Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 21, 1898, Page 12, Image 12

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Bkyscraping Sewer Vent in an Australian
Town ,
Notion * Onuot of Hie Town Cnrrlcil
HlKli Aliiivc ( InlliiiixoK .Novel
iilN of .llittiluliml
The ntrangcit monument In the world ex
ists In Sydney , Australia. The flhift Itself
In not of AH unusual sort , but \vhllo It Is n
tmltuo ) ornament to the community In the
midst , of which It stands , It Is alro the mcit
jirecloutt ami the leant understood uf all
I'lructurej ' In the great southern city.
This oJd splro has no Inscription upon
It. It Is as plain an ci monolith , with a
plinth nnd n ellghtly elevated .pedestal. .
Facetious people , who arc not versed In BOW-
( rage , nnd sewer gas , call It the * "Scent
bottle. " Strangers scan " strnln 'at Its un-
IcWcred faces , carry their vision up Us plain
sldts to the pinnacle , which stands about
ISO feet above the street level , and wonder
what notable person or event It commemo
rates. Thrca fourths of the residents of
Sydney have not the iremolcst Idea of what
thlJ modified Cleopatra's needle rcprcsen'.o.
This "accnt bottlo" commemorates sewer RJB ,
and It HtandM as a monument to the people
who are not killed by that vllo tubterrancan
' , \a It hit no other ninm "scent bottle" will
fiervo with wlrlcJh to designate It here , since
Iho nick-name somewhat iiymbollzcs Its busi
ness. This lonely column stands on Kll/a-
both street In n email circle , against Hyde
} 'ark. Around It are n cordon of low , round ,
headed Iron posts at eliort distances , and
rhalni'ii tn each other by strong traces upon
itflilch the park loafer nnd small .boy.i . lounge.
Mono of 'these ' thousands of people ever
think that the tall splro In the unique circle
1 * the safest friend they and 'the city luvp.
Take It away , co ! ? o the olglhteen-foot square
hole1 , < ind In less thin twenty-four hours
tlmnole country about would be strewn
with wreckage orvd t'no air filled with foul ,
pcbonou'i gases. Itcmovc It and leave the
Jiolo open , then , In lew tlxui a day , the
lower city would be unfit for hibltui Ion. The
grett neivera of the city have their vent here.
They romr- dour with their filth and deadly
fiaw. tlirow the latter oft through thla shaft ,
join tlio n.a'.i. s r. anil carry i he remaining
sewer-ago on over the high bluffs of Hawkes-
bury Eatdsone | ! to the sea.
The "scent bottle" elts over 'this meeting of
the waters and dMws on * I ho foul gases
ftoin the htinltned pipes below. It Is hollow ,
of course , and has un opening at the top
which IcMiDt perceptible to Hie eye upon the
stiect. Through lit , greit tnroa' ' ; the unJer-
ground city buathcs and all tuo sewers of
the rlty are tcllevcd. The "bottle" being
nearly 2UO feet high rises above any In
habited iiouso In the city , and the rushing
cowers giving thn gas a forced draft shoot
U many feet above the top or ( his great griy
chimney , whenno this dangcious aerltorm.
fluid , Is cat i led away , so tint It never reaches
u , human being. This perpendicular gag
ecwor was built before 1S80. It feeln ; the ele
ments dally with enough foul stun" to kill a
gooJ-sl/cd elty , or 1c blow Gibraltar Into
atoms. Since Its construction at their junc
tion there has not been ono explosion along
the long line of ramified sewers which con-
the word "Kaeagl , " nho will open
the bag wide < ind give freedom to the bird
held Mcred In such ceremonies by these
Oriental * .
Highly siiggrstli-o as tlila Is of the dove
and the ark , it pi < F delightful promise of
olive branches and peace between the two
nations. It Is eafe to nay no one couM tnoro
gracefully carry out the picturesque program
than the dainty daugher of ( he secretary of
the navy.
ItN | ; | be u great day , for a special train
will convey a number of the cabinet , diplo
matic corps , judiciary and congress over ( or
the oc9 sloa. There will bo champagne , too ;
champagne o good everybody will rejolco
that none * oa waited baptUnully , and , just
tp give Iho affair the proper tone , gallon * of
Mlts Helen I.c ig , who will bo the central
figure In tlito ceremony , U oneof the moat
generally known glrla of the cabinet circle.
Owing to the fnqt that the wife of the iiecrc.
tai-y or the navy ban been something of an
Invtlld , Mlsi > Long lias taken her place at
, fe-
all functions refjulrinehcf "official" presoace
until very lately. In fre * rjrlnfc the received
on certain diiffl nt lit-ad j > f her father" *
household and 'rmt o * charming Impression
by her BcntlenWjKamJ1 cordiality.
Mis * Long , * bo lia * t-n out several eea-
oax , Is of average height , with fair hair ,
blue eyea and se/flcr ! ( figure. She rather af
fects bloaom tints' In * her evening gowr.s
and the trimming of her waist at neck and
wrists , which shows nrtlstlc appreciation of
the porcelain tints of her complexion. Her
golden hair Is dressed plainly , without the
flippant tendencies of the up-to-date coiffure ,
and her straightforward glance Is that of the
typical ? < cw England maiden whose compre
hension of'eVcr thing- really worth being
aware of has leca earnerHly cultivated ,
Miss lying takes genuine pleasure In the
honor conferred on her In being the first
American girl to baptize a Japanese ship , and
the novelty of the situation appeals to her
PArun it ui.ttn .0 TIus.
An Invention Wlilrli Mny Help to Snvo
Our l-'ori * * ! * .
A new elastic metnl sleeper IB * eon to re-
pliice the old wooden tlcu on the New Jersey rnllrpad If experiments now being
matlo on n branch of the line prove success
ful. new sleeper Is rcnlly n metnl-ln-
cased core of wood pulp , says the Globe-
Dumocint , iKirdeiic I nnd compressed so as to
make It tough enough U resist the shock
of the hwivj" wheels of the express trains
passing over It nml yet suillclently resilient
to break the roiiKli , pounding sensation that
Is communlcntcil to the carp from hollow
metal sleepers , The core of wood pulp Is
first enst Into n muld of the proper size , nnd
tien hydraullcly prwsed , after which It Is
Incused In IU metnl covering , This mctnl
slicnth I ? In reality only n chemlcnl composi
tion , which hulps to preserve the sleeper for
nn Indefinite period. The pleeper Is thrown
Into n largo tnnk of this liquid composition
nnd left there for two hour' , after which It
la allowed to dry ; nnd Irirden , The composl-
lion of zinc , copper nnd otncr Ingredients
dries into the sleeper , nnd makes an nlr
nnd water ptodc covering ,
U l estimated thnt the new railroad sleep
ers will l.iat lltty yenis when subjected to
nlmoi't enough to buy iinu replace tno old
ties with new ones.
.Metal tlC" have been experimented with
time nnd ngaln General Lew Wallace was
leporUd to have Invented a motnl tlo some
tin years ugo that would revolutionize mod
ern'railroading nnd bring In n fortune to
the Inventor thnt would dwarf In comparison
HID lecclptM for his novels , Uut , Judging
fiom the Inter development0. It would neun
thnt writing was more remunerative than
Inventing tallrond tlm The trouble with
the mctnl and Ktone sleepers Is tnat they arc
not clastic enough. Thcro Is no give to
tl'em , and beside * making travel over them
very uncomfortnble , they wear out the rollIng -
Ing stock , nt n fearful rate. A few of the
railroads have. Etonc sleepers on their line ?
tunning through largo cities , where the rate
of speed would ot necessity be Blow , such as
the New York Central on Its Fourth ovenun
tunnel , but w'terc a high ratu of npecd la
dcm'indcd nothing yet hnb been discovered
to nnswer the purpose of thu old-fashioned
wooden tics'
Too new invention will bo of the utmo8 !
Importance to the country at large , for the
Item of railroad ties Is one of the most prom.
Incut In our forest products. There are over
MKJ.OCO.OO ) tlcH In use today on all the railroad
ilnej of the country , nn 1 the annual nveragu
requirement fop renewals reachen upward
of SO.000,000 tics. It Is estimated that about
117 lien , or 15 per cent of the whole nro re-
nulied for rtnc-wnls on each mlle ot track.
Thus the railroads uuo nbout 20 per cent of
( he total confumptlcn of lumber In this
country for tics. The different roads have
their preference * for different kinds of wood ,
and the relative Importance of the trees Is
shown In the following figures : Of the SO.OOi ) , .
000 tleu uffd for renewal each year 15,000,000 ,
are of oak. 125rtJ,000 of pine , 3,590,000 of chest
nut , 6,0 < XUiOO of ce' ' jr. 2WK > ,000 of hemlock nnd
tamnrnck , 2,500,000 of red wood , 1,500,000 of
cypress and tlm balance of various woods ,
Wo heard a mechanic say that he would
4iot bo without Salvation Oil. It kills pain.
Will I'lllllMll IC.'JIl-tt'H A
SAN FKANCISCQ. Jnn SO.-Thn special
correspondent of the Associated Pre's nt
Bangkok. Slum , writes under date of No
vember 13 , 1R)7 ) : The long-awaited decision
of the arbitrators In the matter ot tin * ns-
niult upon 12 , "W , Kollttt , Vlco consul , by
Siaineso Boltlrra | at Clllengmnl , November
U > , ISM , wnn published j-c trrJay In the gov
ernment Gazette. IIwas n greed thnt tha
Siamese government should apologize nnd
pledge JUelf to punish the offender * . The
olllcrrn nro to he publicly reprimanded and
degraded In rnnknnd the subordinates ! lira to
be deprived of their par for three months ,
J , A. Pcrktca of "Antiquity , O. , was for
thirty years jieedlessly tortured by physi
cians for the , cure pt ,00101118. , He was
quickly cured l < y using DeWltt's Witch Haiel
Salve , the famous healing naive lor piles aad
sktu dlswuocs ,
Drilling United States Troopers in the
Knack of Fighting.
Terrific ClinrKC n n Ilclpliln r Ilnt-
ti'ry l.omlcil Mltli lllnnk Cart *
H I'rnctlenl Schonl I
for 11 ra % or } ' .
TJiero has been a scene cf etrlfe and war-
tt.roIn Kansas during a period of almost
three months. In which battle after battle
l.u < 3 been fought .arid tn which every condi
tion of uctunl warfare heis prevailed , save
one the u o f ball turtrldges.
Every fall , relates u. correspondent of 'the
New York Times , the farces of cavalry and
artillery t-tatloned at Fort Ililcy , constituting
the artillery and cavalry schools of Uio
army , receive problems in warfare to solve
In tlio field. The maneuvers , as they are
termed , have Just cnd d and have proved
not only the moat perfect from a military
standpoint of any yet held , but also the
most hotly contested and exciting.
Nothing theoretical enters Into the cam
paign as It Is mopped out at Fort Rllcy.
No detail of knowledge which a poldler
fih-culd know Is omitted. The post com-
manJant and officers In charge of the cavalry
and artillery fichcols , each of which , by the
way , constitutes a subpost , dccUc upon the
plia of campaign. Subordinate officers from
the garrison are placed In-charge of certain
tin lira of troops and certain problems are
given them to solve.
The force defending the post In all engage
ments wear the regular service uniform of
the United army. The Invading force ,
or "enemy , " wear uniforms of brown canvas ,
and nre known In post parlance as "Tho
llrowra. "
When a certain maneuver has been de
termined on and Is nbout to bo exploited , an
order ! s Issued by the adjutan1 , by order of
the comii'undant , copies of which are In turn
delivered to fhdFo officers who are to com
mand iho : "Drowns , " Instructing tliem wheie
to go and what to do This force leaven Ibo
post at an early hour In the morning and
goes to dome point Upon the reservation. It
may be a mlle or two , or twelve miles It
may bo In any ono of a dozen direction ?
lheo ate conditions the defending force bavo
to fiad cu * as best they con.
Major Wallace P. Randolph , who Is In
command of the artillery subpost , was one
of the judges that morning. Aswo rode
Oowii the sloping hill toward the artillery
post , ho explained to me mariy of the events
that were scheduled to transpire that bright
day. Far ahead winding down the magni
ficent read , was along column of blue-
jacketed cavaliyincii , Ihclr sabres clanking at
their sides and every 'rrian.ln the pink of
condition. Their l.orses , noWo animals every
one , seemed to enter fully Into the spirit of
the fun and were prancing along , apparently
quite as eager to scent the ccming fray as
were tl.cir riders. The post had now been
dropped1 from sight behind the Intervening
hills and the column strptched out across
a long , narrow plain , skirting the tracks of
the Union Pacific. . ' , *
About three miles from the'fort we passed
a dismantled ruin , which had evidently once
? M'il A
vcrgo tnwnrd this point. The "scent bottlo"
Is not Hi ) eyesore. Ha luislness Is so il s-
KulBCil that It Is an object of beauty , and It
Is readily mistaken Tor a real monument.
Indeed , It Is the blgRCst , moat conspicuous
and plcturcscmo of all the notable monument
ment B In Now South Wales , of which colony
( Sydney Is the capital Hyde pailc Is 'In ' the
loveliest portion of the heart of this beauti
ful city of COO.OOO people , and thus huge
fill city of GOO.OOO people , nnd thla IIURU
kcopInK with the other extravagance with
which wealth and profligate Kovcrnment
liavo encircled and adorned th1 s superb
park , The Sydney "scent bottle. " Is not an
expensive structure. It Is siifigestcd to other
cities In other parts of the world as vertical
lungs for the safety of sewers and the
nervous populace who tramp thereon In the
pursuit of other things.
A III I'll to HiFriTil I us I I'll il of ( lit
CiiHtoiiinry hiiillJIiiB1 of XVIuo.
The nnt Jap.ic.cso war ship ever built li
the United States will Klldo Into the peace
fill waters of the Delaware , from hrr stocks
In C'lanifH' ship > arns , Philadelphia , today
U will b baptized Kafagl.
Iho Jiipiiic a minister , Mr. Hoshl Torn
has. with toctful eourtcay , Invited cnc of
the dauehteia of the secretary of the navy
to clirlsti-n tliovessel. . Ills request was
worded In phrase. * replete with .lapanese
good will , and. with her father's permlaalon
MUs LOUR accepted delightedly.
Many n poblo vtvoel has sllded down her
wajt. at Cramps' with the propelling In-
11 u on ui of a tap on the nose from a cham-
pafflp bottle , awakened Into llfo amid tin
ertcrvcacliiR spray of the wine. "A large ,
eo'd ' bottle and a small , hot bird" you know
the old wylng. Well. Instead of a tattle , a
bird will ejmbollze Hie sponsorship when tbc
Karugl Is launched , after the scntluieuMl
custom of Japan ,
It won't be a small , hot bird , either. That
will be reserved for the luncheon In thn
mould aloft after It I. ) all over , together with
the larsfl , , cold bottle ; or , perhaps , bottles
The bird used In the ceremony will be a
llvu pigeon Clirlitl'iii folk of temperance
tendonelt's may rejoice to learn that , ac-
cordltifc' to the agreed plan , Miss Long will ,
as the Kaaagl glides Into tlio river , locne the
silken cords of a silken bag , which will eon-
tain a iuitnv whitenlecon. . As shepro -
I ho hardest kind of wear and tear on the.
nillruadx , unless Injured by some .sharp tool.
The life of ordinary wooden flecpcrs Is
about seven years. They begin to decay
after the third year , and by the sixth nnd
seventh they nre so rotten that t'ley nre of
llttlri service. The Injury to them comes
through the iCctlon of the ralnw. snowH and
heat andcold. Vnrlous preservatives have
been painted over the wooden ties to make
them enduring. On the Pennsylvania read
wooden MeepiTS have been soaked for days
In ciudo petroleum oil to sec If their life
could not bo prolonged. The New York
Ceutinl tna tried various other compounds
to solve the question , even going to the ex
tent ot painting the sleepers on a short
branch 'with white lend. Hut It has been
generally proved that this work would not
pay , unless the tics could be painted fresh
every second or third year , nnd this could
not be done unit's * the Meeper * were taken
up nml the underside painted as well as the
top. The cost , of the paint and labor was
been a structure of somp Importance. The
major Informed me tliiL' In that build ng
assembled Iho first Icglslatuio of the state
of Kansas.
Deyoud the old stone mansion the road
turned abruptly up the bluff and headed1 In
the direction of a ranch house , distant
nbout four or five miles from the post. The
"Clues" had now thrown out a patrol , and
were proceeding cautiously , not knowing at
what moment the enemy might discover
them or bo discovered. Scouts were In the
timber 0:1 : cither side of the ravine , and a
long stretch of rolling upland lay before
us , over which. It seemed to my untrained
eyes , not even a coyote could 'pass without
discovery , much less a squadron of cavalry.
"I think wo will bo In a pretty good posi
tion , " said the major , "If wo ride to the
top of that hill over yonder. Major
Ilafferty Is over there somewhere , unless I
am m.stnken. That looks llko uaptaln Slb-
ley away off thcro toivard the west. You
can ceo him there on his horse , just rising
above that swell , about a mlle away.
I didn't. I looked with all my eyes for
the olllcer , but certainly did not see lilr.t.
I know from hearsay that Captain Slhlcy
and his troci. ) of the Second wore- off there
somewhere , but for all I could sco there
wasn't a cavalryman within 100 miles. Wo
rode slowly up the ridge to gain a better
view. I had a handkerchief tied' ' about my
arm to Indicate that I was a non-combatant ,
hence was In no danger of being captured ,
as I "didn't count. " My horse , ovlde nily
not delighted with his unusual work , wanted
to bo with his troop In action and ho got
there a llttlu later I had no voice In the
matter of hlu going , but ho went all the
same , and took mo with him ,
"There's a battery off toward the north , "
said tlm major , as ho swept the field with
his eyo. "Do you make It out ? " Away
down In ono of tlio little valleys , almost
hidden by the stunted undergrowth , I ww
it. How diminutive the men and horccs
looked , and how insignificant the gumj.
They were In marching order , but evidently
not going Into action just at that place.
Suddenly a puff of smoke arose from the
bUBhrs several hundred yards up the bill
above the battery , and the sharp crack of
i\ \ rifle rang out. The patrol of itho "Browns"
had fauna the battery , and a rattling lire
that followed Instantly showed that matters
were getting warm down 'there. ' A cloud
of dust arote , and the battery was gone. I
never saw anything done so quickly In my
life. Away it went , swirling up the side of
the slope , Ilia on a dead run , As noon
QB a point beyond range was reached , and
U required but a minute to get there , the
hoiees swung around to the left , the pieces
worn unllmbcred , the battery was In posi
tion , and there leaped from the muzzles or
those big rifles such n storm of fire oa would
have annihilated any such force as the
"Drowns" presented.
Those artillerymen ttrllled my every nerve.
Almost before the tsmoke had loft the muz
zles of their pieces the brech blocks were
toened , new cartridges were Inserted In the
chambers , and more Imaginary nhrapnel wi
sent hurling Into Iho ianVa of the discom
fited "ncotttie , " I also took part In some
thing that was not down on the bills. Cap
tain Slblcy'a tract ) , while this engagement
had been In progre&s , had executed a flank
movement , and. came daubing up the swell
Immediately In our rear. They wt-ro upon
us before either the major or myself had
time to think.
The major thought more quickly than I
, .Qrendorff
& Martin Co
Jobbers oEFarm Machinery ,
Wacom nnd Bucrfei * Cor. Ith and Jonem.
Picture Moldings.
Mirrors , Framesv Racking and Artlsttf
Materials ,
> e@s Printing Co.
eleventh nnd Ilnwarrt BIB.
merican Hand
Shoe Oo
M'frs | Jobbers of Foot Wear
The Joseph BauiR-nn Rubber Co.
Rubbers and Mackintoshes.
1107 Howard St. , OMAHA
Boots , Shoes and Rubbers ,
Salesroom * IlOMKU-llOS Hnrney strtet.
Owner ot Chlet Brand Mackintoshes
Boots , Shoes , Rubbers ,
Office and Salcrrcorj 1119-Jl-:3 Howard St.
s :
HasW ? 'e * '
Importers and Manufacturers
614-16-18 < South nlh Street
) , Sorelium.i etc. , Preserves and Jellies.
Alro tin nnns nnd 7cpanneil wara
Growers and manufacturers of nil forma of
Chicory Omaha-Fremont-O'Ncll.
Importer and Jobber
Crockery. China ; Glassware ,
Silver Plated Ware , Looking Glasses , Chan *
dellers , Lamps , Chimneys , Cutlery , Etc.
possibly could , and embodied his thoughts
In ono word. "Git ! "
The major "got , " and I trlful to do like
wise , hut my horse had made up his mind
to do a little charging on his own necount.
Ho recognized his troop , and , although I was
not consulted In the matter , I wont along.
In fact , thcro was no alternative. I have
an Indistinct recollection of having Ecen
Captain Slblcy po by ino llko n shot out of
a gun. Then there "was a general mix-up
of horses , soldiers , flashing sabers and crackIng -
Ing revolvers that made my brain whirl.
Down that hill we went like < a tornado.
Up the other slope we fairly flew , and befoto
the battery could train Its guns In our direc
tion It was counted out of action.
A squadron of cavalry In brown uniforms
bad picked up a patrol of the "blues" and
captured It entire. The main force of the
federals was coming up as fast as troops
could move. Field odlcers were seen hurry
Ing In every direction , and wo were Just
about In the center of what promised to b
the scene of a very lively battle. Wo started
toward the right , to take position on another
hill top , only to confront a cavalry force
coming llko the wind from over the hills'
wo turned back , and found a battery wheelIng -
Ing Into action behind us. Off toward the
left a strong force of "Hrowna" appeared
just as we started that way , and when wo
finally headed toward the ravine , In which
I had just captured the battery , wo found
Captain Sibley's force plunging through the
buihes ttiere. Our white handkerchiefs
served to save us from capture , and we
eventually found a way out between the
opposing lines.
It must not be understood from this deiicrlo-
tlon that the contending forces were so close
together as to b vUlble to each other , The
rolling nature of the ground "as sucli as
to prevent this , but each separate force had
Ita tcouts out , anil upon their Information
acted. W'-'n they acted at all they acted
llko lightning , and , iwhlle wo rode over a
good Ural of ground trying to get out , we
found It dinicull In ( he extreme to get away
from the llneot tire that at any Instant might
break forth. And there ere pleacautcr thing !
than rldltig up in front of a battery that
suddenly bursts Into action , even If nothing
but powder U used.
Wo gained the > top of anotfier swell and
from there I saw the grandest mllltci-y
eight I ever wltnetaed. Every move was
plain ; all the trotps could bo teen by us ,
but not by each other. We could sec the
movei , and , with the 'trained ' eye of an ex
pert , the major described me what would
bo lure to occur , as fait aa each more wo * j
The Sharpies Company
Creamery Machinery
nnd Supplies.
Uollcrs. Engines. Feed Cookers , Wood Pul ,
leys , Shafting , Ueltlns. Huttir Pack
ages ot nil kinds.
807-909 Jones St -
Importers and Jobbers of
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods
'ichardssfl ' Drug Co.
go2-o6 Jackson St.
1. C. niCHAHDSON , Prest.
0. P. WELLEH , V. PrtEt.
'frg A'f.inclint PlinrmicmHleal i'rapnra-
tloita , b/icctal Formulae i'rrpdrnl to
Order , tifittl for Catalogue.
r , 1112 Howard 8t , Omaha.
k E. Bruce & Co.
9 _ ,
Druggists and Stationers ,
"Queen Dec" Specialties ,
Cigars , Wlncu nml DrcnJIo ,
Comer 10th nnd Ilurncy Streets.
Electrical Supplies.
RIcctvIc Mliiliiff Hells and Gas
O. W. JOHN'STON . Jlgr. 1110 } iownrd St.
' tvnoLrsArn : AND
UM Farnam St.
Commission Merchants.
S. TV. Corner Ifth and Howard Sta.
Mcmbero of the National League at Commis
sion Merchants of the United States.
Fruit and Vegetables
BPcblAtTIES Stranberrlea , Apple ? ,
tLmqns , Crunberrtts. Potatoes. 1017 Howard St
jbtoey & Stone
Furniture Co
- - Draperies
1115-1117 Farnam Street
13th and Lcuvcnworth St.
Staple and Fancy Groceriesl
I Teas , Spices , Tobacce an < \ Cigar * .
1403-1407 Hornfy Street-
mada. It was llko a game of chess , played
with living men. upon a gigantic board.
A false move meant severe loss , a brilliant
move a glorious gain. And every officer ,
every man , cveiy hsrse , performed deeds
of valor upon that field that day , which ,
when tiio 'time coined , can he and will be
performed In the defence of our glorious
The Judges , who had witnessed the light
from arlous portions of Iho Held , met
and conferred together. Their final report
was made and copies of It were sent to
each ofllccr who bad been concerned In tha
daj's engagement.
Had the contest been In earnest , and had
ball cartridges been used , the fight would
have been the hottest In the history of our
anny. The list of casualties would have
been total , so far as the captured battery
wan concerned , and the patrol of the
"Drowns" that attacked the battery at the
outset would have been obliterated and ex
terminated at the first round of shrapnel.
Officers and men alike learned much by
this day's work. Those who had met de
feat were shown wherein their calculations i
had been wrong , and It fa a foregone con
clusion that none ot tliem will get taught
In tbo E.-uno sort of a trap again. The men
who were victorious know all tbo move
ments that had been necessary to their
success and they remembered them. The
horses , too , learned much In equine tactics
and became so perfect In their work that
they were almost a > part of the rider , coin-
prising with them a veritable army of cen
taurs , armed with the most deadly weapons
known to moderns , and equipped with a
knowledge of actual field service that could
bo gleaned In no other school on earth.
All In all , Fort Rlley Is ono of the most
Interesting posts In the army. Its garrison
consists of two troops of the First cavalry ,
six troops of the Second cavalry and three
batteries of artillery , It Is headquarters for
tbo First cavalry ,
Tali-ni'il ( MiiKluliui llft-oiucH Illlnil.
CHICAGO , Jan. iO.-Mlluda Czerny , the
Chicago pianist , has lost her eyesight. Trou
ble Dho has had with her cyca since her
birth took a turn for the wor o a tew dayn
ngo and the talented girl , who la not yet
S years Old , can ee nothing , At u result
die ha been compelled to ceafo developing
her musical talent and has glve-n up con
cert enKugementH In New York and yoston.
Mllado. U the child of A , V , Czerny , violin-
ce-llUt In the Grand opera house orchestra.
Arnold's Drotno Ceifry curci headache * ,
10c , 25o and & 0c. All
taxton and
Gallagher Go
A > ai jo inn NO auoocns.
TtUphon * tSl.
Ji > bb < > r of I.tattierf AcuMrrfrtnlirctW / | ) Ktf ,
Wo f ollclt your orders 1315 Ilownrd St.
ectcr & Wiiheimy Go
Wholesale Hardware ,
Wholesale Hardware.
Illcyclca and Sjmrtltie Ciooda. 1S10-U1-23 Ilar-
ncy street.
i@BS@ & GO
: i4lt ( Smith Htii St.
East India Bitters
GoltUn Shenf Pure Ilya ana Dourbon Whiskey.
Willow Sprlnco DUtUlcry , Her & Co. . Ill *
Harney Ftrtet-
prick § tofeertz ,
Liquor Merchants ,
1001 Furnam StrcoU
Liquors and Cigars ,
1118 Farnum Street-
Wines , Liquors and Cigars.
417 - < 15 S. 15th Street
DUMBER . . .
814 South. 14th St.
Manufacturers of doors , cash ; blinds , ofllce ,
More nnd snloon llxtu eir. iptlmutes furnished
on uny kind of mill wniK
Tel. 11711. Mill 2Sh ( nnd Davenport StB.
1015 llovard St.
Tile Hi'iH'iitlun of ( hi * Anii'rli'ilii Coii-
Mll Cl'III'l'Ill III \.K\lt. \
From out the shadows of the Pyramids
comes an entertaining necount of the formal
exchange of greetings between the American
consul general and the'khedive , which oc
curred during holiday week. The function
Is thus described by the Spilnx , published
1 at Cairo ;
! The streets of Cairo , always remarkable
for the profusion and variety of color dis
played therein , wcru on Thursday rendered
even more brilliant than Is customary by
Iho display made on the occasion of the visit
of the diplomatic agent and consul general
for the United Slates of America to the
Abdcen palace , nnd his recent I on by II , U. ,
the khedive. Under a brilliant sun arid a
. sapphire sky contrasting \lvlJly with the
i emerald of the palms nnd acacias In n color
. scheme which gave a forcible reminder of a
1 picture by the Kngllsh ncudemlclinValer -
i home , were crowds of gaily costumed , turbaned -
| baned nnd tarboushed natives In raiment
that emulated all the colons of the rain
bow. Strolling iamong t these were Kuro-
pvans In the customary milt of solemn bluck ,
whilst carriage * * containing monthem ot the
diplomatic body In levee drtss. Home wearIng -
Ing decoratloiiB and nttcjidod by cauvaswH ,
gorgeous In color , gold and embroidery ,
whirled punt on their way to the Abdten
palace , and watched -with Interest by thu
throng * of people. Thcro was an accession
of Interest when the state carriage of the
khedlvo rolled solemnly pant on Its way to
the residence of the American diplomatic
agent , attended by a detachment of Kgyp-
tlan cavalry. In , the blue uniforms designed
by Cuton Woodvllle- their t-abrcg Hashing in
the brilliant sunshine. After an Interval the
gorgeouu vehicle , n blaze of gold , albeit u
ponderous article licsldu which the. English
lord rnayor'w coach Is a marvel of Hlmplfclty.
returned to the Opera Square past the statue
of Ibrahim 1'itnlm on Its way to thu palace
with Hon. ThomiiH rikclion Harrison , n sol
dierly looking tlgurc with a keen pair of
eyes. To many the Impressive figure of the
coachman In his dazzling livery of scarlet
and gold was us Irresistible and as striking
n u blast from n trumpet and thin Impassive
automedon was a dl'tlnct cynosure ,
'J'.iu vast square , of which the Abdecn
palace f jrms one side , having been reached ,
a guard was In rcndlnota to salute the
The mode of thr ceremony In , perhaps , u
little trying to nnbrucednerves. . The visi
tor IB In the rr ) t Instance met by tilgh
olMclals of the palnce and Is ushered up
the grand atalreaae. wMlch IH lined on
cither sldo by ( hu naUcc olllclalu and
guards In costumeH Ihn moil brIIIUnt that
human Imaulnallon ran devise. During the
ceremony the cannorl or the citadel boomed
out a salute of twenty-fine gunu.
Mr , IlurrUon havltiK- n ushered Into
and Paint Co.
Air Floated Mineral Paint
And r lnt of Ml KltnK Putty. Kto.
101S anil 101T Jonei St
; . A. Mofftt , 1st Vice rrcn. L. J. Drake , den Me
Onio.lnc , Turpentine , Axle GreBtc. ntc.
Omnhn llrnnch nnd Accnclct. John II. Ilutli Mgr.
Paper Co
Printing Paper ,
Wrapping Paper , Stationery ,
Corner 12th and Howard street * .
Wooiien are Go.
Wrapping Paper , Stationery ,
HOT Harnov Street.
raneOhurGhill - 000
IOI.I-IOI6 Douclns .Street.
Manufacturers and jobbers of Stcnni. Gas ani
Water Supplies of All Kinds.
iroS-mo Harnev St.
Steam Pumps , Knclnes nnd Bollcrfl , Pipe ,
Wind Mills , Steam nnd Plumbing
Material. Ucltln ? , Hose , Etc.
Hardy 61 : Co-
Toys , Dolls , Albums and
flouio Furnlrhlngs , Children's Carrltces , Eta.
1319 1'arnam Strut.
Type Foundry
Superior Copper Mixed Typ la th bent on
the Diprket.
1114 Howard Street.
To be sure there
are others , but
well there's only
one newspaper
and that is the
Omaha Daily Bee.
'Wvn ' vwJ
the presenceof II. 11. , the kVicdlve , the
following address wan read :
" .MonsclKiifiir , the president linn'directed ,
tnc to convoy to you assuraticeH of bis
sincere frlci d-Oilp and to expre a to you
his wish Hint the coidlnl iclatlonx that liavo
Iheiefors i Mapplly existed between your
< > ovcinmcnt anil thnt of the United Hlatca
may long continue , I lake especial pleux-
uro In convejlng these cxprenMonB of m-
teem from the fact that hu IIIIH selected
ono who has already been honored by your
friendship and who ' .IDH twice before en
joyed thu liojjil allty of your land ,
"As I have Bald , I inn no stranger hero :
Two wlnteiH ] mt-ntd lit Kgypt'n unexampled ,
climate , at an Interval of several yu.iru.
have given inn un opportunity to tttudy the
condition of the country nnd ItH people *
nnd to contrast the existing u'fttus with ,
the past , only to recognize thn Improve- ,
incut apparent on till Hides nnd to enable ,
me tn proclaim It In no uncertain man
ner."The WHO ! nnd beneficent rule of your
hlghnctiH , Justly directed to Incrcanc the
happlnehs and add to the welfare of youp
KtiOjectx , excite * the nttentlon and ad
miration of thu civilized world ,
"I Hlnccrely pray that you may cnjay
long life , with health and strength , tnnb
you may continue , us you nre today , tha
beloved of a happy anil contented people. "
Ills highness In response sold that he hoped
that tlu relations liet\een Egypt uml the
United States Mould continue to bo on thu
same footing of cordiality na heretofore , and
trusted that tha mi mo amicable rclallon *
would be maintained In respect to Sir. Hurrl-
BOII as had been the rase in reference to hlu
predecessor , the lute diplomatic agent and
consul general.
Plpea and coffee having been produced anil
handed round , the last mnntd being con-
tnlned In exquisitely chased cups encrusted ,
with Jewels , tha audience nnd reception
Thn pplcndld gala coach wan again In
requlvltlon nnd surrounded by the guard of
ItH occupant In what Whistler might call a ,
blue nnd scarlet symphony , returned to tha
In the evening of Thursday a dinner waa
given by lion , Thomas Skclton Hurrlfon In.
the reserved apartments of BV-rihcnrd'a hotel
to the members of the diplomatic DoJy and
the high tate otllclulR.
The rooms In which the dinner was tlvcn ,
were decorated with a profusion of tha
cholci-st llavuTP and plants. Tiny , colored ;
electric llg.itu went generously mingled with ,
the Moral decoration * . The dinner Itself wu *
worthy of u gourmet and wax- not only ex
cellent In a gaxtronomlQ' sense , but rrtlectfd
great credit on the chef for the really urtU-
tic manner In which the dlshej wcru deco
ra ted and KCTVI d
TO ct'itio ' coi.ii IN < IM : DAY
Take Laxative Ilromo Quinine Tablets. AD
drugKleti refund tbo money It It tails to cure >
2Gc. The gcu'ilno his L * IJ. Q. on ucb/