12 THE OMAITA : DAILY insis : WEDNESDAY , JANUARY 20 , isns. ftw ff //r > TTTTB * n rvaniinti i " A TWIIV' " " "SITTING DHURNA" STORY. Y GKRALD IWENAN. "Silting dhuicna" Is ft Hlmloostfltieo ex pression wi'h a peculiar meaning WhPn i native Hindoo Is owed innnoj 01 anthing of value b > a neighbor tic prefers , Inftrad of golni ? to the expense of a Ian stilt lo force tile ilcbtor to j\y by "sitting ilhur- fla " In other words lie takiw enough pro- vl lens to last him tor a wick and calml } cneMirtJ * on his neighbor's doc < rtci ( or OF ti'ur to tltp door ns ho can convonlpnti } RCI At first the other man Ignores tils pies- ctiro , lii.t b > and by It begins lo bo a posi tive nulnince I2ver > b d ) passing b } arcs the creditor "nlttlng dhurna , " with his bag of food by his Hide , nnil roallres Hint tie owner of the house Is In his debt. T.io debtor cannot ro In or out without belnR tcnftonted b > Hie retributive figure pat ting In front of Iiln house In the native rwllons if Indian cities a man has the right < o eat , drink and ( If ho chooses ) sleep In the street , and the police , If there aie anj , do not attempt to niako loitcrcra ' move' on " Bo It Isnewlldp to "sit dhurnn" Juat na long ns ftio can stund It Now ono of the now earners to the elation of Uamnugijar. In Cppor llcngal , was a young clvlllnti named Ik-Hew , nn Irh'Jtmn cs his name would show , and pcimhr \ > y j-tJKT > n of bis kindly nature. Hollow was hugely fond of children : aiul it TV as not Ions bt'orr be came to bo looked Lnon as a sort cf all-Hie--jar-round Santa Clftun among the while } oungiters of Unin- nuggar. Indeed Colonel Dowries' little daughter gravely alluded to him as IUM "other blrfday " This miir/li la told In ihr- arms He awoke as I clicked open the gate , ami 1 paw hla blR ejrs starlni ; at me In the moonlight. 'Too bid , ' I reflected , 'keeping mcr6 bablrs out at this time of night' When I went Inside I woke up mv butler , , , ami tojd him that If the child belonged to him he ought to be ashamed o. ' himself , "To my surprise the man declared that neither kith for kin of his was the brown urchin at the Rate Moreover , * ie added ( hat none of the servants knew anthlug | about him 'For three daju sahib , ho lias j been slttlni ? there , ' continued the khansa- mah , nor any word will lie give to 113 of the i bungalow. Hut each day befcro the noon I hour a womaVi comes and refills his rite I bowl I firmly believed that m > servant | wac not telling the truth ( a habit wo white r people arc far too prone to ascribe to na tives ) , and , being quite tired , went to bel. | "Next day I slept very late and after breakfast sauntered out to report myself olllclally to my superior As I climbed Into the siddle the Htt1 brown bay WHS looking straight Into my u > es He had ntujcd all nlRiit by the compound gate Upon my word , It began to look tyiln and uncomfort- i able. I am a Celt , } ou know , and Just a trifle superstitious. The brown child haunt ing my gatepost worried me , and 1 rode out b } the back wa ) to avoid him 1 "Two hours later , as I came clattering along , whom should I see but the native woman that my brother had Bpokcn of She was evldeotl ) pleading with the little boy at the pate and he was shaking his head petulant ! ) lor answer Then the woman took a Jar from her shoulder and poured something ilcc I suppose Into the child s Low I During the operation I rode through 'O bAIIIll"1 lin OHSI3UVSD. "I THANK THCC' ' " third person , ah Ilellcw is a modest votir'i and heslt'ites to dwell it | on his own good qualities Ilul ItUlcw ma > bo allowed tu tell the rem of t'.ie stoij in his own vvaj 1 riteio was a baza ir , salil llellow , "given li > the wunion of tht > stitlon fet elttlltnblu ptrpeaes I Notjbodj went there and cverj- l)3dj liotight exttuvagantl } An ) ou have ob- binc.l 1 like children aw full } , and when I wc'it Into tint l > izaar and b.iw the big dls- P ty ol lo > s , I the ight 1 would like to hc'ii \leiio bomcf my llttlo file udi I ) } binln , ! up the holc collect ! u. "It took cve > ry mint I Ind upsn me nt I'm time , ind I eamc In for a goal deal < > ( Joking You Kno1. 1. w the fellows clinff Wanted to know If I WITU goli' to stir' a to-hhop , and all tint i > _ rt of tlitni ; Hut I se'tit utonnil foi a bullock-cart , and had 1l-o tntlro nlock of lojs curie 1 out , to- be taken to my quartet ; . , , that I could d trlbu/tc / them at mv leUnro At the hn/.a.it door thcio was a crowd of native's , old an 1 joung watching the biatonal of the go i I hcaul man ) exclamations of wonder and onv } an theto > s were lojded Into the curt Certain ! } they v\ere fine tojs ns tojs to and had ( me1 fiim Calcutta , perhaps even troai Swlt/i rliud to grace our bazaar At las they wore all In the' eatt , and carcfullj ( overt-d with elicetlng to preserve them from the sun 1 give the ward , ind n.vaj movCHl th bulloek-iirt "Just then there ro o from itho crowi , a piercing jell , followed bj the wild walls of a lustj-lnngcd muni ! lx > ) In deepest gtlef J steppe 1 out to Invcstlgite and found that the maker of the > upr ir was a coffee-colored iiie-hlii of U or 10 A 'babel ' of voices nn- liwpral my ( itiestlon as to what was the matter , Unit after a tlmo I managed 10 gather tint the little fello * In qumtlon litd togetlter with the ) test of the crowd , beui VNiiUhlag the packing of mj to > s and that , very miturallj hi * soul had > earned to pofcsrus one When the etrt in vcv ] off with all Its glories veillel from night our voiws ; friend bt-t up n roat of distress , and w.n ttlll bonioanlng hi. * fate when I appcarr 1 " Tell Iho child not to cry , ' I \clalmcd In my bct-tl vctnactilar , 'tho buiiitlful things ) iave > gene ana > In the cart hut the tahll "vvlll ghe him money to console him' "Hut When I put inj hand In no pocket ! " > ' thebannr ! ind wooed away all m > c.mh I must Invo slionn m > i dlsiomlltiiro , for Iho free-colored child howlc.l louder than ru-r ' 4 liato to hear iJilld crj , v\hlt < > or M uk PII 1 wont ic > v.ndt > this ono and bjde Mm like a pukltlu bo ) to drj his ojos The t-alilb will gl\o jou a toy Just < w Ixautiful a any In the WT < n' I casuallj romarke > l ImiiHMllately ho stopped hi * ( lsp'a ( > of griel nnd made mo a very neat otla.tm "O imhlb1' he observed , 'I thank thee My f tl > i Is Mo'imni < l np'i tj'niMmi'ili to the Capliiln Hi on no , fcahlb , nnrl a good man ' " 'Vfiv well. O KOII of the < klmnam.jh , ' I mid. 'joui toj slutll hi- given > ou ' "And indi-ed , I Ind e-vcr } lutfiillon thai It should , but when I mounted m > luck au 1 lodti home , tlie-ro was n telegram hendlng mete to Oiissa on urgent buslneta e > ' . stito In Iho r.\c Itt'iiu'tit i mu.it admit that I forgot ol | about the offspring of Hiouno's khanaa- ni ah \t Orlnsn I met several ver } big hlgnlss upon whom I biicceoded In making a good Impretibioii llefore < mv departuru all the to\B I Ind bougbt had been sent to the children of in > aciiialntanr | < > M } butler hail undertaken this wmk , iind vor ) naturall ) It liail navor oci-uried to him that , among the re'clplenth of glttH the child of another but ler would be > Ilkelj to figure "When I dhmounteil at mj own door , after tins trip lo OrUsa , thoru was a little brown bo > slttlnt ; Just outside' the compound , w'th a bowl of ilco In his hands At the tlmo I paid little or no attention to him hut siibse-iiuently when nvli'nlng thrsn enc'iits I remembered Imvlns bc-c-n vague ! ) ccitueiotm , of his prcse'iice There vvero a number of [ Utters and cards which had accumulated In my al'senco ' , and It was Into when 1 saun tered out. bound for the club an 1 dlnm r In the road I ne.ulj Btumbled over the Iden- I1 c.i | little brown boj 'Somu of the serv ants' chlldrrn , ' I muttered , and went gnimbllngly on my way "rrlends at the club were mighty gUit to rco me * , and I had lotn and lots of news ti > hear and trH .Midnight was ttnklrg when I loft. As I turned Into my com- jiound there eat thu llttlo blown tie } lound -rilth aa frtiiiit ) rice tovl In hla the gate , but I felt that bO's eyes boring into ni ) back ns I went Into the bungalow. "All diy long I was busy prepatln re ports , nnd answering letters Ironing had como before I had looked out of the window \\ttb the bo ) gone9 No , there he hat , still waiting under the shade of the gntepobt. ' 'It h Just some practical joKe' I mur mured 'Now , that I think of it they v\eie trlcig to frighten me with some Oriental ghost stories at the club that night I'm just going to dlno at home , go to bed and Ignore- the mystic blown boy altogether ' ' Hut w hen 1 arobo next day and saw the brown boy stll sitting to his olel position I could stand 15 no longer Down the path I went ami out at the gate , my riding crop in my hand ; " 'Look here , ' I said , 'what do you want i at my gate for five nights past' What is I your littlegame' Are you In seaich of alma" "Ot course I spoke In the vernacular , and the- brown boy , hearing mo are e to his feet. I noticed that ho arose -very pain fully , and no wonder , seeing that ho had | been sitting In such a cramped position for clays His salaam was also awkward , but ho insweied bravely enough " 'Sahib , ' sas ho , 'I have be-on waiting for these beautiful toy that the sahib owes ' me " 'Tho toy that I owe you ? ' I cried " 'Yea , In truth,1 was his answer. 'I am 1 the M > n of Mahomet HaUsh , Khansamali to 1 the Captain Urowno sahib. And the sahib piomlsed me a toy as beautiful as any In his wagcxi ' "Thei , It all Hashed upon mo The little- fellow hail simply adopted the native method of collevtlng his just debts Ho bail been 'sitting ( Ultima ' as the ) call It , at my gates until such time as I saw lit to remember in ) obligations ' Needless to say , I gave by cieditor as I llne > n toy ns I could procure , and ever since . ho has been making himself useful about the place Hut ho has never had to sit ilhunia' again. Attorni ) Tom Hcvlinio ; . of SlouClt > ha , a good ser : } unent an t\p ° rlccice of ludge Kesor of Omaha , who recent } held .1 few sess'om of court In Judge ivans Nobraski < ll tilct while the latter Jurist was ill re lates the Sioux Cltj rnbi ire Iho narrator ro aus that the case on dial was ono In which fie pla.tiff who wad . \ woman siughl to rccovei $5 000 dairigfn foi alleged II elous statements niiido cciiecrnlng hoi thancter In the picsencs of henielf and others Thepalntiff nas on the strnd and was beliiK iross-examlned b > counsel for de- fuiliO " \\lll > ou iloiso btato just wl.u thede fendant fald ixincer. . ! np } 0ii which jou con- tldered ao Injurious to sour character ? " she won askeM "I would rather not repeat his words , as the } neie &o vulgar , " was the rcpl } . "I shall ( Mslst on knowing Just what ni } e lent IB accimcd of si } 'rig ' } otn honor , " said the ittoine } . addiesjlag the court. "Hut.1 suggested the witness , "hla state ment was of such a character that It was not fit for the ears of any decent man " " \\ell. " IntcrpolatPiI the counsel for the dcffidant , "If that IK the who jou ma ) whUner It to the jiHge ' Judeo Ke } r sympalhltcd with Judge iinn nud Immrdlatt'ly tee-graphed him lo recover fremi liln Illnws Just ao soon as pos sible Salvation Oil Is .1 certain cure for headache , toothache , inraclie etc. Onl ) 25 CMUS \I-M Strll.i-s < in lliinl.fr rriU VIOTOniA , H. C. Jan. L'3Tliesteamer Cltv of Toptikt iinlMil from . \lufka ycs- terdu ) . Uililglup about fort ) passeng'e r , two of whom r i : n Hcri ) of Seittle mil Otoiee Ilinack of Colorado Spilnas having Just rr-utrned from the Canadian gold Melds They It ft on Oecember 13 bringing ncwn of now strikes hiving be'i-n in i dcon Hunker creek , the last nt the be ginning of December , when pans ranulni ; fton * JW tp J7.M weietakm out .Mr llerrv went In to buy claims for n firm of English c.ipltallHtfi and 1ms micceedeJ la securing t-onui good propel ties Wo are anxious to do a little good In this world and can think of no plcasanter or bet ter way to do It than by recommending Ono Minute Couch Cure as a prcvonteitlvo of pneu monia , consumption and other eorlous juug troubles that follow ufglccted oodit ] SOME JI.DKRS HhROINES Tie So-Oalled Heroic Ago Not a Thing of the tost. BiAVt WOMN AND BRAVE DEEDS IN Mint } of Unfit NottiicliMN IIM 111 ll > K < irio OiiturliCollccdnn oT 'I rue Morlcn of IVml- ii I n i * Lou rime. Wo hc-nr a great deal said about the "He roic Age , " as though It were a thing ot the past , and as though there ' , were no horois or hcioltUB nowadays. We are often rc-nluded bj the spread-eagle oratorj of some of our public spcal.ora of the fatnoas Mother of the Gracchi , who , In sending her sons forth to battle , told them , "Return with jour shields or on them ! Jusl as though there were no heroic mothers at the present time Now , the Interesting fact remains , as W S Gilbert would say , that there are Just as many heroic men and women , who perform deeds of brilliant liciolstn , as there have cvci been at anj period of the world s his tor ) 'there arc countless noble women all over our own land * tuday who are not sur passed In heroism by the Mother of the Gracchi or any other woman ot ancient times To support this statement , six a writer In the St. Louis Globo-Dc-mociat , 1 have collected from many sources a number 01 true storks about some of our modem hcrolncn with whose names and personality we iiro all more or ICES familiar Of all modern Heroines there Is none of whom America has greater reason to be proud than Kate Shelley , who , on July 6 , ISS1 , when only 1C joars of age , saved tbe lives of a whole tram full of people by an act ot the most daring braverj She resided with he : parents on a llttlo farm near Dcono , the county scat of Iloone county , Iowa , on a little streim known as Money ereck About dark on the day I have named a wind and rain storm of unparalleled sove-rltv burst o\ei Kate bhello } s home The Ucs Molnca liver rcao slfiet and ever ) ereek was over Its banks In less than an hour The window of this brave gill's mom commanded a view of the Hone ) Creek railroad bridge PeelIng - Ing out Into the daikntss she b.iu. by the aid of the billllant llr.bla-s of lightning whlrh Illuminated the scene , that houses , biriif fences , lumber and everthljg portable within icach of the Hood hid been eanled aw a ) , while' the wind swept with feirtul and cvei-lnc-icasing v clock ) and the waters con- tinucd ciitckl | ) and utead.ly to use 1 hrough the -ickne 1 s and Jjtcrm she saw a locomotive headlight advinclni ; swlftlj In the direction ot the bi.dge , which the flood lad borne awaj A second later and the1 1 ght sudrteiil ) dropped down out of t'lght , and though Iho roaring of the wl-.d and the waters rendered it Impobbiblc for her to hear the frightful crrsh It mubt have made , c.iip knew that i train of cain had p.ungcl Into the ubjss f TO THI : iuscun Throwing an old waterproof about her shou clcrs and hastll ) lighting j lantcin , ol.e ventuiel foilh Into the atoim The" Howl was far above all roails and path\vajs to the water D edge , and she booi roill/ed that It would be Impccd ble to reach the wreck She must trj some other plan A steep lock ) bluft levl up to the track She bc ante to Kacend it With her cloihes , torn to rags and her flesh lacerated by the thick growth of bushes , she at laH reached the rji s > There was still a snail portion of the bridge. eft On hei hands und knecu ehe cravvied out on the rema'iaing ties to the last one a"d , h'ldlng on with one hand for hot life bhe leane'd out over the water as far as she could , anil , waving her lantern , cricj out ct the top of her voiee Prom the gulf below ihere eamo In arawer the' fa nt accents of the engineer , who told her It was a freight train that had gone over , and that , though badly injured he had sivod himself ftom uroucing b ) crawling up on some broken Umbel s He believed that all of the train ! > < nds had perished , and advised hci to pro- eced at once to the ncniist elation , warn he approaching express train of Its danger and return with help for him. lietraelng her SIHH , the joung heroine ttos soo-i hastening a eng the track with all the speed she could make agiinst the howling tempest toward Alolngona a small 'tallon aLeut one mile frrm Honej creclc To reach tint point she lad to crocs the high trc. tie bridge over the DEB MoincS n\er , a dlstanee of o\er 500 feet Her trem bling foot had scarcely taken Its llrst step upon this structure when a sudden and ap- tilling bur&t of thunder lightning , wind and rain ncarlj threw her ovci into the water , and at the Bame time extinguished her lintern Motchen won d have been power- 1(5" ) to lellght it in such a hurricane evcu if she had hid them , and she was now unable to fee even a hand o length before her , except when a vlvH flash of lightning levcaled the raging wattrs beneath her or the dark outlines of the snajtng bridge to ttliich the cluing Throwing awn ) the Ian torn , the- dauntless Amerlcin girl agal i dropped on her hands and Knees and thus inadrh ° r way through the darkness and storm from tie to tie over the perilous tres. t c Heachlng firm ground again , she soon covered thr short remaining dlu'tanco to the s'-atloa , bicathlcsfily told he- story ; and then fell In a de-id faint at the station agents ftet Succor was hastily dispatched to the suf fering engineer In Honey curk Telegrams went lllnR up and down the line , notify ins thn lalhoad officials that the bridge was pone Just one minute after the brave glil had fainted , and while she still lay uncon scious , the express train came lushing In When the passengeis leained of the awful accident from which they had been saved h ) the Indomitable courage of one fragile- girl , loving hinds aook her up tcnderlv , chafed the torn and bleeding limbs , laved the pillld face and soon called her back to life again When the fame of bravo Kato Shelley's exploit spread throughout her native atalo men and women of all classes united to do tier horoi. Several subscriptions were started for her benefit , and If mone > Is ever adoiuato recompense for such heilolsm she las been well rewarded for her bravo con duct The legislature voted that a medil should bu given her to commemorate her during act and appointed a special com mittee to present It. HHItOINnS JN INDIA. British occui atlon ° f In'li has developed a number of modern heroines We are- all 'amlllai with Jetrlo llrown. the famous lornlnc of the sieges of hucknow , whobo re- narkablo story has bucn made Into a thrlll- , ni { pla ) , Irn which Agnes IlobtrtBon fMrs Ulon lloucleault No 1) ) gained her brightest aurels A worthy wiiccebsor to Jpsslo Ptown Is Mrs Prank St Clalr Grlmwood , who was with her husband then the Drltlah rosldPivt at Manlpur India , during the : errlbo ! Insurrection of the natives In 1S91 Mairlcd at 18 nha was but 21 ) e"r ) of ago when the Insunectlon broke out It had been piovlously arranged that she was t-1 return to England for < i uhort visit to her ) relatives , but when danger threatened , this iravo twentieth century heroine positively cfitsed to leave her husband's side , though 10 earnestly entreated her to do so When ! io natives undo their attack upon the tsldene ) . Mrs Grlmwood stood by her lusband's side , rifle. In band and aided him n shooting down lite would-ho murdorcrs \t length she was badly wouned in the right arm. and beliiB therefore uiable to ban lie tei gun an ) longer , bite devotee ] herself to nlnliterlng to the wounded In the resident' ) wht'u the bullets flew thick and fast around ief When her hustunl was killed , and to cvacuatu the resldi-ne ) was the only chane-e of escape faho was compelled to go so turrledly with Colonil Ilittcher and the other mnhnra thai she had not tlmo 13 take ler Jewelry or any otlur articlee of valuo. lor oven a change of clothing She eou'd lot evin stop for a hat and e'scapod with Uolutel ) nothing but the clothes she wore Jhc did not cve'n ha MI time to change her boss but was obliged to start In the vet ) bin ones which women use enl ) for housn veai In India She uas obliged to trail fl for ten da ) without removir. ; her clothes nud long before reaching Hrltlsh territory lict stockings and chocs wcro completely rtorn out and she wua compelleJ to walk liarefooted Her clolhea were coiled and torn and tiho ivas obliged to throw uuay crcrth'ciir ' that ilio could iO-Blbly do without All day long Hid far Into the night she wait tolling along UtU tbat llttlo l > aud p ; refugees , trjlng to D UFRCTURERS AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Martin EG Jobbers of Fnr.n Machinery. Wacom nnJ UuBcie * - Cor 8th nnJ Jont * . ! U GOJJ. Moldings. Sllrrora. rranica , Hacklnr and. Artists' BOaKBlNDING , ETC j-niXTJ.\a . / > muni ni.\ eleventh nnd Howard 8t B JOTS-SHOES-RUBBERS , U// ' ; s | Jobbers of Fool Wear WLSTI IN ! 40EMSIOII The Joseph Bamgaii Rubber Co. ; 0 = Rubbers end Mackintoshes. 1107 Howard St. , OMAHA Boo's , Shoes and Rubbers Salesrooms I102-110M100 Harnty Street. WHOLKSALH RUBBER GOODS Owner of Chief Brand Mtclclntoshe * Boots , Shoes , Rubbers , AT > VIIOL.iSALE OITlco and Salcsroopi 11U.21-23 Howard St. BAGS mm nag yo Importers nud Manufacturers BAGS 6 r 41618South 11 Ik Street BAKING POWDER EXTRACTS. SYHUPS , MctfiHses , Sorghum fie. . Preserves and Jellies Also tin rnns and JepanneJ wnra. CHICORY ry Qrowers nnd manufacturers of all forms of Chicory Ounlm-rremont-O'NcI ! . get farther and fariMer away from the ter- rlblo natives When walking In the Jungle she obtained a little relief , but in the open , with the sun pouring down upon her unpro tected head , lier sufferings were dreadful Tor the first day and a half she ami her paity had nothing to cat but roots and leaves Sometimes the ) could obtain a llttlo food from a village of friendly native * For tunately , she Itnew the country well and acted as guide to the olllccrs and men , thU girlish , grlpf-fitnckcn widow widowed enl ) three years after she hid bcra made a bride being tiio only woman In the party Her only prlvac ) was a rttdo curtain which the officers made anil behind which she slept at night on a bed formed of the men's coats During all those awl'ul ten dus Colonel Hutcher wan em-pared to devote the last two cartridges the party p-fcsctfod to taking the llfo of Mrs Grlmwoad and himself If at nn } moment caiituro nhould seem Inevitable , t'.ils bravo woman having trade him pledge his word as c"i olllcer nnd u gentlen.in that he would kill her rather than lot her fall Into the handb of the natives This In Ident has been uaed In the popular play , "Tho Girl I Left Ilehlnd Me " Uiltlsli territory was readied at last and when I'.ils modern heroine arrived at her girlhood homo In Hngland she was llonUe-d and feted as few women have ever been , even Queen VletoTla distinguishing her by tbo most gratlflng marks of royal recognition and favor A WESTCRN PRODUCT Ono of the most remarkable of modern heroines Is Mies Cntlila .M Westover who , during the reign of Street Commissioner lleattlo In New York some Iho or * > lx years ago was his private tccretar } Her father was a geologist and expert miner and as bint was his constant companion from her earliest vcars she learned to ride long be fore she could talk and almcat before ) she tmo had ridden with her father all through lie had ridden with hetr father nil through the western mountains and mining regions from Mexico to theK Canada line as the com panion of bis prcupuctlng excursions During t lie-so childhood years she became an PM > < Tt rlllo and pistol shat and learned to COIIVCTSP In the Spanish lanR mgo just as lluently as In English When 7 years of ago she shot dead on Indian who had his tomahawk uplifted to bruin a white oman. Again , when her father's camp waa surrounded by hostile Indians , eshu g-allctprd out ui on her pony , get safely away amid u shower of bullets and arrows and ( brought relief She Ac quired the calls of all the birds and ani mals In that region , and they would come to her like domestic animals rrom her earliest years she leemed to have a sin gular power of attracting and controlling animals of everyf kind , a power which she still possesses to a wonderful degree No c-owboy that ever rode the plains could stick tighter to tbo back of. tbo wildest horse , CR3CKERY AND GLASSWARE r anil Jobber Crockery. Chin' , Oliver Plated Ware , Looking masses. Chan deliers , Lamps , Chimneys Cutlery , Etc. 1110 r A it.N A vi sr. CHEAMEHY bUPPLInS Creamerv Alarhincry and Supplies Bolters , Engines , Keeil Cookers , Wood PuU leys1 , Shafting , Ueltlns Mutter Pack- aces of all kinds. W7-909 Jones St. - - - - - - DRY GOODS. I Importer * and Jobbers of Dry Goods , Fumtshing Goods AND NO'I IONS. DRUGS. 902-906 Jackson Si. J. 0. niCHAHDSON , PrcBt. C. * ' . WCLLUR , V I'rcBt. ie fflercer \ M'f'rs iJunttarl I'll trniic.'ntloal 'rourn / - ttont l > ) ieetal Jormulnr t'rr/iiDxil ( < > Order 'ifiitl t > 'latiittujue. lAboratorr , 1112 Huw.ird Bt , Omaha. E. Brtice & Co. Druggists and Stationers , "Queen Flee" Spiclnltles. Cls rs , Wlmu nnJ llrandles , Corner 10th and Hurncy Street * . ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. Company Flccti fc 11 Supplies. ik ctilc Mining HolK and Gas I.i htlim C W lOUN'STON Mfcr. 1510 ] Io\-nnl fat Siappfy Oo WHOLESALD AND IIKTA1L ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 1104 Farnam St. FR UITHPR 0 D UCE Q ranch & f55 WHOI.K-iALE Commission Merchants. 8 W Corner irth nncl Howard StB Membam of the Nation il LeuRUe of CunmU- elon M rchanti > of tl United Stutes , JOIiliCKS Fruit and Vegetables BPnCIALTlCS Strn\vberrp | , Arples. Onnrea , L mon , Cntnberrieg , Potatoes 1017 Howard Bt FuRNiiURu Furniture Draperies 1115-1117 Farnum Strett. ride harder , shoot Htralnhtpr or lasso i wild stter with greater accuracy am dexterity Hut tint only rtoos Miss vVrstuver possess all tluso pliyblcnl accompllblimcnts She Is u woinkrfullj" bright girl mentally as well Without the uld of UacherH she flttc'd lu-r- self to enter the Stnto university of Colorado rado , where she subsequently graduated with high ItonorM pacing for her tuition by the proceeds of a small herd of tattle which while she was tittsj with her studies , was taken cant of for her hy the gallant cow boys of roloni'lo , every ono of whom would liovo died for her If necepsary After hn gtaduatlon she taught athool Ui Dcincr for a time , devoting especlnj attention to the truantx nnd bad bojw of the btrccts Her wonderful magnetic power over the lower anltnala was quito as forceful when applle > d to the almost equally untamed children of the Denver slums She obtained her appointment as secre tary to the Btrc'et commissioner of Now York simply by passing the beet examina tion for the- place , which is awarded by law I In accordance with the rules of the civil i service The salary WOH $1 500 a year Klf- | teen hundred Italian laborers wcro then , cmplocd In the street cleaning departuictiit , 1 and In order that she mliht talk to them In their own language .Mlt > \Vcsto\cr took up her residence- an Italian family nnd made them flno her 1 cent for ovcry Dn- glluli word she spoke The first dny htr lines amounted to $ - 60 , but In a fou weeks < she had completely muHtered the- Italian language * This modern lierolno can now not ( inly speak English Spanlbh aud Italian with the * utmost lluencj but shu can ulbo Blng like a bird , and has several standing offers to go on the operatic stugu ua a prinia donna. HANDY WITH Hnil KlSfS. A modern heroine , who , u few years ago , made all the residents of the American col ony In Ilcilln proud of the fact that ihu Is an American , Is Mrs Ilattle Stewart , the famous female boxer anil athlete With her husband the happened to bo hi a Ilcr- lin beer garden ono evc-nlng , when n party of boisterous Gentian ctudtiits , who had taken possession of the place and had drunli just enough to make them quarrelsome , wcro dlecuiisliig J recent duel and loudly declaring Hint ticrmans aru the bravcgt people , on tarth , that no other nation cull cope with them , that all other people aru coward : ) , and that the Germans ought to challenge and kill all the < ov\anlly fori Ign tourists who venture Into their country Their attention wag teen attracted to Mix Stewart and her husband whom they Im mediately recognized tin Amerlcanb Crowding about the table where the Strw- arts wcro fitting the ringleader of the pang leaned forward and blew a puff of tobacco smoke dlrcctl ) Into Mrs cStewart's face Her hustxmd sprang to tils feet to tbo Intuit to his wlfu , but tlic Utter GROCER cCord-Brady Go. lIHli and Lo ivemv orth St. Slavic and Fancy Groceries ICA AND con tt Rcnsuits. etc. eyer & Raapke , FINE GROCERIES Teas. Sp'ce ' > , Tdbarct ( int < Clr r . 1K3-IW7 Harney Btrtel- iallaglier Go IMPOUTHHS. GAS COKKIS13 HOASTKUS AMU J0111U.VO OltpOCUS. TeUphono 81. HARNESS-SADDLERY S ' ti'fn IUIUTRV1 , SAI > lT.Hi l.\l ) COI.ZAItH ofidcn of I tattirr , AinMfcrHanliraif , Kl < % \\o--ollclt jour orders 1315 How ird bt , HARDWARE. Wholesale Hardware , Oni.ilia. Wholesale Hardware. Illoyclea and bpoi tlnn ( toodn I21U > Ul-23 liar- ncy btiect. LIQUORS. \\IIOU-AU : LIUORS. Propilctora of AM' IlllN PtQAIl AND \V Alt < . to 214 IK boutll HID bt tor's East India Bitters Goldtn Sheaf Pure Hyp anJ Uourbon Whltkcy. \ \ ItlOR Sprlnga DUtillery. Her & Co. , 111J Ilarnci Street- U ! i Liquor il/rrc/tants , 1001 I'lrnniu btrcot. Wholesale Liquors and Cigars , I11H rarnaiu Wines , Liquors and Cigars. 4U 415 S. Uth Street laid her hand upon his arm and told him to bit down and keep ciiict | at the hifno line remarking "Never mind , dear , I want , ou to second im < in a dut-l that will last Juat tvn teeoiids " The students complete ! ) deceived by Mrs Stc'uait's action ind her Milling face , ex claimed "Cowtrlly Amcrlctins' ' Cowardly Amerlcaiiii1 They are afraid to rehcnt an Insult Wli ) do they not light ? het us ha\o a duel , a duel' ' Then Mrs Stenait an mi and said very plc xantl ) and with her most winning smile , " ( lontlemon , } ou want n duel You Khali have It. As the challenged party , I have the choice of ncapuns , and I chouse the ones natmo gave me With them I will shou jou how Americans fight duels at home " As the lust worJ-i loft hoi lips her right and left flstf * shot out like catapults , and 'wo st'identH ' 1 , } sprawling on the ground. "Him tii the door , " she wait ] to her hus band , "anil If any one tries to pass you cither wi ) knock him clown " Then she turned her attention to the re maining students Illff1 biff' bang' went Mrs Stewart's lists , and donn went a stu dent at every blow Hcforo the- ten seconds nllotte-d by the American hero no for her duel with German stu 'cntH hud expired there was < \ wild rush for the door Then Mr Stewart took a hand In the fun , and ono minute aftei Mrs Stewart had struck her flrat blon the llttlu garden contained only three people the bartender , too badly scared to move , nnd the American lierolno and her husband siting placidly ot thu table , and calmly calling for 'Vncl beer ! " si : v DI M' , OlM'llll I'OKN Illlll * ! < Kllll Of rillC I'nrlIcIrK. < > r I'cMvili-r People laughed at the iiian who eald that Iho Hsh ho had hooked 'kicked up ruth a dust In the waiter" IVrhap * they will laugh at the heading of this article , but there will Lo " oc dust , ' novcrthflefls Wo have heard of wateripout/f , of ehow- crs of Hsh of nalt rain and many other curlosltR-i which present themsclvrH In the utmoxiilirji ? relates the I.os Angeles 'Him. ! , but to assert that there Is uch a thing an t > ru duM ih to irtiiiKCpnd all icasonublo I. uiuiu Tito cvl liiKi ! . however , In favor of its existence U exceedingly poneiful indiii putable , In fact -and tills Is the tory told by ( ie-wltiiefis. They say that In certain parts of the world notably about the Capo do Verde IslandM , there are consUntly mot at sou , toveral liuncficdii of miles away /lorn land , thick , ) cllowlsh-red tot * not unlike London fogr. In November ThcAo fogs obscuru the atmosphere ) und are very Injurious to navi gation , but they have not the baleful odor of their London protqtjpca , nor do they effect the breaking Itf tbo sarao way. While ialllDB tbrouftb them it ii found LUMBER G hlcago Lumber Oo. WHOLESALE DUMBER . , , 814 South 1-lth St. L. I IHMBBVrtCS b3t'f > > pd aim Bio ? si EBiOS I 1 = r = iS = - PLANING MILL , Manufacturers of eloom , tnsh , Mlinl rlllci > otoro nnd rulixin IIMU < n I > tltiuti8 furnltlu/ / on iiri > kliul of ml I work lei. IIQ Mill Sfth nnd Pnvpnport St OYSTERS. id Goc ! & Go , rAcicnns KING COLE OYSTERS , Y AND rOULTHV. 1015 Uovnnl St. OILS-PAINTS Paint Co. MAKUrACrUUCll9 Air Floated Mineral Paint And Pnlnt of VII Klnd Putty. Eto. 1015 and 1017 Jonci St. J A MufCct 1st Vice I'res I * J Drake , ( Jen Msr Onro.Ine Turiirnilne Axle Grosne Ptc Omnlin llrnncli nnd Vcen < Mei Jelin I ! Until M PAPEK-WOODENWARE. Pi i nil us ? Paper , fipinv Paper , Sfalionery , Corner llh end Uovrard itrteti. Wrapping Paper , S.ationery , Woodcniuarc. 1107 Hunier Street STEAM-WATER SUPPLIES lOl.l-IOK ) Dnuulas Strcot. Manufactures and jobbcra of Steam , Gas / Water Supplies of All Kinds , HOD ttoS-iiroHarnev St. Steam Pumps , Knglnea nnd Boilers , Pipe , Wind Mills , Steam und Plumbing Matcilal. U'-ltlny , Hose , Etc , TOYS AN 3 FANCY GOODS. Joys , Dolls , Album' ; and FANCY GOODS ttouie Kurnlrlilnku cnlUren's Carriage , Kta. 1319 Kuniara Qiretu "FYPE rsaf Western > * * Superior Copper Mlncil Typo U th belt un * tbe mrrlict iL.irji : aoTVPu rou.vDnr. 11H llci arcl Street. tliat the Bhlj ) , eals ! mil rlgbinn .up coveieil with , i lint Impilpt ilc- lewder vvhlch J.tlla us dry mln and CCIVUIH the ( surface on uhhii It fall.s somutimeK to thu depth of two Inches. In coloi It Is of a bright brlclceliM hue , sometimes of a light yellow , and It feels bo- Iv con thu teUh Ilko line gilt , ouch as might bo blown Into the mouth on a windy da ) In March No place IK free from Its prewenco IU HIIC-IH-.S giving It ponor to penetrate c-vei- whc-rc. 'Hif Bi\t whlln the dust in-Jailing , looks as tliougli It had been peppered and IB discolored fen BOIIIO distance ) down Home times the dust comes In a nhowcr and pas cs off iiulii ( Tin 'oh'H are notlilng but viut cjuantltli.3 of the diiHt .suspended In the air It Is not oiil > In HID vicinity of Cu)0 , ) , ! Verde tltut this wonderful dust Is seen In \Iedlarranom. . on the northern pa Iof Africa , and In the mlcldlo of the Atlantic It has been leportod It IB Invailubly the name In kind mid appearance , and 0x11111- Inntlnu , , , ltr ( | nlciciopo has pnwol thn Identity of , * ay , Capo do Vij.cle sea dcU wl U Mcdl'c rianean sra dint All this 13 very remmkablo-di t falling In clouds no and within home hundreds of miles notli- In , ' vlHlhlii which could possibly account fop the curious iihrimmnnoii Sand spouts thereat a In sandy desert , , and thciwcrs of sand taken originally from * ° " tllo"rrl0' " ' " ' H ft ! .a . ma k ' , , , ' ' tr ° ' TP " " ° llll"'rt ' " ' ' wh PI , i , in V " " . " ) < lratt'1' ' "l Hio vvJU , so far from being boisterous 01 disposed to Play whirlwind prankH. Is light nml ' Meaclv Uowlng H > , | , M along ( ll'a cnllj , nv'J'LoU u dust ' H , , ! 'i'llt\eJ. ; by scll"tlfl0 Amcilca "ion ere that In tlio all probability closely connected with the ' nho. nomcnon of si a dust There ) are three lltiio things which do work than , , Iiy Otlu ( Ihreo lUtlo t ! IIIKB IP ntcdt hey uro tlu-nnt , the bcc an lo\VU i j t lo Harl ) H'sers the last bolng lie fniiiou. llttlo pills for stotroch and | | y"r trouble i. | , | , , . An American negro recently died In an Au.tnilun mining Httlomcnt. n \ , , ? man much .suemul by , ! In Mcrnoiy of Ulack Sam , Name Unknown , A WHIT 1C MAN AU , OViilt. TO Cl UK ( 01,11 IN OM5 UAV Take Uxatlvo Hromo iJulHlna Tabloti , All druggists refund tbo mouoy If It fallo to euro , 25c. Th aeuulne has L. IJ , Q. on oacl ,