18 THE ( XMA1IA DAILY HE 13 : SUNDAY , JANUARY 30 , 181)8. ) < , strong suits , not honied by rciucn..fl wore plaed up , beginning with the lowest rani w > as to get the higher can's out of the way. Weak nulls were p1ui il i. . , i beginning at the top so an to B'vo ' Hin t jrtiipr nil tlio as tatance possible In < „ . tlif suit should be Mrong In his 1 ; i T > IP goneiMl Idea of the game wan to j-nrrvn 'i strength of the strong hands and * o PS , I'lro the weak ones to the part- l f The rnptfst between Lincoln and Omaha vbiBf was a most enjojablo affair. Aii-ic ft m the victory Iho royal treatment ox'tni- l \ the Lincoln club put the Omaha li'ayi'D ' in the boat of litltr.or with them- s Hca at. 1 the country at large. A return inatr-b u'II ' bo looked forward to with the plranm artlrlpatlcns of returning the com pliment lo wet1) thing except the victory. OJT l > a I'vpeits to Keep the credit oflctory at home 1'nilor the auspices of the Woman's Whist clut ) of this city , Miss Allen of .Milwaukee , better known to the vvhlat world as t'.ie "Wills' Hmprrsi , " began yesterday a cour r- o' vvhisl lessons lu the rooniisi of thn Omaha \Vhlsr club 312 Ice ! bulldlrg The class la iulte largennd compased of nwiy of the most prominent women In society and whist clrc cti Miss Allen has been raised In a whist ntmceflhere' . being the daughter of "Uncle Pick" Allen , one of the best known of Amorletin whUst experts. The secretary of the Omaha Whist club IMS been requested by Iho club to arrange for a ceritost between his club and the Women s Whist club , to coins off at an early date The Central Whist aft-oclatlon will hold Itn TiuMr ; annual meeting at Dos Mollies , la. , l'Vbnary 17 and IS. This a.saoclatlon em- linden all theMlEnourl river states , and It Is expected that each whist club will bo represented by a tonm of four In the con- teot for tinIllcMrds trophy , also with nu merous jtilrs for other controls. The Omaha ono will , -irid Its "big four , " \ lzHeed , nine-halt. Holcdorffind Gcorgu Scrlbnnr , and It is expoetod that several pairs wilt go An largo a representation as possible Is do- rilrab e as a strong effort will be made to bring tlio iie\t annual meeting to Omaha. I.T > t Wclnc'i'-iy being "Visitors' night , " thruvvjs quite a largo gathcr'ng at the win * . , rooms In "progressive- f.ilr.s" there werenl tables , and ono "still tablo" was lilajed lithmi < who came a trllle late. The 1,1 nies r' the progressive pairs were as fol low N .r i iid South 1i ill. i and .lordnii " i < if- . . k ami Shipley -11 < ' . .mil I'eters 231 ] i. . in' ' iff ind Scilbner. O , 0 231 1 i l ui.l t ? . rlliner , A. W 231 liiis in inml Thomas 231 ] ' .11 nn I Slu-u 2H TM III in I .Innes .l Tin i . 'HI ' H'd Tlldoll 1 AVI i- , K0 ! I i--i unil Urst- p in. . i. v ml lluriclli 211 Al ml H-i-il 2H ft l.lih - mil S'niUHS 212 V 1 > vv.ll . mil Xevlns 211 Hh i mil l.ivvrcnce 210 ( .i.'i.i .iii.l . Jopllll 2."S lUir.,1. y mil ' ( 'inn 232 ( i inn i i mil Douglas 232 JMoifin m and llcellck 2'U \ . . , . 2-H Tli I illuvvliiK aic the leu highest scores f .1 mil u v . p. rlin.i. . ( } . O. . . . .Til Pinniiey It 1 i I.iff , . SO ] Alice 32 K .1 2S | Tilnl 12 II , , ui 24 , Sorlbnol , A. W. . . . 12 Jt n II 1D | Shipley 12 1) ) i t' i visit of Mr. Charouack , winner of t11 n inl Intel-rational towrumont , to It. Vt. . in rhras club , seven consultation fini's . .vt1.pl.ijod , the best of which vvao 1. . VVM-I f'laiou > ok and Kahnrlch and Hal- pi In an 1 Marco -Ch-ironse-lc Is a bold player n (1 ( m l.i JIM cut K'lino selected \aiUion ! luvol.liiK tl.i > sacrifice of a piece quite earl ) I tin- i pi iliiK Snbseqiicnlb , however , h an 1 his jmti.er csl.ji.ll8Ui'd an almost Ir- nalfctableatt.irk. . H was neutralized , how- ov.r . 1 > \ llulpri'.i and Marco by a tlmolj qnicn .an like and luvln , ? a rook and two p ei i . ii , ! i st a queen It wafl not dilllcult fir thi in to adop/t aggii'Sshe tactics The ! > . . tun ' .o.Itid quite threatening for Char- oil ck's aide on the twenty-seventh move whm ! u > a in eqmll7C < l matters by a queen h.nrlllio nn uu end game resulted In which ( hitoiMk ind l-'ahnrlch lad two pawrn n.'aln a i Kilsht. After the llftj-nr'-t move .1 draw was. agreed upon , as biAh sides were obliged to icpcat tlielr moves , an > deviation resulting in an Immediate leas of the game. The movis aio given below , as published bj the I'll 11J del ph. a Lodger : No. S Hy K. W. 11. , St. Paul. Neb , 1 > V 'It to piny mid secure H winning ( ami- 1'nlJ Is the llrht effort toward local problem ( instruction ; ulmltnr proilnctlonii nro invltid- I1LAC1C. , Ji 't'ffiS itiat .gn i WIIITI : . Problem No S U done by Kt to n 4. Solved b > II 11. Hammond. Wymoro. Neb. MJJ Harden. Slont'lt > The proposed solution of U takes Kt ( ch ) followed by II llil TBUTIEIT 01 TRIM UlU 8 6/3 / To Any Rollablo W3nn. M r > eloiu iipi'lliprimnd f no innnlb'1 ut i io nunirni'l t" tiM.t uu tn" . xiinoul an\t \ it' , rii-i * . Ji i > ' > 7 t'-of ' rini' ' cimiuuy Iniho vr .r * I'l tl a trkitimnlut m > u ril > . brnkcn , dli- uitrioiuJ ironi HCIK or i-siu'ic * . w 'm. urt-r- nuik , r. llai-pr n T'l sn iciireil.cuni | . rc . l.irallon or dev.f. . | .t t , .r oH r lm ri mau on. . U'h HUlOOf till ) CITT II lllUltlHl. N'J l ; O. 1) . .ulioinui no l c piii'ai " 2.OHM'V ' . " ; n'Vh1C ! rn to Q Kt 8 , allows of the Intervention of blark rook delaying the mate one movo. I1. H.Utcr the proponed key move , Ute to H 3 ( ch ) and Q to Q Kt S , the Intervention of black rook IR possible as noted above. Tu Hi vvltli tin1 llorii'ini'M , In ten years the yearling trotting record has been redired eight and one-lialf seconds. In Hie Mine period the 2-j ear-old record for trotters has dropped twenty and one-fourth seconds. The record for 3-ycar olds Iwa been Improved by nlno and three-fourth seconds. The ear-olds ate ten and three- fourths seconds nearer the two-minute line , while tl.c 5-jcar olds have been able to make but four seconds advance The paat decade shows an advance of eight seconds for tbo stallion trotting record , while thai tcr males lias moved up five .seconds. Star Pointer , l:59'/4 : , will not bo raced until late- next season. If at all. His owner. James A Murphy , ' .as decided to lot the horse mnko a sliou siascn In (110 otud and then shape him t : ( ) for exhibition1 engagements , starting him against time Inthe fall the Pointer horse may take pir ! In a few races If there Is anything In sight that can measure strides with him. Murphy says Star Pointer's In jured knee has gone down to Its normal slzo and that the great horse acorns to be In flcic condition for another camralgn. With Star Pointer out of the way thecoaat scorns clear for Joe IVitclien. Though tech nically not champion , Jct > Patchcn la really ono In many ways , mid certainly his 1S97 campaign is anout tnt > DCftt lie nn.s over mnuc. Compelled by foico of circumstances to race apuliist Strr Pointer or not lace at all , the black pacer has proven himself to have boon ready at all times to lace to the very limit oi Mis wonderful speed. He holds the Ohio state record of 2.01 , which , when ho made It , also tied the -world'a lace record. Ho forced Star Pointer.to pace In 2 01 at Indlan- cpolls , then the world's race record. Ills crowning achievement was at Springfield , where , | * ic'ng ' on thu outside of the way , he bung to Star Pointer wlih a bulldog de termination that made ( KMlblo a new world's race record for ( .ncers of 2 O0' , . Patchen's separate time was 2 Ol'/J. ' Twlco last season ho need a first half In fifty-nine seconds a world's record He pullc < l a wagon a mlle In 2 01 4 and paced a half-mile ring In 2OP1 : both world' ? lecorda. In .all tlie gieat , laces gctvvecti t'ae two star IKicers Joe l\itchen ban acquitted himself ciedltably For kevowl fecasons ho has been pitted against the best , Including Kobcrt J aud John H. Gentry. The past season it was Star Pointer aaid ccrtulnl } no one can truth fully ' ly that ho IKIH not performud credit ably all tbo Vt'hllo. Whatever the future may Rive us In the way of pacera , It In al most ctrtdin tlat none will take higher tank In I'iio esteem o ! tno public than Joe Patchcn has. The 3-j ear-old pacing race record having been established at 2 OJ'i , with five cham pions shailng equally in Its glory , It remains for Kansas to set tbo mail ; In a lower notch. Thu Sunllovvcr state Is not slow , especially when It comes to pacers , and no ono need bo surprised If the 3-j car-old race record Is established at 2 07 the coming season by a Kansas bicd pacer. Theie ate at least thico of a kind owned In that state at picseut and "more to follow. " The three rufoned to are Hiker I ! . , by Ashlind Wllkcs ; Sapphire , by Cosine , and McJoo , by Fergus ' .McGregor. Either one of these colts could have paced a mile over a "parlor track" In 2:10 : last sea- bon , aad nothing but the worst kind of baJ luck will keep them out of the champion class. A peculiar case of Interest to horse owners and track munageis Is pending In the Maine riiurts A tiottlng mnrc broke one of the small bones in her hind leg while jogging on thu Princeton , ' .Me , track during fair time. An action has been brought against tbo so ciety foi the value of the mate. In the discussion of the iclatlve merits of the thoioughbicd and the light hainoss horse it Is pointed out that the champion money producer In the latter cl hs has excelled the one In the other who wears the same title. Goldsmith Maid is credited \.ith having earned $32ri,000 , whereas Domino , the great est winner on the running tuif , won ? 2)0,00i ( ) ) . \IIOIIT NOTII ) i > ii > i : < n Mr. Swinburne left Oxford without taking a degieij anil takc-i a pride In avowlns li's ' Illiteracy. Xotwlth .t inding this fact he Is i perfee-l mister of Giecc ! a-.J Piench. He giow-t inoi n cccentilci.vith his wa\lnB yeai - . now appro idling thrre-seoic-and-tcn , lives near London , but Is almost never . > een In sock'ty , and Is pai tlcuhiily lonil of children Dr. Watson says that when he was re cently tr.uellnpr in Scotland a nun In tin simei can Inge c.'ild : "It you will stand up with ni" lit thu window 1 will show jou somit'hlng ; you will only git a gllmi > e Fiul- dnn'v ' " .el for an Instant. " The-y stood up ami waited Soon a llttlu snioliii came1 into vlp.v "That's Klirlomtili. " said the man and rnt.clown ivlth a .smile of InetTablecom - plai'i-nej' . After a vvhili1 I in Maclue'ii re- imir'-.cd that J. M. Harrie w is bom theie. "Vis , " sali ! tlin man , "and so vvas I. " L S. Ho s , ev-govcmor of Tex is , who died ( it Colle-go Station , In that s' ite , 11 few vvuelw ago , wai a true fiontleii-man. 1U- wns .1 famous Indian lighter In his tai'j ' dij * " . going en his lli t expedition agiilnst thu h''llr Coinanches n Hi"S. vvhi'i'j bevv n only 20 veuin o' ' < l. An offer of n commission In Iho t'nltid States aimy w is made him for hi I ln.i very In this expedition. Hov.i > fur a lonw t'mo ' at th i he id of the Stall1 Hungers , n band of sixty biave men vvh dd vail nit work for the state against tlie IndlaiiH and lawless while men. Pi of. William 11. Dudley of Stanfoid unl- xiMlty has brought suit against Constable Pij.lt n ml others of Sant i fruz , Cnl. , foi fiiHu fmpilsonment. Pi of. Duilny Is a noted botanist and lecently , vvhlit1 trampln ; ? Iho I'Oiinlry , dios.ieil In lough attire , neaich- lug for specimen * , bo was paune'i'd upoi by nilnlotiH of the liw , who arrested him ah a eoiinteifolter Ho"ays they icfu L-d to liurnilt him to communlcato with Ills college - logo by vvlrf nnd tool ; h's ' loid impj as HtronK fvliU'iie-o against him. Ho was loekcl up until Idontlilcd. The death -f Daudet iec"llH a story vvhloh ho to'd dm lug a leeent visit In Hr > cl.itd ) , ponevmlnir bin piesentatlon lo the uhfortu- milo i'X-fUi"n ( of Naples , whom be por- traveil ill I'ls inortlnoloub Hiliie , "Klnsit In Kxlle " 'I hi- author vv is emb iiinmir 1 , luu thu qiiiontrtitchliiB forth her hand , s.ild hliul'y ' "Ah Mr. D.uidct , you know I am onlv 'lino lelne en eil. . ' but > ou huviim - moit.illzi'd me. " Daudet vvaa profoundly loiicln d and lalsoil Hie hnml of the still beautiful ( | iieon to Ills lips. PioHldcnt Diaz sevoial years ngo Inter viewed a famous bandit who vvas In prlbon. Thu lobbep In form nl the piosldent that hl Uivv'ots llfo wns Iho result of having no vvoilc to do. The president llb'iatod him , mule him I'hlcf of pollen nf Ills iiulvo dls- tili-t , vvhkli wa.s one of Uu > i.\oiHt In tin louniiy. ami Informed him that IIP wouM bo In-Ill Htilrlly nrroiintnhlo for all lob- birle s In bis. dlstiU-t. Piom that d ly to this not ono ha * occurred Mnronvtr tin1 prp lloiit ( haa ajipolnti'd m my more ImndltH to oillre under Klnilllr i > ondlllon.s and It U i < ild that they lime , without a single ex- ciptlon. inndo successful thief catchers In Tbo oldest tlneo bom of Hmpcror Wllllim eel a present of a svxord every OhilHtmn. . ! * Karli one boars tbo monogniiu of the pilnce lo whom It Is given , the in HIM of the Ilohfn. yollem family and an InhiTlptloi. The iiliu'i' ImpiTtnl's hint ClulHlmaH had on ills. 'Your stu'iigtb biloiign lo jour couu- U v To bin sju William , riiilstm.n 1S17 Wlllliim KPN , " aud lids In vow "TriiHt In God , defend yourself biavoly. that > our glory and honor may remain Intaot. Ho who p i sport on eouiagoouslyvllh the help of (1 oil will never be dilvcn from the bnttlo- llrld " On Prlnen Kltt-I Prledilih'H swoid i iiulH ibis * motto : "Faithful and ft irioh-s " PrlnriJ Adalbert's 1m' two veii to thlH effect ; "May this HW rd never be diiwn without peed cau o , ami never bo replaced In Its HiMbb.ud unless eoveied with honor. " Marshall Tldd , thu famouit gun builder of Woburn. Mas.s , in ulo hi * first (1 ( rearm out of a Hplko nlxty-thii'0 years auo When Marshall was 10 ye.us old hM father din 1 ami bo vvn appruntlced to a shoi maker On the diy vviioil thn Boston and Lowell rulln'ul i an. It.s Mist train thiough Woburn Ih 11 boy was ono of the t-pectatori ) Ho ilokul nil a Hplku ami Out Idol occurred to tilm thin II i-ould be f.mhtaiipil Inio a pllol imrrel A blacksmith cut off the ondn of Iho nplko and Miirxhall iheu bored It on his lirothor' lithe. He ) found a piece of ho ii- 1011 a.id. fastonlng oiificnd In a vlso. made i nplr.il of the metal. When be sot the shape that Hi-emeil best ho made a tool to cut theInaldo of tbo Imliol This pistol nrrol wasmountod on aetock that extfnln ho en lr Unglh of the ban el The h immor H vr > oia-fishl ncil In ilrslirn. Hti Iking a poreu-ilMI r p nipJe\ \\f \ \ sold the weapon tn iinolhtr boy for 51 anil U was lost slu-lit of for iKurlv a quarter nf n century. One lay n frloivl cot track of It nml presentetl U tn the maker , It U tttlll In working ' y ! < . . Ji ? * > k' : vVS. X JfI f ? 'f'SfrrS'j'J > * ' * ' * irffif t Boston Is the only town of magnitude In the country which refuses to believe that Potter has a leadplpe cinch on the presi dency of the League of American Wheel men. That condition of mind U not sur prising. Sterling Hlllott halls from the hub , and Mr. Elliott's plans have been knocked Into n confused heap by recent events. Hero lei the way the lloston Gloho talks about the present aspect of the League of American Wheelmen politics : "Will It bo a walkover , that's the- question ? After the decision of the Pennsylvania delegates , Mr. Oldeon , under existing circumstances , would never allow his naino to bo presented for executive olllco. 'Uut ' , to use tbo words of the Immortal poet , "there are others. " Already the question Is being put as to the possibility of ii western candidate In opposition to Mr. Potter of Now York. Surd of the full western \ote , the gentleman In question would bo In possession of a good starter to begin with , the uncertainty of the votes of that section being tbo great trouble of an eastern candidate. In ad dition to this the western candidate would locelvo the full vote of Massachusetts , neatly all of Now Jersey , now that Klrcker Is no longer a candidate for the vlco pres idency ( and some one else might be , thus securing the vote of the division ) , a big percentage of the Pennsylvania votes , be sides these of Maine , Now llampahlio , Ilhodo Island and the District of Columbia. The move would certainly bo worth tiylng. and fiom picsent appeal ances It would not be nt all surprising If something to that end were accomplished. " The demand made by the wheelmen In the west llut they Mioulil receive representation on thu new executive committee of the League of American Wheelmen has been ' -ecognl/ed by t'JO Potter factlcn The withdrawal of C. F. Klrcker of Now Jersey as the candi date for second vice resident has reMilted In President Potter offering that place to the Missouri division The ollicers there IIOAO submitted the name oP 12 W. Paulson of St Louis Potter declared recently tint Paulson Is a well kii3wn advocate of good reads , a leading whoelimn and In eve-rj way an ac ceptable candidate. The olllco of treasurer of' the .national ot-soclattai will likely be Illled by Giro , another man of that section The ulistribution of two olHces In .the . west , It Is ejected , will have the effect of solidlfjlng the Interests of the two ectlons. The Potter men 'aavo been millions t-n choose enl > mou not disposed to favor Sunday racing. President Potter of the League of Wheelmen imkew the oniclal amio'incoment that the annual meeting of fie i.ational as sembly will convene at the Southern hotel , St. Ixwls , on the morning of Tebruary 9 Ho urges all the members of the asscmblj tout- tend the sess'ns on "Good Roads P-iy , " when load Improvement matters will bo discussed exclusively. Ho has appointed Geoige Cooke , Uhode Island , and Conwiiy Sams , Paltlmcro , to act as a committee on credentials. The president has Issued the following communi cation to all the chief consult ! in We league. "A special meeting of the division officers and other membeis of the natloi.al assembly , for the puimso of discussing lecruiilug mil ether dlvlt-lcn vvoik , will be nold at St. Louis ori the evening of Tuesday , Pebruiry S. In order that thb meeting ma.v be pioductlve of the gieate t benefit I earnestly it-quest that each se rodarjtreasurer contribute to the benefits of the said meeting by bringing with him to St. Louis copies of iccruitlng circulars which have bean found most effective In the work of lite division. It Is expected that each oftlcer w'.io attends this meeting will come forward prewired to speak In formally of the work within his own division , and ofie.-s ! of neNt-t.il of the divisions will bo opeclallj Invited to prepare formal papers cci recruiting work to be. submitted at the meeting. " Speaking of how a lacing man feels on the eve o < a great race , a veteran expert In icuing "says " that ho had turned In eaily to pet a gcod sleep , to as to come to the post lit at'd well. "Hut I couldn't sleep. I felt at times I wr.s gong mad. The whole rocm seemed to Le > peopled vItb men flying round and lound on bicycles It wasn't a dieam. for I was v Ido awake. The only wpy 1 can account for it is that my ncrvoa were ovorstiung a bit with thu strain , and at last. In sheer despctatlon , I had to get up aud read. I read until daylight streaked thiough m > window blind , then I turned off thj light and lay down again I never shut my eyes , however , and wont down to the tr.-.ck the follow ing day feeling n lurrlble- wicck Vol. strange to say , I never sprinted bo fast In my lifo as 1 did that da > , and I nctiully broke several re-cords. Yes , I al ways feel nervous evan yet on the eve of an ) big i ace , but that was really my worst experience. " According to tbo recei.t published official reports of the Ticasury department thu American imimifactmera of bicycles and cycle imterlal exported over 57,000,000 vvorlh of gccds during the jcar 1S97. Kor 'U. . ! the figures lei iho same class of exports wcro ? 1 , 800,000 , an Increase of nearly 100 per cent for the single seas a Two years ngo only tbrsu or lojr of the large-st American con- CCITS undertook 'tbo ' Invasion of the unc.s- ploiod Holds , nnd their venture proved oo successful that during the wilder of ' 00 nearly ovwy American concern of any Im portance. planned for a grand nish Into thu seeming Klondike of thu Industry A fail ostlnmto fchotts that 100,000 bltjclcs were shipped into the new market. ] . 'Manufac ' turer of all sizes and claeata talked about EM orders and foreign shipments. The siicccta of American wheels abroad to gether with the overproduction of the nrltlsh facloncs took .1 great deal of the NNftter out of 'lirltlsh ' cycle thares. Taking foity of the companies wlic-ao securities are morn or less marketable In London , In I'limlngliam , or In Dublin , 'tho ' London L'conomlst ' finis that with a nominal capi talisation of 'JS4ri,23. > , the market valua tion a year ago steal at 13,2i.73."i. : ) whereas at present quotations the aggregate valua tion has been redutej to C.8S3SH. Instead theiofoie- showing , as they did a year ago , an appreciation of about 3CS ! 000. or over 31 pe-r cent , there U now a depreciation of 2.902.000 , or n little over 30 per cent , wbllo If the aggregate valuation obtaining a yi.ir ago Is compared with the present valuation , It will bo seen that the decline amounts to nearly 0,3.11,000 , or close upon 48 per cent. A palo form lay upon a cot In the boa- [ iltal Friends and rclailvcs were galheied at the bcdsldo ; all wcio gazing anxiously upon the wan face of the proairato man Grief was written upon their faces , and tears , unconsciously and unheeded , trickled down their chooks. Oh , v.ould ho not awaken to speuk one last word before ho croEced over the dark river of death1 Ah look ! His lips move , tils c > cltds slowly open , bo struggles to speak ! Plnally the , words came In faint , quivering tones he j asked : "Tell me. tell me , what make of nlr ahlp was It that collided with mine ? " "Havo peace , my dearest , " pitifully sobbed the stricken wife , "It was an Improved , iball-bi-arlng , chainlets 'Aerial' of thu latent model. " "Thank heaven ! Now I can die happy. It Is the same make as mine. " Sprchl attention will he devoted to the welfare of the professional riders this jear. \t a rccrnl meeting of the National Cycle Track aasoclatlnn U was decided to employ n number of first-class racing men and a staff of about twenty-four pacemakers at Kgular salaries It IB the object to engage the best short and middle-distance racing mon to follow the association circuit anil form teams for Inter-city team contests The employment of apodal rlderu will , In all probability , restrict the men to aaaocla- profeoslon.il racing Ibis year Is so encour aging that It Is expeetoil a number of well known riders will forsake the amateur ranks In the early spring In order to tnko advantage of the opportunities offered to cash prize mm In Kn lam ! special atten tion to professional- racing has icsiilted In n practical separation of the two ola rs , and an a result of the Indifferent Interest taken In amateur events itho latter has teen on the decline. ' A growing tendency to admit women to membership In blcyclo clubs Is a sign of the times. The fair sex IB on nn equal footing with the boys In many * nch organizations , particularly In Iho larger cities. Other blcyclo clubs , vvhlcli Oo not go so far ns to admit women to active membership , In many cases make special arrangements for their entertainment ; on'cettaln days of the week or month. It Is safe to say that women ildens are welcomed to participate In the regular runn of nt least one-third of the clubs In ami around the principal cities. The girls aio not slow In taking advantage of the opportunities thus offered. To keep up with the bojs In an athletic pursuit com pels them to develop phvslcally , and must needs IIBNO a beneficial effect. If your bicycle Is stored In a closet or apartment that Is not pcifcctly dry bo sure that nil the bright parto are protected with vascllno or heavy oil. Such piccautlon will avoid a lot of trouble when jou want to 10- eumo riding In the spring Hust Is an enemy , andJs bard to get rid of. The English residents In Shangh.il have given a hearty welcome to the- three cjcling commissioners of "Travel , " who have Just accomplished the fe t of cjcllng across China from Upper LHirmah the first time that such a thing has ever been carr cd through Since- leaving London , In Jul > , 1S9 , the cjcllsts have travel sod 11,32. biles. They all bear tia'oes of thu severe hardships they have undorgnup , and give a very bail uecou it of theCclcstl.l cmplro as a field for cyclists. The roads were shocking , nnd for many hundreds of miles they were oblige ! to cafiy tholi machines. Hy the people ple of the western provinces thej woie hnspl'nbly treated on the whole , though In YuiiK-chang-fu they were mobbed b > .1 crowd and had to laku refuge In n temple. Armed with voluminous passports and red visiting cards sevoiv.1 Indies long with thelt names in Chinese characters , they went fiom town to town , Interviewing mandarins and missionaries , living on rotk and r re and becoming expert in the management or thopstleks During tl-t-lr jouiney an oflicor ti.ivcled on ahead , giving crdcrs nt . .11 tiio military posts that their safety was to be looKc-d after. "As we spun into the town of Pnnchio , " writes the travelers , "every- bo'y vvas sltt ng nut of doors , eating their evening lice. Hut .rice . bowls were pltchn : aside and chopsticks lost In astonishment " Generally SIIP king the woist tbo cjcllsts seem to have had to contend against was tl'o dcsl-e of the Celestials to s-hovv what they could do in the way of ejcling- One of the greatest inconveniences to which tlie b'cv'elcr ' U subjected Is the gloat liability of Icslng the tiny bolt which holds the two ends of the sprockrt chain. A verj Ingenious met'hod of securing this has been icctiitly devised. The bolt Is aciewod Into placeIn the usual manlier , one side belns threaded to receive It ml thu otl cr cour.toi- bored to accommrdate thp bolt-head , which tonfc-ms In size to thei rlvct-bcids. A thin plate of clock-spring hti el U pivoted to the i concocting link and swings over the bo'l ' head. The spring.1 ? unlforju in shape and finish with the side 1 nks , one end belnr ; swelled to snugly lit the belt head , upon which It picsscs with sufficient tension to hold the bolt In place ' COODS UU VPS. I'rni'Mcnl Di'iiioiisd-ii < liin of I lie Value- ol SttMil IIHvh" n > N. Object lessons In gond roads will appeal more- strongly to obduiate farmeis tlun any thing else In the world. The opposition of farmers Is all that stands In the way nr rational road Improv ci-ient In many sec- tlo-is of th.s country : Literature and kctuics as well as experience of othois oflrn fail lo have thedcslrcvl effect In bringing the objcctots to a re > aonablo view of thu subject. For stlc'li conditions W. Jl. Uihlv. IP , Jr , president-of the Long Island railroad , and an ardent good roads enthu siast , suggests a plan that Is siireMo meet with good results. He would glvo the form ers an object lesson In all cases where arguments aiu unavailing He urges good roadi Wdltcis to build .1 . stietc1 ! ! of nueada- ml7od road , gay one-eighth to one-half mile long , in a pronunoit part of a pa'ticulari ) had highway That will do thebusiness. . Iho fanners will then bo able to appreciate the dlllcrcnce In a most practical way. On If.ivlm ? ilin bn.ivv nmddv. riiLtv nld rnnil. tlio ) rrivo over a ploco of hard , MIIOI Hi pavement Just long enough to get an Ide of what they could have througl out their entile town.slilp. 'Ihen Iho icEumpllon o ; Iho difficult ill an through the m..o . beeomea a ical haidshlp , and theleshon has be-on Ic rned. This hint to good roads associa tions is worth following up. .Moio practical work U being done in New Jersey in fie direction of go J nnjs than u aii > other otuto o ! thu union and for that itusou it hai been aile'etod l.y the Postodlco departme. t for iho t\pcilmcnt authorized by ccngie-w of a free delivery a atem in ihe ruial dimrletH. Tile- movement vvas begun in 1893 by the org'-uisatloa of a lilgliwa- , Im provement .j&soulallon and the imtagc of n law , lirpcijlng upon the . 'talc one-third of the ccst of go d i.aJ.s ro . trusted uirli r the dlr c tlem of a state load co.nmiss'jner. ' Under this statute 23S milts of nucadamlzed roadvva > has be 13 constructed , at an expense of $ lfiti.- 693 to the state aud upward o. ' a mllllco dollars lars to the countlej and propoity on num. I'ccplo ( .in now travel upon a luid , inudk\b highway In all1 , klads of vvc.'thcr I'J I" silid and mnoolh w , i boulov.ud frcm Jersey Clt ) to Atlantic Cltj and from Pater.on to Cam- dei , The-work of coiistniclicn 1 > < M ccwtlnucd for a series of years In li > 93 an ! 1 * > 9I , seven ty-four miles ; 1895 , slxtsl.and one-half miles ; In U'JC , fifty ono miles , etc. T.ie cost lina been diminished bj experience from in average of $0.000 per mlle In 1S93 lo $4,000 a mlle in 1897. The doll and oth T phj. . leal conditions In Illinois are similar to those of Now Jeraty and the t-an.e methods anl ; csil- natfs would apply caually well to boih Biatti ? In Now Jc-Moy ciosltl n to the new byttom has al.uost enllirly' dlol out and the appll- calloi.a for state .ualstanco are so iinmeroua that the ai > pioprlatlon will be Increakod from 5100.000 to $300,000 this year. The farnicrii have found that they actually save moro then the amount of their taxes In rcpalrlig their wagons , hami-su and in horse elioes , without cons'elciing the vve-ar of the animals and the cionomy of time. The road rommlisioncr of New Jersey , whoso tact and ability have done much to promote the movemiat , puts a prac tical lesson In niathenutlai before- the farm ers. "It costs 9"t4 cents a bushel , " ho says , "to ship whe-at fiom Chicago to New Yo ik , a OUtancu of t > 00 miles. It crls 3 cents a. buuht-1 to haul wheat on a Icne ! road a distance of five miles and on a baiul ) load It would rest at Ica-st U tents per mlle to haul It. The Having on a bushel of wheat with good roads for a distance of tlvo miles would bo about equivalent to that of 3T5 miles by railroad. Ono mlle of good roads would make a saving equal to Bcvcnty-flvo miles of railroad transpor tation. Thus every mlle of good roads place * the producer trovcnty-flvo mlles by rail nearer to the market * It Is osii mated that the cost of hauling 700.000.0UO tons of farm prolwsta to market Is I- pir ton , or Just about $1.400.000.000 It Is also estimated that about 00 rer cent of this last amount , or JS10.CUO.OiKJ. would hu savc-d each year If fnrmura were able io dn thn hauling ever good roads Tlieso slatcmonts show the Importance of good roads. The reel cost of transportation ; that hL < rdt > r our of It between the farm and the town or railway station rather than between the railway station and the market. The loss duo to bad roads Is ono of the greatest wastes of energy connected with farming as it Is carried on In this country " General Stone , the natlonil good roads commissioner , has been trying to get the people of New Jersey to try the steel track system , as ho argues that It will save four- fifths of the power now exerted to haul loads over macadam roads. The compulsory use of broad tlrrs Is also recommended. Last year the legislature passed a law re lieving from road tax all persons who would nee tires not loss than three and a half Inches wide upon their wagon * , but It was veloed by the governor boranse It aipliod to cllles as well as to the countrv It will bo amended nnd passed again thin > oar U lilsiiorlnns of tinlitrl. . A letter from John .S Prlncp w 10 filled Omaha his home from 18S5 to 1S02 uid who created more Interest In cycle racing In tills city than an > ono since , conveys the in formation tint ho will be In the cltj early In April to look over the ground with a vitnv of again locating hero and building a first class third or quarter-mile blcyclo track on which to cctiduct racing during the oxims. tlon. This will bo good news to ojclo rar ing enthusiasts , nn the prospects for a good blcyclo truck In tula city for next year l vvo mot been very bright until the present tlmo Prince has built more blcjclo tracks In this country than any other ono man and that ho Is ca'.ablo of giving Omaha ctiiof the finest In the country Is not doubted by nnj ouo Prltico has quit the racing game himself and Is 'iicm- ' making bis living by promoting races In which ho never con-petes. Ho has pi oven himself to be a first class mamgcr and the ruco going public of Hits city will undoubtedly glvo him a warm welcome. The following appeared In the last hsue of Omaha's newsy blcvclo paper , the West- em Cjcllst : \V > me. taught to undorstaiid that Jour nalism Is one cf tbo higher | > infa.seloii' * mil thit for line ONoimliiln.itlon HIP ho 11of dt'inrtmonts on "groat motnpolllau luvvh- .papi-rs" . excel In quick npnrohtnslon ol whit Is good and what Is bad , and that Hi it dl - I'llmliiallon must bo uii'-rr'ru ' ; and Is the m..rk of i-dlluilal capanlty. This boln Iho I'aso , vvn aio amarcil Hint the mi vr th it It tll h ( > ti up In the column-- > f tbo Omaha Woilil-lli raid In Iho name , of blov i Ii mvv ( e.iild ( Nor f.sou . | ) ( > the blue p-u-'l ' of tie odlloilal dt p.ii tiiicnt of this mi it mo 11 polltnn nowspipcr , " got Into the column f the pint r , and thoiobv hitoi.-ntl illv li < u the mink of approval of the pil I. . s 11 nv 1 with caiiviiiu about them the In f IIP ni < .1- . lloiiid illsi-rlmln Ulon. Sur-ly 'nl > Muff ii'11-.t got Into the compo-mig reoin .uii.p 1- tlously , for no out.vouM Im s uiiKin I . . - < to ohaigo that tlio odltoilal d"partnn i.t ivi i Knowlncly allowed such matter to loifi.iit the public. The wheelmen who are to attend the na tional assembly of tbo League of Ameilp.in Wheelmen which Is io bo held In ' 't. Loulb the week of IVoiunry 7 from Ncbriska. will loave- this city on Saturday evcti'ng ' next so as to be upon the ground In amp'o ' limn to rnmlllarlro thcmsolvis with the * leagua's political situation. Chief Coistil n Hrlrn will cast Nebiaska's four votes for her and s > ays that ' .10 cannot toll now Just what Important questions outside of Sunday racing and aJmlsslon of profession als will come up and theieforo Is not pie- pared to say Just how Nebiaska's votes will bo cast on any but thu questions mentioned IIo announces that bo will vole for the ad mission of professionals and for local op tlon In icgard to Sunday i.iulns ; and for Isaac H Potter for piesldcnt. Among th Nebraski wheelmen vho will attend aie D. J. O'lltloii , K U. IMmiston. J. 13 Howe , John D. Hobblns , J A Benson , Lacy Pat- tcieon and W. A. Plxley. The Tourist Wheelmen of Omaha met al Harry Hartrj's stoie on Saturday evening January 22 , and reorginlroJ for the > cai They will have no regular club quartets but their newly elected president , II. C. Hartry , lias announced that he- will lit up roomIn the reir of his store whereth - membPiB ean spend their idle- hours , and also to be uo d foi mcotinfi and stalling of a 1 club rui'ij. Tbo Tourists piopose lo pij paitlctiiar attention to club runs during IV'S. i-d will make an effort to levive the old time Interest In them. The following offi cers wcro elected for the ensuVig jearII. . C. Hartry , president and captain ; T. New comb , vice president ; 13 L. Illack , socrctarj ; H. 13. Kiedcilckson , treasurer. No action has as jet been taken in regard to accepting the c'ndors offered by the Ne braska Moline Plow company for uoe In cin dering the Florence c > cle path and It be gins to look ns though the path would luve to go ursurfacsd next > ear unices the wheel men call a mass meeting and decide upon some mcons of having It cindered. The C > cll'ig Ga7Clte of Clcve'and , 0. pub lished In Its last Issue a table of tlie stand ing of all piofceu'lonal ililcra in tlio United StLtts , showing how manj places each ridei lad won from Januaiy to December , Ib97 Omaha ildeiw ranked well up in the list and the combined percentage of Omaha riders places her close to the top among the rac ing towns of the country. Tin : voici ; AIUU : : . llnnlet I'loxcott RixifToid In llaiiii-r * ! ! Lost fn the dilft , and where the full tlouds flow The htpop above lilm looms , And stioug winds out of dlsl nit ngions blo.v The MIIOVV In streaming plumes , And yawns the gulf of the eiovasoe1 bolovv In sapphire glows ami gloom-1. Along tlie piorlploe there Is no way Tliat ho iniiN .suiolv tread , Slight IH hH otholiV on thn slippery stay ' 1 hat ti oniblfM lo his liond , And chill and lenlbbHie dying i'ay I ails fast about his bead , Could be but bur BOIIIP lo.\lng of tbo hprd Some mountiilii boll iliv.f clr if , If some familiar sound one moment stlitod To gulilu him lest In fear ! liedniPH not move"omo betkonliu ; b id- Ing vv 1. . 1 Aim ! could bo but hear ! In Ihoso vvatsle pine s of the eirlii nnd dim No s'ar shines forth nt nil , Thiougli awful lonollnc'M enshrouding him HP elvfs one shuddering call , While horror oC great tUnkness seems io Hvvlm Ami fold him In Its pall , Then HKp blown breath of mii'Ic In UK- lulght A Piy roniPH far and low- He tlulllH , ho HprlngH , bo galhers all i.l mlifhi. Ho f < . Is new pulse * gl i.\ ! HlH ruhti's v ultelie ni-idi nor se-nso 1101 . HP knows thf NV.IV lo go ! Itfoiv IB the Time to id Y0PB1 . „ „ „ . Bievele EMM © ! ® Don't vviilt until tlio i-i.llny bPtnon oputu. Henil your wlieeil to un.nv. . If you lliive' nut time > , cull Telephone 1665 anil vvo will e-ull for it. Wo il" only Ili-st class work ct ri-asnnablo prli-un Any l lain Color . . . $ ! l ( ) ( ) K.\tra for btnpiiiK . . . . 50 ; Kxtra for Ti * iihfort , . . . . 5 ( > j $ ii : ) I' IIKVDI.NT Ma-ugi i Corner Kitli tnul Chicago Sts. < 'ljlrbt U'r' I'nrlUb Dtumoiiil Urftnd. Orlglnul aud Onljr Cf nulnr. Lren flu ltl l fcot 0 u oioitllfo vVAj lralMvlllil.lili.rll . . la. . Tnl.0 noolhl r. Jlt/uitdjngertmt iul riiu * rwon Imdali MI Al liru cltii orM * f a ttttl f r | .arlleultri t vllroooUU 101 I MHlUr For lullt , * 'l'if' ' t/rrlurn I Mull. 1II.IIOII IV.Hmurl.l. jrwii 1'apir. ] nuVu Ca.MM traHgicrc , CURE UURSELPJ ' Ui IllgU ( or tiDmturtl 1 dlichikrcM , Indimtuailunt. | . J Itrltitlcui or ulier tloal oci „ u trut r el inufuuj meiiiLraaM. Frixau i auiUD. I'a'.jlcu , > ud nut ailrlu * THtEnnCHtu uno requirements are perfectly met in Wool Soap. There may be more expensive soaps but none better. / / w ab solutely pure. For the bath it is pleas ant , soothing and delightful. There's only one soap that- won' t s h r i n k w oo 1 e n s. You MY MAMA I WISH MINE must choose be USED HAD. tween no soapand s voru mtmmiGiiT IT is \ fiom imturiIf jou have K > 3t or d or frllti-ied avvav the- boat portion of jour youtiR life- now Is tlio time to inaKean offn t to ri'g.iln vvlnt 1 * lost The fublc and the' prcmaturo are IhoaO who liavo disobijed tlio lavvH of man and the laws of si ii'iico Now comes man with a Knowledge of bdoiiro , u dc-op and vvldospuad Know lodge- , and ho fc < iys Ho a man. Got back join ntiongth and \lgor. How ? say > ou The ansvvor Is : Us.o the lomody ticatnii-nt , HUnVA.N Hl'DVX can bo had only from the doc on of the Hudson Modlcil Institute. It Is a troatmi-nt. No out- elseluiovvs the swret HUDYAN restores n ein to iho'plorloiis prime and vlqor of his true b.'lf IMJDYAN is a sclcntlllo treatment for nervous dlsordeis IIUDYAN cures Yallcocele. Hjdlrcoio. Noiv- ousness , Sleeplessness. You should ceinsiilt the Hudson doctors about Ill'UYAN 01 vvntJ for Circulars and Tcstlmonlalh Hudson Medical Institute , .SIoL-Kliin. tlai-Ki-l mill' mils Sts. , Sun Prniicfseo , Cil. BLOOD POISON BLOOD POISON BLOOD POISON BLOOD POISON BLOOD POISON BLOOD POISON BLOOD POISON Soon lolls Its own tile on jour face unJ Hints You will have tore patches in tlio tbioat , copper-colored spots , etc. When In the first , secondaiy or tertiaiy form a speedy cure Is effected by the 30-Diy lilood Guru Wiitc for 30-Day Circulais. nt'nsoN > iiitirvi. Hudson Medical Institute , Sloi'l.lim , Miirl.cl ami mils MN. . s VN | . " 1 | \X ( I SCO , t VI.H'OKM I. A SPECIALTY. Primary , Secondary or Tertiary DLOOD 1'OlbO.v ppimancntly Cured in 15 to 35 Days. You ran bo treated at homo for same price under eame guaranty If > ou prefer to come here we will c.mtr.ict tn pay rail road fare und liotol bills , and no churee If Wfl fall to cure , IE1 YOU HAVE taken mercury , l.'dlde ' pi taxh and still Imso ui-liHS und pnini' . Mm ui > IMtthei In nuulli. Sure Tliniut I'lnij . < < 'iH"i Col. irrl * | irt , IK.rs . rn am ri rt of tliu body , Hnlr or ijibrcv : fin IIIB . ill. It Is Oil * Pfttndarv Wo Ouaranfoe io Es We folklt tbo incut ouellimto cafes nml challi-nffo IbQ world fni u inp. . we . annot me This dls"iifi' hut nln I > H 1 i" ' I tin fUlll rf the moil orrln.'nt plivli Iniii t Ui 0 0 cap till luiilnl i ur iin m lltlonal guaranty \bbflntp pr.x . fp h. . nt E.akd . oi. n ( jjlU atinn 1 x > I HKP bok Bunt flee , Addrcps COOK HiNIiiV : : CO. , 111)1 NIaNiiiilc ! ' 1'i'iniilc , Clili'iiun , III , ' " "r lil'h'llln .11 I III v. . Ml i ) ll.lVH ) „ Inn. id , | . . will. rn. I. . iniili'lo trniitiiii-iit fruMK * . L 'TUili. iI'LOl'I- , MO E MEN Weak inn ! liii.liiil | nun inn M"un lioalliy , \ll , < > K > us tnailt.il HtiirtKtli vllillt > aiul ilivel.ii- . nirnt In fi. in two to tin ( lu > , iilnl m 7 | u.r IN SHU-11 UH Hl'M'IJ OV TI.Mi : by thn u o ul In An ti'iinluiilt'H um.lirful I'llrli Vliul HparltH f.i a Hhorl tlmi * , 10 l r i .iit i > f Iho < am tn > ii'MUltK urii iii'iimui. ill anil laut- itiK J1 K CH iliuliiR , i i'ne nt um c At luit n. n innly tliat In licnrflrlul to nil mid Unit nda ( .11 th" . mans < m ruidilly as n lallmrll uoiii on tlio huwfln ovi-r TOO linnuxt i < - ilmunluli > lilt AHCilAMIIUM.T'ri 1'AUIH VITAL HI1 MUCH not t unie un.l . tin Ir unllriui-U u o I..i . u f. H dioH biillila d mull r wniiiun up w n.In full ) I'HIi-l. II C ) l'iil : l'A | { Air ( A ITU. imA-i.Mi.s"i : HO POHI-.H SPECIAL OFTHR 48 CENTS. l.i t f. u.lux i. ln > | li' . i n(1.1. . . ncu In our i. in II. . u . will nml i I > biul.I u r Kular lull iiunthH ti. tniiiit I . > 't * * * i lie f2 JM k KO | it 1'urlb Vltul r < | .uiK fur 4i um lent > tiin | > - < { Nil I' ( I , I ) , IHK'I.IHil1 * 1111 llci'l'llllv I'll'- I it ii I urn ctnllliiK f" < * " < ' ( nioiiv ) , lull Um 'inliiul nniilloliif Ki-nl nllli full illri-clloiiH mid n > iijuiililo inrilli'iil iiiii < * r < > criilliin. . I'jrla Vli.l : BiHittt * . ik iwfi' niiVl l > ! Itiui ean- n I harm t u l jl xi-111 rn you ( OOil KAIM.SO Viuul IS' < 'V4l i I'\RT I OIITV "Vii oiir.vT i-i-i.i iM/n 'VViito l tin I'.ni .liU . > lln > - t IT UU'HAMI.Al I.T io ! I1 i.it . ri n .q lit- 1. n MOFM rflNC'lHIITY 111 n > i-il.lnsf n tln > thinl. l.e- . iwiin ; ut t > ' > Iircttiul urlmi ; an llo in U . P rfurnliirf n t py jirwnl-.o iui'1 ' l > "ina " "X nrp ar lo lc This ID wlmt llio Dr. Arrlisni- Lault Co. al WlllJ'N CiOIMi ' 10lV : tOKK 4)11 rim. MMi.rm \ 'rn.\\ i.i , A i A TIM : LEKICH VALLEY RAILROAD. .Snllil Tnilim , stijH-rh I < | itliiurii | < , Dlllllli ; OII-H il In Tin to. .si' < . | i\ . IIIIIMIIIIlK'll. lidiiti1 iif tin- BLACK DIAMOND EXPRESS , llmiiNiiini'-t Tuilii In tinVoil < l. 1'ur Advri llshit ; Mntlt-r anil Other Illllll Illllllllll VVI IIIlo .1. . \ . s. itii : i ) . < . . M. i * . \ , JIN Siilllll 4 t irl. ' < ! . . CIlll.IKi ) . III. * . . \ . iiiniv. : . i > . . . , rmnilo , \ . v. ( Ills. s. l.ri : . ( .on. 1'iix.i'iiiii'r .uciil , I'lillnili-Uilil.i , I'M. ll > I'lii-i'linsliitr ( .noils Undo lit the i'ol- llMNlllKllllllsKlt PlU-llll'U'M. ANI > 01IIITI3NT \M ) Ullllir.lt CO. ( fcuprp'-F013 Omaha 'le'iit and AwnliiB Co ) ManuCailun is Unl" .iwnlnnB J ilibira lullis' n | Ki-nlh' Jlarkliitoslies. 'lenta for u-nl. UII Tar- IMIII Ht , Onialm on in i iiui\\i > < : \smM-i\Ti4i\ . Cuilonil Elilinncnts mndc In our own refilfj- .rutor cars ll'uo Hlljlim. lilltc Uxiidit. Vlei-ni Export nml niinl ! } Import ( l.llveicil lo nil pails oC the elt ) . COUNICI : WOUKS. h.viiiln con MCI : WOHKS. Maiiufnctiiror of niUaiilznl Iron Coinlcca Oal- \nnlred Iron SI. * , Unlit * Tin Irnn and blata lloollnn AKOnl for Ktiiiicai's Sled Cilllng. 101012 Noilli iiovcnti etiict. I citAnin : r AC-IOUIIS . \ > innicHISCI IT NM > > ! ! ' ; . co. Wholes lip CmcUir Mnmifactuiors. OM NIIA. Nii : ! DYI : UOIIKH. sc 'ii-s TWIN crrv iivi : \NoitKs. ir.ui riii'imiii si Psclni ; nml rlo.inlns of Knrmcnts and KooJi of pvcr > ( ! cfccrlillun | Clciinlni , ' of line Knnnents n ppnclnlly. | ri-orii MILLS * . . l.\ ( . .II.MN. . riour. Meal , r.'i-d. Ilnn. 1013 11 17 North ITlli Mropt Onnlin , Nib C I ! Illack , 11 Icplionc L'Ji Mltl.N' VOI'KS ntvis A rou'iiii.i , inn's WOIIKS. Iron nml llritN-4 I'liiinili'i K. MaiiiifnoIiiiorH anil JolihrrH of Min.iilnrr ) ( ! en. rial ii-pnliliiK * n bn.ialt\ | 15U1 1..W uiul W5 Jaikfon Hticit , iJninlni Nib LiNhiin OIL UOOItMlX I.IX.Slir.l ) Oil , VN'lllllCs , Mini roituroiH r.M iniup"rovv llnsicil oil ktt- IkiMilvil llnieoc'l ' nil ( .11 . I'liuen K cuml llniood I.IIH | ( , bicmnl unil bLimnil lluxMni joi * mug * KlhU O.MA11A , NEU , LOINUIW-MA ri ius3is : I , . C. . IHH I' . Maniifnctunr Lr > unc > , CoiKhui llnllie es. Join l.i ut Hjiins | lie In and I'tailicr * jll.113 Buutli Ii Hi Si reel. ONI Ml \ lir.DDIVC OO , Manilforlini l.i nf hlch giadu Mullio/Bcs noi-J 0 si. . 'luliiH Knot Oinalin OVnilALL AND S1IIIIT K ( ONII-\\V. jirurJ C uihliiK I'nniH "lilris. Overalls. OMAHA NIIII BHIIIT r .1. u. IV\NS. M'.im NSK v sunn' ( ; mi \ > y. llxclualvc cmt.Jin rhlrt tullora. 1M5 I'arnum , VINKUAll ANlJ I'ICKLiS II N VltllXX VIMMi.VII ( O. Manufacturers of Vine war , 1'UKIci , CntiUj , .Mualurdi1. LMnry ninl Woicimi-rnlilre Sutioe WAUON8 AN'I ) ( MIlUlAl"iM. ! : NVII.MVNI I'l'-lMI'M'1 ! ; ! ! , 1'or n r-1" ' 4Ut < * umtlil vtlil'lo of any Urn. for repainting or nihlier Ulan i.ll new or old wliu'U the bent pUi.u IK . ' 7lh nnd UivnnYOrti ! IIHIINniOM ) C Nlllll.\ii : CO. Cheap in.-11111111 priced nml lony carrlngex. An > iblni ; > ou uuni iti md h.unl or new llcuj. iiuarte-n fir luljlivr Him wanunteil. Jilli and llainey. oiipovltu L'uiiri Iloute. \ . .1. MMI'SON , i urn , ini DoiiKi- , rull line of Carrlace-H , HUKKICH I'linoloin , 1'ony Cain. Wheels ruUliir tlrtj. The U t U Illu I'heuijMl ( KiAit jiANur\cTfjimta. Lircem fnttoty in tbo ww I.cnillnit JoLUn tt Otnulm , Kanrax City , Lincoln anil bt , , . .1. , 4 < , irA ? Irurnu.n hlrf > < (