Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 28, 1898, Page 11, Image 11

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    I 1
TIT 12 OM MIA DAILY 111 ] 1-3 - : FIUDAV , JANTAUY 28. 1808. 11
Loiter Oliquo Gives Another Boost to
January Wheat.
3In > - nml .Inly OiilloiiN I'ni-tiilci' of flu-
Slrcimlli. IIM Do llii > Dtln-r
lli-micln-1 nf ( lie
CHICAOO. 27.-Tho bulls In wheat
today KIIVO another uxiunilu | of how com-
Iilotely they arcIn control of thu Immedlnti ;
course of that nmrkct , Tlic Loiter parly
used January to ur o on the oxcltctncnt
of shortH , hoisting the price of that ilt'llvory
to J1.05 , an advuncu of iic Mince yesterday.
General covering ! by shorts resulted In 11
2WZV4c advnnco In May , while July closed
l p hlphcr , with the InrgcBt trade In both
futures for Homo time. Hc ] > urtH that llusslii
\voiild 83oii lieqotnu un Importer , u blK Hour
litiHlnc s nnd 'atroni ; outside timrkets * . all
uontrlhtlted to tile strength nnd tnudu the
fiilvanco enwy ,
Utlit-r inaikol.H were carried upward with
xvlient , corn and O.UH . advatu-ltiK uhout
curt , wlillu provisions closed 2',4Ui higher.
Liverpool once , -iKuln ut the pace for
wheat lit the opunlng. That market was up
"if.iHid on futures , and cables from there
and from London nlstn won.- decidedly bullish
In lono. The Hiltlsh consul til Kell , South
Jlussla , olllclully said thai Huf l.i would
jirubably soon lisivc to bec-omn tin Importer
of grain , that the Russian ports were clos
ing again , and tnat ti cargo of Argentine
wheat , February shipment , had been sold
today at 3.1s 3d per quarter , tin advance
equivalent to S'4c n bushel In two weeks.
The Russian news had more eff > ci later In
the day than at thu opening , woich was
muvi-rtlioli-HH very stronp. May , which
closed yesterday at WiC , opened today at
Wy r'iMV ! i' . while July Mtarted Vi"ic lilghor
ut from SiViiiC to Nc. ! 'Ihu uponlng advance
enc luntored very free realising , some of
which was credited to l.eltcr , but selling
resulted In thu main price only reacting
to lir.'dMHe , and for two hours a light was
waged around " -SUc for control of the mar
Iset News that eninc III during tiiut time
almost alUv&ether favored an advance ,
Minneapolis reported a heavy demand fur
Hour especially for foreign shipment , and
Tncomn advised continued shipments ol
Hour and wheat to South Africa. ICxport
clearances of wheat and Hour from Atlantic
inirts am Hinted to the heavy total of , Vn.0W ) (
bu Minneapolis and Dulutli receipts were
isf eiirrt , against " 07 cara the similar day
of last week and IS2 the corresponding day
of Lie year beforn. Chle.iso received L'l
cars , only 2 of which were contract. About
midday , and after the receipt of strong
closing cables , the fun commenced , and for
the third day In succession January fur-
niched thf sensation. Up to that time that
dellvi-iy had been heard of but seldom
l.elter lirokers ngnln appeared In the pit , and
t tellhlds " ! ' $1,02 for January , 2c above
yesterday's clcslng price , started the shorts
in tipfutuies In a hurry , nnd the price ol
jrv , especially nilvanecd almost as last
iis ihi- cash figures did. The excitement was
intinse , and the hunt for cover which took
iiKu-e jumped May to fic. January In thi
meantime being quoted at $ l.)2Vs. ) ' o n > lir"
k't quieted down sonu'what for a time , but
aiiout half an hour from the close the buyIng -
Ing fever again broke out , as the jumping
of J.iniiary was renewed. In a very short
MI ice of time. January was bid up to $1.0 , ) ,
.M.iv t , ) UTV4c and July to ST'hr. ' There the
prices liun-t. with heavy trading At the
-iiis > January was quoted at $1.01 % , Jlay
at ftT'fic ' "nil July nt 87V. A New York
message received s'lorlly after the close
* lid Lclter had sold 2HO,0'JO bu. of wheat for
shipment abroad.
Cnrn was more active than for some time
1ist 'I In- feeling was quite linn through
out , ' principally In sympathy with wheat , io material advance In price tocd <
i ) .ice until the final Imliw In nat market.
atcpurts of heavy expoit nilcs also slrougth-
.Mel ! the unmeet . Commlsslnn houses were
iIDI | buyers , I he aelllnt ? behiK lar ely by
ronm trailers. .May ruiiBPd from Wlc to
" t''iiL'.l'S.o ' ' nnd i-lused 3s < ' lilKljer at ZH-'SiTjit iC.
' trade In oats , shipping
T'-erc was a Iarie
li > i.ies | and shorts belURood buyers. Jleal-
Jl.iv lard , " Be IllRher at Jlay
rlb-i. at Jl.97 % .
I IIM . 2Vic 11 i j m t * T i / - -
i -t t o
ICstlmateil iccelpt.s for Kililayneat. : . 21
cars ; corn , 110 cara ; oat . IX ) cars ; hogs ,
heatl. . , .
dim- futures range * ! aa follows :
AUteluH. . ! iiii iliTii. | fjj.r. l Clojj. I Yuat'y.
Jan. . . I I- . ' I n.-i 1 O.J 1 ( IIH i no
II7'i m ! .
May. .
July. . rii'iH-Stl SiiiHi S5M
28 279 >
Jan. . . '
May . . Gl'iM J1PI
July. .
- JIIU-'J 1
Jlay. .
July. .
.l.-i t ) D.T
.l.iMay. . . . U II7 h II 1)0 10 03 U U7K
La ril
Jan . . . 4 77in 1 S-Jlfi 4 771 1 ! ! ! 4 R.-i
May. . . 4 H-JMi t rt71 I 0-Jhi 4 H m
July . . 0 Olilii 4 97) ) . 0 II Jit
Jan. . . . 1 IK ! ! * 4 no
May. . . 4 yo tins 4 87H 1 US
No 2.
Cuili iiuolatlons were ns follows :
I'M'I'll ' Hull ; winter patents ,
ni.niiliiH , II.2WI4.40 ; uprhiR patents , , , . , Jvl..uv ,
Mi.iiKlUM. } > : b-ikei-B. JJ.Mff3.JU.
\\lll-\T-Nu. : 2 fprlnu , 038P3e ; No. 3 eptlnR.
SS-nl'le ; No. 2 red. 41.01WI.05.
MATSNl ! : r'23-y.e. f. o'"b. ! ; No. 2 white , Zinc ;
No. : l ublle. 2l' , | lCc.
liXliJj'IY-N'i. ' 2 , f. o. Ji. . 27f3i .
\\HUICL-No. . 1 , J1.2761.S2.
iiMiii-HY .'rluu.7J. . '
1IK IV ISIOVrt I'm k mefB , per mil. , } , i.j .
l.ird. per p'i IbH. , II.S2'.j i4. . .i. Ha/on ylioit
illiH Vlilt-B ilui , c ) ' fl t.lff3.U' ) ) Dry nailed sboul-
il-i , ( boxed ) , i1.7r'i(5. ( U ; .ut ! clear BldeH ( buxcd ) ,
- ' ' tlnlnlied Koods , per cal .
* si'ilAKS Cut loaf. ? 3. J ; granulated , K.3D.
Arllulu- * . HrtUOlpM. dlilpmunti.
Klonr , tililH ti.iill ; ) 7.000
Wheat. Ou i 17,0ill 1D.OOO
Corn. Oil 17&.OIIO PJrl.OOO
caiK , bu 1:11.0110 : ljlUOO :
llje.bu : l.0ii.i 7.0110
ll.ine.Ua..L. . . . . . . . . SU.iluil ' . ' 0.1100
On Iho Produce exehange today the butter mar-
k't was Blendj ; creameries , ISii'U'je ' ; d.ilrli'x ,
llmTc. Cneikc , ijulct ut kU fcc. Kss , llrm ;
M\V : viiiiK ( ii.M-u.\i. : : MAIIICUT.
tliiolntloiiN for tin- Day on Cencral
Ni\V : I7.-1-1/UH Kccelptii , 13,937
bl'H. ' . expert , o.i.ti l > l ii- . . i. . . , . . . i . , n . . .M
biulu-r. but mill iiiilier quiet ; city mill patfuin ,
5:1 : BViftl.CiO ; city mill clears , S3.1.IU.'i.BO ; Mlnnci-oln
paleiitii , Jo.ri5fJ.3J ; KikeiV , * l2'iriui ! ; winter
hiinlKliK , H " 'fjl.t."i ; winter eMla , S,1.oii.l'U ( ; ;
tinier low Kiiules , JJ.tOtl.'l.lW. llyc lloitr. tieady.
5- | | I.iuKiMu-.ll II > ur , iiun'l , JlVijl.W.
Hl'i'KXVIIl-IAT Steady at 3Cv.
iMII.NMIO.M.riteati ) , yellow wt-siein , COc.
ItVil'lnn ; ; NI 2enlerii , Di ilc.
HXIIIJiVSuiidy , feedlDK. 3J J ! > tf.
lixili.KY M.Xl.T-gulct : wMlein. HUtflwc.
\X IIK.XTlU'ieliitir. . 2J.2UO bu. ; cxp-uu. "I9.iii'i
bu. . 'p.ii. nironi ; No. 2 rot. Jl. " ( : uptiiinH
op-iu , | tiiroiu un cahlex and weru ttenernlly fall-
all < l.i > , ulili few exrvplluiis , on aontiiiuod bull
11 limn ubroaj and n Blroni ; b'une ' fltimtl n ,
i limed \ < -ry rtrunc at 2 ! o net advance , cpeeu-
l.nlin bniuilenlni ; ; No , 2 led. January , } l.o7it
1 i 'j. ' ilotcd I1.W.4la ; > ' , DiiillOVc , clo < ud ,
toilN Jleeelpta , 12J.SJO bu. ; cxporti ! . 107.612
bu . aput , llrm ; No. 2 corn , MYtf oplloiiH
> p.iiied tliin un cable * and was nuiic active ;
hiK.ier duilnit Hie d.iy , wild a KKIJI ) Kpeculnllvf
i1eiii.iml. el , ' iiiK > 4if4ic ( nel hlKlier : January
clomtl 3l\.e ; May. 51 031'ii ! iliMi < U , 3IHc.
DATS Iteceliiis. 70.MO bii. ; cup > rl . CI.Mi bu , ;
M > | HiroiiuNo s Sue ; option * , nuk-t bill tirnifr
Hi nun cl ( lni ; iu Iv net advance ; May closed
lrnKlrm : bran. .
ihlppiiic : good to choice.
Iliil'S-l-'Irtni Hale , common to choice. 1S93
-i"P 4'Mfic ; IMKi cinp. 7fi c ; 1VU7 crofi. KtfWe ;
I'.i Itle CM I. IS93 crcp , 4JjOc ; ISl't ! crop , sfllOc ;
l 'l. erep 17 ! flc.
IHHia Iun. . ( iuhotuii , lla ; Tcnn dry , 12c ;
C.illfornU. ITUUc
SUMdyi hemlock ole , Jlusnoi
Ht.-uli. i.tfoetfaio | , / : Texas. 15fH7c.
HlONS-IUef. teady : family , Jll.OOCf
11 VI. extra mem. Js.wniS.W ; beef hams. jrj.ft'O
t. 50 , p.ulifl. r.i.w ( | lo.OO. Cut meats , tle.idy :
pi.-klt-d bclllm 5 iH > nhuuldtr
; pickled * . Cic ;
I lekled hum . 7 r7iio. Ijird. quiet : \\cttvrn
i'iiin. K I3lj. Ma > . JJK > . nomliul ; iviint-d strady
I' ik. firm , prime m , > . . J 76fri .M : * liorl clear ,
J . ' 11200 fuimly. J' Tallow , nominal ;
ciu ' ij4e. eountry. 3 < QSXc.
, , llu"rellned New Yolk. Ji.40 ;
r-ilulelplili an I IU imr | , . JJ.a. ItiiMn. ktfudyj
MrilneJ , cjimn , n t. , fc..uj , tl.UMtl.47V9. Turyfn.
tine miner. . ' , * , i\MtMiin-cd oil , dullj
crude. 19o prlmo y. | | i > w. 2i'3c
MUFAId Tli matkct for inetuU liowa no e - < li.inn < . < -nnin'v n itnpr > tin' , . Ai
.rl.nn t . th N n- \ , riM 'nl i 'inn/ IMP ir n
van-nntu i-l . . i-d wmik nl K ' * > bid and $1.r.i ak t.
I. like i''i | > p r , < ini < > t ' Jl i S ii i in i in , nun.
! I > t.VfllJ.i- < iH-it..r. < iul"t , $ 9 iJI. ( . I.-I.I. d'lll.
JS.R-iW.l Id The Hnn Ihut flxith i ttlm ( { prlre
fnr inlnm and nmelterii quntca loud ( 50 ,
Itli'K-rirm ; fair to estra. 4ff ii' ' , Jiipnn.
SWS'ie. '
MoI.ASSIIS-Q-ilot ; New Orleans open kettle.
Rood to onolrc. ZHJ33r.
ftl'TTill- : > clpi , "Zfi pk i. : nmtket rtendy.
wi Ktorn cr'-ntn.-ry , ll ZV ; KlKln. * , 2h : : Incfory.
HT/HI- .
ClIKKftK-Ilecolpn. 11. .Wi pk | ! < . ; market dull ;
larKo while nnd colored , Pepli-mlier. Sijc ; small
white and colored , 0 > | , - ; imht tklms , CtiCHct
part fMmr , l < ? r , ' , . ; fun .
KflOS ItiN clpt , 4.2 ; pK ; market e.ify ;
ntnte and renmylvnnt.-t. llM/ic : western. lHic. !
o > i \ u A fsi.M-n.\i7ir\ : : tct-vr.s.
C'nndltloii iif I'l-itilc anil 4) < iiitii < l < inn
un hlniile anil I'micy 1'riiiltiee.
The rjr ( market In bndly dcmornllzed. lh mlM
wenther ImvliiR Iirought In n flood of rccplntx.
.Stocks nre aeoumulatln and It Is impossible t >
Klve an accurate nu .t.itl m.
I'.al. 4 Ound stork. l2 > TiZllc.
IIUTTKU Common to fair. Ogllei fepiratir
cienmciy , 2i i Bathered cn-amory , ISftlJlc.
VKAI Cholcii fat , SO to 12Ib * . , iUoteM | at 8n ;
Inricn anil COIUH4ffc. .
uiti-ssi-t : > I'OCUTIIY riiickniB , cores tur-
k'-y * . mtllle ; see > c , Sc ; ducks , 7'4r.
C1AXII.Small : rabbim , per doz73c : larsc ,
$1.2.1 : miulrrel ? WJ/BOe.
J'tciCoNS-tJvp. 75e ; .lend plReonn not w.inted.
IIAY-Upland. $ s.M ; midland. JJ.W ; lowl-ind ,
J. : rye xtriiw , Jl : color makei the price on liny ;
IlKlit Inlen neil the K-st ; only top qrailes brltiK
top prices ,
Cin.ntir rjooil slock , larsc. 40c ; small , 21 ®
Jf'c. '
ONION'S-I'er bu. . $1.
IIKANS Ilnml-plcked navy , per bu. , $ ; 1. 1 ?
.SU'IJKT POTATOICH-Kansas , 1f-peck ) bblfl. . ; funcy Muscntlnc , ll-pecl < libln$3.H. .
I'AHIIAfllJ Onoil stock per bul'4o. .
roTATOKS Homo Krown , C { IViC ; western
slock , 7tK- .
Al'l'' : Winter rtnili. $1.dfl3.51 ! ; California
Helleileur , boxes. J1. & ) : Colorado Jonathans.
bo\rs. JI.7. ; Oregon , boxes , $1.21. . . .
CIlANIlKUUIHH-.letseys , per bid. , J7.inip7.'J.i ;
Wisconsin Hell nnd llusle , $ ? .Wli7.73 : Wisconsin
Hell and Cherry , JO.
lenn , per box , J2.7SB3.00 ; Call-
foriilii navels. J3. < ViM.2.-i.
I.KMONS California , fnney , t.1.23 ; cholco , Jl.
HANANAR Chok'p liir e s'ock. per bunch ,
J2.iOijJ.2J ; medium slaed bunches. Jl.7r.S2. 00.
Miscu.ANi-or.s. | :
NfTS-AlmoliiN. pur IbInrno size.
small , lie : llraills. per Ib. . OfilOc ; Kngllsh wnl
nutii. per Hi. , fancy soft shell , IDflll" ; , tnnd-
ariK SliUc ; lllbettH , per Ib. , lOc ; peeans , polished ,
medium , W7c ; extra l.itKtf , SliUc ; InrKe hlekory
nui . Jl.nrvfil.10 per bu. : pmall , Jl.2.r > per
bu. ; encnninitK , per l' ' , Jl ; peanuts , law , rpj3\ic ;
p.asti-d , ilfliiVtMc.
l-'KiS.-lmported fnney , 3 ernwn , 14-lb. bixen.
I2c ; r , crown , 41-lb. bnxeo. llT13c : 2-lb. boxes , 22
{ /23c per l iv ; California , in-lb. box. $1.
HONKY CholcH white , 12o ; Colorado amber. 10
KUAUT-lVr Mil. . } 4 : half bin$2.2.Vfi2 3.1.
MAt'Li . each. J2.73
: SYIIUP Flve-Kal. cans , ;
Kal. cant , pure , per doz. , J12 ; half ial. cans ,
} 0.2. > : niiart cans. M.IW.
IlATUS llnllowep , 03 In 70-lb. boxes. 60 ; S.Ur ,
5',4c ; Kurd , ll-lb. boxes. 9c.
CIDI-IU Per bnlf bbl 13 : IdiH , J3.2.1.
niHWSHIl HIKIGooi : ! native hteert. C\5c \ ;
KO , d foieiiiai | lers steers , 5i c ; iood hlndiiuarters
steers , &V c ; western suers. 6e ; fancy heifers ,
Cii c ; Rood lielfeis , Gc ; Rood rorcquurtura heifers ,
"e ; Kood hlndipiartei-s heifers , ic ; Rood cows ,
"Pic ; fair COWM. TiUc ; cow forequarteis , 4' c ; cow
hlnilinailcrs. | 7Mc.
11BHP I'l'TS HniiRlns tenderloins , 4'Ae ; libs ,
N > . 1 , lie ; rib. ' . No. 2 , fc ; ribs , N . 3. rptcer ;
rounds. 7c : cow rounds. rVC ; cow lounds , Minnie
off. Se ; cr w lounds , shank and lump olT. S'Sjc ;
trimming. 4'/ic ' : beef shanks. 3e ; binlni ) . tier
do/ . . n."ie ; sweetbreads , p - . - Ib. , 121-jc ; sweetbreads
( calves ) , per Ib. , 4'lc ' ; kidneys , per doz. , Kf ox
tails , eieli , 3e : livers , per Ib. . 3c ; heaits , per Ib. ,
3c : toiiKUes. per Ib. , 12'/-e ' ; calf livers , each. 3" c ;
i-alvc1 ! , whole carcass or sides. Oi-j calf head nnd
feet , scalded , per set. 7.1c : tenderloins , flesh , iso ;
tenderloins , frozen. ICc ; boneless strips , flesh.
> < ; boneless htilps. frozen. 5e : strip loins.
fresh. S'ic ; strip loins , frozen , C'2 < - ; roll" , bone-
Ic.-s , ! Hje ; rolls , spencer cuts , 9c ; sirloin butts ,
boneless , 9c ; shoulder clods , boneless , Cc ;
rump butts , boneless. 5'jc ' , ; No. 1 chucks. C'lc ;
No. 2 chucks. l\c ; No. S chucks. 4V4e ; boneless
chucks , Ilic ; cow plales , 3Hc ; steer plates. Ic ;
I'.ank steak. Be ; lilns. No. 1 , 13c ; loins. No. 2 ,
IHc ; loins. No. 3. Sc ; short loins , market style , 2s
above loins ; idiort loins hotel style. Be above
loins , cow loin ends. So ; ptcer loin ends. 9e.
JIt'TTON 1'ancy lambs. Be per In. ; lambs ,
7V e ; sheep , C'Ac ; inmket racks , lorn ; , ! 'e ' ; hotel
rack . shoit. 1le : loins. SV c ; saddles. S3ic ; legs ,
DC ; lamb b-es. lOc ; brensts and flews , 3'ic ;
t > mii > " < . each. 3c ; forcquniters. 5',4c. '
POHIC I'lesced plKS , Se per Ib. ; dressed hess ,
( Vie : tenderloins. 12' c ; loins , short , SVje ; loni ; . 5a ;
Flfaro libs. 4e : ham sausape butts , Ct e ; Ho ton
butts. T.c ; shoulders. roURh. I'Sc ; sMiouldors.
Fklnncd. 5e ; trimmlnKs. 4e ; leaf lard , not ren
dered , lie ; head * , claned , 4c ; snouts nnd ears ,
3c ; backbones. 2e ; slip bones. 2l.c ( ; cheek meat ,
3'ac ; ne-k bones. 2c : plKs * tills , 3e ; plucks , each ,
rc ; chltlerllnss , fie ; hocks. 4c : heart1 , per doz. ,
2."c ; ptnuiehs each. 3c ; tonKiies. each , 7c ; kid
neys , per dozHV ; brains , per doz. , l. > c ; plKs'
feet , per doz. , 2" > c ; livers , each , 3c ; bos rinds ,
; ! c ; blade hones , Gc.
limns , TAi.mvr , ITC.
1IIHKS No. 1 Ki-een hides. 7e ; No. 2 ( 'reen
lildiM , ( ! c : No. 1 failed hides. S ic ; No. 2 ureen
willed hides. 7'-'ic ; N . 1 vc-nl en If. S to 12 Ibs-
lOc. ; No. " veal calf , 12 tn 1i His. , Sc.
SlliKP : I'm/PS Urcnn sailed , each , 13T73c :
green salted sliaar'InRR ( > lioit wooled early
rkliiK ) , enc.i. ITic ; dry shearlings ( short w lolcd
early i-klns ) . No. 1. each , r.c ; dry Hint Kanyaa
and Nebuiska huteher wool pelts. t > "r Hi. actual
welKht. HiSc ; dry flint , Kanms and Nebraska
mm rain wool peltf , per Ib- actual welKht. 3 ®
Ic ; dry Mint Colorado butcher wool pells , per
Ib. . aetunl weight. 4'tioc ; dry flint Colorado
murrain wool pelts , per Ib. . actual weight , Sil/'lc.
TAjl.O\V. | OHIJASK. KTC. Tallow. No. 1.
24ie : liilliw. No. 2. 2V4c ; rougii tallow , H4o :
while Kiean' , 2Vi-ff2ic : ! ; yellow and blown Krease ,
l'Mi2'ie. '
I-M'HS Hear ( black or brown ) , jr.00fi20.00 ;
otter. tl.WiCi.flO ; mink , USWc : beaver , Jl.CO
( [ } ( ! . W ; skunk , 15c , 23c , > c ; muskrnt , 3c , Sc , 7c ;
I-HCCOI n. ISiSS'c : red f x. ISc ® J1.2. ; crey fox ,
llfi''O , . ; unlf ( timber ) . 2oei&S2.f,0 ; wolf ( prairie
icyote ) lOfiMerdcat ; , lOULT.c ; badscr , DJjlOe ;
silver fox. triO.COIIiJ.CO.
IlUItril ) HIDKri IJaeh. Jl.Mtr2.23.
SI. l.oulK ( ii-ni-i-al IIiu-K'ets.
KT. UJL'IH , Jan. 27. Kl.Oril HlBlier In fcym-
piuhy with wheat : patents. J4. 7004. ' . ' 0 ; stralKhts ,
$1..Vtl..r.O : : : : clear , Jt.25 ; medium , J3 . " , ( Hj. 1.7.1.
WHIJAT Hinder , i lo lnj ; 2'jc ' above yesterday
for M.iy , with .lanuary l c nnd July I'-ic up ;
May epened TtWIc blKher , deJIned ' ,4c. advanced
2V < iCloslHK SIIOIIK with buyers > , tc below Lie-
top : fput , higher : No. 2 red. cash , elevator ,
} I.0 bid ; track , SOctftl.cO ; January. $1.10 ; Jlay ,
J1.UO : July. Me ; NJ. 2 linnl. 89,41 ! K
COItN-rulurea v-ere llrm In sympathy with
wae it , closing fractlom- higher , l > Jt Ue below the
itmi ; mint , JilRlier : No. 2 cash. 2Cc ; January , 2Co
bid : May. 27 c ; July , 2H'fl2Sijc.
OATH l-'iituren weie stroiiB and hlRher ; tpot ,
hlKher : No. 2 CiUh , olevntur , 2.1'sc ; Hack , 21 ( | '
2Hic ; January , 23' ' , c ; May. ! l 482 ic ; July ,
23M.C bid ; No. 2 white , SHiQWtc.
IIYK HlK'.ier at ICc.
HKI3NH l-'laxseed , hlL'her at J1.2I ; prime tim
othy. J2.CO.
CtiltNJIiAl.-JI.4 ( ) .
I111AN HtnuiB and advancing ; cacked , cast
tr.u-lf , &Cc.
II A Y- Scarce and In < ; oo < l demand ; prairie ,
J7.2.W.M ; timothy , $7.75ii9.W.
Ht'TTKIl-Steuily ; creameiy , lofllOiiej dairy ,
| . ; lt < 1H l < * lna nt 1SV4 .
WHIHKV Oillel ut $1.19.
M KTA LH 'Ix-inl. dull lit { 3.10 , Kellers. Speller ,
dull at J3.:2',4fl.75.
PltuVlSloNS Poik. steady ; standard met * .
Jiibblni ; tl.t > 7 < i. l < urd , quiet ; pilmo , Jl.tO ; choice ,
* l ' "ii line n. boxed loth , oxna short clear ,
: ' . . : ) : ribs , $ j..V > Tit. 2Vi ; shorts , J3.C2i4 3.75. l
Dry mil meals , boxed t-himblers. JI,7ri8j3.iK ) ; ex-
tr.i i-li.rt , clear. . ' ? . < X ) ; libs , -08.1.12V4 ;
lTiciiPT"s-l-'lour : , 3W bblf. ! Wheat , C.WO
bu.- 1,111 3XHUO bu. ; oats , 2I.OObu ,
SlIII'MUNTS Flour 3.1CU bbls. ; wheat , 9,0-0
bu. ' iol 11 , Vli.UW ) III ! . ! oiltH , 6,100 bu ,
Hiilllnioi'iAlaiKel. .
HAI/riMOIlU , Jan 27. -l-'I/Jl' It-Quiet and
llrm ; mnii-in. uperllnc. S2.7U/3.IO ( ; nestrrn , c.x-
ira $3.3uSi'I.W ; wt'itern JI.31il.Ci ; winter
wheat Piu-n.8 . , Jl.7.-V. , . < i- , ; prlnc. J.1.MUJ J ; .
nii'lni ? wlient Htralulus. Jl > "ff4.lij ; receipts , 0,2.0
bbbi. : exports. 1.237 libU.
\ Y1IIV : Slronu ; i-pot. inonih nnd l-cbiuary ,
$ im : March. $1 illl : .May , P ifl'.Wic : uteamer ,
N'.i . " red Bil'kfiCOIjOreiflpu. . 101,1)71 ) bu. ; e.\-
iir'is , S.OO bu. ; homhern wh.-n' by sample. 'JTif
Jl Ol'i : Bi.illhiTii wheat mi srnde. S ' .iWJI.OlH.
' month nnd I-cli-
'OIlN-Slnmis : pol. SliiJIVic ;
ruatv M 'if tl.e ; HI earner mixed , 3.11iiJ31 c ;
rpcvlplK. 1I3 > ! ) bu. : shipments. CJ.WX ) bu. :
Moiiiheni white corn , XSU o ; noullmrn yellow
t"o\'TS3-i'l'rin \ ' ; No. 2 white western SOijI Oe ;
N.I. ' 2 mixed , 2Sc ; receipts , 51,19. bu. ; expoils.
" "
"m'K I'lrmer ; No. 3 nearby. W o ; No. 2
ttt'nu-in. Ol'.ic ' : receipts. StW bu. ; cxpoils , 101.-
"IIA'Y Stt-ndv ; rhnlce. timothy. $13.0. ) ni-k.-d.
OIIMN I'llHIUHTH Very dull : demand Hat ;
Bteanier to Uterixxd 2la'l t 'r bu.
IIUTmil-Uulet ; fancy cieamco , 2)e ) ; faney
Imitation , ! M/17e : fancy ladle , JSc ; uoul W1'1 !
ISffllc ; store pacKed , HfiHc.
liflS l sl iyrVan New Voik. brKe. Dii
Oio" fancy New Yoili. medium. lOQIO'iC- ' fancy
New Yorli. mnnll. 10'i fl' ' > ' t' .
KIIIIHIII City < : raiii mill I'l-ovlnlons
of hard Hunt. prU-e HWJc lilBhcr : Koft. fairly
active ; N . 1 hnrd. nominally , W1 * ; No. J. kj /
i'cNo J SfCiS'c ; No. I red. We : No. 2. ! > 7c.
on , . ' carmlxed. ! 'c : No. 3. 928JKNo. ; . 2 sprlnu.
"rniiiv-KIrm : N . i'mUed , Wtc ; fpeclal. 23c.
OATsJ-r'Irm. llahtly hls.ier ; No. 2 white.
ItYn-lrni ; No. J , 43o bbl. Wo aiked.
lIAY-Actlve , linn ; eholco timothy , J5.M89.00 ;
choice prairie. J7.JOfl7.7S.
HUTTBU-DeinHiid UmlleJ. quality of reeclpti
uureilaln ; creamery. 14fil7c ; dairy , 123 He.
KfKIM Steady at 13-o ,
liKt'KII'TVheat ) \ , Il.CCO bu. ; corn. 4S.1M bu-i
52.SW bu. ; corn. 53,900
bu oats none.
, ; ,
_ _ _ _
Ilvi-riii | l MnrUoCi
MVIinrOOU Jan. r.-WJIKAT-Spof. firm :
No , 3 re.l winter , wedern , "t 10'jd ; No. 1 reij
northern , 'print. 8 * .
COUN S < > t , quiet- American mixed , new. S *
S',4J ; American mixed , old. 3i C5iJ. J-'uture
wi liiP J riuan S * ' 1 r.'runiv. J < 3 .l
Mir , h - JM
\ 'lnIt \ st lxiul fnmv wlntnr. firm ni i < 9,1.
Pllnist. . iN'S It < rf. extra Inlld nv-s rr , 31 ;
pi line tnf , . " 6K Id. Pnrk , firm ; prim" m * .
firm , w ' - ! , . rn. 17s < V1. Hnmr short cut , dull nt
3 < i . Uncoil , tltni nt ! > . ; hort til * , dull ( it ! <
M : lent ; clear tnl-Mtx , 1 ghl , firm at ; lon <
clf-ar middles , heavy , llrm at 2 ? fid ; rhort rl-nr
Im-kn , firm HI ! 7W / ; clear bellies , dull Ht 31s
rhMilniT * , Hiusro , sle dy at ir , 8,1. l.ird , prime
w. stern , fin * at I" * < W
HOl'rf At l .ndnn ( Paelrtc coast ) , firm at l
1 nfkf'l.
iltKK K-Whllp nnd colored , dull nt Is JJ.
1Ul.Ij > \V-l'rlme city. Mm at 19J.
\ \ 'eaiiCiiiiiiiilv lnii Company.
OMAHA OKKIclJ. Jnn. i ? . The market cpenel
this tnornlnic nbout Hc hlsher fer May wheat
nt 9' > Hlj9rV and ir hlRhrr for July nt s.Sc. l
arffpfed tn mine extent by HIP strensth shown In |
cabtea. the "nrll r one * reining fit "id ndvance i
nnd P brlle\e to n * tll ! Rrent r extent by the
I bull clliiup nnd Unlit receipts The clique lias
! i bi en In evidence for little more thnn a week ,
I nn la e ldemd by the notion of January or
i mull whont , they pultln the price of tint tnnnih
al ovu the defeired futures nnd hne gueceede > l
In inaklnB the illlTeiem-e 1 elween May and c.islj
as hlKh nt CMc premium for January dellvtry.
I atrr cable * nre cnmltiK slrHK and the situa
tion nl the clo. e looked ! very bullish , the cllnuo
Ji'iylns Its card < well.
JIny wheat cbwl nt 97l ? T97Uc. practically Iho
blKh point for the day. and July closed nt S7' ' e.
with cafh uhent anl January nt | I.OI > .
Ilecelptfl for to.lny , 21 cam ; eftlmited for to
morrow , 27 cnra.
\Yhlle the clique 1ia driven these prices hlfdier
than wai ptpteiV so early In the ycir. we lie-
llevo rt speculative reaction Is due for a turn ,
where It will aRnln IIP huylni ; pround.
Corn acted In sympathy with wheat. nltbmiRh
nl < i slower pice , nnd advanced a < hlRh n29 4C
for Mny nnd S0 > ; p for July , and closed at 29H'tf
Eilic for May nnd PxHe bid for July ,
ll celpt trulay , 117 cars ; estimated for tomor
row , 110 c-nr .
O.its were stronir. otienhur nt 23'iflJlc for Mny
nnd 22 > iif22c ( fer July nnd closing at 21Uc for
May nnd 23c bid for July.
llecelpts today , 97 cars : estlmnled tomorrow ,
CO r.irs.
Tbe u coarse ( trains nre now nppai-ently con
trolled by the same condition which surrounds
wheat nnd will probably turn with It.
Cincinnati .Mnrkct ,
CINCINNATI. Jan. 27.-l-'Ut'Il-Stenily :
fancy. JI.20fi4.tO ; family. J3.Wfi1.7T. .
\YHPAT-ni mer : No. 3 red. Wo.
COIIN I'Irm. blRher ; No. 2 mixed , Iiff30e. )
OATS Steady , higher : No. 2 mixed , XWMe.
UVn rirm hlHher : No. 2 , 4 ! > e.
PltOVISIONS Ixird. ( pilet , Jl 79. Hulk meats ,
Hlniuly. J3.i57's. Hacon. llrm , J3..3.
WIIIHKY cjiilet. $1.19.
Ill'TTKH Hull nnd iim-hanped : Illsln cream-
CIT , 2le ; Ohio. 13fi1Sc ; dairy. lOo
SI'dAU-HlHiuly : hnrd rellned , JI.Kfl3.97.
KddS t.iKler. 13c.
CHUIS- ! ; Steady ; Bo > l to prlmo Ohio flat ,
Crnln Heeelpts at I'l-liiclpal
ST. 1/11'lH. Jan. 27. llfv-elpts : AVheat , S cars.
MINNAPOI.IS | ; , Jan. 27. Iteeelpts : \ | | eat ,
22."i cars.
CHICAOO. Jan. 27. Iteeelpts today : Corn , 117
ears ; ontu , 217 curs ; wheat , 21 car * . l > tlmnted
tomoirowVheat : , 27 cars ; corn , 110 cara ; oats ,
9-1 earx.
KANSAS CITY , Jnn. 27. Uecclpts : \ | leat. 30
cnrsi.nill.fTlI , Jan. 27. Ilecelpts : Wheat. 39 cars.
I'll ) linle Ip Iila I' mil nee.
PIIII.AniJM'HIA. Jan. 2r. lIl-'ITKlt-Stendy ;
fancy western cieamery. S' ' > u ; western pi Hits ,
13C.OS I-'Irmer ; fresh nearby , 10520 ( ? : fresh
western , ii 20c.
l III-JI-7SI ! I-'lrmer : New York factory , choice.
9V'in3Uc ; New York factory , fair to Rood. U'ifJ '
O'.jo , .
Tiili-ilo Alarkcl.
TOIinO. O. . Jan. 27.VHHAT IIlRher , Hrm ;
No 2 cash , 97e ; May , 97T-e asked.
COIIN Active , higher : No. 2 mixed. 29c.
( i \TS Dull , steady ; No 2 mixed. 2r.iAc.
UYi : Hull. Him : No. 2 cash , -We bid.
CU\-lJIWBiiJ Hlslier , sleady : prime cash ,
) . - ( - . . ' ( lai-ki-l.
ni-mioiT. Jllch. . Jan. 27. WHEAT N'o. 1
white nnd Ni > . 2 red , cash and May , 97c.
COllN-No. 2 mlxeil. 2Vc. ,
OATS No 2 white. 23 > ic.
UYi : No. 2. Wic.
ii-u- .
riOIHA. Jan. S7.-COIIX Scnrce. higher ; No.
2. 27 c.
OATS Firm : No. 2 wlilte. 2HJC.
WHI.SKY Mnrket steady ; hlsli proof tplrlts ,
San l.'i-aaelseo \ \ beat Market.
necemlier. Jl.SI'd ; May. JI.12' ' ' , .
.Vi'iv York fi'iilral In fluCVnlor of In-
leri'Ml In Ilic Clarke ! .
NI1W YORK , Jnn. 27. There were n number
of features of aRKresslve slreiiRth In today's
stock market , but there were also evidences that
thu sustaining foicn of these stocks was
taken ndvantaRo of lo sell out heavy lines of
other storks to realize profits. The center of
Interest In the mnrket continue , ! to be New York
Cential. The persistent advance In this stock Is
attributed very generally | n the street to Inside
buyliiK. anil thu rei > rrts nt a pending plan for
the merging of the New York Central nnd the
I-iku Shore. All i > orts of rumois are afloat
pioiisishiK to Klve the details for this merging ,
nnd iils-o fur the consolidation of various other
Viitukihllt properties , but no otllelal or authori
tative announcement has been made , nor Is one
expected. The advance In New York Central
was arie.sted during the day by lenetlon.s. The
Iti'KO nbprrptlon of the slock , which developed
l > eforo the decline had reached a great length ,
KUKhesU-d the probability that the reaction
was manipulated In the Interest of those seek
ing tn acipilre the stock , bake Shore yielded
Hi per cent of Its extrcni" advance of 2'4 per
cent befoie the close. It Is noticeable that the
Vandcrbllt slocks for the most pait closed below
last night's lln'il price. Northern Paeltle pre-
fened , Kansas < & TexaH preferred and Kock
Island were leaders of the market In conjunction
with New York Central. There were not luck
ing other features of slivngth In the maiket ,
and the Nuiv York transit companies were ci n-
uplcur-im for a sudden and sharp advance In the
final hour. Hut , considering Ihe large volume
of business , Ihe pmall net advance In many
active fpeculatlve favorites and the mixture of
loscs on the day's buslnes-y. It inupt be regarded
as prohibit- that there was a large taking of
protllH Iiv recent buyers. Ixmdon hud a IniRe
account In the local market today , and on 111"
side of Hales there was a balance of over 30,010
Khare-t. Then * WJs no news to explain such a
chang. " nf front on the part of Iho lirltlsh finan
cial center , nnd It can only be accounted for by
u significant dlcposltlnn to taku quirk profits
on n sliinp advance. Mteiling exelmnKe r's.'onded
to the 1/onilim selling wlllil a rather llriwr tone.
Then * was no hardening tendency perceptible In
the local money market. The cii"rm us demand
for middle grade and low-priced bonds continued
In that depirtment of the market today. The
volume of truns.ictli ns for the day Is said to
be f'ir In exceis of a corresponding period nf any
previous year. Today's business was laige. and
Ihe advance Is maiketl In the l' ' > w-iirlced specu
lative Issues. Total sales , $ > , lj70t , n. United
StutL-B old ts , coupon , were ' ,4 per cent higher
bid I ho new Is U per cent higher and Ihe 5s
coupon , 'i per cenl lower.
Tim Mvfnlng Post's Ivondon financial cable
gram says : "The stock nwrketa here were of
better tone today , Americans nnd Argentine be.
Ing the fentiue. Americans , whleh closed nt the
best , are practically booming. The biippurt Is
mainly from New York , but professional dealIngs -
Ings here nre strong nnd Incicaslng. It U ex.
pec-led here Hint the Teller sliver resolution will
JOSH tln > United Stales senate , but the kind of
professionals now dealing In Ainerlnns U lee
lued to that sort of thing to be upset by It.
The I ikc Hhoro and New Yoik Central wore
enpeehilly strong. Rriini ] Trunk was lower.
Hunk of Knk't.'ind Rtoek Is Ihe highest ever
touched. It will be lnt Te tlng to note Ihe ef-
fei-t on Ihe half yenr'H prollls of the bink'8 : re.
cent policy. Cijiper shares are recovering. The
local discount nnrket continues very firm and
all the cnnllnental exchanges are rising. It Is.
! however , rumored that more Japanese money
will be released at the end of the week. "
l-'ollowlng nre the closing ( | uot.itlons of the
leading nocks on the New York market today :
AlCtltHOIl 1 !
dopfd : ioi < st. p. > i. AM iai
llnlllinorn.t Ohio. . I'-'H * i. I'acltlc un
Canada I'aelno Mi1 So. K-illwny OK
Caiiuda Siiuinuni. . f > m do pfd ntlli
Central I'aeltlo liv : Texas 1'aelllo. . . . PJ'l '
ClieH.oino ' -M Union I'acltla : ! ; ) ,
ChleaifO.V Alton. U. P. I ) . , V < 1 0)4
0. . H.VQ . . . WnlKlili 7'i
C..V.K. i 7' ' do pfd 1H )
C.O , C. .t St. L. MV \Vhool. .t L. K : i
dopfd MO Wheel. .V L , . K. pfd 1 2H
! ) . , ! .v Hudson. . . .1PJ Adaiid Kx 1.10
Iol. U fc W 1.1. < Aiiierlc-au K < c
Den. .V Uloli 1'JU Ilnllod Stil ; s Kx. .
dopfd 4IMS KX..11D
- . . inn A. cot.on.
KrlolHtpfd SI ) do pfd 7.1H
FI. Wavini Hill Am. MplrltH | Hn
OrcalNDrthornpM 1:1U : Am. Spirit * pfd SOU
Hnektnir Vallt'v. . . Am. Tnoaccii S7M
IlllnolBOMitril. . . . 107K do nfd 114
* , aUii Krlti.M W. . . . 17HP-oplo'rt | ( Jan t'utt
( liiifd ) 7U Cons. lim ; Ill- :
I.akuS'ior' " ' Oo-n. C.lbhi Co 17.ri
I.oinsvllbitNaii. ! Sil Col. R .t Iron'U <
Mauh li 117)f ) do | ifd 70
' ' ' ' " " ' B
Mi't''sf. 'uv" . . . ] 4iiitOn. | Klectric : < HH
Mlrhlvan Ci' lllllnolHSteol 51 I
Minn. .V SI. It 23 ILaUloJo < ! ax 4M <
ilolbtpfd Lvad
Mo.lMulllo do nfd 1IM1H
Mohlln > i Ohio Nat. l.ln Oil 17Hi
JIo.K. AT ] ; l5jOreirou | Imp. Co ' 'H
do pfj .lliljll'aulllcMall : Wf
Chi..lnd. * . f < I' ll'u'ilmaii Pal 17H
dnpfil 3'J ISIhvrCtfrtlllc lB4. . od'J '
N.J. ( J.mlral IMVSIiiml.Uopo A-T. . . . IH J1UU Siuar 11 ! ) (
N. V. Oat. ' . St. 1. . . 14'ji do pfd ! itl :
dolHt pfd m iT.O.A-iron 'j.lVt
do-'dpfd MrfijiU. S. Uiatlirr . ' 7
Norfolk \Vuswra 14j ! do pfd ' " '
No. Am-r. Co ftti H. j. uiiblwr : . . . . . J"iii
No. 1'auitlc ' . ' 71ii do pfd il.iv ?
ill ) pM " " ' " VX'uHtern Union. . . IllH
Oiii'arloii . . . . . 17 il.i-'iUpfd 1M
Uro.IU , VN.iv ntl'i'St. ' L. .VH ! ' lim
Ore. snurt Line 'JIH H. I < . A S.V 4H
PtttBUiirir ItlH l do nfil 10
Heading .MU IU Oraiuu Wt-bt . ' "J
HocklHland U.l' ' dopfd 54
a. I..VH. r' " ! Hawaiian Coin. . . . ill
ilolHtpfil SOU N uliwuuu.-rn l'- : :
St. t'anl dopfd 1(114 (
ito pro . U4lt Chlcaifo-Gre.-it W. . 11H
uin. . .
Total al ( . of utocks lodady. M13 ( " ) haren , In.
oludliiK : AthUon preferred , 14,216 : ChenainMiko
A iHilo. O.ISi , ChlcuKO. HurlliiBlon & Qulncy ,
2J.3S4 : Kllf 13.SM. Ixmlivllle K. Nailivllle , O.JIO ;
Manhattan. 19.&K MlrhlKJn Central , I.93 , Held.
IIIK pref.-rrt-it. C.W.O. Mluourl I'aultlu H.'XA ; MU.
ourl , KIIII .IH K Tciun , 4l , Mluourl , ICanian
& Texac. preferred , 13.11) , N w Jersey Central ,
9 ? V. w V > rn < " 1 . ' . ' ' N , rl'i ' Amrl.n. .
( ! fi N rthern Pn II , 1. ' N. rti--rn Pn. Hie
J.i > f rril , II ! 7i ) . Ontarln 6,311 St Paul. 30 IJ ) ;
St Paul * ornaln r.jv , ; Sut.iefri , , preferred. 1,1'V ' ,
T-xn * * Pacific , 4.3M , I'nlon Pacific. 2lH > J , To-
bvcco I S90 ; ChleiKO ( Sreat A\'e tern , ! > , V > 0. ! Vr .
pls'n Ha * . n.7U : Oer.eral Hlectrle , f . .HIji'le.ln
lias. 3.TO ; Sugar , J-USD. Ix-atlip'r preferred , 3.700 ;
Western 1'nbn. 4.9.W.
A private cablegram announ.-es tint the Oil.
CBIP > tlrent We tern preferre.1 and common stocks
have been ll.'ted on the lyindoti Stock exchange.
> < Yul-k Alilliej Market.
NK\V YOHK , Jan. 17. MONBY ON CAI.t-
IJn y at 1' | ! S4 l > er cent ; last loan. 1 > 4 per cent.
STKIU.INO K\CHANOi-I'lrm. : with
1mIntM In bankers' b'll. ' at $1. 4' 4 SIS fnr demand -
mand nnd at $4A2HfM.Mi for sixty dnys ; posted
rate * . Jl.3u nnd $ l.sSV > ? f ! < S < ! i commercial bills ,
STATi : HONHSHull. . , '
HAII.HOAL ) IlONDS-atron ? . "
Closing ( ( notations on bond * were ns follow ! !
U. S. now It. rjf. . . .1 . ' 74 I tf. J. \ \ j.i. . , . . .113
U.S.II1WU03U . . .l'J-44'w. C.0fl. . . . . I SS
U.S.4i.r-i . U3 I.V.O. 4V . ID.'i
U.S.4s.ojiin . llll ( Ni > . I'lplfle Mil. . .117
U.S.-Ja.M , ' . lti iMo.PAoitlaiM . tl-'t <
IT.8. .ta.rdff . * N'o. I'holtlo 4s . . . . OJH
It. S. . - , . coup . I1P N. Y.C , A St. I , . 4v.llll ) > < . 1'7V ' .V..tY.l . PJ14
/ A KM < ' Hit *
IDS N ! > v'uJSSit..V.V ! ? 118'isi' ! Kill Oi-o. Nav.lsts . , 114M
Ala. Currency. . . 100 Ora. Jf.iv.'is
Atch > Boii4s W3 O.S. A. il , i. r. . . . . . 1'jim
Atchlson.vil. 4t. . . O. s.I . 51y t. r 1I.T <
( MnnnnSu.'Jnil- * . . . o. Imti , Ists. t. r. . . . lit )
C. A N. P. t. r. 0- * . . J. I up.-AS. t. r '
C..t o. Si HS'vlMolUchs.orUI. . . .ll'uv . ,
( MI..fcD.r s. . UU ll'ia llili J s
I ) . .VII. ( ! . Ist-i . .io7 t n.o.nvjii isis
' ' , It I St. It. A I. M. Ci. : 1
Kant I'Min. l t.s . , .iiinii st. a.vs. Rujii.ii. 117
KrleOon. 41 . 71 | St. I'.UonkiilH
K. W.A 1) . Is. t. r. . 71TSI. P. 13. , U P. IsH. . . lii
jtm.El'e. 3i. . . . I St. P. C. , t P. 5s lli H
o. H. , s. A. DS. . . ' " '
(5.11. AS AMl. . . . . . . | . ! . us' . . ? ; . . SUM
H.vT.C , > nt.5s. . . . ' ' ' H7
H..VT. O. con in. " Tot. i'.ic. I. IS. 1st'i
Iowa C. Ists 100 Tox. JMs. H. . Bill. : il
K P. Con. , t. r . . . . tl.NU. , 1- . latt . 1-J1H
K. P. IS'H. t. r iP.'O lU. P.UAfl. IHH. . , -nl
I.a , New Con. It . . ,10J , | W\b. ; iHt.'is
U AN. Uni < s. . . . rtSU XX'a'j. - _ > ds
Missouri Hi till ) .
M. K. AT. L'U (11H ( Va. O.Miturbis 70)4 )
M. K. AT. s ltd Va.djfe.rrod 3
N. Y. C. Isu
HiiNloli .Slock uuntiifIIKII.
HOSTON. Jan. 27. Call loans , 2ii3 per cent ;
tlmo loans , 2'n'ifl per cent. Closing prices fur
stocks , bonds and mining shares :
A.T.A.S. K ti : do pfil
American . \\'m. Cout
Am.Susar nfd . . . 114 IW. Klua. Mi in.- >
llav Stalu ( ) : u..l 15-111 ( Jen. Kleo. nfd. . . . in.HS
Hull Toloplionu. , . Atclilsou ufd son
Hoston.t Atbiuvr. U-JII Atchtsou 4s
loston.b ! Mania. . . His Oeneral Klec. 09. . 100
C. . U. .V Q ions XVIs. Cent Is
I-'ltuhourt' HI ) | X\'is. Cent Us P-'SSn
Ouncral Klnutnc. . ; MM Allouiu .Minnie o J no
Illinois Sliul. . . 5-Jij Atlantic
Mexican . * Ilonton.V .M'intaiii '
N. Y..V N. K no llattuA llCHtcn. . . .
Old Coloir : 100 Calumet .t ilocli. . 4117
O.S. i , Centennial
Itmiuer Ton Krnn.tlin
Union I'.iclllc
Weal Rim sn : onincr lees ,
dopfil 104 iTamaraeic 14t : (
\V. Kluis _ t I XVoI vennu 18 > a
San KrniiclNco > llnliiX | ( tiintnllolls.
SAN' KKANVISCO , .liinj 27.-The olll Mill closlliB
quotations on miningslocks today were as fol
lows :
Silver b-ir.i. V.7ic ; Mexican dollars. 47ifl".iC :
drafts , bight , "if. drafts , telegraph. 22' ' c.
\ < -v VinUMlnlIIKT < lii"lal < iiin.
NMJW YOUR , .Ian. 57. The fullowhiB me Ihe
clotlntr mining nuotutlons :
Chollar. D.inna
Crowu I'olnt ' - ' . " > Oninr (10
Con.Cal. .V Va. . . . 10.1 Plvmomn 8
Deadwoou Ill ) Unl2kslivt > r . 10)
fiouidi Cnrrv Jill Oulu'.isilvup of.l. . . ai ) )
Hale A. JJon-.roai. . 10 1 Sierra Nu/.vli. . . . 1)0 )
IloinestaKu 40110 Stan l-ir.l . 133
Iron Silver ! H Union Con . 4-J
Muxtcun. "J I Yellow Jackut . . . . ; iy
I.oiiiliiii .Stuck ( liiiilntlon
LONDON. Jun. 27.-I p. -Closlns :
CoiiHolH. m'v II-'SM St.Pan ; common. . . USHi
Consols. acct..ll-J 11-10 N Y. Central 12l)1j )
Can. Pacinc > i | IVnipylvnnla MM
Krle l' < h Ili-arilmr 11) ,
Krie-Jnda : ill Mox : ( 'im. new Is. . OSVi
111. Cuinral llll'i ' AtchlHon li't ;
MI-MC.-III onnnarv.J.tlt
UAH SlLVi : Steady at V 3-lCd per ounce.
XIONKY ! 'i ' per cent.
Thu rate or discount In the open market for
short lilllK , 2Ts per cent ; thicu mutiths' bills ,
2'i ) per cent.
I'liianclal .Nnteii.
OMAHA , Jnn.Clearances , -S)2 , : 7.0S ; bal-
I'llU-AliO , Jan , 27. ClrnrlnRS , tH.30i.C3S ; N'ew
Yi rk pxch.uiKC , 43c premium ; posted mles. $1 SSVi-
( fl'l.Sli. ' Hli-cks were dull , but llrm ; Yerkes' ] irop-
irllctd In be. ° t demand ; Alley U Vj' ' , = bl < l ; Dlnmond
Match , Ill's : Lake .Street I. . IHj ; New York Ills-
cult , KXorth \ ; flileiiKo , 522 ; Htrawlioaid , 32'i ;
\Ve t ClilcnRO. 100)4.
NKW YOUK. .Ian. 27. lauk clearlnsa. 1131-
Tili'.KM ; balances , $7.823.377.
iu.STON. .Inn. 27. lljnk clearings , J15.80I.49S ; . ,
KAiyi'IMollK. Jan. 27. Gleailnss , J2,7S.CIJ ;
balances$377 , .V > 1.
I'lllLMiULl'llIA. .Ian. 27. CleiirlnRS , { 13,152-
Si ; lu lances , 52,20 1,320.
ST. I.'ICIS , .Ian. 2i. ClearhiRS , $3.771.059 ; bal
ances. Jly'.HoS ; money , C | S per cent ; New York
cxclniiitie. .V'c premium bid , 75c premium asked.
MKMI'HIH , Jan. 27. C'leartiiKn , J359.S17 ; l i < -
anee. . fj.W,32l ; New York e.tclunsc , s-elllng at $1
NiW ; OHLKANS , Jan. 2r.-ClearlnK' , $1,807,930 ;
New York cxcnniiKe , bank , par ; commercial , Jl'
| .er Jl.cno dlscaunt.
CINCINNATI , Jan. 27. New York exelmnKe ,
2oc piemlum ; money , 2isU | per cent ; clearing .
Kin-i-lu-ii l < 'lna nclal.
IXJNDON. Jnn. 27. Gold Is quoted today at
lluenos Ayrea at U9.CO.
I'AUIS , Jan 27. 'Ibiee per rent rentes , 103f
22's.c for the account ; exchange on lymdon , 25r
22e for cheats. On the bourse today hunlnos
i pt ned undecided itud ttretiKthened on the minor
lhat all powers had accepted Pilnre Ilts-
mnrck of ( Ireece a governor of Crete. Turkish
norurltlcijeic pilnelpally iiffected. Hpanlnh 4s
advanced hharply on the beuin covering , ov\lnit
to leas urlnR news. ltb > ttntoH weie caiiled up.
Ilfiltl.I.V. Jan. 27. The stock tmuliet was firm
t.iday and International * ccurltles were hleaily.
American secuillles , especially Noitliern I'a-
clllc. were lididcnlnK. Canadian I'nclllu weakened
on disappointing illvldend i-umors. .
Itnlik ul' KiiKlaml Slaf enli-lll.
LONiDON , Jan. 27. The weekly Htntament of
the Hank of KnKbmd shows the fullowlni ; chauues
a. l cumpaietl with the pruvlous account : Te'.al
leserve. Increased CkM.niW ; circulation , deciei ed
41..iK ; bullion , lnrieued LII7.VI ; iiihur M--
eurltles .deercased iGW.i ; > W ; oilier depohlta de
creased .CI.W , ' < ! > ) ; public dejl islt InCKMbl'U
l.CICrx ; iioti-s. receive Incri'ase , C7S7.COO ; KUV
t-inmeni seruililes , unchanKctl. The prop irt ion
of the Hank of KiiKland'a rrnervc to liabilities ,
which last we.t4 < waH U.J7 per cent. Is now 4f hJ
per cent. The Itank of Kntfland's rate of dis
count remain nnelir.K l at 3 per cent.
lliuiK' nf I'ljinec.Statement. .
I'.MlIf. Jan 2r. The weekly wiltement of t'.in
ISank of Kiance nhuws lli.i following clrimes
as < - , mp.iied with the previous accounts : Notes
In c-liciiLillonv Increase. < 2,7M.O > ) fr.incs ; In-as-
ury accounlH , Incroa * ? , C.12r > , i ) fiancs ; K'dd ' In
hand. IIK-II-IIHO 2,57i > , i'J ) francs ; bllU discounted ,
inercnte. 22KViMi ) ) francs ; Oliver in hand , In
crease , l.ia.i.O'W francs.
linerlean Seeurllli-M In l.oiidiin ,
IjONDON. Jan. 27. The maiket for A met lean
Hurui-llle * liuctuuteil H , nn-wlmt after tlid opcn-
Ini ; . then Improved on New York buylntr and
closed film wllh lh denimd llrm.
NHW YOUK , Jan. 57.-rM | . < FKK-Optlonii
opened fiteaily at unehanK d prleiu'i ' ruled lower
for January iindi-r llipildjll' ' n , hlle Ihe rest of
thu list Kenei.illy advanced 10 points ; sellers
noaree ; local hoiues dUposrd to cover on l | .
icr Havre und llamburK cablis and IiirKer ware-
hoiiho deliveries III this country ; closed llrm ,
with prices t > In 10 point * net advance ; sales ,
ll.Tr. ) bacti. InoludhiR March ( it tf.COWi.K , . Spot
colfee. Itln. nleady ; No 7. Invoice. $8.Ji ; No. 7.
jiibblni ; . M.75. Mild , ; t.'ordovu , i . 'iVit
15. IV ) . Total warehouse deliveries from the I'lilted
malej , H.2u baK < . Im-ludlnR 17 , US IJIIKH from
New York New York tto-k today , f.jO,574 hags.
ITnited iStntes nlpck 7M.OS2 ImK" . Alloat for Iho
ITnltel States , i'.iVKifl irnk-x. Total vtnihle for the
l'iilt-1 .still- , ) . l.uvii'Jngt. ) \ . uKalnst CUO.IC'J '
| j t year and t > rAIh77 IIUKH In UPC ,
IIAMIU'IIO. Jun. SI. t'ni'PKK Opened un-
ehinK nt 2:3' : ' ) | . in. unchuiuidd. to tjl'fif '
rales. 15.000 I > 3K > .
llAVltll. Jan. -JI'l-'KK-lClosL-d lif net
higher , tales , I > : IK
Wnnl 11 a r U > - In.
1SOSTON. Jan. \VOOI/M-'oHowlnir are the
iiuotatiuiid fcr the leading difscrfptlunii ;
MlchluanVl > ' -unsln , elcX Mk-hluan , Ho :
No. l Mlclilcun ecmbhiR. S'c : No. l Illinois
cnmbln . c ; No. 2 MMilcan uumblnB IWiWo.
No. 3 Illinois comblntr. SSfiSDe. delaine MlehUar.
! 7c ; un a < la-d m.'dtum KinttifUy and InJiami
ipiarttr-blood < emdiKt ! > . SJc' Kentucky quarter-
blool comblnic ! 8 < r.3c , Miruoilrl lhre-el hth
blood cumb'ntf. 'Ufi'ilc. braM < nmblnK. 3lc ; lulu-
and Oeoriila , JJjJc. TXIIIVool i-'prlnu me
dium , twelve months , ICfflSci m-oure 1 prlco , 3 < b
85iprlns , ; tine , twelve motitlii. 1S | lle ! ; ioonrcl
&IWlc. Territory Wr.ol Montona ( In * medium
and fine. ICfllUc : rcoured ( JtiC-c : staple. U4T3-
I'lah. WyiimlnK , ric.-Kluu n , Hum an I film , lit
0170. * sc ured , 4 c. wlupl' ' , t&S < lc AuMrnl'in '
W < "Is Si oured h-rli rnniMnr KUiXTfini * . 70fil- (
t-no-l combing. ttflMo averuije combing 6j(6' c.
Queensland < omblmc. O
ST. I.OflK. Jan. ! 7 Wool. Firm , in- Hum r.
fj > ' 'ic. IlKlit fine Hifl't. heavy fine , birlle , tub
wmhtd. 2:0 We.
Hcco'pts for the Day About 1'qual to Losal
ItrenU In Clilcnuo HrliiK * nil Kt-lio at
tlio Local YnritN llou A I * it
Suitor n l.llicrnl Slice
. In Value.
SOUTH OMAHA. Jnli. ST.-nereliits Tor
the tlnys Imllcntoil wore :
Ciittlo. HORS. Sheep. Horses.
Jnnimry 27 2,771 C.31S Bi.5
January 2fi j.r.Sfl r.,133 6.GM
January 23 2,437 5,731 4.f.3- ' 0
January 24 1,711 2,043 2.62J . . . .
January 22 C97 7,52 : ) 419
January 21 1.CI7 G.SJl 2.2C3 . . . .
lanuary 20 1,655 O.iSl 4.CUJ
lanuary 19 2.4S ) 0'JSI 0.419 3
Jnnunry IS 2,73i ? 7,919 3,233 . . . .
January 17 1,472 2,3tW 4,477
January 13 l,140,410 3.3S3 . . . .
January 14 1,917 0.1C6 4.3CO . . . .
January 13 1,952 7.S44 4.004 20
January 12 1.619 C.SW 1.C91 7
January 11 2,0ul 9SW 2.131 1
The olllclal number of cars of stock
brought In today by each road was :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
C. , M , & St. P. Hy . .
O. & St. U Hy : . .
Missouri 1'aolllo Hy 2 3
Union Pacific System 20 17 1C
C. & N.V. . Hy 1
IK. . & . M. V. H. It -.I IS 4
S. C. & 1 > . Hy 2
C. , St. ! . , M. & O. Hy 13 4
H. .t .M. H. 11. H 37 24 2
C. . II. .t CJ. Hy 4 13
1C , C. & St. J . .
C. , It. I , & I' . Hy. . K 1 7
Total receipts 110 9i3 22
The ( lisposl'lon of thu day's receipts was
as follows , each buyer purchasing the
number of head Indicated :
Huyers. Cattle. HOKS. Sheep.
Omaha. I'.iclclns1 Co 21 1.G37 77
The a. 11. Hammond Co. 47 1.4S2 2M
Swift and Company 419 1,071 2,403
The Cudahy 1'actclni ; Co. 713 1C)7 : ) sys
P. D. Armour. ChlmiKo l.OJO
H. Hei-ker and DeKan . . . . 322
Vansant & Co 41
J. l , Carey 93
Uobimm & Hothschlld.s . . 29S
\V. I. Stephens 14
Huston .t Co 43
Krebbs & Co U
H. Hamilton 102
CMi'ilso P. Co. , Neb. City . . . 2SO
Otner buyers 122 . . . . 012
Left over 100 200 50
Totals 2,771 0,307 G,43i5
CATTMC Het'Ipts , 2.771 cattle , were about
1,200 heavier than a wek nRO and Chicago
had an Increase of 9XX ( ) as eompared with
som time and reported a ] OTil3c decline In
lrlces. except for fancy grades , of which
none'were on sale hero , Fat or aliened fat
cuttle were in fair supply and there were
fully forty loads of cows and heifers offered ,
but there wore but few feeders or slock
cattle In slwlit.
The weakness of other markets made the
local dressed beef eontlnRent bearish and
bids were more oflen u dime lower than
otherwise. The resull was lie slow , drnR-
Bint' ' market usually accompanying un
favorable selllnp conditions. A Rood many
cattle were still unsold at noon , but It
looked as If Ihe pens would be cleared
finally. Handy little bulcner steers and
finished cattle weio Ihe best sellers , but
prices s laded down on everything and some
of the Indifferent grades sold more than a
dime lower.
Huyers had another opportunity to
cheapen cows and heifers today , as the sup
ply was large and they were not slow to
take udvantngp of It. Quotations were
usually lOc lower , but the demand was
Rood and , w.ille the movement was slow ,
prucllcully everything was disposed of.
Hulls and stags were also a little lower ,
but veals showed no quotable weakness.
The stoekcr and feeder market was all
right , however , with the demand active
from both country and speculative buyers ,
especially for young growthy cattle. Yard
traders claimed pi Ices on the hill were
stronto higher and the country element
found everything selling hlh. ( Heprcsenta-
tlfe sales :
UKKI' sTriits. : :
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. IT.
17..10IT f3 M 20..1119 } I CO I..1170 } 4 0 >
" 0..10W 4 o'i r. . . . . mo 4 : : i. . . . cso 3 4r
2..114-1 3CJ . 23..1UUS 415 20..1W1 420
10..1407 4 GI 10..1151 410 1..1120 410
8. . . . 'J73 I 10 ! 17..1370 4 S3 IS..1001 123
3 > . . . .13 I a ) 2..11D ) 3 2'i 3.V..1207 3 Si
IS..HIS I VI 4..1057 4 0 2..11V ! > (10 (
2 ia 110 3..1111 4 15 111..MX 4 W
1'J. . ISIKi t 30 0..11C1 3 C5 3'J..11I4 410
U..12U 110 1li..H'J' ' ' ) 42) 21..mii I M
29 . . .12.U 140 I..10S2 41' ' ) 1. . . . 7rtO 3 bll
3I..11U1 403 lfi..lii5S 44-1 27..1310 4 4j
STiniltS AND STAGS , .
: i..l2TS 120
1. . . OS' ' ) 2M 3..10S3 275 1. . . . 9 < 0 280
1..1C7. : l 00 1. . . . ' .120 : l 0 1 20. . . . ! 03 303
1 ll.'O 310 2..1250 3 2i 1..13JO 335
G..12H ! : ! 33 11. . . . 9S2 K 33 5..1112 343
3..Ill' ' ) 343 4..1015 3 CD 1..KKO 273
4..1237 315 1..1110 2 C3 1..11170 301
2 . .1UCO 30' ' ) 7..1IW 313 C..10.SO 315
1 123 , ) 313 3..11S3 321) 1..11SO 323
2 . . .IMi ) 325 3..11M S 25 2..1190 330
' I . . . DM 3 3 > 2..1253 3 30 33. . . . 1150 3 33
1..131' ) 3 45 S..1030 3 CO 2..1105 3 CO
l..l iij 3 ( ! ' ) ( ! . . . . S21 3 CO 1. . . . &i 2 2j
1..10W 25) 2. . . . ! O ) 2 W 2..UiilO 2 t,0
I..Ill } 32) ) 1..1250 34' ' ) . . . .10.15 3W
7 .1032 275 13..1207 303 9..1120 3 fS
3..10sO 210 C..llkS 320 42..11SC 333
7. . . . t',17 2 ! W 1..1MO 315 5..12SI ! 33)
41..Hill 335 3. . . . ifl ) 375 1. . . . S20 2 41) )
1 . .IW 2 CO ri.C2S ! 275 3. . . .1(113 ( 2 S3
" . 1220 2 fe5 I..1120 3 UO 9..10I7 3 CO
' .1220 U l 2..10M ) 3 CD 1..1120 30)
" , " ' 1011 3 ) 2..1100 310 1..10-0 310
. * 310 12..1023 313 K.10M 32' ' )
3 . .1193 3 2-t 1..11M 3 23 1..1250 323
. . . 1)7(1 ) 325 1..1150 330 4..1135 340
41. . . . S97 3 53 4..1107 3 05
Ill F2 > 3M 15. . . . 93.1 3J ( ) D. . . . SS4 5 ! '
35. . . . 823 375 3. . . . 570 3 SO ' 2. . . . & ) 3 S
J..12 * ) 425 1. . . . S40 3 ( ) ! ! . . . . 911 380
t. . . . BIO 275 2. . . . f 0 3 DO 1. . . . 52 ) 301
3 . 583 3 50 1. . . . 710 3 5' ' ) 3. . . . 7IO ! 3 f.3
7 .813 3 05 3. . . . 9'0 ' 370 1..1I50 ICO
4 .1207 2M ) 30' ' ) 10..1189 320
l'.l ! ) 330 1..HI.O 325 1..1900 133
1..1CW . . . . 2..H.G ) 343 1..1220 350
I. . . . 93) 275 1. . . . 9&0 310 1..11SO 3 ii
1 1730 323 1..1130 3 25 1..1310 325
i" .H.VI : i w ; . . . . ' . ! 290 2..17SO 330
1..1520 270 1..1 ! < M 300 I..12CO 303
1..12MI 303 1..1270 310 1..1210 315
1..1.WI 32i ) I..1CIM 320 1..1320 323
1..1M' ' ) 3 40 1..17CO 3 I' ' )
' " '
3 964 3W l..MSo" 73 11..12S1 110
1 . .SCO 2 r.O 20. . . . 350 IB1) ) 1. . . . 503 500
K..OU 4 0 } 1. . . . 110 500 2. . . . 135 6 21
1. ! .32' ' ) 350 1. . . . 130 .150 1 , . . . 150 573
I ' ' ' ' Kl > 3 M 1. . . . J'M ' 3 S3 1..12 < 3
l' . . . W 10) 12. . . . 775 130 21. . . . 770 11)
11 CU 440 12. . . . 012 410 1. . . . 5)0 3 So
l' ' .IIS'I ' 3 CO 3 , . . . Slid 100 2. . . . OS3 40.1
7 . 93S I 13 13. . . . 7US 4 15 70. . . . S7C 4 20
2. . . . ( ' > 4 41) 24. . . . C5I 1 SO 12. . . . CM 4 50
1 510 G 01 6. . . . ST3 4 2) 14. . . . . .12 4 C5
I < ! " * 4 t > SI. . . . 91' ' ) 3 R3 2. . . . SCO 350
7 ! ! ! ! 9JI 4 O1) ) 9. . . . C17 4 CO G. . . . 510 4 CO
3. . . . oio ; 3 no i. . . . MO SIN ) so. . . . fill 4 r.o
5 . " Sli 3 DO S..10W 39 > ) 1. . . . 750 421
1 400 135 35. . . . 592 435 1. , . . 490 I M
10 . .831 I 31 113. . . . 813 410 I..M 460
5. . . . 630 4 65
IIOC1S The hoiinl ( .huwed 90 etirs. 0,318 hngn ,
nit leci'lptB thlH tuornliiK. I i't Thurmlay theic
were 9.7PI , am' n yi'nr D'iO .1,209 , Oood | ICK
worn iilvnty , liut there \\cro more heavy weights
limn yehtenluy.
Other mnikftn weie IOWPP nnd till" local Irnilc
fell rlKln Into lln ty laUIni ; off nliout ycjt r-
il.iy'H uilvuncu of CfrlOc. Hi-lid" fouuht linnl. nml
a few early cales of light hos < K.iowed no Uc-
dine , liut IhlK cut no llRiiru ulth the Keneral
market , nml thu eloee wnnviak nt the full
cli''llnc. Trailtt wan nt ni lime lirUlc and u few
SoB'i were unmild.
Yesterday'n top , J3.fO. wad hliih I > rlre , and
connaon piKfccrii > old down tu 13.55 , with H.CS
nH Irmlliii ; pilci ) for lu'urlex , $3.G.Vrf3.75 fur in > ' -
dluni tu llKht wpRlil | , and Ilie Im'k of all the
haleH at J3.C3ti3.70 , onalimt JJ.70fl3.75 yfteidiiy ,
l3.4'i < M.53 n week auo. anil 3.40f3 | )3 on tinllrht
of tlio month. Heprcn-niatlvu ualesi
No. Av. Kh. I'r. No. Av. Sli. I'r.
f,0 3S1 WJJCO 2i 311 40JJ&I
1G 331 . . . SCO 52 3'9 1M ) 30211
M 281 40 3 621i " ' 9 172 80 3 C2 i
r,3. . . S39 2M 3(815 ( M 8M 200 302
\ ) 373 210 3 C"i 56 303 . . . 3 C5
01 . J..32I M 3 C5 32 351 . . . 3 C5
CO 3W M ) 3 C3 52 2G'J . . . 365
67 331 21' ) 3C3 73 201 8' 3 C5
71 . .239 . . . 3K 19 ty > SO 3 CO
II . .3S7 210 3 f0 4J 390 ICO 3 C2V
M 31 * . . . 3C2(4 ( M 3W . . . 3f2'-J
M 315 . . . 3 Ml } M 303 80 3 621 ,
C | . ,50 80 3C3 01 34' ' ) M 3 C' ,
n. . 33 10 3 41 2S 4' ' 3 C3
50 . .273 40 3 65 23 371 . . 3 K
7 5 1 3ft3 < .7 . 3JS JOO 3M
. lit 160 3 CO 278 80 3 C3
JC3 1W 3 < H 70 201 80 3 C5
Si ! . . . .ill M 363 81 31 } 80 3
Cl , . . .260 80 303 M 297 10 3 AS
10 MI . ; . 303 4 309 ICO 363
05 . . . .S91 10) 3C3 13 21S . . . 307' , ,
73 lol . . . 3C7VJ C7 2IS . . . 3 671i
I . ! lO . . . 307V6 C3 200 . . . 37
: : : : : : : ; ? : : : 37:15 71 m so s-o
18. . . , ! S3 . . . 3 V ) 71 250 . . . 370
6 jiUI 10 370 40 231 ICO 370
03 272 40 370 75 263 . . . 370
> 2 y l | 21 370 111) ) SH . . . 370
II 2M . . . 37S CO JM . . . 375
< M'l . . . 375 SS ? 3J . . . 373
: .j. . 373 SO 3CS Cl 268 80 3 U
n 3M . . . 3 05 M 2SJ . . . 3
J 8W tfl 3 J 51 32 < i < 0 3 CS
17 3"j tu 3 f. W . . 3i2 . . 3 CS
M r.l I.'H 363 M . . 2U SO 3 C3
M . . . . i'5 ' ' ICO 3 C3 ' ,4 S3 ? 3 C3
10 . . 371 ly > 3 01 Cl . . . 314 3 CJ
U Ml 1M JU C : l.'o 3
SI . J71 !
. ! 8l
so . ?
M . J17
. )
S * . 217
3 V >
37' ' )
313 . . . 370
2te . . . 370
34S . . . 17' ,
S.M . . . S 7A
SI1K1M * ltppol | > ts enntlmio lllwral nnd wn >
only n lltlle rlinrt of Mine day last \v > vl . Tl--n.
aM a vlipirmis for mutton gnul : > " , l
HOIIIO Inquiry for feelers , with prloo * very t\rm \
to a nlmilc lilclier , n Rixvl iiuitUoI to sell mi. iiml
hy 10 o'clock the | > ena weie cnitity. llpprpnoniii-
tlvo sales :
No. Av. Vr.
iff. ) weolern feixlers . Ri Jl ! '
190 native fepdlnt ; lamlvt . , . 57 I ? 7'i
1 5 wmtrmM'tlnM.l . . . If 410
; io wiMlrrn Intuit . 7t > 5 23
l.VI wontern wethers . 131 4 20
1M1 w < ' . t < Tiethers . . . 131 4 M
419 UMtoin yraillnK" . 9S 4 CO
420 wcslirne. . . rllti | . 97 4
331 lllnli : . M 4 " 0
2,13 lillnlw . , . M 4 < ! 0
VA Mexican l.itnlin . r.l & )
403 Oxford lambs . M R
1M ntnckvrn . " 283
0 culls . . . . . . . 91 3 ik )
12 stookcin . . . 90 3,10
13 dtnckont . ' . ' 3 3 M
W wcMi-rn mixed . . . . M 3 < )
09 wi' l TU owes . Ill 380
100 went ITU e e . los 3 V )
93 Wfstein < mes . n . 93 .1 80
D lambs , culls . . . t,0 , 4 N
Sll western wetliers . f. . 9f. 4 20
31 western ycnrlliiK.i . SI 4 50
M western yenrlliiK" . . I'M ' 4 30
77 western lamlw . 70 5 21
1 l.ui-k . 1W It 7.r.
S wiMtern yearllnss . i" 4 10
527 stockers . 63 3 )
S western wethers . 131 4 20
17 natlxo wethers . . . 119 4 23
129 Mexican wethers . 87 . . . .
19S western yearlhiRs . . HO 1 C3
1 western > earllnK . nil . . . .
415 Mexican lambs . Cli 5 10
UiiiiNtiiilly ti > HIMM > | | IH of OlMlf
Clvi > I'rlo-i a Tumble.
C1IICAC1O , Jan. 27. llecelpts of cuttle wt'ro
iinnsuiilly largo for Thursday , nnd with n slow
trade iirlces took < i tinulilo of from tote
Medium grades were imrtlcitUirly weak. Sales
Hero on u l > : i ln of fiom J3.75 to ft for the
commonest lots of dressed beef steers , tip to
from $3.25 to $5.50 for prime to extra choice
shipping beeves , the bulk of the transnrtluiii
belnit nt from JI.33 to J5.10 , with export lulu In
demand nt from fl.63 to } 3.10. The dematid was
clilelly for well llntshed cattle. The xloekcr mid
feebler tr.ido was fair lit from f3.'l ' to tt. > nnd
bulchcra * and eanners' fluff was in goixl dein uid
at r lallvely better prices Minn fat bee\es. .
nlUK cows polliK for fiom } J.JO to J2.9J. There
wns mi decline III cows and heifers.
In IIOKS n few prime droves ami some fancy
selected mid at hlffli prices , but Ihe Ktticriil mil
sold nearly or iiulte 5c luwer than je-o > rd'iy.
K-ales were at an extreme innxc t > f fnini } J.i" ( to
J3.93. the bulk of thu lions KOII | for fi , in } 3.S2'4 '
to J3.90. while must of Ihe pigs brought from
} :1.50 : to 3.8.1. 'Ihe lale mniket was \ery weak ,
particularly foU llffht hogit.
The unusually liberal supply of sin ep mid
I'linlM wj.n well taken , and prices were only about
lOc lower , sheep hcllliiK at from } 3 to J1.70 for
Itoor to prime lloeks and lambs at from H.25 to
J3.9) for culls to .strictly choice. I imbs sold
laiKvly nt from $5.23 to $3. i > mid prime year-
llntts sold at J3.25. nwc hheeji sold freely at
lUvelpts : Cattle. 20,000 head ; hogs , M.On ) head ;
sheep , 22 , < XH ) head.
SI. IIIIIH | l.lvi' Sliiok.
ST. I.OflS. .Ian , 27. Ipls. I J' * )
head , of which l.Sno were Texans ; shipments.
7110 head ; market fte.idy for natives ; IVx'iiis ,
'illiI' ; t'UH S Ullll IH'II.'IM. . . - ICJ- .
IIOC1S llei'elpls. 8i ) head ; shipments. 2. ' ii
head , market opened ste.ulv. clus-ed , 'H' li.wer.
light , $3.7il"3.S' ) ' ) ; mixed , 53 70 13.85 ; heavy , J3.70
© .1.30.
SHI3K1 * llecelptB. 1.20i ) head ; shipment , i-om- ;
mniket steady ; native muttons. Jl.lOTilUi ; l.iml , , : .
J3.iNJiTi.7.1 ; Texas muttons , quolnlik' at < l.2 > i
KIIIISIIS City l.lvc 'Sliit'U ' MnrUi-t.
KANSAS CITY , .Ian. 27. CATTI.H-Ilecelpt" .
, * .t ' 0 bend ; market we.ik to Id : lowi-r ; Texas
hteeis , $3.'jorf 4. 10 : cons. 52. 3ri3.13 ; natlxe
steers (3. 0051.1. H ; native cows nnd heifers. $ , < VJ
4.10 ; stoekers and feeders. $3.l'Oif5.CO ; bulls , $2.10
11OOS llecelpts. 13,000 head ; mnrket slow ,
weak to 5o lower ; bulk of tales. f3.C3T3.77'i ;
.icavles. f.1.COfi3.C3 ; packers. $3.70 r3.S21i ; mixed ,
$ J.6ir1.821llRhts. ( : | : . > ; i.3B3.72"i ! ; Yorkeia , S3.70I ?
3.72' , * ; piss. 511 35fi 3.77',2.
SIlii-r : Itecolpts , 4.000 head ; mniket Fteady ;
InnilM. $ l.'Oft5.CO ; nuillons , $3.00Ii4.l3.
InilliiiiaiioIlN I.lvf Sfni-k.
INDIANAPOI.IS. Jan. 27. t'ATri.H HecelpIs ,
WO : shipments , 3.0. he id mnik'-t hardly
as strong as yesteulay ; goo 1 to prim. . Miners ,
$4.OW3.1D ; fair to medium steers , tl.53tfl.73-
common to good Mockers $2.75fi3.73.
HOGS Iteeelpts. 6,5 < iO ; rlilpments. 3,00
head ; mniket lewi active ; all sold late ; good to
diolco medium nnd heavy , } 3.i ! > < r(3. ( ! > 5 ; mixed ,
t3.RflTi3.9fl : common lights , } 3.75i3.S5.
H1II3K1' ItecelptH , 150 heail ; shipments , fair ;
maiket active ; strong to hlgh-r prln-s. common
sheep. $ J.23 ; choice liimbs , $5.73 ,
ICiiMl IlitlTnlo l.lviSlock. .
KAST Hfl-'lAI.O. Jan. 27 , I'ATTI.K-'Jnlei ;
prlmo In t-xlm cholcst" -r < i , t.1.1Off 23 ; KH , d
in cholei. fnt fhlpphig steers , } 4.7,1iH / | : fullto
good Hteors. J3flOfM.1 ; K""d fnt cows $3.IXKi
3.90 ; eoinmon old own. $2.101/2 fi' , .
llfXIS Itecelpis , 21 ram : yuKers , good to
choice. JI.20 ; roughs , common to choice. $ .1.33ii
3.Cr ; pigs , go'id t' ' > eho'ee SI.P Ti I 15.
HHKKI' AND I AMII.lleeelpts. . 10 cars ;
lamhs , choice t < i < 'xtra , J5.Mr'i.u ! , ; culls to com
mon. ) ; Fheep , choice t.i . scb-ctpd weth
ers , $ | C,1tri.10 ! ; culls to conuiimi , $3.25R.I.S3.
\i-tv Vnrlv l.ivc StiM-li. .
NK\V YOItK , .lull. S7. IlKHVlIH-Itecelpts. 331
hcnd call'- * quote Amerlc n ft' ers nt IDlitJillt- :
ri'frlKcintor beef , sgs'ie ; pxpoits , T.03 beeves and
10 lhei.p.
CAI.VMS Iteco'pts , 80 head ; veals , $ ! i.jOS8.73 ( ;
cnipsers , $3.21 73.75.
SilKi1 ! AND 1.AMI1S It , elptu , 2,710 head
sheep $ jr,0(4.73 ( ; inmbs , $ .1.&i > i0.37i. !
HOOS-Iticelpts , S. 'J lien , ] ; firm nt f4.OQffl.3Q.
Cliicliiiiull l.iviSloiU. .
fMNf'I.V.NATI , Jnn. -HOiiS StromJ3.13V1
3 ' 0
'OATTI.I- : Strong , fi.-5'Jii.7.-i.
SIIKi1 : ! Hlrong , J2.7.11/I
l.AMIW Hleiidy.
Koeord of receipts cf live stock t the four
principal matkeln for January 27 :
entile. Hotrs. Sheep.
ninnlni . 2 771 fi.Dlil , "i,213
Ohlcngo . WCOO S'.Oi" 22nK ( )
KIIIIUIflty . 7.00 , ) 15,000 1,001
St. Ixiuls . JJOQ 60 0 1,20) ,
Totals . 33,971 63.3IS 3Ji3
> > V rl < Dry 'JiKiiln MiirKrl.
NKW YDllIf , Jan. 27. lleporta from dry aomli
Bforen rbowod fair returns In all jobbing lines ,
but q < il"t trading nt first hands In colt ms Ibe
demand Is still delayed nnd In woolen * Ihere Is
still 'i desire to "shop" for bargain * . Iloth miir-
ketH are 111 in ; Kellers In nil glades me hard
to dcnl with. The nctlvlly In thu caslein cotton
cloth illntrl-t ban been a Hrengthenlng factor
In the mnrket nnd the advunce In cloths has
helped Ihe ltuntlon locally very mateililly. T 10
iMiotn of buyers Is fairly large , but as yet then *
visiting repref-ntatlvps pr'-fer to get the pi Ices
than In enter Int > lulunl I , miners deal * eeeiil
for ery small and pcatlerlng lots of goods. In
laple coitoiiB there In n firm tone evldrnt , nl-
tliouith f. ill's h.ive been of unall character I lint
cloths hnvo cold afaln nt 2 3-lCo In c.xtniH nt
I'all Itlver.
H. R , PENNEY & CO. ,
11O Board of Tratlo Bldg. , Omalia , Neb
i Ofllcn. 103X N SI Llacolt ! , N < ib.
OLD roi.o.vv in nii\i ( ,
Membnra Chlcaio ; Hoard of Trade since UCi.
Grain , Provisions anJ S , Y. Stocks
Orders Cash ami Future Delivery Solicited.
( liniiliii Olllt-c , Iliioin 1 , \ . V. l.lfit 11 III * , ' .
, . . , ' 1'llOIK1)111 . . . .
nevi ) J
mm E. BOYD & co , ,
Telephone J ( ) ! ) . Omnhii , Nch
110AIII ) 01' TlfADH.
iJlre'-t wlre to ChlvaifO and Naw York.
Ccitrt-ponJcnti : Jotio A. Warren t Co.
Public l.lli.-nry.
Vciiilnnif llnlrt.
licnencc HulclIMK Slniiil.
City \eu.i Do no I , Cor. Main mill Ilrondv
iv ny.
1C. A. I.OKIIII , SIS \Vi-Nt KtUi St.
Auditorium llnl.-t > * Stiinil.
Auditorium Annex \IMVH Stiuiil.
( rent \ortlirrii lloulev f < Stand.
Plllnicr IlllllHCIM > ! > Stlliul.
PoMtolllei'civx Mumlo. . Ut7 llrnr-
liorii titrect.
AftMiclntcil Ailvcrllxcr'.s Clllli , l nli ct
UVllllfll IIOIIXC.
'III.llnlllllllcll. .
Commercial Trnvott'iV ANMielatlon ,
MIIHOII | ( . Temple.
llrlMcoe IIiOH.n. . : i ( ) South Tfjoii St.
Harvard riilvrrislty I.llirnry ,
tlroivn Hotel \T N Slniiil.
IlitiiilUon .V ICi-ndrl.-K , IIOIUDI2 ITIIl nt.
.Mel.iiln , 1 > 1I A'I. . . Si5 ; .Slxleenlli HI.
Trail .Mel-eiiiillli- . , 1I7 l.nrhiler 81.
' 1'lie .Sfnlloner Co. , I"III anil Iu\t relief'
\Vlililfinr Hotel XIMVN jtiiiiit.
MOHCK .TacoltN , Itoelc Islniul Ilriiul ,
V. M. C. A. ItciidliiK ISoiiin.
Ktnll Harm-UN.
\V. A. .Mom c , ( llli iivi-iiiic mill Iiiln Ht.
llelenn I'lilille I.llirnry.
liilirl Iti'liI , 1111:1 : > lflii * < . Nl.
ClIlllCN IIOIINC \ < MV.H Stllllll.
V. M. V. A. itcmllnn Uooin , SKI \Vynn-
ilode at.
MlHSDiirl IU > | iiilillaii Club , IXtr llllltl-
morc Avc.
ClmrlcN A. iiilllur , > i. . ! ) Slraiid.
,1. 1) . F mei'liic.
Pulillc I.llirnry.
U'est Hold -\eiv Stiiiul.
Uonprr rnliui lillirury.
I'lflb AV > * IIII < ! lliilelLMrn .Sfund.
I.'il'tb Avfiiiic IInli-l llcnilliiK Itiiom.
llrniinic Slrci'l Ulirary.
llnllaiiil lldiinc Kciiillntr llddlll.
Iliifl'niaii HOIINI * .
[ iiipi'i-lnl llolclIIVH Sfanil.
UccluinlcH- Trmlci-M' l''rc Mlirnry ,
No. IN ICiiNl SKleeiilb Slrcel.
I'ri-HN Club , lllIINKIIII SI.
\ \ VNlinliiNHillolcl Headliiir Itiinm.
\ \ - fiiilsoiHi. . I.I llrnillniT lldiiin.
V. .11. C. A. . : : ! Stl-eel ami . | ( b Avcnuo ,
McCiirlncy .t Co.
\v. Wfiiii , aionviiKiihiKion AVO.
McCartney & Co. , . ' ! < ! < ) lir.fli HI.
Ve\v YirU Hi-riilil Itllillnt HiinniIf ,
Avo. tie I'OiM-r.-u
V. C , lloi'ili'i'i Wi-Hl l/'i'iili-r Nt.
\V. K. JOIM-H , iDI ! Milcr SI.
I'lii-tliinil lloli-I rVi'VVN .Sliiiul.
\Jci-cniitllo I.lliriiry.
I'ulilli- riii-y.
Piilillci Library.
| ( . If. lliiiiiiiM-l , L > . m 'I'lii-ulcr.
Sail l > .
( ' ( i. OjKlllll , l'l * < llllllCI < > I1VN Dl-IIOt.
| > OHlollli > i > N ' H Depot.
A. 'I1. Luiidln-i-K.
( JlirrclUon Iliiffl .NeuH .Sfiiiul.
.tloiiilaiiiln H l 'l > i ti Sliiiul ,
lluli-3 \elidiiine .Vi-ttP hlanil ,
nooi'Kf L. Jliiiif.
I'libllii I.IIirary.
Jiilni W. ( < i-aliiiiii " - ' ' - ' - ' > HIvorNldo
Avcniu' .
llrniiduu'M Vc H Stand , 7-1 Iiliiiou0
II. J. Jell , SOU Olive Ht.
I'lllllli-l'n' Hotel \e > Stnntl.
I'nblln Lllirai-y , 111 I I.oeiiKl St.
Ufllard'N Hold .NOVN .Stand ,
t rlliiKton Ili'li'l.
ColiureHMloiuil Library.
IdKKM llllllHII.
AKrliMiltiiral Di-pnrlnieiit I.lhrarjr.
Henalc Iti-nilliiK Itnoin.
1'ranKVellh , Jr.