THE OTSrAHA DAILY 35E10 : WEDNESDAY , JANUARY 20 , ! Sf)8. Omaha , January 26. 1SOS. It's most like Christmas Alike in our continued store Attractions that all economical buy ers are taking advantage of alike in the selling for the great savings made are so genuine that our clerks were never busier Christmas times than now. OUT TUB DRESS noons Undoubtedly you luivo dcon waltinir fur this time to got n now dress. Tlconcomo now. You'll ' ( liul just the wuntod mntorial nt the price you'll like to pay perhaps loss. Fifty conU ) then 25 cents now. Ono dollar then flfty-revon cents now. Dallar twonty-nvo then sixty-seven fonts now. Dollar forty coats then eighty-nine cents now. Dollar fifty ccnta tlioa ninety-eight cents now. BLACK Now weaves In blauk DUHSS ( iOOnS gooda. * We-ainblo all the year rcvind. A rnro surprtao It Is to find a very desirable lot at n way-down price. Tlicso lilnck Koodij are shown under a good strong light , that tests both shade and qual ity. Now Ilayatloro Novelties , GOc. Now lllrd'a Kyo Novelties , GOc , Now Armnre Novelty , _ S3c. Now Oeiheno Novelty , Slie. Now Novelty Suiting , 75c. AEMNANTS Silks , nnvolty ( Tress jfoi'ds ' anil black goods. Wo liavo too many short pieces. There Is many n waist and skirt pat tern among these awaiting vomo for- tunnto 'buyer ' at much less than the pleco price. Then hero Is etlll a goil asrortment of Paris Novelties left Standard goods nitd llttloprices every wiu a perfect ib canty. $1.00 I'arls Novelty now DOc. $1.25 I'arls Novelty now SOc. $1.50 Parla Novelty uow OSc , MUSLIN UNDKRWBAR- Hi-autlfully" mwlo and duintily finished titular muslins , tlmt arc - justus us you'd huvo thoai inado nt homo und tit a iunch leas tost. Baby's long and short droyscs , all now stylet' , mnilo of longcloth and Nain seek , r > 0c to $3.00 each. NOTIONS-LUtlo things that are bis when you need thom- Tliey cost a mere trifle. Gold Wire Safety Plus 5c each. Hair Plus. lc per paper. Tracing W'heela. ' 5c each. The Golden Spring Hooka and Eyes , the hig-liest grade patent hooks , will 'not mar the llnost fabric , lOc per card. Surely Spring Hooka and Kyoa. Ccper card. Illack Safety Pins , So and lOc per card. Book Vina , 5c and lOc per paper. IJLANKHTS A few of the bargains still to bo had in our llunnol und blnnkot dopartinunt. Swansdown , 7c per yard , reduced from ; EC. Turkey rod ani ( dark colored Outing Plannel now r > q per yard regular 8V&c and 7c goods , nidcrdown , 27 Inches wide , 2lc per yard were B5c. fiOc , 43c. 30c per yard. 11-1 Grey Cotton IJlankcts at 75c per pair v.-cro $1.00. All Wool Grey Blankets. 11-4. now $2.88 word $1.00. Pine Saxony Wol Whlto Blankets at $3.50 per pair were $ l.7G. "Whlto Cotton Blankets , C3c pair wcro 7Sc. DOtmi.K For jjlrls , ages 10 to 12 VK WAIST-yotira. Light weight i dainty garment ucautl- fully made of the ( most quality soft finish muslin , -with t > earl buttons , ami trimmed at the neck with tine Ham burg edging. It Is a slight modlflca- ttcn of the children's style It Is fullrr ki the bust and hips and Is adapted for girls who foavo outgrown the child ren styles. It suu > orts underclothing from the shoulder. It 'buttons ' In front. The ahapo perfect. Price , 75c each , CLOAK DKPAUTMENT. Ladies' separate dross skirts is our specialty for Thursday. No use to waste time in making tlicso jjarinonts at homo , i You can purchase ( "tress skints , all ready to walk out with , for loss than you would pay for the cloth and lining. All our $1.50 Skirts now 75c each. All cup $2.00 Skills now $1.00 each. All our $3.00 Skirts mow $1.50 each. All our $5.00 Skirts now $2.50 each. No alteratloiiri will be made on any or those garments. WINTKlt WKH3IIT HOUSE WIIAP- PiitS All our flno $1.00 Calico Wrappers now 75c i > auh. All our beautiful Klceco Flannelette Wrappers , regularly sold at J1.75 , now $1.00 each. COATS AND CAPES- $5.00 Ooats now $2.DO. $10.00 Coat. ? n'--.v ' $5.00. $10.00 Flno Kcrsay Capm now $3.00. WOMAN'S Two sorts told of snt- PETT1 COATS rcn and moreen. Chocso which you arc interested in and read prtM quoted today. Petticoats of black sateen , umbrella fihatie. perfect In finish and nt , at 75c , $1.00 , $1.50 , $2.00 and $2.25 each. Pottle-oats of black moreen , umbrellu shape , corded rufiles , at $2.00. $3.00 , SD.5U. $3.75 , $1.00 and $4.50 each. Pottlcoats In roman stripes , umbrella flounces , < it ? 1.25 each. Petticoats , in fancy colored moreen , cordc'.J with velvet , m $3.50 each. McCAI.L'S Agents for McCall'.s PATTKHNS patterns. All patterns lOo or l&c none higher or rrtio better , uo matter how innuL-h you pay. MKN'S Men's cotton and FURNISHINGS wool mixed half hose lOe a pair , reduced from 20c. Men's Merino Half Hose 16c or two pair for 25c former price 25c a pair. Men's Woolen Gloves and Mittens , ex tra value at 25c a pslr reduced from BOc. Man's heavy. Fleece Lined Driving Gloves $1.50 a pair reduced from $2.25. Heavy Fleeced Lined Kid Glovw and Mlttemi at $1.00 reduced frrm $1.50. iAll of our $1.00 quality of Lined Gloves and Mittens at G9c. 75c quality now 4Sa a pair. REMNANTS OF TABLE DAMASK All our remnants of Tublo Duiunsk are now at prices that will soon dwindle away. away.They run In length from 1V4 up to 3' , . S'nrdo long. Housekeepers should not mi ii this chance. HED LINENS Linen Sheets and Pillow Canes of right sorts will servo you and the next gen- oration. Hemstitched Linen Sheets , flOxSO , were $7.50 , tow $ C.OO a pair. Hemstitched Linen Pillow Cases , 22x30 , was $1.25 , now $1.00 a pair. Hemstitched : Linen Pillow Cases , 21x30 , twas $1.00 , now SOc a pair. HOSIERY AND Ladies' black cash- UNDERWEAR more hose with spliced ankles and soles , also French foot. I5e , reduced from C3c. DOc Fleeced Hcse , with ribbed tcjis , extra fine quality , now Sac tfalr. Children's Wool Hose , In odd sizes only , 15c , 2 for 23c reduced from 25c a pair. Children's cotton ribbed , flec-e lined Hose , In all sizes , lOc reduced from 15c. A few moro str.all sizes In ladlco' fine Cnmcls' Hair Vests end Pants to bo closed out at G9c regular prlco $1.00. Ladles' very flue quality Fleeced Lined Vests and Pants , SOc each. " \Vo still have a few sizes toi ladles' Im ported Stuttgarter Garments left which wo are closing out at $1.00 less than half the usual price. EMBROID ERIES A now fotituro in embroideries this year is , the gathering thread two stout , strong threads , plac ing the gathers eronly as you draw them. .Thaw goods come In Natoaooks only and will bo much appreciated for trim ming children's clothes. Busy mothers are always on the lookout for laborsaving - saving devices , and wo believe this Is an Important one. Ho sure and SPC them they ccat you cio more than the old style. FLUTED LIBERTY SILK See our new Fluted Liberty Silk in del icate shades and moie coming and only 75c a yard. a 9 lior. but that It will I > replaced In t'ip cours' or n few weeks by ono uf the cruisers. BU < V a the AlarblclioaJ or tlio MontKouiory. li Is not doomed best ti vrnturc ono ot tin heavy draught battleships like the Iowa v ; Indlir.a Into Havana l.arbor , save In ar LMiierKcncy , because It would bo 11 needless exposure of thu vessels to ucc'ldont. SPANISH AHMAMENT. The Siiin'sh ' Kovoninient bis a numcroiu fleet In Cuban waters , but most of the crafl nro small gunboats , fcr tcalnlaluini ; tin blikailc > aKal'iiot filibusters. There are , however - over , coven cruisers , of which ono. the .Mar- < iuls do ! a lOnscer.ada , ts prutected with iiunu armur , althoiiKh It L ? not larscr than some of our Rtinboats. bcliiR l.OGI tons disiiitu-i'nitnt. Tlio otlur cruiiicio are Al- jiliri i'j ' XIII , 3,1)00 ) tana ; UcnUu de Vaalto , 1,18 ! ) tons ; Infanta Isabel , 1,10J ( ton ; Iscl II , 1.152 Uiw ; Itelna Chrbllai.a , 1,153 tons ; Heiln SlproL'dCis. 3,190 tons. There uro nlnetcpii Ki-nboats , r.-siHj over SSO tons , as foKunti : Alvarado , 100 toru ; Asulla , 71 tons ; Alsedo , i'17 toiCarldid ! ; , 34 tons ; Csntineia , 31 Ior5 ; Ccntrnmarstor , 179 tons ; Crlolo , 1711 tons ; Cuba n-onala ; , , Sc3 tors ; DelRa'Jo liojo. . 233 1011.5 ; 121 lepe.ieneo > , 23 > tens ; I.ego Vclaiiqucz , 300 tons ; KernaJo El Cote'lco , DOO tons ; Oenoral Coticho , 521 tons ; ( i3idli'ii , 521 tcoa ; MaKiill'cse , 521 tarn ; 1'uarro , 300 tons ; 1'oneo de Leon , 200 tuna ; Sa .loval. 100 tout.Vieeo ; N'uno/ lieIilboa ! : , 30J torj. lUvildra these Kunboats there | .i n tn.pupart , the I , < ? K2npl. of 1,219 tor.8 iind live topeilo vescicU. Gallcla. 570 tons ; Jeorgc Juan. U33 la : . ? ; Flllplras , 530 tons ; Munnies do MllirM. 570 tons ; Xueva Kapana. C30 tons , and four small ! -uincir ! . i.i irrtJKiir nous M > T iTnuobi.iiCT. I'ivuiIrN Dlrri-l Aiirir ( o Atloi-ury | ) ( - IIIII'H 'rt'Mlnioii ( > . CIHOACO , Jan. 25.--Tho croBs-examlna- tlon of Adolph I. . Lneteert was 'rtfltimtd ' by state's Attorney DeneiMi tcday. Questions that f-oiiBtlliileil n ser'oua attack on lili bus- liii'Sd Integrity xvoro jmt to Uuotgert by the Htutu'a attarnoy and at tlnu-d the defund nt became perplexed and moved about uneasily In his chair. It waa asked of the prisoner lu queries covering every rUull , whct'hor Jie had not falsllled the liu ! of < ! il3 sausagevjiicrrn In orJcr to sell it , whether ho hsd not hurntxl the bt)3lu ) ; woei'iriho ' had not shipped fioujs from the 'an ry In order to dofr.uid h crrtlltnra , nnd If ho had not told suvcral parsons. In- eluding nvn nf his employes , that he li J laid l laua la UefrauJ Koronian llrotlicra , thu VaiikiM. when they should take an Inven- < ij of ntock at tha o-iMago factory. To all < | iusMnis. liowover. I/jetgr-t : had tut ono answer. "I don't recollect any suh thliu ; . " llrlelly told , this la the Uio of fraudulent tiiiisactluiB ; U1" ctate'o attorney tried to h..ow After Luetgort rcturneJ to New York ho found he rould not * the fc- lory payKo ho took much of the goads nil hum ! and placed them lit a storehouse \\hlo Ills coiiildmitl-.l man helJ the ware- ) i uau rccelpti. Then ho drew nut all the morey 'ho could and ( aUlfkil thu hooka. Una cs't alleged In whc-'p he m said to have Bt'iit Olto Teach to Koroman Hr. tucra' hanlt to drav $1.200 iind r ' < flctlrtous nau-.u o. < a f.ilto bill. Are nu.i-li I'l ' l.u , " , n\\H | ) ' < ready , eftlflent , satisfac tory j prevent a cnhl or fever , viirn nit liver lilt , tick ln-ad aclio , Juiicdh-o , c-oti > tl | ttluii , cle. 1'rlco ; Tli * ouljr 1'illi to Ulii lUi lltwd'j ALL WANT SOUND CURRENCY ( Continued from Klret Page. ) was given In the cvcnlm ; by the Commercla' club and the Hoard of Trade to all delegates " at Maonncrchor hell and n buffet lunch" was served. 'Many ' of the delegates have beet ontart-ilnod by uiembers of the reeoptlot commlttco at the Columbia club. The executive committee was continued by vnanlmoua veto of the convention today , am : will t9 given power to add to Its mombera It held n meeting in the morning and' resolved - solved to prosecute- the light for currency loform to MIO utmci-'t ami to make en cfforl to w.30 thtncccaay funds by In.proaslng upon tin * busincus community the Importsnct of placing the currency upcu a atablo basis , A glgnllUant mctlon we.i made before the adjournnisnt of the convention by Mr. Ithoades of New York. It was that when the convention adjourned the adjournment bo subject to the- call of the chair and not final adjournment. Jlr. Ithoadcovthdrow his motion at the time , but will renew It tomorrow. 111.5 purpose Is to placa It In the power o ! the executive committee to summon the reprtticntatlvcs of the busi ness community together at any tlmo durlns the light in ccnsrt > s.s when their Influence accics likely to bo potent. Tha following Is the committee on rcsoln- lions . . 'Jlcctoi ! by states tonight. Arkansas II. \4. Rommel ; Connecticut , Joel A. Sperry ; Oeorgl-i , Ilufiw H. Ilullock ; Indiana , II. II. Hanr.a ; Illinois , Krarklln MacVcagh ; Iowa , P. C. Nource ; Kansan , C. V. Kersiison ; Ken tucky , Thoiras W , Diillltt ; .Maryland. Jo'.in M. Nolsoti ; Mlnhlgcn , William II. Anderson ; Minncoota , Joaaph A. Whoelock ; .Monta.a , II. II. I'almer ; M.-eHclHwe-tts. Henry L. Hi- ! glii.ion ; Missouri , C. J. Iluhbard ; Nebraska , f , II. Dletr'ch ; New York.V , K Dod-jo ; North Carcl.'na , C' . II. Koglo ; Ohio , UcruLi I' . Smith ; I'ecujylvanla. John 0 , llullltt ; Ithoio Islrnd , Kowlaud C. Haitzard ; Tex-as , ' M.4. \ . Crawford ; Ter'iiesnee , A. S. Caldwell ; Virginia. William U. Trlgg ; Wisconsin. V. II. ' XOTU TO JIOXKTA'HV OD.H > llfjSIO.\ . Ill I'll x < if I'riif , TH > In iof | li < > I'm Ici-sK.v rt' \i-l > rn Uii. WASHINGTON. Jan. 25. ( Special. ) Prof. W. U Mngworthy Taylor of the University of Nebraska , writing to the monetary coin- mission concerning tholr recently published roprt on the subject of currency rcfofrm , commends It on the whole as a wno meas ure. "Tho lommlsBlon , " ho says , "wca evi dently confronted with tbo problem of v/hat U practloablo , as well as with that of what la best. The result Is a proposal of legis lation strictly In line with historical clflvcl- opment. This osrocmeat with historical de- xelopmem is evidenced both by what la not proposed and by what U proposed. It U not jirojiwuil to dUturb the existing silver clrcu'atlon , whether In Um form of changing the denomination ? so aa to allow cf the freer use of silver lu ordinary trena- m lions. In the matter of banking tha pres ent &yt m of resarvo and o ( redemption are retained. A : iattm of rcjortc Is a mailer for delicate adjustment. The present nystem has worked fairly well , and aa It ap- plica equally to notes nnd to deposits there was no rfasoti for disturbing the exUtlng state of affairs. The jamo doslro to do ono tiling at a tlmo has restrained the commlt- slou from any attempt to Introduce the Suffolk system of redemption of banknotes - notes , "Tho positive action cf the commission hca been to embody In the banking pvopcs.i'j that synUm which eeumti to huvo worked best In the country the so-called 'safety fund system , ' by which the whole body of banks is solidly responsible for its whole cir culation. In this matter the commission haa made a clean swoop. It has not sought to create an amphibious and self-consistent creature. It amply demonstrates that bank ing on assets secures the circulation wl-.t-n the banks are treated ns a guild. O. roursn the greenbacks are retired , l.u * nohhor their retirement nor the change JM the rank ing system is to bo tudden. The govern ment guarantee remains ; the reMlvahllltv by banks or the notes of otficr banks re mains ; in othsr words , the national banking Kystor-i Is contliitiL'd unlmpalr il "Tho commission could not have done less ; It would have been unw e for it to 1 ave attempted to do mora. The simplicity and thorcughnesa of ltd report will inako it a classic. " DOM : is iiH.\nin : I.-OH WASHIXOTOX. nml Di-pnrtM In tin * UIiNl of li Know SliH-ni , CHICAGO , Jan. 25. Sanford n. Dole , president of Hawaii , after a visit of two days , left Chicago for Washington toJay. The president of the Island republic wont out as ho ramo In , under Uio wild escort of a northwest blizzard. The presidential party left by the Ualtlmoro & Ohio , with which company special arrangements had been made for conducting the party to the capital. The party was In charge of T. W. Crlfller , third asa'aitant secretary of state , and .Major Helstandt , military attache of PrcoiJont Mo Klnloy. The party Included , besides tlicnj gentlemen , President cod Mrs. Dole , FrancU M. Hatch. Iho Hawaiian minister ; Com- mauler Phclps and Major lakucn , President Dole's secretary. It was the Intention of President and MI IT , Onlo to visit the Art Institute before leavj.ig , but on account of the blinding snow storm Mrs , Dole , who has not been well since he.1 arrival In Chicago , remained at the hole' ' until tra'n time. President Dee ! acid a dl * taut relative. J. H. Uclo. view president ol tl-o Art Institute , trieut nearly an hour l the big museum. They were then driven to the depot. At 10:30 : u. in. tlio Irak' ' bearing tbo dlitlMgulshed party departed for Waj.'a- Ingtcct. Itlll.v Will Mi'iul li Cl-ulKi'l- . UOME. Jan. 25. The Italian armoreJ cruiser Marco Polo will sail for the far cast on Wednesday. King Humbert granted an puitlc-nco Is the captain of the Marco Polo yesterday with a view to o.-cpresulng his wlshts and detlnlm ; the iioliey oi' Italy In , thu far east. His maJeMy Intlmate.l that Italy'.i Intrrrit lay In the direction of trade ( ! \IMIISOU ! , and was therefore akin to Kng- landV. Illu IIM-I I'liuil fur lllriiiliiKliiiiu. ClilCACJO. Jan. C" A ( | ieenl ! from Ulr- niliiijham , Aln. , etiya : An K-iKiUh ynd-iic ! liu.-t. It U Maid , pruetically c-i i : iml ar- rair/ciiFiHo for the vic-.luu her < > ' n SI.CU1.000 tcul plunt. The Ui i N vf il'.i rial liavo not yet bicn dlnflod. . Inn | - : t known thit nxteimlvo options on mint-ril land ncur here luvu been veeurid by the forel ur . Item4.iliulritl McViilr IleturiiM. SAN FRANOISvO , Jan. Admiral MeXnlr. V , S. N. , lilo i-omiruiler of thi- Ai'lu'lr r. uadrcu , nrrlvetl t djy OT ( ho'c ; > - IIt'onimedorei Pcwy H In Phars"1 cf th AsI-iHc ilei't , vlf < 'Uur Admiral JIcNulr He hoisted his pr.uuiH over the HJR ship Olymplu on January 3 , BLISS WILL WORK FOR I' i _ i < P Will Try to Help Pass Bill for tlio India 1 ' ' 'Oongrc 34 DECLARES IIIMS-LF AS FAVORING I Srorrlnry of tltv Interior ThliiUo til I'rotioMcil CntiKreni Will 1'rovo nn Altrnotlve Frill urc ot the KxpoNltloilt "WASHINGTON , Jan. 25. ( Special Tdi grain. ) Secretary Ullss Id committed to li duce congress to pass the. 1)111 now pendln before the commltteo on Indian affairs of th house. Senator Thurston and Represontatlv Alorcer haiV a conference with the eecretar of the Interior this morning and after an ex planatlon ot rumors which scemoj likely t seriously affect a favorable report from th Indian affairs committee , Secretary Hllst > In formed the delegation that ho would d whatever possible to advance the projeci as ho believed It would be of advantage t Uio department and to wards ot the govern mont. Ho questioned whether much of show' could ibo made for $45,000 , but though If carefully managed It would 'be ' ono of th greatest features of the exposition. H stated that the Indiana would bo In charg of n regular army officer , which woul greatly roJuco the friction between rcprc contatlves of the different tribes ami ellml nate 'tiho objection that different natlonall tlca could not alblde together In amity. Secretary rotary Ullss gave notice that ho would ns for the assignment ot Captain William Mcr cer , In charge of the Omaha and Wlnncbng pgoncy. to this feature of the exposition which waa heartily concurred In by Senate Thuiston and Mr. Mercer. Secretary nilss has recelvoil a dlspatcl from City Attorney O nnell stating that building had been ronlcd for an Indian sup 1 > ly depot and that everything was In rcadi JIO-.B for the govcniment to occupy the ramc The secretary stated that ho would , at one give the necessary instructions for the gov ernmcnt to occupy the property , although h was of the Impression that thcro would nu bo any necessity fcr 'tho building until tin beginning of the next fiscal year , bu thought tha .building could be most nd vantagcously used oa a storage house fo ; the Indian exhibit of the Omaha expsl tlon. tlon.G. G. A. Atkinson of Lincoln has. upon thi request ot the War department , through thi active efforts of Senator Thurstou , been np pointed special attorney ) to artist 'the ' Unite * States district attorney of Illinois In pre parlirs papers looking to condemnation eland land for the Hcnnepln canal , extending fron Chicago to the Mississippi river , about flv < miles of 'which ' 'has 'been ' built. Atklnsor will be ordered ito report to the United State : district attorney shortly. BIDS OM OMAHA'S BUILDING. Bids were opened today In the office of th ( supervising architect for the completion oi Iho Interior llnhh , Iron stairs and plumbing ibovo the tlrst story on the Omaha public building. The lowest bid. $70,497. was re- : elvcd from Angus McLeod Co. of Mlr.neap- alls , and the highest , $111,499. from A. W I'holps & Son , of Omaha. Other Omaha bid- lers were1J. . J. Jobut. $ S9.)9S ! ) ; Mahoney & rt'akeneld , 599.&GO ; Hamlltcci Brotliers , $9G.- ; 00 ; Walter Peterson , ? 93SSO ; Hcnrj flamann , ? 94-l40. Senator Allen Introduced papers in rcia- : lca to the continuance of the fiber investi gation en the part ot the Agricultural de partment , also an amendment to the sundry : lvil bill appropriating a sum of money for : ho rent of old bullding.5 on the present silo of Port Crook for Henry T. CMrkc. Mercer filed a petition of citiznns of Omaha n fnvor of the" Immigration hill. The supervising architect today allowed B. I. .lobst of Omaha $02.50 additional on his or.tract for fjurjilshlng locks and bolts fo : icors en the Omaha public building. David S. Kerr today appointed pcst- na-itcr at Victor , Iowa coucty , la. , vice \kx McAiMms. removed. Aos' Secretary MeiklejoUn gave no- ice that nothing would be done looking to .ho abandonment of Fcrt Mead , S. D. until : he onicial , ; of the Fremont , Elkhorn & Mis- iourl Valley rallrcad could be heard oa the same. The report of the comllticri of national Miiks In Iowa -it the close of buslnew on Isnuary 13 baa been receded by > the comp- : roller of the currency , and. compare * with : ho last reports In October , shows that the ifnka have otrengthcued their lo ns and il.jcounta , while a shrinkage i.j noticed In : ho avcMgo reserve. The loans and dis- : cunts , according tothe October statement , .vcre . $29,509,784. against $30,591,016 in the iiirrent report. The Individual depcalts have ; een Increased from $25,919.830 In October tc :2,945G73. : ( ! Tlie average reserve held by the : anls Is 31.33 per cent , a reduction of LMU icr cent since October. Thu present hold- nei3 of gold coin In the banks Is $1,524,033. ; -.T of Inoro than $33,000 over the ast statement. rHUA.Slll.VC OVKIH 'I'lIK OI.ll ST5l.\\V. ic'iinfrn COIIMIIIIK- TliuiTllsinsMlnu tin.Silver ( ini-Nlliiii. WASHINGTON" , Jan. 23. Today's session if the senate vas characterized by a leatcd , almost acrimonious , dlacusslon of ho financial question. For nearly two lours the Teller resolution was under con- ildeiatlon , the principal Hpcechca being nade by Mr. All'aon ' , Mr. Berry and Mr. loar. The nharpest colloquy WES at times mlulged In between Iho advocate-i and the ippcner.-tB of the resolution , the debate iftun approaching bitterness , The feature if tl'o discussion was n speech delivered ly Mr. Teller , author of the resolution , his itatcnu'nts calling out a suggfstlon from > ' ! . Hoar that he ( Mr. Te'.lor ) ought to have ho speech stricken from the record. In csponso to on Inquiry by Mr. Spooner Mr. . 'cat admitted that ho thought the system if coinage referred to In the resolution ncp.ut the frco and unlimited coinage of sll- or , that edmlKslon apparently giving sal- afactlon to the oppnnenUi of the measure. \ MVM for lln > Army , WASHINGTON , Jan. 25. ( Special Tele- ; ram. ) First Lieutenant Kdwnrd D. Ander- on , Tenth cavalry , has been ordered to rc- naln on duty with the Fourth cavalry until lay 1. The following changes In stations of olll- crs of the medical department are ordered : Irst Lieutenant' Irving W. Hand , assistant urpeon. from A'ortj'Iluacuuca , Ariz. , to Fort ) uchesne , Utah ; First Lieutenant 13. 11. "lagg , assistant eurgeun , from Fort Du- hcsne. Utah , .to Columbus barracks , Ohio ; 'irst Lieutenant Wcodbrldge Geary , Nlnc- ccnth Inlantry , Ima been dofalled us olllccr f military science and tactic * nt tliu Slate Agricultural oolle'B < > of Oregon nt Corvallls , Ore. , relieving KlMt Lieutenant Clarence H. Dcntler , Klevuiuh Infantry , who will Join lib compan > oa expiration of his leave. Leaves of atscnri' : Mujur Jacob A. Augur , Fourth cavalry , extended twenty-three days ; Captain Frank V. { { chlnaon , Soootnl cavalry , oxtundL'd two months ; Captain William II. Miller , ahslstant quartermaster , two months ; Sffond Lleutciiaftt' ' William H. Wasscll , Twcnty-ieeoiid"ilfaiitry. ! oxtundcd ono month ; Captain 'Charlet. ' & . Ayera , Tenth cavalry , four months. - - . _ ( > | lMIHfN ( Vltllltt l.llllllH ( O Slllll' WASHIXaTON. Jan. 25. Commissioner Herman o' thu genoial land oHlce liaa made an adveticu report oa the bill Introduced by Representative King , grunting and coding to the stale of Utah thu public lands within its borders. The cammUaloner advances many reasons why ho baiievca the proposed cession would be foreign to the beat Inter- osta of the people. Probably 200,000,000 nrrcu of public land have alrc.ady been given to the GtatcM for various purpoiaa and the UEO they have madu of them , as ho bayc , Indlcatcri that other ( . " . ssioiu would bu utilized for revenue only und not for the Kocd of the Individual. i of XVoinrn'ii lliiHlcnl Cluln , \V.\SIIIXaTON. Jen. 80. A permanent federation of women's muglpol clubs anJ no > letlu \ \ \ \ \ bo furmed by a convention wlil U opened hero today. The federatloi will tak > nfo fe'lovahlp every organization of womrn UcvQ'cJ ' to M-O musical art and us alms wl I bo the cultivation of social com- radeahip , tbo cstabllshmcut of a bureau through which communication can be tin with great artists whoso nrtilrcfscs may I desired , tbo exchange of higher music. " works and the elevation ot the Rtandard ( musical composition. Over a hundred dele gates wcro present from musical clubs a over the country. The session began wit an address of welcome by Mrs , William i Warren , president of the Amateur Musi club of Chicago. Mrs. Theodore Sutro r < sponded. The reports from the presldcr and others were heard. MliMIIKHS TAI.1C OP IMIDSI'RIIITV Ilonnp Ulvrn I'p ' .Sonic Time In DlNrnix \\\K \ Polltlci. WASHINGTON. Jan. 25. Under ( ho pat llamentary fiction of discussing the India apprcprlatlon bill , the house devoted almoj the entire day to apolitical debate In whlc the main question was whether < > rosporlt had conic to the country , ns a romilt of th advent of t'.io ore/lent administration. A speeches wore * limited to five minutes , man members participated and partisan splri kept the Interest keyed up to a high oltcli The acrimony which usually chamcterlze sui..i debates was almost entirely absent. nnO although good naturcd , some hard knock were Riven and received. Mr. Smith , the delegate from Arizona , mad an attack on the system of educatkig th Indians , and Mr. Walker moved to sttlki out the appropriation fur the Carlisle school No vote was taken on the motion today. In tlio house today a bill . w s passei grunting American register to the forelgj built steamer Navajo. The house then wen Intel committee of the whole and resumei consideration of the Indian appropriation bill Mr. Hlchanbon { dcm. . Twin. ) adducci some figures and financial authorities U prove that prosperity had not yet appeared "If prosperity has not returned , " askei W. A. Stone ( rep. . Pu. ) , "how does It harpot that In all the Industrial regions men ar crr-nloycd , and that Ihey are not supportec by charity as they were under the Clevelntic administration ? " "Tho trouble with the gentleman , " repllei Mr. Uichardson , "is that his premises nr < nil wrong , Lrtbor Is not employed In all th < Industrial regions. In New England 125,00 ( workers are now out on strike. " Mr. Grosvcncr , Mr. Stone , Mr. Dlngley am other rci HI hi I en us arose to reply , and In the confusion Mr. KIchardsim called out that h < had no desire to Interfere with Mr. Stone's gubernatorial boom. "I am glad to have the Indorsement o that side , " replied Mr. Stone , smiling. Mr. Orosvcnor cited the wool-ral'lng In dustry nnd examples of what the Dingle } law ha-1 done. Mr. Dockery ( dam. . , Mo. ) In discussing the nr.Hon mill strike contended that the strike had been urged by ' . 'ho operators In order that 'they might dispose ef their surplus stock. The trouble was we were enor mously overproducing In this counitry and /li / > the face of that fact the republican rartv was restricting and narrowing' om markets. The political debate continued for nn hour , the republicans maintaining and the democrats denying the existence of pros perity. Mr. Smith ( dom. , Ariz. ) made an attack on the present system of educating the In dian. Ho drclared that the Carlisle and Hamptcn schools were a mistake , that aa Indian could not be civilized by teaching him to read nne ? write ami sing a pnilni. Tlio Indian , he raid , must ressivc an industrial education , but H must bo given him In the vicinity of his home , not In the cast. In this bill , he said , $2.500,000 was wasted. Mr. Walker ( rep. , Mass. ) agreed with Mr Smith that the present valley- was unsatis factory. Illogical and Impracticable. He moved to strlko out the appropriation for the Carl'slo ' cchcol. Without voting1 on the amendment the committee arwo and at 5:23 : p. in. the house adjourned. Cuts Oil" One CliiNH nf IVllsIons. WASHINGTON. Jan. 25. Assistant Secre tary Davis of the Interior department has rendered a dccislcu holding that there Is no luw providing a pension for the widows of soldiers who dlo of disease contracted In the service in time of pence prior to March I , 18C1 , and the law applies only to cases where the death cause was Incurred or contracted whllo in the performance of military service during certain wars spe cifically named and designated in the several icts granting such pensions. Semite ( iix'H Into ICvi-c'llt I ve SI > NHOII , WASHINGTON , Jan. 25. The senate , cm motion of Mr. Hoar ( Mass. ) went Into execu tive session today as soon as It convened. The doors were opened at 12:15 : , and Mr. Quay secured the passage of the bill to In- ilcmnify the Htato of Pennsylvania for money expended in 1SCI for militia called Into military service by the government. The amount Involved Is ? 4B,000. K'liiNiiH Ilaiili Fulls , WASHINGTON , Jan. 25. Information has reached the Treasury department of the fall- are of the National bank of Paola , Kan. At Lho last report the bank had a surplus and iirofits amounting to $12,500 and deposits of > 7.5iJ. ! Hank Examiner Cunningham has Deen placed in charge. Dully Trclisur.v StllltMiK-ii I. "WASHINGTON , Jan. 25. Today's statc- nont cf the condition of the treasury showa : Vvallablo cash balance , $210,112,190 ; gold re serve , $103,4Sr,5CG. : Nomination I'onllrmi'il. WASHINGTON , Jan. 23. The ecnato lias anftnno'.l the nomination of J. W. Griggs of * few Jersey to be attorney general of the Jnltcd States. 51 KV THU VICTIMS OF THIS 11IOT. four ! I'milHlicM Severn ! Mi-nilx-rx of the Molt. ALGIERS. Jan. 23. The town Is quiet to- luy. About 10,000 people witnessed the 'uncrul ' of those who were killed during the cccnt rioting. Their remains were Interred n the Christian cemetery outsldo the town , mt on returning there were renewed demon- itratlans with the usual cries. , Tlio mob attntkcd an omnibus upon which wo Jews were riding. They were badly lenten and stoned. A few other Jews wore Imllarly maltreated. Chebat. one of the ows who was stoned , died 'tonight. His skull MIS fractured. Today eighty of the rioters were con- lenuiod to terms of Imprisonment varying rom thrco months to a year , and one who ras caught In the net of pilfering was sen- cinccd to flvo years In prison. IfllK.NCK AM ) HIS ( iltH.lT MUCH 1ST. ierinnn ! > j nillcnliI'uj Tt-n TIioiiNiinil Dollnrs for It. rVpyrlB'.it. Wi-i , by 1'rciw I'tilillslilnB Company. ) LONDON. Jan. 25. ( Now York World Ca- lo ram Special Telegram. ) Prof. Schvncl ; old a cppclal ootrcBpondent of 'tho Pall Mall Jazot'.o Jio would BVI ! > no interview beyond ho fact that a syndicate for German rights ud'been ' formed which hoi paid $10,000 jnj ho secret will not bo revealed until ho has sold the American nl Hnill"li ; rights. Kiiln U'lll Hftiirn the VUlt MADIUD , Jan. 25. The newspapers gcn- erally comment upon Secretary Long's ox- daiiatloii uf the Bunding of the United States jattlcBhlp to Havana and express the opln- cn that Its visit la "Inopportnu and caicu- nted to encouiat'o the Insurgents. " It Is an nounced that "following Washington's exam ple" the Spanish governine-nt will Instruct panlsu war ships to visit a few American lorts. llciluee Hilly on'criuls. . HOME. Jan. 23. In the Chamber of DenutUa to'Iay the minister of the troax- ury. SUnar Drlanca. Introduced a decr o re- ducliiK i'he duties orl cereals. In vlewi of the I re.i' . famlno provnlllng. The inoaaure was referred to the midget committee. l.'rcni'li DeiinllON AriO.nli'1. . PAUIS. Jan. K. Thu Chamber of Dsputlf.i loiav talmly eiiscuisod Hie war iiudgot &of' { icioptod a modal conunumuratlvg of < lm war of1&70 Inpltu of the objections of the- minuter for wjr. ( ii-tM Tno 11111111111 fur n Cartoon , DRHLIN. Jan 2.V-Herr Trojan , r-dltcr of Kla-JJeradati" ha.j . been entcncfj to two month- , ' imprisonment in a fortrena for lose majuue la cartooalng Emperor William. WAGES ARE BECOMING FIXE Cheaper Money Would Affect Ihom nt Incomes Alike , LABORER NOT BENEFITED BY FREE SILVE SeerotnrjJnne DNettKNeN Sonn 'Fliiuiie ' Ilefore the > leiuhrri of the Trnilern * I.eiiKiie t IMillnileliihln. PHILADKLPHIA , Jan. 23. Tlio sevenl annual moating of the Trades League of Phi adclphla was held tonight In the Acadeni of Music , at which the principal speaker w Lyman J. Gage , secretary of the trenuur ; W. W. Koulkrod , president of the leagm Introduced Sccrotarj Gage. Ho wa warml received and held the attention of the larg audience throughout. Ho epoko on the sul Jcct of "nuance , " and his remarks wet frequently punctuated with applause. Mi G.igo said : LAND OWN13U IS INJURED. It Is not upon -wages tlmt the Injurloi cll'ect of a gold appreciation falls. It 1 upon those who own the land , the forcsl nnd the mines. If upon any , that the It Jurlous effect Is vlmlUO. This Is all so t > l l one cannot comprehend , how the was earner can bo inlslul liy 'that Irideseer orntor , who , by multitudes of .wordi couchril In ambiguous and sophlstlei phrases , seeks to obscurci Judgment. It In Hie complaint now of labor that reu and Interest lire able to ttikH to ) themsolvc a disproportionate slvare. Do we , indroi not know that the tendency of wngea is t become conventionally flxeil and 'that a rls In tile rate , though It follow * the liuv of sup ply nnd donuind , Is not so quickly ro ponslv ta time lawl 119 are wires * ami tnerclmmllsi the prmluct of labor ? The revival of Industry now witnessed an the easy condition aa to Interest 'Which ' no\ transfers capital are the best witnesses t the diingers from which1 we have been dr llverod. Within a few weeItsatier the. No vctnlKT election , 1W , 15,00.0 men , Idlr for i long time , were put to iwork In 'the ' wlndov glass industry. Slnco then , us the revlvn lius , progressed , InstanciA of advances 1 wage nitfs und of Inoreiises In numbers cm ployed have multiplied. In the Iron um Hte-el Industries , directly dependent upon th consumption of Iron as material , I have i llrou authority that there Is an Increase o at least 2ti",000 men employed over the preceding ceding year. In addition to this large In eri-nse. In the working forces umptoycil li Iron ami steel ami dependent branches , ad vanccs In wises ranging from 10 to 20 pr cent havn been made , and , In pome eases much greater , as thu 'result of wages pal < on 41 tonnage basis. I have an accurate list of more than 2o mills , factories and enterprise , ' tlmt luivi during the lurt six months resumed work many of them having bren Idle since ISM ttlicn depression became more ncute as tlv result of agitation for tlu > five and uiillm I ted coinage of silver at the ratio of 1(1 ( to 1 "without the aid or consent of any othc' nation. " Mcwt of thorn have * advance ! wages over the old scale. All of thrm an running full tlmo , mot of them donbl time , and In many tires arc now m-vo drawn nor the wheels stopped , thrre shift : lieliiK required to meet thei heavy dem.ind.-i This all Indicates a great Increase In work Ins forces. F1UKND OF niMKTALLISM. The/ republican party Is noti 'boasting ' tha It has burled bimetallism. U proclaim ) Itself its friend ; it approver it In its phit form The political bond of that party hni boon actlvo to secure It under the enl ; conditions 1 > Jsvhlch It can be maintained namely : International agreement , with opei mints to both silver and god. ! In his efforts forts to Inaugurate such a method the pres ident heartily supports the principles of hi : iiarty's platform and In his efforts ho h.t the support of all the members of his olll ? lal family , Innuendoes and declaration ! fiom various sources to the contrary not ivlthstatullng. The * proposed reform In our currency am 'milking ' system are. as abhorrent to the sll i-er prbpiKandlsts as the general proposl : lon to maintain the present gold standard This is to thPin a "stone of stumbling. : " charge It to be < : -ock of offense. They ichemo to "give to the national hank ) fill ind complete control of the pap.r 11101105 ) the nation" dangerous power , but nl > ewer may possibly ba abused. Ths motive of the self-interest guldliu ind I'cmpelllnfi the milk dealer , the butchoi ind the. baker to perform faithfully and wel ils function operates with an equal coercive 'orco upon the b.inkur. As those Iriulors Ivei bv sellliiK. so the banker lives by lend- IIR He cannot p'op If ho would and. wlthli he limits of the law and the ci" < tlnvite of hl. nvn ability , bo would not stop if ho could It is a Btrange phenomenon a people verj csppe-table In iiumlifr and Inl pcnoral Intel- oxolted bj Igoncc becoming hysterical and lemagoglc outcries against bankers' as U clas , while to the bankers Individually conlldunt as- commit with ho Fame people' ' iuranco their hard earned money. In closing ho expressed "tho hope lhal > ut from tbo present misunderstandings ind the violent discords which now sur- ound the great question relating to our noney standard and to our currency and of truth and wls- the way la n Id nt ; systems lom may bo found and followed. A land io fair nnd full of promise should not be narred through icnorance and passion. A loclety under conditions so favorable to ts progress and happiness must not be nutllatcd nnd weakened by a willful dls- ibedlcnco of the economic laws , which In ho last definition are the laws of God. " o IIIIMAI , CIKVIIKACT I.UIIMI teiaiivliii ; One Olijeetlon to the AII- nexittloii > loveiueiil. HONOLULU ( Via Pam FraneUeo ) , Jan. 25. -Ono of t'.io most radical bills ever brought eforo a Hawaiian legislature will bo In- riduced at the coming session , which ce.iens 'cbruary C. If the 1)111 carries It will do way with the contract labar law , which as been in vogue In this country for a great lany years. From an Insldo source. It Is learned that II the American planters will favor the 111 ; hut It Is anticipated that p'.anterH of tl'-cr natloiiulltles will make a light. Tin- gl ! atur ? Is practically In the hands of the mcricnns , a > nd at this writing nicro Is nc oed reason wuy thu bill should not beccme law. The Hawaiian contract labor law has been stioni ; argument In the hands of the anil- niioxationlBLs , and the abolishment nf this iw Is expected to old this country In Its ght for closer political union with iln > nltcd Stativi. The bill nbolhhcs the ccnal nforcepient of tontracts for forsoual Borv- ios after July 1 , 18US. Vorlhei'n I'nellle SI-CIII-I-H H NRW YORK. Jan. 25. President Mellon of 10 Northern Pacific Hallway company an- minccd definitely today that the company id obtained centred of the Seattle , Lake lioro & Kasiern railway. The Oaimdlan Pa- llc was tlu competitor of the- Northern aclflc in the effort to get the road. Annual Ooloo ovorOOOO 000 Boxoa TOR BILIOUQ AND NEEVOU8 DI80EDERB Biieh ns Wind nnd Pain In tlio Stomnr-Ii , Oiildlii'-HH ' , l-'uliiesH after im-ulN. Jlcad- iiuhe. DlzxImiAS. Drowtiinosu. riiiHlilii u of Hoit : , Lo ? of Appotlt' ' ) . Costlvuiioss. lilotchos on the HI ; In. Cold ClillU , IMs- turliod Hloop , KrU'litful Druams nnd nil Nurvnus and Tromblinc HonKiiiloiiH. THE nil3T D03E V/ILL GIVE HELIEP IN TWENTY MINUTES. Kvory sufTurer Will ituknuwlcduu thum to bo A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. Pll.M.Uiknn nn illroct- crl , williiiilL-Ulyrostoro Vomalua to complete - ploto liualtli. Tlioy promptly romero obstriiotiunnorlrroi.'ulnrltk'ii of tlio ya- torn anil ciiru Mick Ilcniluclm. Tor a Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver IN MEN , WOMEN OR CHILDREN Boccham'o Pills nro And liovo Uio LARGEST SALE ofaiiyrntcnt Mudlrlno hi Hie Worm , 2Bc. at all Drua mores , MYSTERIOUS TROUBLES. I-Vw Poopli * I'lnlcrntntiil or 'tlrnllic ' It. A < 'lonr KMI I a n n ( I on ( if Itnttirn ami llniv to Avoid II Clearly .shown , What Is this mysterious trouble that la coming upon the people ? Why Li It that we PSO eo ninny men who look weakened , ncrvelMS , inJ wholly out of condition ? Why are so many women , whom wo see pale , with parched llw. | dark tines undue the eyes and a general lack of lustro ? Tlirso tliltiga Fcom to bo greatly of late and without any apparent cause. Wo sec moro men who lack vigor than over before. Wo meet more women who seem broken-down than In the past. Surely thcro imiot bo a canso for all this and there la , These troubles can arise from but ono cau c , namely : disordered kidneys or urinary organs. Indeed , It Is now admitted that the region of the losvcr body is the prime source of most physical Ills. When the kldnoju become diseased the blood becomes pol-wod and all the troubles , ouch ns sleeplessness , lack of appetite , tiorvelessr.eas , restlessness , tired and deapceident feelings follow in its wake. The truth Is , people are not well ; but they should be , and they can bo It they would only take the means of recovery that are near nt hand. In writing upon this subject. I > r. 11. A. Gunn , Dean and Profcs- ser of Surgery of the United States Medical College , New York , says : "In a large class of ailments where the blood Is in an unhealthy atate , where there U no evidence of orgaale mischief , but where the general health Is depleted , thu face mtlovv , the urlno colored , constituting the 'billons' condition , the advantage gained/ / from the use of Warner's Safe Cure Is re- marKable. 1 find nfo ! that In nrlRhfs D's- ' ease it seems to act as a aolvant of albumen ; to soothe rnd heal the Inllamed membranes , and wash out epithelial debris which block up the urine bear > .ig tubes. " It 1,3 undoubtedly true that Americans , as a people , are In a more or less serious con dition , and that there are complaint. ! which have become national tflaoises. Hut It Is also true that modern science has provided an adcqulto remedy which Is able to fully cccitrol It and supplant olckness and mlocry by health and happiness. Purely vcsctnliie. mlU. anil reliable. Cans * perfect Digestion , complete absorption , nnj limlttiy regularity. For the cure of all disorders nf the stoinucn , I-lver , llowols. Kidneys UladJcr. Kcrvoua Dlteahes , J.USS OF Al'PISTlTB , IlKAl ) ACII1J , IHI.IOUSMCSb , TOIU'Il ) l.IVlUt , DVSI'HI'SIA. OLcsrvo tlir following syminoins resulting from DlEeneeB of the Ulgostlve Orsaf.3 ! Constipation Inwnnt plies , fullness pf blood In the bend n ld- ! ty of the stomach , nausea , heartburn , illrsust u food , fullness of weight In tlio Etnninch , sour eructations , elnlclne or lluttcrlnu < > f the heart choUInu or surfovntlnB sensations when in a lylni : tioiiturc , dimness of vision , ilota or webs beforu the HlBht. fever nnd dull pain In tlio head , defi ciency of porsrplratlon. yellowness of tha tlcln and eyes , pain In the aide , chest or limbs and sudden [ lushes of heat , hurnlni ; In the flesh. A f w dos-oa of HAUWAY'S PII.LS will free tin Lystcm of all the abovu named disorder * . Price. 25 coma per box. Sold by nil drugfiista , or stnt by mall. Send to nit. HADWAY K CO. , Ixick llox 3M , Nrew York , for book of nilvlce. nnd CHOCOLATES | ran EATING. DRINKIHD. COOKING. CAKING Of Purily of Material and rORSAUArOUASTORIS AMI DY CHDCEHS 13 O VJ3 ' S -AXTON ft TiuTia riss ' - * * * * * - * _ ManaBeni. Tel. J01U. < > vv. aijjo. ToxKiiiT , HI in. Tlo : elite cvcnl-l-'lrst nppcarani-t > in Omaha ot Sir. Herbert Mian KIIR. CELCEY and SHANNON in . ! , . . nyley. . MimnKement , Mr. Kanmol I' . Klnsntun. Tli ( > riiniplcio Wallurli'H t.ipntLT ( N.w Torn ) lutUiL-tl m , iii. | ( Inurlnlnm cuinpany , liicHnlliu : Mr.lllliini .1. li.iin | > n , . . 'i-i ' t-8-i.imi-r iii.iir. Jl.r.u . , | i.o . u.ii. , 7rc c- . latlnci'Unvor II ir , JI.OO , VOc. Hal. . T.'M- ' . a\\ . 'liiirndnj , l-'i-lilny mid .Siiliirilny. llnlliui.Siitiirilny. . > UDD'NHEAD WILSON , rlresMtft flmr. $ ] .r,0 , JI.OO. Jial. , 75e f,0i- , lattnce IMJWIT lluur. Jl.Wi. TSu. Hal. , 7ij We. . n. woomvAiii ) . . ' miliCTOn , WOODWARD STOCK CO. JOIKVV , TO.VHillT , Nilll ) . Viaster and Man. Inil-Hilny - . LOST I'AIt AIIISK. I'l-i'tAI.TII-s-Hlx : I'lckniiliiiiy Fl tcr Carlo Troupe , John West. Htimlcy .t Thursday livening Jim. 27tli. iby Aniorleii's Ureatoit Hiiiuorlst , bo Liiuuliliu Plillovaphur. the I'rlnuo of I'H. irn. Ui-sarviiil KI.III 70t. , ( iomirul AdiuU-ildti 1 nnd iijo. ' 1 lukutt on hloui c'ltmont ' liiimi'M. 1G1H I ( irii.iiii Kti-ou . Fines Skating ExcitinK Tobogganing Day and Night. lnn -i ( lniliHllii-'iidiiilsiflon ; tutliu IRQ IOC Wclt/-Clniupluit Hkutci- Comiiienclu Tliun 4 y IIOTni , ! ) , HOTEL BARKER COU. 13TJI AND JONES ST. , OMAHA. ATis ? HE MILLARD 13th and lloiiBlus Sta. , Oiiuiliu. CKNTIIALUY LOC'ATKD. . \3Il3HIO.tV AXI1 ISUltOlMSA.V I'l. V.\ . _ , J. K , UAUUUL Jt SO.V ,