I/ TOTE OMAHA DAILY BEE ! SfONDAY , JANUAlcY 24 , 18)8. ! ) m NOTICE .A < U ertl einrn far ilimc cciliiiniii lie tnltrti tintll li ! ni. for the nml tintll H ] > . in. for the mornltiK nnd Stinilnr rillllonn , Ail > prllncrn , tiy rciiiiPHtlnK < x nnm- tirri'il I'lirclf , can limn animcrn nil- ilre-HFiril ( H n. niiiulirrril lottcr In cure af 'Ilio Hue. Aintwcm no tiililrcx cil T lll IIP ilclli crnl on prp cnlnlloii of tlio check nnlf , lintpx , 1 l--'o n wnnl llrnt Innertlon ) le n Trorit tlicrcnflpr. utlilnir tnltpn for Icsi tliiiit i"m fnr ( he flmt Inirr- tlon. 1 IK-HI * iiiltrrtlnciiirntH niiiiit lie rnti ontiKrciillcly , in iiAi.i : iini.r. CANV'ABaKIlfl TO TAKU OKDHU3 , NHW LINKer or wotk , no tfy ioodi to carry , ralnry or commlBilon C. P. Adama Co , 621 Ho. irth Et U 361 _ _ BAMSMAN roil CIOAHS , J125 A MONTH AND exiicruci , old ( Inn ; experience unncetiry , In- ducctn > nts to customers. C. C. Illshop fk Co , 8t Lxinl3 D-161 AQ12NTS ANIJ PltANCH MAKAnnnSj SA1.AHY nnd commlB lon Hunter Tailoring A Shirt Cu , Cincinnati , O. 1I-MJ38 April 2 * tlOO GAH'I AND MIir.ltti CQllMISSlOWa I'oTl toot ] , rxperlcneed orennl7 > r i tip to ( Into plan ; cany to work. Henry C' Akin , buprcmo Iteccnt , Imperial MytUla I > eglon , Omslia. Neb. Il-53J-ri ' voti n.viov A OOOD , USTAHMSIIID IrnilB In teas nnd clgnr * nnd wl h to clianite liourrii. nddtos ? , with full p irtlculnrs , Hex 91 } , C'lilcngo. It MtM 20 WANTKO , ltiN TO LKAIIN IIVIHIKU TUADK : li < rn ID n chnnco thnt cui't bo Ind Plucwlioro , ronstunt pr ctlcc , expert Instructlonn leciurei , oxnmlnnllonit dlplnman. two senrV tlini1 unved , only two montliK lenulrcil , ( jrowlnR ilcnuml for KrndtintPi ; 3 plncpil todny nt $12 weekly , room rent fico ; tnola donntvd , wiiRea Baturda > a , 'IH catalogue mulled free. Moler Sjulem llarlier School 1 Hilc-npo nnd St Ixiuls : i-.M90l 21 * \VANTri > , I.Mtn s\ND nnNTMIMnN TO represent for some of tlio lieit Bellini ? nrtl- clet on inniKet Addrcts 001 IMinl'nn HI'lR , Sioux Tnllt , St. I ) 1I-.M91I 2I \VA.TiD , HAllNnSMMAKntl. finilMN I'llIT- fcrreJ. Addrest Tlico J. Slccn , lloelun N'oh 1I-M1C3 21 TJIAVKI.TNO HAM'MMIJN , y U.r iirv nnd rominlmlnn , fill 1714 Hurt nt 11M-131-2) ' NO SAI.HSMAN , TO Snt.n COM- pletp line of hibrlcntlnff oils Rieupe nnd ute- ( liltleH , lll > ernl salary or comml lon Tovvol Itcllntng C'o , l levelnnd O. It-Mill ! > oovinNMnNT"posiTioNs TWN'T riinT'Aiiri fop the poslolllro or oilier civ 11 yrivlce rxamlna- tlnn wltliout neclng our niu trntod cntaloKUe oC Information , pent froo. Coluniblin Porrespond- MIPC CollPKo , WnHMlngton , I ) C U M112 2D \ \ \NIID V\IISM\N rou OH | | trin = i's anil pppplnltlP" InrHe t line on tntiliet IViultnblo Ite-nnlne t'o , Cleveland O 11-M220 2I _ ri3M vtn lee oini.s rou ALL KINDS or wo UK. $1 TO $7 week. Canadian Olllce 1522 Doughis C 3C3 WANTUD AN IJKl'nUinNCnD SECOND nilTiTi ri fen IIOM icqulrcd Mrs. H O Hurt No US H 39th fat. C-in-21 Z3 I.AlliH TO DO TAPPSIUV A\otK AT Imim easily mnko > 1 to $7 per wpek Cnll Im- nicdlilcl ) . Ocm Mfg Co. , 1701 Capitol n\tnue C JI160 24 i'insrriss conic AND $5 per week 017 K 18th C-1CI C'OOIC WA NTI1O IN A SMAL. WHBPI $100 per wteU , si-cond Klrl ki pt 21M POUBI-H it. C 11170 2i ! cim , rou OINIIIAI : , nousn\\oiuc. mo s 31st C MO-2J * rou iti\Tnnusns. CHOICI : HOUSKS AND COTTAGES ALLOVKH elt > , Jo to$75. ridellty. 1st noor N. Y , Life D-M191 11OMNG HOUSEHOLD OOODS AND PIANOS Oman t. htorape Co . 1511' $ Tarnum Icl 15o9 D .173 IIOUSICS. DIIOWN I1I.OC1C. 1CTII nnd DOUR ! i D 3CS LAlttlC LIST. 151II AND DODC1I3 SCO jiousns , OAUVIN DUOS , icis TAU-JI D-370 HOUSES rou HUNT. in\iis , PAXTON uuc D-371 _ nou = ns j. n siicmvoon , 4:3 N Y. urn D-37- _ HOtlSns IK AM. l'A.HT'5 np TI1H C1TV THL2 O 1' Davis Companj , 1M5 Farnam. D 3Co HOUSES UINI\VA .1 co , IDS N. IBTII ST. D 300 _ 11OUSHS COTTACSES .1 STOItl.'S AI..L , I'AUTS of city. Ilrennan & . Love Co , 210 3 ICth D-3C7 _ _ 9-noOM MODI3UN IJUICIC \VCLLINoT No" COt H 2SIU Kt , $30 Apply toV. . I ) Mclklc , 1st Nat'l Hank nldB. D-313 _ HiviuAr , DisiuAiun : HOUSES Nrf\n HAN- scorn purk anil most deslrublo ono on 1'nrk Avc at J33&1. r. D Wead , ICth & DouRlts. D-US2-27 _ _ S HOOM HOUSn , NIJWI.Y PAINTr.D AND I'A- Iicred , S911 N. 2Sth Ave , J12 rtdcllty Trust ' " D-M17Q _ 5 ROOM liniCIC , ; . C room cottntte , ill. 9 room cotlaKe. > 13 C01 Ilco bids. HOOMS. rou UIINT. NRWI Y ruiiNibimu rciiBOimlilo prices. 2421 Dodge. K M5SG \IIIY TMSANT ROOM , WITH ou WITHout - out board , near Hanscom park , irodern house. i : 5 , llr-e H 7SO outnu MJinn ruoNT IIOO.M WITH Ai love , modem 23SO Hnrney Ht. H 037 25 i uiiNisiinD uooMi , AI.I. sion- < rn eonveiilences. Uifcrunco lequlred 2101 1'ar- nam KM-lSo 2I _ M7 HAUNI2Y ST uo HUNT , TWO ni.inNTI.Y : room1 ! , * * en Biille " Fleam he it ami bath , riftr- PII e Apply loom 1 , Davldge HMtl l th nnd rariuin btn city 13 M200 21 * HOOMS AM ) UOAHI ) . THU TiinuniAM mtbT cn\sb HO. tel 25th iiiul Dodge SU. li' M707 rr\\o Nicn HOOMH. 2053 DOIJCU.AH STF F708 T COIINCK ICTH AND \\ibster streets Iluiopenn plan , 100 rooms , Hteniu hent free bitha , Rood rooms 51 50 per wiek , Le8t medium-priced hotel In Omahn I , N Watfoii. 1'roprletor. 1' 1ISSI bTKAM IIKATIJU UOOMS Will ! 11O\HD. 2003 Kurney I' SI8CO Teh 15 iTfoi'IA. 17.1 D VVUNl'OUT , TUANhllTNTb AC- rommoilnttfil r M709 m \NDSOMI ; I'Aiu. IN suin : . S ruoma , cooil boaid Tlui Hose , 2030 Harn v NK"IJr < Y I'UUNlSltUD UOOMS. MODIIllN. HX eillint table board 41 ! North ISth Bt. rilONT HOOM , ST13AM ( lint clans boinl 1000 Capitol Ave F M173 Jj T7TriT"TlOOM WlTir I1OAUD , 1524 11INNHY , near espotltlon r XJISS 20 * 1M UN'liSIIUD UOOMS WITH noAiin nor water he it 2402 Cats St I'-MISO 2J IN J'UlVATi : r.vMtl/V. WITH O WITHOUT t > oiril. I'M Dodge. r-SI192 20 anNDsoMi : i\uon sot'Tii J-RONT ROOM In prlv.ito rmldcnce Btonm heat , excellent lioard , icfeienccs 2li * No Hth W r M20I 21 * i7\uan SOUTH UOOM , srr/AM HHAT , boaid references 203 N IStli 1' M.'ll P4 roil HUNT STIMtlSH AMI i'on RINT IN 'iiiu uin One largo cornir room , : .l Iloor. with vault and private oillce. water , etc One largu front room , 2d Iloor. divided Into two rooms by partition , water , etc One largo cornci loom , M floor , with vault , water , etc Onu front room , divided by partition , 3d floor , Ono corner room nlth vault , 3d Iloor , Onu luri.0 room , 31 floor with partition dividing It Into one largo loom ana two cmalUr private rooms , water etc , ETvvo large isiound Iloor rooms , fronting 17th St. , with vault. Be v trul email rooms on 4th fleet .with vaulta. All ttiito looms urn heated with ( team , electric llKlils. supplied with lln > t-cla janitor service. . Kiev liters run day nnd all night , building strictly fireproof Apply to ( superintendent. lloom 104 , life building. 1 193 TOR ItHNT-The I STORY 11IUCII at V 6 J'urrmm St. Ihli building has a fireproof cement basement , water on all floors , gai , etc. Apply al thu office of Tlm llfo. 1-910 l"OR ItHNT DHSK ItOOM IN QUOUND TIXJOIl office , tl t building ; vnter , > tetm heat , clectrlo , lleht and janitor lervlce. Apply to Superin tendent , Bt bulldlox , l W FOU nE\TSTOIlBS AMI OITICKS. ( Continued ) FIRST CI ASS MEAT MARKET LOCATION. Co $ De . I MJ1I HOTELS , STOHE3. UEMIS , I'AXTON DL.K. * I Si5 TINE STOHK NEAR EXPOSITION. CHKAP n 23. De . I-MP24M' roil HllNT , 11RICK WAIliHOUSD..llTH : AND l a\en orth Slit , 22,0 0 ] . feet , U. I' , track- ftBe : frame warehouse , "th and Douglas , 14 000 ( l feet , II & &t. trackage S S Cilrtln 1803 Harney St. 1-M193 20 * AOIJNTS WVM'UU. WANTED , AN ACTIVE AOKNT IN EVERY town to solicit subscriptions for the sale of nharM In the Alaikn Gold Jtlnlne ; & Develop ment Company. Olllco 443 Chamber Commerce Bide , Omaha. J 105-24 _ WV > TKITO WANTED TO RENT , A HOUSE OP 6 OR 7 rooms , with Ran bath , etc. : within walking distance of The lleo oIHce , will lease for a num ber of > ear Address D 46 , stating price , en reef of The Hee. K C05 WE WANT A GOOD bTORK ROOM. WEL.I. located , nt once , for a flr t-cJaw permanent tenant , ridollty , 1st floor , N. Y. Life. K-979 WANTED. IIY YOUNG LADY , HOARD AND room convenient to South Omaha street car line It pMiUile. E 33. Hee. K M1S4 2t A NICEIA rUUNISHED itODEHN HOt' K , nn children , Rood references Addrcna 121 S , lice. . K. M1C7 ! * STOIIARD. i'ACiriC STORAGE AND WAREHOUSE CO , SOS 910 Jones , general etorago and forwarding. M 376 OM. VAN & STORAGE , 1511 % TARN'M. TEL 1553 JI 377 TRANK KWEHS. StORAGE , 1214 HARNEY. Hauling and packing , Cheapest rates lei , 926. M 378 wvvrnn TO nuv. WANTED TO IIUYA TEW THOUSAND dollars of omahai S ivlngs hank ecrtlllcates for cash , Plate amount nnd price asked. Address 13 23 , HOP office. N OM 31 * WANTED , CHEAP TOR CASH , AN t'I'RI O JII fasollno engine Loelc bo 111 , Islington Noh. _ N-M971 2i' OMA1I \ SAVINGS 1IANIC ACCOUNTS DOt'GHT. Glvo pilce and amount to T. il. W care Hee N-M1S7 2l rou \innibunMi v > cot's. PINE.H1TE SAWDUST TOR TLOORS E1C : coarse for Ice , nt $375 pel cold. Icl , 438 SOI Douglas. Q-379 IlIIjUARD HALL AND BOWLING ALLEY doing good bUBlness , established 1S90 LocU hex .3 , Johnson , Neb Q M212 Jnn-24" 1X3R SALK. 1,000 DOORS AND WINDOWS AND 500 bedroom set * from World's I'olr hotel , cheap J. lluel , 231 Coth blreet , Chicago 21 * Q-M9I1 SALE DRY , HARD \VOOD KINDLING $1 25 per load delivered. Omaha lluttercup Co ICtli nnd U. 1' . Hallway. Telephone , 973Q Q ICG SALT7 MfLK API'LY 220D SPENCER ST. Will deliver It If not over C or 7 blocks nwny. Q-M1S3 OLVIHVOYVNTS. PRO ! ' . AMES GREATLiST LIVING ful palmlHt ana clairvoyant medium , 2207 I'ar- nnm bt , sittings COc. satisfaction positively guaranteed S-9S7-2C * MASS v < : n , n vriis , irrc. MME HRIb&ON Of PARIS , CHIROPODIST , medicated baths onJ massage 107 N 12th St T 434-IM * MM13 AMES , JIASSAGU AND HATHS. Howard street. T M2I9 SO' MHs"mi WON , ELECTUIC MASSAGE HATH parlors : restful and curative. 417 b llth up- btalrJ. 1-M210 20 * 1'KRSOVAU VIAVI co. UTEHIN'E THOUIJLES 340-3 IJIE JJldg ; physician consultation or health book free. TJ 3S1 DATHS , MASSAGE. MME POST , 319& S 15TII. Ui a CLOTHES CLEANED , PRESSED AND HE- paired , day or night ; dress suit1" for hire. Pnntorlum. N. 13 Cor. llth ana rarnam Tel 9C3 U 3S3 HOW HECOME LAWFUL PHYSICIANS , pharmacists , V. D'a , dentists or lavv > crs l ock box 190. Chicago U 748 P12' PRIVATE HOME TOR LADIES HErOHE AND iluidlng comintmctit. ISibles tiilnpteil or caiod for Mrs. M J. Ludlow , 220. Clark St . Omiha. ANY PERSON IN DOUGLAS.AbIIINGTON or Sarpy counties who has any claim iigalnst mo will please call at Wlcr's place near iouth Omaha , where I can be found till March 1 , 1S93. John Nath U-9S3-rcb 2S PRIVATE HOME TOR LADIES HErORE AND during confinement , babies adopted nnd cared for. 1130 N 17th. U 9S9 27 * WANTED CHILDREN TO I5OARD AND CAUE for. Mrs. K. Hanna , eenenl delivers , Omahn UM 1ST 2J * IP WM. 71. TLANNERY WILL COMJIIINI- cato with r II. Nenly , 1742 Market nt , Pan Tranclsco. Cal. , he will learn eomithlnic ot In terest to him U-MSOO 28 * A LADY TYPDWHITER , AT ONCE , WANTED for steady but light work Address E 1C It ° . U M217 24' M0.\nr TO IOA.V HI3AI , KSTATK. MONEY TO IXAN AT LOW RATLS THE O r. Davis Co , 1503 ratnam St W 353 ' ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO , 313 N Y. L ; ( julcl : money at low ratcB for choice faun lands In IOWH , northern Missouri , eastern Nubraaka W-3S6 IXIANS ON IMPUOVED & UNIMPROVED CITY pioperty. W rarnam Smith fi. Co , 1320 Far m \V-387 MONEY TO LOAN. BEMIS , PAXTON I3LOCK. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate llrcnnan-Lovo Co , 219 8. ICth W 3S9 $100.00000 bl'ECIAL FUND * rO LOAN ON llrat ciass Improved Omaha pioperty , or lor building purpo e . fidelity Trust Company. W 290 G PER CPNT MONEY. $1OPO AND UPWARDS , on gilt-edged Improved Omaha real estate , licmls , Paston block W-353 MONEY LOANED ON IMPROVED REAL ES- late In Omaha , Council Illuffs . South Omaha Pusey & . Ihomus , COJ I'lrst Nat'l Hank. Omaha W-393 WAN-FED-CHOICE PARM AND CITY LOANS 11. C. Peters & Co . U. a. Nat'l BanU IJldg _ MORTGAGES KOU SALE. PROPERTY OP NON- restdfiits euied for. W. B Melkle , lit Nat 11IU W-391 WE HAVE MONEY TO LOAN ON FARMS IN eastern Nebraska nnd western Iowa lirennnn- Love Co , 219 South ICth streetV MS9 F5 0 PER CENT MONEY ON NED I'AUMS & OMA- 1m property. YV , B Mclklc , 1st Xal'l Bulk Illdg , W-M418 0 PEIt CENT CITY AND PARM LOANS Garvln Bros. , 1613 rarnam St W-M1CT SIIOIITHXM ) AMI TVPIJIVIIITIVO. A. C. VAN BANT'S SCHOOL. CU N , Y. LIPE. -3M ATOMAHA BUS COLLEGE , 16T1I t DOUGI-AS 397 II B I10YLP.S , COURT HEl'ORTEH PRIVATE lessons , day and evening 407 Bee Iildg , 353 OMAHA SHORT-HAND COLLEGE IIOYD'S theater M7I > rob 1 ] MOMV TO i.o.v\iJii.vTrni.s. $10 TO $10 COO TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD PURNITUR13 AND PIANOS HOltbES WAGONS AND CARUIAGES , WAHEHOUbK RECEIPTS , ETC. , nt lowest rates In Omaha. South Omaha and Council Bluffs. No removal of goads , t > trlctly confidential , > ou can i > iy the loan off at any time or In any umoun's OMAHA MOUTGAGR IX3AN CO. SCO South 16th St THE OLDEST. LARGEST AND ONLY INCOR PORATED IX AN COMPANY IN OMAHA X-39 * en v cls. TO GET IN OR OUT OP BUSINESS GO TO J. J. Uibsoti , CM Plret Nat'I iiank. Y 5J5 FOR RENT. 1IU1CK SIOHEUOOM. COX22 , ALL conveniences , t > cit location In city ; splendid buslneii town. John H. Llndule , West Point , Neb. Y-MZll WANTED. ACTIVE PARTNER IN A GOOD I > a > Ing , established business ; best location ; 1M ) rtqulrcd. AdJrtu B W. B . Y-MU t ( * " rrmr 1 ( Continued ) $ l,6/ > < y > -AVAIL YOUnSEM" OP THIS MODE of acquiring wealth Ity It tunny home-s nrc the recipients of fortune" * golden shower No commercial or speculative enterprise equals It I ist ea on wo reallzeil more thep $1,50) W per month , your surplus dollar * will do It for > ou Write for particulars , Ojnden . Co. , Boon Block , Covlngton , Ky. Y 133 2S * . K ) GASH WILL 11UY A Imker ) , evcrthlng complete , now turns out 1,800 to 2 000 loav < - dally , good cake trnde pur- chasn mone ) can bo made clear this otn oi. , reason for telling sickness. Address K 37 r > * Y M17S K * GRAND OPPORTUNITY TOR A MAN WITH $ ICOOO capital to Invest In a safe , ure bu-lnp s for himself pa ) Ing 100 per cent , quick twill * Cnll on or address 3 122 > ) Parnam ntY Y Mill 2i * A LIVE DU < flNE' < 3 MAN"\Vmi flMALt. ( 'API- tal can double original Invmtmcnt every m > nth until exposition cpem . Address 13 4' , UPP. Y ML218 24 * roil nxcIIA GC. WILL EXCHANGE VERY DESIRABLE clear vacant Omaha lots for Chicago property. Address with full particulars , Box 62. Omaha. Z MSOI Poll SALE OR EXCHANGE LOT 0 BY 150 feet , with eight-room cottage with all modern Improvements nlto good barn , located In choicest residence part of Omahn , two blocks from Hanscom park , one block from street cars nnd school , paved street and brick walks , $2600 Incumbrnnre. four ) cars at G per cent , will sell equltv cheap for cash or will exchange for a desirable stock of shoes Address D 08 , B c , Omaha. Z M717 Peb 13 TO TRADE POR PARMS. STOCK OP DIU'OH lumber jonl nnd mill , set of butcher tools iiiul pedlgrppd Poland china , hogs for clear wIM land. Mo. farm for Neb. farm , nnk > > offer. 1J. J. Perry , Exeter , Neb. Z M197 15" 1-011 S\IU 11KAI , CSTATK. KOUNTZE PLACE BARGAINS $2 SOO $3 750 TO 16 son j. J. Gibson , 511 Plrsl Nat. Bank Rldg. HE 399 BARGAINS , HOUSES , LOTS AND PARMS ; sale or trade. P. K. Darling , ilirker bik RE 400 HOUSES , IXDTS. PARMS , LANDS LOANS , also lire Insurance , Benils , Paxton block RE M401 NEW COTTAGE. MONTHLY PAYMENTS E01 Bee Bldg. RE M il LOGAN VALLEY PARMS AND MEUCHAN- < ll e Huntshcrgcr S. Clements , Lens Ne- braskn. RE M369 $2250i1 POU 3-STOKY HUICIC BUILDrVG , 44 feet frontage near 14th and Douglas Sts $2COO for Improved property on Ci'mlnc street. near 2'th street. J N Prenzer , Opp P. O RE-M7CO 11 PEIt CENT GRO1 ? INVESTMENT , 2 STORY brick business building , prlco { J COJ Adilre a C 1 Bee ItE MTbl MUST BE SOLD 4SO-ACRE STOCK PRM ON Klnvva rlvr Bennett station on K P R. R 70 acrc-j nlfalfa unJer ditch , all fenced 20 acres timber , plenty outside ranee 21 miles cast of Denver Wm Mordluh , . .030 Uirlmer St , Denver , Colo. RE M90C 23 * FARM LANDS. C. P. HARRISON 912 N Y U RE-D11 P17 WANTED TO BUY OR TRADE POU A TEN or fifteen-acre tract near Omaha must b" good nnd cheap , state location and lowest price Address E 23 Bee office. RE SCO 31 * SOLD ONCE POR J3 CO NOW $7:3 CHOICE building lot. C04 Pee Bldg. UE-M102 A SNAP TWO OP THE BE'ST LOTS IN WEST Cummlngs addition , onlj $1JO 00 e"ch If sold this week. The McCaguo Investment Co RE M130 30 roTTsALE. THI3 A. G DRACKETT LAND 210 ncies two miles south of Elkhorn S S Cur- tla. 1'OS Harnc ) St. HE M19J 30 * MONEY LOANED ON LIFE INSURANCE POI Icles or botifrht L P. Van Norman Minne apolis , Minn -M771 llcnU * TYPnAVHITr.HS. TYPEWRITERS POR RENT. 14 CO PER MONTH The Smith-Premier 'ljp wrltcr Co , 1C25 I ar- nam St. , telephone. 1281 f snwnc MACIUM3S t\n SUPPLIES. NEW HOME HOUSEHOLD WHITE SEWIng - Ing machines & bupplles 1511 Cat ) ave Tel 1574 -103 CITY EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. 1117 I'AHNAM st Rooms 2 R. 3 Tel 1104 MO STUXORUAPIIKHS. WE SOMC1T AND PUUNI&H POSITIONS POU fatenographcrs fice The Smith-Premier Type writer Co Telephone 1261 403 COAL. BUULlNGTONNUT.BESi , CHEAPEST PRICE $3 75 per ton 'Phono MS. Harmon A. Wceth Co 404 DIIHSS COTTIXJ SCHOOLS. REMOVED ! THE JOY rTiLou s\ STEM drcsa cutting school , 1911 Cumin ; st stMS70 MS70 Feu 15 i ACKnn. M. S WALKIN. 2111 CUMING. TEL 1331 408 WANTED-A GOOD PARTNER FOU SOUTHern - ern fruit farm Also customers for 100 chol-e lots , also tcveral enall tracts of land near Omaha. Address , J. U. Rice , Coui ell ll'ufla la , SG-Fcb-20 HlCIOIf SUWCR SIDRWAI.IC & HUILDING ANY QUAN- tlty.tel 4J2. Louisa II e Brick Co , 330 IJJ. Trade. i > AW\imoituitb. II. MAHOW1TZ LOANS MONEY , lib N. ! C ST. -407 CO.VPHCTOH AMI llIIILDnit. G W. GIL.11E T , CARPENTEU AND CON- tractor. Jobb.ng EollcltciJ. 1S13 St Mary's nve M340 Jan 29' vr NOTICES. CHIDP QiTAnTiiiMASTiH's ori/rcn Omaha , Neh . Jiunmiy 20 , U9S Soaloil pro posals , In triplicate , will bo received hero iintll 12 o'clock m , February 21 , 1S9S , nnd then opened lor furnishing presses , tjpo , etc. , nml all material and lnlnr of ovcry description that inny 'jo lequlied foi prlnt- 1np ; nt Hcadrjuarteis , Dupartment of the Platte , during llscal year commencing July I , 1S93 Clictllur Blvliy full Infoiiintlon , with forma for bidding , will \a \ furnished on application , The U , B , reserves rlfrlit to reject any or nil bids , Ijnvolopes containing proposals 1o be innrkod " 1'ioposals for printing , " and uddrcssed to Bam H , Jones , Q. JI. J20-21-22-21 21 25-F1S 20 PROPOSALS roil iT.oua-orric' ' : pun- rhnsliur Comlss.iry of Subsistence , Omahn , Neb , January 21 , IS9S , Sealed propos ils , In duplicate- , subject to the iimnl conilltlons , vvlll bo received nt thin ollico until 11 o'clock n in , 1'ehrunry 3 , IS'JS , ut which time and pi ice they vvlll bo opened In presence of bid der" . for furnishing the Subsistence Depart ment U S. Army , on or before Tobiunii 23 IS',19 , as may bo required with Hour for Issue nnd Flour , choice family , nt the follow ing placei of delivery , \Iz : On bo.ird of cars at Omahn Nebraska , or nt 'SubFlBtcnco storehouse nt Korts Crook Nlobrnr.i Hub- Inson. Neb . U A , Hu ell. WashaklcVyo . anil Tort Mcailo , S I > , J'rofeience vvlll be Klvcn to articles of domestic production The right la reserved to reject < my 01 ul ) bids or nny part of any bid. Ulank pioposals and speculations nhonlng In detail the ar ticles nnd quantities ren.uliiid. and giving full Information ns to conditions will be. furnished on application to this oillce , or any of the Commissaries nt pos > tH named ubove Proposals vvlll also bo received by the Pur chasing Commissary of Subsistence Denver , Cole , ut 10 n , m. mountain standard time , February 3 , 159 ? , for the furnishing und de livery of the nbovo Subsistence Stores free on board R. II. cars at Denver , or near the place of production or purchase , or at tlio posts named PRANK U. NYU , Major nnd D , S , ( U , S , A , PROPOSALS" FOR smsisT-nNon srcm ifs Olllco Purchasing Commlssnry of Subsist ence , Omaha Neb , , January 'U , 159S. Sealed proposals , subject to the usual conditions , vvlll bo received nt this ollico until 10 o'clock a. m. , rebruary 3 , ISM , ntvvhleh tlmo nnd place they vvlll bo publicly opened for fur nishing subsistence stores as f allow Pork , bacon , sugar , canned goods , etc. Preference will be given to article ! ) of domestic produc tion. Illank proposals and Epeclllc.it Ions can bo obtained at this ofllco. FRANK JJ. NVE. Major nnd Commissary of Subsistence. MITICKS. ( Continued ) PROPOSALS TOR LEASINQ THH SUR- l > lus grazing1 landi on the Klown and Comnncho nnd Wichita reservations. United States Indian service , Klona nnd Connnche nnd Wlonlta nscncy , Anadarko , Oklahoma , January lV& \ . ( Telegraphic address. Ana- darko , Oklahoma , , vii Chlcknsha , I. T. ) Sealed proposals f { > Rrnzlnji horses or cattle ( but not sheeiilor hog's ) on the sur plus lands of the Kloga and Comanche nnd Wichita reservfttlonsri Oklahoma , Indorsed "Proposals for leasing trllial lands for grazing purposes , " nnd addressed to the acting agent of tli * Klowa nnd Comanche ngoncy , Anadarko , Oklahoma , will bo re- reived at this oillce until 2 o'clock p. m , on the 19th iHy of February , 1S9S The pastures on the KtovVn and Comnnche reservation will bo leiscd for the period of three years from April 1 , 1SSS , nnd the pastures on the Wichita reservation will bo leased for one jenr from April 1 , 1SN ! ) No bid for a different p rlod on cither reser vation vvlll be > received or considered Tor the Information of bidders I vvlll state that the description of the pastures , the loca tion nnd rstlmati > il number of acres In each , and till ot.ier necessary information will bo furnished on application to this oillce. A few of the pastures on each reservation nro unstirvejed. Thes > will be sum-Jed as early as practicable , nnd the lessee will bo lequlred to pay upon the notunl number of acres found to lie embraced In ench , ns shown by the survey. Certain of the pas tures on liot'i reservations are nlso un- fenced. The lessees of Unfcnced pastures will bo required , without unnecessary de lay , to fence Che satuo with a substantial , cattle-proof , wlro fence , all foncoa nnd other Improvements shall revert to the In- dlanq nnd become their nbosluto property at the expiration of the Uases , No pisturo on the Klovva nnd Comanche reservation that Is already under fence vvlll bo leased for less than 10 cents per acre per annum , and no unlenced pasture on s\ld reserva tion vvlll be leased for leas tlnn S cents per aero for the tlrst year and 10 cents per aero for each of the second nnd third j ears. The bidder must clearly d slgnnt < ? the pm- turo on which the bid Is made , giving the estimated number of ncns thoreln , the price per ncre per annum which he will pay und the maximum number of horsea or cMttle ho proposes to hold upon the limls nt any ono tlminnd ; In case more than one pasture Is bid upon , separate bids must bo made upon each. Onlj b > a strict ad herence to this Inatiuctlon will It be prac ticable to compire tlio bids on any sl\cn pastuti" . The rent must bo pild In two equii boml-annuil payments In advance , n imely , on April 1st nnd October 1st of eicli > ear. l uh lessee vvlll bo requited to furnish securltj In an amount equal to the deferred pigments for the faithful per- foiminco of tie conditions of the lease through some acceptable si-cut Ity or guai- nnty company. Personal londq vvlll not be accepted 12 % cry thing being sitlsf.ictory It It ptoposed to award the grazing prlv lieges of eioh pTrtlctil ir pistuio to the bidder proposing to pay the highest prlco there- foi , but the rlgiht Is hereby reserved to n- jcct any and all bids 1C deemed for the best Interest of the Imllins and the leases c\ecut il horctmder vvlll be subject ID the approval of the secretary of the Interior. Cach proposal must bo nccompinled by u cei tided eneck 01 diaft upon some United States daposltoiy or solvent national bank In the vlclnitj of the bidder's plico of lesldenpc , made pajnblo to the ordei of the commissioner of Iiullin affairs , for at least 5 percentum. of the entlro amount of the proposal , which cheek or diaft shall bo forfeited to the United States foi tne use and benefit of HIP Kiovva , Connnche , Apicho and Wichita Indl ins , In case any bidder receiving an nwnid shall fall to enter Into the pi escribed lease for the lands bid upon , and lo secure a suitable bond for tlio filthful perfoimnnco of his part of the conduct ; otherwise to bo re turned to t e bidder. Proposals not con forming to the requirements of this , ul- vortlsement will not bo. considered. FRANK D I3ALDWIN. OaptjftT. S A . Acting- In dian A cent , Klovva and Comanelie Agene-v , Amdiuko , Oklahoma. J2tdl2tM vnTici.ns or ARTICLHS OP INCORPORATION OP THC W. J. PI2RRY JlVi : STOCK COMMIS SION CO. Notice Is hcrebv given that a ccrporatlon has been formed untlci the laws of Ne- binski , in the m.iruic' and for the purpo-es herelmfter specific 1 , and Its articles of in- coiporation have bfecn/IIled In the ollicas of the county clerk op'JpouglaB county and of the secretary of state. First. The n irm' ot the rompany Is "W J. Perry Live Stork Commission Company. " Second. Tlio prlnclpxl plneo of trinsict- Ing Its business is South Omaha , Nebraska Third. The general nature of the business to bo tiansactcd Is the bujlng selling , feed ing and handling of live stock on commis sion , or otherwise ; the advancing of money to feeders , shippers and thers , themiklti ? , endoi slnpr nnd fjuarantrel g of c'.ccks , drafts und notes , vvhcnevet necessary In nnd about the business nnd the doing of other things necessary to the full nxirclso of the cor porate powers stated. Fouith , Thr imntint of capital stock au- thorlrcd Is SCO.CCO At least one-half thereof h is been subscribed and paid in cach , ' 1 ho remaining $2Ti Ot/0 , or any part theieof , miy bo Issued at nny tlmo by the Hoaul of Dlreotois All stock w ion l = sued shall be fully p ild up and non-assessable. Fifth. The lime of the commencement of the corporation Is the liist i ay of January , H93 , and the date of Its tci initiation the tlrst d ly of January , 191S Sixth The highest amount of Indnbtcd- ness or liability to which the corporation Is at any tlmo to subject Its if is an amount not to exceed two-thirds of the capital stock Sovontn. The aftnlrs and business of the corporation aie to be conducted by a board of three dltoitors anil bs a president vice president , secrotaiy , treasurer and manager by said board elected In testimony r. hoi oof the corporation has cauod thla notice to be published as by law- required J. W. QRinDLU L. I' . STOCKWELL , Secretary. _ _ Presldenj. TO covrn ITTOHS. TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed bldj for the constiuctlon of the balustrades , docking and finish around lagoon on the exposition c minds will be n- ccived until 11 o'clock n. in. Friday , Jan uary 2 , ISIS. Plans nnd specifications can be seen at the Department ofllce , corner 15th and Spencer otreets , or sets will b2 furnlqaed bidders at coat. The right is reserved to reject any 01 all bids. F. P. KIRKL'NDALL , Mgi. Gnla UUlgs. Dept , Trnnsmisslsslppi and Intci national Uxp. LICO vns. Illvei Ilallimd "Th Ilurllni ? Burlington ton Itoute' General Olll.rs , N , AV , Curncr Tenlh and rarnam filreets Ticket Ofllcc , lr,03 Route rarnam Street Telephone K1 Depot , Tenth and Mas.on StrecU Telephone 128 Leave , Arrive. 6:33 : am 9 35 am Tfnth pn < \ .Mtuoti btreeti. Tele . Quinsy , Uallroail "Tho nurl- ingt,0n noute"-Tlcliet Ofllce 1103 Fafcnum Street. Telephina 2jO Depot Tenth and Jtason Btrdets , Telephone i:8 Ixavc , Arrive , Vestlliuloil Kx 0 Oj pm 7.55 am Chl-ago ! : xprei3 . . . ' ' * 9'1' on- t 15 pm Chlcato & St Louis Kx 7:50 pro 7.M am Pnclflo Junction Local. " 11 0 am 0.10 pm Fast Mai , . 2 60 pm Dally ' Dally except HunOay CIIiqACO MIlA , AUICEK R. ST Paul Itallvva > City Ticket Oltlfe ISO ! ruinnm btnct Iclcphnno 2SI Depot Tenth einjMaeon Streets. 'Jtleplionj Leave. Arrive. Chlcatto LlmlteJ Ex. . . t > M pin 8.CS am Omaha and Chl-aso ix : ll.0i ) am l.JOpra Daily. aussoi'w i-ACiric HAILUOAD aentral OIHces ami Ticket OWcA Mercliunts National llutik DulldiriB 1221 Tarnam Street. Itleiihone 101 Depot , rifteenlh nnd Wcbiter Streets. Tile.hon > JIM Arrive , 12.53 pm ( Continued ) CIItCAOO. BT. PAUL , MINNK- apolls & Omah& llnllvrvv G n rnl offlces , N > bra l > e nl- vision. Fifteenth nnd Webster Streets. City Tlskft Otncf , HOI ramam strett. Tlerhon < > , (61 'cpot ' , Fifteenth and Webster ntrects. Telephone , 14SS. . . , Arrive. Stoax City Accommodi. < : "fl nm 8:20 : : im Slous City Accommodi. 9 t 0 am 8 M pm lllolr , nmerson , Sioux City , ToncR Hartlns- . tuon nnd Uloomlleld . " I'M rm 1I-B5 nm Slouic City , Mankato. St. , „ Paul. .Mlnne polH " R So pm 9 10 am Emirwn I'n * nirer , . . " S:10 : pm (5 am Pallr. Dally except Sundvy. " only. Thin trnln stops nt stations riorcnco to So Ulftlr , inclusive , faundajs only , on week daja So llUIr only. fRKMONT , ELKHORN AND Mlssoouri Vnllej Railway den- em ! Offleei , United Stni * Nn- ttunn ! lit lit Bull line , South- weit Corner Tvvclfth nnd Par- tiam Streets Ticket Odlce , 1401 r "rn m Street. Telephone C61. Depot , riftecnth nnd Webster Street * Telcohone. 1I5S. Leave. Arrive. Illnck 11111s , DMdwoood nnd Hot Sprlnp" . . 3:00 : pm S 00 pm Wjomtnff , Cnsper nnd DouiilM . ' 3.00 pro G'OO pm Hastings , York , D vlc City. Superior encvn , Exeter and S wnrd 3 00 pm S CO pm Norfolk. West 1'olnt and Fremont " 7 50 am 10 25 nm Lincoln , Wnl.oo nnd r pmont . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 co an * 10 25 am Trenont Local. . . 7'50 am Dilly. Dnlly except Sunday , Bumlny only. ' Dnlly cx-ept Saturday , " Dally excen' itomlnr. CHI'V-tK ) - - - Railway City Ticket - 14M Tnmnm Street Telephone f.01 Depot Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone 128 Leave. Artlve. jsi''x CITV f. \cinc RAIL- roail General Oltlci United States National Hank Hullil- Inij , S W Corner Twelfth mil 1 ar am Streets Tlcl'et Oillce _ 1401 Pnrmm Street 'Jelipnone 1 661. Dc ot , riftecnth nnu Webster fatreets. Iclc- | phone MoS Leave. Arrive. Sioux Tl Mniiknto , St. Pnui MtnneaDolls . . . . C.53 ppi 0.10 nm - CHICVGO ROCIC INLAND & Rallroail 'The Great Islnna Route" City Oillce 1323 Pnrnnin Telephone 428 Depot , antl Mason bttccts 'leleptiono 12S. Leav c. Arrive. and St Paul Vestibule I Express . ' 4 50 pm 1.43 pm Lincoln , Colorado bp'ss , Puoulo , Dcnvir and west . 1 1 5. pin 4 25 pm Chicago , Dei Mollies i1 Rocic Islin < l 7.00 pin 8 13 am \tlMiitic Kxprebf foi Dos Molnes nnd east ern points 1 7 20 am 5 33 pin Lincoln P.ihburj and llelli-vlllr r > 4 > pm " 10 10 am Dallj" , Dnlly except Sundnj UNION p\cinc-"rnn OVCR- land Route General Offices N n Corner Ninth and Parnun Streets Clt > Ulcliet Olllcc. HC2 Parmin Sticct 'lelephono 31C Depot Tenth and Ma on Streets Telephonu 12S Leave. ArriveS "Ilio Ovcrlmil Limited ' for DeMivcr halt Lake , western points . S CO am 1 13 pm r st mill train for Denver , Silt Lake , 1'nclllc coast nnd ult western pointa . . . . 1 3 CO pm 10 20 nm Lincoln lie itrlce and Stromsbtirp Express. . 5 00 pm 12 20 pm Keatney E\pre-s . . . . 5 01 pm " 12 2u pm Uallj Dillj except Sundaj. Council niuffa Local Leaves , j 40 n m ; C 10 xu in ; 7 30 a m , S 25 a m , 10 43 n m , 2 15 I > m. ; 4 30 p m , o 53 p m Arrives , 0 23 a m . 7 20 a. in . 8 a m . 8 23 a m , 11 3u a , m , 3,10 p > in ; G 40 p m. , 0 03 D " . 10 15 p m WAIJASH IcAILTtODTICKET Ori'IC" . 141 ! r-irnam Street Mmhone 32J Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone , 12S. Leave , Arrive SI Loulu "Cannon Hall" Expre s V"0 pm ' 11 31 am Danr COl HT S11.LVIII. Lamaster against nillott. Appeal from Lancaster county. Judgment. llai risen , C. J. Tiat thsro o\lsts a feellnc ; of 111 will or Tiostllity or a ilisagtcement between joint ow ncrs of propertj Is not suinclcnt to w ar rant a court in appointing a receiver to take charge of the property unless such fact prevents a beneficial usi of the prop erty , or practically operates an exclusion of ono of the joint owner : , from the bene fit and Uoe of the property , J. Held lh.it the facts as established by the findings of the jcfe-ree 'icicln ' and the further finding of the court did not dis close such a condition of affairs In rc- giaul to property aw nod jointly bj two of the parties hereto ns to warrant the de cree of the court appointing a receiver thereof. Currall against the Stale , lliror from York counts. Alllrmed , Harrison , C. .T. The piovlslons of sec'lan ' M 4 of the Code of Civil Procedure In regard to summoning jurors "vVienover nt nny Konorul or special term 01 at nny period of a term fni ony cause there Is no panel of * * * petit Juiors , " are broad enouh { to cover and incluuc any nnd ull possible reasons for which at any term of a court there m.i > bo no panel of Jurors present foi the tilala of causes. i The provisions of the section to which reference has Just been made ire appllciblo In relation to Jurors foi trials of criminal ciuscM. ( Sution 401 , Criminal Code. ) J , Duilntr the pendency of a te-im of dls- lilet court for whim no panel of Jiuoid had been piovlded for seivk'o by the proper olllcers , a crime was eommltti d and an Information llled by tlio e unty ntloinc-j charginR paitles vvltli the commission of the cilme and the acctibcd were biouglit be fore the c-ourt for tilal. Hold to be n con dition of affairs within the Import of HPC- tlon t.04 of tie Cede of Civil Piocidure , and th" action of the trial court In ordeilng jiiiors summoned its piescrllied In said nee- tlon was proper t The mimes "Mis , Fred StPlnlmrg" and "Mrs. Fied Fteonbuns , " the Hist ondoiscd on nn Information as the nameof a wit ness nnd the hccond uppeirlng In testimony as h r name , .no lilcm Bonans , r > . It Is allowable though probably not the best practice , to endorse the name cf a man lei ] woman on an Information ns a prospective witness In a cilmlnal ci e by the use of het ' .ius > buid'n surname and pie- ll\pl thereto the appellative abbrevatlon "Mis. " and the Clulstlnn iiiimo or names sf her husband , or the Initial letter 01 letteis thereof , 0 , T'lo ' law docs not recognize other than the one or first Chrlstlin name , but where a poison as a matter of fact has u KO < : miler or mlildlo Chilstlan name and Is commonly Itnovvn or Identllled by the use of such middle Christian designation , If his wife's purposed use as a witness In n criminal lauso Is evidenced by an endorsement of IK r husband's surname and the abbrevia tion ' .Mirf" topether with the middle Chilstlan appellation of the husband , It In sulllclent , vviiero It dDcs not nppe ir or there Is no complaint that the accused person was mlsleij thereby or lack of Information of what pel son was to bo produced as a witness. 7 The main purposoofthe ufiulrement that I ho names of witnesses bo enders ° d on the information In a criminal action Is to con vey to the accused inform Hlon or knovvl- ulgo of. the Identity of witnesses to bo produced on behalf of tlio state nt the trial b. ThfrtnilmlBHlon of Immaterial testimony Is not Hiitlklent ground far the ravcisal of a judgment where not pu'judlclal to thu rights of the c'omplalnlng party. 0 A portion of an instruction worded an follow H : "You are not at liberty to dlsbe- llevo as jurois If > ou bclievo as men. Your oath Imposes on jou no obligation to doubt vvhcru no doubt would exist If no oath hid been administered " -Hold not objectionable und erroneous when read anil construed with the further portions of the aame In struction nnd the other paragraphs of the charge. In that the llrst sentence did retread read : "You are not nt liberty to dl bellove as jurors if from thu evidence you believe us men , " Instead of as It did vvltli the omla- Blon of the rcferenco to the evUi'iice , _ 10. The statute dellnlnp ; burglary state's , among other things , "If the pcrtmu t'hnll willfully , malleloiibly and forcibly break and enter , " If In an Instruction In which It ID propone ! to embody a statement of the. elements vvhlih constitute the crime ; and necessary to bo proved , the word "ma liciously" In reference to the breaking ami entering Is omitted. It U Bulllclcnt If other words or another wonl Identical In me-xnlnf or expressing the f.amo mennlnir bo u fd li U li not error to refu fl to RV | liKlruc- tlons If thHr substanro Is embodied iiiul Klven in the charge to the Jury 12. Tie actions of the trial court In refu - Ing to Rlvo certain requested Instruction" examined and approved 13 The evidence held Bumctcnt to sustain the verdict. Pvveklns against Pott" , Appeal from lluf- falo county Alllrmed. IlTrrlaon , C , J. The conclusion * and decision announced on the former hearing In thU ratiso ( for report - port sen 71 NV , , 1017 , Xcb ) appiovedi and follow ed Porliln * a.ialnst Tllton. Urror from Hitch cock county. Alllrmed. Hnrrl on , C J. An offer to pro\o to Hv the foundation for the proper presentment of error In the exc'luslon of purposed testimony ns antAcr to a question to which nn objection U sus tained must bo of matter which would have been admitted ns relevant , responsive nnd Pertinent In answer to the rejected Inter- logatory. 2 Krior n < Hifnrit of the giving of nn In struction examined and the. action of the trial court approved. 3 Held that the plaintiffs In error were proptrly Joined us defendants In the action Funk against KansnManunfncturltiK Companv Appotl from Mneustor county. H > ver ed and dismissed Noival , J. A e'ourt of equity vvlll not afford relief against a judgincnt or decree obtained against a party through the negligence of his attorncj. 2 Uvldcnco held Insulllcicnt to support the decision of the trial court vacating iv for mer decree In another action between the * nmo parties niliott agnlnsl. the Carter White Lrnd Companv. 13rror from Douglas county. Af firmed. Noival , J. There can bp no recovery If there. Is a ma terial variance between the allegitlons nnd the proof. The nllcgat i and probita must agree 2 Where the evidence Is uncontrndlctrtl and ull leison.ablc men must drivv the same conclusions therefrom , It Is not oiror foi the court to direct \erdlct In favor of the mrtv entitled thereto under the pleadings nnd proofs. n. Hrror In giving an oral Instruction Is not available In this court vvhcto no exception was tocelallv taken on thit ground In the trl.il court at the tlmo the Instruction was given. . ! . Ono not a pirty to n contract may main tain an action thereon .vhr-n mien contract was made for his belii'lH or the bencllt of n class to which ho belong * . Cl Icago , Hiirllngton Ar Qulncv 15illvva > Compiny ngalnst City of Nebra'ki Cltv et al. Appeal fiom Otoo count } . AlUimed. Js'orv.il , J Ordnnnoo No , 2TC ot Xcbi-aska Clt > w u Ineffi I'luil , of Itsilf to annex adjai out tei- rltoiv to said cltv or to extend the teirl- totlal llmlU of the mnnlclpallt } J A elt > i innot lev > a taon propel ty vvl tu Its situs la not within the cotporate ,1 A'court of equltv will enjoin the collec tion of a fix which Is nbsnlutilv void Thompson against Thompson Appeil from I.anc istir eoiintv AlUimed U > nu , C In an equitable aitlou bv n devisee to qukt title and obt Un posn--slon of ie.il pioii- orty It w is sought to u-ovir the totitnl value of the 1 ind which hud IICUUM pit- vlous to t e levlvoi of the aetlnn In the n imo of such devisee Whether or not the devisee under nnv cluumslnnces would bo intltlid to biich recover } of lent is not di- tcimlncil becui > .e neither put In l sue b } the pie tilings nor arcucil b } cotinspl 2. An action of the nature ibove Indicated was pending < -ovoi il } etrs hi foi o tin- tie it h of a tc1-'Uor ivho was the- origin il 1)1111111111 'ilio devisoe. In whoso n imo tie netlon was levhexl upon the eleith of the te-latoi , on his petition iceovired for unt u.itll the tlmt of the Illlng of sild petition a- , though the defendant hid dining his cntlic p > * sesslon been the tenant of no clevis e Supported byiillHIont evl Irnco In the iame c.-'e there wore findings that the pos ! sMon uf ho di fendilH hod bull liken and held In g ) od faith and tint listing and v iluible In , > iove- ments had been mndo during suen po ses sion by biich defend int under iircm-i * tiinefH wblca justllled him In making the in llo'.M tint the ill-trict court piopirl } ciiarfoil tlu land ilnallv adjudged to belong to pli'ntiff with the fall v ilue ofueli Imptovcnicnf. oven though some of b'ld it.iprov.mints ( vveio made after tlio eommence.iunt ot the suit by the testator. The Llfo Insuiance Cloarlnu ; Coni'nny agilnst Altmuler. irror : from Ailim- ) county. Alllrmed. m in , C. 'ihc ovlilcncc In this eise oxamiiieil and hold to have justified the Jur > In finding tint there was .imnlvoi of a condition precedent with icspeet to the deliver } of a nolle } the existence of such condition not having liee.i communlcUed to Iho Injured 2 A 'pedal appeal ancc must bo issumed to hive been promptl } oveiruled w en the allidivlt upon which It was founded dot 4 not appear In the iccord In the supreme tonrt .1 An upplli Ulon for a con'lnuance ' wbloli fulled to disclose the n lines of iibiont pu- tlcs ivhoso testimony was deslic.il IT ! the mituro of theli tisHmony , held , properly to li ive been din'ol ' ntnkholdcr igainst McKlnley-I-innliif ! I.oin and Trust Comp i-v Hnoi frcm Keirney eountv Alllimed 11 } an , C In IMs case but one qucs'ion Is presented and that is the iultlelenc } of the evilonco to sustain the judgment of the riMllct eoiirt. An examination of nil the cvldinei ilHelo - Ing that this objritlon Is not well taken , sild lud ment Is alllimcd \Vidomalr ngalnst Woolsev irrnr from .Toniison county Keversrtl N'orval J Undoi Ecetlon . ' 21 of the Code of Civil Pro cedure a judgment debtor who Is the lead of u family anil li is no homestead , I. c , owns neither Innils , town lotp 01 housts sub. Je-ct to exemption unflei the hem Te tJ laws of the state may claim as exempt from foi ceil sile on execution pcrj-.ni ! property to the value of SW ) 2 Tie woulB "pubject to exemption as a homoitoad" as used In F lid section n21 do not refer to houses" ulone , but appiy to "lands" and "tovn Iot . " ns well. Ivorona ngalnst the St tie Hirjr from Ucd Willow count v lie v ei sod Vorvil , J A eonvietlon In a criminal eas- will or dinarily be revci'oi ! whie tv o ittir-n v fi n- enl deellncM to Illf a brief in the ground that the evidence Is Insufficient sustain the judgment. . . ' The evidence1 In the cas\ examined find held not Fiifncltnt to = upport the veiillet Statn npilnst illllinl Sti'e PanK Arip ' 1 from Pouglas count } AHlimed Xoival J When an agent , In nccon'nrce with a Ions course of buslne-s deposit * In hU own nniv.p n agent mone } s cf his prlnelml with li ! knovvledgo anil consent In n bunk vvileh be comes Insolvent the monov * "O deprnltcd will not be doHaied a trint fund l-i fiver of tha latter nnd catabllshea as n prefeired Sluiffor against Vincent Krior from Har- lan county Alllrmed Xorval. J A bill of exceptions to be uv ill.ablo in the supreme-court must be authenticated b } the clerk of the district court 2 A certllli ite by the. clerk of th it court merely hinting that the oil-jbinl bill w in llled in Ills olllee on a ci rtnln d ite Is Insulll cicnt to Identify a document contained In the transcript as being clthei nuoh oilglnal bill or a copy thereof. Ulekctf ng ilnst Hogers. F.rror from Mn- ca ter county Reversed Sullivan , J AVhon the meinlng of a written contrict ean be ascertain ! d without the aid of o < - trlnslc evlilpiiie , Iti Inteipret itlon belongs to the eouit and not to the luiy. 2 Contiact In mlt fximlneii In conneetlon with tlio undhputcd evidence ind held to present no re.ihon for c tnmlttlng its intei- pretation to the jury West against llenves ot nl Appeal from Divvson county , Hevorsed Sulllviin , J The lien of a person who furnishes ma terial for the erection of a hou e u on 1 ind In possession of the vend" undir nn ix- ecutoiy contract of purchase Is pubonllnnto to the lien of thevetulor wno let ilns the legil tltlo to neeuro deferred lnstallmcntn of tin * purchase pi lee except In cas-o * vvheie Ihe vendor hlmsolf promotes iho Impiove- mint or causes It to be made 2 A vendor A ho retains the legal title to land sold e'oes not , by mere Fllenco and In action waive his right to i pure hune money lien li < favor of one who furnlMiis building material to Improve the property. Ilohman ugatnn O liner F.iipr from Lin- caster county. Alllrmed Sullivan , .1 A piovhlon In a contract between inn Mate and n pornon eontrietln with It for the erection of it public building Is \ illd which Impose * on the eoinractoi the dntv of pajlng for mnterltl fuinlshid and usul In the erection of Hiieh building " fJtitomentB In the niibwer eon trupil In conneetlon with an alh-gitl n of the petition i nnd held to Import ai > ndmlfslon of the de- llvei } of the niuerial for the price of vvhlci this suit was m ought Killlrll llollM I XoleH. It Is nnonncul that Alexander Agassis ot Haivard \ to upend eomo tlmo stuilyliii ; the coral reefs of tlm KIJI Islands Prof Lee Ito.iu'fldi the dlxtlnKuIsheil Ori ental bclmlar elgnall/eil his retirement from the rcctoifllilp ot the Univcrslt } ot Vleraa by taking Dtrong grountl In favor of higher female education. Prof Charlru Hllot Norton once propojcd tint Harvard university tear down all Its halls rail icbuild after a. coherent and nr- llstlcplan for the gako of ( lie educational In. llucni is of gootl architectural eurroundlngs on thu student body The Cornell Unlverslt } C'ollege of T/avv lus a rompletej net of court reports from every Elate and territory In the union , from the United States courts , and from every roun- tiy In the world In which the Cngllsh com mon law prevail * ) . No other law school ha > Biich a collection , and except the library of tha liar ansoclatlon In Now York Olty there U no other such collection In the slate it 1 worth recording , therefore that Cornell university place * Ha library ut thu disposal of vlaltlng lawyers vvbu wlfili to work up difficult caoca. , KIJL'OVTIOV Vt < .MATTUHS. Features fit ( lie I'mpuipil Ilcforin Irt Among the "enterlnc wcdRw" which the advocates of the spelling reform or rather of a spelling reform , nlnco nearly na many varieties of reform nro propo'cd ns there nro eo-calloJ reformers there Is 110110 moro ob noxious to good taste , or moro nilnpted to fitrensthon the connemllve sentiment vvhleti doinautls the rctnntlon of present orthut- Krnphlrnl forms , Bn > s the St. PJHI ! I'loncer 1'rer * Ihnu that which wouU "chaiiRO VI * or TvV final lei 't. ' when so pronounced ov when thn 'p' - " eopt nffects n prec-edliiK sound To vvrlto "tnlkt " "wallet , " "plat. " "askt " "stppt , " "rovorst , " "citrenchl : " Instead of "talked. " "vvnlkod , " "passed , " "naked. " "stopped. " "rovenuvl , " "entrenched. " nnil BO on throiiKli the illctlonnry , not only ills- RUrtit the cj-o and dUtrarta the nttentloii fiom the subject matter of the nrtlole belnjj ie il , ( but the Plan would. If adopted , Intro- Uuco n new clement of atructurnl i-onftulon Into our lnnu.iitiKt > . The uniformity which , now otlsts In forming the imt tense of \orlM nml pnrtlelplexi vvoull l > e tlrstrojod. ThoJIfflcultlm. nlreaily greit , which foreign. ere find In learning our IftiiRUa e would bo Increased Thcro has never been n tltno liv the history of our hnini.ino when to near Mnpprtnch' to uniformity fn upelllng ex isted ns nt prroent In Amerlci the nueccss- Ivo olltlona of rival dictionaries riiow moro and moro the Influence of a dlJcrlmlnntlnR usiso among writers , In iltrliiKltiR about mutual concession1 ? and a jet closer approach preach to uniformity. The plans of the spelling reformers would throw the Inn- Kuago back to a chaos akin to but uglier than that of Queen nilznbcth'n time It the contributor to the few periodicals vvhoio misguided editors line "sllpt" the bounds of common ueiue , "klckt" out of the traces of "establish ! " usage , and "llnkt" their for tunes to the "upclllng reform , " knew how ildlculouu they are made to appear to or- illmiry renders , and how weakened their hold upon the attention , by theio orthonrnphlcal Angaries , they would refuse their contribu tions until the standard spelling should bo again adopted. Tt'iiolilnj * Almmer * . One ef the first notes struck In the begin- K of the movotrcnt for the hlsl orlun - tlon of women was eiiuallty of mental power : "We women Imo as good brans as joi Men .i mlvo are going to prove It " It la K"fc to K y , comments Leslies Weekly tint miny believe women Invo pioveil t'iroui'i ' more than a generation of college lives , tint tluir bialns au < as good as men a Is the. a a furthei step which women ami VVUIIICM 4 colleges should take' Ilumanltj makes certain dennmla on wonun which It dees not i > .Ko on men It sets up tcitiln sjandnrds of eonduct .1 llulo higher for women. Whether It might , wo aio not now coiibi Ic lug , wo aic onlv Intel - pret nij n social condition Humnnlty 10- iiulrca of \ omiu go d m'tmcrs with an urgency wlilc'i It docs not demand of men. It ompluslzis ( Imim since ar 1 , . ic. mices with a strength which It does not I.y ou man's possession of the suno traits. It asks women to tmboily the "bcatl'udes" of char acter as It colis men to oLcy the tcj com- n.indmeiits ot conduct There lj reason to feat t't the colleger for women l.ivc not ghcn Just hied to this demniul Thc > 1 i\e cmlcjvcied to in.l o a holais and thinkers. Tne. , should not iwso making scholars and thlnkc 3 , and t icj will lot ecfe. Hut the ccllc oj ihonl 1 hj tt CM heavier and coiatant upon tiecurl-ig n cieh of thi so bchcilaru and thl kcis x grailous- nchs of namur , a c .ral ! i e arm of pie- cnce , which aie the ciov. n ot womanhood. The iiKtho-s for sctuilng t'.i , a great i Milta am uuestlons fci the siieUallEt li evolution , to whom we Lcs to toninc 1 the question. UiilorslM of > ulir.- kn Notes. Iho UpIvLislt } Chfs elub la victorious In its tournament with tli3 Huslniss Men'o Chess club by n sicro of 10V4 games to ll& Leo Udnardb , 1' J. Ilirron and 131mer llolbcn were Clio university champions 1'iof. r.v. . Tailor Ins an InJwtshnff" end 1 imisomeh illustri edfirtfcle In the Janior/ number of tire'Oc 'leman Karmer Magayino , Chlcapo , upoa the gro.it innuat fn'r ' at Xl.rl Novgorod , Hioaia , which ho visited last > car "Inductive Studies In rrovnng" h the title of the latent text beak emboilj ing Xe- brasKa univeisltj methods It ' 3 by Dr II. C. 1'otirton Instructor In Kn-llsh llteiature , and Is Into , ( led a.i it-s author utitc. . ta mal.n Its studfiits .apjiicclato and love tlu ptetry of Hiov n ng The uilvcrslty exhibit for the Irjn.'nls- sUslppI Uxpcsltton Is In process of pienara- tlc-i The School of Mechanic Arts Is man ufacturing a Immlbumo showcase ta contain Its EhoHing , v.hleh will include samples of the workmanship from the forge , bcuch , lathe , lllliiK and chipping. A now stt of rules tor 1S9S has been adopted by the University Athletic asiocla- tion. Under thcso requirement i no htiu cut wil' ' ho nllov.ed to enter for Held or lr. < ' { events without at least ono acmelir cf physicil training , Including regular prattled thrco times a weak. This v/lll Insure bet ter training hlghur atandardj < , f work anil better prospects cf winning Interstate ton- testj Chancellor Macl.ean's address before the State Teachers' association Indicating the next atop in educational progress was In dustrial education and pointing out the prcpaiatlon at the university to lit leathers for it has already been stiongly ro-erhacd from IOAU In tbo imugiirnl nddrrsj of the Incoming Kovernor The Indications are Btiong for a gei eral movimivit foi worMiit ; education throughout the land Constant Inqu'i fa are icec'vcd at the FCC- ret-iry of i ato's olllcc and nt the unlveislty concornlnr ; the BUCCIEU of migar b ct ciil turo In Nebraska , v , hethcr the rrop li profit able to the grower arrt the manufaciurei , etc Iheso letters coiro from ncaily 'very state In the uilcu and IndlMto the deep Interest that attaches rveiywhere to the oxperlmentn In Xebri-aka The prciipi-tt h good for a Miady demand for > oun men thoroughly trail cd In tl u ine-tiiods of Ihu beet c-ugar lidiwtry , and Nebraal' i seemi to bo the d rectlon In which the Jomerid U looking United Stites UntomolagUt Hov.aiJ vvr lc.i to I'rof P W C'aid of tlm tin verJlty In retard to a rr > .t it unlur > ll > bulletin upon the codling n 3th I'o , i > n after Inqulilri ; some pjitleu' ia of the d'i ' ov erica niailn hero , "the 1 .1 ! tin hin excellent onu No entomclos < Lit Ins recently found cut facts of gieitei Intucst or moro Importiinie than you luvo iMcortalned" Then after IIIM- tionlng the vvoik of BCfveral prominent en- tomologlst and IiortlciilturlatH bo saii of tlm work Oono at Ndiraskn milvcrBlty that Its "contrlhutlon la by far the most Impor tant of all , " The printed voltimo of prcceedlrgs of the Natlor.il IMucitlonal a.'isoclatlou just nut lisa homo Important statUtlcs bearing upon the posslbllltlua for the Transmit ! , u ppl id- : ncational coigrcss the com'iig mininiei. Krom thcss llfure ; It appcard that the total mombcrchlp cf the association from 1XSI u > 1897 was 00,873 Of the , c , the ntntci * In thu "north centril division" Ohio Indana , Illi nois , Michigan , Wisconsin , Iowa , \Ilmrnnia , Ml4cuil , North Dakota , South Dakota , Kansas and Ncbr-iska fiirnlfched 11 i % , nearly two-thlrdn of the cntlro nuinbir , Ibo btatcs .and territories of Ilio ' HIS iin dUUlon" c-oinprls'ing tliosp west of fie one-4 In tl'u No rallka group furnished 7bl 1 in IP making nearly IJU.OOG leuthuiH out of .1 total of 60,873 from the wcat Kven when thi na- lioclatlonta \ \ been held at this iu.it vis cr i luachcrn have coiiKtitulc'd the bulk of the attendrcicr At llnfTilo In Iti'tn nut of a total mumbertihlp of U.072 Uuao woji rn 4ml ncith ccntial Btatea eontribnltd l > Idu N - braska had a membership there of ofil an I Kaims 2' > , whllo Pencehaul * tutl on y 325 , .MaD&iihusetta l'J7 and Virginia 21 'I ho average meniberahlp from NuhMaka for tlio tlllrtenn jeara Is 210 , of Kani us , 2'JG , of Pennsylvania , 171 ; of Now York 391) ) , of Massachusetts , 171 ; of Ohio , 304 'llir c fig urea prove il"at tlio enteriirUIng , pro ri .alvo teachers live in the wist and might to ( in- courage the pramotcw of the Trat-inu.iJ.8- Kdueatlui al congrcsa Oan'f Slop Tobacco fiudilr wlr cod rvrk tb * rerrf UU lUtO-tlllO , id * on ) ; turo * ihll Utlof ( oLftctg. lUtt or + \ loir * . U tuiM I l > rci > Kl U or of ui. -Oontly Woano. k U1KUIUL All ) lUtll , 10. ,