Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 30, 1898, Part I, Page 6, Image 6

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    G THE OMAHA ID AHA 35EE : HtfNDAY , JAjSTUATlY 30 , 1808.
MINOH Mivno.\ : .
J f Yatcs of Curlew Is In town.
( Torpor , I'lro Ins 0 I'carl t < > l 372
J \V Llpplncot of nialr la In the city.
V P Woo * of IliirlliiRlon Is In the city.
11 Ii Ollddcn came down from airnwood
S H llcss came clown from Sioux City
Justice Vlcn and wife ajc expected home
this morning.
William M Kctchcm cf Clilcngo Is Msltltit !
friend * In this city.
Wanted , competent Rlrl for general hou e-
vork , 120 Oakland avenue ,
F II Downs of DCS Molncs was amonR
the city's visitors yesterday.
A sale of stamped ll'ions 'this week nt
Mm Hrny's , No. 21 .Main Bt.
0 13 French of O'estoti was visiting
friends In this city yesterday
Tin ) Council Hltiffs City laundry Invites
pr.tronH to call and cxnmlno their methods.
Tim funeral of Dan Anderson will be held
this afternoon at 2 o'clock from tlio Afr'can
lliptlst church. funeral of C. H. Mitchell yesterday
was very lately attended. The boly was In-
tincd at Walnut IIlll.
The revival hcrvlccs at l.dKOWood Union
church will clcro this evening. Dr. A. II.
Carter will preach the closing sermon.
A people's party conference will be held
nt Tanners' hall In the county co'irt houbo
on Tuesday ovcnliiR , February 1 , at 8 o'clock.
Kev A. M. Molesvvorth , formerly of this
cltj , but now pastor of the Mcthcdlst church
a' I'e-fili , Is In the city visiting his brother
\\e give attention to little things In laun
dry walk. You get all tlat Is best In line
vvirk cud good borvlcc at the Haglc laundry ,
721 llwuv.
Tlie PoLonR Industrial school occupied lib
row inmrtora on thu third lloor of the IJIse-
liian bill ding yesterday. The attendance
qti It large
M s Otinn , the Denver mother who os > kcd
tb i ollce to arm-t her runnwny boy , whu
was slay Ins with Ills uncle In this city , cilmo
a tti the yomiK man yesterday.
V KOII cf Htmy Volgt uufTercd a fracture
cr an arm and John Lutz , bon of J 1. LuU ,
Biistalnr-l a icvcrly sprained arm In a coast-
Ir. . , acrldcnl on Prank street Friday nlgbt
s-he riff Itcs.o . of .Montgomery county came
cvi-r frMn Omaha last night , having In ci -
< tt ly C S Larson , arrested on a ch.irgc of
dilution Lir&cn was confined in the city
Jail during thu night
DJII Anderson , the colored cook at the
Ogden house , died lest night after a short
Illness from | neumonU He was II yearn
oW Foi ninny yettrs he was a cock on
Missis Ippl stonniibcattj.
It was learned yesterday at Moore s cigar
Etoro that Cclcnul Aranguren , when aes-as-
h natrd by Spanish soldiers , was smoking a
pitrliss "Sultana" cigar and that was why
lie was not siilclo'a of anjthing.
1 L Stat/cll , the IJxIra attorney who took
an overdose of laudanum Is still in his room
at the ( irand hotel , pr-gresslng very favor-
ablj toward rccnveiy He had a high fever
jrstcrciay , but was able to talk an 1 'recognise '
all cf his friends.
A tcpm belonging to a farmer named
Mrlntjre "an " away lust night and attempted
to pass thiough the Ilock Ii land yards ,
where freight care and moving trnin.3 were
thickest The horses were Ladly hint and
the wagon wrecked.
12. W. Gregory died at his home In Silver
Crock township yesterday of heart failure
ft the age of 41. He wa.s n son of 11 S.
Gregory , one of the pioneers of the town
Ho worked on , the old Union I'aclllc bridge
when It was being built In 1S70. lie. was
unmarried ,
Street Supervisor Ilardin has a force of
men repairing the Tenth avenue bridge. The
bridge was in a very faulty condition when
condemned by the supervisor , In fact , more
than any one suspected. The timbers under
neath the structure were so rotten that they
coald bo Kicked to pieces.
C H. Vlava Co. , female remedy ; consulta
tion free. Office hours , 9 to 12 and 2 to 5
Health book furnished. 320-327-328 Merrlam
N. V. Plumbing company. Tel. 250.
Tomorrow1 begins the big fire sale of W.
'A ' Wclboldt stock at The Fair. Council
liluffs You buy dry goods and notions foi
a sctig.
\Vhl ( Hi-No'M lliinil > \ | > | iri > \ ! .
U N. Whlttlesoy , after ( ? K weeks of
tedlouo waiting , had his bond approved last
( ironing and was given his liberty. Ilia
'bondsmen are 13. II. Walters and William
'fuppy. The schedule of property showing
the amount exempt from attachment and
lloim owned by Mr. Cuppy was llled > ester-
Prof IJdsnr Frarler of Tabor college will
give hU famous monologue , "Tho Prisoner
of Zomll , " nt the Congiegatlonal church
January 31. Admission 2Bc.
The St Angc-a Guild of Giacc church will
liold a dime mui cum and frolic of the freaks
1n the Sunday school room tf the church
on Saturday , February B Open afternoon
and evening. Admls lcn 10 cents. Kcficsh-
mcnta will bo served.
Ill-ill CHltllc Transform.
The following transfers are reported from
the tltlo i ml lonn olllto of J. W. Squire , 101
IVurl stieet :
Jj. II Uoblimon and , vlfe > to AVI1II mi
P Thdin , lot 14 , block 7 , Street's
add , w il $1,200
Mar/ell Koiston an I wife Sophia to
Miim-Il KoMton , jr. , lot 0 , block It ) ,
Siiulre'K udd ; vv d 1,000
JI iryell Koiston and vvlfo SophI i to
rioderlek Ki rhten lots U ami 12 ,
block 11 WilKht'H addv ; d 3W
GioiwV lU'iinrtt , xlngle , to The
Independent School District of
C'ouiull UllllTs ; vv d 30n
131I/.I J Templeton to John W. Tom-
pleton , my hiibbiml , vv'i' svv'i liO-T.I-
42. i | e 1
rU'tihcn A Hitrton and < < vlfe to John
Pntoixon , lots 1 , 2 , 1 ! ) and 20 , block
10S , ( . 'reticent City ; w d SO
Six tr.uiHfois , total J.'ssl
$5.000 00 fire stuck dry goads and notions
will bo bold cheap at The Fair , Council
One lliiiulu'tl nnil Fifty Fancy Oilil
I'm lor IMci'i'.s to li ) > Milil this vvi'i-U only
nt W ) iK'i' wnt iliM'ouiit.
licit' nit' M > nu of tlii' iiilh'li'M
Kino Hillil nmlioK'iiiiy Uniuiin f'lialr ,
IH'kv if'-i. . , for tliN Nvt'ck at Jjlii.r.o. .
Kliu > Maliiwtny $ l.r CMi.ilr at i7.0.
Kino Jlaliopiny KlnlMn-d Cluilr , for-
int'i * pik'o ) f.'i , this vvw'Ii , ' _ ' , riO.
All of tlii'M' Kooils are upliol.-.te > n'il In
hill ; tlain.isk. No two plm-.s allko anil
ull of tlic ik'lifht lutti'iiin > .
Wo mean lunlnc ) > s. Conio eatly and
Kut selections , Coeds dullveivd In
Omaha free of
Durfee Furniture Co.
305-6-7 Broadway ,
Council Bluffs ,
Police Ccitnin They Have a Pn'r of th (
Bandits Caught ,
Clinrlrt DIIA In nnil Cliurlci Itniiiliilpli
Who Ili-liicd Ituli tinAlnnliul -
IMII , l.oi'Ucil I | i nnil 1'ully
Tno of the threeoung men who held uji
the .Manhattan salooti In this city on the
night of January 13 are under arrest anil
have been positively Identified by the Man
hattan people and also by Max Monti , pro
prietor of the Crcston house , who ran them
out of his house when they came In to hold
up the barkeeper. The mem under arrcsl
are Charles Davis and Charles Randolph ,
The former Is a Council muffs boy and hit
parents still arc here.
The Incident that led to their arrest was
an attempt to repeat the holdup ! ci ICv
Molnts a few daja ago. They were succeEn-
fill and would have escaped If the Council
HlulTa olllccrs had not been closely foi ow
ing the r trill , which they picked up fro-n n
clew found cu the morning after the rob-
lrr > . In running through one of the allc > e
betwccti I'earl and I'ourth streets , La\ls )
dropped a check book an account book and
a raor. He was busily engaged In dolglng
the bullets from the revolver of a police
ofilcer and had no opportrnltj of getting Ilia
] propcrtj The stulT VMS picked up early the
foi owing mor-lng by a little colored boy
and turneJ over to the police The account
book bore the names of Davis and Randolph
and several addresses In Council DlufTj and
I IKS Monca.
l I'uvls and Randolph were suspected at the
stait and teen In the cltv for a coup.e
of Cajs. A former Council HIulTis jouno ;
man who had been In Jill with them In
Dru Moines told some of the officers that
they were there and predicted that they
would do some work before they left. The
DcdIolnej police were communliitcd with
anJ were trj'ng to locate them In that city
b > watching the addrebscs givei. In the
meantime tlaj held up a saioc" In exactly
the same manner as they did here The DCS
Molncs olllcers lad locateu them , but de-
Hjcd an rating them until more fully Identi
fied bj the Council U.uffs olllcers. After the
.second robbery the > weie taken Into cus
tody and thorough ! } identified bj tht i.alcdii-
kcepero. Their pietuns were sent to
Council IJIlifTs ofllcere jcsterdaj tnd wcie
prcmptlj identified by all of the men who
had seen them dur'ng the night they operate 1
Young Davis la well known hero , although
he lies been absent for some time. A year
ago he forged his father's name to a check
and left home. The father Is a farmer who
recently came to town The check book
found In the alley had been piocured from
Oldccr & I'l/jey'ui bank. The young min
never had any money on deposit there , but
the atuVs In the check book show that he
lies drawn a number of checks. . Randolph
is unknown. The third man of the trio is
known and bis arrest will shortly follow.
There Is some doubt concernlTg the pos-
slb'llty of getting the men here for trill un
til after they have been tried la DCS
Mo net ?
Few special bargains In storage goods at
Durfeo rurnlture Co. Will also dispose of
their fine bedrooiu suits , parlor suits and
w. linlsteH d goods at 20 per cKit discount to
make mom for a laige consignment of furnl-
turo especially for the Transmissilsslppi
eMJOsltlon trade.
SOCIAL nviTvrs oiii7yr wnnic.
Oolilon WVililliur VnnlTNirj In I > ro -
| i < vl ( MhiT AITnlrs.
An Interesting social cvcmt l. < o been ar
ranged to trareplrc on Tuesday aftcrnooi
and evening , when Judge and Mrs. O. A.
Roblrbon will celebrate their goldim vveJ-
dlng annlveisary. They have spent the
grwter part of their llvo $ In this city and
forty-eight ycurs of their wedded life and
were nlwayo prominent In social and other
affairs They were married In Dlxon , III. ,
February 1. 1S4S , End came to Council
Bluffs on Mai eh I , 1850. Judge Robinson
was chosen prosecuting attorney for I'ot'a- '
watt-imle county In 1SB1 lie was the flrat
prosecuting attorney elected In the county
and prosecuted the first murder case in
1853. hi the succeeding years he was county
Judge , ccrvcd a couple of termo in the city
council anJ was assessor of the city and
county for two terras. At the present time
he Is solving as deputy United States icvenua
collector , an office he has held for four
years. Judge and Mrs Robinson l.avo a
cozy little home at 225 North Thirty-fourth
street , on the corner of A\enuo C. It Is
quite likely that there will be a notable
gathering thereon Tuesday afternoon , when
all of the older citizens and many others
not quite fco old , but who have known the
Judge and his family all their lives , wlil
call and extend their congratulations Judge
Robinson Is still a vigorous and active man
and hl3 goad health and spirits are elured
anJ enjoyed by ha ! wife.
The farewell icceptlon tendered to Rev
V. C. Rocho and Mrs. Rocho In the parlors
of the First Haptlst church on Friday evo-i-
Ing was an event that called together a
largo number of Council II uffd men and
women. The reception demonbtraled
the regard and esteem In vvhlcu the pistor
and h'x family are held by the members
or the church end the people of the city.
Ti'o following program was rendered durlr.j ;
the evening. Piano aolo , Mln ? Hello Hoon ,
leading , Mra S. S Fara ; vocal solo. Miss
Oraeo Ilarr ; violin solo , Mr. A. Kerkask o ;
dp utlon , Harmonleo quartet ; reading Mis.
H. niookr' , selection , Harmonlco quaitet ;
p'ano golo , Miss Mura McFaddcn ; selection ,
Harmonlce quartet. After the program light
refreshments were served In the chapel of
the church. The tables were boiutlfully
decorated and afforded a very pleasing elftct.
The pastor and hbj family leave for their
new field of labor tomorrow ,
Mlns Rose Sheely of Omaha , N'lna Gates
nnil Margaret Kemp very plcasar.lly enter
tained their friends at the home of Miss
Kemp's sister .Mrj John Oerlg , 332 1'ark
avenue , on Thurt jy evening. The parlors
and halls ucio handsomely decorated with
red while and plijk carnations and smllax
and the three young women were dressed
In cone spending colors ( Xio corner of one
of the purlers wns reserved fur the cnve of
n Kyps-y fortune teller , whoso oracular dec
linations afforded much amusement and In-
tc rut for the young people. Another fea-
tuio was of a ccml literary character. Twcn-
ty-flvo minutes wna spout In talking on five
different topics , flvo mhnites being given to
each subject with a different partner The
Redaway rl ib boated In the upper hull , fur
nished beautiful music during the evening
A delicious luncheon was served at 10 M ,
lifter which the game of pillov dex was par-
tlclpa-tod In by all. The young people went
homo thoroughly satisfied with the Huccefti
oi the evening.
On Wednesday evening the Cotillion club
gav ono of Us plcasanteut parties of thu
bc.ition at Royal Arcanum ball. A portion
in' the decorations that helped to render the
lull brilliant for the 'Hums ' banquet on the
preceding evening were still In place and
with 'Iho additional decorations provided by
Ihu club the handcomo hall was most at
tractive The gcrman was lenl by Mr. Mayne
uml goveial unique figures were noticed , the
most humorous ono being the masks. The
"donkey" teems to bo chosen by thu young
wonuti with avidity. The party was very
largely attended.
On Monday Mr and 'Mrs ' R II. Uloomcr
entertained Informally at cards , ilr. and
Mm Ijougco won prizes ,
On Wednesday the Misses Schocotgen en
tertained Informally at a Dutch luicn ,
The ) announcement of the engagement of
Dr. John Qrccn to Miss Margaret Hamilton ,
3Qo of ttio teachers at the low a School lor
the Deaf , attracted considerable Interest It
social circles during the week Their mar
rlago will tnko place In I'clla , 1ft , on February
ruary 9 , where Miss Hamilton now Is.
Mr. Walter J Johnson , who was eniployci
In the Keystone Manufacturing company' )
local branch for many years and who left
It to study law , will return to the city will
his family In a short time and will agalr
make Council Bluffii his homo. He has beet
living In Sterling. 111.
Miss Mary Key Is home from the cas
after an extended visit
Mrs. W. W. Chapman has been making
short xlslt with her relatives here. Olr. am
Mrs. Chapman are now located In Klrksvlllc
Mo , where they went two years go for tht
benefit of Mr. Chapman's health. Ill )
friends will be glad to know that ho has sc
far recovered as to be able to resume bust' '
ness The Misses Schoentgen will leave In a few
days for Qulncy , 111. , where they will vlel )
Dr. and Mrs. Hatch , who will be rcmcmbcre <
by many friends whom they made while
visiting hero not long ago.
( Miss Ulla Husz was agreeably surprised
last Saturday afternoon at her home or
High street by a number of her friends.-A
very pleasant time wns enjoyed by all. Al
4 o'clock refreshments were served.
At the home of the Misses Klolso and Jen
nle Carse , on I'ourth avenue , a number o
their young friends from this city and Omahl
spent Thursday evening delightfully play
Ing the exciting and fascinating game o
pillow dex.
Mrs. Wahr and daughter , Natalia , of Anr
Arbor , Mich , were In this city Monday , cr
roulo to IMS Angeles , Cal. They were
the guesto hero of Mr. amV Mrs J. II. 1'aco
Ml a Mary Key has returned from the east
where alio has been \lsltlng friends.
Mi s Walker was unable to teach schoo
o ! < account of the Miners e > f her father , Mis ;
Wallace taking her place.
Mrs. J. 12. Hollcnbcck has received WON
frcmi her daughter , lAiyo , who Joined tn <
Kex line party In u trip to Florida for hci
health , that they are delightfully located ai
the I'nrk houue , Lake Maltland.
Mr. and Mrs J. A. Harrett of Lincoln
Xeb , were guccts of relatives In this city
last evening.
Ml" < i nthyl Thomas went to Glcnvvood Frl.
day and will remain over Sunday with Mis ;
Klla Han'cn.
.Mrs. R. J. Amy of Missouri Volley vls.tet !
friends In this city during the week.
Mr. and Mrc R. II. Uloomcr left last nlghl
for n trip to Chicago.
MIsu Lottlo Aylrsworth his returned frorr
New York , where she has been studying
Mrs McMenomy , Mrs. O'Hricn and Mlbs
Langc attended the Catholic fair In Mlsrour ]
Mlssro Daisy De-well nnd Hlla Sharpnack
of MlH-ourl Valley are visiting friends In
this city.
Mies Hleanor Montgomeiy expects to leave
c.oo.1 for London , where she will stay during
the court season.
Mrs. John Templeton and Miss Hmma Pot
ter w 111 leave soon for a v Islt to Chicago
Mrs J. J Gr.ivatto Is quite 111 at her home
on First avenue.
Mrs F Rink and daughter , Cmma , arc
visiting In Chicago.
Mrs Charley Officer is confined to the
with sickness
Mr James Record and "daughter. " Jeinctte ,
of Glcnvvood were among the out of town
guo'ts at the Scotch banquet
Mrs. W. J. James returned Wednesday
night from Cclorado Springs , wheie she has
been \lfjltlng her daughter , Mrs. Courtland
Miss Caroline Sc'iocntgen hca returned
fioni Des Moines and Ml"b Pinney , In whose
company she has been vi Ring , is espcctcU
homo in a few days
William Darker. C A. Co'sell and Wil
liam lientcliff left on Wednesday for Phoenix ,
Arl. Mrs Darker atid son went to Lob
Angeles , Cal. , for a six months' visit with
Mrs Dr. Thomas , accompanied by her
daughter , Evelyn , went to Mount Clalr , Tex ,
Wednesday evening , to visit her sister , Mrs
Then jon. Mrs. Thoirns will retuin In about
six weeks and her daughter will remain
there the rest of the winter.
Mrs. Andls of Lincoln , Neb. , Is the guest
of Miss Hill of 1019 Third avenue.
Miss Hmma Deitsch has gene to Mag
nolia to visit vvitti the MlbGes Koehns , daugh
ters of Rev. Mr Koclin.
Mies Nellie Tletoher of South Third ntreet
entertained during the week Mrs. Charles
Janes of Omaha. .Mrs. Janes was formerly
Miss Jennie Savage and was a pupil at S <
Francis' academy for several years. She Is
a musician of exceptional ability , and pre
vious to her marriage , the 12th of this
month , she lived at South Omiha , where
she was one of tlio government micro-
Miss Effle Miles , one of the teachers at
the Washington avenue school , is M-k and
confined to her bed. Miss Tlnley Is su.iply-
Ing her place
Miss Hattlc Pace Is In Atlantic visiting
at the homo of T R. Wallace nad family.
Mis Thorras Green , Miss Green and the
Infant daughter of t'.ie late George Green
who have been the guests of Mr. and M s
0 H. Jackson , have rented the cottage at
the conier of Graham and Madison avenue
and will make It their homo. Mr. Tom
Green will make hh home with them until
his family arrives from the cast.
Mrs H. H Held of 307 Plainer street left
en Tuesday for a two months' visit In Mas
The n S. club , will meet with Mrs Carrie
Dillcngcr , 721 Willow avenue , Monday even
ing , February 1.
The RebcKa'.i Relief association will meet
with Mrs Wallace , 315 Avenue G , Wednesday
afternoon , Fcbruaiy 3.
The Enthusiastic club will meet with Mrs
Nugent. 1221 Fifth avenue , Thursday after
noon , February . A full attendance la de1-
slred , as Important business will come before
the club.
MI.SS Viola Otto nnd Miss Mamie Holllnr
leave tcnlgbt to spend Sunday with Miss
Fannlo Durr of Missouri Valley.
The rake walk given at Liberty hall Men-
day evening by the colored people was c
laughable affair The cake was won by Dick
Gamble and Mlra foots Green The prl/es ,
for the handsomest costumes were carried
away by Robert Tiacoy and Miss llrovvn
William Johnson and Miss Ilrooks were adJudged -
Judged to bo the best walt7ers The Jildgeb
we re : Robert C I'ercg y , Charles J. Wat
tle , Rufus Johnson and William Green.
Tl'o art department of the Woman's club
Is arranging- Dickens' character party to
bo given some time before Lent. It Is the
Intention cf the club to Invite all the ad
mirers of the great English novcllct who
would like to represent s > onio of the chaiac-
ters to do FO Tl-c only rtejucst made thai
all PCTKOPU Intending to take part will not'fy '
the committee cvf the character Intended t >
ibo absumc\l , or if they do not carci to make
a seleotlc-n to apply -to the committee , and b"
asslgncii n chaiuc'tcr. ' The committee I
composed of Mrs II Everett , Mrs E O
Smith. Mrs II. C Cory , Mrs J J IJrown
Mrs John N. Daldwin. Mrs Hlney , Mrs .lamer
McCcbo. Mrs N P. Dodge. Mrs. H. W Til-
ton , Mrr. Lr.tiru Ilaldwln , Misses Grace Hem-
Ing and Harriett IllcoJ.
I.IHlC'l'OlCK. .
The Women of the World Is a new order
that has recently been orgenlred In this
city. In fact. Council muffs la Its Htaillng
point , and Augusta Grove , No. 1 ha ? for
1 to membership a majority of the former
members of Augusta Grove , Woo linen Cir
cle , the ladles' niiNll'ary to the Wood.ncn
of the WoilJ. Owing to u disagreement ivltli
the bupremo oniclo the circle's charter wat ,
revoked , and the ) Individual nieml'ers wish
ing to continue the fraternal fcaturea o *
their organlzat'on , formed the ne-w order
At the last mooting the following oillcorn
Hero Installed C. C , Sophia II. Myimtor
V. C' , E Kerbton : C S Wescott ; S. Katie
Harrlrgtan , T. Eliza Detken ; W , AlUe
Union ; C. Mattle Lanalng ; I. S , Carr'e '
AndeiBOii , O F , Emma Smith ; T. C A
ribblti. Dr M II Snyder and W. C Lackey.
M the conclusion of the subordinate acsslcn
Dm grand lodge convened and the following
Qlllcers were Installed hv Susan Snyder.
loputy grand Insuring oillccr G M , Mrs
NVIIIIamh. G S Mrs M PaulkenborK
[ 1 T Maiy liloomstliio. G W , Mrs. Otto
M i.Mra K Harrington
The grand otllcew expect to organize a
number of subord riato camps soon
The Roval Arcanum hall was comfortably
Hied Thursday evening by meinbera of
2ourad hhc , No , 3 , Ladles of the Maccabees ,
and their friends Mho gathered to witness
the publlp Installation A choice literary
and musical progrun waa rendered , followed
I by a banquet. Th6 follow ing ladles were
duly Installed by Mdy Installing Officer
' Ellsworth Mre L ti Luchovv , L C. ; Mrs.
iT Precious , R. K ; Mrs Cralgmlle , F. K. ;
| Mrs. William Murilock. C. ; Mrs Farron , S ;
Mrs O Younkerman. M. at A. ; iMrs. H.
Sundcrland , S. , > ! . Furguson , P. ; Mrs.
Smith and Mrs. KanS U. D.
Unity Rcbekah lodge. No. 3SS , will be
entertained next Wednesday evening at the
homo of the Misses vMcMIIIen , 1700 Ninth
White Rose. Rcbekah lodge , No. 284 , has
Installed the folowlng officers' N. O. , Anna
Uoyer ; V. O. , E. Hillings ; S. , Sophia II.
Mynster ; T. , M. Tlbblts ; C. , Clara Kraught ;
W. , C Orosvcnor ; C. , M. Goldstlne ; I. Q .
V. Talbott ; O. Q , M. Dobson ; T. , u\nna
The Fraternal Union of America will give
a public entertainment at Marcus hall next
Tuesday ovcnlng. Supreme President F. F.
Reese will bo present Council liluffs lodge ,
No. 79 , has ovar sixty members , of which a
largo proportion arc ladles.
With the Clmrolie * .
First Baptist Church , Hayllss Park , Rev.
V. C. Rocho , Pastor Morning subject , "The
Illblo and Howto Use It. " In the evening
the pastor will deliver his farewell sermon.
All friends and strangers cordially welcome.
Fifth A\enuo Methodist Episcopal Church ,
Corner Fifth Avenue and Eighteenth Street ,
Rev. G. P. Fry , Pastor The morning sub
ject will bo In harmony with the Sunday
school lesson , "The Harmony of Prayer. "
Evening subject , "Men of Backbone. " Other
services as usual.
Second Presbyterian Church , Corner Frank
and Harmony Streets , Rev. Alexander Llth-
01 land , Pastor In the morning the Rev. Mr.
Diction will preach on the biibject , "Tho
Kingdom of God. " Pastor's evening subject ,
"Prayer" All ore welcome.
St. Paul's Episcopal Church , Sixth Street ,
near Fifth A\enuc , Rev. L P. McDonald ,
Rector Morning service and sermon at 11
o'clock , subject , "The Influence and Use of
Trials. " In the evening the rector will .de
liver the second sermon In his series on the
ten commandment' ? . Mrs. Selbcrt will sing
nt the morning offertory , nnd a quartet In
the cvcnlny. Seats nil free. Everyone wel
Broadway Methodist Eplscopil Church ,
Corner Broadway and First Stieet , Rev. J.
II. SencjeiH\v , Pastor All service * as usual
Central Christian Church , Odd Fellows'
Temple , Rev. A. R. Caudle , Pastor Preach
ing morning and evening.
Congregational Church , Corner Sixth
Street nnd Seventh Avenue , Rev. J. W. Wll-
bon , Pastor Morning subject , "Selfishness ,
the Essence of Murder ; " evening eubject ,
"Tho Parenthetic Miracle. "
St. John's English Lutheran Church ,
Southeast Corner Willow Avenue nnd Sev
enth Street , Rev. G. W. Snyder , Pastor
Morning subject , "For the Gospel ; " evenIng -
Ing subject , "Night and Dav. "
Christian Science , 402 Sap Building Bible
lesson at 10-45 a. m i.stibject . , "Jcaiib Teach
ing How to Pray. " Readings from "Sci
ence nnd Health. " Experience meeting Fri
day evening.
The Ministerial association will meet to
morrow morning at 10 30 at St. John's En
glish Lutheran church. Officers for the en
suing yeai will be elected.
Don't , miss the great fire sale at The Fair
Monday at Council 'Bluffs. ? 5,000 00 fire
stock sold very cheap.
For sale , 1,000 acres fine bottwn land In
tracts of eighty acres and upward. Green-
shields H Mayne , 531 Broadway , Council
Blufis , la.
neMiiltnf , Attempt * < > llri-nlc I i > rre-Hli-
IOWA CITY , Jan. 29. Twenty-three mem
bers of the scvdiomore class were today sus
pended from the State university for the
part they took In pi eventing the annual
freshman banquet held two weeks ago. On
the night appointed for the banquet a num
ber of freshmen , including three young
women , were abducted forcibly , put Into
carriages and driven Into the country
Whllo the women were being forced into
the carriage , one of them had the tendons
of her knee loosened in the struggle and
she will bo crippled for life. Among those
let out Is the crack ball player of the col
lege and athletic circles are deeply stirred
ui > over the matter.
SlllllllllH MllHt ( ill ,
CHETtOKRC , la. . Jan. 20. ( Special Tcle-
Kiam ) All the mulct petitions have been
turn'-d In and are lacking considerable of
having the 65 per cent of the county. The
city came within 5 per cent of securing the
SO per cent requlicd to run Independent of
tCie county. Tnls Is a deadsner on the B\-
loons in Cherokee , anil a boon fo" the bootlegger -
logger , who will now be In his glory Tne
solid business men of the town had become
disgusted with the manner In which the sale -
lo us were being conducted and united In an
effort to have them run according to the
mulct law , ibut failed , and Chciolcee will
probably 5jt > pestered with the bootlegger
until the mulct law Is changed or repealed
for another offc'H ' will never be made to
secure consent. Tlie fight has been bitter
and has left matters In a bad form In m-re
than one way. The part the city council
took In fhe matter stirrcj up a bad feeling
among the few prohibitionists and from the
start the fight was red hot. A g"eat many
church members signed the petition and now
they are liable to be ousted If all repor.s ,
me true One enthusiastic Metludlat offered j
up a prayer the other night In which he
prayed that a 1 wiho signed the petition might
bo banished frcm the community Another
member Jumpe 1 up and said he was In favor
of firing every member who s gncd it The
question has not been ono of temperance ,
but wMether Cherokee should have palronn
run according to law or wheUier the bootlegger -
logger should still r. Un an I the bootlegger
won out As a matter of course arrests will
follow and a great amount of costs 'heaped '
on the county which the taxpayers will have
to stand , as there Is no revenue coming in
and the city treasury Is empty.
Jill ! DollMT.i Vvrrlocl.
SIOl'X CITY , Jan 29 ( Special Telegram )
A wholesale Jail delivery at the Woodbury
countv Jail was only avo-ted this morning
from the fact that' all nf the prisoners except -
copt one , weioasleop , Claude Pcvoy , a self-
confessed highwayman , discovered that the
Jailer liad failed to Jock the cell In which
ho and several other men were conflnetd.
Ho got out , but went alone. Tno man wcat '
to a reviort and got c"runk Instead of ruinrim
away. He was capture * ! again this morning |
Deivoy Is a very important witness In e-aBeu
ana net two othin > highwaymen , and his
escape caused eaiiflderable excitement i
Ilinl ) } llni-ni'il , I
Cn AH llAPlpji , , Ia. , Jan 29 ( Special t
To'.cgramVallo ) working about the house
this morning , tre clothing1 of the 22-yiar-o'd '
daughter of JaihfR Davis living near '
figourney , caught'flni ' rfie ran through the i
house and But it In fire. The aged mother
In atten-ptlng toJKfln her rescue fell , break-1
Ing her leg , and 'vrtis helpless The- father l '
Is an Inval d un.tbU lo move from his bed.
At this JunctureI'd ' nolghoor came to the
house and sucreMed in extinguishing the
( lames , saving the lives of the two o'd people
ple Tne girl was so badly buinol , however ,
that bho dlul In a few hours j
NlMl Ollll ' . .
MARSHALLTOU'N la . Jan 2l ! ( Special )
De'egatca frcm this cltj- Instituted a new
Independent Order of Odd Fellows lodge In
at Anthony , a small town northwe-st of
' 'ere , last evening The name chosen la
Tc nado lodiro , and the foil wing olllcers
were installed J. W Tight , N G ; O. II
Gaunt , V G : O J Abbott , T ; A D Lewis.
S A banquet and hpeeeh making followed.
The now lodge has a inemlerBhlp of eighty.
f Murilt-r.
OTrUMWA. la. Jan. 29 Ellen Nl-holbon
died hero last night. Dr Whlttaker and
William Benders have ( been orrewted charged
with the murder The coroner's Jury thU
afternoon held them rtoponslblo for the
glrl'e death by a criminal abortion It U
/"aid / Saundem was engaged to the gUl. All
are tjulto well known here , i
Mother nnd Her Young Dnnghtor round
Mutilated and Frozsm
YOIITIR Ctrl Trim I unity \x iuilteil nnil
Tlironi Cut from llur In inr
.Motlior'M Hi-nil Sullt
with mi .Vie.
BURLINGTON , la. , Jan. 29. The dead
and frozen bodies of Mrs. Fanny Rnthburn
and her 12-year-old daughter Mary were
found this afternoon In pools of blood at
their lonely homo west of the city. The
woman had been struck In the head with
an nx , which uno found leaning against
a nearby wall. Her head was split open.
The body of the child was found In a bed
room off the kitchen with the throat cut
from ear to car. Evidences of a horrible
struggle for llfo were present on alt sides.
Evidently the young Rlrl had been brutally
assaulted by the murderer , although her
torn clothing Indicated she had fought des
perately for her honor. Having ncconi-
pllehed the deed , the villain cut her throat.
This was not done without a great struggle ,
the girl's hands showing cuts where she had
attempted to defend herself. Blood was
scattered all over the bed and on the floor.
The body of the woman was found to be
eaten by rats ami presented a honlblo
Several arrests have been made and the
police are actively engaged In running
down several clues. It Is believed the crime
was committed Sunday night , hud that the
bodies have been In the house ever Hlnce
The woman was a widow of good repute ,
though quite poor , and no motive but the
outrage of the daughter can be supposed
The olllcers refuse tt give the namce of the
poisons under arrest.
N ( In- Islands of Ci-pnt Valui-
lo Tills Coimlrj.
CHICAGO. Jan. 29 The Post's Washing
ton correspondent sends the following ex
clusive Interview with Chairman Hltt of the
house committee on foreign relations :
"The gist. In my opinion , of the whole
Hawaiian question , lies in the strategic il
Importance of the little group , considered as
a point , or htatlon , 01 baho for naval opera'
tlons facing our western ccast Thcie Is a
strong resemblance In this case to the Ber
mudas , except that the Ueimudas are not
so commanding That Is , there are other
Islands to the s-outh of them which would , lo
case of conflict , to some- extent take thcli
place with foreign powers even if we pos
sessed th" Bermudas With the | xi > sesblon
of the Hawaiian islands we would lave
what might be considered safety for oui
western coast against any naval po.vor ex
cept from Great Britain , will f.i could htill
get ocal foi Its bhljrs from the British Colum
bian uorts and use that bate fci naval
"The subordinate featuies of the question
much discussed the < iues > tlon of sugai , the
chaiacter of the pcoulatlon the mode of
government , etc , are objections and bolu-
tlons oC objections that take up a good deal
of attention but I think aio of minor im
portance. The control of a countiy cannot
be permanently held lair way. We have
now by treaty certain exclusive rights , but
that Is a termlrablc treaty , and t'jo Hawaiian
republic Is theoretically an Independent na
tion , but Is wholly Incapable of defending
Itself nnd preserving its Independence the
moment tlat we come Into a conflict and any
naval power presenting Itself which chooses
to take possession. Once It was possessed
by n power like Japan , England or Ger
many , It would be the stcry of the Bermudas
eveafttln , only a stronger and more ef
fective Bermuda , cm our western front. With
a coaling siatlcn 2,000 mllas out , we double
the time and length of effective cruises of
war ships going out from San Francisco , and
proportionately Inciea o the effective result
of the expenditure In getting up a ship
Having no neighboring Islands , It leaves
the Immense expanse of the north Pacific
utteily Irtiospltcble to our oiponent If we
hold It. It Is thus of great value as a p'ace
of or for nn enemy to eperato
ogaliibt us.
"I have thought for irany years that these
Islands were of essential Importance to ub
The lirc.irc0B.lon that I got when In the State
department In 1SSI remains with me When
the question of extending the reciprocity
tretity was then under consideration , I vvnn
Impressed with these facts The sugar que's-
tlon and Its brand es Is a matter cr squib-
ble now between competing Interests Once
Incorporated they all go Into t'ae henpcr
together as conpletely as are toJny the beet
root of Nebraska and the cane of Louisiana "
r.iiv STOCKS roii TIIUviiic. : .
SI u in i > In ( InHilrlj Dnj.s Move Tluiii
Hi-cot ( Toil.
NEW YORK , Jan. 23 The week in the
stock market opened with every Indication
of a continuance of the diillnchs and heavi
ness of last week. Prices sagged all
through the early dealings on Monday , nnd
with the news that the Maine had been
dispatched to Havana there was some
thing very like a nliimp In tlu > market , re
cent speculative favoiltcs suffering the
incut. This sharp decline served to vvlpo
out the margins nnd shako out weak hold-
eta H was also cuillclont to Invite bears
to cover , t > o that the condition of the
market was miirh strengthened therein
On Tuesday morning It berame evident that
foreign observers viewed the Milne Incident
as rather Impiovlng than straining the re
lationship between Spain and the/ United
States In view of thcto Improved condi
tions there wr.s a Inrne absorption of BPI'II-
iltleB at the lower level on Tuesday. The
bull campaign luw been aided by the very
aggiesslvo strength of New York Central
on rumors that H would merge with Lake
Shore , Kansis & Texas preferred on the
margin of earnings shown on the stock ,
Rock Is'and ' on the perfecting of the re
funding plan and Northern Pacific pre
ferred on belief that an additional dividend
was Imminent London has been a large
buyer of stocks lu tills market and the bul'i
pushed up prices alsn on anticipatory rc-
po-trt that I'rrfl'drnt ' McKlnley's xpeech on
Thursday evening wou'd I'o favorable lo
financial ami husincbs Intrrci-th. There his
been largo realVIng at different times and
nt different points , but the level nf prlnes
Is Htibbtantlally higher nn the week. The
buying of bonds has b-cn nf enrirmoiiH pro
portion , the transactors for January far
I'xcee-dlng In volume troso for any other
month In the hlfctory of the exchange Net
: calns of one to two poln's and up.1ard are
Iho rule Ne.v York Central IIES gained
j Like Shore ! ) . Rock Island 4U .and Kansas
& Texas prcforrol ntout I points
vvi\ic : Mnucun \ IIMI TO .irsmi : ,
I iilli-il sfiir ( > > ( irnnil , lur > II | ICIMM nn
luv I'hlUriilliiu
DEN'VKR. Cole . Jan. 29 A special to
the Republican from Santa Fo N. M , says.
, The United States grand Jurv. which has
for the past three. wee-ke been conducting an
, olllrl I Investigation Into the charge * that
bribery and corruption were practiced In the
| pnst two legislative assemblies , prcscnte ! Its
, report In com t this afternoon Tiio report
hcts forth that owing to the Icng period of
1 1 nut that has elapsed blnce the sessions of
the Thirty first a1 d ThlMj second am'mbllcii
time years In 1ho II rut Instance and ono In
the latter , and owing also to "tho vvo.k and
Indistinct memories of the witnesses. " It was
ImiKmsibie to proeurn evidence fauflklcnt to
base indictments upon.
\i-rillrl for l.llii'l Mil nil * .
CHICAGO , Jun -Judge Brown of the
circuit court IIUB overruled the motion of
Alexander Pruning for a new trial In the
celebrated libel case of Lewis 11 , Jackson ,
In which the Jury awarded n verdict cf
J20IHX ) In Jackson's favor. The- action was
brought on account of the Btnlemenls tnndo
by PniFslni ? concerning' Jackson In connec
tion with the nilinlnlotrntlon of the olllce
of city engineer of Chicago under Jnekson.
An appeal was pr.ayed for nnd bond llxfil
nt f2i,000. This Is unlel to Vie one of the
largest judgment * ever recovered tigalnat
nn Individual for libel.
SVA'HS CHKW 01" A MMvIMJ Mill' .
All Ilronulit Oir In snfl > nnil li > n
I'ltftxliiu ; Men mrr.
NEW YORK , Jan. 29. The steamer Allcr.
which arrived today , brought the captain and
twenty-four of Ihe crew of the British tramp
steamer IXigo , of Sumleiland , who were
taken oft that vessel at sen wlille H was In
a sinking condition. The IMgo left Lclth
on December 31 for Baltimore In ballast
On January 8 the nil in ste.amplpc burst nnd
the michlnory became disabled The
nteamer fell off In the trough of the sea and
relied about In lienvv sens. For twelve days
the n\\tt laid In this condition.
The > bunker bulkheuds were burst In by the
terrific pitching and tosslt.t ; of the vessel ,
the coal tell through Into tue engine room
and choked the putrps and snnft alley , the
vessel became leaky nnd the water was soon
level wlih the engine room floor. On Janu
ary 27 the Allcr hove In sight and soon bore ;
down to the sinking vrseel. The Aller
launched one of Its large life boats , In which
three trips were made to the sinking craft ,
and the wliolc crew was taken off , the Dago
being abandoned ( o Its fate.
Dt'lllllN Of II 1)11) ,
INDIANAPOLIS , Jan. 29.-A telegram re
ceived here from Philadelphia today an
nounces the death In that city of Dr.
TMeoplillus Ptirvln , one of the most dis
tinguished nhyxlclnim of the country , for-
meily of Indianapolis , He hml been III for
Home weeks and his death was not un
OSCEOLA , Neb , Jan 29. ( Special. )
Another of Polk county's veterans has Joined
the majority. His name was Ell Bennett and
ho served In companies K and C , Plftcenth
regiment , Illinois volunteer Infantiy. An ef
fort had lately been made through Congress
man Stark to get h's ' claim made special , on
account of danger of his Immediate drnth.
ALLIANCE. Neb , Jan. 29 ( Special )
Charles H Nichols , postmaster nt Alliance
under President Cleveland's administration ,
died at lilj homo In this city at S o'clock
a. m. today. Mr Nichols was an old lesl-
dent of Bo\ Butte county He was county
commissioner at one tlmo and has held sev
eral ofllccs Ho leaves a widow and four
children , three sons < and one daughter
NOIirOLK. Neb , Jan 2S ( Special )
Dr G. B Richards , an old and wealthy resi
dent of thla city , was suddenly stilcken with
apoplexy while cnter'og his rooms in the
Richards block last night about 7 o'clock
and fell to the floor and died before help
reached him He leaves two dnughteiH. one
the wife of Hon \ J. Durland of this city ,
who Is now visiting In New York , and the
other also married and residing In Iowa.
A brother of the doctor res I dm at Linen n
T \COMA. Wash. Jan 2S lion Elwoad
Evanp , the oldest piactlckig lawyer In th'a
state , dropped dead from heart disease o'i '
the street today at the age o 70 yoaro. In
1S62 ho was secretary of the teirllory nt.d
during lS05-fif. was acting govei.or ( 'urine
the absence of Govcinors Picker'ing ' ami Lo'.e.
I'lrcH of n Dm
IMPERIAL , Neb , Jail 2t ( Spec ! il )
Wednesday night about S 30 a flic was dis
covered In the building occupied by G. W
Rogers K. Son as n furniture nnd general
fctore , 1'jt by the time the people arrived
there It had Mich a Mail that it was Im
possible to check It or oven fi't Into the
building , and a total lore vv.ih sustained on
building and contents The wagon and re
pair bhop of W H. Uoardman , standing
adjacent , was badly damaged The loss sus
tained by Rogers & Son was nbout $2,000 ,
with $1400 Irsuiaiice , and loss of Mr
Boardman about $100 , fully Insure 1 The
crlgln of the lire Is unknown
Ivccps n HiToril or HIM St < > ii1liiR .
ST. LOUIS , Jan. 2 Developments In the
case of rred Urfer , under arrest for rob
bing thd J. Holland Jewelry coinpiny , by
which he was enrployp 1 as dork , show that
hetole gonds aggregating12,0Tl In v ilue
Ho kept a complete set of boriks In which
his stc'nlliiir"i wore enteied , together with
their disposition There were , perhaps , ifiO
to 200 mnie-i In thl < * book of pert-oiis to
whom the Molen fcwelry had been sold
These pconlo h id been notllk-d nnd much
of the > Holland nropci ty Is being returned
from day to day.
NIIIISI-II .Sulls for I'lmrlanil.
NEW YORK. Jan 29Dr Pildtjof Nan-
sen , the Arctic explorer , "tilled on the Cam-
51 in in today for Liverpool. Before kuvlng
Dr Nnii'-on said : "I am golnjr direct to
London , where I shall dellvi i ton lectures
Then I leave for Chii'tiiinli where I Intend
to prep ire n selriitllle report of mv expedi
tion. It Is possible that I may return to
this country " Dr Niin e > ii denied tlutt he
hud anv Intention of : u eennp my IIIK Lieuten
ant Peary on hln no\t polir oxrolltlon.
lliillillnti rni-N fur \frliM
HLOOMSHfRO. Pa , J in. : n.-Tho Blooms.
bure Car Miiniif.icturlnK company of this
pity has been it wauled fie oontrnct to 'mild '
10 } Kondoli , curs liy Iho Ornngi- Tree St ite
Hallway company of South Africa. 'Ihov
will also build for the name eoinpiny fif
teen pusHPiiger onrs similar to an American
liih.s iigor poach , excepting n little Mn illor.
These1 will bo theIrst ( PHTS of this de pil | > -
tion built In Ameilcn fii u e In Africa ,
I'rcKliIrnt DillIN ( 'mil MI" .
PIIICAGO , Jun. -Special from the City
of Miico says : Piosldoit Dim H prep.irlng
to make n visit to the I'nltod Slutes u IK
undorstool ho will visit nil tlio pilnplpr
pltlps , liipliullni ; Ht Loul" , Cilcaso , New-
York ntid Washington nnd the I'.ullloo 'M
A tr.iln of tluoo mngnlll' < nt oars ntiteri'd
months nun from the Piillmin o mpanv has
reached thh city nnd nnothei will follow
hhoi tly.
John Mi , I < | i Held for Trlnl.
ST LOUIS. Jan 20 Thp younu mnn
lanttiilsalnp In Jill under tao rnnip of "John
Smith , " who vvns irrrst'd lust TiiPKdnv for
holding up .Iiidg" Madlll. preiddint of the
T'nlnn Trim ! building , at HIP point of a
plHtol , nnil ilun.iiiillnt ; $1 OdO , vv IK arr ilnnl (
in court t oiln v 'Ihrougi ils attorney
IOI-KO A MeiDoniild , the pr ! onor vvnlvoil th
piillmlmuv oMiinlmitlnii nnd vvns h > Id In
default of JI.MtO bill for thi > grand Jury
VI oo Is III DiMMi'i- Ni.laiiuar ( ) .
DENVER. Cole , Jan 20 The ix > utlvc >
pommlttfte of the National Live S'ork A < -
hocl illon of the Tnltid Stiitos , which VVIIH
organized nt the ri' < ert eonve ntlon , idiplfd
bylnwH for theKovt rnmi nt nf th' tin-or-li
tlon , mil llxod Janiiiirv 21 Wi'i. as the da <
for the next f mention , which K lo IIP
hold In Der'.e-r.
I.i'-Mi'x UN ICxdi'i * for : i I'iHillnl ! | ,
IILOOMINGTON , III , Jin. 20Hv th. vvi'l '
of foimui C'hli f Justice Join M Htott hi *
estate , amounting to nbout tWOiw , Is to IK
hidd In trust for the bom ( It of hn hi Ira
until ( lull death , wncn It H lo go to I hi
oily of Uloomlngtcm for tlio founding of , i
Thrlflv I'lirmi r
MILAN. Mo. , J.ill Jl.-Sp.-C'lil ! ( TeloKrnin )
Ed Il elon of Corn , six inllew Hoiita of
llilrf dty , IH engagi-d In a pepiilbr bUHlncs-H ,
from which he HjyH ho hail derived a nlic
Income DIP lust two iiionCiH. Ho will buy
f.uiHL-H frr Jl ii head , Kid thoin for tluii
MilcH and linn Bell tl elr c-arcatec'ti to a hus ,
fti iler foi 25 pontH
Ciillln. ( 'oininui.1
TOLEDO , O. . Jan -Judgo Hunter of
the HUP rlor court truluy itppolnted David
J. Workum ri''p'v r of the Blind ml ( 'oilln
lonnpiny under in amli ib'o iiri.ingcim nt
by the > < llrootorH an I xtcx k'ui di rs There
ro p'acod nt Ji007j , | i iljl'ltl i7 tn.f >
( riinil .Ilirj liullclx nn Vloriio ( >
CAM DEN , N J Jan 211 The grand jury
tolaj returnid H vin In I < dm IIIK In i un-
JUicumMliim I'll re ti Runnuifid to tie Rbsoluiclv
birail" j. and a strut : ! tonic In biilldlne up ln WCBK
andilpbllltnicd It cures cutcorniustulartbtnma-
llsm InrromonctofUodnyf. eimrp , ilic ) ilns piln
In injpirt of tlip hojy ncvr11'1' ' " * f'w rtot A
pro.nptromiilcto nnJ pcrtaai ent cut feir Ir.niftens ,
eoroncss , miff hick ntid nil palm In lilr * i > l loins.
Clironlo rheumalUni , ti-lii'in , luirtnco or pain In
the tnrd nro tpcrdlly rurnl itMliloni nilltlofKo
relief from ono lo lno < 'oe , nnd KlmoH Invnrlulily
cvircs before one boltlo lint Loin ii ed. IhoMunyon
ncmpily Conipnnv prpimrp iv fcimratc euro for rncti
dlM > H > e At nil ilrueKlns-M rents n % l l Ifrouncra
nir.llcnt nrtvlcprito t'rpf. Miinjon , lx > 5 ArcU
blrcct , rhllvlolplila It luntKoliUiljrfffC. *
licptlon wl'h the clmiRps of onib , io iy In
the Ell Shnvv nun il' ' r irnl ono of thotil
Is iiKilnst Hnirv S Si vol , Shaw iiitornoy ,
Se-ovel entered } 2 500 bill for n hearing
t vi'iiIN muii i.irii ,
Ito > nly lo Hie * CMIIIOIII for II r
i-roiillnii ,
Amateur photography hn of late taken
a new lease of life Royalty Is mainly re <
eponslble > for Dili state of thing ! ! .
To mend nn hour In the bourdolr of any
anil nfter marrkige.
The duchess of Klfp nnd the Pilneoss VI'- '
torla also prefer portrnltuie , and their roln-
tlves have been very willing and patient
subjects Little Lady Alpvandra Duff and
her baby Ustcr. In the flufllpst of whltiv
dresses and lulls have posed In the garden !
of Mar l-odge > Dee-side , their home In the
Highlands , for her mamma to do her best
one of theno era ml tinmen , from the prlnross
of Wnlcs to Mrs. Joseph Chamberlain , Is
to tl ml vourself surrounded by homc-modo
rue ii-iiiresH or vvaies picier. ? portraiture
and nparlv eveiv member of her fatullv hn- <
nt different etmcl'H in bin or her life "looked
pleasant" .at her desire nnd faced her t am-
ow. Sli ? has photographed IIPI grandchil
dren In their worn cart ; her daughter , the'
Princess Mdiid. In mllw-ny ear ; her hus
band on hoard his yneht Biltnnrlln , her
dauchtep and sou-ln-Iaw , Prince nnd
Prlnc-oss Charles of Denmaik , both before
bv them with her camera.
Princess Victoria finds her dogs very fa
vorite yiibjertR She his n pet fn\ terrier
whleh has pn ed foi bin mistre'-s in n va-
ile.y of athletic attitudes In the gat den oti
Sandrlntlnm The gioonhousos too , sV
has photiiKiapIfil very MKce.sfully , ii'.d
some very nttuicllv phntogravures havu
been made from her negatives
The pr noess Maud of Dnnmuik has IIPVII
been severely nllllcted with the photo-
grviplile mnnli although she has taken ono
of the best plenties extant of the piincess of
Wale's which IF baying much , as the fuliiio
eiueen of England is probably the most
photographed woman In the world.
Mnilne views and yachts have received
much attention from the camera of lur
royal highness Pilnce&s Henry of Bn'ton-
berir nlthough she occahloixilly takes a poi-
tr.ilt one of the best of the duke of Yoik
w\as made by hlj loyal mint Beatrice V
lorner of the etistle > at Berlin , with the
black eagle of Prussia In bron/o nnd bold
lellef upon a poUhtal. Is one of the bhow
pieces of the I' Beatrice's collection
Another EnglMi womnn In high life wlo
ha' a reisrn to Ini i > oud of hoi work In tills/ /
field , Is Mrs Joseph Chambeilaln.who . p\-
eelw in lamUeapeb. many of her negitlv s
are notable wirks of irt She Is fond of
tiklnir little bl's of Mcnerj In Ohterlv pule
a cllmpse of the lake 'or view with .1
pretty cntti'ne In til11 perspective.
Tiio comu'iss do Ca t "llano ( foimerly MSs
\iina Goul 1) ) l'ia taken up photo inphv
nlpco her narri.igo , lindbcapes , If they
toast a plcturibcuie bi dgo , appeal to her ,
nnd hho has rent home for her Aniorlnnn
friends eomo verv charming plctuioj Inkrni
In lltlttany. and one plcuirc' taken aboard
n yacht In which the count do Castollano
and a fiiond Bland out In bold relief , but
tholr bnrkh to the ( "iinera
Tlie sailor bold an 1 " -ill hands aloft" nro
not isublects for Lady Randolph Churchill's
Wnshlnirton Stni"Think of It ! " ox--
pl ilmod the " ; oniwlnt pedantic citizen. "A
goiioratlon 01 M > auo bnys wore supposed to
h ivo u good knowb dgi of Litln befoie they
wire li vears of aw"
"What of that ? " liuiiilied the nilld-man-
nen d mnn.
"Doc n't that show that our piotondid
ndv.incomont in lelinoniont m a inls.ippr--
hoiislon' "
"Not nt .all It proves that we nro more
considerate , nnd liiimano , and thcrcfoio
more lollnod Think of the amount of coi-
noral punl'Jlii ] cut It inust take to give a
liov a good knowledge of Litln before h < 5
Is 10 years old. "
llnllronil iinlini : | I fur Clilnn.
NEW YORK. Jan 20 Twelve locomotives
nnd I'.OOO rills were Htaiteel on tholr vv-iv to
China by the steamer St Andro.vs todny.
The locomotive * are of the mogul pnt'orn.
Eight of thoin nro for the Chltio"o rallvviy
near Tonic Ku and foui for Jap in.
I ir * I iiiprir4on men t for llurdrr.
DARTTOUD'ls , Jin. 20JudnIltin -
nell todny sonton"d Julius Xuelko to life
Inipilsoiinunt Xliolkoan found guilty of
murd'r In the Hist donee on Thursday for
the killing of Edvvaiil Davids , near Mnrke-
son , on April n , 1S9B.
Tor Snlo Onl ) l .IOIIN J.I.NDIJIt , 111
lllllll i ( . . L'lllllioll UlllllN.
. _ _ - _ t . _ - - . _ _ - -
Itc Mpnt AibiKUtnt hefrrtary ,
e'lpltiil uml euriiluii ( Mir One uml One-Half
Mllli.n Ii I IIIH
All liumli ix > iitr < I ut in > adlcc
.JAH N. UAbADY , .IR. ,
. ' .ill Unlli Slr.M I Ciunifll llluffN.
" *
Mirlruriloni Albln IIu lcr. > tii.llo
238 lirujOwuy Cennan mi
jf Ijfinilcii Coniervalory.
"mi in ina inK plants , or any pluca
wh ID HiKiiii bollirH itrei belntt u til.
Th > y ai the most tconornlual , dur-
ablet HII ) illicit-lit Hhuldiiij griito
made fin ) vvl I HUVO fuul Write lor
clr ulara di Bi'rlbint ; KratCH , ulvlnir
full , i Inforinutloii , to tlio
Rose Patent Grate Co. .
Council lllulltJ , luwa