r 10 Tins ( TMA1TA DAILY HIS 13 : AVEDXESDAV. JAXTARY 2C , SPECIAL NOTICES 111 * rllM-niriil * fnr Ihrfif riiluiniii itlll IKtnKrii until 11 ! in. for tli < - cinilnir nml until S p. in. fur tin- mnrnlnu nml Siniilii ) cilllliiiii. AllVITtUl-l" . , II ) rPIIIII'NllMK II IIHIII- IiiTi'il HUTU , fini lintiniiiueri nil- OrcntiiHl In n iiiiinliiTfil IcHrr In ciirf of Tin- IlipIINW irn nn nililr 'Heil Mill ili'lliiTi'tl tin prfsriititUii" ' lll < > I'lll'l-ll Illllj. llnlfH , 1 l-lf n voril llrnl Itivnrlliini If u mini liiiTpiifd-r. Ni.lliltiK tnUt-ii fur 11" . , Hum U.i > for I InHrnt ItiNi-r- Illlll 'I lll'NIIlllv ITllxl-lllflltn lllllilt llC run cim ri'iillrlj. . \ \ riJII SITl'l IONS. BITI v-iinv \\TUD AS H'TIL : ri.i'iiu AS niter In rmtaiirnnt MX JPHTK exp"rpnei | , but " ( n-r > r n < . Aililrfim I : ' .I H"1 A -MW1 2T u Avrr.ii t 111:1,1' . CANlABSh'UH TO TAKIJ OIIOKIIS , XKIV LINE at wivk , no l.i"y K od * to cniry , alnr > or cuminl Mon C. l\ Adams Co , 521 So. ICth St. 11 361 BAUSM IN "rbu CIUAIIS w' A MONTH AND expinsc * old Mrni , experience unnecessarj , In- tlucttn-nlB to customers C C. lllshop A lp. Ht l oiili II HZ AtUI.VTS AND nllANril MANAOr.lW : PALAHV nil commlwlon Hunter Tailoring & bMrt Co rinclmntl , O. It M 193 April i JIOO r'I AND l.IIirUM.rnjJMlSSlONS FOIl KMX ! expirlfmed orKiiiilrers , tip to "Me plan : ran } i vvurk llfnry C * Akin. Supreme Itftfcnt. Imperial Mjntlu Legion , Omnlm , Nel ) II o3-l 3 IP TOP r.vtov A riooD. nsTAHi.isnno triilo In te-is nml elsam nml wlfh to rhanKo ii'.n c4 ndilrcsi , with full particulars llox D4j , Chi ORO 11-M'i'j 2C Til W r.I.INO AUT MAN , TO SIM.L COM- pleti- line nf Inhrli-atinK oil * urea1" nnd fpe- rliillli'i Illiernl salary or comml'nl > n Jewel Ufllntne Cn , rievolnnil , O. II Mill 23 ritNMr.NT POSITIONS DO.VT PUKPAUP. fnr the piKinfllw or other rlvll fervidexamlna - tc"ti without B > "lnB our IIIUMrattd cnlaloKiie of Inr irmntl m Font free. Columbian < * orro pnnil. CHIP i-iillPKi WnihliiRtnii. I ) r II-MI12 SB * itorNTID : OMAHA nox fOMI'ANY , Hist nmihn 11-211 AT oven A i ] n r iiptinti cleric pprtmnent pmlllnn for t xid inn n I'ltni II Schaefer cut price < 1ruc l t IGII nml rhlrnKO It M7-27- WAVTPDVATciiMAKnit. . ar.tuiAN PHI- : firro.l Apply U3 N V. I.lfo blillt 11-MI-.7 ! \ \ AM ii > SALISMIN : TO UIIMUSINT : : tm In InrRi- territory , for pe"lnl llnp nf nrtlclei , no < xpiil < * nri > renulred. pillion Knarnntecil A M.I' limn & Co , Shmx Palis S II I1-M2S1 2f. WVVIDIi KAM MAN' POIt MTllllICATINO nils cr. nio nml upoelnlilen. lircc t line mi mirl. t Kntiltnliln KednlnR rn CliM'linil O 11 Mr.n y \ Nii5Mx nN'nrtairrn1 MAN IN ivnnv I. n whn l'he to moke } > v r < ln\ A Mrens null uinmn , t' Wllion H InnrilMllli * 111 IJ M2S1 2 ( ! Hi II M'I IIOPSU WANTS 3 J1HN TO r. i > nt them In lonn mil Ml8 ourl ilary , T 'i mi I i xpi nff * stnte ace nml occupation , iiin-t IIIM ti ' il ri-fi'i nres nml nnll rnpltnl r i I in liiiKlnt ; X Co , MS Delattiire Si Kai civ M II-M2W 28 * HJ > ISIUI S mil ALL KIV11S OP WOUK , W TO r i lc Caimillan Ollne 1"2Douglaji I ll" < r ' 1HH 1 COOK ANIl SS. t5 | nr ui k C17 8. ISth C-1W Conic \ \ \N-TOO IN A S.MAM , PAMM.Y , i'i $1 ( V ) per week , Recoml girl KHIH Sl % I' ' UK ! 11 t C M179 ! il * OP i. i nt OENnnAi. nonsnwoitK. im s ' --r C 10ft-'i v. VNIID nini. roil OHNRHAL HOUSI- wi k mall fomlly 1111 So S3th 01 C-I3I 2i ( I I vjl VLI r.D , rilNTHAL. STHAM. ALL in I i ujin r flat. Tizard 223 N > rth 21th C-2J8 27 c. ' in C.IIIL pen HOPSI\VOIIK Jl J Ci's tleet C-MiMl 2. I. Mill A TO HO TM'IISTItVOItK AT h m niMImilk" fl to J7 IIPI e-'K ill Im- in Ilitilv nem Mfu Co , 1701 Cnnll.il \ nne C-M23S 26 ni\Tiioiisis. : ci ; IIUPSPS AND POTTAGIS Ai.i.ovnu $ ' . Ins1 ; I'l.lelltj . , 1st Moor N V I.lti- D-.M111 IIOMNO iiopsnoi.n : OOODS AND PIA.NOS Om Vin Storncu Co. . 1511'i , Painum Tel 15M p-173 ioi'bis ! WAM.AUI : , uitovv.v III.OCK icTTT ami IHiiiul.iB D 3C3 I.MIUI : LIST M'OAGPi : , iSTit AND ooixn : D-.W noi'sis. PI.ATS. GAIIVIN intos. , len PAU-M IJ-370 HOUHKS PJIl IlKNT. IIIIMIS. PAXTON IIMf n-371 iiip"Ks j H sn7n\v6oi > . 123 N Y. UPC n n.1 IIOI sns INAM. . PVUTH op TH1J CJT' . Ulli O P Hull Ccinpanj , ITO Parnun D 3C3 & . co. IDS N ism ST n VG HOI s | s I'OTTACJKS S10ltis : ALL PAUfS of cltj tlrinnnn S. Ix > vo Co . 219 S Kith D-SG7 9 itoo\t MODDHNiiiticiv nivnLLiN'ci , "NO" mi M isih Kt MO AppH tuV II Melkle. iKl Nnfl llimk lIldB D-913 Ki : ' iitvi : , IIISIUAIILU iiousns NKAII IIAN- KI mi pnil , and most desirable one on I'ark Ave at N101. r. D Wead , ICth S. DniiKlnn. jj j j > o S Itnoil HOl'Si : . NRIVLV 1'AINTIM ) AND I'A- pin I 2J14 N. 2Sth Ave , $12 ridellty Trust ' ' D-.M170 _ s IIOOM intir-K , r K I > illl I 'I 111 HI' , til 0 nn.m rntlnw. JI3. Ml Ilco hldii IIOI'sl s.VIAD ICTH A noi'or.vs. D-211 P2I 6 ItOOMP ON OltOPND PI 0011. A fit buirillni : luiune. In oenin of the i Its M I'iKiie ImcMment Co , l.nr IHwlci' ntr < > < > t P-M2-- HOI > iis : HTOKIJ * IIIJ.MIS PAMUN Ill.K P-MJ71 ; : : ; % ' ! ' I'i'itMsiii : ! ) HDOAIS. iti-vr Nin\i. ppitNisiui ) inuliliiirlrct 2121 Dods * . H M5SI1 TTn Pl.mSANT IIOOM. WITH Oil WITH- nut tinaiil near llantcom park , irnilcrn lionpe K 5 Itee i : 7bO fsnFni 1'iioNT iToo"MiTH AI-- mnlrn S'.vil lliuneKt. . | J 037 23 * I'l'IlNIHIIlII ) ItOO.MS , 2..70 HAItNIIV SP NICPI.Y PPIIN'lHIinii IIOOM WITH ItAY Hlnilnu ami IUIKU clnwl , imxli-rn lj | K 2''Hi HI i2.x > _ PI HMSIIP.I ) IIOOMS IM ) IIOVHI ) . iTMimAM rmsr ciAssMiTv no- trl J..lli nml DoilKe Bl P M707 r\\o NICI : UOOMS. 2i > ; s DOPOI.VS STP P7l' ' HOI HI , COIlNKll ICTH AND \VVIi > ler turrets Cuiopfan plan 10) ) roums. Mumi heal fren batha Koail loiinin } l V ) perM \M < > k be i meillum-prlcril hotel In Oniilm I N Wnlpon. Proptlrlor P JltiSl bTP.Axi ii IATIO . Harniy P-SHC Poll 15 UTOPIA 17J1 UAVP.NPOItT , THANSinNTS Ap commoilaleil P MW9 P17 _ JIANIISOMU PUII.OUS IN HUITK BMArXH ri u , Ki l lioanl The Hum' , 20W Hariiev P-.M)73 ! ) i M.v PI iiNihiinn IIOOMH , Monnitx x crllrnt tablu boaul 5 : : North 19th Hi P-M972 _ NIl'i : ItOOMS WITH IIUAlin. 1 4 11INNUY. near npwltlon P MISS ! " "i'l/UNI8Tn : HOOM3 WITH iToAUO alrr he.it 2102 Ca 8t P-M180 ! J IN PlHYATi : 1'\MH.T. WITH Oil W1THOPT tioanl 1 ! > 19 Po.lge P-M11J ! C jTl.IXlANT PIIONT HOOMH BTHAM HIJATIU ) " ( ltcUn | l uir > l 1900 Capitol A\e F M2S ( "J" van iuvr STHHIS . > n OPPIOKS. roil HKNT The 4 8TOHY IlllICK HUII-DI.NO at > 1 Parnam fit Thl < bullillni ; hn a flrrjiroof ci'inenl liaieinvnt , water on all Moon , eat etc Ar ly ui the office of iliu Il > e 1-SIO roil iuNT-ur.sic HOOM IN OIIOUND PI/JOH office , lire building , vater , utoain heat , I'leclilo lldit tinJ janitor i rvlce Apply to Buuerln * Iflidflit , llo Lulldlns , I 1ST FlHST CUVHS MKAT MAniCUr" > CATION. 4M lie * . I-MSU I'OII HUM'STOHIIS AMI OITICKS. i mt HIVT : IN TIII : IIKK HPII.DINO fir" Inrge corner room , M floor with tault and pn\nii > ninre wnter , He. O-it lnrii' front room. ! J floor JHIjeJ Into two onmi by p Mltlon , w : er clo One lure * corner loom. IJ door , with % ult , water etc One fr nt ri m , JUMeO by partition , 3.1 floor , rjm i rner r om , with tftult , M floor. One large room lil floor With Jiaitltlotl dlvlJmff It Into one Inrcc room am ] tuo smaller prhate rnom" , vater etc. Tuo IIIFKI Krouml floor rooms , fronting I'lli St. , nlth xault Se > eral ( mail rn < nm nn ( th noot . .withaults. . All the e loomx arc heale.1 with Ktenm , electrlo llRhin nuppiieJ lth llrnt-claM Janitor nervlco. lie\nt r < run ila ) ami nil nlRht , building Mrlct'y fireproof Apply to Superintendent , lloom 104 Hep bullillns. I IM POU TtnNr7TiTucl { ' \v.\nnnopsi : HTII AND Iy-a in nrth SI * - , ! Si > ( " 1 feet. IT , P track- BRC , frame xiarehou e. 7lh and notiKlas 14 ( 0 M feet. It * M. trackage S S Curtl 1S05 Hnmer St I-MI S 30 AOIJNTH I/K1K HBHB POIl BOC \ VIJIl.t. . send > ou full direction- ! how to mnnf 1 > kind * llnorniK extract and 4 kinds vlidet n an , ca lly nnde mire Mllerf ARentV Supiil > Co , 411 Liberty SI . IVorta III J MZ62 28' WV THIITO ItllNT. WH WANT A (100D STOIti : IIOOM. WHM. locntiil , al once , for a llMt-clai < permanent tenant Pldellty , 1st lloor. N. V Life. K-979 OINTIJMAN | i > isinis : A COMPORT-AIINY furnl-hid nxim In prhati' fatnlls' innnlentl > lucnlfd Aildm i R S2. l w. K M2IH 2s * PAC1PIC STOIlAOi : AND WAHRHOITSB CO . dot ! 910 Jones , general etorngo anJ forwarding Jt-376 O.M VAN i bTOUAQi : , ISllVi FAUN'M TKh 1SJ9 M-377 PIMNK iWi : H. STOUAOB 1214 HAIINHY Hnullnff and packing. Cheapest rates Tel , | j ) ( ! . \vvvrin rio nuv. WANTin : TO HUY-A PKW THOPriAND doll irs of Onialin Siultms bank eertlllrates for ca n , state ammnt. and iirkc a Ucd Address K 28. I ten office. X-OV > 31 * _ \NTP.D , CHIAP : POU CASH AN Bawllnc cnRlne I.jck IKJX 111. I\lnKt"ti Ni-b. N M171 27 * WANTIII ) TO 11PY TOO TO 1 0110 POPN platform sc.ile for cash 111 e\clmiiKi' small safe for icale , tjpe\\rlter or blcjclo r'all or uddreis 410 South llth St. , Clt > . Tel. Til N-2IO-2J' i-oii s viii'i'iiMTri : ' i2. 'PHN1HIIINOS OP A PIMJ UOO1I IIOPSi : 2212 Clmrles O 2 23 KOII h \iii KINi : . WHITn SAWDUST POU PLOOUS. K1C . cmrso for Ice , at J3 7S per cold lei , I > S Ml UouKUs Q-379 POU SAI.H PiXTPins : POU niipo STOIII : , * Ij Wnwluortli , l"th nnd Chicago tat tatQ223 20- POU RU.C. DIIY , HAUD WOOIl KINIlhlNll Jl S3 pnr load delivered Om ilm 1 In Her Tub Co , 21th and U. 1' . Inll ! n > . Telephone ! " 7 ? Q-U3 pou UPNT-A OOOD ninciinii SHOP WITH all llxtmeH In Kond lorntlon Tuo months trlnl Hltluiut rent nnd utter \ers rej onnble Address llox IJ 50 Hie Q 23C-2C * pou SAI.I : , CHIAP , KMIIU ON PPIHC.IIT plnnn In good condition. WJ 2il nnd I. South Omiln Q-M2H ? S- WANTHD TO sniii ou nxciiANon POU DirU Iliamah cocks , Ued Huff and White I i- hnrn cocks also Him k Ppnnlhh and Domlnlis. nlso fnr UTO | one hundred nice mixed hens and ten half bleed cooks \\rlte me. \ \ ' I , linn- ilull. Human. Nib Q-M2C027 * CI. VIIIVOVTS. . PUOP. AMPS OUnATlNT MYINO SITCCPSS- ful piilmisL an 1 clalr\o > unt medium. 2217 Pur- nnm St sittings 50 , satisfaction positively Binranteed h 1S7-S6 * PUOP AMI > OIUJATPST l.IYINC. hPCI n-S fill palmUt ind < Hlr\n > aMt ineilluin'IT ' Pir mini st , sittings , liOr sitlsficthn posltlxi I\ Kimrmteed M2IM is * > i.\ssvci : , iivnis , KTC. JIMi : llHIbSON 0V I'AIHS. CHinOPODIST medicated bitlis mil masf.iuc 107 N lth St T ISI-P-l' JIMI : AMPS MASSAdi : AND IJATHS i How ud sticet 'I M2I1 MHS Dll. IiON : IJMKTIUC MASOIJ HA'lIt parloi-K , icstfiil nnd curative 417 S llth up- htalrn T-.M210 30- VIAVI co , uTiiiiJcu Tuoi'iii.i.s. sic-s IIKU llldg , ijlijblcl.in consultation or health book free. IJ 3M IIATIIS MASSAOC. MMK POST , 319H S 15TH U 3W ci.oTin-5 : CLIANID. ; IMHSSID : AVD un paired , das or nlKht , dns suits for hire. P.mtorlum , N , U Cor. 14th und 1'arnum 'lei 9U U 3i3 now iucoMi : : IAWPUI. PHYSICIANS. pharmaelsts V D's. dentists or lavvjei-s I jcU box 190. Chicago U-7IS P12 pitiYA'ii : IIOMI : POU I.ADIPS itupoui : AND duidlUK cnnllncmert. llables adopted or < ired for MIH M. J. I.udlovv , 2202 Clark St Omaha. U 9U Peb 19 ! A.NY PKIISON IN not'oi\s , , WASIIINOTON or Siiiiy < ountles who h.is iinj claim agalnht inn will plcasu c-all at Wler's plate , ne.ir houth Umihii vvherti 1 can be found till March 1 , IfejS. John Nnth U lVi-Ptb-24' uivATiJ IIOMI : pou LADIKH 111:1 oui : AND during confinement , bablex adopted and cared for 1130 N 17th. P-9S9 27 IP WM II PI.ANNIIUY WII.I , COMMPNf- rntc with P. It Neiily. 17li Market t , tin Pninclftf i Cnl. , ho will Irani sumelhlm ; uf In terest to him U-JIS X' PINI : IX > OKINO M UCANPIM : JI\N , is , lH st refeionit's Krntleman In OMIJ vv iv vvlsUtg ni iiualntaiict * Ht > llrh itspn table I idv of moani * with view tn matilmmv , whnvniild live In Salt Iwiku Cltj nnpuei at om e wlt'i full pntuulars , Rlvn hunie nil.hi.ss gi.ni nil il - llvery will not bi > not I ( id.chlixis i : ,1 Hi , P M.17 Ji. TO I < O1 > linili IJVI'ATK. MONIJY ' 1O LOAN AT LOW ItATUS Tllll O P IJ.ivtsUo. 1505 Pa mini St W 585 ANIHONY 1XJAN .t TUL'hT CO 315 N Y. I < ; HUli k in HH'j it low rateR for choice faun lands In lowit , northern fllbsmni , raitvrn Nibranka W JbO I/1AN8 ON IMI'llOVIJIl K. PNIMPIIOVIU ) CITY property W. Parn.un Hmlth i. Co , 13201'jrin MONIJY TO IX5AN. IIIJMIS , PAX'ION MIJ2CK. W Ml MOMJY TO LOAN ON IMPUOVIJD OMAHA real ettatc llti'nnan-Uno Co. , 219 H. ICthJS9 \ \ -JS9 J1WCCOCO BPIJCIAI. Pl'ND TO LOAN ON llr l c n s Impiovpd Omaha | > iopert > or lor bullillne purposes Pldellts Trtiht Cumpany W 390 MONIJY IONP.D ON IMPIIOVRD HIJAI. H.S- tiili' In Omaha , Council IlluffH , v. South Omaha Pubey S. Tho'nus. 503 Plrst Nat'l Hank Omaha W-3JJ WAMIJO-CIUWU PAHM AND CITYI.O\NS U C. Pttirs i Co , U. h Niit'l IJank Illdg W-M453 _ MOHTtlAriL'ri l-'OH S-AUJ PIIOIMJUTY OP NON- ie ldnit vu d for. W. 11 Mtlkle 1st Nat I ll' ' < . W SOI WK HAvn MONIY TO IXJAN ON FAHMS IN eaitirn Nebratka and western Iowa. Ilrennan. lso\e Co. 219 bouth l th treet. W M5S9 F6 c I'uii CINT MONKY o.v NIII : PAHMS & tin pniptri ) W II Melkle. 1st Nal'l Hank Uldg. W M418 IMJH CUNT CITY AND PAHM I.OANH. Oanln I Iron , 1613 Parii.iin HI W MiC7 PIIOM J1W01) UP , W1JAD , 1CTH A. DOPdl.AS \V-ili P21 O'n I'llll CKNT MONKY. IIIJMIS. PA.VTO.V block W-961 MOMJY TO IO V > OHTTI5I.S , no TO no roe TO uo VN o.s HOliaiilOID : PPHNITPUK AND PIANOS IIOHSKS WAC1ONS AND CAitHIAaUS , WAHiilOl : < blJ UKCL'IPTS. IJ'JC. at lowmt rates In Omaha. South Omulm and Council Illuffi No rcmeval of goodn , ttrlotlj conlldentlal , > ou ran i y tbe loan oft at any time or In any umuun'e umuun'eOMAHA OMAHA MOUTUAOi : I/DAN CO , 3011 bouth ICth St THIJ oimsT : LAiionsT AND ONM INCOH- t'OIIATUD IXJAN COMPANY IN OMAHA X JO * IIUSIMISS CIICIJS. . TO OKT IN OH OUT OK HUSINUSS GO TO J J UlUon , Ui Plr.t Nal'l Uank , V-AJJ ( fonllnm 1 POIt HKNT IIIUCK ST UCtlnOM COM ! AM. mnvMiline" ! ! . be t loratloi in city , tplendl 1 bu > lne * town John H Ltndale , v'.tflt I otnl N b. Y-Milt STBAM SlKIlHY-OiVHOfND , CO.MPhKTK. c < t i ! WO price , IVO monej In It for exr ' - * lllnn Urlte Tuttle IJrcw , Salt iJike Cltj. Vtdh , Y-MM9 K Jl.SCO.flOAVAIIjOPIlsm.P OP THIS MoI'K of Hcqulrlnsvenllh tly It mnnv hnmro nre tlie r clplentn of fortune1 golden Jhower No cmmmrclftl or * p ulatl e cntetTfl'e eijiifll" It IMI season we reallieil more then JlM ) ' t t > * r month , jour nurplus dnilnrn will do It fir sou Write for particulars Cmnlen A r' " Iloon Uloclt , CninKton , Ky Y HI 2C MKAT sT\irKijT7 OOoir I/JCATIO.V. HCIINI ! Kood buslnrns , Addrisa IJ 17 , lice Y 2J"i . " " * K.WO 01JN I. MDSIi STOCK , PAHT LAND. J6 leMnurnnt rent tv eentrnl , { 1 WO gen'l indM , for omalm propertj , > l,0Hi ( sroien fir house and lot P Drnd , ICth und DouRlns St Y 215 2o ASSISTANT WANTP.D TO MANAOIJ OMAHA nillce nf hlijh grade btitlm-sK , mut take or place (2fiOO coinpan > ' flock. Income fullv JJ.OOO jearls I N. Cocnpanj , Hixmdwa > . N Y Y-M2M 20 MONIJY CVN IIIJ MADIJ AND UIO MONIJY has been nnde h > Invedtors who hive nr- counts In tn > hand * . twent > > ear of mirre * - ful dialing , write for particular * , which wl piove Intertstlng to nil iH'r utis havIng mone Investel nt regular Interest rales Chnrle Ilughi > lnve tment broker , C3nll street New Vork T MUZ 26' rou i\cn\Ncii WIMj KXCHAVOn VIJHY DIJ IIIAIH. clear vacant Omaha lots for Chicago properly Addre < K vvllh full pirttculars , llox 262 , Omaha 2 MS04 POH SAM : on nxciiANnu IOT so IIY is feet , with eight-room cottage with ill tnoiler Improvements nlro good barn , located I choicest residence put of Omihn two block from Hansrom park , one blo k from Mrec cars and school , paved Mrecf and brick w-ilks J2 r.DO Ineumbrancc four > ear nt 6 per cent will sell cciultv cheap for rash or will cxchang for a desirable stock of shoes Address D ft llee , Omaha Z M717 Peb 13 POtl SIIJ HIJAI. KOPNTZi : 1'I ACU I1AHOAINS J2,50i ) | 3 T50 TO tC.ttfl J. J. Gibson. 514 Plrst Nat. 11-ink Illdg Hi-3l9 ; ! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I1AHGA1NS. HOUSUS. LOTS AND PAHMS tale or trade. 1' . K Darling , llarkei blk 111J-4M _ HOUSIJS , LOTS , PAHMS , LANDS. LOANS nlso fire Insurance , llcmls. Pixton block nu M401 _ NIJW COTTAOIJ. MONTHLY PAYMENTS ro lice Uldg Hi : M531 LOOAN VAI.LIJY PAHMS AND MHHCHAN dlse Iluntabcrecr i Clements LvonNc brnska HU M3G9 j:2BM ( pou 3-STOUY I1UICK IIUII.DIXO , 4 feet rrontnge near llth and Douglas Sis J-/.00 for Improved property on Cumlnc street near 2'th street J N Pren/er , Onn P 1 O l U-M7CO 14 PIJH CPN'T GUOSS INYESTMUNT , 2 STOH\ brick business ImlUlns , price f3 500 Ad.lrc" . H 1 Ilee UH M7C1 _ PUtM LANDS C P. 1IAHU1SON 112 N Y L UK-Oil P17 \VANTIJD TO IIPY OU THADIJ POH A TUNer or flfteen-ncro tiact neir Otnnh i mu't be good nnd cheap , state location und lowest price jVddress K 2S , lice office. IIIJ ICO 31 SOLD ONCi : POH 13 WO. NOW J7"i Clioici bullllng lot Ml Dec Illdg UIJ M102 A SNAP. TWO op TIII : IIIST LOTS IN VIJST Cummlngs addition onlj Jlr,0 CO i-ich. If told this week. The McCngno Investment Co HIJ M ISC 30 * POH SALU , Tlin A O IIIMC'KIJTT LAND 24 nores two miles south of IJIkhoni S s Cur tli ivo ? llnrnej St UIJ M119 30 * OOOD 43-IT ItPILDI.NO LOT , N. W . $300 P D Weid ICth , \ Douglas Hi : 211 27 MIOHTIIM ) AM ) T1 I'IJKITIM ? . A. O VAN SANT'S SCHOOr * 613 N. Y. LIPIJ 330 AT OMAHA 11US COLMJGIJ , ICTH i DOPC.LAb 397 H II nOYLHS. COt HT Ui"OUTlil : PHIYATP lessons , day und evening 407 lice Iildg 393 OMAHA SHOHT-H\ND COLI.Uolj IIOYD'S theiter M75) Peb 13 MIMJS VM ) M1MNR. DO NOT WAIT P.VT1L YOP AllIJ IHJXDY TO Hlart Iwfnre bnvlng jour outfit Iluj now We mt is agents , buj puk Hture and Institn nut- Ilt'i nnd hold them readj fm Imimdnte slilp- ini-nt No delav Wo t.m bnvo joii both time nnd money Send stamp foi pimphlct nnd othei Infiirnntlnn Yukon storage Oiitlll Cn , P O box 23 , Toiomn Wash M551 26 * I'AWMIIMICIJIl& . H. MAHOWITX LOANS MONIJY. IIS N 1C ST. -407 rpci MONIJY LOANHD ON MPIJ INSPFl VNCH "OL- li-les or bouuht L. P Van Norm in M'nne- apolls , Allnn M771 Menu * T1PIJIUTP.HH. . TYIT-WUITHUS POH HHNT J4 CO PUU MONTH. The Smlth-Piemler Tjpewriter Co , 1C23 Pnr- nnm St , ti lephonc , 1231 f.QO sitint ; Miciiivus A.vn NIJIV IIOMI : noiTsniroLD & WHITR snw- Ing nuiLliliHs i Hujijilics 13H Cup ave Tel 1571 403. IJMPLOI M CITY IJMPI.OYMPNT HPHnAtl. 1417 PAUNAM st Hooms 2 ft 3 Tel 1414 MQ STIJNOfJH IPIinilS. WIJ SOLICIT AND PtJHVlBII POSITIONS POU StenoBr.iphers fne The Smith-I'remier Tjpe- writer Co Teli jihunc 1281 403 COIL. llirULINOTON-.NUT HPSl f'lIIJAIMJST PHICrJ } 3 ib per ton 'I'll UD SIS. Harmon , M Weet i Co 104 ri'iTi\j srnooi.s. HIJMOYIJD TlilJ 1oV TMLOH SYSTEM dress cuttlni ; NChuol , 1J11 Cumlng si siMS70 MS70 Pub 15 ri'HMTl'ISIJ 1MCICIJI1 , M. 3. WALKIN , Zlll CUMINH 'n L 1331 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 408 MIHSKIIIIJS. \\ANTiiJ-A : 0001) PAIlTNKIl POIl SOPTH- orn fruit f.iim Also mriomiis fnr 100 iholo lots ulrn nvrrnl Binnll tracts nf I inI mar Omilia Addrets. J It. Hlie Council lllinTs la sti-ivii 20 * SIJIVIJH SIDPWVI K A. Ill ILDINdNYQ"N. . tlt > , tt-l iJi. ly.ulavll e IlrlcK Co M 111. Trade _ IM ) ill ii.Dr.it. a iv aiLiimT , cMiirnNT'iiit AND CON- tractoi , jobb.ng tolloltei 1SI5 SI Mar > ' me M3 Jan * a pcrlsinnarrhttt t , Washington. IJ f , Jan. tmry 22 , 1S < IS Sealoil proposils vvlll bo ic- culvnl at this olllee until 2 o'clock p m on tin , isth day uf Ki-hrnury , * * < 'a\v\ opi-npj Ininiwllatoljtl.ori'aftir. . for all tin- l.iboi and inntcrUN rifiuiml for the rri--- tlon anil completion ( i-xcppt hc.ttliiK np- imiatus ) . of thu V. S. po-tolllie hulldhiK at nontli Omaha , Xelmisk i. In ai'conlinci with thu ilr.iuinurt and rjitcllii'atlons , loplf.i cf which mi > bo Inid at thU ollliv or the ollleo of tlm Superintendent ut South Oinnh.i , Nohrask.i The rlsht Is ri'SPi\pil to lejiot nnv or ill bills anil to mlvo an > ilefi-ct or Informulltj In any li'il ' Khqtild It hideemoil to the inirie.il gf the 'lovprn- intnt to do o. Proposals musl he t'licloji-il In en\plopi . .sealt-il and nurlUHl 'THO-1 I'OSAL for the nri > cilon nnd Completion of iho U S I'ostotllcn at South Oiwhn. Nt-- hrusk'i , " nnd addrc < ne 1 to the Su Architect J'jil t ] > H01 > OSAI S KOH Olllce I'urrliuHliit ; Cmnmlhiijrj cf Subsist- onei' , Omiiha Nob. , Jumi.iry 24 , 1S9S. Seik-il proposal ! * Hiibjwt to tin usu il conilltloii. " , will he reielveil nt this < Itli e until 10 oYloik a in. , I'Ybrunrv 3 , IbbS. alvhlli tlnii anil jil.ico thn > will lit * imlilU'b oH-iu'il | for fur- ninlilUK KUl > Bltonrf slmos UK fullavvx 1'urk luron , siik'.ir ranind Kools. i > t < I'rt'fi-ienre will be K'H'1' " to uitirlo * of donitalk- pro Im- tlon Illnnk propa"ili ) anil 'picitli itlonfi cm bo obtiiiniMl at th's ' olllce KItANK 13 NYH , Major anJ Conunldsarj oC Sub'i > un u. ( iii KHMITN r NO i n is. : 1 ( i nilnui 1 ) ' riniposALs mi ; i.CASINO TIII : si ii plm jtr stltiK ImiU on the Klovvn nml r'otnum ho mil \Vhhlti rcnenntlon * t'tilt" ! ! States Iti'llin strike , Klovvn and C innmhj . niiil Wlfilta affeni ) , Annilnrko , Oklahoma , I January 13 , 1S8S ( Telepr-tphlo address. Ana * dnrk > , Oklnhonin , Ma riilcku'hn 1. T. ) Sealed proposn.s for Brazil K horses or fittle ( hut not sheep or IIOMI on the sur plus lands ol the Klown and Contain he and Wkhltn reservations , Oklinomn , * Indorsed "I'r posnls for Iciislng trltinl hinds for grazing purpos s , " nnd addressed to the noting agent of the Klowa and Comnnclie ngencj , Anntlnrko , Oklahoma , will bo re ceived nt thl * dike until 2 o'clock P. in. on the 19th da > of February. II * . The pastures on the Klra and Comnnche rcflervtttlm will lie lPanfd for th period of threeiri from April 1 , IS'JS , and the pasture * on the Wk'fiHn reservation will he Ion-ted for otiu > oar from April 1 , ISis , No bid for n dllTeritit period on either leset- \ Ulon will be roccllrJ or considered. For the Informatl-in ol bidders 1 Mill slnto that the description of iliti pnsttirm , the loca tion nnd eitlmnteij. nfriiber | of ncre In fach , and all otner necpssmy informnilonvlllbo fttrnlihed on nppllmtlioii to this olllce. A few of the pisturd 'i5ii\eac1i reservation ate tinsurioycd. TheMUlll be survejcd tit t"irly as practlcnbft''nnd the lessee will bo rciiulred to pnj ullbn the nelunl number of acres found to Vf jinibraced In each , us shown by the sutife > ' Curtain of the p is- tnreq on both -iMntlons are ulio un- fi'iiec'd. The lessee * tof unfenccd pustules will be required , wldiotit unnecess.iry de lay , to fence the difiuvlth a substantial , cittle-proof , wire' foee ( , till fences nml other Improvements thall revert to the In dians nnd becomif their nboslute property at the expiration uf thu leases No pasture- on the Klowa and Comaiic-he reservation that Is already under fence will be leased for less than 10 cents ppr ncre per annnm , und no unfenoed pasture on said leserva- tlon will be leased for less than S cents per acre for the llrst year and 10 cents per acre for each of thu second and third years. The bidder must clearly design-no the pas ture on vvhliM the bill Is made , KlvillK the estimated number of acres therein , the price per ucre per annum which he will pa > and . ' ! < m2\lmum numlrr of horsed nr fMittlp hi * tirmvit * , > < 3 tn tinlil lltinn the 1 Llllls at any one time , anil In case more than one pasture Is hid upon , sop trato bids must he made upon each. Onlj In n strk t nil- hetence to this Instruction will It be pr.ic- tlcuble to compare the bills on any jrhen pasture The rent must be paid In two equal semi-annual payments In aiUanii1 , namely , on April 1st and October 1st of each > ear , U.ich lessee will be tequlnd to furnish secutlty In an amount oiju il to the deferred payments for the faithful per formance of tile condition ! ) of thu lease thronph hoinp accept ible securltj or Ktlar- ality lompanv. I'ersonnl bonds will not bo accept d. \orythlnK l belnpf satisfactory It It ptoposed to nwnnl thp Kra/.ltiK pilvlkKes of each particular pasture to the bidder proposing to pi > the highest pi Ice theie- for ; but the ilg-ht Is hereby roset\ed to re ject any and all bids If deemed for the best Interest of the Indians and the leases executed hcroumlur will be subject to the approval of the sceretarv of the Interior Kach ptoposal must be aicompanled by U ceitlflpd t-'ieck or di ift upon some Unhid Stales deposltoiy or solvent nation.il bank In the vielnll5 of the bidder's plnce of i evidence , made jnivable to the ordet of the rommlssloiipi of Indian nffnlrs , for at luist u pel centum of the cntlie amount of the proposal , which check cr draft shall be forfeited to the United Stiles foi the ust and benefit of the Klowa , Commit ho. Apache and Wichita Indians , In case an } bidder rrtelvhiR an nvvnrd shall fall to enter Into the prescribed lease foi the lands bid upon , and to secuie a suitable bond foi the faithful peifuimance of his part of the continct , otherwise to bo to- turned to the blddet 1'ioposals not 1011- fonnliiK1 to the i riulionicnts of this ud- vet tisenient will not be consldeted. PltANK D UALDWIN , Capt I' . S. A , Acting In dian Anent , Klovvn. and Commune Atfeni'V , Annilnrko , Oklahoma JJIdlJtM S ron KLOUP. OPKICH PPU- chaslnp C'omls arv of Subslsttnce , Onuhn Neb. Jnnuary 21 , 1S9.S. Sealed proposils In diiplln.ito , sublect to the usu.il condition- ' , will bo lecelved nt this olllee until 11 o i lei k a m , IVbruaiy 3. W , at which tlnii ind pi ice thov will bo opened In presence of bld det s , for funilshlnpr the Subsistence Dep irt- ment. IT S. Army , en or before Febru ir > 23 HyS , is imy be required , with Flour for Issue and Flour , choice famllj , at the follow- Ins places of delivery , viz On boanl of cirs at Omaha Ni-brisku or at subMsUnte MoiehoiiM- Forts Crook Xlobran Hvb- lnon. . Nub. D A Rufell Wnshaklo > o anil Fort Meade , S D Piofereme will be Klven to articles ol domestic production The reserved to rojeet any or all Mils. or auj part ef an > bid Tllank pioposils and spepidca'lons show Ing In detail the ar ticles mil rjuantltles required and KlvliiR full Information a to conditions , will be futnished on application to this oilier , or anv of the Commissaries nt posts named above Proposals will alp < > b < t reiclved by the I'ut- cliisliiff Commissary of Subsistence Denver , Cole , at 10 n m mountain standard time , February 3 , 1S9S , for the furnishing nml de livery of the above Subsistence Storeb free on board H H. cars , U Dcnvor , or near the place of ptoductlon Ot puiehase , or at the pens named FRANK JJ. NYU Major and C. S U. S. A. AOTICIJ 'IO CONTIl ICTOIIS. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed liliN for the oonsti notion of the lalustiailrs , docking and tlnlsh around npoon ; on the exposition grounds will be le- celved until 11 o'clock a. m Kildiy , Jun- uar > 2s , 1S9S. Plans and speclllcatlons can bo been at the Department olllce , coiner "th and Spencer streets , or sets will bs 'urnlshed bidders at cost The right Is icHcived to reloct any or all bills. ! ' P KIHKENDAL1 , , MBr Gids .t lllilss. Dept. , Trnnsmlsslsslppl and Intelnntloml K\p. I'OSTOPPIPIJOTICI5. . ( Should be read DAIIA" by all Interested as changes ma > occur at any time. ) orelKii malls for the week ondhifr Jnnumy 2'J , 1MIS , will cloe ( PROMPTLY In all cases ) at the gpnoinl post olllce as fol- lovvnPAHCni.S I'OST MAILS close one hour earlier than closing time shown below. Trillin-VInntlc ( Halls. WniN 1:3DAY At 7 a in. tsupplementary ' 1 ti. m ) for iUUOI'i : , per s. H. St Louis' , via South impton ( leturs for Iieland must bo directed "ptr St l uls" ) ; at 1 a m ( suppk mentaly 1030 a m. ) for lU'HOPK , per s. s M ijestlc * . via Quoenstovvn , at 10 n. in , for IH LUIF.M direct , pt'i s a Noordlind , vlv Antwerp ( letters must be dlrei'ted "per Noordland" ) J tiUlcrilJA Y At n n in lor tili.MJA , pei H H AuKiisto'lctoiia ( letters mu-'t be di- Itcled "per AuglKstC' Victoria" ) . SATPHPAY-At 7 a ! ! for FRANCi : , SWITXIJRLAND. ITALY. SPAIN , POH- TroAL THRKIY , IOYPT : ami IIRIT- ISll INDIA , per H. s Ll ChampaKiie * . vli Hnro ( letteirt foi other piits of Hutope muHt be dltocted "per La Chaiiip IKIII" ) , at S u in. Im NUTIIURLANDH dlrct' , per H. H Rotterdam.I.i Rotterdam ( luttors must be dlrecled "pei Uotttr- dam" ) , at S a in. ( supplementary a.ro n. in ) for HintOPU pet s , s Cainpinla * , via Quecnslovvn ; at 10 a in for SPOTLANlJ dliccl , poi a e Ethiopia , via Glasgow ( kl. tera must be directed "per IJthlcpia" ) . I'llIN'IUD MATTUn , Ufi' QiTinun Menmus ftiling on Tut'fliln > take rrlntcil Mutter , i ti . for ( JermJiiy , ( mil Nwtlnl > Aillreseci ) 1'rlnteJ .Mattel , etc. for otbtr lurta uf IJunpi ! Anur- lean untlfhlto btai t-toanicia on Wudn&ida > B German ttennifra on Thurfiln > s anil Cnnun ] lYi'iii'li and Otrinan tlitmeri vn Siituiilavu tain. Prlntcil Matter etc. for all counlll s fui vvhit'i ' the ) are ailveitlteil to cnnj mull After tie flotlng of the Rillplenieiitarj Trans- Allantli Mul's nniui-'il ubote , additional uippk'- nunials linilU urc i | n nea Ml the jilns of the AmeiKan UnKlUli , Piuuli anil nerinan ftcain- cra .mil lemaln open until within Tin .Mlnuten of Iliu hour of mailing ol nuainer. lulls for Smith anil ( Viilrul Aiuorli-n , IVl-Nt IlllllCH , IJII- , WnDNKSDAY-At 230 a in. for PORT AN- . TON1O , pi i stiiimei from Philadelphia , I at 8 a. m. for IIHA'/IL. per s s Olbern , i via Pernambuco , Ulihla and Rio Janeiro i i ( loiters for North llrazll and Li PI itu j countries must bo directed "per Olbpi "j , I ; i at 1 p m for CUHA , pet H B Orl itu. ' | via Ilavnna , at 1 p in ( supplement irv i ISO n m ) for NASSAtr , N J' . pt.r 8 s ' Antllla ( letters muot be directed "pel Antllla" ) . at "p m for NASHAF , N P. ! per s Mi.unl , from .Ml mil , Fla. TllI'RSUA Y At 1 p m. ( Hupp'umpnui ) 1 3i ) p m ) for ST DOMINOO and TURKS ISLAND , pi r t. s ChciokPe SATrilDAY-At h a. in for DKHMUUA. per H s Trinid.rd ! ' at 10 n m ( suppli - ' 1 mentiiry 10 > a1 m ) for FOIITI'VIJ ISLAND JA.MAHtA , 8AVANILLA mid ' OIUJYTOIVN , P M- ! c A'tiio ( letters for Costa Ilka , must be dirrotid "per Alope" ) ; . nt 10 a. m for HAITI an I SANTA MARTHA - THA per a a IClltv it 10 " 0 m fui , CAMJ iCMG. CHIAPAS TAIJ\S ( " ) mil Yt'CATAN' , per P Coni-ho ( lett. r * foi otlv r pt'rta of Mexico ind for Cub i mint I. bo d'liciod ' "per foucro' I , ut 11 a m for I Ni\VPOt'NI : > LAND. per 8 < I'uitlii. ut 12 m foi LPI.Vl'A < "OlTXTRIis : dlntt. I - p-r K s IliKhlniil Prim : at S 30 p m ' Sor'li HviliH > i Sl'N'IJXY A' 7 H m far 9ANTIAOO DIJ CPBA VKNWXiriiL\ COIOMHIA fi p r * Mi vli ) i MI * ixiu t' b dr ! ' < 1 pir Mtx'iu' * , ai 7 p in fjr NASSAt/ . POMIIITK IJ VITII P. . for NUWForNnLVNO , per t-atni r from N. P , per s Mlnml , from Miami I'll Matin for Newfiiundianil. li > rnll to Halifax and thetcp bv Mmmrr , iltM1 t til * olHc' ilRlly nt S M p 111 Mall * for Mlquo on , u > rail to Hoi- tnn and thPire by > ti > iinier clo e Ht tld Olllcc dally nt S 80 p in Mull * for Cubn rloco nt this olllce clnlly at 7 00 in for [ OtVvnrillhK by Moamrra nAIIIng iMnndii ) * an < l TlitiMilayi ! ) from Port Tninpa. Pin. MnlU for Mexico City , overlain ! unle jpcrliltv niliirca-cd fnr ilotlinlrti b > eiran-er clo c nl lht ollHc ilallj at 1.30 n tn , and J 80 p in. HeRtKtered mall clos i al cm p. m. pmloii4 ilnj Trnns-PiH'lllr Mulls , M all < ! for China nml Japan , ppis. . 9. Olytn- pln. ( from Tacoim ) , i lo o hero dally tip to Jnnuary "Mil nt C 30 p. tn. Mnlla for China and .Input ( specially addressed only ) , per s s nmpres of Japan ( from Vancouver ) , closr hurtdallv up to Jan- nirv "JlPi at fi 20 p tn Malls for the Society IslandK , per ship City of PapPltl ( from S in Francisco ) , close hero dally up to January S5lh at fi > p in Malls for China und Japmi , fcr s a. Coptic ( from Sin 1'rnncleco ) . close heto dally up to Jnnuary 2sth at 0 TO p tn Malls for Aus tralia ( except those for West AU ttnllD ( , which nro forwnrilod via Kuropc , New Xoiland. Haw nil , Fiji and Samoin Island' , per s s Alnmola ( from San Francisco ) , closp here dally up to .Inn- nary .Mth at 7 oo a tn , 11 a , in. and 0:30 : P. in. ( or on arrival at New York of s H. Aurinli with Hrltlsh nmlls for AnsraUn ( ) . Malls for Australia ( except West Aus tralia ) , Now Zealand , Hawaii and FIJI Inland , per 8. \Vnrrlmoo ( from Vnn- coitver ) , closp here dally after Jamtaiy 30th and uti to January ,11st at ( ! : " 0 p. m. Mnlls for Hawaii , per s. s. Australia ( from Sin Francisco ) , close hero dally up to February Iflth at 0:30 : p. m. Tratis-I'aelflc mills are forwarded tn port of fall- Ills ilal > a'nl the . heilnle of rloslnp Is ar- rnnKeil on the presumption of their uninter rupted overland transit "Hegl tered mall clnnoq nl n p mj previous ila > . COUNHLllTS VAN COTT , Postmaster. Postolllco , Now York , N. Y , , Jnnuaiy UI , ISIS. it unto ins. , . . . .v.u- , & Missouui } ll\er Hnllroud "The IlurllnR. Burlington Ion Ituutt' Oenernl Ollkes , N , W Corner Tenth nnd rarnam Streets Ticket Olllce , 1W3 Route Karnain Street Telephone 23 } Depot Tenth and Mason Btrccts Telephone 12S Lenve. Arrive. 6J3 : am 9.35 am 03 pir 7:13 pm 11 30 nm CHICAfiO HI'HLINGTON & Qulnev Railroad "The Hurl. ItiRton Hnute"-Tlcket Olllie 1S02 rninam Street Telephone 250 Depot , Tenth nnd Mason Streets Telephone 128 _ _ _ _ _ Lcare. Arrive. UI IUBOcMluiiled I x S U5 pm 7:53 : nm Chl nRO nxpross * ' ' " " " - 4 n pm CnlraKO , t St Ixiuls Ex i ' 5U uni 7:55 am Pacific Junction Local. . " 11 40 nm 5 40 pm Past Mali 2.60 pm Dallv ' nal'icrcert Sunday OMIIIA k. ST LOUIS IIAILHOAD PORT Oniahn KinsT ) City .t iast- ern Hillronrt " 1 IID Port Arthur ARTHUR llmite' Titkct Olllie , 111 : I'ainani ROUTE. Sim' Telephone , 323 Depot , Tenth and SIa on Streets , 'lelo- plune Leive , Arrive. St I nils C'annon Hall Uxpre-M 4 35 pm 11-30 am Qulm y 5 10 am 9.50 pm MISSOUIU 1'AClriC HAILHOAD Uereral Olllces nnd Ticket OHIO" , Merchants National IJinK Uulldlnir 1224 Tarnain Street , lelephone 104 Depot , rifteetith nnd Webster Sirccts. Telephone 14 = 8 Lease. Arrive. nnd Limited . . . ' 3 03 pm 12 53 pm Kauis Cltv nnd St L ul Kxpr < "s ' 9 30 pm 6.00 nm Nebraska Local 1 4 30 I 8.13 am Dally Dally except Sunday CHICAGO. BT. PAUL. MtNNi : apolls & . Onnha Hallwi > ( icneinl ofTlces , NebrasK s DI Melon nrtei-nth nnd Webste ; Streets City Ticket Ollloe , 14H1 rnrnuin Stiett T'lephonp , EC1 _ I'lftteitli und Webster IHieot Telephone. 14M , , Leav : . Arrive , Sioux City Accommodi. S r,0 am So : pm Sioux City Aciomnioda. 0 bOoin SSOpn : Hlalr Umcruon Sioux Cltv. rnnca Hartlnn- tuon nnd Uloomlleld . " 1 00 pm " 11.53 nm Sioux C Ity. Manknto. St. . . Paul Minneapolis . - > Pm 3:10 : am Emir m Passenger . . 5:10 pm 8-46 nn Dallv. Dally except Sunday. Kundaj on | , . . . . . T | , | , tiain stops at stations rioionco to So nian InclUBlvc Sund iya only , un week ilaia " 0 lllalr only. irltlSMONT. KLKIlOHN AND Mlesoourl Vallov Hill ay Gen ernl OIHces , United Stales Nn- tluiin' Bwl : 1't.lldlnc , South west Corner Twelfth nnd I'nr- nam Streets Ticket Ofllco 1101 Parmm Street Telephone. Ml. Depot , riftecnth and Webster Streets. Teleuhone , 1I5S Leave. Arrive Ulnck Hills , D adwoood nnd Hot Fprlnp" . 3:00 : pn : E.OO pm \Vyomlnj ? , Carper nnn _ _ Doudaf ) uvt PDJ 5:00 pm Hastings , Ynrk. DavH City. Superl n Geneva. r\oter : nnd Sevvard . 3.00 pm B 00 pm Noifolk West Point ana rremont 7 51 im 10.25 an Lincoln , \Vahoo nni r emont 7 ; o nm 10.25 nm Frenont Local . 50 am Dilly * Dilly except Sunday , Sunday only Dally " -x-ept Saturday , " Dally exccp' Monitor JCH"V-'JO R. N ! Sffn > r\ \ Hallway City TIck't Olllce. TJiillUU 1W1 1'nrnnm Street. Telephone 'ni'lliiyi ' 7 rcl Depot Tuith nnd Mason Strietu. T lephone 123 Arrive i Valley. Sioux " ' an- Hi "a- - ' B : < 0 nm 10:45 : pm Slou'i irlPVa3ley. | 7:20 : nm 0.05 pm Dnn'lson'Carroll , Wall Lnka . 7.30 om " 0.05 pm Hniittrr'xpieM Des M.'ines Marsnal 'ovvis Cr. r Inplls rhlrneo 10:15 : nm 4:10 : pm Atlantli ; ri > er , Chlr-aKO ' 4.15 pm 4:10 : pm Tast' M'a.l ) ChlcniliJ to Omalm . 3:10 pm Mlmnurl V.illij , Kloux City St I'linl Mlnne- ni oils Llmitid 5.15 pm 9.3) nm Oiniilni-f'lil IB i * ! > ' C 30 pm d.l" am Dilly except faJnd Dally iim-X CITY A. 1'ACH'IC HAIL- road Otner.il Olllces , United SI itea National Hani : Hulld- ins S W Corner Twelfth nnd I ur < am StieelB Ticket Olllce , jioi Tarn un .Street Velipnono to I Depot nrttcnth uniVebbter btiectu Tele. plionu MJ ! > Leave , Arrive , g'oiix ' I y Manknto , Bt. 1'uui Minneupo U . . . . B.Io pm 9:10 : am Pnliy UNION IMfll'ir-'THU OVIJI1. land Houte' Oencial Olllcia , N. K t'.jriur Ninth nnd I'nrn.im rttieets City Tliltet Olllre , 13W I'arn i m htreet. Ti'lephano Jfj | , DI put , 'lenth and Muton htitttu. Jil.phoni ) 123 Leave. Airlvc. "Tho Ov 11 land Llml'eil" fur Denvei alt Lake. vteMirn pulntti . . . . 1'au mall triiln fur Denver , Silt Luke , I'ailllo loiut nnd nil vosli in jii'liiia ' . . . . 3 JO pin 10o : nm Llncnln lleitrlin und btrninaliuiK Kxjireio . " & : ( ) pm " 15.20 pm Keainev KkpreB8 5.rpm > " 15:20 pm Dam Halls ixupt Sundti ) I'oumll ] iliirr Ixiial Leaves , D 40 n m ; GSO n , m ; V * u u " ' , h J.j a in , 1U 15 a in , 2.IS p in I ! i i > in Ii j" > p ni Arrives ) , 6 2J n in . id a in S a in . 'J 2j H m , 11 30 n in , 3.10 i in C in p m , 9 0' u ! , ' . ' ) .u ii m Hit \HO HOt'K IHLAND i. I'u Hutlroad " Ilk "Ihu Grunt I < tk Inland Iti'Uti ' fit ) 'I irki t Ollleo luj I'arnam siitti Tcleiihimo tit. itunui l.nih ii ml Mukon bt eitb ' ! I phuno 18 Dally exmpt fiunfat - i stitol f-lvuhunu 32J Depot , Ten in nnd Mann Knt * Ti-lepnoni. , IfS I avc. Arrivo. i ] /uls "Cannon lall" Eiprrti . . 1 0 pm * : i Jl nit t dl f II II 0 ( l > I III' M ItxritY. n it , , 1,1n \ I4- ' 4 - > : el ; ' A Jfe/fl / "Max , wlmt In the world arc you doing with tlcaj llttlo Hopoen ? " "Nothing , nmnnnn. I am toachln K nor liovv to avvlm. " .101.1.V THIS THY IIIKIMi. 1'n in thu .Sketch "Hold hard , Mate ! Dlowcd If she ain't sprung n leak ! " TIII : it 11 ii.s. I'mm ll y SI HILP. Tlio Count Look heic , saio ; I 'nvo joti wish to tindali Bland zat zo lady ; cho in engage to inc. Mr. Browne All right , Count , , I can only assure the lady that aho liaa my entire Bympathy. TIM : n : i'i i I All > hlipei. 1)111 ) ( as Ludy do Splosh goes by ) My ui1 nue u .1 fulr clipper , uln't eho SalVSal Sal ( loftily ) It's the dress Unit inolia hall the illff'ipiico , y'ltnow. H IILIIOIDS. CHICAGO JIILWAI'KEK & Sf J'aul ltHllvvuClty Tlcktl Olhce 1501 I'urnum btrcit Tilephnni Ml Dipnt Tentli and Moiuii Strcits. 'Uieplione 128 Ixave , Arrive. Chlcdito Limited nx. . . . 5 15 pm 4.C5 am Omaha and Chl-ago Kx H.W um l.0pru Dally. < ; | VI-K tinSlilp III IIH LiiHl. SAN KHANCISCU , Jan 35 The 1'iillt.in now 101 d.ijs out from J'ort I'ovvn- H nil for TaUil , Japan , lm liitn slven up a lost. It v.aa nuu-r > | iokcn uftur It imtmil Capo Kl.ittcry , ana no incwkiKu has mini , from Hiiy onu of IIB i ompK-ment of Ilfty-Ilvo olIlttrH and HIGH. The lot il brunch of tin- I nltPtl BtivttH Hydromaiihlo olIliHi rxolvid niiurtM lUirtnx Novcmlier of fli-vrral lurgu lusa lloiting In tlm path of VfhHds bound fmm I'ugci Sound to the Orient. U In the opinion of loral HhlpniriKtir Ihitt Iho 1 'oilcan Htrtit I : onn r/f tlnv < c' ! OKS i.t nl anil Kiliik hi foi iUs IIOIIH touli ] bo jn.uiiicil As lilKh an Lluhty-llvr * Kuliifai lulnptirancu has betn palil on the inlMxini ; Suit ( n Hrmk SiiiixNL-r IVIII , HANNIUAL , Mo Jan 2.Tho trial to break iho will of HdiiBsenof thltf city , \\jlo loft a foitnntt valuoil ut JIOMXiO to tj,0 , \Voitinliiiitir Prisbytoilan colltKO of Knl- t-m. .Mo. IIOH wen uoguii In the court of common pli > nt hfrn The dtccuBctl hail no ohlldicn nnd nrovldfd for his wife vvltl ! un annuity of U m The wiilt U brouJht by KuKt-ne UlRKln find MTB luaballa Thorn. joii of Los Ami ; < lci , Cal. , chlldiun of a I. Illlr ( loin * for Urn Maiili-ll. I'OUT HiruoN , MIUi. Jun. a-Mr lloliert Slantuli'g coinllllon remulns un. changul toduy. llopea ot her rooovury ur