Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 29, 1898, Page 5, Image 5

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Agents for The Big Store is letting down the prices on all wiifter goods. These cnd-of-January prices arc the lowest ever Selling Cheaper
B utter ick Patterns named desirable Saturday sales afford
and Publications on goods. special prudent purchasers Because
> i i
Standards of Fashion. the best money-saviilg opportunities in years. We Arc Selling More.
Ladies' Cloaks. Gents' Furnishings Snaps for Saturday. War With the Trusts A Great Chicken Day
AT A DISCOUNT 45-Inch moiulo linen stamped dresser scarfs AT Tli ) : THANSMISS1S3IPM
Our elegant stock of up-to-dato garments ; WAR WITH Till : THUST3.
15c. nnAlQUAUTtUS
4o be closed out in ten days , Prices that Men's embroidered * .
fine nlijht shirts nnd SUC1AU IS DOWN
Clothinof Prices HG-ltich tinted table covers , 15c. Presh dressed nlco young ntid fat , ucurly
will surprise the most economical buyer. white unlnundrlcd shirts , samples worth
, ,
GOc flnlshcd laundry bags , 15c. Tim Arbucklo Coffee Co. have gene Into nil siring chickens , at CHc tioiunl
Counters must bo cleared to make room for 75c and $1.00 , at 25c.
10o , 15c and 20c linen bibs , Gc. Is Secure your Sunday dinner hero.
' the sugar business , and a great fight now
COO dozcci Mcr.'a line
sample shirts , colored ,
spring goods. .
Cranberries only Re per quart.
The iiower of rea dy cash Men's , Boys' and A choice collection of ladles' coats of with collars nnd cuffs attached , colored bosoms Kfew Books. going on. Sugar has reached Hie- lowest now is THIS ON HUTTKU *
Children's Winter Suits and Overcoats and Odd Pants at this strictly high class styles materials and ems , with separate collars nnd cuffs ; nil the Just received. 25,000 new books. point In nvo years , nnd going still lower. Country roll butter , 9clie nnd 12\5o ,
very latest pattern made of Trench percale ,
late day are of little value to a manufacturer. We made a llnlngo the very best , worth $10.00 and $18.00 madras and cheviot , worth $1.00 and $1.BO , Alt on silo Saturday. 29 Ibs. best clarified sugar for Jl.OO. Creamery , luc , 17c ntid 19c.
25c books for Cc. Guaranteed , only 15e.
cash on the spot offer to three of the. most at $ G.OS. at 45c. 22 Ibs. extra C sugir , ? 1.00. eggs
COc books for 18c. RIA : > TIIKWI : MIAT PRICKS.
reliab'e ' manufacturers and it The Iteautlful silk lined Jackets In boucles , GO dozen Men's fine colored bosom shirts 20 Ibs. flno granulated sttsnr , Jl.OO.
was accepted. Quo VadLs , Illustrated , 50 : . Sugar cured hums , 7\4c. \
merchandise is in our store , and we astrakhans and Persian \\ool , fly front coat or made with re-lnforced back and front made Cut loaf. IS ; powdered , 17 Ibs. , tor $1.00. Sugar rured bacon , SVic.
propose up 'to ' sell nt $1.00 , nt 39c.
storm collar , worth $10.00 nnd $12.00 nt $3.4S. Handkerchiefs. . S.Ut t > rk. 3 4c.
' . Golden Hlo cofTee , fresh roasted , 12V4c.
that our lucky purchase shall turn a quick COO dozen , men's neckwear , band bows aid
LadlcV Sttgir cured Callfornt'i hams , 5'io.
finest and
jackets of kersey rough
deal. U shall be the best , boldest biggest string tlo3 , all heavy silk nnd new patterns COO dozcci ytiro linen handkerchiefs , hemstitched - Java and Mocha coffee , fresh roasted , luc. 3-pound ( cms Urd , lie.
, materials , some bilk serge , lined ; some strap worth COe , nt loc. stitched , ifc-lnch hem , special for Saturday , .
and most bountiful COO dozen teck tics , all the family Java and Mocha coffee , IT'/ir. C-povnd cans laid , 23c.
clothing sale that scam trimmed ; values up to $ S 00 at $4.4 $ . newest styles 4 VAC. 10 pound cans lard , 4Cc.
lias marked any sale in the history of the great Ladlei' Jackets mudc of wool beaver and In GOO heavy dozen silk men's and satin and , boys' worth sweaters $1.00 , nt 2Cc. In nil \Vhlak brooms , all lOc and 15c brooms , Tea slftlngs , try a pound , only 12V&C. Attend this saleSaturday. .
clothing business. All new and fashionable Kersey , shield front , high etorm collar , worth the latest styles nnd colors , at COc , 7Cc and Saturday Oc. Ciim\LS ARIJ DOWN . Hardware , Stoves and
made garment * . Come prepared to be sur 5Y.GO nt $2.93. $1.00. Wo still furnish 100 elegant visiting cards Hcst Minnesota 4 < c patent Hour , ? 1.25.
COO dozen men's line suspenders , worth 23c with plate for ? 1.00. Housefuriiisliiiig Dept
prised. Bring- this paper and we shall confirm Ladles' capes of flno Imported kersey , Urn- and 35c , at 7'fcc. Yeast foam , Gorman > cast , etc , pkg. . 2c.
KOI- Saturday only
every statement we print over our name. plro style , perfectly shaped and exquisitely EXTRA VALUES IN Special Linen 1'uro crjstal table salt , 2 largo sacks , Oc. Folding Ironing boards , Saturday , G9e.
flnlshcd at $5,03.
S\\cet chocolate , large cake , only 3c. No 8 wash boiler , copper bottom , Satutv
2CO men's } GOO All Wool Suits now being Men's $7.50 Overcoats nnd Ulsters now be Ladles' handsome chcUot cloth capes Ladies' and Sheeting Sale. day 6Jie.
sold for $1.CO. ing sold for $1.95. I'uro corn ctarch , worth DC pkg. , only 3We. ,
lined nnd wadded and trimmed with fur at 10-u.t. gianlto dish pans , Saturday , 39c.
Mcn'ii $12.GO fine Suits now being sold for ' Muslin Underwear. 4-4 hoivy brawn muslin at 3 > ic yard. Whole fruit preserves , straw berry , raspberry -
$7.50. Men's nil wool fine $10.00 Kersey Over $ . ! .93. . ' No. S copper bottom ten kettle , Saturday ,
coats now bc'iig sold for $5.00. 3-4 heavy brown sheeting nt IS'VJc. .
Men's . Ladles' double capo made of flno kersey , Ladled muslin drawers , worth 25c , at Ono ' . berry , cherry , Cc. 29c.
$2.RO fl o All Wool Pants now being case soft flnlt'.i bleached muslin (20 (
sold for $1.23. Men's $1300 Krlcze Ulsters now being cold 30-Inch long , trimmed with nine rows oC 12Vje. yards to a customer ) , was "iV-c , at fOic. Largo raisins , worth Sc pound , 3'Jc. $3. GO lound washers , Saturday , Jl S9.
for $7.50. Ladles' fine muslin Nice No S eook stove noltl
drawers embroidered legulnr
Hoys' 25c Knee Pants now being cold for I braid , at $2.08. , 20 oiocea turkey rod damask , guaranteed Pearl tapioca , sago or Lima bums. 3',4c. miunro ;
& cents. ' and trimmed , at 23c , 33c , 39c acid COc , worth fabt colors , at ISc . by the trndo for Jit 50 , Saturday. $7 U5.
Men's $3.50 flno Pants now being sold for | Ladles' heavy double capes of beaver or double the price. janl. Largo sacks pure common ) , only Oc. The best gasoline stove made , ; ! self-clean
Hoys' C3c Kmeo Pants now being soN ) for $1.75. . 10 pieces yure linen Scotch damask nt 23c
23 tentH cheviot , high collar , nt $1.9S. Ladles' ' plain umbrella drawers , worth 39c , lord. Largo sacks ptno giahnm , only 23c. ing burners ; regular Hold by the trade for
Misses' long cloaks In fancy mlxtrcs cloakIng - 19c. Jj.CO , Saturday. ? 2.S5.
Hoys' $ ' 573 flno Knee Panta Suits now be Men's very fine Paats , $1.30 now being nt 10 plocos full bleached damask at I'Vic. Largo hacks , pure buckwheat , Saturday ,
ing sold for $1.93. sold for $2 93. Ing ; ngos 10 , 12 and 11 , nt $2.08. Ladles' plain muslin night gowns , worth Heady made sheets , bleached , torn nnd 2Cc. The Oldest in America
' Missel' Jackets In empire and tight fitting COc , nt 39c. Ironed , size %
Men's extra size , extra long and short and stout Suits , ' Slx90. nt 37Vic T11IO IIKST IN THIJ WORLD.
style ; ages 2 to 12 , nt $1 US. Ladles' fine embroidered itrlmmed gowns Heady made slips at CV4c. New evaporated peaches , C'/ic. '
Overcoats and Ulsters at $4.50 , $6 75 and $10.00. worth 7oc , at COc. CHICKiiilNl : ( PIANOS
Ladies' satin waists In block and colors New evaporated apricots , GVic.
All mail orders promptly filled. LadloV flno lace nnd embroidered trimmed Special Bargains Tor se\enty-lho years the H ! inJanl of the
shirtwaist and blouse style , at $3.00 and up. 10 bars White Russian reap for 25c. world.
night at COc 73c
gowns , and 9Sc , worth
Ladles' seporato dress nnd skirts in all double the price. Saturday la outing and cotton flannel. Pcttljolins' breakfast food , big pKg. , flc. Wo nlwajs have on hand a flno selnctcd
\\ool merges , plain brllllantlne and silk figured Boy ? heavy ribbed hose double knee , heel BO pieces of unbleached cotton flannel , 2V4c Htock of thene famous imihoj ; other hull
Pure .
and toe , worth 23c , at luc hclf-ralslng pancake flour , Cc.
mohalra , percallno lined , well stiffened and ' yard. grades. Including the world-ienownod Slcln *
Children's fine ribbed hose , same style , Whoatlet the breakfast food "
, new , "Vic.
100 plecw of light and dark way , Klbclicr and others.
bound , at $2.9S. Hermsdorfi' dye , worth 25c , nt 15c. outing flannel ,
Tranks and Valises. CO dozen ladles' flannelette wrappers , Ladles' fast black hose , double heel nnd 5c yard. S > rup for table use. per gallon , only 25c. 1 upright piano , has boon used , $ S" 00.
. toe , worth 23c , nt lOe. Among thcee outing llaiMiels you find Sc 1 now upright , simple piano , $ lls ! 01) )
separate waist lliwilng. finished seams the Ladles' seamless , fast black , Herms- and JOc grades. Tlioy are all perfect and 1 new upright , sample piano , $1115.00.
cloth alone Is worth $1.23 , at 75c. dorf' dye , worth pGcf t 15c. extra - .
Good Iron Covered Trunks for $1 50 to $4 00 , worth double the price. gwxlalue. China Dept. 1 now upright 13mersnn , $ i7.r > 00
Our specialties are$100 , $3.00 , $000 Tru links , you pay $1000 to truuk stores for the 1 new upright Vose & Sons , ? 1 ! > 3 00
tame trunks. Kino VIcciT-a China , decorated cups nnd New Hers & Pond , grands und uprighti ,
You tan save 23 per cent on any Trun k In the bouse. We show fifty different nt correspondingly low prices
snucers , worth $2.00 tier s > et , nt 90c.
patterns In Trunks , Including the foremoat Common Senoe or Wall Trunk. Ni\V PIANOS FOR RKNT. .
Club Hags from 50c to $1.00 , at a Diving of 23 per cent. Decorated toilet SO'H , $1.C9.
A11 our Hags nre nicely trimmed , good locks and an Incomparable assortment to se Milk crocks , gallon , 3c. Sheet Music.
lect from. 10,000 different selections at Cc and lOo
Fine polished goblets , 2'.c.
We can save you 20 per cent oa Telescopes. per copy-
A grand cut price sale on Caps. Prices actuaully cut In two. Hlg table of decorated odds end ends at ! All the carllcxu popular music nt strictly
A coed Soft Kelt Hat for COc and 73c : w orth double. Iflc 1 ftr nnil 9ftc fvlrh. I nomilar nrlcea.
Special Session Attends to Some Important
Matters of Business.
uII II II II I ClIIIIMIIIIlllMllloll Of till * ( 'lt'N
I-\c : < -nll\ < - IU > ll\i > rcil to lluCiiuiifll
mill Ili'frrreil Orilliuiiic'i' lo
( Cot cm rir - mill I'olloo.
At a special meeting of the city council
yesterday afternoon Mayor ( Moores read bin
annual me.ssage. An ordinance providing foi
the appointment of a Hoard of Tire and
Pollen Commissioners was Introduced also
The mayor read his message in person ,
and It wn i heard with marKcd Interest an I
mldcnt approbation On motion of Ucdiel i !
v is referred to n s > peclal committee which
vlll recommend the dlHtnbutlon of the vari
ous sections among thu various regular com
mittees. The committee consists of Decliel ,
Lobeck , Hurmestor , Durkley and Mount
The only ether business tiansactrd wa
the Introduction of the ordinance to provide
for the appointment of a Hoard of Klro and
Pollen Commissioners in accordance with
the decision recently gl\cn by the equity
branch of the district court It was referrel
to the committee on judiciary.
The ordinance make * no material change
1n the present system except ns to the nut
ter of appointment. It provides that UM
board isliall consist of live/ members of whom
lh mayor Miull be onn and the other foui
Khali bo appointed by the mayor and con
tinned by o majority of the council. Not
more than two of the members shall bo of
'tho ' R.IIIH > political faith. Thu duties and
puwora of the board us designated in the or
dlnanco me substantially Identical wltb
the provisions of the charter.
This U the full text of tlio mayor's com
munication :
To thellonoriililr , the City Council of the
City of Oimihn ( iviitloimu : It "IIH lie-
rjinivt > ll sfiiU'.l . LUHtoni for tlu > m.iyor
nt the beginning of em Iv yenr to nd-
drea.1 n eommnnli-atlon to the city eouiuil
i evil-wing the Important events of the pu--
v lous y ear und miiklnt , ' sui h Hiiggcatlons con-
t-ernlt.K IIP wink of tinensulnci yiur , \ * in
muv consider ndvlsiblcFollowing - tbl >
custom , 1 have propiifd tMs nlPHHam1.
toiu'hlnir 1)1 Icily on tliost' .subjects which 1
believe lo be of most vital Interest to the
rltlyviiH iind tnxpiyom of uiniliu. As tin-
iiirent admlnUtintl MI vva not Indurti-d
Into olllou mi II M.iy 10 , 1S' 7 , I do not at
tempt to ii > vkv tni > i Ity iiilmlnNtnUIxe nf-
falls bt-foii' that il.iti1. for I am not , 1101
Is tlu > prtwi'iH city louncll , In any w.iy
ri'simif | i KI foi tin m
M T0 than the usual nuinliPl of omb irr IFS-
m inn m i U ; , ntvt administration at tin
Vt-iy outfit The validity of t i now ills
on 11 ro itlv torturing , disfiguring ,
Ittluii ) ; , luiruing , bleoduu ; , scalyi and pimply
lumiora , Instantly relieved by a warm bath
v ith Cum i HA hou asmgla application of
Ci ncuiiA ciilntmcnt ) , the great uMii euro ,
cud a fuh doio of CUTICUIU 111JOM UST.
charier Itself wns attacked In the courts ,
an 1 a final ilerlMou was not rendered for
E. vunil n cntbs. The uncertainty caused
ty thl t jnilltlon of nffali.s was felt li
iveiy 1,1 incl. of the. city's work , as ! t
liroiiKlH Into nucstlon the binding- force of
iwry ciinli.'ct ' cxeoiiteil and ot every ollt
elal r.ct pcrfoimed. Another < lllllculty with
which tlu i.w admliilstiatloa had to con-
ti-inl arcsn from thn fict that tie new
( hniter nmde many radical ehJiiges In ex
isting laws , the legality of which could
only be ascertained after a decision of the
court , and , nltnounh the pupicme couit sev
eral months ago passed upon the eh irter as
a whole declaring It cMnslltutlonnl , yet
there an many of It.s provisions which In
dividually may bt > declared inilld when
t ley are presented to the court for levlcvv
in a direct proceeding. Tor that reason
fici charter lequireinents s applied to the
viu Inns olllelnl acts have been scrutinized
most closely. Another bourcc ot embarra-s-
men was the depleted condition of some of
the funds wien the new administration as
sumed the duties of oltlcr > . In my
address I called attention to the hut
monthly repoit of the comptroller , which
'i i'lnsiHl tii- fact that , althouph only one-
fourth of the. IKe-il yc-ir hid expired , sev-
cial of the- funds were ulioady greatly re-
11111111 or neatly exhausted Almost one-
thlid of the year'H levy for tln > geniTil
"und had already been expended , leaving
two-thirds of that fund fjr the UHO of tbe
c'i\ ' for ( lie last throo-fotirtha of the fiscal
ye-ir. In the Btrect llghtlnK fund only $1,000
V thu $ .V.Ofrt ) levy icnialntil , of the $70,0 )
In the water rent fund only $ " 00 w is unex
pended , while In the curbing , guttering nnd
' leinlnci fund theio remained only about
$4.0CO of the ? J1.V levied. Inlovv of these
conditions I cilled the n'tentlon of the
council to tie fact that. If the Himox -
iriviiRinrc nnd recklesnoss , which had
milked the I'xpend'tureis ' of the tiist four
m ntlis of the year vvcro contlnui'd through
out the remainder of the ycir a M > rv
largely Incieasi-d detlclt would losult. To
meet this condition the most rigid economy
I'.is been practiced by nil of thu virlous dc-
t irtiut-nts and few appioprlntlons have been
mmln except where absolute necessity re
Onn of the most commtMid ililc * provisions
ot the now charter Is that creating the of-
II' " of commlcsloner Kor yi irs coin-
Plaints hive boon made of iiie ul inties and
liioqualltlps of aFHPS'inients. 'vhorpby larsji1
liropprty Interost.s linvi'ei"d | I i\alnn : ,
while the homes of po plo of itiodcrite In-
c'omo have' been laxrxl ilniiist bevuid en-
dur.inco. The oppression nil Inoninlltv of
the old svstom caused Mich ioiioial iMssitls.
Tn'tlon that a chniiEo beoimo liniietnllve ,
\Vhilo thn now law Is fir fiom 'uelnt ; pu-
fect , vet It Is n great Htrp furward. and It
Is undoubtedly true thit no nievlous a"-
Ri"-smnit hnji over been mndi > In Oni ih i
which has given hUoh eoni'tal .sitlsf I.-I'OH
as does the one reenntlv tlnUhrl hv the
tux commlsjlnaor and revlH" 1 by the Iloud
of Hovlevv Xothlnn F'IOWS mnr > cli irly the
i.iro and d'Hgonco ' vvltli which the wor'v \ la
pirfoimod than dofi a lOtnpiilsan of the
ixrsonal property IIHSC-S ment , tust made
with thoiu of prevlniiH yf irs. llorc'tnfoiu
the iinmbi r f porhana p lylnj taxes on p i-
sonal property 1ms been about G"iOo. while
this moro than 13.SCO jierions 'i ivc lec n
nssi'iscd H | = t > ifo to ly that \i-iv llttlo
tixnbli > proportv has tisi npi l iht v\e * of
the tax commissioner mil his dputl > H
1'ropoity has boon imsossid on a basis o (
ono-thlrd nf Us a'-tu il valuation nut the
total ansptseil vnlimt'on ' ff both roil and
per > > oii il property Is nearly double tliat of
ANNt'AF , UVV. :
The people of Oni ilia ntt > lim1 roeovvrlns
from an extended perloj of llnnnel il dr-
inixslon Conditions hivn Improved i ipldly
liiilnir thei lut , and we bollove th it
dlo labor will find remunerative cmpKy-
ment and Idle capital will heeuro safe nnd
urolltable liue.stment before miny months
have uiH'fd Hut it nnsi-nt the Hire * 4 of
tlnam l < il condltlon.4 uiiulres that tint
levy for 1SH ! Hhill IIP no greiter thin caie-
ful t onyorviitlve and economical mi-ise-
niont will ncci.sHltati" . Vet In thin connec
tion it Is Impoitnnt to IMMT In mind thit
ilio work to be porr rmod by the v irloiii )
department * , th ! > c ir will be lirgtly nuv
IIH nti'jl by the lioMlnir of tlio exposition
nnd the nocessarllv Increased cxjiei t > of
< irltur for thfso additional duties muHt 1101
he ovirlookixl In m ikliu ; tinycir's levy
In order to Illustrate- this necessity permit
mo to refer to i few depart inentrf js1 ox im-
iili-s In the executive department the ' .vork
linH iiiurly iKubled In volume during the
Ian nix months , and It will probibly In
crease proportlonntolv for a number of
niontliH Thu nJdvil dutlo.s of this dfpirt-
nu'iit during the exposition A 111 bo varied
and ox ictlntf Many of the Kixty or mare
conventli ns already secured for that period
will expect the executive of the city to
welcome their organizations In a formal
way , und It will devolve upon the miyor
almost dally lo meet and welcome di'lt-Bi-
tlons from various trl.s of this country , us
from foreign countrUa , All this will
add greatly to the lucre i Ing volume of
work to be performed by the executive de-
putmont. Again , the work 'f thu lu ilth
department will umloubtuJly be Incrtased
many fold During the la l yeai there have
been about COO eineirfency cases In the city ,
but careful estimates place the prohibit.1
numbir of such ci-cs duilng the proffiess
of the exposition at fr-in 5,000 to 8,000
These estimates are bisoif upon the export-
oiico of the health depart'iionts of Atlinti
and Nnshville. cich of which had over
SODO emergency ease * during It.s expo-l-
The examples just given of the lucre is-
Ing volumn of worla occasioned by the ex-
po"ltion aio dupllcited in the tlio , pollc- > ,
building and c'liglneerlni ? dopirtments , and
In fact It ) almost oveiy brinch of tlio city
Koxirnmcnt. And so , while the moBt ilsld
economy should bo practiced during the
coming year .mil every' unnecessary expense
eliminated , It muat bo romemboicd that the
work to bi > perfoimed this year ' .vlll be al
most I'oublo thiiit of Ixbt year in many In
stances The exlgcnclu ? of the case there
fore requite that these facts shall be taken
Into account In making the annual levy for
lcys. An HI-idvH d snort-sighted n enemy
might bo a.s dlsistrc-us to the cHy's Intel csts
an a slight pro.llgillty in expenditures.
coMi'AitATivn ixriNDiTUiiis.
I hud hoped to be iblo to pieseiit to your
honorable body a stitem nt. of the expen >
ct conducting the city govtinnient under
1ho old charter during- the llr-it four and a.
h ilf months of the yr-ir , compared with
thu expense' under the now charter duilng
the last sev < a and a li ilf m nths of the
yciir The comptroller , however has been
so busy In the puparitlon of his own an
nual 11 port that in' has bet u unable to
furnish mo wltlv such a stitement. Ho has
prepaied a .st lU'iiiont i-howlng the compiri-
tlvo expenditures for the yens ISSii and
H97. but this furnish 's ' i.o fair criterion fet
Judging- the eomjMr.vtlvn economy cf the
two admlnlstratloiKS , or of the munlc'pal
Hyi'oms provided lor by the two chattoiH ,
for the reason that e-ach administration and
each chaitor Is > onsblo | for part of the
1SU7 oxpendlturtM. Then , the chaiiKCs In th
charter nen sltatod a number of c tpundl-
tures which were not required the provl us
year and > vhlch will not occur another ye-ar.
In thu coirptrollcr's statement the cost of
the tax depirtnient Is made to appear as
ffi.SO1) In excess of hat of KM. liu * it Is < ill-
mato'l tl Jt 10 per cent of this oioensu | i
line to tlu Inauguration of tlio Hys'om and
Mill not bo Incurred another year. The
election expense's- for 1"I7 were rcpresonti'd
a * } S,170. ns ijwlnst JSr.r In I'M , but It
bhJiiIil be boinu In mind that at thu IS'.ii ]
election there was no sjiee1 il lionil election ,
but only the- regular iKelIoi of councl'men
as ptov'ded for under tlio old law , whtieui
the js.170 cxpcnidl in U')7 ) t'tiibraced th *
cost of the goncial fall election and also of
thn spring city election pro/lded for by tht
now charter , which lilt , expense will n t
bo. Ineurrtd ag-iln for thru1 ye irs. Thehu
items of unusual cxponses hirw to llun- !
tiald tlio furl that ; thu comptro.lor'.s htale-
inent funi'i'hcF. ' no fair compailhon btiweeu
thu cost of munlclpil affairs under 'ho two
ch irters
HHAl/ni nni'AIlT.MKN'T.
The levy for the health ilepjrtnint Hhould
bo latKe enough to allow the putchaso of
mi imbulanio. It was tlui Intension of the
du.j.ii tmi'tit t purchase one list but
the condition of the hciltli fund would i.ot
permit It Such an ambulance as .vould
muut the requirements of the depu.nipnt
would cost about $1.00. The health comniln-
xloner i.'celvcil plans ami bids a luiuu
niinibor of inuiufjcturpi.s novuri ! inrr.tlia
ago anddtclded upon the Vthl'lo which he
corsldelid vv ulil bo bcul Hditid to mi""t the
needs of the city. Thu iiiiyor and
agnee fully vvltli the hcaKli romml
ri'K'irilliiii ' the necessity for the j i
of an and will unite an am ro-
prlitlon for that ] > utpi > $ o as soon us funds
uro available.
Th record cf tr f flre deputment of
Om iha has been even mote loinuikablo this
yiar than It wa.s In' . ? Cj ' 'itv , if tliu t ur.i >
cl IHIn the country can show so Hmall a
percentage of los.s vvluii the a-tu ll lnii Iti
compaied with the imui'it > f piopirty loop ,
ardized by llro. Too m lob smllt t
bo given CMc.t Itcdell for his promptness
and tr od judfimtuit In dealing with llrcM.
nor to thn members of the department for
their courage and tklll In c-nrylng out hid
orders. Much valuable property has been
destroyed In Omaha In the pist by Indccl-
i wlou and poor Judgment during the flr-u ftvv
I momenlM after thu lire wai toacheil. Many
valuable etockrt of goods have been m-ed-
li sly rultu'l by water ' .vhen coolness .and
discretion At uld have tnvud thorn. The dlt-
iClplInu and eti.'ii | d > oips of the uitir
force In mnl commondablu and our citizens
taUu a pinlonable pride In the tlru ilepart-
inent. During the exposition the dutldi and
respont.lbllltloM restlnt : upon the depirtmont
will bo greatly lncra td nnd for that
reason additional fucllltlett must b > < pro
vided If It l to meet the rmiulremunu Two
new hoHu vviigons unit an serial ) nok und
ladder and inuih uddltloiul apparatus will
be neeissiry. In my Ju Ifirment the annual
levy should give. thlire ( department tlio
full amount allowed by the chatter.
Ill my opinion the pre put policy of rent-
Inn oiiKlnu hou'-e-s and a city Jill Is ill .nl-
vKed. Our present ci'y jill Is located in
the basement of the Colonade hotel. Whllo
the building is well constructed , yet the
bisemc.nt was Intendet to be tistd as a cel-
I.i r anil not as a habitation f-r hum in
belnus. It Is poorly lighted , Impiopeily
ventr.ited. damp and -.inltary mil 1J a
disgrace to the city The city of Omaha
r.pi-Is .a. city jHil which .slnll ooirjily with
mo lorn requirements. Jt should be well
lii-ati- 1 , M-ell lighted and well ventilated and
bu piovlded willn ill banitary convenlenci s ,
opc.1 Ulni ; tables for the u-e oC guiseons ,
roonM f r emergency patients , s pirate
com ; u tm nt i for vouthful pilsoners etc.
The building shotill also "ontn.i ooiirnoiil-
ous qiniteit > for the police vOtirc inJ po K a
I billevo that the city council should ,
without delay , piovldo for the erection of
a suitable Jail building anil should make
provision for tie constiuction of nece.ssary
otiRlnc houses as roon as It shall be deonied
expedient The money which the cl'y has
paid during the lust ton yoais as rental
for the present city Jail looms would have
I ) ild Inteicst during that time at 4'/i ' pel
cent on an Investment of $ rr > OCO.
T'o now city charter authorizes and empowers -
powers the mayoi ami city council to Issue I
bonds , the rate of Interest not to exceed 5 i
per cent per annum , for thu purpose of
tiinillnf , thf floating Indebtedness and lla- |
bllltlos of the city. At the picsent time thu i
city has quite a large lloaUns liidebtedin > .ss
Inheilted from pant ndmlnlstiatlons on
w ilch it Is piylnj Interest at 7 per cent. I
believe it would be wisp business manage
ment to Issue funding- bonds to cover this ,
ns the city would thereby save 2' to . ' ! per i
cent per annum In Interest. The adminls- ,
tiatlon would then bo able to Htnrt the i i
year with a clear leeard Instead of using I |
from SIOO.COO to $2'0WO of the ISJi levy at1
once to pay off old indob'edncH'i , and by so
doing a fair test of the economy of the
new charter could bo made. { i ,
MGAI. : < nni'AUTMUNT. i I
I cDtigratulato the citizens of Omn la upon I
the elllcient woilc performed by tha le > nil
department during thn last year. The work
devolving upon thit department has been
unusually heavy and exacting. In addition
to their iihiial duties the city attorney and
his assistant havu been BOUwH dally foi
their opinions on questions of construction
of the varlou' piovl i ns of tli nuvv clinr.o- ,
Tim ilL-jiuliueiit has In Its cbirfco many
dltl'eult and Impoitnnt cases , but the ono
c-Tfe which in attrioted the most jmbllc
attention dining tno year his be > < < ii the suit
aqalns' the bomUmen of ox-City Treasurer
15ollii to recovoi the amount embezzled by
\li liolln dm Inn bis teim of olllce. 1'ro-
dlctions were fieoly m ide by many tint
the Lily would nevc-r securu a verdict
aifalnst the bondsmui , but after ono jf thu i
most bltteily e-ontesttd trials over held In
DoiiKhiH county the Jury bi ought In a voi-
dlot In favor of the lty for $71,159 " - ' . U'hllo
wo all regret the ijiegsully vvhlLli h is c'liusel
thl.H larse JudtrnKiit' to be entered against | ,
some of our i > tn ( cj'Uens , yet we cannot i
but lojclci ! Ir tlie'icitilt , believing us wo do
that Justice nnd hum sty could bu vindicated j I
by no less n puiilty j i I
i.NaixnKitr.v DII > AITIMINT. { I
\Vien the | iruoe < u' ' oily engineer assumed i
tlu duties of fils olUi-o May 'Jo. Isy7 , he found
tint the It'vle.s 1 ad ijot been made for hide , j
vvallcs coiisruc'ed OK repaired dtirlnt ; the I
previous six moiltJiH , and nlso that thu
lecords ol the bovytr'department were from !
H\ ) months to a 'year and a naif behind j
Ouliiuto theiciiRtn of tlmu consumed In
completing thosu ne < oids and In pieparing '
pljni and Hiiclllc ] < { tiqis ) , advcrtlblng for bld.i ] !
and m iKIng contiiiu It was Impossible to i
b gln vvorU on puvllll ; contracts before OcI I
to'jer 1 it Is thc'irforo ' gratlfvlng to note I
Hut bit win : ( ) ( tobur 1 and Ucoi mbtr 31
three * and two-thirds mllui of pjvement
vvtie lild nt a COHI at Js7,0 0 Of this pave-
niunt Js.CO ) t-quaiu jarda VV.IH ai-phalt , 13.OK )
yards was vltrllled brick and ?
equiiu yaids wa.s inaeadim. Omaha IMS
been r'-l'ulailj ' ! foitunato In being no stoi m
center of thu vvjr which hat * been r.iglni ;
for fcveral ve-irs beUvvetn tha producers of
the v. u i , ill ) el i"t-ct , of asphalt. The bids
received this juar In this city for imphult
pnement are tjie lowest over made In tMs
country The eamo classes of pave-ment
Inld III ether ( IMes dining thu year have
cost from one-naif to two-thirds more than
tliat laid In Omaha The pavement whlc.1
thU year cost ua fl.L'l'-j per tquare yard
cost } . ' ! . ' In IHiJ. that which coat $ K"J this
yeir cost f..r.l In 1S91 und that which cost
tl.CJ f.j | year cost $ J. ! ) " > In 1S S This i educ
tion In thu price of asphalt had the effect of
Uwirli'g thu prlco of vUrlllcd brick pave-
mint , % o tl.ut ihis year wo laid brick pave
ment at' pur uquaiti yard vviilch cost
us $ t.7i In 'S3' ! and JJ 10 In ISSi. Thu people
Imv been q.ilck to realize that tie ptcgont
U a fuvtrublu lima for laying puvcmunt
and many petitions have
been filed and con-
tr.iei" let lor
pivomont to bo laid as soon
is sprliiv weather will permit.
JJiirliiir the lust year sixteen miles of sldu-
IV , 5"1 * " hoen lnl(1 ( ' 'he ' p"v "f which
J.t. . . miles sue ptrmanont sllevvalks of brick
and Htomard the remainder aio wooden
walks laid lie'oic May I'O. Under the ines-
ei , ori.V"'e tlie constiuction of wooden
sdowall.s is pio-lblted. and a.s rnpldly as
those now In use But out of tepilr they will
lie replaced by pennaneiit walks
l.-txvuen the months of Juno and Decem
ber eighty-throe hundredths of a mile of
sewur was constructed , and tvvj and threo-
rouilhs inlles of pilvato BL-VVLM connections
woio lad in confoimlty with plans in ide
me th set lly tne t > nKn | ° eriiig depait-
The total amount of contract work com
pleted under the direction of the eiiglnejr-
depaitmeiit from June I to DecHinbor SI
exceeds flW.OOO. and theru Is a biince ! of
"r ° - ! iVlel [ S011"31'1 ' " " " iHi'Jnipli'te wtatu
of $ , sOO )
, vvnlch will bo HnUhed as .soon as
spring ; weatlier opeiiH.
Prior to the time when thu now charter
went Into effect tie plumbing dopirtmeiit
was practically self-sustaining. The new
charter , however , made .such chaugon tint
the Income of the dopirtment was almost
entirely cut cff. I would iiMp-ctfu'ly iceoai-
mend that an oidln.ancu be pissid by your
honorable bjdy providing for the payment
of reasonable Ileense fees by plumbeiH and
for inoderato cmires ! , by paille.s navln
plumbing doiu > . In order to pay for the ex
amination of such woik by the plumbln , '
Inspector. The Inspector has .studied this
subject very cat of idly and ho has prepaied
an prdlnuicn which will lie f ilr to plumbers ,
and vvhlc.1 he believes , If pas-iod , will make
his department a Hiuice of lovoimu to thu
city and will pi Meet piopeity ovvnur.s from
being Imposed upon by Incompetent wet It-
As the tlmu for tlici opening of the TiaiiR-
mlssl'slppl and Intel nit..nal i\posl.lon :
appioiclu ' , our ipoople me becoming mole
mort Impiessul with thu in iKiiltuiln of
thu entppi-ri | and the duty they o.vo to the
city and country to make It a trom.-n'lous
Hiiccews. U Is hoped that each eltU n will
icaluo tl.u full nvastue i.f 11'ponslb lily
lestlng upon him to urbo'd the oxptMl Ion
m.i-.mfiiipnt. As the oxpo-ltlon has nrovvn
i ti iillly from d ly to c'jiy and on thu plain
have been unfoMid and developed wo hive
coirvu to expect inaiveious things. I ut
vvhlto cities aio not thu piodMflJM of
mcromincy. Hard , persistent vv-ik and ijilanii'iig ar- the fouvs which
create them. U'o cinnot | iial-e too lilghly
the members of the exposition dlree oty ,
mho aio sicrltlelng j > rsoi il Inriost and
( omfort without hop , * of lemiiliei' itlon 111
older that the exposition may .main the
highest dogic'd cf micct < , Mo t of our elt-
l7tns have given Illieially ol "hflr u.i iiis
and many have given freely of Uiulr fme
In planning for and dlieeiing tlio wont til-
loady nccompllshrd. Thviu lomiins. hiiw-
ove-r , a very Impoitant woik for ca < h mem
ber of our community. Thu oxpmltlon cin
and must bu vvlduly advertised by 0111 i , t-
Uens. Kacli Indlvidiiul should laho a pn-
sonal Interest In disseminating 'nfoiuuuion
nnd In HIM it ling exp-j a n lltoi itnic.
It Is honed tint during the jioyi * of
thu exposition every resident of i'io city
will exert himself to the utmost to inane
Omahi attiactive both to home K-ukt-in an. ]
to Investors. Clean streets , well kt pt liwn.i
and nicely ipulnted lion cs , , io th b > > , . ad-
vertlsoirnts a city cm hive , an I > i n clt-
lon should fuel It to bo lil.s mly li * HO tt-at
property under his control Is In an i t-
tractlvei condition. A email oiiliiv liy ucli
prop ity owner would elfact a mii elous
ImprovemeTt , The thrift an I e iui , of a
'city Is now hire more n > ) „ , . ible Ihun in
these so-called tin ill inattorn. They aiu the
criterion by which the thara'r ui 0 woith
of the city arc osllnii.ed Anoth-i1 tiling
' .vhlch i-.vlll Itnprc vlHltorw Je > jily \ \ ibe \ \
thu ihaiactor of tiiatrm-nt Hit v iinlve
during their Htay If rur HiTiilctt
to extend thu little couitusl'H i d npiir.l-
tles of life , victors will .liuirt ii-m | iiKniU
of Omaha and advertUe our city as ano lei
of hospitality and goodfellowohlp. ( f llio
hundieds of thousands of exposition vMtorn
aru to bu ina'lu the ( ilend.-t of Omaiia , the
eitl/.iiiH f Otn iha must comply wltb thu
old iprovnb by "showing thein "lvi <
friendly. " In thu sainconnectl a 1 would
cill tin attention of the council to thu fact
that Ntrett l lis aru misting on a good
many Htrtot cotneiij and I would HIIWHI
that UK-MO should bu n placed at ome , UH
th iy aru a gre-ut convenlunco to HtrtngirH
endeavoring tj llnii homu de.slred lo-illiy.
This will bo especially necpguary during thu
exposition , when p'oplu will bu Kcoklng
lodgings Jn all partw of thocity. .
I desire at this time to expretis my appro-
elation to thu ineinlu rs of the city council
for th ' vlKor. lldullty and illHcretlon vvhbh
have marked the perfonnanoo of thulr ( ill ) ,
clul duties during thu butt yen- . The new
charter n.duu.d thu council In &Uo from
eighteen to nine- members , thus d libll ig
the duties resting upon each indlvidnil
councilman. liuL you have pioved yourself
equal to thu emergency , tor thelooonls of
tlio cltv clerkS olllco . 'iuvv that the nine
mimbeis of the prevent council have II.IIH-
I acted neatly . > 0 per -'lit inoio lui'-lnes , than
I r.vas done by tlio eighteen niemiieis of HIP
i council In IS'M ! lly volume i f busliuJtiaii" -
' acted I do not moan t-imply thei issage f
n solutions , foi the gieatci number of these
might hlmply Indlcito that le s cuu
been t'tken 111 sifting out uiule-li..ile mo is -
un-i , but I icfei more pat uul.uly to the
Investigations and iinelullv pit-im'd n-
polls which have been made by the virloiis-
committees on nutters iefoii-1 to tlie.n ,
and also t the. niimbi I of coinn It'ee meei-
Ings hold and --peel il and . nieeiliil s
of the council attended. -hlrK I i' fillto
say that , In my opinion , tin m-inben ot the
present couno'l ' hive > -lvon ii. , r tvv'cn
as innib time mil labor oity bu-'lne' ' ' < ss
v-as devote 1 to it by any of ih' Ir pi.-1'e-s-
ois. While tlu mayoi m.l jmi'-il li-ivo
differed on the question of tlio advlsablliu
of many incisuict , yet those dlfforencp ? of
op'nion ' have .i"on oniv " h is iMiilly
arise bftween .lien hon-iliv " -llltM to hiib-
herve tlio ln t Interists of the cltv.
Ill closing my annual 1.1.s o I \I h to
think the v.uious city oIiris : | , in-1 in-
plnyos for tin fjlthfulnpsa , Intel.ig.Miee and
energy wh'eh ' they have Ml i. n In tin- ij ; r-
formanfo if the .lu o s ' , { lli.'lr i ' ! ' live
lio'l'lons during Ui ir. I bp | | vu llip
woik done by the * r 3"s dt , i n tiii"ii-s will
commend Itself 'D iho in Uni it of the f t-
Ui ns of Omaha , mil tl it. printing by the
oper'onc-i ' -i of 'he . . 'i- vi-t closed. % ve Hull
be able during llui online . > " ti ) i ndi i
thn city even mo" iii'.civv : fo. io' . Ke-
s-pt-ctfully Mibm iMl
.J.-JQH . , ; , AlnJr
i.uvv ivn.i. J-I'HII.V ' in : i < viun. ;
'tl > KiiieiiMi-M DiirliiK Ilie Vi-nr lle-
< Milri > n Crt-nl Ill-ill "f MIIIII- > .
The estlmntes of tlio various dcoartmentn
for inwilclrul expcnncs during the current
year as submitted to the city coim-ll Thtiruday
rlKht ugireiate about $070,000 , which would
Involve a levy of : u mlllfa on the present val
uation. While the council he.s not yet grap
pled with t'.io task of reducing these esti
mates to cormysnd with Its Ideas as to
the size of the loiy , It Is coti"ob > l boine
I big chunks must came off somuvvliere That
I It will be visible ii > rediico the budRot tea
a pi > lnt whtr < i a0 mill luvy will run th
city , s Is demanded by ore or two councilmen -
men h repjnle'l an out of thu qucvitliin cud
It Is the gcnural Innrosslon tliat if the ap
propriations can l > 3 .so distribute ! tliat a 25
mill levy -will cany the city thiough the
year It will bo t'.io best that can bo i > > i > otBd
The dulicltB luvo been tilled up In suv-
ornl fluids during previous years malio an
ugly projio ltlon Just at iresent. They maku
It ubisolutcly neceftary to levy the maxi
mum allotted by thu charter far thu water
rent , lighting and JudKiMiit fueu'.t ' whllu It
IB tixnirent that thu maximum miuU als > bet
allowed for thu lire nnd polke duurtmonls
In vlow of the ojroaltlon. Some extra expen
diture In Iho mattcii ( if street cleanliiR nnd
ler-alw Is also eicceesary for HID wino rcjson ,
and If the advl'u of thu city engineer Is foi
lowed a tuigldurablo HUIII mii't bo ex-tnde-1
in rcpahliii ? a portion of the sewer syntum ,
which ' .iis neulod attention for nevcTnl years
With ho irjiny r.c > parcnt necessities In xlew
It Is the dlapoaltlnn of the euiincll to out
all other expanses i' low ns patKlblo and tli
i ark end school catlnmti.i will undoabtedly
bo largely reduced No cno is yet able to
yolnt out how a. K-illlclrnt redurtl n la to ! >
accompllHheil , but thu question will bo tain a
up In earnest at the next committee meetliu'
when miliiu sort uf an outllno of I'm levy
must bo dtilci mined on.
lee lluiiIci'N In 11 Him.
Ham | id en JOIIPH , a young teamster em
ployed In huiillng Ice from the river fur
Thomas Ilros. , called at the police station
ypsterduy for the- purpose of Boeuilng t
warrant for the arreHt of Jim Watklns , i
niiro , alHD cmiiloycd by the Bnino tirm
During the morning thu twu nun
wiru working on thu Ice vvluii
\VatkiiiH , to annoy the- other , J ibbi I
him with a plku pole. Woid < <
feilkiwed. and Watkins follo'ued up tinas
tumlt by throwing a pair of lev tongs at
Jones , The Instrument Htiuck JoneH on tin
Idt arm , and one of tie Hharp points < ut
throui-h lilH heavy clothing and made a
lagged wound In the tlexn JOIIUH ran from
the place with Walking In purhult the
latter aHserllug fiat ho would kill him of
ho caught him. JOIICH wan obliged to Hund
a filond back for Ills learn , and ho now
wants the ii'Kici urrcstud for an najault with
intent to kill.
< ; n IIHI ; : Ks i MCIIS \ \ rri ; in HII ; , vitv
l''atii'r ( unit 'l'o .SDIISiinlKiieil on n
X < M liiriii'iiiiillon.
Tlio Kastt eis August , Louis mil .lc > -ill -
who have been In the county jad
since- last .lutie oa a cliarno of murder Ins
Olllcer Pan Ticdenian , were jc.itcrl.iy ftpr-
noon taken before Jmlne Ooido i i d ir-
Mlgned on new charges On Informal i i"
ilriwn up by A&slUint County \tlorn y .It-f-
fcrls the- three wore c'uied ' ! ti til *
buiglaily ( ' Xulsun's . iloii ut lluiMoui
and HpauluJii ; t , ! rents Kaeii pli n\ \ 1 n it
guilty and then August Kattncr v s ar-
lalnned on a sepaiatp c'ljrRO of 'i ' , ntinjf
wltli Intent 'o kill Ollicor 0 over Tne nt-
ti r pleaded not guilty and the I no wutcr
then lemaided to Jail to await
Assistant County Attoney : Jcffpih ipfiMCit
to statp li'n object In loilglin ? tin .jil li Imul
rhuigi-b ogaliibt the Kabtncrs , ut frum 'ho
pollcu olllelals It U understood tl at tin pio-
ponduiancu of evidence will be la tlio testl-
noiy of ( ilnvor , who clilms tliat le U poi -
ilvu that Augrnt Knstnei shot him i < I'm '
three v are ii'iklng a "get awiy" from Iho
i-.iloui Tlinro lu no direct eviu'un .iKJinal
any of the prsmois In cPioci-tlo-i with thu
.loath of Olllcer 'I li-dcm-m otlicr than tlut aiv
attempt wl'l ' bu made to prove tlut thu
Kastnors tobbeiJ the saloon , an I tint Itv.
to esciiie , one of the llirei shot him.
Coulih Vleill 'lni's in Ili-iiiniiil In
"At this soasan t'.iciu h nn Immpiiso do-
" fliid for cough , erouij and la isrlnno rciini.
"en.1 ' nys J I ) .Mlsc/r Co of Sl v n -
Illo. Monta'na , "wo have In sf ck tAon'v-
< IIP different kinds , but sell m ro nf Clnii'i-
'leilaln'n Cough Itemody than of nil nibers
"omblni'l nail wo I'ovu our lli t .ustmnoi f < *
ilalm It ban not lieeiollted him. to heur from "
Vo ono ron use Ibis icmeily vvitiiiut nein
Iilp3fied with the proirnt tullef It nllonls It ,
will euro a cold In less time than any other
lloiT ( Jnrilc'ii I'erlorinei-N l-'nll ( till.
JcHeph Kelly , a performer in a lower Ibir-
ney Htieet beer garden , woo arridtod Unt
night for lilsturb'ng the peaeu In a miialo
hall. During a i usu In thu program Kelly
v , j Heated at n lolili- partaking of nfic li-
munt wltn a fumalo number of the company.
A misunderstanding arose and by wjy of ex-
prcKHlrg liur reHeatmcnt ICn ly's ( ompamoiv
liuiled a glaai of boor nt his head w th dam
aging effect to hlii I'ncti ' and neikwear
Kelly piang to his feet , thrc.v nil hm coat
aid liail stalled for bin revenue when lie wan
Interrupted by n police
Arnold's Hroino Oeieiy cuiri
lOe. 2rc n'ld r.Pr. All
The following iiinrrluRp llci rs H were Is-
Hiied ycrtenluy by the cjunty Judei
Name and le.siilencc. Ago.
Adolp i Nivvmaii , .Sioux City , li 'l1
J.1 na Newman , Om iha . . il <
JOTII I ! Krone i. fmiha . ! )
Mniy A Jones , NislivllliTI nn lU
( ' \ \ Kniinore , Oniah i JJ
rUtlinI'nilHtoiB n , ejinala 21 !
/ . - FT31 1 fFrira'TF'l ' '
. .iro
j ill. itlv Ilii't in
I licrc iii.iv be
j inure txins\t | | ! | , [ n i > i
i j bilic . / ' -i ( id-
i//iolilf It plir I"i/r /
' tinb.itlt It is
IS..1I t , ( . ) -
auJ ck-ilJtt'
It : } .
' 1 here's only
one SIMP that
\son ° t hrink
\\oult n- > . You
must thuobc be-
My Morns I V/lah Vint.
Uuoj Hod no