Ifl THE OMAHA nA1T/V I-KI4. " 'IP' 2'I. IS5I8. Annual Clearance Sale , Last Opportunity , We shall complete our annual inventory the last day of this month after which these great bargains of new and desirable up-to-date merchandise will be a matter of history thoroughly appreciated by those who have taken advantage of the unusual low prices -and lasting regret to those who do not T 1 HIS Mf k A ONLY SJLX" DAY'S MORB OP OUR GREAT DISCOUNT SAZJS Only six days 0 Only six days more of more of Discount Discount Discount Discount Discount Discount Ladies' Union Suits On nil our On all ' onr Men's Union Suits On all Ladies' Tights On all Colored Dress Goods all On till our Vests mid Pants On all our Men's Vests and D.-nwors On all our Blade Dress Goods oa all our our on our ' . On all On all our bopnruto pieces our Boys' Nests and. Drawers Novelty Dress Goods. No reserves. On till our Children's ' Union Suits On all our Lined Gloves and Mittens Black Novelties. No reserves. On till our Children's \rests and Pants. On ml our Blankets und Flannels- OUR GREAT. CUT PRICE SALE OF LINENS TO BE CONTINUED ONLY SIX DAYS MORE to 35c On our entire line of New Embroideries 3 for $1.00 Ladies' Jackets , Children's loiif * jrarmouts and Misses' four-in-hands The throngs tint lined these counters the past Jtu'kots no roborvop all out- Alt men s neck dressing tecks - - ton Jays is proof conclusive that wo n-1 only Fell the best made tailor inado Jackets , in fact LacesAlt New Linen Laces und PulT ScarlTs that wcrobOe and 7.r > c elearancesalo 33 cents umlcrwou' , but that our prices arc lotvor for good reliable Discount every nrinent in the cloak . . I ! for 81.00. tioods than any house in the trade. department- Your opportunities lessen hourly Be on hand early Monday to secure a wonderful silk bargain Silks for 0 waists , dresses or petticoats SOc , 69c , 75c these are our fancy silks cut from $ $1.25 and & 1 50 , Corner Corner Farnam and 15th. Farnam and 15th , ONLY TAKES CASH ACCOUNT N /Logialatlva Investigatm ? Oomtnittee Lots j Up on General luquiry. ( EXPERT JEWELL ON HOSPITAL AT LINCOLN \o HhiirtiiKc111 Ciisli Fiiml , \ * ( iri-utly IlullnToiI l y the Uii uulliorly.fil M\pi-iilllureM lie niHcuverM. tINCi\OLN. Jan. 22. ( Special. ) The retwrt of the Vondltlon of the cash fund of the Hospital ) < for the Insane at Lincoln was filed with tho-'Investigating committee today , the expert ( l Fred Jewell , bavjng completed the wnfffk In a marveloualy short time , compared with tbo tlrno spent In looking through the books of lastltutlrms that have been entirely tinder the control of republican officials. It will bo noticed from the report that the accountant was Instructed to oxamlno _ only the cash fund and that no Investigation was made of the manner In which the appropria tions have been handled , although this de partment has been considered the most Im- iwrtant In the Investigation of the other In stitutions. It will bo noticed also that the "unauthorized expcndlturc-s" are here ro- Kardecl as of very little Importance , although In other caecs the recommendation lias al ways been made tliat ilie amounts be col lected from the officials who mido the ex- jxnidlturcs , oven though It was shown that "tho utati * has received the benefit of the ex penditure. " The small scope of the exami nation acid the absolute change or fiont re garding "unauthorized expenditures" may he tluo to the fact Hi At during almost one-half of tlio period covered by the examination the Institution IMS been under papocratlc control. The accountant regrets that he- has not been permitted to exam I no the accounts of COMMON SENSE CURE. 'ii.i : cum : ouiuos IMIIS : rii M.v.\KXTi.v n v cimi.vr ; TIII : UAUSH. f llrnilirlialile Ilcim-ily > t lilt-li IN liiK Comfort tn TliotiminilH of SuttvrvrH , Probably half the people who sco this ar ticle Buffer from piles. This IB ono of the commonest diseases and ono of the most ob- Etlnute. People have It for years and Just becaiibo It Is not Immediately fatal they ne glect It. Carelcssno.'ti catwua no ciul ot dif fering. Carelessness about ea simple a thing as plica has often caused death , Hemor rhages occur during surgical treatment , of ten causing death. Plies are simple In the beginning and easily cured. They can bo cured even In the worst stagco , without pain or Ic-ss of blooi , quickly , surely and completely. Thcro la only one remoJy that will do It Pyramid 1'ilo Cure. It allajd the Inflammation Immediately. hcalo tiio Irritated Hiirfiico und continued treatment reduces the swelling and puts the membraniti Into good , sound , healthy condition. The euro Is thorough and per manent. Here I ) a voluntary and unsolicited testimonial menial -we have lately received : Mrs. M. C. Hlokly , C01 Mississippi St. , Indlauapolli , Ind. , cays : Have been a fiuf- ferer from the pain and annoyance of Piles for fifteen years , tbo Pyramid Pile Cure nnd Pyramid Pills gave mo immediate relief - | lief and In a short time a complete euro. Drugglets sell Pyramid Pile Cure or will tot It for you K you usk thorn to. U U but CO cents per packaga and Is put un only by tliu Pyramid Drug Co. , Marnliall , Mich. , all the expenditures made by thJ Instituted. The report of the accountant la as follows : LINCOLN. Jan. 22 , 1S9S. To the Legisla tive Investigating Committee Gentlemen : Having made an Investigation of the re ceipts and expenditures of ti-M j h fnnji ' ino.liv.liuj ut Ltn- the State Hof " * " ino. iunt , rteuT. for the period beginning De cember 3 , 1SSG. nnd ending1 November CO , 1507 , and is per your Instructions , having made no examination whatever of the booVs or vouchers relative to the appropriations for the institution. I submit to you my re port upon the cash fund as follows : I find that , with but one cxuepnon , the superintendents of this Institution for said period have Ignored the constitutional and ( statutory provisions ot the manner In wilch public funds shall be dlspotwl of , vlx. turned Into the state treasury" and "drawn out only in pursuance of Its specific appro priations made by law and on presentation of n warrant Isuu-d by the auditor there on , " which maxim of law Is so wtl ! knoan , by having ticen referred to In the opinions of Attorney Generals Churchill and Smyth , as well as alllrmed In several supreme court decisions In this state , that I consider fur ther citations unnecessary'and therefore find that nil moneys disbursed from the. cash fund of wild Institution are unlawful expenditures , which are divided Into two rlasseH. viz : Those receipted for iiy tnc par ties who furnished the goods or rendpied the service , to the. . Institution and those for which no receipts are found on file. He- Kardlng the former class wo may si.itc that while the funds have been u ed without authority of law , yet the receipts on file at the Institution show that the state has re ceived the benefit of the expenditure : hence wo do not recommend Its recovery , but re garding the latter class wu would recon.- ir.end that the Miperintcndents and steward * under whoo administrations these expendi tures occurred be > required to produce re- celptH or satisfactory evidence of said ex penditures. We tiercforc separate our findings to cor respond to the terms of olllee of the Kevi-rnl superintendents of the Institution , giving all of the Information regarding the expendl- tureH not receipted for that call bo gathered fiom the books and vouchers on ( Ho as fol lows : Cash fund from December 3 , l&Sfi. to Feh- uiary 24 , U9J , covering the administration of W , iSI. Knapp as superintendent and J. D. I-auer as steward : Total receipts for the period stated tlO,27u.0 Turned Into the treasury. . ? 681.47 Expenditures receipted for. 8,42-1.60 Kxpendlturea not receipted for 551.05 lialance on ftanil 714.0S-flO,270.2'J ' Hoarding tinnliovo Item of expenditure not receipted for the accountant says "the books ami vouchers on Hie at the Institu tion , If considered alane , show f2,007.'J9 not receipted for , but from ovldenco of expandl- turt'H on Illo In the olllce of the s.crctary of state It Is reduced to the amount charged above , " The cash account from March 7 , 1SD2 , to March 31 , 1S93 , during the Inrumbency of J. U' . Bowman as superintendent and M , H. Madden ut ctev.ard IH given us follows : Total receipts , Including bal ance from former adminis tration 12.431,21 Expenditures receipted for f'G729 ICxpendltures not rccclpUil for S77.99 Italanco on hand G9S.93-J2.434.2I For the period covered by the udmlnUtia. tlon of J. T , Hay as superintendent ami A. U. Gllmore as steward , April I , 1833 , to May 18 , It W , IH summarized ns follows : , Total rfcelptB , Including bal- anc ? from former adminis tration J3515.02 Total expenditures receipted for , f3H3.9 Balance on bund 3J1.C.1 | 3,515.0i For the period covered by the tiuperln- temlency of L. J , Abbott and the strwaid- ehlp of B. C. Itewlek , from .May 19 , 1S1I3. to November SO , JSS7 , t'no summary IB as fol io WH : Total receipts , Including bal ance from former adminis tration f : 111.81 Total expenditures receipted for $3,40.1.59 Balance < qu hand Novemlxjr 31. 1S97 S.23-2,4 .8 | General summary : Total recelpta from Decem ber 3. 1S > 5 < ! to November SO. 1697 J1T.S74.79 Turned Into the state treasury $ CSI.47 Total expenditures not re ceipted for 1,429.91 Total expenditures re ceipted for 15.U2.13 Balance on hand S.25-tl7S74i9 Wt > are pleased to bo able to report that no shortage exlsta In the cash fund ot this Institution for the period covered by our examination. That the books und accounts Uavo been accurately kept , and that with tlic exception of the failure In filing re ceipts for portions 3t the expenditures , as shown nliovo , and the general disregard of law In using the cash fund for the benefit of the Institution. Instead of turning It Intu the a'atc treasury , the accounts of I'.io ' In stitution , so far as we have been permitted to examine thorn , would be all that could be required by the most zealous guardian of public funds. We regret , however , that the Investiga tion of the expenditure of appropriations t'or Institution could not be mnde , and would call jour attention to the fact tnat the cash fund examined by us represents but a little over 2 per cent of the entire ex penditures of this Institution for the period covered by this report. Very respectfully yours , f'UED JEWELL. IUJLIEF FO/t CUBA. The Cuban Relief commission has Just milled to the mayorj of the cUM and towns of Nebraska copies of the call for aid re cently published , and accompanying each Is a copy of the following letter : LINCOLN , Jan. 22.-Slr : As mayor your attention Is Invited to the enclosed circular letter addressed to the people of Nebraska. According to the figures published In thu press of Havana there art now t'3,312 ' persons in a single province Mntanzas who are ab- polutcly wltnont resources. Up to Novem ber 20 , 1SP7. 20.044 had perished of hunger , while 17JM had disappeared , many of whom hnl doubtles * also succumbed to want. At this tlmo there are In the same ? iruvlnce over CO.COO persons , of whom 20,000 are women and 24,000 are children , actually starving. Of these. It Is declared b\- the physicians * , that n majority will surely die of the diseases Induced by famine. The mime authority adds that In all the prov inces fully 200,000 non-combntantH have al- readv died of hunger and an equally large number must miserably prli > h from tm- same cause unless relief Is spee < lly ! afforJcd. In order to bring speedy relief you are earnestly requested to take such steps as may seem best to you to meet the object of this circular letter. I svould suggest , however , that you ap point a local Cuban relief committee and report the names of the n ime to me , so that they may receive stici Information as will be needed In fonvarllng their contribu tion * of food , clothing and medicine. Hoping to have un early reply , 1 am very respectfully yours , . P. H HARRY. Secretary. JURIST TO Inscrss ACiiiCLi/rinii : . lloil Willow County K riii 'r ' COIIVOM- lloii mill 1'niiKry Slunv. M'COOK , Neb. . Jan. 21' . ( Special. ) The southwestern Nebraska farmers' convention will bo held In McCook on February 2 ntid 3. At the saino tlmo and place the Republican Valley District Poultry association will give- Its llrst annual exhibition. These two meet ings will be full of Interest to farmers und chicken fanciers , Leading men from all over the state will address the farmers cci topics of Interest to tlioso engaged In agri cultural and stock raising pursuits. Dr. ric 8oy ot the State university and H. IX Johnson , superintendent of the Department of Agriculture of the Transmlsslsblppl and International Exposition , will bo among the speakers. The farmers of tills section arc showing deep Interest In the meeting and a great success IB anticipated. F. . W. Hitch cock ot Denver will bo Judge at ( he poultry exhibition , which promises to fairly divide with the convention the suecets of the gath ering. Address M. A. Spaldlng , secretary , for Information about the association ; or J. 3. Lei lew , secretary of the poultry asso ciation. N nt ( 'liiiilriin. OHADUON , Nob. , Jan. 22. ( Special. ) The now officers of the Dawea County Agricultural society have been elected for the ensuing year as follows : President , Charles Mann ; vlco president , Thornm Lockett ; treasurer , William Wilson ; secretary. II. F. Pitman ; general manager , W. W , Wilson ; board of directors , Maxes Young , Thomas I3arnc t , William Green , T. J. Wilson , U. II. Morton , T. U. Augustine , C. U Owens , John A. Munkres , Sidney Woodard , C. L. Moore and Owen Evans , The members of the society unanimously passed a resolution that the women of the city and county should hold a meeting and select uperlntendent8 for the various departments , presided over by the women , and revise the premium list , submitting their action In the matter to the agricultural board for confirmation , It la the policy ot tbo present officials of the . . . .A association to prepare early for the 1S9S fair , having premium 'llrfts printed and dls- ] trlbuted at an early date , so that the agrl- , cuHurlsts and stockmen of Dawea county j may be Informed early regarding the annual - nual fair and make airangements accord ingly. The annual election of officers of the Clmdron flro department has been held and the following officers chosen : President , Dr. J. E. Warrlck ; vice president , Fred Sharrer ; secretary , D. F. Pltmnn ; treasurer , . Frank Beneclte ; chief , W. S. dlllam ; first ! ass'stant , Ed Bason. James L. Paul and J. 0. Hartzel ] of Dcadwood , an ex-chlof of the Chadron firemen , were voted honorary members of the department. James L. Paul , the retiring republican county treasurer of Dawcs county , Is In Lincoln making final settlement with' the state treasurer. Iiivlulliitlon of ( MIlriTH. MILFORD , Neb. , Jan. 22. ( Special. ) Wlnslow post , No. BO , Grand Army of the Republic , hold public Installation of officers last night , -ifter which the Women's Relief corps served lunch for the officers and mem bers of both organizations. The officers In- stallcJ by Past Department Commander Culm arc : A. W. Patterson , P. C. ; S. H. Rico , S. V. C. ; J. A. Raymor , J. V. C. ; G. V. Hagenvin , Q. M. ; J. Swerlngen , 0. D. ; Wil liam Motztce , A. G. FALLS CITY , Neb. , Jan. 22. ( Special. ) The following ofllcors wcr" Installed for the coming year at the last meeting of the Knights of Pythias by DlsUlct Deputy Grand Chancellor Yutzy : J. C. Tannert C. C. ; A. H. Blgclow , V. C. ; George Wcrtz , M. W. ; W. H. Jeunu , K. R. S. and M. F. ; A. Graham , M. K. ; James Dowald. P , ; J. V , Whctstinc , M. A. ; George Falstead , I. G. ; D. R. De- Haven , O. G. The following Wcodmen of the World offi cers were Installed at the last meeting : J. P , Hollenhack , C. C. ; 0. Radinsky , A. L. ; F. A. Wylle. D. ; B , W. Dlxon , C. ; P. Cheslcy , E.Henry : L.ndo , W. DAVID CITV , NOD. , Jan. 22. ( Special. ) Marys Rebekah lodge of Independent Order of Odd Fellows Installed the following of ficers last evening for the ensuing year : N. G. , Mljs 'Bello ' Humphrey ; V. G. , Mrs. Ellu Scott ; S. , Miss Jett Hall ; F. S. , Miss Uoso Snider ; T. , Mrs. Elslo Uuchta. Clilir > Output. SCHUYLEU. Nob. , Jan. 22. ( Special. ) The Nebraska Chicory company finished the work of drying last > ; ear'acrop of 500 tons of chicory Wednesday night of this week , h vlng been delayed two months by failure of the contractor to flnU'Iitlio building on tlmo because of nonarrlval ( it materials used in construction of plant and iby tbo falling of the steel floors of the- , drying kiln , which It took one month to rcpalnnTho chicory pro duced by the farmers ; was of excellent quality , but the ylcldrut , the acres actually harvested was only few and three-fourths tone per acre , some seventy-five acres having been abandoned because-of failure on ac count of drouth. While 'the success of last year's crcp was not it all Haltering , It was 'omonstratod tbU In prdlnary years chicory can bo grown to advantage , There nro a number who tried the titovr 'product ' last year who arc not dismayed and will try again this year. The company's , warehouse stores 125 tons of dried chicory 'thatMa being related , ground and packed ' CrnuUcil HERMAN. Neb. . Jan' 22. ( Special. ) The fact ha-j recently come to light that William Dorsey has been engaged In croaked trans actions among the farmers west of Herman. Last week ho bought some cattle from a German farmer iKined Krohn , residing near , Admah. Ho gave him a bcgus check on the I'll tea 11 bank of Herman for ISO. The cattle wcro driven across Helle creek and sold to Vital Coupal for $75 cash. Dorsey then came to Herman and went to Bklr , where ho took the train for Iowa. The party he swindled Is looking for him. He also left a $30 $ board bill In Cierman , I n II rim c i ? < 'uiiiiiti | > ' .Annual. FALLS CITY , Neb. , Jan. 22 , ( Special. ) The second annual meeting of the Town Mutual Insurance company of Falls City was held at tbo court bouse last Wednesday evening. Following Is the report of the com. pany : Assets , ? 3CU.2S ; liabilities , none ; prcmlums In 1S97 , $083.05 ; expenditures In 1F07 , 5413.15 ; cash on hand , $352 ; number of members , 39f > ; amount of Insurance , $273- 695. Secretary Cleaver then read a paper , after which an cddress was delivered by State Auditor Cornell of Lincoln. The fol lowing officers were then elected : W. E. Dorrlngton , president ; E. S. Towle , vice president ; J. L. Cleaver , secretary ; J. N. Miles , treasurer ; directors , J. P. Cornell of Lincoln , A. II. Fellers of Humboldt , J. R. Splvcy of Stella , O. W. Carpenter of Role , W. E. Dorrlngton , L. J\ . Ryan , J. L. Cleaver , J. H. Miles and P. H. Juasen ot Falls City. Fnlrbury Woman's Club. FAIHBURY , Neb. , Jan. 22. ( Special. ) The literary department of the Falrbury Woman's club met on Tuesday with Mrs. A. J. King In the chair. The subject for the afternoon was , "From Minnesota to Texas. " Many ex cellent rapcra wcro given. The music was ex-ccllent. On January 14 the current literature dc- partmont of the club held Its meeting , with I Mrs. Stenhens presiding. The program ! opened with a piano solo by Mrs. Hanson. ! Then followed a general discussion of the ' anthers tor t'ao day , F. W. Gunsalus , Ella Wheeler Wllcox , Margaret Satigstor and T. B. Aldrlch. Mrs. Turner read a sketch of Margaret Sangster and Mrs. Andrews read ono of her poems. Mrs. McCoy followed with j the piece , "When Polly Played , " by the bame author. Mrs. Weldncr gave a review of "Judith and Holfernc.3. " The paper on "Gun- Galiifa as Poet and Preacher" by Miss Kcster- EJII was very much appreciated. Mrs. An drews' essay on "Moral Responsibility of the Poet" and Mrs. Griffin's paper , "How and Why Cultivate the Poetic Instincts , " were both very "complete , pleasing and Instructive. Tu-ven ItiilNi'tl. HASTINGS , Neb. , Jan. 22. ( Special. ) The property owners of Hastings were greatly eurprlsed when they wont to pay their city taxes this year , as there has been a rso ! of 20 mills over last year. This In- cioaso Is made necessary on account of the Thomas Judgment against the city of Hast ings for $ C,000 and costs , In all amounting to over $ S,000. This mini has to bo paid all In ono year and this accounts for the CO-mlll levy this year , which Is Just 20 mills higher than that of last year. The Thomas Judg ment was brought about by Mrs. Thomas receiving a broken leg eeveral years ago by falling through a defective sidewalk. At that tlmo the city council could hnvo set tled with the plaintiff for lebs than $200 , but refused to do BO. Mrs , Thomas then brought suit against the city for $10,000 damages and has finally been awarded $ a.ooo : _ TllV III HlHIMltl' . NEBRASKA CITY , Jan. 22. ( Special. ) The suit filed last Tuesday by J. W. Dewceso and John C. WatBon , attorneys for the Chicago , Burlington & Qulncy Rail road company , to restrain the collection of taxes for 1897 on Its bridge across the river hero , will bo affected by a decision of the etiprcmo court handed down yesterday In an cxaclly similar case commenced by the railroad company to enjoin the collection of the tax for 1893. The attorneys for the lallroad contended then that tbo ordinance annexing additional territory was contrary to the statutes and therefore null and void. The decision of the district court , which was In favor of the road , Is now affirmed by the supreme court. Several nulls to en join the collection of taxes levied since 1S93 are now pending In the district court. Slici'l > Hi'iulj fur Miii'lcrt. COLUMBUS , Nob. , Jan. J2 ( ? p clil. ) The A J. Nollln company , which has large yards hero for feeding sheep , will commence In a few days to place Its thecp on the market , and by the first of March expects to have the entire lot 20 000 shipped out. Superin tendent Jfckes says tint this has been a very good winter ( or their business and the stock Is In line condition. This company uxpects to do business here right along and all Its Improvements are permanent. ConnlAViirriinlH ut I'nr , STOCKVILLR. Neb. , Jan. 22. ( Special. ) Frontier county warrants are again at par , Commencing next Monday morning the treasurer will pay all warrants on tbo general - oral fund on presentation. For over two i years the funds have not been enough to keep the county on a cash basis. At the suggestion of the newly elected county treas urer , R. D. Logan , tbo county commission ers authorized him to use a sufficient amount of the sinking fund to take up all warrants and pay same In cash as presented In the future. Hllllllllllllt Nl-MM. HUMBOLDT , Nob. , Jan. 22. ( Special. ) Lyman S'trunk was arrested and taken to Falls City , charged with assault a > nd battery on the person of Will James , n farm hand employed by the foimer's father south of this city. He was given a nominal fine. The contractors have commenced work on t'jo new double-track bridge across the Nemaha south of this city and will push It rapidly to completion. The public school In the Nomechek district , south of town , Is making due preparation to bo yroperly represented at the TraosmlsslH- Blrpi Exposition. Other districts In this boc- tlon will proLably follow the example of this one. one.Farmers Farmers In this section are miking ex tensive preparations for their sixth annual Institute , to bo held In thlr city Wednesday and Thursday , January 2C ntid 27. Maciy prominent speakers have been secured from abroad , among t'jem C. H. Elmcndorf of Lin coln , G. A. Marshall , president of the Statu Horticultural society , and Prof. J. W. Dins- moro of the State university. I.lnvlllc IN Aciiiilltctl. DAKOTA CITY , Neb. , Jan. 22. ( Special. ) James Llnvillo , at 8 o'clock last evening , was declared a free man and not guilty of the chaigo of murder liy a Juryi of his country men. Oo tlio night of August 28 during n drunken row at Goodwin LInvllle shot Henry Caivcntcr , from the effects of which the latter died the next day. Llnvillo made fcls escape and was not capture : ! until Novem ber at Conde , S. D. Ho wa taken before Judge Iljan and fict uo a plea of self-de- fcnto , which was sustained and the prisoner discharged. Ho was rcarrcstt-d nnd taken be fore Justice Joyce , who bound htm over to the district court without hall. The trial commenced Monday noon and at 5 o'clock yesterday the Jury retired to deliberate upon a verdict. But two ballots were taken , the first standing nine to three for acquittal and the latter for not guilty. The prlscncr cried wltfi Joy on the reading of the verdict and fctrongly embraced his attorneys and the Jury- WiuitN n Writ nt OiiKlrr , WILDER , Neb , , Jan. 22. ( Special. ) John Bartan , republican ox-county treasurer , todjy commenced quo warranto proceedings In dis trict court against his uiicccfflor , Mlllard F. Framtz , fuslonlst , who had a plurality of forty-four votes on the Mce of the returns at the election Mat fall , alleging that by reasrn of carelessness , negligence and fraud on the pirt of election boards Cie ( Itnrton ) was Il legally deprived of the office. He claims on a eoirect count ho had n plurality of 113 votes and asks that the tallot.1 be counted by .he court and if hi.j . allcn'UI-'ns are found to bo correct that a writ df ousler Issue against Fraotz. \VuUi-llclil Noli-H. WAKEFIELD , Neb. , Jan. 22. ( Special. ) County Clerk Ekroth has selected Mr. E. E. Collins of this place as his permanent deputy. > Mr. Collins has been attending the State university during the Inst three yo.rs. While engaged In a scufilo Malcom Mc- Corklndale fell and sustained a triple frac ture of his leg near the ankle. I.rcturc on Mnrnlii. EDGAR , Neb. , Jun. 22. ( Special. ) Rev. C. S. Dudley of Beatrice- delivered the second end lecture of the courno under the auspices of the Epworth league In the Metho.llst church lost ovonlng on the life and charac ter of Abraham Lincoln. SlicTlir \ ru.KhrlKlit. . SYRACUSE , Neb. , Jan. 22. ( Special Tele gram. ) Sheriff Dower left here this mornIng - Ing for North Platte w'.lh a warrant for the arrest of Mr. Ebrlqht ex-suporlntcndcnt ot the Institute for the Blind at Nebraska City. I'nlil to Stiinil Trln 1 CLARKS , Nob. , Jan. 22. ( Special. ) 1 the case of the State of Nebraska agalnat Colonel Sam Richmond end E. Miller , charged with unlawfully shooting geese on the Platte river at this place , the defendant , Miller , pleaded guilty and was fined $25 and costs. amounting to $30.50. Colonel Sam Richmond pleaded not guilty and upon motion of the county attorney was discharged. KOIIKUAST KOtl TODAY'S \ VITIIIiK. . Kiiuilny In Hi1'niMl.v . Cloti.lj- , VnrlnliliwinilM. . WASHINGTON , Jan. 22. Forecast for Sunday ; For Nebraska Partly cloudy wcnthur : vnrlnblo winds. For South Dakota Threatening weather ; warmer In western portion ; HOiitherly winds For lowa-aciunilly fair - , preceded by- lliyit Know In souiheaat portion ; northerly winds , becoming variable For Mlfceoiirl-Snow or 'lain In tliri early morning , followed by fair ; colder In HJiUli- f- t portlonx ; northwcuterly winds , bccom- For Kan'nas- enenilly fair : slightly warmer In westein portion ; varlablnvlmln I' or Wyomliij'-O.noially ' fair ; Houthwcst- Kidney and Bladder Troubles Quickly Cure You May Have a Sample Bottle of the Great Discovery Dr , Kilmer's Swamp-Root Sent Free by Mail. Men and women doctor their troubles so often without benefit , that they get dls- couragcd nnd skeptical. In most such cases serious mistakes are made In doctoring and In not knowing what our trouble la or what makes us sick. The unmUtakablo evidences of kidney trouble are pain or dull ache IK the back , too frequent deslro to pats water , scanty supply , smarting Irritation , As kid ney disease advances the fucu looks sallower or pale , puffs or dark' circles under the eyes , the feet well and Eometlmps the heart aches badly. Should further evidence bo needed to find out the cause of sick ness , then set urlno aside for twenty-four hours ; If there Is a sediment or settling It Is also convincing proof tint our kldnoys and bladder need doctoring. ( A fact often overlooked is that women miffer as much from kidney and bladder trouble as men do. do.Dr. Dr. Kllmer'o Swamp Hoot In the discov ery of the eminent physician and scientist and la uot recommended for everything , but will bo found just what In needed lu canes of kidney and bladder disorders or troubles duo to weak kidneys , such as catarrh of the bladder , gravel ihuumutlsm nail Ilrlght'H Dlaoane , which Is tbo worst foim of klilnoy trouble. U corrects Inability to hold wlno and tmartliiK in panning It , nnd piomptly overcomes that unvlvumnt neces sity ot being compelled to get up many times during the night. The mild and extraordinary effect of tlila great remedy In BOCJI rc- all/ed. It stands the iilghcst for Its wonderful curts. Said by drugglnts , prko fifty centB und ono dollar. Bo uiilvertaily succtB/iful In Swairp-Itcot In ( julckly ruriciK oven the most dlutieaMig cams , lint toprovo Its wonderful merit , you may have < i Aamp'c liottlo and a book of valuable Informatlui both sent absolutely free by mall , upon ro celpt of thrco two-cent fltamps to cover cos of postage OIL the bottle. Mention Th Omaha Sunday Dee and send your address ti Dr. Kilmer & Co. , Dlnghamtoo. N. Y Till gcneroiiH offer ui | > uarlug In thin itiper in guarantee of