Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 21, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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    TJJU OMAJ1A DAILY li'KKj .JANUA'in. Si 1 , 1
T"j. . _ . _ r - " " . - - . a - M . , , _ - - r _ _ _ - _ M KMHMHH M i MBBABHV
Mi.vrio.\ : ,
Cooper , Tire Ins. , 6 Pearl , M. 372.
J. C. McCain of Logan Is In town.
Charles A , Hcunllng of Hoonc Is In the
city.W. . C. Depow came down from Walnut
I ) II. Scott of Grlsivold was In the city
B. P. Ajorn of Atlanta , Oa. , Is In the city
on business.
Good work Is what you will have at the
iniuff City laundry.
11. McDuval of Atlantic Is transacting
business In this city.
J. M. Goodman , a well known DCS Molnce
man , U In the city.
I' . J. Jonco of York , Neb. , came over on a
business trip > csterday.
William 11. Hand ot Kankakce , 111. , was
In the city ycoterday.
James Johnson of Kansas City was a
Council 'Bluffs ' visitor jcstcrday.
Edward Uvcrott , who has been seriously
111 since the first of the yiar , was able to
io out yesterday.
E. ill. Nelson of Kansas City , who Is con
nected with the Port Arthur Route , was In
the city yesterday.
Gcorgo A. Kcollno and wlfo left yesterday
for riorMa , whcro they will spend the re
mainder ot the winter.
Unity guild will hold tin regular meeting
this evening at the residence of Mrs. Lane ,
corner of Vorhls and Union streets.
P. A. Slsson. Guy G. Gould , L. W. Hoard-
man nnd T. E. Shattuck , all Chicago men ,
wcro among the city visitors jestcrday.
We give attention to little things In laun
dry work. You get all that Is best In fine
work and good service at the Eagle laundry ,
721 Ilway.
Judge Thorncll has granted n divorce In
the case of Ida Selpcl against her husband ,
M. Selpel. The court gave the mother the
custody of her only child , n daughter.
United States Maishal Frank P. llradley
and Deputy Marshal C II. llradley have re
turned from DCS Molncs , where they have
been looking after some government bus-
R N. Ellis has returned from the cast.
Ho will assume his duties us representa
tive of n largo cigar factory at once and
will travel over lovvn , Missouri , Nebraska
and Kansas.
L. A Casper , who was called to Colorado
Springs by the Illness ot his niece , Miss
Caughey , returned last evening. The voung
woman had so far recovered her health as to
be ab'o to return with him.
Theppfclal meeting of the city council
called for last evening faded to matcrlall/c
on account of the Inability to secure- quo
rum. The business will bo considered at an
other mcet'cig of the council filled for next
Monday evening.
James M. Diamond , the well known Pull
man conductor , of 2011 Fourth avenue , left
last evening for Chicago , where ho will
take charge of the dining car on n Raymond
mend excursion to Mexico. Ho will bo
gone about two months.
A decree was entered yesterday by Judge
Thonicll In the case of R. Emlg against the
Central Investment company ot this county ,
giving the plaintiff judgment for $1.510 S3.
The plaintiff Is postmlsstrebs as Mas-
eena , la.
Judge Thornell has given Harl & McCaho
a Judgment against the Lake Manawa Rail
way company nnd Receiver Hanuan for ? 300
for nttonicjs' fees. The fees were earned
in the cato of Arthur Evans against the
company , tried two years ago , and resulted
In a heavy judgment against the company.
Charles Axman , an alleged bootlegger
living In Atlantic , was arrested yesterday
by United States Deputy Marshal Cller.s
a result of the pielltnlnary hearing before
Commissioner Wright , Axman was bound
over to the federal grand jury and In de
fault of ball was committed to the county
Relatives In this city have received word
that Dr. L. Hollls of Kansas City Is lying
dangerously III with pneumonia and fears
nro entertained that ho will not recover.
Dr. Hollls Is well known In Council Uluffs ,
having formerly resided here. He gradu
ated from the High school and studied medi
cine under the late Dr. Plnney. Slnco going
to Kansas City ho has built up a large and
lucrative practice.
A Ii'IJW B n.VS ( > .Ni > WIIV
"We Arc Si'lMnpr ClodilnKT nt Such n
! ( < * < ! n r 1 1 u 11 In , ) u inin r > .
Because wo can use the money.
Because wo wish to clean out our fall and
winter stock and make room for eprlng
goods. ,
Because wo always llko to commence a
ecasc-n with a now line of seasonable geode
anil wo wish to put la nn entire now etock
next fall.
Because our sale last July proved n suc
cess and wo reduced our laat spring- stock
BO low wo were compelled iU > purchase an
cntlro new dock for this spring. With
these good reasons , why shouldn't v o sell
cheap ? Look In our Main fatreet windows
and QCO those $10.00 suite wo are selling at
$0.50 and those $7.50 and $8.50 suits wo
are selling at $3.00. METOALF BROS.
C. B. Vlava Co. , femnle remedy ; consulta
tion free. Oillco hours , a to 12 and 2 to 5
Health book furnished. 320-327-323 Merrlam
N. Y. Plumbing company. Tel. 250.
Mctcalf Bros , do as 'they advertlso.
. \KiiliiNt ( lit-
Another batch of the Engel-Corgan cases
occupied all of yesterday In Justice Vein's
court. Each of the larceny cases must bo
preceded by a hearing under the search war
rant to deUdo the ownership of the property ,
and by agreement tfco search warrant cases
will all bo heard first. Three ot these cases
were heard jcHterday , and the goods found
under the warrants sworn out by George , John Olr.on and May Stevens
wcro adjudged to bo the property of the
Informants , Considerable amusement was
afforded by all the rases , mid particularly
the ono concerning the iiropoity of Board-
man. It wa claimed ( licit Engel was wearIng -
Ing a shirt stolen from Bcardman's clothes
line , and the prisoner was obliged to remove
the garment. U was i > osltlvuly Identified as
Iho missing article , although the part con
taining t'iio Initials of the olalntlff had been
cut out. All the other stolen cloth
ing had been altered In a similar
manner. The Incest case against
Carl and Nelllo Corgan wns dismissed on
motion of Assistant County Attorney Smith.
When the search warrant caeos have been
finished the larceny cases will bo heard ,
Motcalf Bros , tlo as they sUvcrtlao.
'Attend the annual ball and banquet of
Hazel camp. Modern Woodmen of America
and Foresters , nt Independent Order of Odd
Fellows' hall Friday , January 21 , Tickets ,
Including supper , $1 $ per couple.
Mothers should take advantage of the
January ealo at Metcalf Bros.
1 Ciiiitliiuniu't * for ] > lfUi < mnii.
Traao DlcKorson will not bo tried at this
term of court , A continuance has been
granted to next term. Ills physicians have
furnished a certificate declaring that the
strain of a trial at the present tliuo would
bo GUllIcIcnt to cause the old man's death.
The report conies from Atlantic Uiat the
sentiment that demanded a renewal of his
prosecution has been greatly modified within
the last few mouths ,
Motcalf Bros , are fclllnu tioso $500 l > o > fi'
cults for $3.50.
It dccu not often , 1m t It Is good when U
Coca como , that's Sargent's sale. All $5.00
chocs $3.98 , $1.00 shoes ? 2.93 , $3.00 shcs $2.4S.
Ixwlc for the Bear.
Thcno $10.00 Cheviot suits are $ G 50 now
ot Metcalf Bros. >
Kor Today nt .Snrncnt'x.
100 pairs ladles' calf walking shoes at
(2.CO for $1.48. $ Look for the Bear.
Board of Supervisors Has Decided to
Collect Some Duesr
Collector Will Uo iiiu > Io-cil to Look
Up All tliut M Online oil TliU
bL-oi-c anil Sci'tinIt With
out Uolit ) .
The Board of County Commissioners com
pleted the special session yesterday and ad
journed until -the regular meeting In April.
The fiucsllon of collecting the great amount
of money that has been advanced by the
county for the care of the Incurable Insane
and others sent to the state hospitals and to
St. Bernard's , occupied u largo part of the
session yesterday. The deeper the members
of the board went Into the matter the moro
apparent It became that there were many
thousands ot dollars on the books whlohcould
bo collected and returned to the county
treasury. The board took prompt action to
start the work ot collecting. Instructions
wcro given to the county attorney to take
up the nutter ami push It vigorously. He
was Instructed to employ a good man and
have him devote all his tlmo to the work.
In all cases where payment Is delajcd or re
fused the county attorney Is Instructed to
bring suit. The board fixed the compensation
of the man who is to be given the job of
punching up the delinquents nt 10 per cent
of all money collectid whcro suit Is not
necessary and 15 per cent whcro the assist
ance ot the courts Is required. The board
believes that this will bo a sulllolently lib
eral compensation for a good man and tint
ho will turn Into the country treasury a
large an.ount of money In a short time The
ivatter is wholly within the control of
'County ' Attorney Saumlers.
A compromise was effccteJ In the matter
ot the contest sMrtul by the Globe Publish
ing company to secure Its share of the county
printing An amicable arrangement was
made with air. Pfclffer , the publisher of the
Gorman paper , which had been substituted
for the Globe , by which he voluntarily with
drew his application for rcmembiante at the
public cilb and stepped aside for the bene
fit of the democratic organ.
The boaid IKed the compensation and
limited the number of bailiffs to bo employed
at the Avoca coutt.While the grand jury
Is In session not more than three bailiffs
can bo emplojed and at other times not
more than two. Dan Conrad was appointed
as the extra bailiff , -with the power of a
deputy sheriff. He is to bo allowed ? 2 a
day while omplojcd as bailiff and Is not al
lowed to draw moro than $50 a jear for his
services as a deputy sheriff. The salaiy of
Deputy Sheriff Long of Avoca , VVJB fixed at
$1,000 a 5 car.
The board fixed the compensation of the
Jailors hero and at Avoca at the same figure
that las prevailed for the last thrco years.
They are ullowcd $30ft a jear and make the
rema nder of their salary out of the profit of
boaidlng the prisoners.
Motcalf Bros , are celling those $500 'bovs' '
suits for $3.50.
200 pairs ladles' patent leather dress shoes
were $100 , now $2.48 , nt Sargcmt's.
Council liliifTMKHorlnfloit Hci > or < H
CoiiNhlcralilc I'rourrcHH.
The executive committee of the Council
Bluffs TrunsinUslFslppl association held a
meeting at the Grand hotel ! ast evening , and
pushed along a few steps further the busi
ness and enterprises for which the associa
tion was formed. Tivo vacancies In the
general committee of fifty were filled by
the election of Dr. S. B. Jennings end J. C
Mitchell. The finance committee reported
tliu resignation , of Its chairman , A. W. Wy-
man , and E II. Walters was elected to ttie
position. The committee- made a report that
was highly satisfactory to the association ,
for it Indicated that the great financial prob
lem was In a fair way of being solved.
Whllo on the subject of finances the com-
mltteo recommended the creation of sub
committees to assist In the work'of solicit
ing funds to build the big wigwam. It wns
decided to create six groups of thrco mem
bers each , one from < the finance committee
and two from the general committee. Those
groups will form auxiliary soliciting com
mittees whoso chief duty will be to push
fie ! sale of the 5,000 exposition buttons that
are cm hand.
Secretary Judson made a report that con
tained a good deal ot matter of general
Interest , especially the portions concerning
the Importance ot the exposition ) to the city
of Council Bluffs. Ho eald In part :
It has been estimated tluit r.ftW people can
Una accommodations In Council Bluffs with
the extia arrangcircnta that will bo made
during tlio exposition. If only an aver.ige
of 3,000 stop In this city during- that tlmo
It will menu nn expenditure to our 'board- '
In ; ? houses , hotels nnd lodging places and
t'.ienco ' to our grocers , butchers , bakers ,
market gardeners nnd others of about
$ MO,000 at the low rate of $ i per day for
each person for board ami lodging- street
cir faies paid by these people would
amount to $ UO,000 or more nnd personal ex
penditure : ) In oiher ways to $200.000 more ,
making un inuBregnto of about Jl COO.OX ) . To
show thnt these llgures nre not excessive
" 5L , ' ° attendance if we pan take care of
2.000 people at n tlmo this only means 30,000
ulffeient persons at the nverago rate of
stoppigo , nnd the exposition authorities
confidently llgure on 1'os ' attendance of more
than 1,000,000 different visitors. On the ex
penditure In our city of $1,000,000 1 per cent
would bo $10,000 more than enough to carry
on the work of advertising- , build the vvlg-
wnm nnd leave a dividend for nn audi
torium fund. It looks ns though , In the
fuco of hueh llffnrcs ns these , that it ought
not to be dllllcult to secure funds enough
to carry on the association work.
The secretary was allowed $25 for postage
for his official correspondence , A resolution
was adopted declaring that no liabilities
should bo Incurred In the name of the as
sociation except by a vote ot a majority of
the members ot any regular or apodal meet
ing. The committee adjourned to meet again
on next Thursday night.
An Invitation was extended to all of the
members of the committee to meet with the
executive committee of the Merchants' and
Manufacturers' ' ufhoclatlon , which will hold
a special scoalon at the Grand hotel this
evening for the purpose of discussing the re.
ported rumor of the removal of the Union
Pacific transfer business to Omaha. Judge
McGoa will bo present and will read the do.
crco of the United States supreme court In
the mandamus case that was brought against
the Union Pacific company to compel It to
transact Its terminal business In this city.
An Invitation Is extended to all of the mem
bers of the Transmlssltslppl ar > soclatlon and
other Interested citizens to bo present and
listen to the discussions ,
Motcalf Bros , are celling those $500 boys'
suits for $3.50 ,
All $500 shoes th's week $3,9S to advertise
them , at Sargent's ,
StlMllN II Mllllfllt'N OOllf.
Lucius Pryor , ono ot the High school
pupl'a , lest a now overcoat yesterday by the
operations of a tlayllfilit cncak thief , who
visited the school during the afternoon. The
fellow wan seen going about the building
with the air of a man who was at least a
member of the faculty. Ho talked to o
number of the pupils on matters connected
with the building and the course of study.
In his peregrinations ho got Into the cloak
room and picked out young Pryor's ccut ,
which nnpcared to about fit him , Whllo
making the rounds oftlio building ho met
Pryor and talked to him whllo wearing the
stolen coat. The young man thought thcro
was bomothlng oddly familiar about the cu-
r-earunco of the fellow's coat , but there w o
nothing to excite the nueplclou that It was
stolen , for Pryor had HJ ! then missed the
garment Pryor was the Mst young man the
thief talked with before leaving the building.
The coat was not mimed until school was
out. An excellent description of the thief
was furnished to the police , and n search for
him was begun. The coat was a new black
Metcalf Bros , are selling tboso $500 boys'
suits for $3.DO.
All dresa patent leather oxfords , were
$4.00 , thlfl week $2.93 , Lotilo hells , etc. , nt
Mt'trlintitN nnd ( Idiom Tnkc Oe < % | > Iti-
ItTCNti lii Hut Talked of CluuiKi' .
The report that the Union Pacific Railway
company has under consideration the plan
of removing the switching and transfer
business of the road from this city to
Omaha was the subject ot a good deal of
discussion around town yesterday. The In
terest taken will at least be sufllclcnt to
bring out a full attendance of the members
ot the executive committee of the Mer
chants' and Manufacturers' association
tonight. There Is a general Inclination to
question the reliability of the report , anil
the doubters have n good deal to sustain
( heir opinions. In legal circles the opinion
that no removal U possible Is unanimous
and strong. The decision of the United
States supreme court Is considered as defi
nitely settling the terminus and transfer
question for all time. The Judgment of the
court expressly declares thot the eastern
terminus of the road "shall" bo at Council
Bluffs , and the transfer of all freight to
and from the eastern lines shall be made at
this point. Any violation of this order of
the court would place the management of
the line In contempt. The first attempt at
removal would be met with an Injunction
from the federal court.
In local Union Pacific circles the report
that has stirred up the Merchants' and Man
ufacturers' association Is received with a
smile and Its authenticity universally dis
credited by all of the officers and employes.
The work of switching and transferring gives
steady employment to between 30(1 ( and 400
men , and the removal of this small army of
employes from the city would bo felt se
riously. It Is likely that some reassuring
Information will bo given to the meeting of
the commercial association tonight.
Thcro $10.00 Cheviot suits are $ C 50 now
nt Mctcalt Bros.
Mctcalf Bros do as they advertise.
Fit ( luYOIIIIH LmllcM l' ] > fur School.
All the calf shoes , beauties , $1.48 , $1.9S
and $248. The $1.9S ehoes are worth $3.00.
Wo picked them up cheap. Look for the
Bear. Sargent.
Voci'pi Iloi-lioN I
The congregation of the First Baptist
church has decided to accept the resignation
ot the pastor , Rev. V. C. Roche * , nnd the
formal action was taken at the official meet
ing on Wednesday evening. Ho contem
plates re-entering Northwestern university
and taking a post-graduate course. At the
meeting the following resolution expressing
the high esteem In which the retiring pastor
Is held by his Hock , was adopted : , After a successful pastorate of
almost three years , dining which tlmo our
church ha * * been materially strengthened
bofi In the cfllc-lcncy .mil nctlvltv of Its
membership and Its llnanrlal "landing , our
honored nnd loved pastor , Kev. V. C llocho ,
ha- deemed It to be the ) Lord's will thit he
take up work In another Held nnd has ten
dered his resignation to take effect January
31. ISIS ; therefore , bo It
Resolved , That because of his request the
reblqnntlon Is hereby accepted , but that ns
a church we express dur sincere regret at
the severance of the ties that have bound us
together as pastor and people so tenderly ,
lnn IrM'o nn < l f ( llniiHht !
nnd that we hereby assure him of our heart
felt desire * and prayers for the presence of
the Lord with him In his now field of labor ,
that his work may there be richly blessed In
Ic ulnp ! souls to the blaster nnd the edifica
tion of all who come under hls ministry ,
and that the blessings of health , happiness
and the best things In thla world be nlso
the portion of hlm elf , his companion and
family In their new home.
Steps were also takento / secure a minis
ter to fill the -vacant pulpit , and for thin ,
purpose a pulpit committee was appointed ,
composed of M. H. Sears , F. L. BvaiiH , H.
L McNltt , W. iT. Denncf and Joseph Rob
Mctcnlf Bros , arc selling those $500 boys'
suits for $3 50.
All rubbers cut at Sargent's.
Gill * rrlc-o for Cure of IIIHIIIIO.
Thn Board of Supervisors yesterday called
the managers of St. Bernard's hospital ibe-
fore It and notified them that the first five
yearn ot tholr ten-year contract with tha
county for earing for the Incurable Insane
had expired , and that the second term of the
period -would be entered upon from October
1 , wlthiaRlIght reduction of the amount paid
monthly for the care of the Insane. Tlio
original contract gave the hoopltal the right
to charge $16 a month for the care of each
county patient In the hospital , but the man
agement of the Institution voluntarily made
n reduction of 5 per cent , with the under
standing that the county should pay the
bills In cash each month. During the entire
period the sisters have been drawing $16.20
instead of the contract price of $16 for each
patient. In looking over the contract yes
terday It was found to contain nothing that
could ho construed Into a promise to pay In
any other way than In cash each month ,
and the hospital people discovered that they
had boon unnecessarily cutting down their
bills. The new law fixes the compensation
for the care of each patient at $14 a month
and provides that It must bo paid In cash
each month. During the remainder of the
term of the contract this will bo the price
to the sisters
Mothers should take advantage of the
January sale at Metcalf Bros.
Twice a year , not twlco a week , Sargent's
sale. It will pay to buy. Look for the
Boyn' slices at your own price at Sar
.Hopllllllcilii IMIIorn 'to Meet.
Tt'o republican editors of the Ninth con-
gresslrrial district ore gathering hero for the
purpose of hcJdlnK a meeting today to din-
cues matters of political Interest to them
selves and the party. It was Intended to hold
a session last evening or yesterday afternoon
but there was not a sufficient number pres
ent to make It Interesting. The editors who
were present lost evening were D , II Scott
of the Grlswold American , J. C. McCabe of
the Logan Observer , S. P. Ayers of the At
lantic Telegraph , W. N. Gaumer of the Dun.
lap Reporter and W. C. Depew of the Walnut
Bureau , A number of other members of the
republican press of the district will reach
the city on this morning' , * tra'ns ' , and the
first sesslom will bo held at tbo Grand hotel
at S o'clock ,
Thouo $10.00 cheviot suits are $6.50 now
at Metcalf Bros.
Rebecca Degree lodge , No , 3 , will hold a
public Installation ball and banquet January
21 at the Independent Order of Odd Fel
lows' temple , the flrU of 1U kind over held
In the city.
Wanted , at once , man to work In garden.
Must understand hot frame work ,
Tito IliirnlnrlrN.
Two burglaries were reported to the police
yesterday afternoon , The residence of F. B
Warren at 5t2 Washington avenue was
broken open during the absence ot the fam
ily and a hasty search was made for valu
ables , The thieves wcro frightened away before -
fore finding anything of value they could
carry away , The residence of Rev. S. M. Per
kins at 427 South First street was also en
tered In the absence of the family. Bureaus
drawers and desks were opened and the con-
tcnta spread out on the lloors , hut nothing
w oa taken that has BO far been missed ,
Thaio $10 00 cheviot suits arc $ C CO now
at Mctcalf Bros.
These $10.00 Cheviot BUMS are $0.50 now
at Mctcalf Bros.
Speaker Fank Kama } the Oommittco to
Oonsidar ftoaly
i t
Semite mill % ' AVII1 tlmlonliteiSly
CliiNh on the'jYjt/urllv ' / IMitii for
u l > lit rnl Iliinrit of
DH3 MOINCS. Jtn. 20. ( Special Tclcsrara. )
Speaker Kunk tills morning appo'nted ' the
committee to which la referred the report
of the Hcaly committee on state Institu
tions. The committee will prepare a bill nt
nn early dale. The committee Is : Nletert of
Linn , chairman ; Mcrrlaui of Delaware , Who-
Ian of Eminctt , Vantlouton of Tajlor , 1'cnlck
of Lucas , Porter of Appamodjo anil Albertson
of Washington. It Is understood the commit
tee will fa\ora bill la line with the minority
report of the Healy committee for a board
ot control with only supervisory powers ,
leaving executive charge with the local
boards as now. The announcement of the
committee was received In the senate , where
the majority plan of a central board with
executive powers Is favored , as a declaration
that the house will make a flght against the
radical change from the present sj tem , and
tUt the Institution Influences w 111 make the
battleground there , endeavoring to Induce
the house to defeat the radical measure ex
pected from the eenatc.
In each house a hill was presented by the
chairman of the railroad committee authoriz
ing the railroad commissioners to give fur
ther time to the railroads to ujulp their cars
with automatic couplers. The law took effect
January 1 , ISPS , but few roads had complied
with Its provisions. The bills authorlre the
commlrslouers on proper showing of the
roads , to extend the time , but la no case
bejoml January 1 , 1300.
The democrats have opened a vigorous
flght against the Titus resolution to amend
the constitution to inaKu ejections come only
In alternate icars. They say the scheme Is
to get all date elections In presidential or
congressional jears , when national issuca
will predominate and help carry the state
for the republicans. They will caucus and
plan a flght at once if the measure seems to
develop strength.
Appropriation til's were presented for
? 70,375 for the insane hospital at Independ
ence , $40,000 for a now building at the Mnr-
shalltown Soldiers' home ; and $10,000 $ for the
Uenedlct Home , DCS Molncs.
Carr ot I'olk presented a bill for civil serv
ice In cltlca over 50,000 , Des Moiue. * being
the only one. It provides for a commission
of three , named by the ma > or , and to take
effect before the spring election this jear.
Des Molnea political factions have been
flghtliig over such a bill for > cars , each fide
wanting It whca In power , and opposing It
when out of power. Carr Introduced the
measure by request.
Hobart Introduced the" Temple amendment
In the senate. In the house the tame meas
ure presented several davs ago was con
sidered In the railroad committee and will
be reported soon.
Corrcil In the sanntej and Powers In the
house , both of Jasper , Introduced n bill to
deduct the amount of jnortgages from the
value of property in listing It for assessment -
ment , and to tax the mortgages to their
holders. It Is similar to several bills K.lled
at recent sessions.
The Iowa Chlldreifs : IIomo society today
dedicated with appropriate services its new-
state home In thiscity. . The structure Is a
three-story brick with modern appointments ,
which cost 115,000 , fand Is practically free
from debt. The socipty was organized In
1888 nt Davenport , whcro It remained until
1S95 , when It removed to Des .Molnes. It
grow rapidly and larger quarters became
necessary. The work of the society Is In
many ways remarkable. It has never re
ceived a dollar from the state. Its work of I
recruiting homeless children Is carried on by j ,
district superintendents. iThe support comes
from private subscriptions. The society has
cared for 1,443 children , of whom 1,169 have '
been placed In good homes , sixty-one died ,
fourteen were placed In state Institutions ,
only forty-six became dissatisfied with their
homes of adoption. The ages of Inmates
vary from 2 to 11. No child Is kept , longer
than necessary to find him a suitable home.
The program today Included address. by
Judge Woodbrldge of Chicago , president of
the national society ; Mayor Smith of Dav
enport and Mayor 'MacVlcar of DCS Molncs. (
The latter characterized the society aa "the
greatest police force In Iowa. " i
After four houis deliberation , the Jury In
the case of John J. Long against the Trav
elers' Insurance company of Hartford today
returned a verdict that Long was not en
titled to the $3,000 Indemnity ho claimed for
the loss of a foot because ho had Inten
tionally shot off the member In order to pro
cure the Insurance. Last February Long
took out a policy In the company , pajlng
$10,000 for death and $3,000 for1 the loss of a
foot. A few days later ho went hunting and
while walking homo with his gun shot off
the foot , claiming It was an accident. The
Insurance company declared It a conspiracy ,
On trial the court ruled out every defense
except that of Intentional shooting and on
these Instructlono the Jury found for the de
fendant. LOUR U nn old resident , a lawyer
and well known character.
\IJ.VMS .su.vrmcnu TO uo TIME.
Ii raiillliiC CiiNlilerM ( ' ] < Yearn in
tlic IVn.
SIOUX CITY , Jon. 20. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Oeorgo 13. Adams , the defaulting
cashier of the local ofUco of the American
Express company , was today sentenced to
servo a term of two years In the state pen
itentiary at Aniamosa. Adams had pleaded
guilty to the embezzlement of about $2,800
of the company's money. Ho was brought
to this city a few days ago by Superin
tendent Garner of Omaha , who was in the
city to sco judgment pronounced upon the
prisoner. Adams made a plea for clem
ency and said liquor was the cause of his
Mliriiry for nil Iintn Ctty.
WniJSTCR C1TV , la. , Jan. 20. ( Special. )
Uy the generosity of Mrs. Kendall Young
this city will become possessed Immediately
of the fortune which was left by her hus
band to bo used by tHe city on her death ,
Slio has donated ttf't7i6 ' city her magnificent
homo In thla city to 60 used for a city li
brary , on condition tha't It should bo exempt
from taxes aa long as so used. Kendall
Young died a Httlu moro than a year ago
nnd provided In his will that his property
valued at $200.000 should bo given Webster
Ctty for the purpose of founding and main
taining A city library , but thnt It should
not become available until the death of hit
widow. Xovv slio makes It Immediate ! }
available , nnd with the residence ROSS a
splendid collection of pictures nnd art works
which have been gathered the last twenty
3 ears. The library will bo started at once.
I own Hiiuliioorn In .Si < luti.
CHDAll ItiYI'IDS , la. , Jan. 20 ( Spoelil
Telegram ) The two da > s' meeting of the
town Engineering society was bi ought tea
a successful close this evening there being
n largely Increased attendance at today's
session. A number of valuable papers were
read today anil this evening. The local
members tendered the visitors a bamiuet.
The next meeting of the society will be
held at Iowa City. Officers for the ensuing
> ear vvero elected as follows : President ,
C. r. Chase , Clinton ; vice president , 1) ) .
Sclirctnor. Des Molnes , secretary , E. I' .
Boynton , Cedar Ilaplds.
Mrrplintit'N MrniiKc lllMi | | ionrniipr.
INDEPENDENCE. In. . Jan. 20 ( Spe
cial. ) Thomas Tarmcr , an old and respected
resident of the county disappeared from hla
homo in Jcsup last week and has not been
heard from since. For many jcars Mr.
Tanner has been the proprietor of a grocery
store In Jcsup and until the last two or
thrco jcars has been possessed of considera
ble wealth. Lately , however , sickness and
trouble have so projcd upon his mind that
ho has fast been falling and for some time
has been Incapacitated for the canjlug on
ot his business.
ATLANTIC , la. , Jan. 20. ( Speclal.-The )
chapter A. P. of the P. 13 , O. Sisterhood
at Harlan wishes to establish n library In
that city and dooming It n worthy object
lias Issued Invitations for ia library party
lo bo given February 4 , 1 ! > 9S. Each guest
is to represent by dress or adornment the
lltlo of sumo book and prizes will be given
[ or the best. Charges will bo made for re
freshments served , the proceeds to bo used
In purchasing the first volumes.
Suit for lli'iity
POUT DODGE , la , Jan. 20. ( Special Tele
gram ) 'Tho eult ot Mlno Ilogors , widow ot
Piunk Rogers , against William Hamm of
Dajton for $10,000 Is being luitly contested
In the district court hero. The defendant
runs the saloon at Dajton. and it Is al-
eec.l sold lloccrs llnuor until he was Intoxi
cated on March 27 last and as a result he
Tell over nn embankment and wcs killed
3vcr seventy-five witnesses weio brotigh
.icro from Dayton today to testify.
Poll Dt'iul liy the \Vii > slilr ,
TOUT DODGE , In. , Jan. 20. ( Special )
Joseph Hasmunson , n young man living nea
Jadgcr , a small station north of hero on the
Milwaukee & St. Lou's road , mot death I ?
a mysterious way Monday evening. Ills
dead body was found at the side of the ron
about four miles from homo , where he luu
evidently lallen from the sleigh.
OfT for the K'limlll.o.
ELDORA. la. , Jan. 20 ( Special Tele
gram. ) Charles , Stephen and William Pol-
ey , thrco stalwart miners of this city
eave hero llomlay for the Alaska golr
fields. These men , who arc brothers , are
almost giants In stature and have had much
experience In mining.
lOlVll Sll ( ( > IllHtHtlllOIIM.
Burlington Ilawkeye : The legislative
committee-men who have been Investigating
the state Institutions have carefully bhunned
publicity of their report by malting It of
great length.
Des Molnes Register : The system Is at
fault. Nine out of ten ot the shortcomings
which the report today will lay bare arc
duo to the system of administration. There
Is under the present management no head
nnd no icsponslblllty. The business of the
state Is done by a host of different men ,
men wlio come and go 'No ' private per
son or corporation wojld think of permit
ting such loose and endless methods. II
centralization of power was ever needcJ
It Is In the management of these widely
scattered Institutions.
Waterloo Reporter : This report brlngt.
the matter directly to the attention of the
public. It lajs bare the abuses that exlsl
and It suggests a remedy. The management
must bo centralized and government of the
institutions "must come from Influences
other than those which 'Immediately sur
round the several Institutions. " That Is the
judgment of the committee , which has de
voted months to a patient nnd thorough
Investigation of every pha'o of the ques
tion. Ignorance of conditions can no longer
bo pleaded , neither will there bo an excuse
for Indifference. With the f.icts so plainly
set forth the members of the general as
sembly cannot avoid the duty of acting
along the lines set forth In the report.
Des Molnes CapitalIt Is to the credit
of the people of the state that the commit
tee appointed by the Twenty-sixth general
assembly to examine and report upon the
condition of the various state Institutions
found no evidence of Intentional dishonesty
In the management of any state Institution.
Hero are sixteen Institutions , spending an
nually hundreds of thousands of dollars ,
and whllo the committee found little ex
travagances and occasional evidences of
mismanagement , careless bookkeeping , lack
of sjstem , etc. , It reports no defalcations ,
no stealings , no betrayals of trust. The
abuses which It reports against are the
result of years and the growth of a lack
of system and can bo easily corrected. The
committee report Is Intensely Interesting
and demonstrates that the committee did
Its work thoroughly and without fear or
Io\\a KM nil > < M\H.
Henry Steffen brought In thlrty-fivo hogs
to Dyersvlllo that averaged 450 pounds each.
The Jones county farmers' Institute will
bo held at Center Junction February 3 and 4.
Jacob Turman sold four hogs at Oto which
weighed 1,940 pounds , or an averaged of 485
pounds each.
Hog cholera has lost Its grip In the
vicinity of Ollddcn and the pens are filled
with squealers.
Eighty-two families now receive their mall 1
on the rural free delivery routes established
near Mount Pleasant.
It Is expected that over 100,000 young apple
trees will bo set. out In the vicinity of Ham
burg this coming spring.
Reports are to the effect that more seed
will bo planted this season -than over before
In the history of Woodbury county ,
The Swei City Creamery company handled
3,140,557 pounds of milk last year. The
amount of butter made was 125,007 poundu ,
which sold for $18,503.27.
Ackley dealers nro experiencing difficulty
In procuring potatoes sufilclent to supply the
demand of the trade. A dealer states that
farmers who have them are holding for bet-
Hnrdest things in the house to clean. Most
contrary things to keep clenn. Most unpleasant
when not cleaned. Are made clean and kept clean
easily with that enemy of oil and grease and dirt
Powder ,
Largest package greatest economy.
Chicago. BU Louis. New York. HoaUm. Philadelphia.
ter prices In ono Instance , a farmer fortu
nate In the pos.-'Mlon ot 300 builiels , ro-
ftieetl an offer of 60 ccnlq a bushel.
A. M nrftqfcamp olJ his farm of eighty
acres atljolnlns West Alton to Ocor e Fried
man of Ornnvllle , the consideration beltif ?
JSO nn acre. The Alton Democrat sajs thla
Is one of the highest , If not the hlRhest ,
Itrlcc * c\er paid for a firm In Sioux county ,
irrijcr or 001,011 s.
Gieen need * sunlight to develop tlio yellow
In It and nulco It seem cheerful.
Hcd brings out In a room hnte\er hint of
groin lurks In the composition ot the other
colors emplojid.
If oll\u or ted brown bo used In conjunc
tion with mahogany furniture the effect U
\ery different from what It would bo If
blue were used , niuo would dc\eop ! the
ta\\uy orange In the mahogany.
If a ceiling Is to bo made h'glicr. le.-ne It
light , that It may appear to recede. Deepen
ing the color used on the celllnc would make
It Io\\cr an otTect dcMrablo If the room ls
small and the cellingcry high. Various
tones of jcllow nro substituted for sunlight.
If a bright , sunuj room pels Us light from
a space obtruded upon by russct-coloicd or
} ollo\v painted houses , or else looks out upon
a stretch of green grasq , It should bo dccot-
itcd In a color \ery different from the shade
chosen If the light comes from only an un-
jrokcn e\nausn of kv.
fhcro are colois that aic refreshing and
broadening , others that absorb llsht and gi\e
a boxed-up appearance to a room , others that
nake a room Ith < \ bleak norttionti exposure
or with no exposure at all appear bright and
cheerful ; sonic that make a room appear
\arin , tome that make It cold.
The thermometer seems to fail fix degrees
Uicn > ou walk Into a blue room. Yellow Is
n advancing color ; therefore , n room fitted
ip In jellow will appear smaller than it Id.
) n the other hand , blue of a cerMln shade
Introduced generously Into a room will glean
an Idea of space. Hod makes no difference
n regard to elze. Green imhca very little.
Ilowaro of Imitations. Take no "Just as
ood. " See that jou get the ecnulno Dr.
Julia Cough Syrup , the peerless specific.
DHNVUIJ , Colo. , JHII. CO. The northern
Colorado conl opeintois held ju meeting to-
ay nml adopted resolutions to the effect
bit they cannot neeedo to the demands
t t o miner ! ) , as their product cornea Into
omprtltljn with southern coal , and It Is
mposslble toHoure u hlplier pilco for It
Inn they nre now looilxlng The oper-
toM , In case the stilke continues for nn >
of time , m.ij Import men from out-
Idu states
iffnviiniN ii
Nn\V YOUK. Jan. 20 "KM
posited Jo.OCW today with a Hportliij ? paper
us a forfeit tj Unit either Cubitt or Tltz-
slmmoiis foi Lie championship
of the world.
TO ci un ioin IN OM : n w
Talso Laxatho Ilromo Quinine Tablets. All
druggists refund the money If It falls to cure
23c. The has L. 11 Q. on oath t.iblet.
Hi-ill I > lnt < > TriuisftTM.
The following- transfers arc reported fron
tbo title nnd loan olllce of J , W. Squire , lul
1'e.irl stieet :
Clnrles C. George to John I. Uedlck ,
lot IS , block n. 1'ottcr k George Co >
nddltlnu , s. w. d $ 2
S. A Clatterbuek to Ferdinand'les ,
part ne'4 nw > i 21-75-11 w. d 50
Eini" t 12. Hart and wlfo to Lewis W.
Until , fce'i 1 ( except ne'i nc'4 tc'i )
and ueU ne'/i 'I-7I-W. ' w. < 1 S,5W
J. 1 * Hunker , lefeiee. to J. U Jo'iinn-
sen , north half lot II , block 13 , Wal
nut , lef. d 315
John WiUiuell and wife to Illeh.inl NT
Wlthncll , undivided one-half lot 1(1 ( ,
block 24. Kerry uddltlon to Council
Bluffs , w. d 2
Four trinsfcrs , total . $ SSC7
Marrlngo licenses were Issued jcstcrday to
the following1 named persons :
Niine and Address : Ago
W , I } . Allen , Dunlnp , IT . 20
Bertha. O Palmer , Dunlnp , In . IS
William O H ilo Omahn . 43
Mrs. Jennie. Ii. Newton , Omaha. . 40
Charles C. Hamilton , Council UlufCs . 2S
Dcsta Knight. Ccunell muffs . s. . . 20
SMUMtl.Sii > 11ASC1IU.MJ.
rilcBcndo Ulacttcr. <
| ! ffion'-g : Slop
Kudilrnlr and mrL th * mnf
IflLe lUtlMlUO , Iho enl ;
fore fihlle bslnff tolirro.
5If. ( oriM liotra * 0 toio *
( ( utranlrf < Uiirc-.GOCf ) )
UrugcUtv nr of ui.
Qt 'Gently
fcLltfckA UlfcmUL AMI HMU (0. . Is Trout.TI *
All Druggists.
Omaha , Neb. , January 20 , ] MH. Sealed pro
posals , In triplicate , will bo received hero
until 12 o'clock in. . February 21 , 1S9S , nnd
then opened for furnishing presses , type , .
etc. , nnd nil material and labar of every :
description that may bo.n.riulral for print- '
[ UK ( it Headquarters , Dopii tinent of the I
t'latte , dining llncnl year eomtncnclliff July
, IS'H. Circular Hiving full Information ,
with formB for blddliiK , will be furnished
on application , 'llie U , H , lescrvea rljjht to
reject any or all bldH , KnvclopcH containing
rope al.s to be marked "Proposals for
irlntliu , ' , " and addressed to Sam It , Jones ,
' ' '
"J20-21-22-23 " 21 2.WFI9 20
Professor Munyon Cures a
Remarkable Case of
Mrs. Tlldcn , It Uluthcr Street ,
laml , O. . * a > s : "Four years ago I woa
Btruck byi street car nnd severely In
jured , My trouble developed Into a
cnso of epl-
Icpsy.nnd slnco
that tlmo I
Imvo been In
a most wretch
ed condition.
felt as though 1
pnraljrcd ,
limbs seemed
tovrlRh a tonne
no feeling In
them. 1 wns
in o r o s o niul
in o 1 a ncholy ,
nfrnhl to bo
nlonc , and they
thought I wns
KoliiK to die , . . . .
Sly ncrvcB vvcro nil tinstmnc : I could not
walk ncnvs the floor , nna in colni ; up-
ntnim l liml > n nlnn nlincst every steti to
collect my tlioiiRlua. Qolnff downstairs
wns almost nn impossibility , ns at every
step It Boomed an If 1 vvcro vvnlkliiK or >
nlr nnd would hnvo to fall over. I vvn-J
attacked with lltt about once a week ; nt
times I would fall on the street. It was
Impossible for mo to sleep to any extent ,
ns I was subject to violent nervous
spells. I also wns nubjcct to Millions :
thought somebody wo * coliiK to kill mo :
that I was Rolnrr to Jump out of the
window , and other things 1 had doctoreil
with the best phvslclani , nnd to the lasc
ono I paid about $100. but got no icllef.
Ho paid ho Old not think I would even
pet better. An n. last reiort. I tried !
Munyon'H physicians , nnd was tolil that
I could bo cured. That was about two.
months ngo. Slnco then 1 hnvo not had
a nervous spell , I can Mecp well , have
no moro Illusions , nnd. with the exception
of a plight pain In the hack , urn ns well
na I ever was In my life. '
Munyon puts up a separate euro for
each disease. At all druggists , mostlv 'J3
cents a vial. Personal lottois to Prof.
Munyon , l.r.O. . Arch Street , Philadelphia. ,
Pa. , answered with free medical uJvlco
fcr any disease. *
v oTiinns rur. CONSUL
Searles & Searles
nlfc ( cure NpiMMllIy mill null-
fiill > nil MU\OIS : CIIHOMO I Ml
IMIIXTI2 ilistMisrN of Men anil womuiii
SEXUALLY. cured for life.
Nlht Emissions , Lost Manhood , Hy-
droi'ile , Verleocele , Conor ! hoa , Glcot , Syph
ilis , Stricture , 1'lle.s , Fistula and Ilocln !
Ulcers , Diabetes. Blight's Disease cured ,
Consultation Free.
Sf rietae and flleetSsS nt
by new method without pain or cttttlnpr.
Callon or nddioss with stamp. Treatment
by mall ,
D0 Ycu
Steel § Pennyroyal Treatment
j is the original ami only FRENCIF.
/ [ Rafo and reliable euro < m the mar.
r " "Trkot. Price. $100 ; Bout by mail *
Myers-Dillon Drue LV. s. 13. Cur ICtli anil Far *
iinm Stleett. OmabR. Neb.
Mount Yernon
Owing to its fine , full , mellow
flavor , this vvliibkoy coininuntla the high
est price in banols ( to wholesale cloal
era ) of any brand now on the market )
and is tlio basis of most of the bottled
tled blended vvhiskoy now BO extensively
llottlcdnt tlio Distillery with nn nbsoluto
( inn runty ot Pnrltj nml Original Condition.
Tlio consumer biiyintr this tlio only
distillery botllluj : of MOUNT VKUNON ( lit
hOIIAUIiltotllcs end. bearing the Num
bered ( Jii.irnnty l.nhcll sccuies ( III ) lilKb-
est irrncloof I'uio Kyo WhlsKoy In Its tmtnrnl
condition nnllroly fiuo from adulteration
u llh cheap Hplrlts and llnvoiInKS ,
It hits Iho Indorsement of the most nrmnlnonO
physicians throughout tlio United btiitcs.
Tor Kulu by All Uulliiblo Dealurj.
* * " '
- - , l/
" " 03 ° "r 0"u
All bonilH executed nt tny o/llec. /
. . . . , , , , 'IAS' Nl . CASADY , JR. ,
Mnlii . ,
.Slr.e < . foi . | |
UWKUANOa. I'llUIT , rAltll AN ! ) QAHUrr
twe" . ° r " " ' Day & " . " V'earj
In triicllon . Alliln Hustor , tuai < ,
338 llroaiiwny flcrmun method
of Dresden Conservatory ,
Yoor loose
Not from a financial standpoint exactly
J btitfree from the defects found in the
average heating system ,
Steam and Hot Wafer Heating
All the lea'ling Incandescent , Gas
Uurncrs and Mantels. Plumbing1
woik ,
202 .Main and
20'J Pctirl St.
* MMi M * HB aaBau2Ki
liyuurfulltnatmint ot Turfcluli C ii.ulr
fur U 09. NlHht IXHM , I > ylt , tfenro I Kruiitloni cured Ly TurkliL I
or Dnlo trouble. Cural tuixrfwt you I MiJilUi ( Jure , novtr full * f
nvi-rwfru. We mike our o n inxUclnix I full treatment wltti ( ruaraii L
anil you can rtly on iri Ulnsr well. W luu * I t < ! , llOOVjHinifIelioieiirt. < M.I
written Kturanteo "Illi full cure. Hlugle j HAHN'O I
nooiir mall JUiiKi riuu ,
] lltlian,1l'arnniOviiuliitii |