo Btateit on excellent authority that the of ficials of both the Burlington anJ the Hock Island feel that the travel at present In Bight will tiol justify the great expenseof putting In'o service now fast tralrs between Chicago nnd Denver but they are resolved to more than meet the competition of the Northwestern-Union Pacific combination If thi > fast tral.ii already ariiounced are imt into eervlce WITHDRAWAL NOT LIKKLY. The latter eolirso Is In all probability the one Hint will be pursued , becailbc there Is no Intimation that the Northwestern 0114 ! Vnli'ii 1'aclflc roids will abandon their new trains before putting them Into se-rvlcc even at the request of the competing lines. As VN s f-Utevl ill. The lice of Tlnir'd.iy. It Is coi iilerrd most llltelj by well posted rnll- iial men that bath the II trllngti n and the lie k Islam ] roads will soon announce the restoration nf ( he fast trains between Chicago cage nnd D'nvei UKcn off about throe jcars ago because of a nla k amount of business The Ilurlltiigton pcoplo have no hesitation lu eivlng that If the Noithwcstcrn-Union I'adflc new trains go on they will discount "IP twenty-elght-hour schediiln l > ° - twetn Chlrngo and Denver by one or moie > hours The IHirllngton's line Is the HI ! rtcst b > thlity miles , nnd It was dem ons nted about ,1 jear ago that special t alls ( an be run from Chicago to Denver In n nti'et'ii UimirH , and It is argued from tills tlia' the llurllngt'i.i cai maintain twenty- four hour time between Its two tciminal : points Just what the Hock Island could do Is not krow-n , but It Is believed that It can I tnuet the twentv-elght hour schedule of tiiu I Union I'.iclllc-Northwe-stern If It so desires. | MAY APPCCP IIATRS. One prom'cient ' railwaj ofllrlal said to The Boa yesterday "The lines that cannot make the fast time between Chicago and Donvcr that other Hues announce are not go ing to be left In this fight for business Kvcrj road has one resourceful method of meeting competition , even the competition of fast trnlcs , and that ifi of putting in lower ratca One road ma > not bo in tbe phjslcal condition for fast tlmo that ai1- othcr road Is , but It can nlwajs resort to a rubber rate sheet that can bo stretched at will. If there Is going to bo a light amen western llnc on the basis of fast time I venture the prediction that some line will put In. a differential rate It will be quite willing to rio Itfi tialra four or five hours hlortcr than the Users and carry passengets for a couple of dollars less. " UMOVCIKIU. . toIM * < | I ( I'liNltlnu nlili the iiiiniin i IMII i > noun. The fliht resignation of a Union Pacific ofllclal since the election of President Uurt Is that of Oeorgei II Pegrnm. chief engineer of the sjatem , with lieadquarters In Oninha Ills resignation wna handed to President Hurt a few dajs ago In New York and the news he-came known In Omaha this morning on the retum of Chief engineer I'egram from the east. Mr Pogrom has accepted the position ( if consulting engineer of the Manhattan de viled Hnilroid company of New York In this position he will lanlc above the chief engineer of that company and will hold , It Is Raid , what Is regarded as ono of the most lepponilblo engineorlntr positions In the I'nited St.Kcti It Is believed that In a re munerative way h'h new position will be worth morn than double the place ho has Just decided to give up lie has been In New York for fcovoral wecKs past , and Is eald to hnvo hnd the offer of his new posi tion under consideration for dome time. Ho will leave for New York this evening thoiuh ho will not remove his home thcro for bomo tlmo jet. Geoige II I'cgrnm has been chief engineer of the Union Pacific for about six years , havltig accepted the preltlon under President Clark Ho Is we'll known In engineering circles not onlv In tills countrv but abroad , nnd since his connection with the Union Pa- cllln lu > has brought up the engineering do- pirtment iritll It has been regirded ns one of the very strongent departments of the company and as htroiig as the engineering Orpaitnidit of nny ucstrrn railroad. AN the line tor nf the celebrated Pegram truss he has achieved a widespread fame One of the largest .structures In which this truss had licen used U the grand union depot at St I ouls 'I he- new fiteel bridges of the Union I'ac'flc ' \Vyomlcig Idaho and Kansas lave nil been elected uiulcr hl direction , and most of tl cm Include the Pegram tnibs 'Iho ceimtincement tlut Chief Hnglneer I'egram bid leblgne'd created quite n fitlr in Union Pacific circles this morning The of ficers of the road In the east have known of the matter for several duvs but It was not generally known here General Minager Dlcklnsoi IK in the. west and will not re turn until next week. iiiollH IVuil | < * Tul.i * n Trip A special train be-arlng seventy representa tive cltlrcns of St Paul , Minneapolis .ind vlclnltj went through Council niuffs last evening over the Northwestern rallwu ) . The special train will ronslut of six cars auJ will carry the e\cuisloti of the .Minneapolis Jour nal enrouto lo Mexico and Southern Cali fornia The Itenerary Includes visits to Council Dluffti , IvaiiEJrt Clt > , Dalles , S.in Antonio , Mexico Cltj of Mexico , California 1,03 Angelro Santa Monica Oikland San TranclEco Salt Lake C'it > . Denver arriving In Omaha on Siimlu > afternoon , February 27 , at D 40 ocloik The party will spend that evening hero and will leave for Mln- ncspolls at 10 p m in Moitr.n iMKMiorio.v roil omi. 'Itrtiorl ' Ho Is to Up Tlilrit Vice llfllt Of I'llllllll I'jIL'lllC. The rumor that Thomas M. Orr Is to bo made tblrd vice president of the rwrgnnlzeil Union Pacific rn Iroad has bten revived slrce his recent vis t with ox-Prs ldent S. II. 'H. ' Clark at San Antonio. Tex. Mr. Orr has just returned to the New York rdlccs Of the companj after a consultation with Mr. Clark about several matters In connection with the transfer of the property It lias been frequently stated In lee 1 railway clrclrs that Mr Orr would In all probability bo made an cfllccr of the new Union Pacific Ilnllr ad company , and his numerous fr.cnds are eagrr that such a promotion be made a fact. Under the receivership Mr. Orr's title has br < n asJls'int secretary of the company Imt those familiar with Union Pacific matters k low that both his work > ml authority have brtn licjond that title He has been at New- York since November assisting 'n ' "the week Incidental to fhe termination of the receiver ship nnd the transfer of the p-opertv though I he spent Christmas at his home In this city. I It Is not known hero whether he will rcturt I to Omaha next week with President Hurt am Vice Pres'dcnt Mink , or rrnintu In New Yor In attend to further work ! there. The prcsl dent and first \lce president are expectc here on either Tuesday or Wednesday. IlllnnlN Onlrnl Kxtc'iixloiiH. The Illinois Central read is In the nlr wit ! all sorts of railroad rumeirs. That system I It Is stated , Is to be extended west of the i Mississippi In the direction of Kansas City j It has a crossing at Dubuquc now nnd a HMO up to Sioux City , but It wants to get Into the grain and cattle regions of the now south west , and the Dubuque bridge U not dlrec enough r i It. Keakuk , Qulncy , Canton Montrose , la , aiid other places are cxiIIIK up t'.ie dirt In an Imitation of a fight for this t ew bridge that Is to be. Some of thcs places arc writing to the Illinois Centn ofilclals , nwkiiiK for an Insight Into thel plans Mat III .lolniMUi Succpi-ilt lliickliiKliiini David Johnson lias been appointed ticket clerk at the city ollico of the Union Pacific Ho will enter on the performance of his now dulled on Tuesday , Kcbruaiy 1 , and will succeed - ce-ed Ueorgo Buckingham , abs'atant city passenger nnd ticket agent , resigned. Mr Johnson has been connected with the tlckc department of the general passenger olllces of the Union Pacific at the headquarter ! ) It this city for the last five > cnis , and Is re garded ns aveil posted ticket man At the city office' ho will have thai go of the tickets allowing City Passenger and Ticket Agcnl George \1ibott i tlmo to look after the pas bus ness. Kiixlliiiiinil S'rc'lKlK Miliniirntx. CHICAGO , Jan. 29. Hastbouid frolgh shipments for the- week ending Januarj 27 amounted to C9.7SG tons , against S3.3CO tons list vviek and G9 Wfl a > ear ago , divided among the different reads as follows Mich igan Central , 7 , ! > 00 tons ; Wabiisli , 3 , III" Lake Shore & Michigan Southein , 9.SS3 Plttsburg , Tcrtajne & Chicago , 10,250 I'lttsburg , Cincinnati , Chicago & St Louis 9,701 , Ilaltlmoro & Ohio , a 191 ; Chicago & fia.nd Trunk. S.Sil ; New York & St. Louh 0930 , CMIcago & irle : , SS7G , Cincinnati , Chicago cage & St Louie 1 719 ton Monday last day of the great discount sale .it Kelley , Stlgcr & Co 's. Itnllroiiil Nod's anil IVi-simuls. General G M Dodge left for Denver on Saturdaj afternoon Vice President Crocker of the Southern Pa cific passed through Omaha jcoterday en loute from Chicago to San Francisco. Ycsterdaj's weather reports of the Union Pacific showed tlmt It was cold and cloud } In Nebraska and snowing in Wjomlng. A. W. Kno\ , Immigration agent of the Port Arthur Houto , has had his headquarters moved here from Kansao Clt > . He will travel through Nebraski , naklng his head quarters In Omaha. W. W. Averj , assistant general pscsenger agent r.d Chief Hate Clerk GriflHlie of the pabsenger department , icpres ntlng the Port Arthur lloute , are In the city to Inquire Into the local paescngcr situatlcn General Manager Hldwell of the E Kho-n and p.irtv of ofHcia's .irrhed homo v ester- day afternoon from Denver , their private car being attached to the cnstbound "Over land Limited" tra'n of the Union Pacific. W. I Allen , assistant general mrrager , and W. II. Stlllwell , css'stant generil super intendent of the Hock Island , were In the clt ) jestcrday afternoon after a trip of In spection over the 1'ncs ' wejt of the Mlesouri river. Dlvlslcn Superintendent Hobbs , Division Kre'itl ' tgent C J. Phllllnn and J. A. Stew art , district jwssongcr agent of the Hock Isla. d , were lu the city > esterday , having accompanied the Iowa legislative party over from DCS Mo'nes. ' The first car of the recently announced tourist cxeurslo-a of the Hock Island fiom Unnlon to Po-tlund \ ! a Puftilo , C1 cago. Omaha and Ogdcn , WCM * .hrough' ' the 'ity 0,1 Fiiicy aJternocn well tile ! Vlth to'ir- IbtS the nurllngton has Announced that it will c-stabl sh a now line of personally conducted tourist excursions thL > werK fiom St Louis to Poitland , via Kansas City , Lincoln , Den ver and Salt Lake Cltj The excursion will be run In each dlrectlen every week leaving the teiml al points on Wednesday cven'riss There will be a stop of ten hours at Salt Lake Clt } In each direction. Monday laht day of the great discount sale at Kelley , Stlgcr & Co 's. \ ollrtio llliHiiiilli-ld-7.clNl.-r Concert. Subscribers , exchange } oiir tickets for re served scats Monday morning , Jan'y 31st. Numbers will be given out nt S-30 a. m. Tlcltetb will le to'd ' on the first and third Tiicsdaj of Kebruarj and March via the Union Paellic to points In Kans-is and Nc- biasKa ; points In Colorado west of and In cluding Locdvllle Salldi and Alamo a ; pvlnto In Wom g vvcst of and inc.Uillng Laramle ; points in Utah ( except on Southern Pai Iflc co'iiui ; ] ) > ) points in Idano rn.st of anil Includ. Ing Wowcr and Market Lake , also Ontailo , Ore. Minimum ficlling rate , $9 00 Kor full Information or tleKets cail at city ticket of fice , 130J rurnnm street Hess & Swoboda fioilm > > , Jill Farnam St 'Phonei If.Ol. Palms , cut lloweis and lloial il cslgns Sam'l Dunis commences his annual Feb ruary reduction sale Mondu } morning. IC'n- tlro stock lias been rcdueul from 10 to 50 PC ; cent , but ficm present i educed prices 10 per cent from cut gla > 3 Jardenlers , ban- iiitt ] lamps and e\crj thing In store. Monday last day of the great discount sale at Kelley , Stlger & Co 's. nlxsoUi-H ClilfliKro I'roillli-r IXclilliiKi' . CHICAOO , Jin. 21) ) The memberH of the Chicago Produce excliungef have adopted rcsolutloiiH foim.illv ilixHolvlim tint Institu tion The action Is tin rtxult. of long con- tlnui I KiiltV bei.voen the butter and egg and tlio buttcrlno po pie. PEORIA Three fast trains daily TICKET OFFICE : ! r 8T- MONEY IN THE CLERK'S ' VAULT Big Bunch of Bills Drops Out of Package of Papers. REMINDIR OF WILDCAT BANKING DAYS : | ( ) < > t Clerk Priuik Maltr * n DM- ! CMor ) U'lillc I.ooMliK ( he Olil I'llcH Monoj Only Giiinl to Iltirii. In Hie language of the street , the cm- lilocs of the office of the clerk of the dis trict court have money to burn. This money Is not of a klud that vnsses as legal tetidcr today. It Is of the vintage of 1S37 and vvns Issued by the Bonk of Tekamah , a financial Institution that ( Milled tloun KB elgns more tlian forty } ears ago nnd went out of bus iness , leaving numerous creditors to mDurn The bank was established during tue period of wildcat banking and had nn unlimited circulation. While going through the old files In thn olllce of the clerk of the district court , one of the employes this morning happened to look Into the flies of the case of John D. B : IRKS against the li.nk of Tckamnb. As the suit was Instituted and disposed of some } cars prior to his blrt/h / , the clerk became Interested and perused the old document. As he el U so a pllo of paper money fell out tind floateel about the iroom. The money consisted of $1 , $2 and $5 bills. The clerk thought that he had struck a windfall ulid Immediately saw visions of dajs of leisure , horses an ! flue carriages pass In review. Astonished , ho gathered up the stuff nnd noticing that it was off coloi commenced an Investigation. This investigation revealed the fact that rJie slips were not money , but paper that passed for money some forty years ago The bills showed that at ono time they purported to represent nn aggregate value of $ SUj. On their face they showed that they were a part cf the circulating medium of the Hank of Tekamah , chartered In 1SG7. The bills were signed by F. M. Akin , cashier , and S L Campbell , president , and conveyed the Information that the stockholders of the bink were Individually responsible and liable for payment These- officers stated ovothtlr signatures UK ! they would redeem the bills nt any tlmo after September 1 1S57. The erstwhile money is printed on a good quality of paper rino pictures adorn the face of each bill and on the icverse side Is printed In four line pica the sum of money which each p cce of paper Is supposed to tepresont. HANK RHFUSES PAYMENT. The bills of the Hank of Tekamah are no more Interesting than the flits of the Milt In which they appear oc exhib its. As heretofore otated this suit was Instituted b > John D Hrlggs The files show that on Ma > 2G , ISi'S , ho presented the bills at the bank and deirxmdcd coin lu return Ha ! ticirand was refused. Ou De cember C of the same jear , b } his attorney , Popp'cton & Lake , he brought bint In tile district court for the full amount repre sented bj the bills alleging that tbe so- called monej was not money and that It would not pass a& ir.ouev. A few dajs later the bank officials , by their attorncjs Conk- ling & Woolworth , ai.swered , entering a gen eral denial aid al egi'ig that the petition din not eet out facts sufficient to constitute a cause of action. The papers were fl ed with J. W. Paddock , who was then clerk of the court. Socn after this an amended pe tition was filed and on October 29 , 1S59. the case was tried to the court , Judge Augustus Hall presiding After a trial that consumed two dajs the record shows that judgment In the t > um of $1,014 was entered and execu tion ordered to Itioiie agalrat the bank of ficials. The next proceeding io the aged case shows , that after the execution was Issued , it was placed In the hands of John C. Hell- map for service , the rctutn showing1 that he was the sheriff of the county. He levied upon the ) east forty-four feet of the lot at the northeast corner of Eleventh and rarnain o'rc-ets He called In C. II. Downs and John H Kclloin as appraisers and they fixed the value at $1,000. An advertisfcment was inserted in the Nebraska Hepubllcan and ca February 23 , I SCO , the property was sold at sheriff bale , being bid In by Peter G. Brown at $ C07. The sale was confirmed nt the next tcim of court and the defendant took a deficiency judgment for the balance which according to the court records , ic- malns unsatisfied. NoU-s from tin- Courts Herman Xarnlko brought suit In the dis trict couit some time ago , seeking to re cover the sum of $10,000 from the Unlcti Pa cific by reason of Injuries sustained while walking upon the tracks In this city. Yes- tcr'aj the defendant secured an order , t.ans ferrlng t'.ie case to tlio United States court Herman Heller has brought habeas corpus proceedings to secure the custody of his four ; hildren , who are now In the iwssosslon of his wife , from whom he Is seeking a di vorce , lie alleges that the woman is not n it person to have the care of children of tender jcars Mystic Flour makes ttie lightest bread. Nollfr. All OJd Fellows are requested to meet at heir iall , Fourteenth and DiKlge , Sunday at ' 2 30 p. m. sharp to attend funera'l of iiother D H. Williams of Afton , la. By order or General Hellef committee. H. L CAHTEH , Secretary. .Shorter Tliiuto N < - \ \ \orlc Ma the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern lallwaj1. Commencing Sunday , January 30 , rain No. 10 , the New York and Boston Special , leaving Chicago at 10.30 a. in. , will each New York at 1 30 p. m. , making a wcnty-slx-hour ( schedule. iA. J. Smith , G. P. A , Cleveland ; C , K. Wllber , A. G. ' . A , Chicago , I ) . P. Humphrey , T. P. A. , vansas City , Mo A D T. Co ; messengers furnished ; bog. gage dellveiod 1302 Douglas St. Tel. 177. roi NT v riMiMissioMnv ; iiirn\i. ( online UnilnrHM ( Iccilph-M ( lie \ltrn- tlnn of ( Inllrnilifi * . Thu county comm'ssloners ' met in nd- oi'reied session yesterday morning and after ransactlng the- routine business , adjourned mil February 7 , nt 10 o'clock n. m. I'artlfH protested against the offices of io register of deeds and county dork > olng closed at 1 o'clock Saturday after- eons By the adoption of a resolution , It OH ordered that hereafter the aforesa'd ' Illcra shall open at 8 o'clock and closet at upon each week day. Thci contract for furnishing prescriptions o the outside poor was awarded to Otto elffort , the only bidder , at 20 cents par itescrlptlon. Chairman Klerstead opposed cttlng the contract at thlu price , but wis utvoteil J T. Hobortson applied for the petition and was appointed assessor of the First ward , South Omaha. The clerk of the district court was In strut-led to confer with the county attorney and find out what would bo necessary to sccurH an order transferring some old sheriff fees to the county general fund The amount aggregates $ l,222f > 0 and dates from the time of William Cobuin's Incumbency. The braid of George W Hill , deputy sheriff , In tlio sum of $10,000 , with J. C Hohlnson , Ell Johnson , William H. Turner nnd James Mitchell as sureties , wan presented and ap proved. Tliu county surveyor was Instructed to prepare a map of Douglas county , showing tlui highways and railroad lines , George F Franklin , ex-assessor of the Fifth ward , was allowed the sum of $1"0.41 , expensed Incut red while ho held thu office and which had never been paid. IIIKI ) . WILLIAMS D. H. . IIKCI ! 75 years. Km nthn. Father of r. T and 1) . II. WllllaniH. Jr , also Mr . C. Al Cotlln , Jnnuury 2Uh ! it 3 30 ii in Fumrul service * front Odd Follow a temple Sunduv afternoon at 12 vo sharp , Inuinifi : lit ForoMt L.ivvn ceme tery Friends Invited , HOENFKLUT-Henrj' , agv.l . 45 years 4da > n , January 2Sth , of Blight's * dl8ca e Fu neral hervlcew from family residence , 2502 Bpruguu Hlrcet , Sunday afternoon nt 2 o clock Interment at Prospect Hill ceme tery. Friends InvUiil , , OIMSCimilN l/m ( ! AlViUTISl\J. DltToronco llrtwnon I\e * pnier : tlil- VortlnlnR ninl li'itko I'ntillciidnit * . There may bo a few merchants left over who still are willing-to pay for advertising space simply to see their names In print , or to gratify a whimsical notion. The mod ern advertiser , however , as a rule hns no tlmo for such nonscmse. The buying and using of space In Ihe newspaper for adver tising purposen Is no longer an experimenter or a pastime , It Is-blislnrss. Llko almost all other good things In life , thcro Is gcnulno advertising and counter- felt or worthless advertising space for sale. The question Is no longer , "To advertise or not to advertise. " but " \Vhcro ? " A careful observer estimates that $1KO- 000,000 is expended annually In the United States for newspaper advertising and that a like sum Is paid by the merchants of this great country of ours for other than news paper publicity each } car. TUIa enormous sum , $300,000000 expended each } car for ad vert sing alirost st ggers eco lo roi coif late. When wo learn also tthat fully one-half of this vast sum Is absolutely wasted be cause of poorly prepared copy ami injudicious selection of mediums , the Importance of this matter 'becomes ' very apparent. j No intelligent man would attempt to enter the field of business without a knowledge o ( I the goods ho expected to handle , or a knouledire of hiiRhipss methods. Neither would he contract for the carriage of his goods from the markets to his 'home ' city In n hot air balloon , when substantial freight trains , 'running ' on fixed schedules , were available. Intelligent direction Is just ' -8 necessary for the securing of proper returns from Investments in advertising space ns In tmjIiiR ami disposing of any kind of merchantable wares. This being true , It becomes the duty of the merchant to demand that tangible evidence of the value of n proposed medium be forthcoming. H must be borne In mind that even circula tion , great as Is Its value , Is not the only vlitue of a medium by any means. Suppose , for the sake of argument. What the blotter schemer , mentioned last week , had actually printed nnJ distributed the 10,000 promised , Instead of the 100 actually pilnted , how would such a circulation compare with that cf ,1 newspaper , full of Interesting domestic , foreign and telegraphic news , having 10,000 clidilation. The advertiser on the blotter would have to rely solely on chance to catch a customer. His advertisement ne'ver guts Into a home , very few we men sco It and It Is about as likely to bear friTit as a petrified chestnut tree. Newspapers nnd magazines are sold , not given away. Ti.cy are purchase ! for 'the ' lu- frestlng news they contain. Tney are wel comed , rend and preserved The news helps the advertiser's ad to attract attention , utter It has brought It before the reader , and multiplies its chances of being read a hundre 1-fold over the blotter , the dodger , the prog-ram or the directory. An Omaha merchant reports that ho Is nveiuglng seventeen calls from the Fakir each daj- , already , and thnt he expects the record to reach ono a minute by June 1. The merchant , especially the retail mer chant of Onnha , has contributed nobly to the support of the exposition , and he ough not to be subjected to the aiinojance of thcs wolfish fakirs , who flock to exposition cltle like buzzards to .1 carcass They pay n taxes , beat 'their ' board bills when they can ami iob everybody with whom they come It contact. The police ought to protect on citizens from the footpad , the short-elmcig ii'iin and the pickpocket , but the retail mcr chant must protect himself from the ad vcrtiiing faith If the merchants would In slst on each and every schemer reducing hi statements and promises to writing , nnd the > . signing the same. It would place him more nearly on nn equal footing with the-e oil } prevaricators , nnd free him , in nine case out of ten , from further annojance. Thei whno the tenth one shows up , miiKe bin fulfi ) ! the contract to the letter before pay ing him a cent. A little cross tlio of this port will fix the fakir. Turn on the galling gun and rout these rascals. Theo wVirds are not wri.ten in the Itrtciest of any newspaper or set of newspapers , , for the merchants of Omaha unlfoimlj trta the newspapers ro.illy The only object Is to call special attention to worthless Interlopers lepers who by bra/en persistence and shame Icsa misrepresentation take advantage o the merchant who Is too biny to Investigate and often gives bis order simply to rid him self of a present nnnoj'nnce. CHARLB3 D THOMPSON. Viilon I'aulllc. Is the ONLY DINING CAU ROUTE to UfAH-CALIFOHNIA from MISSOURI nivnn. City Ticket OHicc 1302 Farnom St. Mystic Flour makes the whitest bread. I'ulliniiii r : iri- : > l * ' 'i > cT . leave Omaha dully for Ogden , San Francisco Portland and other western points via thn UNION PACIFIC. For tickets and full Inforamtlon call at Clt } Ticket Office , 1302 Farnam St. Odd l > llor\N , VIlcn < Ion. State lodge. No 10 , M requested to meet at its hone Sunday at 10 o'clock a. in to make arrangements for the funeial ol Brother Hoenfelt Funeral at 2 o'elook p. m from residence , 2502 Sorngue street Interment In Prospect Hill cemetery. GnOHGK L nDV/AHDS , Sec'y. TinIntel. . < -N | Time to Colorado , \Vomlng , Utah and Pacific Coast IB via UNION PACIFIC from Mlssoml Hlvcr 11 Hours Quicker to Salt Lake City than Any Other Line ; 10 Hours Quicker to Snn Frnuclflco than Any Other Line. For Tickets and full Information call at City Tleket Olficc , 1H02 Farnnm St. Blank Books Have them made by A. L Hoot , printer ami bind"r 1C09 Howard. IIOMI : IIIVIKV : i\ci M-lit-i-h' ( > | iioi'iinlIj | ( , The Fremont , rikliorn Ac Ml8sou.il Valley rallrond have announecd hnmeseoKors' inlcs for Februar } 1 and Ifi. from Omaha , Mis souri Valley nnd Ploux Cltj' , to points on that line In Nebraska " The Mercer hotel will he open today and lomoTOw to allow boarders who have en gaged rooms to move In , and opened to the public for business on Tuesday , Fob 1 , The simple annoiincemei t that a short hand sclioool has btun established In The Beei bldg In Omnhn ivvlth court reporters us tcnchers has attracted t'vUdents from every other shorthand school in the city as well as n largo number of other students , In Hojlcn' school , 10U-7 lice bldg. loidc | < r Hill I'll" n TIclielN. Goldle WllllatnH nnd Klla Itulnn. Mtrinper * In the city , who fonnn.y lives In UCH Molnis we-ro arrested l.ixt nliiht it 1S.I North Thirteenth Htc > t When Heir'Ind at thd Htntlon i. lnr o numiicr of pivin i e-Kdfl for diamond rliiKB and A ifh"n ard "thn nitlclep of Jiwdry won- found In "bi-lr i CH- -'i'loii The women forme.ly I'vol m ( M. nmo and the polliv are holJl.ig tlim us wimple-Ions char.ictri * until 'he .mthorlt'.cs of that city m.t } be Iienid Horn n\ir avi'i : * SOUTH , Vlll ( lie KiliihMK Til ) , I'ltlxlmrn .V ( Jlllf lliillrniKl , Tickets Bold BVnUY DAY during January to all jio'iits ' on the "Port Arthur Houto" south of Gentry , Ark . for one fare ( plus | . ' ) the round trip. F r rates and nil Information mation call at "Port Arthur Houto" olflco , HID Farnam street. ( Paxton Hotel block ) or write HHHY 13 , MOOItHS. City Pass and Tkt iAgt. Omaha , Neb. 'lollll CIl ) Vnlilillliiil Tax Conimlt 'loncr Sackctt has tabulated the changes which were made iln the 1S93 resBnieiit by the Hoard of Equalization It ehowc ) that a net reductions of about fl1- 000 was nidde but this In substantial ! ) oftert by the addition of the Bolt Line atsses- mciit to the munl-ljal list The final s srssmcnt U $3J,0 5.627 an compared wlih tlm first assessment of J3G 270,015 und $33 - 049,9C'J , the amount which was returned by the Board of Hovlew Mystic Flour wholesale ) agency 1014 No ICtb at. Tel. 475. C > rus Matthews , manager DOGS ARE IN GREAT DEMAND Domestic Pots Snconmb to the Need of Northern Pioneeis. MANY VALUABLE CANINES DISAPPEAR Klondike I. > \er of n Vlrtilont Tri" " m-uliunfc-H ( he I'optlliitlon of Onniliii'n Kciim-ln , Cn nil lit ? Juvenile CoiiMloriiiitlon. There promises to bo a scarcity of good ( material In the dog market If the local | ! Klondlko fo\cr Is not soon subdued At , leant that Is the opinion of tlio owners of f valuable canlno flesh , for their pets have j had n habit lately of disappearing with J j startling frequency. Fully seventy-five dogs have been surreptitiously separated from their owners during the last fortnight , and none of them have c\er returned. It Is prob- able that the dogs are now already In Seattle or en route to that city and that In the course of a month or bo they will be tolling over the Skngway or Cullcoot passes with miners' supplies. About two weeks ngo a modestly dressed old man with white hair and. gray whiskers accompanied by two jounger men , appeared , In the city and announced they were agents ' for a supply firm In Seattle They stated , their quest to this city was the securing | of a carload of dogs , about 150 In number , and that from $3 to $5 would bo paid for good , healthy dogs. A canvass was made of the residence portions of the city and at I each place visited the first question asked I was If the household owned a dog. If 'answered ' In the alllrmatlvo a rcaucat to see the dog was made anil If It chanced to bo of the shepherd , Newfoundland or St. ' Hcrnard breeds an offer was at once made | to purchase In many Instances sales wore 1 made , but In others a mono } consideration | was of no moment to the owners of the pets. ' About , twenty-fhe dogs were purchased b > i the strangers , but this was ovldciitb not | enough A few dajs later dogs belonging lethe the residents who had been called upon be- I pin to disappear. Coirnlalnts were made- ' to the I'ollcu , but the thlevi\3 were not loca ted. The epidemic of dog stealing llrst Irolte out In Kountrc Place , where about half a dozen were taken Among the vlc- tlms was 0 A Scott. 2 ° ll North Nineteenth street , wlio lobt n few nights ago a hlghb re'dlgrecd shepherd dog which he valued at ? 100 100Cll'ton Cll'ton Hill came ne\t and hero It Is sold bomo twenty dogs failed to respond to the whistles of their owners next morning Among thorn was a Newfoundland belonging to A. Hobertc , living .it Knit-fifth and nib- kino streets The dog wan valued by Its owner at about $13 From this places the epidemic spread to Walnut Hill , also the eastern portion of Orchard Hill , and at eacli place the kernels were made desolate mid the juvenile hcait sad by the loss of "Carlo" end "Shep " The losses became so frequent In the suburbs last week that the teachers in the Clifton Hill and Wa'uut ' Hill schools warned their * "holars to tie their dogs In the burner or lock them ip In the house If they wished to preserve them fiom Wie cani'ie bogey man. In splto of this , however , the dogb still disc' pear. Other cities besides Omaha have complained of similar experiences amd the police have been on the lookout foi the cause for some time pist. I. VST OF nm'VHTMKVl' Itni'OIITS. HfiiKIi ( tlllccTN of ( lie Cl ( > Turn til Tlii'lr l ( < -Alr\\M to ( lie Mn > ir. The last bunch of departmental reports has been flleJ with the clt } clerk and this com pletes the list with Hie exception of that of City nngincei Ilobcwatcr , which will be ca. Dieted early next weok. The reoorts from thu health department Include thote of Health Commissioner Scalding , Dr. Halph , Inspector of conteiKioiib diseases ; City Veteri narian Kairacclottl and Milk Inspector Hut- ton. ton.Dr. Dr. Spaldlng briefly reviews the general work of the department calls attention to the necessity for several Improvements. Ho shows , that the percentage of deaths from diphtheria In ISO" was 17 7 as compared with 22.4 In the previous } eai , and he considers the lite of anti-toxin PS responsible for the linpiove'inent. The hospital bills amounted to ? S34.97 , of which fully ? 150 was en ac count of case's that properly belonged to the county. Ho contends that the icccssitlcs of the department re quire ! nn ambulance and cineigciic } hospital and an additional meat Inspector. The report of the inspector of contagious diseases shuns that there were ! ) CO deaths ; from all cas.es during the je-ar , which represents - I resents n ilnnth rn.li * of (1 ( S m i thnnujinil n a population of 140,000 There were 219 ca es oi diphtheria with thirty-nine deaths and 134 eases of scarlatina with only nine deaths There were sixty-eight cases of enteric fe\cr , of whom twentlo ( died The number of births was 1,905 which was about the s-imo as in the joars Immediately preceding Tne leport of the milk Inspector Is bised argelj on Ulio re-cords loft by S L Dayd , as : he present Inspector only sc-T-ert during the ast month of the } cur It shows In deb.II .he amount of work that was done during the year and that the receipts of the ofllce amounted to $2,039.S5 The tests of milk showed an average per cent of 3 R , Dr. Hamncclottl ealls atten lo'i to the neccs slty for some effective legislation to prevent the le of dlKeabcd meat In the clt } . Ho says that there are two slaughter houses , one at South Omaha and the other at Itcnson , \lilch are largely responsible for the out rage The repoit of Cleik Clancey of the police court Kliows that there wcio 0,1 in cases llsposed of during the jcar , of which 4J2 \oro felonies There' we're 1.S3S convictions ind IHOS dismissals Judge Ooidon em- ilmsl/cb the demand for a new jail nnd wnrk- ouse and also for a clearei duflnlton of the mvvcib of the garbage contractor. ( 'mi II n ut-il Im-re-MHi- * M-lmilN. Superintendent I'earso saj.s that his most econt report 8 on the attendance1 In the pub ic schools indicate that itho Increase is oven gicater than ho claimed In his clls- ueslon before the touncll Thurudiy night \t thnt tlmo the latest flgurM available void the November reports The record hen shoncd an Increase of COO pupils at ho lie-ginning of school In Septombfr , which , ds swelled to 1,200 on Novi-mber 1 Since l.en he has'compiled a new estimate , which hews that at the prraent time then ? are , COO more pupils In the bchools than thcro vero at the correBpuv'Ing date of Ib97 If tils ratn Is maintained theio will be an iuiM ) of 2,500 pupils before the eiid of IKI sprint ; term. I'llrI. llonril Much IJiicniiriiKi'il , The promoters of the Central boulevard chemo have received sulxtantial cncour- gcmcnt on account of the big macs incut- ng of FoulliBldcrs Friday night Pork Com- ilEslont'i Cornish ba > that It wan the big- c-Ht and most representative meeting of Stuart's Tablets I nnd Lily 'i nn ! > Ilromo Hcltzi r l'c- ! ' Klntf'H NewDlwovery 3'K PvramM IMio Cure 'Mc Miiltlno I'rop iral'.oim " * > < Duffy -Mall Whisko } Mc ) I'line'h Fuvorltd Prescription . . . C.'i Alle-n'K Foot DIBO lUt- Chumlirrinln'H CoiiKh Cure lie Wlno ( if. firdlll Me Hlrnc'H f'.itnrrti 1'owdi-r ! ' ' ( fi ! m f'atarrh I'owdcr ' > < I'l-rti-nn . 7"r Co'tpiti'h Violet Wuior " ° Warner I S.ifo C'uro , . 8) ( Alcok'H ! I'lixterH ! > nelladnnna I'liHtor ? ! < > < S S TV K < ott'n niiuilMlon file Multerl MI'k ' 3Si , 7Je Jl 00 1'aliid'n fclcrv Compound . f Huby ft irl Tooth Koap . . 10 2-quirt Hot Water Mottle * . 4"c 2-quurt Fountain HyrlnKt" 'C ' : t-quart Fountain SyrlnKes < 3f cur 1'itict FER DKUiiUIST , 10111 aiid Chlcnu" SI" . FUEL , AND WHERE TO BUY r. Wo nrc well supplied with newly mined , dry. bright I'onnsylvnntn SCRANTON HARD COAL the best Anthrncito that cnn bo bought. Price $8.f > 0 per ton. If your coul clinkers , does not gtvo lioixt , or Is in tiny way iinsixtlsfivu- tory , plcnso try our Surnnton nnd sco the dltTorcnec. Wo also sell the bo t Sci.-.I-Anthfnclto nt $ fl.f > 0 to * 7.00 per ton. In SOFT CO ALiS wo olTer the best Ohio thnt can bo hnd , ! RO Hoolc Springs. Hnnim , Illinois , Cherokee nnd other kinds common to this nmrkot , nil clenn screened nnd nt prices gtuirniiteed to bo ns low ns the lowest. Our ninny yours of experience hi the coul business ought to onnblo us to satisfy ons'tomers both IH to quality of coul nnd manner of delivery. Our stock also include * the best grades of Smithing ninl Steam conls , Wood nnd Kindling. Olllco , 1-102 Farnum St , Ynrd , 17th und Mason Sts Tolophnno OHO Kitchen Conveniences. 2S In this store there are hundreds of little things that wou d make your house work easier. Their cost is small about one- third , next vvcck. the tiBiiul tirlco. Sln % < - I'oli.-rN , ciu-li , , i I'll lit * TliriMTN. OIH-ll til * Jll l\P I.lfllTH , t ll ( > ll 1 , . Mlllt I'llllH , l-lll-ll Surprlnp KKK Ilculrr I'nrlimr Kiil\i-s , -in-h - ali ; ; , . I'liililliiK : I'IIIIM , I'otiilu WiiNliorN \ \ lrt'IVn siriilni-iN , - iili i- ' y I n l ( ! * in-I'N , I'lr < - Slune-lM I-IM-II Ui- Dlxli MIIIIH . . . . Ianii lltirnt-r , cnoh 'ti- IM ill Hi IN store. The 139 ! 99 Cent Farnam Store Street South side property owners he has ever seen and the sentiment was unanimous In favor of the propcsltlon The members of the Park board are now confident that the scheme will go tin ough nnd It will now he pushed with energj- . Piesldent Hlngham of the city council was quoted as taking a position antagonistic to the measure , but he sajs that this Is not the cnse Hei si > s that he Is In favor of It , but he simply wanted the members of Iho Park board to reppit the statement publicly Hint If they got what the } ' wanted they would expend some > port'on ' of the fund on the South bldo this } e-ar. Ho was for the project , but lie wanted It understood that the Improvements were to bo made this } ear. rirs KID or A cv\riiin : im.i. . UiilcniMviiVniiir.ii I'lioNcx ii DNerecllled T4-iiii 'MNi-t- litttViiriiinl A mlddlcaged w0111111 of gooil appearance entered the grocery store uT the G. P. Munro company , 20S North Sixteenth street , } es- terday noon and succeeded In passing an an cient and discredited stale warrant for a ten -dollar bill , receiving In exchange CO cents worth of groceries and ? 3 10 In chaugc. The bill was a Tennessee state warrant bearIng - Ing the date of 1875 , and had becri called In ami canceled on Fcbruarj 11 187fi. The woman chose her time for 'the ' attempt Just at noon when the clerk was alone In Ll'O stoio with several cu 'omers waiting for attention. She told him that she had recently arrived from Louisville , Ky. and was look ing for a place to trade Her'purchases In cluded a gillon of gasoline , for which she said she would send her son later and offer ing the bill in settlement she took her ehinge and hurried out The bill looked "queer" to the cjes of the clerk , but as he Jiea.tated the woman was gone The bo } never applied for the am of gasoline and a later cxamlniUnn of the bill discovered the canceling punch cf the state tro surer's office It consisted of five , holes at cither corner and In the center about one-half Inch In diameter They had been carefnllv filled with paper of n similar appearance > inn In nnc case where the IctUuiIng crossed a hole It had been skillfull } filled in with ink The hill is In the possession of Inspector Donelli who Is making a se < arch for the unprofitable customer The clerk sas that the womin was partially disguised by , i veil and ap peared to be about 10 } ears old She hid the manners of a gcntlenom in and assured tlio clerk of her future patronage. Flint TIIIKTlir i trti Cum. via the UNION PACIFIC to Denver , Salt Lake City San Francisco and Puget Sound polntn For rates and full Information call nt City Ticket Gfllcc. 1302 Farnam SL A. I. Hoot , artistic book binder. 1G09 Howard AH prlci s ( | uot < i | for fput cnMi 2" o I.ixativc IJniino ejulnliuu nil . . . lie S < CHHI.IK In we ft II 1'K 3i Iliumo-Siltzir 1'JC- JV Alldl'H I null .1FL , \ \ I nil ITm Huby l'iir ( ) 'Icoth Soup we n > ll 2V c.irtu'H I.Uer I'l IH wi < Mil . . . . . . . i' " * All < K-k'H I'urouH I'l.iHU rs , wo tell . . Ko Xtuimn'H TiiHiini row In , we till . r,0c Miwrt'K H\i-ii-fl | | ) i TablilH , wo n1 ! ! . . . W > h > rup of I'lKx we nil Whi 'iiili r ie 1'iiuilri , we foil f/to KIIIK'K New Ulxmtrj , we ttll fl ( ) HOOH'B IIinulBluri , we Ftll Jl ( ) Wine evirdul . fl ( ) I'lvrce'8 ravorlte I'IIH rlptlnn , v\c i-e-ll tl ) hli-arn'M Wliu ( 'ml I.Uir (111 ( , we till tl l" LlvUrlivp we Mil . . . . Jl CO Hw t Iron ami Ulnn c pull . . . . Mo Miillul Mllliv _ n I 2. ' > ? Klik'H linrnlli- : ip w < rill fiO'V'uoilliiir > H raclit ! t i up wt K 1 . . . 'i Cutkur Niap wo fct'll , lit Wrlto lit cataluguc SHERMAN & JPC N\ELL \ DRUG CO. 1L13 Uodge St. , .Middle of Ulock , Ornaba. KLONDIKE Outfit anil utnrl from VAN < Ol'VI.'It bec-iu-e- ] . VA.N'orviil : In the euskat pluci on our III to Kit to , S. VA.S'COIIVKIt In tlio nearest porl to Alntka 3 VANi'OlJVIJIl Boodn are tl.u cheupm mid 1)18l. < VAN' O1JVI3H BOOI ] puy no cuttoins duty , he I Hi , ' Cnmiillan ill cli' . anil not manufiu turei ] In the Htulea 5 VAN Jl'Viil : fn-lKlit l ln t on Injaril , ninl tlureforo Is llrnt illui mbarkcd 1'rui'tUnl rni'n will note tlilx p"lnt 6 VANeol Vlill runii Itn own stunners , and ull north-K"l"K Bleiunirs HH wt-ll Cnll at VAN'OI'MJIt Maps and Informntlon frit from \V. lill''HiV ( : , l'r 'H Iliiuril of Trail.- , \ \N ( III \ nit , II. O. The Real Thins Sheridan Coa Nothing Better , VKIOKIIMI : , ' 1'olcpH inn IS : I60S HAIN\M HAYOEPJ BROS. i SIKIIJ IIVItl.VINS I'oit MM\V. ( ) Sliocs to MIL your WITS , even unJ pocK- e-tbuoks for 'ho pile's au hoil c d > nn to tile- \tt- } I DIM.pu ! nt ami U e isiei Iliau walkliiif down hill .t > et u pcitVct 111 'roiu oui btock. Mcn'-t Sitln r.iir l. Tri I Lnee S'IOCH ' . . I 25 Glen's Satin C'alf $ . ' X ) fl Lace bnoc'i . I 48 tns li"nn filf ! " Lite and j Coilfr'i ss RhuT 98 idiub' Vie ! ICId 11 ; - | Strap I Sllpp' rn . . . I 25 Ladles' Fine Dongola $1.7o 1 button Shoes . ) < 25 lyi'i'e'H * v'lr-l .ITI'l JJ "i ) f ice- and i HlH'O.l SllOi's . [ 98 LidliM1 flno 3oiiol.i VW l ic.- < Shoer. . D. Uos' Satin Cnlf $1.75 Lice j ShJ-a . I. Ladl > 4 I'ne Vliiur Tin $ J M L.Ie { Shoes . . E. Hojlite riitl'i filf $2PO Lace 1 Shnes . ! Miill Or.lerx Filled. q > o-oo-o-CK > o o-o-o-o- $ OIVE US YOUR If II R not cldin and wholcf inip AV can make It t , > lo r < pairing Hit trctli Or fXtl itlll ' tllll'l' WlltLll | fVO Of fciiHlMlihoiit pain , lno r.mt is xnrniicx' fclinnl.l cite > our mlml Be Quick So SetTer Tor Ictlli c1"1" ! In Hi means life nni Illllllll 1(1 > 'lll Teelli rii-lllird KI.OII ( old Crott UN I T. 11(1 ( l.oK'in CromiM l ? l.dll I > VIM/ISH : I\TII\CTION : . . -i- York Dental Go , IH ) CIL\IM ' .It , M r. ICIli nnd DoiiKlns Sis Over Cnrt- wrlit | H Shoe Stole Sund.iyj , a to 1 p in Lady attend > L -r limit O 6 < X > ( > O-O-OOOO OOO Shave Yourself ANU U813 A fill ' Star Safety Razor 1lil in/or II.IK * on tin imirki t r < ir mun > jiarH ( ins trhdi hueli .iliwilute mil kin.rul Hiiil rai tl . n tint It liaidl > t < ' .in tiiifiiirj in mil attention to tin fact Iliat It uiiH tiiu Itrtl Kifitv It.i/or lluil illil nut l lie llx naiiiu und WIIB really what It pro- fished lo IIL u Hafily I > < vln " ulili'i reml. IB Bli > lnu an iay .mil H'livrnlent luxiio 'and ' pliMBiiriOnie tiled It will in MI IK- denuded an It In Blmiili pirftc- linn \VIII hi iiliaxtd to Kliow ft lo luu. Jas , Morton & Son Go. Kill ) ( ) ( ( ; St. Who Wants to Smoke A rlRar that In nil drlul upniudu of poor ( iuallt > Illlir and wr.ippcr and U no heller than ha > hi id' Wo haven't H iiutumer that nmolica that kind of a cluar and we wouldn't bill ono If we could nut when we tell the Five Cent Jersey J - A clgai tlial's full lluvniiii lllkd un < 1 for onlr 6 lint * } on d u t Know what } ou're inlkBlnic K > uu IMUII'I inn Kul u Jcrtey. Paxton Block Cigar Store * JACOII JA&KAI.KK , I'ropr. ICtli and I'AUNAM.