Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 22, 1898, Page 11, Image 11

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Kay Wheat Closes Unchanged , but July
Has a Email Oain ,
Corn , nml Outs -Show n. Ultli- More
Activity ) tint Siilnt
Xo Clmiiui' In
CHICAGO , Jnn , 21. After advancing a
cent today on the remarkable strength of
KtiKllsh markets vvhcnt flattened out nnil
closed unchanged for Mny , but July he-Id
% ffi4c of Ita Rnln , Heavy Argentine ship
ments rnlher took the wind out of the
ibulls' heels. Corn und oat showed llttlo
inoru nctlvlty , hut substantially no changes
In price. Provisions closed unchanged to
7J o tiltfher.
In wheat speculators were trcntcd to n
inlld sensation nt the opening by the action
of tho'Liverpool market. The quotations
from there were up IMil per cental for fu
tures. No. 1 northern sprint ? -on the spot
Jmd been raised Id per contnl , nnd even the
Ijondon cargo market showed nn advance
of from 3d to Cd per quarter. Mny wheat
opened licro with n. Jump to 92Hc , with some
salua at the unino time nt 02o. The eloslnu
prlco yesterday was 91Vlc. July started nt
from SIHc to SIttu , compired with sa'Hc yes
terday afleriiooii. Outside markets were also
very strong- , especially New York and Mln-
JienpollH. nnd this hud Its effect. The reason
for the strength of the Liverpool ttvjrkul
was snld lo be oil nccount of the Krowlns
ncnrolly of offerings from Awntlne. A
cablegram from Itosarlo said , however , thnt
the farmers' -liveries In that country were
retarded by ruin nnd that plenty would be
forthcomliiK later ; Hint the area In wheat
ill-ad bcc-n large. Hitylfld heavy and that
no reduction In t'hi- ' estimated exportable
mtrpIiiH was being made. Hut another reason
fnr Liverpool strength was continuance of
drouth In India , and , notwithstanding the
cablegram from Itosarlo , IJverpiol reaf
firmed earlier statements of scarcity of
Argentine offerings. There was plenty of . , both of July and of Mny , many
holders Inking ndvantnge c.f the sharp open-
Inn advance to realize , but din-lines of only
about ' , ( , i' resulted In each , and when the
realizing censed prices went up again. C'\l- \
cage fee Ived 2i ( cars of wheat. Minneapolis
end Duluth reported 35S cars , against ; 3fil
t-ars a week ajjo nnd 27ii the corresponding
< 1 ly of the jx-ar before. Primary western
inurkot recelp'.H all told were W.COO ,1m. ,
iiKaliiHt 271.0CO bu. the y .ir liefor.Mlmu - -
npolls stocks for the week were expected to
tlhow 40 , ( X * ) bu. Increase and Duluth DOO.WO
bu. Increase , and on thnt basis an estimate
of week's exports atdOM < ) bu. decre-isw
In the visible.- looked for ; last year the de
crease for the similar week was 1,101,000 bu.
Liverpool closlntr prices .showed titt gains
Tor I'ne ' day of "ill for Match , Id for May
undid for July. Paris not.d 23 centimes
( Kvliiu , In January Hour and 5 centimes nd-
Annco In March and June. Ant wet p ad
vised 12' ' centimes rise In both red winter
and W.illa Walln wheat. The clearances
from Atlantic- and jiulf ports In wheat and
- were equal to CTi.COO bn. Th ? market
IK-IV began to weaken after the instlng of
t IP weekly shipments from Argentine ,
which rather confirmed the earlier lloswrlo
c ible concornliiK ll10 larpo surplus. The
Hhlpmi-nts wi-iv Klvcn at : ' .2So,0 : bit. SllltiK
lier-.ime nulle fi-fo after and It was
the Impression that tlio l.elter crowd lUiul-
ilati-il some cf tlu'lr July nn < 1 May holdings.
Jl.-iy declined to fll--ie. and was bringing
ni'ji' ' nt t'he close. July sold dov/n to Sic
mi' ] p'osi-d ' at thnt.
A faltly wiod trails was done In corn
without any material cliirvp In prices.
Th're was rain throughout the corn belt ,
i iblcs were strniiK nnd Argentine shipments
wi re amall.VH'i tljcap helps and the In-
llnpnoc of whtnt t'.is ' corn inntkct kept a
llttlo above ycstrelay's prlc.'fi m-st of the
fission , but lost the slight advunco when turned wealliny rinjel ; | Ire.-u Lfl'ii
1o 2ic ! ( , and closed a shade lower at 2Sy
Trade ni o.its showed a conoid-fable Im-
j ) A'emetil'tind the mn.ikt mobt of the time
was qulie ilrm. There was Rood buyltiR of
Sliiy for New York nccount uiruhi. Cjmmls-
lun houses bought July and tticro was a
fill..lit narrowing of the spread. The curly
. , . . - , . of wheat and .1 irood shipping de-
in.ind were inllnencea. May raiiKcd from
2-:7xc : to 2ii4C. : and cloi-ed unchtitiKHl at 23&C.
ProvlsHns were actlv , with a Kooil de-
iii-iml at the atnrl , principally from pack-
era. A llrm hnK marlie' also caused some
i-ovcrlDK by short ! ' , and t'u- ' market scored
R f.ilr advance. The mark't eased off sub-
HI iiiiPiitly In sympathy with the decline In
wheat , short rlb.i exhibiting the most weak-
lies Tbo closlns was oa y--.May pork 7'ic
lilKhcr. nt t.77H , Mny lard r > c hU'.ior ' nt
JI.'A nnd May ribs unchanged at JI.S2'i.
1-j.itlinnteil receipts for Saturday : Wheat ,
MS cnrs ; corn , 1(0 cars ; oils , 2Sj cars ; hogs ,
3SOO ) had.
Lonrlins futures. rangC'l ' ns follows.
No. 2.
t'uxh uuotatlonn w 'rc ns follows :
ri.oril ; winter p.-itenls , ll.50RI.fO ;
dtnilghlH , 51.Ki'n I.I1 ; hprlnit PpiM.-l.ils , Ki.V5K5.3u ;
spring patents. tl.40ff4.7U ; Mr.ilght pitenta. } 4.0)
6J4.30 ; bnkeis' . J3.5W.S' ) .
\VHUAT-Nii. 2 sprina. 87'iifryc ; No. 3 spring.
87' ' , , iair ; No. Z red. UlffOlc.
COHN No. 2. 27 < l27'.ic.
OATS No. 2 , 23v , I , o. b. J No. 3 white. 2IV4
HVK-Nn. 2. 4.V.
H \ \IM.KV- . 2.20ij :9e.
i-'i-AXsi.ii-Nii. ; i. * i.2i&i.25.
TIMOTI1V Hl-i-i-rrhn. : . .7 .
I'llOVIHlDNS .Metw poll ; , per bbl. , JD.C55T9.70.
I ird , per 110 | bn. . ll.70B4.72. S'lort libs , i-ldcs
( l.iotc ) tl : ,7' 5 | I.S7VJ 1)rV fnlted shoulders
( hn\t'd ) . J4-75&5.CO. Short clear sides ( bojed ) ,
WHISKY Dlmlllcrrllnlhlicd KCoJs. per gal. ,
SI'OAHS-rut loaf , 10.23 ; granulated , J3.51.
CtllllllllllllllcN ,
NiVY : YOUIC , Jan. : i.-l-'U3im-Uevt.-litii | , 22-
MS Lbls. ; expiii-m. CS.M1 bbl * . ; llrm nnd fulrly
nctlvo on Ir.iiUbiuliiU ; city mill patent * , J3.55ij
D.tO ; city mill , clems , J5 ; Minnesota
pulents , J3.C005.30 ; lukerx' . > l.\ifI.IO : winter
Mraluliis. 5l.Ufll.fJ ) ; wlnler . , fl.lJC/l.t" ,
winter low Knideii , J'OU3 ! ' (0. llye Hour , nil let
tit I'.5)02.16 , latter for falicy. lluckwhvul Hour ,
oulet at Jl. : ' . ( ? ! . 0.
IIUCKWllK.iT-iJulet at SCc
lXltNJtl-AI.-Oull : ; yellow wcitern , 6Ca
JlYK Htrad ) ; No. 2 wt-kteni , 55o ; car lots , 60
n.UtMiY-Q.ulet ; feiilliin , CClJc.
IIAItl.KY M.VI.T-lJulet ; western , 52OC5c ( ,
WIllUT-ltecelpts , 13 , < 75 bu. ; cxp rl , 49,197
tin. ; spot mrady ; No. 2 ied. Jl..lti : opllona
opened lilslier on bullish. Mverpool und Aivenllne
news ; advanced Bli.uply on covering and , forelKii
buylnif , but llnally collapsed under reported
liberal Ai-Reutlno uliipinenls mill iiiillzlnR ; closed ,
mclic ! net Idsher , latter on Junuaiy , which was
InlluenctM by Bcullt Bpol mipplled ; No. 2 le |
January , Jl.OUitfl.031.4 ; closed. Jl.01 % ; May. MTi
rOllN'-llrcelpts , H.875 bu. ; exports , 33.741 bu. ;
] Ml , U-\dy ; No. i , ii'.c ; opllcns o ] > enei | ntcndy
nil cables und advanced a little with wheat , clo
IUK iiulet but Hteudy anil unchiuiKed ; Jun'iary
closed. SJVlc ; 'May , 3li IHc ; closed. Sic.
OATS -lltrcelpls. 51.0 bu. : exi.i-s. | | | 215.011 bu. ;
Kpot quiet ; No. ! . S ir ; uptluim Very slow , but
steady with corn , cloulne unchanged ; May closed ,
HAY Dull ; shipping , 35JM3c ; good to Choice ,
71H/75C ,
HOPS Stroni ; ; otnte. common to choice , 1W5
cmp , H < JCc ; 18)4 crop , Cfl9c ; 1W7 crop , 17J19c ; Pti.
cilia cuast , 1STJS crop , ISTOc ; IS9d crop , SfflOo ; 1 )7 )
cro | > . UfflJn.
JllDKH-Steaily : Oalventcn. 15c ; Texas , dry.
io ; California. I7c.
l.VTlliil--jiilft ! : : ; hemlock sole , Duenos
Ayres. ISViii'JJo.
WOOIy-Sltady. flfp.ce. :731c ; Texas , Wl , c.
PHOVISION8 l e f. steady ; short clear , H.OJO
19.W. Cut meats , ileady ; plcklvd belllef. J5.W0
0.00 ; plckle-s ) shoulders. M > 7&i'500 plckle.l nsnts.
J7.00B7.J5. Ijird. steady ; western steamed , Ji.05 ;
May , 15.15 , nominal ; lellnrd , iteudy. 1'urk , llrm ;
" > M | shorllear !
OtlJM Cottonreed nil , utrajy , prime crude , 19
RIS.V C. ! .J'.rlme yll f Z3o. Petroleum , dull ;
United. KKc , Uosln. steady ; strslned , common
M R.xxl It (2'iWI ( l/4j. Turnenllne. firm .it
lllc-K Quiet ; fair lo lri , 3H0 > H < ' : Japan ,
MOl AW Kt5 Steady ; New OrtMni op n To-lt !
. ,
MKTA1The me'nl markM ha tvin tim * ml
featureless. Ttm N > w York M til c-hant ' Jfl-
clnki mil thr cMVtut us follows : Pl < Irrm w , r-
rants. very nilli" HI M.MftA 7S : lskreomi * . r
changed nt SlO.SMnt.-'O ; tin. steady. lll < Mtltti ;
nelter. unrhanRfd at $ lo.sHfno.vr > , ; lead. .lull
* t J5. < TI.S. * | : Th - firm thnt fttw thr iwttlltM ?
price fnr miners nml smelters quotes lead at JI.W.
IH'TTKIt-llwIplK. S.1M pkies. : market iiil--l | ;
western creamery , H'fcfrWe ; Klirlns. X ? ; ffrt > ry.
CI1KKSK ll - -ipH. . 3.IH7 pkss. ; market quiet ;
lame while , fcptember , S ; smill white , Sep-
temlwr. Mifi'j'ne. laiKe roloreil , September. $ ' ;
small colored. September , 9UH9Up ; Urge. October.
SUtt'V1 ; smnll. Octnler. 14 vc ; IlKht skims ,
Hc ; p'rt skims. 4'4jflo'.ie ; full sklnn. tfi.1c.
IIOOS llPCPlpts. 2,5V ) pkss. ; market easy. stnto
ami Pennsylvania. 20W2Jc : western , JORJlc.
CciiKlllton ii f Trn ilo nml Ui
on Htinili * niiit l-'nnoy Proiluuo.
The rgff market Is badly demoralized , the mild
weather ImvlnB brought In n Hood ot receipts.
Slockn are nccumulntlng ami It Is Impossible la
Rive nn accurate tiuntntlon.
1XJOB Uooil stock , )2H ) llc.
lIl'TTKlt Common to r lr. H81tc : soparatir
crmmcry , 2oc ; ( fathered eieamery , 1S019C.
VKAU-Cholcc fat. 85 to 120 Ibs. , quoted nt Bo ;
larjri" ami < > > rs < - , 4tf.V.
IJIUMSKI ) l-OLM/TltY rhlckena , We ; tur
keys , IMillci Rceje , So ; ducks , T4c.
( JAMK Hrnall rabbits , per do * . , 750 ; Inrgc ,
Jl.M ; squirrels. COiJWc.
PIOKONS UVP , " 5o ; dead plsoon * not wanted.
HAY t'plnnd ' , ISM ; mlillaml. J5.50 ; lowland.
to ; ryn straw , II ; color makes the price on hay ;
1 1 Kill bales sell tbo best ; only top grades bring
top prices ,
CI-iKIlY : Good slock , large , 40c ; small , 250
ONION'S Per 1m. . Jl.
UKANS-llnnd-plcked navy , per bu. , H.SS
.SUM-JET POTATOIO-S-Kani-as , ID-peck bbls. ,
(2.14) ) ; fancy Muscntlnc , 11-peck bbls. , J1.25.
C'AIIIIAdK Oood stock , per bit. . l'/4c. '
POTATOKS Home grown. G < r55c ; western
stock. 70c.
APPI.KK Winter Mock , 11.0033.5) ; California
HHlellcur , boxes , 11.50 ; Colorado Jonathans ,
boxes. | 1. 7S ; OiPKon , boxes , It. 2 > .
rUANIIMHUIUS-.Teisey * , per bbl. . IT.OOPT.M ;
Wisconsin llell and Uugle. $7.Wf7.7i ; Wisconsin
Hell nml Cherry , jn.
ORAl'KS Malasas. f.M58.O ) .
OKA NOUS Mexican , per box , $2,733.0' ' ) ; Cnll-
fornla. navels , Sl.oOft3.2S.
I.B.MOSS California , fnncy , J3.S3 ; choice. 13.
I1ANANAB riio.'re. lur/ro / H'oclc. per bunch ,
> 2.COicJ.2'i ; ineillum sized btmcbes , 51.75Tf2.l ) .
NUTS Almonds , per II ) , . laruo size. ISB'tV ' ;
Binall. 1lc ; lirjizlls. per II ) . , j IOc ; KiiRllth will-
nulrt , per II ) . , fancy noft shell , lOfiill" ; stand-
aiils , Sfl'Jc : tllberts , per Ib. . lOc ; pecans , polished ,
medium , nff'c ; extra larRe , Sfffle ; larire blckory
nuts , Jl > vj.IO } ] per bu. ; Binall , $ l.2."im.3i PIT
bii. ; cocoaiiuts. per 1W , | l ; peanuts , rnw , CS'SHc ' ;
KIO8 linportril fancy , 3 crown , ll-lb. boxes.
12c : 5 crnwn. ll-lb. boxes , 141Tl.- : I-lIi. boxeli , il
5f23c per l ix ; ( "allfornla , 10-lb. box. II.
IIONUY Choice hlte , lc ; Colorado amber , W
KHAI'T ' Per Mil. , fl : Inlf bbl. , t2.XW2.3r .
MA1M.K SYliri' Klve al. cans , ichJ2.7.T ;
Kal. can < 4. pure , | ier doz. . } 12 ; hilt ; KI | . cans ,
tG.2."i ; < i art cans. } .1.0.
PATHS llnllowee , CO to 70-lb. boxes , Cc ; Salr ,
5Hc : Kurd. 9-lb. boxes , 9c.
t'inKIt Per half bbl. H : bbls , J3.23.
unismn IIKKK Oem ! native steers. O'ic ' ;
KO \ fjli'cimrtera ( | ulcers , BVic ; Kood hindquarters
stecrH. Sl-.c ; we. tei'n Fleers , Or ; fnncy heifers ,
CVic ; Rood heifers , Cc ; Rood fcrequarters heifers ,
.V ; Rood blniliuarlers | heifers , fc ; coed cows ,
.VIP : fulr co\vj > . B'ic ; cow foiequarlers , 4'c ' ; cow
hlndiiuarterrt. 7' c.
lKI-i' ! rUTH-lIaiiRlni ; tenderloins , 4Ue ; ribs ,
NA 1 , lie ; ribs. No. 2 , fc ; ribs , No. 3. Cc ; steer
rounds , 7c ; cow rounds. GVic ; cow rounds , shank
off , 8e ; cow rounds , sluink iind rump off , SVic ;
IrlmirlUK" . * ' .s < " , beef shanks , lie ; brains , per
doz. . 3."c ; sweetbreads , per Ib. , 12Hc ; sweetbreads
( calves ) , per Ib. , 40c ; kidneys , per doz. . S.'i ? ; nx
tall * , eich , 3e : livers , for Ib. . 3c ; hearts , per Ib. ,
3c ; toncues , per Ib. , 12'4c ; calf livers , eae'.i. 55c ;
ciilvpn. whole carcass or Fides , Ocj cnlf bead and
feet , scalded , per ret. 7. > c ; tenderlolmi. fresh. ISc ;
tenderloins , frozen. ICc ; boneless htrlps , fieh ,
> e ; buncless strips , frozen. He ; strip loins ,
fresh , S' c ; strip loins , fiozen , G > 4 < " , roll * , bone-
lets. D'.lc ; rolls , spencer cuts. 5c ; slrlrdn butts ,
bnr.elcs * . ! ic ; shotiltler clo Is. boneless , ( ! c ;
rump butt. " , brneless. f > ' ,5c ; No. 1 chucks , 3'ic ;
No. 2 chucks , 44ic ; Nu. u chucks , -lU" ; boneleys
piiuckHIVic ; cow plates. HUc ; cteer plates. 4c ;
Ibink Ktcak. Be ; 1 > lns. No. 1 , 13c ; loins No. °
TOc ; lolni" . No. 3 , fc ; short loins , niathct styK > . 2 ?
above loins ; e-hort loins hotel hty'e "IP above
loins : cn\v lidn ends. 8e ; Bteer loin ends. ! ) c.
MUTTON Knnpy lambs , 3c per Ib. ; lambs ,
7'.ic ; sheep. CVic ; market racks. Ions , PC ; hotel
rucks , short. He ; loins. SUe ; saddle" , Slic ; lens ,
"c ; lamb leys , ICe ; breasts and Flews. 3'/ic ' ;
t iiKui'K. each , 3c ; forequartcrs , S c.
POKIv Dre ed plijs , 5c per Ib. ; dressed hoes ,
4'i-e ; tenderloins , 12',4c ; loins , snort. 5Vjc ; lonpr. 53 :
rpnre ribs , 4p ; ham sausage butts. ! V4c ; lioiiton
butts , r.c : shoulders , roUKh. 4ic ; shoulders ,
s-klnned. 5c ; trlmmltiKs. 4c ; leaf lard , not ren
dered. He ; beads , cleaned , 4c ; snouts and cars ,
3c ; backbones , ! c : slip bones , 2y.c ; cheek ,
lite ; neck bones , 2c ; pl s' tails , 3c ; plucks , each ,
Ho ; chitterlings ; hecks , 4c ; hearts. IHT doz. ,
" tc ; ft-nmchs each , 3c ; tongues , each. 7c ; kid-
neyi , per doz. , ICe ; brains , per doz. , 15c ; pics'
feet , per doz. . 2. > c ; livers , each , 3c ; hog rlnda ,
1c ; blade bones , Cc.
UIDKS-No. 1 green hides. 7o ; No. 2 green
< ic No. J tailed hides. S
hldi'H , ; ic ; No 2 green
ultcd hides , 7 ic ; No. 1 veal culf. 8 tu 12 Ibs. ,
tOc ; Ni. 2 veal calf , 12 to 15 Ibs. , Sc.
&H1CRP I'liLTS Green salted , each , 15JZ73c-
? recn salted shearlings ( shortocled early
jklnz ) , each , 13c ; dry shcarllT-es ( short wooled
inrly slilns ) . No. 1 , each , 5o ; dry Hint. Kansas
ind Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per > b. . actual
nelKht. 4ifSc ; dry Hint. Kansas iind Nebraska
muiraln wcol pelts , per Ib. , actual weight , 3f
4c ; dry Hint Colorado butcher wjol pelts , per
ib. , actual wulslit , 4J/3c ; dry Hint Colorado
murrain wool pelts , per Ib. . actual weight. 3J74C.
TAI.I/W , rtltKASK. KTC. Tallow , No. 1 ,
2Xc ; tallow. No. 2 , 211e : rough tallow , IV-c ;
ivhlte srentc , 2Vi@2c ; yellow and brown grease ,
KUKfl Hear ( black or brown ) . t5.OOJT20.OOf
otter. ll.50ifS.00 ; mink , 13fCOc | ; beaver , Jl.CO
SCOOBkurk , 13o , 2Jc , Mv ; muskrat , 3c , 5" , 7c :
. accoon , IDSSOc ; red fox , 25 : ? n.2' : prey fc .
ijySOo ; wolf ( tlmbei ) , SicSK CO ; wolf ( prairie
oyot * ) lA6nOc : wildcat , 10H23 ? ; badger , 640c ;
liver fox. 130 00073.00.
HORSE HIDKS-Kaoh. ll.COg2.23.
SI. I.oills lit'iii-riil
ST. IJU'IH. Jan. 21. KlXJtJIl Quiet and un-
chanBed ; iiatents , l4.70ff4.S3 ; KtraldhtH. $ ) .3ijJ1.CO ;
clear , J < .00i4.ii ; medluinu. $3.30if3.73.
WHEAT Unsettled. Ijslnn Vic below yester
day for Mny. the rullni ; opllon ; May opened ° W
? ic lower but BUbreiiuenlly itecllned e below
t'.ie lepurt. closlnt ; with buyers at the bottom.
Spot , csify : No. 2 red cnfh. elevator , 3c ; track ,
! i'AtT9f.e | ' : Jnnunry , 9lc ; May , Ulc bid ; July , Sic ;
Nut 2 hiird , cash , K7&S7'ie.
COItN Kuturi's lower : offerlnifn free , but liny-
em Hcarce nnd at the clofe there were sellers
at the bottom ! /ic below th top and 1-lCc below
ycstiTday. Knot , steady ; No. 2 caFlj , 23Vic ; Jan
uary. Wlf : May , "rtie ; July. 27-lic.
OAT.- ? Futures , llrm , but ppcculatlon was lUht ;
better prlres were paid or bid. however. Hpot ,
rtcady : Nn. 2 cash , elevator. 23Ko ; track. 24'C ! :
January , 2 ' > : May , 21 c ; July , 22'iC ' ; : No. 2
w.ilto. 2lvi4i2."c.
HYH-Nomlnnl , 4 : < - .
D-HlKlier. 11.18. >
. .
IlllAN-tJulet ; eifl track , sacked , tic.
HAY Hull , steady : prairie , lo.SOflS.SO ; timothy ,
JS W ( ( 10 * * j
'iirTTKU-Dull ; creamery. 13 < I20e } ; dairy , Effl
Til(5K : ( Steady. 15e.
TIi70c. : .
' ' '
M'iTAl'S Iy d , dull , | 3. fH.4 ! < & . Spelter ,
nominal J3.75.
PROVISIONS I'oik. lilBhcr ; standard mess ,
Jobblnu. J1-.75. I ird. hlRlier ; prime steam. JI.571J ;
eliot-e , JI.C5. lliicon , boxed Hts. extra ( .liort
I.S7'5 " | . .I2Hsors , ' . : r. .
ItUfl'IlPTS Klour. 2.0OT bbls. ; wheit , 12.000 bu. ;
corn. Cl.ffa bu. , o.its , 31,000 bu.
FI11PMKNTH Flour. 4OC bbla. ; wheat , 21,000
bu. ; corn , 03,001 bu. ; oats , 13.000 bu ,
Wi-nrc CiiniiiiUHtiin Ciiiiiinny. |
OMAHA OI't'IPK. Jan. 21. Cables came Hie
slroniier thin mornlnir unVr the llroomhall news
of lieavy nilim In AiKfiillnc utiJ droulh In India ,
whlrh IH flccounlnblt- the -sharp ndvanco from
last nlKht'H close at the cptnln , which wa
! UiL2tc for May wheat , lo higher , and fl io
for July wtuvit. roK'Isierinn the amo Ktrennlli.
Other reixirtH have It that ArKcntlne Irin n | .
le.tdy ovirrold , and that the light Ilu lnn croji
and drouth In India Indleito rtronsly that ICu-
rope must loolt to thl market for n large pro-
poriton of Its supply , nnd , an * ' ? raid > vsteray ,
Klve aery flrcni ; undertone to the wheat nnr-
| ; et. loiter the largo weekly Argentine chip-
mrntn which were cited caused 1111 easier feel-
Inu the tendency of cabkH wan u little weak ,
which nftslnted In Inducing realizing- the ad
vance und evenlnK up , causing an easier clow.
yet the prices for Miy ure unchinRcd , with
July % a hlsher and rueh ' , ic higher than last
" '
( o'rn wan very steady , IliictuntliiB 3-lCo and
cloilnt ; at practically last nluhl'a price. The
tr " > wan of a local nature dm ! very light.
OntH have hardly changed during the whole
WIUi nil of the different features Hurroundlng
wheat which l Inlluenelni ; corn and oats , we
think It a b-cod buying market.
llnltlniori .
nAl.TlMOUH , Jan. Jt. KIjOUIl Quiet nnd un-
chunceil ; western kuperllne. 13.6083.70 ; western
extru IX3SO4.10 ; western family , K.SO'a'4. G5 ; win.
ter wheat patents. H.7585.00 ; gprlni ; patents ,
IjOXJS-W. vprlng wheat 8tral ht > , II. (004.90 ; re
ceipts. 9.M ) blilt. : esporln. S.IC ( bblv.
WHHAT Ba ler : * pot. month. 94HfSjc : July ,
9li8 c : ntcanuT. No. 2 red , HHiO'JJc ; recelpU ,
II li ) bu , r export * , 14 , OX ) bu , ; * outhern wheat by
SUS3ijc ; uouthern wheat on erade.W
( \ ) HNFinn ; month and February. 231io ;
vtramer mixed. 3Hii(3IHc ; recelptr , IM.I9I bu. ;
ei | rt . Jl.a'iG bu , ; muUi'm white corn , S9'3lo : ;
> outhern yellow corn , 2f&33c.
OATH-Flrin ; No. 2 vhlle. ittitfSOo : No , t
mixed. 2Se ; receipt * , 4J.94S bu. ; export * , none.
HVK Firmer : No. 2 nearby. S2mr01ie ; No. !
w > lern , MUi33)ic ; receipts. 31,36 ! bu. ; exporti.
78 000 bu
HAY Steady : choice timothy , 111.00.
nilAIN i'ltKiaHTS-Qnli-t and eo y ; team to
Liverpool , p < r bu. , 3Vid February ; Curt : for or-
drrr. per quail'r. a * 4Januiry. \ . Ss I' ' . ) I'V.c
i ni'ry.
i 1:1 : TlKir-wmtt : fnncy irvirn-ty. 21 , fancy
In-ltntlmi lMH7r. funry I-01 * . 1'n Root Ind ; .
13&IIft. . re pe'k'.l . IKfH
rHOS ! Billot. fre h , 10. I
< . frnry N"W York. *
faricy me Hum , njuni . - , f n y enwll.
\ > Orli-itni MnrUct.
I Firmer , but quiet ; mess irorlt , standard. Jt 75.
I I.trd. rellni > l tierce , II.751M 7H. Itoind mmts.
dry salt srinul.lfrs. tl."fi I.S74 ; slilw , J..Ofl. IMl-
ccn , eleur rib rlde , . Hams , choice rugar
cure I. JH,0 1176.
COPKKM-Uulet nnd easier ; Illo. ordinary to
fslr. 7UJ ! ! * .
HICK Onllnary to Rood , 3Kfi < MiC.
VLWt'll-Qulct : extra fancy. J4.WCI.CO ; patents.
, 11.73.
I1HAN Steady , Wfffjp.
HAY-Uull ; prime , } 11.00 < 713.Wj choice. | 13.50t ?
14.00. I
COHN-No. 2 sacked white , scarce , :7837'iP ; '
mixed. 3Cc ; yellow , Jf.fiKc.
OATS Steady ; No. J sacked. 2M2S'.ie.
KiuixnH City ( irnlii nml I'mvlnliinn.
KANSAS CITY , Jan. X1.-WIIBAT-V { < > hlRber.
nctlve ; No. 1 hard. SCBS He ; No. 2. SiflSOo ; Nrt.
3 , 8. ) rs3e ; No. 1 red , nomlnnlly , 91c ; No. 2. 93o ;
> fo. 3 , 82c ; No , 2 eprlntc , 82o : No. 3 , SORSlc.
OOUN Fairly nctlve , steady ; No. 2 mixed ,
24',4tr2l Jc.
OATS-Fftlrly active , We higher ; No , 2 white ,
HYB-Ktrndy ; No. 2. 42i,4W43c.
HAY Firm ; treat Krndei scarce ; choice timothy ,
IS.Mfia M ; choice prnlrle. ti.OfMr7.30
llt'TTnit Unchnnpfd ; crcnmerj1417c ; dairy ,
Veak at 14c.
IlKrEtPTS-Whent. 18. ( bu. ; corn , 4I.SOO bu. ;
oats. 9.0O ) bu.
SHlPMtNTH Whent , I9.COO bu. : corn , 49.IO )
bu. ; oats , none.
Clni'lnnntl Miirlift.
CINCINNATI. .Inn. 21.-FIjOtTn , Firm ; fancy ,
H.50W4.40 ; family , J3.MW3.75.
WHKAT Firm ; No. 2 red. 93e
COUN-Steady ; No. 2 mixed , 2c. ! )
OATS-qulet , llrm ; No. 2 mixed , ZlUc.
HYK Ktrndy : No. 2 , 4Cc.
I'llOVISIONH I.nrd , steady. H.Sjij , Hulk meats.
Bteady. J4.60. Itaeon , quiet , nrm , $3.30 ,
WHISKY Steady , 11.19.
HlTTTKll lower ; fnncy Elgin creamery , 21c ;
Ohli. ISWISc ; dairy. lOc.
SUOAU Firm ; hard refined , II.KQfi.lO.
KGOH-FIrm nt 17c.
CHUiSK Firm ; Kood to prime Ohio lint , SH
NEW OULEANS , Jan. 21. SUOAH-Open ket
tle , steady nt 2i4W3le ! ; centrlfURal. steady ;
Krnmilated , 4 % 4 ic ; whites , 3T 4 5-lCcj yel
lows. 3 1I-1CWI 1-lCc ; Feconds. 24513 . Molasses ,
kuttle , ntpndy at Hff27c ; centrifugal , easy nt
iifiMc ; syrup steady nt ISjjJlc.
NEW YOIIK Jan. 21. SIJOAIl Itnw. nrm ;
fair rellnlnif , 3 9-15 ; centtl.UKal , 9B test. 4 1-lSc. r -
lined llrm ; crushed , fi o ; piwden-d , 57 He ;
uranulated , BUc ; mould A , S'/c ' ; standard A ,
Site ; confectioners' A , tVJc ; cut loaf , Sic ; cubes ,
5 7-lCc.
( irnln lt < > oi > ) ( n < rrliirliinl AlnrUpM.
ClIir'AOO. Jan. 21. Itecelpts today : Wheat ,
2ft ears ; corn. 311 cnri ; oatH , 2i2 cars. Estimated
tomorrow ; Wheat. 3S cars ; oorn , 400 cars ; oils ,
2SS cats.
MINNEAPOLIS. Jnn. 21. Pecelpts : Wheat ,
319 cars.
ST. lyxrt.s. Jan. 21. Uecelpts : Wheat. 17 cars
DUI.UTir , Jan. 21. llecelpts : Wheat , 39 cara !
Toloilo' . lnrlcot ,
TOUCIlO , O. .Tan. 21. WHEAT Ixiwer , weak ;
No. 2 cash. 02iic ; May , 93e bid.
COIIN null , .steady ; No. 2 mixed. 27 ic.
OATS-DulI. sleadv : No. 2 mixed , 23c.
IIVE Qiili-l ; No. 2 cash. IC'Jc.
( mVHUSHl'JD Higher , easier ; prime cash ,
Plillnili-lplihi Proilticc.
PIULAnEIl'HIA. Jan. 21.-llUTTEIl-Steady ;
fnney western crcimcry , ! 0c.
EOOR Firm and Ic higher ; fresh nearby nnd
western. 23e.
CHKKSK Firmer : New York fa"tory , clnlce.
l > UiR94c ! ; New York factory , fnlr to good , 9'.i ' ©
Detroit Inrki-t.
nirritorr. Jan. 21. WHEAT-NO , i white and
No. 2 led. 93e ; May. 9V.
POHN No. 2 mixed , 2
OATS No. 2 M-iille
RYE No. 2 , 4SV4c.
PEOIUA , Jan. 21. COIIN Market steady ; No.
2 , 2fl' < c.
OATS Market quiet ; No. 2 white. 23'Kc. '
WHISKY Market steady ; high proof spirits ,
Sail 1'Vmii'l.sooVlioat Sliirlci-t.
RAN FllANCISCO. Jan. 21.-WIIEAT Steady ;
May , Jl.SO'i. '
nAULiKY-FIrm ; Miy. 92c.
IoiMi > N Arc tlu-'Hulc In All I.lni-M , n-ltlt
I OIV I'.XIM1 ! ) ! lullN.
NEW YOIJIv. Jan. 21. Substantial fractional
losses were the rule on the Slock exchange to
day. Sugar and Metropolitan Sttcct Hallway
were notable exceptions , showing gains of lj to
2 points respectively. Sugar's strength was at
tributable ,0 Washington advices that Hawaiian
annexation was Improbable , and Metropolitan
Street Hallway advanced on talk of further ex
tension. A disturbing element In specul.itlon was
the grave appearance of the Chinese situation ,
with Japan mobilizing Its forces and France re
inforcing Its Pacific Meet. Another matter that
attracted considerable attention was the an-
noun'-cment from Washington that a vote woulji
IKJ taken next Thursday on the Teller resolu
tion. Commission houses seemed the
sellers during the day , and there were large
realizations In Northern Paclllc preferred , which
receded 1 point. Talk of the Increased Ilkllhood
of the consolidation of the looal teas companies
brought about an nptiicclntlun In value of ! > ;
pur cent In Consolidated Oas. A feature of the
arbitrage trading was the buying In Washington.
A cSrlve In New Jersey Central was on the court
of appeals deciding to allow a review of the
"coal trust" cases. The price broke badly nnd
left off nt IVd per cent decline , affecting the list.
Other declines were : American Tobacco pre
ferred and Tennessee Coal an.i Iron. 1 per cent ; Chicago & Eastern Illinois preferred , 154
per cent. Among the tidvancej > were Central I'a-
cllle , % per cent.
The bond market was quite active , with a
nurked denianO for transcontinental Issues ap
parent. The aggregate sales wore | 4,018.COO. Gov
ernment bonds continued to sag , with the new
The' Evening Post's London Financial cable
gram says : "The condition of affairs In China ,
and Cuba nnd the test vote on silver In the
United Stales senate daun-jiened the Block mar
kets here today. The close , however , was above
the lowest. Americans were dull ami generally
lower for the day. Ontarloa hud an exceptionally
sharp rise on the levlvnl of the rumor that
Clmuncey M. Depew .would go on the board of
directors. Out of the way coiupanles having any
connection with the Klondike were Inquired for.
On bull commitments drum ! Trunk and Cana
dian Pncltlc were lower. Copper shares were ex
traordinarily strong. Illo Tlntf.s being the high
est on record on the Paris buying. Published details -
tails of the new Indian currency scheme show
that the rates at which the council Is willing to
neil telegraphic transfer against gold deposited
hero ure so high that practically the scheme
will only be used by eastern bankers as a. J. st
Following are the closing quotations of the
leading stocks on the New Yorlc market to-
Jay : .
Total tales of storks today , 232,500 shares , In
cluding : Chicago. liurllnxton & Qulncy , II,0 ;
I.oulsvlllo & Nashville , 4,250 ; Manhattan. 3,450 ;
Metropolitan. 94.220 ; New Jersey Central. 7,420 :
New York Ontr l , 5.290 ; North American , 3,950 ;
Northern I'aclflo. 35.300Northern ; 1'nclllo pro.
fern. * ! . 12.190 ; Ontario & Western. 9.630 ; Hock
Island , 4,225 ; Kt. 1'uul , 11SIS. Union 1'avlllc. 12.-
140 ; Whci'llni ; & Uiko Krle. 3.975 ; Tobacco , 3.WO ;
CliioJBO OreatVeslern. . 4.COO ; I'eenle'a Gas , 9,700 ;
Consolidated Ous , 6til : Kugar , 37,715 ,
I.lvrrpoul .lliirUfl.
'LIVBUfOOI Jan. 21-WIIBAT Bpot , llrm ;
No. I red wenlern , tvlnter , 7s SJ ; No. 1 red north ,
cm. tlilppln ? , "a 71- , . ) .
COIIN Spot , llrm ; American mlxM , new , 3 0
3s , d ; American mixed , old , 3s 31it ; futures ,
steady ; January , 3 Od ; 1'ebruary , Zs 3d ; March ,
9s 2Hd.
KUUlt-8t. lx > uls fancy wlnler , dull at 9s Cd.
IIOl'H At I iidon UMclllc cuast ) . ( Irm at 5.
1'HOVlHIONB-Ileef , llrm ; extra India tnesn. CCs
3d ; prime mess. OCs 3d. I'ork llrm ; prime meui ,
line western , 47s 6.1 ; prime mess , medium , west
ern , 45s. Hams , short cut , linn ut 95s Cd. Uacon ,
'oil it ; 's. s . rt 1.1.- - h 1 re n : d-
. - j. v.iit. ? s cl. tip inr inij.i- : : , , - * v.
SS. , rlii rt ilfi.r ( mi k 11 ; i-i-sr bellies , 32n Cd.
tliI'cr . , LIUIK'Ki ly nt Klti.l . r > . < nio
\M. ; srn , dull at 3.'j > 3.1. Tallow , prlm ctty. firm
st u i.
OHKl-'SK-Amerlcnn , finest hltp and coloi " . .
flrni it 41s.
Xriv Vorlt SliiiHjll ; rl rt.
Nt1\V YOUX. Jan. ll.-MOSHY ON CAt.1t-
Kny nt 2 per cent.
. . .VTI1.H rAl'KK-3 < W % per
STVlM IN'O UX 'ttANnK Klrrn r ; actual bujl.
ne.w In InnkotV bills , Jl MHtyi.SS for ileniniut
nnd II fa'ifl4.M for sixty d.ivs ; pmtM rates ,
Jl.WJlWVi nnd $ I.S5fn.S ? ; connnn-clnl bl'.l * .
* '
Vl'.Vt3K CKUTIPlt'ATl-a-S 5itf57 ic ,
MP-VirAN nOM.AH3 43c. ' '
OOVKHNMPVT 1X1NIV Firm : new 4 , rir. . .
123 ; coupon. 129 ; 4 * , re < r. , lirir 'coupon. 114H ;
2 rcu . I'M ; fn , re * . , HSU ; coupon , 1I4',4 ; 1'acllle
Financial Aolen.
OMAHA. .Tan. 21. Clearances , J939.2GI.3I ; lial-
nncea. $12I.0 .07.
CIIICAQO. .Tun. 21. Clearing. J15.4S1.273. New
York exchange , 70c premium. I'osteil rates ,
J4.S3Vj and JI.SC. Nmv York Ulscult ami Straw-
It rard were the features In Mode trading today.
Hoth were stronsnnd In g-ooil clumand. Closlni ; :
West Chicago. 100 % : Diamond Match , H3 ; I-ake
Street L , , 13 % ; New Yorlc lllecult. C4 ; Htrnwboard ,
32 : Alley U Cl ; City Hallway. 233 bid.
MEMPHIS. Jan. 21. Clearings $ : ; 2.176 ; bal
ances , } 22.,47 : . New York exchange , celling at
$1 premium.
Ni\V YOUIC , Jan. 21. Clearings , J143SOO,2S3j
balinccs , $8.Cffi.C78. i-f
1'IIIl.ADE-Ll'HIA. Jan. 21rClearlngs , $12,517-
930 ; balances. Jl.MC.Olt.
11ALTIMOUIJan. / . 21. Clearings , J2.973.132 ;
balances. J391.33S.
CINCINNATI , Jan. 21. New Y ° fl < exchange ,
10B150 premium ; money , 2'lilt ( ) per cent ; clear
ings , J1,889COO.
11OSTON , Ian. 21.-Clcarlngs , } 2I.S09,177 ; bal
ances , Jl.772,042.
ST. IXUIS. ) Jan. 21. Clearings , J1OC ,204 ; bal
ances , J473.1C7 ; money , 506 per cent ; New York
exchange. Wo premium bid ; 7io premluum , i l ( l.
NKW OHL13ANS , Jnn. 21. Clearings. $1,909-
013 ; New York exchange , bank , par ; commer
cial , $1 per $1,000 discount.
Foreign r
LONDON. Jnn. 21. Gold Is quoted nt Buenos
Ayren today at 101.30.
I'AUIS , Jan. 21 Three per cent rentes. 103f
2'iu for tlie account. Agllallon was manifested
on the bourse today nnd business opened un
favorably , owing to tlio situation In Crete and
tli general outlook , which Is rauMng uncaslne * * .
Toward the close prices recovered , owing to n
rise In Spanish 4 , due to better Cub in new * .
Them was n further advance In copper shares ,
which rlosetl unsettled nml beiow the best prices.
Turklilit securities were fairly maintained.
IliitIJN , Jan. 21. Iluslnecs on the boursn to
day was Irregular nnd generally weak. Inter
national cecurltlcH were easier on Pdrls ndvlces.
Amerlcnn and Canadian I'nclflc securities stnrtea
animated nnd ndvnnced , but reacteil und closed
heiivy. Tlio local market waa unfavorably Im
pressed wllh Hie news from Prague.
AinrrliMin .SceiirKicN in I.niiilon.
IX > M > ON , Jan. 21. The market for Ameilcan
securities opened weak In response to the tlcpllno
In New "iorlt ye-sterilay , continued Ui-pros-d on
polltleil complications and closed weak , with the
demand ecairally light.
KnUrt * AliHfiiiM * f '
Inti-rc-Hl IN n
Nnw YOIIK , Jan. SI.-Tlio cotton market
opened steady nnd unchanged , The drawback
to the market at present U tlie almost entire
absence of public speculative IntvreH In cotton.
There Is dally a steady but moderate Investment
demand baeod on the arguim-m of low prices and
reduced acreage. Tha newa from Knslnnd today
was anything but atlsfuclory regarding the tin.
niuml from Munchester , following advices Unit
tin- plague In India Is again breaking out with
most serious tendencies. Tlio longs and Hhorts In
this market seem to be nllko Indifferent pending
further developments as to the leal sllimtlon In
India nnd ns lo collou acreage , tlio trndo condi
tions nnd tlio strike difficulties In. this country.
After a featureless Fesslon Irtilny'rt market closed
quiet at a net decllno of 2Q < points , npot ,
steady ; middling , CTic ; net receipts. 4S3 bales ,
gross , 2,072 bales ; cxportu to Oreut Ilrllaln , 3,020
bales ; to the continent. 3.4IS tales ; saler , Cl
bales , nil spinners ; mock , ISS.GCKS bales. Weekly :
Net receipts , 5,081 bales ; gross. 38.472 bales ; exports -
ports to Great Itrltaln , 7i)71 ) bales ; to France ,
3,4(8 ( bales ; to the continent. 19.771 tales ; for-
warded. 10,333 balea ; gales , 1,721) bales ; spinner * ,
42a bales. Total today ; Net receipts , 33,692 bolts ;
exports to Great Ilrltaln. 80,219 bales ; to Fmnc *
C.302 tales ; to the continent , 34,192 bales ; stork ,
l,2 o.S8l balen , Consolidated : Net receipts , 23. ) , .
623 bales ; exports to Urc-nt Ilrltaln , 339.I/J3 bil ;
tn Kranoe. 35,628 bales : to the continent. 70,214
bales. Tutnl since September li Not reculpts ,
e.Vil.M balm ; exiMrta to Great Ilrltaln , 2.W3.SI2
bales : to France , 017,701 tales ; to the continent ,
1.G92.11C tales.
NUW OIII.HANS , Jan. 21. COTTON Futures
barely steady ; sales , 17.40) tales ; January. $3,21
bid ; February. $3.2003,22 ; March. 5,275.2S ;
April , tS.31G5.33 : May , $3.30fo.B7 : June. $5.410
5.42 : Julv , $ .V4C iu.47 : Auguit , $5.51W.i2 ! , Sep
tember , $3.SOft3.57 ; October , . $5.MiQ6.57. Bpot.
ca y ; snlcn. 6,700 bales ; enlltmry. 4'ic ; good
ordinary , -4ic ; low mlrtdllngi 4'16-lf-c : mlddllnir ,
S'-ic : gooil middling , GU-lCc : mldtlllng fnlr , Cc ; re-
celpta. 18.9C3 buleu ; stock , bales.
UlVKIU'OOh , Jim. 21.-COTTON Spot , quiet ;
Santoa ( Inn : American mlddllni-M 3 1-ICd ; talt-n nf
the day. 18,000 talux , of which WO bales were for
speculation and export , nnd 4npluded 7.SOO bairn
American ; receipts , 11,000 > > . , Including lo.o < v )
tales American. Futures opened and ckmod
quiet , with a mo > lerale d mandi American middling
dling- , . M. C' . . January , 3 0-OI4V3 10-Gld , ell r.i ;
January and February , 3 Sf.4lM , 8-C4J. eellera ;
February and March. 3 8-6IB3 S-04d , sellers :
March and April. S 8-B483 8-eid. * ller : April and
May , 39-Kld , value ; May and June. 3 B-64C3 10-Gld ,
buyers ; Juno and Julv. 3 | .vt . T3 11-01,1 , sollorii :
Julv and AUKUSI. 3 Il-Cin3 IJIjl. . rcllers ; Autrunt
nnd September. 312-C4J , buyer * : September nnd
October , 3 l2-fi < } 13-64.1 . , buv r 4 , Octolier and Nn.
vuinbrr. 3 Il-Mil , buyers ; No > Vml * > er and Decem
ber , S 13 3 I6ld. . value.
.MiiiiclirMrr T > xtll l''iilirl 'H ,
YAHNS Qultt , with very lltlle bu Ine dilnt.
Rceipt3 for the Day Fall Short of Local
Requirement * .
Iln.vrr * 'I' Up i : < or > tliliiq : OITeri-il ill
Putty Strails' PIMV HOKH
mi Suit * < ! ct a lioint I'lvp-
C'ont Ailvniiof ,
SOUTH OMAHA , Jan. ,21-Uccelpts , for
tliu days Indicated were :
Cattle. Hogs. 3hcen. Horses.
January 21 1,617 5,837 2,263
January 10 1.535 0,781 4,69)
Jnnunry 1J J.4S9 0,981 B.419 5
Jnnunry IS 2.73S 7,919 3.233 . . . .
January 17 1,472 .2,306 4.477
January 13 1,445 6,410 3.5S3
January 14 1,917 6,100 4,35)
Jnnunry 13 1.9SS 7,844 4.00 $ 20
Janunry 12 1.G19 6,500 1.691 7
January 11 2.CG1 9.8CO 2,151 1
January 10 1.115 3,713 D.K.9 22
January S C75 6.4S7 2,312 . . . .
January 7. . . , , . . . . 1,13 ! B.27S 1.C7S 20
Jnnunry C Ir33 10,882 2.429 BJ
January 5 1.G29 10,613 2,223 . . . .
The number of onrn of Block
brought In toilny by cnch ronil was :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
C. , M. & St. 1 . Uy . .
O. & St. U lly 1
Missouri 1'nclllc Uy 2 1
Union I'acltlc System 15 17 4
C. & N.V. . Uy 1
F. , K. & M. V. H. U 14 23 4
S. C. & I' . Uy 2
C. , St. ! > . , M. & O. Uy G 2 . .
H. it M. U. U. 11 10 16
C. , 11. & Q , Uy S 10
K. C. & St. J 3 6
C. , U. I. ft P. Uy. , cast I
C. , It. I. , t 1' . Uy. , west 2 3
Total receipts 62 S4
Tim disposition of the day's receipts was
ns follows , cnch buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated :
Dtiycrs. Cattle. HORS. Sheep.
Oninlia Hacking Co fin OSS . . . .
G. II. Hammond Co 18'J 691 MS
Swift und Company 22S 1,031 Ml
Cudn'.iy ' Parking Co nil 1.5SS
U. Becker and Derail.Ml
Lobmun & Uothsollllilrf. . . 17:1 : *
Huston .t OJ fi"
Livingston , t Shaler SS
H. Hamilton 11
Cuduhy Packing Co.K.C. i'3 ' 901
C. P. , < i P. C3. , Nub. City . . . . 1.001
Other buyers 117 G 937
Total 1,633 5.SC6 2.21W
CATTLE UeoHpts of cattle were , about
the same ns yesterday , ao far as numbers
wuro concerned and there was also very
lltlle change In the matter of value * or In
any other respect. As a whole the market
wan In fairly satisfactory condition so far
as the demand was concerned ftind every
thing In the yards changed hands In good
As was the case yesterday , fa ! cattle were
In light supply and there was nuivlly enough
to go around. There wotu a tow loads of
pretty talr stuff on sale , but nothing cholco
to put .a fnncy top on tile market. The local
packing hcuse demand ' ; vns > ; oed and buyers1
were eatly at work and soon had the yards
cleared. The prices paid Worn about the
same as prevailed on yesterday's m.irket ,
buyers calling It strong. Some pretty fair
cattle sold at JI.53.
About n quarter of the receipts consisted
of cow stuff , among which there were a few
loads of pretty good heifers. iThe demand
was fairly go&d at steady prices , and , ns
was the case with beef steers , the trade
was soon over with , everything changing
bands early.
The best selling/stuff / In the yards was
stock cattle , both In point of demand and
prices paid. There -was no great number
hero , the supply , as usual , being light , but
there were one or two quita slzaolo bunches
of very nice stttlf , which Fold at $4.Co. The
maiket on stock cattle was fully steady and
just as hlga as it has been any time. Ucp-
resentatlve sales :
nuui'STIBUS. : .
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. 1'r.
1U..15.1S $1 2.1 I..t23l > II W 2..1000 $1 15
15..1M1 420 4..1217 440 ) . . . .IMF 4 !
4..1013 4 00 3..11CO 4W S3..iaj 4 35
21..1030 I 00
i. . . . 710 200 3..loiM aw ic.-.1010 310
4..1WW 3 20 D..1218 3'Z3 2. . . . 970 3 30
1..1KO 225 J. . . . KM 2 M 1..1100 275
12..IIW 3 W 1..10W 3 0 > ) 3..1140 3 S5
2..1050 It GO 2. . . . S75 1 50 2 775 200
4. . . . i 5 225 3. . . . ! )02 ) 241) 4..100S 275
! . . . . 850 28) 1. . . . 0 < 0 285 3. . . . SCO 30. )
3..1190 310 19..10S3 315 3..320) 323
17..1001 340 3. . . . CW 3M 3. . . . S30 IT. "
3. . . . SKI 225 2. . . . U45 2 fii 3..970 2 fi
32..1121 3 ) ( J..1131 3 SO 3..11W 320 3 3 3. . . . 650 3 25
1IOQS There wns a urprl lnn fall down In
hoK receipts , the run havlni ; dropped from 113
cars yesterday to eighty-seven today. It was the
BinalU'st day's receipts xlnce Monday. For Illo
Rood of tha market , however. It mny have
been Just aa well thnt the run was noq so large
In addition to the light receipts there were
Hllll furlher Imll Inlluonces. consisting of n very
good local demand , backed by encouraging nd-
vIct'H from other market points. The ic&ult a general advance In values amounting to
Heavy hogs , weighing 300 pounds nnd over , sold
nt 13.50 3.05 , but principally nt W.D05J3 M'i. Yes
terday tliu saint- weights sold at t3.45Q3.00 ,
IllOHlly $3,43i&3.47 .k
Ught nnd mi'dlum weight loads ranged all tlio
way from $3 55 J.C5 , as ngalnst l3MtX.Kn yester
day The country appears to bo nwuie of IMc
fact Hint light hogs ure spiling at n pre-nlnm
hern a * compared with other markets , nnd m relight
light hugs arc being turned In this direction.
Whllo the'light loads fold fit this point nl P.OJ
today , nnd aU J3.CO yeslenluy. n local
bought over 2,0 assorted Unlit hogs , weighing
173 pounds , nn the Kansas I'lty niaiket. ut an
nvrruge cost of $3.0' ' ) for the two days. The
reason for this Is thnt Kansas nily has been
receiving a good many light hogs , while the
supply at this point ha been light , with thi >
demand good.
Today's market was nctlve fit the advance
noted iilwvp. and the offering" nil changed hands
"riie average of all thi > fales was -IV-e higher
than yesterday nnd oi , u higher than a week ago.
Itcprcsentatlve pales :
HHKK1' There wan only a moderate run of
sheep In the yard * , but tlio sllustlon was not
favorable to tha rellers. Ix > cal packers seemed
to bo pretty well tilled up , us a result of heavy
pui-chates earlier In the week , and were rather
otllfh. Borne of the sheep , they claimed , w r
too heavy and others too lltfht and lh trade
wan low to open , and slow after It did open.
Another besr argument was the nt-arntis of tb
clcaa of the weelc and If-tliey bought tlitrn they
wanted a concession of CQlvc lo rnaka It iota *
object tii them to curry tlirm over until next
The dcmnnd for fecdlnft hcej l Rood nil the
time. l < ut thp supply Is very IlBn' . Itepre ent -
tlvo flles :
No. Av Tr.
lit Mexlcnn yearling * ft | 4 3"
641 Metlrtn liimM fi ? 475
411 Nfnxlrnn Inmbs 67 510
Iffflvf tern wethers , us 3 M
ids western ncthem 116 4 0) )
80S MoTlcAn jc.Trllnps 70 400
2(4 wo.'tern Inmbs 6S 4 DO
citir.uio i.ivn STOCK MAUKKT.
Cattle n ml Unit * Arc Afllvc nml nt
n TrllliIlrttcr Prlfi-n.
CHIOAUO. Jan. -Prices for cnttlt > today
were Btronp nid Inrcely 5c hlRhcr. Cholco cntllo
were very cnrco and there mcreiia prime MPCIS
offerctt. Dili's of bevt steers were nl nn extreme
ranso of I3.75P5.W. Hip bulk of the offerlnpn
Bolni ? nl 54.IM74.M. Hlockers nnd fe Ji > r wcvo
In fnlrlv BOCM ! demand , the Kicnlcr part Koine nt
W..VW4.S5 nnd .1 few fftcblnir tl.4 < > il.5f ) . Snlni
of cannlnR cnttlo were nt H.OOirJ.7 ! . and fi t
COWH nnd heifers werv nctlvo nt f.1.2 Jt.i" , while
liulls nold nt JJ.'J ' > flv ( ) . Calves wi < r linn nt' ! ) for cholco lots. Steers from Tcr.nn
sold nt J3.5Mf4.ZS.
The mnikel for IIORS was nctlvo nnd n nickel
higher. Rales were nt J3. . ' Mf1.7."i for the. pooi-Mit
to the beit dnives of ho t , with saltM larcely nt
M.CiH3.7 , while plK * iwM chlelly nf S.l.lMn.fl.
The supply was Increased by 5 , < XW hcnd nf swine
left o\-rr from yesterday , but tlm orTerlnpi were
well taken ,
Sheep and lambs were fulrl } ' nctlvo toil.iy nl
very lltllo chniiKC In prices. Heavy sheep wcri
thn woist sellers , Lambs sold nt tl.JKM.i'J ,
chlelly nt Bo nnd upward , with cltolcv fed west
erns SH'IIUlt ; up to )5.GOr5.C5. { TeirllURn broiiKlit
Xt.4ASTil.ui ) nnd sheep Sld nt f3.M5fl.60. rlilrtly nt
.1.5ft4.R ! ) , fed weslents lirlnRlnRtl.MJll.4i1. .
Ilo elpts ; Cattle. 2.5t head * hop" , 21.000 head :
plicep , 6OM bend.
St. I.lllllM l.lVI.SI.XU. . .
ST. IXlIS. ! Jnn. 21.CATTM'llecelpt3 , l.rM
head ; shipments. l,9v * ) lirad : market stMdy , with
few Rood natives hen > ; fair to fnncy slilppnn ;
nnd export steers , 14. 4Ufi.3i ) ; dreM il beef nnd
butcher steers , M.50iifl.8" > : steers under ! , ( * ) Ibs. . ; stockera nnd feeders , J2.501Jl.oO ; i-nws
nnd heifers , J3.OlW4.3o ; TCMIS nnd Indian steerfl ,
J3.n5iT4.30 ( : cows nnd heifers , J2.IHT.I-50.
I1OCJS Itecelpts , 7.300 lieiid ; shipments. 2.m
bead ; market opi'iied steady , elos'.m ; wniknr :
llBht , J.I.S.ISf.l.lW ; mixed , J3.51ff3.70 ; heavy , J.1.C.W
3.7. , .
8HKUP Iteoelpts. Si > ) bend ; shipments. 10)
bead ; market steady ; natlvi1 muttons. * 1 SOffl.R1' ;
oulN nnd bucks. J2.fXVfr3.00 ; lanilw , J-.Wf'.7."i ,
Te.xaM muttons , J.1.riOTI.W.
KIIIINIIN Oily l.lvo Sttu-U.
KANSAS CITY , .Inn. SI.-CAITLK Hccolp'n.
4.3W hffad ; Kood cattle HCIUCO nnd striiiK ; ireuernt
nmrkel t-i d\ ; i. tern steers , J3.2"i5TI.40 ; west
ern cow . JJ.ri-tffJ.70 ; native steers , ll.uWfVO-i ;
bulk , tl.3f < M.SO ; nntlvo cows nnd brlfeis. J" ir1 *
I. a ) : stockers and feeders. K ! . Off5.rO : bulls. J.1. & '
11OOS Iteoelpts , 14. ' 0 bend ; llnhls. 5P7V-
hlulier ; heavies , 2ijff > hlsber ; market netlvi/ .
bulk of sales. $3..Vi'rf3.iW ; parkers , I.1.l-ffl07V
mixed and llBhls , J1.4Hf3.CO ; yorkeis. J.1.55if fv > .
plKrt , J3.30fW.45. '
SIIBii' : Ileeelpls , 700 bead : market st'ii'B.
Iambs , tl..V$7/S.I / > 0 ; muttons. .1.5f > fj4.4i ) .
liiilliiinii < ili ! < : .iv > Storlf.
21.-CATTI.i-lle : clpls
1NIJIANA1OMS , Jnn. - -
1.2 < X ) head ; silpmentF. ! > 0 bead ; maiket opened
dull , but closed active nl hlRlier prices ; B O , | to
prime bteers. J4.73T.IO ( ; fnlr t > me.llum sle.r .
tl.Wif 1.70 ; cointnon lo Riuvl stockers. | 2.7'ift : VI.
lions llecelpts. 7.nili ) head ; Hblpments , 2i)00 )
head , maiket1 bnrely iiellve ; Rood ti > cluilee nn- |
ilium nnd heavy S.1.70fT3.rO ; mired. (3 Oi 1.70 :
common IlKht. J3.COT3.f' . .
SHH1CI' llorclpts Ilqlit ; shipments , fair : mai
ket active ; prlcrM rniiffed frnm 52.25 for , emmon
sheep to J5.COiQ5.DO for ( fxid to choice lambs. ,
.Vow Yorli i.ivtMtoi > lc. |
NKW Y0111C , Jan. 21. IllllIVHS-lleeclpls.
2,967 head ; pern-rally steady , but plow : native
stcerr , SI.IVKf5.Ci ) ; staKH and oscn. ! 2.0iWi.W : ! ; dry
cows. I2.2iW3.-10. Cables quote American Meeis
at 9'5i10l : refrlRCrntor beef , 7'JiQSVl. ' No ei-
PA1/VIW Ileeelpls. 20 held ; steady ; veals. JS.O1
5fK.0 ; Riusccrs , 3.CCJf3.rO. i
SHIOKI' AND I.AMIIri Itecelpts. I , IK ! head ;
ciulet. but penernlly steadv ull around , slieep , , ; lamtis , fs.r.oiic.zs. .
HOUSItecelpts , 2,571 bead ; steady , f l.iKitrt.25.
| . : Mt ItiilVnli ) 1. 1 viSI ixk. i
I7AST JH'PI.'AI.O. Jnn. 21. CATn.lO Medium
to heavy shlpplm ; steels , J3.tMi.1.7n ) ( | ; coarse
rouBb. } .t.7-fM. ) ; Kreeii , J3.7.ig.rbone | ; fit
belferH. J4.25&4.50 : mKe-.J butcher ! . ' ktoek. JIl.O.Mii
4.1.1 ; fair lo coed biituhera * CI.WH , J3.rnTi I.T.'i.
HOOK Ynrkere , Rood to choice , J.I..O , r > niR ) < .
common t < > choice , J3. 301/3.40 ; ] ) ' . - . Rood to
choice , S2.70ft3.SD.
I.AM11H Choice to extra , 5..S3i35.)0 ! ) ; culls , to
common. $4.7o5f. > .40.
SHIOKl'-Cliolco lo pele-led wetliers.' . i I.C" .
culls to common , tS.MJtt.'S.
Chiciiiiuiti l.ivo Slock. |
CINCINNATI. Jan. H. IIOOS Actlv , $3. . ) ' !
3.75.CIA TTI.K Stonily , J2.25ii ( I.C3.
SI113KP Steady , J2.75WI.C5.
IAM IM atcady. J4.f ff5.75.
Hto.'k III SiKlit.
Ilccoid of receipts of live stock nt the four
principal markets for January 21 :
Cnttlfi. HOBS. Sliecp.
Omalia . 1.M7 CS' > 7 2r,3
ChlcoKO . 2,500 21. OW fi.OOO
Kansas city . 4.200 14.0W ) 700
st. ixiuis . 7.o ) see
Totals . -.0,517 53.157 9,7 (
\Vonl MiirkotN.
HOSTON , Jan. 21. Following arc tlie mio-
tations for lending descriptions :
Ohio and Pennsylvania lleeces X nnd above
: cg-27o ; XX nnd XX above. 29S3Cc delaine. Si fp
: ilc ; No. 1 comblnir , 30R31c ; No. 2 combine , 30e.
Mlchltran. Wisconsin , etc. X , 24c ; No.
1 MIclilKun coinlilnB , 29c : No. 1 IlllnolH combing ,
2S < iT29o : X New York. New Hampshire and Ver
mont , " 23fi'24o ; No. 1 New Yolk. New Hampshire
nml Vermont , 27e ; delaine illehlcun , 27c. I'n-
wnshed medium. Kentucky nnd Indiana quarter-
blood combing , 23c : Kentucky and Indiana Hirer
clRhtrm blood comblnu. 23fi24o' JIIsourl iiinrter-
blood comblnp , 22ri711c ; Missouri thrcB-elplitlis
blood combine , 23ip2lc ; braid comblnB. 28 : Ixike
and GeorRla , 22f23c. Texas wools , fprlnu me
dium , t\velve months IWlSc : pcoiired , 43ff45c :
uprlnR line , twelve months , 1819c ; scoured , CO
( Y52c. Territory wools Mcntana line incdlum and
fine , . ICOlSo : Ecoured , 48iiKOc Utah , Wyomlnif ,
etc. line medium and line , 13iT17c ! ; Beoiire.1 , 48SC
50o- staple , 52ff53o. Austrnllan scoured basis
combine , superfine 70J72c : comblnB. coed , Kiiij
fSc ; comblnjr , nverane , C ! JC.c ; Qurcnulnnil comb-
Inff G5c ,
ST LOUIS , Jan. 21. WOOI.-FIrm ; medium , 15
ff20'ic ; llsit : fine , 13fl7c ; lieavy line , 881lc ; tub
washed , 22030c.
NH\V YOIIK , Jnn. 21. COl-'FKH-Opllon *
opened quiet , with prices uncliaiiRCd , showed a
generally narrow Interest , with weak underline ;
idling checked by rmaller Amerlt-an vlclble sup
ply ; iibsencu of Ilrazlllan news on account of
holiday and featurclet-n Huropean cables In
creased caution. Closed quiet nt net urninnced
to G polntH decline ; rales. 12,500 bfiRH. Ine-luiiniR
March , t3.7-'lff5. " . " > . pol coffee. Illo. sternly , Nn
7 Invol.-e . , C'.iiiOHc ; No. 7 Jobblmr. ( iltdC c ; inl'.il
dull ; C.rdova. b'iffil5c. Tolnl wniehoupu deliver-
len from tlie United States , 7,181 bass , Including
( i.OD'J fiom New York : New York Hock today.
C27.DOI bic ; Unlled States Flock , 701.200 bafis ;
alloat fnr HIP United SUtc-s , 3C.Dii ) IMIRS , n.tal
vlblble fur Hie United States , 1,111.200 bags ,
asalnst 731.737 bags last year and 540.41H LaK
111 IS''i ' ;
SANTOS. Jan. 21. COI'VKi : Holiday.
HA.MIIUIlCi. Jan. 2l-COKFI-i-i : : pfR. lower ;
at 2:20 : p. in , ' 4 [ ifB. net lower ; mliB , mix )
'nib nlJANKiito. : . .iin. 2i.'OFFiiiiuii : -
day ; recelptH. 4 , 0 0 bans
HAVIli : . .Inn. 51. COKKKi : Closed ' . -j fiane
net lower ; tales , 2,0"0 baRX ,
XiYork Dry < ! . In .llnrkcl.
N1-3W YOIIK , Jan. 21.-UHY OOOUS To.lay's .
marktc flmws Blrons price tendencies In ull quur-
icra. The demand Is mill mmeuliat limited in
ull cotton Roods linen , ' -ill Ik * condltluim are nut
as noticeable aa dlfturbliiR fottuis In the nmr-
ket as has been the rasa bfrctofore. Tlie Im
provement In the jirhu cloth market bud re-
lleoted In neatly ull bruiu'lie f > f the cottun KOU n
Industry. How scon iiuofible ndvanccs will be
made Is nn open question. It Is probab | that
utront ; efforts will bo made to roll goods lit prr -
ent pi lees before advance * arc announced staple
cottons fhow email ualns lo date. Tliey ale In
mild ill-man J In both brown und 'bleached ' dyes.
I'rlnt clolliH remain ulrontf. Mnnufnolurers are
refusliiK bills for extra tpotg and early dullv-
crle nt 24o ! plus 1 per cent. Tliere bus been
an advnncu In 33i/j-lncli Cl yqjares , thcko ln-n |
obtainable- OVtc The imrliet on all odd Roula
In very llrm. The demand Is > ald to be rplrlfud.
In prints today's market hliow j no vlianse of
Illilc nml Iji-ullirr .Mnrlict.
CHIUAOO , Jnn. 21. T.1B Shoo and Leather He-
view tomorrow will cay : Packer bides are ( till
on tbo upward turn , although we urn runnlni ;
Into the neuron when tliu quality Is worn , The
pucker ! ) ure sold ahead on ulmott every telec-
tlan and all hope of even moderate prleni \ none
for the tlino being. The natlvn steer lilJes are
quoted at llli" , branded rtters. lOUc ; heavy
Texas ateer bides , 10'iO and Unlit 'lexas fleer
hides , iic. IJruitdcil cow bides were fold Ibis
week at 9'-jc ' ; heavy native row hides brought
Wio und light caw hlderi fold to tlie nmount of
5,000 at lie. Country buff hide * arp utioni ; at lOc.
Packers' oleoetearlno sold at ta. The hldn nnd
leather situation is dlntlnctly stioiiKi-r. Ik-in-
lock harnc- and sklrllnjr leather Is In brlrk de
mand ut lo advance. Hemlock burnesa nnd
leather of Milwaukee InnnaRe i > clU ut 30c , 23c
and 27o for tha three selectlonu.
Oil Mark < : lii.
Oil. CITY , Pa. , Jan. 21-Crcdlt balances. C5o ;
ccrllllMles , regular delivery , opened nt 6Gc ; hlnh-
est , CCHo ; lunctt , C6ct clu cd , CCVic ; no sulCH.
Cash closed at 6o'e bid ; sales , 3.000 bbls. at COc ;
tblpmenlK. 1IS.OSS bbls. ; runs , 82,948 bbli.
CHAUU2STON , H. C , , Jnn. 21.-OII i-Turpcn.
tine , linn , 31)tc ; sales , none. Itosln , firm , un-
olianfed ; sales , none ,
SAVANNAH , Oa. . Jan. tl-OIU-8plrlli tur-
pentlnu closed firm at 3Hic ; Mla , 200 tbln. , rc >
celptu. 317 bbls. Roaln , firm : sales , O.S5S bbli. ;
rucelpt * . 3,118 bbli. ; quote : A , 1) . C. I ) , , 11.20 ;
10. F. 11.25 ; O. 11.40 : IT , II.70J J , Il.CO ; K , I.W ;
M , K-tO ; W O , .M ; W W , I2.U.
Cullfurnia Dried Vrultu.
1'HUITM ApplM , Bird n Ifother JrulUt Heuily ,
IJvaiwniled apple * , unpinion , Ciltlio : wire tray ,
Wjc : wood drUd , 8 > ic : choice , SKc , 1'runeif. iitac.
Apricots , 1 loyal , SCMic. Moor Park. 8yilc.
pedchts , uniMdcd , 7UlOc ; peeled
Thnt Isvlint ouro.i you. tf you
nro In doubt about It Inquire. It
It 'Will ' not stop Io < ! e9 In a wet *
It ! > because you hnvo neglected
yourself \Voak knees nro mail *
strong by HL'UYA.V. Weak
barks are made strong by HUD-
VAN , if you use HUDYAN you
do not li.ivo s i > ot before your
eyes , tf you UUP HUDYAN you
lo not shako nnd trrmbln. If
you get the great llt'DYAN
remedlo-lrentment you no longer
nro n weakling , lie setulblol Is
there any renpon In the world
why others should enjoy full
pleasure and you feet like a boy
Instead of being a man ? Hut
you have got to make i\n ftort.
You must do something , \Vrlto
to the doctors of this cnttul In
stitute from wnleh atotio you
can get HlUYAN-nnd auk thnvi
to help you. They mill do It.
They will mnkc n man of you
no mnttor hoi.v bad you havn
been. You may hnvo lost almost
all of your manhood , and so
don't foci like seeing nnyono or
nsklMg for ml vice. Dec your
weik will power that Is loft.
Clot a .poMngo stnnip nvon If you
have to borrow It and write for
free and satisfactory testimon
ials nnd circulars telling you nil
about what HUDYAN has tlnnn
for thousands of others on this
big slope. It linn eurod them all.
And why Inlll you not let It euro
you ? wrecks of the worst kind
yes , of the. very worst kind
huvo been saved In a week by
Hudson Medical Institute
StiioUton , .llnrlii-l nml Kills SM. | ,
Trlmnrv , BecondRry or Tertiary Dl.OOD
roiiiON' permanently
Cured in 15 to 35 Days.
You can be treated nt homo for same
price under same guaranty , tf you prefer
to come-here we will contract to pay rail-
romj fare and liolcl bills , and no charge
If we fall to cure.
taken mercury , todldu potash nnd still
rmvc ncht-s and pains. Mucous Patches In
nuutli Sore Thioiil. Plinplea , Copper Col.
ired spots , Ulcers en any part of the
body. Hnlr or Hyebrnn-a falling out. It It
this Secondary
We Ouarantec to Oure
\Ve solicit the mrst obstlnato cares and
challenge the world for n case we cannot
euro. This disease has always hHfllcd tlie
chill of the most eminent physician ? .
KOO.KO capital behind our unrondltlonal
guaranty. Absolute proofs cent sealed
on application. ICO PPRH book Eent frre.
Address COOK HIMllJUY CO. , 1-11)I
Tciiiple , CliluiiKo , 111.
Arc Old
In the trealment of all
Chronic , ficrvous anil Private Diseases
nml nil WfiAKNRSS U CP.l
and DISORDERS of llStiJ
Catarrh , all Diseases of tlio Noee , Throat ,
Chest , Stomacii , rlver , lilood , Skin nnd Kidney
Diseases , I.ost Manhood , Ilydrocclc , Vcrlcocclo ,
Gonorrhea , Gleet , Sypnllls , stricture , Piles , l-"ls-
tula and Itcctal Ulcers. Diabetes , llrlclifs Dis
ease cured. Call on or address with stump for
Free Hook nnd New Methods.
Treatment liy mull , riMiNiiltntltiii free.
Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute
1C03 Dodge St. , Omaha Neb.
Jl L/j JVtrvou Disrate * Fclllni ; Mom *
ory , Itupotcncy , Klooplofimo&H , etc. . cnunod
by Abate or other Ilicnsad and In.lU-
crotlonp. Thm autvklv anit nurelu
restore 1/wt Vltnlliy In old or you n R. and
lit oman for etudy , buslnossor murrinco.
. . - - . 'i'rcvent Insanity and Ccnauraiitlon it
tuunn In tlino. Tholrnin chows Immcdluto Irnprovo-
zrinnt and ellccta n CUltU ivhoro nil otlif r fall In-
l t upon IiOTlri ; the ( jcnulnoJni Talilela , They
nave enroll thousands and wl llcure you. Wo nlrn n raa-
itlvonrUtoainmrimtno to Direct n euro KTI JJVCJ In
oachcaraor rofuml the mnnuy. PrlcmJU u I Oipar
rat-kaze ; or nix plicnit ( fall trunlmtnll for C2.CO. Ii
rnuil. In plain wrnppor. npon rocclptof i.rlcn. . Circula
' > -AJAX REMEDY CO. , \ , "i '
For tale in Omurm oy Jauiti Fomyth , 202 ti ,
ICth street ,
Kulia & Co. . nnd Douulns
Ui for iiiiiuun4
IrrltatlSni or ulcorailonl
DOI u tltuiott , of inunoui im-iutiranfl.
PriTfOU coDugloo , Pfcialflii , uud not uitrla *
\ > riprni
( i. no. or i bet
Ofrcaljr uxt i
n c RRgtMi'Q ' i' ' ' KiTnr.w , RIX
ttPJHwc'Q O TiiiH rcniL-tly lidiif ? In-
Jccted ( lircc-.tly to tlin
HCtlt Of tllOM ) ( llHCtlUCH
of the Ge.iiltti. Ili'Jtinry
< > r iuiH , rjxj u Iron no
irimr.-intced In 1 to ! i
( jii.VM. Miunll | ) luEiiiiU ) ) ! >
UKO. Iiy iniiil , 6A.OO ,
feolil only bj'
Myers-Dillon Duu Co. . 9. B. Cor liin and Far-
nam Htreeli. Omana. NcU.
H. E. PEF1TEY & CO. ,
110 Board of Trade Bldg. , Omaha , Neb
Druncli OBlce. 103K N 81 Lincoln. Nob.
( ) II ) COI.D.VV lllilUH.M ; , CHIO ( ,
JltmbnrH Chicago Dounl of Tratlo since ] > Ci.
Grain , Provisions anJ N , Y. Sljclis
Orders Cunh nnd Future Delivery Solicit 1
Uiuuliu Ollliif , Iloiiin 1 , \ . V. Ufi-
, , . .M'lionc 11(11 ( , , . .
Telephone 103 ! ) , Oiiutli.i , Neb
IIOMiO 01 THM > U.
Dlrert wire" lo Chlcujto und New Yolk.
Correspondents : John A. Warren ft Co
nlllt.'KS , AM ) l'IIOVI > illl.\ < r ,
Secretary ,
Chfislie-Stfeet Commission. Co
Cniiltul , Pulll'ul .