Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 28, 1898, Page 8, Image 8

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ITcbraska Breeders nnd Feeders Take Action
for Mutual Protection ,
Com onlliiM tor HIP l'nfHMc | of I'orin-
IIIR n Mnle AMnoclntlon to Ul
the 'UroiiKM ' > o liniia-
, tlcnlly llornv. |
Somewhat over a score of stockmen from
various polnU ) In Nebraska assembled at
the Dellono hotel yesterday nttornoon for the
puriwso of forming au association to promote
their common Interests. W. H. Thurber of
Ong , Neb , appeared as the leader of the
Btockmen , and It was In response to Invi
tations sent by him that the stockmen met.
The meeting convened nt 3 o'clock and
nt once took up the \arlous grievances the
stockmen of the state feel that they have
ngalnst the rallroids and the stock yarda
companies. Poor train service , slow tlmo
the refusal of some of the railroads to carry
the cabooses within a mlle of the point for
which the stock are bound and unsatisfac
tory agreements with the stock yards com
panies , were the principal subjects dls-
cursed by those present.
It was ngrced that an association of all
the stockmen In the state and the- proper
presentation of the stoekmcn'e grievances
through an executive committee would co
much toward Improving the conditions under
vhirh the stockmen work. As an Instance
of the iKiwer of some agitation regarding
Inferior train service , one rtockman stated
tint within the last thirty dayr , since stepa
lo king toward theJ formation of the associa
tion were tikcn , the train service for llvo
htock on the II & M. railroad had been bet
ter than during any previous pcrlol within
the la-t flvo years.
After some dlaeiifMnn It was decided to
call HIP association the Stock Shipiters' As-
torlitlMi of Nebraska W. R. Thurber of
Ong wis elected president ; W G Nelson of
Mlmlm , flist vlre president ; N J. Gcntle-
jnan of Platte Contcr , second vice president ;
A M Dinlels of Hancroft , secretary , nnd N.
P Freeman of Osoeola , treasurer. The fol
lowing committee cti organization , with power
lo diaft a constitution and by-laws , was then
holc lcd John Wiggins , Columbus , W. 13.
Clark Dvvlght , nnd J A. 13111s , Orleans
At theattcrnoon meeting there was configurable
figurabledisuisslon as to the work to bu
accomplished by the association. H was
agreed that It wsuld be bnt net to have th
Imoronro go forth that the association was
cigar lel for the nurposo of fighting the rall-
rccd cuntianlcs or the stock yards' com
panies , though It was made t aomlnent In
all the discussion that the stockmen of Ne
braska were to Nuid together for mutual
protc lion especially against the corpoia-
tlons named
Said oni > prominent shipper who was yrea-
cnt "Whllo I do not believe that we t'aould
start out with the idea of fighting the rail-
raids or the stock yards' companies , 1 ( In
think that wo iiMy gJln Tot the stoekmen
of this state a great deal by sticking to
gether As , a rule , the shippers on the miln
lines have lut little connlaint to make re-
girllng tonr train service , but their follow
hlili , pi r'K on the branch lines do suffer
greatly Tile tall road managers turn a de-it
ear to the complaints of the men on the
biamh lltics , or else the complaints will go
In ono cir and out the other Hut If we
all resolve to .stand together I bcllevo the
slil.icrs | ( en the branch lines , as well ns
those on th" main Hoes , can get the better
tram service tholr buslnewi demands. "
Oilier shippers weio In favor of moro ng-
gresslvo measures , and one even ( suggested
cany Ing the light for Improved train oer-
-licu Into the legislature. Ho said' "Thero
Is no doubt but that wo shall get better
train service , and perhaps better rates. Let
this ahsaclatlon appoint an executive com-
mittco to represent the shippers before the
railroads. Tlin railroads will not listen to
one stockman nor to two , but they will
to a committee leprcsentlng all the stoek
men of Nebraska. If the railroads will
not hear such a committee , why , then , we'll
carry the matter Into politics and elect a
logls'aturo ' that will make- the railroads
listen to the complaints of the stockmen
Wo'io not In this business for our health ,
nnd I gurss wo can forsaKe our political
allegiance long enough to benefit our own
business "
'Iho meet Ins was not a largo one , but
these prcsuit were the leading stoekmen of
the htnte Thopo piesent were the follow
ing J W Myers , Uencdlet , John Wiggins ,
Columbus , W R. Thurber , Ong ; A. M Dan
iels , llancroft , W. G Nelson , Mlnden ; P. W ,
Lawson. StlcKloy ; S. G. Pheasant , Osccola ;
J F Jarman , Springfield ; J. Jorgenscn ,
Mlnden ; N J. Gentleman , Platte Center ;
C P Sehuldt , Uancroft ; W. D Clarke ,
Invlglit ; John Malcomb , Fremont ; 0. A
13111s Orleans ; S. Jenkins , Alma ; H. F.
Myers Ilenenllct ; D D Elson. Curtlb ; N. P.
Freeman , Osceola ; P. O Ilearn , Chapman
The evmlng session was devoted entirely
to the ronbldeiatlon of the report of the
commltteo that wcs appointed at the after
noon session to draft a constitution and by
laws. The articles that will govern the
new association wrro not finally adopted ,
al hough reviewed at some le > ngth The
meeting ndjomned until Thursday , February
SI , at which tlmo the constitution and by
laws will be finally adopted The committee
having In charge the preparation of these
nrtUloa will meet hcio on Wednesday , Feb
ruary JJ , to prepaio n final report for the
general meeting The headquarters of the
imoclatlon will bo at the Dellmio hotel In
this city.
At the outset of the consideration of the
articles to govern the iiuvv association a
vigorous discussion took place over the ques
tion of whether llvo stock feeders -should bo
li.cluded In the membership of the associa
tion Although the committee on constitu
tion ami by-laws hail taken the alllrmatlvn
on this mooted point , the majority of the
charter members appeared to think that the
feeders should not bo Included , and It H
likely that they will not be.
Though the constitution and by-laws were
not finally adopted a review of the commlt-
teo's partial report , which will undoubtedly
ba adopted at the next meeting , discloses
'tho following facts In comuctlon with the
now asboclatlon Any regular llvo stock
shipper to tlio South Omaha market for
th red month ! ! past , who shall bo rccom-
mcndod by n member of the association ,
shall be eligible to membership on the pay
ment of thi ) initiation fee and membership
diiea. The 11:11110 : of the asboclattton blmll be
Tim Nebiaska LUo Stock Shippers' asBocla-
itlon The object shall bo to promote the In
terests of the members The olhcers Blmll
bo a president , two vlco presidents , a secre
tary , n treasurer and an executive commltteo
of llvo members The pieslileirt and < ho sec
retary shall take charge of the general busi
ness of the association , shall arrange for
meetings and the collection nnd distributer
of funds In the treasury , shall make full
reports of all Its proceedings to the mem
bers and shall have power < o fill all va
cancies arising In Ms own body. The regulai
annual meeting of the association shall be
held In Omaha on the third Wednesday In
January each year , and at this meeting the
officers shall bo elected for that year. Tin
secretary shall send to all members notlcci
of meeting nnd also a full synopsis of the
work of the association contemplated nnd
accomplished , whenever the executive com
mittee shall deem advisable. The payment
of all moneys shall be by the treasurer on
vouchers drawn by the secretary nnd ap
proved by the president. The expenses ol
the executive shall be paid out of the annual
dues. The Initiation fco shall be $ t and the
yearly dues shall bo fl per member. Mem
bers must pay their duca within three months
after the first meeting of each year or tholr
names will bo withdrawn from the roll , to
bo replaced only by ( ho payment of all ar
rears and the order of the president. The
constitution may bo amended nt any regular
mooting by a two thirds \oto of thoio pres
ent. The by-laws may bo amended nt any
regular meeting by a majority vote of these
Tlit ? fuliim Sonrc.
Although the diplomatic entanglement with
Spain over Cuba Is to some extent Influenc
ing the stock market , Wall street expects
no seriouscomplications. . Nevertheless
rcrloua complications with other maladies
may bo expected to follow 'an attack of bil
iousness which Is not checked at the outset.
The most effectual means to this end Is
Hosteller's Slomsch Hitters , an admirable
remedy , moreover , for dyspepsia , malaria ,
kidney trouble , conpllpatlon and nervousness.
n vvnn.v imos.
l"Hiln > 'N siici'liil Hour
From 0 to 10 a. m.
fie pint cup , 9 to 10 , Ic.
lOc graters , 9 to 10 , 3c.
1-quart milk can , 9 to 10 , Cc.
lOc wash basins , 9 to 10 , "c.
Good-sUed dish pans , 9c.
10-quart Japanned chamber pall , 15c.
lOo rolling pins , 9 to 10 , 3'/ic.
Polls Iron handles , 9 to 10 , Ce.
20c coal hods , 9 to 10 , 7'4c. '
Granite stow pans , 9 to 10 , lie.
Grmitto cullenders , 9 to 10 , 17c.
2.r > c wood choplpng bowl , 12c.
C-foot Ironing boards , 9 to 10 , 33c ,
100-foot wlro eloth lino. Iflc
10 TO 11 O'CLOCK.
Salt and pepper shakers at Ic each.
Decorated Ind butter , 10 to 11 , Ic each.
Muslard and horseradish pots at 2e each.
Sugar shakers , 10 to 11 , at 2c each.
All aha decorated plates , 10 to 11 , 5c.
Splendid lire polished goblets at 2'-4c each.
The laot of 1,000 dccoraled covered veg
etable dishes , from 10 to11 , 20c each
All of our odd cream sets , from 10 to 11 ,
5c per pioce.
This sale closes at 11 o'clock.
That "I'udd'nhead Wllsen" Is not forgot
ten , oud that memories of Frank Mayo stll
linger In Omaha , cppearcd last night from
the geol sized audience which heard Edwin
Mayo essay the role which his dead father
created. In one sense , the lovable old lawyc-
of Dawson's Landing ceased to be w'aen the
elder Mayo passed way ; for his well remem
bered itrtiereonation of the character stands
near oerfectlcn , and all others are measured
by It This latest eh , however
stands tl o comparison better than thai o :
Mr. Hamilton , which was seen here last year
It Is by no means so finished a work o
original art , but It Is a very clever Imitation
of the vart as It was first presented twc
season's ago , and hence brings pleasant re
minders of a masterpiece of Its kind. The
physical resemblance of the son to the fathei
Is extraordinary , cftieclally when Pudd'nhcai
makcii his first entrance at the beginning ol
the pl < iy ( ircncr , cue would swear It Is Frank
Maya's self ; and most of the famlllir "busi
ness" and even the Inflections of the volr-c
have been preserved. Young Mr. Mayo is
suffering at present flom a severe cold , which
amounts almost to total lens of voice , w'aere-
l > y his performance necessarily suffers also
but enough of good yet remains to confirm
Iho belief that HIP play and the character
are still In worthy hands. Tlio two mem
bers of the founcr cost who still carry their
original roles Mls-j Frances Grali'imo Mayo
as Rov.y and Frank Canipeau as Tom icprul
llielr excellent and familiar nerformancorf
Other members of the cast do acceptably
what falls to them , without In iny wise-
causing their predecessor to be forgollcn
The engagement Is for three nights and a
matinee' Saturday.
Lewis Mmrltot ] , supported by a large com
pany , will appear at Hoyd's next Monday
night , beginning a half week's engagement
In his new piece , "Tlio Master of Cere
monies. "
At the Crelghton the Immense business
still continues , with no sign of variableness
or shadow of turning. "Tho Lost Paradise"
was put on last night , and scored Its accus
tomed hit. H will be continued the re
mainder of t'ao vvcelc.
The soloists for the concert of the Omaha
Orchestral hociety , to be given at Hoyd's
this afternoon , arc Mine. Miientcfcilni ; , .Miss
Dickinson and Miss Palmer. The program
Is as follows-
Overture Pique Dime . Suppe
( u ) Aub.ulo Prliitnnlere .Licombo
( b ) Love's Whisper ( Air dc
Billet ) . Marks
Waltz Intel mt zo , Nnlln . Dellbc'.s
Uusslnii Carriage Song ( by request ) .
. Thornton
Ovei lure Uosamiindo . Schube-rl
C'onccito In A .Minor for Piano nnd
Orchestra ( op. KO . Grieg
Mine. Muonteiferliu ; ,
Fantnsle Lobe-iiBiln . Wagner
S-'orvveslseher Kunstlercirnevnl . . .Svendson
The Mercer hotel will be opened for bus
iness Febiuary 1 under the management of
Dick Smith , Regular boarders can secure
special r-itcs by applying at once at the hotel.
Tickets will Lo so'd on the first and third
Tuesday of Fobiuary and March \la the
Union Pacific to po'mts In Kansas and Ne
braska ; points tn Colorado west of and In
cluding Lcadvlle ! . Sallda and Alamoia ; points
In Wyoming wtst of and Including Laramlo.
points In Utah ( except ou Southern Pacific
company ) points In Idaho east of and Includ.
Ing Welter and Market Lake , also Ontailo ,
Ore. Minimum selling rate , $9 00 For full
Information or tickets call at city ticket of
fice. 1302 Fnrnam strrel
Union I'liflllf.
la the
City Ticket Olllce. 1302 Fainam St.
Three fast trains daily
Municipal Fathers Listen to Varioui
Appeals for Monoy.
Cniinollnion Hour'\\ ' lint Tlirj lln\c t i
Snr l'nM n Voltf TlinnltH lor
I tlic Inforiiiiilloii anil
The cltj < council mot In AiljourneJ session
last night to discuss the 1S9S ta\ Io\y anO
tlio aspect of the council chamber Indicated
that the citizens of Omaha were cither ab
solutely Indifferent or poracsued of un
bounded confidence In their representatives.
When the gnvcl fell there vvaa not n single
spectator In the lobby and Me space Inside
the rail -was tenanted solely by city or
school district officials and employe * The
annual levy ordinance went through the
form of a first and second reading and then
1'resldcnt Ulngham announced that the coun
cil w < is read } to hear suggestions.
President Tilkcy of the Hoard of Park Com-
mlssloncre presented Its claims first and pref
aced his remarks by n detailed statement ol
the manner Inhlch the funds of 1S97 had
been expended. Ho estimated that It would
cost $28,000 to keep the parks In condition
this > ear. Last year It had been understood
that $30,000 would be devoted to exposition
purposes. Only $22,000 had been expended
In that direction , ana It was desirable that
the 1/alanco should bo made up from the
1S9S lc\y. Ho therefore Insisted that ? 30,000 ,
the full amount allowed by the charter , WEI !
the least that should ( bo appropriated.
The claims of the public library board
wcro presented iby Mr. Heed , whose estt-
imto called for $24,330. Ho declared that
during the last eight years the boaid had
been crippled by lack of funds. A real ct >
tate purchase in 1S91 had been charged to
the regular fund and this had madu It im-
possibles to purchase as manv bookra as were
desliablo to keep the Institution up to date
The building was also In need of &ome
painting and other itpnlrs thN year.
uni'AimtnNT or runuc WOKKS.
In reference to the Hoard of Public Works
dcpaitmcnt City nnglncor Kosewater sal *
that It was absolutely neccwwiry to levy the
limit of tJ3,000 for sewer maintaining and
$10,000 for street cleaning Ho. emphasized
the necessity for cxtcnshe repairs of the
sewer 8 } stem , which was rapidly approachIng -
Ing a dangerous condition. He said that a
collareo vvara likely to occur tint would bo
moro serious than that of a viaduct. If the
Jones street sewer should fill In , for In-
stince. It wouKl shut off the 8c\\orage o !
half of the city and scores of the big btiilCN
Ings in tlio buslnctij district might ! io under
mined No one could antlclpito the disas
ters that might occur If these repairs were
not made at once.
In legard to street sleeping Mr. Ho c-
watcr declared that the blue 'barrel ' system
was the meet expensive that had e\cr beer
used In this city He suggested that street
sw roping machinery of the most Improves
pattern should ibo purchased and the ham
sweeping limited to the 'business district
He declared that the cost of the machinery
could ibo saved In a single joar.
Mr Hosenater al'o urged that the cost of
Dtreot repairs should bo taxed against the
abutting property If this wai ? done the levy
for tlio imlng , curbing and guttering fum
could bo reduced $10.000.
On behalf of the lieilth department Com
missioner Spaldlng said that the fixed
charges of the department would exceed the
limit of $10,000 The expenditures under the
prcbent system would bo nearly $13,000 In
1S9S In his opinion the only way to main
tain the department at any satisfactory de-
grco of efficiency VMS to relle\e the health
fund from some of the charges that did not
propcrlv belong to It , mi eh as the silary
of the city \eterinarlan and the dead animal
illl Is. It was also essential that nn nmbu-
lance should bo prov liled There had been
tovcral emergency cases In which ho 'be '
lieved that the death cf the patients was
duo to the lack of such a vehicle , and it was
Inhuman to RO without it any loigcr.
The requirements of the lire and police
departments were submitted by Commis
sioner Dullard , who contended for the limit
lit each case The flro department had cost
$112CSS in 1S17 and a new aerial truck and
a quantity of hose were necessary. T ven
the full levy of $123,000 would not IIP suffi
cient to take up the deficiency of 1S97 and
inn the department through the \ear.
The police department had cost $87,000 In
IS97 and It was estimated tint an extra
expenditure amounting to $30,000 would bo
required to police the city during the ex
Dulldlng Inspector nutler suggested that
If the council would pass the now plumbing
ordinance his dcpaitmcnt would support It
self without assistance.
The council then took up the school levy
The Boird of education was present In
force , with its officials , , and J. K. llurgess
submitted the formal demand for $455,000
110 quoted the various Items of expendi
ture as pre\Iously published and Insisted
that the estimate could not bo reduced In
any particular Ho emphasized the fact
that the school population had shown a de
cided Increase and stated that the consolida
tion of classes had been carried as far as
v\ns possible or advisable ,
Shoit speeches along the same/ line were
made by President Jordan and Members
Pcnfold , Johnson Thomas and Iroy. They
called Chpcclal attention to the ovcs-
crowded condition of the Lake and other
oehocls where there were many rooms In
which there were from four to a dozen more
pupils than there wcro desks
Councilman Stuht was not cntliely In
touch with the modern system of education
Ho declared that the elty was spending
altogether too much money In keeping pupils
In school until they were of age. Ho Bald
that ho had left school when ho was 12
years old and asserted Ma belief that if
all the children were taken out of nchool
at IB and set to work ahoy would make bet
ter men and women.
President Jordan turned the argument on
Stuht by luklng him why. If those were his
sentiments , ho had sent his son to college ,
and Secretary Olllnn made an effective
argument ngalnst ill-ndvlhcd economy In
school matters Ho cited the conditions lint
other largo cities were row compelled to
meet because they had neglected to provide
adequate accommodations for the schoo's
and urged that Omaha should not allow a
111 licit to pllo up until It became a sorloui
uurdon. .
Superintendent I'earso said that the
l > oard would Invite the closest scrutiny of
the administration of the affairs of the
schools. The trouble was that the majority
of people did not reali/o the magnitude of
the school system of Omaha Ho also ex
plained tome of the details of expenditure
md gaui some additional Information In rc-
mnl to the Increase In school attendance
On motion of Ilurkley aoto of thanks
\\ai. tendcicd tn the members of the Hoard
of Rducatlon and heads of departments "for
their gentlemanly and lucid explanations
and modest requests , " and the council ad-
Mill-lull l.t
The following blrtlis and -deaths were rr-
wted at the health oillco during the twenty-
'our hours ending at noon yesterday
lilrths Hrncst Mcserman , 10\Vj Pacific
street boy ; Joseph Sebek. Thirteenth ami
Williams , girl , J. II. Itldge , 213 South
Thlrleth. girl : J J Jessen 220C North
rttenty-seventh , girl ; Huiry Ulartman , 2710
ipauldlng , girl ; A. Kaplan , 2241 North
Twentieth , girl , P Haerinan , 191 i South
Twentieth , boy , August Holier , 2012 North
Twenty-seventh , girl ; Prank Krctschmer
1942 South Sixteenth , boy ; C II Huxhold ,
2413 Parker , girl ; J P Olbson , 2200 Charles ,
boy : W. Q. lirands , 432C Kranklln boy ; R
I , Clement. 310 North Twenty-second. boy
Deaths P , II. Peterson , 58 311 Pierce
cancer Laurel Hill ; Josephine Theureux , 17 ,
St. Joseph's hospital , Inflammation or
stomach , Campbell , Neb ,
nxinikllluii HnllilluuI'lnull * .
Permits were Issued by the building In *
cptctor ycttcrJay ( or two new
on the bluff tract at the cxpoiltlon grounds
Ono wns for the Horticultural building , whlc
will cost $10.000 , anil th other for the pone
houce , which will costt $10.000 Perm I la wer
also Issued for the tnlrrdr and administration
colonnades , which wMll Involve an expend !
hireof $16 000 and | 2$00 respectively.
I-IMI nnnoits it Tin : T\X nnoics
IlrpHtili Mmlp Ont , lni < \o
t'nlil < o the City.
Comptroller Wcstuerg and Treasure
Edwards arc having an examination made o
ttie treasurer's boolts lor the purpose o
locating a lot of tax receipts In regard to
which the books of the two offices do no
agree. Tlio trouble U the result of th
old system of receipting taxes , which wa
about as unbusinesslike a proceeding A
could bo Imagined. It was the practice fo
years to enter taxes on the books as paU
as sooil as the receipt was called for ana
Issued by the clerks. In many cases the
taxpayer simply had the receipt made ou
nnd then neglected to pay the taxes ana
the taxes stand on the books as pild to thl
day One man has been working on the
matter for two days. Ills first diy's work
covered the first 245 pages of book A o
1890 , or n period of two or three months. I
resulted In the discovery of about twenty
of these cases In which the Hems rangci
from $10 to $249 10 A few cases wore also
discovered In which taxes that were markei
as paid on the comptroller's books had ncxcr
been checked ort on the bcoKs of the
Comptroller Westberg Is of the oponlon
that the losses on uccount of th's sort o
bookkeeping w'ill amount to considerable
In this ho differs from the treasurer , who
believes that It will amount to very little
Deputy Treasurer Saundcrs says that while
the practice of marking taxes paid before
the cash was received was In vogue under
former administrations It was discontinued
by Treasurer Rdwards Immediately after hi.
came Into the office. Now the jecelpt la
not entered en the books until after the
money has been paid anil the receipt has
been marked "paid" by the deputy treasurer
The Investigation now In progress is ex
pected to show exactly how the matter
stands so that the books may bo corrected
In each office.
\i1\lHory Iliinril Has \nntllrr l ) y of
Tt'xdinoti ) on tin * Topic.
The Advisory Hoard had another round
with the garbage contractor ycsten'.iy aft
ernoon and It will apparently require at
least another one to dispose of the case. The
evidence produced yesterday was along the
same 1'ne ' as that of the day before and At
torney Dunn has no\v piled up quite n re
spectable show Ing of violations of the city
ordinances by the contractor. Sam Rrnest ,
who lives at Twenty -seventh and Wirt
streets , swore yestciday that he was
awakened just after midnight on the night
of January 1C by hearing a heavy wagon
drive up to the manhole In front of hh res
idence. He saw the lood of night soil dumpci
Into the sewer and fifteen minutes another
wagcn camt up and also deposited Ita con
tents Into the sewer The witness was very
positive In his statements , but would not
say directly that the wagons belonged to
MacDonald Ho raid they were ordinary
covered garbage wagons and that a portion
of the odorous contents remained scatterei
arounul the manhole the next morning
A number of former employes of MncDon-
ald were put on the stand to testify In le
gard to violations of the ordinances. Ono
of the cases brought out was the dumping
of a lot of night soil just noith of Dodqo
street and east of the Helt Line. This was
taken from cesspools at Forty -seventh am
rarnam streets and one ncn swore he saw
thlity loads dumped there In one night.
I'lcasniil I'rosiicrt lor ( JIM
City Engineer Itosevvnter has discovered
that ho Is In politics. At least that is the
conclusion that ho has been compelled to
draw slnco the garbage Investigation was
begun by the Advisory board. Ho Is as-
i n red that his official existence will depend
on his action In that case by the following
very remarkable communication which came
in hli morning mail.
Jlr. Andy Hosewater , SIrr. we had .a
norgulzatn meting last nlte. Now we wanl
you .is a leetlor In that .uHlsciy borrt to
sit down on the McDolil garbige contrackl
and order the counclll to desldihe lost
hN contratkt for duinpln In SUCIH and
vlolatln of the ordinnce lies got money
buck of him and Is llble to try and by you
up but you acUt squar will u < ? as judge
torini us dun and we have i"CO votes for
you and wll put you Inck shine , but If
you flout Dave Cilstjs fate will wale you.
Ante monopoly grabato co. ono of the eom-
I iti H ro\ - in L > II t In ( -nt-ril IlrnUli.
Health Commissioner Spaldlng says that
there Is a very marked Improvement In the
genenl health of the city. Pneumonia ,
d'fihthcrla , pearlct fever ami other diseases
which have been moro or less prevalent
earlier In the winter are lapldly decreasing
and the filling off In the number of dally
death rcporls Is very marked
Tlio most astonishing results in hoallng
wounds have boon shown by Salvation Oil.
i , VST MKiirs ivri3HT\i > ivrs.
( "Inirc'liorKiTN Cl\ < - I'li'iiKlirr tn
Mim > In * M 'ral \\II > H.
A delegation of thirty singers from the
Men's club of the Walnut Hill Motho-libt
church , gave a concert last night In the op
posite corner of the city for the benefit o ;
the South Tenth Street Methodist church
The program was made up entirely of war
songs und plantation melodies and show GO
careful preparation. Those who teak In
dividual parts with song , Instrument or reci
tation , were George C Oeaihardt , Prof J
M. Glllan , Robert 11 Carter , Dr. W. O.
Henry , James II. Can rail , Charles N. law-
snn , John II. llamer Frank 1) . Iliyant Jcsso
O. Munsell , Augustus Miller. The proceeds
of the eiitcit'.iiimuu ' wcro added to a fund
which Is being accumulated by the Rpworth
league of tlio church for the purchase of an
organ. A series of entcitalnments has been
arrange 1 by the league for this purpose ,
the next of which will bo n lectuiu on
"Ghosts , " by Hev. C. ai. Sheppard , on Teh-
ruary 3.
A pleasing homily under the title , "A
Merry Heart Docth Good Like a Medicine. "
was given by Hobert J. Durdetto In Crelgh-
ton hall last night , The house was well
filled to greet the old favorite , and Mr Hur-
ilttto's remarks on the healthful contagion
of a genial natuio wcro appreciated , The
talk was brightened with anecdote and
Illustration in the author's usual style. It
was under the auspices of Grace liaptlat
A well attended cnteitalnmcnt was given
liy the Wunen's society of the St .Mary's
Avenue Congregational church at the resi
dence of Mrs Rinnia L Patterson , 3202
Woalworth avenue , last evening. The hand
some residence was thrown open to the
inombeis of tflo church and their friends
mil the event was a success both from a
social and financial point of view. A varlca
musical program. In which Misses Dauca
Wood , Murdock , Mra Tucker and Mis.
Sundorland , Mrs Smith , Mis I.cydcn and
Mrs. Jones participated , was given together
nlth a short introductory address by the
pastor of the church. The affair was In
ulurgo of a committee composed of Miss
\lexandcr , Miss Dan en nnd Mrs Patterson
We are anxious to do a little good In this
ivorld and can think of no plcasanter or bet
ter way to do It than by recommending Ono
vllnuto Couch Cure as a proventatlvo of joeti-
monla , consumption and other hcrlous lung
troubles that follow neglected colds.
The undcrslgneJ dcslru to express their
ihanku to friends , especially Capitol lodge
N'o 3. A K & A 01 . and the U P. shop ,
men for their kindness in our late bereave
via die KIIIINIIH fit ) , riitHiiurir A ,
Tickets told KVRHV DAY during January
to all polnlti on tbo "Port Arthur Haute"
touth of Gentry Ark , for ono fare ( plus 52) )
the round trip , For rat en and all Information
call at "Port Arthur Route" office , 1415 Far-
nam street , ( Paxton Hotel block ) or write
City IVits. ant ) Tkt. Agt.
Oniata , Neb.
! <
The Arbucklc Coffee Co hare gene Into
the sugar business , and a gr it light Is no\r
golrg on , Sugar has reached the lowest
point In five years , nnd going still lower.
29 pounds Clarllleld sugar for $1 00.
22 pounds extra light C sugar , $1 00
20 pounds fine granulated sugar , $1 00.
18 pounds cut loaf sugar for $1 00
17 pounds pulverized sugar for $1 00
Krcsli roasted cofftc , 9'ic , lOc and ll'Je ,
Oohlen Rio coffee fresh roasted. 12'4c '
Java & Mocha coffee , fresh roasted , 15c.
romlly Java & Mocha coffee , 17Hc
' .llgli grade Javn & Mocha , 22'fcc
Uest Minnesota Pure Food flour , war
ranted to bo the best flour on earth , sack ,
$1 2o
German Rye flour , warranted , sack , 75c.
10 bars White Russian soip for 2Be.
Japan tea sidings , worth 20c , only 12'4c
\\'o hive a full line of Altar candles war
ranted pure becsowax , for church purposes ,
at very low prices.
All kinds of yeast German yeast foim ,
etc , 2c.
Table salt , two sacks for Gc.
Whole fruit cherry , strawberry , raspberry ,
peach or plum preserves , per pound , 5c.
Largo raisins , per pounJ , 3'/Ac.
Largo evaporated peaches , pound
Largo evaporated apricots , pound ,
Two-pound can pineapples , eyeless and core-
less , sliced , 12&c. HAYDRN HROS.
coi'vrv ; i2T > utu > \ * io
Another T-ix l.r\jlnK' llnclilne .SIKIII
t lie S.-t In Motion.
The employes In the tax department of
the oillco of the county clerk are now busily
engaged In making up the real estate books
for the county assessors , who will begin
their rounds within the next few v ccks.
Willo It Is expected that the valuation of
the city and county will show nn increase
over last year the basis on which
the as.-cssment will be undo will bo sul.
stnntlilly the same as heretofore. The as
sessors In the city will not accept the prop
erty valuitlon ns placed by the Omaha as
sensor * , but will fix their own values for city-
Although no call has been Issued , the as
sessors will hold < i mectlrg soon , at which
tlno they will agree upon sonic uniform
method for listing personal property
Jacob Hnuck has entered the employ of
County Surveyor McllrUlo and Is now prepar
ing the town nnd precinct plals to be used by
the assessors , In locating real estate In the
country. The plats will show the location of
each tract of land In the county , together
with 'tho ' name of the owner.
TO ct m ; COLD n OM : n\v
Laxative Ilromo Quinine Tablets All
druggists refund the money if It falls to cure
25c. The genuine ) has L 11 Q on each tablet
HOTii , IN O1,1) lliilVI VN IC.ULlv.
I.IMISU for Tliri'eIIIN Murncd anil
Allcrnllliiis Dfcldfil On.
The Northwcctcrn Mutual Llfo Insurance
company of Milwaukee , owners of the ole
Ilcllman building , located at the corner or
Thirteenth and rarnam Btreeta , has just entered -
tered Into a lease of the building for a pc-
ilod of three yeans with L H Kent. Saper-
Intcndcnt James Hiadphaw , having charge
of all repairs and alterations of property
belonging to the company , Is In the city ,
anl will Immediately take charge of the old
stiucturo and place It In perfect repair It
Is Mi. Kent's Intention to operate the place
as a hotel When alterations have been com
pleted nearly $4,000 will have teen ex
pended by the company ibefore the building
Is turnc'l over to the lesbce. The now hotel
will have about forty r onu nnd will be
operated upon the European plan It wlr
contain a first-class restaurant , billiard room
ni.d other features. The building Is 14x13.
feet In dimensions and Is thrco stories In
Medicines In DoniiiiKl In
" \t this season t'leio Is an Immensp de
mand for cough , crom ) and la crlnnn remp-
- < les , ' ' ° ays J. D. Miser & Co of Stf-voiiB-
'Ille Montana , "wo hive In stock twcniv-
"HP different kinds , but sell mare ( if niuini-
* > erlaln' Cough Remedy than of all ntli ( > ' -
-omblnrd and wo have our first rustmnar n
ilalm It lias not bcuclltcd him , to hear from "
, Vo ono can use this remedy witnout Dcmg
pleancd with the pronnt relief It anords H
will euro a cold in less time than any other
trcatmen' .
via the UNION PACIFIC1 to Denver ,
Salt Lake City San Francisco
and Puget Sound points For
rates and full Information call
at City Ticket OfScc. 1302 Farnam St
Piilr mill > > ! i < \NMii-lnlloii. .
The Omaha fill and Speed association
icld i buslncbs meeting In the Commeiclal
clul ) looms last evening , v\hlcli was entirely
levoted to routine bushings. President
Montgomery nctd ns ohalrin m. H WUH ex-
> eclul that some details of the proginm for
hojirjnB cues would be nrrnnti d , but
owing to other business t'icv were bold ovu
intll the next "et-sion The tares take plnc-i
June 2S to July 2 It Is i > xp"Hed an
ixtcnshe piogrnm will bo ainingcd ,
Chlldien nnd adults tortured by burns
scalds , injuries , oc/umi or skin diseases mav
ccure instant roller by using DeWltt's Witch
lazel Salve It is the great Pile remedy.
Vli-N. I'oulc Illlillj llni t.
Mrs. Pojle , vvlfo of OHIcer Poolc , vv'io w is
njured last Tuesday by beiiiB thrown from
n Sixteenth strd't car at the corner of
Twenty-'ourth nnd Ciimlnpr streets , vvlll In
onlliud to hei home. W ! North Tvvi itv-
Ifth nvdiue , foi homo time to come llir
njuilcs are nnro .serious thnn nt ( list
usC ( ttd Heslde-i a doulilo fmtturc of tin
eft iirin. HIL ! > sii-inlneil a Epnlned bat IE and
s othervvlsL- bully hurt.
Arnold's Ilromo Cel'ry currs headaches ,
Oc , 25c am ) f > 0c All
\l 'llllllllIKI'IK'I. | .
At Temple Israel tonlK t Hov Dr. Frank-
In will speak on the tople , "When May
lellglon Say , 'CJod Save Jlo from My
rltiids ? ' " SeivlotH bcln ( at 745.
I'nllniiiii TourlHt sloi-iH-r.i.
cave Omaha dally for Ogdcn , San Fianclsco ,
'ortland and other western points via the
For tickets and full Inforamtion call at
City Ticket Office. 1302 Farnam St.
I'UHMr. VI , ! lit \ ( . \I'IIS. .
II. L Hall , Topeka , Is at the Mlllard.
C S. Chapln of Denver IB at the Mlllard
W. G. Leo of Peorla , 111. , is ut the Mil
W. S. Hopkins of Phlladcfphla Is nt the
C. N. Grlnnett of Chicago Is stopping at
10 Darker.
R. H Hlcliardbon of Chicago Is a vlsitoi
n tint city.
I3y-Shcilff Luke Finn of Grceley , Neb. , Is
egistered at the Darker.
United States Marshal George H. Thum-
loll of Giand Island Is In the ally.
Mr ? Anna Donagh , who liasibccn the guest
f friends In this tlty , returned to Detroit ,
Ilch , last night
13. W. Spoed. who will bo connected with
lie South Omaha National bank , arrived In
) nmha yccterday. Ho has recently visited
i Virginia , where htu wife and children are
General Charles F Mamlerson went to
incoln yesterday , where ho will join the
larty of 0. 13 Perkins , president of the Hur-
Ington , In a trip over the vvcotern dlvlwlon
f that line.
Wlllard Curtis , stage manager ; August
Julfour and wlff , Charles S. Thlell , GUH
lustV < M. Kutel. Macey Harlem , David
: | vers anil I3dwln Haled are members with
'udd'nhead Wilson company quartered at
10 Darker.
At the .MlllardC H Maxfleld. St I ouls ,
Joorgo F Uoynton Davenport , J F Van
am. New York ; II H Crosby , Ilotiton ,
"rank Camplcau , Now York ; C H Wright ,
Ogdenj Frank W. Kuehn , Minneapolis , I3d-
tln niorr , St Louis
Ntbraskans at the hotels- George O'Drlen ,
Jozad ; A Pease. Sidney , George O Frost ,
leaver City , J Langhorst , I31wood J C
Vhlto , Lincoln. G 13 ItlclianUon Llnwoovl
V Marvel , Gre'shamj James Lang , Parvvell
I II Perry und wife. Alllanro Henry Kop
> lng , Wayne , H 0 Marnuarett , Avoca J
V. Modrsett , u\lda , Uen and James H Ilch
larlan ; N A. Duff. Ni-brauka City. W II
\rgusoo , and Oswald Oliver , Hastings-
ai'cfnntiir littleIfn ttrn tti'C
ulike. Sonic 6ofai'c tilttmptioii , KOIHO
are nil f/ncHstt'orJf , Home are all ileriltt'i/ ,
and Home are a combination ofuiii / > / / j | ,
t/ncsHirork anil t/nilc. There are boi/H that are half a-ai/
manaiicaltle , bttt the arcrane boy / Hiinpljajtoekef edi
tion of 7tiH tlatltlff , nnboamt. A yooil health/ } boy tcithiit
tralftinrlinfa nee of a Hftatinf/tontl ean make more fan
for himnelf , anil more trouble for other folhn , tit Jtfteen
minaten after if/ > /c'r than hnroien up nititei' ean alt
day Sunday at the tayoon. He iron'f need any tikatet * .
All he trill need in a eheajt ttled and a pair of XcliraHJut
Hhoca. Then he will elimb to the. fop of the Htcejtctit hilt
hceanJiiHl.itlaee hin food xupptn-fei' f/enfly on the Hied ,
let h infect hany oat behind , the farther the better , and
thcii zin. That's where the fuit eomet * in. XcbraHfra
Hhocs arc warranted to wear. That'll n-Jicrc the trouble
contest in. Theboy'H mother briitf/n him in ( h in father never
eomcH. beeatme he'tt been there himaelf. ) say * the nhocn
were warranted. IIC'H only had 'em two u'cchti , 'twan the
Jlrst bad pair tihe ci'cr r/ot at The Xcbranl.-a. ainl shec.-
jteefH a neiv jniir. Our boi/a' shoes are made from the best
materials that money ean buy. u-e sell them eheaj > . ( 1OO.
J.2O , J.itO a pair ) u-e trarranf them fo wear ircll wit/ *
ordinary tisane , but we don't trarrant them to wear as
well as a pair of first elast skates.
It has been many a year since skating- has been so pop-
ularns it is thib winter. Thib is no doubt duo to tlio fact that no such
opportunity hai been olTeicd in the bhape of si good plauo to ukato This
year , howevur , the
011 the Exposition Grounds
makes an ideal skating rink The boys and girls of this
city and South Omaha aio olTorcd a chance to obtain their
f ! > katitig ; Tickets Free :
'ts %
To every person bringing in 30 cents for a two weeks
subscription to the Daily and Sunday Hue or the livening and Sunday
lice , wo will gtvo a ticket admitting them
To the Exposition Grounds
To the Ice oil the Lagoon
and to a Ride on the Toboggan
Bring orders to the Subscription Department.
li ) mil liilltmiluxMit ut TurUsli ( .UIMIICC
furlxM. Mifht LokM-s. , Iliy I onti , Ixrvo
orlJriln trouble. cwcU ninrf t sou
< \oruerc. Wo maUu ou ? uuu innilclnts
umljuiicanrclyonKctilnirwcJI VV-Utuu
written t.-imrant-o ultli lull cuie hluglo
JSox tl ( K IV inrill lUiivK rtmiMtr\
vo\i\s'i' Tim .IOII > SON.S
iIllllKf ( ilirilllll VNkol ( ( I DIsilllsN tilt !
Molvi-niiii Coiiiiiilnl | ,
The attorney for Messrs Kpinlc n Jobn-
ficn , William H. Johnson and C A Sharp ,
ofllccis of the bankrupt Midland State tunk
appeared In police court yesterday aftcrnccri
and moved to dismiss and ( ina li the Uiaigcn
of rece'lvliiR dcpcalu when tlio bank was In
solvent , lodged agalnnt his clients by Wil
liam J. McKertia , ono of the doposltois
Thu answer to the charges la somewhat
voluminous , but embraced the follow 'ug
polnlb upon \\hlch dismissal Is atKcd * That HIP complaint was made by
Wlllldiu J , MeKenna. vvlthout the authority
of law. i
Kc'toml That slid complaint vvn made
without permission or Howanl li.ildil ? , the
eounty attoincy , 01 any of his ilipiitioH.
Thlnl Tint wild eomplnlnnnt , William J
McKenna , took unnuihoil/td action and
fulBi'ly ptete'iideil to have the rltfht to n ] )
result the RtnU of N hrnuku nflei Howard
lliIdriK" had CMimlncd Into H.ild mattei
and luid dc < lined to file complaint.
Fourth That the bald W. J. M < Kennii
had mi authority to aet for or In behalf of
tie Htate1 of Nebraska.
Flflh That the attempt on the pirt of
sild \ \ ' . J McKcnnn to UHO the mine of tin
state of Nebraska for and In behalf of hi *
own fichuno H 'i ' fraud upon the i uurt
After hearing arguments by toth atlor-
noyy , Jin ] go Gordon deferred makl IK a de
cision in the matter of allowing the rabu
to como before him until Saturday at 3
I'lriItcrnrd for a DIIJ.
AIjMJNTOWN , I'a , Jan 27 A ran of
kcrnscno oil cxplodul In the boiler house of
the Illcnvlllc cement mlno at Ilosendalo ,
eight mllfl north of Allctitown , today , mt
ting flro to the mill and storage house IJoih
wcro totally destroy ej together with I Ouo
bagH acid COO barrels of cement and 300 tonn
of coal The loss U estimated at $100000.
fully Insured.
Wiii'l.NO WATHIl , Neb. , Jan. 27 - ( Special
cial Telegram 1 1 he city mill , the oldest
landmark ! i the town and recently refitted
throughout with new machinery , burnt < 1 to
night The loss Is estimated at $10000 on
the mill It contained over 1.000 bu.sht-'H of
wheat. The mill wu owned and operated
by eastern capitalists , ' was only } ! , -
000 Insuriiiee. Mr Chamberlain , thu man
ager , had notified his agents to place $ G 000
moru Insurance ) , but the jiollcUti had not
been sent In
ST I.Ol'IS , Jan 27 A cpeclil to the
I'cm-UlBiutrh from Mount Sterling III
hayu The moat dlnuKtrouH flro In the hl -
tory of Mount Sterling occurred t 'day. ' and
btforo it iwan out , Allxrt l'Jer > r wau killtd
by a fillingwall. . Constable finodgraha arid
two other men w ro Irijimd und over $100-
0 < 1 worth of properly wax burned up The
llloomllelil hold WUH entirely destroyed und
almost the ivlwlt block vu-nt with U.
Whltn nrmH and neck ! can bo pioduced
by applying each night
It smoothes nnd whitens nnd Boftcns
but docs not "peel" the wkln-lt TAKKS
OUT THIS lUU"-.iml leaves a dcllcato
tint llko that of u In by.
It ruies " ( haps , " smarting1 , roughnej' ,
bliickheadM and postules. Don't take any
other "Just ni good" piepiratlon but re
member 1'ONIJ MIA' C'ltnAM Is pedlllar
to itself containing the Julee of I'ond l.lljr
U1IMJ3. I'ONI ) IJTA' e'HIJAM Is not
ntleky 01 KH iHy It dries rjiilrKly It Is
Bold In 2" < ami Mo bottles. Samples free- .
Wrlto fur catalogue- .
Sherman &K3cGonnellDru2 ; Go
1513 DOUGi ; HT MJUUM3 Ol' IJI.OCK ,
All Drugglote.
FOR .JjsSSBS $30.
No Detention From Bualnosa.
We refer to HUNDKI'.DS op I'ATli'Nis Cuiicu
In Seven to Ten Days Without Pnhi.
( Bucciwuoni to 'IHi ; O , K , MILI.UU 00. )
932-933 New York Life Building , Omaha ,
Call at writs { or circular * .