Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 26, 1898, Page 11, Image 11

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Jannarj Whoit Takes n Sheri Tern at the
Dollar Market.
Corn , Unit Mini I'rovliliin * C.'Mi'li tlH'
.Spirit iif ( InMnrliiM nnil Mi
N froillli-il \\\tli \ tin
CfltrAno , Jnn. K. January wheat sold
nt tl today. The price was bid ui > . * e In us
many mlntttwt by brokers acting for tin-
l.eitpr crowd , who , It wn believed , took
this method of advancing the price of Stay.
January i-loseil nt 97'4 < ' , nil ndvnnro of 2'i ' < \
May closed nt nilvnncc , after many flue-
tuutloti' . Corn was dull , hut firm and ml-
vanci-Jl HfJVic , Oats closed it shutlc higher ,
1'rovlslona were active and ndvanceil fifiliie.
The opi'tilnw In A heat wan weak. May ,
which cloWid yesterday at IC'/fec ' , HtnrtUiK to-
il.-iy at 'J3'Mira(4o ( and cortipanitlvcly" llttlo
trndlnq was done even at thus * p'rlces. ' The
weakness was due to both foreign niil ) do
mestic nw . The IJver | > eel cable * wcfo
but V4'l higher nl the opening there nnil this
Blight advance was soon lost. There wan no
conllrmatli.tii of the Huiifiithmal n ports of
yetUerd.iy afternoon regarding the Austrian
demand for Argentine whint or of the lltls-
lon Importation of Oerninn grain and ni-ws
from Havana was very paclllc. lluavy snows
worn reported all over the 'A Inter wheat
country. Mlum-npoHs and UuHith received
S2'l < % nrloids , against 350 the corresponding
day < f List wc-ek nnd 125 thu Klnillar day
of the prevloiiH year. Chicago got I ! , " , cars ,
against a year ago. Primary market re
ceipts In the west were : illOJO ! bti. , agaJnst
Si' , Vi ) liu. a year ago. The Atlantic port
exports were very liberal , being equal In
wheat nnd Hour to ( VSri.uOO Int. , that includ
ing a considerable quantity from Ne.wport
News. About forty-live minutes after the
opening the pit was set In a commotion ,
January being the center of Interest. That
delivery was nominally worth ICic at yes-
ti.rday'a clew and was offered at ! lll : i ; at
today's opening. About 10:15 : , however ,
brokers for Lelter b.-gan . , hi Idlng for .Innii-
ary and the price. HMI.H advanced so fast
that for n fiw mlnutc.t It appeared to be.
fairly running away. From Wsc It Jumped
half a , cent nt a. time , brokers raising their
bids that much , until tl was bid. Then ! the
leuetlon came , the price dropping nlmosl
us quickly its It ndvanceil. It brought up
nt ! iic ami for the rest oC thn Fesslon was
coinp.iratlvt-ly quiet. Thii gyrations of Jan
uary wern Runernlly believed to be. due to
< i chver move oa the part of the belter
crowd , whom It was thought took this
method lo advance the price of Sidy. This
belief wns strengthened by the unloading
which took place In the lalter option at 'Jlc ,
to which price It was cnrrl l while the
pyrotechnics mi-ru going on in January.
Alli-n and Ciller were said to have taken
HUM ! ) bu < t January In getting the price to
$1 Fur the rest of the morning prices were
I'-ivnuH , though no gte.vt trilling wns done.
Iti.idstrect's visible report .showing n de-
cic.i-'ti of but 7'W.OJO bu. was u dlsappoiut-
niMiil ; and was a factor In the decline to
n ! ' . .c uhich took place after the buUe to
Uli" I.iitn In the session , however , reports
Italy's bread ilc/ts were Incteaslng and
th it rest rves had been called out started
noun bilsk buying and May was advanced
t , ! il' ' c. The closing price was ! )3iC ) ! , Not
inui-h was done In July and price * rather
teiinled dmvniAard. It rnngwl between S'e
and Si4c | and elo.-'ed at Sl7 < ic , a shade under
ystrd.iy's prices.
Corn , thotigli active , was iltcldcdly lirm.
Moderate reci-lpts and the stormy weather
wes'j cntiscil somi" investment buying nnd a
modern covering followed. OfferlngH were
very limited The lain strength of wheat
was also a 1'actfr. May ranged from "SVJc
to ISic anil closed 'sfi' ( < lc higher nt WWtZWic.
o.i'wc.rn , , llrm all day , tliough Iradlng
wns even smaller than In corn. It was al
most entirely a scalping trade , with prices
InllnenciHl by the strength In wheat. May
ranged between 27c : ! and 23TC und closed a
t-h.ide higher at I'll-Viai'dc.
After a rather i-.isy opening provisions
lurm-i'i strong and remained so throughout.
Si-ilpers w ro against the pi ice early , but
tr.ido. soon broiuleniil out , oulf'.der.f ' cuinlng
Into the market unite fieely and this , with
rood buying by local operators , advanced
prices sti1'.ly. . The cloie was , strong at
about top prices. May pork. 12',4c higher at
JIDOL'V. . May lard 7 , j < - higher nt Jl.'JSl * and
M.iy ribs 7'c ' higluir nt $ l.fl7'/- { .
Intimated receipts Wednesday : Wheat.
: ' , D cars ; corn , KM cars ; oats , IS ) cars ; hug-1 ,
i'S.OW head.
ItM < ! inK fiimrcs nuiKPil an follows :
No. 2.
fimii qiiKtaltons were as follows :
Fl-iU'lt Hull : winter p.itcnts , Jl.fflWI.W ;
fslriilKhis , { 1.2HHI.40 ; sprlnn putentB , fI.4iii4.u ) ;
Mm Hills , JI.'HISl I.IIO ; tiukers , J3.Mifll.SU.
\\IIKAT N < > . 2 fpilnt ! . f'JiiOOc : No , 3 spring ,
liiitd , IM < | WV : No. f'd , XttiUT a ,
i-iiltN No. 2 , 27'iU2TV' ; No. 2 yellow , 27ii
( ili1 ; e.
DATS No. " . . 23 c ; No. 2 white , f. o. b. . ! 3'i
Jl'2-ji ' , No. 1 white , f. o. b. , 2ljj2l91c.
HVKNn. . 2 , 48- .
llAItMIY-No. 2 , ( . n. h. . 2J'.4ft3Sc.
\XSHI-H-N . 1 , J1.2S.
IIMOTIIV HKKIi I'rlme. $275. $
l'H'YISIONri-Me ) M pulls , per bbl. , I'J.iiJiiH
9,9 ; > f4 , hinl , IHIIml Ibs. . It. Smi'l.K.l ; Bhort ribs ,
fi- | ! il i/fi-i / , It.0i)5.10 ; illy tutted bhoulders
Iboxi'il ) (175011.00 ; rhorlclear Hides ( boxed ) ,
H.UViii.1' : ' : .
WUISKV Hlmllli-rn1 llnlslied Roods , per eal , ) .
SI'IIAIISOut loaf , tli.1l ; Rrnnulalnl. ? r,11.
( oiiiiniiililles ,
Nn\V YiiltK , Jan. 23.-I-'LOl'Il-Hi-et-lplH. 33-
702 l > liN. , exH > rts. 2.I.U3S bbls. ; qulel Ian llrm imj
hlKhi-r , clis mill paienla , J..Viri.S5 ; city null
rh-.irs < " > : i" > ii3.tu ; Mlnnxita putenta , JJ.H > ji\j.i : ;
Mlnni-Hiitii ImkciH , f l.2ijrl.45 ; Mmnes it a MralKhU ,
Jl.uji4 or , , .Mlnnesoia extms , f.1.1'Jiill.'JO ; MluiK--
mil.i luiv Kiudts , } Ityn Hour , nuli-1 al
(2.3HI.I ,1) ) , liuiiT tiuu-y. imckwht-at tluui' , H'-'iiily
uad , | iilci at Jl.i'.u l.0.
liri'K\Vlli\T : UIIIM al 3Ce.
CliltN'MKAI. Hlmiily ; yHlu western , CCo.
JIVi- : Hull ; No , 2 western. GCc.
ll.MtliV-Unll : feeding , wenlern , 3 ( > "je-
llAlll.KV M.MT-l > uli > t. wmtvrii. [ .S'.siTCJe. '
\\IIiAT-lt-celplii : , 23.W3 bu. ; e.\porta , l'JS4i ! ) (
bu. > ' | iot , llrm ; Mo. 2 n-d , fl.'Mi. ' Djitloln
opum-d i-asy , owhiK to unsitl > , fae-tory ciblcp.
ralllt-d mi i'o\-rlnK , eased off undi1 ! ' ihi * small rn-
thh'ilt , ! ! on Iliadsirt-cts * visible and after a ni-r-
vtius nfti-iniM-n trade linally closed llrm at 'ittrftjc '
advunci- all but January , which closed v.e nt
lowei. nuli'i , IncludiHl No , 3 red , January , ( l,0.1 > .t
Wli)7'.1 , eliiMHl. fl.W1. , May , lijiJWW ll-ICc ; closed.
t)3\c. )
CHUN - [ , ' , . . . | | , , V3u30 bu. ; eKporm , 11,770 bu.
Ppnt. Him ; No. 2. 4" > V' . Opilons opened kleady
and ruled llrm all day < m bud weatliur west and
liroypecis for a Hiniilh'r movement , closlni ; .fe
net hlKlx'l. May , ai'ilJIlnclosed. ; . 3tUc.
o\'l-i Itirelptii. ti'.NH bu. : expurls. Wl.kHI bu.
rtpoi. dull : No , ; , i\c. Options ujaln dull and
fiMtuiel ) , clonluR uni-hiuiKi-d ; May closed. SS r ,
l'ii.lKlrin : bran , C7iiSf77Vji\
HAY yiiii-i shlpplns. : tlaf4w ; tiood lo choice ,
lIDl'rtI'Irm HU. > crop. 4t0 ; ISffl crop. ( ! & 9c
1S)7 ! ) ol op , l7r1S ( > c ; Pacllic roast , IMil crop 40Cc ;
Ibuil crop , HrlOv ; lUiJ ciop , Ktflilr.
lllDKS-l-'lim , Cliilvemon , lv ; Texan dry , 12c ;
California. 17Slll > e.
I.HATIIIIH steady ; hemlock ole , llncnos
Ayu-s , iaU5i5ik' .
Wixil , Su-udy ; Ih-iHv , :7Ji < lle ; Texai , 15ffl7e.
I'llOVIHIONH-lleef. Hi-ady ; family , JI1.UOO
It.W. rxtiu mefs , JS CDJiS.SO ; liecf luuiln. JS" . ®
Kit ) , p.uKi-1. SD.UOUIII.OO. Cut nieats , steady ;
picUlint bellies , SliCi' : pickled shouldtri. t l/i-c ;
pickled hams. TifT'tf. Uird. quiet : wi-atern
vteiim. 13.10 : May. fi 25. nominal , lelliud , slcaitj.
1'urk. llrm ; prime nn-mt , ln.7 fI10.00 ; fbort clear ,
) IO.CK > irl2.00 family , 10 25lilo.7J. Tallow , nominal ;
city. JfcVS e. country. 3Vtf3c.
OILS-Petroleum , dull ; rellned New York , J5.40 ;
I'hlludelphla und llalllmore , tl.M. lti ln steady ;
Hiruliifd. c 'lanion to Kood. it IJ'vUl it'iTuipcn -
llne. lirmer 3 < UW3Hic , ivtlunetfutl oil , Imutlvi- .
liut fairly steady ; prime crude , 19i prime
i-rudo. f. o. b , mills. lOltiflG ? ; prime summer > el-
low , XlltO"sc. ult summer yellow. 22c ; IJIIH.T
oil. ZUi&o. prlnio winter yellow , luyftt c.
Itll'li-Slcady ; fair to extra , J'iiC'.iiJapan ; ,
Hi'iUe ,
MOIAS8ifi-Qulet : Now Olkans piitu Kettle.
Boo.1 lu choice. Jstf c.
FltCinilTS-Dull , firmer : cotton , by steam ,
tSa. tcruiu. byi Btcum , 3UQ3HC ,
' . tttli - conllnuo th
MIJl'.VUS-Ai > > characteristic
f ' . r
Mi ,
i i i . > i i. i- i v. > . ' - i :
ft' II " ' 1 I I I ' ! II'K. I : I I Ii
Ii'id IM- . ni > 'I. --p , iii-r i : i m.i ; Ml .it . - . . . ' < *
4 . "i H K. I an t i a I rbili t j : u-i l -l nti t I.1
n-sk i | IM > Miiti tht tltM th. ' t'ilnii jirioc .1
l" < lni- : miners Had mft ltenqfitjltM Had At B. ' . ' .
flCT'l Illl IlPi , pt.W ) pk K. ; ntcafl ? ; Wisl-
Tn erenni-ry , t'4' Jo.
CIIRKJIH UPC" p . J.70D pfcRI.J M1M <
KOtIS Hnr-lpH , 3.1 "i pi : * * . ; IfttSy"
OlltllA ltMJltAt ) .vAHItl-STS. I
Comllllon nf 'I'riulinnil llilotntliilii :
< Jii Sliiiiil' iitiii l-'tuiuy Pi'Oillll'i' . j
The r-RB mnrkct Is l idv ! rtMniralli-d ! , thtnl'il
Weather linving lirnuRht In n flowl of l'cci-lni . i
Stuck * nn > necumulotlnR nml It Is Imp - lb ! I )
B * 1 an nccural ? qu-jtaiioii.
ROI1S flood stork , H'WIlS
in'TTBR-rominim t , rnir. ftflikfflparsitir :
oreaiwry , 2fe ; Both-red ctoarUW } ' , 18 19c.
VKAIrhIc * fnt , S' ) to ISO Ibs. , qu-ted nt Se ;
larjjc nad ixini . , 4M"iC.
l ItUsBii ) rori.TIIV t htrkpna. C C ; tnr-
Ifys , Iflflflli ; Rreic , Sei flileks. 7'ic.
OA.Vi : Small inhhlt * . per Oot. . ? Sc ; large ,
JI.Ki : oiililrrj-Is. 3a SOc , .
IMQKDNS I.ive , 75ti tlftu ! plgenn dot W ntwl.
IIAV-rplnml. 1C.SO : m'dlanil. JS.W. ! wln ' 1 ,
M : rye srrnw , SI ; c.ilnr niaUPn the vrleion hdj'i
IlKht baln in.u the l'ft ) only top grade ) urlns .
tup prlrrs.
ri5MilT-Onoil : Block , law , lOc ; small , 25 ®
oNIONS-I'er hit. , | .
HKAX.S Ilnnil'iitrkfil navy , per bu. . J1.2M
l.M.SWIJKT rOTATOns Kansaj. 10-ticcV hlils. .
j.rfl ; fancy Mn cntlnc , ll > | wk bbl. . . t.1. 3.
O.MIIIArtK no"d stock per bu. , U4c.
1'OTATOEH Homo Brown , C ffli'c ; western
stock. 70c.
Ari'l.KS Winter stoclt. .fOfT3.n ! ; CalirornU
llnlli'llpiir. boxes. $1.5) ) ; Oolomdo Jonathnns.
boxps. J1.7S. citeRon. boxes , tl.Sl. . .
ClLiVNIIHIlUIKS-Ji-iney * , IMIbbl. . . $7.W7.5 > :
\Ylnninsln Itrll nnd Iluijle , J7.Wff7.75 ; Wisconsin
Ilf-11 and Chciry. { 0.
tlHAl'KS MiilnRiin. JL
OltANriHS-McxIcnn , per box , J2.V303.M : Cali
fornia navels. $3.00SM.2.1.
l.KMON ! " rnllfnrnlft , fancy , M 23 : choice , $1.
ItANANAS-fho'ce. InrM' s'ock , per bunrh ,
I2.l01ii.23 ; medium sized bunches , ll.7S92.00.
NCTS Almondi , per lb. , Inrup size , 12fi1c ! ;
Rlnfill , lie ; Ilrazlls. per lb. , 9llOo ; nnsll'h wal
nuts , pi-r lb. , fancy soft shell , infill" ; stand
ards , SWic ; Illborls , per lb. , luc ; pecans , pollshort ,
medium , CfT'c ; extra IHIK \ SyDej hin-p hickory
nut * , Jl.OVjil.lo per bu. ; small , J1.2' > 1.3" , per
bu. ; eoconnuts , pi > r 10) , tl ; peanuts , raw , &iiBV4e ;
roasted , GiG'4 < F/c.
KlllH Imported fancy. S pmnn , 11-lb. Inxop.
12c ; T > crown , -11-lb , boxes , ltf15c ; 2-lb. boxes , X
5)23c pi-r l ix ; California , in-lh. box. $1.
HONI-3Y Cholou white , IZc ; Colorado amber , ID
KTIACT Per bid. . It : half lib ! . , K.KOl.K.
MAIM.IJ SYlU'I'-Klvp-Kal. cans.aeh , J2.7.1 ;
cal. cans , pure , per doz. , $1 ! ; half Gal. cans ,
tU.2.1 : < mnrt cans. Jt.r ! > 0.
DATES Ilatlowpp. Ol ) to 70-lb. boxes , Gc ; Salr.
r-Hc ; Kuril. S-lb. | VIM > H. 9o.
CIDKK-l'pr half Mil. 11 : bblfl , M.23.
DItnSSKt ) IIIIKK CJooil native steers , HHc ;
Roxl foroquaitors steers. 5',4c ' ; Rood hindquarters
Hteers , S" < , o ; western stpers , ( lo ; fancy hclfpts ,
( ! V4c ; iiood helfi-rs. Co ; Rood forrnnarters lielfers ,
THRood : hindquarters heifers , 80 ; Rood cows.
ric : fair OOWH , BVic ; cow foroquartera , 4'4c ; cow
hindquarters. 7',4r.
HKKK Cl'TS IIiniBlnK tenderloins , 4'4o ; ribs.
N > . 1. lie ; tibo. No. 2 , So : ribs , No , 3. fr ; steer
rounds , "c ; cow rounds , C'.Sc ' ; cow rounds , shank
off. Sc ; cow rounds , shank nnd rump off.8i2c ;
trimmings' , t'nc ; beef Hhnnks , So ; bialns. per
doz , 3r > o ; sweothroads. per lb. , 12'fcc ; sttootbronds
( calves ) , per lb. , 40c ; kidneys , per doz. . 35r ; ox
tiilln. ouch , 3c ; livers , per lb. . 3c ; liourts , per lb. ,
3e ; tonKUi-s. per lb. , 1-Hc ; calf livers , nac.i , 3Tic :
calveg , whole oatcass or tide" , 0'calf ' ; h.-ad und
feet , sonldi-d , per sel. 75c ; tenderloins , fiosh. 1Sc ;
tenderloins , frozen , ICc ; boneless "trips , ftcpb.
te ; boneless strips , frozen , 9o ; strip loins ,
fresh , K',4o ; strip loins , fiozcn , Clic ; rolls , bone
less , flSe ; rnlla , spencer cuts , Do , sirloin butts.
bnnolrsH , 9o ; phoulder clods , tjonelpss , Gc ;
I p butts , bonoless. G c ; No. t chuck * . ! H4o ;
> , I1 chucks , ! % lo ; No. 3 ohucKs. Pbonoles , ;
enucks , 4o ; oo\v plates , 3'o ' ; steer tdutes , 4o ;
ManU steak. Gc ; lilns. No. 1 , 13o ; loins. No. 2.
lOc , loins , No. 3. Sc ; Blunt loins , nmrkel style , 2L'
nbovo loins ; shorl loins hotel style. TKabive
loins , oow loin ends. S'- ' ; floor loin ends. 9c.
Ml'TTON I'unoy lambs , So per lb. ; lambs.
7Vio ; sin-op , (1'ic ( ; mnikPt racks , lonjt , Do ; hotel
racks , short , lie ; loins , t > Mic ; saddles , S-14c ; IPS ? ,
Do ; lamb lens , too ; broHst nnd stews , 3140 ;
t inirue * . each , So ; foiequartors. 5V4c.
I'OIIIC Iros = ed plus , 5c per lb. ; drosso.1 IIOKS.
li-jo ; tondorlolns , 12 o ; loins , snort , 5'sc ; Ions. BP ;
spare ribs , 4c ; ham sausiiRp butts. ri'Jo ; lloston
butt * . Be ; shouldors. rouch , H4c ; shnuMi-rs.
skinned , 5c : trlmmlnKS , Ic ; leaf lard , not ren
dered. 5o ; bends , clonnod. 4r : snouts and ears.
Se ; backbones. 2o ; slip bones , Zk.c ; cheek meat.
.t'.c . ; neck bones , 2o ; pltts' tills. Sc : pliul.K. each.
Be : ohltlerllnBs. ro ; hooks. Ic ; heatts. jior doz. ,
25c ; st'tnnclis each. 3c ; IOIIKIIPS. eaob , 7c ; kld-
noys , per doz. , 10c ; brains , per doz. . IBc ; piss'
fei-t. potdoz. . , lie ; livers , each , 3c ; ling rinds ,
3c ; blade bonos. f.c.
lliniOS , TAI.IjO\V , HTC.
11IO1CS No. 1 Kiocn hiiles. 7c ; No 2 green
hides. Ho ; No. 1 palled hides. Slir ; No. 2 Krocn
willed hides. 7 io ; No. 1 M-nl c < ilf. } , lo 1 ! Ibs. .
] ( ) < - . ; No. 2 veal calf , 12 ! 1.1 ll.s. , Sc.
.SHIOICI' I'KI.TH tlroon sailed , oaoh , ] .lO7Sp ;
Krocn salted shoar'.ItiKS ' ( hort woolod early
skins ) , oac.i , ir.o ; dry slieirllmH ( sliorl wnob-d
early hklns ) . No. 1 , each , tie ; diy Hinl Kansas
and Nebraska butcbor wool polls , per lb. actual
weiwlit , Ififio : dry Hint , KOII.-.IS and Nebraska
inuiraln wool polls , per lb. . aclmil wohibl , 3tF
to ; dry Hint Colorado butcher woo ! polls , per
lb. . actual \\elKht , 47 ? > o ; dry Hint Co'orado '
murrain wool pells , per lb. . actual weight. SfiMc.
TAl.lJtJNV , OllKASi : , irrC. Tallow. No. 1.
2"hc ; tail nv. No. 2. 2HIroiiRh ; tallow , l o ;
white Kroase , 212f(24c ( ; yt-llow and brown Kteatfo ,
"l-'I'Ilrf ( black or lirownl. } .1.0020 | CO ;
otter , $ I.r , < Wi8.f,0 ; mink. iri COc ; beaver , fl.CO
fiG.Oi ) ; skunk , luc , 2ro , r/lc ; inuskrat , 3c. 5o. "c ;
raccoon , l.lfi.Vc ; roil fo\ , 2."ioi1.2.r ) ; Kloy fox.,0wolf ! , : ( timber ) . 25cWJ2..r,0 ; wolf ( prairie
coyote ) . lOjiBOe ; wildcat , 10ii2le ; badRer , Bi"40c ;
sllior fox. t.'
I1O11S13 HIIiK-iaoh , * l.W8'2.S.l.
HI. Imils ( ii-iii-riil lliu-ki-lH ,
ST. I/1UIS. Jan. 23. KU l'll Stninp : patents
$ l.7'Vfpl.Sl ; HtralRhtH. SI. " . > Ti'l.r , ' ) ; clear , } l.uoli > 4.2'i ;
medium , W.rljfi.73. ( :
\YIII-3AT IllRhef , CIoshiR 9ie for May and He
for July above yostord.iv ; May oponeil steady ,
advanced 2V4aell buck We , rallied % o inui
closed llrmlth buyers ? c Iwlow the top.
Spot , hlKhor ; No. i rod caBlu elevator , liiio ; tr.iok ,
lifl o ; January , M' c asked ; -May , ! iir ( c ; July
fcl'ic ; No. 2 hard cash , > So.
CHUN I-utures strong ; spot Bleady end dii'l ' :
No. 2 cash , olovator. 2to : ; tiaok. 2lo ; January , -Me ;
May. L'l ? c hid ; July. 2Jo ; No. 2 while , aivf ,
I-'Irm. HJK bid.
SHIlIiS HaxsH-d , lilKh'T ' , J1.25 , I'rlimi timothy
se l. ) .
IIIIAN Qiilot , llrm : sncltPd. past track. WP.
MAY Pull ; pralrlu , JS'StrS.OO ; timothy , J3.SOU
10. W.
MCTTKII Weak ; creamery. 15S10V4c ; dairy , t ,
W1'f ; . . .
WIIISKV-Htondv. $1.19.
co'rrox T 11 : -7110. .
IIAOniNO B'i-fifio.
MliTAI. I.oiid , vet- } ' dull , J3.10 , sellPrs. SJH-- !
lor , stonily , $3.75.
I'ltOVISIONS I'oilL hlqher ; ntandard mess ,
lobbbiR.'if , . Uird , hlKln-r ; pi line slotini ,
Jl M ; clmlce , SI.7ft. Itacon , extra short oloai-
tbisod lots ) , j.S7Srtf5.B' ) ; ribs tB.50Bir > .n2ij.
Mborts , } B.f2i.jW.1.7. ' > Iir > ' salt meats ( Infixed shoiil-
dors ) , t4.7."i3.l | : extra liort clear. S1.TK3.V | ;
i MM. } | .H7' fl.lS'4 ; slu.rls , { .1.12 rs.2l.
IlMCKll'TSl'lour. . ll.'i'O ' ' Ibis. ; wlnat , lj.i' ) bu. ;
corn. 71.1101 bu. ; oats , 43.i if bit.
Bill I'MKNIVKlour , I if 1-bln. ; 7 , '
bu , ; corn , I.WM bu. ; oats. 21oft ) 1m.
\Yi-nro COIIIIIINNIIII | | Cimiiumy.
OMAHA ( tl.'l''ICH. ' Jan. IV The expected ad-
VUIKP hi i-iblos fulled to imitoilall/- and thp
ni'irkot this m millnR opened somowlml lower
tlnin bict tilRlit'H olo. o. wit i May nl ! )3'iC to
3Vc and July at HVie to Sl',4o. but iilmom | m-
mclliili-Iy miPiiKthoiiPd up nnd May rancpd norv-
oiisly Ix-tweon PSMi * . and 9lc until It cloned at
l'T ! o and Juy ! at HHo.
The woild's vlciblo mpply stalPmont. which U
was eMlmuU'd would ( .liow a lU'croace of lie-
Hvoon .IK nnd 3nX > . 'TO bu. . only
shown a III tie more than 000,1W bu. docreasp.
wlile-h asslsluil the bears to mme extent , but nt
the iloio the * hort weru nBala on HIP run and
o vorhn ; .
Hocolots wore 3.1 t-iirs ; estimated for tomor
row , to cars
The Eltuatlon In stinnir und HP llilnk th * nofl
siMitu aiu buying Ki'ound In either option.
Corn was i-lniiiKor today than for a week ,
rpcnlliB at 29o lo 2'JUo for'.May mid 2')7no ) for July ,
end raiiRiul botweeen 23c- and 29i. < c for May ,
el MfliiR at ; "J's' ' ' to 29 > ic and MI C for July.
Itouctpts today woio ' "Jl ens. not us much
as was expected : estlmutt'H for tomorrow , 3r
Ojls wore strong. HuctiiallnR but Uc , npcnlaz
ut 23io for May and i'i' rfor July , and closed
at 23 ! > c for May and 2'Hc for July.
Ileoolnts today , 229 cars ; estimated tomorrow ,
250 cars ,
\Ve these coiin p Krilns should be bouKht
for a lomr pull and a Rood one.
ll vrriioiil > lirrl -l ,
MYHItrOOIj Jan K. AVHHAT Ppot , llrm
No. y rod winter , westoin , 7 l i4d ; No. l r > l
northern , . -print ? . 7s lid.
COIlIs' fpot. quiet ; American mUed. now , 3'
54d : Am < krhmn mixed , old. 2a 5id. I'utens uor1
dull : January , 3s.'H | ; Tobruary , 3s3'jd ; M.ircli
rioillt St , lyntU f.inoy winter , firm nt On Pd
IIOI'M At , I mdan , I'aclllc. cuaMt , llrm at l-'t
IB i ask.-d.
I'lloviflON'S-Ilppf , exti-a Indian mess. CCs id
prlmci IIIPM. C.C.iSd. . I'ork. llrm ; prime nn si ,
llrm ; uoxtcrn. 47nC.I. Hams , shoit cut , dull -n
3 > ii. llnciin , llrm at SaM : short rlbi , dull a-
2Snl\l : loiiR1 clear middles , Ilk-Ill , llrm at "i ? M
l.iliK rlonr mlddlos. hoavv. tlrm al ITstxl : sbnrt
clear Kicks , firm at 26 * Cd : clo.ululllcf. . dull al
31n6d ; shoulik-rs , wniaro. sternly at ' . 'Cs. l , rJ
primp western , linn nt ISa W. Chpeso. white
ami colored , dull at I * 3d. Tallow , prime city ,
llrm at 1 ? ' .
MrnilNtre.-1'n Vlxllilf Sliiteiin-nl
TfKW YOIIK. Jan. S3-8peolal ciiblen and tele
Krnphln dlfputi-hfl to llradstreet's , oivwlnit Ih points of accumulation. Imlir.ito Hi ,
fullowlnu channi-R In nvnllntile sutiplles. us com
pared with tha preecdliiK Katurday :
W1IUAT I'nlleil Siah-H and Canada , cast n'
tlHi Itocklea , Pwember Ul.M ) bu. : aiUit | o-
nnd In Kurone. decrea e. 3i\00 > ) bu. ; world' . '
supply , total il cr iw > . 731.01)0 bu.
CnitN' t'nli l Hial.M and Canada , east of tin
nockleii. Incrensa. 3.01) bu.
OATtJ IInllPd 8lnl."i nnd Canada , ensl of tb-
n < M'klei < . InerriiB * . UOU ) bu.
The larger ttalas In wheat stock * n-iMrird t
IlrmUtrcet'B , not Included In Ilia official \i ltil
\n-.i-s 4. ' i Im nl i I .lanl , nr.d . "i In. . .i -
1. til-\llli , . . -d t > wp-n N"i . . I
I'.AT.TUtOHK , .Inn. ti-rl , ' > IT-4ti of. flrtn ;
v. . ' . < : B stipiittm- , U.J'XfS.n ; WiRtcrn extra.
W.fc'SJI.OI ; e torJl fnrttily , f4.3Mtl.fli ; wlnt , , -
1 at p1'n' ! . . M.Ti'M.Si ; rftrtne JS.'flfM..n.
iprm wlieiii stnthl. ! II.Si'WI.M ; roopli > t * . 1.1- ,
1 l.bls. ; Mji.rH , tK > n * .
\VHrJAT--K.rnu v t , WXffn'4" : month " < !
I'l'.ill.ny. 9i'v " 'it < - : MHV , H'fWir ; r'volpt ,
4flf : ) lei. ; < > xp7Tt , 1S8.JW bu. ; widliwn when' .
( onK-rinncr ; cp-it. S Vj S % ' : month tl.l
Fo'iirary , frtifrSI'y : fpcp.pls. 1S3.STO In ) . : * *
piirtu , S'OT'j Im. ; BouthpTn while e.ifft , Sl'tCi *
; 4V ; * mh"m : y-How , SHi ? Ic.
OAT.4 Klrm ; Nn. 2 White tYSSlprTI , WHOSoc :
ro dl > < a , lul Ifl bu. ; ciepnmi , 10.CO ) hu.
tlYK Plrmpr ; Nn. I western , * 4fpceiptsi. ; . tl-
W ) bu. ; PXpitM. M.liO bu.
HAY-Rtrndy ; oholei. timothy , 13.
HIlAIN li'rtEltlllTS Vety dull , demand Pat ;
teanier I * l'veip ' ol. Dl rl t > r liu.
Hl'TTKfl-Qnlpt S1 < * Taht-y
- ; fancy ( rwmpry , j
Imltntlnn , I'.SfUo ; tnncy ladle , ISci g < KHl ladle ,
13&.4P ; more pa 'k d , 12SMIP.
KO(1S ( qulpt ; fresh , I7c.
i'UK I'd K StPndv : fancy Ve w Yoik. Infifp , l"l
( Mvo ; fancy NPW York , medium , ISJMIHK ; fancy
Nc-xv York , small , I04w-- .
ICtiitHiiN Cll.v ( Jrnln nnil I'rnvNlons.
KANSAS CITY , Jan. 2S.-WHBAT-Actlve ;
hard , Ic higher : No. 1 hnrd , nominally S'c : No.
I. 85 > 4W ic ; No. S , S2SJSSNo. ; . 1 red , nomlnttlly
M ; No. 2. 85c ; No. 3. 9y)2c ! ) ; No. ! opting. 8IW
{ Co ; No. 3 , Sic.
COIIN Kirm , but flow : No. 2 mixed , Sl'ttreiv. '
OATS aoncrally lower , but active ; No. 2 white.
IlYn-lIlglicr ; No. 2 , Me.
HAY Klrm and hlRher ; cholcp prairie , J7.505 ?
7.75 ; ohilce timothy , JS.f-OiI3.CO.
Ilt'TTKIl H Inhtly llrmcr ; rpcelpts dccrc.iBliiR ;
cipjmpry , lCG17c ; dairy , 12fflCc.
KiHlS-KIrm ; fresh , lie.
HI-JCHinS whpat. 12.000 bt. . ; corn. 2.1,300 hu. i
oats , I ( .m bn
KIllI'MHNTS-lYhoat , 13,000 bu. ; corn , uO.500
bu. ; oats , notio.
CliM-liuiull Mnrki-t.
CINCINNATI , Jnn. S.l.-KIvOUIl Steady ; fancy ,
$ l.20r4.4i > ; fninlly , I3.BOO3.7S.
\Vlin.\T-Klrn-.or No , 2 red. 93c.
COItN Klrm ; No. 2 mixed. IDc.
OATS Strung : No. 3 mixed , 23e.
IlYK-KInn ; No. 2 , 47V4o.
HIOVIHIONS Lnnl , llrm nt 12.73. Hulk meats ,
higher nt JI.7S. llaeon. lirmer at J.1.70.
WHISKY Quiet at fl-,19.
HCTTI'Il Dull nnd unchnnRnl ; KlRln cream
ery , 81c ; Ohio , ISUIV ; dairy , lOo.
St'OAll StPiily ; hnnl rpnnc.l , S4.1GK.S7.
KH1S-Unl at IBc.
CH13BS15 ytcady ; Rood to prime Ohio Hat ,
( irnln It-i- - | , nl l > rlnl | > nl Inrkcls.
ST. t-OI'IH. Jan. 2V-Ili-C"1pts : Wheat , 21 cnrj.
MINNHAI'OI.IS , Jnn. S3. Itccclptti : Wlieii ,
212 cars.
CIIICAUO. Jnn. 2.1. Iteoelpta today : Wheat , 31
cam ; corn , 2.H cars ; oats , 22y cars , Estimated
tomorrow : Wheat. SO car.s ; corn , ICO oars ; onts ,
130 cnrs.
IJUI.L'TII , Jan. 23 IJecelpts. Wli-at , 61 cars.
Detroit Miirl.-i'l.
ni-miOIT. Mich . Jan. 2J > . WHIJ.\T No. 2
whlti > , 9. > - ; No. 2 red. cnshl and May , .H4c.
initN No. 2 mixed , 2Vic.
OATS No. 2 white , 27c. ,
HYIV-No. 2.V ! < 4c. I
Sun I'riunNii.Vli.nt llnrKi'l.
SAN KHANC1SCO. Jan. 23. lYHKAT Quiet ;
May. $ l.4ii' .
MAUI.UY Qulot ; May. ! Cr-4c.
\rrlvnl of Ilii' Miillu * nt IIn\'iiiin
Sleiiilli-s llu1 lliirUi-l.
NRW YOltK , Jan. J.I. Thf timidity manifested
by dealers In sto-ks yesterday because the war
ship Mnlne had boon ordered to Havana was
fully equaled by the confidence with \\hl''h
tradorw boiiRht back their stocks tod'iy when
the ship bad nrilvod la Havana. The most
notable feature of the day's trading was in the
larRe volume of transactions for Iondon ao-
founl. The number of shales hoiiRhl In New-
York for Ijimdon was estimated nt from 30.000
to M.OOO shnres. Hven wllh this lat-Rc domatid to
b tilled pi lees were not lifted at the oponins
tully to the I ndon paiity. The1 sbatp docllne
seemed to lm\o axvakenod a domind In l ondon
lor Americans and oaily quotations fiom there
thowod > ojterday's declines boio larKi-ly ri.ov-
ored. The streiiRth of Iho SpinN'i Is In I m-
doa al. o hull atid the absence of apprehension
of an embroilment between the United Mates
and Spain. I. imlon Rave the t'ine to the day's
market and siihtalnod It by the absorption of
fun1 olt'eriiiRS of securities after the openitiR.
The foreign buyitiR of icourltles was suill-
ilonlly bea\y o have Ji marked effect on the
eveliaimo market , the actual rates docllnliiR v
per cent , with the demand for bills veiy llRht.
Ijondon' * larRo biiyhiR of rpcurltlt' * In tact led
10 renewed talk ot oiuly Imp irts of Bold , and
thli talk l Rlvon additional for o by tinshow -
IIIR of meichandlso exports from Now York for
thu week , which woie over ( I.,300.0m ) in exci s
of t'.ioi-o of last week nnd over S2U < ,000 Kieater
than tniue In the closinR wool ! of last yoar. It
wus evident thai fomo of Ihe profostlanal
traders who put out short contracts on yostor
day's Cuban scare returned from coveiiiiR In the
willy traiihaotlons In the bcllof tint the mar
ket would become easy after Uondon had < -oased
\Voot llnrK.-lN.
liO.STON. Jan. 2.1. WOOL.-The donr.indi In the
wool market has boon Rood this week , and ilie
maikot Is llrm in all Rrados. The bulk of Ihe
demands for wool continues to be conllnod to
tirrltory Rfades. The HIIIRP for line nu-dlun ,
and line on the sooinod basis continues at Ho ,
although many lots are held HKIVI this HRure.
The maikot for tUoco wools Ins shown n little
nmni df-inand this week , wllh prices tlrm. Aus
tralian woola are la Roixl demand at ruling
prices. KollowliiR ate the quotations for tbo
loadlnR descriptions : ; Wip-onsln. etc.--X MIohiRHii , 2lc ;
No. 1 Mlclilgan combing. 2io ! ; No. 1 lllinoiH
onmhlni ; , Sic ; No. 2 Mli-hlEiin comhliiB'SffPSSc. .
No. 3 Illinois comhliiR , 2Sfr2lc. ! ilolalmMlchlsrui ,
27o ; tinvvasbod modliim Kentucky and Indiana
iltiaiter-blooil oeniblnRa , 2.o ! ; Kentucky quarlor-
blood combine. 22W23c ; Missouri throo-olRhtlis combing , 23Ii2li , braid combing , 3o ] ; lake
.ind tliMirgla. 22f23o. | Texas Wools Spiing mo-
dliiin. twelve months. IC&'ISo ; K-oured juice. 31 ®
: ' , . " > . ; i-pilng line , twelve months. IMQlflc ; rcotired ,
.Ilif3e. ! 'IVrrltory Wools Montana line medium
11 ml lino. ICJJlSo : soonrod. 43V4.1c ; staple , ri2'i3"
Utah , Wyoming , etc. Fine medium and line 15
jH7o ; sooured , 4 fi.10c ; staple , r,2j,13c. Australian
Wools Sooured bisis oomblmc , supi-rllno , 7011790 ;
Root comblnR. CTifiO'c average oombhiR , CS C-lc ;
Queoni'land omblnR. fi o.
ST. UOl'IS. Jan. 2.V WOOI-Klrm ; medium , IB
< f20Mc ; Ileht lino. 13ijl7c ( ; heavy line , 8jllc ; tub
washed , 22HT30C.
cper.itlons. The belated sliortR nibliod to cover
in the final Iransaollons and made the tone
buoyant at the t-IoM > . which found prices al the
best of the day for Hie standard stocks. Yes
terday's IOSSPS on the a\erase lia\o been more
than recovered. Now Yoik Central was most
oonFtlciuius In the dealings , with Its not gain
of over 3 points , and the stocks of allied prop
ortion pinned In Hi Htit-ngtli to n somoubat less
extent. I'nlon I'aoillc , the Northern 1'aclfl.and
the other proportlos which RO to make up the
KlundlU * gruup wore all conspicuous for stronRth
nnd the cratiKOrs and Foiithweslerns may bo
added to tbo list. The lo-al transit and gas
stotks moved In a somewhat erratic manner
under palpable matilpul'-itlun , all showing gains
except Third Avenue , which reacted sharply ,
Ti'e ' Iwnd market showed Inereafcod activity
and Htionglh IIH Iho day piugrvfu-pd nnd showed
gains as a rule. Total sales , $3.360,000. Unltod
Slates old 49. roplstorod , wcro 'i , per cint lower
bid , but old 4 , c Hipon , and the now Is were i/j.
per cent higher
The Hvenlntr I'oit's lyindon financial cable
gram says : "Tho stock market bore was Idle ,
buslnopB boliig o.wkcd by the political news
and hy the settlement. Money rates at the pol-
lloment wore about as before. Contangoes on
Americans were I lo 4's ' per cent. The goneiiil
tone was steady , fiinnd Trunk and Canadian
1'ni'lfle * had the host maiKoi. In Amorl nils New
York Centrals wore especially strong. London
i poned abiuo New YitU : and Iho cloFo was llrm
nn New Yoik iiipport , Aigontlne Rnvornmont
htooks nnd niiln were good. Copper shares werp
oaslpr. The money inurket was dlhllnotly hardfr.
Supplies of oath re dwindlliiR-and the maiket
lm rociimnienciHl to hortow from the Hank of
I3ngland. "
Ifollnwlng are the closing quotations of the
loading stocks on the Now York market today :
AtehlHon lfi Stl P. , t Oai' TlTI
rtoi.M'H' ' { do pfil 14H
llaltlmoro.V Ohio , . 'JH St. I' . M..V.M . J'JIM
Canada Paelllo . . . . 8 V < 1'ae.llln . Ml (
Canada Somnurn . n4 ; So. Hallway
Centrall'.iellliJ lit do pfil . 3D
CliiH.Oiuo 'Jl't ' .v I'acllic. . . . 1-H
A. Alton. . . . lil.l1 * Union
C..II.AQ IIK Itl. P. I ) . A-O Ml
. .t K. I Wab.mli ll'S
.f ! . c. .t st. r , do pfd IS" !
do pid . HI ) Whool. A I , . K
. Wheel. * t , . E. pfd 1L' ) (
Del. L. AV . U , . ' Ailium Kx 1B1I
Den. A Itlo 15 . Amenoati lx IIH
liopfd . 47'k .United StutesKx. . . 41
Krle ( mnvl 1-P Wella l-\ir-o Kx. . . . 11"
KrlolHtpfd in'i'A. ' Cot. Oil.
. UU ) do pfd. . . . .
( Yre.VlNorthnriipfd.lIlli Am. SplrllH KJi
HiX'liliijr V.illnv. . . . 114 Am. SiilrllHpfii 21
llIlnolHOiutril. . . . KIDS Am. Too.icco 8SW
UkoKrlK.VW. . . . HI do pfd llil
ilopfd 71H I'coplo'a ( ias DDK
I.aUo.Sliort 1H14 Cons , dan 1IMV4
l.ouibvlllo A N'aili Com. CabluCo 17fi
Slanhattan I , UT'iiUul. 1A Iron ' 'MM
Met. SI. llv ] l * 4 | do pfd 70
Mlcliliran L' . 1IH1H ( ion. Klectrio 1I6H
Minn.ft St. L -I llllnoiKStool 4'i
dolHtpfd * < m LaUledo Oan 1.1
Mo.l'aBlIlc mn\lM \ : i4l ) .
Mobile A. Ohio . . . . ' "J > | d nfd KHIK
Mo.K. XT 1'JIl Nat. Lin. Oil I7V
do pfa UH Oregon Imp. no 'JSH
< : iu..ltiil. , VIj Ii llMcllioMall Sil > (
do pfd aiVl'u'.lman 1MI 17IP |
N.J. Coalral : i | Sliverivrtlllmtfia. . ailVt
K. 11(1 ( island.Itopn iT. . . . I
N. Y. Cht. t St. I , . . 1H14 StlKtir 13714
dolm pfd in ' do nfd 11:114 :
do'JilpM H711 IT. C. .V iron i-M i
Norfolk \ Wostora H tU. | t-nalhpr t 4
No.Ainer.Cu iiHi do tifd 0:1 :
N'o.lMulllo ' 'il'l ' t ) . i. llubber : . . . . 1S (
dopfd HI * ! ' tin Pfd IHIJ
OntariuA W ITn Wnslern Union. . . 0011 A-Nav 411 iNnrttiwuHtern lai i
Ore. Sliorl I.liu ' . ' : ! rtoiifd Hi. '
I'illHuurg UH - i ( ir.indii Wosi
tin pfd AH
Uoekltland Chlcago-nroat W , . 1IK
S. L..VS. ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' S L ft S W . . . . Ilih
rfulHtpfil' . . . . . . . . B.1K' ' do pfd It
Ito'.M-i pfil ' 'Ml i Hawaiian Oom. . . . aik
St.i'atil H4 i | Ue.idliitf l l pf. | . . . . lli > 4
do . . . . . _ . . . . . . . - l _
Tptal uk of cto.'ka liulay were 333.On ) i.linro ,
inchullng : Alchlron , I.U1 ; Atohlion prufunod
3.00 , CbltMRo. llurlltiKlon & Quint y , 2l.tX ) : I.ouli
rlllo & Naihvlllo. 4.IXMunhnllun ( , 27.4'iO. Mot-
- ' M a , n rVn-r i ft tN'w
C , ' n i ' , -ltr ' .1 > . mi , , , - , ,
V -tra r. ( k- If , , k I-Inn I " 3 . ' t Paul
.1. . - . ul ' rntrf. . --i- . 1 8 , ,1 Tox-is , tr , , lli\
. : : " , " I'nlon I'.idft . * c.40. Mmri-nn Spirits.
S.i'M. ChinTO irout WP I m ( 4.H , I'evnlP'r iHs ,
? . ; Cill'olljRlcd CJ . . S..86. Sugar , SO.MI ) ; Welt-
nn t'nirlt , 4.137.
MMV York limit1Mnrkit. .
Nf\Y YO1VK. Jan. ! . > . - MClNt/Y ON CAM *
* l rwr ( Pnt
RTI5H1.1NO I.XC1I ANGM tMill tind Mofldv.
wllh ncttinl buMnos * In bankers' bills ai it.'l'l
fof demand nndII f"v .s-H fif elxty day * ; poslnl
rut's. IIMif4.R.Ha nnd tl. W4.Ht ; commercial bills ,
an .vnu rBUTtrr PATHS tbHflWHc.
it.\n in VRHaxo
OOYKHNMBNT IIONOS striine : tiew Is. Pt. .
1214 : coupon , W4l ; _ . rog. . iUjcoupon. ; . 1ICM ;
_ . 1ft ) ; Sit res. . 11314 ; couppn , 114 % ; 1'nclflc fs
of ' 9D. injii. . ; ,
Closing quotation * on bonJs.wero ns follows :
Ola."iTmvH .f ? " . ' " . ! a'i'STjjTx-.iT" ' . . . . . . . 111 !
U.S. tuw Is on W. l'Ji ; t'J.l
U.S. lB.r , t. N. l\4i. 103
U.8.48.004P 1111. No. P.MIII9 iBtl . .UtPi
U.S. Vs. M ? 101 No. f'a.iltla ill. . . . Him
No. IVtqliie l.i . . . . IUH
U.S.i > 4. coup 1111) ) N. V.O'ASl. 1 , . M .IOI1H
District t. . . . . Illl M .vw/im m
Ala..clasA IIH N. WCoilioli . . . .Ml ins N.Vl ) t > . . IIS
.11)11 )
Ala. Otirreney. .101) ira. .Nan , 41
AtcliKonts. . . 0. aLif ; JU > . t. r . I'J.IU
0. S.I/S4. t. r . ir > 4
11HI * O. Irift ) . Uti. t. r. . . . 107
C. A N. P. t. r. 3it . S I | O. l > nnBi. . t. r. .104
C..VO.ili IH .P.volllrtSit . of 'D.1 . . . . . ) l-4t. . 10il ! K-i.idltf ! 4 * st
I.xii. . ints . .KM lu.if\r\Mt un . . . . s.t
I.XII O.49 DI'l St. I , . , hl. M. ' 5J1. 1 Sll i
Kasl I's-in. Istl . . .ImllHiSt. U.VS. F.Om ll. 1IOS
Knot ) MI. ti . . . . ' - ' -
r1. W. V I ) . Is. t. r. T.mlst. i''p. ! t IMiiV.i ! liiH
" 3un. fit" . .11 itini'st.nn. ' AT. .it nou
G.H. .vS. A.flM. . . .ion IS. O.Hiohfiin.1
B. II. VS A. 'Jll. 10. HJUllirn P.y. .In. . . Oi
. * T.U'nt. .Ii. . . 1IIIS S. B. * T. ll 58
II..VT. O. oja ( H. illl j TOIIU.HOW am l < . . H ?
Iowa C IsU Ill ) 4 , T x. IMe. Ii ( t.lstilDJ
K P. Con. . I. r . . . , IH iT.-x. I'.u. It ? , idi. ! . ; l- > 4
K.I' . It's. t. r. . . . l-'l ) ItJ. I1. Isn tai
IM , Nmv OJn. Is . . ID.'li , 11. P. I ) . All. Isti. . riH <
I.XX. tlnl 11. . . . S.I
Mlmotirl t)4 ) llli ) Wl'ilN
M.K. X P..Ml. . . . Welt Shor * t *
M.K. XT. 44. . . . . , . - . , V.v. C .iturlo . O ) *
N. Y. C. Isti , llu > I Va dofiirrM. . . . : t
llontiui .Stock vluotnlliiii.i.
1IOSTON. Jan. 2.1. ( Mil liiaaa. 2if.ti , ( . ppr coat ;
time I"aii3. ! UH4 per cent. I'luslpipili'es for
sleeks , bonds anil mining khurc-s :
A.T. * S. V t'Ji * do pfd. . . fit
American Stnrar. . 1:174 : Win. Coat
Am.Sugar DM . . . lii't : ' Doston L. . . . .
tlav Statu ( Ia . . .l IS-lil Bn. Kliv. III. lll.l
Hull Uoii. isiec. nfd. . . . sn
AtchKon pfd
Ituston A .Maine. . . AteliUou 4s HI )
0. . II. A Q N. Ens. IH 11:1 :
Kllcliuurir , General I-Iloc. on. .
fjeneral Klootno. . ; Alloilnr. MUilirjo im
Illuioli Steel . .
Metlean . Mitui\ : :
N. V.V N.K 01 IIInttoA. Itoitca. . . .
Old Cjto.iv 18-1 jC.llUllllUA llocll. .
U.S. i , DMHi'Ceiiteiinlal . Itl.'l
Ihnoa 1'acltlc 11 .
West Kan H.TnlOalaey HID
il.ipfd . lll.'l S Tainar.ieK 1411
\V. lllt-c JjJS ! Wolvorinu.
Sail I'ra -INCH II Inline ( In nt nl I mis.
HAN KH A NCI SIM. Jan. 11. The olllclal clnslns
( imitations uti mining stocks today weie an fol
lows : .
Hilver bars , fCilic : M * xlcan dollars.
drafts. blKht , ! 0e : drafts. leleRraph , 22' <
\c v VorU Allnliiu Iti
JCK\V YOIIK , Jan. 2 : , . The following are the
closlnir mlnlnc quotatloas :
Iillllllllll StOCli ( lllllllllillllH.
I/NI > ON , Jan. 23. tp. _ m. CloslnKj
CoiiMols.Tn'v. . ] l'"l l-llSul'aiii ! | common. . . | ) ( >
Consols , ace.t irjiN | Y Centrii US
Can. 1'ac.ltic. Pennsylvania
Erie . 14)4 Iteiilln ; II
Krle'Jnda. ' " Max Oin. iinw H. . USW
riK' . . . . . ) ' . ) ' Atrhlnou I'-'IS
Mexican ordinary. . 111'i
IIAU SILVKIl Steady at 20'4H ' potounce. .
MONHY IH per cent.
The rate off discount In the'bpen ' market forr
short bills. 2vS'ii2i/j per int ; for thiee months'
bills. 2 > ( U2ii per cent.
KliiiiiiiInlolt.s. .
OMAHA , Jan. 23. Ctearingi. 5SCO.CU3.C9 ; bal
ances , 171.901.18. i. :
CHICAGO. Jan. 23. Cleavlnsi , f5,217.3CI. New
York exchange. & ) c promlun | . : ixi-tod rates , $ lsiV :
nnd J4 S'J. ' Stocks stomllor on'pi lflc Cuban nows.
l uotationt > : Alloy Ij. .VJ'/ ' ! ! ! ! and CO1 ; ; askiMl ;
Dlam mil Mutch , 141 bid , II ! neked ; Iviko Street
I , . It , New York Ifiscuit. ' ' W ; North CiiloaRo ,
222 ; Htrawlioard , 32i ; West Chl'iiKo. IdOiJ.
CINCINNATI. Jan. 23. New- York exchange.
15c piomlum. Money , 2itit { ( > -jie - cent. CIcartnKS ,
NKW OIILKANS. Jan. 23. CIpprlnRs. J2.9J0.2IC.
Now York exchange , bank'par ' ; ooininerclal , fl
per Jl.inX ) discount. < )
IIOSTON. Jan. 23. CIcjrinCT. ' $13.470,301 ; bal-
anoos. 1.7rt..C03. !
NK\V YOltK. Jan. 23. ( JloarhiKS. $130,303,514 ;
balances , 59.333.427. . , .
ST. I-OUIS. Jan. 23. Clcarlnfts. J4.320.028 ; bal
ances. $491C7S. Money. BUS per cent. Now
Yotk exchange , 50c premium bid. 73c premium
PlifliADKM'IIIA. Jan. 23.-Cloarlnns , $1ID92-
lITi bilancos , $1,320,230.
UAl/TIMOUB , Jan. -CloarlnBs , $3,182,713 ;
balances. $ )9SC'.H ) .
I-'orelprii - I'lnaiicliil.
IvONDON. Jim. 23. Oold Is quoted at Iluonos
Ayres today at HW > 0.
PAfllS , Jan 23. Three per coin rontos l03f lOc
foil the account. After a llrm opening. In coare-
qucnoc of the irovornmont majority In the Cliam-
b-r of Deputies yesterday , the tendency on thu
bourse today was dull and onsy until the oloio.
Iltntcs and Ilallan soourltlos wore weaker.
Spanish 4s showed proat stronKth. Copper shares
roasted on realizations.
niSHMN , Jan. 23. On the bourse business was
irregular and Intornatlonal socuritlosoro stoady.
The local dopirtment teactod on realizations and
Northern I'acllic and Canadian I'aelllilluctnatod ,
llnlshlns steady.
ItllllUMl' lii-l-iiiiliiy Sllltl-iueiil.
UBIil/l.N' . Jan. 23. The wivkly statement of
the Imperial Hank of Cfimany shows ( ho fol-
K-whiR ohaliKos , as compared nith Iho previous
account : ( ' ash in hand , Increase , 32,16 .000
niaiks , tn-asury notes , inrroaml,4l'i.0 ' marks ;
othtir sjeurlttes , decrease , K ) , jl ! fii > ) maiks ; notes
in circulation , doorcase. 532'fiiiarkt. ! ' * ' . .
Anierli-iiii Sec-iirllleM In l.oiiilnn.
IXDNDON , Jan. 23.merliiin securllli-n , afler
a ilull and ralhcr weak opening , were flnner ,
hut limcllve. New York sailing liilliinrt > i | thn
, urly ilrollne. The close was llrm. wllh a light
Oil lliii-KolN.
Oil. CITY , I'a. . J n. 23. Credit halanees. G3c ;
< 'eitlllcates. opened at M e bid for ra h llrst
Balis- each al CCic ; cliwe , ] at OOTie hid for eash.
Thtre wnn onw pule of l-'cbruary delivery oil al
C7V..Iehlpincnls. : . 73,3)4 buls. , runs , 110.431 hhln.
WII MINC.TO.V , N. C. , Jan. 23.-OIl.S-j3plrlls
turpentine , llrm at 32' a. HoMn , $ ! .15fl.o.
Crude tiirpentlne- , Him at fl.lOjfl.M. Tar , llrm
"ciIAUI.KSTON. S. O. , Jnn. W.-OlhS-Tur-
pi-ntliip. llrm at 3Je ; riles , Done. . Itoiln , llrm ;
Kales , none ; unchanged. |
SAVANNAH. Oa. , Jnn. :3.-OII.H Splrlls tur
pentine , Una at siVjc ; sales , one ; reet-lpls , 2S3
bbls. ItoHln , llrm : vales , 2. SIC | > bls. ; receipts ,
li.EM bhls. Quotations : A , II , C. I ) , J1.SO ; H. V ,
$1.23 ; O , fl.3.1 ; II , 1.70 ; 1C , Jl.bO ; M , $ l.l ) ; N. $2 ;
\V , U , $2.21) ) ; WV , J2.C3.
\i-\v York 'Dry ( iiiuiN .llni-Iii-t.
Ni\V : YOltK. Jan. -There Is no chance
w ith wordlntr In the dry ( -oods market today.
Hesulls yesterday were fairly satisfactory in
cotton B > d and wooluns were sustained. | Tne
ilul'iiefH of Tuesday wji. noticeable In todiiy'H
receipts of mall orders , though the store trail
ing was more llko yi'Murday's ret-ord. The u--
IIOMH re'uhed hy letter and frum western dealers
who are present In the market urn entirely sal-
Isfuet , ry. Tlie trade at tccimd hand and with
letallers Is pronounced to Ui all that can he
linked. There seemed to tin money enough In
circulation and no disposition to quarrel with
prices. On this basin the market Is considered
a healthy or.c.
Sii mi r
N'KW ORU3ANS. Jan. ZS.-SUOAH-Onpn ket
tle , steady at Z SiSVio : oentrlfuual ,
Ei-iinululed. 4 ? W4 e ; whlteii. 3'i J4 5-K.c : yel
lows 3 ll-l&Sl 1-ir.c ; Ft-toniU , SH-tfJ-KL' . Molanes.
kettlH , steady at llfme : I rntrlfufal , ea > y at
ofilScsyiup ; steady at ISiJ-JIc.
NI3\V YOIIK. Jan. 23 t'tJAU-Haw , llrm ;
fair rellnlnk' . 39-I6 < - , eentrlfiifenl. M teal. 4 It-Kir-
rcllnel llrm ; crunhe-l. - D'j ' powdered 55-ICc ;
ttninulatail , C'ic : m-mld A. 6 ie ; standard A ,
SKc " ; confectloiers' A , Cc ; cut loaf , MC ; cubes ,
& -1GC.
.11 ii II I'll ! I IT ToYMV | I'nlirles
MANCIIKSTHU. Jan. 2i.--aolhs | and yann ,
tpilet. without nuotnlde clMWje ,
I.IMIVI-N lilt. lg | | ltt > | | ) 'I'lll-IINUpblhtM.
SAN KHANCISCO. , jK.-Tho romnInH
of the late Charles U.Vhlt6 of Seattle -xcru
crernated at Odil I'Vllowy' ' wineterytoilny ,
anil their llnal ilpo' ! lwill l he jnttrkeil by
nn litii'oslnt ' ; ot > rnmon > . conuuuiod iinilur tit ) >
anspleix of nohlen Clato loflo'e of ttie Thoo-
Hopmciil ocloty , to wlionv he liBiineatheil
bis ustnte , B4IU to he v ry valuali'.o. Ac-
coidlni ; to the terins of his will , Ills potato
'it to be used to defray expunges of tr-ins.
'r.lns nnclent snnscrlt and other oriental
norkJ ,
IfoJonxto Run Finds a Demand at the
Local Yards ,
Utilities * llt-lik nl SlcinljIn
Prlfi'i All Along llulilii
IOKdo | A not hotNiol.i1
SOtTl ! OMAHA. Jnn. U.-Hcoolpts for
the days Indicated were :
Cnttlo. HOBS. Sheet ) , Horses.
Jnnunry 25 2,43 ; 5.721 4.532 U
January 21 1,741 2.GI3 2.C25
January 22 697 7,529 419 . . . .
January 21 1,617 5.S51 2.2S3
Tanunry L'O 1,555 9,781 4.G9J . . . .
lanuary 19 2.4M1 fi,9S3 G.419 5
January 18 2.73(5 ( 7,919 3,235
January 17 1,472 2,208 4,477
January 15 1,445 0,440 3.5S5
January II 1,1)17 ) C.lCfl 4.3CO
January 13 1.8iS 7.S44 4.vOO 20
January 12 1.C19 G.JUO lG9l 7
January 11 2W1 ( 9.SGO 2,151 1
January 10 1.41 ; > 3.713 & .GI-9 22
January S 075 G.4S7 2.312
The ofllclal number oC oars of. stock
brought In today by each road wns :
Cattle. UK'S. Sh'p. ll'ses.
C. , M. & St. P. Ky. . , . I 3
o. & st. i * . uy 2 . .
Missouri P.iclllc Ky. . -I 2
Union Paelllo System 21 2J 12
C. .t N. W. liy 4
F , I ! . & M. V. 11. R. . 13 17 2.
C. . St. I' . , M. & O. Uy G
H. & M. R. II. R. . . . 27 ,21 4 1
C. , H. & Q. Ry 2 9
1C. C. & St. .1 3
C. , R. 1. It I * , liy , H. 6 4
c. , u. i. & r. ny , , w. 2 2
Total receipts 91 .S3 20 1
The disposition ot the day's receipts was
ns follows , each buyer purchasing thu
number of heart Indicated :
Huyers , Cattle- . HOB * . Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co 51
The C. . H. Hammond Co. 2il 1,119 . . . .
Swift ami Company W l. ; . : - jJ
Thu Cudahy P.icklng Co uli l.Oll
It. lleeker nnil Degau. . .111
I.obmali & Rothschilds. 153
\V. I. Stephens * IM
Huston & Co 55
Krebbs & Co f"
11111 .t Hill '
Livingston .t Schnllur. . . S * >
H. Hamilton 15
Hammoiul , from 1C. C , "
Cudahy , from K. C. . . . OS - -
Chicago P. Co. , Neb. City . . . . J.Ov
Other buyers 2ol 1.1 t" '
Left over -w _ HH
Totals , . . . 2fiS | 0.030 4,531
CATThK The iimrkel was fairly supplied receipts were not up to last 1 nes-
day , there being only ninety-three loads , J U ,
nmile a fair l o-
eattle. lleef steers up
portlon of tap otTurlngs , but with the usual
scarcity of really good cattle , while com
mon stuff wns quite plentllul. Cows were
but there were not
In moderate supply ,
enough feeders to supply the demand.
Active and steady or active and strong
were the limitations most frequently huaril
of the mtukct for In-ef steers today. 1 hu
probability that the storm would a fleet re
ceipts wave- the market a lirmer tone nnd
sellers generally cleaned up tneir holdings
In good season. Commin and warmed up
cattle sold around $3.7.V.i4.10 . , while thefalr
to pretty good kinds went largely "t JU 'I1
on sale seed cnoutrh to
4.45 , with nothlns
blitlir over $1.75.
CJWs and helfeis sold just about llk.i ycs-
tordav , per.iaps a little slronper in some
cases'and weak In others. The demand was
Koort from all the usual sources and It ilm
not take IOIIK to elTect a clearance. Hulls
and statw wure free sellers and veal calves
ruled firm.
Ujfht yearlings nnd slockers were In hot
demand and the general market for fcert-
ers were good IIH far as the. limited supply
would permit , with prices llrm all arounil.
Same choice high bred yearlings sold up to
J5.00 the highest ligure of. the winter. Hei > -
tesenttitlve sales :
No. Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r.
2..1303 $4 10 21..113S Jl 23 " 3..1140 M 25
21).12i . . . . DO..1071 433 IS..1122 440
Ii.112.1 ) 4 C3 U..123S 430 3..7CC 3 M
1..1MO I CD 0..107) 113 1..1130 115
K..11M ' 4 2.1 . 1..11M 423 IS..1151 125
21 101S 123 22..1163 ISO 23..1101 440
E ) . .1D"3 430 1. . . . 971) 320 1..1MO 3 2i )
1..1COD 320 1..KDO 320 1..1120 320
IS. . . . 072 3IU 3. . . . 9CC 323 41..1132 3 > . ,
1..12IO 4 UO 1..1DKI 4 IS 1..1450 4 K3
38..1334 I f,3 lft..I31S ! I 3 ! > f..l4Sl ( I. . .
r , . . . . 718 3W K. . . . 817 3M 23..1120 4 2j
21..1041 430 2..1203 4 S3 4..1133 440
1C..127R 4 SD 5..1502 473 5..1W2 430
10..1493 I OJ
1. . . . S30 ' 2SO 2. . . . SI.W 2 S3 1..1001 293
1..1230 300 1..1030 300 4..100) ) 300
2..102) ) 310 r.UGi ; 313 3..1333 340
1 10 = 0 340 S..lS7r 310 1..1MO 343
2.il36.1 ! 343 1. . . . 870 313 19. . . . 973 313
23..1'&i ' ) 330 1. . . . S90 22.1 1..670 30- )
4..1077 311 1..I320 321 20. . . . fiit 335
1" ' 1100 343 1..I"10 3W 1..1I70 300
. . . . .3 U ) 1..1120 2.V ) 1..1070 300
1 120i ) . . . . 12. . . .10415 3 10 2I..11CO 3 1.1
2 1S2'i ' 32.1 13. . . . 932 311 23..1020 310
2. . . .1331 3 01 1. . . . S2D 22.1 1..700 223
1..1030 275 1..1100 273 1..KOO 300
11 910 : ' . 00 3. . . . ! CC 310 12..12111 310
1..1010 315 S..104P 320 3. . . . HIM 323
3 1'2.1 ' 323 1. . . . f'W 383 1..1ISO 310
19 1107 : i 40 ' . . . . 8 < 0 350 C..1IS3 3 li.l
ft..101.1 3f.r > 17..10.M SIX ) 1..112) ) S 0
2..1103 310 . . . .101.1 330 2..Mil ) 273
1 WO 300 1. . . . 910 310 1. . . . 940 310
3..1190 315 10..10S7 320 13..1104 331
1. . .I1CO 340 1..1MO 30- ) 1..10IO 301
1. . . . S30 32.1 7..1HH 330 . . . . ) 3 S3
2..10S.1 340 l.-.J ! * ) 3 70 ti..ii2S 370
' '
1. . . . 0,10 310 . . . . ' , 3 M 7. . . . 518 S 5
. . . . fCI 370 3. . . . B'i ' ) 373 1..430 100
3. . . . Mf. 300 19..1032 370 1..7M 330
6. . . . 69.1 350 3. . . . 4M SCO 1..S50 3 GO
11 749 323 1. . . . r.30 33' ' ) 1. . . . f.SO 331
1 . .790 3 M SO , . . . 901 350 2..f > ' ! 0 3 3
S. . . . 020 375 2S. . . . 761 3 S3 1. . . . .W ) 250
1. . . . 90) ) 325 1..IMO 350 3. . . . C30 3 CO
1..10,10 3 0.1 4. . . . SH ! 873 f.072 400
1. . . . OCO 3 IW ' tS..J. 970 350 J1..S71 3 CO
B. . . . 77C 3 70 I. . . . 4.10 4 23
I..1100 2 t" 1..I400 27.1 J..1230 3 111
3..1430 .113 -4..HO ! 313 1..11ITO 315
1. . 1210 350 3..1K6 310 1..15IO 303
1 1260 310 1 1410 323 1..1330 310
1..14IO 323 1..130) 275 1..11120 3 Ml
2. . 1ISO 300 II..1217 313 1..J7SII 3 S3
1..I340 3 S3 2..1315 3 X < 1..172O 45
1..14')0 ) 3 K ) 1..140270 1..I370 3 1,0
12..1218 3 Oi ) 1..1260 300 2..1390 3' " ,
1..1180 3 35 3..1013 330 1..12uQ 3'10
1..19JO 323 1..1COO 323 1..1100 S W )
i. . . . Ml 3 50 S..130S \ 25
1. . . . 110 ICO 1. . . ! 2W 650 1. . , . IM 500
3. . . . B13 373 C. . . . W 103 1..SSO 373
1. . . . 220 4 BO
2. . . . 4S5 too 14. . . . f22 400 3..7JS 425
12 , . . . 741 480 3. . . . 730 433 1..1020 435
3. . . . 442 4 SO 23. . . . 139 480 35. . . . 40,1 S 00
1. . . . t.'J > S 0) ) 0. . . . 3S4 4 60 2li. . . . F02 3 10
26. . . . 7SO 435 2..1090 375 C5..7SI . . . .
40. . . . OMI ISO 5. . . . CIO . . . . 25. , . . 830 485
27. . . . 697 440 14. . . . 418 475 1. . , . 4RO 350
I. . . . C70 350 1..7IO SCO 1. . , . 600 4 OJ
10. . . . SS4 410 15. . . . 981 185 11. . . . 009 ISO
(1. ( . . . 56' ' ! 480 3. . . . Olfi 4,15 3..4'i3 435
12. . . . T1 4 M 1. . . . 740 4 75 21. . . . fi07 I 75
1. . . . 710 3 ( X ) 27. . . . 7S8 370 3..1010 3 .VI
13. . . . 712 I CO S. . . . 7I > 5 I 00 23. . . . S77 4 l"i
St. . . . MO 4 10 S. . . . 710 4 10 S. . . . 7GI 4 10
21..1040 12. ) 21. . . . 973 425 2..70) ) S 5' )
4. . . . f 435 ys..915 440 ft. . . 7SD 44) )
9. . . . 430 150 1C. . . . f.SD 450 3C..COI 4 CJ
5 omvH Ml $203 1 hull MCI H 25
/ifrimi. . . . . 7W 3 40 14 fwilern. . . . fc57 I 35
4 fiiMleiH. . . . 527 4 CO
1IOOS Thcri" were only clBhtl'-dve curn ninr-
Kett'd , nn uKnliiBt on ollmato of from 125 to 200
enri . Tlic Kencral ( | uallly was fully up to the
average with a fair fhuwlriR nf medium wi-lKlit
IIOBB Incluilcd and HIP itnmi ; tone at rciiorta
from elsewhere cavu ccllem Hie best of the Blluu-
tlun.A Booil salpinilfr ilfinunil iiildoil to Ilie urtial
nil Inrnl Inquiry WIIK u IjnlllHli factnr In tin-
trmle , and iirlc-us ruliM itroni ; tu Or hlKh'T. with
the in t BlrcnRth on liviivy mixed nntl Imlclier
Wl'lRllth The top WOB IIIH'llMllCI'cl III $3.75 , but
Ihii hulk of HID eules was -it I3.GOIJ3.C.V aKuhibt
$3.55i(3.65 yeslc-rdiiy , imil there wns n very | > er-
reptllilu Increase In the proportion of nalvt at
Ihu hliilier pilci-s. Afler Hie nioro urai-nt order *
worn tilled I he mnrkctveakfiu > d nlielitly mid
lant ralen were little | iovn yetlenlny' * Knrral
market , still everything w cleaned up
Today's averuKo " 'oat tae highest of the winter.
2c ulinve yteterday , 15e hlelicr than a wet'k BKO
and ' 23c hlijlicr III" " at the hrglnnlni ; of the
month. Uepirientntlro ale :
No. Av , Hh. I'r. No. Av. Sli. IT.
14 : Vn . . . , $160 43 110 210 M 'A
12 34 ? . . . 365 50 4K S20 3(10
65 501 K } 3 M 41 JCil 24' ' ) 3'.1
I | 113 . . . 2W 43 873 . . . .iio
IS 3 10 300 41 4 2 K'J ' 30' )
4C ? lil . . . 30' ' ) 30 3JO 120 7. 6ft
51 SJ3 120 301 71 ! ll 12' ) J > o
21 S30 . . . 300 13 2CO ISO ? H'1 '
n 434 100 3 f 40 4'AS . . . .1 0 i
23 SCO 105 301 US 3J3 M Si3' :
IS 363 . . . 362V4 43 201 40 S lU'j
M 311 120 3S8V4 W 134 W 3 I"1-
GS 308 1 302(4 ( 01 SOO 111 3 C'1
3M W 3C214 SI 811 16' ) 3 H2' ' .
01 3 ! < . . . 3CV6 SI M.1 * 0 HI ?
05 327 M 3C214 ' 351 W 3 i > i"
Ca 351 SO 3C2V4 ( I i'Jl . . . 3 t-iVv
39 ! M 40 3K'i ' I ? Sll . . 302' ' . .
5S J16 . . . 3CJ14 63 301 40 a 1.2" ,
07 * 0 J05'i i3 3SO 12) 3 0Vi
HIIBBI' Tlio demand for * heep wan fully up
to tlui Illitrol tupply nnil the market rulrd a' nv
at uteady prices , with everything nt all tlralralile
fur rltlifr the blix'k or feed lot Mllllifi freely.
Ittpitiicnintlve n\r \ :
W Ansruw gonti M $2 W >
1 IIIII-K . . . : . lltf 250
5 tmrks 131 3W
151 AnKnra Konta ID1 : 300
220 wnlfrn ewc 107 S 60
383 kletlrftn l > linli. < . . . .i
Ii woMcrn xtix-kcrd . , . . . . . . ' .
Alt Moxlcnn InmlH . . m
8v ) Hcjicrn InmlK . i * 8W
4 u o * tern Inmtis . SI 840
rmco < ; i.ivu STOCK MAIIKUT.
stnrl a l.lttlc llluln-r , hut l.o e
tlu * Vilvniioi * I. liter.
no , .Inn. M IVsplto the innw ! nrm
tmde In entile wns mum anlmntnl thnn nuiil
nt Monday's nuise of prices. Tlie Imlh "f tin-
bent t < vrs a > lcl at | I.X > fK > .S.i nnd ivnntnun l ti nl
it.00@4.r > : Komo liluli-clnM nUn-k 1 > iuilit I .CMi
8.40 ; f < M Ternns milil at J4.l HH.40 und | ininll
MG terns sild nt a similar mnso , ultli some l"t
nt $ l.StVtf4. * . ! > , Tli revaa a incHlomto tork'r nn-t
feeder titidn at u wltle rtinffe of iirlo" * * . n fc
rttmmuti oloekcn * RplllnB nmund H.N and prian-
feeders KolaR for $4.50 ; cannerf * > ld At $2.2.itl2 & '
and fat helfn-s lirouttlit $ J.50tM.2S , l\c , ' ! >
scarce nnd the lieM ones s ld today nt $7 pel ! ( * '
1M. . a further advance of 35c.
Prices for hoes tarti > il off Mroasrr to ? ) , '
hlKht'r thnn > e8tei\lny'5 lnst tlm . txiles'f \
nt an extreiiw nuiifn i > f $ ,1.S5U3.H ! , rhlelly nl
$3.75f3.S24. the tmsl hc * hrliiKUiR tlip top price
of the prewat packing season and plR salon wi > r < >
Inrsely at W..V > if.1.75. The nmrUet wenken"d
later and the ndxnncc was lost.
There wn.i nn active di-nmnd for sheep and
Inmba nnd prle" nilnl 't-ady nnd 1i > JI"e ! ; :
than nt the clewof lust wek. iVm * ot saivt"
were nt $ .1. < Wf3.fiO for Inferior to ouiiKt'iiij mi tn
$4.W for rholcM Hocks Ped western sold chielly
nt $4.00ff4.6rt. YrnrllnK * ere In Rood tlemuiiil nt
} 4. & > fl.-i.e nnd there wns a Rood , Hade In I , mil's
at l4.-tf.VK the tulk folchliiR } j nnil upward.
Western * Hold up to $5. SO. the best lainhs 1 'ln
Co hlRher thnn yesilprday.
ItprPlpts : Oittlv , 3..VM head ; IIOKS. S3.OX ) hnnd ,
she-op. l.iK ! head ,
IvniiNii-i Cllv l.lvr Mtiirk.
KANSAS CITY , Jan. J.V-CATTUJ Uecelplii.
8.40) ) head , Including 3'M ' head of suuttii'rii cuttle ,
cown and heifers , active and steady ; medium : ) ,
lOc lower ; thin Btocker * and feeders , stendy ,
Texn and Indian slrvrs. $ j.Mr.1 ) S3 ; Texns and
western cown J2.50lf3.f5 nntlxe eleers , } 3.154f5.0J ,
hulk. | 4.3.tM.M : native cows and holfors. $ : . ( ) ( )
H4.15cslptti ; steers. $3.t ir4.W ; stoi-keis and
feeders. $2. 73ft4. W.
IIOOS HeevlptB , 10.4IM limit ! market ctfn-no.1
KtniiiK to Be hlplivr ; shade in.iler nl the clo p ;
hulk of sales. J3.G5tf3.S5 ; hem les , S.1.COrs.v : ,
p.ickew. $3.n > U3.S7i : mixed. $3.loa3.kj llsliti ,
M.WBS.M'i ; yorkers. M.SOHJ.S2U , ; pBg. , Js.r.OW .
4 < lll3ii' Ilecpljits. 3.IXM hond ; mnrkct llrm ;
lamlis , (4.3)i(5.W ( ; muttons , 5l.OOJi4.IO.
SI. l.onli I , lie Slock.
ST. UltTIS , Jan. 25. ( 'ATTM : Itecelpts , 4. "i
lu-ad ; Hhlptncntn , lOi ) head ; mniKot pteid > tor nu-
tlxe.M. slnuiK hut slow for T-\niiH ; fair to lanc >
native shlppliiK nnd export sleern , } l.3.'i . " ' . * ' .
hulk of saleB , J4.tWii-5.10 ; dressed In-ef nnd Initchir
steers , $ t.uiiif ) , . ( < o , hulk of sJilcs. JI.-i5H.ini ; M.MS
under tnco lh , M.7i < r4.40 ; hulk of sales , si. CUM
4.23 ; stocKers and feeilers. W. ( > W4.3.'i ; luilk of
sali\i. $ , l..vi5fl.l5 ; t ws nnd heifers. $2 ( rn ) 1.1)5.
Texas nnd Indian Meers , J.I.IVln I.S5. cons an , I
liplfpiM. JJ..VI143.25.
lions Hei-elpts. SK > ) head ; shlpnipnls. ISM
head ; market stead ) ; llKht. JI.B'iM.75 , mix , ! ,
$3. & > { i3.75 ; heavy.
Sllii' | Iteivlpta. 2MO hi-ail ; shipments 'i me.
maiket stronR ; unlive mutloni , Jl.oint'4.00 ' , Ininhs ,
$5.0i'u3.75 ; Texas mutti > n , JI.25'irt.M.
lOiiNl Iliillnlo l.lvc Stock.
KAST liri-TAI/J. N. Y. . Jnn. 25.-CATTM- :
Qulet , prhae to extra chok-p Hteors. J.'t.Phi.-.i" , ,
BiKul to clmlce fat shipping steers. JI.7fifnl.SJ ;
fair k > wood stets. Ji.9nii4.25 : ; Rood fnt cous ,
$3.Cog3.Hi ! ; common old cows , JS.IU'iiL'.sr , .
1IOOH Yorkers. K .o < l to cholol. l. 3 ; roiiKhs.
common to choice , $3.25SiS.r,0 ; pigs , good to
choliv. J3.S5ii3.'J5.
l.AMIW Choice to extra. $ ' . .kjie5.90 ( ; < ul1s to
comim.a , Jl Sflfi.ti ) sheep choice lo selcitcd
v.ethi'is' , t4.G5dl.l4 ; culls to enininon , J.i.5C ; < .S5.
.VIMV VurU 1,1 vt > Stork.
NI2\\1 YilK : , .Ian. 25. llUUVIW-Itecclpts. 2sn
head ; no trading. Onhlea quote Amerl"nii steeiJ
ul n iiiilUic : lefrlterator Iwi-r. Sftsi , * ' . : exporth ,
1.321 h , eves , 1.C22 hhoeii and S.W ) quarters of beef.
O.ilves. receipts , 370 Head ; vi-nls , J3.0Uiit.50. :
SMII.I' : AND uuMiis-iti-eoirits , ODO hon.i .
sheep , J3.rOTT4.70 : lamhs , J5.75ClO.25.
HtlOS Hoeelpts , 2,733 head , t'ood to conmioii.
CIlK-lllMMl I I.IVC Still'- ! .
( MNriNNATl. Jan. 23. HOOS Active at J3.10 , .
OA'ITI.K J2.25ff4.75.
SURE ! ' Steady at J2.73IST4.C.- .
I.AMI1S Slealy nt S4.ani < i.75.
Sloi-U In Slulit.
Keeord of leoelpts of MVP slock at the font
Iirlacipal mmkvts for .laniiiuy 2i :
Cattle. HORS. Sin pp
Oinnha 2.117 5.7J1 4. . ' , : > :
CIllcnRO 3,5l 23(00,0 ] , i
Kansas City S l' ' ll.4' ' 3.100
St. IxillU I.IH S , M 2.010
Totals 1S.3J7 51,121 2r,532
TillHIK . .lolilKl.llIllK. .
At a small withering the oilier iiiKht , relates -
lates the Clevclaml I/eader , somebody started
the OKK Joke a-rolllnfj.
"Did you over hear Ihe story of the liard-
bolleil egg ? " lie solemnly Inquired of sonio
ocio across the table.
"No , " was the Innocent answer.
"It's hard to 1)cat , " said the joker with
much gravity.
You can't help BinlliiiK at these thinfis ,
and after the laugh died down somebody
clso sprung this :
"Did anybody hear about the cRg In tlio
coffee ? "
"No. " said an obliging somebody.
"That settles H , " remarked the funny
man. 'blandly.
Of course there was another laugh , and
then a brief silence. It looked as if the egg
jokes had been exhausted.
Hut presently a llttlo woman at one end
of the table In i ] ill red in a high soprano
voice It anybody prottcit had heard the
story of thu three eggs.
Thu guests shook their hauls , and one
nmn said "No. "
7'ho llttln woman smiled.
"Two bad , " she said.
Tlui Tit-mi oiii : Hun.
Cleveland Leader : "Arabella. " aalJ old
Hillyuns os ho iln.'shed Ills dinner , "I am
going to ahk > you to do mo a favor. I want
yon to give mo your young man , Mr. i.Mr.
Whatsliianame a message from nc. : "
Arabella bluslircl and looked down at her
"Tell him , " the bluff old millionaire went
tin , "that I don't object to his Htaying hero
and running up my g-ia hills , hut that 1 dn
want to register a kick asainsj. his carrying
the morning paper away with him when ho
leaves. "
After that Mr. Wlll.ngton went homo
\\lll I'mili-Nt Co ii I I'll iIK. .
NK\V YOIUC , Jan. 25. Corporation Conn-
Bui W'tialen says the udinlnistratlon of
Greater New York would contest thu legal
ity ol all contracts entered Into hy the old
counties of Queeim nnd Richmond .subse
quent to thu enaetinont , and prior lo the
going Into force , of Ine charter of the
greater city. If tne corporation oonnxel la
* ustalned In court several million dollars
worth of work will not lie paid for , und
extensive bond IHSUI-B made to cover thin
wotk will ho rendered Invalid.
Killlor fiiniinllN SulHilr ,
WI3STOH15STKII , I'M. , Jan. 21. Cujitnln
Oeorso H. fiuss , editor and jirojirlelor of the
Chester Ponnty Di-niocral , coinmltleil Hiil-
i-lde nt hlH home In thl city late yesterdiiy ,
hy Inhaling Illuminating gas.
H. R , PENHEY & CO. ,
HO Board of Trndo Blilg. , Onwha , Neb
Itranch OIHce. 10.S N SI Lincoln. Nob.
c. c. ciiitis'fit : . c. .1 STP.IIIT.
i'realJpiil. Vlcc-l'imldcnt.
O . ' . KRNNUV ,
Chfislie-Stfeet Commissioo Co
Cniillnl tfr5 < . ( MM.ll ) ( ) , I'llIIy I'nlil ,
STOCKS. cil.lAM > I'llt ) VlSlflg ,
DI.n COI.O.M in uDIM ; , fun : viio ,
Members Chicago Hoard of Trade slnerkC4. .
Grain , Provisions anl K , Y. Stoclis.
Orderw Cash and Future Uellvery Sollr-lti-d
Onililili Ollli'e , Itiiiilii I , \ . V. I.lf < - Jllllu"
. , . . 'I'lliilll1)111. ) . . . ,
I'l.OVI ) .1. C.VUI'llKl.i , . 3liuniK-r.
. BOYD & CO. ,
Telephone JOiJl ) , Oinahu , Neb
Direct wires to CIHcayo nnd New York.
CoirtTJ > ! lfiitu : Jutin A. Wurrrn ( t Co.
I'lllillc l.lli.-nrj- .
Yciiiliinip Hod * ! .
Uenciipp Hotel \e Stum ] .
CHjXr lrHil , Cor. Main mill llronCM
H. A. I.UKHii , U1B Went Kllli SI.
.liiilllitrlnm Itiilfl .NtMvn Stuiul.
Aiiilliiirliuii A nn , vi XIMTO H In nil , *
IJrpulortlirii llolrl .Stntiil.
I'nlmri1 llniiNcNC : > K Mniiil ,
INixloltlciIM H Stnml , So. 217 lcn a
tmrii ( ilrppl.
AMsocliit.Ml AUvprll-icr'N Club , I'lilmcf
\\Vllllcll HllllKO.
Tinllollfiiilcii. .
Ciimiiici-Hnl Trnvc-liT * ' ANMirlnllntl ,
MllNllllIu ToillltllS
llrlNooc IlriiN. , Xu. : to Soiilh Tcjiui St.
Hill-Mini I iilvi-rsllj- I.IIirilrj.
llriMVII Illlt > l NlMVM Slllllll.
llinnllliin .V K < > ii < | i-.k | , iMUI-jMU ITIli nt.
Mclmln. I'll ! .V Co. , Sita Slit fi-ntli SI.
I'rnll M.-ri-nnllli- . , ir7 l.iirliiier SI.
Tin.sin donor Co. , ir.lh mill la\\ i--ncr
Windsor Hotel > IM > N Stand.
WllNI'K .lltl-olll , lioi-lv Islmul lCMt. |
V. Jl. C. A. It.MUllliK tlomii.
' Jliio
\V. \ . MIM.I < - , Clli in < ii u < - mill Main nt.
Ili-lcnn I'lllillc l.lln-iiry.
ItoliiM-t Id-Ill , Illlii : lidnl. .
UntiteN llonsi * .NIMI'M Stnilil.
Y. II. f. A. ill-nil I UK lloiiiu , SKI U'.Mlii-
lllllllNt. .
Missouri lli-imlilirnn Cluli , ! ) ( ) . " Ilultl-
ChlirU-N A. . ; lllln , \c , . < l Sli-iiiul.
,1. I ) , llmerlne.
I'ulHil.llirnry. .
Went lloli-l XIMVH Sliiiiil.
Hiiiiprr I liloii Mlirary.
l-'irih Avi-iini1 llnli-l : \I > MN Sliiiiil.
l-'lfili Avfiiiie llolcl ItcnilliiK llouklk ,
Iti-oiiiiic Stl-i-i-l Mliiin-- .
Iillllllllll JIllllNIItlllllIlIU llOOIll. ,
IIiilViiiiui Iliuihf.
Itniierlnl llolclIIVH Sliiiiil.
Urfliniili-H- Trnili'i'ta' Krco Mbrnry.
No. IN CMM | Sl.Mi-ciilli Strrel.
I NX ( "lull , 11:0 IINSIIII SI.
XVivsliiiiiiNti-r lloli-l Ki-nilliiK llooni.
U'lmlMor lliili1 ! ItcnilliiK KIIUIII.
V. Jl. C. A. . - , ' ! Sti-ei-i nnil - lllivoiiuo ,
Mi > Ciirtiiiy t Cii.
\ \ ' . U'clili , ill \VIINIIIKOII ! | | A vi1.
-'iirtiii-j ( & Co , , itiiii nxtii at ,
\IMV Yiu-U llcrnlil Itrnilliig llooni , 49
A\e. lie I'Oiierji.
V. C. Hiu-iIiT , Wi-Hl fi-nter M | .
\V. 10. .IlllK'N , -i ! AliliiSI. .
I'urfInliil lloti-l .VI-IVN Sliiiiil.
I'ulilUI.iliriiry. .
I'ulillu l.llirnry.
It , 1' ' . lllllllll'l'lt I'.M'1'IIIII 'I'lll-llllT.
Hull I.lllii- t o.
I ! , ( i. ( IjHlllll , l' < ) tllilll-l- > , -l\N Ul > | Mlt.
I'llHlllllll-l- Nl- N Dl-IIOl ,
A. T.
( iurri-llHiiii lloti-l \I-\ H Stiiinl
> 1oniliiiiiln lloli'lIHM Sliiiiil ,
Illlll- ] \'fllllllllH- \I-\VK Sllll
ii-oriii- I , , Hunt.
I'lililln Mliriu-y.
Jiilin \ \ . ( iriiliiiin , 7ii7illl :
A vin u i' .
HriiuiliMt'NIIVH Sliiiiil , 7 1
K. .1. .It'll , HOII Olive Nt.
I'lllllllTK' lloll-l .NI-IVN Htllll.I.
I'ulilli ) l.lhrnrjtil | l.oitiiNl SI ,
\ \ Illnril's lliiti-1 N.-IVK .Slanil.
\i-lliiU-lon Hot.I. .
I 'o n u reunion n I I.IIirnry.
AurUiiiltiirnI Di-iMirliiu-iil I.llirarjr.
Seiuililleiiillnu llooni.
KranU \ \ IHN , * Ir.